gdcnlinx'al. TREATMENT OF Al'PLK TREES. The 'best of us aro nono too thoughtful. It is put long since we gtivo n, report of tha IVnnsyl -vania Fruit Growers' Society, in which ap pcai'itd soma ccmmon-setist) views in re srci to tho trcnlmetit of npplo trees ; but it is a chance that most who have rend it Lave not forgotten it. It will do no liarni however to repeat the substaneo of what vriis said. In tho first place tho tree is much weak ened by tho apple-borer. Theso nasty things must bo taken out At this time of tho year, and kept out tu the future. They cuter the tree only nt tho surfnea of the ground, and an examination will now tell whether they arc there or not? but our ex perience of trees about here is that they aro pretty sure to be. If there, a saw-dusty sort "of matter will bo about tho stem, which the grubs have cji'ttrd in their bor ing operations. If within, make au uncere monious call on them with a pieco of wire, li need not be thrust in tenderly. After it be comes tolerably certain that tho wire has made the acquaintance of each of these fat olDce-holdors, tho next thiur to bo done is to sae that no more are permitted t enter. The convention speakers lay, what wo have' loiiij said before them, ' that papc t wrapped around the stem just under the ground, and just nhove, and then gas-tar-t rod, (but it is better without the tar if done a in .February or early in March), will ac complish this. This i very easily tried, and they who do not think it worth while tleseivc no apples. This borer business Win disposed of, a little feeding is tho next ihiug in order. Very rich earth put on the surface seems to Knclit the orchards. In Montgomery county last year wo saw trees turiving wonderfully on nshes several inches thick under the. trees. , Then ashes are oi' teu tilled with kitchen refuse, aud probably the fertilizing properly lies much iu tlieoc and not in the u:.hea merely. Then another trouble is Vrom the codling moth ; but it appears thnt a little labor in emptying bottles once a day does much to remove this. Tho bottles arc tilled with molasses and vinegar, and we have the ti s timony of President Sc haulier about the best of living evidence by tho way that thousands are destroyed by this mode. This is tho season to think of theeo tilings; and that people may think is the reason we give these notes though some what repeating what has so recently been Bnid. Uermanton Telegraph. Pruning Fruit On this sub ject, important to every fruit grower, we give the following seasonable advice by an old fruit grower. He says that he has beeu ugagid iu cultivating trees fur the past twenty yearn, and has pruned apple and pear trees every month in the year, aud af he-could always have the time to spare would j refer to prune in the month of June, for tho following reasons : ".First, tho wound made by tho removal of cbrKEuh at this season will heal sooner lhaivcoQ rj&do at an other time of the year, -tlecond, very lew water sprouts will grow alter pruning, and the fruit which re mains will be much larger in consequence. Any person. who is at -all acquainted with the marvsj-Gitent of fruit trees, knows that if a tree in-barked ia June the wound will heal in a very short time. To prune in June, pcrsontt-chould wear rubber or other sofL tihocs,. to prevent barking the branches, ily reasons for got pruning in tho spring are, we getwraiiy have high winds and co pi oris showecs, "the winds dry aud crack the new wound, and the rain enters and blackt-ns it,-wliiiil: it does not do in Juno. Water sprouts will n!so grow, which will ."Lave I ) be triin;;'j J oirtverv m.asuu. Hon . iu.ccft covet iajrtiGO wound with paint or . iV:i;: : but. evcirv ikiiner does not nlwnvs have these matorials nt hand, and in Juiie he.d'Ta not need them." Tub STJKFLcrnu. The sunflower is "iM'f il fur r.wr purposes. There is no need tint cbickul: will fatteu on so quick as that of the pi:i. dower. It will speedily cure colda, coughs and cramps. It is tho best thing ever fed to horses to give their hair a bright ar d glossy appearance ; and .given to a foundered horse will give imme d'.a'C relict. Give a horse a tmall handful at each feed'-ug, and he will never founder. The stalk also i makes a very good substi tute fjr bean pii'. s while crowing. .Use juilgittinl in selertiug your assort 'ivint of Uower-ceed, and secure a succt-s-ion of bloom nd a variety pf colors throughout the season. A large admixture oT white lloer;s is very deisirable for bo nnets. , 't'i.9 whito Verbenas, Petunias, Carnations, Candytuft aud Alyssum are Very desii-alilu for small boquets. I! icnpcs, KuriJAitrt Trit. Prepare the stalks by pc.'ing olf tho thin, reddish skin, and cut tins; in half or tlirac-quaiter-iuch pieces, which spread tvnly iu your crust-lined tins. Sift on a little llour, V which add a bit of butter and a teacip of sttar, if for ft lnrge pie. However, when it is desirable to economize sugar, or whn a very sharp, sour taste is not relished, a pinch of soda may be U3ed to udvautage, with less sugar, as it grcs fir toward neutralizing the acid. (We would here add : save nil yoni sur plus pic-plant, prepare us for use, and dry in tho sun, as stove-heal turns it dark-colored. ' Soak and tL v for wUtor use, nith sugar aud soda n.s abovo for pies. ,It makes also a nice sauce for tea.) LliMOJf I'll-;. Take two leuions, fouf eggs, two spooufuls mclled butter, eight epoonfult SMar ; hfptei'zo tho juice of both iuinons, and grate the rind of one. Stir t j;eLlu:r tho yolks, sugar, butler, juice and rind. Cover a plala with pastry, pour tho mixture In, aud hake till crust is done. Then beat tha whites of the rgs to a stiff froth, Btit into it four spoonfuls sugar, put It ou the pie, and feet it back into the oven for a delicato browning. Tiiis is for two common-sized pies. 11am Toast. Chop soma lean ham, put in ft pan with a little pepper, a lump of but? ter aud two eggs beaten ; when heated through, spread it ou buttered toast and serve hot. To Kn;p Hams in Summer. Cut in olicesnr.d trim oil' the rind aud outside; fry it about half as much a you would fot the table. Pack it tightly in jars ; pour over it tho fat that has been fried out of it, close tho jar light, set it iu a cool place, and when used, give it a second frying before crviug up. 'KvKnY-DAY" Pudding. Half a loaf of stale bread soaked in a quart of milk; four eggs four tablespooululs of Hour ; a little fruit, dried or fresh, is a great addi tion. Steam or boil three-fourths of an hour. Serve with the following sauce. Fish Fbitteus. Take the remains of any fish which lias been served the preced lu2 day, remove all tho bones, roll or mash H well. Mix together half a teacupful of tweet cream wttu iwo wuii-oeatcu eggs, anchovy sauce and pepper ; add bread crumbs and mushec potatoes equal quan tities enough to make a proper consisten cy, cut or mould into small cake and fry ia butter or lard. . Lkmok FOB A Couon. Roast the lemon very carefully without burning it ; when it is hot, cut and squeeze into a cup upon three ounces of sugar, finely powdered. Take a spoonful when ever your cough troubles you.- It is good and agreeable to the UU, ltarcly liaa it beeiv kovwo to Jail of givtag rW. Crrancl Spring Opening AT s. HERZFELDER'S Popular, Clothing Store, Corner Market and Third Streets, ! " SUNBURY, PENN'A. Now on hand iyid fect-rlng au enormotu RBsortmcut of SPRING GOODS. 500 Business anil Working Coats, t 400 Dress Pants and Vests, 500 Business and Working Suits, ITS ail CAPS or IN i I . A grand assortment In this llnc.'iiiclndlne nil tlia very luteal Spring Stylet. BOYS HATS AND CAPS. Tko Largest Assortment Iu thia line, to Ci.Heo from 75e np. White Dress Shirts fi-om tt.00 up. Ajjenr-T Tor the Celcbralfil QL'AKEP, CITY un ECLIFSK FINK DRESS SHIRTS, pvcrv one of whlili is guaranteed n perfect fit. SHIRT IJOSO.MS, &c. Gents' Spring and Summer Umlerware. 500 Overalls arid Oversliirts ; made to order. Onlv thi best m.iterlal used Hud well sewed. 1 I Trunks, Valises, Satchels, Umbrellas, Walking Canes, ! nr.d numerous other articlos. All the above goods will be offered at i Buying only of the largest and most reliable Hemsrs, and for CASH only, and doing ! bv fir the largest business in ray lino in this part of tho country, I am enabled to sell i liUTTKB ARTICLES at j Lower P2?S i than any of my competitors here or else w here. ' j Call at the Larg? and Beautiful Store Konm, . Corner Market and Third Streets, Sunbury, March 2S, 1872. ly. or SPBI 3ST Or GOODS AT Clement & Dissinger's, la the now C lement, ?Iarlet Simrs Suiilmrj, Pn. We take pleasure In aMiounciug that wc have j Jti?t opened a new n; soitmcnt of j SPRING DRY GOODS, of all ftyles at Uic lnwc.i't prlees. DOLLY VAItDEX, still raging in new and beautiful ilmlirns. nr. ess coons, mockmnc; c;oons, CLOTHS, CASfclMKUES, VE9TING8, Ac., Ac. I ltoalj-.lale ( lotiiing, j a full (lEsnrtmer.t, which will he sola lower tlian elecwlK-re. C'rii't9, Oilt lotltH niul Fioor Slat liiig. gkocFhiks of all klmlp, which arc gnarantectl nil fresh. qV K E NSWAU E, AVILLO W W ARK, &C, &C, &.C. 'JSZ "SO ."EL M 9 TH1M MINGS, (ihOVES, an I in fact everylhinjf thut eanrbc meullonfil Iu a tlrft-elasa ttoie. Call ami examiae our stock. Hating our Store lighted with lias, can tie sc'lreiaU In lii evening n wen us iu me uay uiuc, No cliurea iV.r alirr.Vtny fjxiodfi. ,. CLEMENT & PIS9INGER. - FA1TCY SILK GOODS, ED) GLOYES, K SV f!i 361 BROADWAY, HEW YORK, Importers ll t Jobbers nf CoriEto Mm Grain Elites. IN ALL C0L03S WO WIDTHS, TUQOima AND S01I33T SSXi TUEaTJOISS ani VELOUIiS, English Crapes, Crenaciincs, Tl8uos, Laces, glngs, white corros Tauinixusi, NECK TIES. DRESS BUTTONS, K. March 80, 18T3.-2ra. ' '. , A 1'HOFITAni.F. ni'SINEKH. LIGHT EQUAL TO OAS, AT ONE-CIGHTH THF. COST I CaatitH be exploded. No chimney or wick used. - t Men desiring Profitable Bus!nct, can ifeun the exclusita ii(ht for the sal of Dyotl's Patent Carbon Out I.llit limners and OU, for Ccuntiei aud Hiatus. Writ for Information or call on M. B. DVOTT, No. 114 Bouth Second Street, Pbila., Pa. N. B.Churche furnished with Chundslisrs and Lamp of every description, 25 per eeut. cheaper U.sva at any oilier ciubllahnisui in tU I Murch M, 1871-to. mm mm ie-r-i. irfW.Mk ii A large variety of be found outside the large cities WW am A li l , No. D02 Chestnut Street, PhiladolphiH, ! ririLAni-LPiiiA. ; MESSRS. I 'Al.mVFU. A CO., DESIRE TO ! CALL KSl'ECIAL ATTENTION TO TIIEllt HI",, i l'AUTM F.NT OK SOLID S1LVF.K WATCHES. I POSSESS Nti Sfl'KIUOlt FACILITIES '1 HEY I WILL BE ENAl'.LI-.l) i'O PLACE I'.EFOItE i , CI STOMEHS. IN ADVANCE OF THE tiENE- ! KAL MAItKET. ALL THE NOVELTIES AND 1M 1'HOVEM ENTS IN SILVEI! HOODS AS I! . 1 P1DLY AS PltODl CED. VERY I'AKTK L LAU ! ATTENTION lSKINti GIVEN TO THE SI'E- i C1ATIES OF nP.IDAL AND OTHER l'KESEN- i ; TATION GIFTS. ! THE STANDARD OF SILVFIi LONG SINCE i ADOPTED BY 1 II EM IS THAT OF ENGLISH I SI KKI.l.Mi, r.KKltlTiis FINE, THE Ol ALITY OF EVERY ARTICLE SOLD BEING STRICT LY GUARANTEED. ATTENTION IS RESPECTFl'LLY DIRECT- I ED TO THE I NVARYING BUSINESS POLICY I OF THIS HOUSE IN REGARD TO THE FIRM- LY ESTABLISHED SYSTEM OF FIXED PRICES, WHICH WILL -BE RIGIDLY AD HERED TO IN ALL CASES. SECURING TO PURCHASERS, FAIRNESS AND EQUALITY I 1.1 tl Mil 111AIMI 1IIJ. POLITE ATTENTION MAY BE EXPECTED BY ALL WHO FAVOR THEM WITH A VISIT. ORDERS AND INQUIRIES BY MAIL, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. J. K. ( AMMH I I, A CO. Feb. 10, 1K7-,'. G ITII ACTl AT? A. ItlTflTi" A' f'fl , X. V., 6CCCESSOHS TO MISKEY, MEUHILL & TIIACKARA, MANCEAC'TLUEKS OK GAS FIXTUItES, UIJOXZES, &.'., c, (luindrlicrs). lVudaufN, VrufketM, Vr !' would respectfully Invite the attention of pur chasers to our elegant assortment. WHOLESALE AND KETAI1, SALESROOMS. 71 liostnutStrcot. MANCFACTORT, j(i2, 404,400 AND 108 RACK 1..1. I . Aug. 19, 1871. THE GREAT CAUSE J or HUMAN MISERY. Just Published, iu a Sealed Envelope. Price, six cunts. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, aud Radical Kure of Seminal Weakness, or Sperma torrhoea, induced by uiul Iinprdlinciita to Mar rlac;o generally i Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits i Mental and Phvsicnl Incapacity, He. By By ROIJ. J. CLLVEUWELL, M. D., author of the "Groen Book," etc. The World-renowned author, tn this admirable Lecture, clearly proves troin his own experience that irsuwlul consequences of Self-Abuse mav be efliiotualiy removed without medlcino aud without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials, poiutlug ouc a mode of cur at once eertaiu and ettvcmul, by which every sufferer, no matter what bis condi tion may be, may cure himself cheaply, tirivute- My, aud radically. This lecture will prove a boou to luousanus aud thousands. Seut, uudcr seal, lu a uiiilu euvtloiw, to any address, on receipt of six ceuls, or two postage stamps, by addressing the publisher. Also, Dr. C U LV EK W ELL'a 'Marriage G ulde. Price li5 cent. Address the Publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE i CO., P. O. Box, 4,5S1. 187 Bowery, New York. April 27, isa. j WASHINGTON HOI KE, C. KEFF, Proprietor, Corner of Market A Second Ft reels, opposite Ik Court Uouas, Sunbury, P. MayJS.'TO. l&ttlhmttmo. . Vlnpffitr ttltiers re not vile Fanrr Drink, m4 ft( Poor Rum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits and Refuse Liquors, doctored, spiced, rid tweetened to ple the uste, called Tonics." "Apitizer," " Restorers," ftc, that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made from the native roots and herbs of Cali fornia, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They are the Great Blood Purifier and a 1-ife-piving Principle, a Per fect Renovator and Invigorator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter, and restoring the blood to a healthy condition, enriching it, refreshing and invigorating bath mind and body. They are easy of administration, prompt in their action, certain in their results, safe and reliable in all forms of disease. No Person can take tneao nittrra accord ing to directions, and remain Ion unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed bv mineral poison or other mean. aim the vital organs waste l bevond tne point 01 repair. iysiicpla or IndleMion. Headache, Pain j m the Shoulders, Coughs. Tightness of the Cheat, Dizii- 1 ne. Sour Fructationsof the Stomach, Had Taste in the j Mouth, Bilious AMacks, Palpitation of the Heart, In flammation of the Lmiki, pain in-the regions of the Kid- ! ne ys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the off- j springs of Dyspepsia. In these complaints it has no j equal, and one bottle will prove a better guarantee of its . merits than a lenftthy advrtiment. j For Female) Complaint in young oroM, mar tied or singlo, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Uittet s display so decided an influence j that a marked improvement. i n rrrp.,lt. i lor Inflammatory and i'lironle Rheii matiim and Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, liilious. Remittent and Intermittent r'evera, Diseases of the Hlood, I.iver, Kidnevs and ftladtlcr, these Uittere hive ben most successful- Such Disenses pre canted by Vitiated lilood, which is generally produced by derangement of the Di- ! gective Organs. - ' The- aro a Gentle Purffatlre aa well a a Tonic possersin; also ihe peculnr merit of acting as a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, and in llilious Diseases. For Skin Dliraacs Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Uiotches, Spots, pimple., Pustules Hoi Is, Car buncles, Ring-worms, Scald-Head. Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs Discoloration cf the Skin, Humors ana Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out tf the system in a short time by the use of these Hitters. One bottle in such cases will ronvince the most incredulous of their curative effects. Cleans the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities burst ins; through the skin in Pimples hruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it t ob structed and sluggish tn the veins; cleanse it when it is foul; your feelings will teit you when. Keep the blood pure, aud the health of the nystein nil) follow. Orate fnl thousands proclaim Vinegar Bit tors the most wonderful lnvigorant that ever sustained the sinking svstem. Pint Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the system of so maiy thousands, are etiectually destroved and removed. Says a distinguished physiologist : There is scarcely an individual upon the face oi the earth whose body is exempt from the presence of worms. It is not upon the heahhv elements of the body that worms exist, but upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these living monsters of disease. No system of Medicine, no vermifuges no anthelmintics will free the system fiom worms like these Hitters. ' Mechanical Diseases. Persons engaged in Paints aud Minerals, such as Plumbers Type setters, Gold beaters aud Miners as they advance in life, will be ibject to paralvsis of the Howda. To gnaid against this take a dose of Walker's Vikbxak Hittkks once or twice a week, as a Preventive. llilious. Remittent, and Intermittent Fevers, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our Sreat rivers throughout the United States, especially lose of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois Ten nessee, Cumleihwd. Arkansas. Red, Colorado, Hraros Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah,Roanoke, James And many others with their vast tributaries, throughout our entiie country during the Summer and Autumn, aud remarkably so during seasons of unusual heat and dryness aio invariably accompanied by exten sive derangement. of the stomach and liver, ami other abdominal viscera. There are always more or leas ob structions of the liver, a weakness and irritable state of the stomach, and great torpor ot me uoweis, Deing clogged up with itiated accumulation. Iu their treat ment, a purgattv, exeitinjj a powerful inttucm-e upon these various organs, i-i essentially necessary. There is no cathartic fr the purpose equal o Dr. J. Walkbk's Vinruar HiTTr.Rs, a they will specdi'y remove the dark-colored vised matter with which Ihe bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions cf the digestive orpins. terofnln, or Kind's I'vll, White Swellings, Ulcers, I--ysii.elas, Swelled Neck, Goiter, Scrofulous IiitUmmatioiis Indolent Inflammations Mercurial Af fections, Old Sores k-riiption, of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc. In these, as in all other toustitulioiial Diseases Wai.krk's Vinkqar JtiTTKKS have shown their great curative poweis in the mott obstinate aud intractable cases. Dr. Walker California Vinegar Hit ters act on ail these cases in a Mtniiar manner. Hy nuri Tying the lilood they remove the cause, and by resolving away the ejects of tha inflammation (the tubercular deposits) the alTecttd parts reeeiv: health, and a pctmaiieut cure is etTected. The pt'oncrtlcs of Dti. Waikrh's Vivkiar IllTiRRS nre Aperient, Diaphoretic and Canninativo, Nuir. lions I.axitive, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter Irrit.kut, Su ir-riiic, A leiative, and Anii-ltil.ous. The Aperient and mild Laxative properties of Dit. Walker's Vinkcsr 1'ittlrs are t!ie best safe cutd in all cases of eruptions ai d malignant fevers their balsamic, healing, and roothing properties protect the humors of the tauces. Their Sedativa properties allay am in the nervous svatcui, toincti, and bowem, euner torn intlanimjtiou, w.iul, cic, cramps, etc. Their Counter-Irritant influence extends throughout the system. 'I'heir Dmictic properties act on the K'dneys, correcting and regulating the tWw urine. 'I'heir Anti-Hilious properties stuuulatt: the liver, iu the ccretion oi bile, and its dibch.ires throuji the biliary durts and are suuerior to ail a-;eiKs l1' the cure ot Hilious Fever, Kever and A'ue, etc, 1 Fortify the body against dleae by pud ! fying all us fluids with Vinkgam Hitters No epidemic j -ati take hold of a system thus forearmed. I he liver, tha stomach, the bowels, the kidneys and the uerves are I rendered disease-proof by this great invigorant. ' Tho Kdlracf of Ir. Wai.kir's Vinfcar Bit f, in Chronic Dyspepsia, r cvers Nervotts Disorders I Cnusiipation, dnhciency of vital power, and ail maladies I affecting the stomaca, liver, bowels, pulmonary organs, ior muscular system, ha butn experienced by hundreds iif thousands and hu mired oJ thuMinds more are a.k ing for the same relief. I Directions. Take of the Hitters on going to bed I at nt'ht from a hall to one and one-hslf wiiie-glaast'ull. I Eat good nourihhing food, such as beeisteak, mutton 1 chop, venison, ina beet, and vegetables and take out door eterci&e. 1'hey are composed ci pureiy vegetable ingredients and contain no o.r;is. WAI.KKk, Piop r. lt.lI.McDOKArDot.rt., Druggists and den As is-, San i'rannscK, CJ., ard corner of Waahington and Clurlion St., New Voik. SOLD HY ALL liKUGGISTS AND DEALf.KS. March SO, 1K;j.-3m. THADD'S S. SHANNON, THIRD AND MARKET SQITARE, I "a In stock ami constantly receiving Novelties , , h ljn)1) cousistini; In pMrt of a lull line of AJIEKICW WATMIKN, Eliflu, Illinois, Howard A Co., Walthain, Mas sachusetts, and Hoy's AMEUK'AN WATCHES j Also, a full set of Ladies, and Gent's Uold and Silver bwiss Watches. ! JEW ELEY. Roman GolJ sets, iuk coral aud tiold set, j Ear-Kings, Necklaces and Pendants, Ouyx and Jet Jewelrv. SILVER-WARE, Solid Silver-ware of BterlluK puriU, made to or der, itridiil and Presentation Piecee, Kuives, Forks and B).Mons In cases, also, a full line of Pilver Plated (ioods, Tea Sets, lee Water Sets, Eililt Ktauds. Caka Baskets, toll'cc Urns. Forks ' and fiiioons treble plated, the best In the market. K Ih' 'Til' If yon value your Eyesight, use tha Perfect Lenses, ground from minute CrUtle Pebble mel ted together, and derive there name "Diamond" on account of there hardness and brilliancy. They will last many years without change, and warranted Superior to all pthers in use. TABLE CUTLERY. Ivory, Pearl and Metal haudles in case sup plied to order. CLOCKS. A full assortment of Fight day and Thirty hour Clocks, also Calender Clock ot all descrip tions. iCuKruviuir doue nt thesnorlcsi notice. Watcaes, Clock and Jewelry, Repaired aud Satisfaction warranted. All goods will be sold at tho very Lowest Cash Prices. Every body Is cordially Invited toCall and Exaiulue for themselves. , Don't torget Ihe place. - T. 8. SHANNON. guuburyDec.10, tf. OMI'FRET MANOR CEMETERY COM I'A NY. This rompany Is now prepared to tell lot In the new Cciuetury, located on au emlneuee about one-fourth of a mile east of Sunbury. The In crease of the population of Sunbury, and conse quent advance iu the ratio of mortality, as well a the limited faullllle far the Interment of those who have fought life' battle, have su'ested the oriranlzatlou of the above named company. Plan of Cemetery may be eeu at the oluce or J. A. Cake, tail., or Lloyd T. Kohrbacu. Price of lot from ti to $15, according to loca tion. Deed will be executed for lota (old. LLOYD T. ROIIRBACII, Sec'y. Hljll, 187l.-tf. IKlsccUatwons. R. R. R. RAOVAY'S READY BELIEF I'UKKH TUB WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after readlnff this lvrtlemfTit nnod any ona fcfr'rfcK WITH FAIN. n.VDWAT RKAPV TlKLtEK 13 A CTJRB TOK RVVltY TAIN. Tt wm the first and 1j mm Only 1'aln lltmecly that hurt twit if the mist eorarlntlti)t pains all sys In fl-imm niton. And eurt-s ''onrtlons whnher of tlie limits Rtoruacb, Dowels, r other ginds or ergAQs, by one apptka FROM OXR Tf TWIHTT MT7TTJTCS. WKHTT M I.1UTE8. ICMIKK Ilia pal tlt BHKTT rippled, Aarvoua, NVQralto, Mffcr, Ki matter how violent or ciornetfit'ru MATH', Tletl-rliltlen, lnnrm, C'rlj or urontifttra wlih dtwnse muy pmi RADWAY S READY RELIEF WILL AFF011D 1NST1T F.ASK. 1'xFI.AMMATION OF TUB KIHNHYM. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER INFLAMMATION OK THE 1IOWRLH. rONOKBTMlN OF THE LVNQ8. SOI1E TIII'.OAT, DIFFU'l'l.T HKSATH1NCL TALl'ITATION OK TUB YlEART. jiYSTEni!.', cnovr, DiriirnF.iiiA. CATAUIUI, INFLUENZA. IIZADACIlB, TOOTIIA' nF.. tIKUlUl.r.lA, RIIFUMATIBSI. COLD rniLt.B. AOHE ('1111.1.8. Ttie ,(i)licu It. i o( the Kmilv Rellor to t!i pnrt or rvT(n whti-o Itiu nlti or (llmculty cltvts nlU ftlTonl duo uid C'dufnrt. TwoitT difM tn Ii(!f InrrMcf of w(r U1 In . fw inninciidi cur.' CRAMPS. hFASMIj, S'H'U BTOMAOH, HEAItTmHV, HICK IIFADAOIIK, DIAKIIHKA, KYtlCN rKItV. C'OI.IC, IN TUB BUWELB, Mid rll INTKIINAL I'AINH. Ilt'udy Hcllef 'i(ll ttieni. A ftw lrop. In water will I iTvcti f.r rmlnrt frr.m cli:i!ipe 'f WRtr. 11 1 b.llvr !.A!i Pr.'iicJi It. i-:ilv 'ir lll'.tcr.i iy h silinulaiit. FF,V Kit AWD AUIV. rKVrit AM' A'(l i: vitv.l f0f fifty t. Ti. la not a i.'im, ap.?i.t In IM witrhl lh;l will cur 1'frr add Ae"', m. (I nil rtlur iii'iwrus, IMllom. Scailil, TW'hoUI, lcllu. and ..Ih.T Fi'ur. (nMil by I'.AOW AV'S PILLS) i irr-'k I'.AIiW'AY'S KF ALil KKI.ILI'. Filly eouta fii''i.;j. :.. l- DrucUla. HEALTH !BEAUTY!! tr.oMi a Nil rviiR men in.oon-iNciiF.ASf: nt- H.i'"ll AMI WKKlHT-J'I.BAIl BKIN ANl EtAU TIF I" L lOMrj.EXlO.N bKI'LKKU TO ALL. DR. RAD WAY'S SARSAPARILUAN RESOLVENT IM VAIi: Tin: MufT AT"NlsIIfl cI'RES: so (JI'ICK. KO li.Vl'IH AI'.K TIIK CHANGES TUB 11'lIiV VMlF.r.'iOKH, rsTlKli TIIK JUI.CKNl li "F TlilK 'lHl'I.V WOSOKtil CI. ilEIUiJINE, THAT Cvoi'y Day r.n lnoroin.3 In Flesh rnel Velnit la Sosn and Fett. THE CREA T BLOOD PURIFIER. J'.varv dinp if la S Ui M' A R I i.t.I A M RKSilI.V EVV -mu'U'.it. a lid Mij'i liu Hl" i l, I : : Int. and otli'.r r-il Uucd Juic -.1 nf tli.: r.vtu- -i Hi vitfi.'r t.t I f .'. f..r it n. tilis (ti wit.' cf t' I Im.'v wltlt 111. v a .1 a.i'1'nl li!:it'Tl:il. Sifofiila, H .!ill ('.iTH intiiU 'ti, (il.'iiiiu;ar di.rnai, l.lcjts In the Tlnrnt, Mr. itli, Ta i. N l.'i li ti.r OatnW rM el'.T rinrtiif ll.e py'-ni. Son: I'-''.', r'tfiliio. 1 'hch-'i-K. 1 fifin 111" Frs. ai l I'limsof Kiti diaftiKS. Ktnv tluns. Ftvfrr Siroii, B.-ul.l Ili-ftl. tin. f v'nn.'1 f.i'i litv i.i:4 KrVHl).l i, A.'iio. idm-k Sp'.M. Vi.n.. i li tlm Mc(.lt. Tun.i.i', (Vi'iCT4 l'i tha Wi.mli, nml nil vri'ukci.lnc and tntr.ful il'.n v'lrpi. ,'iil.t SwiH. 1 1 of Si'ifin, and all victfai f ll.e .fe u'tlo. wlt'iin 111 t i ;--;ith i:inga f.f tli'n .i.iWr iT M"doni Clii iiiliitrv. n:i.l f.-v l..vV n.-n will r've ti ii'iv itirtii ii'hix i Tir ctlivr tf ti.vrw t'liitiiaof dlaeuso ft i'i'nt nwrl'i i-ur i llu'iii. If thfi Diitlem. d .llv t'tiM.!..lii rdni'f''. Ir llic iritw at.d d. cnnit.niHI'.'i lti:.t li!y r ' i.rruMt'if. anreci.di In i.i r.tiii.' lh(.. mid . mi I rri'y :i t'i &11H.L' v li ti-'H In.itffr i il run. fioiii 1.5 1 1 ! i y l,...,d- .i.d tLj PAHS Al'A IU (. 1,1 N will aii-l il..v i. "H .; .Not onlv i!.i. Hi.- Miiirin'Uu;: r.rit.vrNT exiM nil ii ncriita I i t'. 1 1: f t'lu"iilr, Siri.fn.'ia, i 0'i-tiMitio-i.i', n::d j K in clc:uc i t but 11 blUet'iily i..alttvu c iro f...' tii5n y (X Biaciilct CoinpluSnts rrinirv. r-.1 V.'"ti''i'.., Ci'v.'l, J iLil.ilr.. rirf.p.y t'.l ipi..ii; I't V:, lei-. !:-r lit iii"u..-i i f 1'rinc, llilf.l'a Il'n u' 5. iM'- iiiii'i'tr'A, ami In a i r'.fi w i.i ro tli" ri hvo Irlr'nlnl d j.nOtH. i.r I'..' water It tiilclt, cl' ii.l.', i.,Ki.l with a'll tunc, a l.'e ll.v wl.sto cf nil i (:r . ..r t ,ir. 1i IUo wh'.tt! a;'.k. or tKcro 1-. a tii.iil.'.l, -l:irk. l.ri-.l.s n;i;.v:ir'.ri:, ami wlilta boitf ' ik'P')!l.. no. I win-1 tlirie n picking, liurnlt-r r ni'itloil l.'Mi i.r--lri wilti-r. ii'.J v :ln I.i ll.u .i.:l.i at l!ii ItA'i a;it r.l.i'i tl" I .-.'in. l'i !ci', f i WOSMS.-TM or.!;- !-riin and sure Remedy for 1! o''. -V'i.i, l ij'f, tW. TiiiJUH ot" 1 J YcnrM' fJvowtli Ctsrivl by Ititlw:vrft KcIvci:t. I'.i cntT. M viM Jnlv H. 136. Tn. ri"iV!' I Hva liif fMrini l'1-.f.r hi f .''fT,f. i v.-l 1 .-.!.. All ih I l- r. "i.l " tli-'f.' r . f -r It." I U'J t.rv (Ml. ttial wfli r".".'niii.'Ti.H ; I" 1 n. A'. !pj inp. I .air i' I;. . ... . -.1. Mi.l I' a t 1 M 11; t it InJ n. fii.H In It. U'i .. 1 li'l lot:, .I iw-ua w.-4. I t-.-.k i: 1.1-ttlW f 1' 1 .. t."l. "...i ..- b. f lU'l .dy't I'.Mt, a'lt two t.'liUi yui.r l...!s H.lirf: HnH tl.er4 il H ( 'iln -f In on r 14 t imn fr 'frit, . ..I I I. 1 I'. iUr. iintr. toi l 'r t.M.t 1 1 ai r f.n li!i y.tri. 1 3 .nl I4....r w i.i t'.-; 1- lt i In nt t): ln'i. 1", t-vr tl.a cili I rl; 1'iU tj you fvr tin baualit t-f eilitr.. 1 .-i ran i til l: h tt if n 4.M '.s HANNAH rASAIT. OR, RADWAY'S rUBGATiVE TILLS, p lftcJly (nMrli tVpHHily cv'tvl r It Tt ewfet (run, pnrpe ., r'-M'-. Mil ti retii:' lirii, li.itl 'nv l'i.! :.!! r ili-j .Muni"!.. J.Wtr, Bt-wcU it (i.r rf K .! )tftp4, I.e.ii' V l.c, CiitiW!''!.- ! tiit- llcwv'-, fiicii, tihii hll Du .1 VVviv. Wi.rnir,t.-.l to fllt.t I -!!cm Jrii'.if-'t.i l', r it::i',i") iU"i. " . ,.r Ih-. t ,'(-..: f.tilv V. "r ''( 'riM'! "i if; ( . - I.r f I'-... I , i -if f.i2 Pi.-'lv.. Cits.: ' tf'i tc f'nni Di.v r.i ff Of r'(v4 In IW l!v.M iiirn. Kuil lr.-.d. t...rrtJ J Me-. - ti ii - (' t . f ; I . -i I '.irf P . 1 (n.nrt ft ln. lMf Of irt.l. . Od.l IVlt I't u 'i (If ii'4. iVrfciro. )ilu.i if it Hi n r.r.i lt, Pin t tt.t l. mi. i 4- .'al i I rf !Urij i-aruliff In Ui '" 1-, i;!n t, A f. i ti f,.., rot re JVut, 3$ vents -r po. ii. :i i. TM.. ii KK i V ai.s; .', Mi ttt i; BALIS Tin; iNoiii.nir.NTs tm t f'OVI'l)?!'', l;o l -j urn i'tl.i-!'c.l i 11 eve y p .i l.:iL'- ,1' "i -t'nrc it is i 't a r.t p ; .;a im, coiis.;q-iciil ly jniYiiuiAx.i i i;e-c kiiii: it litis a crltiin euro It.r cmtiila, ISyphilii in nil i i H ft rina, I'. Iicumi jtism, .Skin Disi.aacs, I.iver Cuin- !p!:tillt Llld Itil (llMUblS of t c l!h.od. ! oi;r ro:Ti3 c? z:z&-::: vW t'o ir.n"o (,'imhI '.!ian ten l.ntlli'S jo( :firj ,Sr:tpH of .Stra.ipiriiia. 1HZ UNSiasiOHEO PHVS1CIANQ have. i!e.l !1ii-uli.l.a i tlit-irprnelicc tor t'.ie pit inn c years and I cl cni'.irso il ns a rdml.Iu AI'.iTi.tiie and lllootl I'urificr. 'i::t. r. i:.i !'i;m,i.( raiiinn m. iini. i . J. li v Kl:, ,IIH. !(. W. i'A Itil. ' llll V. O JANN1.I.I.V. " OU J S. Sl'AHKS oi ..c!ii.Usl!!o, 1 Ky. .DH. J. I.. McCAI.TilA. Culuaibia, ; S. f. iH. a. ii. soiii.r.s, it.'.i. -ui-.iv,, :.. c. U.SLD AD r.SD0r.LP BY 'J. ft. I'H'.N. U J: Mii, Kill liiver, :P. W. SMITH. J.,rl.s.-n. Vii Ii. 'a. r. win i.i.r.i. Li, i hi.). H. II.M I., Uim Ollln. I IIAV I'N A ( il.. ;,.r.!i.M ille. V. SiVI'I . (i. M .DiUN, Mu.-rrrcv j l.u.ii, Ti'iuu t Our pparo will iwtl of my ex. lr.iJtJ ri'iiiAiia iu ri-Uiii.n to ll.e jvirl'ii'lul I'.inaJ.dis. Tut he !.( ii. a Pn.Vi "Fion m puari.n'e 4 Flunl 1 -! Inu I a'.ijicrior l'i any I lii'y iiai nrr 'littMl iri tlio t-va indil' i f dlcaacil Hlnnil ; iin.l in I iu- alil.le-l a.t y try )Ko..i.:lib aii-i y. ii .i'.l he rfftoiu-i ;ioiiciini Uul i.ill. ii kt.l I v til Enif i;ills, lie. Al-'l.-J ' pri,t 5 l.Ov' IJVJ' I: Marvfoetuiittij C!.rn.i.-U, V. :.T-.iozit. Vn July : , 1871. -iy- WM. YU'RHAY. t. 81 ATMAKr.K. VII, B. BL1CK. MURRAY & CO., holesale Dealer In MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, Olllce and School Stationery, I'riutlug, Wrapping aud Manilla PAPERS, PAPER BAlaM, Af., 4c. The Culcbritted , Corry Kerosene lturningOil always ou hand. Having also opened COAL YARD, we are prepared to supply at short notice, and at the lowest rate, EGG, STOVE, CHESTNUT and PEA COAL - to all who may be pleased to give cell. Order left at our olUee No. S6 South Third St., will be promptly filled. MUKRAV & CO. -No. 85 Bouts Third Btrctt, Banbury, P. lag. , 1671. j March SO, 13T3.-Iy. 1 13 no jaLfcUDA pturafcrtnrcrs. MACHINE SHOP AND moft FOUNDRY. GEO. ROIIRBACII A 80N9, Mnnbary, I'pnn'a, INFORM the fiuMIe Mint Miey nre prepared to do all kind, of CABTINttS, Btid hnvlnir nio& new Machlna Bliop In connection with tlicir found ry, and liave luppllcd thctnaclvna with New Lnthcii, PlanlnR and Dorlng Mnchlncn, with the Intent improvement. With the aid of nkllirnl mechanics, they are enabled to execute nil orders Of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, Mint mny be gWen them, In a latlefactory man ner. i.r .!) to unit any Ktovc. IRON COLUMNS, for churchce or other build ings, or all alfci. '- BRABS CAPTINGS, e. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE TARD I.OT8 ) VERANDAHS, FOR YAIIDB AT RESIDENCES, AC, &C. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been still further Improved, and will nlwaye lie kept on hnntl. Also, T11REP1I1NG MACHINES. Biinhnry. May gf, IS71. Third Street, adjoining Phlln. Eric R. R., two Bqunres North of the Central Hotel, BUNBI RY, PA. IRA T. CLEMENT, IS prepared to furnish every description of !uin. . ber re?iilrrd by the demands of tho public. Ilnving all the latcet Improved machinery for manufacturing Lunbcr, he is now ready to nil or ders f all kinds of i FJ.OORINO, BltHNO, I)OORf, SHUTTERS, 8ABII, RI.INPS MOULDINGS, VF KAN DAS, URACKETSI, it nd h'.I kinds of Oruauicntul Scrowl Work. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Alto, k I.ARCiK ASSOKTMI'.NT OP HILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Alo, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, Ac. i Orders promptly tilled, and shipped bv Railroad or otherwise. 1UA T. CLEMENT. dfcl!t-lH:ly I '"c.'lKKlVwK JI A X 1" FACTOR V, SLMUJltY, PENN'A. J. S. SEASHOLTZ, "ViruULD rcsi-ctfiilly nntiouncc tn the titl T V 'ns of Smiliury niul siirrouiiding country, that ho is prepared to" manufacture all styles of ('tirrlaRCM, 11 iifglesj, Ac, nt his ne'v sli.ip on east Market street. He will furnish every description of Wagous, buth Iain and Fancy. In short, will make everything in his line fioin a lin-t-cluts carriaire to a wheelbarrow, w iiiaiitoil ' to be made of th best ami mot durable niateri ' uls. nn.l by the most experienced workmen. All j work sent out from his establishment will be found reliable in every particular. I The patronage ol the public is solicited, i J. S. SEASHOLTZ. Sunbury, Nov. 4, '71. -ly. j nt'oyi-: .v tin i;sr.itMsiun::iT. I MARKET STREET, BUNP.URY, PA. AI.FKKI KUAl. SE, rroiuit tor. sLCCr.SSOIl TO BMITIt flKNTIll'.ll. n A VINO purchased the above well Utinnii ci . tablif-hinenl. Mr. KrniiKo notild ri'Spcctfnl ly intorm the public that lie now has on hnuil a lnr;;c, assortment of t; O O K I X (i S T O V K s , Spccr's Cock Anti-Ditt, Uonulntoror Kevulvini; To", Combination, Kusiitiehanna snd others. I which are to anantred ns In be used fur Coal or i Wood, aud are warrant" 1 to perforin sutisfactnil j ly or no sale. HEATEIiS ol till kimls put up to I licat one or more rooms. HEATlNlt bTOVES j of diircrcnt kinds nt very low pricis. j Tlnwnrc of Every IJesfrijaHon ; !" t emVltiiitly on hand. Roollmr "liJ t?pintinr : h 'hIi i Ik- I.o.-t lii.uoiial, ilnuo at shor' tht REl'A IKI N(i a' tended to Willi uli.jvt tl:. v'-ie.l Oll,uJ i.ampF c(ni-:tniil.!y ou hand. Jiiptiu ware of a x.nili. Sturc opposite Conlcy's leiiiiwuru 'More, (iive tne a call. A. KHAl'bl'. ; aol:!4-jy j M'XXYSIOE IIE VTI'.K. Si'Snvsidi: at Stat r Fair. Hu. ; TiVkiHE Firt premium for Fire place Hiuia awarded the Simvi.ire. j AdvaiitiiL'is f the Snunysidc : I 1. It is so constructed that one thlr.l mor of the rmliatini: surface exteinls into the mom, giv- ing Unit much more additional heat without ex tra fuel. 2. It is the only IIot-.Mr Firo-p'n''e Heater In j the market. Like the regular buiit cc.lla; heater, ' It loses no lieut, but eouliucs il all to its iegitl ! purposes. H. The fuel magazine Is double the nsn.i! t-iz, extending from t lie tire box to the top of the stove, Willi capacity for twenty four hours' sup . ply of coiil. i 4. The patent double cover for coal niiijir.lne consumes the gas, prevents escape of pas Into (lie i-iiiiiii. and inaWpa It iinimaHlb'e for lltiv mil' I ' lings or csploalons to occur. This in an aiivant- I at;e possessed bv no other lire-place stove In the market. There are three air ceamber?, n herein : brisk circulation is kept up. drawing the cold air ' In the room through heated Hues into a lnrtre hot-air reservoir, nt the back of the stove. I 0 No side pipes are nscd, as the air Is heated ' In a reservoir having double radiating Hues end ; doublo bnck, supjtlying Uygn quaiitilics of hut , iiirwithout waste of heat or fuel. ! 7. The Si ssvsinis utilizes tho waste heat so thoroughly that we frequently heat nu adjoining i room on the first, boiilcs heating tic rooms in , second and third stories. ! 8. A damper on top of the stove, connected with tho hot air Hues, controls the quauliiy o! hot air required for tho use of either ihe upper or lower rooms. All other tlre-plnoe stoves are j very Inconveulent lu this respect. ! 9. The Orate Is self-sealing, and no dut cun escape while shaking It. HI I' RAT, PETERSON A CO., Philadelphia, il. B. M.VSSErt, Agent. Nov. 11, 171. j A. II. FUANCISCUS & CO., .MS Market Street, lMilladeliihin. j We have opened for the 81'RINO TRADE, the . largest und beat assorted stock of j PHILADELPHIA CARPETS, I Table, Stair and Floor Oil Cloths, Window I Shade anil Paper, Carpet Chain, Cotton, Yarn, Batting, Wadding, Twines, I Faucy Baskets, Brooms, Baskets, Dockets, J Brushss, Clolhss Wiluger, Wooden aud AMllow War in the United States. Our largo increase In business enable us to sell at low price aud furuiah the best quality of Ouods. SOLE A (i ENTS FOR THE Celebrated Anieriean an her, Price "5.50. Over 13,000 Sold In Six Month. I Terms ; Carpets, 60 days. I All other goods, 80 days, Net. February 17, 187is.-8m.- SHORTEST ROETE EASTWARD. Oauville, Ilasletou A M ilkettbarre Rail Road. WINTER ARRANOKMENT. LEA VIS EASTWARD. I.EAVB WESTWARO Buubury, fl aoa m; " Danville, 7 03 N. Tork, 0 00 a m Easton, V ti " Phil'a, 8 00 " Bethle'm 10 03 " Caltaw'a, 7 as llazlctou, 9 08 Bethle'ra 13 10 p m j Phll'n, 3 1 " t Eastou, 13 85 " N. Vork, 8 60 " j Haileton, 1 00 p ra Caltaw'a, 8 40 " Danville, 8 ) ' Buubury, 8 67 " Tha afternoon train connect at Buuubury with the Philadelphia es Kric, 4 8ft p. m., train (toini; west, arriving at Wllllamsport 6 80 and Lock Havea 7 65 p. m., and with the Nortbein Ceu tral 4 60 p. in., moving; south arrlviug at Harris burg 7 00 p. m., and Ualliinore 10 4S p. ra., aud ato with the Bunbnry Lewktown B. R. Coialortavie aud bandtoiue erachs ou this new rout. J. HERVEY KA6E, CuprintDdeDt tiscrlbnrot:?. JJARDWARE FOR ALL ; AT TOE HARDWARE STORE OF J. H. CONNELLY & CO. Market Street, Nnnbnry, Pa. It Is nseless to ennmerate evert kind of article. In his Store, but am oner, the leading Items may dc set aown ins louowmgt Iron, Soales, Vices, Steel, Lead, Steelyards, Grindstones, Nails of all kinds and, Saws, Planes. Chains, Axes, Brass and Iron Kettles, Hoes, Forks, Bioves, Shovels, Spades, Rakes, Hatchets, Cnrpcnter aud Blacksmith Borliu! Machines, Cellar Grates, Drawing Knives, Stone Sledges, Plasterers' Trowels, Masons' Hammers and Trowels, . Hand Dinner Hells, and large cast Iron Bells for School Houses and Farmers' Dinner Dells, Carpenters' licneh iciews, Potato Forks for dicfiiig potatoes, Looking Glasses, Twine, Ropes, Knives and Forks, Ppoons, Tacks, Mule and Horse Phoes and Nails, Hammers, Anpnrs, Chisels, Lanterns, Oil Cloths, Brooms, Locks of all descriptions, Cntfeo Mills, Bits and Braces, Carriage Bolts of all kinds, Paint and Wall Blushes, Buckets, Oil, Vuniixhen, Jnpansi,, Soda Ash, Washlutt Soda, rAlNT.H OF A EE KIND in Oil or Dry, Parti-Colors of all kinds, CEDAR-WAUB and other Wooden-Ware of all kinds and very cheap, Hay-Fork Pulleys, Picks, Mill 1'icks, Levels, Level Glasses, Flics, Hinges, Coal Oil, Hems, Combs, Screws, Saddlery and Shoe Findings, Bngcy Trimmings, K.vcelsior Glaus Cutters. Pocket Knives, Scissors, Shears, Nhot, I'np aud Powder, and a great variety of other articles. Any thing wanted and not on hand, will be urdnred tit ouee. Sunbury, Aug. Ill, 1871. f.'ETER OP ATTRACTION. Everybody is Invited to come and buy of tha handsome assortment of TOTS AND CONITCTIONEIUF.8 at " SAMUEL F. NEVIN'S STORE, in fi iime buililini:, adjoining Moore & Difslngi r's I'liUdiiiff, Tinilp STREET, SL'NliL'UY, PA. Just opened a fresh supply of Confectioneries, of every ileiTiitiou. TOYS Oh- A EE KIMIN constantly on hand. Tin' host RAISINS, FIGS, CLRKANTM .t DRIED Fill IT. l'UKK KIO COFF.KK, TKA & SPICES, fresh Bread, Buns & Cukes, every morning. FANCY CAKES. BISCC'ITS. CRACKERS, &c. ! OYTKUS ! OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! ; Having lilted up ti room exprevtly fur serving up tly.-ters in eveiy sljlc. LiHlies and Gentlemen j will lie iieeoiniuo luted with the I'ei-t bivalve hi j market, nt all Imars ilnitug the day and ivciiii.t. ! Vnuillit will be supplied at their ivsi Ifite- with the l"."t Shell or Cauiicd Oysters, us I. dc-ii at'.).., ; nt thf very lowest price-. i Call and see iny e.xf.ellebt uaortment of gi.i.-li . an 1 a-oei'.alii t lie j'ric-s. s. r. NEVIN. : Per. lfl. 1ST1. ! HORSE AMD CATTL& j I.'NII.IX'E (tf.Ml AW. . INSUHH YOL'K HOUSES ! j INSURE YOUR CATTLE LN&rnr with a i -p.m. i'l'e md pe'-ftctly ru'l -iil.!t! Conipntiy. Insure iibcrt. y.jur looses ! will be pai I promptly. I This l. a SJiatUia! i'reiTliif t'o. ' Ili-nce, ou a.e snt" ol ( ie.- pai. I ro:nptl; fi.r all Ui-ics. if innund in thia Cu:panv. j OCR RATES OF INSCRANCH ABB LEr'ft TU AN THO." K Ol' ASY 'iTITUll -j COMPANY. I We pay ln.'scs acetuin through iln ft,dialh by lire, aeeiileiit, or natural cauves. (excepting cpeilemic (lifttift.-). Wc pt.y prompt. No red i tape proceeding.! to get your luruicy , lu cine of lOaS. i ovi3n -S5000 j paid ou horses uudealllc since organisation. DU. D. WALDRON, President. I C. A., Sec'y, Piiiibnry, Pa. j i)it:i;(Tt!N. i Ex-Gov. Jaiues Pollock, linn. J. ('. Bruner, j Solomon t-tioh, Win. lliindiu, .'.jIduiou Shipe, : J.ihn A. fhUslw, Dr. 1 T. Krcl-;, Dr. David Waldrnn. Jaa 13 !7J-ly. sr'tltl liY MARKEE YARD. 1 fpiIE nuder-limed bavins; bought the eutirn A. stuck ot Dl.-..luaer .1 Taylor, would inform 1 'u; l'ab"c 'hat he Is now ready to do all kinds of HARIIl.l. OKI.. is on hau l, and makes to order at RIUIST NO'lICK. Munnmeiitai & lleml-Stoiies, v stvi r.. DOOR AND WINDOW STLLS Also.Cemetery Posts with OV.vanized pipe and all other fencing generally u-ed ou Cemeteries. John A.Taylor will contiune in the en.ployuieiit, at the old aland on Market St.. Sunbury. uiay'J'im Beef! Beef! T11HE undersijrnnl ii prepared to furnish the 1. citireus of t-unbJiv and vieinity with tha choicest Beef and Pork lu Market," either at Wholesale or Retail. Families will b supplied by the quarter or side, or smaller quaulilies at the uioet reasona ble rates. Constantly on hand the choicest culs of Beef, Pork, Mutton aud Veal,ali-o Sausages, Belognat. ,tc. Apply ut tho Meat House," South Third street, iu Moore it Dissinger's Row, Sunbury. On market days the best of meat is served to customers at the meat stand, corner of Market and Third streets, w hen the celebrated Brosious' sausage can be had, long kuowu as the best In market. HENRY K. FAGELT. v. n i" v. . . : r . . l - . -.. r . n.-reraniia uhiiui; mi noja ui uroina lui i sale can procure the hlgeat market price by ap plication at tho alMive eitabliahmeut. Sunbury, Nov. It, 187). Philadelphia aud Erie Railroad. WINTEK TIME TABLE. On and after Monday, November 27, 1871, the Trains ou the Philadelphia Erie Rail Roud will run a folio I WESTWARD. Mall Train leave Philadelphia, " ' " Sunbury, " " arr at Eric, Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, " " Buubury, " " an at Erie,J Elmlra Mail leave Philadelphia, ' " " Sunbury, " " arr at Lock Havon, Accommodation leaves Kuubury, ' arr at Renovo, B.30 p m 1.00 a m 2. 50 p ni 13.80 p m 6.50 p in 7.40 a ni 7.50 a m . 4.S5 p m 7.55 p in A 13 a ni 10 40 a m EASTWARD. Mall Train leaves Frle, 11.25 a Ui aa . . Hunbury, 13.30 a ra " " arr at Philadelphia, 6.80 a m Erie Exprcs leave Erie, K.OO p in " Sunbury, f .20 a m " " nrr at Philadelphia, - 8.K0 p m Elmlra Mall leave Lock Haven, T.SS a at " ' ' Buubury, 11.00 am " arr at Philadelphia, 6-50 p m Accommodation leavr- Renovo, 13.'J5 p m arr at Buubury, 4.85 p m Malt East connect east and west at Erie with L. S. A M. S. R. W. and at Corry and lrvineton with Oil Creek and AWegheny R. R. W. Mall West with west bound train on L. S. A M. 8. tU W. and at Cony and Irvlneion wilaOil Creek aud Alhheny R. R. W. Cattawissa passenger traiut will be ran east from Wlllinmsport ou Erie Express, and west, to Willlamport on Knave Mullfe . . f W5I. 1. BALDtVIM. tB'l Btrji't, m4