grifnltnral. A Word About Ranpberrlea. It litis 1wr. been maintained that n Komi thing wit worth takiug a liltlo trouble with in order to get it, and so with tho liner kinds of raspberries. We have jirac ticcd laying down tho canes, and thus have hcn able to get the delicious II timet, Orange and other good kiflds to perfection. The trouble Is ret little, nud wc have got something rhich wa can depend oil tor civiug a good account of itself after it ia done. Hardiness is a capital thing; and where one baa a score of acres to protect, we ehfjiitJ ut-t quarrel with him who would rrgard the ability to take euro of itself in Mfiuter an ouo of tho first essential, in n good market raspberry. But we suppose that the past winter has given a death-blow to (he reputation of nil hardy raspberries. Even the blackcap in the fence-rows Imvo been injured in many instances, and It will not he surprising if such usually hnrdy ones as Philadelphia nnd Hcrstine suffer this year. This will give a new claim to tho protecting idea ; and if protection, then the finer kinds. It Is more than likely that the injury to the canes by tho winter, will rtsult'in short crops, both of the blavkbery and raspberry, and that high prices will bo the conse quence. Of late years these have been so common as to be within the reach of hun dreds who hardly knew them by name be fore, but if ouv anticipation of scarcity prove correct, the strawberry will yet re main the poor man's fruit. In the planting of raspbenies there is one hint which may ho of service, to rasp berry planters, nud that is net to sat the plants too deep. More die from, this cause than people have any idea of. Tho rasp berry canes should be cut oil' to about one foot, and not pet deeper than an inch above where the roots ere. The earth must, of course, bo pressed Very hard and firm Against the? sets, when thus plumed, or else they will soon dry out. Same use mulch to shade the ground after the rasp berry cane has len planted, but if pressed firmly in the earth they will not suQi r from tho weather, unless extremity dry, and da much better than with the mulch on the surface tho first year. Girniantotcn TcU graph. Pruning Ht Transplanting. At this planting season it may not be atniss to observe that most trees will bo benefited by a little pruning at tho time of planting. In saying this we know it is op posed to the teachings and tho practice of some excellent fruit-growers who have suc ceeded very well in transplanting without using a ku'i'i? on'thc tree irom the first lo the last. But an extended observation shows us that in moet cases with people this gaod rcsultwould not follow. If tho root were always in coik'.iuou. or were not allowed' t s-t d.-y ' plnut- ln(T- tliom. miMir. llA nr. .-ror. r ltritrr.r. in tlie. pruning, but it 'i very rarclv tho case that ibv thin tmn.l rnnflitiiin nf Mm rnnU ia Bi:nvl ' It is sometimes said Hint the whole mass of wood in the transplanted tree is neces sary to furnish the downward sap ueoes sary to form roots ; but those who have carefully watched the operation of root making, have, no doubt, seen that roots aro most rapidly flnned while the tre is growing most vigorously, aud now leaves and branches are forming. To pet a ood, rapid, now growth, therefore, is a means of setting roots, and this rapid growth is en couraged, in n strong degree, bv rruuing - , ......... ..1 i : ' Hi, lIllU5)i:iiLll. How much should be cut will depend on the amount of roofs already rxirt'ng and tha kind of tree to bo planted. An apple tree, for instance, seldom, requires much, because the roots are naturally librous, and in digging the tree there is always a good proportion of roots to it. The same is trifc rf a fiwnrf pear, as general thing ; but a utaudard pear with n lew forklike prongs in the place of roots, nr an oak with a similar sot, of hornlike projeetinr- i the ilace of fl'orntts r-fots, is always l.;efitcd by a con siderable quantity of l.e younger twigs be ing taken oi uflrr the young tree is bet out. Germuntvisn Telegraph, Ccbe for Hour on Gates. A gentle man who had several vahmbio fowls with roup asked a well-known chicken fancier for a remedy, when he was informed thut the most effectual cure was to cut off the toads of the fowls as soon us tho diseaso made its appearance. Unwilling to lose Taluabiu fowls without making an effort to save them, lie commenced to treat them af ter a method of his own. He placed his diseased fowls in a perfectly dry room, bathed their heads with kerosene oil and rubbed their bills inside with ti mixture of alum and grease. lie fed them only on Indian meal and boiied potatoes well-peppered with rayenue, no hard food whatever being allowed thani. With this treatment they commenced to improve, nud iu from a week to ten days had entirely recovered. The disease has seldom failed to succumb to this treatment. On an average only about one chicken ia six died. Spread Your Manckk. The common practice, when hauling manure from the yard to tho Held, is to deposit it iu small neap3 of fram tu4 to two l'vet in thickness. In this coudi'iou fermentation, to a certain extint, taks plat".-, and a great proportion of the growing elements of plants existing. are dissipated into the air and lost. If over each heap so left, a peck of plaster (irypz'.im) cou.d he sprinkled, as the heap was deposited, this fuss would be saved ; but in the als'-nee ',-f this cypsum, to hold the effervescing ammonincul ether the ground worn of plant life !t is better to distriLutA the i...:nure t.t once ever the laud ; for when so snreid out no heat or evaporation enjuet, aud at each and every rain, or dew, the l-8t elements are dis solved and conveyed into the ground. XlOW T'J MIX MtSiTARD. MuMard ihould be mixed with water that bits been boiled nud allowed to tool ; hot water de stroys lis essential iiropertie,, nnd the raw, cold water inihl ciitise it to frrmont. Put the rauslnr 1 !u a cup witU a smull pinch of salt, nnd mis witu it, very crndunllv. tut- (icieDlly boiled wator to make It drop from a anoou without being watery. Stir find mix well ami rub th lumps down with the buck of a fcniKin, ri3 mustard properly mixed khould bu jierl't'Ptly five from these. The mustard not almuUI not be ov r h?.!!"u:!l. or rither Ivw if It wl'l "vn ta used tt a ujy i-t tvo. us ihu im?surd is so much Letter A lien fresh matle. Good Wash foithk T e utit. Dissolve two ouuaet of borax in three pint of boiling water, and beforo it U cold, add one table, spoonful of spirits of camphor,' aud bottle for use. A tuaspoonful of this mixture, mixed with nn equal quantity of tepid ' water, and applied daily with a soft brush, preserves and bcautilies the teeth, extir pates all tai tiuous adhesion, arrests decay, hid uces a healthy action of the gums, md iniikcg them look penrly white. Ira teaspoouful of genuine grsuud colfee thrown into a tumblerful of cold water jit trill float tiftoH the sut-faeo of the water, ,wbibi the substances usually uaed la adul eratiuir eniiies will link tinder the suiuc ,circuuiUnces. If wbert the. susoKuted tof- . fee is u upon cold water, part sinks at ouce, lie iti-'e ic quits sure to be tdul (Krand Spring Opening AT S. HEEZFELDER'S Popular Clothing Store, Corner Market and Third Streets, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Now on hand find receiving an enormous assortment of SPRING GOODS. 300 D3EUBSS GOATS, 500 Business and Working Coats, 400 Dress Pants and Vests, 500 Business and Working Suits, . 15 IBoyg Suits. li CAPS to MEN art BOYS. m grand assortment la this line, Including all the tci-t latest Ppriug Stvle - BOYS HATS AND CAP'?. The Largest AsiortmcTit la this lino to Calico from 75c up. White Drew Shirts from $1.00 up. Agencv for the Celebrated QUAKER CITV and ECLIPSE FINE DRESS SHIRTS, everv on? of which Is guaranteed a perfect (it. SI1IKT EOSOMS, &c. Gents' Spring and Summer Unilerware. 500 Overalls and Oversliirts made to order. Only tin best material u.oj and veil sewed. Trunks, Valises, Satchels, Umbrellas, Walking Canes, at.I numerous other artic'.os All Buying only of tlm largest and most reliable far 'Tl business n my line in this i-rt AlV 1 v. l CO at Lower Prices than any of my c::;:petitors here or else where. Call at the Largo and 15eaa:lful Store Room, Corner Market and Third Streets, SUNBUEY, 3?. Eunbmy, M.;r. h CH, r,72. ly. M.AV A Kit IV A I. GPRIKG GOODS AT Clement & Dissinger's, In the new Cienionl Builillni;, arkct Square, Kunburj'f Iu. We take pleut lire in Hiinoiinclnj; that we have J'.it opened u new iiMorttucnt uf SPRING DRY GOODS, ol'iill etjies Kt the lowctt pikes. DOLLY VAKDEX, still raging iu new end henutiful designs. DKKSS fiOODS, MOURNING GOODS, CLOTHS, CASMMERF.S, VESTINGS, Ac., 4c. lt'iitj -Male C'lotliiug, a full assortment, which will he sold lower than elsewhere. t'-xrpotii, OilClotkM aud Floor Mat- GROCERIES of nil kinds, which ure gunrnuteeJ ull freb. q i r n k x a v a r e , w i l lo v w a r e , &c, &c, !;c. TIUMMINOb, GLOVES, and in fact tTei ylhln that cun he mentioned Id ! a lirtt-elnn store. Call Hinl examine our stock. I'nTin? our s .ore lighted with U:i, soo.U cnu he seleeied in tl.e evening as well us hi ilic da; tliiie. No charges for showing goods CLEMENT & DI&SINGER. April SO. 1W. R FA1TCY SILK GOODS, KID GLOVES, 361 BROADWAY, KEW YORK, IaaporUra anrl Jobber ( Cord Efltre ani Gros Grain Eibuons, l,t III C;L3..3 WlSfHi, TEIICCITB AND B02IITET SZS, TUSaUOISS and V2L01T.3, English Crapes, Crenaclir.oo, Tissues, Lacor, Edgings, M1IITE C OTTO 74 TI11.TI.t:I.GS. BECK TIES, DRESS BUTTONS, IC. March 80, 1873-am. A IMtOEITABLE UI'MINEftW. LIGHT EQUAL TO OAS, AT ONE-EIGHTH THK COST I Cunuot be exploded. No cbiuioay or wick used. Men desiring a Profitable Business, esn secur the exclusive right for lb sal of Dyott'e Patent Carbon Gas Libt Burners and Oil, for Couutie sod felale. Writ fur tafonuatloa or call on U. H. IrOTT, No. 114 eouth Beeond btreet, Fliila., T. N. B. Churches furnbbed with CnanUcller and Lamps of every deavrlptloo, Hi per eeut. cheaper than at any other t.UblUhiuaui la th couLliy. Uinb ?3, 1872 to f,fXJi .jr o let. A large variety of be found outside tlie lnrge cit'es. the nbovc good, will bo offered fit Hufus. and for CASH only, nnd doinj i part ol the country, I am enabled to sell C A It II , mm No. D02 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, ! rnn.Atir.LPiiiA. I MESSRS. CAl.IiWF.I.r. A CO., DEt-lUE TO CALL ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO THEIlt PK PAKTMENT OF SOLID S1LVK.K WATCHES. VOS&ESSINtibL l'EKirtK FACILITIES THEY WILL BE ENAHLED TO PLACE UK FORK , CVSTOMF.KS. IN ADVANCE OF THE GENE I UAL MAKKKT, ALL THE NOVELTIES AND ! IMPROVEMENTS IN SILVER GOODS AS UA I P1DLV AS l'UOIU CED, VERY 1'AKTICILAR ATTENTION HEIXG GIVF.N To THE SPE (TATIES OF UiUDAL AND OTHER PRESEN TATION GIFTS. ! I HE STANDARD OF SILVER IJ1NG SINCE i ADOPTED HY THEM IS THAT OF ENGLISH i STERLING, D25-10O0TII FINE, THE QUALITY OF EVERY ARTICLE SOLD UF.ING STRICT LY GUARANTEED. - ' ATTENTION IS RESPECTFULLY DIRECT- ' ED TO THE UNVARYING BUSINESS POLICY I OF THIS HOUSE IN REGARD TO THE FIRM LY ESTABLISHED SYSTEM OF FIXED PRICES, WHICH WILL HE RIGIDLY AD HERED TO IN ALL CASKS. SECURING TO PURCHASERS, FAIRNESS AND EQUALITY POLITE ATTENTION MAY BE EXPECTED BV ALL WHO FAVOR THEM WITH A VISIT. ORDERS AND INQUIRIES BY MAIL, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. J. E. CALDH ELL A CO. Feb. 10, 1S70. G AN FIXTl ltES. THACKAltA, BUCK & CO., Kl'CCEt-SOKS TO MISKEY, MEURILI. & THACKAltA, MANL'FACTlRERa OF OAS FIXTURES, BROXZES, &c., &c, t haodPliers), Pendsuli, Urarketai, sir., sir., would respectfully luvlte t!-e attention of pur- . chasers to our elegant a.tortnieut. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SALESROOMS, 71S ( hcatuutMreet. MANC FACTORY, 402. 404,406 AND 408 RACE STREET. Aug. 19, 1871. TIIE CiRE.iT C'AISE OF II UMAX MISERY. Just Published, lu a Sealed Envelope. Price, six cems. , A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, aud Radical It ure of Hemluul Weakness, or ierui.i-toirbu-ii, In.iUtoU by aud Iinpxdiinunts to Mar riage L'euerallyi Consuumtiou. Enileuav. and x nm ji lis i Menial nod I'hv.iciil Iucupaeity, etc. by y ROB. J. CULVER WELL, M. D, author of lie '"Green Book," etc. By tu The World-reuowned author. In Oils admirable Lecture, clearly proves Irouj bis own experieuce that the awful consequence of Self-Abuse may b effectually removed without medicine aud without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or corjiuls, point lug out a mode of cur at ouce certain and effectual, by which every sutft rer, no matter what bis condi tion may be, may enre himself cheaply, private ly, and radically. This lecture will prove a boou to thousands and thousand. Bent, under seal, lu a p.uln eurclope, to any address, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamp, by addressing- the publishers. aiso, ur. t.KWKLL'8 'Marriage Guide.' Price 25 cents. Address the Publishers, 111AB. J. L. KLINE A CO., P. O. Box, 4,5M. April il, hl-4. 1 57 Bowery, New York. WAHIII4UTO!V IIOI ME, C NEt Proprietor, Corner of Market A Boooud Stieels, oppcslt the Court Hons, Bttobury, P Mvv:n. Vinegar Illtlerfl are notavila Fancy Drink, miute at Poor Rum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits and Refuse Liquor, doctored, ipiced, and tweetened to please the taste, called Tonics,' "Appetiiert," ' Rcstoreta," &c, that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made from the native roots and herbe of Cali fornia, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They are the Great Blood Purifier and a Life-xiving Principle, a Per fect Renovator and Intigorntor of the Sywtem, carrying off all poisonous matter, and restoring the blood to a healthy condition, entichin? it, refreshing and invigorating betb mind and bod. They are easy of administration, prompt in their action, certain in their results, safe ana reliable in ail forms of disease. No Person can tnko in re III tt ere accord Ing to directions, and rem am long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed br mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs waMed be von d the point of repair. Dyspepsia or Indigestion. Headache, Pais la the Shoulders, Coughs. Tightness of the Chest, Dmi ress. Sour K rue ut tons of the Stomach, Pad Taste ia the Mouth, Piiious Attacks, Palpitation of the Hesrt, In flammation of the Langs, Pain in the regions of the Kid ney, and a hundred other painful' symptoms, are the off springs of Dyspepsia. In these complaints it has no equal, and one botfle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lennthy advertiement. For Komals Complaints in young or old, mar rttd or tingle, at the dawn of woinanhnodT or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitte rs display so detided an inftuence that a marked improvement is soon perceptible. For Inflammatory anil Chronic Rhsn malUni and Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion. Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, diseases of the Blood. Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, thee Bitters have been most successful- Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of the Di gestive Organe. Thr are a Gentle Pnrfratlra an wrtl aa a Tonic, posMtsin alio the pectiliir merit of acitng aa a powcriul agent in relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Oigaas, and in Bilious Disease. For Kkin Uleensea. Eruptions, Tetter, Sjlt Rheum, Blotches, Siwts, Pimples, Pustules, Boits, Car buncles, Ring worms, Scald-Head, Sore Kyes, Krysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discoloration i rrf the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the lite of these Bitters. One bottle in such eases will couviuce the most incredulous of their curative eftects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever von find its impurities bursting through the akin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it ob structed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul ; your feelings will teli you when. Keep the blood , pure, and the health of the system wiil fo'.lrw. Orate fit I tboitssndi Vis-roar Ftr tbrs the most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustained the sinking avstem. Fin Tape, anl other Worms1, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. Says a distinguished physiologist: There is scarcely an individual upon the face of the earth whose body is exempt from the presence of worms. It is not npon the heaithvelements of the body ttiat worms exist, but npon the diseased humors and slimy deports that breed these living monsters cf disease. No system of ' Me.licinr, no vermifuge, no anthelmintics, wiil free & aytem from worms hke these Bitter. Mechanical llaeaaee. Persons engaged In Paints nnd Mini'il. such as Plu-tibeis, 1 vi-c scttert. Goid beaters, and M.ners, as they advance in life, will be si'biect to paralys e of the Ituwcls. To gnard against this u'e a dose of Wau&r Vinegar Bitters onoe or twice a week- as a Preventive. Bilious Itemittcut, anrl Intermit lent Ferera, which are so ptevaVnt in the valleys of ont Seat rivers throughout the United Slates, especially ose of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Ten nessee, Cumberland. Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Braios, RioCIrande, Pearl, AUbama, Mobile. Savannah, Roanoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and rcmaikabiy so during seasons of unusual heat aud dryness, are invariably accompanied by exten sive derangement! of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. There are always more or less ob structions of the liver, a weakness and initaUe state of ths stomach, and great tor;or of the bowels, being clogged up with vitiated accnmulaiions In their treat ment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon these various organs, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Walks'! Vinroar Bitypks, as they will speedily remove the daik-colored viwd matter with which the bowels are loadd, at the same time atmtulating the secTerioni of the liver, nnd penra:!y restorifig the healthy functions of the dig' ore;.ir.s. Scrofula or Klncra KsTI, Whit) Sweihnrs, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swehed Neck, Goiter. Scrofulous Inflammations. Indolent inflammations. Mercurial Af fections, Old Sores, Eruption of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc, etc In these, as in all other constitutional Diseases Wai kkhS Vinegar Bitters have shown their great curative puvtcri in tlie mot obstinate aud Intractable as-. lr. Walker California Vlnerar Blftera set on all these taes in a tinmar manner. By purifying tht Blood they remove the cause, and by resolving away the effects ot t'ie t Mla-nmaiion fihe tubercular deposits) tlie allected parts rreive heaiih, and a permanent cure is effected. The properties of Dr. Wai krr's Vim hoar BtrrnRi aie Aiierient. liaplioretic and Carminative, Nutritions, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter Irritant, Su.ifritic, Alterative, tud Anti-Bilious. The Aperient and mild Laxative properties of Dr. Waukk's Vinegar BirraRS are the best safe guard in ail cases of etuptmrs and malignant fecrs, thetr ba'samic, hialiiis, and sut.' prorties protect tht humors of the Uuces. '1'ifir S-d.itive properties allay pain in the nervous tviie 'i, toniach, and bowels, either from iitrtanimatinn, wind, c i ic, eraiups, etc. Their Counter-lrriunt iuiinence ex'.e .ds throughout the system. Thuir Diuretic properties act on the Kidneys, correcting and regular. nx tUa flow cf ui inc. Their Anti-Bilious properties stimulate the liver, in tfe secretion of bile, and its d.sdtarge thmu.-Ji the bi.iary ducts, and are tiiperiurto all remedial agents, for the cuie of Bilious Fever, K;vcr and A-'ie, etc. Fortify tlie body- against disease by puri fying all its fluids with 1NI CA.R Bitteks, No epidemic can take hold of a system thus forearmed. The liver, the stomach, ths bowels, the kidneys, at.d the nerves srs rcnJrred dfise-proof by this invigorant. The Kfneacjr of Dn. Talker's Vinegar Bit ters, in Citrunic Dyspepsia, Fevers, Nervous Disorders, Coitstip.uion, deficiency of vital power, and ail maladies affecting tlie stomach, liver, bowels, pulmonary organs, or muscular system, h-i been experienced by hundiede of thousands, aud hanlieiL of th"u-audj more axe ask ingfor the same chef. Directions -Take of the Bitters on going to bed at mht from a h.tli to oue and one-haif wine-glawfull. Eat good nourishing food, such as beefsteak, mutun chop, venison, nwst beef, and vegetables, ajid take out door exercise. J ney aie ccmpr&eu ci pureiy vegeuuie lncredie'its. and contain ni spirits. V A I. Kfe.K, PropV. il H. Mr DOS A I. D A CO., DmcRists and Gen Acts., San (ranrisco, Cal., and come j of Washington and Chariton St., New York SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND Da.AI.ERS, Mnrch 30, lS72.-Sm. THADD'S S. SHANNON, THIRD AND MARKET BQL'ARE, Has In stock and constantly receiving Novelties lu his line, con. inline in purt of a full line of A-sKltH'A WATCHES, El"in.Illiuols. Howard A Co.. Waltham, Mas- sachusctts, aud Boy' AMERICAN WATCHES ; Also, a full set of Ladles, aud Gmt's Gold aud Silver Hwis Watches. JEWELRY. Roman Gold sets, vlnk coral and Gold sets, Ear-Rings, Necklaces and Pendants, Onyx and j Jet Jewelry. SILVER-WARE, Bolld 811ver-warc of Sterling puril, made lo or der. Bridal and Presentation Pieces, Knives, Fork and Spoons In cases, also, a full line of Silver Plated Goods, Tea Sets, Ice Water Sets, Erbit Stands, Cake Baskets, Coffee Urns, Forks and Spoons treble plated, tl.e best in the market. SPECTACLES. If vou value your Eyesight, oe the Perfect Lenses, ground from minute Cristle Pebbles mel ted together, and derive there name "Diamond" on accoun. or there hardness and uriiuaucy. Tbey will last many year without chuoge, and an anted bu)eriiir to all others In use. TABLE CUTLERY. Ivory, Pearl and Metal handles In ease ap plied to order. CT.4MKN. A full assortment of Eight day and Thirty hour Clocks, a'.o Calender Clock ot all discrip tions. Ei!i;rxv!n done at the shortest notice. Wal cries. Clocks aud Jewelry, Repaired aud Satisfaction warranted. All good will be sold at the very Lowest Cash Prices. Every body Is cordially Invited to C ull and Examlue lor themselves. Don't forget the place. T. 8. SHANNON. BuuburyDec.16, If. POMPl'RET MAKOIt CEMETEKY - COMPANY. This company I now prepared to sell lot la th new Cemetery, located on an eminence about one-fourth of a mile east of Bunbury. The In crease of th population of Buubury, and conse quent advance in the ratio of mortality, a well a the limited facilities for the Interment of those who have fought life's battle, have euggested the organization of the above named rniupany. Plan of Cemetery may be seeu at the office of . A. Cake, Esq., or Lloyd T. Uthrbach. Price of lot from (5 to 111, according to loca tion. Deed will be executed for lots sold. LLOYD T. ROHRB ACU, Bee'y May 1. lim. -if. pisVcIIancorts. R R R RADWM'S READY RELIEF CIRK TUB WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Mlnutos. MOT ONE HOUR after rebritnx thh mlvf rtWrnrnt need any one t?rFFI,R WITH PAIIf. HAD WAT "8 BfcaPY KKI.IKF Is A CURX TOM KVFRY TAIif. It was tht-Irst and Is Tlio Only lli Ucmedy Itisl birtamty stnps tits ript exemelattrr pain, allsys In flirrmatVoru, nnd cures Concert iuti whether of ths Lanes, Htomsvli, HotveJ, ur other g auds or oriaus, by one appiJca- UnX 1H FROM ONB TO TWF.NTY MTNTTTE9. how vtol-ut or etorr!Aiing the p?ilti the RUsTTT MATK'. Tsvo rlMru, Inflrm, Crlnplso, Atrveus, 'emxialo, er proTirnUHl with dlstrase nmy simw, radwavs ready relief AMI.!. AFFORI 1NPTANT KASB. XNTMMATION l)K THK K1UNITR. INFLAMMATION (IF THE BLADDER INFLAMMATION OF TIIR ItOWKI.S. CONCIKHllON OK TIIE LUKQB. BOIIE THUOAT, MKKIClMr HRKATHINO. I'ALrlTATION OF TUB ttEART. IIVSTCKIC8. TROUT, DII'IITII EKI A. CATAKKH, lKFLDRNZA. tiCADACIIB, TOOTHAC'IlK NF.rRAT.niA, RHEUM ATIflsf. CC'I.D CIMLt.3, AGfK CHILLS. Th. .iipllr.-'on of th" Hendy Rollrf In ths flirt flr J'VI. wh.r. lilt pain er lUflU'.Uljr li. will iffnrd mm UA Twenty rlrrps n 1-AlTft IvniWi-T rf w!T III In , tow nwu ru r CKAMVS. M'AHMH, f.l!B CTOMACII. IIKARTIU'KV, CICK UKAIIACHK. MAllKHtA, ItVKi:TFUY. f'', 'WISU IN THE BOWELS, Mid nil INTKUNAL I'AINfl. Trav"- ,'i-itl.l .1-, nrT7 a l--tilo rt Rntlwav'ff lEradv Relief with t'-im, A frw drop. In writer will i.rvv.n r-1. i or pi.lrr. f.nm ch.up of w.t.r. lllabstur tiiiut Fruick K:a.;y or Hitters s. a Mlmulw.l. VUVI.R A 4UIB. rrVFU ANIi 'A K en.-.l f.rCrtv rm. Tbtr, la ant a r.mwJtAl .ri'i't l't ttij, wrrirl tli-.t wl'l nira Feor awl Acuc, !til wit r lhcr 51 i!a lt:it lii:iotn. Barlct. Tvpholl, Vrilow. atMl fth-r rmnliMr bjf ItAIiW AT S FILLS) iu It WlWAV'.-t l:KAI KEI.II-r'. Fid WU l rVul.. fcuU It l.tigli-i.. HEALTH ("BEAUTY!! smoMi ani it-i',r nirn itt.opn-iMt nKAf?E of I'l.KSII AM) WltMIIT-i'l.F.AIl SKIM AND BKAC TIFLL l-OMPLtXION tKrtKBD TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT IIA-! WADK TIIR MOST ASTOV1.SIIINO ('I'RKS; RO jl'I'-K. f'l IUIT A". Till: 'IU;CS TIH I'C TBI, iKLI.V M'l.NUWCl I. MkUKlXB, Til if Cvry Day cn Sr;ror5J In Flesh r:n.: Wolrtt Is Scon end Folt. THS CE.r DLOOD PURIFIER. Ei"ry i i,( u RAH tH'ARil.LIA '! l:i..i)LV kX ' ri mnm in'., t.'i ijii l"' . l, B.-at. I'rt'itf. i olt"Tf t. lids ar.d 1i . rt . jm Uis vr -f f-H" It rr-f.jlrt tlia Mt. rf I'o w.tli t- 1 Mitinl in: ! -r il. Rcrofala. H.' l.i.N'tr t"e Id in, T'i'.'i;. M in i'-:i, i ir It I li 1111 riL.l f hi rtartA f th r-.U'ni, R.c. F i". t-tr i-r.- n.i l-tflil-S'tf-. iruni tbA Kri, timi. Ki'Vfr -r. KrVfir-uIi'.. Ac-t'ii.c--. I i l'ia t'.Mt. '!. I tin- u.irt r-i.iiScf H-'.i uac-.tPC), i. .-tll l!oa-!. W ..r,. ,lt ltl.u , t'.Uv' t?-il, V..finn I'm ri'.fllt. Tt'f.if.r", i'i i. , i- i r I w-iki.lnt r:nl p',f'il t-'f. i i f i:rr-. r id a l wn-.tes rf tfe l.fd nr SLuifrii 'iisn;v.r. 1 A Ur wt'I rrovs ts nnv re -i "i u-'ti It f ir f?-ih. ret V.? t f-viu of nlfc-.8 til ft-ron. isMlu'i tlntl fA-it' 11 iub (iitiiii, n .. v jvr it i;hm iv me w"Ci nt.t r.Tcliiin tiii'Mr v T Pi l rf-:. 1 l marl r -3.1 S.'-Ufy I l-K-tU-M LI N wll an I r!fi n is-i: . ; i.t ii.!', tin-. t!i Sns,rii ! irtir.'I 'I i'i 'in 1 ln.j i t -- 'uttk4:i:, ;'.i"t ; ( ..iv-re: . t1 1 ML.; C V "'I tU'V t.i iter. ; thhrlh'i pAns.vrAmi.- Trt""vr-ir sl all .f ( :ir t c.'.usi, , 'j-t It Is tlie tmly poeltivc e.'.fc t'"f flrS"-', llUl-rT. 'r.rsiy ;- iioju.-.f Ot itr;. I.(.-f;:itlii I'ii.i.tir s, Mul In :iV r :... t '-IH, .r tl.. WAttT t.llt'. I. E c the wliit ' i f n:i r ii K pio. ii.l, '..-trt, 1-! h.i.s h .re t f I 'rifie. ltrlj;ils "ln-a-tf wdt re therrt sri LrkVihiM I . 1 W, l vith'StSt-C'S r-' 1 H v h' s nlk. or fil ti'itr-'.not, -n I l.'te Lnne'1i -it m ' klntt. l-tiff.i-ir I -ulJi'ii 11:11011 s, ntnl TAlcn tfi-r U K wat r. fc'i.l T -i'i 1. 1 taj b of l!:o i..wx ar.4 1. 1 T t l J'lirt', WORMS. T!:J o:.l k:ioru ruij sure Rtmer f li v " i f, i'api. e.C Junior of 13 Venr' CSrovl!j Cki'cmI Uy IJutluny'n Rraolvcnl. hiTtctr, tup., Jvljr 1), T. Tl .-iv :-- I r-r .t-i r.t fir iu t-arln Ii, . I'. li'cirti il 4l-rtr, l-r! I Ui,J .ir,lv.' 'K t '-t w lsi-s-iTiitirl. A . ti ".1 r 'ln- drlpi-J Mf, . It- ...M.t, r,.4 thi irt t I r,,M ty t ; L -I k4 tl fallh lit it, i m i I l-fcl nt.r1 1 r l'ls v-rt. 1 lo jk lltlca f ll ; ;f.N,. ,t, ;ii tktt .'t !il1.v fPI. sn) (,, Ullirttf .r Is!if: nii tht- U f t "iir -f twr U n-.-n r id I fcl l ttf. imt'ifr, iH (itlr IHn 1 tivi f r ttrl rmt. '" , wf. t). r l.i laft of tit) low lt, r Ihm Cat. 1 4r'a IS t W A W UuCt U Stlif-t, Ton tPt rihl -fc i f .icv.fc ' HANNAH r.KNAfP. DR0 RADWAY'S i'ZBFEuT PURGATIVE FILLS. rf ht t-s''..M, tirsnt'r conied sr1h sweet fum, purtro I.'h, i-imii', vi t sirenktnrr. lUonuy') Pl.t. f-ff cur,- uf til 'It- 't.lcrhs.r th. StuU.h. I.lvei, lt.wes K i n , B viler, Nt:r.''iii j: ln , nes!nct e, 'onstv stlin. I .n, 'o ilv 'h-t. St'C It'.Uuurness. IiU- T riii,,! urn i I'rtsi, nit't ull v'f--! tt'l t' etf-'ct i !-1 g tt mr;ury, ' rt-x i rti'.x'jg from DIs f XUf 1 e Or;....! ll'.-. i :Vv cf 0- In !. M - -'-.. lUor.rnr. 1 itf. 'f Kull u -rii. PC.r Lift. U'-.., h.sil."ntt f Hu.fc i.v" . S n,a" of i' Hwul, ;rrrd ftntl ii.' r.1 I ("Ii"hrr nr Ku(T-tllrf ! 4 . r--nmm ! VHlnB. lH-l sf v.r.,:1-, P t. In V Iaj4. PStB .( a-4 K. P.hi In th4 ir . 1 tl Hf .V. Xuruir.f m ilu :VAT ar:LU!ll fee t!iv st'stesn v. i ... . v ! ttm t;r ;, I Ii ' t : I . : ik M, i. ti. 1, t. r ( l" t !t si t J mi ttraii,p ItAhW 1 cf i ft . N-.. e; Ma 'i -t.- ;: I i 1- isc March CO, lrj.-ly. imp. sH'iw. OSADALiS Till. I.VG.IKIMENTS THAT COMfOF. ROSA I A i IS are published on ui ery p.w;i. l' eic- ' In re it is ftf f :i i jci lp i ta'iett, conseiji.ciitly ! rilYSICI.VJtS rKFACkICK IT Lit. s a a certain rMro lor Perofuh, Syphili) in s!l i's furrrn, I'.heuma ili.'in, Uieaes, Liver t.'oi:t Vl.iii t and all dwi uf t' u blood. ill Ao more pood t!iu ten bottle of the Syrups of .Sarjpmll.1. THE UNDCP.SIQNED PHVSIC;AN3 ;havb Ufed rt.rftdalisi'i thoir practice 'for llto p.itt tiircc yeurs and f ee!)' jendurfco it as a rei,a!iu Alterative land Blood Turilicr. 1 1)11. T. C. I'LV, II, of n'.titn. UK. T. J 1!')V KIN, I1H U. W. OA It R 't.i. r. 11 A V V I I T V Int. J. S. SI'AKKS. n .ku-hiljsvir.e, I ky. ' Hit. J. L. McCAllTHA. Columbia, S. v. DR. A. B. NOEI.I S, r.lfc.-em!., N. C. USED AND ENDORSED BY j. n. rnr.M ii a eons, riii ntr, I M... IF. W. SMITH, .'.. lin, Miih. I A. V. WIIFKLF.ll.Lina. iblo. I H 1 1 A 1 I., Lima. Ohio. CIIAVKN A ft.,f;.t.!onlll. Va. SAM'L. O. Mi l APPt.V, Murfrs- buro, Tenn. Our siisc, will cot allnw of any ,x. ilenile'J remsrks In rsi.tlon lo the jyirtiiesol llota.Ulu. Tuth llnliral Prolenauin ire guarantee a 1'lutU Ks. jtrAet t sny they hava star ised lu th treatment c( diseased ; IHikmI ; and lo the , Mined we asy try R4ni!slii, sad you will be restored to afe4iin KussiUlis is said tv all Druccitt. Ipric l.aO pr bottlu. Ai!dri 13. CL2Z:;i3 ii C3. 3aaafderVtN CA.inisfj, tlilTIMOSI, 11 July 23, 1971. ly. til, Ml'RKAT. i. SLATMAKKH. Wat. U. BLACK. MURRAY & CO., Wholesale Dealers In MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, Office and School Stationery, 1'rtnUng, Wrapping stud Manilla PAPERS, rAPElt 1SAUN, Ac,, At. The Celebrated Corry Kerosene llurningOil always on band. Haviug also opened a COAL YAED, we are prepared to supply at short not Ice, and ,t the lowest rates, EGQ, STOVE, CHESTNUT and PEA COAL le all who may be pleased to give a a call. Order lft at our office No. U South Third St., will be promptly filled. MUBKAY A CO. Mo. It South Third Btrett, Sunbsry, Pa. A eg. , 1871 o tttirnfarttrrcrs. MACHINE SHOP AND IRO.X FOIKDRT. GEO. ROHRBACH A SONS, Mnnburr, Prnn'ri, INFORM tlie public thnt thoy nre preporca lo do all kinds of CASTINOa, and hnvlnfr added k nrw Mncltlne Shop In connection with their Foundry, and hTe supplied themselves with New I jit lies, Flnnine and Dnrltir Machines, with the latest Improvements. With the aid of skillful mechanics, they are enabled to execute all orders of NEW WfiRK OR REPAIRING. that may be glveu them, In a satisfactory man ner. Oral est to unit any Stove. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other bulid Ines, of all sizes. BRASS CAST1NC48, Ac. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTH VERANDAHS, FOR YARDS AT RESIDENCES, AC., C. The FLOWS, alrrady celebrated for their su pcrlority, have been still further Improved, and will always ue Kepi on nana. Also, TIIREPHINO MACniNF.8. Snnbury, May BO, 1871. M'HBER A?sl I'L.AXIXG MIL.I.N. Third Street, adjoining Phlla. A Erie R. R., two tenures North or the Central liotel, BITNBURT, PA. IRA T. "CLEMENT, T 3 prtT-ared to furnish every description of lam JL ber required by the demands of the public. Having all the latest Improved machinery lor mamifiu-mriuK Limber, he Is now ready to till or ders r ull kiuUs of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BASH, BLINUa MOLLPINOS, VE RANDA3, 11RACKETS, and all kinds of Ornamental Serowl Work. Turn- Inc of every description promptly executed. Also, A LAttf.P. ASSORTMENT OP BILL LUMBER. PI KM LOCK ami PINE. Also, Shingles, Plckcis, Lathe. c. Order!" promptly filled, and shipped by Rilroad or ntherwire. IRA T. CLEMF.NT. dcer.-tiH:1y cllltlt I i K Jt X M ' FA t TO U Y, SUNBURY, PEXN'A. J. S. SEASHOLTZ, "TTTOCLT) respectfully nnnounee te tho clll , V cus of 8unhury and surmundinif country, that he Is prepared to ttmuufactiire all styles of t'nrrlROsi. RnjrKlc. At., ut hie nev shop on east Mark.'l street. He will i furnish every tlcJcri;.tioo of Wokims, both "Plain and 1 anct. In short, will make everything In his line from a fliBt-class carriage ton wheelbarrow, w;wiunted to bo nmde of the best and most durable materi al, and by the mo.t experienced workmen. All work sent out from lit establishment will be found reliable in every particular. The patronitttf l the public is solieitol. J. S. SEASHOLTZ. Sunbnry, Nov. 4, '71. -ly. STOVE .V TIN l.ST VIll.ISiniF.NT. MARKET STREET, SUNBl'RT, TA. ALFRED KRAUSK, Tiopriotor. sfCCESSOR TO cMlTH OKNTIIKII. HAVING purchased the ubovewell kuowu es IttblUhinenl, Mr. Krausc would renticctful ly inform the public that he uotv has on baud a larrrc assnrtnititt of V I) O K I X O S T O V E s , Speer's t'ook Auti-Dust, or Revolving Top, t'oinliintilioii, Susiiuelinnna nnd others, which are so arranged as to be used for t'oal or Wood, nnd nre warranted to ierform sntisiaciori ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put up to beat one or more rooms. IIEAT1NU hTOVES of dilVercnl kind. nt very low prleen. 'i inwnrc el' t.verj' lsrn'ilioa kei't eontatiily on hau.l. Koolini; an I Spouting will) the het inalei iul. dene at s'....rt tmlioe. REPAIRING attended t ) Willi dispatch, foal Oil m. I Lumps constantly on luiad. Japae waru ot a ji.ii.;. Staie opposite C'onicy'i linrdwure it. re. Give me a call. A. KUAl'sE. aid'J4-ly M .YSIIF. IIILATEK. Sl NNVAIIiK AT MaKYI.ISO TATt I'AIH. BiL- TIW..KK. t ir.t prciniuiu for Jieaters i awarded the Sunnvside. Ail van I ii (res of the SnnnysMe ! I 1. It is so constructed Hint one-third more of I the radiating surface extent's into the room, giv ing that much more additional beat without ex tra fuel. 2. It Is the only Hot-Air Fire-place Heater In the market. Like the regular buiit cellar heater, it loses no heut, but confines It all to its leglti purposes. 3. The fuel in.iirnzine is double the ustlal sUe, extending from the tire-box to the. top of tliu stove, with cupaelly for twenty-four hours' sup ply of coal. 4. The patent double cover for real m.iiaeine consume the, prevents escape of gns Into the room, an. I makes it impossible for any ruf tlns or explosions to occur. This is au advant age psseud by no other fire-place stove iu the market. 5. There arc three air ceainbi-rs, wberein a brisk circulation is kept up, draw ing the cold air In the room through heated flues Into a large hot-air reservoir, at the back of the stove. A No side pipes nre used, as the air Is healed hi a reservoir having double radiating Hues aud double back, supplviug large quantities of hot nirwithout waf te of or ful. 7. The brmsYsiris utilizes the waste heat so thoroughly that we frequently heat an adjoining room on the first, besiile beating the rooms lu second nnd third stories. 8. A damper on top of tho stove, connected with tlie hot air Hues, controls the quantity of hot air required for the use or either lbs upper or lower rooms. All other flre-place stoves are very Inconvenient In this respect. V. The Grate Is self-scaling, aud no dust can escape while shaking it. BTl'RAT, PETERSON A CO., Philadelphia. II. B. MASSErt, Agent. Nov. 11. 1S71. A. II. FKAXCISUUS & CO., SIS market Mrcet, Philadelphia. We hav ojcued for the SPRING TRADE, the largest and best assorted stock of PHILADELPHIA CARPETS, Table, Stair and Floor Oil Cloths, Window Shades and Paper, Carpet Chain, Cotlou, Yam, Battiug, Wadding, Twin, Faucy Boskets, Brooms, Baskets, buckets, Brushes, Cloth Wringers, Wooden and Willow War la the United States. Our large increase In business enables us to sell at low prices and furnish th bst quality of Goods. BOLE AGENTS FOR THE Celebrated American Waahar, Price S3.&0. Over 1S.O00 Bold lu 8ix Mouth. Terms t Carpels, 0 day. All other goods, SO day, Net. February 17, 1873. -Sm. SHORTEST ROUTE EASTWARD. Danville, llaaletou A TrVtlkeabarre Rail Koad. - WINTER ARRANGEMENT. LKAV8 lASTWASD. Bunbury, 8 'Jo a m Dauvllle, 7 0J " Cultaw'a, T 28 " I Uaxletou, 08 - i LIAVI WSSTWABD X. York, 00 a m Eaaton, 9 25 " Phil'a. 8 00 " Bvthlem 10 OS " Bethle'm 1 10 p m Phil's, 3 15 " j Eaaton, IS 85 ' N. York, 60 Hasleton, 1 00 p m t altaw'a, 3 40 " Danville, S 20 ' Buubury, 9 67 " The afternoon train connects at Buoubury with ths Philadelphia A Erie, 4 85 p. m., train going west, arriving at Wllllanisport 8 80 and Lock liaven 7 54 p. m., and with th Wortt'efB Cen tral 4 60 p. m., moving south arriving at Harris burg 7 00 p. m., and Baltimore 10 41 p. m., and also with the Buubury A Lewletcwn R. R. Comfortable and haaJtoui eoacue on this MWtOU"- J. HERVET EASE, Superintendent IfttercIIancot;?. JJARDTARB TOR ALL AT TBS HARDWARE STORE or J. H. CONNELLY & CO. market Street, Nunbnrj-, Paw Tt Is nsclees to enumerate everv kind of article lu bis Store, but among the leading Items may be set down the following i Iron, Bteel, Lend, Scales, steelyards, Grindstone, Nails of all kinds aud sites. Vices, Baws, Plane, Sieves, Chain, Axe, Braes and Iron Kettles, Shovels, Hoc, Forks, Spades, Rakes, Hatchets, Carpenter snd Blacksmith Boring Machines, Cellar Grates, Drawing Knives, Stone Sledges, Plasterers' Trowel, Masons' Hammers and Trowels, Hand Dinner Belle, nnd large east Iron Bells for School Houses and Farmers' Dinner Bells, Carpenters' Bench Screws, Potato Forks for digging potatoes, ; Looking Glasses, Twine, Ropes, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Tacks, Mule and Horse Shoes aud Nails, Hammers, Augnrs, Cbtsels, Lanterns, oil Cloths, Brooms, Locks of all descriptions. Coffee Mills, Bits and Braces, Carriage Bolts of all kinds, Paint and Wall Brushes, Buckets, Oil), Varnish1), Japans, Lts, Soda Ah, Washing Soda, PAlSTS OF AM. liT-sDSin Oil or Dry, Parti-Colors of all kinds, CEDAR-WARE and other Wooden-Ware of all kinds and very cheap, Hay-Fork Pulleys, Picks, Mill Picks, Levels, Level Glasses, Files, Hinges. Coal Oil, Hems, Combs, Screws, Saddlery and Shoe Findings, Buggv TrUninings, Excelcior Glass Cutters. Pocket Knives, Scissors, Shears, Nhot, Caps and Powder, and r. great variety of other nrtlcles. Any thlrg wanted and not on haud, will bo ordnred at onr. Sunbaiy, Aug. 19, Ib'l. CKXTEH OF ATTRACTION. Everybody is Invited to come, aud buy of the haudsoinc assortment of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES ut SAMUEL F. NEVIN'S STORE, in frnme bti'ldine, adjoining Moore A DisMnger's building, THIRD STREET, SUNBURY, PA. Just opened a fresh supply cf Confectioneries of everv description. TOYS F AM, KIMIS constantly on hand. The bet RAISINS, FIGS, CURRANTS A DRIED TRUIT. PURE RIO COEFEE, TEA & SPICES, fresh Bread, Buns A Cakes, every morning. FANCY CAKE3, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, Ac. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS I OYSTERS! Having filled lip a room cxpretsiy for serving up Oyi-te rs In every style, l.iidirs and Gentlemen i. A uer.L-i..i n.iwlflt.t wilt. t tilviltv.a l ) m.'.iket. ut ull hoarK ilurintr the ouv anrl eveniiirr. Families wl'.l be supplied at t!:e:r resident- w ith the bet Shell or Cunued Ovsters, as is desirable, at the very lowest prices. Call and s-ciny excellent u'sortmect of poods and ascertain the prices. f. F. NEVIN. Dec. IC. H71. HORSE AND CATTLE 1XMI RA E l O'll AY. INSURE YOUR HOUSES ! INsUUE YOUR CATTLE iNSURE v.i;h n n '.p.itikible and perfectly reli able Company. Insure where your losses will Le paid piui.itn.y. V!ii iu ti Jlutual Protective Co. Hence, yeu in o :rc of being paid promptly for all los?cs, if Insured in this Companv. OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LESS THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. We pay lot.-es accruing through ll.cft, death bv I tire, accident, or natural causes, (excepting j epedomic diseases ) We p.iy prompt. No red I t:ipe proceedings to get your money, in case of "OVER SoOOO paid on horses aud cattle since oiganixation. DR. D. WALDRON, ProlUur.t. C. A. I'.F.IMENSS" YDER, Sec'y, Stinburv, Pa. DIRECTORS. Ex-Guv. James Pollock, Hon. J. C. Bruner, Solomon Stroll, Win. Brindle, Solomon Sill e, John A. Sbisalor, Dr. D.. T. Krebs, Dr. David Waldron. Jau 13 '73-ly. NIMII RY .MtRRLF. YARD. T HE umlersitrned having bought the entire stock of Dissinger A Taylor, would Inform the public thut he is uow ready to do all kiuds of ntiiHi.i: tvoiti;. 1Tib on bniirl. anil innkiM tft order at SHORT KOTIC: Nonuments 4V llratl-Ntonesj, : rvrrt style. SDOOR AD WINDOW SILLS Also.Cemetery Posts with Galvanized pipe and all other fencing generally used on Cemeteries. John A. Tu i lor will continue in the employment, at the old stand ou Market St.. Sunbury. maytt'Ag Deef! Beef! rpHE undersigned Is prepared to furnish the L citUeus of Sunbury and vicinity with the choicest Beef and Pork in Market, ci'.her at Wholesale or Retail. Families will be supplied by the quarter or side, or smaller quantities at the moat reasona ble rates. Constantly on hand the choicest cuts of Beef, Pork, Mutlou and Veal, also Saucages, Beloguas. Ac. Apply at the Meat House, South Third street, In Moore A Dissinger's Row, Sunbury. On market day the best of meat Is served to customers at the meat stand, coruer of Market and Third streets, when the celebrated Brosiuus' sausages can be had, long known a the beet In market. HENRY K. FAGELY. N. B. Persons having fat hogs or beeves for sale can procure the bigest market price by ap plication at th above establishment. Buubury, Nov. 11, 1871. Philadelphia and Erie Railroad. WINTERTIME TABLE. On and after Monday, November S7, 1871, the Train on the Philadelphia A Erie Rail Road will ruu a follow WESTWARD. Mall Train leave Philadelphia, " " " Suubury, " arr at Erie, Erie Express leave Philadelphia, " " " Suubury, " an at Erie, Eluilra Mall leave Philadelphia, " " " Sunburv, " " arr at Lock Haven, Aoeommodatioa leave Buubury, " arr at Reunvo, 6 20 p m 1.00 a m 3.50 p m 1 J $0 p in 6.60 p m 7.40 am 7.50 a di 4. S3, p m 7.55 p m 16 a m 10 40 a m EASTWARD. if all Tral a leave Erie, 1 1 5 m " " " Sunbury, 13.80 am " " arr at Philadelphia, 8.30 a m Eri Express leave Erie, 8.00 p m " 8uubury, 9.30 a ra ' arr at Philadelphia, 8.80 p m Elmira Mall leave Lock Haven, 7. 85 a ra . " " 6unbury, 11.00 am " arr at Philadelphia, 6.50 p m Accommodation leave Renovo, 13.25 p m " arr at Sunbury, 4 85 p m Mall East connect east and west at Erie with L. 8. A M. 8. R. W. and at Corry and Irvinetoa with OH Crk and Allegheny R. R. W. Mail Wert will west bound train on L. S. A M. B. R. W. and at t ony and Irtloeton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Caitawiitsa passenger train will b ran east from WlllUmsport on Erie Expr, aud west, to WUlUouport oa Klmlra Moll. Wsl, A. BALftwiN. Geet'l aoa't,