iunbitrj American. SUNBURY, MAY 25, 1872. ' llnllroad Time Tables. " N. C. R. W. F.ast. P. E. R. R Wbst. . liirlo Ex I've 12:5 m m' Erio Mall, I've 1 :00 m Erie " " 9:80 lAceotn. " 0:15 " EltnlraMull " 11:05 " Niagara Ex " 13:40 p m NlanraEx." 4i40 p nvElmiraMtill " 4:35" Erle Ex. " 6:60 tnAMOBIN DIVISION J. C. R. W. LitAVi ' AnnivK Snnburjr at 11 :W d ra; At Banbury 9:5 a m " 4:40 p m " 4:00 p m D. II. & W. R. R. LeaTo Sunbury r:20 a. m. Arrive at 8.35 p. m SUXUCRT & LKW1STOWN R. R. LEAVB I AKRIVB Bunbary at 7:80 a. m. At Sunbury 1:40 a. m. 4:00p.m. " " 7:40 p.m. Accident Insurance Tickets can be "had of J. Shlptnnn, Ticket Atrent at the Depot. Bbwinq Machines.-MIss Caroline Duliusts tho agent for the sale of the best Sewing Machines In existence, vlx i "The Improved Singer," "Grover & Baker," "Ilowe," and "Domestic," which are constantly on hand and sold at rea sonable prices. She Is also agent for the cele brated Frantz and Pope Knitting Machine. Call Rnd see them. OH:e on Market ttrcet, east of the railroad. Mork New Ooo9. Miss L. Yfelser has again replenished her stock of Mllloeiy goods. Her store Is constantly thronged with customers, buying some of the handsomest goods brought to tins place. Ir any of onr readers have anything they wish to dispose of, and which, has heretofore been slow sate, let the-n name it "Dolly Vardcn" and advertise the same through the American. Attkntion Fiiip.mkn ! A meeting of the Sun bury Btenm Fire Co. will be held, in their kail, on Wednesday evening, May 9th, to make nr rausements to participate In the decorative ex ercises of the '.loth. A full attendance requested. Tnt Post Ofllcc, at this place, Is to bo made a money order ofllec about the first of July next. The bond of our postmaster have been sent on to the department. This will prove a great con venience to the public. 9TnAwnn:uT and Ice Cream Festival. WuhiiH,'lou C'arr.p, No. 10 P. O. S. of A., of this place, will ho'.d u Strawberry and Ice Cream festival, in tho Court House Hull, commencing on Monday evculng, Juue 17lh, 187U, and to con tinue for threo cvoniuge. " The slate gravel hauled on the side walk as a substitute for a pavement, on Third street, near the Lutheran church, doc not correspond well with the ii'.lrr pavements, nor is It In acenrdnuco with the paving ordinance. Will the Chief Bur gess take a louk at It 1 Exclusion. An excursion train will leave this place this (Friday) evening, ut 0 o'clock, p. in., on the D. II. &. W. R. 11 , far Puuviilo, for ths nccomcicjntlou of thoe who wish to attend 1 T. Barnum's Great Show, and return the awe night. Tnos. O. Nott, the nobby tailor, is making up some of the best fitting suits ever witnessed In Sunbury. Ills stock of goods appears to be ad mire! by everybody, aud a better litleetinn can ba mado than In uinny establishments In the city. Lrcrrr.is PoStponeii. MltS Hamlin was to have iKivur?i lnr lecture of "'Faces at the Win dow," in this place last Wednesday evening. On aceouut, however, of tho iucleninury of the wrdtlis.', it was thought b.vt to ps.-tpoue It nntii next Tuesday evening, .May SSth, at which time It will be delivered In the M. E. Clmivb, fkf.e. ltEsiasrc We understand that Rev. G. J. Burton, rector of St. Matthews (FiiHcopn!) C'hnrch, of this place, hns resigned to take charge of some charitable Institution In Philadelphia, connected with the church. His departure will be sincerely regretted by not only his congrega tion, but by all who knew his sterling worth ut.d uuassuinlng character. Festival. Washington Camp, No. 143, P. O. 8. of A., of Northumberland, will hold u festi val in Scott & Lewi' store room, iu that place, commencing on MoaXy evening, June 10th, 1S7J, uud to continue during tho entire week. Strawberries und ice cream will bo served in nhundance. All are Invited to attend. Tns Grand Lodge of Odd Fellow? of Pennsyl vania met at Philadelphia, on Tuesday last, and bas been in session during the past week. A. N. Brlce, Esq., Is Representative of Sunbury Lodge, No. 203 ; S. It. Boyer, Esq., of Fort Au gusta Lodge, No. C'JD i and Em't Wilvert, of Stone Valley Lodge, No. SGL They nil left on Monday last for the city. The Executive Committee of the Northumber land County Agricultural Society will meet at Burr's Hotel, Northumberland, ou Saturday, June 8th, 1S7J, at 11 o'cotlt, a. m. A full at tendance is requested us business of Importance will be transacted. At the same time and place the committee on pilnting will declare tho let ting. Jos. Bird, Pres't. Township clerks are required, within sixty d.iys after the annual Spring elections, to make out aud publish a full aud complete statement of the linancial condition of such townshipivuuder peuulty cf fifty dollars. In several counties iu this Slate where this law was disregarded suits have been brought by the tax-payers and the penalty was collected. By observing the law township clerks may save themselves and fiiouils the trouble und expense of litigation. Death bt Spotted Feveh. On last week (.'has. Bright, Esq., "V this place, was attacked with spotted fi-rcr at Wilkeibarie, where ho was employed in au Engineer Corps, aud was brought home to his family. He soou became uncon scious and remained in that condition until Sat urday evening, when death euded his sutlerings. In the deceased our town has lost a good citizen, upright and honest iu all his dealing he gained a host of fiieuds. Lust spring he was elected to the office of Justice of tho Pacc, but decliued to serve. He leaves a wife aud six children to mourn his loss. Ouu Borough Council still coutiuuo on the march of Improvement In our borough. We no tice among the latest ucU the appointment of is policeman for Iheburough, and the securing of a room for a lock-up. The Chief Burgees is certainly deserving of considerable praise for get ting ibis Important matter arranged without cost to the lux -payors. The polleeuiau was tendered to him at the exi'caseof parties outsHc the town, und ure well satisfied that the council could not have made a better choice. Mr. Roach bas bad mauy years experience In the city and will, bo doubt, render perfect satisfaction lo our citi zens. Evil doers can depend on bein j promptly brought to justice when thej o:ne under his ob servation, :.J to will attend to l.'.s duties prompt ly and fearlessly. A room has been secured, la Hie Jill, f.r it luck-up, and we would suggest (hat it hz named after the (list Inmate pluced in thai InMilutio-i, so that ttW 0 , desirlmj In have t'leir u&uie ijioiurtaliu ia criiniual hUtory HtU kUuW LlMt'fuO i u .i.inrilish such an AH, ' " Roldlers meeting. In pursuance of ft tail published In the several papers of this place, a meeting of the soldier of Sunbury and Tlclnlty was held In the Engine House nail, an Bnturday evening Inst, to take each actions a might be deemed necessary to secure the erection of a monument to be dedica ted to the memory of thoso soldiers of onr county who offered themselves a willing sacrifice upon the altar of our country In the Into struggle for the preservation of national unity. The meeting organized by the election of J. J. Smith as President, and lieber Painter as Secretary. A. N. Brlce, Esq., being called upon, briefly stated the object cf the meeting. On motion, It was llttohtd. That n committee of fifteen be appointed, whose duty It shall be to draft a plan for the organization of a Soldiers' Monument Association of Northumberland coun ty to seenro the co-operation of tho soldiers throughout the county ) to transact such busi ness as may tend lo the accomplishment of tho object of this meeting to fill vacancies which may occur In the committee and to submit a full report of theli procctdlngs, for approval, to a mass meeting of the soldiers of the county, to be called by the President, when it f hall be deemed necessary for tho further Instruction of the com mittee or tho eulargcroeut of Its sphere of action. The following persons were then chosen by tho meeting as said committee, viz : A.N. Brlce, P.' II. Moore, Hrber Painter, Gen. J. K. Clement, J. J. Smith, T. S. Shannon, L. M. Yodcr, 8. II. tCnowles, G. B. Cadwulladcr, D. C. Dlssiugcr, H. G. Thatcher, Chas. J. Fox, K. M. Buchcr, H. F. Maun and L. H. Ease. On motion, Gen. Clement, T. 8. Shannon and Heber Paiuter were appointed a committee to draft a plan or organization to be submitted to general committee at their first meeting. On motion, It was Iir$olrtJ, That tho papers of the county be requested to publish the pro ceedings of this meeting as well as the future proceedings of tho committee created thereby. On motion, the meeting adjourned subject to the call of the Prcsideut. J. J. Smith, President. This movement Is not instituted In any local spirit or for the attainment of uuy local ends, but iu response to the suggestions, nnd ut the solici tation of citizens In ditl'erent portions of Hie coHn ty. Tho Town Council lias promptly set apart sufficient ground whereon to erect a monument. It Is therefore earnestly hoped, and (Irmly be lieved that the advances made toward the accom plishment of the above object, by the committee, will be, cordially received and seconded by the soldiers in the different boroughs nnd townships throughout tho county, In tho spirit which dic tates thni that of Justleo lo, and love, honor nnd respect for those of our late comrades who laid down their lives that tho Republic might live iu its uuity, power and greatness, aud a de sire to Inscribe the evidence of their devotion and patriotism their death on a durable marble tablet, that while we baud down to future gene rations tho fruits of their sacrifice, so may we also h ind with It their memoiics and examples, that neither may be lost in the far distant future. It Is not worthy of this pioneer county of one of the pioneer Commonwealths of this great si.-ter-liood of States lo forget her dead, or to be tardy in rendering H1I3 simple act of Justice to the memory of her suns, many of whoso unmes aro to-day unrecorded, save In the unattainable rolls buried i:wny lu the vaults of tho Adjutant Gene ral's Ofilce, at Washington. No marble slab, or even wooden bead-board, marks the resting place, or records the deeds nnd deaths of many of Old Northumberland's bravest sous. Nation al cemeteries c utain them not, neither do thobe of their native county. Arc thoso of our com rades who were torn iuto unrecognizable pieces by the solid shot and bursting shells, to be f;r. gotten ? Aro those who were killed and wounded by the bullet nnd then consumed by fire, in the wilderness and other similar fields, to be uuiv meinbarcd I Are thoso brave men and their heroic deaths to be consigned toobllvlon with the passluj away of their surviving comrades f We feel sure that thousuuds of voices throughout the comity will exclaim, no! Then let us, nt this season, v.'hen a grateful natlou with loving hearts and willing hands are preparing garlands of flowers with which to decorate the graves of thoso whose remains lie buried In our ceniotrics, re solve that this shall be the last occasion of the kind on which only a portiou of them shall re ceive this beautiful testimonial of a nation's gratitude. That when tho next nnnual decora tion conns rgund, we may, at one and the same time, encircle all tho noues of our gallant dead with one grand w reath of immortelle. Ilrnr.R Painter, Secretary. Decoration. The anuuul ceremonies attend ing the dcoratlou of tho soldiers' graves will take place on Thursday next, May Syth. It is anticipated that the day will ho generally ob served by the vltlseus of Sunbury, and that the ceremonies will be unusually Interesting aud 1m presshe. The different Ordeis und Fire Com pany, of this place, as well as oue or more Lodges from Northumberland, have signified their In tention of participating iu the ceremonies. The following orders uud suggestions of the Chief Marshall uro published for the Information of those concerned i The respective Orders, the soldiers and the Fire Company aro requested to meet nt such an hour as will enable them to form on thu Square promptly, nt 2 o'clock p. m., when the Marshalls will take charge of their respective departments. It Is respectfully suggested that the places of business close, at least from 12 m. till 7 p. m." Programme aud route of procession will bo fur nished by the Marshall to the different Orders. The Sunbury Silver Cornet Band will discourse music on the occasion. Vocal inuoic will also be Introduced In tho ceremonies. Addresses will be delivered by able speakers. The wreaths and bouquets will be prepared in the Euglue House Hall, where douatious of flow ers will be lhaukfully received by the committee. Tho ladies of Suubury ure cordially nud spe cially iuvited to contribute their influence and aid toward inuking this occasion one worthy of 'the object for which it has been instituted. To ".heir efforts in the past have we beeu indebted, iu a great measure, for the success of these tloral testimonials of our gratitude to the dead, and we nppeul to tbcin once more for their vuluablo aid, feeling conlldent of receiving a prompt response, a beautiful supply of flowers, and numerous fair hands to manipulato Ihem luto beautiful aud attractive wreaths und bouquets. Lot us all. men, women aud children, unlto in rendering this murk of gratitude lo the memory of those who till a soldier's grave. Geo. B. Cauwalladks, Chief Marshall. Sparks from burning edgings set fire to the lumber yard of Foresman, Merrlmau & Co., at Williamsport, ou Saturday afternoon lust, uud before It could bo extinguished, the fire extended to the yards of Starkweather fc Muusou and F. Colemuu, uud altogether destroyed a hulf mil lion feet of lumber, 400,000 lath, 200,000 pickets, aud damaged the saw mill of Forcsuiau, Merri man ti Co. ilwuy Luminary. The force of laborers along the lino of the Eastern division of the P. & E. Railroad has b.-eu largely increased uud the wages raised from 11.50 to tl.SO per day. The number of sill un der each rail has been Increased from an average of 14 to 10. These chunzes ; business of the road will be hugely increased ' 4ltitif Ife Jcr HUtoulan. Tn KmanTS of Pythias Important Chan ges. At the annual session of the Supreme Lodge, held la Baltlinoro on the 10th of Inst month, ft new ritual was adopted and other Im portant business transacted, which will probably cot be officially transmitted to the subordinate lodges until next fall. Among other changes is that of renaming the officers of lodges and crent tog a new one, to sit opposite the V. P., to bo known as tho Junior Prelate. The Worthy Chancellor hereafter will be known as the Chan cellor Commander; the V. P., as the Prelate the Guide as Master of Ceremonies t the Stcwnrds ns Guards the Bunker as Master of Exchequer, and so on. Several Inconsistencies lu the rllunl have been corrected, nud tho whole work modi fied. Tins Is tho season for tho curruui worm to operate. Five cents' worth of whlto hellebore, In powder, well applied, will clear a garden of tbem. It Is a poison, and Is best applied from a thlu bag, tied on tho cud of a slender three foot rod. A smart tap on the rod will dlffuBo the dust very evenly among the dewy leaves. The curcullo Is beginning Its puncturing of the young plums now, and if not destroyed or driven olf, it will plant Us eggs In every plum In overy tree, before May Is out. To Jar them down, and catch them ou a sheet mornings and evenings Is the only suro course. Father Kocui met with an accident, Tuesday afternoon, while driving to Trevorton in a sulky. At a point near tho farm of Win. II. Marshall, the horse was seized with the staggers, and plunged and reared until tho vehicle was upset. In fulling, Father Koch's foot was caught In the wheel, and ho was dragged several yards before he succc;dcd In extricating It. Fortunately lie escaped with no more serious Injuries than a sprained nuklc ond some painful bruises. Sha mokin Ifrrald. List of Letters remaining iu tho Sunbury Post Office, May 2'-', 1S72: John Basalcme, Bridget Bates, John C Becho, Miss Carrie N. Urindle, Master D. Bright, W. II. Bnggs, ,T,im D. Cov, Uev. A. II. Dotterer, Mrs. Isabella Erdmnn, '(!,) Rev. W. W. Evans, Charles Fritz, Miss Annie .. Gass, (3.) Miss Ellen Gnyer, John Hiisrhey, Garrett V. Hunter, Miss Annie Johnson, Miss Marv Martin, Mr. Jerry Mallck, John W. Pntton, H. Sellers, (3,) James C. Wallace, (2,) James Wallace, George Ware. J. J. SMITH, P. M. Jotting. Look out for patent lightning rod men. The next State Fair will be held In Erie. Sthawbrkries have already made their np pearaucc. Dolly Yahden grind-stones aud Ice cream are the latest things out. Dolly YAitnr.s noses are the latest out. Old topers have 'cm. "Santy Cruz" nnd "OldJa inaiky" get up the most stunning styles. More Intnber has been run Into the Lock Haven boom this spring than ever before lu a corrcfpoiiding time. The came cau be suid of the boom nt this place. Siiisino hy Contrast. The' lalcft wrinkle is i for the ladies to color their nulls nnd hands a ! delicate Vermillion color, which is a pretty con J trnst to the delicate while on tin outside. If a person "faints," place him on his back and let him alone j he wants arterial blood to the bend ; and it In easier for the heart t throw It there li: u horizontal line than perpendicularly. For tm AMEiiifAN. Spotted K"vor, or t'erobro Snluul Meiit'gittiH. HY DR. C. t. VP HE OIlAi r. I As the abuvR disease has vitited this district oi country n;r xnc urei utne, we understand, uud there having b.-en much coi.iment upon it, it may not be considered, under such circumstances, very much out of ii:o way if the writer would venture a few lines, rather to the citizens than to the prulcssion of medicine. It may not be unin teresting to the uninitiated to know where llist seen, and where since, it has iiiade .lt appcar uuee. It may be considered comparatively a new dis ease (at least ns an epidemic), though it has beeu kuowu, perhaps, us long as most other dis eases. It has been known even ns an epidemic as early ns the lath ond 141 1 centuries, iu Europe. It appeared in the I'nited States in 13U0. Since 1S4S several epidemics of this disease have ap peared iu tho United States, iu various parts of the country. Tho diseuse Is one of greater fatality for the number of case than any other, death occurring in the majority of cases withiu threo days. The attack is sudden, and the symptoms, chills, fol lowed by delirium, pcrhups'eotivulsi'ms, stupor, or exceeding sensitiveness over the whole body, and when the case recovers it is not uncommon to leave the patient blind or deaf. The pulse usually in the preiuouitary stage Is slow, but soon becomes rapid ; spots may occur on any part of the body, rarely ou the face ; they vary iu size, often au inch lu diuuietcr, uud do not disappear on pressure. From the symptoms which usher lu thu dis ease, they don't much dillcr from many other forms of febric diseases. That it Is somewhat difficult for the attending physician to unmis takably diagnose the disease, and must wait for the further development of symptoms. But if the disease is prevalent the physician can have good reason to suspect, aud may take advantage of an early treatment. It may nol b uuinteiesting to the public at this time, while the interest exists in relation lo this much talked of disease, to give u detail of u case or two. Hint those who have never seeu oue cas.', may have some idea of it. The disease seems from microscopic examina tion lo be a disease of the blood from poison uct iug on it. There is beside u great tendency to lullamuiatiou of the bruin and spinal cord, and tho post-mortem reveals a fluidity of the blood. The lungs aro often hypostalically congested, nnd in the majority of eases there is found effu sion of scrum In the brain und spinal corj, and It is uoi uncommon to Uud serum iu the pericar dium (.or heart case). A case occurred iu the Pennsylvania hospital iu UStifl. With this man, in the evening, there seemed to be little tho matter after ten o'clock, nt which time ho became comatose, and 60 rest less as to require constant attendance to couliiie him. On the following morning there appeared several echymosed spots. On the 6ecoud day he was found to be paralyzed on one side. He died in 4S hours after admission to the hospital. Dis sect Ion revealed effusion In both lateral venticles of ihe brain, und u small quantity of puruloyd matter. This case occurred uudertlie treatment of J. W. Bates, M. D. A case occurred under Doctor D.ir, of Phila delphia, nnd which was brought into t lie hospi tal. The Doctor says for several weeks the diog nosis was very obscure j thought it might bo u mild caso of typhoid fever thought him more lazy than sick. He died, and the bruin was fouud covered with a purulent matter, as was also the spinal cord. There was uo marked paralysis but only Incapacity for exertiou. The Inquiry Is mado every day i "Is the dis eae contagious!" The answer, so far as my ob servation goes, is uo. This is not entirely borue out by the opinion of some very eminent mem bers of the profession. Dr. Dare, of PhPadelphia, remarks : "us proving the contagi ins character of the disease, many Incidents that look Very much lu that direction," but would require too much room for his views in an urlicle like this. A cudet was tukeu ill nfler having examined a number of case. At first it resembled a case of malarial fever, headache, fever, tc. t but it de vested itself a u case of severe spinal mening Hus, with a fatal result. The proguosls in this case is rather grave. The Doctor further re marks i "Two cases came under my notice, which recovered, lu one tho spots resembled i'urpuria litiiuiumjlea. The most striking char acteristics of the case after death was the effu sion of scrum iu tho membranes of the brain, aud fluidity of the blood. Death is usually the result under uuy mode of truutmeut. Stimu lants and tonics ure usually prescribed. Opium has beeu recommended on the oretieal grounds. In tho above case the physician prescribed In obedieuce to the symptoms manifesting themselves, which were as follows i His face being tinged, injected conjunctiva, pulse bounding, bowels costive, I gave a purgative, which acted with apparent benefit. 1 met, iu the nioruiug, a medical frleud, aud we both thought j il resembled a case of typhoid fever. Next j morulng petechia extended all over the body the pulse was then very weak we used stimulants and tonics, but he sank that nigh.." Old author describe typhus with corehnl, abdominal, and theoractlc symptoms. This seems to he typhus with cerebal complications, the petechia or characteristic nf typhus, but lis claim to a separate name Is not yet mads out. If any persons, physicians, or others, would take the trouble to coinparo the symptoms In the two diseases, typhus nnd eerebro spinal nrencgilns, he must come to the conclusion that the two are Identical. Simple typhus Is very rare In this country, but It seems that this Is typhus complicated" with disease of tho nervous centres, and there Is but little doubt that the apparent mortality in this disease, as It appears in this country, may be more from the number of scvero cases being mortnl, while tho milder ones have beeu called by other names. 1 hero seems to be a reserved conviction in the minds of all Intelligent physi clans thnt this disease Is the rosult of thotyphus poison. Any fever complicated with disease of the ner vous ceutros, would tako n rapid course. Thero seems to be the weight of testimony in favor of the opinion that this is n variety of the old ty phus or petechial fever. I am inaklug ibis article, Mr. Editor, larger thnu at first intended, nnd before concluding it, thero aro thoso who would, no doubt, liko to know something about Its treatment. This, of all, Is the most difficult part, particu larly to the promiscous reader, and to tell the doctors, they would only call It presumption, or egotism. You know every doctor thinks he knows It nil, and what ho doesu't know 1 not worth knowing, but ns 1 have ventured thus far, I may as well take one Btnp further, aud say briefly that tho treatment should bo governed by the symptoms as they manifest themselves. But probably ono of the best things In Uie early sin go of the disease Is the mustard bath, as strong as the sklu can well bear, with counter Ir ritants along the spine, these aro unquestionable valuable adjuncts to treatment, and should not be overlooked or neglected. Freo ventilation and laigc apartmcuts aro Indispcnsiblo to tho suc cessful treatment of this disease. Tun Ca!'9e op Temperance finds some of Its most insidious and dangerous foes in the many so-called "tonics" nnd "'appetizers," made of cheap whisky and refuso liquors, finished tip to suit depraved nppctltes, under the name of medi cines. Dr. Walker's California Vinegar Bitters ore none of these. They nro uot u beverage, but a pcnnlno medicine, purely vegetable, prepared from California herbs by a regular physician. For nil diseases of tho stomach, liver, kidneys, bladder, skin and blood, they are infallible and uurivaled remedy. . Business Notices. Dealers In Hats nnd Caps, will find S. Faust's establishment on Market street, one of the best to purchase at wholesale prices. His Hats nro principally bis own manufacture, und will be found fashionable and durable. Tho prices range lower than iu Ihe city. , CorsTRT Merchants, if you want to save time und money, go to the Excelsior Boot and Shoe Store of Wm. H. Miller, on Market street, Sunbury, to buy your stock ut wholesale. You cau select a better article than at city establish ments, nud ot prices as low nB tit wholesale es tablishments in Philadelphia. Dolly Vahdiss nt Weimcr's. Irish 1'oplin9 at Weimcr's. Plaid Poplins at Weimcr's. Plain Poplins nt Weimcr's. Chintzes at Weimcr's. SpitiNu Shawls at Weimcr's. An endless variety of Goods for Ladies', Gent's and ChlUlrcns wear. Call und see for yourselves. N. trouble to show Gods. With nil due deference to everybody wc b. g leave to inform the people of guubury aud sur rounding country, that we nro now prepared with a nice assortment of goods to supply their wants at tho very lowest prices. With all be coming inode-ty we would cull yonr attention to our reputation for good goods at the lowest price", fair and honorable dealings with every one. No misrepresentations to effect sales t al though about the last to bring Spring and Sum mer goods, we mean to sell them at such prices us will guarantee the sale of our goods, fail aud be convinced that Fryling's Mammoth Stoic, Market Square, uext door to the Court House, Is the place for bargains. Spcclul Notices. Oil Miirrlago. Essays for Young Men, op Great Social Evils and Abuses, which Interfere will. MairiHt'e, and ruin the happiness of thou sand. with sure means of relief for the Erring and I'nfotiunate, deceased and debilitated. Scut ill sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, Howard Association, No. 2, South Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. The Uev. William 11. Norton, while residins iu Brazil ns u missionary, discovered iu that kind of medicines n remedy for Consumption, fiiiorti.A, Soiin Throat, Coughs, t'M., Asthma, and Nervous Weakness. This rem edy has cured myself after all other medicines had failed. Wishing to bcncEt the suffering. I will send the recipe for prepuring nnd usini; this leinedv to all who desire il r REE OF CHARGE. Please scud an envelope, with your name aud address ou it. Address, Uev. WILLIAM 11. NORTON, CTii Broadway, Oct. 141S71. ly. New York City, A Ilautlsomc Slousturhc. MOl'ST ACHE. Pror. St. Croix's French Com WHISKEKS. pound, the G'rcaf Hair Grower, MOl'STAt HE. will produce a liixurieiit Mou WlIlf.KK.US. stach! or Whiskers on the MtH STACIlE. smoothest face. Pleasant to WHISKERS. use. Sent to uuy address on receipt of Kilty Ceut. 11. 1. lio.M), I heniist. , Tenth and Chcatuut Sis., Puila. -lv. N. E. Cor, Feb. 17, 1 fiT'J. 111- - o 5 s- CO - t. - e r. - ! Cl i ? is Pi 3 I CO Pi o o o H ? a - W i a It o -a o n 1 c - s - i f S s si . JS 5 "3 - " .a . C Jt O w X a r- 3 Cl u 6i s In Sunbury, on the Hth Inst., Mrs. ABBY MARTIN, widow of tho late Rev. Jacob Martin, aged 6'J years. In Sunhnrv, on the 18th Inst., of spotted fever, CHAS. A. BRIGHT, aged 40 yeais nnd 1 month. . In Rimburv, on the !-'0lh Inst., Mrs. CATHA RINE WITIUNGTON, (widow), in Iho bath ycur of her uge. Iu Snuburv, on the lst lust., of consumption, CATHARINE Y., daughter of Beujamiu nnd Maria Hendricks, aged lil years, 1 mouths uud 8(1 days. Pnrbl Mtyods. KIMIIKY MAltKETS. Flour uud Vralu .Market. Extra Family tl2.00 Red Wheat, p. bu., fJ.OO Buckwheat, p. ct., 6.00 Rye, " il Corn Meal, " 2..r0 Corn, " 70 Wheat Brun, p. bu. 1. Ml Buckwheat " 1.00 Shorts, 3.00 Oats, lbs., od Corn & Oats Chop, 2.00 Flaxseed, g.x5 Timothy Seed, p. b. 8.00: k'roduee Market. Potatoes, Eggs, per dot., Butler, per lb., Lard, " rides, " 50 Hams, 15 Tullow, 80 Country Soap, i Dried Apples, 10 " Peaches, Shotlders, 15 H n Vi Id To Debilitated Persons, ' To Dyspeptics, To Soflerers from Liver Complaint, To thoso paving no Appetite, To thoso with JJruken Down Coustitu tons, To Nervous l'ooplo, To Children "Wasting Away, oany with Debilitated Digestive Organs, Or suffering with any of the following b viptoma, tcit'ci t')i(iiC(((e Disordered Liver stomach, such as Con stipation, Inward Piles, Fullness or Blood to the IUnd, Acid ity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight lu the Stom ach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering nt tho Pit of the Stom neh, Swimming of tho Head, Hur ried and Difficult Breathing, Flutter ing nt thn Heart, Choking or Suffocat ing Sensations, when lu a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision. Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever nud Dull Pain In the Head. Deficien cy or rorBplrntlon, Yellowness of th,? Sklu nnd Eyes, Pain In the Side, Back, ( lust, Limbs, &c, Sudden flushes of Hent, jj n rnmr in ine lesii Constant lin. ngiuiugs of Evil, nud Great De pression of Spirits. HoollamVs German Uilters. A Bitters without Alcohol or Spirits of any klud. Is different from nil others. It Is composed of the pure Juices, or Vital Principle of Roots, Hkrrs nnd Barks, (or as medicinally termed Ex tracts,) the worthless or Inert portions of tho In gredients not being used. Therefore In ono bot tle of this Bitters thero is contained as much me dical virtue ns will be found lu several gallons of ordinary mixtures. The Roots, eic, used In this Bitters arc grown In Germany, their vital princi ples extracted In that country by n scientific Che mist, nnd forwarded lo the manufactory in this city, where they nro compounded nnd bottled. Containing no spir.tuous ingredients, this Bitters Ik free from the objections urged against nil oth ers : no desire for stimulants can ba Induced from their use t they cannot inako drunkards, nnd cannot, under nny circumstances, have any but a beneficial effect. IIOOFIYIXIV.S (ii;!IJI V TOXIC, Was compounded for those not Inclined to ex tromo bitters, and Is intended for use In cases when some alcoholic stimulant is required in co i nection with tho tonic properties of tho Bitters. Each bottle of the Tonic contains one bottle of the Bitters, combined with purco SANTA CRUZ RUM, und flavored in such a manner that the ex treme bitterness of the bitters is overcome, form ing n preparation highly agreeable and pleasant lo the palate, and containing the medicinal vir tues of the Hitters. The price of the Tonic is fl. fit) per Bottle, which many persons think too high. They must take Into consideration that tho stimulant used Is guaranteed to be of a pure quality. A poor article could be furnished at n cheaper price, but is it not better to pay n little more and have a good article I A medicinal pre paration should contain none but the best iure- dicnt.-.; and they who expect to obtaiu a cheap compound, and be benelittcd by It will most cer tainly be cheated. 1 1 oo II a ii if" n Germuii ItitterM, or HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, with HOOF LAND'S loloiltj!Iiii Till, will cure you. They uro the Greatest BLOOD PURIFIERS known to the Medical world, and will eradicate diseases arising from impure blood. Debility of the Disgestive Organs, or Diseased Liver, lu a shorter time than nny other kuowu remedies. TUB YVIIOLK SI'PKKMK COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA Sl'KAK TOR THESE REMEDIES. Wl'.O WOtLll ASK FOR MORE DmMPIEU AND Stronger Testimonv ! Hon. Georou W. Wo nwAnr, formerly Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, nt present Member of Congress from Pennsyl vania writes : Pttn.Atir.i.PitiA, March 10th, 18C7. I tlu.l "Honfland's German Bitters" is a good tonic, useful in diseases of the digestive organs, und of Kroal benefit In cases of debility, and wnnt of nervous action In tho svsicm. Yours, truly, ur.O. W. WOODWAnl). Hon. Jamfs Tikimpsov, Chief Justice of the Su preme Court of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, April 2S, 1SG7. I consider "Honfland's German Hitters" a val uable medicine In case of attacks ot Indigestion or Dyspepsia. I can certify this from my expe rience of it. Yours, JAMES THOMPSON. Hon. IIeouui: Siiahswooii, Justice of the Su preme Court ol l'eiuiBylvuniu. PniLti'Ei.PiiiA, June 1, lSfiS. I have found by expericuce thnt "Ilootlumra (Jernuin Hitter!,'' U a very (food tonic, relieving dvupcptie Fvinptoin iilmoi directly. (iEOKUE PHAIlSWOOn. Hon. Wm. F. Kjcri, MuTor of the C'itvof Euf- f.il.i, N. Y. Mayor's Ofilce, Hiill'.ilo, June S2, tSGO. I have iiol "Ho.'tlaud's (ii-rm.in liillera tinj Tunic'' iu my family durin-- the pan year, and can recommend them as an excellent tonic, im parthi tone and vijjor to the system. Their uc has been productive ot decidcdlv beneficial ef fects. WM.'F, KOliEHS. Hon. Jjdui 31. Wood, Ex-Mayor of Williams port, Pa. 1 take prcat pleasure In rcconiinciidins "Hoof land'a (iciman Tonic" to uny one who may be alllictcd with Dyspepsia. 1 hud tha Dyspepsia so badly it via bnpoili!e to keep uny food on my tlomuch, and 1 became to weak m. not to be able to walk half a mile. Two bottles cllectod a perfect cure. JAMES M.WOOD. KEMEMDEIl THAT I.100FLAXD-S CiEKMAX MTTEKS, foul HOOFLAND'S CiKISMAX TOXIC, A V ill Cure every Case of MAR A 5 SV3 U S , or Wasting nw.iy of tho LSody. llEMEMDElt th'it HOOELAXD'S GEKMAX REMEDIES Are the medicines you require to purify the Blood, excite the torpid l.ivei to healthy action, nnd to cmt'.ile you to pas safely through uuy hardships or exposure. DU. HOOFLAND'S ' O I) 0 V 11 Y L LI N , or substitute for Mercury Pills. Two Pills a Dose. The most Powerful, yet Iuueiccut (.'athar tic kuowu. It la nol necessary to take n bnivlful of these Pills to produce the desired ctl'ccl j two of ihem act quickly und powerfully, cleansin,' the Liver, Stomach mid ISoweU of all impurities. The principal Ingredient is I'oli.phyllin, or tho Alco holic Extract of Mandrake, which U by many time.- more powerful, actinu' nud searching thau the Mandrake Itself. Its peculiar ucilon U upon the I.iver, tlcnniui; it speedily from nil obstruc tions, with nil the power of Mercury, ycl free from the injurious results attached to the use of that mineral. For nil diseases, In which the nso of a cathar tic is indicated, these pills will nive entire satis faction lu every case. They never fail. In rases of I.iver Complaint, Dyspepsia aud ex treme eosilvciifss, Dr. Iloulland' (ierinmi Hit lers or Tonic should be used lu connection with the Pills. The toulc erfect of the Hitter or To ulc builds up the system. The Hitlers or Touie purities the Mood, strengthens the Nerves, regu lates the Liver, uud iiives strength, energy am) vigor. Keep your liowels active with tho Pills, and tone up Ihe system with Hitters or Tonic, ud no disease cun retain the bold, or even assail you. ltecollect Ihat It is DK. HOOFLAND'S GER MAN Remedies that are so universally used and highly recommended ; and do uot allow the Druggist lo Induce you to tako unythiug else Ihat he may say Is Just us good, because he makes a larger profit on it. These Remedies 111 be sent by Express to anv locality, upon applica tion lotlie PHISCl PAL" OFFICE, at the GER MAN MEDICINE B'iORE, 031 ARCH 6T.. miLADELPHlA. ' CHAS. M. EVAXS, Proprietor. Formerly C. M. Jacksou & Co. These Reme dies are for Sale by Druggists. btorekerrt. and Medicine Dealcri uverywhere. 1 1 111! I GO w P to NEW Central Variety Stos'e! g MY of all DIUS3 GOODS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, SJIAVLS, AL1'JC- H OAS, (JOK VrA) AJil'ACUAS, 1M$J Y VAMUJEJVS. C2 W i i i H O to to Dcliuics, Tickings, Notions in great Variety. FRESH GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Vm1 mill "Willrtw Vnrr. . - ' CAEPETS. "tt ?rs ett r in great variety, lower than tho lowest in price. Wall Paper and Window Shades. Go to FINISTEY'S for the Greatest Variety of Goods! I'liees the Lowest ! Goods arrivincr Daily. 2 3 X3 73 c o - viiiiuiii vitiun i viuiuriiuuj i o Agent for the Victor Sewing Machine. S MARKET .STREET, one door oust Sunbury, May 4, 1872. ly. (S3 C AT S. HERZFELDER'S Popular Clothing Store, Corner Market and Third Streets, SUNBURY, PENIS A. Now on hand aad receiving mi enormous assortment of STRING CO0D3. Sao mmmsm ernfg, 500 Business and Working Coats, 400 Dress Pants and Vests, 500 Business and Working Suits, is ITS ol CAPS to IN li HOIS. A grnud nssortmeut In this line, inelndini; nil -the Terv Inlet Siring Styles. A large variety of 150YS HATS A XL) CAPS. The Largest Assortment In tills lino to be found outside fhe larje cities. s. ex ot ss ss: SEAT'S. Calico from Tac u". White Dress Shirts from Jl.00 up. A pen ft for the Celebrated QUAKER CITY and ECi.lPSK 11NE DMEss fclUUlf. everv oil- of which is guaranteed n perfect fit. S1I1UT BOSOMS, Ac. Gents' Spring and Summer Underware. 500 Overalls and Oversliirts made to order. Only tho best material used nnd wull sewed. Trunks, Valises, Satchels, Umbrellas, Walking Canes, nr.d uumcrous other articles. All the above goods will be offered at EXTRAO RB IK ART LOW TlIQlg, Hitying only of the largest and most reliiiblo Hwuspg, nnd fur CASH only, nud doing, by far ilm largest business iu my lino iu this part of the country, I am enabled to bull DETTEK ARTICLES at laowcr Prices than any of my competitor here or else where. Call at the Large and Beautiful Store Kootn, Corner Market and Third Streets, SUNBUEY, J?J. S JIEEZFELBEE? Proprietor Sunbury, Starch 23, 1S72. ly. A. M. MEIXELL, I'Kil.KU IX Amorioiiu and I'.uropcau w.vrciu:. FIXE JEWEI.UY and SILVEIUVAKE! I'orfVeU'd Npcrti-.tleN nnl Kyo C lasso. GOLD HEADED CANK. Watches nud Jewelry neatly repaired aud war ranud. Market Square, Bl'XBl'HV, Tu. Feb. 8, 18TJ.-tr. 813 and 311 Rice Stkekt, rillLADKLPlIU. AccommodstioDS flrtt-clnss. l'riret t2 00 )er dav. np20,8m. FRANK UEITHRH'GI-:, rroi"i . in- K JJiTJt-M"Wl, i TO M ' . 3 CJ - g kinds, o in Vlr,.,.. M.t.1.i S(nl fill Ptil,. H IVVI j .A liIV j ttlHl K.' t tl 1 1 Wl SlWlllt of GrnrhiirtN Confectionery Store, dpnng Fpemng Kitriug aiul Kummcr Uieulu( or MIM.1M.KY OOODM. Hats and Bonnet?, Trimmed und Untrimmcd, UIDIJOXS, FLOW Kits, WEEATIIS, LACES, Sic, all new Mylos, 'raj VvMi ofh'I Crudes. CHAFE HATS AND LOXXETS, und everythiuj; ttsuullv t iu a Millinery Store, tall ut M. 1.. ClOSSLKU'S Store, . 45 South Fourth Flint, beluwiue S. V. It. R., ECNai llT, I'A. A;ril iJ, 1S7J. . At. riVT ". Literature, Art and Song l- thti bet stlllus hook ever otfuicd. It coiu. blnes the hu.nor of niieedota, the wisdom of es. ;iy, tlu- In lui iii.aion uf hUtory uud lioruiihy, the bwe.tin i uud uramlciir of poetry, Ibe xqu( site iharui of musie, uud 400 beautiful Illustra tions. "Solid reudin" for graver moments pleasant pirturis In llluinine ijuiet hour, uud gems of oui for the snciul circle." Au Asenl mrites, '-Sold lT eopk this wreck. Will sell Sim) this month easily." Our new system of e.invusiiijf doo away with objeetlons to the business. ISriieulur fre. A valnnhtp i.reeiit to nvrv niw Aent. INTERNATIONAL i'l.HLISIUNG CO., 03 and la LIU-rty Street, Nuw York. .'7,it.