Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 27, 1872, Image 3

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    RUrwtt Tlm'THMr.'!'
N. C. h. Mr.B.Ur,-. P. A R. R. R Wmt,
lntr.itoExHWl3.MniiMtErl6 Mill, I've 1:00 a :
F-lo ' ":8 Acrom. " 0-.1S "
El.nlfaMaU " lliOS " 'NHtrnrn R " ICMO p A)
Nlas-sr Ex." 4:40 V ill KhnimMrtll" 4:Hr
, Erlo Kx. ? 0:50
Suubury at ltifirt a m At Sunbnry
9:R.t a iti
4.40 p in
4:00 p 4i
t . . . D. II. A MT. R. R. - ;
Leave Sunbury ft:S0 a. in. Arrive at S.Oi p. if
Pnnbnry at 0:33 a. ri .At Sutibtiry :! a., nt.
" 11:40 a. m.
" yW;45a.
Accident Insurance Tlrkels v,n be had 0C J.
81iip"iiin, Ticket Agent at tno nepot.
Sctiko Machines. --Miss (.'uivilltie fiiilln Is the
ajut for the t!le of tho best Sewing Machines
In existence, viz ! "The Improved Singer,"
"Orover A Baker," "Howe," nud "Dom'stlcy'
tvMch are constantly on hnnd and sold iu rea
sonnble prices. She Is also ngci.t for the cele
brated Frantt aDd Popo Knitting Machine. Call
mil see them. OtKce cn Market street, cast of
the railroad.
Tor Rent. On of the room over T)r. Moody's
dru$ store, on Market Square, will be for rent as
the repairs aud fitting up are finished.
Trimrle sells nothing but tho best quality of
groceries and cheaper than the cheapest.
TuiMnLE's grocery is the place to buy cheap.
Everything In the grocery line is kept there.
Rams, shoulders, dried beef, and fish of the Ilr6t
quality are sold at Trimble's.
Orders for Flour, feed. Potatoes, Iried Fruit,
Crackers, Ac., left at the butcher shop of Renew
d Bower, Third Street, Sunbury, will receive
tttteutlon, and goods delivered at residences punc
tnally. jobs Wilter.-
A passenger car has been place.! on the 13au- i
vllle & Ilazlutou route, which runs through
from Sunbury to Easton without change. This
r.fTjrds a quick and direct route to New Yoik.
Vi'yt. (Jab kino lifts purchased the Restaurant
of James Vandyke, in the basement story of the
Moora A Dlsslnger building, nn the 'corner of
Market and Third streets, and is serving hi
friends with all the luxuries of the season.
We notice n large number of cellar excavated
preparatory to erecting new dwelling houses In
different parts of the town. From present Indi
cations several hundred buildings will be erected
1a this place, during the summer seaon.
bi'BijCEUANNA flird have made their appear
uncs la our market. IH'cernlly, the fish are
una!! and tho prices rteep.
Bai-.t Cakiiiap". A new lot Jn?t received and
for sale nt It. I,. R:iudenbusli's furniture store,
Masonic buildings.
Mr. Em'l Wii.vrrt has been re-appolnted the
member for this county, of the Republican State
Ventral Committee, nt the late State Convention.
A writ of error la tha c.isu of IViry Hans,
tinder sentence of death for shooting Martin Ob
crdorf, hat been taken befoto the Supreme Court.
"Dollt Va.kdf.s" adorn the windows of our
mei chants. Of coerce, everything beating the of "Dolly Vi-rdeu" souaJs very pretty and
p.iitlc.ilar'y to the ladle.
Mi! Kats Black is constantly receiving the I
very best of Dress Goods and Trimmings at her
store cn Market Square. Vert week he intend
I', go to the ci'y to lay in a large assortment i so j
look out ladies for uice dress a-udf, wb'ch she !
makes a specialty.
Boys are iu the habit o." jurr.plng upon trains
a3 they slow up whtu n en ling tha depot. He
Hides being a very ihuigetous practice, it is con
trary to a statute '.aw of the Slate, and two buys
were recat'.y scut to prison for Indulging iu it.
Outer II. Pi;t.uiiF.i.LKi;, sou of E. T. Drum
heller, iu attempting to cat a fence near
the Cie, on Wednesday evening last, received a
severe wound in the foot from i cut with an axe.
He was taken to Pr. Moody's Drag Store, where
his wounds were properly dressed.
Tnr. festival for the benefit of a Coruet Band,
at this place, closed on Monday evening last.
About f 2'jO were realized.
We are requested by the Sunbury Orchestra,
who had the festival In charge, to return their
siucere tbauks to the citirens for their liberal
patronage, and especially to tho ladies who
labored and aided then: .luring its progress.
FlM-AT -HARKtHiiuua. On Thursday last,
nbont one o'clock, a Arc broke out in the. car
shops situate on the Pennsylvania Rallload be
tweeuu llevr and Broad fctrects, and consumed
all the buildings connftcd with the large manu
facturing establishment. The loss of the car
corupuuy is estin.ated nt 50tK),000, on which
there 's an insurance of about tlC9,000. The
fire !s supposed to have been the woik of an in
cendiary. A New Hotel. We are informed that Mr.
O. W. Su-oh Intends erecting three story brick
Tavern stand on his lot ubove the Central Hotel,
for Lieut. Win. R ese, lately of the Douty IIoute,
bbamokiu, who was burned out last week. Mr.
Reese Intends to keep It on the European plan.
This building will be a splendid Improvement,
and we are happy to learn will be conducted by
a landlord "who knows bow to keep a hotel."
Fire. On Monday evening about 10 o'clock,
small house at the extreme end of Cbeetnut
street, was discovered to be on n.c, wheu au
alarm was given, but before the steamer
eonld reach It the house u entirely enveloped
In Barnes, and was totally consumed. The house
belonged to J. B. Lenkcr, fq., aud was unoc
cupied. The tire is supposed to have been the
work of an incendiary.
The well-known carnage aud wagon maker of
Augustaville, Frauklja Lrrch, has taken up hi
rtsirTeose In this place, aud commenced buiiuesa
adjoining Sol. t-troh's b'acksmltb shop, on Chest
nut street. Mr. LercU U a good mechanic, and
aud we are glad to learn I making preparations
to do n extensive business.
Tai house burn 3d down on Monday ulght was
evidently set on (lie purposely, as do tire was
known to be In that vicinity fur some time past.
There Is strong suspicion that It bus been the
work of msllelo'is boy:. If It should be found
to be correct, they will fl'id it a more serious
matter tbau they supposed. This makes the
second building that has been destroyed for the
same Individual wllhlu several year t-ast, uuuor
the same suspicious circumstances, and we learn
that there will be cloea watch kept upon several
who are strongly susecis4 of beiug concerned.
Tb County Superintendent of Commou
Schools, Saul fchlpmau, Esq., Issued a call far
County ConvcuttQA of school directors, to meet
iU tbe Court House, on the Tth of May, 1873, at
one o'clock, p. u., to select a suitable person as
County Superintendent for the three succeeding
years, sad to determine La amount of eompen
..t'(i0 tVr (le ntjjj
- Firb. Tores Btawlrs BtjRivisn.On last
Wednesday oveulng, soon after 9 o'clock, the sta
ble of Wm. I.' Qreenough, Rsq., located on Bar
berry alley, was fllscbvercd to b$ on fire oa. I qo
hay loft. The nlnfm was given, and sen'tlje
streets were (li;ed:wlth people rushing to the coi
flngratlon., rjfhp steamer was.rua to the river,
but ihnaigh i.tlneitisotaid tnSAl' I it to service
for some time. In le meanwhile all the live
stock, horses cattle and lings were taken out of
the surrounding building. There appeared to
be considerable hay In the stable which burned
very rapidly, aud created an Intense heat. After
the flames burst through the roof they soon com
municated with another adjoining stable also be
longing to Mr. Grccnongh, and soon enveloped
that entire building. From thence the flames
reached tho stnbles of Ira T. Clement on the op
posite side of the alley, and enveloped those bulld
inirs, placing the dwelling Ol Mr; Clement and O.
Null's hotel In the most imminent danger, the
roofs of which caught Ore sevoial times, but was
extinguished with buckets, The stable or Col.
NutTwas also frequently ou flie, but was aved
by the extraordinary vxortious of several young
men who with btn-kets nnfl force-pn tups threw
water upon tho roof and sides. The steamer,
when bronght Into act lou, soon had the effect of
placing the surrounding buildiugs out of danger.
The fircnieu are deserving of much praise for
their heroic acts in placing themselves between
the drey element, (the heat being intense,) nnd
battling to subdue the flame. A number ofoth-
cr buildings iu tho vicinity were set on tiro by the
flying sparks, but were extinguished with buck
ets. It was fortunate that the air was calm.
Had there been a wind thyrc Is no telling where
the conflagration would have ended, as this fire
was iu the thickly settled part of the town. The
loss of Mr. Greouoiigh will probably reach $4000,
which was partly Insured. Mr. Clement's loss
will also reach about tU'M), ou which there was
f 1000 Insured. Col. Nelf losi Is Cbt'.mnted at
about f 300.
The fire was evidently tho work of au Incendia
ry, nnd strong suspicion rests upon, certuln par
ties In this place.
The fire department ol'Nuilhmiiberlund prompt
ly came over to as.Ut, but by the time they reach
ed here, the fire was tunler complete control.
Their good intentions exhibited in comluit to our
aid, is highly appreciated by our cltizeus, and
v. Ill be remembered.
ANOTitnit. During tho conflagration on Bar
berry alley, the stable of Mrs. Carr, on Race
street, caught lire from t lie sparks of a locomo
tive. It was extinguished, before any material
damage was done. j
Ktii.l AxoTiir.n. On Thursday afternoon, j
about half rnst one o'clock, the roofof Win. II.
Miller's'iice, the basement of which is oc-
cupied by the Excelsior shoe store, aud T. Shan- i
lion's Jewelry store, on the corner of Maiket und i
Third sis., caught fire from the sparks of a loco- I
motive. The flames were making considerable
headway when discovered. It was promptly ex- j
tiiiul.-lied with buckets before doing much da- I
mage. !
The!!iii.Ai Covstt Aontci LTfR-
at. Fair. The managers of the Northumberland i
County Agricultural Society rret at this place, !
ou Mouday last, nnd decided on holding their f
Annual Fair ou the fame grounds of last year,
at this place. The time of holding the Fair will i
be on Wednesday, Thursday anu Friday, the I
'5th, yfltli and iTlli of September next. As the ;
ollh crs of this eoeluty have seen proper to bilng i
the Fuir to this place again, with a view to get ',
the fanners on this side of tho river to take nu j
interest In such an important mutter, we would ;
urge upon ull fanners nnd mechanics of tho
county to prepare fortius exhibition thMrcrrps
and liiindiwor!:. W'a are sr.HsfU"! that Noi tiium
berlar.d county will not be excelled la hr crops,
stock and mechanic.! genius If u proper effort is
is mads by her farmers and mechanics. Karmeri
will have ample time to bring their stock
and crops to perfection, so as to add to the Inter- !
est of the exhibition. We feel confident that If
specimen of tlulr products of this county
Proughl heie that our County I'airwiil compare,
iu every rcpect, to anyjin the State. These pro
ducts will not only be merely to look upon as n :
fbow, but vill aid iu t'.cvuting the reputation ,
and skill of the sou aud daughters of our couu- .
0'Hlt!KS?S QfAIIKt-I'l'I.E C'owr.iSATios. This
complete and extensive establishment, ns will bj !
seen by the advertisement in another column, 1
w hl exhibit iu this place, on Tuesday next, in '
the afternoon nud evening. It consists of a
museum, menagerie, caravan and circus. These
four great exhibitions will be exhibited under four
capacious tents capable of holding ten thousand
peisuus, and one ticket admits to all the shows.
The museum contains thousands of interesting
curiosities, nud the metiageiie embraces a large
collection of rare animals, Including an Immense
living ihiuoeeros. two humped white camels, two
Asiatic elephants, the baby elephant, "Little
Dollle," and lions, leopards, tigers, hyenas, hip
popotamus, and the usual collection of birds,
beatts and reptiles.
The circus company Is composed of tbe best
performers iu the country, embracing the Low
unde faujll.Vi Mons. D'Atalie, the man with tho
Iron jaw, M'lle. Angela, the Vietorelll Brothers,
Priuce Sadi D'Jalma, the man of mystery, aud
lust but nut least, Sam Loug, the gieat clowu.
A gruud parade will lake place at ten o'clock,
ou the day mentioned, embracing all the cages
of animals, forty In number, trained horse,
headed by the grand golden chariot "Creation,"
containing Prof. Walker's baud.
This gruud exhibition is represented as the
largest combination of shows sow traveling, and
If everything is exhibited as represented on their
bills, it will be worth double the amount of the
price of admission. Many of tbe wild uniiuals
have never been exhibited at this place, aud the
present opportunity will be readily embraced iu
taking a look at nature work.
Dou't forget the dle, April 3Ctb, aud don't
fail to see the procession and uttend their exhibi
tion. O'Brien' Quadruple Combination Is one
of the most complete establishments on the road.
Tiicoooua Tuomas' Orchestra of CO perform
ers, will give a grand coucert at tbe Opera House,
Willlumspoit, ou Tuesday, Muy 7th. Arrange
ments nrc being made by Mr. D. Iteimer for ex
cursion tickets to all who wish to attend this
musical festival. Thomas' Orchestra has not
been excelled anywhere. The Harrisburg Ttle
graph, speaking of the concert given at that
place, on Monday last, says: "The concert given
at the Court House, lust evcuiug, was a perfor
mance we shall not soon have an opportunity of
listouing to agalu. It was simply above criti
cism. One may travel the woild over aud And
nothiug fluor."
Tua Mabtua GKAra (White Concobd.)
This is the best while grape growu lu this coun
try. Mr. Husuiun describes it us follows i Iiuucli
compact and heavy shouldered, beiug pule yel
low, covered with a white bloom round, pulpy,
but sweet as honey, Juicy and very good. 1 es
teem It more highly than any other w hite grape, be
ing hardy, and of vigorous growth. A fow three
year old vines for sale by U. B. Masser, at nurss
rj prices..
A Nw (JtOBB. Mr. D. A. Fluney, lately of
Danville, r., has opened a line assortment ol
Dry Goods In the room lately occupied by Messrs.
Conley 4 Co., adjolulng the residsnce of Hon.
U. C. Welker, on Market street. Mr. Fluoey's
goods (are uf (lis latest styls and comprise a
general assortment. His pries are low, and
(rest bargains are bad, Call and see them.
. Tnn Lrrs or James Fiske, Jr. MY. O. B.
Woaver Is now canvassing in Bunbury, Upper
nnd Lower Augusta and Shnmokln townships,
fof.Ujfl sale', 'of Ibp Jlfo of James flske, Jr., in
clndlhfc fho great friiiiTls of thc'Tatniiinny Ring
of New Tork, -With oiograpliTcal sketches of rail
road inagaHtes alul igVeat financiers. 1 the book
Is profusely.. jllustratedn,!! gives brilliant pen
pictures in the "lights' and shadows pf New V.ork
life." Tills work Is sold by subscription, .nd
can thereforo be had only from Mr. Weaver, the
agent for the above district.
Mr. Weuver, tho agent for the above work, is
deserving of patronage. Having received soveral
wounds while In service in the Tth Pennsylvania
Cavalry, dmlog the late rebellion, he Is unable
to perform hard labor, and has accepted the
agency of this work to maintain his family.
Italians, with their musical boxes have made
their appearance on otir streets, which, we sup
pose Is a sure harbinger that Spring is really
here, and intends remaining for awhile. Their
music produced by turning th crank, does not
appear to be wall appreciated' by most of our
dtlEeos. '
List of Letters remaining In the Sunbury Post
Olllcc, April 34, 1878:
8. K. Hover, W. II. floggs, Wm. Behncy, Miss
B. Ilergst leaser, J.mii J. Farnsworth (2), James
McCiirin. V. A. (iod.'barls, It. B. Harris, Miss
Anua Kelhfom, J. I.. Kively, W. H. Klnna, Peter
I. ml wig, J. (.'. Logon, Mrs. Mary Myers, Mrs.
Klla Mover, James Mulhall, Charles Nuss, Aaron
I'llzer, Miss Sarah Rayliuek. Miss Clara Shipe,
L. T. Smith, Mrs. J. heller. Jos. L. htraw. John
Sliipe Enoch SwhnJioti, W. S. Stiikey, John
Wirt, Mary A. Walls, tieorge Washburn, E. J.
Walker t Co.
The following have been held for postage i
Messrs. Wolf, Mayer Co., Philudefp'.ils, Pii.
Persons calling for the above letters will plcaee
Eire date of advertisement.
J. J. SMITH, P. M.
ct i.Ti ral Socir.TT. The Kvvcutive Committee
of the Noithuniberland County Agricultural So
ciety met iu the 'Commissioners office, according
to notice.
The President, JOS. BIRD, in the chair. The
minutes of last meeting ic.n l nnd adopted.
The report of Committee on By-Laws rend,
adopted, und committee discharged..
On motion, Sunbury was select el as the place
of holding tho next Annuif Fair, nnd the time
for holding the :me will be on September tho
L'Oth, 2Cth and 37th, 1S73.
On motion, Jos. Bird, President, Solomon Ma
lick and J. II. McConiiick be a committee to
contract for the printing for the Society for the
cusulug year.
G. W. AiiMSTitOMi, Secretary.
Sunbury, April 331, 1S7J. ,
Sruiors Aci'iiiknt. Yesterday morning Col.
11. C. Kyer, of this place, whilst on his way home
from one of his farms below town with a wnuon
load of chips, nu t w ith a very painful accident,
whereby one of his thlglj boin-s at or ner the hip
was broken. The Colonel and a bnv with him
were together sitting ou a board seat they hnd j
lying across the lied up chips, and as they were j
about to ascend the sleep hill be'.ow town, the j
boy without a word of notice suddenly jumped !
ull' the wagon to lighten ttio load going uphill, j
As soon ns he had lumped, the suit tilte l 'and '
the Colonel Id down on the opposite side of tho
wago-i, sustaining a severe injury especially so
for a persou at his advanced atie. S'lintgrovt
Coon ion Ttu: IIiutks. It is reported that I
the Pennsylvania, Society for the Prevention of I
Cruelty to Animals, Intend shortly to appoint a j
resident agent for every town in our Stale, whose
duty it will be to report to headquarters all cases
of cruel abuse of dumb animals which may :
conic under bis notice. So look cn all of yc
persecutors of h'iitc.f.i.vh and torincutois of other .
animals, or you may find yourselves in the meshes ;
of the law before vou are aware of it.
On Friday night last, tbe hot-! stand and '
dwelling of John fi. IH-cnliart, at Ileirenstein, '
were destroyed by lire. Loss about SI, U00; cover- i
cd by lur.iruure. The lire oilli.i.led in the (
hotel, nnd Is supposed to have be.u the work of j
nn InctnJiary. .s.'..iiut; II uu. '
Some of our citizens notice the scarcity of blue
bird tills spring. They attribute the absence of
these beautiful blue-couttd w.irlders to the fuel
that many perished during the extreme cold
weath"r of last winter.
"Di llTimi s," it is said, are the best for ad
lertioers." Because wheu money la tight, nnd
the people are forced to economize, they always
rend the advertisements to ascertain who fells
the cheapest und where they cun trade to the
beet udvuulages.
Doi lv VAnniNs ut Welmer's.
Irish Poplins at WeimerV
Plaid Poim.iss ut Wciiuur'.
Plain Poim.ins at Welmer's.
Chintzes nl Welmer's.
Spuing Shawls at WeimerV
Ax endless variety of Goods for Ladle:,', Gent's
and Childieiis wear.
Call aud sec for yourselves.
No trouble to show Goods.
S. Fai-st, Sr., has been iu the city during the
past week purchasing u lure stock of new hats. '
Ilis vnrlety is complete, and he sells cheap. A !
large assortment of gcutlemeu's neckties, collars j
aud cull's arc constantly kept ou baud. Every- j
body will bo Utted and pleased who call to see
New Goods at Claiik's. Philip Clark laving
Just returned from the city with a new stock of
goods, is prepared to open th Spring trade with
extraordinary Inducements to his customers.
In Japanese Silks of all colors, grades and styles,
he defies competition. He has the largest stock
of Carpets ever brought to Suubury, from ingrain
to three ply, at the lowest price, .Dress goods
in a variety, und a large assortment of White
goods. Let everybody call and examine, aud he
will be pleased to how his goods whether you
buy or not.
Dry goods, carpets, oil cloth, Uncus, window
blinds, uotinus, cassinieres, furuichlng goods,
queensware aud glassware lu great variety. He
has Hie cheapest aseorlmeut of groceries ever of
fered iu Suubury. Refined sugar for 13 eta. j the
finest syrup, 25 cents; hams, IS cents per lb.
Mackerel In all grade herring by the barrel.
A large stock of boots aud shoes without paper
soles, aud below old fogy prices. Give him a
call before purchasing elsewhere. a20,2l.
SLSBt T, April 1 lib, 187'.'.
On motion of Mr. Cuke, It was, by the Burgess
and Council of the borough of Sunbury
Jittvltnl, That the Finance Committee be in
structed to announce through the papers of the
borough, tun I all pertnus having claims against
the said borough, other than the numbered bo
rough Orders, are hereby required to file au au
thenticated stuUuicut of the same with the chair
man of the Fiuuuce Coiuuiiiteu on or before the
1st day of May next, in order thut a full aud com
plete report of the tlnauclsl condition of said bo
rough may be nude, .out aud published fur the
luformation of the clliaens tliareof.
Id pursuauc of the above resolution, all per
sous who have claims of any kind aguiust the
borongb of Sunbury, (except uumbered borough
orners), are required to furnish an wutheolicuied
statemeut of the same, In writing, LucUdiug debt,
lnturest aud costs, If there be uuy, with me, at
my office in Sunbury, on or before tbe first day
of May next, in order that tbe same may go into
Ibe financial report, and bs prepared for final
aS0,3t. ' 'Obstroisn of Ftnancs Commute. . .
Editorial Notices are so common that It Is
almost Impossible for nn editor to express Ids
honest opinion of the merits of any article with
out beine suected of Interested motives. Tills
fact, Jiowever, shall not dtr .us from saying
what wo think of n new additlou to the Materia
Medley to which our attention has been recently
directed. Wa refur to .Dm, J. Walker's Cali
fornia Vinruar Uittrka,, remedy which Is
making Us way into more families just now than
nil the of hor advertised modicincs iput together.
There seoms W be no question about the potency
of Its tonic and alterative properties) while' It
possesses the grent neirntlve recotnmeiidiillnii'nf
containing neither aicohol nor mineral prtlsou.
That It Is a specific for Indigestion, Billiotisuess,
Constipation, aud many com plaints of nervous
origin, wc have reason to know ) and we are as
sured on good authority Ihnt ns a Kenoral luvlgo
rnt, regulating nud purif'yinir medicine. It has no
equal.' It is stated that its ingrerilents, (obtain
ed from the wilds of California,) are new to the
medical world i nnd Us extraordinary etfucts cer
tainly warrant tho conclusion that it is a com
pound of ngmits hitherto unknown. If pnpulati
ty is any criterion, there can be no doubt of the
efficiency of tho Vinkuab Bittkhs. for the sale
of tho article Hs immense nnd continually In
creasing. . afl-iw.
BiiftiitPMi Notices.
P. C. DisstnKn of tho firm of Clement A PIs
slnger, left us ou Tuesday last for Philadelphia
and the eastcru cities for the purpose of buying
a heavy tock of Dry Goods, Notlons,CiiRsiincrcs,
Groceries, &c, Ac. Ac. Their stock Is already
tremendous, but we can assure our readers that
upon Mr. Dissinger's ret nrn, they will have not
only the largest but the most complete and best
selected Mock In this section of the country. Mr.
D. Informs us that on Wednesday, April 17th,
these goods will be ready for the Inspection of
the public. Call nud examine prices whether
you wish to purchase or not. No trouble but .1
pleasure to show goods. '
The best of new Groceries are kept at J. 0.
Anew lot of goods has Just been opened at
But your best Codec and Tea at Trimble's.
Toe finest and Mackerel are found atTiimble's
An. kinds of Canned and Dried Fruit will be
fouud nt Trimble's.
EvKRYTtiisu 111 the Grocery line can be pur
chased a". Trimble's cheap.
A i.AiinB assortment of boots and shoes are
Jiut bclnir opened at the ExceMinr boot and shoe j
store of Win. II. Miller, on Maiket Square. He i
has a general variety to select from, and all of I
the latest Spriug style. Call nnd see them.
Nil F.yl'AI.s Sl'I.KMIII) Goons AN o Fasuiona
m.E Si its made 1 1 The most complete assort
ment of cloths, cassimci es, .tc, have been open- I
ed nt T. G. Nott's tailor store, on Third street, j
They have been selected from the best establish
ments In New York and Philadelphia, and sur
passes nil Mr. Nott's past efforts to select some
thing that every one may be suited. Everything
of the latest style of gentlemen's goods for wear
ing npp.irc! now graces the .helves of this magnifi
cent establishment. The prices too are such that
every one can proeuie a neat serviceable article.
These goods will be made up to order, equal to j
any manufactured in tbe cities, bile they will
be much more serviceable. Call and see the fine
assortment before purchasing elsewhere.
A St pluior uiticlc of Wheat mi l Buckwheat
Flour, and Corn Meal, Is sold at J. . Tilmblu's
Grocery nt a low price.
. ... . . - -
Special Notices.
On MarrtiiKC llr-says for Young Men, on
Great Social L'vils and Aliases, whieh Interfere
will. Marriage, and ruin the hnppiue-o of thou
sand, with sure means of relief for the r.rrlng
and L'nl'oi'tiinate, deceased and debilitated, hcnl
lu scaled letter envelopes, fre of charge.
Address, Howard Association, No. ', South
Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa.
A iliimlstonMs .MoH'lnrln-.
Mlll'sTAI Ilk.
Prol. St. l 'rotx 's Krmieh Com
pound, the t.r'i! Hair Grower,
will pro dued a hiuiicnt Mou
stael'.e or Wl:i:i.ers ou the
smoothest face. PIciMint to
use. S-nt to nny address on
receipt of Fii'iv t eats.
II. T. BUND. ClieniUt.
N. E. Cor. Tenth aud Chestnut Ms., Phila.
Fell. IT. isf.'.-lv.
icto t Otrrlbcir..v;r.t.
L- V
Agent IV nut cd for llio Now iVorli,
on: iiie.dki:
How to Mnko and Keep thrtu llettUhy.
Bv AioisTi K. Gtr.uNFit, M. D.,
Late Professor iu New Y"ik Medical College.
It treats of Amusement, Education, Physical
Development, Di'iase-, Accidents, Mailing's,
Ire, imparting a vast amount of valuable infor
mation conducive to the ll-alih, Happiness, and
Welfare of the Young. Written lu a pleasing
slyio, it is exceedingly ihttlcslhig, ns well us !u
st i active.
Every Family should have It. and no Parent
can afford, to be w ithout it. Seu 1 for Circulars
giving fall particulars.
711 Sansoni Street. Philadelphia.
"HOrGIIlNti IT,"
Is ready for Canvassers. No book is looked for
more Impatiently than this, and agent n ill do
well to get lei riiory lor it as early us poaslblc.
Applv for rii-piilars and terms to
Dl'FFIK.LD ASI1MEAD, Publisher,
711 Sansoni Street. Philadelphia.
Importers and Joblter of
Cori Eflne and Gras Grain Mm,
Tnitmnra and eoniiet siles,
English Crapos, Crcnacjincs,
Tlasuea, Laces, Edjiigt, ,
iviiiti: t;oTTo.'s,'
. March liO, 17 U.-gin. y. w . . .
A I'KOH rAULi: Ilt'NISKttN.'
THE COW X I Caunoi bs exploded. No chimney
or wick used.
M en desirlug a Profitable Buslnes, eaa secure
the exclusive right for the sale of Dyott's Patent
Carbon Gas Liiiht Burners and Oil, for Counties
aud Stale. Write for information or call on
: M. U. DfOTT,
No. 114 South (second Btreet, Phlla., Fa.
N. B Churches furulibed with Chandsliers
and Lamps of every description, 84 per eeut.
cheaper than at any otfaer stlablishmsnt Id lb
couutry, v
March 58, t6T3.-ni. . . .
To Debilitated Toi-sonsy I
- To Dyspeptics, - j
,To SullnrtTS from Iivur Complaint,
To Hume having no Appetite, i,
To tliosu rrith lirokeu Down CousUtu-
m . l' -,
Ts Nftvous Pflople,
TtJChiUIreti "SVostinjr
t intr A wa v - 1 I 1
i .. .
; 1 1. T..l,u: i ,.l 7 .,...: .. n --
..A'.J " ATUluinbcu ilcnbi vv rifllia,
Or wffirmg vsith any of the following
o -mptomsi-Kfylch indicate JLiiordtrtii Liver
iiiofnich, . . '
such as Ooo
'.' "', ttlpatlon, Inward V '
Pile, Tullnces or
, .' , Bloed to the Head, Add-. - ,
.- 'ty of the Stomach, Nausea,'. '
, ' Heartburn, Disgust for Food,'
C - A Fullness or Weight in the 8tom
, ach, Pour Eriictalions,Slnkingor
Fluttering at the Pit of tho Stom
, ' ach, Swimming of the Head, Hur
ried and Difficult Breathing, Finger
ing at lh Heart, Choking' of Suffocat
i Ing Sensations, when In a Lying Posture,
Dimness of Vlshm, Dots or Webs before the
Sight, Fvveriind Pull Pain In the Head, Deficien
cy of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin
aud Eves, Pain Iu the Side, Bark. Chest,
- ' Limbs, Ac., Buddn flushes of Heat,
Burning tit the Flesh Constant Ira
aginlugs of Evil, nud Great De
i presslon of Spirits.
Iloofland's 'German -.Bitters.
A Bitters without Alcohol or Spirits of any klud.
is different from all others. It Is composed o(
the pure Juices, or Vital PuiNi.iri.E of Hoots,
Heuiis and Uaiiks. (or as medicinally termed Ex
tracts.) the worthless or Inert portlous of the In
gredients lint helm; used. Thereforo In oho bot
tiu of this Bitters there is contained as much me
dical virtue ns will be found in severnl gallons of
ordinary mixtures. The Boots, Ac. used in this
Hitters are grown In Germany, their vital princi
ples extracted lr. that country by a scientific Che
mist, and forwarded to tho inn iiu factory in this
city, where they are compounded nnd bottled.
Containing no splr.tnoun Ingredients, this Bitters
Is free from the objections urged ngainst all oth
ers : no desiro for stimulants can be induced
from their use) they cannot make drunkards,
and cniiuot, under nny circumstances, have nny
but a beneficial effect.
Wn compounded for those not inclined to ex
treme bitters, nnd Is intended for use iu cases
when some alcoholic stimulant is required in co l
ncetion with the tonic properties of the Hitters.
Each bottle of the Tonic contains one bottle of
the Bitters, combined with puree SANTA CRUZ
IUTM, nud flavored In such a manner that the ex
treme bitterness of the bitters is overcome, form
ing a preparation highly agreeable nnd pleasant
to tbe palate, and containing the medicinal vir
tues of the Bitters. The price of the Tonic is f 1.
HO per Bottle, which muny persons think too
high. They must take Into consideration that
tho stimulant used is iruurnntecd to be sfa pure
quality. A poor article could be furnished at a
cheaper price, but is It not better to pay a little
more and have a good article I A medicinal pre
paration should contain none but tbe best Ingre
dients i and they who expect to obtain a cheap
compound, and be benefitted by it will most cer
tainly bs cheated.
Iloofliintr) (eritiuu Hitters, or
LAND'S I'o.JOj.lljllill Pill,
will cure you. They are the Greatest
BLOOD rUIUFlEUS known to the Medical
world, and will eradicate diseases arising from
impure blond. Debility of the Dlsceslive Organs,
or Diseased Liver, tu a shorter time than any
other knowu remedies.
Wuo woft.n ask roll more DiuMtriEU asd
Hon. Ueorok W. Woinw atih, formerly Chief
Justice of the Supreme Court of Pcunsvlvanlu,
at present Member of Congress from Pennsyl
vania writes t
Viiii.Arn.rniA, March lCih, 1?f.T
I find 'IfooCand's German miters" is a rood
lonie, useful iu ilise-itei uf lb- uic "Stive organs,
nud of henetil iu cases of debility, nn 1
want of act inn In the sitem. Vours,
tiuiy, GEO. W. WUODWAi.D.
Hon. James Tnowrsos, Chief Justice i f the Su
puiTi'j Court of Pout.lvuuU.
Phii.a)EI.imiia, April 2, lSii7.
I cousidsr "lloefl villi's Gcrmnu liittirs" a val
uable medicine In case of attack ot linllgi-stion
or Dyspepsia. 1 can ccitify this from my expn
rienee of it.
lion. Geoiioh BiiAnswoon, Justice of the Su
premo Court of Pennsylvania. ;
Puii.niKi fitiA, June 1, l-Sol. j
I have fouud by experience that "Hootlaiid's
ierman Bitters" is n very good tonic, relieving
dvspeptic symptoms almost directlv.
Hon. It'm. r. .'offr. Mover of the Clfy of Buf- i
falo, N. y. i
Mayor's, Buffalo, June Ci, 1SCC. j
I have used ''lloofliind's German Bitters r.nJ
Tonic" in my family during the past year, and
can rccouuueiid them us an excellent Ionic, Ini- j
parting tone mid vigor to the system. Their use j
lias been productive of decidedly beneficial ef
fects. WM.'F, P.OGEUS.
Hon. Jmnrt If. WtoJ, Ex-Mayor of Williams
port, Pa.
1 take great pleasure lu recommending "Iloof
lands Gciinan Tonic'" to any one who may be
atllieted with Dyspepsia. 1 had Ibe Dyspepsia
so badly it was ImpuHsibie to keep nny "food on !
my stomach, and 1 became so weak us not to be I
able to wulk half a mile. Two bottles ctfeeiod a 1
perfect cure. JAMES M. WOOD. !
Will Cure every Case of
or Witstiti; nway of the Body.
tutu !
Are the medicines you require to purify the i
Blood, excite the torpid Liver to healthy action, '
and to euao'.e you to pass safely through any
hardships or exposure.
P 0 D 0 P 11 Y L L I N ,
or substitute for Mercury Pill. Two Pills a !
Hose. The most Powerf ul, yet Innocent Cathar- J
tic known.
It is not necessary to take a handful of thes
Piiis to produce tho desired cited ; two of tbein
act quickly and powerfully, cleansing the Liver,
Stomach and llowcls of all impurities. The
principal Ingredient is Podophyllin, or Ibe Alco
holic Extract of Muiidruke, which is by muny
limes more powerful, acting and searchiug than
the Mandrake itscll. Its peculiar aetion is upon
the Liver, cleaning It speedily from all obstruc
tions, villi all the power of Mercury, yet free
from the iujmiotij results attached to the use of
Unit mineral.
l'ornll diseases, lu which the use of a cathar
tic is indicated, thee pill will give entire satis
faction in every case. They uevcr fail.
In case of Liver Complaint, iKspepsin and ex
treiue eo-tivelleth, Dr. iioortaiHl s German Hit
ters or Tonic should be usul iu connection with
the Pills. The touiu effect of the Killers or To
nic builds up the system, 'l hi biners or Tonic
fiurillcs the lliood, strengthen the Nerves, regu
uies the Liver, aud gives stieugtb, energy and
Keep your Bowels active with the Pills, and
tone up the system with Hitlers or Toulc, aud no
disease can retain the hold, or evn asutll vou.
Becollect thut It is Hit. 1IOO FLA NO'S MER
M A S Kemedies that are co universally used and
highly recomuieuded and do not allow she
Druggist to luduoe you to take anything else
that he may say i Just a good, because be
makes a larger profit on It. These Remedies w 111
be sent by Express to any locality, upon applies
thintothe PRINCIPAL OFFICE. attheGFR.
C1IAS. M. E VAN'S, Proprietor.
Formerly C. M. Jackson & Co. i Those Reme
dies are for Sale by Irutjlm, Horekseers, and
Medltlns Pesrers eveiywDere.
Sunbury,; Tuesday, April 30.
jsr " 'iiic lirann Lsuiaiuoa oi is.j.
4w III
3oU OTrU'O
'.j: I MO.
,i rnn. n ?oie 1 rt-ur mww miu
htJi A Rare and Interesting Kusom. Hftroet7
zMt No-TW0, . ' rfSM
Hi hT tVV 4XWi
JM A Cinanlic Caravan. V'iaW
Vf Ol A Circus of
Li.lT5 2Zr" Anu. a to u..e sep-Tstisi.n
rV-i ' M 1 SCV I tCLU-TIEfS
f V-i 'tjiLl nwr be rtvu 4
i?r'l (. ' a j!ai;miicit
-ViP5l' 9 or be tillering iiLu ma. tuj Unt, in- CWYjl
i&lty eonccots chariots and ir.Nutr.Acu vans
""""V a v?.!i;rn rciiK
r, !, r- v
l-Jh'-A Jj: In mj?ilf.cut l:W
&-&&it$ ('Ml !i l ?. Itlll.ll
vlll be
-r dv'jL. "f rn'.ir.M wU UU4 tid li -pleialinl lu i.iciatioo, t, Csi
e-W,J!, tin will.'J IN
I si&, '-'-iripnsfif' Willi I'mrl" Mai ir.-a' Mrt'y ct Live Aiiiuinls, ".-."j' II ,
f-V fir? ttwijei..iwi.i)u...,Mi;a.n i!.7fiUL .
h- --.'f-ir wi Lit. Li;. !i . ..i In.. J5 Lbr.j Ck i-- Air yf Pi
rfT;'-. j i cui'i.l.'e i f roiLftiriaMv arc,D.n.'iln lt:
'W;1 Wltnoso nil
li&fXl One SHillu i l.-rsc
:4$-&i-li"4 ivleili- If l.. t i" ' '1.(1
7'i Siien.e i .. N.. i' tal ii-l
A j,.l,e.. -
. ' 'i A" "- i :"'"-eii. 1
' - , - .
','' (ICS.
I -i l.u i. Is ii a..
t: Zi. d
Td : cjvr.'fiQ
-.' "T'T't. i:i i I.!.-:-
w iai..ri. r-y . i.ii -- ii
. I . .. i.'i i i i ta t .-.-j
i ' Muoi -I'j i i.i
an ' i..
i i -i: .r w; a A
V "- S-S ' Ii Jievs'.. Jj
"S -.r.'v, x i""-- ' ' -' rnn -y o'.Y-'s Hmt
jV " "i--- wfni ril 1 1 tea r;:. .'c,
.r"-. atie i:.. i 1.1 t .u
i irci
0 rr' -Hti.4 r.rd it 1 rrn? llv -v
f l! N,T".tv'A th-in:.:. .ii. .-: I.. -.1 iJ'. .u" ..I l!i!v , nt ,.f whom C-j
I-!. h'ittWS,. V It : -Hi. .e,-,, Ul..,:,l ..m.,.to.
' ' Js" r-1 .er . t: hlill e.:. "It.- mv-nielll Pill ,1-TViw.B'
vwisi33r; V :. n.iI '.-... k :-..i..n w.jfl." T i in- , A
---Ij-rl. o-i y i :.;.--.. i a i'.-: i t i;. I mt ;:ii,...rii:U lLW--"v 1
'iv, mI t'. I'M-t-l M1W. Iiv' jr" 'kJ.-1V-
4 OVI1K t:i',".!T Tl!(.'l':UM) I 3fN'3:', Vt4.--
'rx Ol fur r-.t:il!ig
at:: am :: kic, it !MMr:rr i!cns:i r.Tit-rfTy
Vif '. V.I toiL'a-.v Uj nn.:.i...i.i uin w.ncli ci:ilut.s l..u.. f. -Vis-f, f't?
XMr.'-Cy theoi.:oa-Jf,t:vltAraya. l.W? , M
P-?rfect'on of tha Cnurrri in Arena,
In I.- ii:uittl ntj, r.ttii K-ii . I'oMir.ii nnnr.r tlo
'vnai-i'ii o:-' :i:a'Kiix.-i
r.-.y Lrt i l.-i-btd
th- rAMi'.Y cr rr ;ai.M! artists,
- -V 1 -i,
. '- . riiivo i ci.ui
f. "r (v tl'u Ctsl ,n.-.-u ill.- ..t
" i I '.I f, ftl. :i. ! wf I it i
TN. -i . v 1 ;.;.:.:- i .....
JjVs.. '.'VrA" ' :.":' V ' !'- ''.
ta 'Ji :c-.-rr., i - t .
aj4 .... n:: ei.-.-e.
,..-rv , Mi. AI.KV. TiiW -.Mrn Ji
H -7'-1' U nnil,.-.!., l4.:.-ly. r iw.U ST
t-! -'f- ttti.;a.i. I':j,.,;:d Ilil IX AN I UN.O. .'Cntv-eJ
V.A'f': -4rtcy AMIi.U) a.l -i il i;.ia l.oWANDi:. y ".' '"'Wi
. J. 3 Jtr th-ino-i .(...ntidi.ui.d .f i -.nuari... .u .'. iH.iiih X :... 'J A-s
-aiiAiitSSJ!.- xo.clVs. 'r-iJVi-'tv'si l
ly1rx, sjultBsts, and 1 uu. t-t. : ..
r..lf,72j5V, MONS. li'ATAII.:. U
f'f'V the ''-' " Fthki. wiru nt, Ii,.. n .1 . ,v : ."j . 1 t"
PMVsri- -iif- -lv' i--l..iV:rd with ll-iuid.te.-l, . ::..i. boiju. ff t.
1:5' im.i .J. wci.-'ui.. l a ll i. i- a'ui .. l.f-r v jjf
M XLi:.
r:i i .iui a n-. iiiin
wil' U u.i a i urn, .... A
.,Ui-c f. -:. i ..i3w..ata'e
. .
Cri) g""ta u.ue.ra.. dicentric ti-,. f
V-VViW CAI LONS, tha "Old R.lWilj"
xrstSifr '-a i-U ; .lio vvmtvut'4.
'3i. ".ir3 UIB IriO .B LT FIMT'IF."
Whl tiliH ilf-e nt 1 1 o'cl"c'c . M. enii-I-tim. nrtio
r ' 1 ) 1 OOLDSJ CIliiKICT CHTAT1CN. n
( ?ic Cintsliilnir "fif. WKl.KKtfS r:inioii1.nii jiicapea
.i, ol A if ! -Old Million tuii.v.ilie. Il-eilhitlilt ti
ilj ..'-. In Ciimi -V. ll.iiM-saud Cnuies ail In .'title in
'vf n .rr.y, Ij yrani ynrn. . da.. Iiy 1:0 V-V f
V S ZH UapiA- lirey Howe.. , -, pi
rf&&7 Tatily. VHV.?
JW Por"' al 1 a:.J 7 I'. X. - vCfC
r CffT' Admlfl..nioti.wKimtSliow ViCetita, li"--5-
tt-."! Cttilurua UBdvr 9 year. AjCohu. ILl'EJlr'
Sunbu?y, Tuesday, A.pril BOtli.
Millersburg, Monday, Vpril 29th.
Adiulaislrutr'si otioc.
"VJOTICK is heruby sh-i, thut letters c.f Ad
A iiiiiir. mliuu haiin beu granted to the
liudsisigued, ou the estaj of Cuhistun Kts.
mru, late bf Lower M.iiuoy townstilp, Nor
thumberland rouiitr, ru.ilccusi-d. All iersons
indebted to sul'l estate" i-e re.iiuested to make
immediate payiuenl, antlioie haviug claims to
prssaut llieni for aelllemsl. '
- - Administrator.
Lower Mahauoy twp., larch 80, lsTl.-tll.
Katatte f Racb' Iooer, I.t of
Jackaou tottnalp, deeravavd.
"VT"0T1CE 1 hereby glvi, that Utters of Ad
ministration have tu granted to the un-
dt.iul, un th esiaie oftAt asx iioovaa, late
of Jackson township, Nthiiii.bcrland county,
fa., deceased. All persta Indebted to Said ut
late are requested to niu) Immediate pay mwit,
aud those having claims prtsent thsiA for set
tlement. - -
Z T. FOVtR, Adn-lr'. nslof.
JacWicn twp., Msicb 80a"'J- -t.
Pole 1 ivpr cUr i
CNEi s-
Star Artists.
".: ; J
and l.srnes , tod 10 less " MtFfA
NI)AH'!I.IS XII.LS. fc.. JlT
uLibiUu biiibr
A lAlWflt fS TLST3,
lh rhnmcl 1 ,-? .
r.!ul it-.e-fi.
111 ff lll-ti ry. tlie Mim Of S-SX ijSO
n i.) ol'ji re, I, r ii Ii. li lil 1,1 '(li.KVTjJ(.
w!.t..,. ff JSW
.1 i: :-. ta.VI.TIE.i pn-H
!. t!.'n.C
......I (,.k. U.a.'.v
.turr .- ,
baby Et.rr:AT. f-f-Litrro
ea IT:' 1 -
UI..I.I.I v. "0y I
L .. .- r..-. n U the xul.ia ''-t: .--V
Fr..ra! uni r?lan
iii I., ' ii ir.j,, l.,.,rk a..,l l.ra nisa I i"ir, i-S: -'-XL
A.'ri.-..., ,.u ..f .-lov. i:..r t., :: ,. ( .riVjvWit
t: i i- -'"H-. Tin-i.r.-Ht r.-:riM n-i.a, f 'jViliiVfs
4. .. 'i.l"l.nei. sr.-..u u-.u i"-'',rei
Me;r,. t:. ,.. k?tJ' :r-i!-K
.: ..;. 1 'n , i.-.s. std r
P-.-f : iri'.'i il ticU I'.l I,
r.v n, i n,,, n.te u
u w-j w .t j t-, !: itucxl
. . I V.s
Nii.v i ov.v:l-.
ll.u S.-e.
e eir, . . .' -.rf. ...
1 ..ifi,-.ii;w,jj V
a ! -- pe-fjrmanej , , f J
.eir - u.rk wu.. tC forward "wiRaffj, - :i..
m. n-rr i .".-irierl.t. w'.io i.i. i.'iirn
Mi I it'XIj;:t. i pun Ler Vtf -ri
.1 luio.e i:ieu :;e;,. e, .
. ivjji..r!-: ju
i llstotc of Joint .Mii-Imcl, Icrrncd.
I "J"-0TlCi: t,f"b)' tte-'i. that Inters of Ad-
' -i mlnlntratl iii h.ij been giant:. to me un
! ders'.gned, ou the estate i f John Mi. uael, lata
of Lower Mahauoy township, Northumberland
""-N ft I I
county, fa., ileceiisej. Ail p-jrsone kuovipg.
themselves Indebted to said estuie are requested
to make iminediaie paymuit, aud those having
claims to prectut thum fur scitlen.ei.t.
B. M. Kt'blt. A.iiiiiiiistiaioi. .
l.owsr Mahanoy twp., March So, liTJ Cl.
Ilalate oT Iiisrlcs Goaaler, Fee'd.
OTIC'E is heitbv (:ln that letters of ad
mlnUiraiion hating Own granted to tbe un
derslgued on ibe estaia of Clwilo Gosslsr, lata
of the borough of Bunbury, Northuntbr1s44
couctr. ia.. dsceafed. All person lnleUed t
said tstaie sr isussUJ to iaikc liu'iieduu py
ineol, and thot LaviLg claims to p. went tneat
duly autbsttlicsisd for settlement.
- .- , . Adniliilstrafls.
futibory, Apn' . 1T?. ft. '