Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 01, 1872, Image 2

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imiburu American.
Republican Jitate Ticket.
r Moht'jonttry Cottnly.
of LrmlfonX Court!.
Of TV.rrtll ('Olllij.
FOtl CONfir.SS.'MF.T)
lit ,
tiS-.r. - , Co.NsTf
WILLIAM M--. 'f " 'iii'i i county,
j 1:11' I-' l.l.V , nf (': linn countr.
.1. N. M l-.i!. of Centre eocif
WILLIAM M. 'KMSTtiONt., of Lomln- co
WI..I.IAM DAVIS. on.ii7.ornc couiitv.
J.lMKs X. KKYNOI.DS, or Lancaster connlv
" A M U K I. K. DIMMIC, .r Wuvne connty. '
''SO'tdK V. LA WHENCE, of "tVaMilngton co.
I vVIU N. WHITE, of Allegheny coui'ilv.
II. A INKY, of Li-high CO:lttv".
JOHN II. WALKEK. of Eric county.
AuvLi'u K. Bomi Juit.v M. Tiiomivon
'"' rt.
!. Johsiti A. Bostuii. I I. Jons Pasvmuk.
3. M Alices A. Davis, is. :'. n. FiB.
U.MoitiMsoNfo.nBa Hi. .Trssp. Mruim.u
HkMIT llllOMM. IT. llEMiy (!l..VI.V,
rnr.o. M. Wu.vnii. IS. lloiir.iiT Re,,..
Jony M. !!i;oomaj.l in. Jap. M. Thompovi'
S. MlWAllD II. (illL-KV. 1!L". lfirvnv 1 , r.v..
10. rv. K. Shorwakkh "li. Jons J. CiiLl-rniK.
11. Daniii. It. Mii.i.fh. L'-l. Jambs Patteio-ov
12. Lkano. .M. Mohton John W. Wap ce.
13. TnranoKti Stuoso. Si!. ('iuiu. C. Huvlk.
Tun next Presidential Canvass will be
,-om of Hie most iiiiportent and exciting of
c.ny for many years prist. Thus far the
Southern States present no candidates be
i je either the Democratic or Uepubliran
Convention for nomination either for the
Presidency or Vice- Presidency. Xouo
were oiTcrcd in 1808. lu 1S04, in the midst
of the civil war, the South n'll rp.l n .,,.ii
dale for Vice President in the person of
Andrew Johnson, and lie was accepted and
Reeled. The assassination of President
Lincoln ana accession aud treachery of
Tohnson have apparently put an end to
-rational tickets arranged after that fash-
u. It is currently believed that the Xa-
i-m;u iioim disease, just before Lucha
uau's inauguration, was the result of a
Jesperato attempt to get rid of him in or
d'.'r that tho traitor Urecken ridge might be
President in his stead.
General Grant was elected President on
'i t'eket that had C l;'ax of Indiana for Vice
iVesidetit, ami he has not becii molested,
i:i!?l'fih JtiffiU.Vy rtniarked that Colfax was
v . "(dp Southern
i'., ana hence wo an not rauk the noun-
!'- " l!i for Vice-President
":i Mie Democratic ticket as bein
; southern
it is proper to hear iu mind that Mis- j
'-:ri used to bu an extremely troublesom
K.ihem State, and that on the Liberal
iu publican ticket with Greeley fur Preil
d'.i.t appears thu name of Hiuir's cousin,
;.'" Hrown, of Missouri, for Vicc-Prcsi-'!::t.
Should lliis ticket be elected, it
.-.uld be by ih means extraordinary if
' .-Joy would be taken fatally sick.
The fact is that the people of t!,c north
i.ava been viciiunz-d in this way too often
1 1 believe, them entirely accidental, and
while this .Veliug lasts we need not loci; for
.itihern Xatinnnt candidates to stand iu
nui.-h f.nvr. And indeed the south has in
l ie rast eievcti yeaiu declined relatively in
political importance. The struggle is no
: 'tiger luLwecn tlic north and the south.
is hctwvcu the east and West, and it Is
t'mrcfore worthy of coiihideration whether
..iinceie. reprisenting tie-- eaKt, find
i.ratz llro'vn the west, the olden auimo' --it v
might not spring ., u-iwetu the two fac-
.!n , ,
uo,,s, mthcontctiaont desperate slrugglts.
On: neighbor of tli Ik.nonak G uard
e unplains of tho "ostentatious'' remarks
of the editor or the last week, in
:-gard to publishing the appraiser's list in
:.o twin tapers, partly printed i.i Xew
i' ik ei'.y, and accises lho editor of that
1 iper for trying to '-white-wash his trading i
villi a Hepublican newspaper.'' If the'
editor of the Ounrl has only discovered '
that there are !vo -.;-,.i to tho editor of the '
.r, ho la very fur behind tho n-e. I
.nee i ue vuiwrut and Guztt'e
piitticc in o.'iice in Xw y,
'ork the edi- i
of both papers care more for co,,,,. i
it . .j
pap than lho mten sts of their respective
parties. Xor will tlu y take a decided 1
hland either for principles or candidates !
unless they see. a certainty of suc'css
We have a'wavs advoJi I , '
. ' advocated V.i-j p-.-.o,,',.
nig Of nil county matter in ivn,,.... ,.e 1....1.
' 'ii wjai 1
.... 1 .. 1 mi 1 . 1
1 suns, nuu su.i auiiere to that
I 1.. ... . .
I i
l ie. n e arc 111 layer of Ictlliig both
..... !
par-1 ou uiiormeu r. n couiiitlou of
.unity utEiir. Xo matter Th,lt partr is
.. power-urn ..overling si.ouia be- in-
cried in legal pnpers of tlie countv. nri.i,
political parties. U has been decided bv '
b.. f.l.,1 . .1 i.-i .... .. J I
...v ..i;iul,k iriLutiais ill tiiur tat
II, t
advertUftun-nia ii,.tlcj ,,apcr!l 1ai.,ly
priuud outside of tU district, aio not a
l"g'H uotjee, and wo feel coiilideiit, if leslcd
m this Male, tho saino decision would be
declared. If our county ofllcials will give
tho advertising to the l,ole ,,,,,.,. t,ruMi.
er party we nh;,l bo satisfied, but go long
V? U ' siv,;n lo l,aP"r partly printed in
ork city, and therefore uot leal
journals, we shall doubt their legality, and
consider they aro imposing unou lh(J (.J.
payers by giving illegal notices of our couu
1 a Hairs.
.The- IVmocratie Stato Conrcniiou which
i'ett Heading on Thursday last, placed
in iioQiii.ntion tho Hon. Charles IX. liucka
.1 w, of Culumbm coutiiy, as the Iviuocra
l -' ciiudnlatu tor Governor.
In Massachusetts tht ro" aro i cotton
San!! ",,hW' nuj tf,3u-l,KlSi
Point of the Democratic pnpors are at
tempting to make enpttnt against General
Grant by rldiculirg tits ion, now traveling
In Europe with Gen. Sherman. Ho Is
galled Pi iuec FreVx-rlcIt and (tun. Sherman
! his servant, (ten. Sheiunn aiso comes in
forasharcofridicnlowcause ho had the
courtesy, ns nu office and gentleman, to
show civilities to tV (rand Duke Alexis on
his hunting cxfditio. West. Thcso offl
ecrs have dislinguishd themselves in aid
ing to crush tho Tcbcioii, aud can never
stand well with XorUrn dough -faces or
Southern rebels. Hut iiU are tho argu
ments and the principle of modern De
mocracy. Yet these sine editors, even
now, confess that they ah, prpared and
willing tf) "cat '''ft" and swtVlow Horace
Greeley no-' his isms, if be leaders of
tin 1'' "umorc ConreutJon rcslvc that they
must do so.
On fitiir.lnJ11ijii nfu.
or it nin hours
executive scsiin, the Mimto advised the
I miieiii 10 umoliatc an aciuilioiml nrti-
'" to the Trent; of Wellington by which
't is thought all niiiudcrutanding and dis
Jtisfaclion between the Uiiitod States and
Luglaiu, ..; u P,.moVeJ. The additional
article, when ratified by the uT0 R0Vern
nent.. will 8ttlo the qUtftion of consequen
tial aAr.w?Cs,and the (.Mieva 15oaid of a.-i...
tnuion will. he p,.0(,((. todecide eqt.itabl
the question oCreal dsiivagc presented or
its consideration.
Thk f.-ltoH-ing shirt speoch'is said to
have Iven spoken, !y ft delegan-, at the
lata Aahor Keform Couvention, held in
AVi.'liamsport, lx. ;
"I am the special riend of tho l:ihni-inr
I man.
Xo one likes letter to see a man
work than I do.
In fact, I had rather see
That delegate is a mode. of cnmior, and
j expresses tho true seutimeni. 0f ,uost 0f
: the leaders of the Labor Iieti,.,,, ,oVc
j incut. AVoudcr if lie hails from tin, pl!lCc?
j Tun Civil Kiohts BiLr.. The Ciu
Riylits bill, which has been hanging be
; tween the two housis nf CVnigrrss, and its
passage through theScnate persistently ob
jstructedby Mr. Sumner, except his cx
I Ireino measure shouid be saddled on that
of A mnesty, finally nisscd that body at the
night session ou Thursday, and it has
doubtless passed or will pass the House and
receive tin: npiiroval o the I'r.-si.lent. Th..
! b,i" pmvfl1''
! publfc enlei
j is required,
s that it owners or persons in
any public inn, or any place of
rtiuiiment. for which a license
and the owners or nersons in
charge of nny stage, coach railroad, or
other means of public carriage for passen
gers or freight, make any distinction as to
the admission or accommodation on ac-
count of race, color
or previous condition
ot servitude, they shall be punishable for
every offence by a tine of not less than !?.AlO
nor more than $,X00, and shall he liable to
suits for damages iu any of the United
States courts.
The Amnesty bill havhur passed the Seu
ate on Wednesday last, it was at once sicn-
I cd by the President, and on receipt of the
I message to that ellect in the House, Mr.
I Holers, of Xorlh Carolina, elected to Con
! makinfVVVy'clIV' disa
: (iisuict beiug represented. The Amnesty
I till removes all disability from nearly two
1 hundred thousand persons, lcavinc milv
'''ss llla." lwV !lllndred who it is unsafe yet
to admit to full political privileges
lho n-esutent has approved tho act
amendatory of tho election law. It pro
vides that all votes for Keprfsenta'.ives in
Congress shall hereafter be by written or
printed ballots, any luw of any State to the
coutrary not withstanding.
Horace Greeley has formally accepted
i uc iKuiiiiiiiiii.ii ior i-resuint, given linn by
tho Cincinnati Convention. His letter til
acceptance is dated tho i!l)ih ulr. II.. -,v
he delayed his response until he could learn
how the work of the Conveution was re
ceived in nil pru ts of the country, and he is
now saiisfied, from telegrams, letters and
comments of journalists, independent of ol
bciat patronage, that the Cincinnati move
ment has met the stamp of public opinion
as 'admirable," saying thai it "cists before
it the wr.'cl; and rubbish of wornout con
tentions and by-gout- Icuds, aud embodies
in tit and fl-.v words tho needs aud aspira
tions of today." Mr. Greeley goes ou to
make a sort of resume of thu Dnmosiiin.i.j
ia .t!";,,'ibi:''u' platform, and says it is iu
rl , t!" ".'"I'l-era-iu 'f decaying par-
t'es protest against "stray ng and halliiV';"
ho is conlident (hat "the American pe.M.le
will bear the Libira! cause ou to triumph."
Oi.u Catholic Movement in r.r.
; non:. The Pnstou G'.'c'c says: letter
Irom Brussels iiiform us that the Abbo Juul
. qua has arrived I here and has been lectur
ing iiininrt the pretensions of U,0 ltomish
Church. Cauon Motils aud another Catlio
i he priest, M. des Piilirrs, formerly prior of
; llu liClic lictiiK's of Solesmes, has joined
i'..iu uiovcmeni. They advocate, wo are
told, "thu fusion of all Christian churches,
the return to primitive practice, the elec
tion of the ministers by the congregation,
an 1 against the confessional, tho celibacy
"u uio support by tiio Mate
', " ' ? f. "i" ' "u '"le ,t"
uiu v iiiu"iii! inr(!f writes lliat the Old
Catholic movement has many Vympathizerl
n"'l"'g the clergy of Uio djoccso of Paris,
but.lluj-v. kteP b!,1-'k becauso they do not
?' 1 ,'! Wu '''.reutes. The Abbo Mi-
c - ,nuA ,M rc,"Ci- l-'"rs from more than
sixty pr.esU of lho diocese, statin" that
thev wniilil Lift. 1 .... 1.. :"? ... .
lllll mil ii!.. .I...II. 1-, .. ... J
,. j 1 ".. iiiiiiii-umil'iY, 11 llicv
.1 ..I ...o .1. -. 1. 1-.. .. . . . J ' . J
.. """" ""'ii Biiirvaiiou in caso
l!.r.v in... n t-.n ...... ....I .1..:.. -.
sivni-u iiieir o'linious.
T..r .l..,.line ; t(J
creating consteriiar.ion
prices of coal in the pro-it
mining ,Uid carrying comparHes I uihecoa
leg bins, whose, ,nnl ........... :.Loa'
Pr"lM,sition to give
lil.'ivn. a n i.....,il..u
Si. 1 IIUII inillinr.
pl.jyets a inonth's holiday, in order to
" u l"f fjn'ni ouik ol" tho supply on
hand and thus by forcing a lictitTons
scarcity produce inHation of prices for
which there is no necessity, aavu to pay
dividends on watered railroad stocks.
Heroin is tho real .ecret of the troubles iu
he mining region. The manner iu which
railroail and mining companies havo been
secretly managed, their stock dishonestly
multiplied and their expenses maintained
far beyond iheir real necessity, tnako it nc
ccssary to resort to artiliciiil means to in
crea! tho price of coal, iu order to meet
their illegitimate, dividends. There is not
a railroad in lho mining region, but what
is represented by at least a third more
stock than ought to havo been issued, and
to pay dividends on this, labor must be do.
privcd of its just dues, and tho consumer
of coal made lo pay an unjust prico yyr.
rtsbuvg Journal.
The estimated value of the raw material
imported lact year was Sia.OoO.HOO, and
i V"'r,u of, 11,0 Mk "niinicture. M.VJ00,.
000. 1 Ina branch of industry WH, neVer
The Hon. D. W. VoonnEES ro-detlned
his position at an assemblage of 3000 per
sons, at Terro Houtc, Ind., on Saturday
evening last. Ho reviewed tho political
career of Horace Greeley, pointed out why
Democrats could not possibly support him
for tho Presidency, and favored a strict
Democratic nomination at Baltimore.
voouiir.Ks fokloks hope.
Mr. Voorhccs, during tho course of his
address, said : 1 was in my seat at my
desk in the House when it wns announced
that Horace Greeley had been uominated
for tho Presidency. It no more occurred
to me that lie, or tho men who liad nomi
nated him, would have the brazen audacity
to expect Democrats to support Attn thn
it did that tho disciples of lho 'iris' im' re
ligiou would turn away from "lu,r until in
an hour und worship M!-"''
prophet of God. I conjid'Ued myself
and my friends about n tUt, ,l!!e .",ll'x:
peeted folly of tho copfenH'oat C incinnati
had opened to ii a sine flf tV road to
victory, and to the rest-""?" f K-"d gov-
ernment. I recalleo-,-- .
was fciecv
crats were runup' ""u , ,,lv,u,:uu'
iu I still am, t"1 wc,1,aJ a bVUV ,Ppo1""
tunitv for ,;ces tll,ul wc mitI known
siuee I'ier-wni elected twenty years no.
Thepii''of pf l)0lity was the
ga,p our party principles and our party
j,'iy conjoined. They were identical.
You can hardly imagine, therefore, the
feeling with which I saw certain uncertain
newspapers hauling down Democratic
names at their mast-heads and placing iu
theit stead the name of one who has more
fairly earned, and luoro fully enjoys, the
hostility and aversiou of tho" Democratic
parly luan any other man in the United
Stales, hnd that, I know, is rt strong state
ment whilo Graut and Mutton and their
coadjutors are iu existence. Impartial
history, however, will sustain me in it.
For thirty years, commencing far back,
wden these gray heads before me were
black and young, and continuing until
willi'm the last three weeks, there has been i
no fortj of coarse, brutal, and infamous as- (
sault wich Horace Greeley has not made i
on the Democratic party, in the aggregate :
ana in uciaa, tn nmsse and individually.
Ilis malevolence has been unceasing, un
sparing, and 'liiiversal. He has ranged
everywhere for ubjects of his hatred and
vindictive abuse. uc imsl nol hesitated to
call our foremost iimn. like Horatio Sey
mour, liars and villains and traitors, lie
has aiso singled ont the people in private
life and denounced them as ignorant, sor
did and vicious for selecting Democratic
otlieials. (hie of his special callings for
years has been to assail the constituents of
gentlemen who voted against his heresies
in Congress.
Hut it is saiil that Mr. Greeley's election
will bring relief to'lhu South. On what is
this claim based '( lias it any rational
foundation ? Can good come out of evil V
Can a wise and beneficial Administration
spring from dangerous and unconstitutional
principles honestly entertained? If so,
why should a man ever be chosen to oilice
with reference l bis principles f Can the
South trust the man who preached the
right of secessiou, and then desired the
slaughter of those whom he helped to mis
lead into its practice? Aside from the
question of his integrity, is the judgment
of such a niau safe ? What guarantee has
the South, or any other portion of the
"iyCYiPs.iii)iIar capricious freaks
n hen I was allowed
twenty minutes, a
everything I have heretofore said iu reard
10 ins adiiiinisl ration. Those who have
charged that I was about to support him
only judged me by themselves, and sup
posed I could abandon luy principles us
easily as they have theirs. "Put i !!.
possible with Greeley if his election depends
on mo votes of ihu IVmocratie party ?
. an any one who knows the history of this
grand party seriously think so?
say in
mviiiiii.ui.-u uv nuiiimore, and every
crat ot diKtiuetion, whether in public: or
piMiiu: me, irom one ocean lo tlic other.
should support him, ho would not receive ;
tin average of more than fifty per cent, of
iou iuocrauc vjtcs ol tiiu I inted States.
a ins 1 as
4 as iirmiy believe ns I do that the
sun will rise to-morrow. And if the
MAli:-s ANH tvI-LY
of the hour should consummate his nomi
nation I is in willing my judgment may be !
esled hercriltrr by the record I make hero :
to-night. But aain, would the success ofi
Mr. nveley bo a success to tho best inter
ests of the country y I have pointed out
why I think not. It is claimed that his
administration would improvo upon
("rant's. It might, and still compel the
united opposition of all friends of reform !
and good government. Hut on what point
... puum: poucy is mere any issue between
Hi-mi sn.i i;...,i....'j ,--,,-' . ;.r
days aero, on the Moor of tin. Hoi.., ;,. ellectini' the iioiniii:iii.,o r 1 . rh i ...v.-,,. ,-v,,j-,r,,-.-..,.,
ivhicli lo point out why I was not in favor ' an(l 'l,s'' tIl;il several other Tailiinany poli- ' TTAVIN(f recently lost an arm by an aei ideut
of Mr. Greeley I did not suppose it was nc- ', ticians gave in proportion to their inenns ' , ?",xho, l;"!ro:'l, l'' " 'deb I i deprived
cessary to consume the lime in defining ! H 0.000 were given f.,r the above pur-1 h'.vm i S
tn.XW0ntrWOrd C;,ra?t 1 "i,l done '-y the ol,l ring of XCW York Jun- ccV.Vtta
mat. oitea beiore. and I reiti-rnli aerers. J Ins statement. tnkRti it. ........ ; Proiiionoff..!' .i .ni;..; ... . .. .
iinu me Heart ol tilt! lauorm.r uon. tr;i cr to lin.l n f...... ...o..i... r.. h.. . ... ueciion or t ie Kennb icnn Cnumr i '...... !
Who compose the civnt innioi ilv of lho his iiroilncl r.fim. 'i.,k... :.. ' J . 1 : tio"' If nominntcj and elected. I Promise, lo lis. !
.'any. and I haaar Ino'thi ... In ! ar eenV Z I. Vi .V S. " " nl ! " ot said nicc to ihe bes, of iv ,
t!at even if Mr. Greeley should he : the Prcsidencv. Men i,,. b. v.. .VJ ' .. . ""'"ll. ?""? !
V,i v o Vi J . ftoiuc one point . icreni sort ol gathering from that which
it .nut t On the contrary, on nil questions met at Columbus, Ohio, on the -'-'d of Fo
ol national import Greeley has warmly en-! binary, and was not engineered bv noliti-
dorsed tho present Administration, and
lias ucver revoKcn mat enuorsenient.
. For my part, fellow citizens, I crave and
pray for a success that is real, and not a I
delusion and a snare. I have taken my j
present course with a view to that end. If I
others nad tieen silent and waited for tho
action at P.allimore 1 would have b. cn I
...n tout It .l .0
r, ..' '"..v,l., vmci iiiciuoers 01 ;
till) DCIIIOCIII I 11- .. .nntn.l ...1.1.
j -.....vllvu mm niu i
Svidflt", n' ,rWM -"!'"1"u'ti'' j
tiui i:ie piiuue, have the right to nteak
-...s, .m iin-i uoi mug ago, in nivor Ol 11)0
noiniuation of Mr. Greeley, I know of no
canon of tho party which condemns mc for
aniiuuuoinjT my opposition to liim. If they
....I .. .1 1T.1 I . '.-
m o uio to IKIVIse tlic abaiijonmeut
oflA-moeratic principles, I surely have tba
light to declare in favor of them. 1 fclmll
certainly continue to do so, without let or
i . . .
' doniiieut
osiiuiauco irom uny quarter. Is it any
more dictation for mo to speak than for
others t
in concitiKion Jlr. Arooilmp i.-.i.l
have high hopes of tho wisdom and inte".
nty of lho couvenliou to assemble at Haiti
more. I do uot belicv.o such a disaster can
belal us as the nomination of Greeley 1
believe honor and principle will prevaii
If however, it should happen otherwise,
aud I should bo laid away in my political
grave, alongside of lho dear old party for
whom I havo fought a hundred battlesand
never ono against her, all X ask of you, my
constituents, whom I have known and
loved so long, is to writo ou my tombstone:
He foughl the right und kept the faith.
Nashville, May 2C.-Tho Union
American, Democratic organ, regards
Voorhecs' speech os containir. .n .i...
can bo said against Jlr. Greeley, end savs
his fiicuds must work iu harmony to e.
cure las uomiuatiou at Jialtimore.
OSE-TiiitiOif the population of Missis
sippi can not ?ad or write.
A block ofgranito weighing 700 tons
was blasted rotn a Thomasson, Conu.,
quarry, recenty.
A YorNC laly of Flushing, Xew York,
died on her vending day, and was buried
in her bridalro'e6. .
A ukvivals reported in the Topeka,
Kan.? jail, au' seventeen convicts havs
been hopefully onverted.
The Xew ork HcraUl rakes up the
alarming filth of Xew York city with a
three ppMinn vhemenco.
IS Ocean comty, Xew Jersey, the woods
arc being destnved by 11 res. The loss
thus far is estiuated at 100,000.
A Ti!OY inuscal coniposer is called C.
Mortimer Whisioy. He was not the au
thor of "coming through the rye."
Thk Lewislnirg, Centre and Tyrono
railroad is to bo put through at once.
The liuaneial aflkirs of Lehigh county
are in confusion. Democratic rule.
It is generally conceded all over tho
State, thaL this has been the coldest spring
in tho memory of the oldest inhabitants.
The first (aud only) "Greeley victory,"
the choice of a Police Commissioner in
Schenectady, over which tho JViTiiok
crowed so lustily, turns out to hpve been
the electiou of the regular Demoi ralie can
didate over the Hepublican. His majority
was thirty-four on a light vote.
Heue is something for men who believe
iu strikes to think oft Within a period of
fourleeii months two societies of irou work
ers in England paid out for tho support of
nieu on strikes, the enormous sum of
2S:,000. Half of this amount would have
amply stocked tin immense co-operative
At the close of the rebellion the United
States found itself iti possession of a num
ber of railroads, vvi:l material and stock,
which the Southern companies bought on
time at Stf.OOO.OOU There were exactly
fifiy of these road. June 30, 1371, thir
teen of them paid up all indebtedness,
which, principal au l interest, was :2,:iS'J,
000. The export cotto i trade of Xew Orleans j
never falls short of S 11)0,000,000 a year, j
and exceeds the iuiix'i ts live-fold. One-half .
i of the cotton crop of the South goes to mar- j
; ket through Xew Orleans. Xew Orleans j
has only one grain elevator, and that is
idle, only lifly-four thousand bushels of
I irrjiin lvivin iimkp,1 tl,rrii.rl, tt,-,t I
' ..i..rM.... l.i
.-i.. r,.. ,w
Physicians in various parts of the coun
try say that nervous complaints are more !
frequent at present than thev have been '
for many year. It is attributed to the
fact that during the cold, dry weather of j
February and March, the atmosphere was !
loan unusual degree surcharged with dec-!
tricity ; while the warm, damp, limp days I
of April produced a fueling of nervous ex- j
haustion such as the hard drinker feels j
when he first breaks his habit. j
Up to the present time three miles of;
buildings have been completed on the south '
division of Chicago on the north and south :
stieets, and nearly as much on the east '
and west streets. In the material of the
structures erected, iron, brick and sand-j
stone predominate. Many very haudsome I
marble buildings have been put up. In
nine of the principal streets ti,!)77 buildings j
are completed, 5,700 are half finished, aud '
4.SS.5 begun. The number of men employ- j
ed in the work will bo doubled within a :
month. j
Ills Sl-ppoiitkks. Prick Pomeroy
M' ',.'.!.'.'.;. nr. .'U'H-.te in the
nn.nrtic'.e in the lust issnu of Ih'm I
t.ui-il, 1(1 .cv i ois.,
uon Willi that or Hit; New York M'ovhl'M.
viz : that si,-. t;rt.1.t.y ,.IS t10 8U.,,,01.t ofi
all the corrupt rings of Xew Vork State i
looks very significant. ' i
Foreign nilviee f,how Antioch to be in a'
Ieiiorable condition. Earthquake shocks ;
slill coiitiuue ; people are afraid to inter i
the ruined city, and tho dead lyiii" tin- '
uuucu win iiKeiy gencnte a pestilence.
forget this fact,
; (1 Tllu ,f'flu soli's at a recent meeting of
v.. , . "l1'10
two milllions of bonds were authorized to
: i.-Mieu, ami mat 1110 amouut was immo-
t.iaieiy negotiated with tho Pensylvania
railroad company who will furnish the mo-
oey as required
The ueiiul guage is to be
Kcfernng to the nomination of Gen. Grant
by lho workingmen's Xaticnal Convention,
on I hursday last in Xew Vork, and the
fact that Gn.eley received but live votes
the Pittsburg Mornituj Mnil savs : "As an
indication of the feeling among" tlio work
ingmeii of the country, this vote is signifi
cant, showing, ns it docs, that the labor
interests of tho nation are with an admin
lKtration that has carefully guarded them.
1 11s U nrt.iiin.iniK'd vn..,...i: ..
....Tt-Uiiii was a uu-
ciaus, which is nnotlilice
significant fact, j
1110 interests 01 labor as well as of capital
demand that the tireseut administration
Biioum uo coniiuued in power."
A newspaper iu Jacksonville, Illinois,
has lost thirty-five cents in three libel suits
brought against it.
It is 0 rare thing that physiciaus give
any countenance to a mediciuo. tho mauu-
faclure of which
' -''.. "OUl 1110
la ti n.wi t 1 a n
uiy exception we know of is Johnson's
A 1 II..: . ..... . """""Oil
-u. mi) uu uiiuieiii. I bis, we believe n I
endorse, and many of iliem use it iu their
nraclice with
"... tvon,
lersons requiring purgatives or pills
should bo careful what they buy. Some
pills not only cause griping pains, but leave
tbn liou'nlti in f I ,...: -.
....... ... uuntivu etaic. x ar-
8ons. iwalivc I.:,. .: ..,, .
and cleanse lho blood without injury to tho
system. J J
The receipts from tho tax on tobacco, in
Kiehmoud, during the past four mruths of
this year, show a falliug off of S2J1,573. as
only t'Iu' Ll8t "'t'ar' the totaI being
An elderly German of St. Louis blew his
brains out tho other day, and ono of tho
papers heads an account of tho perform
ance, "siuicido Xo. 50;8. We are clad
somebody is keeping count.
Mits. Lewis Downing, wifo of the
principal chief of the f'liornVoA "Winn ll-wl
atlahlcquah, recently. Hho was a Miss
tyre, a white lady of I'hiladelphia, who!
conceived a romantic passion for tho chief,
and was marriod to him but a few months I
siuce, after the death of his first wifo. j
HON. Wit. P. Sc-iiKM. Ima ishlilihi, 1
nomination for Governor by tho Williams,
port Labor Ilcfonu Convention. Theaes
of L'old, of iron nml r imm- i.o i."
since passed away, this must be the ago of
humbug At all cveuts Mr. tSchell is
egregiously humbupged if he considers his
nomination by a thin convention of bastard I
Ubor Iteformcrs anything more than an 1
emr.y honor, t
. . . . ' ..'llll- . - , .,. Ul IHC IU L'l'S III 111V
i imiiK L yu ine sanguine hopes of the Jiritish free i .tc " "-UL 1 commissionlu. subject
The Hoosac Tunnel is still progressing
satisfactorily. Tho total boro for March
was 300 feet. Total length, opened to
April 1, 10,002 feet, or nearly four miles.
Total remaining yet to open, 0,4'20, or
ubout a mile and one-sixth of a mile.
Watsontown, May 27th, 1872.
FitnoND Wilvert :- As our town is
possessed of considerable importance as a
lumber manufacturing town, a word
through the medium of your columns, may
call the attentiou of those wishing to settle
In a thriving borough, to thu vast, growth
of this one and its timnuliicturies. First
on the list comes the Watsontowu Lumber
Co.'s saw mill, which, during the year '71,
1 sawed six million feet of plank and boards;
next the bill and limber mill of Cook A
Pardee, who, during the same time, manu
factured about seven millions of feet of bill
stufT; then comes the sash and blind fac
tory and planing mill of Wagner, Starr &
Co., whose account runs up to four milliou
feet of lumber used during the same time ;
then the saw and planing Mill of A. Par
dee, which, during the same period, manu
factured about three and a half millions of
feet. A boot and bhoe factory, which
placed in the market, during '71, fifteen
thousand pairs of their own manufacture, j
a large tannery, a belling factory, and last, j
but not least, a bucket factory which, dur-
ing the same period of time, manufactured
15,000 dozens. As these are all in opera
tion at the present time, vou may be as
sured that our town, of right, assumes the j
name of being one of the best locations
along the West Prauch of the Susqueban- j
na for the investment of capital. - ,
All politics seem to bo dead, with the
exception of one or two of the friends (tho
only ones) of the little g (Greeley), who
talk Greeley wherever and whenever they
can get any one to listen to them, lloth
Democrats and Kcpublieans arc quietly
awaiting the actions of their respective
Expect to hear from tnc when anything
of importance occurs in this end of the
county. Till then, I remain,
Yours Truly.
Candidate Cards.
To tho Voter of orlliiiiiiltcr!uii!
(on III f.
fe'loir I ifuoii . llavini; onnsciitivl to Im n
i cainliriate for the oili'-p or Slicrilf. suM'-ct t
,,IC Hipuhlican County Convention. I w.mi.l
"k my friend lliroiuliotit the comity to iif
I honorable inoiins to in
instruct delegates ut the
m imai-v t-H.-ii,,,, in mr t.
Tievoiton, May IS, ls;j.
To tho Voters of oi-IUiiiubcrluiil
I will be a candidate for the ofB.'e of Shrrill'
at the coininc Countv Convention, and would re-
, fcpectfully ask the voters to select delegates who
wiil support in for the notniuatlun.
j Mt. Cnrinel, Pa., May 11, 1S7.I.
1 To Hip oters of .ortliuiulorluinl
i County.
1 will tie n candidate for the office of She rill'
I subject to the decision or the Republican County
; Convention, and would respectfully ask the voters
i to select delegates to support me forth)' notninu
I lion. BF.XJ.
j Shamokiu twp., May 11, 1SJ2.
To tho Voterst nf XorthiinilcrliuiI
Co II ut)'.
I have consented to be a candidate for the oflice
of Nhorlll" at the coining Republican County
Convention, and would reel grntul'iil to my fi iends
U they will select delegates to support nie for Hie
noniiiiation. GF.or.tiF. (iAUi..
L'ppcr Angnstii twp., May 11, 1S72.
........ raimii. ii cieeien 1 sliull endeavor to!
perform thu duties cf ilia olllco impartially and '
to the be.-t of mv ability. j
.. ., , , " JOHN A. TAYLOR. !
Northumberland, April 6, 1"72.
Kor Comity Coitimiiouer.
1'kli.ow Citizens : Having l.een solicited bv i
many of my friends in diifureut sections of the j
coiiuly, f atTt-r mvsolf ns u,l!.i.. f..r ...
j "VOT,t'E U ,U;R'-V Kvt". hnt the
I -i. Council of the Uormnrli nf Mill....
passed tho follovvius Ordinance, a.lmltiliip; wit Ii
lu the borough limits, that portion ,.f Tinbin
township kiiowii ns Centre street. .1 i.lot nr .1...1.
or which will he lllled in the ollleu of llie Court
ofQuaiter Hessiuns of Norlliuinh. rland county
on the first day of June, A. !., Is7' : ' '
Itc it vdi;'.iiJ tmv-tet! by the 7'oe ii '.'ti.-.'i
Of tilt JIuSMI.jh Of .l.l'f. , ilHll it i, Tc(.'
by fit authntity of the tmae. That thfl limit-. .,f the
said borough bo extended so ns lo iuciude the
following property, vizi Hejjlnniii!; at ihe bti.
rough line near Franklin lloyV lot, 1 hence .i'on-.
Locust Alley South '.'1 d.'ir. W. '.'ti.S peche 10
the Southwest corner of Milton lias Light l o.'s
lot i Ihencu K:ift SO perches along lumU i, Geo.
linker and K. V. Chapin 10 stake In centre or
Tin but Avenue ; llicnrc North I deir. F.. f,5i,
perches iileng the centre of I'm t.ut Avenue to
stal e hi centre or Broadway ; thence South 'J!
deg. VV. 45'.; perches alone boioti.-h linvm sink...
tbenco ulons; borough lino Nuith b7 deg. W. 61
cm uca 10 ciaiio iu i.oeusi Alley to place or be
fcbiiiiug, embracing ull that property known us
Centre street. Ac.
JOHN S. I'ETERMAS, Secretary.
Milton, Jiiuo 1, 187J.-3w.
Ileal Estate at Private :
iH-n.Rlorr PR IMP TIM-fcc .. i
A. acre of
j ..voi. it ii 14 one
! of ground, recently the iir...u.rt ,.r
Samuel L. Culp, situated near' Fawld's Mori, iu" '
Lower Augusta twp., Northumberland county I
r;i win De tout at private sale, on reasonublc i
terms. For further particulars Inuuiro of
Committee for Fort Augusta Building Associa
tion of Sunbury.
Sunbury, June 1, I873.-tf.
NOTICE is hereby given that on tho nlne-tc-cnlli
day or March last past, the netltir...
I leas ot Noribuinberlaiid comity, praying tho
Court to add certain ameiidineuls to its Con
stitution, which suid amendments were and ru
inuin Hied in the Prothouotary's olllce of the
said county, and unless sutUelent reasons be
shown to tho contrary ou or brforx i). s
tly in tuuU oases made and provided.
WM. D. HAl'PT, Frotu'v.
6unbury, May S4th, 1873. 7
of ths largest and most fashionable stock of
Cloths and Cassimeres
of everv pradft. nr.,1
fiAiilliimn.,'., V...... : 1 , i I
UCIltlOmeil S i lirillshlllg Goods, at
la Miller's Bloek, Third street, two doors below :
The most fashionnble clothinsr made to order !
from every variety of goods. i
"'V""1 ,l,a bctl selected stock lu New York
"" '"'I'l1'"- , I
ttt11 u t "nvlneed. i
Arrllwls. THOH. r.. sott.
buiis oi an sixes made up at Ihe shortest no.
iitto bbcrtisemcnls.
Ofllcp of the riillmlolphln A Itend
iiiff (tail Itoud Company.
No. 227 Bourn FoCRTn Street, Pbila.
A special meeting of the toekbolileri of the
Philadelphia nml Rending Rallrond Company
will bo held lit the ofllee of the said Coinpnny
In the eiiy of i'liilndelphin, on Wcdncsdu;, the
10th day of June. 18", ut 12 o'clock M., when
and where the Joint nijreeniont entered Into by
the Board or Mutineers of thu Philadelphia and
KcudhiK Rail Road Coinpnny and the Hoard of
1 Hi colors nf the Schuylkill mid Suvipichaniin
Rail Rond Company, for the consolidation of
tho said Companies, unci tho merger of the said
Schuylkill and Pitequchannn Rail Road Coin
pnny into thu Philadelphia und Ri'iidlni; Rail
Itoad Company, will bu suhiniltod to the said
Stockholders, and a vote by ballot in person or
by proxy, taken for the adoption or rejection
of tho tame.
J. .V. JONES, frecretarr.
MayS9th, 1873. Juncl-St.
Olllec or the I'lilliKlrlphln A Itrnd
iitt; Itail KokiI C'oiuuii)'.
No. 227 Soctii Fot iiTii Stmept, 1'iiili.
A special meet In i; of the stv.kholdcr of the
Philadelphia und I-adiiiT Rail Ro-.-.d, will be
held at the otllce of tho said Company, iu the
city of rhilidlphiii. on Wednesday, the Hull
day ot June, lt7'i, tit one o'clock, p. in., when
null where the Joint nitreenienl entered Into by
Hie Hoard or Manauers of tho Philadelphia and
Reading Rail Read Company and tho Board of
Directors or the 1'ort Kennedy Hall Koad Com
pany, rir tho consolidation of the said Compa
nies, and the meiirer of the said Port Kennedy
Rail Road Company Into the Philadelphia und
Rcadiiij; Rnilrnad Coinpnny, will be f "bmltU'd
to the said Stockholder, aud a Vote by ballot, in
puisoti or by proxy, taken Tor thu ndopllon or
rejection of the dame.
J. W. JONKS, Sticrctsrv.
May 2'.lh, Juntl-l'.t.
rropiittor, Corner of Market & Second
Streets, opposite the Court House, Sunbury,
O "1 V innde from 50 ets. Cull and examine,
v'1" Vi Samples sent (poMnire bee) for .VJ
vlf. t h it retail ipiick fur S10. II. 1,. WOL.COTT,
Jl-lt. lbl Chalh.ini S.piare, N. Y.
Aoi;ms Wantkii f.jr the Al romooiui iiv of
"Horacie Greoley
or llec;il!ections of n Busy Life, lilustrnlcd. lb'.'
Life an 1 Tinn s of so great a l'liilai l hropist an I
liel'oniier, cannot fail lo arrest everv true Aiucrl
can. SeinUXoOrorsiimplccopv. K. H. TRKVP,
Jl-tt. Pnbiisher, No.'. Hi; .adway, N. Y.
T )J hennaiiej-, or Kosil Chttriiiini;.
X How cither sex may fascinate en I iraiu the
love au l a!Iectiot,s of any person thev choose, lu
stanlly. lids simple mental cfUii nunt all can
posses', free, by mail, for 25 -t., together with
:i manl ike i:uide,l'.L'Mlian liaiic.llieiiiis,Hiiils
to Ladies, Ac, A queer, trxcitinir liook ; 10il,000
soid. Address, T. WILLIAM sv. CO.,
jl-lt. Publisher, I'hila.
First I'leiniuia
Am. lust. 71.
Double Elevated Oven, Warming t loset. Broil
ing l'oor, Vender Guard, Dumping and Shaking
Grate, I)ire?t Draft. I CI.LKR, WARRKN .V
CO., 3li Water Street, New York. jl-lt.
lieuiietljN lieuilot-k Oiotmrat.
The pro)nictor his. by the ns- '.
.sistanee oreinineiil Physicians and
.( heiiibts, succeeded In uiili.iug
the medicinal properties coniuined
ed in the Oil, Pitch and Rosin or
the Hemlock Tree, and obtained a
valuable preparation to be i.pplicl
as a Salve or Pleslcr for Khcuira
tisin. Croup, Pain or tforeui.-s ol"
the Back, du st or Stomach. Pibs,
Salt Rheum, Seui vv. Sores, I'lei-is, ;
Bullions, Sine Cuius, Frost Bites,
; In, in. 10. cor-' Breasts and Nipples, Rmgwonni,
' Chilling and skin diseases or bill lumialorv nn- !
i ture. CIlAIil.KS N. CKITTENTON. Agent,
j jl-lt. 7 Sixth Avenue, New York.
TVcYlsr rarbolic" Tablets "
j - K....U3 .v h.aii-.i;ni:ns.
I These Tiiblets present th? Acid iu Combination i
, with otln r cllltient remedies, in n popu'ar form,
: for the Cure of all THROAT and LI" NO Hi-
I senses. Iloarscners and I' lei-nil ion nftl.o
1 are immediately relieved and sta'.eincnis niecon
I stiintly being scut to Hie proprietor of lelicf in
j cases i.r Throat dillicnllies or years staniing.
: CAI'TIOX. Don't be deceived bv woriiib-ts '
imitations. (Jet only Wells' ( arhoiic Tablets.
! Price '.'.'i cts. per box JOHN KKLLt Gii,
; Send bir Circular. is Piatt street, N. Y.
! m-Vw Sole Agent lor L'nilc.l State-.
' (I NX MA'JK "AIIliLY Willi Steiicil !
. "U.IaH ,,, Key Check Outlil". Cal.i-
itvuc, oainp:es mid lull pniiicu'iais FliliK.
",r'."''",l M. SfCNccn, Br.iitltboi 1. Vt.
We will send a lmndsoino Prospectus or our
New Illustrated Family Bible containim over
I 4.V.1 duo Seripturo Illustrations to mv H....L
Aiccnt, free of charge. Address,
in-.Ti.4w National Pi hi ihiing Co.. I'iiil 1.. Pa.
! Agents Vaiited ?z
t day. DIO LLWIS' last mid gientest work.
oi k ii;K.Vi"it
or, Mt J01.1.Y Fiiifxn's seirpt,
It Is byodils the most taking und saleable i.ook In
Hie Held. I. It is on a vitally hnpoitnnt subject.
It Is by America's most popular writer 011
health. S. It ij, for tho price, the largest and
handsomest hook ever sold bv sutieriptioii.
Agents, the people me eager for such .1 book, and
will urge you lo b:lng it to them. Wtile f..r
linns ,-cc, liee. li;:i. Mhi.i iv, Publisher,
.'3 S.iiisoiu street, Phil.i.
Ti'a lsor. MiKleulsi in I iilliei-s liunl.
! us gnlst foe
Tim rich-st, raeie-t, wiliicst. moi facbiatiug and
bis:rneiive book i-si. ,1 for years. Kivals Mark
Twain's U-tt. Is Leant il'itli'v br nnd, snlrndidiv
illuitiale.l, aud very cheap. Musi prove the
great success of the season. Apply carlv for
choice territory. Sample pages, Illustrations,
special terms and a copy of our "Aonvrs' Pock
et Companion," mailed free. Address, statin"
experience, if onv,
HUBBARD BftOS.. Pnl.'tsl.n,-.
"- '"v 7-J Hansom street
. ... -
T. S. ARTHUR'S New Book.
'riii -r .
I I I1TOA I ani'U ill n II an 'I'i.oi. I
" , " laI,
(A con,'','''on to 'Ten Night' in a Bur-Room,')
,UO OIt lu u Few Iuys).
Agents say they never bad a book which tells
like it. One Cuuvasser look eightv-oue order iu
3 days, another twenty lu a hulf day. It sells to
nil classes, ages uud sexes, and is so cheap that
any family cm afford to buy It. Strongly en
dorsed by all the leading men In the Temperance
cause j Neat Bow, Judge Black, S. B. Chase, J.
... ,'iiii. i.iiu umi-in, oena inr nttr-i nj . ...n.
and secure good terrilorv at once.
J- M. Stodtiart A Co., Publishers,
In a Powerful Tonic, specially adapted lor
I Hon to the dejected, activity to the lugg'ish, rest
to the weary, quiet to the uerrous, aud health to
! the intlrin.
j It Is a South America plant, which, according
I to lho medical aud selenliilo periodicals ef Lou
don and Paris, possesses lho most powerful tonic
I properties known lo Materia M.idlea, and is well
! knon u in lis native country as having wonderful
"""". uiiiiiiii, muii uuk ueeu juug used as a
Pccilie lii all cases of Inipurllles of Ihe Blood
cninBcinent of the Liver and Spleen, Tumors'
Mropsy, roveriy oi ino niood, IVbility, Weak
ness of thelutesiiues, Uterine or Urinary Organs
Is slrengtheniiig and nourishing. Llko nu
tricious (ool tukeu Into the stomach, It assiml
Kites aud dlllbses ilseirthruuira the circulation
giving vigor and health. circulation,
It re?ulatKs th bowel,, qnlcts the nerves, act
directly on the secretive orifain, and, by lis pow
erful 1 onic aud restoring ellccts.produces liealihy
aud vigorous action to the whole svsieui.
JOHN Q. KELLOGG, IU Piatt St., N. V.
i u. A8f"t ror the t'Dittd St it.
Frlce, VI rer Buttls. Send for ( Irinlar. tw
1 W
'"ji;KWPE"i iiTTEir,' '
JOSEPn BACHF.R, Proprietor,
Third ftreet, Bear tho J3cpol,
This hotel Is conducted on the Europeun plan.
Meals at all hours day and olitht. A Ladles'
Saloon ntt.iclicd. Tho best of Liquors kept at
the bar. Charges moderate. niaylS,"72.
Clack Dress ilks from SI CO to 82 00.
Japanese Silks, Silk Pongels, plaid Poplins,
Mixed Poplins, Hariiui from 'JO cents to (1 00.
( liluties, Delnlns, At. French Muollns, Mar
reillei Quilts, Kid Gloves, with tinglo
and double buttons.
Lsce Nliawlti.
A general assortment of White Goods.
greatly reduced prices.
Sunbury, May IS, is.72.
W.H.i3 Tanks,
house, siaisr,
Deeorntlng and Puper llaiigirg doue In the
lntet improved s'ylc.
Orders solicited, which will receive prompt at
tention. Residence in 1'urdvtowu, Emerick's building.
Bunhury, May 11. laTJ.-tf.
Strong Beer and Ale.
Having refitted the Milton Brewery, Is now inan
ufucturing tlrst-clns
n E E It A M A I. E
llavius S7 years expeviencc lu brewing, ho
flutters himself that bis Beer und Alo is not ex
celled In tl"; country.
His celebrated Strong Beer is not only a healthy
beverage, but Is the most portable und refresh
ing drink now iu use.
Restaurant and Tavern keepers will be regu
laiiv supplied bv sending orders.
.Vidros. IS, Yl'ENGERT,
' May ll, l7'!.-w. Milton, Pa.
, I flato of Daniel Koch, t or oanoil.
VJOTU'E is hereby t'ueii that letters tcsta
; iA luentiiiy have been "ranted to the under
signed, on the Estate or D.uiici Koch, late ortlie
. Borough of Sus:!tiiy. Nortliumherbind county,
Ph., decease). All persons knowing t!ie:at?'.VKs
indebted to said estate, are rccpictccl to makn
luiinediate payment, and these having claims, tu
present tlieui dulv nutheuticatetl ror settlement.
S'.iiib'iry, Mar II, ls7U'.-Ci.
' O. W. KEEFEIt. It. A. itAiSi.
lry ( 'nods. 'Notions. I'irnisiruiy;
(I001U. (iroct-rios, Oil Clothe,
tlliiss and Xtiil
of every variety, at one low price,
Corner of Fourth sa l Matktt Gtivels,
All kinds or Grain taken in exehungo rune n
cash. Call and see us.
Sunbury, April 27, 1S73.
TO THE 1. A inks!
Millinery nntl t'liuoj t'ootls.
Spring styles or HATS and BONNETS, triimue t
i and l'iniibiinied. All th" latest Hvlcs iu
: a ii a w , c i 1 1 1 , 1, i-.c; -1 1 u u a , u r; 1 L .s,
; Neapolitan, Waterproof. Ae. Sehool Hats un.I
S 111 Hit,.
Trlmnilng Ribbons. Ffon-crs, Lace?. Ac.
Cloves, Collier jt. Crate, (rape,
Crape eil, Tissu. s, Neckties. It misev, War
nor & Co.'s P.iti. rr.s. and nil the Serin"
styles of MiUincrv
Call und see u:y choice ;.s-..rtiuent.
,, , t. ' iOSS L. W MISER.
Market .Street, one door west of Geaili.ut's in
fectionery store.
April 20. 1S7L'.
III I ho
Every kind of Millinery Good.,, embracing
llutst, MoiiiK-js,, School llnls, Crams
Hutu ....... 1
IIUlNMIMl ItoulM'lM.
Ribbons and Flo-.v-.-rs. Trinnningi of every do-
ei on ion. and every kind of goods usually kept
in a inlilmeiy enablieliuienl, can be had at her
store at tho lowest ptice-. T he verv 1,cm :: thf
rhb.ub lpliia market has been tcliite l, i-i 'vhiet
the ladies are invited to examine and he o. nrm
l", J- MISS L. SHI.-'SLEr.,
; April W. ls7,.M!,l!trt S'"arC'S'Ull',r-T' ,'
EM Bit- of Philip ilerhert, ifcM.
NrO"l lCHls hereby (riven, that litters of aj.
ministration have b.-en grai:l,;.( t thf iil
deiigue.l on the estate ot Philip Heckeit, lat of
Lower M.ih.moy township, Noi-.h'd cioiiv, p.,
necca-ed. All persons knowing Hicm-cl'v.-s in!
ib-bled to s.vhl estate, are re.ue.tcd to make im
mediate r--inivnt. i;r.-i those Imvii.g , l..i:ns u
present H em dulv m:i,,,..- f,,, mtleiu. nt.
i::.ianli:i. nn kf.iit. a biiM,ator.
Lower MuhanoT twp., April t!'.i, is;j.-0t.
Store ! New litiods !
r. J. BYP.OD.
Having taken the stoic room lutclv occupied by
I II. Peters, corner of Third and Chn'reh streets,
i has just opened u new store, with nn entire ntw
to k of goods, comprising of
lr ;oo'l Cirocerien.
1 I1A rlrv:-i .I...... ... . i ....
j u.,.a.,i,iciu is complete, having a
general nssortnient of
ClothH, Cassinioit-s, Calicos, DeLains,
aud everything in the Dry Goods line. The
are all fresh, and consists of Tea, Coffee, Sugar
Mollnsses, Spices, Meat, Fish, Ac. '
Willow-Uat-c aud CiliiMs-Tlarc,
a general nssortment. Iu fact evervthing kopl
iu a first-chins store, can be had'at tho
most reasonable prices for cash.
Having located in Sunbury for the purpose of
becoming one of Us citizens, 1 hope thut by lair
dealing and strict attention to business to merit
u nunc oi me 'nunc patronage. My motto is
"Small Profits and Quick Sales."
All are cordially Invited lo call and examine
my goods, as no charges will be mado for show
lug them.
. jbury, April SO, 187'X F J' BYROn
igeutsj tVanteil for" the Xew"uorlT.
ii 0K'
How to Malce and Keep tlicii Healthy.
Bt Aigistis K. C.sBPsru, M. D.,
Late Professor in w York Medical College.
It treats of Amusements, Kdnealloii, Physical
Development, Diseases, Accidents, Marriages,
Imparting vasl amount or valuable iut'or
inutiou conducive to the Health, Happiuess, and
"enure of tho Voiing. Wriiten in a pleasing
style, it is exceedingly iutcresiing. us will as In.
Ivcry ramhy should have It, und no Parent
can a lloid to bo without it. fctnd fortiiculars
giving full particular.,
li fianspin Sirci-t, Philtidulphia,
Is ready tor Canvassers. No bonk is looked fnr
me-re Impatiently lhau this, and agents will do
well to get territory for it as early as poeslblc7
Apply for Circulars and terms lo :
ll'FIH.f Anil M FAD, PnWMier,
111 Siusoin i'.Kii. l'hfi.iiclphln