Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 29, 1872, Image 3

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    hrnburs American.
SUNHURV. JtJXE 29, 1872.
Kailrontl Time Tables.
P. A E. K. B Goiko Nortuward.
Erie Mull, leaves nt 0:05 ft m
Niagara Eipreaa, " " 12:30 p ui
4:30 p m
Erla Expresa,
0:50 p in
N. C. R.
. W Gomo Sodtuwxbh.
Erie Mall,
F.rla Expreea,
leu vet at 12:13 ft m
" 7:40 ft m
11:05 am
Nlnenrn Exprcsa, " " 0:80 V
The Erie Exprrts-a train reraaiua cere auouv
SO mluutes fur breakfast.
Punmirt A Ltiwistown R. R.
Mall train lenvea nt 7.80 n. ni., nnd arrive nt
7.50 p. in. Fast Line leaves at 3.40 p. in., nuil
arrives at 1.60 p. ro.
Mall leaves at 13.35 p. in., for Shntnokln and
arrives at 3.55 p. m. Leaves for Mt. Caruiel lit
4.40 p. in., and m rlves at 9.25 a. in.
D. II. & W. R. R.
Trains leavo for New York, via TIazletoii at
C.i.'O a. in., mi l nrrlres at 3.35 p. m.
Accident Iusurnnee Tickets enn bo had of J.
Jhlpman, Ticket Agcut til tho Depot.
Sewing Machinbs.MUs Curolinc Dallusis tho
agent for the sale of the beat Sewluff Machines
In existence, viz i "The Improved Singer,"
"Grorcr & Bnker," "Howe," and "Domestic,'
which are constantly on hand and sold at rea- j
aonabla prices. She is also agent for the cole- ,
brated FrantB and Pore Knitting Machine. Call j
and see them. OlUce on Market etrcet, cast of
tho railroad.
Wasted. A gill, or widow having no child- j
ren. who understands house-keeping, will find I
a grod home and liberal wages paid, by apply
ing at tlJs office. . Good references required.
IT. 13. Ma93f.ii has Just received from New
York, a new supply of Ice Cream Freezers, suita
ble for families nnd saloons.
Fon Sals. A second luiiid one-horse spring
wagon Is offered for sale cheap. Apply to
Jso. Wii.vf.ii'b
Hour and Feed Stoic, Spruce St., Suubury, Pa.
Wo are directed to state that tin Invitation Is
extended to the ladies to meet on Market 5-ipiaie,
on Wednesday next, to assist In making wreath?,
&e. The ladies of Suubury who have heretofore
displayed greut cuthusiusm In every patriotic
cause, will no doubt be glad to accept this Invi
tation and assist with their patriotic hearts and
The festival ut Turbtilville. given last week by
tho Sunday School of Rev. Wampoie'a church,
proved quite successful, nnd realized overSl.VJ
above all expanses.
As our next Issue of the JmerU'tin will not be
published until after the 4th of July, we have
placed upon our tlrst page the Declaration of Iu
iep' aud a uu.iihcr of patriotic songs, ap
propriate reading matter for our national holiday.
Tue lnrgi'-f stock of Furnilurc, made durable
itul fashionable, c.-.n be hr..l nt 11. I-. R.iudeu
bush's -tore, iu Masonic buildings. His supply
is constantly kept up, aud every article of furni
ture for family use io sold at I be must reasonable
Oue of the neatest looking olilces In this place,
is the law oli'iee of L. II. Kasc, F.s.p, in Mussel's
building, Market Square. Everything Is neatly
anil couvcaier.tiy arranged, and at night the office
li brilliantly lighted with gas. Jl is a great iiu
provemeut over h!s forme-.- place of busiucaj.
The Danvl'ilc InUUbjwer has been considera
bly enlarged an! greatly Improved. It is pi-luted
o:i a power press and makes a neat appearance.
The hitMjeneer Is a live paper and ably edited.
A Cavtion. We are requested to stale that
the borough olUccrs will uot be responsible ior
any damages done to windows by the firing of
cauoi: on the '!fh, or the uight before. All should
take the precaution to keep their windows bo:-t-c
I to prevent them being broken, as there is no
doubt the coming National Holiday will be ush
ered iu with tuck booming of ennuon, ringing of
boll as was never heard before in this place.
Tub American Flag. A large number of !
Hags, aud fire-works, for the 4th of July, have
been received at S. Uyerly'a store, on Thiid !
street. All who feci like making u proper (lis- j
play of their patriotism on the 4ih, can be sup
plied by making application at ouce. !
Bust. Jake Bern's Troupe, from the !
Wilkcs-Barre Opera Iloiue, advertised to cxhihi) i
ut Fry's Hall on Wednesday and Thursday even
I igs last, blew out up country somewher1,
leaving their agent at the Clcineul House, at this
place, without funds to defray his expenses. No
iluUbt tho fceut thinks it is one of Juke's last
Clothes Line Koiiufd. Ou Monday night the
clothes line In S. Faust's yard, on Market S.piure,
was robbed of a large lot of wearing apparel.
Persons cannot be too cautious ngaiust these
prowhng thieves, and should keep themselves
prepared to give them a varm reception when
discovered ou t'nelr premises.
Mu. Joum Emi iiick, proprietor of the Half
Way House, at Kantz, Snyder county, died of
apoplexy ut the hotel jf Ellas Shaffer, iu Jordan
township, Northumberland county, on Thursday
last. Mr. Emeriek had left homo a week pre
vious to his death, with come stock. He was
about 40 years of age.
Sisur.rjANNA Shad. During the freshet last
week, we learo that several hundred shad were
caught below the dam at this place. The ll-li
way arectcd at the Columbia dam, by Col. Wor
rall, proves successful, and if other dams were
ma ie In the same manner, shad would abound
by thousands iu the Susquehanna, to Its head
waters. The Legislature provided for Increased
facility for tho restoration of our I'oheries last
esstou, but the Governor is not disposed to see it
iu that light, nul refuses to sign the bill. The
present freshet will send to the sea thousands of
newly spawned ones, which we shall hear from
Iu a few years If we shall be to fortunate us to
Lave a Governor w ho cm relish fish aud sign a
fish bill.
Wk noticed on last Sunday afternoon, some
half dozen young men on a flat, crossing bc
river at Market street lauding, and when about
the middle of the stream, divested themselves of
their (jaruieuts and went Into the water to bathe,
iu sight of a large number of our most respecta
ble clllzeus ou Front street. If the youug men
have not sufficient respect for themselves, our
police should keep a better watch, and teach
them that tbcro is a law which prohibits all
such nuisances and amiovauces.
-i ,
Rain. Wc have had heavy rains ou Sunday,
Monday and Tuesday nights, with numerous
showers during the day. The streams iu this vi
cinity are nearly bank full, aud the water hi the
river has riseu to a belghtU of some tlx or eight
feet. There Is a rumor that some of the booms
up the river gave way and a largo uinouut of
timber went adrilt. The boom of tho Suubury
Lumber Company, above Northumberland, also
ustalued tome by the water. Tliii
freshet will tmable lumbermen to flout their tim
ber out of tho imall etreuius, iu the upper couu
tit,' into ill. bcuui.
Tim 4tb of July. The coutonnlal eolebratlon
at this place, on the 4th, will be the grandest af
fair of any that tina yet taken placo In central
Pennsylvania. Those who have had the matter
Iu charge, hare inado tho most complete ar
rangements to make it ft great success. The
parade of tho different organizations will pro
bably exceed anything of the kind that baa ever
occurred outside of tho cities. Wo learn that all
along tho line of tho Ave different railroads cen
tering here, tho Invitations from tho different
orders and organizations have been accepted and
the most cstcnslvo preparations aro being made
to have a full turn out of members. Besides tho
civic orders and military, soma six or eight flro
couipaulns from abroad, fully equipped, and ac
companied by bands, have atready completed
their arrangcmenla to participate. Excursion
tickets on all the railroads to this place will be
Issued, and extra trains run over tho roads to
accommodate all who desire to witness this grand
display. ' . '
The order of exercises on this occasion will bo
of tho most lutcret!ug, as many of the oldest
citizens who formerly resided here will ho pre
sent and julu In a grand reunion. The lion. A.
Jordan, one of our oldest citizens, and widely
utid favorably known throughout the Stato, 1ms
been selected as the orator of the day. The Hoi:.
Eimon Cameron, who spent part of his curly
days in this place, will positively be present, and
once more address his early comrades and asso
elates. Other prominent speakers have been se
lected, who will give a complete history of this
town from 177i to the present time.
Frof. Light, who will make a balloon ascen
sion, is already In town making the necessary
preparations, aud arranging his balloon to make
the ascension n success.
The order of exercises of this gala day have
been furnished us by tho chief marshal, Major
Geo. B. Cadwallader, which eonsl. t of
Artillery practice ou river bauk, from sunrise
until dark.
A grand parade nt 10 o'clock a. m.
M lisle by band whiie forming column iu the
following or.ler :
Maud nf National Color.
Old citizens, fpuiki is of the day, civil officers
and llnroiigh Council, in carri igcf.
Soldiers ol'lSi:.', Mexican War and late War.
Military Companies.
Knights leuiplar.
Masonic Order. I
Odd Fellows. j
Improved Order of lied Men. j
(iood Templars. ;
Patriotic Order Sous of America.
Kuiglits of Pythias. I
Ameiiean Mechanics. I
Fire '.'omi-'auies. :
Citizens. j
Route of Procession : Form on Maiket Square, i
right of column resting ou Front street, march
up Front to Arch; out Arch toFouith; down
Fourth to Walnut i oat Walnut to Fiont; up i
Front to Chestnut; out Chestnut to Fifth s up
Fifth to Maiket ; out Market to Market Square,
when the procession will be di:inlsed lor dinner.
Afternoon Exercises will commence ut - i
o'clock, p. in. j
Music by Hand. j
Spi-cch by the orator of the day lion. Alex.
Music by Band.
Connected history of 9unburv,hy T. II. Fr.rdv, ;
Esq. j
Music by Band.
Speech bv the Hon. Cca. Simon Cameron. 1
Music by Hand. !
Speech by Hon. Frank. Bound.
Mu-jic bv Band. !
Speech by Hon. John li. Hacker.
Declaim ion of Independence to be read by Gen. '
Jno. K. Clement.
Music by Hand. ,
Balioou Ascension Prof. John Light will as- i
fend ill his new balloon 'crial ' from Maiket I
M usie by Band. 1
Exhibition of File Works on river, nt Markit
street, at s o'clock, p. m. 1
Marshals of the different Organizations arc .
respectfully requested to report to the Chief Mar- j
thai promptly at 1J o'clock, a. m. ; also the
Commit tee of Anantreineiits.
li.l. i:l I r.Csr-.M. lhe following fire compa
nies have reported to be present lo participate in I
the Centennial Celebration ou the -fib :
illiaiiisport Washington sjteaia 1-ire Co, .
Ilarrisburg-Mt.Vernuii llook A Ladder Co. N'o.l. j
Hope, " No. -J. 1
" Co id Will Fire Co. I
Lock Haven Hook and Ladder, No. 1. '
Cataract, No. i
Lebanon Hook and Ladder Co. j
Oi-ricn of the Chihi' Hi.iimiss, i I
M'.Mii iiY, l'a., June - j, 1ST'.', j
Vhiikfis, It appears from numerous Liters;
received bv the committees and citizens of our
borough, that the turnout on the -it li day of July
next, wi. I far exceed any former anticipations ;
an, I, whereas, the olllciuls of t lie icveral llailr u J
Companies teriiiiiiatiug here have kindly tender
el us all the facilities iu their power to convey
the icople, by ordering cxearsion tickets and sev
eral e..ti'a tiaius, iu ndililiuu to the now rim
niog daily to and from this place j and whereas,
letter ot acceptance have been received Irom
ne.iiiy every tow ii along the line of railroad from
Lock Havi a to Lebanon, as well as alon.J the
line of every railroad running to this place, il be
comes ne.cct.tavy, an I 1 would recommend, that
the cii!'-iis make extensive preparations to ac
commodate the pcop'e, while, and make il
as pleasant f'jr l.ieai as the nature, of the oeea
sleri i ill permit.
Aud to the rowdier I would suggest that the
good c'u izens couiiug here on that day must be
protected ut all hazards. The Council of the
tioiu'.igh liaie delcriuiucJ to put on a Milticiciit
police force, un.h r direeliuu of that coinpi Ici.l
and l'.i nt otli.vr, the C hief of Police, Captain
T. Roach, for that purpose. And I assure you
that peace and order shall be maintained, and
li un Urn men kept out of the si reets, if the power
is within the limits of the borough ; and the oi 1
iiiauec of lhe lllh day of December. A. !., lSii.i,
will b.i enforced, prohibiting di utikcimess uli I
dis jiderly conduct, which provides a penalty of
twenty dollars and tixty day impi i-ouinent.
This is not bombast, but the stern, premeditated
aud determined will ol voar otileials.
fcUL. MA LICK, Chief Bargee.
Imimiovi.mkms attiieLuwi:k hsuor Town.
We notice a double frame building has been
erected on Church street, bet n ecu Front and Se
cond, by Mr. John Cooper, which makes a line
The dwelling house of Mrs. T. Pyers, on Se
cond and Church street, has been remodelled and
un addition built to it. The whole building has
received a new coat of paint and makes a line
(,. W. Smith is about completing a fine frame
building on Walnut street, between Front and
We also noticed that Mr. Ed. C. F.isely has
udded another story to the back part of his house
ami put a new roof over the entire building.
Mrs. Nodeeker has moved her house to the
fiont of her lot, ou Front tlreet, with a view to
udding a kitchen to the back part.
An F.ditok llounni). On Monday night last,
our neighbor of the lltinucrnt was made a vic
tim by 6OU10 God-foisaken, unmitigated thieving
scoundrel invading his premises aud robbing the
clothes Hue ot a lot of wearing apparel, which
had been bung up lo dry. Among the Items
was the editor's extra shirt, which was being
washed aud done up for the editor to attend the
Uaitimore Convention. Fortunately for our
neighbor, lis was tho possessor of two thirls, or
he might have becu put to a great deal of Incon
venience, particularly on w ash days. The thiev
ing brute who will deliberately rob an editor,
canuot receive too severe punishuietit. Editors
generally are robbed enough by subscribers who
v.lll lake the paper for a year or two and then
not pay for It, without having some scouudrel
deserving of the peniteutiary, to rob him of his
last thirl, or any other property that ho niuy
Dbowkeii.- Mr. Frank King, one of the fore
wen employed in rebuilding the N. C. H. U.
bridge, at Dauphlu, fell otT the bridge iuto the
river, ou Weduesday last, uud tut drowued. Ho
waa a uatlve ot Indiana couutv. aud waa hlrhlv
; tstetuttd by U who knew kin).
Tue Contested Sufeuinticndrnt Ei.kotioh.
Wo are ludobted to A. N. Brice, Esq., for tho
following report of tho hearing before Ptato Su
perintendent Wlckershain of the enutestcd Coun
ty Superintendent election case i
The examination of the County Superintendent
case came off In the Court House, on Tuesday
last. Prof. J. P. Wickers-ham, State Superin
tendent, was ou hand, and the exercises opened
at VA o'clock, p. in. Flvo lawyers were engaged
In the case. Tho complainants had John Mo
Clcery and C. A. neimeusnyder, Esq., and rhs.
poudciit was represented by O. W. Zcigler, L. T.
Kohrbach nnd J. K. Clcineul, Esq. Iu our hum
ble judgment this was just live lawyers too
many. It made confusion moro confounded, nnd
as soon as the case had been Hated (y Mr Wlck
ershain I lie technical objections commenced, and
the amiable Professor of common sense nnd Com
mon Schools was completely overwhelmed with
eloquent sallies. Unaccustomed to legal gerry
mandering, ho allowed the itentlcincn all a say,
and then quietly Informed them that under the
Act of Assembly made nnd provided in such
cases, he had the wholo riuht of deciding tho case
according to the ftwt presented. I cannot fail
hero to compliment my good friend McCleery
upon his neat and forcible demeanor nnd speech.
Ho stromrly impressed tho audience, and we be
lieve he did the Professor. Our friend, Kohr
bach, also behaved In a very unliable manner as
an attorney. The fact is tho case proceeded as
though the whole party were out on a boisterous
sea voyn'.'o, w ithout i udder or compass. This is
not si range, cither, because no case of the kind
has been tried under the Act nf lsjlio. and the
parlies and their attorneys had necessarily to
feq their way for ho k of precedents upplying to
the case in hand. And then, us is well known,
it is a very hard thing to feel out In the mist an 1
fog lifter bribery and corruption. However,
after some delay la deliningthe lines of advance,
witnesses were put ou the stand and examined
as to the charge of bribery, Ac. These were
principally directors, from thecoal rcuions (sous
of the Lm'i ral.l Isle) and from many other school
districts. The. evidence showed very clearly that
money had been given to Directors by member;
of the bhipmaii family, and that sonic of the Di
rectors had their fare paid i-u the railroad and
their expenses nnd drinks paid for at the hotels.
This was not done by Mr. SaulShipman himself,
but bv Lemuel, his brother, and Judge Shipman,
his father. It does not appear that large sums
were pai l for Votes, but amounts sufficient to pay i
expenses. .Ve. The school law providing for the
Directors in ca"h county to assemble togi tlier
LI leillliai i,V lO eii-i-I. U iiwiii- i;u'ouiiniinui j
does not In any way provide for the expenses of :
said Directors. It is evidently very lame in this
respect, for Directors arc required to perform I
llieir duties in their own district free of charge, I
and then to travel every three years to the conn- i
ly for ihe ptirpo.-.e named. Ibis seems also ,
to be made at their own expense. Tills is wrung. !
The districts ought to be enjoined by law to de- !
fray tin so cxiienes. and then there would tie no
temptation to do that which may be called bri-
bery. However, as Ihe law now stall is we must j
be uui h d th'-rd.y. That Directors will receive j
j.iv nun j'.uuis. iL-auj ...ii in. n ....
to thee conventions Is highly reprehensibl
looks mspicions, to say Hie least, ami gives linge ;
room for a ci incising public lo And .
then that this thing is done by successful candi- !
dales for County Bapei iiiten.leiit of Common
Schools will necessarily detract from their Use- j
luliiess and the respect due their position. The
examination was contiuued during tiie afternoon !
and evening, and. did not conclude until about ;
midnight. The Professor was compelled lo leave j
on the night train, aud for this reason the case i
was not continued for aunt hi r day. lie untitled
the attorneys on both sides to sen.l liltn their
argument to liarrislniig in writing, where he !
would render a decision. In the testimony pro- j
dueed the only witness who referred in any way
to money or icward hiving been etlere.l by any ,
of the other caiu.i.iates, was Patrick II ail v, of 1
(.'.i ll township, who said that Mr. Ileinien-iiyder i
had I'l'.Vred to pay hi expeu-c., but he did not !
say that he did pay tliem. l)n .lie other hand 1
his statement, with the other members of that '
Bond, waslhat twelve dollars had been paid them ,
by Lemuel Shipman, for whose brother they voted, j
Mr. lieiinaiitnyiler afterwards, voluntarily and 1
under oat li, stated sub-laulially that before tic 1
election he met Mr. Heady in r-iiamokin and 1
spoke to him about his candidacy for County Su- !
pcrintciidciit. Mr. H. then sail he understood i
tlicy would come it their expenses were paid
that il it I'cpcnded upon his liberality he would
do as much as any one cite, but as the law now
stood lie could not do it. It cannot be divined,
of course, what the decision of the Male tvaper
iiiteii.hnt i.l be. The whole matter lies wilhiu
his own, brea-t. If he 1. ci I. - in favor of a
commission to Mr. Shipman. it will be because
ihe evidence di I not clearly lis the I ael that lhe
Directors wlri voted for him were paid their ex
penses b.-for: the cl -'l' in, or i.i pursuance of a
1 rcviuii- iiiitler.-'.uiitlii.'j.
Ia connection with tho above the following
will prove inli re-ling :
1 hreo years ago eight men ulii were J.-ct. .1
County bupci iiiteiidetils did not get their com- j
init-ioas. The State Saperint'-iident uppointcl .
other men in their place. Hue of the in.-n !
wl-.a-e co:iiin'is.ioii was rehired app'.ile l to the j
Supreme Couil, but Mr. Wicher.-liam's deei.-ion j
was sustained. The olliee of County Mipcrin- ;
tcndciit Is considered so sacred an interest in j
the eye of the law that if any man is elected j
who i, not lit for the position, or who was
elected through Improper incisures, he cannot ;
receive his coiiun'is.-iaa if objections are !':!ed at I
the Dcpai tnieni, according to lhe liietla.d pre- i
scribed by law. aud the Slate Siipi-rinieii h i.t
limls the oldcciions valid after having given the
subject a lair investigation.
Nm:Tiii Miir.i:uMi's iliniiinx.i to St'Mii i;V.
In respoiise to an invitation from our borough
authorities to the citizens of Nortliuuibcii.iinl lo
attend our Centennial Anniversary on the 4lh of
July, lhe following reply has been received : j
il.u. Wm. L. IiiiWAiii Dear .Sir: 1 have been i
appointed by the Town Council to return v.. a I
tli.'ir ste.ei-etleinl.-s I'm I be Kiloi iilul ireiier..n.s ' -.
imitation lei. Ki.'.l lo ihein. and through them j
to the eiil.ens of No: I liumbci land, to join the !
cillciis of Suubury in celcaraling the Cculeuiiial i
to' the I.ii til of your be.iiuilai and prosperous
town, 'lhe time seems not far distact when j
lhe two towns will join hands and, Willi the '
bridge fi ve to I lie public, w e shall be one con-
linn, us city. The petty rivalry that formerly i
ci tid between the bally-riims and the pine-
knots, has given way lo a feeling of respect ,
and admiralion for each other, and a cordial
and fraternal feeling exists b t .veen them which
lime .ll Coi.tinue to sticiigtheii. We uecci t I
. yo-ir inv':;..liou as coidially as it was iven, lo I
participate in your festivities as a body, and I
with sincere thanks for your geaelelli hospital- j
ity, we ale cm r yours truly,
M. B. PuiiisTi.i v, Committee.
ll-.uiK.r: Wasihuj Away. The Linden bridge,
between Williauisport and Lock Haven, which
burned down recently and was being rebuilt, was
washed away ou Tuesday uight last. The
tui.lge had becu temporal i'.y erected, and cars
weie again crossing. The heavy rains on Sun
day and Monday caused a heavy freshet and a
large number of logs to come down the,
w hich lodged against the trestle work aud, as the
water rose, forced it to give wav.
A lirMAUKAHl.E lit sawav. On Friday even
ing last, as a coal train on the N. C. 11. W., w'nh
engint: No. .Ml attached, was coming from Ml.
Caimcl lo Sliamokiu, an accident oeciiicd which
happily did not result in any severe Injuries or
loss of life, though ut the time great feaii Were j
excited. The engine was coming dowu back
wards, and a short distance below Fulton Stutiou
run over a cow. The engine and tender passed
safely over the animal but some seven of the ears
next the engine were badly wrecked. The engi
neer and liremaii feeling ccrtrin tln ir engine
would go over the high embankment of the road
at this point, jumped oil'. Unfortunately the
coupling bctweeii the engine and cars broke, and
the engine with not a soul ou board ran uway,
passing through Sliamokiu at a speed of twenty
five miles per hour. This c -.tuned a great excite
ment In our town as lhe passenger train from
Suubury w ou'.d be shortly due, and a fearful col
lision seemed certain to ensue. Another engine
was sent immediately ufter the runaway, but
with poor hopes of success. Fortunately tho
"5G" slackcucj her speed iu going around some
of the curves, and ut the Scales was caught by
some active employees of the road who were at
this point, and arrested the engine a few minutes
before the passenger trulu came along. A fear
ful c-atastopbe was thus happily arrested.
(Ireat credit Is duo Mr. D. Attic for his elllcient
services on this occasiou. His ublliiy as a rail
road official was tried Iu this atl'utr uud was not
found wanting. The wreck, was cleared up dur
ing the night, aud next morning all the traiui
tre runuinK uual. .SAjmoIri llcrald.
SuMiltltr, June SUb, B873.
Committee of arrangements for Centennial
Celebration met In Englno Room, at 8j o'clock.
Present, MaliPk, Wajreusrller, Clement, Moore,
Brice, Roberts, Nell', Cadwallidor, Diets, Miller,
Stroll, II. Y. Fryllng and J. Shipman. On mo
tion, A. N. Brlco wns tnado temporary Secretary.
On motion, n committee of three was appoint
ed to erect a stand for speaking on tho 4lb of
Julv. Committee, Moore, Drleo and Clement.
On motion, a committee of three was appoint
ed to select a President of tho day, nnd a render
of the Declaration of Iiidepciidcuco. Commltteo,
brice, Wngenseller and Huberts.
On motion, W. II. Miller wa appointed a
committee to nllond to tho erection of arches,
with power to contract, nt as reasonable a rale
as possible, for their erection, anil also to call to
his assistance any person or persons ho may se
lect. On motion,
Jt'inoliwl, That nil tho citizens of Suubury be
requested to decorate their houses, and more es
pecially along tho route of tho procession. On
ficitnlml, That Jacoh Shipaian be nppolnted a
commit lea, w itli power to call in assistance, with
a view to properly decorating the Depot, and the
erection of an aieh across the track.
The Chairman reported that ho had received a
number of letters of acceptance.
On motion, the committee on music Was di
rected to employ the Fretburg band.
On motion, adjourned to mee t next Monday
evening. II. Y. Fiiylino, Sec.
Fiiie DnsTitrcTioM op Chain. Yesterday a
little before 12 o'clock, the grain houscof Raup ,t
Savage, situated along tho railroad below this
place, was discovered on tire. The alarm was
given and a number of ourcitiz -ns went to the
scene nf conflagration. Nothing was or could be
done to save the building or contents, which con
sisted of 5,000 bushels of oats, 800 bushels of corn
and about 100 of wheat. A spark from a loco
motive caused the fire. The owners live in Tur
butville. Loss about Ol.reW. We understand
there was no insurance. lluuaiuiat lia'ord if
the 1( inxt
Tiif. Pr.oi'i.K.'s Insi have. The People's Fire
Insurance Company of Philadelphia, Is consider
ed one of thn safest in the Mate j no premium
notes, no assessments, and ia the coinpnny to get I
propeity Insured in. Life Insurances nre
taken at the lowest rales conslstaut with securi
ty. Thousands insure in this company on ae
count of safity, reliability, nil 1 prompt paying of I
losses. For particulars apply to Isaiah !?. (loss,
ler, agent , at iinhiirv, Pa.
s, Bonds,
A large lot of Blank Dee Is, Mortifa
and all kinds of Justices' Blanks to
ut 1. 1 1 i ss olliee.
Timk m.J en i iu'lit ciu-.l experience
have shown
1 and relied
( ,.,.,(. ,! suli-l.inces formerly Hsi
on in me Ileal practice, are iinueee
arv and date
..rr,S . v,.t some of these substances have found I
.i,,.-... ....... i. . . .....a-,,..,! ,,,,,, ,,,ii,u. li,.. w.i!kci-s I
California Vinegar Bitter, however, contain
nothing injurious, being composed exclusively of
vi gctabie sub-taiiees Irom California. For nil
disorders of the liver, kidneys, bladder, skin, and
digestive organ, and for purifying the blood,
they are the most wonderful remedy known. j'J'.l
Itiisini'ss Notices.
To Bi-sim:,- Mi:. Vr.u will flu. I at the tai
loring c-l ibli-hmeiit of T. (i.Nott, that business
suits are made up in lhe late-t fashion. The
best oi' mat. -rial is used and good tits are guar.iu
ite I. Prices mod., rile. Hays' suit are made to
order at the moat rc.isiuiabli; jnices.
I on -s. in;.-A One-horse pedlar wagon is cller
e I for sale chop. Apply at S. Faust's hat stoic,
Maiket S'l'iarc, Suuh'iry, Pa. jl",l,t. Ao vin. Win. II. Miller, the enterpris
ing boot and shoe ib alcr at the Kxeels ior store.
i ou Market S.-.iare, purchase.) the tir-t ticket tol l
; at lhe new id-pot. at thi-i place, on Monday of
i last wee!;. Mr. Miller is always wide awake in
i business, and manages to get ahead everywhere,
j particularly In boots and shoes. lie gets the
best article at I he lowest prices, and then gives
his customers the benclit. Men like Mr. Miller
make lively town, and their patrons are alsays
i f..tiitlie.l.
I . i YMMi Fi'niN., AM) Si mmi:h Hat. A large
! supply of sivd-!i Spring and Simmer II. us lo
I sua nil fancies an I tastes h is jul been received
j at S. Faii-t's store. Mail:, t Square. A specialty
i in straw hat ; and the light, v-t, coolest aid neat
I ''-i hat in is the ei.iiiat.-d eassiiiicre h..i. A
ir'-'c sto. k lo seiect fjoni. sivlish go pi ice. I.'. ill and examine
bi f.
i li . 1 rea-n-e
i c
li lting elsei h.-re.
Dot LY Vauiuns at '.V. iun r's.
Inisii p.ii-i.iNS at W. iinei's.
Pi. Ml) Pol l l',s at We'auer's.
Pi. A IX l'ul'l.lvsat ,.,.'. :nua's.
l'lllNI-s at Weliner's.
Sl IllNO SilV.VI.s at Welnli l'.
Ax cndlcs variety of f.r Lade
nd t lii'dri ns wear.
Cam. an I see for yonr-e'.ve..
No trouble to sluov (loods.
SpTcial Notices.
On Miiri'iuK"- I'-says for Young Mi n, on
f ireat Social and Abuses, which interfere
will. M:u ri ige, an 1 r I'm the h lppinese of tliou-sand-,
Willi sure means of relief for ihe Tiling
and I'liforiuniite, deceased and debilitated. Sent
in t.e.ilvd le'.ler envelopes, free of charge.
Aldre-s, lloWal At -.eiatioii, No. U, South
Ninth St.. Philadelphia, l'a.
On the "oth hist., by the Lev. (i. W. Hempcr
ley, ..Mr. S. A. (iK.nv, of SiiiiLury, and Miss
l.Miu ill vsTi.iN, of I'ppcr Augusta.
At Tuibutville, on the ll'.th inst., by the I'.ev.
J. F. Wampole, Mr. .Iai ou I msthad lo Miss
Mauv l'uAM is llii.i.Miivini, both of Mexico,
Liberty township, Montour county.
iliclj fcsjcrlbcmcnto
ma uk tw.-wx's m:y ::u.
IX o ii x li i i x 1 i,
is ready for Canvassers. It is a companion vol
ume to 'Ixnoit.xts AlllllHT," of which lil;t,(iud
copies have been sold. Don't Waste t'me on
books no one wants, but take one people will
slop vou in the si reels to subscribe for. "The
is a time to laugh," and till wlio read this hook
see clearly that time has come. Apply
.me. Apply at once
for territory or circular. Address,
DLTFIKI.D AsllMKAD, l'ub!i-hcr,
711 Sanson! Mreet. I'hiladclpliia.
W. D. frlELECK,
l)rugiist and Apolliecary,
(.successor to Dr. . W. Moody,)
At the old established stand oil
tJurhel ,jiKire, SI VIIIIIV, IA.
! Keeps itmstaully oil hand a
full stock of well
Druggists Fancy (ion Is,
COM 11,
Yiitvisii, i v i:s r i r ra.
ill fact everything usually kept in a well con-
Particular utleiition paid lo compounding Phy
sicians prescriptions ami faintly receipts
Proprialor himself.
Suubury, Pa., June S, 1N7J.
y the
TOTl 1-1 Is hereby given that on the nine.
Il teculh day of March last past, tho petition
of the Noilliumlierlan I Colony Agricultural
Society was presented to the Court ol Common
Pleas of .Northumberland county, praying the
Court to add certain iiini ndinci'its to lis Con
stitution, which sai l uincmlmeuts were aud re
main lllfd iu the Proihouotary's olliee of the
said couutv, uud unless sullleiint reasons be
shown to the contrary on or before lhe first
day of next term, the prayer of lhe petiiioncr
w ill ba granted ugrecably to the Act of Assem
bly in bach cases made and provided.
WM. P. JIAUPT, rrolh'y.
Suubury, May 84th, 197:3.
To Debilitated Persons,
To Dyspeptics,
To Su Aurora from Llvur Complaint,
To Uioso bavins no Appetite,
To Uioso with lirokcu Down Couslitu
tons, To Nervous People,
To Cliihli-i'ti Wnstiiis Awny,
oany with Debilitated Digestivo Organs,
Or suffering with any of Hie following
& injinmt, u-hkli indicate Disordered Liver
tj Stomach,
such as Con
stipation, Inward
Piles, Fullness or
Blood to tho Head, Acid
ity of the Stomach, Naiiea,
Heartburn, Disgust for Food,
Fullness or Weight In the Stom
ach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or
Fluttering at tho Pit of tho Stom
ach, Swimming of tho Head, Hur
ried and Dillicult Breathing, Flutter
ing nt thn Heart, Choking or Sull'o at
lug Sensations, when In a Lying PosiUrc,
Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the
Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficien
cy of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin
mid Eyes, Pain iu t he Side, Hack. Chest,
Limbs, .vc, Sudden Hushes of Heal,
Burning In the Flesh Constant Im
aginings of Evil, and (ireat De
pression of Spirits.
HoollamVs tierman liillers.
A Bitters without Alcohol or Spirits of any kin 1.
Is dill'erent from all other. It Is composed o
the pure Juices, or Vital Piiinch'I.i: or Hoots,
IIeiipsj and Uakk, (or as medicinally termed Ex
tracts,) the worthless or inert portions of the in
gredients not being used. Therefore in one but
tle of this Bitters there is contained as much me
dical virtue as will be found iu several gallons of
ordinary mixtures. The Roots, A:e., used In this
Bitters arc grown in (ieinianv. their vital princi
ple extracted b: that country by a scientific Che
mist, and forwarded to the manufactory In this
city, where they are compounded and bottled.
Containing no spir.tuous ingredients, this Hitter J
li free from the objections urged ngaiust all oth- i
crs : no desire for stimulants can lie induced 1
from their use : thev cannot make drunkards
l Was compounded for those not Inclined to ix
', tremc bitters, and is intended for use In cases
when some alcoholic stimulant is required In co i-
nccuon wun ine tonic properties 01 tne tuners.
I Much bottle of t he Tonic contains one bottle of i
the Bitters, combined with puree SANTA CKl".
Itl'M, an I llavored in such a manner that the ex
Ireinc bitterness of the billers is overcome, I'm ni
hil; a preparation highly agreeable and ileasant
to tho palate, aud conlainiug the medicinal vir
tues of the Bitters. The price of the Tonic is $1.
r) per Bottle, which many p.-rsons think loo
high. They nilist take Into considei.ition that
the stimulant used is unaranleed to be of a pure
ipiality. A poor article could be furnished at n
cheaper price, but is it not belter to pay a little
..,.r 1 I. .v.. ., .......1 it i.e.. I A ......I '
paratiou should contain none but the be-1 ingre-
dients ; nnd they who expect to obtain a cheap
eouipoun I, and be benefitted by it will most cer- j
tainly be cheated.
j IIoo!!inrs U-riiiu:i ItUU-rs. or
LAND'S t'otioitlty llitl iill.
' will cure you. They are the (ireatest
l'.I.t.dil Pl'BIFlF.lLS known to the Medical
wori I, and will-eradie.ite t!ieasis ari: lag fVoin
inipuie l.',.,od. Iiebiliiy of the Disg. stive Organs,
I or l:sia-ed Liver, iu a shorter time than any
other known remedies.
Who wori.D asic ton muui: Diosirir.n and
SllloM.I it Tkstimony !
Hon. firoiioi: W. Wo ivaui, foinierly Chief1
Ju si ice of I he Supreme t 'otirt ot L cnnsvlvnnia, J
nt present Member of Congress from Pcmisyl- !
vania writ, s : j
l'lliI.Ai.rt.i'iiiA, March 1 "! 1 1 ; , lN'.T. ,
I find ''Iloollan I's liermaii Bitters'' is a good 1
tonic, useful In diseases of the digestive organs, I
and of great hem lit ia cases of debility, and i
want of nervous action in the system. Vonrt-,
truly, (.LO. W. WuoDWAt,!). j
lion. Jamk Thomi'sos, Chief Justice of the Su- 1
prcine Coin t of I'e'.iu-ylvaiiia. j
1'im.wu'i.riiiA, April H, 1S07.
I consider Iloollan I's Herman liillers'' a val- I
n ible me lieine In 'se of attacks ol Indige-li.'U '
or Dyspepsia. I can certify this from my expe
rience of ii. !
Hon. (ii'nia.r. So ai:.w ... n. Justice of Hie Sa-
p:e:ne Com t ut P'-nusylv ania .
i'liii.Ai.i i I'liiA. June 1, ls.'.S.
1 h ive found by experience that llo,, Hand's
liermaii" is a very good tonic, relieving
ily.-pcptic s, .r.pio-.iis almost directly.
lil.Oi.lit MIAUMlUUIl,
lion. II'.,,. '. '..-rr. Mayor of the City of But
falo, N. V.
Mayor's Olliee, B-ill'.ilo. June "20, lsf.d.
I have u-. 1 'iloolland's (icrmaii Bitters and
Tonic" iu my family during the past year, nnd
can lecouimeiid them as an cvc-llcnt Ionic, im
parting tone and vigor to the y-lem. Their ue
has been productive of decide. Ilv beneficial ef
! fe.-ts. WM.'F, UOiiKliS.
Hon. M. Woo,!, F.x-Mav. ; i f V,'
port. Pa.
I lake great ph-astire iu rceommen.liug ''Hoof- I
land's ( lei man I onic' to any one who inny be
nlllicle l with Dyspepsia. 1 had the Dyspepsia .
so badly il was iiupossibie to kec. uny lood on '
my f-ioinach, an I I became so -.. k as not ( be
aide to walk half a mile. Two bottles elfectod a
perfect cure. JAMKS M. WOOD.
AYiil Cure every t'ltsu of
or Wiistiiig awiiy ol tlio Hotly.
I 1 K it VT. I)'S tiEUMAN' 11HMEDIES
Arc vou reouire to puiify llic
llioo I, excite tiie torpid Liver to healthy action,
aud to en. i. lie you lo pass safely through any
hardships or exposure.
P O I) U P 11 Y L L 1 N
or siibstilale for Merei. .
Dose. The mo. I l'oweifui,
lie known.
Tills. Two Pills a
t Innocent Catliar-
It Is not necessary to take a of these
Pills lo produce the desired ctleet ; two of them
ael iiiiekly and powerfully, cleansing the Liver,
stoaiaeh anil liowcls of nil iinpin il ics. The
priiieijeil Ingredient is Podophyllin, or the Alco
holic l.xtr.icl of Mandrake, which i.s by many
limes more powerful, acting and searching than
the Mandrake ilselt. Its peculiar action is upon
the Liver, cleaning il speedily from all obstruc
tions, with all the power of Mercury, yet free
from the injurious results attached to the use of
that mineral.
For all disease, lu which the Use of a cathar
tic is Indicated, these pills will give entile satis
faction in every case. They never fail.
In cases of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia and ex
treme costivcucss, Dr. iloolland's (ieimaii Hit
lers or Tonic should be used iu conin elioii with
(lie Pills. Tin-tonic ellect of the liiileij or To
nic build up the system. The billers or Tonic
iiiirillcK the Blood, strengthens the Nerve, regu-
I lutes the Liver, aud givca strength, enemy unj
Keep your Bowels active with the Pills, ami
tone up the system w ilh liillers or Tonic, and uo
disease can retain the hold, or even assail you.
Keeollcet that ills DU. lUIOFLAND'S CKK
MAN P.cmedics that me so universally Used and
highly recommended j and do not allow the
Diesgisl lo induce you to lake unythlng else
that he may say Is Just us good, because he
makes a larger profit on it. These lleuiediea will
be scut by F.xpress to any localilv, upon applica
tion to the PKINCU'AL OFKH'K, nl Ihe tiK.K
C1IAS. M. EVANS, Ptoprietor.
Formerly C. M. Jacksou & Co. These Itcrhe
d'.ts are for Bale by Druggists, Storekoepera, aud
Mediciue Dealen every bera.
J Central Variety Store I
id m. ir
of nil kinds,
IMfiues, Tickings, Notions in great Variotv.
Wood nnd "Willow "Ware. Floor, Table, ami Stair Oil Cloths.
in grout variety, lower than tho lowest in jiriee.
Wall Paper and Window Shades.
Gro to FrrciNTIUY'S
for the Greatest Variety of Oootls! I'l-icea the Lowest! Goods
arrivina: Dailv.
AiHMit for the Victor Sewing; Machine. S
MAnUIlT .ST:ii:i'.T, ono doer CiiMt
Puiilmry, May -I, 1 J. 1 y.
K-fiea8w3 Sp&'hag pein
Popular Clotliing Btore,
Corner VXax'ket. and rl?hird Streets,
Now on hand an 1 rec-eiving an enormous atsortui'tit of SlT.INii liOOD.
3.001 mmM$m gsmt's,
500 Business and Working Coats,
400 Dress Pants anil Vests,
500 Business mid Working Suits,
IS SaSts
aiid CAPS fof MEW bik! BOYS.
A grand assortment iu this Hue. iuclii.png nil the verv 1 1: -' S'v'.es. A large variety of
The Larg.'st Assortment In this line
Calico from "..V up. While Dres Shirt from il.( I up. Agency for the Celebrated QUAKEE
CITY and LXLIPSF. FINE DHI-'SS SI I HITS, ev.-iv ,,:-.e of which is guaranteed a peil'sct tit.
(Cents' Spring and Summer Underware.
500 Overalls and Ovorsliirts
made to order. Only th-J be.-t ia iteiial use 1 and well sewed.
Trunks, Valises, Satchels,
Umbrellas, Walking Canes,
nr.J numerous other .uticVs. All tho aliw-v-j JP0-'1 will bo oil'crc l rtt
P.uving only of the largest ninl most ivliab'm Il.iiitis. ainl for CASH only, nnd iloius
Lv Car llic largest business in my liin; iu this) puiT of tho couut.y, 1 am tiuibluil to eetl
thnn any of my eoiujdctUors luro or tlso where.
Call at the Laro ain't P.oaullful Store Koom,
Corner Market and Third Streets,
Suubury, M.utIi Jo, 1S7J. ly.
nn.w.KK in
Amrici:ii au;l F.urnjX'iiit
Vt'VM'51 .'..
! ri.Ni: .IF.WKl.l'V atul S LVEIIW AHL!
I'orlVi'tiMl 5'ifclulcs aud Fju
la .
Watches aud Jewelry ueatly repaired and war
rants.!. Market iuare, SUNBURV, Pa.
Feb. U, 187'3.-tf.
R12 aud 3! I Race Srurtir.
I'lllLADF.LPli: A.
Accommodations fiist-cluss. Prices $'J 00 per
apSO.Sm. TRANK DEITilRiriCC, Vrop'r.
i -i
of tUoarliurt'it :i!Vctiocrjr Htoro,
to be found outside the large cities.
Mjiriu-j Kit milt vr Opening
tiii.i.ixs::;v .oix.
I hits itiul lhiiiiU'ts, Trir.inicd and
HIP. HONS, l-'l.oVi:i's.
all new sty'a s.
( rape YfU ol'H (iradcK.
and cverythiiig u.-tuiily kept lu a Milliner)- Storc
Call at
45 South Fourth Mr. i t, below t'uo S. V. R. R.,
srLLi;v, pa.
April 0, llsTJ.
l'.XK.(4 TOU'Jsj NO 1 11 K.
l'.K(::t( nt I;iiiivt Itoi-li. drcruhrd.
VuTllli Is hereby i;ivc!i that letters tcla
iiieiuary have been granted to the under
signed, oil lhe l'siaic of Daniel Koeb, late of tho
Borough of Siiclmrv, Northumberland County
Pa., deee istd. All peisoiis kuouiug rhemscha
indebted lo said estate, are re piested to liuika
iiniueiliale payment, and those having claims, to
preaviut lla-m d.dv irillieiiti.-.ile.l tor clC.-im.Ul.
KxecuuU. .
S.u-.bury, May 11, l-iT.'.-f.i.
-xtr.hiiixT.' iioi si:, c. nffk
1 Y Proprietor, Comer of Market t hecoi.4
Mt-e,(f, opixisite tho Co'iit Uoiue, bmibury,
I Pa. ' ' May-JH.'W.