Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 13, 1872, Image 3

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    nmbnvjr American.
8UNBUBV, JULY 13, 1872.
i'lj " " - "
Railroad Tlul Table.
' P. E. n. R Goinq Nortdwakh.
KrUMall. leaves nl 0:W a tn
Niagara Express, " " P m
Mall :ao P m
Kru'KxT, " " 6:50 pm
tf. C R. W Gotjco BoemwARn.
KrloMall, leave ! 19:45 a m
Erie Express, " " m
Mall, " " 11:05 am
Niagara RTres, " " , 0:30 P m
The Erto Esprcs train remains here about
30 ailuutcs for breakfast.
fiuSBUnr A Lkwistows B. R.
Mall train leaves at 7 80 a. m., and arrives at
T.SO p. in. Fast Line leaves at 8.10 p. ui. uud
arrive at 1.50 p. ru.
Mall leaves at 13.85 p.m.. for Bhamokln and
nrrlves at 3.55 p. m. Leaves for Mt. Carmel at
4.40 p. in., and arrives at 0.25 a. in.
D. II. & W. R. R.
Trains leave for New York, via Hazlcton at
0.20 a. m., and arrives at 3.85 p. in.
Accident Insurance Tickets can bo hud of J.
Uhipman, Ticket Agent at the Depot.
Sewinq MACiiiNK.s.-Miss Carotino Dalius is the
agent for the sale of the best Sewing Machines
In exigence, vtx i "The Improved Singer,"
"Grovor .t Baker," "ITowe," and "Domestic,"
which are constantly on hand and sold at rea
sonable prices. She Is also aircnt for the cele
brated Frantz and Pope Knitting Machine. Call
and see them. Oifl:o on Market street, cast of
thfl railroad.
Wanted. A girl, or widow having no child
ren, who understands house-keeping, will find
a good home and lihcr.vl wages paid, by npply
' lug at this office. Good references required.
H. B. Masker bus just received from New
York, a new inpply of Ice Cream Freezers, suita
ble for families and saloons.
Ton u,rc. -A second hand one-horse spring
vagon is otftrcd for sale cheap. Apply to
Jno. Wn.vr.u's
Flour and Feed Store, Bprurc St., Sunbtiry, la.
' EiiVfAttn Op.ARti.vnT, of Watsoutown, received
severe wounds in the back from a hay fork, on
Monday of lust week, while nsslstlng Mr. Hess
hauling hay.
Mil. Asmtitw Fisutu, of vVutsontown, was
struck on the head by the filling nf a trco while
cutting limber on While Peer Creek, Union
county, on Monday of lust week, and killed. He
leaves a wife and two children to mourn his
WASTF.n. A boy to learn the printing bust,
ncss, will Hud a good situation by application at
this dice. One who can board at home pre
ferred. Tun coutestcd election cast of County Super
intendent of Common Schools, has beeu decided
in favor of Saul Shlpman, nud Ills commission
I. kmon.viiB and Soda WATrit. It has been
estimated that from SI, 200 to f? 1,500 were ex
pended for these bevernges, at this piaco on tire
4th of July, to sny nothing of barrels of lager
and other drinks. Notwithstanding the great
crowd and heat, but few drunken men could be
BtitOLAisT. On Sunday night nf last week
Charles Uarluian's hotel, at Monta:t:lon, was
broken into and robbed of f 30.00.
Ox Tuesday night ft week the stare of S. G.
Frey, at the same place, was entered by burglars
nnd goods to a considerable amount carried uwuy.
Tub prince of 'landlords Mr. I., (i. Sticker, of
Milton, we notice, took it novel way of spending
the Fourth. While descending the stairs for
pome oysters, h'.s foot slipped and he shot head
first to the floor beneath nud narrowly escaped
Wasiiiiuus's Last Sensation-. Mr. Washburn
gave two entertainments iu Fry's Hall, on Fri
day and Saturday evenings last, to crowded
houses. Ills present troupe of performers are
much superior to any lis has yet hud in this
place. Mr. Washburn's exhibitions are gener
ftlly of a high order, by which he has gained a
wida reputation, us well ns for being honorable
in paying all printers' bills.
In order to give the full proceedings of the
centennial celebration on the 4th, for which we
uie indebted to A. N. Briee, Esq., for a full re
port, we have issued an extra to accompany the
Ameiiican. We would also refer our readers to
the Interesting letter from the Hon. J. B. Linn,
iu another column, In reference to the memoirs
of some of the first settlers in this part of the
The New York nnd Western Theatrical Com
pany will open at Fry's Hall, on this (Friday,)
evening, and will give two of their grand enter
tainments. ThU company Is composed of artists
who rauk among the most talented lu the coun
try, and wherever they exhibit, render complete
fcatisfuction. Those who desire to see some of
lbs most popular dramas performed, should not
neglect to visit these rich entertainments. Fur
particulars, sea small bills.
We have on several occasions seen narrow es
capes of children belbg run over by the cars bo
t ween the uuw depot and Cbestuut Btrcet. One
of these cases occurred only a few days ngo,
when a child of some four or five years of age
was on the track,- and only escaped by being
takeu away whn the cars were within a few feet,
moving at a rapid rate. We think that the po
lice should be compelled to keep more scattered
along the railroad, and keep tho tracks clear so
that no accidents can happen. Boys who are lu
the bubit of climbing on cars should De made an
example of, particularly as there ia a strict law
to prohibit it.
We Want Monet, We have sent out bills to
large number who owe us on subscription, fcc.,
some two months since ; but very few have re
sponded. We are much iu want of money to pay
our expenses, which are heavy. The amount
outstanding on our books is too large for us lo
bear, and though many of them are small, they
will, when collected, aggregate a large sum to
us. Our terms are lower than any paper iu the
county, und all who desire to save by the cash
rate are requested to send us their amount of in
debtedness by the 15th of August, as after that
date our terms will be strictly adhered to, vlx i
1.50 lo advauce, or 3-00 per annum If not paid
In advance. Job work aud advertising will also
be cash.
Tut Willlamsport Oautts and JiulUtin has an
article of com plaint by the Wllllaiusport Grays,
lu regard lo their reception at this place, on the
4th. We regret that through some bluuderloe,
the Grays did not receive the attention they de
served, aud would have certainly received under
other circumstances. Tbey ought to have stated,
iiowever, that hen 'ai the Methodist Cburch,
thf were urged t wait oaly ten miiiuUs, when
they would be furbished with scuts at the table,
with as good Meat as tUt furbished, the VUe.
nieu, who bad taken up the whole table. The
Wllllamsport firemen, however, express them
selves la the .am neper, as highly ideated with
A A4r iMCmtASisft Ratm ot Fimsios to
Certain Famous Timairf DUboribed. Jti it
snaeKa by Vu Utnati and How of JRtpmtntatUf
of tin Vntttd Statu of Amtrtra tn Conijntt
bltd, That the act entitled "An net supplementary
to the several acts relating to pensions," approv
ed Juue sixth, eighteen hondrcdand slxty-stx, be
so amended that from nnd after tlio passage of
this act all persons entitled by law to a less pen
sion thau hereinafter specified, who, while In tba
military or naval service of the United States
and In lino of duty, (hull have lost the sight of
both eyes, or shall have lost both bauds, or shall
have lost both feet, or been permanently and to
tally disabled In the same, or otherwise so per
manently and tolaly disabled as to render them
utterly helpless, or so nearly so as to require the
constant personal aid and attendance of another
persou, shall be entitled to a pension of thirty
one dollars nnd twenty-five cents per month and
all persons who under like circumstances shall
have lost ono hand and one foot, or been totally
and permanently disabled In the same, or other
wise so disabled as to be incapacitated for per
forming any manual labor, but not so much ns
to require constant personal aid and attendance
shall be entitled to a pension of twenty-four dol
lars per month and nil persons who under like
circumstances shall have lost ono hand, or ono
foot, or been totally and permanently disabled in
the same, or otherwise so disabled ns to render
their fcicnpaclly to perform manual labor equiva
lent to the loss ol unhand or foot, shall be en
titled to a pension of eighteen dollars per month,
from nnd after tlio fourth day of June, eighteen
hundred and seventy-two.
Approved, June 8, 187'i.
Dkatii ok "Chazt Black Dick." That hu
manitarian of Hnrrlsburg, who has saved many
lives by his mania to save human life, died sud
denly, on Saturday morning last, while making
his accustomed rounds at the depot. There are
but few persons who have been to Harrlsburg
who have not noticed this strange looking color
ed man running along In front of each train, hal
looing lustily to everybody to clear the track, and
thousands, have looked upon him ns a public
beuefnetor. lie has been attending this sclf-lin-poscd
position for a number of years and was
never happy anywhere cise. Through hot and
cold weather "Dick" was always at his post
inking lile and limb for the benefit of others
without hope or demand of pecuniary reward.
He was kindly cared for and highly respected by
the railroad ollleluls and employees. His funeral
took place from the depot on Sunday afternoon
last, and was attended by several thousand per
sons, among whom was the Mayor nnd city otll
cials, several prominent railroad ofhcluU und
employees of the several railroad companies.
A Man Killed. Dun Updcgrall, a rivcrmnn,
living nt or near Mnnry dam, wns shot nnd In
stantly killed at Fine Statiou on the Fourth. It
seems thai scveial months ngo he had a quarrel
with a young man, which failed of settlement nt
the time. Yesterday he followed him around
dospitj the young man's cautions, and continued
to quarrel until his opponent drew a revolver and
blew out his brains. Updegralf leaves a wife aud
seven children. Miitouian.
Thanks. Ou the day following the 4th, the
onc-nrmcd soldier who had stalioued himself in
front of our office with his hand organ, on the
day of our Centennial Celebration, requested us
to publish the following enrd of thanks. Mr.
Thomas was completely overwhelmed with joy
at his good luck on that day. He stales that he
made the '-big-rest" day's work ho ever made iu
his life. Mr. Thomas is a very deserving man,
nnj all who contributed to his welfare may feel
that their money will be appropriated to good
use :
Caiio. The one-armed soldier that played the
hind oriran in front of the Sunbury Amci-i.xi of
fice. bcu leave to return his mint sincere thniiks
to t tic citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, for their
kind pal run aire which they bestowed on him ou
the 4lh of July. Yours with respect,
Jami.s I. Thomas.
Ice Ciceam TTomi: Imh stuv. Wc are happy
to state that Mr. David Fry, or this place, has
commenced the manufacture of lee crc.ira on an
extensive scale, and is now supplying ice cream
saloons nt wholesale prices. Mr. Fry has ill-)
reputation of making n superior article, nnd the
lovers of this luxury will hereafter be accommo
dated with a first-class article nt S. Nevins' sa
loon, on Third street, every day and evening.
Mr. Nevlu believes in supporting home Industry,
nnd since he Is nb'.e to procure an article nl
home, he Intends to leave the money heretofore
sent away to other towns, to be circulated iu our
midst. When Ave. or ten dollars are seut away
daily to other towns, It takes a long time before
It is returned, but when circulated at home, and
passes through different hands a few times In a
week, It makes money matters more easy aud has
the effect of Improving our own towu.
Among the fire companies admired most on the
Fourth of July, was the "Dauntless Hook nnd
Ladder," of Lock Haven, under the command of
"Bubb" Scott. Mr. Scott lias been Instrumental
lu organizing the company ns well ns a Cornet
Baud in that place, lo w hom we are indebted for
a serenade at our oftlce before leaving in the
evening train. The company as well us the
band, Is confposed of somo of tho best nieu in
Lock H.ivcu. Mr. Scott is one of the live men of
Lock Haven, and never docs things by halves.
The people of that town nro certaiuly greatly lu
debted to Lltn for his indomitable energy and en
terprise. Patent Corpse Phesekvek. This is truly nu
age of progress nud discovery. Each day pro
duces some uew achievement of science. Among
the latest achievements is au article that Is really
more useful than nny thing that we have yet
seen. It is a corpse preserver, in which a corpse
may be kept for any length of time without the
least Inconvenience to nny one. The body may
be dressed in the linest fabrics nnd placed iu the
preserver without bdug soiled. The body is
placed lu the casket where it ia'frozcn, nnd can
be kept in that state for days. B. L. Raudeu
bush, in Masouic buildings, at this place, has se
cured the right for this town, and will keep con
stantly on hand all sizes so wheu a death occurs,
the citizens can preserve their frieuds. We would
iccommeud that ull who may lose dear oucs by
sudden death, to call aud examine this extra
ordinary Invention aud be convinced that it Is
au improvement on any patent. v
On Wednesday night the store of Edward Hum.
mcl, ct the canal, between MouUndon und' the
river, was entered aud a lot of goods taken. As
yet, no clue to the burglars has been discovered.
M'altoiitvmi Iitcord.
YkstkhdaT at McEwensvlllo, a daughter of A.
T. Blsel, Jr., aged 13 years, while playing on a
scaffold at Bousb's saw mill, received a terrible
cut ou her head, which will probably prove fatal.
In falling she struck ber head first among some
castings which lay on the ground.
Tue Eastern bound mail train on the CuUw'ut
sa Railroad, while approaching White Dear Mills,
on Monday morning, ran over aud fatally Injured
child about two yeajrs old, a sou of Dauiol Nie
nau of White Dejsr. Ii Is said that the fireman
on the engine climbed down on the cow catcher
to try aud seise the child before It was struck but
failed. Tbe conductor wss so worried at the ac
cident that his train shot past New Columbia,
before he thought about slopping and ran on lo
Milton. J.fc.iu.
1n Fourth of July was celebrated In a be
coming taaaner at Milton, by a grand parade of
t Crder of Amwrran Mechanics.
Cormoit, Proceedings. Council met on Tues
day evening last, July Utb Members present
Sol. Mnllck, In the chair Irwin, Cake, Fox,
Miller, Cadwallnder, Clark. Garlnger,Groenon(rh,
W. L. Dewart, G. W. Smith, Robrlinch, aud D.
C. Dlsslngcr.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
On motion of Mr. Greenough, Henvlvttl, That
tax for borough purposes of ten mills and a
tax for road purposes of ten mills and a tnX for
poor purposes of five mills upon each dollar of
valuation of nil property taxablo for BUcli pur
poses, bo levied and collected.
Jlctolxid, That the Chief Burgess bcnuthorlzed
to employ some person to make out the duplicate
of the several taxes forthwith. Adopted.
Ou motion of Mr. Dcwnrt, tetnlvnd, That tbo
thanks of this body nro duo and hereby tendered
to the Chief Burgess of this borough, to the Chief
Marshal aud his aids, to the Chief of Police and
bis assistants, to the tire companies, military and
bands, to all othor corporations or bodies, to tho
citixen strnngors, both ladies and gentlemen, nnd
all tho Inhabitants of Sunbury, for tho highly
decorous, elllclcnt and heart cheering aid they
reutlercd ns In our Into Centennial Celebration
on the 4th of July. That we declare it us our
opinion that It wns a most brilliant success, un
approached by any other so largo a concourse
that ever canio within our knowledge, nnd that
It gives us great pleasure to make this public ex
pression of our appreciation of its merits.
Itesolvtd, That n eominltteo of live be appoint
ed to convey the thanks of this body to the lion.
A. Jordan, "for his finished nni eloquent oration,
to Gen. Simon Cameron, forhisnblo remarks on
laying out the monument ground, and to T. II.
Purity, Kq., for highly Instructive and interest
ing history and, also, our regrets to those oilier
gentlemen who were prohibited from speaking by
tho storm. Said committee nro further instruct
ed to request a copy ol each effort, whether de
livered or not, for publication and that 500
copli of tho whole proceedings of the day bo
published In pamphlet form, lor the uso of the
members of council and distribution among our
citizens. Adopted.
On motion of Mr. Cuke, Ketolvcd, That wo go
into an election of Borough Treasurer. Adopted.
Mr. Dewart nominated Gcnrgn I.von.
Mr. Fox C. DrRol'irbaeh.
Mr. Guringcr Samuel Faut, Sr.
On motion, llcnolveiU That we vote by ballot.
The yeas nnd navs were required by Mr. Dewart.
Yens Clark, Smith, Cad'valluder, Miller,
Rohrhucli and Cake 0.
i Nay (irccnongh, Garlnger, Irwin, Dewart
' and Fox 5.
On motion, iV,Ir,t.I, Tint It shall require a
majority of all the votes polled to elect u Treas
j urer. Adopted.
' The ballot resulted as follows :
; C. D. Uobibach 7 votes.
j S. Faust !i '
Ucorj;e I.yon 1 "
Mr. Rohrbacli having a majority was declared
' elected.
I On motion of Mr. (iariuger, Jm'.vtt, That we
j proceed to the election of a Borough Tax Collcc
tor. Adopted.
The election for Collector resulted us follows :
I Solomon Weaver 7 votes.
I G'.orge I.yon '.....2 "
j Joseph Eisciy ' "
I Ou motion, tiie election for Treasurer aud Col
i lector be made unanimous. Adopted.
P.ille presented nu.l orders granted :
Isaac Looser, lor hauling
W. D. Biicher, work ou road
J. F. Kirby, police service
U. W. Helm, assisting engineer
B. F. Dichl, police service
It. GuringiT, ground and toil
J. B. Elsely, work on roads
Sunbury Gas Company, for posts and gas
George l.von, work on loads
C. F. Martin
Oliver Houghton
John Sliissier
W. Wiuterstinc, hauling
George Houpt,
Samuel Muntx .".
Samuel I.ant::, hauling
John Shlsslcr, . "
Steam Fire Company for June
Hunter Byers
Extra police force on 4t!i July
bill of Fi yliug, Bowen & Kiu'.e laid
?7tt r.d j
'li 35 j
K0 XI j
10 (HI
40 bit
".P0 00
37 I'J
-4 in
-a n
us r:i
4S :.7
14 7
lfi 87 ;
7.1 lvi j
oO 0'H
5 CO !
oil the !
Bill of J. B. Heller (Thus. Farad's cods), no
orilcr granted.
On mo'.iou of Mr. CudwaHa lT, HetolraU T'
we take the ground out of Jolii Youumau's
cellar for tilling iu the square. Adopted.
Ou motion adjourned.
1'. W. GitiV, Town Clerk.
'fur. Gfinisu Stak U the title of u ntally pub
lished musical volume, by T.ev. D. C. John. It
contains a vaiicty ol the nn-st select biimlay
school songs und nnulvvrsnry pieces, and is
handsomely priutcd. lis author is well known
to our readers in tiie county an 1 the musical
world, and we congratulate him upon his sncccss
of gitling up such an Interesting work which will
give food to the musical mind of both old and
young. Those who lire taking such n lively in
terest jf our schools shornM examine this
work befoitf purchasing elsewhere.
TliB Lcwisbuig tVti'oi,;. Ji.- n-lvi-es who
de.-!re au inland paper to patronize the Harris
burg Daily Tehijiuuih. The Tdi'.jrajih is certain
ly a reliable Journal and gives just us late news
us tho Philadelphia papers. If thn publisher
could devise a way to st ud his pa pi r to this place
lu tlio ui'leruoon train, it would soon take the
load lu cireulutlou.
Ai'tfSTA, July !, 1872.
Finr.Ni ilvcht :
li Is much to bo regretted that the freiiuent
thunder bhowers, on the fourth inst., prevented
the large and attentive audience Ironi healing,
with satisfaction, Mr. Purdy's historic nunuis of
your goodly town. 1 hope it will be published,
twgether with tho able address of the lion. A.
Jordan, nnd the comprehensive mid extensive
reminiscences of the Hon. W. L. Dcwurt. Your
historian's allusion lotlie peiiod wheu the belief
in witchcraft was prevalent in your town, re
minds mo of a reminiscence yi hicU. I Uesiie to
place on record for future rcl'crcuce.
It was, I think, in 1815, that Rebecca Good
man took into confidence and employment a
colored wouiau of Sunbury, called Black Patty,
aud went ou a begging expedition over the coun
try. M heu they had gone some distance, Becky
fr&i'iiiui, as she was culled, suddenly became
blind, and was led forward by the faithful Patty.
After un cxtchsive tour they returned, laden with
the generous contributions tlicy bad obtained.
When iibutit 11 miles east of Sunbury, Becky's
eye-sight was providentially (( restored, uud she
was enable! to see clearly uud divided the spoils
with her confederate, Putty. Let none doubt 11. c
truth of this historic fact. "liccky Gorman"
was no myth. 1 lived lu your town at the time,
und knew the parties well. Mr. Purdy referred
to ber us the ipJecn of witches. Shu was real
tlesh and blood, und her (n was settled b tbo
lute Hon. Andrew Albright. She was no puu
per. If she cuuld ride through the air on a
broomstick, and practice tlio urts of the weired
sisterhood, she was one of the last of tho race
that existed iu Sunbury. 1 hey were, however,
to be loaud lu Augusta township many years af
terward. The free school system was fought
ngnluet uud kept down, iu Augusta, until 184'..
Since that time the w itches have all disappeared.
" 2V man in tin imouu" has likewise lost bis in
fluence. About 18UU a shrewd young farmer,
being ready to plant potatoes lu a well prepared
soil, dropped and covered them well ut night,
wheu the moon had set. The man In the moon
never knew of the fact, aud notwilhst Sliding tbo
sign lu tho almauau was wrong, ho had an ex
cel lent crop. (J.
ltcktolutioust ol' ltriect aud 1'oudo-IciM-e.
Wueheas, while ou his way loSiinburv, on tho
3d day of July, 187, with tbo Goodwill Fire
Company of Hnrrlsburg, to attend the Centen
nial celebration of Hunbary ou the 4th of July,
Geo. P. Lauer, an active member of said Com
pany, met bis death ou the train near Dauphin
And WuKithAs, the common sympathy existing
among lire men, calis forth our sorrow ut the loss
of auy one actively engaged in the cause, tbero
loro, MttulvtJ, That we learn with sadness that Geo.
P. Lauer, an active member ofsuij Goodwill
-Fire Company, of Harrisburg, while ou his way
to Sunbury with the "boys" to participate in the
centennial ceremonies of our town, was accident
ally killed hy-sirlking his head ugaiut a bridge
uear Daupbiu, uud without warning hurried iuto
Jtetolred, That the sympathy of the members
of Sunbury bleaiu Fire Co., No. 1, are hereby
heartily extended to the bereaved and heart
stricken parents who have beeu thus deprived of
a faithful son, and also to the brother members
of the Good Will Fire Company, of w hich he was
a member, aud lo his frluuds.
hetulftd. Thai copies of these resolutions be
published in the papers of Sunbury, and a copy
be sent by tbe Committee to tbe parents nf de
ceased, and to the Good Will Fire Company.
G. W. buirn,
A. N. tiHtcE,
Suubury, July , 1873. Committee.
List op LerrRne nimalnhur lo the Pot Office
nt Sunbury. Fa., July 10, '73 i Mrs. Mary E.
Alrlck, H. K. Ansmlth, John Bartholomew, Mist
Maggie Banglieart, Isnao Bodorff. Jno. O. A.
Cooke, Miss Morloe Cherry, Dr. Mai Cnmad.
Frnm A. Clnrk, Amos CnmptMl, H. Doeslier,
John Dlsslngef, Miss Ida Mia Erdumn, Thomns
A. F.lwell, Jus. V. Gnss, Franklin Gnult, V. W.
Grner, Georgo Gauglcr. Henry H. UolTen-llelTiir,
John Hounberirer, G. W. Johu, Win. Lav, Fran
els hud wig, William Lnnellon, John F. Mitchell,
John Mitchell, Arthur Nickels, Miss Alice Nel
dig, William l'unncbnknr, Hiram Penn, Win.
Reese, W. E. Relfsnyder, Jams Stroh, Robert
Skipp, Miss Laneard Smith, R. Thomas Truman.
Miss Alice Thorutnn. Mrs. Rebecca Thompson,
Mr. Winn. (.'has. White, Chambers Winn, Mrs.
Wiser, William W. Wynn, Mr. J. Wynn, Mrs.
DBEbS. -A inrge lot of Blank Deeds, Mortga
ges, Bonds, and nil kinds of Justices' Blanks for
sale at this oOlce.
Time and enlightened cxperlenco have shown
that certain substances formerly used and relied
ou In medical practice, nro unnecessary and dan
gerous yet some of these substuuees have found
their way into medical compounds. Dr. Walker's
California Vinegar Bitters, however, contain
nothing Injurious, being composed exclusively of
vegetable substances from California. For all
disorders of the liver, kidneys, bladder, skin, ami
digestive organs, nud for purifying the blood,
they arc tfio iiiostonderful remedy known. J:i0
Business Notices.
Foit Sale. A one-horse pedlar wagon it offer
ed for sale cheap. Apply nt S. Faust's hat stoic,
Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. jl.",St.
There Is no disputing the fact that J. F.
Scha Her competes with any tailor in tho country
in making up fashionable clothing. HU goods
are selected with the greatest care, and none ever
compluiil of not getting a llrst-class article,
wlieu made up ut his establishment. Call at the
corner building, opposite the Central Hotel.
Tub many suits worn on the 4th, which were
made up by T. G. Nott, merchant tailor, on
Third street, were so much admired by visitors,
that a largo number of orders were left for new
suits, to be sent to different paits by express.
It i a singular fact that wherever garments arc
made at Mr. Nolt'e establishment, there arc sure
to be new orders seut iu.
Aiifaii Acuin. Win. H. Miller, the enterpris
ing hoot anil shoo dealer nt the Excelsior store,
on Market Square, purchased tho tirst ticket sold
at the new ilepol, nt this place, on Monday of
lust week. Mr. Miller Is always wide awake in
business, mid manages to get ahead everywhere,
pnriiculai ly In boots und shoes. lie gels the
best a I tide at I lie lowest prices, nnd then gives
his customers t lie benefit. Men liko Mr. Miller
make lively towns, and their patrons are ulv.ivs
Stylish Si-kino and Summer Hats. A large
supply of stylUli Spring nnd Summer Hal to
suit all fancies and taste has Just been received
at S. Fau-t's store, Market Square. Aspeci-illy
ill straw hats j and the lightest, coolest and neat
est hat iu use I the ventilated cassimere hat. A
large stock to select Iron), stylish good and rea
sonable prices, (.'all and examine beforo pur
chasing tbcw here.
Dot.i.v VAiiniNSut Wcimcr'b.
Irish 1'oi'i.iNsut Weimer's.
Plaid I'liri.iNS at Weimer'K.
I'i.ain l'ni-i.iN-s nt Weimcr's.
Chintzes l Weimcr's.
Si-kind Shawls at Weimcr's.
An i-ndless variety of Goods for L.i.lies', Gent's
and CbiUli-ens wear.
t'.M.T. and see for yourelve.
No trouble to show Goods.
Syft'Iitl Notices.
Oh Jinn-Just'. Ess-ays for You :g Men, on
Great Social Evils and Abuses, u hicli interfere
will. Marqage, nnd ruin the happlnese of thou
sands. with sure incurs t f relict for the ErriiiL'
ami I'nforliinate, deceased an I debilitated, tent
iu sealed letter envelope, free of charire.
Address, Howard Association, No. !.', South
Ninth St., Pliiladeli l.iu, Li.
1L'iLLSHl:D as a and for the h-n. lit
ol jowh.7 "i.''i nm? c.'i-T.i v,-, i sutr-r from
Neivoub Debility, Lou of Muuhood, etc., sup-
Wiittcn by one who cured himsell, after undrr
irointr considerable quackery, and sent fice on re
cciviiig n post-p.tM directed- envelope.
Address. NATllANIKI. MAYFAli!,
Junes, 'i'.'. (iinos. Brooklyn. N. Y.
to the urnxitiM;.
The I'x'V. Willi am 1 1. Norton, while residing
ill lirizil as a missionary, discovered ia that
land of medicines a remedy for ( osst mi-iios,
(.Vinn'i i.v, Soijk Tiiki'AT, (.'oriiiis. Count,
Amiim.v. aso Nkuvoi sj Wl'aknkss. This r-ni-city
h i" cured myself alter all other medicines
bad failed.
Wi-blnj, to benefit the suHV-ring. I will send
the recipe for preparing and nsimr this remedy to
nil wh desire 11 lllKK OF I'll A KG P..
Plcane sen I an envelope, with your name and
uddress ou it. Address,
Oel. Hlbil. ly. Ni:w Yoiik City,
5 " -
3 i
t .s
2.5 I?
5 C
G 5
W r? "
K 2
2 2
6. "3 . im
-a S H cl
F o a w
V a o
Ti t-
s i' x ii i it v iii it u ltk.
I'lour uiitt priiiu iYIarhrf.
Fxtra Fiimily (1 3.00 Red Wheat, p. bu.,
ltiick lic.a, ji. ct., S.Od live, '
Com Meal, " S..VI Corn,
Wheat Bran, p. bu. l.AU Buckwheat
Shorts, 2.00 Oats, 8'J lbs.
Com iV Oats Chop, y.Otl Flaxseed,
liuiotiiy Beeu, p. 0. 5.UJ
I'rodtic-e MMrkrt.
Potatoes, 50 Hams, 15
Fggs, per doz., 15 Tallow, g
Butter, per lb., yn Count iv Snap, H
Lard, " pj Dried Apples, 14
Sides, " IU! " Peaches, 1
j Shoulders, 10
Ml'Mll'ltY t'O.VL MAItHirr. '
Eifg uud Stovo 1 3.50 Run and Stove J1.50
Cheotuut U SO Cliot nut 8.50
Pea 1.50. Pea 3.50
At Sbniuokiu Dam, on tbegCtbof June, KATE
KEESF.R, daughter of George A. and alary A.
Keeser, aged 6 years and 11 days.
, jitlo bbtrti&cmfnts
"VT" OTICE Is hereby glvcu that on the nine.
jL tcenth day of March lust past, the petition
of tho Northumberland County Agricultural
Society was presented to the Court of Commou
Pleas of Nbithiiuiberluud county, praying tbe
Court to add curtain amendments lo lis ( ou
slituliou, which said amendments were and re
main filed in tho Prolhonotary's olllee of the
said county, aud unless aullleicnt reasons be
shown to tho contrary ou or before the llrst
day of uext term, tho prayer of the petitioners
will be granted Uf-reeutily to the Act ol Assem
bly in such cases made and provided.
WM. D. HAVrr, Proth'T.
Sunbury, May S4th, 19,3. '
.A-N .AJ?2?JDAXi
To Debilitated l'crsons,
To Dyspoptics,
To Suflorera from Liver Complaint, . .
To thoso having; no Appetite,
To thoso with Broken Down CotiHtitu
tona, . To Kcrrous People;, .
To Children Wasting Away,
oany with Dubilitntcd DifrcBtlvo Organs,
Of Buffering witk any of Vie following
& jH.'ffii, tohkh indicate hitovdertd Liver
inch as Con- .
. stlpntlon, Inward
Piles, Fullness or
Blood tn the Hcnd, Acid
ity of the8tomnch, Nausea,
Heartburn, Disgust for Food,
Fullness or Weight in the Stom
neh, Sour Eructations,Sinklng or
Fluttering nt tbo Pit of the Stoni
nch, Swimming of tho Head, Hur
ried nnd Ditllciilt Breathing, Flutter
ing at the Heart, Choking or Suffocat
ing Sensations, when III a 'Lying Posture,
Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before tho
Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Hcnd, Deficien
cy of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin
nni byes, Pain in the Side, Hack, ('hen,
Limbs, Ac.,' Sudden Hushes of Heat,
Burning in the Flesh Constant Im
agining of Kvll, und Great De
pression of Spirits.
Iloollaiul's German Bitters.
A Bitters without Alcohol or Sptri'a of nny kind.
Is lUlferenl from all others. H is composed ol
the pure Juices, or Vital Pi. in. ii-i.k or Boots,
Hkuii and Dakks, (or ns mctlicinaily termed F.x
tructs,) the worthless, or inert portions of tho In
gredients not being used. Therefurn In one bot
tle of this Bitters there is contained as much me
dical virtue as lll be found in several gallons of
ordinary mixture. The Roots, Jcv., used In this
Bitters nro grown in Germany, tliclr vital princi
ples extracted li! that country by a scieiititle Che
mist, and forwarded to the mnii'ifactory in this
city, where tlicy are compounded and bottled.
Containing no spir tnous ingredients, this Bitters
is free from the objections urged against all oth
ers : no desire, for stimulants can bo Induced
from their use ; they cannot make drunkards,
and cannot, under nny circumstances, have nny
but a cll'cct.
Was compounded for those not Inclined to ex
treme bitters, ami is intended fi r use in cares
when some alcoholic stimulant is required in o i
nection with the tonic properties of the Bitters.
Knell bottle of the Tonic contains one bottle of
the Bitters, combined with puree SANTA ( Ill'Z
KUM, and liavored in such a manner that the ex
treme bitterness of the bitters is overcome, form
lug a preparation highly ngiecable nnd pleasant
to the palate, and containing the medicinal vir
tues of the Bitters. The price of the Tonic Is $1.
50 per Bottle, which many persons think too
high. They must take into consi.leration that
the stimulant used is guaranteed to be of a pure
quality. A poor article could lie ritrnishcd nt a
cheaper price, but is it not better to poy a lillle
more and have a good article f A meil',iinal pic
paration slio'ild contain none bat the tiest ingre
dients; an I t hy who evpect to obtain n cheap
cnmponii I, and b- beucliltcj by it Mill most cer
tainly be cheated.
IIoflauI's Goriduii Ititlorn. or
LAND'S Poiloiilijtiiil S'ill,
111 cure yon. Tlicy arc the Greatest
BLOOD PUinriEBS known to the MeiUcal
world, and ill eradicate diseases arising from
impure blood. Debility of tiie Disgestive Organs,
or Ids used Liver, In u shoiter time than any
other kiiuwu remedies.
Wnn win i.o amc ran Your Dicnii ir-. ami
S ri:;,ii-:i Testimony !
Hon. Gkorok W. WiniiWAiio, formerly Chief
Justice of the Supreme Court of I'cip-.sylvanlu,
nt present Member of Congress fruiu Pennsyl
vania w litis i
Piiil.Aiiu.riliA, March lOi'n, l'tO-T.
I Uud "ilooll mil's O il-man Bitters" is a t'oo.l
tonic, useful in diseases of the diirestive in guns,
and of Zi al bcitchl ill cases of debility, and
want ot ucrvoas actinii in tbe system. Yours,
lm;y, n:.0. V. VYuuiYi A !.D.
Hon. J ives Timmi'son, Cliicl Justice of tlio Su
preme Co:i;t uf Pennsylvania.
Piiii..viiLM.i-U! t, April ::, ISO.
I consider -lIootl md's German Billeis" a val
uable medicine In caao of attacks ol In 11-;eiioii
or Dy'pi'p-hi. 1 can certify tiiisiioin my expe
rience of it.
llon. (iiionct: Sit i:swioi, Justice of the Su
preme Court of Pennsylvania.
l'MILAUEl i-niA, June 1, 1S08.
I found by experience that 'lloni,tnd's
German Bitters'' U a very good tonic, relieving
dvs;ept!c siiuptoins almost dlrcctlv.
Hon. H'.. F. j! e4-fi-, -Mayor of the Citv of Bul-
faio, N. Y.
Mayor's Olticc, Buffalo, Juue !.':), lsr.r,.
I have lucd "llooll.ind's (ierinan Bitters and
Ton'u:"' iu my family during the past year, and
can i imiucud tie -in us nu excellent tonic, im
parling tone and viscor to the system. Their ti c
lias been productive of dccl ledlv benellciai ef
fects. WM.V, LOG LI'S,
Hon. Jui,:t 3. Hoik.', Kx-Mayor of Williams
port, Pa.
1 take great pleasure In recommending "ltoof
lnnd's Gennan Tonic" to any one who may bo
atllicted with Dyspepsia. 1 bad the Dyspepsia
so badly It was impossible to keep any foo l on
my stomach, and 1 became so weak us not to be
ulile to walk half a mile. Two bottles etl'ectod a
perfect cure. JAM MS M. WOOD.
' Will Cure every I'usu of
r.un ASM us ,
or Wnstit)!; away of tlio Hotly.
Arc tbo medicines you require, to purify the
B'.ood, excite tiie torpid Liver to healthy action,
and to enaole you lo pass safely through nny
hardships or exposure.
p o d op u y l Ljy,
or sulislittite for Mercury Pills. Two Pills n
Dose. The most Powerful, yet Innocent Cathar
tic known.
It Is not necessary to take u handful of these
Pills lo produeo Hie desired effect j two of them
act iiiiekly nnd powerfully, cleansing tho Liver,
ftoinuch and Bowels of all Impurities. The
principal Ingredient is Podopliyllin, or tbe Alco
holic Extract of Mandrake, w hich is by many
times more powerful, acting ami searching thau
thu Mundrukc itself. Its peculiar action is upon
the Liver, cleaning II speedily from nil obstruc
tions, with all lho power of Mcieury, ycl free
fro-u I he injurious results nltacUcd lu thu use of
that mineral.
For all diseases, lu which the use of a cathar
tic is indicated, these pills will give entire satis
faction in every cuse. They never fail.
Iu cases of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia uud ex
treme costivencss, Dr. llootluiid's Gcinmn bit
ters or Toulc should be used iu connection w ith
tho Pills. The tonic effect of the Bitters or To.
uie builds up the system. Thn hitters or Tonic
purities the Blood, strenutbens the Nerves, regu
lates tho Liver, ai.- -jives strength, energy uud
Keep your Bowels active with the Pills, aud
tone up the system with Bitters or Tonic, und uo
disease can retiiiu the hold, or even assail you.
lleco'.lect thai it is DR. HOUFLAND'S GER
MAN kemeuics that are so universally used uud
highly recommended ; nnd do not ullow the
Dri-Hglst to ludiica you to lake nnytbiug else
(bat be may say Is just us irocd, becaiue ho
makes a larevr profit ou it. These ItcmcJu w 111
be sent by F.vpress In nny locatltv, upon applica
tion tot lie PKINCIPAL OFFK'K, at the G K It
CHAS. M. EVANS, proprietor.
Formerly C. M. Jackson & Ci. These Keuie
dies are for 8a lo by DrutrvistS, fctoi t-kecpers, aud
Mtdiciuij Ueaicii sicrywtijte.
Wells' Carbolic Tablets
Foh Cowiiir, Colds ft TIoahsfness.
Thoso Tublcts present the Add in Combination
with other tUlclent remedies, in a popular form,
for tho Cure of all THROAT nnd LUNG Di
seases. Hoarseness and Ulceration of the Throat
arc Immediately relieved nnd statements n re con
stantly being sent to the proprietor of relief in
cases of Throat difficulties of years standing.
CAHTIOX. Don't be deceived by worthless
Imitations. Get only Wells' Carbolic Tablets.
Price 25 cts. per box. JOHN O. K ELI.OOU,
Bend for Circular. H Piatt street , N. Y.
jl3,w Solo Agent for United Stales.
C61Kr A MONTH easllv made with Slen-
V AkJVJ eil and Key-Check Dies. Secure cir
cular and Samples, ,-. S. M. SPF.NCEB,
Ji:),4v. Bratllehoro, Vt.
Wo will send n handsome Prospectus of our
New li.i.t strated Family Bihi.k containing
nearly 600 fluo Scripturc-llluniiitlons to any
Book Agent, free of charge. Address,
Jl.l.fw. Philadelphia, Pa.
DIO LF.WIS' New nnd Greatest Work Is an Im
mense success. 1 St It IhuU-nnd In press. Agents
delighted and coining money, Airenis Wanted
I everywhere. GKO. M At'LlCAN, Pub'lsher.
j JI3,4w t'-w transom street, l'bila.
j AGKNTS, we will pay you ?IJ pir we.el; In
1 cash, if you will engage with us at ?:rr.. Kiery
1 thing famished ami cxpern-s paid. Ad.lress,
: jia,4iv. F. A. ELLS ifc CO., Charlotte, Mich.
rplI H no I!ti:sil)iig t '
I 1. By sending 35 t'ce.t i lib ,nge,
j height, color of eyes und hair, yon will icci-ive by
I return mail, a correct picture of your future
, husband or wife, with name and date of M.u
: finite. Address. W. FOX.
I J13.4W. P. O. Drawer, No. C4, Fultoiivllle, X. Y.
VF.TN VVi'M for the Antoblo
graphy of Hornet- (;rt-i-l(y. A m-w
illustrat -d edition now icudy. Gel llii the only
edition written by himself and endorse I bvtlie
Tribttiir. Also, the Life and Times of 1 . K.
s.i-otiC, by Hon. J. T. Headlcy ; mni o ir
Oltipulgti .13iuk'I for'nll panic-, in-t
out, p;Ue i. ")!). One Agent sold l!0 in three
days. Splendid Ste-I Pm-trnil.s of Greeley, also
of Grant. i'MO a month ininlc scliing the above.
K. It. TP BAT, Publl-h-r.
jl.1,4rt , S :5 lir.-aii-vay N. Y.
Agents'. Agents! Agents!
Send for descriptive circular uti.l special leuns
for tiie greatc-t campaign book publish'.'.! :
McClellan's Republicanism in America.
Owing to the present political excitement, will
sell for the next six months !i';e wild I'.r,.y I- ti.o
moct reliable-hook In the maiket.
J. .M. STODDAU!) .V Co., Puh'l.'h r(
Jl3,4w. T;;j Siiifoin Street, Piiibi.
I It is not a physic vvl
vhich may give tenii -ornr-
j re.icf lo the MMlcrer
. which, fiom cm tintr
for tho 11 ml few doses, but
d use brings riles and l,:u-
i (I red iliseu i s to aid in '
i wciikriimg the iuv.ui.I. u:r
is it a doctored liipu-e,
e, which, under tiie ioiilar
name ot "Bitter-.
so extemiveiv pa ined oh
on Hie pubil" :i sovci
crelgn remedies, but It is a
i most powerful Tonic
1 and alterative, pronoiii.cid
i so by the lraclln; me,!
! and Pari-, un l lia- be
i-.-ii anUioiltie.s il Londfit
e:i luii- ii.-ed tiy tl.e ri e-..i;...
lihvsieians of i.-llui c:
i-antiles Willi vioiideilul K--
j uud'al results.
retail. j a'l the ine.licul viit-.tes pecu'.Iir to tie'
! plant lU'd must be takcll ai a pel lnniitnt cnr.itl e
j agent.
! is there want of act ion !ti your I.ivcv A- Spleen ?
I'n'.cSH rc iuved nt hi-,k, t'.ic blond Ii annics un-
pure by d.'.cieriiitw secrctinns, rodneini;' srrof'i-
1. His or skin diseases, l'doiches, Felons, Pu.-talvs,
Canker, Pi-npVs, iVc, t:r.
Take Jurnbebi. to i!i a use, purify and fi.-lo:c
tin- vitiated blond to heulihy iution.
Have you a Dyspeptic Mtoniitch I'nh ,-s di
gestion U promptly ai icd the system i il.
l;-d with lo-s of vital force, p..v.Vly nf the bioi d,
Dropsical ln iemy, General Weakness or La- 1
tude. Take it to assist Digestion without reliction, it
Will impart youthtul vigor to the weaiy sutler! r.
Have you weakness of tho Intestines? You (
are in danger nf Chronic Diarrhoea or the ilicad
ful liillaiumalion ol the Bowels.
Take it to allay irritation and ward oil tenden
cy to lullaiiunatioiis.
Have you weakness of the Uterine or I'rinary
Organs f You imisl procure iustai t relief nrjou
uie liable to suffcrim: worse thin death.
Take it to st n-ngt hen organic we.ilincss or !!:'c
becomes a burden. :
Finally It should be frequently taken to keep
the system in pel feet IhmIi Ii or you arc othern ice
lu gleu! dani;.. r of malarial, luiasiiu.tic or conta
gions disease, '
JOHN (i. KF.I.IIC.G, l Plait St.. N. Y.
Sole Aeenl fur the I'nltc l s.
Price, I per Holtle. .S-u.! lor Circular. 4v
j An Army of Live A .-ciits wanted to fell a iu w
. In'.llit it ill! V illustrated :,ul.i-Ci Ij t loll edition of one
I Of the lielle-t gdllA III 1 il era t arc, of!
j fat'.ic and siirpa.-sing cxcelience.
; Ilobinson Crasoo,
I A t) lcndid octavo, over nCu pases, cream tinl
i eil paper eb gant t Indies.', only i-J.5 . A marvel
' of cht'iip'K-s ! A mine of winlib ! It is tin:
j most lure, i.pular, handsome und cheap book
i extant, and will outsell nil others. For ten-...',
j ii.blro.-s, HUBBAi: l LliOS., Pulilislief.
I jl3,lw 7 'U bansoui M , Phil'a.
I Now at work, or looking for some new book, w ill
. miss It if they do not at once write for circulars
j of the best celling book published. F.vtraoiiliii-
n ry iiiuuci-uients oil. red. I'ntiis nioic Hum il ui
ble m.uiev. Outfit free. Address, F. M. LK.LD,
Kb-hili street, New York. j .'l) 4v.
A ( i E X T S ,V A N T K D
for oosrKi:i'.s
Presidciillal Campaign Hook
F.vei'j C li' lYituts It.
Also, for CAMPAIGN GOODS. Address
CiOGDSl'lCKD'sKMJ lKKri VLtsiilNfl IIoOi:
107 Liberty St., New York ; or, Cincinnati, O.
AU:TN WAXTKI-for the Lives of
And tiie leading men of all panics. Oven lJ
Steix PimiKAirs. Just the book wni.ted by 'he,
Masses every where. Agents meet Willi wonJ.-i-fitl
success. Send for I irciijar nnd scenn- l.-rri.
tory at once. Addrc.-s, .IlK.LLKtk JUCl'kln ,
OlfJ Arch street, Philadelphia. J'Jij lr.
Kenuc-,1'! Ilriiiloi-L. aud
The proprietor has, by ihe as
sistance of eininuil I'hVMclaus and
.Tieuilsts. snccocd-'d lu uil'ij'.n
thu medicinal v-ropoU-d c. l.lained
ed lu the Oil, I nch uud Hosiu of
tho Memloek Tie', and obtained a
Valuable preparation lo lie applied
us a Sulvu or Piaster for Kbc.iii.a
tism. Croun. Pain or tsoreuess ol
h- tiie Back, Chest or Clou nch. Pilis,
jO- '.It l;iuuni, r-ciu vy, Sores, Clcers.
Bunions, tore C..rn, Kiwt Bites,
t tinuiuiiis, Pore Breiisis ami Nipple,, Riiisworint,
Chilling Hiid skiu diseaso ' f iiitbiuiuuilory na
ture, t HAKLKtJ N. CltlTTEN lO., Agent,
jai-4w. 7 Hlnh Aveuue, New Yolk.
First Premium JL V Am. Intl. 71.
rtoiibte Klevated C"vcn. Wf.riuiutf Clocl. BrolU
Ing Door, hi-n.i.-r Guard, liumplnir hii.I Hiaking
Grate, Dlicct Urals. Fl'LIXK. WARULN i
CO., 238 Water btreet, Kv Xuik. j : w.
nTSiti i li mmlHTill
: WaUx A Bright,
Third Bit-set, opposite tin- J'-jjre & '.'
. . ,l-.lillltlie,
have opened ail-Ealing House, nnd furnish
.t-Hl4 nl tll Hums'.
Ml kinds of Game in season. Fish, Tin tie, Oy
lets, itc, nro Beivcd tip ill the beat style. .
Families suppling w.'th Tnr'.lo Soap, Ac, at
the shortest notice. -. . .
The best of Malt Liquors at the Hat'.
Jane S'J, 1H73. tf.
V. If. Blahks,
Decorating nnd Paler Hangirg done hi tho
h'ti'-t improvid style.
Or leis solicited, w hich v ill Tl"-. Ive at
teniion. Mesbletice lii Pur.let'iwn. Emcr'.cK's b'.iililii.g.
Snnhuiy, May U,'lM-'.-tr.
e f tlic largest and mo..l T: hlomible st.ick of
Cloths and Cr.ssimercs
of every ".ra.le, anj
! (jciitloiiit-'ny lM.ini:i!1,in Uou.-', at
la Miihi' liloul:, Th'rd direct, to door? below
I Market,
I The most lus'i' ipablu elotliing niauu t-j order
from every varb'ty ol" U'S'ds.
Suits of ail sizes ia uie up at the shorter! no
tice, from tV- be-t sc.lecti;! sto.-V in New Yoil;
1 nn i Philadelphia.
I Call und be convinced. -
tiios. g. :;ott.
I Apii! 20. 1S7J.
In inedtrlqe to which the sffllrtefl
aru atwvw pniwl t,t relief, tlio (llseover-r be
lieve tie has c'aiMucd tf' A'vaoty more nf .'.
t ire's mo-t sovei-eiii curative properties, v.hi.a
Gad has in'ti'.k-l l-i Cu veetn'ilo kingdom fur
h-.-aliir tie- si'. k, tliau v.-et-e ever before coa.Mncl.
in nao m 'die-in-. Tn.) evidence of this fact ii
found in I'l'i grest v.-.ri 'iy of ino.-t ob-linute
w'.ilrh I' im beeii f mud l-j cuiiquer. Ill Hi
care of Uroiicliltlsi, Severe t'DULlis,
and the tvU fia.; of f '. Hsu IU ptloil, it ha
astouishl fii rn-dicil f.i-uhy, and eininoht phy
siciaa, pronoun ? it I 'i j ;i-eai st ineilieat illsei)T
ry of thi sa'. Wliil.t it cares the severest t'ouilis,
it str.-n ;tii -u t n svstein aud lurlfle (too
bload. 1' Iti greit ui. 1 tlinrnn .-li! pmifj -pr
irls, i; cur.M s.l ttumorn, froin ilia
wost bci-otula toa roinai i i rlioicn, Plnt
plo, or EanipliOlii Meeurial disease, Mia -rsl
P.ilstm, a.iTt'aeir eTe' i-, ro i .-sdleased, si-.d
vl-anns hestili aid smia l onstitiiliiia cslali-li-Utl.
i:ryiipeta, Milt ttln uni. 1'ercr
Koruit, Scnly or Itouirl, Sit 111, lu shui-t,
all i n na-rt-'r-ias iti-'-a-eH e.eiseil by bad blood,
are c i i-wr.-d by tail powerful purilj big and in
vL"i .i.ia : in- Hcin.-.
If yet reel dull, drowsy, delillltuted. have sallow
cot ir of sk'U, or y.jlHv. iU spots on face i.r freipteat he'.i la. 'i i or, bad tate rn
maiitti, laternil h-:"it or c'.iilN ulteruatcd with hot
flushes, low spirit, nnd tlnoiny fiircboUinip1. tr-re-r'alar
appetite, .vvl tu-in : roalen, ynn are sufTer
In'it from Torpid Liver or "lllllous-.
Uoss.'' la in. my ei.-u.i nf "I.lvcr t'oui
pliliilt " oulv part of these symptoms are exiio
rienced. A a r.iniedv for oil such cases llr.
1'lerce's Gulden Medical Discovery has no equal,
ns it effects perfect cur-js, leaving the liver strength
ened s-i l healthy. For the cure of llnbltunl
llouvtl palloil of the bowels It is a nevnr fail
ing real vly, aud Ilio-o who havo used it for this
purpose aro loud in its pniis.
The proprietor offers fl,"00 reward for a medl
cine that w ill cnnal it fur the euro of all the dis
eases for which it Is recommended.
S ld bv druLif ts at ft per holtle. Prepare by
It. V. Pierce, M. f , Sole Iroprlctor. al his (.'hemt
si Lahorat'irv. VU Sensra street. Buffalo, N. V.
iicud your (iddrgsa Ut a ptucpUl-'t.
Tl) IJiiOK .VJKN"i'."5.
n l!55i 't'H.llV.-; -Xl.W IM.Oli,
i- re i lv for Cariv.,...-crs. It is a i-nnipauiou vol-
ume lo "Inm. i:is Anuovi," of which lot,tIO
, ciipbs h.iVj sold. IJ.iu't wasic Cine on
h'to!.- no .en: wants, but take one people will
-l,.p you in 1 he st'-."-t I i s'lh-ci ihe lor. "Tlicio
i-a I ;n:c to ir. :'.."' and nil win, read tills book,
see e c i . 'y tlial Cm-' bis c-"!".-. Apply :.t once
.-r I. :i'.l-..-v or i- i, -l.l:t".
1 DCr l'I' !' Vr:JM!..'.I. PublULer,
'11 .u r.-i:i i'.x.vl. I'hil.iitelphi-i.
(i, tv. vn.:;!'.:!:. u. a. ha.:-.'
.Nov.- Goods I
; Uvy ( li hmIs, Aotiint.-s. Funiir.liinj
i (mio;!.:, (iiii-t'i'K'S, Oil Cloths "
j fi las ami Xails
I of i-verv ailelv. at one low plici,'
! . ' in
Ki:i:ri: n & iuss stoiie,-
Corner of Fourth and Market Jftrvvls,
tl NLL l.Y, PA.
All kin I- of Grain taken in exchange same a
e.ish. ('nil and ce us.
KF.r.FFU i GASs:.
Sanb ii-y, A ill J', 1-T'i.
Has in slot k and eont inity icciv ing Novelties
in hi iine, cmsisiiuu in jrail ol u i-ill line of
AJIU'IK'AX U.t'l t lKi,
F.lgiti. liliiiiils. lb. ward .to., Wallln-n.,
nnd IJo' A M i'.KK ' A.N IV'Aft
Also, it full m i of Ladles, and (.. id's Gold und
fcilvci SaL-s Watches.
Ho-nati tiold :. is, pink poral au l O.ild set:,. KhiL'S, Se-.-Ulacci nud l'cnJ.ur.a, Onyx nir.l
Jet J.-Wc'l V.
Nilid Silver-ware of hli-r'.Iug puriit, made to or-d-r.
Bridal aul Presen'ation tfi-.vs. Knives
Forks and tspoons in ai -s, also, a full line of
Mlv.-i- Ple'cil G. ids. Tea Pels, f.-e Water .-'cl
I'.ibil islaiids. t 'uke Baskets, Cin e I'rns, Fork.!
kud Spo. Hi.- -trel.'i plated, ih" best in t;.e lu.ll Lets
If you v.tltu your Lycsigl.t, use the Peifict
Lii-e.-, urocud IVoin in'.nuta Ciist'c Peliblee nicl
tej lotellicr, ami d.-uvc thei-c nuinc ' Diaiooiid"
on iiri-o'iiit i f th.-.c bardiKL, nnj,
Tb. J will last miiny years without t-lpune, mi.l
vvariHiiled tuperior to nt) ntbers in Use.
TAB! V. CL'l LKP.Y."
Ivory, Pearl uud .'.1.1..I li .i.dlta ill citu sup
plied lo Older.
. LOldUS.
A full ,issi.tnienl of Ll-.-bt dny slid Thirty.
In. llr fi'vi.r, ao ( nlmder .t lucks ol ll disciip Pnsravlng (lone at lla slioite-t notice.
Wnlcan, Clmk nnd Jcneliy, hcj aired und
Satlr tacilici Wall. ilit.ed.
All goods wl.l I e . Id al the very I.owe.t Clsli
Prices. Fvcry body Is cordl.t'ly lav if cd uiCafl aud"
ICxaiuiac lot Ibeninivcs.
Dou'l loi t:-l I'' ri cc.
1. . rllANNCy."
Cunbuiy, Dv. ! If.
. AIT. I3C.T.OM..