Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 11, 1872, Image 3

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    Smtbnrg American.
SUNBUItV, MAY 11, 1872.
Railroad Time Tnble.
N. C. R. AV. East. P. K. II. R.-Wtst.
Buffalo Ex I've 13:am Erie Mull, I've 1:00 am
Erie " " :2J lAccout. " 6:15 "
ElinlraMall " 11:0.1 " Niagara Ex " 12:40 p m
Niagara Ex." 4:40 p mElmiraMail 4:K5 "
1 Erie Ex. " 0:80 "
Sunbury at lt:!50 nV At Snnbnry 9:55 ft m
" 4:40 p m M 4:00 pm
D. II. ft W. R. R.
Leave Bunbury (1:20 a. m. Arrive nt 3.35 p. m
Sunbnry nt 7:S0 a. m. At Banbury 1:40 ft. m.
' 4:00 p.m. " " 7:40 p.m.
Accident Insurance Tickets can be had of J.
fihipman, Ticket Agent at the Depot.
ocal Affairs.
Srrwiso Machinks.-MIss Caroline Dalius is the
agent Tor the sale of the best Sewing Machines
In existence, vi i "The Improved Bingcr,"
"(Jrover A Baker," "Howe," snd "Domestic'
which arc constantly on hand and sold ol rea
sonable prices. Shelsnlso agent for the cele
brated FranU and Pope Knitting Machine. Call
aud seo them. 0'U:o on Market street, cant of
the railroad.
Dkdication. The new Baptist meeting house
in Lower Augusta, will bo dedicated to the wor
ship of God, with appropriate services, on Sun
day, June 2d. Rev. Professor Lowry, of Univer
sity of Lcwlsburg, will prcadi the dedicatory
sermon. Other eminent ministers will be prc
sout and address tho meeting. Services com
mence nt 10 o'clock, a. m., and 7 o'clock, p. m.
All ministers of the Gospel and the public gene
rally are cordially invited to attend and tako
part In the services.
To Farmers and Others. Fine assortment
pf the Harrhbnrg stone-ware Just received nt
Clement efc Dlssinger's store, nnJ for sale at lower
prices than can he had elsewhere.
Notick. The Sabbath School Convention of
the Northumberland Baptist Associutiou, will
hold Us annual session on Wednesday and Thurs
day of next week, In the church at Northum
berland. The exercises will consist of reports,
essays, discussions, Ac. Live Sabbath School
Instructors will bo present. The public are In
vited. G. J. Birr.NsiNGKH, Sec.
Bovt Sl'NK.On Monday last, a canal boat
laden with coal, belonging to Dry Valley, was
sunk at Grant A Bro.'s wharf, at this place.
Pkcohatios Day. The 80th of May, set apart
for decorating soldiers graves, should be regular
ly observed. The Post of the G. A. R., nt this
I lace, we are Informed, are making preparations
lo tarn out, accompanied by the Sunbury Cornet
Band. Ve hope to see all citizens turn out huv
an Interest in tho matte, and make the day
more iutcrolin" than ever before.
L. 11. Kase, Esq., has removed his law office j
tn'.i tha rooms lately occupied by the Awkkican, j
in M.isser's building, entrance next door to Dr.
Moody' llrug Store, on Maiket Square. His .
oiTtee has be-u fit ted up, and his uunicrous i
clients and filmids will find it a rnir.f it to vi-it I
tiiC 'Squire. We have no doubt but that his I
pi :-.?licc will increase more Huu uoi.o.c in iu usw
Salt Pktiik Pov. iv.'.i. Persons desiring first-
class powder v.iU Hud Mestrs. M.'.iiicr & Co., I
Trevort'Hi, thi county, men who will always j
supply thill1 customers with a gooi article. They I
tiinnufacturc nunc bti the bc.-t. j
.Vb Invlt j auontion of our leaders to the statc
t:ert of The Firct !'atlonal Bank of Sunbnry,
and The Northumberland Couuty National Bank, !
of bliamukin, in another part of tins paper.
Nuw Stow:. We refer our leaders to the ud
v jitisUiueiil of Finney' new store, on Market
street, and would ask them to cxamino his
magnifleeut stock of goods.
Death of a Soldier. Capt. James Slater, an
officer of the Cth Pennsylvania Reserve', died at
Northumberland a few days ugo. l!u w:is a
brave soldier and fought through n number of
hard battles. lie was buried by his comrades
with military houois.
Mus. Ann Himsmdinhkii, aged 7fl years, and a
ulster to Henry Wenek, deceased, died lu Nor-
liiumberlaud, last week. She was one of the j
family of sturdy Germans who came to this
country about seventy years ago, from Holland. I
fclic is the last of the family, the only remaining
brother, Henry, having died at an advanced age,
a few weeks since.
Tub Vor.KS property for sale cheap, comer of
Second and Race streets ; nnd Hunt property, iu
Friling's addition, for (1,200. Inquire of A. N.
Brico, Sunbury, Pa.
FciiSACE. We learn that a furnace company
was organized iu Northumberland, on Tuesday
last, aud that the location will be on the North
Branch above Samuel Elliott's, on tho outer
limits of tho borough. The Northumberland
people also talk strongly of getting car shops.
Over one hundred shares having been subscribed.
Oi'R friends throughout the comity can aid us
much by canvassing for subscribers for the
American. We will pay liberal for new sub
scribers, and all raising clubs, or who will send
ns single names shall not be losers by reason of
any efforts made on our behalf. We will send
the A jiericas to any address from this date to
the Hi st of December for tho low price of 75 cts.
in advance. Campaign, clubs of ten or more
subscribers will be furnished with the paper for
65 cents. Bet yourselves to work and help along
the cause.
Bi nbl'kt ahi Lewistown Railkoad. A new
schedule went into operation oo this road on
Monday lust. The trains going west now leave
Sunbury at 7:30 a. m. nnd 4:00 p. m., and arrive
at Lewistown at 0:67 a. m. and 6:U7 p. in. Go
ing eastward, leave Lewistown at 11:13 a. m.
and 5:07 p. m.,nd arrive at Sunbury at 1:40 and
7:40 p. m. Tbe train that loaves Sunbury at
4:00 p. in. connects with the fast line west on the
l'ebnsylvania Railroad, giving westward travel
unusual facilities.
Carriaue and Waoos M av cfactor v. M r.
With Raker, of Seven Poiuts, Lower Augusta
township, has lately sreetad a carriage and wa
gon maker shop at that place, and is prepared to
Jill all orders that may be seut to him. Mr.
Raker bus had some eleven years experience in
the business, and will carry on the manufacture
of wagons, buggies, carriages, &e., on an exten
1t cle. Ills work compares with the very
Tm friends of Women Suffrage throughout
the State are reqLested to soud their names, with
Post Offlee addess, to the Pennsylvania Woman
M(fege AsioelaUou, 700 Area street, Philadel
phia. Thou wishing dueaments or spool men copies
pf the Woman's Journal U1 be supplied.
Btropo Bess add Als B. Tuengart has ta
ken possession of Baker Brewery st Milton,
and Is bow firnrt4 to furnish all with sn arti
cle of strong htw tad alt, not surpassed In this
Mrt!on.aT sc(W)r OrJsrj asat bj uull Will rs-
-Wa are again reminded, since the warm
weather has set In, that the slaughter houses In
the borongh are becoming a great nuisance to
those living In their vicinity, on account of them
being kept In ft filthy condition. It is certainly
none too pleasant for persons to cleau up and
purify tbelr premises and then be annoyed during
the whole season by an obnoxious odor of the
refuse matter of a slaughter house. We notice
that laws have been enacted by the Councils of
Lock Haven, Willlamsport and other towns to
bare their slaughter houses removed to the ex
treme outskirts of their towns, awny from any
dwollings. As our present Council Is disposed
to remedy all evils, and are now engaged In
cleaning the streets and alleys, wo hope they will
also look after the slaughter houses and have
the evil complained of remedied.
A New Cornet Band. The establishing of a
Cornet Band lu this place, Is now a flied matter.
The Instruments have been purchased, and In a
few days the band will be fully organized under
the leadership of Mr. Thomas D. Grant, assisted
by Thomas M. Pnrscl and Jured C. irwln. The
Instruments will consist of ten pieces besides
drams and cymbols, the cost of which will bo
nbout 550. This organization will be composed
of somo of our very best young men In this place,
some of whom are endowed with extra musical
At a meeting of tho stockholders of the Nor
thumberland Bridge Company, held at the hotel
of Geo. Burr, In Northumberland, on Monday,
May Cth, 1872, the following gentlemen were
elected and sworn In officers of the company for
tho eusuing year:
President John Taggart.
Treas. and Clerk. W T. Forsyth.
- Managers W. T. Forsyth, W. I. Grccnnugh,
W. L. Dewart, A. E. Knpp, Jos. Priestly, M. B.
The Ete. The second number of The Kyi,
edited by Dr. C. E. Up Dc Graff, of this place, Is
upon our table. It is neatly printed, and con
tains a great deal of useful information. The
paper Is furnished to ull sending lu their names
! nnd address, Irco of charge.
Look out for cheap and good Marble. W. M.
I Duiighcrty has Just returned fiom tho quarries
In Vermont, where he purchased a large lot of
the bett and cheapest marble. He will sell as
cheap us the cheapest, and execute tho lettering
W. II. Blanks gives notice in another column,
that he is prepared to do all kinds of hause,
sign, and ornamental painting, decorating nnd
paper hanging. Mr. Blanks has had n number
of years experience In Philadelphia, and will be
found a good mechanic.
I'onucil K'roccctliug.
Sinm lev. May 7th, 1ST3.
Council met. Members present Chief Bur
gess, col. Mulick, in the chair j J. M. Cndwul
luilcr, D. C. Dissinccr, Rohrbach, Greeuough,
Fox, Cake, Dewait.Clulk, Gnringer and Irwln.
Miuutcs of last meeting rend and adopted.
On motiou of Mr. Dewart, It was Jlnvlenl,
That the Committee on-Square be authorized to
say whether the Grand Army of the Republic
shall have the privilege of putting up a monu
ment In Market Square.
On motion of Mr. Oreencugli, .-solved, That
the Ordinance in regard as to market days lie so
amended as to make three market days, Tuesday,
Thuisday and Saturdays, Instead of Wednesday
and Saturdays, Mid to dote at 8 o'clock for the
Two petitions for opening Second Street, from
Race Street to Cake's addition, were presented to
council. Referred to Committe" on Streets and
On motion of Mr. Cuke, That the Committee
en Streets nr.d alleys are hereby uuthorlzcd to
! forthwith open nnd contract fur the owning of
, Second f-1 ret t, from Race Strett no'th to con
i ncet with Railroad Avenue in Cake's addition to
j Siinlniry. Also to have the lineg of the said
j streets extended and surveyed, and to receive
! proposals for the building of a suitable bridge
' across the basin. Fens 4, nays 5 negatived.
' Most of the members, or all, seemed in favor
I of opening Seccnd Street, but as the resolution
' read was objectionable, it was voted down.
I Ou motion of Mr. Dewart, It was 7ecl"l,
j That the Committee on Fire Engine lie instructed
I to inquire into and report nt as early day as
possible, what it would cost to purchase two
horses and their harness, and prepare a plarc to
keep them. Said horses to be for the use of tho
Steam Fire Engine. Aud aVa to inquire and re-
port Whether, in the day time, work enough
could not be had from the Borough or -.itizens, to
pay for the keeping of the said horses and the
man who attends them. And also further, in-
quire ano repoit wnai it wouiu cost to put up a
lire ulnrm bell at or upon the engine house.
Mr. Dewart, of tho Finance Committee, then
read tbe following rcpoits i
That the Committee find that Mr. Cuke enter
ed iuto a contract with a former Council toslopc
wall the river bank, and find the stone for the
same, ut 11.00 per perch. Hat he did so slope
wall O'J feet of said bank, in w hich bo used S3
and 8 5 perches of stone, tho Borough thus be
coming in debt to him t53.0O. Thnt forthe oth
cr two items, viz : filling Railroad Avenue and
Packor Street, thcrs was not only no contract for
the same, but It was done without the orders, or
even the knowledge, of the Chief Burgess or
Council, and they repoit that these Items bo not
paid. They thereforo recommend the passago of
the following i
Xetolvtd, That the Chief Burgess be directed to
druw his order In favor of J. W. Cake for ?53.00
in full of bill of April 10th, 1872, for36fl.2o, and
that your committee be discharged from the
further consideration of the subject. Adopted.
That the finance committee to whom was re
ferred certain Items In the bill of Ira T. Clement,
of March 14, 1872, they ascertained from a for
mer Chief Burgess, P. II. Moore, Esq., that the
said work was done by order of Council, that it
amounts to f 11 00, and that the disputed items
would have been ordered paid if his Council bad
had another meeting before they went out of of
fice. The committee therefore recommended the
passage of the following ;
Retolnd, That the Chief Burgess be directed to
druw bis order for the above amount in full of
Mr. Clement's bill of March 14, 1872, and your
committee discharged from further cousideration
of the subject. Adopted.
The finance committee to whom was referred
tbe subject of the bounty bond held by Robert
Campbell, of Bnydertown, report, that npon in
quiry they discover that (he bond was properly
issued in good faith for bounty purposes, and
that Mr. Campbell Is Us true aud lawful owner.
They therefore recommend the passage of the
following i
Resolved, That an order shall be di twn by the
Chief Burgess for tbe paymsnt of th j same, and
that yont committee be discharged 'rom the fur
ther cousideration of tbe subject. Adopted.
Mr. Fox, of the committee on river bank, re
ported that the river bank Is washed out from
Cake's brick bouse down to Reagau's saw mill,
from F riling, Bowen A Engel's saw mill down to
Fry's house is full of log, rubbish aud filth ; and
fiom Dr. Master's property down to Spruce
street the bank Is washed out snd sand dcosited
by Beasholti. Your committee therefore suggest
that tbe matter referred to iu this report be im
mediately attended to.
An agreement or the Gas Company was read,
snd on motion, adopted.
On motion, Reiolycd, That when this Council
adjourn, we adjourn to meet on next Tuesday
evening, t finish up all las unfinished business.
On motion, adjourned.
f.W, Ibat, Clark.
School Directors Coevrntior. The School
Directors of Northumberland county met at the
Court Honso, at Snnbnry, on Tuesday, May 7th,
1872, at 1 o'clock, p. m., according to call Issued.
On motion of Dr. J. J. John, John H. McCor
mtck, of Miltont was elected President, and J. B.
Reed, of Mt. Carmcl Borough, and L. M; Morton,
of Milton, Secretaries.
After calling tbe names of delegates of the
different school districts in the county, It was as
certained that one hundred and tweuty-slx an
swered to their names.
On motion, iieiohwt, That the first business of
the Convention bo the fixing of the salary of the
County Superintendent.
On motion, It was Xenoivcd, That the salary of
the Snpeilntcudcnt be fixed at 11,000 per annum.
The Convention then proceeded to a nomina
tion and election of County Supcrlulendcnt, as
follows I
Charles M. Lcsher received 7 Votes.
J. J. Relmensnyder " 10 "
D. C. John " 81 "
Baul Hhlpmnn " 74 "
O. P. Pultou " 4 "
Saul Shlpmnn having received a majority of
the votes cast, was declared elected for the en
suing term.
On motion, adjourned.
Pennsylvania Reserve Association. The
Eleventh Anniversary of tho Pennsylvania Re
serve Corps will be celebrated nt Willlamsport,
on Wednesday, May lMh, 1872, pursuant to a
resolution adopted at the meeting of the State
Association, held nt Philadelphia, May lOtli, '71.
Hon. Wm. McClelland will deliver tbe oration.
A cordial Invitation is extended to members
of the old Division throughout the State to be
present ou the occasion.
Delegates desiring to participate will please
notify Wii.mam J. Harvey, Chairman of the
Committee of Arrangements ut Wilkctburre, of
the number of men w ho will attend.
Jons II. Taogaiit,
Corresponding Secretary P. R. A.
Plans have been procured for building an ad
dition to St. Matthew's P. E.-Church, In this
place. The proposed Improvements consist of a
recess chancel with a bell gable, a vestry room,
which will also be usc.l as n Sunday School class
room, aud an organ chamber. It Is nlso intend
ed to put entirely new pews nnd stained glass
windows In the church. The chancel window, n
triplet, will be glvcu by friends in Philadelphia.
The side w indows lu the nave of the church, It if
hoped, will be given us memorial windows. One
has been already promised, and another is to bu !
furnished by the Sun lay School children. (la
r.ette. Mita. S. T. Biiown was badly burned on Mon
day last, by her clothes taking lire while making
soap in tho yard nt the rear of her residence.
Ono of her arms, her breast nnd face were seri
ously injured before the fire was cMir.guishc 1.
She has been suffering severely from her injuries
since the. accident, bat it is hoped no dangerous
consequences will result. Vittuniim.
The 'eelly Ejntnmert, u new nine column pa
per, ably edited and printed on (1-ie paper, lias
Just made Its appearance In Willlamsport. It
advocati s Pi publican pi lnclplet, and is devoted
to bu.-.iness, literature and general news. We
v.lah It abundance of success.
Ltsv of Letters remaining iu the Sunbury Toil
Office, May 8, 1S72:
W. L. Baker, Mrs. Ada Bedcar, Mrs. Ann
Bartlett, Wm. Hehney, Mls Rein-ecu Broscious,
Mrs. tVmrad. Mrs. Mary (lault, Chri.-tiau Uros
inan, John R. Haas. John liouliarrler, Thomas
Holt, Miss Annie Johnson, Abraham Kalev,
I'lilnecs Lei.-er, II. K. Lytic, li. 11. Nye, John i).
Reitz. R. C. Smith, Leonard Smith, Willie M.
Smith, J. i. S. Siiimlel, Miss Matty Siuelcyl,
illiani Simlli, (-').
J. J. SMITH, P. M. I
Ceiei. 'i KAiir. The Shi.mokin JlentlJ of this I
Week says : I
"The amount of coal thipped from our county '
for Apiil Is 10S Cp.'j3 tons, and for the season 304, !
13.") tons, against TS.ri.V) for the month and 0:n',-
01," lor tne season nisi year, e.ain lortnc ino'.iiu
C0,::'.)ll tons, and for the season T3,l)C3 tons. '
The Daniel Webster colik-ry has been leased
by Mr. Wm. Brown, who is now operating the
l.ainiicit. .Mr. Mown lias nnd cousideramc cv- Ribbons ami Flowers, Trimmings of every ele
peiienceiii dillicn'.t milling, and no doubt tlie ' scriptlon. mid every kind of goods usnully "kept
Webster will run up lu shipments under his man- ' in u millinery establishment, can bo had ut her
. ,, store at the lowest piiecs. Tlie verv best in the
me in. . j Philadelphia mai ket lias beeu selected, to which
Tm: r.i sK v Timlkha vr it finds nni of iis
most insidious and dnngoous foes in the inany
so-called "tonics" und "apretia rs," made of
cheap whlky and refuse liipicrs, liuishi'd up to
suit depraved appetites, under the name of medi
cines. Dr. Walker's California Vinegar Bitters
:ti o none of these. The y are not a beverage, but j
a genuine medicine, purely vegelahle, prepared
from California heibs by ;i regular physician.
For all diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys,
bladder, skin nnd blood, they tire infaliililu and
unrivaled remedy.
Husiiiess Notices.
With all due deference to everybody we beg
leave to Inform the people of Sunbury aud sur
rounding country, that we are now prepared
with u nice nssoituirut of goods to supply their
wants at the very lowest prices. With nil be
coming modesty we would cull your intention to
our reputation for good goods nt the lowest
prices, fair uud honorable dealings with every
one. No misrepresentations to elleet sales; al
though about the last to bring Spring und Sum
mer goods, we mean to sell them at such prices
us will guarantee the sale of our goods. Call
and be convinced lhal Fryliug's Mammoth Store,
Market Sjuitrr, next door to tho Ourt House, Is
the place for bargaius.
Bahv Cakkiaoes. A new lot jut received aud
for sale ut B. L. Raudtnbush's furnltur'i store,
Masonic bulldlugs.
Si'HiNU and Si'Umek styles of Huts arc now
open nt S. Faust s store, ou Market street.
Neckties, Collars, Cuffs, and Gentlemen's Fur
nithing Goods, new styles, are sold at low prices.,
Dollt Vakdins at Welmer's.
Iuisu Piilin9 ut Welmer's.
Plaid Poi'uss ut Welmer's.
Plain PopliJs at Welmer's.
Ciiintzks at Welmer's.
Spkino Shawls qt Welmer's. r
An endless variety of Goods for Ladles', Gent's
and Chlldreus vear.
Call and seo for yourselves.
No trouble to show Goods.
A large assortment of boots and shoes are
just being opeued at tha Excelsior boot nnd shoe
store of Win. II. Miller, on Market Square. He
has a general variety to select from, and all of
the latest Spring style. Call and soe them.
Special Notices.
On Marriage. Essays for Young Men, on
Great Social Evils and Abuses, which interfere
wilL Marriage, and ruin the happlnese of thou
sands, with sure means of relief for tbe Erring
aud Unfortunate, deceased and debilitated. Seut
in sealed letter euvulopes, free of charge.
Address, Howard Association, No. 3, South
Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa.
The Rev. William 11. Norton, while residing
in Braril as a missionary, discovered lu that
laud of inediciuce a remedy for CoKSi'MfTiOM,
Ucaeri'LA, Soke Thiioat, Coigus, Colps,
Astusia, and Nkkvoi s Wiaknesa. This rem
edy has cured myself after all other medicines
had failed.
Wishing, to benefit the suffering. I will tend
the rec1e lor preparing and using this remedy to
all who desire It FREE OF CHARGE.
Please send an envelope, with your name and
address on It. Address,
76 Bkoadwat,
Oct. 141871 1y. New Vo Citv,
A IIAadnome IHonntaclie.
MOUVTACHE. Prof. 8t. Croix's French Com
WHISKEKfl. pound, the Ortat Hair Grower,
MOUSTACHE, will produco n luxurlent Mou
WHISKEHS. staehe or Whiskers on the
MOUSTACHE, smoothest face. Pleasant to
WHIS1CEU8. us. Bent to any address on
receipt of Filly Cents.
II. T. BOND, Chemist.
N. E. Cor. Tenth aud Chestnut Bis., riilln.
Feb. 17, lS73.-ly.
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In I'pper Augusta township, on Hie lth ult.,
LEAHY SOPHIA, daughter of Wm. and Chatty
Everett, aged 2 years, 5 months nnd 7 days.
In Sunbnry, on the 20th ult., FLORA, daughter
of E. II. nnd Mrs. Swcitzer, aged about 3 years.
In Upper Augusta twp., on tbe 2Stb ult., of
consumption, FRANKLIN P. GARINGElt, son
of Ri-uben and Julia Ann Garinger, aged 18 years,
7 months and 15 days.
In Vpper Augusta township, on the SOth tilt.,
8ARAII ELLEN, daughter or Henry nnd Marga
ret Arnold, aged 1 month aud 14 days.
In Lower Augusta twp.. on the 21st nit., WIL
LIE EDWARD, son of John H. nnd Abliy Beck,
aged 3 years, 10 months and 8 days.
Flonr anil 4raiu .Market.
Extra Family 810.00 Red Wheut, p. bu., Sl.00
UucKwiirar, p. ct., fi.oo Kyo,
Corn Meal,
Wheat Bran, p. bu. 1.5(1; Buckwheat
Shorn, 2.00 Oats. :!2 lbs.,
Com A Oats Chop, 2.00 Flaxseed,
Timothy Seed, p. b. 3.00
i'rotluce Market.
M Hams,
per doz.,
Hi Tallow,
40 Couutiy Soup,
12 Dried Apple,
10 i " Pearlies,
Butter, por lb.,
MM! L It Y CO A I, M A It It KT. j
Egg nnd Stove $3. 50 F.ggand Etovc f4.50
Chectuut 2.5(1 Chestnut 50
Pea l.noll'ea 2.50
iXtiu Abbcrliscmcnts
At; K.MS t'.M
'Literature, Art and
I Is the bet selling book ever offered. It coin
1 bines the humor of anecdote, the wisdom of es
l sav, the Information of history and blographv.
thu awe Hues mid grandeur of poetry, the exqui
site charm of music, una 400 beautiful Illustra
tions. "Solid reading for graver moments j pleasant i
pictures to illumine quiet hoars , aud gems ot
song for the social circle."
An Agent writes, "Sold 127 copies this week.
1 Wi'l sell 500 this month easily."
Our now stem of canvassing does awny with
i objection, to the business. Particulars free. A ;
! valuable present to every n"W Agent. j
' I r.ll l 1U..I. fL UI.IMll.'Nti 111., VI
and U5 Liberty Street, ". ev York.
:,iit. (
nt thu
! (jpvj'flf J
.miss i.. suissi.r.u.
' Kvery kind of Millinery Hoods, embracing
I Hut1, I.oiiiiotM, Se-liool HatN, Crajio
i iisihniiii itonuris,
l"e lajiesaie liivuea to examine ana bo eonvin
! ced.
Market Square, Sunbury, l a.
April 20, 1ST
;it m oriMMi
of the largest und most fashionable stock of
ninflici nvirl nncimnro!!
of every grade, aud
(icntlenicn's Furnishing Goods, at
T II Oft. . XOTT'S
in Miller's Block, Third street, two doors below
The most fashionable clothing mude to order
from every variety of goods.
Suits of all size's made up .it the shorted no
tice, from tlie bust selected stock iu New York
and I'hl'.udedphiu.
Cull and bo convinced.
April 'JO, 1872.
Spring aud Nil m in or Opening
Hats nnd onnots, Trimmed and
nil ntw styles.-
Crape Veil ol" all Grades.
and everything usually kept in a Milliuery Store.
Call st
M. L. GOSSLER'8 Store,
Vt South Fourth Street, below the S. V. R. R.,
April 20, 1873.
Milliner)' aud Fancy Goods.
Spring styles of HATS aud BONNETS, trimmed
aud uutrimmed. All the latest styles In
Neapolitan, Waterproof, Ae. School Huts and
Sun Hats.
Trimmings Ribbons, Flowers, Laces, &e.
Glove), Collier de Grace, Crape,
Crape Veils, Tissues, Neckties. Ramsey, War
ner A Co.'s Patterus, and all the Spring
styles of Milliuery Goods.
Cull and seo my choice assortment.
Market Btreet, one door west of Gearhart's cou
lee t lone ry store.
A pill 20, 187:!.
It is s companion volume to
nf which
Have already becd ordered , an is still one of
the best selliug books out.
Dou't waste time on books no oue wants, but
take on people will stop yon In tbs street to
subscribe for. "There Is a time to laugh," aud
all who read this book v.'ill see cleat ly that time
has come.
Apply to W. H. Renter, sirent, for Northum
berland, Point, Upper Augusta, and Sunbury.
Orders for the Book left at the Clement llou.e,
Sunbury, will receive prompt attention.
Arm ao, 173.-11.
To DebilitaUid Personi,
To Dyspeptics,
To Suflbmrs from Liver Complaint,
To those having no Appetite,
To thqso wilh Broken Down Constiltt
To IJ'ertous People,
To Children AVnsting AwRy,
oany with Debilitated Digestive Organs,
Or rvfl'ering with any of the folloicing
b t)ij(oM, which indicate Disordered Lhtr
' . such as Con
stipation, Inward.
Piles, Fullness or
Blood to tbe Head, Acid- ,
Ity of thcStomnch, Nausea,
Heartburn, Disgust for Food,
Fullness or Weight in tho Stom
ach, Pour Eruetatlons,Sinklng or
Fluttering nt the Pit of the Stom
nch, Swimming of tho Head, Hur
ried and Difficult Breathing. Flutter
ing at the Heart, Choking or Bnffocat- j
ing Sensations, when In a Lying Posture,
Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before tho '
Bight, Fevornnd Dull Pain In thu Head, Deficien
cy of Perspiration, Yellowness of tho.Skiu
iin l Eyes, Pain In the Side, Back. Chcft,
Limbs, fit., Sudden Hushes of Heat,
Burning In 111'! FIcrIi Constant Im
uginiugs of Evil, nnd Great De
pression of Spirits.
IloollamV.s German Hitters.
A Bitters without Alcohol or Spirit of any kind.
Is different from nil others. It Is composed of
the pure Juices, or Vital Principle1 op Roots,
llrcnns nnd Baiikh, (or as medicinally termed Ex
tracts.) the worthless or inert portions of the In
gredients not being used. Therefore In one; bot
tle of this Bitters there is contained as much me
dical virtue ns will be found in several gallons of
ordinary mixture. The Roots, Ac., used In this
Hitters are grown In tierniany, their vital princi
ples extracted in that country by a scientific Chc
inM, and forwarded to the manufactory in this
city, where, they are compounded nnd bottled.
Containing no spir.tuous ingredients, this Bitters
is free from the objections urged against all oth
ers : no dosiro for stimulants can bo induced
from their use t they cannot make drunkards.
and cannot, under any circumstances, huvo any
but a beneficial eOei t.
Was compounded for those not luelincd to ex
treme bitters, nnd is intended fur use In cases
1 w hen some alcoholic stimulant is required In co i
neetinn with tbe tonic properties of the Bitters.
Each bottle of tlic Tonic contains one bottle of
I the Bitters, combined with puree SANTA Cltl'Z
j RUM, nnd flavored In such a manner that tho ex-
tremo bitterness of the bitters is ovcre-omc, form
ing a preparation highly agreeable and pleasant
to the palate, and containing the medicinal vir
tues of t lie Bitters. The price of tho Tonic Is fl.
I 50 per Boltle, which many persons think too
i high. They must take into consideration that
tho stimulant used is guaranteed to b of a pure
quality. A poor article could be furnished at n
cheaper price, but is it not better to pay a little
I more aud have a good article I A medicinal prc
j paration should contain none but the best Ingre
I clients j and they who expect to obtain u cheap
: coiiiihuiii.I, and be. benefitted by It will uioal cer
tainly be cheated.
Iloofltsud's Ucrniiiu Itiltrrx, or
LAND'S IoIo)hjIIiii Till,
will cure you. They are the (ireutest
BLOOD PURIFIERS known to the Medical
world, and will eradicato diseases uriMni: lroui
impure blood. Debility of the Disge-.tivc Organs,
or Diseased Liver, in a bhoiter time than any
oilier known remedies.
the WITOTE si'pkeme rour.T or
Wi:o wo;i.r a-K ron jiour. Dxsirini) ami Testimont !
Hon. Gr.ouoK W. Woihwaud, formerly Cliief
J notice of t lie Supremo Court of Pennsylvania,
nt present Member of Congress from Pennsyl
vania writes s
PiiiLAnv.i.puu, March lfiih, 107.
I find "Hoollaud's German Bitters" Is n good
tonic, useful iu diseases of I he digestive organs,
mid of great beuelit ill cases of debility, and
want of nervous action In the steni. Yours,
truly, OLO. W. W joDWAt.D.
Hon. Jamm TuoMrsox, Chief Justice of the Su
preme Court of Pennsylvania.
Piiii.AiinLi'iiiA, April 2, 1S07.
I consider "Hootland"s (iermaii Bittern" a val
uable medicine In case of attacks ol Indigestion
or Dyspepsia. I can certify this from my expe
rience of it.
Hon. CiKoiior: Si:ai:siiiu, Justice of the
i renie Court of Pennsylvania.
Puii.vDiu.riiiA, June 1, 1S0S.
I have found by experience that "Ilocltand's j
German Bitters" is a very good Ionic, relieving
dvspeptic svniptonn nlmt direetiv. j
Hull. H'm. . llo'jen. Muvorof the City of Buf
falo, N. Y.
Mayor's Oillee, Buffalo, June 22, lSflO.
I havo used "lloutland's (Jeirnan Bitters un l
Tonic" lu my family during the past year, mid
can recommend them as mi excellent loiile, im
parting tone and vigor to the system. Their use
' ',11S bct'" l'rodULtivo ot
decidedly beneheiiil rf-
wm. F, Rogers.
; Hon. J.imo .If. ll'ooi,' Ex-Muyor of Wllllams-
jiort, Pa.
! I take jrreat pleasure In recomineiulliig "Iloof
land's (ieimnn Tonic" to anyone who may be
nlilieted witli Dyspepsia. 1 hud tlio Dyspi'psia
so badly it was iniHwihlc to keep any fond on
my stomach, nnd I became so weak ns not to be
able to walk half a mile. Two bottles elfeetod a
. perfect erne. JAMES M. WOOD.
Will Cure every Case if
or Wasting nway of thu Boely.
Are the medicines you require to purify the
lUmid. exeitc the tornid Liver to healtliv ueiiim.
nnd to ena.ile you to pass salciy liirouyli any
hardsbips or exposure.
or substitute for Mercury Pills. Two Pills n
Dose. The most Powerful, jet luuoccut Cathar
tic known.
It Is not necessary to take a handful of these
Pills to produce tho desired effect i two of them
act quickly and powerfully, cleanslnir the Liver,
Stomach uud Bowels of all impurities. 'Die
principal ingredient Is Podophyllin, or the Alco
holic. Extract of Mandrake, which Is by many
limes more powerful, acting nnd searching thuu
the Mandrake itseil. lis peculiar action is upon
tlie Liver, clcuuiiig it speedily from all obstruc
tions, with all the power of Xlurcury, yet free
from the Injurious results attached to the use of
that mineral.
Fornll diseases, In which the ue of a cathar
tic Is Indicated-, the pills will give entire satis
faction In every case. They never fail.
In ruses of Liver Complaint, Dy.pcpsta aud ex
treme costivcuuss, Dr. llooflund's derinan Bit
ters or Tonic should be used In ronuectiou with
the Pills. The tonic cllecl of the Haters or To
nic builds up the system. The bitters or Tonic
fiurlflvs the Blood, strengthens the Nerves, regti
utes tbe Liver, and gives strength, eueruy and
Keep your Bowels active with the Pills, and
tone up the system with Bitters or Tonic, and no
disease ran rilaln tho hold, or even assail you.
'. ' ' .. .
Recollect ttuet It U Dll. uuuiLASUl (JfcK-
AN Remedies that are so universally used sud
ghlv reeoiiimended 1 snd do not ollow tbe
rtgglst to iuduce you to tuks anything eiss
that he may say is just as good, because he
makes a larger profit on it. These Remedies will
be sent by Express to any locality, upon applica
tion to the PRINCIPAL OFFICE, at the GER
CIIAS. M. EVANS, Proprietor.
Formerly C. M. Jackson & Co. The Rama
dies sre for Sal by Druggists, etorekerocis, sod
i Medicine. Dfileit evtrynbeit.
$2tto ltttatrtlsttntitif . .
it 6
o o a
Or Sagnr-Contcd, Conccnte ac, ltiet
and Ilcrbnl .Voter, Atitl-ttillnus
Granules. Tin; "UTTLIl OUST"
CATHAItTlC, or nullum lit Inrvi
Physic. v
The nnvcltycf modern Mi'dh s.1. Ciirr.ilrsl nd Plisr
tnnceuticAl heiewe. No n- of any lon,'.T Inking U.i
M-ZO, reiml-i Slid luinsenn .. 'c. impost d of
chciip. crude, and he.l!:y hn.'rei'ieins. when voeaii by
s carcNil itiieatitni nt rheiHititl reienee. r.itui't e;l
tlie rnthsrlie mid tl t leeiile iml ii e:iles In m ilie
twist vsliiaMe roots nud iirl. and cwiieenirnie theia
buna minute. Ornniile.Kcni-i'.'ly larncr itinii a
imtolarat siecd, llintrs'i t e tndily .walLmed 1 r
tlin-c eif tie. inf.t sea-ituo nieteicln find le'ticil.MH
tutcs. r.iohlilllo 111 rcasi vo t-c!clr ,t sei.t.
in n uio-t co'ieciitratpd f'trm.ns tnurh c:iihni .;c poetcr
n i riii'mdled In any of tin- l-ir ;n pills lunad lor sale
iu tl:T ilru,' choj... I'ro'ji tlieir Woiiileir .l l .i:lei;-lio
po'.eer, t.i 1m'-; r i'n i-i laHr fieoi-lo who Itnvn
not tried IV ni are kiji l' suinioro '.! at Ihey a: harsh
r- lirflc t:i eil'.H. l i t nie.n (. nn( i nil me ene, ino
diT-'D'Ht nef ive lerriieii.rd inei,p. id v hif )i ll:"v:ir
r-enno-etl l ele ; so liartuo' mid iivlni" ). te.p l,y
l l'! oilier, ns lo irll' C It nnI sea ll i II t at;'l
tlioroii h, jet fjc::t y pud kliu'.ly !;. r:
i :ujj fa!li:l:!ic.
(e.00 Kctvn:-;1 1 luveV, uTere 1 h- !'. : p-c.jrte.
tir of tlie-fl I ell Is. l l a1 t i e-ml I v I:". i:;ei' r-i.
Olysis, will f.ttd tl theiil ney C.d'eni 1 er flat.- I-.
i,r mercury or auv ul.ur tuiucnr
(lei n cntiiciy I -.'.!-, I - pn-t! ir
cire l rei) .i.ed wkiM i'.iT V.'."i:. 'Ine, ,... tlis'ilitmrefl lo 1..0 e.,l.-;ii:ill mi. c'lel. i.r c;.
cups'ion. l'or Janii ltc, lle-i:.clt ,
atlp.tiion, ImiMir Bliu", t: i
sli on letir, ' I tit iie-.solf t ::.( c. i . ; .:
ri:ie. H.Mir Hret'inlie.'i e ( t..v r 'jr.'.
iieii, ?;.' I tntt.i ia l l.ii:V.'oi:
illl ieUx, Sntn l: r.'C'mi i Ki.ii: j .
iitcrii!! ff'eveT, Hiii.ihI Tr. fiii p'.,.i;t
fito.M :lrl, Hn,l of Itl :! I t4 .:.,!. 11 .":
Colorvit Cid'te, l ei'ii iuirilly .us .
;loli;y pnrrhmliii j', I i:;o I r. t'i -I'lenslilit
I:t rk :: i in L'clleti'. i e. ;:iv
lln of tlm r'iie.iiil i .'er of my 1'iv slAe i . ,1, s
over so gre'.t a voiielv of re- T-e-. 1 v i h to '': I
Ihrlr iieilou upon Hie i.iiiim.l "-' -
in V ii ti 1 ver .1, ii l li i li.r. I orli .ii
ocapinr llirlr s motive iii!pi'(-.
rtoeM not i-iritii' tl-em: tiie:! nv:Jr-' n: d ', 1 1 .r
teirlm -I i.i L'U' Iftlh'S pi-ervc; 'heir vi. luer 'in ei
paired lo'' nan hei-rth of tini I i any cliieaie. ki T'.rt
lliey are nl.viy frcti end t lia!,!3 w'aicli U i:',l ili
cisj wilh t.'.epill fhand in ti.e d.n:' tir.', pet no in
cheanwooj or p:ite-bolr:l liones. II 'redleel llial
nil eltsea-e wl.ere a l.iiviiti v'9 I(ce:itlvc or
PurtfnilvO is indieilleil, tlieo liitle I'.dl. t,. Mill
give the :uot perfect satiKU.ln'ii to ail uhti u.v tUeta.
They tro sotel by n!l r nle'r;rl.l
Driiggiit' ut i cciitH u lotiie.
Do rot allow nny dni''st to induef. m"i t nd.e
nnythin clso tltnt'l e le.;.1 . iv is )-.i -t ns :;o I t.s e.r
l'ellels leesn-e lie mnk'-. n )i - -r p-ofd imi T. ut v-. 1:!.' .1
be reeoniTn''ml,. It your ilr'i -r-1 c..iei p:iie :y
them, enclose 15 ecus cud r.eivs I'.ei.i by r ttirh
mail from
n. ?'. i-uiitcr, m. n., :..,,
ilVi"i-.U.', N. Y.
May 4, 17:2
AROiit Wmilcri lor the Xew Work,
on: t iiii.i!ci: t
How to Make ami Keep tliom IIcrtHliy.
Br Ai.-ccTf K. jaku.nkk, M. I).,
Late Professor in New York Medical College.
ll treats of Amusements, KJtii'.ition. Physical
Development, Discuses, Accident", Marriages,
&c., imparling a vast amount of valuable Infor
mation eoiidiieive to the Men lib, Happiness, and
Welfare of tlie Young. Written in a piea-ing
style, it ii excec.ling'y interesting, as well as in
stinctive. Every Family should have It, and no Parent
can ntford to be without it. Semi for Circulars
giving full particulars.
711 Sanom Street, Philadelphia.
Is ready for Canvassers. No book is looked for
more Impatiently than this, and agents will do
welt to get territory for. it as eariy as possible.
Apply for Circulars und terms to
DL'FFIEI.D AS1IMED, Publisher,
711 Sansoni Street. I'hlla leiph'a.
Aiiioi'Icnn nuil i:iiro;p::i
l'erfVrUMl Sjicclnrles nnd
Watches a::d Jewelry neatly repuiiuJ slid ar
r.mtwd. Market Square, SL'NUL'RY, Ta.
Frb. 3, iM'J.-tf.
Iipiiut'd),.ti Ilcuilock Oiulmrnl
ic proprietor lia. by tbe tis-
ince of eniiueiit Phvsieinns tinj ;
hemUts, nicceeled ill tiil.ixiuir
tlie melieina! properties contained ;
e l in tlie Oil, Pitch nnd Roiu of t
the Hemlock Tre-e, ami obtained n !
valuuble preVaratiou to be applied '
us a Salve or Plcs-tcr for Rheuuia- i
tism. Croup, Pain or Soreni'Ss ut
the Back, Client or Stomach, Pilts,
Salt P.lielini, Sisn vy, Sores, ('leers, I
B'.inieHis, Sore Corns, FrTHt Bites, '
l hiiiiiKiun, core Breasts and Nipple's, Kiii'worms, I
Chafing and skin diseaMW nf inll.imiiL.Lorv na- '
tuie. CHARLES A. CRlTTENToN, Ageiit, J
ml,4w. 7 Sixth Aveuue, New York. !
The llest Paper! Try It!!
The Kcloulllic A incrle'u.i Is the cheap
est nnd best tliustrttted weekly paper published.
Every uunilier coutnins from iut l.'i oriijinal en
L't 11 villus of new maehiiiery, novel invcnti'itis,
Brilsres, Enulneei Ini; works, Architecture, iin-
I mini ni'i'iiiiiuni., un.i unj ue.. Ui-
eiie:y in .-iieiiu-.ii. a car h iitiiuiier. ciniiuiu
Wt'J paires nnd several huiidied cimraviinrs.
Thousands of volumes are preserve 1 for biu.liu j
and reference. Tbe practical receipts tv well
worth ten limes the subscription price. Terms,'
t J a year by mull. Spetiuieun .cut free. May 1
be had ai all News Dealers. '
1'MlCiilM obtained on the host terms. Models .
of new iuvculiona and sketches Kuiiiined, and
i advice frm. All patents ra published in the i
Scientific A iiicri'-nn the week Ihey issue. Send
for Pamphlet, 110 paces, containing laws and
.1...... k& I. . L. . . . I...... Q ... I
full directions ror otiUJnlnf Iuteuts.
Address for Paper, or cutter ruin 3 patents,
ML'NS A CO., 87 Psrk Row, X. V. Branch of-lie-e,
cor. F. aud 7lh sts., Washington, D.C. ni!,4t
.iu:at ini'vntii.M
I.SOO Ia;e isnsl ftuo I'nurat iusi 1
puinrp in r.NOLisu tin or.kMtN.
Written by .M Eminent Authors, including Ho-
........ f:, 1 I . u n 11
l, UIGtlJ .OH .UIIU ll. VU.I:n.
We waut agents iu tvery towu to solicit orders
for this woik, ou liberul terms. It sells to all
classes, and no library should be without it. H
I. a complete history of all braiicbe. of ludust.y.
e No like work
.' ,u 1 :iii
processes of mauufuctures, etc
""" """ -P.--- ..-
ever belors punllshed. one
eight dav, auother 12b in one week, another XrtS
, n two weks. An early applliatiou will sec nro
! a eboic in trrriterv. Full paillculars and icims
be sent lm, with a specimen of this Great
Work, aud a 5 (irwuhai k.
itis,t) J. B. BURR A HYDE, Hartford, Conn.
Wwl'l wnd hndsom rr(viotu of our
. in ..a v., uiki. . i.i.i.... m..
.Kr. a... svrii.r. ln.t,..... . .1,. Ilili
Agent, rise of cbrjo Address,
I-'iTioKsi. rv'U-m.'O Co., Fhl!-r
vXO.PKtLPSl aco
The Novelty
Has the
Patent Flange Cog Wheels cn both ends
of the Rolls.
Rolls separata freely at either end.
I I Mil. .IU) 1,111
Has the Patent Curved Clamp,
Is the easiest working Wringer.
Is the Stroniicsl Vi' ringer,
! thi:
Is the most durable Wringer.1
These Willi other Bdvantngi-s make It moru
desirable than any other. .
No Practical Housekeeper can afford to buy a
Yi ringer uiilll she has examined the Xoirlty .
Try it und satisfy yourself that it is the I1ES1 .
Sold everywhere.
Bailey Wasiiinj & Wri.w.ino Ma
chine Company,
a21,4w 10'J Chambers Street, New York.
llflYTi'V MADE RAPIDLY with Stencil
.It Uil ill nnd Key Check Outfits. Cata
logue, Samples and lull particulars FREE.
ti20,4w S. M. Si'KNcrn, llrattlehoro, Vt.
Do you want an agency, local or traveling,
w ith an opportunity to make 15 to 20 a
day selling our new strand Whito Wire
Clothes Lines t They las, forever j sample
ree. Send for circular. Address nt oncu
m KiVcr v ire worn. rr, hhht ei. imih
iden Lane, N. Y., or 340 W. Randolph St.,
Chicago, III. ".iA4-
;rt the Only StnndKrd Stock of thu
kind published. A $111 saved yearly by nil who
possessit. pre MOEEY :Cntbuy
vasslng for Voiman's Dictionary or Evr.ur
Dat Wants, containing '-'0,000 Receipts in uvery
Department In Human F.ffoit, than in any other
nossiblo wav. From f 15 to $40 a week Insured.
It U for every Housoliecpcr, f armer, Trade and
j Profession, 'for the Pick and Well. A leliubla
book of peiuianunt value to every wide-awaka
I progressive person. It sells Itself. Etr i terins.
Address, F. M. Keei), 13'.l. Eighth SI. ? X. Y. 4w
iThreo Years in a 31 sin Trap!
A companion to 'Ten Night's in a Bar-ronm,v
1 by T. 8. Arthur, (the most popular of American
aiithots,) Is uow ready. It is a cvpose of liquor
making and selling, a thrilling leeital of a three
; years yrniV life in u city lira m shop, shows uj
! tlie vile deception praelieed in bur-n oms, and Is
I the most powerful work ol I tie kind over written,
i Will be eagerly read by ihou-ands, and is eer-
taiu to liaw an inimeiibe sale Apply for an
. agency nnd do good us well as make money to
i 4. J. M. Stoiuhut Co., Pnh'tshcrs, Phil.i.
Billiard Tables !
, Tventhiug pertaining to Billiards at lowe.t
I pri' . j. Lliutraieil Catalogues sent by uiaii.
! II. W. COLLESDFR, New Yor.K.
j S tceessor to rUelnii v Cnilender.
I niO.lw Tji Broadway,
Wells' Carbolic Talbiets
j Fern C'olohs, Co i o.i ii lle'Aiiir.NVSS.
I These Tablets present the Acid iu Combiuation
, willi other pllieicut remeiiiv In a popular frni,
i for the Cure of ail THROAT unu LUNG Di
senses. H'Kiiseneis and CiCcration of the Throat
are Immediately relieved and rta'.c.nenls are eon-
ttnuth being sent to the pr.jpih tor of relief In
! rases of 'I hro it ie i,f years standing.
t;AI"l'IO. Don't b? i'eeei"el by wnithlevs
i Imilntions. li' t onlv We!l' Carldie Tablets,
i I'riee IT, ets. per Ijjx." JOHN ti- KELLOGG.
, bond for CiieiiU". 1 P'ult street. N. Y.
I f.'.' f'-ile g"nt f.'r Vitlled States.
I 3fsATA-y:L A rare ttto 1
! Ksfc T:tr. tlsct Tka Impoutki
i HF-v H'trntal to wit nil t
A rat! utitSi TEA.
PV H'.irr.iMftt? to m'? all tintm.
4i. ,.. . t. ti..,.-.
H.J I ill nil IU 'll 1 : ii'ie iii.i i Ik .4.."-
f'-' Poii n-i end Poiui 1 Packages only,
'XVA31 1,3 Pound Bnxe.
li-j For Sate ut Wholesale only bv
Tin Urcttt At'uullf & Pclf.c
! TEA t'O. V. O. Uix fiVai, .. V. tit v. u2ll,4w
l.OOO AscntN V.'antcd I for our new Book.
By V. Km Webb, the noted Pioneer nnd Hu
morist. A most accurate nnd f;e.e'inatin de
scription ol live wiidness and wealth of the bouud
Ic.s Went. Its unlold riclies, Bit; Injuns, Buffa
lo, Vi'olvei, Ac. Crowded with valuable infor
mation, spi'.klln with tlie keenest wit and raci
est humor, liva'ltij; Mark Twain's best, and
splendid'v illustrated. Will b-J immensely p.ipu
lar and sell beyond precedent. For sample pas;'',
Illustrations, terms. te., address,
1U'L'UA1:I l!KO?., Pub'.i.heid,
nJ.lw '- Sansi'iu stroet. Phi'a.
Tlic Snneluj' School Worltl. A leadini;
periodical for Teachers, with full evpttinations
of the Lessons. Ill pages monthly. Only 60
cents a veur.
The Cliilel'H IVorlsl. An illustrated paper
for cliildren. 100 copies monthly, one year,
f I'J.OO. or twice nionth, t'-t. '
Tlie Scliolnr'ts lHcr. divine the text of
the leson, und topics fur Ilie 'I nly of It, Ac.
Intermediate Lesion I'ttper of tinur-i
simple ebniaeter, with question and explana
tion. Either of tlie uboee st the Mle of 7i Cl.
per 100 copies monthly j or i'J lor HW copies per
Specimen copies of any of the r.bovc, furnished
ou uppliention to
Tun AMKii'.re Si'shav frnooi. IMox,
aC0,4w llJIi ChCftr.iit street, I'hiladetpbia.
or you will miss choico
of lerritmy, (ibere l a
rush for it) on 11 LEWIS' la- and grvutot
work. I H III(;i.M Ht
or, Mv Joi.i.v's Sumtr.T.
It Is by odd the niorl taklnR and salable binds In.
the Held. 1. It is on a vilaliy !in orlaut subject.
U. It is by America's uii-at populur liter on
health, li". It l. Tor the pr'i'c, the largest und
handsomest bock ever sold by subsenptkiu
Anent, the cp!e nro eagsr for s ieh a Ixiok.auuT
III urte vou to b-lng it to I he in. Write Tor
tetnts Ac., Vice. Ure. Wii l.riX, PuldUUer.
a30,4w iS Saio-oin sliret, Tbila.
01, Woeli I Were a Cffl Ap!
sigh the wrary and exhaust- .1 one, 11 the inntruoi
and lafsltude of Siring eomrs i,h.ii bim. Comsj
and receive vigor nnd trciifcth jru:i, Hie wouder
1 ful bont'.i Amrie'in Tonic
Lemg nnd suece'sfully used In Its native tOBHSry,
os Powerful Tonic und Potent I'uufler of tbs
Blond, it is b.und e ven lacxe.'. the antieipatioas.
fontei.'d on ii great leputulinn. According to
the lurlical and eeltntM ' reri,)d:-als of Loudoa
I -- - .m 1
and Pari, it possesses th Vwl owerrul tonic
' properties known to Mali n:i Metllca.
I " A M v. V f
1 l pellet remedy f'r all d imuscs of tn
J Oriinic Weaknes', (ilaudulous Tumors,
rs, Dropsy,
- . . .,A ult
and will remova
'"'' ,C" , . . t I
"b.iriietiont of t he I.i v.r. sp isn It
I terlne and limarr uig ins.
! J ' "el"csl'''' , "
like o.
iri, .,.ii. f,,l tkui lino tns H j uacn. it sssimi-
Ut and dill oses Itself tbronrh the clrculaUou,
ctvlng vigor snd health.
It rrgulati s tbe bo alt, quiets tha nsrtws, sets
directly on tss secretive organs, ani, j m -
) erful Tonit -nd reamr llthy
1 Bii vifru-fMia art Lain tn tht hu'f tf )tl.
I JuH.N Q. KELLtHie;. 1.1 l'li't St., N. I
-at f r ib T i.ited fts.
It'.', ft I'VrU'
I '"ire alsr. i '
n i
r ,-,i'ws..jl
I 1 1 ml