iimkrg American. SUNBURY, JULY 27, 1872. Railroad Time Tables. P. A R. K tiUINQ NOHTHWARO. Erie Mail. leave at 0:05 a tn Niagara Express, " " 13:80 p m Mall, " " 4:20 p ra Erie Express, " " 8:50 pm N. C. B. W GOING SOUTHWARD. Erie Mall, " leaver ai 12:45 a m Erie Expros, " 7:40 a m Mall, " " 11:05 am Niagara Express, " " 8:80 p m The Erie Express train remalu here alout SO ininute for breakfast. SUNBURY A LWMTOWW R. B. Mall train leaven at 7.30 a. m., and arrives at 7.50 p. m. Fast Line leaves at 3.40 p. in., and arrives at 1.50 p. m. Shamokin Vam.it B. B. Mall leaves at 13.35 p. m., for Shamokin and arrives at 3.55 p. m. Leaves for Mt. Carmol at 4.40 p. m., and arrives at 0.25 a. m. D. n. A W. B. B. Tratus leave for Now York, via Ilaileton at 6.20 a. tu., and arrives At 3.85 p. in. Accident Insurance Tickets can be bad of J. Shlpinan, Ticket Agent at the, Depot. fyotnl JtfFairs. Sf.wino M achines.-MUs Caroline Dallus Is the ngeut for tin sale of the best Bewinj Machines iu existence, yz i "The Improved Singer,". "Grover & Buker," "Howe," aud "Domestic," which are constantly on hand aud sold at rea sonable prices. She Is nlso stent for the cele brated Frautz and Pope Knitting Machine. Call and sea them. Office cn Market street, east of tut railroad. Foit Sai.b. A second hand one-horse spring wagou Is offered for sale cheap. Apply to JSO. WlLVKIt' Flour aud Feed Store, Spruce St., Sunbury, Pa. Borouob Orpf.iis, wanted by Masscr& Kngle. A i.arob number of 6oliliers' orphans passed through this place during the lust week, on their way home to spoud vacation of the soldiers' or phans schools. Wasted. A boy to learn the printing busi ness, will find a good situation by application nt this office. One who cau board at homu pre ferred. You will see by our advertising columns that the Xortu American Circus will bo here on the 0th of August. As It is under the management of James Wilder, brother of our old townsman, Ch:trles Wilder, Esq., which Is itself security that it Is flrst-cliiss In ull respects. At Reduced Pkices. Spring and Summer goods are now offered ut greatly reduced prices at tho store of Clement & Dissinger. Their etoek will be. sold out to make room for full goods. This is a splendid opportunity to buy goods. The ordiuaucc Introduced Into Council to pro hibit cows from running sit large nt night is eliciting much comment by many of the women vho are the owners of "sonky's." In fact tho matter has become so hot that Mr. Fox, the au thor of the ordinance, has seen proper to tuke a trip to Atlantic city, to eubiile the fresh sea breeze. Removed. In another column will be found t lie professional card of Sol. Mulick, Esq., who has lately removed his law olllce to his residence on Areh street, where ho will hereafter be found ready to cousu'l with his numerous clients iu the German und English languages. Mr. Malick will attend to collections lu this aud adjoining counties. . Miss Er.LA Knait, accompanied by Mr. Seuger gave a musical entertainment lu the basement of the Presbytcrltu church on Tuesday evening last. Mis; Kuajp has a tine Voice of great power and vompnSH, aud her articulation coulJ hardly be ex celled. Mr. Seager Is a Una vocalist, and would t like to get npa nmsi'-i! convention. The weather i was unfavorable und the house was not well 1 illlcd. t Is another column will be found the card of the XutUmul Hotel, at Mt. Ciirmei, Pa. This hotel is cue of the most popular In the coal re gion und has n large share of patronage. The proprietor, Mr. Kitchen, is well calculated for a lucdlord, beiug umays pleasant aud accommo dating. His tables ale bountifully supplied, while the siccus rjouis are kept iu the best of order. Persons desiring to speud a few weeks in tho mountains will find the National Hotel one of tho most pleasant resorts. That Clock. We are opposed to making any compromises lu this matter, und only ask com mon justice. The sura of f003 was paid by the writer of this article, some live years since, for the Court House beii, with un express agreement with the Comniissiouers, that the money so paid Bhould bo held in trust by the county, subject to the order ot the writer whenever he wanted tho same for the purpose of purchasing a clock for the Couit riouse. We ask no contribution from the Commissioners. All we want is the money Justly due us from the couuty, Willi interest with which we propose to do what tho Commissioners should havo done themselves long sluce, namely, finish the Court House by placing u clock ou the tower, as designed by the architect. The gable cud windows of the Court House might have been boarded up with the same propriety as boarding up the clock tower openings, appearing to strangers us if the couuty wus unable to finish the building. Installation of Opficbbs. Ou Wednesday eveulug, July 10th, D. Y. Gilhain, District Presi dent, installed the following otUccrs of W. C, No. 118, P. O. S. of A., located ut Mt. Carmel, this county, viz t Past Fresldeut J. M. John. President Geo. E. Moser. Vice President William Marjden. M. of F. .t C. J. Wauuwuker. Conductor Felix Lereh. Recording Secretary It. W. Montcllua. Financial Secretary Chas. 6. Miller. Inuer (Juard A. E. Reppard. Outer Guard C. E. Stecker. Right Sentinel Geo. Becker. Lett Sentinel. J. Hiuklc. Chaplain Fred. Gross. This Order is In a most flourishing condition, aud the members are very zealous lu the cause. Camp No. 110 uow has 75 active members, with a number of young meu who are ready to cou uect themselves with this noble Order. Caned. Ou Saturday last, the popular land lord of tho Clement House, Mr. Jas. Tuft, of this place, ventured up the P. & E, R. R., as far as Lock Haven. During his sojourn iu that city, he fell lu with the "Dauntless" Hook aud Ladder boys, who participated In our centennial celebration ou the 4th, aud after partaking of cveral "milcs" they Induced Mr. Tuft Into a private pluee where he Wat put through the pro oes of a regular "caulng." Although Mr. Tuft protested bard against buch couduct the "Daunt less boys" were determined. Mr. Tuft after hav ing resisted manfully with Champalgue bottles, Ac, came off the victor with a trophy that ho prizes very highly, which consists of a neatly finished gold houded cane, upon which Is en graved the word "Danutless." This trophy cun uow be seen at the "Clement House." "Jim" has not, however, altogether recovered from the effects of his visit to hi numerous Lock Haven frleuds, for he still Imagine be U among them, and us the cane is being examined by hi frbnd fccre, h., call upop tQ "Uke. 1l1J2AiId6." Tbi Rtof at WiiAiAMSroRT. A ilriko existed at Wllllauwport among the lumber merchants and their employee for the last three or four week la regard to the matter of reducing the hours of labor from 18 hours per day to 10 hours. The works having been stopped In order to effect a compromise. Different propositions wero made, but none that would satisfy the strikers. On Monday last a portion of employees were willing to resume work at their former wages and hours but to this the majority objected, and tho conse quence was a serious riot. In the afternoon ru mors were circulated here that one man had been killed aud a number wounded, and that the destruction of lives and property were threatened. Durlug the day the Governor was applied to for troops to quell the mob, when orders were Im mediately issued by the Adjutant General, call ing out the military. The following Is the dis patch to Gon. C. C. McCormlck of this division i IIarrisduro, July 23, 1873. To ATaj. Gen. C. V. Me Comtek, Milton, rat You will hold your division in readiness to move to Willlamsport at a moment's warning. Cup tuln Miller, of Lewisburg, and Captain I.ightncr, of Sunburv, have been ordered forward to report to Lieut. Col. Corcoran at Willlamsport. How many men can you send forward to-ntght, If ne cessity t A. L. RrssELL, Aujt. Gen. The oi dors from the Adjutant General were received here in the early part of Monday even ing but as the Packer Guards were uot proper ly organized for so sudden a call, they did not proceed to Willlamsport uutll next morning. Du ring Monday night companies from Harrlsburg, Lebanon and Mlddlctown, fully equipped, passed through this place cn route for Willlamsport. On Tuesday morning Governor Genry Issued a proclamation, calling upou the military organi zations to hold themselves iu readiness to sup port the civil authorities. No serious riot occur red after tho arrival of tho military, and by latest accounts tho ring-leaders hove been cup tnred and locked up In Jail. The striking work men who have instituted this fir6t-class riot ut Willlumsport, hnvo brought universal Indigna tion against them. These worklngmcn should have learned that violation Is the worst policy to secure their rights, na their cause wus more damaged by such an exhibition on Monday than they will be able to repair for years to come. Mt. Carmel Savings Bask. This institution, the want of which has long been felt by tho peo ple of Mt. Carmel aud vicinity, went lulo opera tion on Monday Inst. This Bunk is located lu tho Dcppln building, rooms having been express ly fitted up for that purpose, und will start out uudcr the most favorable auspices. Mt. Curmel is surrounded with a large amount of wealth, which will greatly uld lu putting this Bank on a permanent basis nt once, nnd being in the hands of thorough business men, will galu sufficient confidence abroad as well ns at home, to place It among the safest Institutions In the country. At a meeting of the stockholders sometime ago, tl.c following gentlemen wero chosen as oQlcers for the ensuing year : President Amos Ynsllne. Vice President S. A. BcrgM rcsser. Cashier H. D. P.nthermci. Directors Amos Vastine and Joseph Reeder, of Elysburg ; Robot t Davison, of Danville; Da vid Llewellyn, of Shamokin ; S. A. Bergstresser, A. M. Montelius. Henry Hile, Joseph Dcppiu and II. 1). Rothernicl, of Mt. Carmel. Tub following office: s were elected of the Mt. Carmel Building aud Loan Association at an election held ou July 1st, to servo tho ensuing year : President Win. Sterling. Vice President H. M. Phillips. Treasurer S. A. Bergstresser. Secretary II. D. Rothermel. Directors J. B. Heed, lfenry Tregeilns, nenry Hile, 11. T. John, E. B. Stiliwagner, It. Bicslin, B. linivcy. Auditors J. E. Gould, O. S. Sillynun aud W. N. Brown. This association has been in operation for 28 months, and has proven a-grcat beneiit to many of the laboring men of that place. A large cum ber of buildiug have been erected during its existence, and the town much Unproved by its workings. The number of stockholders is ICS. Number of free shares is 710. Tho value of shares nt prcsLtit time $49. The P.kst Yet. The performances given by the North American Circus and Multiply Dumpty Pantomime Troupe was the best wc ever seen, the wonderful "acts" of the Grenniel boys, Wil lie Shawls, the bare back rider, the Lcons broth ers, and in fact all of the Company do more und bcttci feats tiiuu any Company that has as yet visited our city, aud we have had all the so called "big" shows that ever traveled. They arrived iu town about 10 a. m. and the baud played tho finest music, uud looked, in their splendid uni forms as if they were some of tho celebrated Olh Regiment baud core out on a days sport, aud then to think after ull the regular circus, Hump, ty Dumpty in nil its glory, trick and funny ac tion was given. All we have to say is that we hope to see tho North American Circus soon agutu, aud in the mcautlme we wish them Hon Voyage, uud full houses where ever they go for they deserve it. rotujUeeptie i.'ui, Jwu iM. Cour-LiMEST. At the banquet given at Scrau ton, ou Wednesday night of last week, in honor of the Southern editors who were lsltiug that city, Prof. Bruce, of Pittstou, bclug called on to respond to the toast : "Cities of the Valley May they always be united iu honest rivalry ;" thus pleasantly referred to our own town, Danville. "Some seventy miles below us, iu an old rolling mill, wus manufactured tho first railroad bar In this country uud tho roan vrho made It lives to tell the story. At the same place was manufac tured the first railroad bar, 30 feet In length, made !n tho world, aud tho man who superin tended it lives to-day, tho manager of one of tho largest, if not the lurgest Iron works iu the country Wutterman Si Beuver' of Duuviilc." Montour American. An Impression exists iu many quarters that reveuuo stumps were altogether ubolished by the lato act of Congress, in cousequcuco of which a number of persons have ceased to use them. This is a misapprehension. The act Itself does uot become operutive until the first of October, uor does it repeal the two ceut tax on checks, drafts and orders, or on proprietary inediciues, perfu mery aud cosmetics, matches, wax tapers, play ing cards, aud canned meats aud sauces. Every one Is supposed to kuow tho law, aud the plea of ignorance is uot accepted in extenuation of its violutiou. Persons interested will therefore do well to bear this Information iu mind. An Old Hahvestbh. Robert Hector, a color ed tnuu uged 87 years aud 4 months, assisted Mr. Peter Meuges, of Lewis twp., tu hurvest his wheat this year. He made a full hand after the cradle with as much ease as would a young man of 20 years. Mr. Mongcs says "it did uot go any harder for him to tuke up alone behind a cradle than It did to eat bread aud butter." The old luuu must be quite active. Wattontovn Jitcord. Wonder whether friend John doe not think that Robert ought to have as good a right to vote for Graut a a Mullie McGuire ha to vote for Greeley. List of Letters rcrauluiug lu the Sunbury Post Office, July 24, 1873 i Mis Emily Adrick, Mis E. L. Bartlet, Mis Jennie Buune, Hiram Brouks, William McCoolo, Marl In Cooney, Miss Lillie Cook, Mr. Kosanna C able. Sttumnl Campbell, G. W. MeColloo, Jus. Dcuison. Mrs. McDowell, Miss Mary Dalcn, Miss Tbeadosia Eekmau, Miss Paleua Fisher, Richard Fiecburn, Miss Sarah Godnhaw, Mr. H. W. Gib son, F. Henry, J. A. Kelley, William W. Wag uer. Clii. J i. J. SMITH, P. M. Moa Molly MoGcirb Work. The Locust Gap Mollis bavo again been at their old tricks, a will be seen by the following from ttt Shamo kin Herald t "On Monday evenlug last, about 0 o'clock, a party of somo half dozon ruffians from Locust Gap, beat two cltlzons from this place in the most brutal manner, while on their way from work at Luke Fldlor Colliery. John Geywltz, an lnoffcnslvo German, was. the first victim. Tie wa met on the road, and without warning, knocked down aud kicked several times. Ho succeeded, however, lu disengaging himself from the crowd, and mado hi escape. A llttlo farther on Anthony Harris, au aged nnd peaceably disposed citizen, was met and treated In a similar way. He was left lying In the road by his assailants, who loft In the direction of Bprtngville. Several of the party are known, and warrants wero Issued for their arrest, but up to this time only one of thera, John Do Vnnney, has been apprehended. Ho bad a hearing before Esqnlre Wlthlngton on Tuesday afternoon, and in default of ball, wa remanded to Jail. Three of the party, Peter McCue, Michael Hoar and John Rufferty, had just got out of the lock-up, where they had been confined for de stroying furniture, lu Vnl. Fugcly's saloon. Wb Want Money. Wo hnvo sent out bills to n large number who owe us on subscription, &c, snuio two months since but very few have re sponded. We nro much In want of money to pay our expenses, which are heavy. The amount outstanding on our books is too large for ns to bear, and though many of them are small, they will, when collected, aggregate a large sum to ns. Our terms are lower than any paper in the county, and nil who desire to save by the cash rate are requested to send ns their amount of in debtedness by the 15th of August, as after that dato our terms will be strictly adhered to, viz i $1.50 lu advance, or f 2.00 per anuum If not paid in advance. Job work and advertising will also be cash. If yoa want good Cider 91111st, and good riioMphatc, go to 1. W. Smith, Kuubury, lu. J27-4w. A Kjdsai'I'bd Cuild. A child 6 years of age, named Freddy Lcib, was stolen 13 months ago, from his homo nt Quincy, 111. It is supposed that ho was taken by an Italian organ grinder. Lately a child resembling the description was seeu nt Columbia, Pa. Ono thousund dollars reward Is offered for tho recovery of the child whose father is Prof. Leib. The child Is stoutly built, has dimples In chin nnd checks, dark brown hair which curls when long, talks plainly and will remember that he has a brother named Charlie nnd a sister Bc6sie. Fiiie! Fiiie! Insurance ou any kiud of pro perty should never be neglected. All property wants to be Insured in good and reliable com panies, so when losses occur that tho money Is at once paid over. Among the most popular nnd punctual Insurance Compaulcs is the People's Fire Insuraucc Company of Philadelphia. Thous ands insure iu this company on account of safe ty, reliability and prompt paying of losses. Life insurances are taken nt the lowest rates consist nnt with security. For further particulars ap ply to Isaiah S. Gosslcr, agent, Sunbury, Pa. 1'nrd or Acknowledgment oTtlio Hope Steam I'ire Engine t'o. No. ii, orilarrittburg, l'n. TO TnU FlUEMES AND CITIZENS OF SUNUUKT 1 To the Sunbury Steam Fire Engine Company No. 1, of Sunburj, of whom we were the quests on the occasion of our visit to that borough ou July 3rd and 4th, to participate with them in their centennial celebration, wo cannot express iu too high terms our thanks due them for the extraordinary exertions exhibited by every mem ber of their company to conduce to our pleasure uud happiness. Aud when we assert that it was ono of the most satU-fuclory, aud one of truly happiest oceaslous that wo ever enjoyed, w: speak the sentiments of every member of the "U s" who participated on the occasion. e repeal that no language that we can employ by wuy of thank would express the feelings of our licaits ; and we can only say, that should occasion oll' r wa will endeavor to repay your kind hospitality. May God speed you aud make you ever an honor and credit to the lire JJepwi matt of Sunbury, a worthy example for succes sive comimnics to follow. We return onr thanks to the ladles of the Methodiit church for the line dinner prepared by them for the firemen. Their kiud attentions will never be forgottcu j their beautiful faces and pleasuut smiles arc impriiiting upon our minds. "May von be remembered In a better land." To the Chief Marshal, Geo. B. Cadwatludcr, nnd his assistants i to J. M. Ca Iwallader nnd (i. W. Smith, wo return our special tuauks. Noble boys are they. To the laudlords of the "Clement" and "8us quehuiiua" lintels, for their endeavors to minister to our wants, we can only wy, may your tables always he surrounded with gucts as on tho memorable occasion of July 4th, 187J. And now, we nuain give thanks to ull, the visiting firemen with whom wo were thrown lu Contact ( the military ; the noble, wholesouled citizens of Sunbury, their respected wives und lively daughters, for their kind salutations, their cheers, the waving of their handkerchiefs, their boijuets and flowers. May Heaveu bless theui all. H. II. F.TTI.A, J icon Hoi'gEK, L. iHlt'UIIBItTY, Commutes. EditorM Table. Tub Laot's Friend ron Auuust. The lead ing engraving In this number is that of a most lovely lady ou a balcony, waving her handker chief a beautiful picture. "Moonlight at Sea" is nlso something exquisite. The illustrations of stylish costumes and tasteful novelties in dress ure rather more than usually captivating, we should say. Music "I've brought Tbce uu Ivy Leaf." An cxcellant little "Dolly Vardeu" story by Miss Fannie Hodgson lends off the literary matter, und the uew serial "Only a Wish" is commeuccd. "For a Dream's Saks," by Mary N. Preseotl, Is a good story, though it makes the young reader exclaim "Is that all ?" The Serial by Mr. Wood is one of the very best ; and tho shorter ono by Amanda Douglas is In the most popular style of the author. Altogether this August number of the Lady's Friend pre sents as entertaining a feast of light reading for the warm weather as could be found. Price, f'.'.OO a year. Four copies, 10. Eight copies (und one gratis) $13. "The Ladv's Friend" and "The Saturday Evenlug Post," ti.00. Pub lished by Dcucou x Peterson, Philadelphia. IIahpek's Magazine for August is crowded with fresh, seasonable, and attractive matter, il lustrated with sixiy-tlvo engravings, und presents a most brilliant array of contributors, including the name of Charles Roade, Anthony Trollope, Miss Thackeray, Einillo Custelar, Justin Mc Carthy, Porte Cruylon, Bayard Taylor, Harriet Prcscolt Bpotl'ord, Euirene Lawrence, Charles K. Tuckermau, George Ward Nichols, Kute Putnam Osgood, Constance F. Woolson, etc. The opening article, "Mount Desert," by Geo. Wurd Nichols, is maguificeully, Illustrated by Charles Parsons. A uew contributor, whose name Is not giveu, commences lu this number an eutertniniug series of papers, entitled "Recollections of an Old Sta ger," which will contain notices of public men, with characteristic anecdotes Illustrating their peculiarities, accounts of Congressional aud other duels, aud persoual collisions iu Congress, including a glance at Washington's public life during several administrations. This first iu slallmeut is devoted to anecdotes of fleury Clay, and the writer ably vindicates his right to the title which be assumes of "An Old Stager." la its serial stories Harper' Magazine Is now especially brilliant. This number- coulaio the oeiiiiig chapters of Charles Keade's new uovel, "A Simpleton i A Story of To-Day," which is written lu the author's most animated style, aud promise to be one of the brightest of hi produc tions. Mis Thackeray's "Old Kensington" grows more charmlug at every step of its pro gress. Anthony Trollope' story, "The Golden Lion of Graupure," draw near its cooclusiou, and it is to be followed by a serial from the pen of Wilkie Collins. Eiulllo Castcler contribute a third paper ou "The Republican Movemeut lu Europe," cou eluding hi review of the Latin people. In adit ion to this variety of matter, there are the five Editorial Department, each ably cover In); its respective field, - Bratnakd's) Musical World for July I on our table, and Is a notewotthy nnmbcr. Brim ful of good things to. tho musically disposed, It Contains in addition to Its usual amount of Inter esting matter, an elgbt-pago supplement, giving a full and complete report of the Boston Peace Jubilee and the St. Louis Saengerfest, with full programmes of each day's proceedings. Tho World Is the only paper, outside of the Boston dallies, that has had the enterprise to publish a full report of the great musical event. The 11 or Id also contains its usual spicy table of con tents, and Is a necessity-to any one who wishes to keep well posted tn the musical doings of the country. Subscription, 11.00 a year. Single copies, ten cents. Published by 8. Brninard s Sons, Cleveland. Ohio. ScntBNBii's ron Auoust. Two very seasona ble articles In Scrlbner's for August are the cu tertainlug paper by Mr. Shanks on "Yachts nnd Yachting," with pictures of oolcbrated yachts, ocean races, etc., and a pleasant nnd practical Illustrated essay on "Tho Cnuoe t How to Build and how to manage, it." Thcro are also three sterling article by well-known writers on three vital questions Prof. Comfort's "Should the Study of the Modern precede that of the Ancient Languages 1" Amasa Walker's "Labor mid Capital in Manufactures," and Charles Dudlev Warner's "Whnt Is your Culture to Mo I" Among tho Illustrated articles are an Interesting account of "The .Graphic Art," by Benson J. Lossing, and "Tho Island of Corfu," by Charles K. Tuckcrman, late United States Minister to Greece. Hans Christian Andersou tells the sug gestive story of "The Gnrdcncr and the Manor," and Miss Anna relates in a very frosh nnd strik ing way that of 'Hebe's Jumbles." Thcro Is poetry by Louise Chandler Moulton, Mary J. Serrano and Charles S. Gage. Dr. Holland writes about the recent strikes, nnd discusses "The Wine Question in Society," and "Novel Reading." In "The Old Cabinet" wc find "A Hard Time for some of Cs," "Photographs nnd Looklng-glasse,?' "A Glimpse of One's self," "Wrecked on a Resemblance," and "Lost Op portunities." Tho Department of "Nature and Science" Is very entertaining as well as Instruc tive. "Homo and Society, ".among other papers, has a very sensible ono on "Domestic Ethics." In "Culture nnd .Progress" the "Jubilee" is mcutlonecd, there Is something ubout "Two Modes of Prlso-i Discipline," and a long review of Lnmon's Lincoln t the number closing with a quaint page of Etchings by the Mioses Lcdynrd. "LtmiTs and Shadows or New York Life OR, THE SlOIITS AND SENSATIONS OP TUB Gil BAT CiTV." A work descriptive of New York City In ull Its various phases. Its Splendors and Wretchedness ; Its High and Low Life ; Its Mar ble Palaces and Dark Dens ; Its Attractions and Dangers ; Its Rings nnd Frauds ( Its Leading Men und Politicians t Its Adventurers ; lis Mys teries nnd Crimes. By James D. McCnbe, Jr. Tho National Publishing Co., of Philadelphia, have just issued one of the most remarkable and attractive books of the day, bearing the above title. It is comprised iu one large octavo volume of 850 pages, nnd Illustrated with nearly 200 tine engravings of noted places, life nud scenes, iu New York. To Mr. McCnbe Is due the credit of having pro duced the most complete and graphic account of the great city, nnd its busy and varied life that it has beeu our fortune to meet with. His book brim full of solid and useful information, and abounds In descriptions of tho various public buildings of New York, Its paluces, prisons, ho tels, churches, stores, hospitals, etc. Tho work Bets forth in glowing colors the no ble work for suffering humanity, which is going on every day In the great city, nnd reveals with a bold hand the terrible crimes, the dark myste ries, nnd hidden sins of metropolitan life. We nrc introduced into the home of the Fifth Avenue Millionaire, and carried with equal interest to the squalid cellar of the Five Points beggar. We are brought face to faco v illi the good and the bad, the high nnd the low, with leading mer chants, bankers, editors, and actors, with bum mers, thieves detectives, nnd murderers, with working women, ballot girls, udventurssses, und u host of others, und we seem to be listening to tlielr stories froin their own lips, so thoroughly docs the author enchain our iulerest. Our warm est enthusiasm and our deepest contempt nrc al ternately aroused by the thrilling recitals of their deeds of virtue and vice. The history and frauds of the famous Tammany King nro leUted with great force and candor, and this portion alone is worth the price of the book. In short tho book is New York In miniature. The author has penetrated, under the protection of the police, into the darkest and most danger haunts of crime in the city, nnd has thus been enabled to obtain accurate information on the topics whereof be treats. Visitors to New Yoik, cannot hope to see or know as much of the citv as they may learn by u perusal of this boi.k. To i nil who contemplate visiting tho great M :lropo- I lis, we cordially recommend It, both for its pow erful w:ir:iiu,'S against the d ingers of the city. Those who cannot see New York for themselves will bo In a great measure repaid for that priva- I tion bv reading this work. It is published iu I both Eugiii.ii mid German ; sold by subscription only, nud the publishers Yuiit agents in every count v. It is a mark of the unsuccessful man, that he Invariably locks his stable door when the boree has been stolen. This sort of wisdom never thinks ubout bodily health until it is gone. But Jast us much as any disease has become seated, the power of the system to resist nnd throw it oil' is weakened hence lime Is all important. For dyspepsia, ull diseases of the liver, stomach, skin nnd kidneys, ami all that begin iu viti.iteil blood, do not wait until the trouble is confirmed, but attack It by a timely use of Dr. Walker's California Viuegur Bitters. J'-27-4 lliisincss Notices. Army Shoes. Those who havo been wearing the army shoes will not do without them, as they are more comfortable than any other shoe made. Fifty pairs have been opened at W. II. Miller's Excelsior store. Tho Evans Patent Gaiter, the Excelsior Boot, and every other variety may bo found at the Excelsior store. Call and examine tho largest assortment In towu. Don't forget what we havo been cndcnvorlnir to fix on each reader's mind for sor.u time, that In procuring your summer outtit, or in getting nuy new clothing a great saving can always be effected by going direct to the clothing establish ment of Thus. G. Nott, on Third street, below Market, where a vast assortment of the tiuest clothing Is uiado up lu the latest stylo at the very lowest prices. Stylish Sit.ino and Si'mmeu Hats. A largfl supply of stylish Spring aud Summer Hats to suit ull fancies und tastes has just been received ut S. Faust's store, Market Square. A specially iu straw bats ; aud tho lightest, coolest and neat est Unt in use is the vcutilutcd cassimcre hat. A largo stock to select from, stylish goods and rea sonable prices. Call and exumlue before pur chasing elsewhere. Dolly Vardins at Welmcr's. linen Poplins at Wcliner's. Plaid Poitins at Weimcr's. Plain Poplins at Welmcr's. Chintzes at Weinier's. Sprinu Shawls at Welmcr's. An endless variety of Goods for Ladies', Gent's and Childreus wear. Call and see for yourselves. No trouble to show Goods. Special Notices. THE CONFESSIONS OF AN INVALID. PUBLISHED us a warning nnd for the beuellt of yminij men and otlurt who suffer from Nervous Debility, Loss of Mauhood, etc., sup- THE MEANS OF SELF-CURE. Written by ouo who cured himself, after under going considerable quackery, and sent free ou re ceiving a post-paid directed envelope. Address. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, June 8, '7a. Oiuos. Brooklyu, N. Y. v & 5 e v i S Qj E0 t M '2 f g Ui-Uii i si o 1 3 S . v On Marriage Eashys for Young Men, on Great Social Evils and Abuses, which. interfere with Marrpige, nnd ruin the happiness of thou sands, with sure means of relief for the Errfng aud Unfortunate, deceased and debilitated. Bent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, Howard Association, No. 2, South Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. TO THE Sl'FFKRIXG. The Rev. William II. Norton, while residing in Brazil ns a missionary, discovered In that land of medicines a remedy for Consumption, ScuoruLA, Sour Throat, Couons, Colds, Astitma, and Nriivovs Weakness. This rem edy has cured myself after all other medicines bad failed. Wishing to benefit tho suffering. I will send the rccipo for preparing and using this remedy to ull who dcslro It f REE OF CHARGE. Please send nil envelope, with your name aud address on it. Address, Rev. WILLIAM H. NORTON, 070 Bicoadwat, Oct. 141871. ly. New York Citv, , .- , . NCMtllCY lH.tltliL.TS. Flour nnd Grain market. Extrn Family 13.00 Red Wheat,). bu.,f3.00 Buckwheat, p. ct., 5.00 Rve, " 80 Com Meat, " 2.5(llCorn, " It) Wheat Bran, p. bu. 1..M) Buckwheat " 1.00 Shorts, 2.03 Oats, 31 lbs., 50 Corn A: Oats Chop, 2.0(1 Flaxseed, 3.35 Timothy Seed, p. b. S.OOi I'rodncc Market. Potatoes, Eggs, per dor.., Butter, per lb., Lard, " Sides, " 50 Hams, 15 Tallow, 80 Country Snap, 13 Dried Apples, 10 " Peaches, Shoulders, $cto JRfcbcrlfomciiis. Messrs. KEFFEW & ltOM F.lt, Third Street, opposite Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PA., K "EEP constantly on baud tho very choicest ol I res li 1IFF.F, JltTTOX AXI VEA1., which is sold at the lowest prices. Meat cau be bud at all hours during the day. Suubtiry, Pa., June 8, 1872. Presidential Campaign. CAPS, CAPES & TORCHES Send for Illi'stkathd Cir oi i.au and Price List. CUNNINGHAM fc HILL, MANrrACTTitEiiK, iNo. 201, Cimtiicii Sthhet, PHILADELPHIA. June 0, ltVJ. 4mos. X EW S U M M K 11 G OODS ! MINH KATE HI.A4 K, MARKET SQUARE, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Ulack Dress Silks from SI 50 to S2 00. Japanese Silks, Silk Pougois, Plaid Poplins, Mixed Poplins, Harnnl from cents to f l 00. IMIIXY VAltOEXS, Chilitn.es, Detains, Ac. French Muslins, Mar seilles Quilts, Kid Gloves, with sluglo nud double buttons. Lace Shawls. A general assortment of White Goods. LAWNS, GINGHAMS nnd PIQUES, IDERS3 TRM MINGS, LACES, Ac, sold Ll greatly isdueed prices. Sunbury, May 18, 1S72. V. H. Blanks, HOUSE, SIGN, AND ORNAMENT A3u PAINTER, SUNBURV, PENN'A. Decorating aud Paper llangirg done iu the latent improved style. Orders solicited, which will receive prompt at tention. Residence in Pur.lvtown, Eaicrick's building. Hiinbury, May 11. lVJ-J.-tf. (!tin on:xix of tho largest and most fashionable etock of Cloths and Cassimeres of every grade; and Gcntlcint'ii's Furnishing Goods, at TIEOS. G. XOTT'S MEKCIIAXT TAILOR STOUE, in Miller's Block, Third street, two doors below Market, SUNBURY, PENN'A. The must fashionable clothing made to order from every vurlcty of goods. Suits of all sizes made up ut the shorteM no tice, from tho beet selected stock in New York and Philadelphia. Cull uud bo convinced. TH03. G. NOTT. Aprll 20. I873. NOTICE Is hereby given that on the nine teenth day of March last past, the petition of the Northumberland County Agricultural Society was presented to tha Court ol Common Pleas of Northumberland county, praying the Court to add certain amendments to its t on sti'.ution, which said amendments wero and re malu tiled in the Prothouotary's olllce of the said county, and unless sutllcient reasons be shown to tha contrary on or before the first day of next term, the prayer of the petitioners will be granted agreeably to the Act ot Asscm- t.iy in such cases matte a nil provided. WM. D. HAUPT, Proth'y. Sunbury, May g-lth, Si. O. W. KEEFER. It. A. GASS. New Goods ! Dry Goods, Notions, Furnishing Goods, Groceries, Oil Cloths, Glas:s uud iails of every variety, nt one low price, KEEFER & GASS' STORE, Corner of Fourth and Market Streets, SUNBURY, PA. All kinds of Grain taken in exchunge same us cash. Call and see us. KEEFER A GASS. Sunbury, April 37, 1872. THADD'S S. SHANNON, THIRD AND MARKET SQUARE, Has lu stock find constantly receiving Novelties In his line, consisting tn part of a full line of A 11 Kit I CAN VAT UHS, Elgin, Illinois, Howard A Co., Wullliam, Mas sachusetts, and Boy's AMERICAN WATCHES j Also, n full set of Ladles, and Gent's Gold and Silver Swiss Watches. JEWELRY. Roman Gold sets, pluk coral aud Gold set, Ear-Kings, Necklaces and Pendants, Ouyx and Jet Jewelrv. SILVEB-WAHE, Solid Silver-ware of Sterling purity, made I o or der. Bridal aud Presentation Pieces, Kuives, Forks and Sikhiiis lu cases, also, a full Hue of' Silver Plated Goods, Tea Sets, lee Water Sets, Erbtt Stands, Cake Baskets, Coll'ee Urns, Fork, aud Spoous treble plated, the best lu tho markets SPECTACLES. If you value your Eyesight, use tha Perfect Lenses, grouud from minute Crlstlo Pebbles mel ted together, aud derive there name "Diamond" on uccouut of there harducss aud brilliancy. Tbey will last many year without change, uud warranted Superior to ull others iu use. TABLE CUTLERY. Ivory, Pearl aud Metal handles in cases sup plied to order. CLOCKS. A full assortincul of Eight day aud Thirty hour Clocks, also Calender Clocks ot ail dlscrlp lions. Eugravlng done at the shortest notice. Watcaes, Clocks and Jewelry, Repaired and Butisfactiou warrauted. All goods will be sold at the Vnry lowest Cttth Prices. Every body is cordially Invited toCal and Examine for themselves. Don't forget the place. T. 8. HIANNON. Pncbnry, Dec. 18 tf. . To iJebHHntcd Perswts, - ... .... To Dyspeptics, ....... . To Sufferers from Livor Com plaint, To tliosa having no Appetite, Tottioae witli Broken Down Couatitu tona, To Nervous People, To Children Wasting Away, onny with Debilitated Digestive Organs, Or . euJj'Kriwj with any of llvt follotkiny i mjitonis. whidi indicate JJisordcrul Liter istomacn, . nieh as Con stipation, Inward Piles; Fullness or Blood to the Head, Acid ity of the Stomach, Nausea, neiiiTburh, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the Kiom nch, tour Ernctutins,8inking or Fluttering nt tho Pit of the Stom rlch, Swltrimlng of tho Head, Hur ried and IMRlriiit Breathing, Flutter ing nt the Heart, Choking or Sulfat ing Sensations, when In a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Do"ts or Webs before the Bight, Fever and Dull Pain In the Head, Deficien cy of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eves, Pain in tho Side, Rack, Chest, Limbs, Ac, Sudden Hushes of Heat, Burning lu tho Flesh Constant Im lightings of Evil, and Great De pression of Spirits. IIooiIaiHVs German Hitters. A Bitters without Alcohol or Spirits of any kind. Is different from all others. It Is composed of the pure Juices, or Vital Pniscti'i.K op Ruots, llr.nns nnd Bakks. (or ns medicinally termed Ex tracts,) tho worthless or inert portions of ihe In gredients not being used. Therefore In one bot tle of this Bitters there b contained nsmiich me dical virtue as ill be found in several gallons of ordinary mixture. The Roots, .fee, used in this Bitters are grown In Germany, theii" vital princi ples extracted ir. that country by a scientific Che mist, end forwarded to the manufactory in tbls city, where they art compounded nnd bottled. Containing m s pir.tiious liiu'redients, Ibis Bitters 1 free from the object ions urged ngaintt all oth ers: no desire for stimulants can bo Induced from their use j they cannot uiako drunkards, und cannot, under nuy circumstances, have any but a "beneficial erred. IIOOri.AMrN GEllMAX TOXIC, Was compounded for those not Inclined to ex treme bitters, and Is Intended for use in capes when some alcoholic stimulant is required in co l nectioii with the tonic properties of the Hitters. Each bottle of tho Tonic contains one bottle of the Bitters, combined with puree SANTA CRUZ RUM, nud flavored in such a manner that the ex treme bitterness of tho bitters i overcome, form ing a preparation highly agreeable and pleasant to the palate, and containing the medicinal vir tues of the Bitter. The price of the Tonic is f 1. 6il per Bottle, which many persons think too high. They must take into consideration that the stimulant used is guaranteed to be of a pure quality. A poor article could be furnished nt a cheaper price, but Is it not better to pay a little more and have a cood article ? A medicinal pre paration should contain none but the best ingre dients; and they who expect to obtain a cheap compound, uud be bcnclllted by it will most cr tulnly be cheated. Ilooflnntl'.s CilerRiiiii Itittorn, or HOOFL.VND'S GERMAN TONIC, with HOOF LAND'S loInili)Iiiu l'ill, will cure you. They ure the Greatest BLOOD PURIFIERS known to the Medical world, and will eradicate diseases arising from impure blond. Debility of tho Disgestive Organs, or Diseased Liver, lu a shorter time than any other known remedies. THE WHOLE KUPKHME COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA SPEAK FOR THESE REMEDIES. Who wori.n ask for mohr Pin:irir:i ami SrnoNomi Testimony ! Hon. GEomiH W. Woddwauo, formerly Chief Justice of the Supreme Court -of Pennsylvania, nt present Member of Congress from Pennsyl vania writes : Piiii.AriF.i.riiiA, March Knh, ISO". I find "Hoolland's German Bitters" is a good tonic, useful in diseases of the digestive organs, and of great benefit ill cases of debility," and want of nervous action iu the svsuiu. Yours, truly, GEO. W. WOOUWAnP. lion. Jamps Thomi'Son, Chief J.irtiec of the Su preme Court cf Pi nnsilvaiiia. Ptm.Aiu-:M':ii., April iS, lSf.T. I consider "Hoolland's German Bitt'-rs" a val uable medicine in can- of attacks ol Iudiirivtiou or Dyspepsia. 1 can certify this from my expe rience of it. Yours, JAMES THOMPSON. Hoii. Geokoe SiiAiiswoon, Justice of the Su- prenie Court of Pennsylvania. PltlLAUXLrilSA, June 1, 1S. I have found by experience that ''Hootlaud's Gorman Bitters" U a very good tonic, relieving dvspeptio sunptoms almost directly. GEORGE SHARSWOOD. Hon. H'm. '. AVjd'ii, .Mayor of the City of Bttf- j laio, is. l . Mayor's Ofilee, Rtiualo. June C2, ISTC. I hive ued ''Hoolland's Germau Bitters und Tonic" in my family during the past year, and can recommend them as an excellent tonic, im parting lone and vigor to the system. Their u,-c has been productive of deeidedlv benetieinl ef fects. WM.'K, ROGERS. Ho'i. J-iiim .1. M'ovd, En-Mayor of Williams, port. Pa. I take great pleasure In recommending "Hoof bind's Geiman Tonic" to unv one who may be ntlllctel with Dyspepsia. I bad the D.vcpsia so badly it was impossible to keep any food on mv stomach, and I became so weak as not to ba able to walk half a mile. Two bottles etlectod a ! perfect cure. JAMES M. WOOD. REMEMBER THAT IIOOFLAXD'S GERMAN MITERS, flilft HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, .. AVill Cure every Case cf MAR AS&1US, - or AVii6ting nwiiy of tho Lody. REMEMREU ft IIOOFLAXD'S GERMAN REMEDIES Arc lheiiiedieii.es you require to purify the Blood, exelto the torpid Liver to healthy action, and to cnajlo you to piss safely through any hardships or exposure. DR. iroOFLAND S P O D 0 P u y L L I N , or substitute for Mercury Pills. Two Pills r. Dose. The most Powerful, yet Innocent Cathar tic kuowu. It Is not necessary to take a handful of (besc Pills to produce the dcsiivd effect t two of them act quickly and powmfuilr, cleansing the Liver, fcloiuach uud Bowels of ull impurities. The principal Ingredient is Podoph.vlllu, or liie Alco holic Extract of Mandrake, which is bv luany limes more powerful, acting and searching thau tho Mandrake itself. Its peculiar nction is upon the Liver, cleaning it speedily from ull obstruc tions, with all tho power of Mercury, jet free from the injurious results ultuclied to'the use of that niiuerul. For all diseases, In which tho tiso of a cathar tic is iudlcated, these pills will give entire satis, factiou iu every case. They never fail. Iu cases of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia nnd ex treme costlveuess, Dr. Hootlaud's German Hit ters or Tonic should be used iu connection w ith Ihe Pills. The tonic effect of the Bitters or To nic builds up the system. Tha bitters or Touie fmrilliB the Blood, strengthens the Nerves, i Can utes tho Liver, and give stti'Ujjth, vuergy and vigor. Keep your Bowels active with tha Pills, aud lone up the system with Hitters or Tonic, und uo disease cau retain the hold, or even assail von. Recollect that it U DR. HOMELAND'S GER MAN Remedies that are so Hiverully used aud highly recommended t and do uot allow the Dri'Kgist to hsduco you to take anything else I hut he may say U Just as good, becausa be make a larger prottt on it. These Remedies will be scut by Exprvs to any lnealitv, upou applica tion to the PRINCIPAL OFFICE, at the GEK MAN MEDICINE STOKE, ti&l AECJI ST.. PHILADELPHIA. CHAS. M. EVANS, Proprietor. Formerly C M. Jackson A Cq. Tbeso Keiiie diei are for Pale by DrujgUts, Storekeepers, and Medicine Dealers everywhere. to' koc "ATri-ix TS?-T ' IrtAItK TWAl.Vr IW'.W BOOK. "R ough in g 1 1, 9 Is ready for Cnnvaspors. It Is a companion vt-u Utno to "ISHrtCFNTS Al'.KOAT," i.f which 100; . copies have been sold. Don't waste t'nie or. book uo one wants, but take ouo people v':i etop you in the rtrcets fo subscribe for. "There Is a time to lniiirh," nnd all Who read this I ..I. see clearly thnr time bos come. Apply at j for terrltoi v or circulars. Address, DUFFIELD AfcilMEAi), Publisher. 711 Bansovn ttrert. Philadelphia,. IAICIIY A ( K COIXJIJ $10: made from 60cts. Call and esnmto' , or l'J samplos sent fpostngo free) foi ROets. that retail Uick for 1 10. R. L. WOL COTT, 181 Chatham Square, N. Y. J27-w. 5000 AGENTS WANTED for nnr most atrnc tlve Hireolfy A Itiovn." nnd "Grant Ar WIIfon" Campaign Charts. Tho liest ones out. Send for Circular. l:niiicm sales. Lnrge profits. HAASI8 & LUBKECHT, Empire Map and Chnit Establishment, 107 Lib erty Street, New York. J27 4w. "Tisyfl'omMncorfloHH'Uariiiliifc." JL How cither sex nuiy raocimilo and ire in th lovn and affections ol any peraou liV.t choose, in stantly. This simple mental ju-quiremcut tl can possess, free, by mntl, for 5 cts. togcllto with a marrlavrc guhb-, Egyptian Oracle, Dreunm Hints to Ladies, etc. A queer, exciting bool. . 100,0!( sold. Addrcs-, jkJ7-w T. WILLIAM A CO., Publishers, Ptill:. A G EXTS W ANTE D For (iOOISPEEDi . Presidential Campaign RookV I'.wry Citizen Waiiti It. Aiao, for CAMPAIGN GOODS. Addrcs (ioonsi-EED's Empire Publishing House J:i7-tw. 107 Liberty Street, New Yotk. First Premium UuVAui. lust. 1. Double Elevated Oven. Warming Closet, Broil ing Door, lender Guard. Pumping nnd Hiukint' (irate, Direvt Draft. FUI.LEIt, WARREN A; CO., Kfl Water Street, New Yolk. i7-in. Wells' Carbolk Tablets Foil Col ons, ('oi.t)S & lio.vitM'.vr.ss. . These Tablets present the Acid in Combination with other efficient lemedies. in a p ;':,' tr form, for the Cure of all THROAT and LUNG Di seases, lloarsenets and Ulceration of the Throat arc Immediately relieved und statements, are in stantly being sent to the proprietor of red' ' vi cases of Throat dilliculties of years staudilnr. CAtTlOX. Don't lie deceived by worthless Imitations. Get onlv WHls' Carbolic TablcLS. Price '.'5 cts. per box." JOHN KELLOGG, Send for Circular. 1 -i Plntt street, N. Y. jl", w t-"o!c. Agci:t for United States. OO.tl A MONTH easily made with Sten Si'fiire cir- VtJVci! and Kev-Chcck f eular and Samples, free. ji:w. 5. M. SPENCER, Br.ittUboro, Vt. FUKK TO BOOK AGENTS ! We will send a handsome Prospectus of our New li.t.i'si iiATr.r, Famii.t Bibi.k containing nearly St) line Hm-ipi ure 11! agnations to any Book Agent, t'n of eharir-'. A.bliess, NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO.. J 13,-1 w. Philadelphia, Pa. 1 MY JOLLY FRIEND'S SECRET. I DIO LEWIS' New un I Gre..t--t Work b an Im- nn i.M' success, llltli thousand in press. Agent delighted and coining monev. Agents Wanted ! everywhere. GEO. MACLEAN, Publisher, . i jl.i.hv 7i;J Sansom street, Phila. Ill Alii: ciiAii for ag ents. j AGENTS, we will pay you fiO per week in ! cash, if you will encatre with us at once. Every ' thing furnished an-1 ccpens... paid. Address, I jl:'S,4v. i'. A. ELLS o: CO., Charlotte, Mich. ) -1. By sending Iffi Cents iiii sire. hemht, co, or of eves and biiir. you ill iccc.ve by : return mail, a correct picture of your f'"uro j busbaud r aife, with ivii;.e and Cate of Mai ; ilc.ge. Address W. FOX, jllMw. P. O. Drawer, No.l, Fultonviile, N. Y. Vta'.VrW W,t.TED for the AuloUo gr.ipby of IlortM-c r'Oloy. A new illustrated edition noT ready. Get this the only edition written by himself and endorsed bv llm Tribuite. Also, the Li 0 and Times of i'. N. Ornnt. by Hon. J. T. lleadli y ; and our JH73 CHHMtiiiii v tin ti' I lor all panics, just out, piise tl..'i. One i...,.t sold ) lu three days. Splendid r-tie-l Portraits of Greeley, also of G.aut. fuOO a month m:i selling the ;.'ovc E. . TREAT, Publisher. JW,4vr- tv'5 Broadway X. V. I Agents! Agents! Agent:-! Send fer ilesc: iptH" circular and sprcl.il terms for the greatest campaign hook published : McCta'.ian's Republicanism in Amarica. Owlmr to the present political cxcitcmciit. wiil sel" for the n,.t six months like wild lire. Is the most rcllahV bonk in the market. " J. M. STODDARD it Co., P ibll-hers. jlH.fw t; -c, rt... 1I,M.. It is not a plivsie iihieii may give to:u;orarv relief to the sull'i rcr f .rthe Hi st few d iscs, but Ai.li h, fuMu continued uc bring Pi'c and kin dred diseases lo nld in weakening the iiiyalht, nor is it a doctored liiiioc. nieh, ui..tcr the popular name of "Bitter.." i, so extensively palmed oir on the public ns sovereign remedies, but it is a mo-t 1 iiWiM'fll! Tnnir iml i. ll.ru t i vj itrin.itmiK. I so by the leading medical authorities r.f London and Paris, and has been long used by the regular physicians of ether countries with woudcifu! le mcdial results. DR. WELLS' EXTRACT OF JURUBEBA retains nil lha niedie.il viitiics pecuil:r to tho plant ;;ud luu't be taken as a permanent curative agent. Is there want of action In your Liver .t Sn'een I Pules re'iiVid at once, tii- blood b .-i-itpw im pure by dclct.llous secretions, pro. lacing scrofu lous or skin diseases, lliotches. Felon?, Pustules, Canker, Pimples, iVc, iVc. Take J un.b. S.i to cleanse, purify and restore the vitiated biood to healt hy nction. i Have j;ni u Ihspciuio stomach I Unb di gestion Is promptly aided lite tysiciu Is di bun ted with loss of lilal force, poveity of tl'C Hlooc Dropsical 'i'wulcnrv, Gmt,.il Wviiknvsii or Lstsi tllle. Take it to assist Digeftii.n without reaction, it lil impart vouthlul vigor lo the -scary sutlerer. Have you weakness of ihe Intesihnsf You, arc iu danger of Chue.le Diarrhoea or the dread ful lull.iioui.illou of Ihe B.iHels. Take it to ullay irritation aud ward oU'lciiicu cy to tiitlummalions. Have you weakness of tho Uterine o, I'rinary Organs I You mu-i procure instant reiif oruu are liable lo sudi iing worse than dolti. Tuke It to strengthen oruuie trruknc or life ..... I.m.,1,.1. Fhuilly it kbuild be fie'in'-ntlv t..kea to kct lint svsttin In perfect health or von are olherwin. ! iBBEggnaBiia iu great danger of mulaiiul, miasmatic or cui-.la-giulis dl.-e i.-c-, Jl'HN (. KELLOGG, liPlntt fl.. V. Y. K)l Aei.t for the L'nlted M.itc. Price, $ per Pottle. r.end loi l Irt-ular. iw A 1IOVAL "CIIAXOK! An Army of Live Agcuts w anted I., s. i a re-.r beautilullv iilusiiated su'-m ri. i..n edition ot',.114 of the rieh.l ge.ms in literature, of wcrld whW fume and surpa:-ciug excellence. Robinson Crusoo, A splendid oi-tuvonver MO pagrs, craiu tli.t td paper elegant bfi.dliii;, only ?-'..M. A marvel of chenpnesb r A mine of wealth! It is tho rue! 1'ii'e, popular, lii.udsoitiu uud cheap book exi int, and all! oui.-tll nil oi! -.s. t. tvm,' addrsik, IIPEP AUD PlXt-., PuUkhe, J13,w T25 s-ib Ft , Pttpa.'