THE SUNBURY AMERICAN, IS rUBtWItEO EVERT SATURDAY BY Ett'L WTLVEBT, rroprietor, Moore A Dlsslnger's Building, Market Square, At 1.50 In Alf mice. II not paid within 0 Month $3. Svbttrtptiotu tnkin for Un than nix Montht. OowraCTsn with this establishment Is an cxten tcNEVV JOB OFFICE, containing a variety of plnlu and fancy type equal to any establishment n the Interior of the State, for which the patron fife of the public Is resrcctfuHy solicited. )rofcs3lojm!. T. II. D. KASE, ATTORNEY, COUNSELLOR, Ae. Office la the Clement Buildintrs, second floor. En trance on Market street. Bunbury, Pa. Sunbury, March 10, 1873.-ly. SB. BOVEK, Attorney at Law. Nos. 9 and 3, Second Floor Blight's Bulhllne, Buubury, Pa. Professional business attended to,iu thecourts of Northumberland aud adjoining eouutlcs. Clnlins nroinptly collected. Consulta tion can be had in the German language. March 25th, 1S71. 1?. JG. MAHKI.R CO, Market Street, fcUNBUKY, PA. Dealers In Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, disss, Varnishes, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, Pocket Books, Dnlries, etc. CI I. WOLVEUTOS, Attorney at Law. Os Market Square, SUNBURY, PA. Profession al business in this aud adjoining couitles prompt Y attended to. CI A. RI'.IMEXSXYOEK, Attorney at J Law, BUNBUKY, PA. All business en ifn.1.,1 tn care attended to promptly aud with diligence. npliT-OT O. t. BUUMEH. L. II. KASB. BRI'XER Jt KASE. Attorneys and Coun sellors at Law, SUNBURY, PA. Office on Chestnut street, west of the N. C. and P. & E. Railroad Depot, in the building lately occupied by V. Laiarus, Esq. Collections aud all profess ional business promptly attended to in Northum berland and nljolninjr counties. ttpll0-i9 HI. 31 ANNE It, Attorney at Law, SUN- UURY, PA. Collections attended to in the counties of Northnmbcrlnnd, Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia aud Lycoming. upllO-CU A KltlCE, Attorney nt Law, tiunbury, xlt Pa. Office in Masonic Hall Building. Collections of claims, writings, and all kinds of lejal business attended to carefully and with dispatch. fl April 8. lB7t. ly. 0. W. tlKOLKR. L. T. EOnRDACH. ZIEGEER A ROHKBACH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Offlse In Haupt's Building, lately occupied by Judge Rockefeller and L. Tl Rohrbnch, Esq. Collections und all professional business promptly attended to la the Courts of Norlhuui- berlaud and adjoiuing cjuuties. Dee. 2. 1S71. antr ilcst;nmtnt3. AEEEGIIEXY EIOtSE, A. BECK, Prmirietor. Ns. 812 nnl S14 Market Street. above eighth, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, 13 I per day. He respectfully solicits your patron age Jan0'72. LA 1'IERKE IIOL'KE, Broad and Che-l-nut sts., Philadelphia, J. 11. BUTTER WORTH, Proprietor. Terms per day, fi.bO. April 15, 1871. ly r. BYHKLT. K. O. BOWEn. "I'KIO! IIOir.SE," LYSENS, DAUPHIN COUNTY, PEN.VA., BYERLT & BOWER, Proprietor. The table Is supplied with tho best the market atTords. Good stabling aud attentive ostlers. May 20, 1871. BYEKLY'S HOTEL, J03IAH BYERLY, Proprietor, Lower Mnha noy township, Northumberland county. Pa., on the road leadlne from Georgetown to Uuiou town, Emith Inn. Trevortou Poltsville, &c. The choicest Liquors aud Scgirs at the bar. The tables are provided with the best of tho sea son. Elablln largs and well suited for drovers, with good ostlers. Erery attention paid to make giwts comforta ble. Not. 11, 137t.-ly. XTATIOXAI. HOTEL,. AUGUSTUS xN WALD, Proprietor, Georgetown North'd Connty, Pa., at the Station of the N. C. R. W. Choice wines and. cigars at the bar. The tablets supplied with the best the market Affords. Good btabllug and attentive ostlers. IT EMM EE'! It EXT A ERA XT, A..L LOUIS HUMMEL, Proprietor, I Commerce St., SHAMOKIN, PENN'A. ; Having just refitted the above Saloon for the . ftecnmodatlon of the public, is now prepared to serve jis friends with the best refreshments, nnd ', fresh Lager Beer, Ale, Porter, and all other malt j quors. I J. VALE It 'S I 1YI.TEB GARDES AXD HOTEL, j ft'w. 720, 722, 724 & 727 Tin St., PHILADELPHIA. ! "V? INTER GARDEN HOTEL, (OX THE ECROPEAK PLASC) Centrally looated, connecting w ith all the City Passenger Railway Cars, from oil the Depots In the City. Excellent Accommodations) tor Tra veller. Q rand Vocal and Instrumental Concerts every evening In the Bummer and Winter Gardcu. C?" Orditstrion Concert Lory Aftornoon.3 nits Indies' restaurant tn best or l'.Ki aLa.IilE.STS SERVED. Office of J. Valor's Fountain Turk Brewery. Jane 4. 1870.-ly. Sadness u;tri?3. COAEMOAEI COAE! GRANTBROsT, Shippers and Wholesale aud Retail Dealers iu WHITE AND RED ASH COAL, SUNBURY, PA. (LOWER WHARF. ) t3T Sole Ageuts, westward, at the celebrated Fury Clay Cnal. jaulU-litj yr. I. KHOADS. 1. PACKER IlAAtt. WH. KHOADS A CO., RETAIL DEALERS Of ANTHRACITE COAL, SUNBURY, TENN'A. Orrica witu Haas, Facrly A Co., Orders left at Seasholtz & Bro's., officii Market trret, will receive prompt alteutiou. Country ustotn respectfully solicited. Feb. 4, 1871. tf. ANTHRACITE COAL I VALEXTIXE OIETZ, Wholesale and Retail dealer in every variety of ANTHRACITE COAL, UPPER WHARF, SUNBURY, PENN'A. All kinds of Grain taken In exchange for Coal. Orders solicitsd and filled promptly. Orders left at B. F. Neviu's Coufsctlonciy Store, on Third Street, will recleve prompt attention, und money receipted for, the same as at I tie office. NEW COAL YARD. THE undersigned having connected the Coal business with biscxtcusive FLOUR & GRAIN trade. Is prepared to supply families with the VERY REST OF 4 !,. CIIEA1 FOR CAN 1 1, leg, Stove and Nut, constantly on baud. Gruln Wken la exchange for Coal. J. M. CADWALLADER. Banbury, Jan. 15. 1870. tf. DENTISTRY. GEORGE M. RENN, Jn fkmj5o'i ISuililing, Market Square, SUKBIBT, Pa., 1 prepared to do all kinds of work pertaining to Dentistry. He keeps coustautly on baud large assortment of Teeth, and other Dental Material, from which he will be able to select, esd meet the wuiis of his euslomrrs. All work warranted to give satisfaction, or else the money refunded. The very best MoUtUWMh and Tooth-Powders kept on hand. His seferencas are the pnmerous patrons for bemhehas worked for the last twelve years. uunrr, Apru ,-e71. f 1 1 "R TT1 Xlstnbllshod In 1RAO. ) PKICE 91 50 IS ADVANCE. $cto JtH)crfiscmcut3. Up De Graff's EYE -A-ZCsTID HUIR, INFIRMARY, SUNBURY, PENN'A. THIS Institution It now open for the reception of Pulients for the treatment of Disease of the EYE, EAR, THROAT, LUNGS, CATARRH, &c, Ac, Ac, and operations In GENERAL SURGERY. Our collection of INSTRUMENTS is very large, coin prising all tuo latest Impuoybjiemts, enabling tis to meet SURGERY In all form. Physicians are luvlted to accom pany Patients to our Institution for operntious. By request of many Citizens, we will attend to calls in GENERAL PRACTICE. Infirmary, Clement's Iluilding, CORNER THIRD AND MARKET STS., SUXBUKY, PA. C.E.ri'OE GRAFF, Physician und Surgeon. Sunbury, Feb. 8, 187V.-lf. J. W. WASIIIKGTON'S GUAM) BARKER SIIOI. The old permanent thop of the town. We decline the bonst, but at the same tune conIdcr that the mighty truth may bo seasona bly spoken without manifesting au uncomforta ble amount of vanity und ambition. Just twenty years ago I bej;an my business arcer in tins place half my lifetime thus far spent, have I stood upon the floor of our shop day after day, and night after night, and applied the sharp blue gleaming steel, und within that elapse of time embraced by the mighty folds of that eventful period have I shaved nearly every body iu tho country (in common parlance) and to oblige the public Interest we herein publicly announce to our patrons old aud new that we are ready to Bhave them all again three hundred thousand times or more. Coma when you please, in time is the max im wo are always ready to work, forenoon or afternoon, to shave you, hair cm vou, shampoo you, whisker dye you, or ihuTiiiiic, comb and iir runge the hair with artistic skill, in the "water fall" or water raise style to suit the customer. We work to please, not "please to work. Stop, don't go past our shop to get shaved on the basis of ability because we do it as well as it Cun be done or ever could be. A chance Is all that wo demnud To give the proof we hold in hand. A few door above Depot, near Market street. Oct. 1. 1870. LlltlOIt STORE! CHRISTIAN NEFF, Second Street, opposito tho Court House, SUN BURY, PA., Respectfully Invites the atleution of Retailers and others, Hint he bus ou hand, und will con stantly keep all kluds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consisting of Pure Brandies: Coguiac, Cherry, Ginger, Rochelle and Otnrd. Whiskies: Pure Rye Copper-Distilled, Mo"m gahela, Apple und Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN t lYiues: Champague Wine, Sherrv, Port and Claret. Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, X. E. Rum, Brown Stout aud Scotch .Me. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, And nil others Liquors which can be found iu the city markets, which will he Bold at Whole sale und Retail. Every article guaranteed as represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS nud BOTTLES, always on hand. Orders promptly attended to, and public patronage respectfully bolicitej C NEFF. Euubury, July 3, 1SC9. ly. JACOB SIIirMAK. TMOMI'bO.N pr.Kli. Fire, LI IV and Aecideut SHSURAEMCE AGENCY or KHIFMAXtV- DERR, MARKET STREET, SUXBURY, l'A. COMPANIES REPRESENTED. N. American, Philadelphia, Enterprise, Mauhattau, New York, N. American " Loriliard, " Youkcrs 4 N. York " Hanover, " Imperial, London, Lycoming, Muncy, Frauklin Philadelphia, Home, New York, 1 hi n lord, Hartford, Phieuix, " Travelers. " Farmers Ins. Co.. York, N. British & Mercantile Nommcrce, New York, Corwieh, Norwich, New England Mutual Life, Assets, t2,7S3,580 WS.liCi l,lltiS,(yi 802,070 l,650,l:iU ssa.isu 750,000 8,000,00:2 6,501,000 8,825,7ol 4,510,308 2,544 A'10 1,027,010 l,ii.'.l,007 "20,100 14,805,224 2.W.100 0S,201 7,U00,(H)0 NEW Flour, Feecl, Fruit an! Vegetalile Store, Spruce Street, between Front aud Second, SUNBURY, PA. JOHN WILVER having Just oiiencd a Store ut the above plaec, where all kinds of of the best brands of Flour aud Feed will be sold nt greatly reduced prices. The cele brated Buck's Mills Flour will be kept constantly ou hand. Also, all kinds of Feed, Gralu, Corn, Oats aud Rye, chopped or whole, Potatoes, Apples, Cabbage V Fruit geuerally, at a cheuper rate than can be bought elsewhere. All goods delivered Free of Charge. Call und examine my stock and ascerlaiu the prices before purchasing elsewhere. JOHN WILVER. Suubnry, Dec. 8, 1 871 -If. Don't Read This ! I Good morning, Mrs. A., where are you bound for so early I 'Mrs. A. Why Mrs. C, i on't you know Mr. Byerly has bought out the Grocery und Confcc tiouery Store of Haas Si Weaver, aud is selling nice fresh Groceiies, Canned Fruit, and intact, everything in the Grocery line, cheaper thau the cheapest, und I have got tired paying high prices, so I have made up my uiiud after this to patron ize Mr. Byerly. So good uioruiug, Mm. C. I must go. Mrs. C, to herself. Well I am bound to dud out for myself, and will go to Byei ly's new cheap cash Grocery, the ueit lime I wuut uuy Groceries, Confectioneries or 1'rlnio OfNters. I will Just say to all come and give me a trial, aud satisfy yourselves that there Is oue cheap cash Grocery in Buuburv. Remember the place, No. 11, South Third St., In Clcmeut House Building, Buubury, Pa. B. BYERLY. puobury, Jno. SO, UTS, SUNBURY, PA., SATURDAY MORNING, RAETIMORE LOCK IIOSI'ITAL JR. JOHNSTON, ' Physlclnn of this celebrated Institution, has discovered tho most certain, speedy, pleasant and eilcctual remcdv In the world for all DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. Weakness of the Bnck or Limbs, Strictures, Affections of Kidneys nnd Bladder, Involun tary Discharges, Irnpotcncy, General Debili ty, Nervousness, Dyspepsy, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Iilcus, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of tho Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels theso terrible Disordors arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth tbose secret nnd solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Syrens tnthe Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes of anticipations, rendering marriage, &c., iuipos- Biuie. iOUNGMEN especially, who have' become the victims of Soli tary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to nn grave thousands of youne men of the most exalted talents and brilliant Intellect, who might other wise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstacy tho living lyre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE. Married Persons or Young Men contemplating marriage, aware of Physical Weakness, (Loss of Procreative Power Impotency), Nervous Ex citability, Palpitation, Orgauic Weakness, Ner vous Debility, or any other Dis.iuulillcaliou, speedily relieved. He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide In his honor ns n gcntle inuii, aud contidcutly rely U'tou his skill us a Phv slciuu. ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Impotency, Loss of Power, Immediately Cured nud full Vigor Restored. This Stressing A flection which renders Life miserable aud marriage impossible is the penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgences. Young persons arc too apt to commit excesses j from not being aware of the dreadful couseqenees that may ensue. Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lust sooner by "those falling into improper habits than by the prudent J Beside being deprived the pleasures of healthy oUspriiiir, the most serious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes de ranged, the Physical and Mental Functions Weakened, Loss of Procreative Power, Nervous Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the. Heart, Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption. Deutv and Death. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. Persons ruined iu health by unlearned preten ders who keep them trilling month nfter mouth, taking poisonous nnd injurious compounds, should apply immediately. DR. JOHNSTON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Lon don, Graduutcd from one of the most eminent Colleges in the United States, nnd the greater part of whose ifc has been spent in the hospitals of London, Pris, Philadelphia nnd elsewhere, has ellected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known i many troubled with ring ing iu the head and cars when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed nt sudden soands, bushfulncss, '.with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with deruugciucut of miud were cured Immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses nil those who have Injurrd themselves by improper Indulgence and solitary habits, which ruin both body aud mind, untitling tlicra for cither business, ttudy, bocicty or mar riage. TuiisE are some of the end nnd melancholy effects produced by early habile of youth, viz": Weakness of the Back nud LIiuob. Pains in the Back aud Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Mus cular Power, I'alpitaliou of the Heart, Dypcpsy, Nervous Irritability, Deiaiigeuieut of Digestive Functions, General Debility, symptoms of Con sumption, iiC. The fearful cITeets on the mind ure much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Con ftisiou of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion to Society, Self-Distnut, Love of Solitude, Timidity, dec, uro some of the evils produced. Thoi-sands of persons of all ugc9 can now Judge what is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming, weak, pale, nervous unit emaciated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, cougji und symptoms of consump tion. YOUNG MEN Who have Injured themselves by a certain prac tice indulged In when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or ut school, the etlects of which are nightly felt, even wheu asleep, aud if uot cured, renders marriage impos. bible, und destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope of his country, the darliug of his parents, should be Biiatchci from nil prospects und enjoyments of life, by the consequence of deviating" from the path of nature and indulging In a certain secret habit. Such persons mi st, ln-fure contemplating MARRIAGE. reflect that a sound mind and body are the most ucccssary requisites to promote connubial happi ness. Indeed without these, the Journey t'aruu-h life becomes a weary pilgrimage! the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind Lccoines shadowed with despair and tilled with the melau tholy reflection, that the happiness of another becomes blighted with ourown. A CERTAIN DISEASE. Wheu the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds that he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens that an ill-timed seusc of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, from education aud respectability, rati ulone befrieud him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their uppearaucc, such us ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, uoeturul pallia iu the head und limbs, dimness of sight, deufness, nodes on the shiu bones aud arms, blotches on the head, face and extremities, pro gressing with fi ighi ful rapidity, till at lust the palate of the mouth or the boues of tho nose fall in, aud the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of commiseration, till death puts a period to his dreadful sulferiug, by sending him to "that Undiscovered Country from uheuee no traveller returns." It is u melancholy fact that thousands DIE victims to this terrible disease, through falling Into the hands of ignorant or uujkiilful PRE TENDERS, who, by the use of that deadly Poi fou, Mercury, Ac, destroy tho constitution, and lucupablo of curing, keep the unhappy sullerer mouth ufler month taking tbeii noxious or In jurious compounds, ami instead of bi-lng restored to a renewal of Life Vigor nnd Happiness, in des pair leave him with ruined Health to sigh over his gulling disapHjiiituieut. To such, therefore, Dr. Johnston pledges him self to preserve the most Inviolable Secrecy, ami from his extensive . practice uud observations in the great Hospitals of Europe, and the first in this country, vis l Engluud, France, Philadelphia uud elsewhere, is enabled to oiler the most cer tain, speedy und etfectual remedy iu the world for ull diseases of Imprudence. DR. JOHNSTON, OFFJCE, NO. 7, 8. FREDERICK STREET, lUl.TlMOKK, M. D. Left baud side goiug from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Fuil uot to observe name uud number. No letters received unless postpalj and containing a tin nip to be used on the reply. Per sons writiug should state age, and scud a portion of advirtiseuient describing symptoms. There ure so many Paltry, Designing und Worthless lnipnsters advertising themselves us Physicians, trilling with uud ruining the health of ull who uufoituuutely full into their power, that Dr. Johnston deems it necessary to say es pecially to those uuacqualuted with his reputa tion that his Credentials or Diplomas ulwuys hang in Ills olllee. ENDORSEMENT OF THE PRESS. The many thousands cured ut this Establish ment, year ufler year, uud the numerous im- Sortuut Surgical Operulioue performed by Dr. obuston, witnessed by the representatives of tho press aud many other papers, notices of which have uppcared again aud ugalu before the public, besides his standing as a gentlemuu of character aud responsibility, is a sulllcicnt guarantee to the s Bile ted. Shiu diseases speedily rured, February It. JeT. ly fclcct gotlrji. THE HEART'S GEES I S. When nge has cast Its shadows O'er life's declining way, And the evening twilight gathers Round our departing day, Then we shall sit and ponder In the dim and shadowy past ; Within tho heart's still chambers The guests will gather fust. The friends In youth we cherished Shall come to us once more,. Again to hold communion As In the days of yore They may be stern nnd sombre Tbey may be bright and fair; But the heart will have its chambers, The guests will gather there. How thall It he, my sisters f Who, then, shall be our guests I How shall it be, my brothers, When life's shadow on us resist Shall we not, 'midst the silence, In accents soft and low, Then hear familinr voices, Aud words of long ago I Shall we not see dear faces, Sweet smiling as of old, TIM the mists of that still chamber Arc sunset clouds of gold, When ni:e has cast its shadows O'er life's declining way, And the evening twilight gathers Round our departing day I a!cs c JI;ctcIjco. CASH AND CREDIT. George Browu, at the ngc of Iwenty thrci!, took Ititu a wife), or, rattier, liu and Halite took one another for belter or lor worse. Hut tlicti they knew it was K'nB In bo for Itttcr always, anil never for worse. How could it bu otherwise, when (hey un derstood each other so well V They had married younjj, and they had bul little of this world's goods to commence with ; but Ihey had health and strength, and they were goinjt to work together nnd build them un a homo of their own iu tiino. "We will bo very suviu," said llattie. "and in Ihc end wo may reach the goal." The yoal was the home which they were to own. "Wo shall not scrim), uor deny ourselves of necessary comforts ; hut we will do without luxuries. J'y thus econo mizing in the morning, wo may liud a store to spam in the evening. Money is like lime. An hour gained iu the early day is a great thing, while an hour lost may not be regained." tJeorge saw and understood, nnd he was as eager ns was his wife. 11a determined to put all his energies into ihn work, and in the future he foreshadowed with romis'-'3 most bright. He had taken of his uncle a small house which he was to pay when ho could, lie had no doubt that he should be able to pay two hundred dol lars a year on it, nt which rate, his kind relative had olfered the bargain, the pro perty to bo his iu six years. "George," asked llattie, one evcuing, nt the tea-table, "What did you pay for this lea?" "What ! Did u.d usk I" "No. L have every coufideuco iu Mr. Skidd. He is a perfectly honorable man." "Hut did you not pay lor it V "No. 1 have opened an accouut there." llatlie shook her head disapprovingly George saw the motion, and went ou, "Vou know 1 urn paid monthly, arid I thought it would bo just as well to keep a monthly account at the store. Mr. Skidd, himself, preferred the plan. "I can see very readily why Mr. Skidd should prefer it," said his wife with a sig nificant smile. "In the lirst place,- he knows that you are an industrious, steady aud honorable man, nnd whatever you owe you will surely pay. lie knows that." George was flattered, but ho felt that his wile had spukuu no more than the truth. "And," pursued llattie, "ho knows one thing, lie knows you will buy more on credit thau you would for cash." George made n deprecatory motion, but his wife contiuued : "Mr. Skidd knows, lie is old in the business. Over his good customers, who open monthly accounts upon his ledger, he hag decided advantages, lie cau persuade them to buy what they would not buy if they had to pay the cash down ; and, where they are to have credit where a trader is to have the extra labor and expense of 'en tertaining uud posting each separate arti cle, aud, iu the end, of making a full bill of ileitis the buyer cannot with good con science detuaud n, reduction from asked prices." George smiled, nud said ho thought his wife was mistaken. lie was sure he was doing well. It would be incouveuient to pay for each little itnicle us he ordered it. And, furthermore, it would be handier to settle his story bills wheu his employers settled wilh him. llattie did not press tho matter. Sho had brought tlio subject upon the tapis, nnd sho was willing to await the develop ment of events. "15y the way, Mr. Urown, do you not want a box of tin so figs V They ure fresh, I'll warrant them aud by tho bos 1 will put them cheap." So spoke Mr. Skidd, tho store keeper. George knew that his wife was very foud of tigs ; nnd he loved them himself. And ho finally consented that a box should be sent to him. Ou another day Mr. Skidd said : "Ah, Hrown, my dent fellow, have you tried the golden syrup V" George had not tried the syrup. Tho best quality of molasses had hitherto an swered him. Hut he was persuaded to try it. On another day : "Look here, Hrown, shall I send you up a dozen of these Messina Oranges ? A new cargo just in. Yon won't yet 'em so cheap again only thirty ccuts." Only-thirty cents 1 Aud George knew how foud llattie was of oranges. Of course he would have them. And so tho duys passed ou, and the mouth came to nu end. George Hi own was paid by his cmployus, nnd he sat nt once about paying others. On his way home he slopped iu aud got Mr. Skidd's bill. "Vou cau take it aud look it over," raid the dealer with a patronizing smilo. "Vou will llnd it all right." George had intended to pay the bill then uud there ; but wheu ho saw the long col umn of figures, uud glanced his eye ut the sum total, his heart leaped up into his mouth, lie was astounded. He had thought to himself us he had come along, that Skidd's bill would be about twelve or fifteen dollars. After paying everything else ho would have tweuty dollars left, which would satisfy tho lust demand uud leave something over. lie had just commenced housekeeping, and be did not expect to save much at first. 1MBBICAB MAY 25, 1872. 15ut, mercy I how his anticipations were knocked in pieces ns he looked nt this bill, lie told Skidd ho guessed ho would look it over ; nnd on his way homewnrd ho ex amined it ; but he could find nothing wrong nothing wrong in the items but the sum total was n poser ; twenty-six dol lars nnd forty-two cents 1 For a long time after ho had reached home ho tried to convinco I Initio Hint nothing wns tho matter wilh him ; bul at length he plucked tip courage, nnd drew forth Skidd's bill. Ho had expected that liis wife would bo paralyzed. Hut on the contrary, she only smiled nnd said it was nil right. "All right 1" echoed George. "All right, so fur ns Mr. Skidd is con cerned," said llattie. "Vou remember what 1 told you once before, nnd now let's sit down nnd cnt supper, nnd then wo will look tho matter over." And nfter supper they weul nt tho work, llatlie took the bill, and a piece of blank paper, nnd followed the items down with her pencil. "First," she said, "is a box of figs, at fifteen cents a pound. It wns very cheap no doubt ; bul the tight pounds camo to a dollar and tweuty-fivo cents. Had you been required to pay cash, you would not havo bought them. Vou would, at least, have asked me if I liked them, nud I should have told you, no. Next wo havo a gallon of golden syrup, which wo did not ueed, and for which you would not have paid cash without consulting me." And so sho went on, and nt the end she had cut down the bill, by throwing nut ni tides which Ihey had not absolutely needed, to less thau fifteen dollars. A dollar here did not seem much to George ; and a dollar and a half there ; and then seventy-live cents ; and then only l.lly cents ; but there had U-en twenty i visiU to the store during tho past mouth, j and the aggregate of these trivial sums i was considerable. Geotge saw the whole thing, aud ho knew that his wife had been right from the first. "Don't say a word," he said. "I sec the mistake. Hut I'll havo to work around iu the right track by degrees." "Hnw so. George i"' "Why 1 haven't money enough left of my moulh's wages to pay this bill ; so I shall be utterly unable to enter upon the cash principle at present." "There is no dillieulty iu that direction." said llattie. "I hac uot spent quite all my little capital. I had already fixed it for a bit of nest egg ; and I don't know that it could be put to a belter use than the lay ing of n foundation for cash payments. At any rale, George, let us try it for awhile." George kissed his wife and said she was a blessing ; nud he promised that he would follow her ttd ice iu the future. He took the money which she had to give, aud held it as a loan, which he was to return at the earliest possible moment ; und he felt nn ambition, too, to see how speedily he could do it. And on Monday morning tho new rulo of life went into operation. George paid Mr. Skidd's hill, nnd told him that hereaf ter ho should pay cash for everything he bought. The More keeper pooh-poo'd, aud said there was tio need of it. "Hless you, my boy, I had as leave trust you as uot." "1 do not doubt it, Mr. Skidd, but I pre fer not to be trusted. 1 would rather o.,n sume my own groceries tbau to consume yours. A bill is nn evil at best, nnd I don't choose to have evils growing ou my hands if 1 can help it." Mr. Skidd saw very plainly that his customer's vision was clear, nud he said uo more. On tho evening of that very Monday, Mr. Skidd exhibited to George some extra nice preserves, nnd tho young man's fust impulse was to order a pot of them ; but the taking nut of his wallet, and the break ing of a live dollar bill was a palpable re minder ; aud he concluded that lie could get along without them. Said he to him self: "These seemingly trivial sums, if I save them, will, at the end f the month, add up as greatly in my favor as they have heretofore added against me." And he found it so. And ho found one lliitig more in his favor from cash pay ments which he had not particularly count ed upon. As ho had the money in his hand to pay for the artieles he had planned to purchase, he could buy it where he could get it the best and the cheapest. Traders are uot willing to lose cash customers ; and they do only tho fair aud honest thing when they sell to such customers cheaper than the others. Not only is tho iuterest ol the money on account au important j item iu the aggregate of many accounts, j but the keepiug of that account iu the day- : book and ledger was nu expense. George . very sooti learned all this : and he found ! that even Mr. Skidd sold to him during this month of cash payment cheaper than he had sold during the previous month. And ns the months rolled on, George Hrown opened no more necounts wilh tra ders. He found that in paying cash lie was coustautly reminded of the value of each separate sum us he counted it out, aud was hence not likely to purchase what he did uot need. Aud then he had a goal ahead which he had determined to reach ns speedily ns possible ; und by his system of cash payments he could estimate nt the close of every day the gain he was making toward the desired cud. And in two mouths he paid what he had borrowed of his wife, and she put it iu the common fund ; aud in five years his home was his own. nnd ho owed uo man anything but ! love and good will. An Explosion. The steamer Sun ex ploded seveiul years ago on Iho Mississippi river, with terrible client, and was burned to the water's edge. Captain Smith was blown into the air, alighting near u limit ing cotton bale, upon which he limited, un injured, but much blackened and mud dled. Arriving at last ut a village several miles below, to, which uews of the disaster preceded him, he was accosted by tho edi tor of the village paper, cuger for au item. "I say, is the Suu blowu up " "Yes!" "Wus dipt. Smith killed V" "I am the captain." "Tho thuuder you are 1 How high wcro you blown up V" "High enough to think of every nicau thing 1 ever did in my lite, before I came dowu here again." The editor started uu a run for his olllco, the paper ivas about going to press, uud not wishing to omit the item of intelligence uutil the next issue, bo w rote as follows : "The steamer Suu has just bursted her boiler, as wo learn from Captain Smith, who says he was up high enough to remem ber every menu thing he ever did iu his life before ho lit. We suppose he wns up about three months." o New Ncries, Vol. 4, ,o. H. OIU Kcrivn, Vol. 38, Xo. 8. Siiscclhncfjno. A Letter I'rom Mr. Nnnby. THK CINCINNATI CONVENTION MR. XAS BY'S EXPERIENCE AS A DELEGATE. Cincinnati, (wich is In the State ) uv Ohio, May 7, 137:2. J I wuz not originally a delegate to tho Cincinnati Convenshun, wich is to nay I wuz not appointed cz a delegate. Wo iicd a mectiu nt Hiiscnni's uv mo nnd Deekin l'ogram, Kernel Mel'elfer, Issnker Gavitt and ono or two oilier liibral Hcpublikins, but it wuz desided not to send n delegate. I hod, tho, somo hopes uv tho conven shun. F Adams, Davis or Hroivn cood bo nominated it wood be a good thing fr us. Adams is rulher too sncclablc a man for n first-class Democrat, but ho is still a Democrat, nud the Democratic convenshuu wood hev nccepled him. Davis nnd Truni- bull niu't Democrats eugsackly. but nil the rrtnflk i,! ,,v tint T?,i,,,i K: 1 L-... ..nmi. 1n.,.l I.. - -'M'-"""1 " iy:un iu ours, nnd ez they hev taken that pertike- lerly flatnti one,, we cood trust either uv them. 1 was nnxshus to see one uv these three nominated, nnd wood hev counted it a big thing for Democracy cood it liev been done. 1 wuz surprised nt the feclin manifested. Ihero wuz a denuushiashuu uv the tyrant Grant, more deep and fervid than 1 had heard since the fall uv Vicksburg. There wuz a torrent uv nbuse hoeped upon ollis seekers, olliee-holders, corrupsheu in the civil servis, iiiiiiiiutnent uv relatives to nllis, nnd sich, wich pleased inc. 1 jined in it heartily, and wuz immejilly asked by a delegate, whoso nose recommended him to me to-wunst, wat State I wuz a delegate from. 1 nnscred that I wuz a citizen uv Kentucky, but uo delegate that wo sent UO delegates. "That don't matter," sod he, his nose g'oin with zeal, "wo wuzn't any uv us sent wo come. You slid be n delegate." Aud afore 1 cood decline tho honor ho lied an Illinoy delegate's ticket in my hand, nnd when I sed 1 wuz for Judge Davis, in flexibly, he asked me to take suthiii. Xow, tf there is ciiylhing I'm pertikerly distin guished for, iis acccplin invitations to take suthin, nnd that delegate's alacrity in askin cood only hev bin ekall'd by my alacrity in ncceptin. lie wuz a Davis man, too. nnd 1 promptly borrered twenty dollars uv him. Fz wlii-kcy wuz free, that wuz enull to take me home nnd suthin to pay Hasconi on account. The innruiu uv the first ilav tho dulesa- shun from the decstrik I helpt to represent, met. i nere wuz twenty delegates present, aud n more earnest set uv men 1 never mingled with. Five uv cm wuz ex-post-1 masters who bed bin nppuitcd by the saint- ed Johnson, aud most outrageously dis- j nusst by the despot who is now President ; i two uv em were ex-collectors, three ex-as- ! sessors, and the ten rcniainin wuz a bilin i with indigiiushun becoz the otliises in their respectiv towns wuz filled, they swore, with me most unlit men in tuat sceksluiu. I "Rather thau have the country and the ' servis rooiued," sed one, "I wood hev ac- cepted the Post Otlis myself. I wuz solis- j sited by my fellow citizens to servo em in , that capassity, but no. A military friend uv Grant's who hed served under him, wuz appinted. Wat kin be expected of sich au ' administration ! Faugh 1" I The other ten, I assertaned, hed bin ap- ' pKcuiiio for- but somehow didn't ' git cm. They were very certain mat un- : less there wuz au immejit change, there wuz nothing ahed but rooin. There cum' in afterward nu ex-member uv Congress, who lied been defeetid for ro-iioiuinushcn i two years ago, and his denuushiashuu uv I ofiis-holdin wuz atl'ectin iu the extreme. We finally got to biznis. One delegate moved that ux-cnllcetor Jawkins net ez -chairman. This prodoost a tearful uproar. ! Immejilly six or eight others wuz uotuina- j led. ! Don't vote for Jawkins," whispered one Reformer, "he wants prominence that ! he may control the nppointmcnts in the decstrik, nnd he's brothers nud brothers-in-law all over it." "Don't vote for that d d Smithers," whispered another, "he wants to be as sessor." To my utter nud entire astonishment. I diskivered the nbmniu fact that evry Re former in the delegation bed suthin in his eye. The caucus wuz linnlly organized by a compromise, and a mini wuz elected chairman who coodu't possibly want noth in, tz he hedn't 1 1 1 o liuanshel slaudin iu his respectiv community to give bonds for -J ." cnytniiig. He bed come to C 'meiiinati on fi-,.- iwk fiirnlv!,. .! ! n, .m.nil t .... ii.l his cxpi uses paid, wich, ez he remaikt, (. ho lic.ln'l enyluiug to do at home, uuz cheaper than staying there. He remaikt to me lint he thought he shood go into the Ri-ftpfiu Delegate bizm s exclusively. Tho preliminary biznes uv the conven shuu wuzn't ( uy easier sailin than Iho can cusses. There wuz a li-arltil diversity uv opinion iz to wat wuz first to be dnno. Had it b.en left with Hrowu and Selurtz and a few others, ez wo do iu reglar Dem ocratic convenshiius, it wood hev biu easy enull', but there wuz a dozen or more luna tics who supposed Unit the movement wuz in dead cariust, and who bed ideas to pio mulgate. They made trouble but we soon got iid uv em. To give the convenshuu character wo compelled Senator Fenton to leave tor his home, in Xmi York, and In hev it managed properly Frank Hlair wuz telegraphed for. Then the bi.uis wuz nc tooly commenced, und I wuz iu high feather. It seemed a moral certainty that cither Adams or Davis wood be nominated and wot a glorious prospect opened. Tho Democracy wood adopt cm, the. Reformers wood all vole for em Well, 1 WOndi t.t hev give u C"uledrit ten cent scrip to liev biu ushoored of my posl-ollis iu March next. The platform wuzn't ez much uv a stum Mill block ez 1 supposed it wood be. Tho protectionists, for the sake uv harmony, gave up llieir proleckshtin ideas, the free traders their five-trade, Ihu paper money men wuz perfectly w iliin to adopt (he hard money theory the hard money advocates declared theutSelxe-s satisfied wth a paper money plunk ; the auii-bauk int u consent id to I.. 'inks, and the bank men were jicrleclly williu to hev cm abolished. The nmuesty men had no olijecshun to permanent dis fraushiseinent. und the disfranshiseis wuz entirely williu to go the ciilire swine on iiniie6i v. Wat thev all wauled wuz re form uud purity iu the civil service. Ihey ull wauled 10 cleanse Augeau stables to hev a change to restore the tioveruuie-nl : i' ... .1.: li '.V.. nL- in u uiuMii uii )iuui). wu fin. Hluir and Tweed wuz (.-specially perliua- siius, nuil on me lusessity uv wniuge in tho oflises of the couutrv there wuz a unan imity wich I never saw tknllid. Hut nt this pint the unanimity ended. In tho caucus every delegate wuuted lo bo chairmnu, nud iu the couveushuu every leadin Rel'onur wan tod lo be the candi date for the lYcsideucy. F.viry mau of! ADVERTISING SCHEDULE 10 LIucs, or ubont 100 Words, make a Squan 8q!4 6q Ifcrd-fiool 1 eol .60. 8.00. 6.00 H.OO 15.00 -60j 4.00; 8.00 11.00 I S.0TJ IW 5-nn: P.O0 1 8.00 0.00 60; 11.00 10.00 16.OOW.Sfl Ono week 1.00 ?.(h 3, Two weeks 1.60' J.00 Three 3.00 S.50I Four " Flvo " Six T ro nio's Three " Six Nine One Year S.fs) 4.50' fi H.75! 6.00 .Jf.Oo- ll.Tfi 7 :5I.2.V 7..Vr 8 it.oo: H.Oil! 5.00 .0 U (i.OiT 10.00 ly i;t.uo:ixou 15 .60 7.00 12.00 I7.00 25.(nJ .60, 8.00 13.0018.00'a7.60 -V.I 0.00 15.00 -UOO 30.00 6O;10.00 20.00 i5.00 .(0.0C .00 iS.00'21.00 6.00 50,00 .uo 15.00 :;.5.t)o i.yoo 75.00 .00 t.oo io.oo 00.00! iica cm hed gno nt refvrin by Retting up a fackshun for himsull', and 1 dwkivercd that they could no more mix than oil a id water. Heloriner Davis hated Reformer Trumbull with n fervency that wns only tkallod by tho hatred Reformer Adams boro to Re former Hrowu. There wuz six parties uv cm, Adams, Davis; Trumbull, Hrown. Curlin nnd Greeley. The canvassiu wuz furiu.o, and my kittle uv lish wuz kickt over in less limn aminit. Trumbull's sup porters sworn that they'd never consent to hev the nppointiucnfs in tho hands uv ez corrupt a man t-z Davis. Davis' friends swore vehemently thtit Ihoy'd sooner hev Grant limn to hev such a tit niagogtio ez' Trumbull control tho patronage, C'urtiti wuz denounced cz 1111 umbishus skt iuer. Adams wuz damned cz a cold-blooded aristocrat. Hrown wuz stigmatised cz tho most shameless demngoguo on earth, and. so on, while Greeley wus looked upon tz a, I :.. ..l.l 1 ... ' . .. j Uamin old lunatic, wilh nothin cspeshellv dangerous in his lunacy cept to himself, Attempts wuz then made to trade but thev ! ll i- : I , tut. t i .... - nu laitin. i nn delegates Knowif llieirmeu thoroughly, nud they wuz afraid to trust ! each other, nnd for two Inn" days there I w uz Hie hottest i"ht I- ever saw Tim i trouble wuz'nt so much in makiu" clmr-cs 1 agio each other-it wuz in the Tact that each man hed iroof in his pnsscshun that : his chnrgrs ngin the other wuz true. j It wuz very p!aiu on Friday mornin ; that neither Hrown, Curlin Adams, Davis or Trumbull cood be nominated, nud tho i convenshuu was likely to break up iu a row. Hut Flunk Hlair wuz ekal to llm emergency. Ihe moment ho saw how things wuz, he ordered Hrown to bargain with the delegates to giy Horace the first place nn the ticket and ho the second. It wuz the s-itue tacktics wich had succeeded so well in our Illinois caucus. Greeley wuzn't uv cuutr account to bu in enybody's way. nnd on that account he wuz the most available man ; the stockholders uv Iho Ti-ilvon watitid him uoininatid that ho might be compelled to sell out his stock nnd leave the concern; lllair wantid him nominatid becoz if lie should happen to bu electid ho cood control the patronage thro his cousin, Gralz Hrown, and cf the Di mocrisy should not accept him he wood probably draw off ctiulf Keuublikiu votes to elect our nominee, and the other dele gates wanted .him nominated that they might hev u decent excuse to git out uv the whole thing. They saw iu tho laif it wuz certain to raise, a cover under wich they cood git back to their old quarters. The reform candidates so haled each other that each voled for Greeley to spile tho other, nud the thing was did. Ilorris Greeley iz the nominee uv the Reformers for the ollis uv President uv the Voonited States. ' There wuz various opinvuns cxprest nv the results. One delegate remark! that he wuz in the fix that the man wuz who wuz bit by a rattlesnake, and who swallowed a pallou of corn whiskey to cure it. Do cot well uv the bite, but ho died nv the. whiH- key. He wuz bilten by currupsheii nnd tool; a convenstnin to cure it. Ho mite gil well uv Iho corrupsheu, but he bhood certainly die uv the eoiivcushun. Hut some good will come ttvit. Greeley lion Uoo .lyi-s ' - - tiumiripl'"" " hiz life, and he'll slick to it wuu tho tetias ity uv a Democratic postmaster. 11a will uv course git some votes enough possibly to defeat Grant and give us a Democratic President. Thank heaven a lite beams onto us 1 Tho Democracy will march to victory in cny event. 1 um full uv hope. 1 shcl g'j home iiiiiiicjitiv and there await events. l'KTrtoi.KOt A'. .' ashy, (wich wuz Postmaster.) Treating." If there is nuything more absurd thau this habit, wo are uuable to put our finger upon it. Men dn not always "treat" one another to car liekets, because lliey happen to n.cet ou the snnie seat. We never saw a man, on cncouiiieiing an ncqtiaiulaiico, take out 1;'8 p;ekct book ami bay: "Ah, George ! delighted to see you ! Dn take a lew post age stamps ! It's my treat :" Do ineu have a mania fur paying each other's board bills V Aud is drinking to gether tiinie "bocUi'i" than eating or sleep ing together V A traveller may go all over the conti nents of umpe, Asia and Al'ih a, without seeing any man except a Yankee offer to "treat." and Frenchmen nre quiUs social cuoui,h ; but when tiny go into a cafe to sip their wines or brnndicd cnlVee together, each man pays for his own. When two Germans, long scperated meet, they will i ... i .., l :.. ; UL .V ' l" , " i Odjniun.g beer, Sit doWll, tirlUk lager, cut pre tze-ls nud talk ; but heu Ihey ; part again each man set lies his own score ; independently. So in Italy. The ltaiiiiu.-i : are proverbially merry and generoii", but j each mtiu pays for his own wine, niaeea- roht nnd eigais. They never go into each : other's pocket book in the sacred tcinie of ' friendship. They would as soon think of j transferring to each other their washer wnmau's bill. ! The pieposterous farhinn of "treating" i is responsible for ihc terrible drunkenness in America. I There woti'.J be as lilt'.e need of tcmper ! anee sucieties and little woik for the Good I Templars ns there is in Germany, France ! nnd Italy if this pernicious and insidious Inllill was iiliolislie-il. It is, lake It ull ill ail. the most ridiculous, the most nurenson able, nud most pestilent custom that ever' laid its hand on civilized human beings. To CiivsTALiZE Flowki.. Construct some baskets of fancy form w ith pliable, copper wire and wrap them wilh gauze. Into these, lie lo tho bo toins violets, lei Us, geranium leaves in fact any flowers ex cept full bloom roses-aud sink them in a solution of ulum, of one pound to a gallon of water, alter the soluliou has cooled. The colors will then be preserved in their original beauty, aud the crystalloi d ulum wiil hold faster lliiiti when limn a hoi solu tion. When you have a light covering .f crystals that completely covers the artieles. remove the basket carefully, uud allow it drip for twelve bonis. Tl.ese baskets malie a beautiful parlor ornament, nud for a long time p;eser.e the ficskncs of the llowela. pAsTii tHAT Wh.l Kuiii' a Year. Dissolve a lablc-spooniul of iilu in in u quart of warm water, and when cold stir iu us much llour as will make it as thick a I cieaui mixing the flour m a separate cm- no llisit it will not be in luui. Add u.- much powdered us will lie on n dime ; . uuj throw iu a tb'Zeii cloves to rdvo it t, . ...... ..... - ... ... . :i- i Meusanv vutir. 1 ill a leaeup in uoiuui' j wuior into a liu dish, aud pt.ur in the tluu. . mixture, Roil for fifteen minutes ; if cooked i.i another pan to boiling, it will be h ss liLe-K to burn. Let it dry away, anil wheu uecu cd, dissolve a piece iu a little boiling water. A Detroit lady visited a me-ungerio niiii asked tj be showu the curuuranj.'o.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers