as r. ma gwmw M&jwwmuuiwmai-1 "iii a ni:tos ITEMS. Fluiida wntcnuulons nro nearly rljx;. A Ot.rnirit!owii fouudllng lias betu cl.ri.'iU'ufd Doily Vurdcti. Kilrn-plycurino is culled "orphan cliscr," r vf hoto ch:ili-r iu two word. Win. Snyder Was Hectoil county BUiMiriii teiidbUt of Columbia Cotiuty. Iirnvos of antelope nre prnzinc; tipou the pmiricn ticnr Ellsworth, Kansas. Three thoiimnd wincri nro nmploycd by tho United States Government. Plinth Carolina lias a Free Mnson whoso niembci-ship dtitcs back to 1812. Ulmirn. "New York, will expend S'2,000, 000 for building purposes this year. LnVc Huron is two and n half feet lower now than at any t' last summer. Tho "Knights of Pythias'' nro hereafter to bo called thu "Pythian Knights." W, J. Campbell has been elected county superintendent of Luzerne County. Tho capital invested in the wine-making interest iu California is S.'il,000,000. There was, last week, n general delivery of the Vine nines jail via the chimney. The IJiblo has been stricken from tho jt, of school books at l)aveuport, Iowa. Xilssrm is reported lo have 64-7,-3.12, during her lalo visit to this country. Lycoming county Agricultural Fair will bo hcldl September 10th, 11th, and 1-Jth. Tho Hrewers' Association of the United States represents a capital of $30l,0U0,G(!t). Florida clergymen speak against the habit or church members carrying revol vers. There- nro 2T3 ladies in the Treasury de partment and 103 iu the Department of inc interior. A deaf-mute Is n candidate Air ollieo in .T.ickson county, lud. Ho is reticent as to his policy. Ono of tho latest patents granted iu Washington is lor uu improvements in chignon. Tho old cry 1 Down with tho man that flogged .leir. J )a vis, and up with thu man that bailed him ! Tho minister of Lancaster County won't Attend funerals on Sunday except in cases of positive necessity. The 300,000 conflagration tint late Rweptover Marshallown,' Iowa, was started by a locomotive ppark. Miss Ida Greeley, whoso father is some what known as the author of a book on farming, was educated in a convent. H. Matt"s, of Wenona, shipped 4,000 muskrat skins to Leipsic, Germany, last week, making 11,000 shipped tlfs season. Extensive tires have this spring destroyed Woo'ls, fences, and other exposed property in the immediate vicinity of St. Paul. A sowing machine needle, swallowed years ago, lias, just re-appeared through the breast of Mrs. Uuckwith, Henderson, Ken tucky. .Speaking of the danger of catching small po?i by handling greenbacks, a country editor congratulates himself that he is safe enough. There would be a large number of Gree ley dubs formed iu clillerent parts of the State if there were any Greeley men toelect a 3 me iii hers. Pcrmiton has a city hospital, where all patients sulleriug with a contagious disease are removed. All cities ought "to have such an institution. The Queen cf Madagascar takes the American fashion papers, nnd is getting up n Doily Varrlen of tUc most expensive blue and red paint. Tlv. Tori; fin tlie.Acad.miy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, will bo begun r,t once. The subscriptions reach J;2W,AtO, about half the required uiuouiit. The Lacrosse lie,!b!iruu says : Weharii that lumbermen on the St. Croix will get out lio per cent, of ihcir lumber uu the pre scut stage of witcr." The contrie!, fir the construct! m of the CaronJelet bridge- has been let to some Kabtern company for 3,OJ0,O0.), and to be completed in two years. A Liberal paper remarks of Judge Davis Unit he hasn't a dishonest hair in his head. From this, says the Toledo Lhuk, we infer that Davis is entirely bald. The Texas Uepublicitii State Convention on the l:t:h was the largest of the kind ever assembled in that State, :T,U delegates being iu attendance, all 'eiuhuiatic for Grant." The bondsmen of the late county tiva-urt-r i f Erie, have lo pay Slii,5S2 to make up for default in his cash accounts. The position of a bondsman is a comfortable one. m Alexis' only sister is not yet eighteen. She lias a lovely tigure and face, a large es tate, a well cultured mind, ??:j;i,00U a year, golden hair falling far below her waist, and exquisite diamonds. Last week the St. Loui. I! ard of Health collected as "social evil dues" the stun of if 1.1)92, being the largest amount yet col lected in one week, since the license system lias been instituted. It is asserted that American women be come delicate by taking t lillle exercise in the open air, am! wheu they venture out it U only for a short distance in their carriage on an easy t oad. Smith & Wesson, of Springfield, Mass., are running their pintol factory over time, rapidly filling orders for the Russian Gov Muineut. Alexander evijwutly doesn't mean to have "peace." Iu Eiichu, a city of China, embracing with its suburbs about a million inhabi tants, there are more than one tleuisaud Christian communicants, connected with ''irehes of ditlerenl denominations. Vveujcseiiici , l6. )7fciW'j?u;fr rtWwu upas in the modern fashion bWehriated Democrat was dini at M '. T.I I"?. .r; "I ui.ut l' tfvm.i.... , i. . I "il fllll ino It cxjwhiiIl. . "uu" as an awful We sea it slat.,! - Ihoono liuii.In.Jaiid ,rtv oM rr f "rn'"n l,J nie C'moiniiati ticket mkmt www PEUEIS, Or SnRor-Contcd, Concentrftlccl, lloet and Horbnl Juice, Autl-niIlon Granule. TIIK "MT'IXK IANT' CATIIAKTIC, or .nullum In I'arto Ptrele. The novel! vc f modem Medical. Choruienl find Phnr Wiccntlcal Science. No use el unr longer lukinr' the. larfe, rc,inlive unci nauseous I'ill'. co:iiio.tU of cheap, clinic, mil liul!:j tnreilietn, vlien we enn l) n carufiil npt'licntioii vt clieinlcsl fi i'-nce. extract all tbv cnllmrl'c nml mluT iirej-erllca from tho mot vahialik! routa and tarlv, nml ccmci'iitrato Diem lnloa miiml? Ciiniuile, cBi e l Inrucr llinil 111 il si ;i ril nerd , i!i:it cim lie ioiu'Mv Hunlluwiil liy tliono of t'.m iiiont eeiifilivo utotiiaclii nml ini-tiilloiia tastes. UnclilitlH I'nrKnilvo lcll'trprFei-.ti, in a inoft ion' rntralei.1 fninviin much e'Vtuirnc power n 1'-l In uin-i.r (lie larirn rill f.imiUf.irni 8 in the ilnii lii.iiH. Vro.n their winulerlnl cntliarlle po.ver. in p,-i'iiirilmi In their ize. ieophi who havo nut tried tie-in nre npt to f ejiiion! 1 1 .at. their ic !iarli or ilr:ifiic In r:l'--et, hut ntcli in nut lit all thu eae, tho I'.ifl'erent. aetivo imvlirinnl principle ef w hkh Ihev 1110 co-npiwcd licinu to hannoiiiKi'd mid morliileil. into liy I he otherH, ai t i pni.lme n nnil nenrc 111 lilt and tlioroitu n, vet jenny and Ulndly i).HTa 1I113; cutUarilr. feSOO tlewnril Is lieicVv otTered h? Ihe proprte tur oftheto lVllflii, to II iv he:nit Who. ii;io:i an ulvfis, will find l i t hem a"iy f .iloniel er utinr fiinns of mercury 01 any ether mineral iinlbun. tl. lnvf rutlrol.v vcseln'ile, no cavo i le.iiured vhilo l:in thenl. They open, to without dioturliance In tho eoiitlilil'.oii. e.i-t. r i c eupatiiin. l or .1 uu -1 leo, tCeiul n ",i , i:i rtlpnlloti, liupuro l!iio.i, fi: 1 11 111 MiulJ .!, Tiihtiionol tli Jh'bi, Iti.: ri lie an. Sour I;ructnUoi:i v ( t:m- smi:j. acli, bSad tnsto In iiiouili, i:i!i,nti ntlarlci, Pal a In itrIuii ) tiiuii , 11 ( c 111 11 1 Fever, Hloaied te. llim ntiout tilo.iiuc))., H 11 ill uK tHloo.l iu Mea.l, H.Kii eoioird li-lno, I'ii'.icln!ilHv u:il ranuniy S-'orrLoilltii;!', toV,:i lr. 1'ii'rct'n klensiut Riira;aiv! li !lo(. In cx.jinv. lionof the re:ne.!ial p.nver nf my 1 n-i.-ntio 1 cih. 3 over to pcitt u vane' v cd' (iKe.'ies, 1 wi.-h to ny tlikl their notion upon liio 11 11! inn I u:o tny In niilvcmul. not 11 ulnml or tlt.o BC.ip!ll tlielr sanuilvo imprri-. A ;e Am not impair them: -their iagar.rptiiiiitr ami leii. encloned in (flan botllei preservo their vi.luea linlm pnired for any Ie"rth of time. In any clinmle. to that they are nlwavt fivtli and relialdc, which i.i not the case with tho 'pills louiul in tlie drug stores, put up in cheap wood or patte-board boxes. Hscolleil tliat ."or all di?eiites wluno a l.nxat 1 t o, .4 llornli vo or Puranllvo la Indicated, these lillle Pellets will t'ivu the moot perfect eatisfuctioii to all who use them. Tliey Rro aold liy nil ctitoi-prlsl iifj Druggists at 25 cciila u bottle. T)a not allow anv ilnir;?lst to Induce yon tj .a'ie anUhini esa that're r.'.iy tny is ju;t as (,-oocl a' mv Velleis iiecnuii tic nviUes u ho'::er :!t'.'.l on Cul w hi- h fie recommends. If your d.n.'u'i-t cuniiot 1 1 1 ' " them, cncloso SO cents u;;d receive tliem h r.-firu OuiU hum 11, r. rirnvc, m. ., rtov'.-, jii l l Ai.". ::. Y. May 4, 17C- .ev AumvAii or S I? 3R, 1 1ST O- GOODS AT Clement & Dissinger's, in Hie new Clement Building, .tliirket Ktiinr, Sttiibnrj, I'a. We lake pleasure. In announcing tUut we Lava i just opened n new iissoittneut of ! SPRING DRY GOODS, of nil styles at the lowest prices. DOLLY YAUDICX, ulUl raging in new nnd beautiful designs. DRESS GOODS, MOURNINU GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, EST1NGS, &c, &c. Stfntlj-Jlatlc ( lothing, a full ntboitment, w Licit will be sold lower than elsowliere. C'uricts, OllCloth.s nud Floor JSut tin. CJUOCHIUKS of nil kinds, wlikli nre suarunleed nil fresh. QUE EX a W All E, W I L LO W W A R E, TRIMMINGS, GLOVES, nml in fuel tveryllilng Hint etin be mwu'loucd hi ti rn'st-e'.ii- i ttuie. Cull nnd cciiinlne our htoek. ll.tvlns; our s.ore il"hted will) Gu. soud-i e.n bo teleetod hi t'lu evening a well iu the d;iy time. No charges lor s'.iowmt; good .LE IE NT DISSINGER. April 'JO, 1ST n r s ?; y s 1 1 n 11 a t e 1 1 . Prs.svsion at Maiivi.anu Statp. Fa in, B.-.I.-TiMoiir Fiit premium for l'ire-plac Heaters awarded the Snnny.-ide. Advantages of the SnuuvsUle : 1. It is so constructed that one-third more of the radiatiiii: surface exten U into the room, yiv. hit; that urneh more additional heat without ex tra fuel. It h the only Hut-Air Fire-place Heater lu the market. Lil;e"the regular buiit ecllar heater, it loses no, but eonlines it all to iu legili-purjio-es. o. Tlie fuel ninaxine Is doub'e the usual size, eNtendin from the tire-box to the top of the siove, wlili capacity for twenty-four hours' sup ply of coal. 4. The patent double cover for coal magazine consumes the pis, prevents escape, of jras into the room, and makes it impossible for any puf fings or explosions to occur. This is an advant age porse.-sed by no olUer lire -place stove ill the. market. S. There are thivi' air ceambers, wherein 11 brisk eirciil ilion is kept up, drawing the cold air in the room ihronmli heated flues into a largo hot-air reservoir, nt the back of Ihe fctove. i'i No side pipe aic used, us the uir is healed In a lesi ivoir having double radialim; flues and dnuble back, supplyini; larjro cUautilics of hot airwiilmol waste id' heat or fuel. 7. The Si'NNVMiii; utilizes the waste heat so thoroughly that we freiiuntly heat au adjoining 11,0111 on liie first, besides healing thu rooms in second and third stories. H. A damper on top of thu stove, connected witli tlie hot air lines, controls thu quantity of hot air reiinired lor Ihe use of cither the upper or lower looms. All other tire-place loves are very Inconvenient in tills respect. The Grate Is self-sealing, and no dust can escape while shaking it. STL'RAT, PETERSON & CO., Philadelphia. II. B. MASSEit, Agent. Nov. 11. 1S71. Beef ! Beef! riTHK tunli iitriu J ia prepiiri-d to furnish tin X lilii'iis of Hutilmry nnd vMulty with tlm rlmliiKl Bi-cf nml l'urk ill Maiket, citlicr nt WWulesnlo or Ui tiiil. I'amilii'8 will bu supiilicil by the quarter or 5iilo, nr smaller aiiinnlitici ul the most reasoua blr rates. .urfc'-' "" ... . ..('jlUi-tantlv on haml IhfXij ?' South Thlid c-tli-ti.iix-i-M nt tl. , is "'fieri to market. ' 1 "S k"ow" "s la S. B. Vi.m. i ..';KV K. FAOK1.V. ale,,,n .;..;.. . "V'tf or for l'lieatioua, tlle .!?, '7., ' ". ' ''J P huiibuiy, Nov. 11, isri. VA It It I A U F. H S l IMt'TO II V KL'XlUrity. J'JLXX-A. ' J. S. SEASHOLTZ at lu. ue.i- 81,o,m.u ej-t .M,".t furul.1, every dW.-lj.ttou i? W both ,U Pi A IS AND lAVf-v In he nmd. nr ill. i . J luarrw wnuuntcr !.. ud 'by VJZiirl ud.,uosl. "uroM. ...alerl work .eY .', ? '"'"r workmm. All l the ,,,,1,11,. U kMcHei. tur,,.Nv...:iLtSEAS,IOLTZ- v Aim. Ng. 902 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PHILADELPHIA. MF.8SR8. CJALDWELL fi CO., PKPIRF. TO CALL KStMCCIAl, ATTENTION TO TMF.ilt UK PAKTMF.NT OF POLIO SILVER WATCHES. POSSESSING t?L' PEHIOK FACILITIES THEY WILL MB ENABLED TO PLACE BEFORE CUSTOM F.US, IN ADVANCE OF THE GENE RAL MARKET, ALL THE NOVELTIES AND IMPROVEMENTS IN SILVER GOODS AS RA PIDLY AS PRODUCED, VERY PARTICULAR ATTENTION 11FJNU GIVEN TO THE KPE CIATIES OF BRIDAL AND OTHER PRESEN TATION GIFTS. 1 HE STANDARD OF SILVER LONG SINCE ADOPTED BY l'HEM IS THAT OF ENGLISH STERLING, 025-IOOOtiis FINE, TIIK QUALITY OF EVERY ARTICLE SOLD BEING STRICT LY GUARANTEED. ATTENTION IS RESPECTFULLY DIRECT ED TO Til E UNVARYING BUSINESS POLICY OF THIS HOUSE IN REGARD TO THE FIRM LY ESTABLISHED SYSTEM OF FIXED PRICES, WHICH WILL BE RIGIDLY AD HERED TO IN ALL CASES, SECURING TO PURCHASERS, FAIRNESS AND EQUALITY IN EVERY TRANSACTION. POLITE ATTENTION MAY BE EXPECTED BY ALL WHO FAVOR THEM WITH A VISIT. ORDERS AND INQUIRIES BY MAIL, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. J. I.. ( AI.llH El.L A CO. Feb. 10, 1S73. f-y xh iiti ki:s. T1IACKAHA, MUCK & CO., KUCCKSSORS TO M1SKEY, iMKUIULL & TIIAC'KAUA, MANUFACTURERS OK GAS riXTUJIKS, UKOXZES, &c, &c, C luintlt'lirrH, I'ondiintN, IfraeLeJ, Ac. Ac., would respectfully Invite Hie iittention of jui-- eliatcis to our elesunt nstortmeiit. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SALESROOMS, TIN Chestnut Street. MANUFACTORY, 40'J, 404.1(10 AND 10H RACE STREET. Attif. 19. 1ST1. rniK ki:at t ai si; OK i 11 u a x MISERY. Just Published, Iu a Sanled EnTelope. Price, si ' cents. ; A I.ertnrc on the Nntuie. Trentineiit. and Radical Hiiro nf Pemiiml Weakness, or Spcrma- Kirrnica, iniiueeit t.y mid Iinpcdonents to Mnr rliujo p'tierally : CoiiMiinption, Epilepsy, nnd ; Fits; Mental and Pliv-ionl Iocnpncite, etc. Hv By ROB. J. CU LVEltWELL, M. D.,' author C( the "Given Book," etc. Tlie World-rciioH ned author, in this admirable : Lecture, clearly proves troin his own experience i that the awlul consequences of Self-Abuse may : be I'llcctually removed without medicine anil wit limit dangerous surgical operations, bmiities, inatiuiiieuls, lilies, or eordinis, point ing out a mode of cur at once certain and effectual, !. ! which every Riid'civr, no matter w hat his condi tion imiy be, may cure himself urivaie- ! ly. and radically. This lecture will prove a boon I to thousands and thousands. Sent, under seal, In a plain envelope, to aur address, on receipt of sl.i cent.-, or tnu I't.i'c stamps, hr ndilreslnir the publishers. Also. Dr. t'l'I.VEK WELL'S Wlarrb-e Guhlc.' Price S5 cents. Address ttu Pun.islier., CD AS. J. C. KLINE & CO., P. O. 13o, 4..W. l i? Bowel v, New Yoilt. April 27, 1S72. JJAKDTCAKE Vr. ALL I AT TIIK HAltDWAltU STOKE J. H. CONNSLLY & CO. ' Marltcl Sfroot, Suiibisrj , H Is Hsclts to enumerate iwiy kind vf aiticU In h friorc, but union;: tin leading iti'iiib ir.ay be sel down the fulUm , : Iron, Stcl, Scale, Si".-!yard. , C ; iinlton?", NiJIr oral! ki:i .- and Fi7.c Viut., t?av, natu;, Bii'vcs i'lialnw, .', Kras and Imn Kvttli-s, Spadc-f, Kaki'-, Ilatolu-tf, ''arpiMiter and liiaudiMuilh ISor'ni:' M.-n-hiiu, Collar Orntiy ii: ii!i; Knho, fclom SU'du'p?. l'la.'-toriT.s' Trowel., Ma sou:' ll;M:iiiKi'n and Trowtds, Hand Dinner litdln, and laif;c vut ium for Sulioul lluusos an. I Fai'intiV Dinner Bells, Carpenters Hcmh Screws, Potato K(rke fur iliutni; putalocK, Luukiiir tilaRst'H, Twint', Hopes, Knives and Fork", Spuuin, Tacks, Mulo and ilur. 4 SAiwi and NaiU, Haninu'rs, Ai:urn, CTiisclr, l.antei iir, (Ml ( ut lis, HmmHiu, Locks of all descriptions, I'ullce MilU, Bits and Braces, Carriage Bolts of all kinds, 1'alnt nnd Wa BiulIk-, Buckets, OiU, 'uriilho, JapaiiH, T.vo. SfttU Ash, Y:isltbiLr Soda. SMIXT OF A I.I, HI.IS in CU or Dry, Parti-Colors (it all kltids, CEDAU-WAltE uml other Womlen-Ware of nil kind.-? ntnt very choap, Hav-l'ork l'lillevn, I'Uks, Mill I'ieks," Levels, Lev,") lila?e, Files, llin'Ob, Coal Oil, Hem., C'oniliK, Serewn, Siuldlery and Shoe l-'iudins, liuu'v 'l'riiiimin., Kxeeltlor tilas Cniteri. I'oeki t Ktiivoii, Seissors, Plit iir, Sbot, Cui mid l'owilcr, and a treat vaiii'ty of other arllcles. Any thlnir wanted and not on hand, will be ordered at ouce. tSunljnry, Ati-r. 1ST1. i:TI.U OT ATTIt M TIOS. Kverylinrly U invited to eome and buy of tlie handsome ii.-oitu,erit of TOYS AND fONFECTIONEKIES at SAMUEL P. NEVIN'3 STOBE, iu frame huildinir, ndioininu' Moore fi llislnf rr' ntililiiitr, TIUKU bTHLICT, Sl-XUUHY, l'A. lust opened ii fresh eupiily of Coufeelioneiies of coitamiy'oi.. A 1. 1. K1IN t'l'HHANTs .V iiiui.uis VI(1.. l'UJtE KIO COFrj'T TV t- Jnir.i. iieu mead, liims & Cukes, everv r,,r,r,.i r AN'CT PA K PS lnar, 0 SI hits ! OVSTKU.S ! OVSTEKS! niw'i'v '!""' fl!,Cj "p " r10, "pressly for .ervlue Dec. 1(1, 1871. V. NEVIN. A IMCOI II till K HI SIM ss. I.1G IIT KOI' V I -rr. . . . THE COST ! w, . .", "I",".1. "-;--IOHTII or wi. k used. -'1'ioucu. -o chimney eV;SM,.J:?VJU,e c ..ere Carbon (;. i", H . .Ptt Patent uud bl.ite.. w ' , ' " """.V"1. "" Countie. v uiui IIIIUIOU or call ou N n iLV14,601"1' Seeond s.cet, V i u ' Pu cheaper lt March 2.1, loT.-flin. ?s.t33.cd55twxn-ls. Vtnrffnr Itlltrra are not a vilo Fancy Drintc, made j of Poor Hum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits and Refuse Liquor. doctored, spicod, and iweolenrd to please the taste, called Tonics" "Appetizer," "Restorers," &c.t that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, hut are a true ( Medicine, made from the native ronti nnd herbs of Cali- , fornia, free from all Alcoholic Stimulant. They arc tho Great Ulond Purifier and a I.ife-RivinR Principle, a Per. . fret Renovator and Invigorator of the System, carrying ofT all poisonous tnattrr, and restoring the biood to a healthy condition, enriching it, refrehing and invigorating bta mind and body. They ar car-y of administration, prompt in their action, certain in their ruults, &afc ana reliable in nil forms of dite:uc. Ko Pi rion rnu tnko tneao nt(er accord ing to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their j bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, ami tlie vital organs wastrd bevond the point of repair. Dj'ApcpsIa or IniHsffttlon. Headache, Pain tn the Shoulders, Couphs Tightness of the Chest, Dim ness, Sour Kructationsof the Stomach, Had Taste in the Mouth, Itilious Ait.icks, Palpitation of the Heart, In flammation of the Limns Fain 'n llie rrsions of the Kid neys and a hundred other painful symptoms are the off springs of Dyspepsia. In these compl.iiuts it lias no equal, and one bmite will prove a bettor guarantee of its merits than a lentthv advrrtiscment. For Femnlo C'omiilnlnlfi, m vounc; or old, mar ried or single, at the dawn of womanlmod, or the turn of life, these Tonic llittei s display so decided an influence that a marked improvement is soon pf treptible. For Inflnmiiialnry and Chronic Illirn mntlsiu and (lout. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Hi!iou Hcmittent and Intermittent l evers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Waddcr, these (litters have been most successful. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, wh-ch is generally produced by derangement of the Di gestive Organs. Thoy nre ft Kmllc PurgMlve n well a Tonic, poessiuj( also the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs and in Bilious Diseases. For Skin Dltnc, Eruptions, Tetter, Satt Kheum, Blotches Spots Pimples, Pustules, Units, Car buncles, King worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Decolorations r.f the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time bv the use of these Bitters. One bottle in such cases will convince the most incredulous of their curative effects. Cleans the Vltlnted Klood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it ob structed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it i foul ; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. Uratcful thoiissnilH proclaim Vinp.gar Bit ters the mnfct wonderful Invigorant ttut ever sustained the sinking svtem. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are etlectually destroyed and removed. S.ivs a distinguished phvstologist : There is scarcely an individual upon the face of the earth whose body is exempt from the presence of worms. It is not upon the healihv elements of the body that worms exist, but upou the diseased humors and slimy dexsits that breed these living monsters cf disease. No system of Medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmmitic5, will free the system from worms like these Bitters. Mcrhnnlrol lHrtenuca. Persons engaged In Paints and Minerals, such as Plunders, Type-setters, Gold beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, will be subject to paralysis of the ItowcU. To guatd against this take a dose of Walker's Vinbcak Bitters once or twice a week, as a Preventive. union IlnnUtcnl, and Intermittent Fever, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United Slates, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Ten nessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Ked, Colorado, Braios, Kin Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, James, and many others idt their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country dining the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during seasons of unusual and dryness, are invariably accompanied by exten sive dcrang-meuu of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. There are always more or less ob structions of the liver, a weakness and irritable state of the stomach, and great torpor of the bowels, being clogged up with vitiated accumulation. In their treat ment, a purgative, exerting a li-lt uctirc upon these vaiious oti;ans, is cieniully nc ess.iry. There is 1:0 cathartic for the purpose equal to D. J. Walkhk'S Vinhgak Brrrr.K, as thev will speedily remove the dark-colored viod matter with which the bowels are leaded, at the i.ifnf time stimulating the secretions of the and generally restunr. the healthy functions of the digestive orsn Scrofula, or IC1n?' Evil, Wliita Swellings, Ulcers, Erf'ipelas, Swelled Neclf, tioiter. Scrofulous, ludnlent Inilammaiions Mercurial Af fections, Old Sores, Eruptions of ihe Skin, Sore Eyci, etc., etc. In these, as in .ill other constitutional Diseases,'h Vinhgak Bittriis have shown their great curative powers in the most uWuiaw and intractable l)r. WnlLcr' Cnlirornia Ylnrsgar Hit I era set on all the-.-; .Aer in .1 aiimm tr manner. By purifying ihe Itl.'itJ thry i : move the (..iu.e, and by resoivir.g away the c-as of the itit1.ii'uiatirn ,s tubercular deposits) thii aiVcctod parts rcc(, ve, and a permanent euro is eiTecinl. fhfl proper-tie ct Tk. Wi.Krrn's Vimrrar Bit i bb. ate Aperient, Diaphoretic and Carminative, N'lti.ti'His, I,.i.uive, Dane tic, St litive, Counter-In, i-.i l.inh--, A tcilive, iut Antt-Hii.ous. Tlie Aptriient and mild La itive properties of C:;. W.M.KKit imki;ak Bitti r-; are the liest rafe guard in a'.i ta'i's ot cruntioiis a d maiir.nant fevers, their ba's.tmic, heai.n?, ar.d -'i.):1mi- pt liberties protect the liumors of the fauces. 'llu :r S-u.mvs pioperties allay pa;n in tlie n?rvouj svsttm, :t'i;ii:.h, and bowels, either from iiillamnw.ion, win!, c " i . ciampi, etc. Their Couuicr-lriitjnt influence exlnr! tluouhout the syttein. Tht ir Diuretic pioprtlta a t -n the Kidneys, correcting and re:;ulati'ig the bw of urine. 'Ihcir Ami-Bilious p,r-'pet ties suuut'atJ; the liver, in the secretion of bile, and its d.Vna;;;- thr'iiji t!t biii.iry ducts, and aie superior to ail rctm dial atiits, fr the cure ot Bilious I'tnei, FfVtr and A:ne, ct:. Fortify the body against discos by purl fving all its fiuids wuh inkqar Bittkrs. No endemic can take bold of a system thus forearmed. The liver, the stomach, the bowels, the kidneys, and the nerves are ret.dored disease-proof bv this great invigorant. Tho F-lllcacy of Dk. Walker's Vincgar Bit ters iu Cluonic 1 )ypcpMn, Fevers, Nervous Disorders Constipation, duci:icy of vitil power, and all maladiot atfectin tlis stomach, liver, bowel., p.ilmonary organs, or muscular system, lias bi-cii experienced by hunuteds of thousands and hundreds of thousands wore are ask iuK fr the same relief. Direction Take of the Bitters on going to tied at night hoin a half 10 cmo and one-haif wine-glaifuli. Eat good nouiihhing fuvl, nuh ns beefsteak, mutttn chop, venison, roast bet!, and vegetable, and take cat dor exercise. They are composed ct purely Vegetable ingredieius, and contain no spuits. WAI.KF.U, Proo'r. U. H.McI0AI,D A, CO., Druggists and Gen Agts., San Krautisco, Cal., ! and corner of Washington and Charlton Stt., New Voik. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. Ma veil IfO, lSTi.-oni. THADD'S S. SHANNON, j THIUI) AM) MAUKKT f (il'AUE, , Ha. In stock and constantly leeeivin Noveltie. in liis line, eon.-.i?tiij; in part of a full line of ' Alir.HM A HAT( Hi;S, ; F.liu, Illinois, Ilovard & To., Waltham, Mas- .nehucettn, and lloy'f A MKlilC'AX WATCHES t Also, a full i-i-t of Lulee, and Ueut'. Gold and Silver iSwiMS Watehc-B. i JJVELEY. j Roman (.iold sets, pink eoral uud Gold sets, ! Ear llinpn, Neeklata and rendants, Onyx and i Ji-t Jewclrv. SILVER-WARE, Solid Silver-ware ofSterlinff purity made to or- j der. liridal and Iresentatiou Pieces, Knives, I Fork, uud Spoons u, also, a full line of I ! Silver Plated Good, Tea Sets, lec Water Set., ' ! Erhit Stands, fake, basket., Coffee Urn., Fork, j I and Spoons IrebleMnted, the best lu the market. ! j SI'XTACLES. : i If .roll value Eyc.lirlit, use the Perfevt : tense.-., (iioiuul frmimiiiuto C'riftle Pebble, mcl- ' ted together, and utiive there name 'Diamond" j on aeeonnt of then lnirdm-Mi nml InllliHiifT. They w ill last many (earn w ithout change, nud 1 ,"r,'"''l Sui-,Wi,)all others In use. I ...ry. Pearl and i i i, .,nn. i I'- ... orrir.r. " " " " ""l k 'o order. . , . LOCKS. A ri assortincni . ,,, , . hour Clock., alto Oaleude, -M'.. d' tlons. Kngraving done nt thchoHki,1'1 Wite,ie, Clock, and Jewelry, Repaire a. n Satisfaction warranted. ud p,t'i eTu W.U1 1,0 old 1,1 1,10 Tery i-of"i fsh Don't lorgct the place. nhuryDec-tf. T. S. EIIANNON. Nl Mil HY M Altltl.r. VA11B. " rrnL,L"d;'nif-"."'d ,"lvl" ,,ol,1-',lt "'0 f'tire the public that he uTnow li do .U kind, of "AltlllK IVOIIK, I'a. ou hnnd, and make, to order at BlIOItT NOTICE. -Uouuuieuta A Ilead-Nluuea, f : rVWT 8TTI.B. SDOOn AND TT1NIJOW SILLS .nf' r?'' PoU wl,h lanicd pipe and another feuclug generally u-d ou Cemeteries.. I. .h Alaylor couiiuun in the employment, t the old .tand on Market rJt.,nnburr. lUBya ei fm m c RADWAY 3 READY RELIEF t'IKKH TUP. WOIt!4'P I'A IN! In from Ono to Twenty Minutes. HOT ONE HOUR ftft:r rcnilinr this rdvrttsfmcnt iiuki) bbv ont l I'l F.Il M' IT II PAIN. IiAHWAV'8 1;EAI'Y RKMF.F IS A CTJRK fOR I.VPI1V PAIN. Ii wus tlie flmt nml n Tlio Only lnln It cm oily flint insanity i-top i the nmt cterueln! Uix paltiP, allsy In fl'ir.iti.ntliMis, :Mid ruriM ('oiiirr-tl nM, whether nf the Lutijrs, H'ni:icli, 1oweiL', or other gUunts or orgatts, by oue appliov tii'ii, 1 mOM fNK Tf TWKNTV MPfTTTES. y,n niattn Ito.v violent nr xcrnrhithiH thr puln tlie KHET7 .MATH'. IVd-ridilfti, Intlrni, 'rit-ph-d, Iicrvous, listtrsigle, or pryliati-d witli disease umy nulKr, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF VII, r. AFI'OPI) INSTANT KASE. lNTI.AMMAI'IDN dK 'I'M Fl HIIiNEY. INH.AMMA I H)N )! THE BLADDER INFLAMMATION OK TIIK IIOWKI.S. CO(.KSI 1IIN OF THE LUN08. fcOKl! TIIKOAT, T!H I' I LT IlIilCATIlI NO. I'AI.IMTATKlN OK TUB IIKART. lIVOTKIUi ., CUOlil', DU'HTIIKKIA. tA i'AI-.ltll, INFLUENZA. r.r.MiAciir., tooth vnr. m i i!Ai.f;iA, nnui'MATisM. C'.I.l) C1III.I.H, AflfK I IIII.I.S. Tim r-iij.ih i'ii.-i nf tliu Wcnilv 11 pIlrT lo the part or ittt w ln'ic tliu jlti rr : 1 ft j v. ( 1 1 ' i-liisl. will tUTuid t4M luiU i..!ii!irt. Tivcuty tl:-o:i. ' 1. :.t f A lillnliVr nf iratrr 111 In R fi .wiit.. nun CliAMI'S, M'AKMM. IfDVU KI'OMACH, HKMITIH'liV, XH'li 1IKAHACIIE, 1)1 AltllilKA, lVsKTn:V. f'OI.Ii'. WIND IN THE llOWEI.S, uj nil INTKHX t, I'AINS. Tni-;r. "t- iiil'.l iiiwiiv firry n bottle r.t Itnitn-ny, TC'nlv UilitT i"i ihc-in. A l-.-w dmim h. wtr will l u'i - u sl.ii.ii:'. or (i.iin- TiLtn iliunuKcf wfitor. It la butter iiimn l'! lintiulv or Itiltt-ri. h tlitmtlmit. MiV AMI AUIU. l'KVF.P. A.', ii A.. I K i'or.1 r.;r (111 y cput. There la tint u K' Hi'.lml l'i.t In llii wTlil tint will cur Fever Aud s;im riTi.l :i!l ollnr M:i!aii"ii, lliliovis. frur'rt, Tvi'tiol'l, V.llnw. i."t olli'T I '-vpr. ('l liv HAI'WAY'rt PlLI.S) u'le"i : UAHWAVS l:KALY ItiCLlIil-. Fifty oouU ; rV.t'.l . ,M I'V li.uttfUt,. HEALTH ! BEAUTY! ! TtlONil AM) ri'TIH T'.K'H lit.' M '! INCREASE OF I l.l'.stl AMi Wr-f'.UT t'l.KAIt fKIN AND BKAU Tirt L COMl'LliLXlU tEt'LIiliD TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS M HK TMK M 1' A3TOXMIINO rt'UKft; RO iMi'N. M l:.-VI'i! : MV I'M'KHii'H''", 'K 'i u-i t:;l j.v 1 it AT ai;;; tui; fit anuks tub I 1 r: 1 1 1 II IMIMTM'li : i.N i i;i! t i, m ';lic in k. Cvcry Ory r.n Cncron33 In Tlosh anO Wolf. it l5 Goon nnd Folt. TH2 GREAT PURIFIER. llvory .i.-,,., ,f , io KUM'AKli,T,lAN I. i-ISt IA' KN V IVi li i.. i, hrtf.t'. I i! hikI i-ti.ft --.I --:n lii v " i.f 1 f.'. f..r it. r' i ni.- 1 ' i'h it- . :u 1 mr.'l iu;.t. i i .l. ri'l'i't, Ul.'ii.h.' t i": i.i-t. I .Ot? i Tn i.ii'-h, Vnlt.4 lit c li nii'ii :. 1 :ii, S..rt- Uyi.. St l mih.h 1 U-linr-.H v nt ' f ' 1 ; i . I f r" !ri ilii;! 1-1 Hi -M It !. il :i ; W'.rin. K;.!t lthc'm. . .Sit ,tN U'-t .'Ml!. l!.v llci.ll. Tlf.. !f, , ii- 1 ;-:t i.' ri.f. .' ; r I j.:i!:.ful iKv I,"-, , i t S r:;i, jiinl nil :ilcH i T tl? i t i j i"t'itic r ff Ik'i Wttt.-.i.T t! ihiu'iil j ti;-" !! 1 !i v ti "f t.i ! t. S ,.!ii''t, c. Iii Ilia Turn it, M 'ut' tiler i nrt- nf ill : tlV . f (.in li.f Ktr. fi'. I t: tint:-. K-v.-r s tm, H i;.'v-;p(-! -4 1. Ai ;,.-. Kl.i ('fi-- m ill I'i ' Wl", tl,. I I- v u. v, it.. htn It f-.r v i ' V., i cf ilLo;vs. its 1 '' 'it l-'-v r 1 nr-- t!- it m Hi" ti iti-nt, d-iiiy l,f. .ri,l r?nu-. )) the i iF( ar.t i1 .,-,-iii.otiMr.n tint ii . n- ii-i-i. 1 v ni l 'Mfij t up?.! '(', ii'i t rt'i-j'.ir I'll Kitnc w Hi ti"w n-ntcr- t ;u vh f lu-.ltnv !: Mai this lu.- AUAl'Al:tL- I.l N mil i-fl K"' .!.! .-t i.nh (' t!i- I;nt.vr.-'T ckv1 ftM wi n-Mif.'ltl :t'Oi.. . i . tli. mi.. i f flm-nio. frn f,.::,ii, t uii-'it'it't'.t i!t :'iU iSm i :i.-..A'.s ; I - it It is tlie utily p.ifltlv u Eildnry T-r.inn, ; t . i.; V it r, 1 Ml.l.iitnii i.i, r.ii.1 hi i ii. i:m- ..t. r ! ,.,.1, ,.,.,.,.. f;-r--..t. Ti;.'.,t,-. Pr.'iv V i -(.nt il l-it.-,-" . f I rinr, .ric!i''n iiit:ic :i 1 c v 1 iv o fen1 !ri Viliift t!u t!.!.k, el,. I.'-. , t.iiv.'l v It M ('tl'tril:-s ut - i f (:-', 'T ft n iIl- - li.'i- mi. . r t liOf-a i tin. '.ut, Auk, !;.',! ;M :;- .u :tn.l vli'.tj tour rt n-t I t nti'l wln-ti tln-nt in .1 t : '. klii'. I tmii-ij n-'nintitiil . !n- i tn-.iti2 w:,t. r. nn-l .ii:i l:i . f tiio i.t.'.i a:ni i ' f 'i " 1 1 , J'l'l I.', tl.'O. WORMS.- D'1 o:.l l.tio'.v-i and rurs Rcmtwly f"r lii i:tit r, M ., J-ity H, 1 "f.rt. i Ttf.M :. Yvt h-d ri,ai:,n T,i;i,..r In '.r ovri-i .".I l All I'.e tttl t. ii I ' I'r .vn ,. h. ;.t ,r 1." I (lii r t!i t w-. t.r..i:rn.-.ft'i1 ; t it in tliin' htliti inc. I nr I; -i i-i.t. nu'l itim.j; -,t I w. i.l t lr it i I. u li.l in l i t '.i iii il, f-, it-. I iii.t .iif.rkt I r t'l't f.u. 1 t ...It i--; hMtlia if l!i j r I... t. i V. ,.f U Uv'. IMU. fit- 1 tw.i l Hk'i vtur t; i' ! . fttnl lrr- i Tt 'I fill'; nf tinie r l lc C.n rr'fill, .tlf f.-.( l.-tti r, , ,irirr. n "I hnj.itf tlin I liar fur tvh i; mti. '" tj M.r.t in ., .r i i tlu 1-ti nf t'i loii-l, ihe prMn, 1 'in;- t'lil U IU Ivl lb- W.luLl t Otllrrv V"'l f! 1'iiMi'il il tf . ifl. HANNAH V. h.NAIT. DR. RADWAY'S PSHSATIVE PILLS, .Vl'V.I'V I'. ll ! With MrTft CUm. fltirsf-;, .id-', ii: f.'.in-lt.i n, l.'ii.'w.iv'n l'lllrH li'-inin,!'! ilf! y.niii 'h, Liver, ll.-we!s, is ir.f'..N !!.. ,:ichv. r-.i.if a-'.. '. ("'. l''iis,, i;-:ioilt:c:. ft.t iii ! i'il Vi-cr... t effect i'i cotiUiijii no niurctiry. i:o- i' svnloiii uu'.tif ff from T)U ri''P nf t? TU'-A In tlie ItnnJ' . ., Hn-i,, r-., 1'i.pi.t . T linA. I '.li Koi-r ,'riMni'"!:,, ukinr ! Ii.ltfi- S.Ih,i- ' ,.f i lend, Hi.rrie.J nJ Ri l'. Mr !!, rUr-1.,, L- ,-r turf. Iitt.4 .f V;lr. I'-tt o.' ..t Hull ) . t .i the lVli.trtl-y I; a L .1 Fi.', Vnn lii h ) n !i,.t. lr.:U.f in itit ' r.U-WAY'S rtti.-J '!! , Hit-?m :... fvi l ". i.i.i. . 'l, r taiu:i Lane, N.w-V' r. March Kil, lST'.'.-ly. Thu ixGiiEMir.NT.s that COM PCS K KOSADA1 I.? arc published in, overy p u k.ic, ti iu I'oro it is tiof a v rit p i p ra'io:i, couBeiiuenlly 'riiYSiti.ixs rnEsmnr: it tltis a certain cure lor SVrolul.1 , Sy pliilis in ai I iu fornx, Kiicuru i jtiiin, (Skin Dirphius, Liver Cum 'plaint ami nil i!iMif.s ot" I e illlood. w-ill do moro jood than ten bolllc. jof tho !yrup. of &irsj;ari!.i. THE UNUERSIQND PHYSICIANS 'InvtiiK'd Rorailul i . t'iuir praclii n jfor t!io piil t'ireo year, and fiely undorse it as n reliable Aiteralivo rvii.l II lucid I'u.-ihcr. !)It. T. C. ITiill, i f Pultiinri. lillt. T. .1. IIOVKIN', 1-1. II. V. l'ALK. " Pit. V. O. DANM I.I.V, Dit. J. S. M'AHKS, il Nicholaivillr, 1 liv, nr.. J. I.. "MiL-AUTllA, C'olumhU, S. C. .mi. A. 11. XOni.r.-S K.lge.oiali, N. c. ;D3ED AND ENDORSED BY J. II. l llENc lI . SONS, KjU Iti.rr, Mjt. ,F. V. SMITH. Jnckrn. Mi. li. A. V. WKKHLI.II. Lima, nhin. II. II All.. l.n:.. (Ui.o. (CltAVKN & Ct.,i..r.lonllIi., V. ,S,S;-I.. (I. Mi I ADIiKN, .Murlrct'i j Luro,Teuu. ! Our spare will not allow of any ex. 'tn4eU iiinntks in irldtiuii tii tlie ivirtueaol Uusailr.liri. Tut In Mo.lical ; Prolcasion we guaiantoo a Fluid Kx jtractsupcricr lo miy tliry liav. ever ;uscd in thu trea:iiitnl nf tlisraed Hlooil ; and to the alMu-tril we irvy try jRosaihilij, nnd j ou will be restured I to lit ahl, I Itosailalis is sold by all Druprjijts, 'pricu $ 1. 50 per bottle. A.liliess I?.. CLSIIEITTS k CO. Manufacturing ( hemuti, Daltiuobr, Mu- It. July 22, 1871 WM. Mt'RKAT. J. BLAYMAKKlt. WM. II. ULACK. MURRAY & CO., l nolesale Dealers In MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, OBlee nnd School Stationery, I'rliitiiig, fVruiius aud Mauilla PAPERS, IVil'ICK lA4i!. Ac, dc. Tho Celebrated Corry Kerosene lUirnlns; Oil alway. on hand. Having also opened a COAL YABD, we aro prepared to .upply at .hort notice, and at the lowe.t rate., EGG, STOVE, CHESTNUT and TEA COAL to all who may be pleased to give n. a eall. Ordert left at our office No. U5 South Third St., will be promptly tilled. MUKRAY & CO. No. 85 fSouta Third Btrett, iouhury, f . KM AD ALB Jv . MACIllXF. NHOP AXO 1UO.N llllMlllY. GRO. KOHRBACII & SON 9, Sunbupj, I'onu'a, INFORM the public that they nre prepared lo do nil kinds of CASTINGS, and having added n new Machlno Shop In connection with their Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Planing and lloiiiiij Mnehlnes, with the. latest. Improvement.. With, the nid of skillful mcchunlcs, they are enabled to execute all orders of NEW WOKK OU REPAIRING, that may be glvm them, In a satisfactory man lier. Jrnt-K to mill any Ktovp. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build Inns, of nil size.. tKASS CASTINGS, Ac. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS ( VERANDAHS, FOn YAIiDS AT IIESIDENCES, AC, AC The. PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, havo been still further Improved, nnd wi'.l always be kept on hand. Aiso, TlIRKsHlNH MACHINES. Sitiihury, Miy i;0, lfTl i.risiut axi iar.iiKuMii7i.N. Third Street, adjoining Phlla. t Erie R. R., two S iuare. North of the Central Hotel, SI X11CRY, PA. MA T. CLEMENT, 13 ptepared to furnifd, every description of lum ber required by the demands of the public. Having nil Ihe latest improved machinery for inanufaeturintr Limber, he Is uow ready to fill or ders f all kinds of FLOORING, SIDING. DOORS. SHUTTERS, SASH. BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE 11ANDAS, HRACKETS, and all kinds of Ornamental Rcrnwl Work. Turn- j mi; ol every description jjromptly executed. Also, A I.Ar.Gi: APPOllTMPNT OF BILL LUMBKIi. HEMLOCK and P1NF-. Also, Shin-lea, Picket, Lathe, Ac. Ordi'M pronintlv tilled, nnd shipiied bv Railrrmd . or mhcrwire. IRA T. CLEMENT. i deeHMWily i KTOVK A TIX ESrAIII.ISUMI.M. i MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFHEl) KB Al?S E, Pniiirictor. j si t ( T.SOK TO SMITH A CIP.TlIF.It. J HAYING iiurehased the above well known es tablishment, Mr. Krause would rcspectful ! ly intnrm the public that he now has on hand a 1 hii e ai.!ortn,eut of ' COOK IXG STOVES, Speer's Cook Anti-Dust, ReL'Ulator or Revolving I Tup. Combination, Susuuehiuiua ami others, ; which nre so arranged as to ho used for Coal or i Wood, nnd are warranted to perform satisfactori ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put up to ; lieat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES j of different kinds at very low prices, j Tinware r Kvory Dpstrripf Inti ' kept constantly on hand. P.nofini; and Spotilluj; 1 with the best material, dune at ohort notice. REPAIRING intended lo with dipaleh. Coal ; Oil ."I d Lamps constantly on hand. Japan ware I of a x.nd.'. Stare opposite Coulee's hardware ' store. Give me a call. A. KRAUSE. i oDl--ly FANCY-SILK GOODS, KID GL0YES, & 361 BROADWAY, KEVJ YOiiK, Inijuntcr mitl Jobber of Cori Else aiii Gros Grain Bite, IN ALL COLORS RNO WIDTHS, SONNET SILSS, TUSCiUOiSB aui VSLOU?.:, English Crapca, Crennclincs, Tissues, Laces, Edgiiias, Mimr fot'i'ox 'S'itiiTti.(;K. KECK TIES. DRESS BUTTONS, C. March an, 187i.-'.'in. I' ll EE TO BOOK AGENTS j We will send a linndoine Prospcetus of our I New Illustrated Family Ilible i-outdiuing over ' 450 line Scripture Illustrations to any Rook ! Agent, free of charge. Address, j iii25,4w National Pit.lisiiinu Co., Phila., Pa. : I.nrkav umiu mid Klooiuaburg ICaii ri I. SUMMER ARRANG I".' KNT OF PASSENGLIP. j 'J'. A INS. .li.lnv. JulT 171871. j SOUTH WARD. ! Leave. : A.M. P. M. A.M . T. M. P M. Pcranton, ; 0 45 1 45 10 05 (I 60 4 00 Rellevue, , t) 5o ; II 65 4 U.S i Taylorville, 0 5? !10 17 7 02 4 12 Lackawanna, 7 05 10 2d 7 114 22 I Pittston, . 7 14 2 11 10 36 7 19 4 SO ! West Pittston, i 7 10 10 40 7 24 4 85 I Wyoming, ; 7 27 2 21 it) 47 7 31 4 42 Mallhy, i jo 62 7 80 4 47 iw::Barre,icrr.iy;3381100;7M 455 Plvmouth June., i ' I 8 00 5 00 ; Plymouth, 7 50 3 40 ; 8 05 5 05 I Niinticoke, I 8 00 : ! 8 20 1 j llunlock"., I 8 07 l ' 8 80, I Miickshlunv, S 22 3 08 8 45 I Hick's Eerrv, i 8 86 ' j Beach Haveii, 8 43 3 27 I J i Berwick, ! 8 50 3 84 ' ' j Briar Creek, , 8 57 , I j . Lime Ridge, 9 07 ' Kspy, 0 14 ! Bloomnburfj, ' 9 19 Rupert, , U 20 8 87 j CutuwissA, 9 81 I 1 Danville, 9 51 j j, ! 9 6' i I Cameron, 10 03 I ; Noith'd, (arrive.) 10 20 4 52 I j NORTHWARD. Leave. ,MV Northumberland, Cameron, Chulasky, Danville, Catiiwitsa, Rupert, Rloomsburg, Epy, Lime Ridge, Briar Creek, Berwick, Beach H.irea, Hick'. Ferry, (Shlckebinuy, Huulock'i, Nauticoke, Plymouth, Plymouth June., Kingston, A at. W.-Barre e'l t Maltby, Wyoming, Werl Pittston. Pittston, Lackawanna, Taylorville, Bellevue, 11 14 8 13; 8 17 6 24 8 84 6 41 6 48 A.M. 6 55 11 80 11 43; 18 00 J P.M.! 19 20, t so; 7 45! 8 00 8 15 P.M. 8 20' I Pit, 10 18 13 84 7 Mi 8 SO, 2 8' 8 Si 8 40. 8 45 8 63, 9 04 0 14 43 8 48 8 54 8 69 07 8 16 8 28 I 80 86 40 11 43 I 8 06 8 IS 47 63 00 II 62 8 18 8 28' 8 86! 9 25 9 83 9 40 10 IT 8 42 8 48 ScraiB, (ii;v) i ii; TAVJD T. BO'.rP, Sup't. lA.M.P, 10 25 5 10 j 5 7 I 8 81! 10 50, 5 40i i I W' ! 0 Oft T?ttilrotts. Reading Raitroud. BtMMEIt ARRANGEMENT. Monday, May Gt, 1872. GREAT TRUNK LINE from tho North and North-West fof Philadelphia, N. T., Read PottaTllle, Tamnquo, Ashland, Shamokln, Lebanon, Alleutowu, Ku.ton, Ephrala, LltlJ!, Lancaster, Columbia, fee, Jtc. Train, leave Hnrrishurg lor liuw Toilt, a. fol low. i At 2. 45, B.10, a. ui. and 2.00 p. m., con necting with similar trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, nnd arriving nt Ngw York nt 10,07 u. m., 8.T.3,- and 9.45 p m. respectively. Returning t Lenve New York nt P.00 a. In., 12.80 noou und 5.43 p. in., Philadelphia nt 7.80, S.30 a. in. and S.'M p. m. Leave HnrrlfburR for Kendhij, Pottsvlllc, Ta mafiia, Miner.vlllc, Ashland, Shumokin, Allentown and 1'hilndclplihi ut 8.10 a. m., 2.00 nnd 4.05 p. tn.. .topplt,)? at Lebanon and principal way Million. , t!'e. 4.05 p. m., train conticeline; far Philadelphia, Pottsville nnd Co lumbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill uud Susquehanna Railroad, leave Ilnrri.lmrg at S.40 p. m. Eaet Pennsyltaula Railroad trains leave Rend lnj fer Allentown, Easlon und New York at 4.34, 10.40 n. in., and 4.05 p. u. Returning, leavs New York nt tl.00 a. m., 13.30 noou nud 5.45 p. m. and Allentown nt 7.L('J a. iu. 1.?3 noou. 3.15, 4 5 oud U.15 p. m. Way Pa..eii)rer Traiti leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 u. m., eonnettine with siinllar train on East Pcnmi. Railroad, rcturnlnir from Keuding at 6.30 p. m., stoppiiij; at all stations. Leave Pottsville ut 0.00 n. ni. nnd 2.30 p. m. llerndou at 10.00 a. m., Bhamokia ot 5.40 and 11.15 a. m. j Afchluud nt 7.05 a. m., and 12. 4S noou; Mahauoy City at 7.51 a. m. und 1.K0 p. :n. Tamaqua nt H.S5 a. m. and 2.10 p. in. for Philadelphia. New York.Keadinit, llnrrisburg,ifcc. Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill und Etisipir hamia Railroad nt S.15n. m. furlXiirrisbui-jf, uud 11.45 a.m., for Pine Grove and Tremont. Pottsville Accommodation Truiu leaves Tott. vllleat 5.50 a.m., passes He-idinjj nt 7.5 a. in. arrivinjr ut Philadelphia at 11.50 a. in., returning leaves Philadelphia nt 5.15 p. in., passim Read Ui!r at 7.40 p.m. arriving at Poits iile at 9.20 p.m. Pott-town Accommodation Train leaves Petit town at 0.45 a. in., returning leaves Philadelphia (Ninth and Green,) at 4.30 p. in. Columbia Kailroad Train, leave Readinir at 7.20 a. in., and 0.15 p. m. for F.phrala, Litit, Lancaster. Columbia. &c. j rettirnlntc leave Lnu j caster nt 8.20 a. lit. and 8.25 p. m., and Colum bia ai i. ,o a. in. nn.i ij.ifi p. iu. Pcrliiomcn Rail Road Trains leave Perkloineu Junction at 7.15. !.00 n. 3.(i nnd 5.45p. m. P.etui niii'.'.leav c h h cuksville at ti.S0,!5.Oy ii. iu., 1.05 und 4.1 5 p. m. connecting v.ith train, ou licadini; Rail Road. Piekerlnj; X'nllcy Railroad train, leave Phi nixvilleat 0.10 a. in., y.liiand 6.50 p. m. t re tuiniiiL', leave livers nt 6.33 a. m., 12.45 noon, and 4.20 p. in., connect lug will, similar train, ou Reading Kailroad. Colebror.kd.-ile Iiaiiro;:d Train, leave PotUtown nt 11.40 a. m., 1.20and G.25ni! 7.1";-.. in., return ing leave Ml. at O.OO, i. M and 11.25 a. in., and 3.25 p. in., conrci ting with trains on Reading Kailroad. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave Rrht'.-e-purt at S.30 a. m., 2.4nand 5.33 p. in., leae Oonini.'toii at 11.55a. in., 12.30 noun and 5.40 p. in. connecting with similar trniiu on Kead iui; Railroad. On P'.iud.iyi : Leave Now York at 5.15 p. in., Philadelphia at b.00 a. m. uud K. 15 p. in., (tli.i S.00 a. ii:. train runnim; only to Reading:) hav? Pi'itM ille at I5.0;l.i. m., Ii:uve il iri.-lui;-, 2.45a. 111., and 2.00 p. in.; :ae Allentcvu nt 4.25, 015 p. in. ; leave Reading at 7.15.1. in. and 10.33 p.m. for Hairi-iiurtr, at 4.1I4 n. in. for Nl-w YorU. i at 7.20 a. m. for Alleptowii uud nt 0.4 1 j. id. and 4.15 p. m. for l'hiladcl"a. ! Commutation, Milt-ace, Pa.on, Sclioul uuj I Excursion Tickets, to and frcai a!! point, at i , duccd rates. j llaggaue olieeUe.1 through : 10i Pounds Basp ' L'AgJ allowed each P.istenc.-r. ! J. i:. V. OOTTEN. i An. Fnpt. & i:uj. Much'ry. I Il;IInt(-!ihia und Krio Kailroad. j wi.NTEit time x.vnr.i:. On aiid after Mondav, Novr-mber 27, 1S7t, tho ; Trains on the Philadelphia A File Rail l'..,.i 1 will j run a. follow. : j VKSTWAIU). i M..U Train leaves Philadelphia, fi.J'i p tn " " " Sunhury, 1.00 a u- i " " a it i.t Erie, p u-. j Erie Exprt..-, leaves Philadelphia, 12.30 p iu . " " ' .uubury, 0.30 p m " " tin at Ki ic, ' 7. 10 a m . Eliniia Mail leaves Philadelphia, 7.30 n Ul I " " " Mtnbnry, 4.I-.5 p in I " " arr at Lin k ltav.ei, 7.55 p tn Acc.iinniodatlon leaven tinnbury, C..15 a m ! arr at R-uuvu', 10.40 a m ; KAsrwAi;!). Mali Train leaves Eric, ' " " K'.ir.hurv, 11.55 a iu 12.23 a m n.';..! a ni O.OJ p i.i 0.20 a m 3.30 p m 7.35 u m ! 1 .00 a ni 5.50 p ni T.'.25 p in 4.35 p m st at Ere w itli ' " firr at P:.!l idelph'j, Erie Tvpicss leaves Erie, " " Mudmrv, " " nrr at PhiladJlphia, Elmira Mall leaves Lock llavea, " " Snnl ni-v, " " Mr i.t Philadeiphh, Accoinnio.lalion licuv, ' nrr ut iMinburv, Mull East c-..::!:e, ts e.i.-t und'wc L. fc. .t M. S. R. V. nut .U .orrv and lrviucton with oil ( reck ana .Mlchcny Ii. il. W. Mail West Willi v.c-t bound trains on L. S. i M. S. It. W. and :: Conv and lrvhiftou with Oil Cnrk and Allegheny R. R. W. Cattawissa p:it'ciiircr trains will be run cit finm V!!liam.-iH)it on E::.' Kxprcfs, and west, to Will!am:-fo:t ou Elmini Mail. 1VM. A. BALDWIN. Gcn'l Sup'L .orlliori i'cutral It.;ilwnj. FALL A N II WINTER ARRANGEMENT, uud niter Nov. 12, 1S71, traUi. will rnu as follow : NORTHWARD. Niagara Express lave Sunbury nt 11.40 p. ra., arrives at Niagara Eall. at l.Miia. in. Bulfalo Exprc. leaves Sunbury ul 12. SO a. m.. arrive at Williamsport at ' a. in., Ehnlra at o.,0 a. m., Lanandaigua 8.15 a. m. Mail arrives ut Sunbury at 4.30 p. m., arrive ut Wiili.imspoit 6.30 and Elininv 10.35 p. in. Fast Line arrive, at Sunbury at 6.50 p. m., arrive at Willlninsporl 8.15 p. ra. SOUTHWARD. Buffalo Eipie.s leaves Suubury ut 1.47 a. m., arrive at Hun isburg H.J.'.n. ni., Baltimore 7.30 a. ni. Mall leave. Suubary at 11.05 a. in., arrive at Harrisburg 1.45 p. in. Erie Express leaves Suubury at 9.25 a. in., ar. rive at HarrUhurg 11.20 a.m., Baltimore 8.00 p. m. Erie Mail leave Sunbury at 12.80 a. m., nxrlve at Harrisburg 3.20 a. ra. SUAMOKIN DIVISION. IA9TW Altrt. Leave Suubury at 4.40 p. m., arrive at kiu 5.50 p. to., Mt. Caruiel 6.40 p. ui. Leave Suubury (Accoiumodatiou,) at 11.50 a, ni., arrive at Bhainokiu 1.00 p. in. WE6TWARD. Leave Mt. Caruiel at 7.00 a. m., Shamokln 7.40 u. in., arrive at Sunbury 9.65 a. in. Leave Shamokln (Accommodation,) at .48 p in., arrive at Suubury 4.00 p. iu. Express leaves daily. All other train, leave dally, except Snndavt. A. It. Fiske. En. S. Yihnu", Gen'l. Sup't., Geu'l Pa.sen'r Ag't., Harrisburg, Ta. Ballmore, Md. Danville, HazlPlou A Wllkeitbarrp Kail Koatl. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. LEAVE EASTWARO. Suubury, 0 20 a m Ilanvilie, 7 02 " Cuttuw'a, 7 2S ' Jluzleton, 9 C8 " LF AVE WESTWAUll N. York, 6 00 a m Easlon, 9 25 " PhU'u, 00 " bcthle'm 10 05 " BetMe.'m 12 10 p Ul Phll'u, 2 15 " : Fusion, 12 35 N. York, B 50 " i H.uleloD, 1 00 p ra Cutlaw'a, 2 40 Danville, 3 SO ' bunburv. 3 57 The a ft el noou train connect. ut Suuubury with the Pbiludclptiia & Erie, 4 85 p. in., (lain ifolng west, arriving at Willlainsport 6 80 and Lock Haven 7 55 p. Ui., aud wilh the Norlheiu Cen tral 4 50 p. ui., moving south arriving ut Harris burg 7 00 p. in., and Baltimore 10 45 p. in., and also wilh the Suubury tic LenUtown R. R. Com fort u l.e und baudsuine co-elms on ttl. Bw rouie. J. HfRrETKAgE, pT!piricni.t.