JftisrfltajtfOtts. miETS . O O O Or figlr.Cotd, Concoiitrnleit, Rott and Herbal Jalcp, Anti-Bllloua C ran a Ion. THE "LITTLE GIANT" CATIIAHT1C, or riuliaiM In PorTo Physic. ' The novelty or modern Medics!. Chemical and Pliar marr uticsl Silence. Mo use of any longer tnkinr the large, repnlatve and nauseous pill, composed of cheap, emtio, nnd bulky liimeilieuis, when we can by a careful application or chemlcnl science, cxtrct all tbe catlisrllc and other medicinal properties from the most valuable root, and herbs, and cmirciitrate them Into a mimite Qranulo.acarcoly larger llinil a mustard cord) Uniterm ho readily swallowed ly llioss of the most sensitive stomachs and fastidious tastes. Kachlttiie PiirpnUvo arllrtrprneiita, la a most ronrmitrated form, (a much railiamc pow er ns is omhiulicit in any of llio in'c pills found lur sal In the drug simp", riom their wonderful calhartio power, in pi-nponli n to tliffir tiro, people who hav lint tried tfii'in me a it to rnppofe time tliey aio harsh or ilrstic in effect, ' .it nich (s not at all tlm cafe, tlio ill (TV rent active miuliciin! principles or which they rro composed in'.inir n hai-moiiied and Tiiodlticl, ono by the others, as to produce D11 sicnrcli init and thorough, yt gently and kindly ope ru ling ciu.Uurlic, $300 P.cwnril is hereby oC-red by the proprie tor of theeu Tellets, to anv chemist who, upon an alysis, will And lu them any Calomel or other forms or mercury or any other mineral poison. Ileitis' entirely vegetable, no parttcit.nr cave is required whilo nin tliem. They operr.to without disturbance to tho const uiiilon. diet, or oc enpation. For Juuiilltr, llruaatiii ii'o'i niipatton, Iinpnro Klood, I'ntu lu tuo Prtouldora, Tlalitueksiot tltc I lii'm, liix xliiefs, Soar lructnlions of tlio s:irsi. clt, tlad tito in motiili, nill.iim attach , Pain in r-ctou ot ES lii n,v, Internal fever, KloiUod feeling nhont Kta.it acli, Knli ( II loud ( Head, High. Colored Urine, (.'usoelabllity mid Gloomy Foreboding 'n1" l'r l'lei-cr'sj Plansaut Puruaiivo 1'cllotn. In expianit lion of the remedial power of my Purcatlvo Wllcts verso great a variety of disease. I with to say that their union upon the mil mill erono. m y ia universal, not a stand or tlssno escaping their :uaao imprcm. Age rioea iiot impair tliem; tlieir siiiir-cn'jtinjraiid being enclosed in las bottles preserve their virtucB nn Im paired forany length of time. In auy clin-.atc, ao that tiieyare always fresh and reliable, which lis not tho case with the pills found in the drcz stores, put up In cheap wood or paste-board boxes. Itcrollert tkat for II diseases where A I.nxallvc, Allerntive or ParsaStve Is Indicated, these little Pellets will lve the most perfect suiefacUou to all who use them. They M aold by all enterprising Drug gists at lis ccuis u bottle. , Do rot allow any dmgg'.st to Indnco yon to take anything else that he may nay is just as good as my Pellets becauso be makes a lartrer proflt on that whit fi lie recommends. If your dru7iit cannot supply them, enclose 5 centa and receive them by rotuia mall from JB. r. riBRCE, Jlf. D., JVnpV, BVFfAI.0, N. Y. May 4, 1S72- SEW ARRIVAL SPKI3STG GOODS AT Clement & Dissinger's, in tbe new Clement Buildlne, Market Squnrc, Kunbury, Ia. Wo tnke pleasure In announcing that wc hare just opened a uew nssoitment of SPRING DRY GOODS, of nil stvlcs nt the lowest prices. DOLLY VAUDEX, still raging ia new and boiiutil'ul dcslrns. DRESS GOODS, MOURNING GOODS, CLOTnS, CASSIMEKES, VESTINGB, &c, Ac. Ready-?IaIe Clotliing, ; a full assortment, wlilcli will be sold lower than elsewhere. 'Carpets, Oil Cloths and Moor Mat ting. GHOCEniES tf feiil kinds, which are guaranteed nil freth. QtrJiENiSWAliR, "NVILLOWWARE, &c, &c, &c. TRIMMINGS, GLOVnP, and In fact everything that can Ve mcntior.ed in A flit-class storw. Call nnrt exumlne our stock, ilnlnirour slorc !lkShtcd with (las, eooiln ean bo selur'Leil in the evening ns well as lu tbe day tlrn. No charges for showing goods. CUXJENT & DISSTNGEU. April 20, 18.72. SrSXYSinE HEATER. BcTiSBIDB AT MAI1VI.ANU StATK TaIH, BaI,- IMMOiir. Tirst prouiitim for Yire-pluco Heaters Awarded the Sunnyside. Advantages of the Sunnyside : 1. It is so constructed that one-third more of the radiating surface extends into the room, giv ing that much uior additional heal without ex tra fuel. 3. It is the only Hot-Air Fire-place Heater in the market. I.Ike the regular built cellar heater, it loses no heal, but conlines it all to its leglti purposes. 3. The fuel inntrar.ine Is donhle. the usual bize, rxtendlug from the lire-box to the top of the wove, with capacity for twtuty-four hours' sup ply of coal. 4. The patent double cover for coal magazine consumes the gas, prevents e- :-pe of g'is into the room, and makes it impossible for any puf fings or explosions to occur. TliU Is an tidvant iige possessed by no other lire-place stove hi the market. fl. There nrc three uir ceambers, wherein a brisk circulation Is kept up, drawing the cold air lu the room through h.ated tines into a largo hot-air reservoir, nt the back ol tho stove A No side pipes are used, as tho air is healed In a reservoir Imvimr double tadbitl'ie (lues and double back, supplying largo quautiues of hot oirwltliout waste of bent or fuel. 7. The bLKslbiMB utilizes the waste heat so thoroughly that we frequent'' heat tin udjolning room on the tirst, besides heating tbe rooms lu second und third stories. 8. A damper on top of tho stove, connected with tho lint uir flues, controls the quantivy of tot air required for tho use of either the upper or lower rooms. All other fire-place stoves are very Inconvenient in this respect. 9. The Grate is self-sealing, aud no dui-t can escape while shaking It. bTL'KAT, PETERSON & CO., Philadelphia. H. B. M.V6SEK, Agent. Nov. 11. 1871. TO THE 1.AIHEN1 GRAND OPENING OF Millinery and Fancy Good'. Spring styles of HATS and BONNETS, trimmed and untrimincd. All the lutest styles In STRAW, CHIP, LEG-HORN, CACTUS, Xsapolltau, Waterproof, Ac. School Hats and baa lints. Trimmings Ribbons, Flowers, l.aces, Ac. Glovea, Collier do tiraee. Crape, Crapo Veils, Tissues, Neckties. Ramsey, War ner it (Jo.'i Patterns, ari l u'.l the Ppnng styles of Millinery Goods. Call and see my choice assortment. MISS 1,. WEISEK. Market Street, one door west of Geaihart'a con fectionery store. Arril 90, 187a. NEW SUMMER GOODS! MISS KATE BLUli, MARKET SQUARE, HUNBURT, rENS'A. Black Dress Silks from 1 50 to (2 00. Japanese BUka, Silk Pongels, Plaid Poplins, Mixed Poplins, Harunl from U0 cents to f 1 00. DOLLY VA11UE., Chintqes, Detains, &c. Vreuch Muslins, Mar- keilles Quilts, Kid Glove., with tingle and double buttons. Eaco Nliiwli, A general assortment of White Goods. LAWNS, GINGHAMS and PIQUES, DEB88 TRIMMINGS, LACES, c, told t Heath' reduced prles. Bunbury, May It, 18T2. 01 i GO wm'm"M"m NEW- (Central Variety Store! - -' ... Dili of aU kinds, DRESS GOODS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, SHAWLS, ALrAC OAS, CORDED ALrACCAS, 1 03 i t H O u Delanee, Tickings, Notions in great Variety. FRESH GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Wood and Willow Ware. Floor, Table, and Stair Oil Cloths. CARPETS. in great variety, lower than the lowest in price. Wall Paper and Window Shades. ao to FirisrEY's for the Greatest Variety of Gooda ! . Trices tho Lowest ! Goods arriving Daily, VICTOR I VICTOR I VICTORIOUS I Agent for the Victor Sewing Machine. C C3 MAKKET STREET, one door east of Bmibnry, May 4, 1873. ly. nTand Spring Openin AT S. HERZFELDER'S Popular C othing Store, Corner Market and Third Streets, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Now on hand and receiving an enormous assortment of SPRING GOODS. 3CSS3i SE1SS GOATS, 500 Business .and Working Coats, 400 Dress Pants and Vests, 500 Business and WrlrSng Suito, 15 Hoys Suits ITS CAPS 1 Ml ail A grand assortment in this line. Including nil the verv latest Spring Styles. HOYS HATS AND CAPS. The Largest Assortment iu this line Calico from 7fic up. White Dress Shirts from fl.00 up. Agencv for tho Celebrated QUAKER CITV and ECLIPSE PINE DRESS SHIRTS, event one of which is guaranteed u perfect lit. SII1KT. BOSOMS, &c. Gents' Spring and Sumiucr Undenvare. 500 Overalls and Oversliirts tuade to order. Only tho best material used and well sewed. Trunks, Valises, Satchels, Umbrellas, Walking Canes, aud numerous other articles. All tbe above goods will bo offered at E XT R A Q E B IK A li OW PRIOES. Kuvina onlv of the lareest and most reliablo Houses, and for CASH only, and doing bv far the la runs I businehs in my lino in this part of the country, I am enabled to sell BETTER ARTICLES at Zaower Prices than any of tny competitors here or else where. Cull at tho Largo and Beautiful Store Room, Corner Market and Third Streets, 8 niRZjrEPER? PsQpriatQr Sunbury, March 23, 1872. ly. Spriug and Summer Opening or .MILLI.VERY C;OOIN. Hata aud Bonnets, Trimmed and Untrimmed, UIBBOXS, FLOWERS, WREATHS, LACES, &c, alt new styles. Crape Veil or all Grades. CRATE HATS AND BONNETS, and everything usually kept iu a Millinery 8tore. Cull nt M. 1.. GOSSLER'S Store, 45 8outh Fourth Street, below the 8. V. R. R., BUNBVRT, PA. April 20, 1873. . MII.LIXKKV. SPRING STYLES at tho CENTRAL MILLINERY STORE OF MIS' L.. SHIKSI.EIV. E'evy kind of Millinery Goods, embracing Hata, lionuet. Srhool llata, i rape llata and llonneta, Rlbboni ami Flowers, TrlmminfS of every de scription, and every klud of good usually kept in a millinery establishment, can be had at her store at the lowest prices. Tbe very beat io tha Philadelphia market bat been selected, to which the ladies ara Invited to examine and be convin ced. , . UlsaUBUlSSLER, Market 6iuare, Suubury, Pa. I Arrll 90, 1T3. 1. o W PT za Q BD S o o K w W CO n H ti o v w w o p 8 a 3 o GcRrlinrt'a CouIbPtlonory Store, A large variety of to be found outside tho large cities. STJISTBTJH Y, 3? A.. A. M. MEIXELL, PEALER l!f Aniericnu and European WATCHES. FINE JEWELRY and SILVERWARE! Perfected Bpeetaeles and Eye CilaHMea. COLD HEADED CANES. Watches and Jewelry neatly repaired and war- ranted. Market Square, SUNBURT, Pa res. a, i8TJ.-tr. -r-JNION HOTEL, 813 and Sit Raci Stbebt, PHILADELPHIA Aeeommodatlout Orst-clast. Prices $3 00 pr av. avJO.Srn. FBAKK DElTIsTiIDGE, Pi trp'r. TO BOYS ibbcdiscmcnls CAltU. No. 902 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PHILADELPHIA. MESSRS. CALDWELL CO., DESIRE TO CALL ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO THEIR DE PA RTM RNT OF SOLID SILVER WATCHES. POSSESSING SrPERIOR FACILITIES THEY WILL BE F.NAULED TO PLACE BEFORE CUSTOMERS, IN ADVANCE OF THE GENE RAL MARKET, ALL 1 HE NOVELTIES AND IMPROVEMENTS IN SILVER GOODS A8 RA P1DLY AS PRODUCED, VERY PARTICULAR ATTENTION BEING GIVEN TO THE 8PE CIATIE8 OF BRIDAL AND OTHER PRESEN TATION GIFTS. THE STANDARD OF SILVER LONG SINCE ADOPTED 1)Y I'HEM IS THAT OF ENGLISH STERLING, UM-lOOOTng F1NE.THK QUALITY OF EVERY ARTICLE BOLD BEING STRICT LY GUARANTEED. ATTENTION IS RESPECTFULLY DIRECT ED TO THE UNVARYING BUSINES8 POLICY OF THIS HOUSE IN REGARD TO THE FIRM LY ESTABLISHED SYSTEM OF FIXED PRICES, WHICH WILL BE RIGIDLY AD HERED TO IN ALL CASES, SECURING TO PURCHASERS, FAIRNESS AND EQUALITY IN EVERY TRANSACTION. POLITE ATTENTION MAY BE EXPECTED BY ALL WHO FAVOR THEM WITH A VISIT. ORDERS AND INQUIRIES BY MAIL. PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. J. . CALDWELL A CO. Fob. 10, 187a. THA.K AltAaTjUCK & CO., SUCCESSORS TO MISKEY, MERRILL & TIIACKARA, MANUFACTURERS OF GAS FIXTURES, BRONZES, &c, &c, Chandeliers, I'eudniilm, ltrncltcla, Ac,, Ac., would respectfully Invite the attention of pur chasers to our elegant assortment. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SALESROOMS, 718 ChenutStreet. MANUFACTORY, 402, 401,100 AND 408 RACE STREET. Aug. 10, 1871. Till: UIIEAT C VI Si; OF 1IUJ1A N MISERY. Just Published, iu a Scaled Envelope. Price, six cents. A Lecture on the Nntnre, Treatment, and Radical Rure of Seminal Weakness, or Sperma torrhoea, induced by and Impediments to Mar riage generally ; Consumption, Epilepsy, nnd Fits i Mental nnd Phvsical Incapacity, etc. By By ROB. J. CULVERWELL, M. D., author of the "Green Hook," etc. The World-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves lrom his own experience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be cll'ectually removed without medieino aud without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, Instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a modo of cur nt once certain and ctlgctunl, by which every BiiU'ercr, no matter what his condi tion tuny be, may cure himself cheaply, private ly, and radically. This lecture will prove a boon to thousands nnd thousands. Sent, under seal, In a plain envelope, to nny nddress, on receipt of six cents, or two postage 6tatnps, by addressing tho publishers. Also, Dr. CULVERWELL"' 'Marriage Guide.' Price 5 cents. i.uss tho Publishers, r, , CIIA8. J. C. KLINE fc CO., P. O. Box, 4,m. U.'7 Bowery, New York. April !i7, 1873. II AKinYAllE JfOU ALL AT TnK UAHDWARE STORE OF J. H. CONNELLY & CO. market Street, Snnlniry, In. It Is useless to enumerate every kind of article in Ills tore, but unioncr tha lvuiling items may be set down the follov. luir s Iron, Stoel, Lend, Scales, Bteelyards, UiindstoneSj Nulls of nil kinds nnd sizes. Vices, Saws, Planes, Sieves, lluilns, Axes, Brnes nnd Iron Kettles, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Spades, Rakes, Hatchets, Caipculer nnd Blucksniith Dortnir Machines, Cellar Grates, UiuwIhk Knives', Btono Bleritres, PluMerers' Trowels, Miisohb' lf-iviiiiers nnd Trowels, Hand Dinner Hells, nnd lingo east Iron Bells for School Houses and I'anncr' Dinner Bells, Carpenters' Bench Screws, Potato Forks for diL'i;lnir potatoes, Looklnp Glnases, Twine, Hopes, Knives and rorks, fcpoons, Tuekn, Mule nnd Horse Clioes and Kails, Hammers, Aiie;nrs, Chisels, Lanterns, Oil Cloths, Brooms, Locks of till descriptions, Coffee- Mills, Hits nnd Braces, Carrlaza Bolts of nil kinds, Paint and Wall Brushes, Buckets, OilM, Vuriiitthes, JapiiuH, I.ve, Soda Ash, Wiishinc Soda, IMIXTS UF AM. HIMIN iu Oil or Dry, Parti-Colors ol all kinds, CEDAIMVAUE and other Wooden-Ware of nil kinds and very cheap, llay-roru ntlleys. Picks, Mill Picks, Levels, Level Glasses, Flics, Hinges, Coal Oil, Hems, Combs, Screws, Saddlery aud Shoe Findings, Buggy Trimmings, Excelsior Glass Cutters. Pocket Knives, Scissors, Shears, Shot, Caps aud Powder, and a great variety of other articles. Any thing wanted aud not on hand, will be ordered at once. Suubury, Aug. 1, 1871. CEXTEIt OF ATTRACTION. Everybody is Invited to come and buy of the handsome assortmeut of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES at SAMUEL P. NEVIN'S STORE, In frame building, adotnlng Moore A Dissinger's building, TI1IHD STREET, SUXBl'RY, PA. Just opened a fresh supply of Confectioneries of every description. TOYS OF All KINDS constantly on hand. The best RAISINS, FIGS, CURRANTS fc DRIED Fill' IT. PURE RIO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fresh Bread, Buns & Cakes, every niorulng. FANCY CAKE8, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, &e. OYSTERS I OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! Having fitted up a room expressly for serving up Oysters lu every style, Ladies and Geutleincu will be accommodated with the best bivalves in market, at all hoars during the day and evening. Families will be supplied at their residence with tho best Shell or Cnuued Oysters, as is desirable, at tho very lowest prices. Call and see my excellent assortment of goods and ascertain the prices. B.F. NEVIN. Dec. 16, 1871. A PROFITABLE III'NINENN. LIGHT EQUAL TO GAS, AT ONE-EIGHTH THK COST I Cannot be exploded. No cuimuey or wick used. Men desiring a Profitable Business, can secure the exclusive right for the sale of Dyott's Patent Carbou Gas Lli;ht Burners and Oil, for Couutlee and States. Write for iulormntlou or rait on M. B. DYOTT, No. IU South Second Street, Phlla., Pa. N. B. Churches furnished wkth Chandeliers and Lamps of ever description, 35 per cent cheaper Vuuu at any other establishment In tbe eounlry. March S8, 18U.-3m. ftftU iibbcrliscmtnls. R. R. R. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF HIES TUB WORST PAINS In from Ono to Twenty Minute. NOT ONE HOUR tSU'J reudltir tliH nUvprtlMmciit need ftnv On HLTFEK WITH PAIN. It AT WAY'S READY KKLIEP 13 A CVUZ OR KVKHY I'AIX. It wim thr flmt nnd lit TTlio Only Hcmocly (Imt hiMttuiily flop the murt nccrticlaifni pulnp, lly In flnrnrrintlon, mid rurt-ii Coiipcttnr, whet Tier of thi Ltingi, httmiotli, lluwcls, or other glndi or orfiaun, br out ppliu tlon, IN moM ONE TO TWKKTY MINUTES. Tsomnticr how violent nrvxcrnclnthiB the pain the linETT ilAI'JCJ, Hel rlddi-n, Io firm, CrippUU, lServoui. XSsuralgio, or proLir4tUd with diKCune muy suffer, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WII.T, AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION Of Till! KI11NKVS. INFLAMMATION (IF THE BLADDER INFLAMMATION OF THK IIOWELS. CONtlKSTIlIN OF TTIR LTJNQS. POIIE THROAT, riKFU'l'l.T 11HEATIIINO I'ALIMTATTON OF THE hKART. lirSTKRICS, CBOU1', DIPHTHERIA. CATAHK1I, INFLUENZA. IIF.ADAC11F., TOOTItArnK. ' NEfKAI.OIA, BnEUMATISM. cii.n cntLi.s, Annt chills. Ttio uppIU'riiloii iif tlm Itendy Itellrf ti tho part or jn:l wl(je tli pulu or dlfilcully cklaia will sffunl csm sa4 timifurl. Twrnty drops !n lialf a tiiml.lpr of wstrr will In s fVw mnnnnli rnri! CIIAMI'S, M'AHMN. POUIt STOMACH. IIKAUTIU'HN, ICK IIKAIiAi;lIH. IIIAHltllEA nVHKNTEKV. COLIC. VilSU IN TUB UOWIiLS, ami nil INTli'.NAL l'AINt!. Trnyiu.n stinnld always ranT ettt t ltmlwv Ucndy Keller with thorn. A few dnipa In wutir will j.ih eiii McKiiru r I'llnit frrim chuntii uf nater. ll la bolter Uiau i'rcucll Uruuily or lllltcni ni a atlniulaiit. F 15 VI! II ANI AGUE. FRVEIt AN II AiiL K rur. il fur tiny wilts. Thpre 1i eot ft ri'tiicdiiil ncviit. In llilx world tlnit will euro Fevnr and Airup, anil all IImt WHla'lons, HIIIoms, Rcnrlrt, Tvphnld, Yillmr. nnil i Oii t Kcrm (iilitrd I y IIADWAV S PILL?) i null It ni ItADW AY'rt UKADf JiSLllit'. FirtT euuu iwr buttle. KjM I'V Diug.'Uts. HEALTH FBEaUTY!!, STttONO AND PfRR TtlCIT Itl.OOII-INCHEASE OF FLUSH AMI WFHIHT-CI.F.AIl bK IN AND EUAU T1FUL LOMPLUXIUN bEOUUEU TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT WAS MAIK TITR MOST ASTOTRIIIN OtTRES: M OL'l','K. HO K.M'll AUK THE C'llANdKS THK foDY rNDKUOOKS, rNDF.Il THK INFLUENCE OK Tllia TUt'LY WONUKIU'L'L MEDICINE, THAT Cvory Day fin Incroaso In Flesh ond Weight Is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Erpry dnp .f the RAHSArAHlt.LI AN UESOI.VENT coinmuntr:it(!S through the il''i, Swfiit, I 'rlnt, umt i-thcl ff iidftnd 1uii" if tho ttvstcm tlio vi)jnr of llf for it rrpilm the waAtt'4, of Hiq hodv with nciv und nunod iiiat ri;il. (Scrofula, Pvphllh, fonstHnpiion, (il'tmlutnr di.-riiM't t'lcon In the Throat, Mouth, Tuinor Ktle lu tl.e Olnmls ttncl other partAdf the it'tU'iu, Sure V.w, Strunim Ulhrrpi from the E.ri. nnd Ihe wtrt fouim of FkitiwTWfisi'n, Enip form, F'-vur S .rrn, floaM Head, Kins Vt-nu, Suit lihctim, KrvHlpel is, Aene, Hltirk Jp"ts, Wui iuh !o thu Flrah, Tumor!, t'nncL'm In the Wnnih, nnd nil wpukeidnif Atid puluful flit, r hti i go. N1(M Swt-at LttM ut Sitcrrn, and uil WAMtvti of the life principle, r.ro within llio curutlva Mnpe of this wondi-r pf MhI(i'u t'hemUtry, mul a fi'v d:ivn umu will prove to ttny person iisitm It f r ciltar uf tlicAU furnis of diacnno itt potriit piwi.T to cur. t1im. If tho p:itk'iit, dully la'condnff rcdjcrd Vy till wanton and iU'i-nMpoIli(iii Hint I ci)tillmi.il!y i t-jrrcsttliitr, nurcei-tU in nrrcMtlitK tUvM wstr jtrnl rvpiih' tnn h.ir,e w;:h nt-w muter l.tl ticidu r.om ho.ilthy hl.dulnl this tbg SAKSAI'AUIL LIAN will nnd (luua seruri-. Not Hilly Iopm tli HAIIFUPATlTT.r.TAH HfT.VETT citI nil 1;ii-iwu rrtut'dlnl itirrntH In llie cu: of ('lirnnlc. Scrofulous, t imititiitiu.ial, und Mt.iu tlivufS ; but It li Iho only pobittvo cure fr Khlnry & UlnilCcv Complaints, Frinnrv, n-,,l W"n h (Mw-nHc, flmvfd, Pl:i)ictM, Propsy Si"op.ii'p of Wat it, InrotithirMcn of rrlnc, lrl;ilil l)lcac. All'uitihiiiilit, nnil lu all c:imm wlu ro tlKTf tin lirlckiltixl do l''iU, or ttn watir I.- thlrk, rtniiilv, inUrd with BuhMancos like Hie white of tin or thn-ft'ln llko white Ntlk. or ihcre lift inorltid, dnrk. bllloufl appearnuri', and white bone-dust ilt-pntit, tind wlii'ii thfie i u piiLLliif, liurniiift it.'tisalinn when pnxnltijt water. Mid p:du In tliu Small of tbe Hack and lliML' tin' l.nln. J'lleO, $1.00, WORMS. The only known nnd sure Remedy for n'ormit'in, 'J'ajjf, er. Tumor of 13 Years Growth Cured by Knlvay' Ilcsolvciil. tin v hit, Mam., July 14, Trt. Ttwr! T hnv htd flvurinn Tumor in tlit ovarttt mt hnwi t. All Ilia )i)clir' iiixl Itirri! wh no hplpf r It." I trid every tdlur t'' t nni rf fomtiifndni ; t-nt ii'itltinc hlid m. I iw v nr It. f 'li ptit, Mir th..ttrflit 1 wotihl try It ; Lui hA no fU In ll, t-i' 1 liTt't BullVrail fur twrlvc v.xr, I U'k tix lnttl of tl ItiUnit, rtn J nut ht ut lUlAy I'illl, nnd two tiolllfiof your K-mlr ll-l'f'f: nJ tht-M I ri"t k t'gn nf tiiim-r to Iw wti ur Ml, r iM I fc-l Kftnf, iinnrtrr. miiJ ri'ipier thin 1 tmve fur tw.lve yenn. T:i or-t tum.ir w in lite Ml l.t of iSb bo over lh (trln. 1 writ tldl U) ou Ut la Uuclituf 0tbfr. Voii rnn puMUfi It If juchAuM. HANNAH P. KNAl'l'. PERFECT PURGATIVE FILLS, ftrifi(tl trtntr IfM, pVpantly cnMwi with Bwrft T'lm, pirpPt r- ir.iilrit purify, cVuusf, :tn I ptn-ncthen. j:.itlwy Pillm f'Ttlit' ctm f nil di-nnlfin of the htonnrh. I.lvpr, Howcls Knhiiv, lilaililrr. Ntrvmii Di.-PHiM-s, Ik-in'mbi. CftiifttljPii li'tll, C(lt)V.IM'r, Iliil"?til'f), IVptrtl;l, ItilloUKtlt'f,, fti 1- tutii Ffvcr, Inil-imiiiittr.m of tli iiowili. PiW,Aml all Pc r.iiijrcrtteiiis uf t!i lntcni:tl Viie!r. V'nrnintrJ to ffcct ! pn-itWtf run iv ''j;ctablc, contain It g t.o mercury, fill "ml", nr itpiot? itrup Oitwn-o tli? f.'llottiitp" rrmfloms rcjultlr frt" r.nitijMtfr.n, I.wir Ft.llrii f t1 In 0i IId Aviility nf th Sl .tnn h, Nu... Il.-nrltdini, !Wpiitof Kmil, Kull tnt or Weiirlil in Om S' mmrh, Snr Kriiittion, inW :ir vr Flutter f;:e .at tha Pit ..f lh Si itituli, Swiinminir i.f th 11 .!, llurrietd Mul l:iiii.iilt Urtitthiit-, Ftu (-ric pt ti lli-.trt, ChoKinir rr hulTW-altokr Snsiti : lirn In n 1 it'tl l'l'ir. 'iinn--si rl Vil.-n. IvU OT Wt-h, Ih-Ciw lis if!i t , .'t.,.tM',l Hull I'mn tin llinH. IVIti ieKj of P,r .,nt;i-ii, V,llii.' ! li rk;u rn.l Kts, Fnin lu tht S' if j Cti i, J.n.il., ua J t.ilUa i luiUi tf Hani', livruing In tb A f.'w .Vfo rf T AmVAVS riLT.R fro the nviitiMn f "t-m ail tlte ni'K. t-t.:i: i. .1 nit re. l'lici-, a; cent per box. fc'tF.h ll V MtC(i.iT. i; K P "V.M.SK AM' TriTF.' Fcml one lpttamp try KAl'U'AV .V CtV, N'. H? Mn!i!eu l.ano, lSuw.Vurk. I'lf.-iri tii'iM v-i-Hh t'.xiif.-til. vltl c (.;it yuu March 30, 1S72.-1.T. TlIH INGREDIENTS THAT COMPOSE KOSADAI.1S are published on cvory package, there fore it is nor a secret p:tp.iralion, conscrjucntly PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE IT It is a certain euro (or Scrofula, Syphilis in all its lot ins, Itlicmii.i listn, Skin Diseases, Liver Coin, plciut and all diseases of tl.u lllood. oiis eottls cr l:sadal:3 will do more good than ten hollies of tho Syrups of Sarsaparilla. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIAN3 Imvt ured Rosadulis in llicirpractiro for the past three years and licely endorse it ns a rcliuMo Altorativo and lllood Purifier. nil. T. C. ITfiU.of Baltimore. 1)11. T.J. IIOYKI.V, ' DK. 11. W. CAHlt. " lilt. V. O. DANNKU.T, " 1)11. J. S. Sl'AUKS, of Nichi;l3vl!lo, DK. f. L. McCAIlTHA, rnlumbia, S. C. Dll. A. 11. NOBLES, Wieconib, N. C. USED AND ENDORSED BY J. B. FRENCH SONS, Fall River, Mass. F. W. SMITH, JarVsnn, Mich. A. F. WHKFLF.H, Lima, Ohio. B. II Al l., I.imi.Oluo. CRAVEN A t'0.,ioi'.lnnsvllle, Ts. SAM'L. C. ,Mc AUUE.N', Murrrocs- boro, Tonn. Our space will not allow of any ex. tended remark! in relatiua to the vlrtuesof Kusadalis. Tothe Medical Proteislon ws guarantee a Fluid Ex tract superior to any they have ever used in the treatment of diseased Blood; and to the atflirted we aay try llosailalls, and you will be restored to health Rosadali is sold bv all DrueeisU. price $1.50 per bottle. Address EE. CLEMENTS li C3. Manufacturing Chtmuti, Baitinorb, Ud- July 33, 1871. ly. I'M. MUHKAY. J. 8LAYMAKEK. WM. 11. HI.ACK. MURRAY & CO., Wholesale Dealers In MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, Office and School Stationery, Printing, Wraupiug and Manilla PAPERS, PAPER IIAUSI, Ac, Ac. Tlie Celebrated Corry Kerosene IJurnlngOil always on hand. Having also opened a COAL YARD, we ara prepared to supply at short notice, aud at the lowest rates, EGG, STOVE, CHESTNUT and PEA COAL to all who may be pleased to give us a fall. Orders left at our office No. 85 South Third St., will be promptly tilled. MUKRAY & CO. - No. 85 Bouta Thtrt Strait, Banbury, Fa. Aug. 3, 1871. ROSADALIB o L itmifnrtartrs. ltlACllINK SHOP AND IRON FOUNDni. GEO. IIOIIUBACII & SONS, Nnnbnry, Penn'a, INFORM tlie public ttint they are prepared to do all kinds of CASTINGS, and hnvlnj? added a new Machine Shop In connection with their Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New T ntl... Dl.nlnn J 1 1 . r . . ... uuiiic. i ikiiiiik iiu ooring macnincs, wttn tne latest Improvements. With the nid of skillful mechanics, thev are enabled to of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given them, la a satisfactory man ner. Grnton to auit mny Stove. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other bulld lnirs, of all sizes. BRASS CASTINtiS. .tc. Ornamental Iron Fencing run uiuin lAitu i,ui VERANDAHS, FOlt YATtDS AT RESIDKNCE8, AC, AC. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, hnvo been still further Improved, and will alwnye be kept on hand. Aiso, TIIPEPII1NG MACHINES. Sunbury, May 20, 1871. LUMBER AM PI.AMJSU MILLS. Third Street, adjoining Phlla. & Eric R. R., two Squares North of the Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PA. IRA T. CLEMENT, IS prepared to furnish every description of lum ber required by the demands of the public Iliivinp; all the latest Improved machinery for mnnufueturlnn Limber, he is now reudy to till or ders f all kinds of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS, SHUTTERS, SASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and all klndi? of Ornamental Scrowl Work. Turn Inn of every description promptly executed. Also, A I.AUOK ASSOltTMF.NT OP IJILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, &c. Orders promptly filled, nnd shipped bv Railroad or otherwise. 1UA T. CLEMENT. declO-USily STOVE (V TIX LSTAHI.IISIIIMEXT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, 1'A. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor. ? vccr.ssott to SMiTn oentiieb.J nAVING purchased the above well known es tablishment, Mr. Krnuse would respectful ly inform the public that he now has on hand a hu ge assort incut of COOKING STOVES, Speer's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna nnd others, which nre so arranged as to be used for Coal or Wood, and nre wnrranted to perform satisfactori ly or no sale. HEATERS of nil kinds Hit up to heat one or more rooms. HEATING .STOVES of ditl'ereut kinds ut very low prices. Tinware ofEvfry lOHcrlp(ioii kept constantly on hnnd. Rooting and Spouting with the best material, done nt short notice. REPAIRING uttendud to with dispatch. Coal Oil Rt.d Lamps constantly on hand. Japan ware of a A.nd.i. Store opposite Conley's hardware store. Give me a call. A. KRAUSE. npl24-ly . C A It It I A V E M A X I" FACTO It v, SUXBURV, PEXX'A. J. S. SEASHOLTZ, WOULD respectfully announce to the citi r.eiiB of Sunbury and surrounding country, that he is prepared to manufacture all styles of CitrrliigoN, Itiiggit'M. Ac, at his new shop on east Mai ki t street. He will furnish every description of Wagons, both Plain and Fancy. In short, will make everything In his line from n flrst-eluss carriage to a wheelbarrow, wananted 'xii work sent out from his establishment will be found reliable in every particular. The patronugo of the public is solicited. J. S. SEASHOLTZ. Sunbury, Nov. 4, '71.-1 y. New Store! New Goods;! F. J. BYROD. Having taken tho store room lately occupied by II. Puturs, corner of Third and Church streets, SUXBURY, PA., has jnst opened a new store, with nn entire new stock of good", comprising of Iry Goods mid Orocrriott. The Dry Goods d partniciit is complete, having a general assortment of Cloths, Cassimcros, Calicos, DoLfiiiis, and everything in tliu Dry Goods liue. Tlie CiROCER! F.K are nil fresh, and consists of Tea, Collie, Sugar, Molhibses, Spices, Meat, Fish, iVc. Wlllow-Mnre aud GluNH-M'are, a general assortment. In fact everything kept in a first-class store, cu be had at the most reasonable prices for cash, navluur located in Sunbury for the purpose ol becoming one of its eitirens, 1 hope that by fair dealing und strict ntleutlon to business to merit a share of the public patronnge. My motto is "Small Protits und Quick Sales." All nre cordially Invited to call nnd examine my goods, as no charges will be made for show ing theiu. F. J. BYROD. Suubury, April 20, 1S70. Larkatrauna aud Itlooiusbnrg Rail- roai SUMMER ARRANGI Mr.NT OF PASSENGER 'iYrtlNS. Mu'.dav, Julv 17,'lSTl. SOUTHWARD. Leave. 1A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P M. Seranton, Jtellevue, Taylorvillo, l.aikawauun, Pittston, West Pittston, Wyoming, 6 45 1 45 10 05 6 50 I 6 55 6 50 0 5T HO 10 a n io i io 'i 21 10 05 14 10 27, Maltby, t -i0 T 40 3 S3 'l Kingston, is I St. W.-Burro c'rs Plymouth June, Plymouth, Nanticoke, II unlock 's, Shlckshiuny, Hiek's Ferry, Beach Haven, Berwick, Briar Creek, Lime Ridge, Espy, Bloomnbnrg, Rupert, Catuwissa, Danville, Chulasky, 00 7 51; 55 I 8 00 5 00 6 05 5 05 I 8 20 I 8 8O1 8 45 7 50 8 00! 8 07 8 22 8 b 8 43 8 50 8 57; 0 07, 9 14, 9 19 9 20 9 31; 9 51 9 50 2 40 S 08 I 3 27 S 34 S 57 Cameron, 10 03 North'd, (arrivs.) 10 20! 4 53 NORTHWARD. Leave. iA.M. P.M 1 Northuuiberluud, Cameron, Chulasky, Danville, Catawissa, Rupert, Hloom.burg, Espy, Lime Ridge, Briar Crock, Berwick, Beach Haven, Hick's Ferry, Bhtckshlnny, Huulock's, Nanticoke, Plymouth, Plvmoutu June.. 10 25, 5 10! I I 5 27; I 5 81 '10 50 5 40, I I 6 00' It 05 6 12 1 17 6 94 I 6 84 ; 0 41 I 6 48 A.M.! 6 55 11 14 11 3fl, 11 43 jia ot 7 ou' 7 so 1 I 7 24 7 45; PM. P.M.' 18 20 7 si; T 41 8 00 8 15 P. 8 20 5 10 S 15 Kingston, & I st. I W. -Burrs ( c'lS Maltby, Wyoming, Weet Plllsloa. Plitston, Lackawanna, T)loivUl, Bellevue, Beranton, (arrive) I 13 84; 7 51; 8 SO 9 83 6 5 8 401 8 45: li 43 It 53 8 oo; 8 18 8 18 8 88 34, 8 421 1 14 8 48 DAVID T. BOUND, ih""JiJI! liL LjL'j"'1 JJ Residing Railroad. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Monday, May Gtti, 1872. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North nnd North-West for Philadelphia, N. Y., Rend, lug, Pottsvlllc, Tnmaqna, Ashland, Shantok'in, Lebanon, Allcntown, Easton, Ephrata, Litli. Lancaster, Columbia, Ac, &c. Trains leave Hiirrlaburg for New York, as fol. lows t At 8.45, 8.10, a. in. and 8 no p. rn., ctui necting with similar trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at 10.07 a. m., 8.53, and fl.45 p m. respectively. Returning i Leave New York at C.OO a. m.. 12.30 noon nnd 5.45 p. m., Philadelphia at 7 no 8.C0 a. m. and 8.80 p. m. Lenvo Hnrrlsbuig for Reading, PottsTllle, Ta maqua, MlnerBville, Ashland, Shamoklu Allcntown and Philadelphia at 8.10 a. m 2.00 and 4.05 p. m., stopping at Lebanon nnd principal way stations j the 4.05 p. m., train connecting for Philadelphia, Pott-ville and Co lumbia only. For Pottsvlllc, Schuylkill Havem nnd Auburn, via Schuylkill nnd Susquedunna Railroad, leave HarHsburg at 8.40 p. ni. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains Ic.ive Read ing for Allcntown, Enston nnd New York ut4 84 10.40 a. m., and 4.05 p. m. Returning, leave New Vork nt y.00 a. m., 13.80 noon 'and 5.4S p. m. and Allcntown ut 7.S0 a. m. H..2& noon. 8.15, 4. iio and U.15 p. rn. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia n 7.30 n. m., connecting with similar train cu East Penua. Railroad, returning f,-om Readiue nt t.W p. in., stopping ut nil stations. Leave Pottsvlllc nt 9.00 n. rn. and 2.30 p. m. Herndon ut 10.00 a. in., Slmi.ioktu nt 6.40 und 11.15 a. 111. 1 Ashland nt 7.05 a. in., nnd 12.41 noon; Mabanoy City ut 7.01 a. in. and 1.B0 p. 'u, Tutnaquu at K.1S5 a. m. nnd 2.10 p. ni. for Philadelphia, New York. Reading. Jlarrisbiir"- c. Leave Potuvillc via Schuylkill nnd Susque hanna Railroad tit 8.15 a. m. lor Haniibr.rL, uud II. 45 a.m., for Pine Grove nnd Trcmout. Pottsvillo Accommodation Truin leaves Potts vlllc at 5.50 a.m., passes Reading ot 7.25 n. m. rirrivitig nt Philadelphia nt 9.50 a. m., returning leaves Philadelphia at 5.15 p. m., pnsving RcuJ iug at 7.40 p.m. arriving at Poitwillcat U.U0 p.m. Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves i'oits town at 6.45 . 111., returning leaves Philadelphia (Ninth and Green,) ut 4.30 p. m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading nt 7.20-n. m., nnd 0.15 p. m. for Epliiaui, Lunenstcr. Columbia. kc. ; returning lea.c Lan caster ot 8.20 a. m. and 3.25 p. in., and Colum bia nt 8.15 a. ni. and 3.15 p. m. Pcrklomen Rail Road Trains leave Perklotncn Junctional 7.15, 0.00 n. 111.. at 3.00 nnd 5.45 p. m. Relurninir.lenve Schwenksvillc nt (i.o(),.00 a. in., 1.05 nnd 4.45 p. m. counccting with trains on Reading Rail Road. Pickering Valley Railroad trains leave Pliso nixville at 0.10 a. m., 8.10 and 5.50 p. 111. j re turning, leave Bycrs at 6.35 a. m., 12.45 noon, and 4.20 p. in., connecting with similar trains ou Reading Railroad. Colelirookdalc Railroad Trains leave Pottstown nt 9.40 a. m., 1.30 11 ml 11.25 and 7.1 5p. m., return ing leave Mt. Pleasant at 0.00, 8. JO and 11.25 a. III. , and 3.25 p. ui., connecting with tr!:n Reading Railroad. Chester Vallcv Railroad Trains lcav.- irMz port at 8.30 a. 111., 2.40 and 5.33 p. t- rcMrnii,g, leave Dow ntimton at 6.55 a. m.. -- O 110011 and 5.40 p. in. connecting with siui'"1' trains on Ue..a ing Railroad. tin Sundays : Leave w orU nl ir V- m-t Philadelphia at S.00 n,"1 3-'' P- ' C'18 8.00 a. 111. train r:v""1 f'l'.v ' Rcadir-i) leave I..ttvllln ni k imi. 111., leavii llarrisbiiri:, 2.45a. ' 111. unci 2.00" in'S have Alkatowu at 4. ".5, n. 15 I p, in. . li;,,-- Reading at 7.15a. 111. and 10. 3. 1 p.m. i for h'-i-,,u,'S) 111 a.m. for I' -v York, I nt 7J a. m. for Allentown and nt 9.40 a. 111. n'm 1 4.15 p. 111. for Philadel'a. ' Coniinntation, Mileage, Season, rLbel nnd j Excursion Tickets, to and from nil points at re duced rates. I Baggage checked through: 100 rounds Bug ; gage allowed each Passenger. J. E. WOOTTEN", Asst. Supt. .V Eng. M.ieh'ry. Xortiiorn Crntrnl ICallvttiy. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. ON and utter June 10, 1S7I, traius run lis l'olloivs : NORTHWARD. Niagara Express !cacs bunbury nt 12. 3U p. Ma!! :irrivos ut Snnburr nt -4.10 p. I.. "vIyq nt Wiiliatuspoi't 0.45 and Eltulia 'y p. in. Fast Line urrives at Sunbury at 0..VJ p. ni., arrive at WllliitnisHirt 8.15 p. m. Erie Mail leave s Sunbury at 11.00 . m Wf llatusport at 8.05 a in, and arrives at iCiinira r 1.30 a m. SOUTHWARD. Mail leaves Suubury at 11.05 a. ri., arrive at H.irrUbtirg 1.45 p. in." E:ic Express leaves Suubury at 7.4"i a. in., nr rive nt Hurrlshurg 9.25 a. in., liallhuorc 1.1 p. m. Erie Mail leave Sunbury at 12.45 a. r"., arrive at Ilarri.-liurg 2.30 a. iu., lialtimoiv 640 in. Niagara Express leaves Sunbury at o .'J p in, Harrisbiirgat S.lop in, arrives r.t Uailiinoie 11.50 p m. SHAMOKIN DIVISION. PASTWAltD. Leave Sunbury nt 4.40 p. m., arrive at SUamo kin 5.50 p. m., Mt. t irmel 6.40 p. in. Leave Sunbury (Aeconmodatlou,) ill 12.85 a. in., nrrivu at Siiuinokiu 2.35 p. in. WES1WAKO. Leave Mt. Cariuel nt 7.00 a. r.i., S'lamtL.: 7.40 n. ni., arrive at Sunbury 0.55 a. in. Leave Miainokin ( Aecomiuo.laliou,) at 2.15 p. I in., nrnve ut buuoury i.00 p. m. Exprcs leaves daily. All other trains leave duilv, except atindai-. A. R. Fikkk. En. S. Yi.i-Nd, Cen'l. Sup't., Ccn'l Passeu'r Ag'f.. liarrisburg, Pa. ltnliuiore, : . I'hlladclpliin mid Eric Railroad. SUMMER. T1MK TA1JLK. On and after Monday, June 8J. 1ST?, 1 Traius on the Philadelphia & Erie Rail P.oad w run us follows : WESTWARD. Mull Train leaves Philadelphia, ' " " Suubury, " " arr at Erie, Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, " " " Suuburv, " " nn at F.ric, Eluilra Mail leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, " ' arr at Lock Haven, Niagara Express leaves Philadeli hia, " " " Sunbury, ' " arr nt Renovo, EASTWARD. Mall Train leares Eric, " " " Sunbury, " " arr at Philadelphia, Erie Express leaves Erie, " " " Sunbury, ' " arr at Philadelphia, Elmira Mall leaves Lock Haven, " " " Sunburv, ' " arr at Philadelphia, Niagara Express leaves Renovo, " Sunbury, arr at Philadelphia, It G :o p n- 7.1 ' 12.1 j tt.r.' 7.40 ii ill r iu 7.4 12. P ll.t - : 12 4 t. I." . 7..'.-.' 1 7.-: 1 1.20 1 Lit'. : 10.5'' i 5.5 ) j 1 0.2:. , :'. 1!) i. l.I ii". m , n 1 1.1 12.01 Mall East connects east and west nt Erie v. :tu L. S. & M. 8. R. W. und ut Corry and lrvincluu with Oil Creek aiid Alleijhe'.'.y R. R. W. Cattawissa passenger trains will be run enst. from Wllllumspoit on Erie Express, aud vest, to Williaiusport on Elmira Mail. vVM. A. BALDWIN. tien'l S'.ip't. Danville, llacletou fc Vfllkcsbm rci It. It. I'ruus. It. R. Co. Lre. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On aud after this date Passengor trains or. tha D., H. & W. K. H. will run as follows t WESTWARD. EASTWARD. LEAVB. New York, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, A.M.! LEAVE. 6:00 Banbury, 8:00 buuville, 9:25 Cattawissa, 10:05 Uaxielou, r. v.- 1:00 Bethlehem, 9:40 Easton, 8:20 Philadelphia. A. li. tin; r. m. Hasleton, 1:00 Bethlehem, 1-M Cattawissa, 9:40 Easton, l:-;' Danville, 8:20; Philadelphia, 2.1 Suubury, arrive 8:57lNew York, rr. S .x Train West arriving ut Sunbury 8:5? p. iu . makes close couuectious with traius on I'hi.a.le. olii At Erie R. K. for Milton, Wllliam-i ml 431 a 8& Lock Haven and all point West, Elm:ra awl hi 48 S 40 points North, also with Northeru Cetuiai 1UU 54 1 5 47 wav. for rlarrinburif and Baltimore. 59; 5 9 t-fNew and elegant coaches run lhion-h be 07! t 00 tweeu Sunbury and Easton. lft 10 . FRANK THOVTPSOX. 23 6 IT , 6"Pt- D.. H. ,v v. . K. F, 80 fl SafSrrT's OrriCK, WiMiispfKT, Pa. Bnp't. May 1, lt2. S