$ch ttibctiisutcnts. ibbfrilscments lijj QO TO 1 , Fountain Nasal Iojoctor, This Instrument Is especially designed fbr the per feet application of I DR. GAQE'3 CATARRH CfflEDY. ' It Is fie only form of Instrnmcnt yet Inronlcd with which fluid mecllcina can lie carried AoA up and ptrfcctly aille,l to all part of tho ailected nasal pas sages, and tlie chamber or cavities communicating I Herewith, in which sores and ulcer freqoeiitly exist, and from which tho catarrhal discharge ge nerally pro eofuK Tlie want of sucecis In tictiim; Catarrh hcre ttdre hi arisen la-gelr frtua tlio Impossibility of a;ilvin; remedies to these cavities mid chambers by any of tho ordinary method. Thisobstsele In the way of effecting curcsi tall rely overcome by tho I urcntion of the Donche, la nlni this Instrument, Hi Fluid Is carried br lit own wclahft no inulTina. forc ing or pumping being required,) tip one nostril in a fttll arcni-i iiowun; sireivn 10 uiu iiii;i.csi pouion or tue 'i4iiM paw-.:es. pAsacs into ana moroiigniy cleanses .11 the tvU Slid chambers connected therewith, and llowso'itoltheopooKile nostril. lisuse If pleaeantand so simple tuai a cuua can unucrsiana iu mu n nd crpllcU direction acconiany each Instrument. When used with lUla Instrument, Dr. fca.'e'a Calarrh ncmeilr enrea recent attacks of ":rIl in the Head " In-a ew application. , Symptom) of Catarrh. Frequent head ache, rtlr.bnrgo fnlllnr Into throat, sometimes ro lusa. watery, thick mucus, purulent, offensive, &c. In othera a dryness, dry. watery, weak or Inflamed vc, stoprdii up or obstruction of nasal pnsaces, tinging In eara, ileathcss, lmwkiug and conchies to clear throat, nlceratlous, scabs from nlcers, voica altered, nasal twanr, offensive lircath. Impaired or total deprivation o( sense of smell and taste, diui twss, mental depression, loss of appetite, indiges tion, cnlarjiitd tonsils, tickling rough. Ac, Only a lor of theso symptoms aro likely to to present in aavcaso at one tlnie. Dr. Sasrc's CntnrrJi II incdy, wlicn nscd with Dr. Fierce' N nal Ionclie,nud accom panied with tbe constitutional treatment which is recommended in the pamphlet that wraps each bot tle of the Remedy, la a perfect specific fur tills Inatli eomodiscaso, and tho proprietor offers, in pood fettli, r500 reward for a caso ha can not cure. '1'ho Itemedr is mild and pleasant to nse, containing no strong or canstlc dru- or poisons. The Catarrh Hemedy is sold at W cents, I)onche at to cents, bjr all Druggists, or cither will 1)0 mailed by pro prietor on rucelpt of 61 cents. It. V. FIERCE, IV. D., Sole Proprietor. BCTFALO. X. V. May 4, 1S72- siav AirniVAL, SPRING GOODS AT Clement & Dissinger's, la tlie uew Clement Building, Market Nquarc, Sudbury, Paw We tukc pleasure in announcing tlmt we have J jt opened it new assortment of SPRING DRY GOODS, of nil stvles nt the lowest prices. DOLLY VAHDEN', still raging in now and beautiful deelgus. DRESS GOODS, MOURNING GOODS, C1.0TIT3, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, &c, Ac. Kcatly-Mttdc C'lotliliig;, a full assortment, which will be sold lower thun elsewhere. Carpet, OUClotlin and Floor JIot tlug. 0R0CK1UES oT nil klmU, which are guaranteed nil ficbh. QUE EN SWA R E, WILLOWWAHE, TRIMMINGS, GLOVES, nnfl In fuct CTerythlug tUul imu be mentloucd In a lirst-clnfcs store. !nH and examine our stoclt. ITuvlngonr Store lighted with Gas, ihmU can le selected In the. evenitii; as well at in the day time. No charges for showing goods. CLEMENT & DISSINGER. April 20, 1ST3. Kl'.WYKIOE HATi:iC. St NjiTJirir: at MAv.Ynsn Ftate Fair, Hal Hmokk. First premium lor Fire-place Heaieii awarded the eunnysldi'. Arliutugtjs of the minyai.le t 1. It is so eoiutnictcl tli tt one-tlilrd more of the riiilmiinii sarfnee extoif's Into the room, giv inir Unit much more additional heat without ex tra iilCi. 2. It Is the nuiy Unt-Air Flre-plnco Ilcr.tor In the murhct. Liku tip- regular liuiit ecliur heater, It loses no huat, I'Ut comities it uU to its legiti- j'tirjio'ics. 8. The ft'.ul i.iaL'uz'ue U double the usual biz, rMendinif from the fire-bnx to the top of the stove, with capacity for tweaty-feur hours' up plyufroal. 4. T'.-e patent douhle cover for coal uiasa.ino consumes the gus, ircveuta escape of gus Into the room, and ll.nke it Impossible for any ptif llngs or explosions to occur. Tins is an advant age possessed hy uo other lire-j. lave 6tovc la the market. 5. There are three air ccambers, wherein n lirKk c'.rculution Is kept up, ilr:i ing the cold air In tho room through heated rluea Into a large hi-t-air reservoir, at the hack of Ihe stove. H No side r.te used, its the air is heated In n reservoir h iving double radiating flues and double back, supplying large iUitutuies of hot feirwUhout wasie ol heat or fuel. 7. 1 tie Si ssvsiiiE utilizes the waste bent so thoroughly thtit we frc'iuently heat nil tidjoiniiig twin on the Him, besides healing tfco room In second nnd third stories. R. A dumper on top of the stove, connected will) tho hot nlr Hues, controls thu quantity of hot air required for the use of cither the upper rr lower rooms. All other fire-place ttovei. ura very Inconvenient ill tills respect. V. The fi rate is self-seuliiig. nnd uo dut cub Co cape wUilo shaking it. bTLlt-VT, PF.Tr.nsoN A CO., l'hilndelphla. II. B. MASSEk, Ageut. Nov. 11. 1STI. TO THE L tDUItl (ill AND OPENING OK Millinery nnd I'micy Goods. Spring styles of 1IAT8 and BONNETS, trimmed" niid uutriinined. All the latest styles In STHAW, CHIP, LliG-IIOnx, CACTUS, Neapolitau, Waterproof, &e. School Hats and Bun Hats. Trimmings Ribbons, Flowers, l.aces, Ac. Cloves, collier tie Urat'C, Crape, Crape ells. Tissues, Nocktle. Ramsey, War. tier A Co.'s 1'uttui us, and all the Spring styles of Millinery (ionds. Call and see iny choice assortment. MIS8 I.. WEISKK. Market Street, one door west of Oeai bail's con- lectiouerr store. April 201873. XEW SUMMKlt GOODS ! MINIS ItATI'i I1I.ACK, MARKET BQUARE, HUNBURY, PENN'A, )3lack Diie&s Silks from 91 00 to 62 00. Japanese Silks, Bilk Pougels, Pluld Poplins. . : . . i it ,t i .... . . ' iuiu rupiiu., uuruui iroiu u cents 10 ?l UU. Chlotqcs, Uolalna, .fee. French Muslins, Mar- semes vaunts, n.ia uioves, wiiu single, ami double buttons. Laee Shawls). X general assortment of White Goods. LAWXS, GIXGIIAMS and PIQUES, DRF.PS TRIMUINGS, LACES, Ac, sold fcl gratijr reduced pnees. Buuburr, May i &tt. fkU Cut iltiftntM the namec ifWsf D0UCHE,r X Q NEW " Central Variety HI of nil Vtuds, DKESS GOODS, DRESS TRIMilNGS, SHAWLS, ALPAO OAS, CORDED ALPACCAS, Dt'lnnes, Tickings, Notioua in great Variety. FRESH GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Wood find Willow Wore. Floor, Table, and Stair Oil Cloths. OAEPETS. in great variety, lower than the lowest in price. Wall Paper and Window Shades. Go to FllSTlSnEY'S for the Greatest Variety of Goods I Prices the Lowest! 'Goods arriving Daily. r5 rt w i C o VICTOR I VICTOR Agent for the Victor MAKSilT HTIti:i;T, one Ioor cnt ol Suiibury, May 4. 187'.'. ly. AT C-raEMl Spring Opening S. HERZFELDER'S Popular Clothing Store, Cornei Market and Third Streets, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Now on hand nnd receiving an cuortnotts nssortment of SPRING GOODS. 500 Business and Working Coats, 400 Dress Pants and Vests, 500 Business and Working Suits, ITS ol CAPS fir grant! nssortmet.1 la this line, InelniUns nil tho vnr- lule't Pprlng Styles. lKJi'S HATS AND CAPS. Cents' F'uinislaisig Good Tho Largest Assortment iu this line Calico from 7.V rp. White Dress irt from tl.00 up. Agency for the Celebrated QUAKER CITY cud ECLIPSE FINE DRESS SHIRTS, everv one of which is guaranteed a perfect tit. SHIRT BOSOMS, &c. Gents' Spring and Summer Undervrare. oOO Overalls and Overshirts made to order. Only Ihs best material used nnd well sewed. Trunks, Valises, Satchels, Umbrellas, Walking Canes, n i.J numerous olhcr articles. All the above goods will be oflored at Htiylns only of tho largest nnd most reliable by far thu largest business in my lino in this liliXl i.ll AUXlCI.tSnt laowcr than any of my competitors hero or else where. Call at the I.arge nnd Beautiful Store Room, v Corner Ivlarket and Third Streets, SUNBUEY,PA. Suubury, March 23, 1872. ly. Spring and Kummer Oiteniug or MII.MXr.ltY CiOOUK. Hats and jJonncta, Trimmed and Untrlmnicd, RIBBOXS, FLOWERS, WHEAL US, LACKS, Sc., all uew styles. Crape Veil ef all tirades). CHAPE HATS AXD 1JOXXETS, and everything usually kept In a Millinery Store. Call at M. L. GOSSLER'S Store, 15 South Fourth Street, below the 8. V. R. R., SUNBURY, PA. April 30, 1873. n i i.i.i. Kiev. SPRIXO STYLES at the CENTRAL MILLINERY STORE OF 9IISS I.. NlllfcSI.t'.K. . Every kind of Millinery Goods, embracing Ilala, Itoniiels), Nehool Hats, Crapo lata and Uouuetst, Ribbons and Flowers, Trimmings of every de scription, aud every kind of goods usually kept in a nillliuery establishment, can be had at her store at the lowest pi lees. The very best in the Philadelphia market bus been selected, to which the ladle are Invited to exam'.ue and be eonvlu. eed. Mlb8L.8UIfebl.EK, Mikot 8quarr, Bnubury, Ph. April 18TV Store! EDS I VICTORIOUS I Sewing Machine. Ucurkart'a) 'onrcetioiiery Store, MEM li BOYS. A largo variety of to be found outside the lnrge cities. Houses, nnd for CASH only, nnd doing part of tho country, I am enabled to sell Prices A. M. MEIXELL, IiKAI.lill IN Auierlrau And Karoprau wat hi:m. FINE JEWELRY and SILVERWARE! Perfected Spectacle nud Eye GlaNNea. GOLD HEADED CANES. Watches and Jewelry ueatly repaired nd war. rantsd. Market Suuare, BUNBURY, Fa. Feb. 8, 1873.-lf. IS aud 814 Rack Street, PHILADELPHIA Accommodations Orst-rlass. Prices ti 00 per i uay. ;ii3,Sui. FRANK t)EITHRlrOE, Trop'r, CARD. No. 002 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PHILADELPHIA. MESSRS. CALDWELL ft CO., DESIRE TO CALL ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO THEIR OE PARTMENT OF SOLID SILVER WATCHES. POSSESSING SUPERIOR FACILITIES THEY WILL BE ENABLED TO PLACE BEFORE CUSTOMERS, IN ADVANCE OF THE GENE RAL MARKET, ALL THE NOVELTIES AND IMPROVEMENTS IN SILVER GOODS A8 RA PIDLY A9 PRODUCED, VERY PARTICULAR ATTENTION BEING GIVEN TO THE SPE CIATIES OF BRIDAL AND OTHER PRESEN TATION GIFTS, 1 HE STANDARD OF SILVER LONO SINCE ADOPTED BY 111EM 18 THAT OF ENGLISH STERLING, 25-1000thb FINE, THE QUALITY OF EVERY ARTICLE BOLD BEING STRICT LY GUARANTEED. ATTENTION IS RESPECTFULLY DIRECT ED TO THE UNVARYING BUSINESS POLICY OF THIS HOUSE IN REGARD TO THE FIRM LY ESTABLISHED SYSTEM OF FIXED PRICES, WHICH W1LLBE RftllDLY AD HERED TO IN ALL CASES, SECURING TO PURCHASERS, FAIRNESS AND EQUALITY IN EVERY TRANSACTION. POLITE ATTENTION MAY BE EXPECTED BY ALL WHO FAVOR THEM WITH A VISIT. ORDERS AND INQUIRIES BY MAIL, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. J. i:. CALDWELL V CO. Feb. 10, 1873. AH FI.YTl Iti:.S. TillK A1U, BUCK & CO., RUCCKSSORS TO iMISKEY, MERTIILL & TIIACKAKA, MANUFACTURERS OF GAS FIXTURES, BROXZES, &c, &c, Cliniitlpllcra, Prntluulis, HrackrtM, ; Ac, Ac, would respectfully invite the nUciitlon of ur- dinsers to our ck'guut nssortincnt. I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SALESROOMS, i 71" ChrNtnuCMrcrt. j MANUFACTORY, 402. 404.400 AND 40S RACE STREET. ! Aug. 19. 1ST1. i TtIK Vlll OP AT CAI'NC II U M A N M I S E R Y. Just Pulilielicd, in n Sealed Eiivelono. Price, cents. A Lecture on tlio Nature, Trcutnient, nnd Rndieul Rure of Sctiiinnl Weakness, or Spui nia IoitIiil'ii, In. lured liy and Iinpedlnienls to Mar riii(ro generally i Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits i Mental and Plivsiral Iiienp.ieitv, vie. Bv By ROU. J. CULVERW ELL, M. D.nutlior of tlie "Green Book," etc. The World-remrtt ncd author, In this admlmlilc Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may he effectually removed without medicine nnd without dangerous surgical operations, boun'ics, instruments, rings, or cordials, polntuii; out n i mode of cur nt once certain and clleetual, liy which every autlercr, no matter what his coudi- i tion may be, may cure himcif cheaply, private- i ly, and radically. This lecture will prove a boon i to thousands anil thousands. ' Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to nny i address, on receipt of six cents, or two postage j fctamps, by addressinar the. publisher. Also, Or. CULVERWELL'S Marriage Guide.' j Price -5 cents. Address the Pulilisliers, CHAS. .1. C. KLINE .t CO., ; P. O. Box, 4.5Srt. 1J7 Bowery, New York. : April SiT, 1T1. I JJARDWAUE FOR ALL j AT TIIK HARDWARE STORE of ; J. H. CONMELLY & CO. Mnrlict Kli-ert, SinilMiry, Pa. It is useless to enumerate every kind of article in his Store, but nmone; the leading items may be set down the following: iron, fceales, Vices, Sieves, Steel, Lead, Steelyards, Grindstones, Nails of nil kinds and sires, Saws, rianes, Chains, Axes, Brass nnd Iron Kettles, Hoes, Forks, Shovels, Spades, Kakes, Hatchets. Carpenter nud Blacksmith Borlmr Machines, Collar Grates, Drawing Knives, Stone Slednes, Plustercis' Trowels, Masons' Hammers nnd Trowels, Hulid Dinner Bells, nnd large cast iron Bells for School Houses and Farmers' Dinner Bells, Carpenters' Bench Screws, Potato Folks for dicing potatoes, Looking Glasses, Twine, Ropes, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Tucks, M ile and Horse Shoes and Nulls, Hummers, . Augurs, Chisels, Lanterns, Oil Cloths, Brooms, Locks of till descriptions, Culfcc Mills, Bits nnd Braces, Carriage Bolts of all kinds, Paint aud Wall Brushes, Buckets, OIIm, YamlMhoH, JuitHiiH, Lve, Soda Ash, Wnsliing Soda, PA1T. OF A 1,1, KIMIS in Oil or Di, l'anl-t'olors of all kinds, CEDAR-WAKE and other Wooden-Ware of nil kinds aud Tcry chenp, Hay-Fork Pulleys, Picks, Mill Picks, Levels, Level Glasses, Files, Hinges, Coal Oil, Hems, Ci-'nlis, Screws, Saddlery and fence. Findings, Buggy Trimmings. Excelsior Gluss Cutters. Pocket Knives, Scissors, Shears, Skol, Caput and Powder, and a great variety of other articles. Any thing wanted and not ou hand, win be ordered at once. buubury, Aug. l'J, 1671. CKXTICH OF ATTKAC'TIOX. Everybody Is Invited to come aud bur of the liAudsouio assortment of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES nt SAMUEL F. NEVIN'3 STORE, in frame buililliig, adjoining Moore Oisslnger's building, THIRD STREET, 6LNBIKY, PA. Just opened a fresh supply of Confcci lonerler, of every description. TOYS OF ALL UlXUti constantly ou band. Tho best RAISINS, FIGS, CI KUAN To A DRIED rKL IT. I'URE RIO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fresh Bread, Runs & Cakes, every morulng. FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, Ac. OYSTERS 1 OYSTERS 1 OYSTERS 1 Having fitted up a room expressly for serving up Oysters iu every style, Ladies and Ueutlemt-u will be accommodated with the best bivalves in market, at all hoars duriug the day and eveuing. Families will be supplied at their residence with the best Shell or Cituued Oysters, as is desirable, at the very lowest prices. Call and see iny excelleut assortment of goods and ascertain the prices. 8. F. KEVIN. Dec. 10, 1871. A PHOITTAULK IU I.KKN. LIGHT EQUAL TO OAS, AT ONE-EIGHTH THE COST I Cannoi bo exploded. No chi.ui.ey or wick used.. Men desiring a Profitable Business, nun secure the exclusive right for the sale or Dyott's Pateut Carbon Gas Lit; tit Burners aud Oil, for Counties and Stales. Write for Information or call ou M. B. DYOTT, No. IU South Second Street, Pblla., Pa. N. B. Churches furnished with Cbaudelicrs aud Lamp of every description, 85 per eeut. cheaper than at any other establishment In the touulry. March SS, 1873. -Km. R. R. R. I. AD WAY'S READY RELIEF tXHK TUB WOllNT PAINS In from Ono to Twonty MlnutM. MOT ONE HOUR cfWr retsilinir U fi'lvcriNfinent nwtX any on M ' r I'JiK WITH FAIN. n.vmvAY iiAnv i.kukk is a curs Ton KVEKY TAIN. It iu ihc first mid 1' mo Only l'nln Itomody !int Ji1.iillj "lop Ilia ITiort rxcrticlatlnr painf. nllafl Id tltiniiitittoti-, ntit curi-n Corirrcrtloim, whrtlic r of the Iin, Hhmucli, lliiwflt, or oilier lauiis or organs, by oiit ajipUa tsOlk, IX mOM ONE TO TWENTT MINTTTF9. rTo nin'ii'i liw violent or rscmrlHtlnc tlw vxlntlic KflKfT M AT1 IVrl rtdfl.n, lull run C'rlpvWil, Hervtnii, iScunUlc, or prttMrU'tl Willi tlim tiKo itmv mirtt-r, RAOWAY'S READY RELIEF VII I, AFFOJtr INSTANT KAB. INFLAMMATION OF TIIK KIIINBTS. IXI I.AMMATION OK THE BLADDER INFLAMMATION OF TIIK HOWKI.S. rONtiKSTION OK TTtB LUNGS. BOttE TIlltOAT, WKFIrlXT IHtRATlIIXtK PALPITATION OK TUB llBART. llVlTF.UI(.'S, CltOLP, Dll'HTIIEItlA. 'A'I Allltll, INFLUENZA. BEADACIIB, TUOTnATT!. NK.t ltAT.riIA, RHEUMATIBM. t ;ll,t) ClIM.I.a, Anns t'llll.LS. Tim nt.nlluilitin of flip lt.ft.lv Rpllrf tfl th unit m I - irM vherc ilia pui:i or tllniuulty exist tviu afford sam sna cttnifort. Twi-Titr droiw In hnt a t'miMrr of witr will In a few mnm.tiM Hire CHAMPM, M'AOMK. fOUB tl(lMA('Il, llKAKTIlfltV, PliK IIK.AIiAl.'ME, IIIAItltilKA. lVSENTKm. rol.lC. VISD IN THE DOWKL8, suit 1.11 I NT Kit. SAL PAIN1. Tmvpl.T. Bli.tuM nlwal- corrr a bottle ef Rndwav'f Tten.ly Rellrf ''Ht tltom. A few drops In titer ullL I.ivvt-ii flk-l;!!" or (iiihi. fiohi clmnro of wslar. It it bsltvr liuu rreiicll Hrntulv (ir lliUermia n Rllmulnnt. IliVIH AND AITK. TEVEn AXD AHIJH enrol Tor fifty tenU. TliTO Is not a rviiipitlnl nrtii In till, wrirlil Unit wltl rur Fever ftr.it Afiie, nml nil oilier l.ilu'lou lllMnut, Sci.rli't, Tvpholit, V-llow. aii.l o""-r Kever. (ntilt I 1.- HAllWAVS PII.I.S) m .'. hi TIADWAV S I1KADV IlhLltF. nfljr cents l.. f UOll HEALTH! BEAUTY!! 'TrtoNO an i) rri:n writ m.oon-wnKARE op I'l.KHI AM) WKIllMT-CI.KAIt HKIN AND BKAU TlFfl. CuMri-tXION hKl'L'ilKD TO ALL. DR. RAD WAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT . II AS VAUK TIIK MosT AT'lMsillXO (TRK8t & .jri' K. SO KAI'IK AUK TIIK CII ANfSK fllR 1HU)V VNDKKUMKM. I'MtKIl TUB l.NKMTKNCK ip" TlUd TKL'I.Y Vt)MKItrrL MKUIC1NK, Til AT Every Dny on Incroaso In Flesh ?nd Wo.rght 13 Seen ond Felt, THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Jlvcry tl rr r-f II. 9 All". V 1' A K I l.f.t A X KKSOI.VKN t r .-imuiiii'' it4 l!ir .uii :l-.".l, H.v.it, I'nin, ami otltei f -iHlnnil Jut- - f i in- M' !n tlie visr ( l(t It rrpah t'n wn-tf il I'tj Imitv viiii new fnnl miu'0 in:tt'rl' l. TofuI;, Svi1iir Cninnii'l!-n, it-ui(Iii'r tll.-t-a-o, !.!; r In the Tlinmt, Mdiitli, Tii'tiurv Nlt li t .e itluml tti.'l Ciller f.;irif His tiy.-icin, S-.n l"vi. HtiMtntuM I 'ch:riri s ViftKt tho Kjm, unt t'lc np-t fiiitiipf In illmt'?", K.nip f. :.-. Kcr S -r'-. R"M U'-.vt. U1ti Worm, Suit Klioiim, vti"- U A-:m. Vl,w .S;i..ih, ni in llc KIsh. Ttuiiiir, Ciici-r-i tri Hie Wuiiih, ii'i.l p:ikei.in itml jmlnful tlis Xit'iji r wi.it. f jtt'rm, an t till v -,iMm i.f ihe lit-.- ini-in;le. i.ro ll.iiu I't-J fit Uiv t un;e of Ilii Wonder r Mi-lt-Pi 4'3niitti v. rii'i n ft. v ilav will t-rnve to uttv p.'t" n ii-Iiik It f.r ithtf it tUcHC form wf disease Its j..ilt".t L.tfTt'iiiri' tli.-iii. If tiie Kiiiicttt. d illf l.v-iml!ip r?dncpi! v tlie wnf-lPfnitrl 1?('(niHtoH"i thit r't'itliitiTii'y iTt'ivKnliTir, mtrrteils hi tin i inir Hi ()-! r.ti-, tnul r- i'iilr t'ltr khih- w .h ri'-w iinti'i. I tl ii ule r.t.in ip .Itliv tl l;u,il tills tlio PAHSAI'AUIL- Ll A X 'ill rui'l tli'f '! ir. N',t f"ity ilm-4 Hie s ac-. rArit.i.iA TtrHiT.Vfcr PTf-ol nil T n wn rf inotliai u.-i tiM I -, the run nf Clin'tito, Scroful.iu-, i .h-Htutiuii:tl, uii'i Llll i.i!-t:u'.i ; tut It li the only positive i' trr f-ir riiIn')' nJ;u!c7cr Coiiiplaiiit9 T"rni?r, n' -l V"im1 (1tf)i"r firnvpl, Iir).ctp, Iropy K 'pDuL'u i" W.-iiiT, Inotiul liiPMci -f Ti inp, Jlrllit'n Dimia-o .Ml.tiiiiiiimi t, imhI in cw whrro Oirn lirt brtckrlut d t , nr 1 tti' iv;Mt 1 1 1 ItK'ii, t l'Hirt v, inlv.-l wllli r.ibt:Tii-. liKr tho hit ff un r t 'ironil Hue white mlk. vr Ilirra t ;l iiioi Uil, ilarX, MiloiiN uppfuraiici.', ami wjiitu lioiic'tlnut il' piMts, nml wlifii tli" N ft j-tl -kiiir, liiiruinit -itsiition witt'ti .:i'tii wntiT. nrnl j .iii J:i llit biuall of tlie ll.ick lil-.ii ' tt I'llt c, i.oo. WORMS.-The onlv known and euro Hcmcilj' f.r II or -J'iii, Jpe, etc. Tumor of 13 Ycnrs Cirowtii C'lirod by EacUvn3fi Kcolvrnt. Vr Km r. Mas., J-iljr H, T-. ruiwty:-T lnvt fr-it Osrlfin 'I nn. i r In tlx ovari! nn4 (..., h. All ihc lix-t'-r -ti. ihTs w r lielp fur H." I trirsl mtv tt-ti'ir tli it r r,ni nt mini ; Imt H'-lltltii; linliH'd m. 1 ..tlr U. h-Nt, ! V.oUt I w..ul.tty It; I. -it but f.lih in It, vt I st.'r.-r-.l f..f IwMv. s.jr. t.y . I..'ltltt of t!- l'i tnlvr t. t'il i ll. 1' nf ;.i.vvi P.IH, Ami I txitllol .f V"lir 1 - i)v E 'i f; n t Vt r i rl x ' lfn rf In t-nf .i U won or 'frit, n" I I f I )-rlU f, nisrtr, Btii ItipiHcr Itiall I li:t 0 fT twelvo VMft, 1 ! wont liim if :i) i-t l!te Uft iM tf ttt bovreti, ovtt the irmln. I ritt tU U jou fur til Iwbrlil ( tin rv 1 n mn rit.lMh it tl .!.... m. MANX Alt 1'. KNAl'P. BR. KADWAY'S PcRFEGT PURGATIVE FILLS, 1- -rf-'ptl) t ir,, f Iritu rnntrtl with tvefct fMin, pnrre l"k"it;iti', I'tirlfi-, p'i'-f. nut Mri'tnitlun. l:ntft I'tlU. f rth- cir-of -.li (1i..)-i.-ti .f the Slum 'tli, I.Uvr. Ibtwei K'.Iik-V", ll a-H'r. Nr."ii Dis'-, llalnihe, CftnttUa t mi. Co.-tivfti'-. Iml'.frMWin. niip"in, ll-Hriinet'i. Hil . i Kever, lnfl iii,in;it'ni (t I'm iuK J'il-, ! till 1 e rnf.'1'..'i n t.f T1. I'itf,-',.!! i.ci.-. W'nrrjtitt i t ffftl r ti-i w vtir". IVirrl- Vi potaUv, toi.Lilulm; t.o mercury, i )"Til, op ib u tt'i iii'i- .!i it,;.). i'.-'- - in.' v.-llow in vtii'lon.i rciultlrR from f.-nTSiil' ll.v! liHt; t)if!iii;s: fWrjivlni. l-.w.r.! Mm. l uMi'i' r-tlf In iV.fl IImhI- v-i-hu .f (In- .-.l-.nrii h. Nucn. Ilmrilnirn. Ilv'M-t of VrMxt, f ull " ifWi.-'ii ;n 1li v. ,,rr-H, Sor l t in itl..t(., vnk inr t Hutlef ' H t( IM f lit- M n: I'. SMNutrirt ot th- )IkaI, Hurrlfd Ati-I S nil W -'lliui .. 11 II. Cti'.kitiif ir Knfliv.!'tiR i f. I . i. l-.-l.i . I'im:tr. -I limn. ;M jM, .V..ri.'.. Iiiill l-.itu In it.. ll.ft.Mvr:.-lra--y . 11 w.. i f II. H.n t.n-1 Ki-. I'-iin In lh. ... -ii-l .i .;..n I la.li.t .f IKiu! llnniiiif In lt f Ti '.P'TAVS riU." will firr lli sv.tom im'.t... i ilco, 35 cvliw ii.t lim. in I i- v !.i:i i t- i i'.VA .i tite" r.i.il nne . -ttrr -laii'ii i. . i. s? Ms'.ilfi l.v.c, Xcw-Vurk. ..i..r.u w wl l,i vl.t yv Mareli o0, lS78.-ly. OSADALIS jTflE INGREDIENTS THAT COMPOSE ROSADAI.IS are . published on overy packngc,taere- tore it is net a secret p'tp.ira'.iou, j consequently jniYsicitss rr.KscKiDE it litis a ccrtilin euro (or Srrol'ula, Syphilis in all its forms. Rheuma tism, Skin Diseases, Liver Com- Iplaint and all diseases of ti e liluod. CW2 E0TTL2 CP SOSATAHS , ill do more good thun tun bottles of thu Syrups of ..irsap.inll.i. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS lliave ued Rosadahsin llieir prncliio for tlio p.isl thrco years and f ti ly nndorso il as a reliublo Allorutivo and IilooJ l'uriiicr. DR. T. C. PUGH. of Baltimors. 1)11. T. J. BOY K IX, " l)H. II. W. C A Hit. Dll. V. O. DAN N KI.I.Y, ' I)H. J. S. Sl'AUKS, of Niclicluvlllo, K y. Dft. J. I.. McCARTHA, Columbij, S. C. DIl. A. B. NOBLES, Edgotonili, N. C. iUSED AND ENDORSED BY J. B. FRENCH ft SONS, Fall Uiver, MaM. F. W. SMITH, Jackson, Mirh. A. F. W1IKKI.EH, l.iau, Ohio. B. II ALL, Lima. Ohio. I'RAVKN A l'0.,(ionlonvillc, Vs. SA.M'L. U. McfADDKN, Murfree. boro, Tenn. Our space will not allow of any ex. tcn-inl remarks in r.'lallon to tha virtuesof ltosadalis. Totho Minlical Prolesaion w guarantee a Fluid F.x tract superior to any they have ever ttseit in the tralmcnt of diseased Blood t and to the afflicted we say tiy Bosatlalis. and you will be reatored to health Rosailalia is sold bv all Druccist. price $ l.&O per bottle. AUdn.': S2. CLSHENTS ft CO. Manufacturing Chtmiiti, Baltiuosk, Vs July 23, 1871. ly. I'M. Mt KHlV. t. RLATMAkKK. Wll. II. 11I.AI K. MURRAY & CO.. Wholesale Dealers in MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, Oltlce and School Stationery, I'riutiuK, H'rappiuK aud Manilla PAPERS, PAPER Ac., Ac. The Ctkbrattd Corry Kerosene lhirning Oil always on hand. Having also opened a COAL YAED, we are prepa ed to supply at short notice, and at the lowest rates, EGG, STOVE, . CHESTNUT and TEA COAL to all who may be pleased lo give ut a rail. Orders left at our oUlee No. 85 South Third St., will be promptly tilled. MURRAY & CO. No. 95 South Third Btrett, Sunbury, Pa. Aug. , IftTl. MACHINE SHOP AND IRON FOUNDRY. GEO. ROURBACII & SONS, Nnnbnry, Fcnn,A, INFORM the public that they are prepared to do nil kinds of CASTINGS, and havlrnt ndded a new Mnchino Shop In connection with their Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Lathes. Planing and Boring Machines, with the latest improvements. With the aid of skillful mechanics, they are enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given them, In a satisfactory man ner. rafe to unit any Stove. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build ings, of all sir.es. BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOT8 j VERANDAHS, FOIl YARDS AT RESIDENCKP, AC, AC. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have rccn still further Improved, and will nlwnvs be kept on hand. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. Sunhnry, May 20, 1S71. i.1'.iibi:r and ri.Aiwxo mim.k. Third Street, adjoining Phlla. & Erie R. R., two Squares North of the Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PA. IRA r. Tjlement, IS prepared to furnish every description of lum ber required by the demands of the public. Having all the latest Improved machinery for mniiitfarturlng Limber, he ls now ready to till or ders f all kinds of FLOORING, SIDING, POORS. SHUTTERS, 8A8II, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, nnd (ill kinds of Ornamental SrrowlWork. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A I.HRUli ASSORTMENT Or BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK nnd TINE. Also, Shingles, pickets, Lathe, Ac. Orders promptlv filled, nnd shipped hv Rnllrnnd or otherwise. ' 1KA T. CUEMENT. (lerl'.l-OSily STOVE & TIN KSTAHI.ISiniF.Vr. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KrTu.SE, Proprietor. strcrEMOH to smith a oKSTiirn.J HAVING purchased the above well known es . tiiblishinenl. Mr. Krause would respectful ly inlorm the public that he now has on hand a liirirc assortment of C; () OKIXfi STOVES, Specr's Conk Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Tup, Combination, Susquehanna nnd others, which are so arranged ns to be used for C'nnl or Wood, nnd are warranted to perforin satisfiiotoil Iv or no Bale, n EATERS of nil kinds put up lo I heat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of ililK reut kinds at very low prices. Tinware of F.vcry lCNcrii(loii kept constantly on hand. Roofing and Spouting with the best material, done at short notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil cud Lamps constantly on hand. Japan ware of a jc.nd.i. Store opposite Con ley's hardware store. Give me a call. A. KRAUSE. Bpl24-ly C'AKlCI.Kii: .11 A N I" FA t'TOK Y , SUNRURY, PENN'A. ! J. S. SEASHOLTZ, I "V1TOULD respectfully announce t the citi- j ens of Sunbiiry und surrounding country, j that he Is prepared to maiiufattiiro all styles of j CitrriaseM, ItnggioN, Ve., I nt his ue'v simp on cast Market street, lie will ! furnish every description of Wagous, both I Xlaik and Fancy. In short, will make everything iu his line from a ! lirst-elass carriage to a "wheelbarrow, wanaiite l to be made of the best and most durable mati r'.- ! nls. nud by tlio most experienced workmen. All j work sent out from his establishment will be found reliable in every particular. The patronage of the public Is so'li-ltcd. ! J. S. SEASHOLTZ. Sunbury, Nov. A, '"l.-ly. New Store! New Goods! F. .7. EYROD, Having taken the store room lately occupied by H. Piters, corner of Third and Church streets, j suNurnY, pa., has Juat opened a new store, with an entire new I stock of goods, comprising of I Iry CiiooriM and Groceries). j The Dry Goods d.'paitmetit is complete, having a general assortment of j Clot lis, CnssiiiK'rcs, Calico., DoLains, j and everything In the Dry Goods line. The i uitoi r.itn.s are nil fresh, und consists of Tea, Coffee, Sugnr, Molhisscs, Sices, Meat, Fish, At, VilIovvVi'iirp iiul ialunw-tVure, j a general assortment. In fact everything kept in a first-class siore, can bo had at the I most reasonable prices for cash. Having located in Sunbury for the purpose ol uccoming one oi us ciuzeus, j nojie mat ny mil iieaung nna sirici aiieniion in iMisineg , 10 ineru ' u share of the public, patronage. My motto is "fcmall I'rolitsaud CJuiek Sales." All are cordially Invited to call nnd examine my goods, as no charges will be made for show ing them. F. J. BYROD. S.inbniy, April 80, 172. I.ncttnuanua nud 9ilooiiikiirg Kail, rot. . SUMMER ARRANfi ! S' KNT OF PASSENGER 1 . AINS. Moi.dav. Julv 171S71. SOUTHWARD. Leave. I A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. PM. Seranton, C 45 Bellevue, . 0 50 Tnylorville, , 0 ft" Lackawanna, i 7 05 Plltston, ! 7 14 West Piltston, i 7 19 Wyoming, : 7 1!7 Mitltbv, i 1 45 10 05 10 17 10 1!0 9 11 10 35 10 40 8 21 10 47 10 5J 2 33 'l 00 6 50 6 55 7 02 Kingston, I st. W.-Barro Sc'rs Plymouth June., Plymouth, Nanlieoke, Hiinloek's, Sliieksliiuny, Hick's Ferry, Beach Haven, Berwick, Briar Creek, Lime Ridge, Espy, Kloomoburg, Rii)iert, Ciituwissa, Danville, Chulasky, Cameron. ; 7 40 j ! 1 7 50 : 8 IK) : 07 8 8 30 : 8 43 8 50 : 8 57 ! 0 07 9 14 9 10 I 9 L'C! I 9 51 9 50i 7 51 4 65 8 00 5 00 8 05 5 06 8 20! 8 80' 8 451 2 40 3 08 S 27 3 34 8 57 io oa. North'd, (arrive.) 10 20. 4 53; NORTHWARD. Leave. i A.M. P.M.; Northumberland, 10 25 5 10 Cameron, j I 5 27; Chulasky, 1 I 5 til' Danville, 10 50. 5 40, Cutuw issa, j j 0 00 Rupert, I 6 05 Hloomshorg, 11 14 6 l'J; F.spy, i j 6 17 Lime Ridge, i 6 24 1 Briar Creek, I 6 84 Berwick, 11 SO 6 41 Beach Haven, 11 43 6 48 A.M. Hick't Ferry, j I 65 Shlckshlnuy, (13 00, 7 09 7 30 I Hunlotk's, ' 7 24 7 4 5, PM. Nuutieoke, 'P.M.1 7 81 8 00 Plymouth, 13 20 7 41 8 15 P.M.' 5 10 Plymouth June., j 8 20 6 15 w'TaVr.'e-r;'H7"8 30i88i85 Mallbv, I I 8 40 9 43 5 SS Wvonilng, II 43 8 06 8 45 2 43 5 40 Werl I'.tuloa. 8 18 8 62 8 64 6 47 PUtston, 12 63 8 18 9 04 8 69 5 62 Iiekawann, ' 8 28 9 141 8 07 C 00 Taylorvilk. ! 8 861 9 25 8 16 6 10 Bellevue, I 8 42 9 82, 8 23 6 17 Seranton, (arrive)! 1 14 8 481 40 t 80 6 65 DAVID T. BOUND, Sap't, Reading Railroad. BUMMER ARRANGE M EN Tt Monday, May 6lh, 1872. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North and North-West for Philadelphia, N. Y., Read Ing, roltsrllle, Tamaqita, Ashland, Shamokin, Lebanon, Allrntown, Enston, Eplirata, Lit la, LanenMer, Columbia, Ac, Ac. Trains leave Hurrlsburg for New York, as fol lows i At 9.45, 8.10, a. ru. and 8.00 p. m., con necting with similar trains en tho Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving nt New York at 10.07 a. tn., 8.58, and W.45 p m. respectively. Returning I Leave New Tork at 0.00 a. m., 12.80 noon and 6 45 p. m., Philadelphia at 7.80. 8.80 a. in. nnd 3.30 p. m. Iave Hurrlsburg for Rending, Foltsvllle, Ta mnqua, Minersville, Aslilund, Shiimokln, All.ntown nnd I'hlludelphU at 8.10 a. m., 8.00 and 4.05 p. m., stojiping nt Lebanon and principal way stations i the 4.05 p. m., train connecting for Philadelphia, Pottsvllle nnd Co inmhla only. For Pottsvllle, Schuylkill liaren nnd Auburn, via Snhuylkill and busquehnnna Ruilrond, leave Hnriisburg at 8.40 p. iu. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Rend Ing for Allentown, Easlon and New York at4.S4, 10.40 a. m., and 4.05 p. m. Returning, leave New York nt U.OOa. m., 18.30 noon and 6.45 r- ". nnn Aiientown at 7.ii0 a. m. 12.125 uoon. 8.15, 4 ! and 9.15 p.m. ' Way Passenger Tralu leave, PMladelphla at 7.30 a. m.. cor."ectlug with similar trnin on East Pcimn. Railroad, rctiu uing from Reading at 8.80 p. in., stopping nt all stations. Leave Pottsvillc at H.00 a. m. and 2.80 p. m. llerndou at 10.00 a. in., Slininokln at 5.40 and 11.15 a. m. j Ash!nd nt 7.05 a. m., and 13.48 noon; Miihauoy City at 7.61 a. m. nnd 1.80 p. m. Tnmaqua nt N.35 a. m. nnd 8.10 p. in. for Philadelphia, New York.Readlng, Harrisburg.At. Leave Pottsvllle via Schuvlklll and Susque hannu Railroad nt 8.15 n. m. fnrllnrrisburg, and 11.45 a.m., for Tine Grove and Trctnout. Pottsvllle Accommodation Tniiu leaves Potts vllle nt 5.50 a. m., passes Re-idlng at 7.85 a. m. arriving nt Philadelphia nt 9.60 a. m., returning leuves Philadelphia at 5.15 p. m., passing Rend ing at 7.40 p.m. arriving nt l'oitsville nt 9.80 p.m. Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Potts tow n nt 0.45 a. m., returning leaves Philadelphia (Ninth and Green,) ut 4.30 p. in. Columbia Kuilnmd Trains leave Reading at 7.80 a. m., and 6.15 p. ru. for Ephratn, Litis, Lancaster. Columbia. Ac. s returning leave Lan caster nt 8.30 a. in. nnd 3.85 p. m., nnd Colum bia nt 8.15 a. m. nnd 8.15 p. in. Perkiomen Kail Road Trains learo IYrl.!nnin 1 Junction at 7.15, ti.OO n. ni..nt 3.00 and 6.45 p. in. I Returninc.lrave Scliweuksville nt C.30,8.00 a. m., 1.05 nnd 4.15 p. in. connecting with tralvs on Reading Rail Road. ; Pickering Valley Railroad trains leavo Ph8 ! nixviile nt 0.10 a. in., 3.10 and 5.50 p. ru. ; re j turning, leave Byers nt 6.35 a. m., 18.45 noon, i and 4.80 p. m., connecting with similar trains oa : Reading Railroad. I Colcbrookdnlc Railroad Trains leave Pottstown nt 0.40 a. m., 1.30nnd 0.25 and 7.15p. m.,return- ing leave Mt. Pleawant at (1.00, R. JO and 11.85 a. I m., and 11.85 p. m., connecting with trains on j Reiuling Railroad. I Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave Bridge j port at ".HO a. in., 8.40 and 5.33 p. m. returning, li ;ne Dowmngtoii at 0.55a. m., 12.80 noon nnd I 5.4" p. in. connecting with similar I rains on Read ' lnii Railroad. (in f inv! ij : Leave New York nt K 45 p. m., I Tliila'l iilphM HtS.OU a. in. and B.15 p. in., (iho . 8.00 a. ru. train running only to Heading;) leave j Pol t-n ill.', nt 8.UO11.I11., leave' llarrisburg, 2.45a. ; in., and 8.00 p. m.; leave Allentown nt 4.25, 0.15 ; p. in : leave Reading nt 7.15a. in. and 10.35 p.m. j for Harrl-bitrg, it t 4.34 a. in. for New York, 1 at 7.80 a. m. for Atlcniovfti und nt 9.4J a. m. and I 4.15 p. m. for Phlliul.il'a. j Commutntlon, Mileage, Season, School nnd i Excursion Tickets, to and from all points at re j duced rates. j Buggnire clieckcl through : 100 Pounds B(( j gage allowed each Passenger. ' J. V.. WOOTTEN, j Asst. Supt. A Eng. Mneh'ry. Norllicrn Ceuirul Cailvvay. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. nud nfter June 10, 1S71, trains wiir run is loliows : NOinilWARD. Niagara Express leaves Sunbury nt 12.30 p. in., for Niagara Falls Mail arrives nt Situhtiry nt 4.10 p. m., nrrlvo. at Wiiliamspoit 0.45 and Kin. Ira lU.30p. m. Fast Line arrives at Sunbury nt 0.00 p. fn., ui rive at WiHiamspoi. S.I5 p. in. Erie Mai! b-nves Sunbmy at 0.00 a m ; AVil-ll.iui-pori ut b.05 a m, and arrive ut I'.linlra at l.'M a m. SOUTHWARD. Mail leaves Suniniry at 11.05 a. m., arrive nt llaiTislmrg 1.45 p. m. Erie Express leaves Sunbury at 7.40 a. m., ai -rive at llarrisliurg 9.25 a. in., Baltimore 1.15 p. in. Erie Mail leave S.i'ilmry at 12.'15 a. m., arrive at Harri?nuig i.:,0 a. in., llaliiinoic G40 a. in. Niagara Express leaves Sunbury at 0.30 p m, Ilanisliurg nt 8.15p m, arrives ut Baltimore 11.60 ) iu. SHAMOKIN DIVISION. KASTWAIlll. Leave Sunbury nt 4.0 p. m., arrive at Shamo klu 5.50 p. m., Mt. Carmel ti.40 p. m. Leave buubury ( Accommodation,) at 13.35 a. m., ariivc at Sli.imo'i;in 2.35 p. in. wr.siWAU r. Leave Mt. Curmel nt 7.00 a. m., SUamoUIn 7.40 n. m., nrrive nt Sunbury 9.55 a. m. Leave felmmoklii ( Aecomniojatiou,) nt 2.45 i M1., mrive at Sunbury 4.00 p. ru i t.vpre-s leaves daily All other trains leave dully, except 8undn. A. R. FtsKt:. Ei. S. Voi su, tien'L Sup't., Gen'l Passen'r Ag't llarrisburg, Pa. Bnlimore, lui . j Ililalelilti:t ami llrie Railroad. SUMMER TIME TABLE. On and after MoniUiv, June 81, 1872, tie Trains on the Philadelphia fc Erie Rail Road wl l re n us follows i WESTWARD. Mall Train leaves Philadelphia, " " Sunbury, " " nrr nt Erie, Eiie Express leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, " " nrt nt Eric, Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, " " air at Lock Haven, 11.30 p m 0.10 a ir 7.30 p ii. 12.30 p l.i 6.65 p m 7.40 a w. 7.50 a m 4.25 p nv 7.45 p li; Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, 7.20 u su " " " sunbury, " " orr nt Kenovo, 13.85 p c 4.15 :i ui 11.25 a ui 12.40 a m ,.40 a iu 7.50 p rn 7.40 a ra 1.20 p m 7.85 a in 10.50 a m 5.50 p m 2.25 p m 0.25 p m EASTWARD. Mali Train leaves Erie, " " " Suiiburv, " " arrat Philadelphia, Erie Express leaves Eric, " " " Sunbury, " " arr nt Philadelphia, Elmira Mail leaves Lock Haven, " " Mmburv, " " hit at Philadelphia, Niagara Fxpr-.ss leaves Reiiovo, " " Sunbury, " " arr at I'liiladelpblri, 13.01 a m Mail Eust connects east mid west ut Erie will; L. S. & M. 8. R. W. nnd nt Corry and Irvlnetcr. with Oil Creek und Allegheny R. R. W. Catluwlrsa pus-unger trains will be run east from Wllllamsport ou Erie Express, aud west, t " Willlumsport ou Elmira Mail. tVM. A. BALDWIN. (ien'l Sup'U SHOUTI.ST lll TE EAKTHARD. Dunllle, llHT.Ictou A M Ukeobarre Kail Koud. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. I.KAVC EASTWAHl). Lt.lVg WUTWAID Sunbury, 6 20 a m Danville, 7 03 " j J Catlaw'a, 7 28 " j m, lluzlcton, 9 (JS " : v ' s I : " Bethle'ui 13 10 p in j 2 I Pbira, 3 15 " ; u ) Easton, 13 35 " i N. York, 8 60 " N. York, 6 00 a in Easlon, 9 25 " Phll'a, 8 00 ' Belhle'm 10 05 " Har.loton, 1 00 p m Cttttaw'a, 8 40 " Danville. 8 30 buubury, 8 67 The afternoon tram connccisuv ouuuumj ,.u the Philadelphia & Erie, 4 85 p. in., tralu going west, arriving at Wllliamsport 6 80 and Lock Haven 7 55 p. ra., and with the Northern Cen tral 4 50 p. in., moving south arriving at Han is burg 7 00 p. ui., and Baltimore 10 45 p. id., aud also wttb the Sunbury ic Lewistowu K. R. Comfortable and handsome coaches on t-js new route. i. tTERVETKABK,