THE PLOT AC.AIXST HAtlLEY. CHAPTER I. HOW 9I1E I'LOT ORIGINATED. Xenr noon, tho 5th of Soptoiubcr, 13j2, a mnn Inboriujj under grent excitement wits walking hurriedly up Broadway, New Turk. His features were flushed nnd con ' vulsed, his glances wild nnd restless, his whole mien indicative of keen nnguish. Turning to the right into UlcecUer street, 110 soon rrnehed a plain three-story and basement brick house, to which he gavs himself admittance. 'Are you there, RtiLh (' he called from the hall. A step was heard oveVhcnd, followed hy tho rustling of a dress, nnd a young lady descended the front stairs. Despite several ftoints of marked contrast., there was a fanil y likeness about the couple thai proclaim ed them to he brother nnd s'nter. 'Why, what's the matter, Luke ?' cried the latter, starting at sight of the disturbed countenance that met her view. 'Are you 111 V" 'I've just reoived bad news,' replied the brother, leading thtf' way into the parlor 'news which has given mo a terrible shock.' 'Shocked ? Yon ! What has happened?' 'In a word, Clara Aymar is married !' 'Married !' echoed the sister, recoiling. 'Clara Aymar married I Is it possible V 'Yes, married ! the girl I've been laying siege to for years past the only girl I ever cared a piu for. Imagine tho shock this event gives me. I'm nearly crazy.' "Then you really loved her V '7.iii'ffher 1 I must have icora'iijo? her, or clco this thing would not have so com pletely upset me.' 'Oh, as to that, thu loss of a thiug always gives us an exaggerated notion of its va lue,' taid the sister philosophically, as she sank languidly into tin easy chair, nnd smoothed out ii fukl in her showy morning robe. 'You are simply shocked, as you pay. But by to-mor row you will laugh at the whole matter.' 'Don't Until 1' implored the brother, Biiikiug heavily iuto the nearest chair. 'Clara Aymar is more to me than my life ! My love for her is a delirium I It's uo 6u"ch passing fancy as you suppose, hut an everlasting passiou a rajie a llood of molten lava 1 And I've counted all along upon mnrryiDg her. True, she has reject ed iue twice, but I thought she'd change her mind ' 'She was in no way committed to you ?' No, of course not. She has nevcr'givcu mc any encouragement. But I am none tho less surprised. 1 sitppoaed that every thing was favorable enough to my wishes. 1 kuew that she was still young to marry an orphan without money and without friends presumably without suitors ; and I flattered myself thut she couldu't always remain insensible to my attentions.' 'You reasoned wisely enough, of course, Luke ; but reason nover decides these mat ters,' declared tho sister, with a sort of con temptuous compassion. 'A v. hiui-a chance meeting a smile or a word a moment's weakness auy tritle these are the things by which marriages are brought about. But who is the bridegroom V 'Ah ! that's a poiut that will touch ymi a lit tie, I think. Cau't you guess who he is ?' 'I haven't the least idea.' 'Well, then, he's Will. Ilawley.' The Bister sprung abruptly to her feet, clasping both hands to her heart. The changing colors of her brother, his agita tion, his anguish, ail passed to her own features. "Will. Ilawley 1' she gasped. 'Oh, you -don't mean it, Luke I' 'But I do though. It's God's truth. Clara Ayinnr and Will. Ilawley are hus baud and wile.' A heavy fall succeeded. The sister had fainted. She lay upon tho lloor as one -dead. 'Did she think that much of Ilawlev V muttered the brother, astonished. 'I didn't suppose ' lie hastened to bring a pitcher of water and bathe the white features, and then set hur.sell to chilling the clenched hands. Capt. Luke 1'cdder was tweutv-seven .years of ago, with an origiually light com plexiou, which had reddened with generous Jiving and bronzed with cxnosuro i wind nnd suu. Iiis form was of the average size nnd height, and his features of tho most ordinary typs. He was singularly selfish and unscrupulous, but ol gentlemanly manners, bcina well educated and used to good so ciety. His ability as a navigator was fair tor a mau ot ins nge and experience, but lie owed h;s position us coiumauucr ot a lino Australian clipper, more to respect for iiis fate lather una to sympathizing lavor than to his own merits. Miss Ruth IVdder was two years young' er than her brother, nud consequently twenty-five years of age, although she own ed to only twenty. She was ta!!, thin, mid a little inclined in her uiitlines. as in her temper, to angularity. She was not par ticularly bright, but she was bold nud un scrupulous, and possessed a tierce energy which was capable of compensating in emergency fur lack of genius. The father of the couple had been a prom inent ship-owner ami merchant. But in his latter days the senior I'cdder had been unfortunate, and had finally been broken up completely a result hastened, it was w-iiUpered, by th wild ways nud financial irregularities of his sou. The old man's failure had soon been followed by his death, and nhcady for such is fame ! he was generally forgotten. 'JIow odd it is !' ejaculated Capt. Ted der, as ho rubbed his sister's cold hands. 'She madly iu love with Will. Ilawley, and I crazy after Clara Aymar 1 And now "Will, aud Clara are married, and lluth and I are left out in the cold.' Under ilio vigorous treatment he had adopted, Miss l'eddcr soon recovered her senses. 'Are you sure they're married ' she de manded. Terfeetly. I learned tho fact hair an hour since from llttwlcy'n commander Captain Gregg was at the wedding. It took place last Friday ew.ning the very evening after Ilawley 'g return from ids last voyage to Kio. it wus a nuiet atlair. Only a few friends were invited. But let iue ask you a question. Did Ilawley ever propose to you V 'No. But I expected that he would soon uo so. Jie lias becu here often enough '1 e, ho ratne several times to ask me for a berth in my clipper. 1 promised to IhinK ot luin at the first opening, and 1 really meant to help liim, for 1 kuew iu Funeral way that you liked him.' 'I thought he'd realise that you could be CI service to him,' explained Miss i'edder. '1 thought he'd remember that mother left- mo this house and a few thousand dollars to do as 1 pleased with. 1 was conscious, too, that I possessed a fair share of personal attractions. And us I supposed him to be entirely heart-free, I took it for grautid that 1 should gel him. His attentions seemed marked enough ' 'He treated you politely, of course,' in torruptcd l'eddcr, 'and he couldn't havo well done less, after nskinsr mo to befriend him. But he never madu auy formal de claration v '.No, he didn't. As male of a Bio shin. lie was away seveu-eighths of th time, nud I didn't expect a regular courtship. But I took it for granted, l'eddcr made and impatient gesture 'We've deceived ourselves,' he muttered, We've been carried away by our feelings, The eirl'a reieetiou ot me was reallv in tended to be final, and Ilawley ' visits here wn- merely visits of buKtnes nnd Inuid shin. But why Clara should prefer Ilaw ley to mo I cau't imagine,' added Tedder, drawing himself up haughtily. 'Ilawley has neither name, nor money, nor posi tion I' 'Nor can see why Ilawley should pre fer Clara Aymar to me ' said Miss Tedder, as she glanced at her reflection iu one of the long mirrors near her. 'She's a hired attendant, or something of that kind the creature.' 'I'd no Idea thot you thought so much of Ilawley,' observed the brother, as he strove to calm his painful emotions. Miss Tedder moaned. Her eyes filled with tears. 'I thought nil the world of him,' she murmured. A long silence fell between the couple. 'Well, well, they're husband aud wife,' at length muttered Tedder hoarsely. 'And this, I suppose, is nil there is to be said.' Miss Tedder compressed her lips until they bled, staring at her brother Willi a fixedness amounting to ferocity. 'No I no 1' she breathed fiercely. 'Tho matter shall not end hero. That marriage that abominable marriage ' She clutched at hor heart again, as if sutfucatiug. Tedder opened his eyes widely. 'Why, what can we do V he queried. 'You wouldn't have me murder Ilawley, I suppose ? Thai wouldn't make him your husband. And, on the other baud, it wouldn't do mc any good if you were to kill Clara Aymar.' 'But there is a way, Luke, of undoing that marriage.' Tedder started toward his sister, as if electrified. 'Do you mean it 5" ho demanded. 'I mean it, and I swear it ! I'll never o msent to that girl's having Ilawley 1 Til '.is a gulf between them as broad as tho ocean 1 I'll undo that marriage, or tf ;c .'' 'Softly 1 Where is Kate lie referred to their single servant. 'She's out for the day,' answered Miss Tedder, arising aud planting herself iu a j chair. 'There was little to do, you know, ' as I did not expect you home until diuuer.' I Then no one will henr us.' He drew a chair nearer to that of his sister and sat down beside her. s your idea V he asked, iu a whisper. 'My idea is to separate them ; to turn their love to hate ; to dig a pit beneath their feel that will remain open forever 1' liut now r 'Will. Ilawley is poor, bn't he ?' 'Certainly ; there is no mistake about that, Iiis mother was a helpless invalid for thu last ten years of her life, and Will, insisted on her using for her comfort every penny he earned. It hasn't been six months siucc he was relieved of that burden. He's poor, therefore, as vou say poor as Job's turkey I' lhen lie 11 havo to leave his darling Clara,' sneered Miss Tedder venomously. Ild'U have to absent himself from his deary in order to earn their mutual bread and butter. Iu short, he'll have to so to sea aaaiu V 'Well, yes ; I suppose lie will,' assented .'odder. 'He can get better wages at sea than elsewhere. He'll sail nsain soon, no doubt 'I thought as much. And the 6ea is full of terrible dangers 1 When do you sail again for Australia?' 'In about two weeks possibly in ten days, as the ship's filling up rapidly.' 'Ilawley is thoroughly competcut to bo your first mate V Tedder looked woudcringly at his sister a moment, nud then answered : 'Of course. I know of no better man for the post.' 'Ho must be your first male, then. You havo iullueuce enough with your owners, I hope, to turn out the present incumbent V 'Why, the post is already vacant. Mr. .larding you have seen him Mr. Jarding lias lust been called homo suddenly lust been called home suddenly to Oliio, on account of his father's illness ' ' i. '(.rood I Hint's fortunate. Vou must recommend Ilawley for the vacant place to your owners and get lliem to milage liim. The thing can be done V 'Without the least doubt. It wasunder btorad, you know, ns I just now remarked, that I was to help Ilawley at the first op portunity. We'll accordingly suppose that he sails wiih mc, as first mate, the next voyage. AVnat then V "Vou must leave him not dead, but a prisoner, on some desert island between here nnd Australia ! l'eddcr looked his nstouishmont. 'If it can bo done,' he said, after .a pause, 'what uext V 'Vou must come back nud report that ho is dead, furnish full details nnd nood proofs. Those details and proofs will uot bodiflicult to manufacture. Then you laust bn all kmdnc$s nnd sympathy to the vounu widow. is she will suppose herself to bo. ami iu less than a year thereafter she will be your wile.' 'Oh, if this thins were Dossible !' siuhud IVdder, beginning to look relieved. 'lomtbltf It's ns simnlc ns kissinir. And the moment you are married to Clara. I will take a trip to Australia for mv health! and naturally enough, stumble- upon the very ismud where vou havo left Ilawlev : effect his rescue : tell him his wife is dead ; condole and tympalhi2c wiih him like au angel ; and conclude the whole comedy by becoming his wile and settling iu Australia. You'll thus have your Clara, on this side of the oeeau, aud 1 hhall be haimv with Ilawlev on the other.' She was smiling now, with eve-rv b'izh of anticipated triumph. ,s to i eUuer, he twisted nervously in his chair, scarcely veuluriuu to breathe' mere sjust one Uillieully,' he muttered 'that of gulling Ilawlev on tho desert is- land without his suspectinc :cting anything.' U can du Hone,' aud the litis ot Miss IVdder caino together like the jaws of a vice. 'I here's no diUicu tv about liuditiff a suitable isiaud V 'Not the least. I saw tho island lu mv mind's eye tho moment vou uttered thu word, nud a glorious ouij it is for our pur pose. ' 'it will Dc easy lor vou to cet Ilawlev upon it,' suggested Miss IVdder thought fully. 'If it's near your route, you can call therefor water. Hit's out of your way, you cau be blown their bv ndverse winds. or be drifted there by unknown currents, or letcn up mere oy a mistako in your reck oning or a fault in your chronometer. And once there, you cau have Ilawley seized by some uiursiy agent, while he is ashore upon business, or you can scud him ashore under some pretence, such ns looking ashore for a deserter from the ship or for a shipwrecked eanor, nuu men sail away without liuu ' 'Say no more,' interrupted IVdder, with wild exultation. 'I see how to manage the affair from its beginning to ils eud' 'And you now see that wc cnu uudo that hateful marriage V Terfeetly perfectly. The affair will re quire a little lime aud patience, of course, ami a little expenditure of money, but we aro sure to triumph. Capital ! glorious ! What a load you have takeu from my soul, lluth t What a penius you nre !' tie leaped to his Iceland began pacing to nud fro rapidly, with the most extrava gant signs and exclamations of joy. 'First to get Ilawley ou his island," re sumed Miss IVdder musingly. 'Next for you to marry the pretended widow. Then for me to rescue the prisoner aud marry him. And finally for you and me to be happy, you la your way nnd 1 iu mine you with Clara iu New York, and 1 with Will, iu Australia. You comui-ehend Lhu J wUolu project clearly V 'From the first step to the last. There's only just one possibility of failure ' And that ono ?' 'A refusal on Hawley's part to accept the post ottered liim a refusal based upon his marriage.' Miss l'eddcr turned pale at the thought. 'But he won't refuse,' she soon declared, recovering her equanimity. 'He has long been wanting just such a place. Married or single, he can't neglect his bread and butter.' 'Well said, Ruth. I think we can count upon him. The post he came here to ask mo for is now vacant, and I will according ly have it offered to him, just as If nothing had happened.' 'Exactly. You needn't speak of his marriage, or seem to know anything about it. You can simply offer him the post in question, in accordance with the old un derstanding, and ho will accept it. He cau't possibly havo any suspicion of any thing wrong. Outwardly and apparently we are all on good terms 'with ono another, nnd will remain so. Let the wages otrered him lie liberal. Tossibly he may object to leaving his young bride so soon, but thu next voyage after this one' Tedder interrupted tho remark by a ges ture of impatience. He was all eagerness now all determination. 'That nest voyage after this ono will uot answer,' lie declared. 'Ilawley shall ac company me on my very nest trip. To make all sure on this point I will havo him engaged this very day. In fact, I will seo to this now.' He seized his hat and gloves, addressed a few words to his sister, and quietly took his departure down town. Tho last glances the couple exchanged at the door were full of jubilant wickedness. The uext three or four hours passed slowly to Miss Tedder. She was beginning to fear that the whole project had miscar ried at its very commencement, nnd was fretting herself into a fever, when Tedder suddenly made his appearance. One glance at his vivid flashes, at his dancing eyes, nt hi9 niiy manner, was sufficient, 'We triumph then ' she cried, throw- ing herself into his arms for the iirst time in years. 'Completely 1 I saw my owners on the subject, aud they sent for Ilawley. He at fust oll'errcd some objections, as was natu ral, but the high wages, thu great step up ward, the kindly interest we all manifested, soon brought liim to a grateful accept ance !' 'Splendid !' murmured Miss Tedder, with a rippliug laugh. 'I knew tho thing was feasible. And so in two weeks more our fond bridegroom will be plowing tho sea again.' j "lu two weeks more, lluth ? Wo shall be off in six or eight days. The earo is ' fairly tumbling aboard the Fhiwj I'hiTdcrs, to say nothing of a fair list of passengers. , The honeymoon of our loving doves will be I n bridged to six short days more, you may i be certain.' j CHAPTER II. A GREAT STKP TAKEN. ! In tho midst of the Antarctic ocean, a ; little oil' the route from New York to Aus j tralia, there lies a large island named Ker i gueleu's Land, or as Capt. Cook called it I the Isiaud of Desolatiou. j It Was discovered just a hundred years ! ago, (in 1772.) by the French naval officer j whose name it bears. It was uninhabited i then, and is to-day as deserted as ever. The smallest school-boy among our read ; crs can find it upon his map of the world, about midway between the south end of i Africa nnd Australia, well up toward the ; South l'olc. I It is a hundred miles iu leuzth by fifty in ! breadth, aud is consequently three or lour limes as lariio as abode island. Its coasts are so wild aud dangerous that lis discoverer, utiriii" the two expedi tiona he made to it. did not once brio,' his si,i,)8 l0 anchor in anv of its bavs aud har- bors. Its shape is "cry irregular, but something like that of nu hour-glass, it being nearly cut iu two by a couple of large bays ; but these two divisions are unequal iu size, the northern peninsula being much larger than the southern. Its coast line is wildly broken nnd jag ged, its innumerable gulfs being long und narrow, nud its promonotories nre corres pondingly sharp and slender, reaching out into the ocean like lingers. The body of the ii-lund iudeed resembles I that of some huge monster of the antedi luvian world, even ns its capos aud head lands resemble such a monster's unsightly, limbs and claws. A more terrific solitude than this isle of Desolation docs not exist upon our wrecked plauet. .Neither the snows r f Himalaya nor tho sands of .Sahara can outvie its terror?. No inhabitant is there, not even n savage no house, no tree, no shrub, no fence nor road, uo field nor garden, no horse, no dog not oven a suako or a wolf. Leue, bliibtcd nud barren, it looks like tho skeleton of a laud that has perished. It may indeed be that J ion is the relic the surviving fragment of a conti nent that went down here countless ages ngo, with hosts of inhabitants, iu some ! vast convulsion of nature. It lias certainly undergone dreadful vis itations ; been rout by earthquakes, pulver ized by lrosls, lashed and wasted by hcrcuH temptsts. Its mountiiius nre only of moderate height, but are capped eternally with snow. Its vegetation is limited to a few dwarf ish plants, including some imosscs, a spe- i cies ot lichen, a coarse grass, a plaut re sembling a saiall cabbage, und a sort of ; cross. I Its winds arc raw nnd Dlercing, its sum mers cold and frosty, its winters those of the l'olar Circles. The interior of the island is occupied by immense boggy swamps, where the grouud siuks at every step. The ruins iu Desolation are almost iucos satit, in their season, and the island is ac cordingly veined with numerous torrents of lresh water, some of which have worn out j of the solid rock tremendous cavities aud gullies. The only other season than that i of the rains, is one of almost couslaut snow. The fogs of that ghastly region are well worthy of tho rains, boiug of a cloud-liko density, and hovering almost coutiuually over the whole face of tho island. The suu of Desolation is usually hidden by a canopy of lead-colored clouds, und ap pears, on the rare occasions when it is vis ible, scarcely brighter thau the moon in other latitudes. As to the moon itself, aud the stars, the clouds aud fogs rarely permit ineni to ociray incir existence. No iish worthy of note, not even fishes of prey, abound lu tho adjacent waters, by reason, perhaps, of their containing poison ous minerals, or deadly exhalations from tho volcanic lires beneath them. Yet the dark grim sea inclosing Desola tion bus done something to repair the ster ilily of tho island. lVnguius, ducks, gulls, cormorants and other mariuc birds are plentiful iu some of its naruors. Seals also abouud. Strange and terrible laud 1 Not a single human beiug, so far ns is known, has ever lived there, save as is uow to be recorded in these iiauos. Near the middle of a dull, dismal after noon, some eleven weeks later thau tho dale of the preceding events, the good ship Flyintj Childer drew near to the island of Desolation, shaping her course toward its northernmost buy, called by Captaiu Cook i Christmas Harbor. A fair hrccKQ was blowing from the north, and tho ship was carrying every stitch of her canvas, including studding sails. Her crew both watches were busy about the deck, nnd hor passengers, a score in number had gathered in groups, most ly forward, nnd were gazing with great in terest upon the wild, rugged shores before them, so far as the fog suspended upon those shores permitted them to become vis ible. The ship had come hero for water, nearly all her water casks having been stovo or started during a squnll ten days previously, aud every soul aboard of her having been since that dato upon short allowance. Upon the quarter-deck stood Capt. Luko Tedder, looking unusually happy, with Will Ilawley beside him. 'I mean to get our water nboard before dark, Caplaiu Tedder, nnd so avoid losing a night here,' said tho young executive, to tally unconscious of the plot to leave him alone on the desolate island, and of the ex traordinary adventures which were before him. The strange events that happened there, and indeed the whole of this thrilling story, will be found only in tho New York Ledger, which is now ready and for sale at all the book-stores and news-depots. Ask for tho number dated July 13, and in it you will get the continuation of the story, from the place where it leaves offlicrc. $cto ibbcrtiscmcnts. O. W. KF.KFEH. It. A. GASS. New Goods ! Dry Goods, Notion, Furnishing (Joodrf, Groceries, Gil Cloths", Glass and Xails of every varioty, nt ouc low price, at KEEFElt & GASS' STORE, Corner of Fourth and Market Streets, 8USBURY, PA. All kinds oT Grain taken in exchange same aft cash. Call nnd sec us. KEEFER A GASS. Siinbnry, April 27. 1872. EW A KHIVA I, OP SPRING GOODS AT Clement & Dissinger's, iu tlic new Clement Building, .Market Nqiitirc, Sinibn rj , Ia. Wc take pleasure in announcing that we have Just opened n new assortment of SPRING DRY GOODS, of nil stvlet at the lowest prices. DOLLY VARDliN, still raging in new and beautiful dcsljrnp. PKESS liOODS, MOi nXINtl GOODS, CLOTHS, C.VSSIMF.UES, VF.STIXG8, &c, Ac. ICeuily-fliKlc Clothing, a full assortment, which will be Bold lower than elsewhere. C'aritrts, Oil ( loth nnd Floor Mnt liiiit. GUOCE1UKS of nil kind, which lire pmuantecd all fresh. QUEEN SWA KE, AV 1 LLOW WAKE, &c, &c, &c. TRIMMINGS, GLOVES, nnd in fact everything that can be mentioned iu n llrst-eliiH store. Call und examine our stock, flavin;; our si ore lighted with Gas, (roods can he selected in thu eveniuj; ns well n in the day time. No charyeft for huwin;r (roods. CLEMENT & DIssiNGF.n. st x. Y.sim: iii:ati.ic. ScNNYsnirs at Maryland Statk Fair, Bal timore. First premium for Fire-place llealcn awarded llie Suiiiiyriilo. Advantages of lire Sminynidc : 1. It is sii t'lMistriK'ted Hi, it onc-tlilrd more of t lie radiating mrfaoc extends Into the room, giv ing that inueli more additional heat without ex tra fuel. 3. It is the only Hut-Air Fire-place Heater hi the market. Like I he regular huilt cellar heater, it loses no heat, but confines it all to Its legitl pui'poes. IS. 1 he fuel niagaziuc Is double the usual size, extending from the lire-box to the top of the Move, with cnpac:ty for twenty-four hours' sup ply of coal. 4. The patent double cover for coal magazine consumes the gas, prevents escape of gas into the room, and makes it impost-ible for auy puf fings or explosions to occur. This Is an advant age possessed by uo other lire-place 6tove iu tho market. ft. There nro three air ceanihers, wherein a brisk circulation is kept up, draw ing the cold air iu the room through heated Hues into a urge hot -air reservoir, at I he back of the elovo. fl No side pipes arc used, us the air is heated in a reservoir having double radiating lines and double back, supplying ll.rge (uantilivs of hot liirwithout wafte of heat or fuel. 7. The SrsNYsiim uiili.ies the waste lieat so thoroughly that we frequently beat an adjoining room on the first, bebides heutiug thu rooms hi second und third stories. S. A damper on top of the stove, connected with the hot air lines, controls the quantity of hot air required for tho use of cither the upper or lov er rooms. All other fire-place stoves are very Inconvenient 111 this respect. 'J. l he (irate is sell-scaling, una no dust can escape while shaking It. bllK.Vi, I'fcltlltU.N lV iu., l'hilndelphia. II. B. MASSKit, Agent. Nov. U.lSTt. Beef! Beef! rilllK undersigned is prepared to furnish the 1. citizens of funbury and vieiully wiih the choicest Beef and l'ork in Market, cither nt Wholesale or Ketail. Families will be supplied by the quarter or side, or smaller quantities at the most reasona ble rates. I'onstantly on band the choicest cuts of Beef, Pork, Mutton and Veal, also Sausages, Itelognas. iVc. Apply at the Meat House, South Third street, in Moore A Dissinger's Kow, Bunhury. t)n market days the best of meat Is served to customers nt the meat stand, corner of Market and Third streets, when the celebrated Broslous' sausages can be had, Ion; kuowu us tbe best lu market. IIEXKY K. FAGF.LT. N. B. Persons luiTiug fut hogs or beeves for sale can procure the higest market price by ap plication at the above establishment. buubury, Nov. II, 1S71. CI It III At; l: M A X I FACTO It Y, SUXllUltV, l'EXN'A. J. S. SEASHOLTZ, "IT TOl'LI) respectfully announce te the cltl- T zens of Suubury uud surrounding country. that he is prepared to manufacture all styles of CarrlairoH, HiiireieM, Vc, at his ne'V shop uu east .Market street. Ho will furuish every description of Wngous, both 1?LA1N AND FaNCV. Iu short, w 111 make everything lu his line from a first-class carriage to a wheelbarrow, w an anted to be made of the best and most durable uiateri ls, and by the most experienced workmen. All work sent out from Ids establishment will be found reliuble in every particular. The patronage oi the public is solicited. J. S. SEASUOLTZ. Sunbary, Not. 4, '7l.-ly. M Mil HY M A It II I. K YAItll. ri'MlE undersigned having bought the entire L stock of Diosinger & Tavlor. would Inform the public that he is now ready to do all kinds of 51 A It II LK HOItK. Has ou baud, and makes to order at SHOUT NOTICE. 7. Slonuiueutm A: Ilead-Stouea, Ci&k C rvrrr stvle. DOOIl AND WINDOW SILLS Also.CemeterT Posts with Galvanized pipe and all other fcuciug generally used on Cemeteries. John A.Taylor will continue in the employment, I the old ft nnd on Market St., Bunbury. marS'ss I tefcllancous. isctlluncons. Iatmfactttrcrs. caiiu. No. 002 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PHILADELPHIA. MESSRS. CALDWELL A CO., DESIRE TO CALL ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO THEIR DE PARTMENT OF SOLID SILVER WATCHES. POSSESSING SUPERIOR FACILITIES THEY WILL BE ENABLED TO PLACE BEFORE CUSTOMERS, IN ADVANCE OF THE GENE RAL MARKET, ALL THE NOVELTIES AND IMPROVEMENTS IN SILVER GOODS A8 RA PIDLY AS PRODUCED, VERY PARTICULAR ATTENTION BEING GIVEN TO THE BPK CIATIES OF BRIDAL AND OTHER PRESEN TATION GIFTS. 1 HE STANDARD OF SILVER LONG SINCE ADOPTED BY THEM IS THAT OF ENGLISH STERLING, U25-10OUTUS FINE, THK QUALITY OF EVERY ARTICLE SOLD BEING STRICT LY GUARANTEED. ATTENTION IS RESPECTFULLY DIRECT ED TO THE UNVARYING BUSINESS POLICY OF THIS HOUSE IN REGARD TO THE FIRM LY ESTABLISHED SYSTEM OF FIXED PRICES, WHICH WILL BE RIGIDLY AD HERED TO IN ALL CASES, SECURING TO PURCHASERS, FAIRNESS AND EQUALITY IN EVERY TRANSACTION. POLITE ATTENTION MAY BE EXPECTED BY ALL WHO FAVOR Til EM WITH A VISIT. ORDERS AND INQUIRIES BY MAIL, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. J. i:. C.ILUHLLL A CO. Feb. 10, 1872. TUACKARA, BUCK & CO., SUCCESSORS TO MISKEY, MERRILL & TUACKARA, t MANUFACTURERS OF j UAS FIXTURES, UROXZES, &c, &c, j Chnudclicr, I'eufluiitn, Bracket, ! Ac. Ac, 1 i would refpect fully Invito the attention of pur chasers to our elegant assortment. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SALESROOMS, 71S C'bPHdiut Ntrrct. MANUFACTORY, 402. 404,40G AND 408 RACE STREET. Aug. 19. 1R71. THE UKEAT C'AI SE op HUMAN MISERY. Just Published, lu a Sealed EnTcIope. Price, six cents. A I.orturo on the Nature, Treatment, aud Radical Rare of Seminal Weakness, or Sperma torrhea, Induced by and Impediments to Mar riage (renerally ; Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits; Mental and I'hvsical Incapacity, etc. Bv Hy KOU. .1. CULVKRW'ELL, M. D.,' author o'f the "Green Book," etc. The World-renowned author, In this admirable Lecture, clearly proves trom his own experince that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be rllectually removed without medicine and without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing out u mode of cur nt once ccitaiu and clleetual, by which every sullerer, no matter what his condi tion may be, may cure himself cheaply, private ly, anil radically. 1 ins lecture will prove a uoou to thousands and thousands. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to nny address, on receipt of six cents, or two postage 6tamps, bv addressing tlm publishers. Also, Dr. CULVER WELL'S 'Marriage Guide.' Price 25 ccuu. Address the Publishers, CIIAS. f. C. KLINE A CO., P. O. Box, 4.rSii. 127 Bowery, New York. April 27, 1S72. JTJAEDWAHE FOK ALL AT Till! HARDWARE STORE OF J. H. CONNELLY & CO. Murket Mrect, Kuuburj', I'u. It is useless to enumerate every kind of article in his Store, but among the leading items may be eel down the following : Iron, Steel, Lead, Scales, Steelyards, Grindstones, Nails of all kinds and sizes, Vices, Saws, Planes, S'.cves, Chains, Axes, Brass nnd Iron Kettles, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Spades, Rakes, Hatchets, Carpenter aud Blacksmith Boring Machines, Cellar tirates, Drawing Knives, Stoue Sledges, Plasterers Trowels, Masons' Hammers nud Trowels, Hand IMnner Hells, and largo cast Iron Bells for bchool Houses and Farmers Dinner Bell?, Carpenters' Bench Screws, Totato Forks for digging potatoes. Looking (ilasses. ' Twine, Ropes, Knives aud Forks, Spoons, Tucks, Mule and Horse Shoes aud Nulls, Hummers, Augurs, Chisels, Lanterns, Oil C lotus, Brooms, Locks of all descriptions, C'oll'eo Mills, Bits and Braces, Carriage Bolts of all kinds, Paint nnd Wall urusues, duckcis, Oilw, Yaruittlies, J up aim, Soda Ash. Washing Soda. IWI XT OF A 1,1. HIMIS iu Oil or Drv, l'urti-Colors of all kinds, CEDAK-WAUE aud other Wooden-Wure of nil kinds aud verv cheap, Hay-Fork Pulleys, Picks, Mill Picks, Levels, Level Glasses, Files, Hinges, Coal Oil, Hems, Combs, Screws, Saddlery and Shoo Findings, Buggv Trimmings, Excelsior Glass Cutters. Pocket Knives, Scissors, Shears, Miot, Caps nud I'owdrr, and a great Tarlety of other articles. Any thins; wanted and not ou hand, will be ordered at ouce. Suubury, Aug. 19, 1S71. CF.Vi'F.ll OF ATTKACTIO'. Everybody is invited to come and buy of the haudaome assortment of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES at SAMUEL P. NEVIN'S STORE, in frame building, adjoining Moore A Dissiugcr's building, T111KI) STREET, SCNBLRV, PA. Just opeued u fresh supply of Coufcctioueries of every description. TOYS OF A 1. 1, KIMS constantly on hand. The best RAISINS, FIGS, CCKHAN ISvV DK1ED Fill' IT. PURE RIO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fresh Bread, Buns A Cukes, every morning. FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, Ac. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! OYSTERS! Having fitted up a room expressly for serving up Oysters in every style, Ludies aiid Gcutlemeu will bo accommodated with the best bivalves in market, nt till hours during the day uud evening. Families will be supplied at their residence with the best Shell or Cauued Oysters, as is desirable, at the very lowest prices. Cull aud seeiny excellent assortment of foods and uscvrtuln the prices. & F. NEVIN. Dec. 10, 1871. A lMtOFITAIILE UISI.ESS. LIGHT EQUAL TO GAS, AT ONE-EIGHTH THE COeT I Cuuuoi be exploded. No chimney or wick used. Men desiring a Profitable Business, can secure the exclusive liht for the sale of Dyott's Patent Carbou Gat Liht Burners and Oil, for Counties aud Stales. Write for Information or call on M. B. DYOTT, No. 114 South Second Street, i'hila.. Pa. N. B. Churches furnished with Chandeliers and Lamps of every description, 85 per cent. cheaper than at any other siablishuisnt In tbe country. March 98, 19Tt.-ga. R R R. RAD WAY'S READY "RELIEF IIHES TUB WORST PAINS In from Ono to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR fttr readtfjr tl.lj ruivcrtlnmpnt nrl wit ont nCFKER WITH PAIN. RADWATB RKAEKYUPAIXU A CUR 'R It wm tlie first ud In Tho Only l'nln Tlomedy tli at Instantly ttopi tlio tnnst xcnclilng pmlns. nllayi fa fl xin mat Ions, and cum 1'oikMIoii, wliviVr of th Ltmf( Hiomacb, ttuwtlt, wr other fclaiidi or orgaua, by oua apuiic tioa, II FROM ONR TO TWETTTY MINUTES. No mnttcr how violent or rtcrnclatlns th pain tht RHEU MATIC, B-1 rH'ten, I ii Ann, Crippled, Kervoua, fttutalglo, vt iruirtruU:d with dtseau may evincr, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INRTANT EASB. INFLAMMATION OK THE KIDNEVS. INFLAMMATION OK THE BLADDER INFLAMMATION OF TH K HOWKL3. CONGESTION OF THE LUKOS. 80UB THROAT, DIFFICULT Bl.FATHINO. l ALl'ITAlION OF THE HEART. UV8TERIC8, CROU1-, im-HTKriRIA. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE. ' KKI'RAt.OIA, H.IIEUMATMJI. COI.D CniLI.1, AOTTS CHILLS. Tiki niphcaiion nf tho Ilcmly Rpllrf to th Trtor pxru wlicia Ut. pftla or difficulty cuilt wUlAfloni cut fcnd comfort. Twenty Amrtt tn lislf ft ttimt.Vr ff Wltsr will In ft f.w rv.nMrt r.iro CT.AMI'i, (-HARMS. BoUK STOMACH. IIKAK'IT.ri'.V, Sirs 1IEAHAUHK, PI AKK1IEA, DYr.KNTF.KY. COLIC. VL.ND IS THE BOWi-Lb, ftwl til INTF.IiSAL FAINS. . Travdr.. nli'i.ii.l lnvt nrrf ft bollla of Rxtnay'i Tt"ftdy llflirf with ttiftn. A frw drop. In wutcr will i rrvi-ii' el.:kni..l or f-al'iK rt-nm thnrtre ttf .BUT. It U bUttf liaa Freucli Hrwulv or lllltc-m m a gtlmulkut. FEVER AND Al E. FEVBrt AN1 AGl'K Hired for llftv win. Ttiere ll not ft remtril .I .oiit In Oils world that will mn F.ver and Akuc, mul All otluT Malarious, Ullloti., Fenrtft, Tyohold, Yi-lluw, ami i.tlicr Farm (alilril lr UADW AT S PlLLS) I. n.ikk m t'.AIlWAY' HKAUY UEUf". Fifty 0U.U r Wtlo. by UrUtfgUL. HEALTH flEflUTY!! rrrtoNo and pvitis r.irn iiloud iscbraku of FI.KMI AM) W ' l-.Ki I IT I.F.AIl HK IN AND SEAC' HFl'L VOiieUtXUiX hKCliUKD TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SAHSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT TTA ' MI!E T1!K MOST ASTONISHING CCRKS; FO V.rii K. so ItYI'lH AUK Tllli CIIAN'ISEM TIIK H UM" I'NDF.ISuoKS, CNDFil TUB INFLUENCE OF 1'IUS TRL'LV VlONDKIlFl. L MKDKI1SE, i ll A r Every Day an Incrcaao In Flesh rncJ Wol.itt 19 Seen and Felt. TK5 CHEAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Kvcrv !.. .f lh SATtSAI'AI'.ll.LIAN l'.I.SOLVF.NT IUI5UI-.I'- if'-l tii-":lsll I Ill- 'id, Hivi-at, CtUif, mul otluf fillip: ftli-l .Hi:- a "i Hi.' .i'i'wi Hie v':;nr of lii'o. It rep;ms li.a of t,, hull' v vi iifv avt rumrt luut'Tial. croful.i, Hvilil: s, C.'i.'imillin, Oii' (il-ieri, I'lctM. 11 th9 T'i-ot. Mr'iith, Tuui'im. NiU- In tlm li fttult i'.'.i:r part, of tin v.t?ni, Sin r.vt'.. tr;ii'iooa I'lsclinre-1 from He f'.irn. I'ii wur.t frn of S-in il;6i-c". Fmp. tl.imi. F. v.T S. ri.' F.-nM Ilea I. lC'n; Worm. Kjl'I It'ii-iim, Acilt'. i.'cvri lit l.l ITtl.l'li. lit t'i." Wii.ii!, tti.-l uil wr:iiti.irjf ftnj fjliiful d ta il Fwv'it. I.'T! ' Si'Ttii, ami nfthQ , tr'i I Cir:iUv r.Mjf of Hiia wotuW i.l M Kt:i ''iMii!.try, n'M a I-' rivV uo will t-rov ta i:ii iir.ii.: it f r c.liicr tf tlioa fj:ir.sor ulna iu ji'i'.-ii' pmr.-r In rut- 11 r:n. If ttio v .'irnt, o til tuTiimin; red "tec! y the w( rM O.-ni-ifi"! n liint U f oMliiHullv vroicrrs.ip, !iccd In prr ! ln t iirse niirl r. j'si'rs t'tf hhm u :h ni w in;ter- l.l'inl: r-oi.i li hv M.nid und Uiil (Uo FAKfl Al'AKlL 1,1 S will ;im) tl :. m-nir. Hot ntilv livi tl.e JiAitmrmi.MK Ttrj!r.v,.!rT Mcot tiiitwn rfim't'iiil I'cri tn lliu cm nf I'limtilc, Kcrofulotti, 4 oust tttiUwit-l, Mini irkm ; but liUthc only puiltlvo EsSlEiy ft tllndilvr Complaint, TVpr.rv, -1 ilfmr C!!". Itl-i'-vtfi, Dr.'.ps-r f'V vt' :C-f "f 'T, 1 :iC'--i;t irinr of I'rin, 1'rUlit's )! a-0. vM'tMfit-tiiini, Mt.l In it1! c iscs tvlirro llient urv trickdust do urtlic wrttT U Il.ick, c!'-.til', ttilxcl V. UU mbtiinci i liXf the wMle of nu 't'f or tliro.nU like wliln Mlk. or there i'nrl'll, dark, hi i- ii opi-i-arnnr.'', and white !)one'dunt ('(jK.-itii. tt'i'l wlii'ii lhrt i a t'.i-kliitf, liirnltic p-'tiaaUon wU'i vi''-" wattr, ttn'l yiiin In Uic fcumll of XUtt Duck iuM UlC'-'aT 'i 1. i'llcr, WORMS. The only ti.owu and tare P.cmotl) frr irui-'iii-i'in, Tj)c. e. Tmnor r I'J Years' CJrowUi Cured hy Itadwny's Erftolvent. Hkkmv, Mm, Joly 1C1. T-.. n-."WTT t Viv Omriso hi t!i oatrl -1 All His I'vit 4 thur tr po !i.p f..r Ii." I lr.4 t -rj iM 'j i''it w.t : L'it it- tiiln hrtt M in. I v v...,r r-'l-nt. ft 4 lH-;ift.t I uiiMlrr it; l.nt bi no In il, 1 i s 1 l.J i:ft. ..1 i,t t ! rriri. 1 t.-.k ; t-t tJi t, fin4 r,nt U-t i't l. tlwsy IMU. nr-l no of ) r ll-vtv li-litt ; Bud t'ura it n t 'si t lit.nor or Ml, -i t f fl lii-l'ir, 'nnrtt-r, hii.I hftpT-u-r lhn 1 !. for li!vt yara. 'I ; w..r-t tn'itvr w.ti i . i'j lft '! of th boMrti, owr tin croin. 1 vvr i !). w von iMt Ibc ttut-Clcf oiJi.ri. Y"H ran ruMiab it If j ,i.h.,c. Ji ANN All I'. KAfP. DR. RADWAY'S mm mmm pills, p.-rfppVr l:i.fl.-M, rrc'l'cili.. Inirir. t Mec.uitir rft:itcl with itrert ptm. purire. KAUif, .ml trv'nrtlu-n. Railways i'il.. ili..i.1rm of tlm Mfiicich, Livwr. Towels, t '- th. c pf'sll tl Ki.tiK-y., Il'.cl i r, Nrrv 1) Ilf.iflp.rha. -m.8tli :- IV l-idn-ti ;! .r O-f ih'vrv'i. I'iVf. mill nil T'i ilir.n. l)YM!;et;l, l:lUUMIV.f. M.l. r i .T..Jr.tjt, s.r lir liiiT!iil icra. Vniraitc'l to caret a i .'.-,!:-. .iir.. p-,ii WreUbif, ccnlainlr.g to mercur-, nil'. r.!-, or ilfiif'f ruii i1nipr. o.shtvv th.- r.-'ii.v, nu; ft m;'tonis rcniHxn trtm C!- r..r'ltra'i., I.i .rv Y.W-, Vn:n 't lU In tJi VeA A-.;., ty .f it. ftit.. h, H.'srttH.f. 1 iitfUil f FchM, fn't lTi vr w'f';i ( ir tl-i S"iin h, Hout Frit-U'n, tink nc T r lvttrr- it tbw rtt if Ik n a.-it, timniint ill IImmI. llirritA 10fi 4lt tr.-Fth nr. Hj i ri-.p t tV- llrrl, bjfciiitf or SufT.Hlirif S.-i:nt.. n wim in ft 1 itnc pi'(ur. I'ntirn-sa f. Vitton. Pc'i or W,t l-i'jr tr.Siylit, .VtcrftTirl PnM I's ti in th Mud, llbc "f l'irrtrat.oii, Vw.I-. -f t' ram Xinl Vt Tula lu the cUt, Li rut. auU f..4.irst Hmt.1 .f IM, llHrOM ta till A few ..f rAPM lY'Sni.I.S will frrc the svttom f'l'in :i!! tl w sIhiv. .; -1 ..uorsr. Vrit i, c.LW rcr bf. IS V l-KI i'i!STS. I! F A 1 Y , I K AM' TKT'F." P t on V-ttfr tiAr.,p lo I i A I W A Y A ro., N... fc? Mkl.!t I m.c, Jitrw-S,rk. 1- foi i.i..t!n t t:-, t.a-.t. - ji,. wll U-) you. March 30, 1 873.-1 y. jTlIE INGREDIENTS THAT j COMPOSE HOSADAI.I3 arc puhlishcil en every paclijja, therc ti)ro it isfifffa secrtt p op ira'ion, 'consequently i iiiiJiAiiifi si It is a certain cure fur Scrofula, Syphilis iu all ils fi rms, Ki.ciinu lisin. Skin lJi-ac, l.ivcr Com lilaiut and t.11 diseases of l! o Ulood. CN3 L0TTL3 C? EOSAIAIIS will do more good tl'.an tn bottles of the fcnrujn of riraapdrilld. THE UNCEr.SICNED PHYSICIANS I have used Rosadilis in their practice tor the paft three yours and t'iccly endorso it ns a Alterative 'nd lllood I'urifier. I PR. T. r. ITCH, of lUliimcte. I mi. t. . novhlx, " IHI. K. W. I'AKK. ' Pit. V. O. PANNKM.Y, " 1)11. J. S. Sl'AItiCS, ul Nicbolasvillo, Ky. PH. J. L. MtCAKTIIA, Coliirabla, S. I . 'PR. A. 1). NOni.f S, KilKccouib, N. C. USED AND EKDOESED BY ij. D. FRENCH i SONS, Fall RWer, I Mill. IF. W. SMITH, Jackwn, .Mich. !A. F. WHKl LKlt, I.iaia, chio. II. HAIL, I.ima.Otno. t'llAVt'.N i CO., Imrilniuvlllr, Va. SAM'l.. H. MclADOCV, .Murfreea bulu, Teaa. Our RMacs wl!l not ailnw of any ex. tended 'ri-Niark a in jeLitinn to the irlueol Uosadalia. Totho Medical l'roksum w puaiantre a l'ltii;! Kx- . tract superior to any t l.i-y have ever uiri in the trvatinent of climaxed IHolI ; and to tlieatlllrt! we say try Uoia'Uils, aud you will be rvtiursd to health njsa.!ali la sold bv all Drureiits. pri.-e .3U per bottle. AJ.lrba Manufacturing CKentutt, Baltiuosi, Mo. July 23, 1S7I. ly. WM. Ml KKAT. i, 8LATMAKEK. W M. n. BLACK. MURRAY & CO., Wholesale Dealers In MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, Olllce nnd School Stationery, I'riutiug, UrappiuK and Waullla PAPERS, PAPEIt BAUb, Ac, Ac. Tho Colebrntcd Corry Kerosene llurniug Oil always on hand. Having also opened a COAL YARD, we are prepared to supply at short notice, and at the lowest rates, EGG, STOVE, CHESTNUT and PEA COAL to all who may be pleased to give us a call. Order left at our office No. 96 feouth Third St., will be promptly tilled. MURRAY & CO. No. 5 Bout's Third Bmat, lunbury, P. aog. M, W. R08ADALIS o T JLj MACIIINE SHOP AND IROl. FOUNDRY. GEO. ROIIIJBACn & SONS, Banbury, I,ena,t INFOKM th. pubh that they art prepared to do all kinds of C AtTINGS, and barinir. added a new Machine Bhop in connection with their Foundry, and hae stipplM tlicmseWes with New Lathes. Pinning and Boring Machines, with the latest improvements. With 'he aid of skillful mechanics, the; are enabled ta execute all orders of NEW WORK OR r.EPAIRINO, that may be given them, lu a satisfactory man ner. Graten to nit any Ktovc. IROJf COLUMNS, for churches or other bnlld ines, of all sizes. BRASS CA8T1NG8, &e. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS 1 VERANDAHS, FOR YATtDS AT RESIDENCES, AC, C. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their so periority, have been still further improved, and will always be kept on hnnd. Also, THREHH1NG MACHINES. Bunbury, May 20, 187 1 . I.I'M It EK AM PLAM.VU MILLS. Third 8treet, adjoining Phlla. A Erie R. R., two Squares North of the Central Hotel, BUNBURY, PA. IB A t. "clement, 13 prepared to furnish every description of lum ber required by the demands of tbe public. Having all the latest improved machinery for nianufiii'tviring Lunber, he Is now ready ta fill or ders .fall kinds of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS, SHUTTERS, SASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, nud nil kinds of Ornnmeutnl SorowlWork. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A LARGE ASSORTMENT CP BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lnthe, Ac. Orders promptly filled, and shipped bv Railroad or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT. deoli)-6S:ly STOVE A TIN' ESTABLISHMENT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUC2, Proprietor. successor to smith a gentiieh.J HAVING purchased the above well known es tablishment, Mr. Krnuse would respectful ly inlorni the public that he now has on band a large assortment of COOK I NO STOVES, Speer's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna nnd others, which nre so nrranped ns to be used for Coal or Wood, nud nrewarrnntcd to perform satisfactori ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put up to lieat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of different kinds at very low prices. Tinware of Every Description kept constantly on hnnd. Rooflne and Spouting with the nrst material, done at short notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil tu.d Lamps constantly ou hand. Japan wara of a x.nd.. Stare opposite Conlcy's hardware store. Give me n call. A. KRAUSE. upllM-ly New Store! New Goods! F. J. 3YROD, IIuvIhk taken the store room lntely occupied by 11. Peters, comer of Third nnd Church streets, SUXBU11Y, PA., bus Jntt opened a new store, with an entire new stock of iroods, comprising of Dry oolft uud OrocrrlPH. The Dry Goods department is complete, having a general assortment of Cloths, Cassimercs, Calicos, DeLains, and cverythiiifr in thu Dry Goods line. The uito Kitir.s are all fieh, and cousins of Ten, CofT. , Sufrnr, Molliifses, Spices, Meat, Fieh, Ac. Wtllow-IVare aud (alasM-IVHrr, a ger.eral assortment. In fact everything kept In n first-class store, can be had nt the most reasonable prices for cash. Having located In Suubury for the purpose of becoming one of Its citizens, 1 hope that by fair dealing and strict attention lo business, to merit a share of the public patronage. My motto Is "Small Profits nnd Quick Sales." All nre cordially invited to call nnd examine my goods, as no charges will be mnRe for show. ii)H' Uicm. f. J. nvnoD. Bunbury, April gO, 1ST3. TO THE LADIES! GRAND OPENING OF Milliner)' nud Fancy Goods. Spring styles of HATS aud BONNETS, trimmed and uutrinimcd. All tbe latest styles in ST11AAV, CHIP, LEG-IIOUX, CACTUS, Neapolitan, Waterproof. Ac. School Hats nnd Suu Hats. Trimming9 Uibbons, Flowers, Luces, Ac. Glove, Collier dc CI moo. Crape, Crape Veils, Tissues, Xccktic. Kainsey, War uer & Co.'s Patterns, and all the Spring styles of .Millinery Goods. Call and see my choice assortment. MISS L. VF.ISEK. Market Street, one door west of Ge:u hurt's con fectionery storo. April 20, 1ST2. .MILI.1XEKY. SPUING STYLES nt the CENTRAL MILIJNERY STORE OF HISS L,. MII1SSLER. Every kind of Millluery Gooils, cmbraciug Huts, Ilonnets, School Hats, Crape Hats aud liouuetn, Ribbons and Floweis, Trimmings of everv de scription, and every kind of goods usually kept ina millinery cluoiisumcnt, cau be had at her store at the lowest pi ices. The very beet In the Philadelphia market has been selected, to which the ladies are invited to examine and be convin ced. MISS L. SHISSLER, Market Square, Suubury, Fa. April 50, 1872. Strong Beer and Ale. B. VI LXULRT Having refitted the Milton Brewery, is now man ufacturing rlrst-class II E E It A X D ALE. Having 87 years experience In brewing, he flutters himself that hi Deer and Ala is not ex celled lu the country. His celebrated Strong Beer Is not only a healthy beverage, but Is the most polatable and refresh ing driuk now in use. ltcstaurant and Tavern keepers will be regu larly supplied by sendiug orders. Address, B. Yl'ENOF.RT, May 11, 1S73.-4W. Milton, Pa. NEW SUMMER GOODS! MISS KATE IsEACK, MARKET SQUARE, BUNBURY, PENN'A. Black Dress Silks from $1 SO to ?2 00. Japanese Silks, Silk Pongels, Plaid Poplins, Mixed Poplins, llaruui from id cents to 1 1 IK). HOLLY VAHDEXS. Cbintqes, Detains, Ac. French Muslins, Mar eellles Quilts, Kid Gloves, with single aud double buttons. Lice SuMwltj. A general assortment of White Goods. LAWNS, GINGHAMS and PIQUES, DRESS TRIMMINGS, LACES, Ac, told fcl greatlv reduced prices. Bunbury, May 18, 1873. W. H. Blanks, HOUSE, SIGr3ST, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, BUNBL'BT, FENN'A. Deeoratlug aud Taper Uanglcg don In tbe latest Improved style. Order solicited, which will receive prompt at tention. Retldanee tn Furdytewu, ErarrteV bnUdlng. Uunbnrv, May 11, lur.-lf