Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 29, 1872, Image 2

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    iknhrg American.
R s p u b I lean Ticket.
I'or I'renlclcnt.
tiC. I'. J. t It ANT,
Tor Vice !rciiIctit.
Republican JState Ticket.
for governor,
tf Montgomery County.
fob strmmiis jvhok.
(f Bradford County.
rou auditor general,
rr.ia. gex. irAiiiusox allex,
of 'Warren County.
HO. I.EJU'S'.t, TOJsn.nfcir.iiber'unil co
UUS. IIAI5KV V' 11 I'M-:, of Indi.iua co.
T U 1 1 1 ) X A 1 . C O X V E X 1 1 0 X,
WILLIAM M. MEREDITH, or Philadelphia.
j. unxiv'.'.'AM fell, or Philadelphia.
HARRY WHITE, of Indiana eountr.
WILLIAM 1.1 1.1. V, of Carbun co u.l.v.
linn rartiiolomew, or sci.uviiiiii comity.
II. X. M'ALLISTER. or Centre
WILLIAM II. RMSTRONG, of J.wo-niiig co.
WI..LIAM DAVIS, of Luzerne count v.
JAM .3 F. REYXOLDS. of Lancaster ennuty.
SAMUEL E. DIM Mil.', of Wnvne county.
iEORGE V. LAWRENCE, "f Wa.-hiugtOL CO.
DWI1) X. WHITE, of Allegheny county.
W. II. A1XF.Y, or I..-lit!i court v.
JOHN' II. WALKER, of die county.
AnoLrii E. Boitr.:, Jons M. Thompson.
T'itl. Tint.
1. Joskpu A.P.omum. 14. .Tons r.vfvoitn.
2. M.uices A. Davis. 15. S. D. Fheemav.
8. G.MonitisoNCoATi; 10. .Irssr. Mr.umu..
4. Husky u'uomm. 17.
5. Tumi. M. Wii.mek. IS.
0. Jous M. IL.oomail 111.
7. Fiiasci! Pinionm. -!.
8. Mai:k H. Rif iiahos 21.
. Kowahi. II. Gitnrs.
in. Dav. K. Suokm ykhu 2d.
11. DamiI. R. .' SI.
12. J.KAMI. M. MollfoN 2".
13. TlllCOllllUll Sl'i:on. 2li.
h'enhv (iiii.a;
ltoi'i:uT lif.i.1..
J.W. M. TlO'Ml'SOS
Geo. V. AsmtEWS.
lli:siiv Li.oyd.
John J. Gii.i.rsrn;.
,I.I!N W. Wai .l.AeE.
Cu C. lJovi.i;.
Forney's l'ress is IrAin an experiment
which must necessarily f.iil in morals or
politics whenever attempted, iiml Hint is,
to serve (iol find'.iioa fit the same
time. As far us the Piceiilenlial eauilUaks
arc concerued, no ohirdions are raised by
that paper, from tha fact that its editor is
not qui'.o prepared tor the Presidential
chair, believing that he has first to be ad
mitted to the IT. Senate, before he will Le
-able to occupy Filch a prominent position.
In order to secure the latter lie opposes part
of our State ticket, not because any beiious
cbarg'-s have brought agaiust the can
didates, but because he is afraid Iheso men,
if elected, will be au obstacle iu his way.
The reasons given by the Frets some time
ago fur its opposition to Ilartrauft were
very vague, indeed, and proved just what
many had suspected for some time,
an excuse to vent his spleen against the
Hon. Simon Cameron, whs he imagines is
in his road. Nothing has been adduced
against HartrunfL to show that lift w as cor
rupt or dishonest ; and having received his
nomination fairly, we cauuot seo why the
Press should not give its support to him as
well as to Grant. Particularly as all the
odds between the two Gubernatorial candi
dates are in favor of Ilsirtianft. Where
liuckalew is known he will not carry his
party vote. The l'rtsu claims that 500 Re
publicans in Northumberland county will
not vote the State ticket. The editor can
not be well informed, for wo know ot none
who are willing to ast their votes iu favor
of Uuckalcw iu preference to Ilartraufi,
while on the other hand wo know a large
number of Democrats who will not sup
port liuckalew. In fact the Vrcus is uot l......1.1t ........
nal. We are sorry that such is the case,
as the l'ms has hereliifure held a promi
nent pohition iu the Republican ranks, but
by persisting iu its prcscut course it must
143 iU iuiluence.
SioKiriCANT. Tl C Juniata JltiiuhVcan,
iu noticing the re-uomiiintiou of the lloi).
J. 13. Pucker, for Collarets, ly the Snyder
County Couven'.iDU, says :
"Tho unanimous vole for re-nomination
which our able. Con jicosmau, Hon. John
15. Packer, ii-ceive.l at thu recent primary
flection iu Snyder county, is significant of
tho esteem in which he is regarded iu the
District. No other person has yet been
fouud bold enough to nsk to supplant our
faithful member, and it is well there is not,
for if theru were, ho Would liud himself Iho
worst licked mm who ever tried to et a
nomination. Thus the people, reward faith
ful servants."
Ecoii.L EuniiTT, chairmaa of the rke
publican Stato Central Comuiittcc, prompt
ly denies the canard published iu Forney's
l'rcxs, a few days ns, in tho shape of a
Wuehitiston despatch setting forth that he
had expressed doubts of Ilartranft's ilec
. tiou. Major Errctt, iu private aud public
ly, has given the most cheering assurance
of our success iu October aud November
assurances which Lo bases on tho most re.
liable information received from all parts
of the State.
TunnE is sharpness ns well as tru'h iu
the remarks of the U'.oonishtirg (Columbia
county) I?m:l!un. It says : ''Forney-
Andy Johnson's Dead Duek' 'mUni'.s to
bupport our Fishiugcreek confederate,
BucValew. Ho betrayed tho Democratic
party once and now attempts to sell tho lie
publican, but ho will find that tho party
that could tilt overboard a treacherous
President with all his patronage can novt
dispcuse with the doubtful service of a mau
that only serves a party so long as it pays.
'Come, Metternicb," said Napoleon, "how
much do they pay you for fighting aguiust
we.' " '
Carl Schura peremptorily dcelinc all
political Bisociaiion with; Horace Gtceley.
iiuuiug luijiuiiig to me! ncouoiieau i.uim. j anil Millies nil wlio were conccrneil in ru
by its present course, nor have wc much j moving him from the position ho disgraced
faith in its sinceiily as a Ee publican jour- j at the head of the i'mei-u Uelalions Com-
The Hon. Simojt Cameuon. An at
tack has been made Upon tho gentleman
whoso name heads this article, by tho free
trado party and its allies, for tho purpose
ofdepreciatiug his services and keep him
cut of tho United States Senate. It is well
known that Mr. Cameron has been instru
mental in preventing the schemes of tho
free traders tver since ho has bceu a mem
ber of that body, and that the State of
Pennsylvania never had a truer advocate
of her interests. Hut wo And a certain
class of aspirants makiug no secret of tho
matter, and openly declaring their opposi
tion to the Stato Ticket for the purpose of
preventing the re-election of Mr. Cameron
to tho U. S. Senate. The. nominees of the
Republican party iu this Stato aro not ob
jectionable, but because it is feared that by
their success in October next the free trade
parly will again fail to accomplish their
objects, for sis years to come, every means
will be resorted to to defeat them. As these
frt'o traders and their allies aro making it
a pretest that Mr. Cameron is not tho right
man in the right place, and that through
him iho State ticket should be defeated,
we copy below an article from the Ger
manlown Tchyriiph, written by its venera
ble editor, Major Freas, wlu stands inde
pendent of polities, and whom) opinions arc
greatly lewvenccd by all panics :
"A concerted attack has been made, from
j various quarters upon (ijneral Simon Cam
eron, that leaves no d iti'jt whatever that
tlr.3 is part ot a geneial niul dcep-lanl
j scheme to change the whole complexion of
the United Slates Senate iu the interest of
I the free-trade fiction that has its hoadquar
! ters in New York. It begins lo bo obvious
that the nailers ol the Democratic, and so
called "J.iU-ral Republican'' opposition
really care much !cs; about tho chance of
electing a President, than obtaining the
control of the .Senate for free-trade and
Democratic purposes. Several of the lead
ing five-trado organs make no secret of tho
matter, and therefore publish a list of the
Senators who :ire to he clio.e'u tho winter j
ensuing, and diicct altcntiou to their se-j
erels as the main object of the campaign, j
Iu such a contest we can feel no liesita- j
lion as to our course. We have no panic-
ular love for Simon Cameron, lie is not j
our ? i'hid of a statesman, but a tho ;
aim in striking at iiini seems pretty clearly
to bu io pal an opposition Senator iu his j
j place, we warn all our InctuU to beware ot ,
1 falling into any snare on this subject. Si
' mon Cameron may bu a selfish man in ;
j some respects, but lie is a most utisellish j
I one in others. Those who are now parad- i
! nig extracts from Jimnn's abominable i
1 "lil'e of Lincoln," carefully showing how !
j Mr. Cameron was turned out of the Cabi- :
! net, ore extremely careful not to show 1. ow !
this same Simon Cameron lelurned good
! f ir evil, by getting the two houses of the j
! Pennsvlvaiii.i Legislature, with all their ;
officers at their head, to rc-nomitinte Pres- .
ident Lincoln for re-election. Wo have a !
personal and positive knowledge that this '
was done, Vy tne inlluenee of SimoiiCameron.
Nor do these newly Hedged enemies of,
our Senator rare to remember that Simon
Cameron, in his first report as Secretary of :
AVar, advocated openly the enlistment and '
arming of colored troops and especially the j
slaves, and that Mr. Lincoln and his con- :
se.rvative associates objected to this radical '
passage and had it struck out. It is also ;
quite convenient now to forget that Simon
Cameron, as Secretary of War, raised, ;
armed aud equipped the first National ;
Army ol over bis liuuoreu thousand men
ever put iu the lield. Perhaps these oppo
nents of General Cameron do not know or
care to know that when the lhst great call
was made for troops, General Scott pro
posed t i put them all iu three great canton
ments on tho northern lakes, to drill for
thice months, three or four hundred miles
from the frontier, and that General Came
ron, as Secretary of War, refused to con
sent, and his refusal prevented it. Vet we
have this from a geutleiuau who was pres
ent at the interview.
We say all this, and we could say very
much more to the same elfect, at the same
time that wo reiterate that we have not ad
mired General Cameron. We know his
errors and they are. serious enough. Hut
wc do not believe in men who have never
gone astray iu any of their public acts.
They are "euerally persons of feeble char
acter, too much afraid of their good
name j
"to attack a bulrush unless tlm wind were
iu their favor." As between Simon Came- j
ron and the free-trade faction who seek his '
political martvrdom, nnd an between him
ami the miserable tail-end of a faction that
rallies Hrountl Senator Sumner and attacks ,
. .
1 nnttee. we ar t'.eaity, uuetiuivocally a:id
decisively for Simon Cameron. If the Re
publican party must i;o down in defeat iu
Pennsylvania or rise with Cameron, we
shall incontinently throw overboard nil
w ho make this a personal mailer and o0
lor the man who sustains the party that
has d out) so much to preserve thu Union
one and inseparable."
Somij liny editors, willi their wives,
passed through this place on Monday last,
on their annual excursion ti Eric an ! the
lakes, and return through tho oil regions.
Among them were some of the most prom
inent journalists of llie day. The excursion
will no doubt bi a very pleasant affair.
Tiik Watsont'ivwi A'i.-.v,ns consistent
i'nov;,h iu its party atlinities to see tho uilrr
btuilitieation ofthrsj Democrats who ad
vocate llie minima! '.on of t Jreeley. It s.ijs:
"The l'liiladelt'hia A: and" P 'inerov's
New Voik lknuH-r'tt. strongly repudiate the
i-leaoflhe Jlaltimore convention nomina
ting a l'iiublUnn as the Democratic candi
dale for President. (Jreeley is, always was
uud always will be, a Republican, and why
some Democrats want him uomiuatcd at
Daltimare we can't sec."
In tho case betwu uJ. K. Davis, ofSe
linsgrove, and tho Sunbury & Lcwistown
Railroad Co., in the matter of damages for
land taken for said road passing through
two of his farms, the jury rendered a ver
dict awarding Mr. Davis iri.'JiW. The laud
taken is iu the neighborhood of live to livo
aud a half acres.
Ax Ixr-i'LT to Outi Flao. The State
department at Wtir.hmgton has received
despatches from George Holt, our Consul
at Gaspe Basin, Canada, to tho cllbet that
the Captain of the Dominion Cutter Stella
Maria, captured the American schooner
James Biiss, for an alleged violation of the
Dominion laws, aud brought her into port
with tho Dominion Hag Hying ut tho peak,
over the American flag, which was Uuion
down. Our Consul protested agaiuit tho
insult, but it was repealed.
General Koch a, with three thousand
men, and afterwards uniting with other
government forces, bringing his forces up
to five thousand, is reported to bo rapidly
advancing 011 Treviuo at Monterey. Larfe
quantities of supplies aud munitions of war
have gone from Matomoras to tho advane
iug forces. General Roe ha has proved the
most enterprising and successful command
er on the government side, aud an import
ant battle between the two armies is immi
nent, with the advantage in the part of tho
A erisciAL from Pittsburg says a fearful
collision occured Saturday on the Wash
ington and ISaltimoro railroad, near Con
nellsvillp. The freight and mail trains ran
together at full speed on a short curve.
Tho entire freight train was wrecked.
Henry ttaxtou, conductor of tho latter, and
Robert Lockhart were killed, and mail
agent Rlaekburu mortally wounded. Eight
passengers were seriously injured, aud it is
expected a number of these will die. Nine
others sustained injuries of a lees severe
character. Tho freight train was running
at a high ralo of speed, in order to reach
the switch at Conucllsvillo before tho ap
proach of tho mail.
Fatal Accident. An accident oc
curred iu the Pennsylvania Iron Works, on
Wednesday evening of last week, which re
sulted in the terrible death of a young man
named Itobert Schick. At tho time, he
was engaged in his usual occupation of oil
ing the largo crown wheel which drives tho
"squeezer" when his foot slipped and he
fell, being caught in the cogs and his body
carried between the opposite surfaces of
tho "squeezer." Ho was literally rent in
nieces whilo living. He was a simile man,
twenty-four years of nge, and an English-1
man by birth, llo was a soiuier uurim;
the late war aud had only been employed
at these works a few weeks before the acci
dent. Danville Amerkan.
A TKiltiini.n disaster occurred on the
Grand Trunk Railroad, near Rclloville,
Canada, on Friday night. The locomotive
of an express train going east was thrown
from the track anil two cars, lllled with
passengers, were piled upon tho engine.
The escaping steam from the engine passed
through these cars, and the passengers who
i were not killea outriu'ht were scalileil in a
j dreadful manner. On Saturday evening
I tho list of dead numbered 2u, and of 05 iu
' jural not more than livo or six were cx
I peeted to live.
! Hartrauft fought bravely for the Union
! against treason, distinguishing himself
; greatly by his many successful battles.
Ruckulew, on the contrary, was at home,,
neting with the nu n who were proclaiming
the war for tho Union a failure, and looking
complacently, if uot approvingly, on tho
rising against the Union cause in his dis
trict. And in the face of Jhese facts, hon
est Republicans aro asked vote for liuck
alew. Such a suggestion is an insult to the
intelligence and patriotism of Republican
ci:m:i: vi. ::Vi ui'.ns.
An Indiana editor locates the Holy Land
in Nebraska.
Taxation is unknown in Morocco ; tho
funds raised aro called loans.
The cheese factories all over tho western
reserve are now in full operation.
Florida is the only State iu tho United
States without a daily newspaper.
Illinois produced 05,000 tons of pig metal
last year ; live years ago, not a ton.
Duval county, Florida, has produced an ;
Irish potato 20 inches long aud nearly as
many around.
In Dresden they have an American club.
It is a very agreeable place wherein to pass
an hour or two in tho morning.
An English paper tJiaies that there are i
altogether livo hundred and two princes :
and princesses of royal blood in Europe to
day. ;
Compulsory military service is now the '
law of France, with no substitutes and no
exceptions, after the German stylo iu this ;
'.Vest to 'Rothschild, the wealthiest bank- !
or iu Vienna is a nwu who iu his youth !
started an errand uov at a salary cl ono :
tlorin a week..
I Massa Christopher Columbus was a
: queer man, said a negro orator; a notion
i crossed him ono day, aud den he crossed
an ocean.
j Jcnnio Cl.ifliu responded, when elected
j us colonel of tho Eighty-liflh, iu a little
! speech, iu which she said she would make
' the regiment the Juremost one of tho ia
i tioual Guard.
It is estimated that the total water-power
of Maine is npial to the combined total en
ergy of 151,000,0110 men laboring day and
nioht all tho year round, or cxeeediiu; the
actual workiii'' power of nil the men in the
I "nitej States, EutjLtuJ, Praucc aud Ocr-
Statistics have been compiled, from which
it appears that during the tirst four mouths
' of the amount of money sought to be
raised for new loans, banks and industrial
; undertakings brought out iu England,
! America and on the continent was about
i JL l0iJ,0UU,0'JU.
j Within tho past thirty-nine months, the
i Republican party, tinder President I! rant,
I has reduced the debt about 5rJ.jJ,iJUU,UU0.
: Jieat (.Irani !
Gen. George !. M'Clellan has "done
1 gone wrong," and now says he won't vole
1 for Greeley. What's the ilill'eienet s ' The
j Second Napoleon always helps the cause he
j lights, and no doubt this is his unJcrstand-
ing with Greeley.
Tho luineenspectors iu the anthracite rc
uion report the utimber of workmen killed
during 187J at J"-'. About one-third
these were killed by
thu explosion ot "as,
and nearly oue-sixlh lost their lives through
tbeir own negligence. J. be number injured
was C.'J.
A Mrs. AVelsh was shot by her son in
Philadelphia, 011 Saturday night last, ami
died on Monday morning. The young man
seemed insane, imagining his mother was
uboitt to poison him.
Iu West Chester, 011 Sunday, an un
known man took a horso and wagon stand
on the street, aud drove until he upset, re
ceiving injuries which caused his death.
It is thought ho was insane.
Iu Brazil a bitter contest is going on be
tween Masonry and L'ltratnunlanism. The
Masons are struggling for more fnedoin iu
education, I'or w hich they are excomunicat
ed by the I'ltraiuoniaiu Priests.
Till: old Episcopal Church 011 Third
street, WiUiamspoi l, was sold to tho Wash
ington street Baptist cougiegatiou. They
have re-modcllcd and rctiltcd the building,
aud it was dedicau.d on Sunday, tho Rev.
T. Clapp preaching the sermon.
The Jersey Shoro liirahl says : W. B.
Wilson, of this place, whilo 111 Chctopa,
Kansas, October 5, lS70, marked a ten dol
lar greenback with his name and the above
date. On tho 8th inst. tho same bill came
into his possession. Taking tho distance
into consideration, it seems strauge.
Willia MsportT hack drivers chargo at
the rate of 1 an hour for hauling strangers
from tho depot to dillercut parts of tow 11.
The Middleburg 1'ost reports locusts
alarmingly plenty in Suyder county, almost
every tree uud shrub being ladcu w ith them.
The salary of tho Milton Post Master
has been raised from fourteen hundred dol
lars lo sixteeu hundred dollars per year, to
commence July 1, 1S7J.
Messrs. Jacob Bi'siiono, Henry Bush
ong, Herbert Bushong and 11. Y. Bouja
min havo purchased the anthracite furnace
at Williainsport, of John Fox, for JO.tKKJ.
No body in this county seems auxious to
tike any stock in Buckalew. He is not a
ftivoriie even among the Democracy.
Tho Apache Indians, now in Washing
ton, under chargo of General Howard, are
represented as of remarkable appearance,
short in stature, immenso amount of hair
and unusually dark complexion. They are
said to be far inferior, both mentally and
physically, to lted Cloud's parly.
Tho miscreant who led the New York
rioters in 1803 to tho murdering of loyal
citizens and innocent colored women and
children, is uow a blatant supporter of
On the 1st of July tho women of Illinois
will bo eligible to hold appointivo offices in
that State, under a law passed by tho last
Legislature. Tho military is tho only oc
cupation not open to them, aud they aro
exempted from jury duty.
1'rom Our IMiilaM. Corrrspoudriit.
Piur.AD'A, June 24, 1872.
Fhieni) Wir.VEirr : Tho past week has
been one of little moment, with nothing of
particular interest, except that as to hot
weather it was a complete success. Here
wc bad no fchowers lo cool it oil' or lay tho
dust, but, judging from appearances those
surrounding us have been more favored at
times than we. If there is one thing wo
are never quite salislied in, it is tho weath
er. It is loo dry for some, too wet for oth
ers ; and we cannot help feeling, if wo had
the ordering of it ourselves, what a queer
mess we'd make of it I One thing I have
never found fail, and that was in dry
weather the rain always came before it was
too late, or iu wet always stopped before
the injury was irreparable.
The meeting in New York last week, of
which I spoke in my last as exercising tho
Greeley ilea considerable, lias takeu place,
the only result of consequence being a more
determined intention of lamming Greeley
through tho lialtiiuon; Convention, en
dorsed by it, aud lo be duly swallowed by
all Democrats willing to do so. lly the re
ports thereof harmony was not onu of the
characteristics of the meeting, and resulted
in another ticket, ranging in importance
with that of Davis aud Packer, Woodhull,
iVe. Tho great issue will be between
Grant and Wilson, and. if the I'allimorc
Convention does as it looks like their doing,
endorse the Cincinnati nominees, Greeley
and Rrowu, and it is certainly a hopeful
prospect for the forim r, when we consider
tho unity of action and purpose manilesU d
by the great party whose leaders they are,
and tho general enthusiasm with which
their nomination was received, and com
pare it with tho half dead and alive state of
Hie party opposiug them, divided among
themselves, and uo binding force to hold
Ihem together, save llie
"atiyth'.hg t beat Grant.'
well save their cll'orts.
tale old cry of
They may as
Even with the
great farmer and the merging of themselves
with those so bitterly opposed to them for
years, it is a fruitless undertaking, andean
succeed only in tiio eerlasting dismember
ment of their parly organization.
The strikes of which I spoke in my last
have done as I said they would, li.zled. It
was a hopeless job led by the class they
were. It is a hopeful sign for both em
ployer and employee, that the latter have
opened their eyes to seo, with truthful ae- j
curacy, the fraud their would-be-leaders i
were endeavoring to saddle upon them, i
and to demand leaders who truly belong to I
their class, and not those using the garb 1
they are not entitled to, for gain. It is i
fraught alike with good to both sides. !
There is one aspect iu which it has always :
seemrd queer to me, and that is why those '
w ho came from other places or other es-
tablishmetils should be allowed to enter
others and create dissensions aud compel '
them to quit Work. It has always seemeU
to mo they reuder themselves liable to
prosecution tor trespass and as truly guilty
t,f t!" "s who tutt,i' loi' tho purpose
l" ,ul"
The cll'orts of tho Forney ites against tht
State ticket still continue, and having de
tent rated into a personal opposition, and
; that not of a candidate, has destroyed
i whatever of client it would otherwise have
j had. It seems childish that because Brown
: is anxious to have. Smith elected to nn of
liee he is running for, Jones won't support
him. That is the position of the l'resn and
its allies. In their determination to rule
they prefer ruiu if they are unable to have
; matters as they wish. Its only result is
, that the intlueiieo of those papers are les
I si tied daily and their circulation being rap-
idly reduced. Even the 1'rext, a few days
ago, acknowledged the fruitlessncss of try
' ing to substantiate any charges against
, General Ilartianft or of General Allen. It
j is unfortunate that such things occur, but
sometimes things occur huirying men on
! to ruin faster than they want to go. Rumor
I assigns a cause in various ways for tho
J're'sx defection ; but I do not think them
! worth the repeating, aud only remark that
J many line characters have beeh ruined iu
i the same way.
j 1 am glad to seo that Sunbury is to have
nn old-fashioned 4lh of July, and if fate
: forbids it not, I hope to see you on that oc
j casion. Wishing you and your town sue
! cess upon its entry into tho second century
1 of its existence, I am yours.
Candidate Cards.
i'or County t'oiuiuiatsioucr.
To the Kepublicm Voters of Xorthuinberland
Con nly :
I have consented to lie a candidate for tho otllee
I oi ml'NTy COMMISSIONER, subject to the
1 K' publican County Convention. I would usk
toy lriendd throughout the cotyitr to tibe ull
lioiioratitc locum, to instruct ileli j;ates ut the pri
mary election iu my beliulf. "
Lower Augusta tpw., Juno U'J, ls7.-te.
I'or '011 11 1 j- ( oiniiilstsitoiif r.
Having Ikch iiryed by tho voters of tho lower
ot: 'I of tiie Coinitv, J have consented to become
a candidate for the otllee of COUXTV COM MIS
tbXLR, subject lo the decision of the Republi
can County Cor.nvcution. Sliould-l receive the
nomination aud be elected,! will endeavor lo 1111
the otlke Impartially aud to the best of mv abili
Lower Mabnnny twp., Juue '.".), lN7:L-te.
To the HeiMiMieaii Voters of Xor
t h uiuberlaiid t'ouulj.
Having been fatrnngly urged by friends, I havo
eotiMMit to he a candidate for the olliee of t'ouu
ly t'oiniiilrisiioiier, subject to the decision
01 the Republican Convention. Bhould I
receive tho nomination and be elected, I will per
form the duties to the bcrt of my ubllltv.
Washington twp., JuneW, 1S7J.
To the Voters) of .orlUuiuberlMud
tVl'u Citiztut ; Having consented lo lo a
c.mdiitatu for the olliee of Kberill', subject to
the Republican County Convention. I would
usk my friends throughout the county to use all
honorable means to instruct delegates at the
primary elcdiou In mv behalf.
Trevortou, May 18, lj7:i.
To llie Voter ol' Norluuuiberluud
I have consented to be candidate for the office
of MieHIt' ut the coining Kepubllcuu County
Convention, und would feel gratelul to my friends
If they will select delegates to support me for the
nomination. GEORGE GAUL.
I'pper Augusta twp., Me.y II, 1HT&.
I'or t'OMuty rouiuiiaMloner.
Fellow Citizens Having been solicited by
many of my frlcudi In different seel Ions of the
county, 1 oiler mvself as a candidate for the
olliee of COUNTY COMMISSIONER, subject to
the deelsiou of the Kepublicau Couuly Conven
tion. If nominated and elected, I promise to dis
charge the duties of said otllee to the best of uiy
ability. JOHN BN'YDER.
Lower Augurs twp., April 80, 187'J.
To the Voters or .Vorthuuiberluutl
1 will be n ciinilhlfite for the office of Kliprlfl
nt tho coming County CoiiTuutlon, nnd would ro
upc.etfully ink tho voter to nelcct delegates who
will support rao for tho nomination.
Mt. Cnrtnel, Ta., May 11, 1873.
for 1'rothonotary.
to Tnn vomits or KoKTnCMiiKHi.Ann coontt.
HAVINO recently lost nil nrm !y an accident
on the Uallroud by which I nm deprived
from following my trade ns mmblo cutter, and
having boon solicited uy numerous friends I have
consented to become a eimilirlate for tho office of
l'rothoiinttiry, and solicit the sutrrnifes of my
fellow citizens. If elected I slull endeavor to
perform the duties of tho ofllco Impartially and
to the best of my ability.
Northumberland, April 0,
To the Voters) f TVorlhiiniberluutl
t'OH lit)'.
I will bo a candidate for tho office of Sheriff
subject to the decision of the Republican County
Convention, and Would respectfully ask the voters
to select delegates to support me lor the nomina
tion. I1F.XJ. bOHXEK.
Slianioklu tp., May 11, 1HT2.
ijiciu bbcrtiscmcnts.
1i-oiomI Aiueuduivul
Constitution of Pennsylvania
Joiut Itesolut loii
Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of
He '.t riHol'ril btj the Sinutr and lf,ufe f Tltprc
trut'ttircK of thf Cvmitinnwriilth tf I't'untt'jlrtmiu in
6Vm''uI .lfiiMy nut. 'that the following ameinl
ment of the Con-tit tition (,f this Coinniimwe:illh
be proposed to the people for their adoption or
rejection, pursuant to the provisions of the tenth
articlu thereof, to wit :
Strike out the nixtii section of the sixth article
of the Constitution, and insert in lieu thereof the
following : "A St.ite Treasurer shall be clen
by the ii:i!ilied electors of the St.ite, at such
Canes and for such term of service a shall be
prt.-cribed bv law."
Wl 1.1,1 A M ELLIOTT,
Speaker of the House ,,) ltepie-cutativcs.
Speaker of S.'Uate.
Aeraovi:i The twenty-second day of March,
Anno Domini one th jas.ind eight hundred and
Pivparcd nnd certified for publication pursuant
to the Teulh Alticle of the. Constitution.
i-'raxcis Jordan,
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Ollicc Secretary of the I'oni.noniveaith, I
Han i-liurg, J une 'oth, lS,7g. $
J'.ine -'.I, 1ST-'. liai.
IS title of Solomon Miiiikelberger.
I. VTii or Z'.'.unr. Towssnir-, I)
"VTOTK'EU liercby e'tven, that letters of Ad
i ministration have granted to the 1111-der-OL:ncil,
on the estate of So.onton Iut:lo'ibc:
er, lat:1 iif Zetbc tovn5lt!p, Nertlia:ntei"'.aiid
eo'.taty. Pa., deceased. All persons kuowimr
t!n':nelves indebted to said estate are reiiucsted
to make immediate payment , and those having
claims to prcM'itt ibcn for settlement.
SARAH III Mlil.K. Administratrix.
THOMAS II CM III. E, Administrator.
Ashland, Schuylkill Co., June J'.i, lST-'.-Ot.
Notice to Tr"sj!isjcrH.
All lcrsoiis are hereby eatltioii'.d uZatust Tres- j
pairing upon the fo'lowiug properties: T'itc
Farm known as Moore's farm in sji.tmokiu twp.,
mid the farm of the nndcrniirned 111 L'ppcr An- j
eusta, known as the Krllich farm. Any person I
found trespassing ulna said farms, I'or berries, j
!. iiitiiiL', will be dealt with to the utmost
penally of the lu.v. W. II. S1I1V L.
I'pper Augusta twp., June 25, 1S7-.-U
s SI .MII KV .11 V Kill. 1: Y.VU1),
opposite the Court House,
TflHE uuJersiifned has returned from the Ver
X. inont Marble yuarries witlv 3tt Tons of
marble for
. outline lit, tiravo-Stouos,
&e., &.c.
lie has bought ut mch figures that
allow tit in to sell better stone, lor
money, than heretofore. The best
Sutlicrliinel Full- Marble,
which Is better than Italian. Rutland is now
sold us low as the Manchester.
Those who need anything in the Marble line,
for Monuments, Crave -Sloues. or other purposes,
will Uud It to their Interest to call and examine
this laiire stock, ns better baixains can be secur
ed than buying from parties 'huckstering' rounl
the country.
All lettering will be done In tho neatest and
most Improved ttyle.
. Sunbury, June 29, 1S72.
" Without doubt tin Jtnat fwiWiiuI uuft.'Ufci'il,
haviny no ojual either in urojn or .Imtricu."
Scribncr's for July
Will Attract Deterred Attention.
Fmm L'issing's delightful Article on West
Point (prnimehj Uliistrahd) ; the btillianl
Conclusion of Wilkiuson's Critique nn
Lowell's Prose ; Warner's Charming Pa
per, a Summer Back Log Study, the best
of tho series yet published ; Dr. Holland's
Editorials; "Tho Christian Sabbath in
Great Cities ;" "The Literary Bureaus
Again;" "Our President ;" "Indirect
Damages;" two Curious Articles of
Popular Science, illustrated ; A Startling
Exposure of Smuggling by Women, and
tho Means Employed for its Detection ;
Sparkling Papers in the Old Cabinet ;
Growing Excellence in Home nnd Socie
ty, nnd the New Department ol Nature
nnd Science, by Prof. .Draper, besides
usual variety of Stories, Poems, Essays
Reviews, &c.
For Ouo Dollar wo will send tho Magazine on
a trial subscription for four mouths, commencing
with tho May number.
Price ft 00 per year, or 35 cts. a number.
For sale and subseft ptlons received by all Book
sellers und Newsdealers.
SC1UBXF.R & CO., Publishers.
Juno 39, 1S72. C54 Broadway, New York.
Nortbru Ontral ItaiHtay.
ON aud after June 10, 1871, trains will rnu
as follows 1
Niagara Express leaves Suubury at 12.30 p.
ra., for Niagara Falls
Mall arrives at Suubury at 4.10 p. m., arrive
at Wlilluuuport b.15 nnd Elmlra 10.30 p. in.
Fast Line arrives at Suubury at 0.50 p. m.,
arrive ut WHltamsport 8.15 p. m.
Erie Mall leave Sonbuiy at 6.00 a in 1 Wil
liainsport at 8.U5 a m, aud arrives at Elmlra at a m.
Mall leaves Sunbury at 11.05 a. m., arrive at
IIiMiittburir 1.45 p. in.
Erie Express leaves Suubury at 7.40 a. m., ar
rive at BurrUburg t.25 a. iu., Baltimore 1.15
p. ra..
Erie Mniljeave Suubury at 12.45 a. m., arrive
at ilarrUburg g.SO a. iu., Baltimore 640 a. in.
Niagara Express leaves Sunbury at 6.30 p tn,
Harrisburg at 8.15 p m, arrives at Baltimore 11.50
p ui.
Leave 8unbury at 4.40 p. ru., arrive at Bhamo
kiu 6.50 p. ui., Mt. Caruiel A. 40 p. in.
Leave Sunbury (Aecoiuinodaliou,) at 13.35 a.
iu., arrive at bbamokiu 'i.iii p. in.
Leave Mt. Caruiel at 7.00 a. in., Bhaniokts
T.40 a. m., arrive at Suubury 9.65 a. ru.
Leave Shatnoklu ( Accommodation,) at 8.46 p.
m., arrive at Suubury 4.00 p. iu.
Express loaves daily.
All other tralus leave dally, except 8undaye.
A. R. Fik. Ei. B. Yoi'NO,
Gsn'l. Sop'U, Ga'l Passeu'r Ag't.,
HarrUbnrg, Pa. Ballmore, Md.
Ka Person crni Inke thte Hitlers arcord
fng to directions, fcnd rent.n long unwell, provided their
bones are not destroyed bv mmai poison or other mean,
and the Tital organs wasted bevnnj the point of repair.
Dyspepsia or liitllucsliot:. Headache, Pain
tn the ishun!der Cough, 1 pphtness 01 the Chest, Dirti
ness, Sour Eructations of the Siomach, Had T.ite in the
Mouth, IJiliutts Attack, p.tlpicinoii of the Heart, In
flammation of the Limm, Pain m the regions of the Kid
nev and a hundred other painful tvinpioms, are the off
springs of Jy. ei'sia. tn ihne complaints it lias no
equal, and one buttle will prove a Letter guar i tee of its
merit than a lengthy arlv-i ti?nnnt.
For Female Coiit)litiiit4, in ynimg or old, mar
ried or single, at ih? dawn of tvumanhnorl, or t': turn
of life, these T onie Billvrs dop.ay so dteidf H Ail iullucuco
Clint a m.irkrrt improveiitfel ii .i,n ercppt:b!e.
For lulliiiiiiiinltiry and Chronic Rheu
niaflMll and Omit, lliiioio. Krnittt'.'ta and lmcrmit.
tent Fevers, Dimmsc of Ilia Ulintd, Liver, Kidnfyl and
Ularlfler, these Haters have tin Such Diseases
are caused by Vitiated ll'mid. wliicli ia general ly pioduccd
by rluranj-ement ol the lJie-live Di.iiis.
'They tire n f-riillu I'nrunlivo ns well an
a Tonic,;- a. so ttie merit ul" ncltofC as
a inwrlUil ae,'.Mit m i- ., C'.ne lion or lull vnniatioil
vt l lie l.iver nnd V . e-:i;.ii,. and in Biii.'iis Diseases.
Kur Skill 111 .t'.K. -i, lioijaioiis, Tetter, Salt
Rheiiirt, ltiotilirs, J o t , I'.inp'cs, PnMii'es, I'-nils, Car
buncles, Kin wuitus. Si.'i'd-lli'.til, Sine Kyes, Krysipelas,
Itch, Sauls, 1 iiscum..0"i!S ot the Skio, Hitinois and I)is
eases of the Skin, .f whaic-ver name or nature, are lil
erallv dus up and cirii.d out ol llic system in a stictt
time by the use ot' I1.'-? Mittrrs.
The iroif rt!rs3 of 1h. Ns'alkpk's Vinkgah.
Bittors are Alienee'.. Diaphoretic and Carminative,
Nutritious. Laxarive, lliaretic, Scditivc, Counter-1 rri-
lam. Sudorific, -Vier.c.iiv, aud Anti-Iliiious.
Cirnltful TlifHtnilfls proclaim Vinkgar Hit
tfrs hs most vti'ii'ij.'tul lnvii'.urant that ever buntaincd
tile inking system.
J. WALKKK, 1'iop r. It. II. Mr DONALD et CO.,
Druggists aud Gen. Asts., San Francisco, Cal.,
and corner of Washington and Clo.ritoii Sis., New Vc-ik
dune -.".I, lDJi-ia,
Til. liASi'., Atlorncv at I.nw. SL'X
a HL'UY. PA., olliee in M.iMr'i Hulldinif,
near the Co'it t llounc. Front Itoom up utairs
above the Drner Store. Collections made Iu Xor
tliuuiii. rlanil and uiljoinitur eottntie.-i.
Huubury, l'a., June 8, ls?r.
JOSEPH RAClirbV Proprietor,
Third Street, near the Depot,
Tills hotel is conducted on the European plan.
Meals ut nil hoars day ami nii'ht. A Ladies'
Saloon attached. The her:! of Lio'tors kept nt
the bar. Chaig 's moderate. LinuylS,"7-"
Presidential Campaign.
Si-'.l for Ii.i.t STit.vTi o Oil
11 I n am l'ttier. Ltsr.
vam ri iTinais,
No. "Jot, Ciit ia ii STiir.rr,
June s.
Is,.'. JlllOs.
?iosr. i:i:rrj:v.' a j;avi:k, j
Third Street, opposite Central II;tuI, I
KEPI constantly oa hand the very choicest j
of fresh
ISIir.F, Ml'TTO. AXI VI'-.VI., 1
which Is su'.d at the lowe-t prices. Meat can be
had at ull hours di.iiin; the day.
S itibttry, Pa., June s, 1S7J. '
New Grocery Store.
Xo. 25 South Fourth Street, between Market
and Chestnut Streets,
havlin; opened a new store nt the above place,
where ho will keep constantly on hand, ft fresh
supply of ull kluds, of
Groceries, Vegetables and Confectioneries,
" '
ut tile lowest market Juices. Goods delivered to
any pan of the town. Please call uud examine
my block.
Sunbury, June 22, 1872.
Waltz & Bright,
Third Street, oppositi the Moore Cv Disslngcr '
buildings, j
have opened un Eating House, and fttruish !
MrnlM at all Ilourx. I
All kinds of Game In season. Fish, Turtle, Oys- I
ters, Ac., are served up In the best style. I
Families supplied iv ili Turtle Soiip, Ac., at '
the shortest notice.
The best of Malt l.hpiors ut the Bar. . I
Juno 22, lai2. tf.
CllTIOX. Wherein, my wife Mary hav
ing left my bed nnd board w ithout any Just
cause. 1 hcrebv caution ull persons uot to harbor
or irust her on my account as I will not pay any
. .,." ... V riv
law. ci.nit.ii i.i.i..ui.i.
Sunbury, June 22, 1S72. tit.
Balloon Ascension!
Tbe great feature of tho Centennial Anniversary
at SIWBIHY, 011
JULY 4th, 1872,
will be the ascensiou of
in his
Mammoth Balloon.
The Professor Is oue of the most celebrated
and successful aeronauts in the world, and has
made hundreds of Itrilliant Anecusious,
witnessed by admiring tbousuuds.
Military, Civic and Fire mans
to close with a brilliant display of
on the river, tu the evening.
The Committee who have the Celebration lu
charge, are determined thul tho hundredth an
niversary of Sunbury shall come oil' iu splendid
Valuable House and Lot!
Will be sold at private sale, the Yaluuble Lot
pf Giouud situate in Monroe township, Snyder
county, near the Pennsylvania Cauul, about U.'.j
miles from Selln. grove, near the "Rhdcg Sun
Hotel, containing nearly two acres, whereon are
erected a new l'rauie Dwelling HoukP,
a Frame Stable and other outbuilding., a Well
of Water at the House tho choicest of Fruit of
every description. It is well located for a board
ing house or Taveru, and one of the finest for a
Ooin tollable private residence a Ion 11 he river.
For further particulars, apply at the residence
of the Undersigned, or address,
Bbamokiu Dam P. O., Snyder County, Pa.
June 15, 187.-llu.,
Special Inter ion Decouations,
To Order at Moderate Prices.
Masonic Hall, 719 CLcstuut Street, Phil'a.
Juneaa, 1S7'J. 4m.
Vuluuble Itenl Estate ut Private
rpiIE two-story FRAME HOUSE and one
X. acre of ground, reeentlv the projierty of
Samuel L. Cnlp, situated mar Fasold'i Store, iu
Lower Augusta twp., Xortluimberlutid county,
I'n,, will be sold at private sale, on reasonable
terms. For further particulars Inquire of
Committee for Fort Augusta Bulldlug Associa
tion of Suubury.
Ptintiurv. dune 1, ISTl.-tf.
, Xow at work, or looking for some new book, will
; miss it if they do uot nt once write for circulnrs
; of the best selling hock published. Extraordin
ary Inducements offered. Priiits uioio than dou
ble money. O lit lit free- Address, F. M. REED,
13'J Eighth street, Xew York. JSV-4w.
Presidential Campaign lioot,
I'vory t ilizeu Uiiuls It.
Also, for CAMPAIGN GOODS. Address
: Goodsi'eed's Empire Pculisiiino House
107 Liberty St., Xew York ; or, Cincinnati, O.
AtitXTS WAXTKD for the Lives of
And the leading men of all parties. Over IO
Sti'.i.i. VoiiniAiis. Just the book wanted by tho
Minus everywhere. Arents inert with wonder
ful success. Send f,r Circular and fccure terri
tory at once. A.ldre.-s. ZIEULEP. A; MtCL'UDY,
MS A nh street, Philadelphia. j-J9-4w.
Kciiiierlj'M Ilciiilocl: Oiiidneut and
The proprietor ha. by the as
!l.inei, of eminent Physicians and
'. hem'ts, succeeded ill liliiiziuir
the medici.ial properties contulned
ed in the Oil, Piteli and Rosiu of
the Hemlock 1; and obtained tl
valuable preparation to be applied
us a Salve or Vlcster for Rheuma
tism, Croup, Vain or Soreness of
tiie Rack, Chest or Stomach, Viks,
Sail P.lieuni, Scurvy, Sons, Ulcers,
bunion?, Sore Corns, Frost Riles,
I to n, ;-ore breasts and .Nippies, Ringworms,
1 Che lie" an I r-kin diseases of intLonmatory na
', tare. CHARLES X. CIHTTENTOX, Agent,
j j'.9 Iw. 7 Si ::'.U AYciilie, Xew lork.
a r re m,
W it First Premium
Am. lust. 71.
Doable Elevate.; Ovi-n, Warming Closet, Broil
ing Door, l ender Caurd. Damping and Slinking
liiate. Direvt Dr.ili. FCI.LER, WARREN &
CO.. VM Water Street. New York. t)-4w.
" naiCarboiicllets-
Foil Cot iiiis, Coi.ns A IIoai;si:m:ss.
These Tablets piescut the Acid in Combination
wi;h other etliciettt remedies, iu a popular form,
for the Cure of all THROAT and I.L'XU Di
seases. Hoarseness und Ulceration of tho T hroat
are immediately relieved aud Etatetucnis are con
stantly being sent to the proprietor of relief hi
cases of Throat dillicalties of years standing.
CAI TIO.V. Don't bo deceived by worthless
Imilallons. Get only Wells' Carbolic Tablets.
Price 2." ri. per box. Je'liX tj. KELLOGG,
Senil for Circular. IS Piatt street, X. Y.
jl' Sole Agent for United States.
Agents Wanted for
Prof. Fowler's Great Work
On Manhood. Womanhood, and their Mutual
i'er-rei,itions.; i.ove, u Laws power etc.
, Send tur KO.eliiiin T.-ii-.. .'Mid firi-ti ultS
terms. Adlleus'.
! Jl.;,4 v Natioai. Pt-iti.isniNO Co., Phila., Pa.
j Aoexts! Aoexts ! Agents!
Send for descriptive circular and special terms
j for the greatest cauipulgu book published 1
j McClellan's Republicanism in America.
Owing to tho preseut political excitement, will
j sell for the next ni.- moi.;!is like wild lire, is thr
most reliable book in the market.
I J. M. STODDARD & Co., Publisher!-,
; J15,4w. 7:io Sinsom Street, Philu.
Toticherx,Nlislenl and olheris H aul
'U an .Kcnt tor
The richest, raciest, most facinu'itig, '.nstructiva
and laugh-provoking book issued for years j ac
knowledged superior to Murk Twain. Ispleu
didly illustrated, elugum'.y bound and very cheap.
.cla, Agen. pocket CuMI-Imon'
Ageuls teport grand success. Sample pugas.
1 free. Address.
111-nllAPn Rl.Tia P.,1,'11... -
72t s.iubotn street. Phils.
out ma:Tio s or
PIO LEWIS' Last aud Greatest Work.
This invaluable commou sensc Rook should be
read by every man auJ ifomm lu lire country.
Three-fourth's of ull the sickness in our midst
may be avoided by n kuowiedge-aud praetlce-of
our '-Jolly Friend's Secret." The most eminent
authorities iu tho laud, heartily recommend it
for its great eouiinon-scuse, rney-humor, shrewd
glimpses of mankind und its vivid and pithy
btylo of expression. Agents Wanted lo make
money fatt . Write for illustrated circular, terms,
lice. Address, GEO. MACLEAN, Publisher,
j 15,4w 7;lU Sausem stieet, Phila.
1 I'owcrful Tonic, specially adapted for
use In Sprine;, w hen Hit Languid aud Debilitated
system needs strength and vitality ; it will give
vigor to the feeb'.c, strength to the weak, anima
tion lo the dejected, activity to the sluggish, rest
to the weuiy, quiet to the nervous, aud health to
the infirm.
It Is a South America plant, which, according
to tho medical and scleutihc periodicals of Lon
don and Paris, possesses the most powerful tonio
properties kuowu to Materia Mudica, aud is well
known iu Us native country as having wonderful
curflTive qualities, and bus been long used as a
speciile in ull cases of Impurities of the Blood,
Derangement of the Liver aud Mdeen, Tumors,
Dropsy, Poverty of the Wood, Debility, Weak
ness of the Inlestir.e. Uterine or Urinary Organs.
Is strengthening and nourishing. Like uu
Irlclous food taken into the stomach, It assimi
lates and diffuses itself through the circulation,
giving vigor and health.
It regulates the bowels, quiets the nerves, acts
dlreriiy on the secretive orcans, aud, by its pow.
erful Toule aud re.101 Ing rtleeis.pnxluce. health;
aud vigorous uetiou lo the wbol system.
JOHN Q. KELLOGG, IS Plutt hi., N. Y.
Sole Agent for the Lulled States.
Price, HI per liotile. Send for Circular. 4
f made from 50 els. Cull and exsmins,
tl vor 12 Samples sent (postage (ree) fur 50
cts. that TrU'l riuick foi f in. R. 1.. WOl.COtT,
l-4t. il Chatham Urpiari., V.