Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 27, 1872, Image 2

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    Sroibrj imcncanv
'f M H.
t. WtCVERt.
Ed flirt.
SUSBURY, APRIL 27, 1872.
1 JJ-U'I
.Republican State Ticket.
for goveiinor,
' .vs'..-. -4 , .y- ,.';
t'.- ron fCPREilE JCDOE, ,. -1
r ; box. . slyssss-. ME&oun, " ;o
.. ,. i rv.i .Trr ' !: ""' '-
""' '.' TOR AVDIToIl GENERAL, , , , i '
: J3K 10. "GEN.. U AttlUSON ; ALLEN,
cf Warrrn Count.
, .,. ..J
?or cctoresmen at la roc.. :
HO. I.CMI'KL Tnn,ofCurnbei!and?o.
. liE!C. HAKHV WHITK, of Indiana co.
WILLIAM M.1 MrREClTIT, of Philadelphia".
' J. (MLLTNGH AM PELL,' of Philadelphia,.' . !
IIARRr WRITE, of Indiana county. n '
WILLIA M LlLLY.of Carbou rouutv.
LINN liARTH.OLOMEW. of Schuvlkill county.
. II. M. M'ALLISTER, Centre coutitv..
William u. ' rmsthono, m Lycomiu? co.
WK.t.TAM DAVIS, oftr..-.err,e cnuuty.
JAMES V. REYNOLDS," of Lancaster cmintv.
PAMtT.L V.. P1MM1C . d Wavne" eouuly..
OEOnT..V.-LAWRENCV of Washington to.
I.YlI N. WHITE, of Alleghonv Somite.
.W. H. A1NEY, of l.ehljrh coutitv. . ' . - '
JOHN 11. WALKER, ,f Erie couuty. ..
Auotm E. feci".!, ' Jens M.Tnoyr'ow.
Dirt. -: '' "hit. "
l. Joiurn A. HovnAM.,14. Jortw Pajsmohr.
S. Makcpb A. Davi. 15. K 1. -KnKtiu.
3. G.McXKlsONCOAlCi.16. .Ir.ssr. MmnrlM..
4. llKMlY llKOVM. iI7. llBNRT OfiLADT,
K. Tnro. M. Wii,mi;h.;13. Eoukj-.t Bku..
H. Jons M.' PkooVall 19. Jxsr. M. TnoMi-so:
7. Francis SniwifcR. M. I?aac Fkazirk.
8. MahkH. RicnktiDd'si. Geo. W. Amhi;w8.
9. EDWAHti If. Okvr. Htsnr I.ihtb.
. Lav. R. SiiokmaxI-.k PS.- John' 3. On lf.spie.
U..I)anil R. Mii.i.rh.:S4. Jam us Pattkrson.
12. Lrisn, M. Mortons. JortN W. Wallace.
' Ocu uciglibor of the Democrat uppeurs
to exult exceedingly over tlio fact that we
do not get pnil for ndvertisliio; the Trensu
rrr's salf s, ar.d thinks it un;raUful on the
part of the County Treasurer towards us af
tur"giving that officer a hearty support. Ovir
neighbor is mistaken iu supposing we sup
ported Mr. CadwalhiUcr, or nuy ther ofli
t'tr last fall merely with the expectation of
Ki'ttioj a littlo county "paji." AVe had a
higher aim iu view, and that was to make
a chanSo in the condition, of things about
the county offices, and as far as the Trea-
Bur.r is concerned, we are liu.rv to sav I
there is a grcai change for the better alrea
dy. Though wo have not been in Mr.
Oadwallader's office but once or twice since
he is elected, wu are much gratified lolearti
tliat he performs his duties satisfactorily to
all who come in contact with him. The
printing we suppose we might have got had
we bored Mr. Cadwallader as hard as some
others. Wo were aware that the .Wloma".
was entitled to it. nnd as to its publication
on this side of the river we, tluni1it that
Mr. C. was able to make his own choice.
Wo presume Mr. Cadwallader was inform
ed,' however, that by'giviug tho job to the
fTtir'le it wouid niay appear in the Dun'j
erat. as it is well known that much of the ad
v? r,!ips; i- rrrr.rc-d !u I'-at -v-.v bj !!...-'
tvo papers aUJ that, the type et up in oue
office is loaned to the other. As Mr. C.
can kill two birds with ono stone in this
way, we give hiin credit fer bein'a little
(harper than some of our former Treasu
rers. If the editor of tbe Democrat is
awhrc. that we wcrf Instrumental in secur- j
...... .... ... w ... ,
log Mr. CUwa'.lader's nomination and; . ; J favor of the principles tnumerated in the
.-lection, and he proves uugrateful towards j Bntl8h C0l,ducl dun"s the nMhoa have report of the civil iervico commiion were
us, we are sur-jly not to blame, and it is not i becn brJ"?,lt t0 court' ftT11 n arbitration imcy nnd apju-opriate, and deserve uni
- ... .i... I has been framed and set to work toadiudi- versal indorsement. Ihe investigations
ir.'.'.Hn iu Lj lut iu v, iLii ii (ill inrii. ill:
count. We have po far succeeded in livii;"
withotif any of the county "pap," and
really a would ncarcely know how to use
it .were wo to get any, as it would be al
together a new diet to v.s and might net set
aa' vtii on our stomach as it did on onr
neighbor's, who lias been brought up on
that kind of pabulum although we ;;ive
r.tiriy all tiie county advertising to our
readers gratuitously for the beneiit of the
tax-pjiyera ;:i parts of the couuty where
nciliir tho Gnxctte nor the Dtr.iocraf have
it ghost of a circulation. We do nut cm
p'ain of an officer ou that score, even though
he might not have acted wisely in the dis
tribution of his patronage.
Cul. FiiANcrs Jordan. We notice
tUat iu s jitic quarter! of the Statu an at
teuqit has bee?) matlis to reflect upon Col.
Fiarcld Jordan, by nssrciatirig hiin with
the action of the recent State Convention.
Col. Jardau'8 withdrawal as a candidate
f r Governor before ba'dotting was wholly
independent of what action the Conven
tion might take after a noraluation for Go
viTUor. We boUevo that there is no more
t oufcienti'-usly honest and upright mau in
the State in public life than Col. Jordan.
We would have been pleased to have seen one .f our staud.trd bearers, os his
t ame would be a tower of etaugth to any
We publish on our first page to-day, the
Soldier's Homestead Law which has becu
approved by the PreSlJtut, ucl Is now in
TitE fjllowing gentlemen of Pennsylva
nia have inade kuown their determination
to attend the Cincinnati Convention, viz :
John Ilickuun, David Barclay, V. W. Ir
vin, William Painter. Tlios. J. Worrell,
Wm. II. Armstrong, Wm. M. Bull, Joseph
W. Cake, R. L.y'.e XV u. U. Chas. B. Leu,
Thos. J. Power. Clmu. Wistur, Ileinrich
Weber. Robert M-.riis, W. W. Rutherford.'
J. V. Uomberger, Josejih M. McCiure, Jay 1
Cadwell, Samuel Evaus, IIuui;; E. Suthcr
lind", Henry L. Cake, Morrow B. Lowry,
A. IC. McClure, J. 11. Sypher, Win. L.
Dennis, Smcdley Darlir.glou, Caleb II.
Needles.'J. Bayard Wood, George D. Che
ney, Jonas M. Walker, A. W. Bailey, E.
T. Chase, C. F. Ballingcr, C. Hoover. J.
Karnes, B. F. Etter, Theo. XV. Herr, Dan
iel D. Pillnwu, J. II. T. Jackson, J. M.
The list has but little political vitulity
In it, most of the gentlemen having run
ih.J- -ulitical courau. and are now wilhout
tiluency." But "as long as tliere
ie is hope," and they may tlnuk
i uuw iiouticat ueui, mey may
luce ot coming to the surface.
iung themselves Republicaas
Jiosi among them who have
tUe ;'ii4an4coiiiroKt" tbej
sriTf-y jor Jtoiyo years.
Tub Cincinnati Convention and
ock next President. The ClucinnaU
Convention, by all appearance, will " t
composed almost entirely of men who have
at one time held office, and by their course,
have forfeitod the confidence of the people.
From the list of, names published ef dele
gates and (titers', that are likely to attend
that Convention, we notice the larger por
tion have been Democrats, aud changed to
obtain 6fllce in tho Republican ranks, where,
lit appears, they Jtiaye ruu . their poliiical
course, ana nowiuru tueir attention to get
ting up ft" UeV parl-'ao'TlUoy can have nn
othtr ebance at.Oie public crib.' It ii yerj
erideflt that this cbuventipn Is not likely to
be of the mbst harnipbionB. characUjr, or
We find nlioady dissonlion in regard to ihe
candidates for the: Presidency j and as oil
and water will not mingle there is a likeli
hood that all the Isms will not bo' cement
ed together,, While, aomo. favor a passive
policy, others, and advocalo tho
nomination of a Straight' Democratic, or;
sorehead ticket. Tlie Democratic members
of Congress have concluded that if tho Cin
cinnati Convention will adopt such a plat
form as ttiu Democracy would frame, they
will join in anl try to sccurt their success.
Hut the Southern wjng pt the Delijocracy,
which always contros that party, con
demns passiviBm, and fchrcwdly recalling
the Rreckinridgo aud Davis split, by which
Ihey were defeated, ur s the iarty to
encourage UcpuLlicau mifiiiiderstandingft,
meet, uomiuatu and elect1, tho next Presi
dent. Should a caudidate bo found that
will satisfy all these Jillercul wings, ho will
havo to consist of many parts to unite
such a conglomeration of sects and iains.
The inipofcsibility of combining the opposi
tion us SMiyht at C'inciuttali, is an as
surance that no change will occur in the
government. The honest portion of Demo
crats and Republicans will not allow all
the ex-oHioo holders to seize the reins of i
covcinmeut at this propitious time, when !
, , ,. , r, . . i
we. havo such a man as General Grant to ;
guide the ship orstate. ;
General Grant, in the course of an ad- '
ministration not yet completed, has scon j
I,!., ir ,, .,. I
the national debt reduced from fc3,4ni1J0U1-.
001, as it was March 1, 1800, to S2.174,-
374,203 April 1, 1872, a reductiou of $317,
In the samo period tho nnuual j
interest has been redt-ced f?m 12G,380,- ,
zr.n I tjr. HA4 nnj 3oo 40 --.o !.. .1.:..,
"u" n,i,,,ci,w. iu iimij- j
seveu mouths. Taxation has .also been '
reduced in tlie tame time 200,000,000, ;
w'tll0Ut reckoning what lias been done and
' lrjp"Md by the existing session. The
nt'SlVs of forciKn exports and imports
amounted to SI, 032, 472, ioS in 1571 against
-5435,710,711 so far back as 18ti2-an in
crease of more than 100 per cent, in the
decade. And notwithstanding the great
reduction iu tho debt, by which less taxa
tion has been made possible, the develop
ment of the country has steadily progress
ed ; new railways have bceu constructed
everywhere ; wilds have been settled and ;
organized ; factories have gone up in the
, . ,, ., ., , .
south and west, as well as the north, and
been sustained , lurnacco Imve been busied;
the momentary circulation has been brisk j
aud commanded confidence, and in every j
calling, in every State and Territory, a
new and moro vital life has been felt. At
the same time the laws have bceu properly j
emorceu la every uirection. kukiux con-: ly wisUi cong,H.vatiVI. IU,a patriotic, that it
spiracles have lcei checked at the south ; is an act of poetic justice that the soldier
Fenian expeditions checked at tho north ; whoso victories in'war, aud the statesman
a wise and generous policy looking to their i W,VT -,'iIl"ljlls "f -l'n('. llilvo '"ai,u
, , ,, , ... , . , last decade the most glorious in the annals
best good has been maintained toward the of Amt.rit..,., bislmy.should receive an earn
Indians, and the hostilities of Corea were ; eet of the gratitude of his countrymen by
promptly punished. Nor is It least in this i
j . ... , . . i i ,..
cate the wrongs and deviso satisfactory set-
., . . .. .. . . j ,
tlument. T ue luvestigation )ust ordered I
shows that if there was un infraction of !
neutrality the franco-German war, :
it was not within the cognizance of this ,
. , , , .....
.Tr(iAMniinr nnil ftu'Alrnnurl Iprilunn
With this
If'nc-rnliz.ition we reach closer
The Republican party is sunremo. j
." . ,i
It sways the national government in all i
of im branches. It administers twenty
nine of tbe Stales and Territories. The
spring elections iu New Hampshire, Con
necticut and Rhode Island wero nil won.
Unless the party is itself split, it is there
fore sure of the Presidential election and
continued power, iu virtue of its consisten
cy as well as its nnble performance.
A CorkejtI'ONDKnt of the Dt:;tocra(
from Shamokiu who signs himself "A Re
publican," and who is evidently exceeding
ly radical on the license question, attempts
to reflect upon his Honor Judgo Rockefel
ler, ui regard to granting licenses to soma
parties in Sl.ainokiu borough. This cor
respondent does not seem to be aware of
the fact that the. President JuJe can bo,
aud is frequently overruled by his associ
ate Judges In granting licenses. If 'A
Republican" believes that Judgo Rockefel
ler was elected merely to serve aud carry
out tho views of any clique or party he will
fiaJ himself vastly mistaken. His Honor
was elected by the people, and wo nre hap
py to see that he fills his position without
partiality or party prejudices. Where he
is known, no ouu will question his honesty
aud integrity.
Tho writer who t'ujns himself 'A Republi
can1 is evidently oue who has had an"axe to
grind," aud has been disappointed, and
whose Republicanism is such as would be
appreciated by the Dtmocralx aud fiud fa
vor iu its columns.
Evuuy Democratic journal iu the West
ana me jsortn, ana all uiaicoulcui itcpun
licans who act as the bobtails of the De
mocratic party in the liberal movement,,
are free trade advocates, ready to open our
ports to the manufactures of Europo, and
thus ensure the pauperism of American la
bur. Furuacomeu, rolling mill men, cot
ton factory men, miners, aud the huudreds
of thuusauds engaged directly and indirect
ly iu mauufactuiiug, will remember these
Sunday parades are to be regulated by
law hereafter In New York city. One good
feature of the cuaetmeut prohibits all pro
cessions -and parades, or disturbances by
lire-arms, ou Sunday, except funeral nro
ooious engaged in the actual burial ot the
dead ; aud iu any military funeral music
must cease within onu block of any place of
(ts. vrsiiip.
Hon. W. II. Armstrong. The name
of W. II. Armstrong appears among the
subscribers to John Hickman's "Liberal"
Republican Cincinnati Convention mani
festo. The name being the same as that of
lion. w. II. Armstrong, late the Republi
can representative in Congress from the
Lycoming district, and now one of the can
didates ou the Republican ticket for dele
gate at largo to (he State Constitutional
Convention, that gentleman has published
the folWlng card, which we copy from the
Williamsport Guzittt id Bxilktin : 1 . j
Willi AMsronr, April eoth,i873. A
: Editors of Gazette and Bulletin : In the
Philadelphia Prist of the 10th lust, a call
is pcibllshed to tho "Liberal Republicans"
of Pennsylvania, to attend the Cincinnati
Convention. To this tho name, "W. II.
Armstrong." among others, is appcuded.
I am acquainted with a gentleman in the
Eastern part of the State, of this name,
whrt possibly, may havo signed it.
To prevent all mistakes, so fnr as I am
concerned, I desiie to sUite that I have not
signed any such call, and havo uo sympa
thy Whatever in tho movement, which 1 re
gard ns oun ol disorganization, and hostile
to the Republican parly, whoso principles
and policy 1 most cordially approve.
As I have had the honor to be nominat
ed by the Republican Convention as a dolo-
gate at large to the Convention to .revise
the Constitution of l'ennsylvnuia, I have
'deemed it proper to correct any misappre
hension which might arise on this subject.
Ult.t T I .N I. IV Y O It H .
7Vc irti(Zou8 Oidi,rurbg af l'(oih: Tlic
President's Co '! Ilfrkwnl arid Jimlorxril.
fw YoftK Aiu-il 17
An imniens mass m.a tiui l', indorse !
llm fl.l.niniwtrnti,.., ..f ! i.!.,,. Ii,ant nn.l :
alvocate his renouiiuation was held to-
night at the Cooper Institute. The de
monstration has, iu point of numbers and
enthusiasm, but especially in the local and
;''preseutalive character of those composing
it, been rarely equalled iu Is ew 1 ork. Uy
8,.VuIl oV(K.kJtI,J va6t hllU of Cooper lusti-
tute was densely crowded, and thousands
remained outside.
Thl" P0'';6 1,1 'i!', aUeinnU'd to prevent
the crowd from Ii hag ui) the ais es and the
llllBHinfljrtllbll! ,.ri,,J J, , thl, i,.1ntiiii,r.
After the proceedings commenced so loud
and persistent was the clamor for admit-
,ani' Ul!lt th,u l,oli,(;,! J'1-11 ,J;U,,V '"V1 l,y e.vt:r'
miulucs 7 ImpS c to
una additional standing room. 'I lie plat- j
form was also fully occupied by the otlicers I
" moeting. j
i lie meeting was canen to oroer at eignt
o'clock, by Henry Clews, who nomiiiau.-d
William E Dodgi! for prcoiduut. This gen- I
tie men accepted the pi'fition in a brief ad- I
Vice presidents and secret-tries wore an- 1
nouueed. The former number tlireo hun
dred nnd include the following names : j
Peter Cooper, Ed wards Pierrepoint, Henry .
Clews, JnmcsGotdon Eeiinett, 15ol)ert L. j
Stewart. Samuel 11. Ruggles, II. 11. Clartin, -Samuel
Wilmord, Anthony .1. Drexel, lA-vi
1. Morton, Alexander Taylor, Alexander
Stuart. Robert Lennox Kennedy, Hobert !
Hayard, John llocy, Thurlow Weed. Hon. i
Theodore W. Dwight, General Sigel. Henry '
iitiiu a-clcui:i, nil-mi jj. -iiiiuei I'll, i '
p wimam y,,.,,,-.,, s
t ard jJeecher, William II. nnilernilt, ( '.
Crittenden nnd many others of the most !
prouiuitui citizens.
Address f o the l'coplo. ' I
lion. E. Dclafield Small read an nddre&i ;
to the people, to the effect that the admiu-1
istratiou of public aflairs under the govern- j
n;ent o! rrebident Grant lias Uecn eminent'
re-election to tlie Presidency
i ip ri'i'.inii'inij iMivv iii i i i -res in. nr. nt
set n" foot during tho present session of I
Congress have demouhlraliul his purity, i
lhuil. ct,st ,,., excceded lho
i0!?g sustained by the government through j
the honesty of its subordinates tince ihe !
administration came ijto power. ;
record so Clear aim iiouoreniy cuai
- ...
lpnai-ft ml mi r:t I ii in nnd I In. 11 rjl irnl ! I rif I hi.
people. With the grievances ofdisappoint
cd otliee-ucekcrs the masses cannot le ex-
to ympailuz lieiicviug General
liraiil's civic career tiifully suniileuieots
his military greatness, and that hu posesses
and deserves the. contiuenco ol the -Vmcii-cau
people, we pledge him our united and
hearty support ns a oondidate for re-election.
letters were received from several emi
nent Republican. Une from Vice Presi
dent Colfax, strongly iu favor of Grant,
was read, and also telegrams to the same
effect from Lieut. Gov. Pinchbeck, ol Iu
isiana (colored), Gerritt Smith, Fred.
Douglass and George W. Gibbons, Presi
dent of tho Workingmen's Central Union,
tho latter saying that "ihe members of the
Uuion iu New York, numbering twenty
thousand men will vote aud work for -the
ie-c-leclioii of Grunt."
.Strong resolutions were adopted, tho last
ono as follows :
Eighth. That iu the judgment of this
meetiug the mujoritv of the people of this
couulry expect, desire and decree tho no
mination and re-election of Ulysses S.
The meeting addressed by General Sick
les, Seuaturs Wilson, Morton and others.
After tho close of the speaking the meeting
adjourned with three cheers for Grant.
AccoRpiNG to the United States census,
the true value of the real and personal pro
perty of tho country is ?.'W,00tj.olrt,.'iU7, or
nearly douole what it was in lStiO. The
true valuation of the property of Counecti
hut is S771,0ol,5'J4. The amount of the
grand list as returned to tho assessors of
the ditterent towns is less than half this
amount--8a22,55a,4S3. The figures of the
othor New Eugltind Stales arc : Massachu
setts, 2,132,148,741 ; Rhode Island, 20(1
IW5.0W ; Yeruiout, . 8235,349,553 ; New
Hampshire, '2.V2,024,112 ; Maine, ?318,
15o,ti71.' Iu lVnnsylvania the property
has doubled in value in ten years, aud iu
Now York Stato it has trebled. The valu
ation for lho latter Slate iu 1870 was fc'G,
500,841,268. .,,,..'
Movements jf Ek-GoviiuKOit C cu
tis. Minister Curtiu writes to a friend in
Harrisburg uuder dale of April Sth, that ou
the loth he would meet Oeuerul bliennnu
aud Lieutenant Coiibtaetinoplo,
and proceed with theiu by way of Odessa,
the Crimea and Titlis lo the Caucauaiuu
Mountains ; thence, by a route uot deter
mined, uiMin, to Astrachau ; aud then, up
up the Volga, to Nijui, Novogorod, Mos
cow aud St. l'eteisburg, reaching the latter
poiut about the 15th of May. He states
that a most cordial receptiou and distin
guished trefttuiout await lho General tnd
Lieutenant Grant in ' Russia. Minister
Curtiu will probably leave for the UniUtd
States shortly after the. 15th proximo. , j-
The Pittsburg Morning Mail says ! The
Labor Reform party, which was organized
with such a show of importance at the
Columbus Convention on the 22d of Febru
ary, !s fast going to pieces. . The delegates
to that Convention from New York and
tho New F,ngland States denounce their
Executive Committee for the vacillating
course pursued by them touching tho ten
dering of the nominations of President and
Vice President to Davis and Parker. Influ
ential members of tho labor organizations of
Pennsylvania and other States, have also
expressed themselves dissatisfied with the
whole movement ao fnt as Il-csiden'.ilil can
didates are concerned,' realizing that they
have been made the tools of designing poli
ticians opposed to American industry. No
workingmnii fan tonsistently Advocate or
aid In the election of a free trader liko Da
vis or even th nominee of the Cincinnati
Convention, who will either bo a revenue
reformer (tho moro palatable title for free
trader,) or be placed on a free trade plat
form. All the movements against the Re
publican party are prompted by ono single
motive, and that 1b to throw opeu our mar
kets to the pauper labor of Europo, break
do.wn our industries, and enrich the few
foreign importers and .their agents and
presses. This is theeccml of the Cincin
nati Convention, although it will contain
other elements to cover up the real design,
lake our soldiers who voto as they fought,
for tho perpetuity of the Union and its in
stitutions, let our mechanics and laboring
men vote as they work, for tho mainten
ance of good wages and tho domestic bless
ings that lollow.
Tkuiuhle Riot in Indian Territo
ry. A riot occurred iu tho Court at Tala
quah, Indian Territory, ou Friday last dur
ing a murder trial. Tho alleged' murderer
was acquitted, at which a relative of the
murdered man, who was iu tho court room
at tho time, became so greatly enraged that
he shot the person dead who was on the
fu ..iv...... .i t i ,
: .ion uueriviirus, level-
Lu.?J.""l"'n.1. YIV ' .llCi' ,,ret tho
" "MIIR lauil Ci. CI, .11119 UCSperalO BC-
tion was the sinnal for a desncrato licbt.
during which a uuniber of persons, estimat
ed nt ten, were killed, and several men
were severely injured. Threo United
States marshals, named Hawkins, Wilson
and Owens, who were in the court room at
he time, were mortally wounded.
At a Convention of colored men recently
held at New Orleans, a resolution was
adopted recognizing "the noble work of the
Germans in our emancipation and enfran
chisement." Such an acknowledgment is
just and manly, as no class (if we may use
the word) of men in tho countiy did more
for emancipation and impartial sutlrago
during tho past ten years, than our Ger
man adopted fellow citizens. The German
is the natural foe of tyranny, lie antago
nizes oppression the moment it appears,
and under no circumstances acknowledges
inequality in man. It is to men imbued
wnu sucn convictions, ndopted as well ns
ualivo born, that the KcpublR-an party
may confidently look for future victory.
The Philadelphia papers last week pub
lished a call, signed by ubout thirty politi
cal monomaniacs, among whom the name
of A. K. McClure figures. The Press and
Bulletin, whose ink is hardly dry which
promulgated the assertions that MeCluro
was a Grant man and ndvoeated his elec
tion to tho Senate on that ground, when
they are compelled to acknowledge them
selves belied and cheated. Verily, soft
soap must bo plenty in the (Quaker city
wheu men there can be gulled as easily as
they were. Had it been country editors it
would have been n mutter of course, in tho
estimation of the "great men," but that
i wo city editors "great dailies." should
have duet, sand, (lepper itntl salt thrown in
their eyes until they were blind as bats in
a sunuy day, is not only wonderful but, in
the luuguagc of Dominie Sampson, Pro-di-gi-ous.
.cififf'KCii (iiizrtte.
What was thought of the party attempt
ing to maliirn and misrepresent "Washing
ton, the defender of n government just cre
ated, when he was a candidate for election
to the Presidency V Just what is thought
of the malecontents who now traduce Grant
as his country men push him for re-election.
The enemies of Washington became too
contemptible for historic discussion, and
their names are seldom mentioned. Thus
it will 1ms with the factionisls who snarl at
Grant. When they cease to be heard they
will be forgotten.
Du. l'aul Sehoeppe, who was convicted
of murdering Miss Steinecke, by poison, has
beeti granted a new trial, which will begin
in Carlisle, Pa., on the 2Sth inst. He has
lived for three years under the shadow of
the gallows, needing nothing but the ap
pointment of a day by Coventor Geary to
liang him, mid after all this weary waiting
he is to have another chance for his life.
Troops have been sent from Fort Rrown
and San Antonio, Texas, to occupy the I
crossings on the lli5 Grande, and prevent
cattle stealing.
AY in. H. AVagncr, one of the proprietors
. fil... r : ii i i; ' ,'
ui t"c -naup.jii iioosu, itenoiug, cuca rc
cemiy. The Legislature of Pennsylvania, has
finally passed a bill granding n uew trial lo
Dr. Hehoeppe.
The last California rai thquake had the
effect of suddenly curing several lama beg
gars in San Francisco.
A bill has been introduced into Ihe New
York legislature to Increase the Gover
nor's salary to SIO.OGU
Tho insects commonly kuown as lluffalo
gnats have attached the farm horses and
mules throughout Mississippi, and many
huudreds have died within the last few
days, nnd many farmers have uo teams
with which to cultivate their crops.
AVhisky sandwiches are a popular bev
erage at Hollidaysburg, which are made by
puttiug in a layer of water, then slice of
whisky, covered by still another layer of
the ardent. ' ' '
Candidates for legislative honors are an
nually becoming more numerous. In old
times a good mau was retained in such
position as long as he wanted it ; uow a
great many men seek it.
A kind old father-in-law wanted to know
why the Feejolaus are called cannibals, to
which liaruum replied: "llecause they live
olf other people." "Then," replied he,
unhappily, "my four sons-in-law must be
cannibals they live ofTof uiol" .
There is a feverish condition of things in
Spain. The adherents of lon Carlos are
threatening a general rising, and the gov
ernment is taking strong measures to crush
them at once. The King declares that as
long as ho is supported by a majority of the
nation, he will maintain the constitution
and tbe laws lo the utmost of his ability.
Four years ago, when Carl Schurz was
aimiu" to secure his own election to the
United Sttes Senate, he wrote as fo'iows;
"To become a tool in the bauds of the
com i oeii enemy is about the lowest point of
political respectability a member of the
Radical party can reach in this crisis, what
ever his political grievances may be."
How docs this declaration tally with Mr,
Sc bun's course roy y ,
The leadura of what la left of Ihe Demo
cratic parly propose to do with their follow
ers what the slaveholder formerly did with
their batteWsell them to the highest bid
der. ' : . - J. '. .1 -i ; .:
Candidato Cards.
For I'rothonotnry.
HAVINO recptilly lost an nnn by n nccldunt
on tbe Riillrond by which I am deprived
from following my trade nt marble cutter, and
having been mliclled oy uiimeroun friends I hnre
ron sen ted to become a candidate for the office, of
Prothonotory, anifsollrit the i eiifTraes of my
fellow cltlscns. If elected I Sliull endeavor to
perform the duties of tho offle. Impartially and
tothebestof my sblilty. -
Northumberland, Ar-rll 6, 1S72.- . . -
For Connly Commissioner.
TkijAw t'lfikkMS i-i-tliivlng been solicited by
many of my friends Iu dillemit acetioni oC the
county, I offer mynelf in, n cnndlflatc for the
olHce of COVNTT COMMISSIONER, nbject to
tlie derision of the Rnpubllcnn C'ouuty Conven
tion. If nominated and elect!, I bromins toli
cbnree the duties of said offlee to the best of my
ability. i - .'. JOHN 8NTDER.
Lower Augusta twp., April 20; 1872.
(ttto Sbbfrtiscnunts
ISTew, Goods!
Dry Opodd, lN"otioim, Fiirninhing
GoocIh, Groceries; Oil Cloths,
, Glass naid JCails ,.
of every variety, ht one low price,
Corner of Fourth and Market Streets,
All kinds of Grain taken la exchange en fee ns
cash. full nnd sec us.
Euiibury, April 87, 1872.
Notice U heroby given to tlie stockholders of
tlie Sunbury Steam Ferry and low-Koat Coin
puny, tlml thrre will be uu election for Directors
it the oillee of Ira T. Clement, cor. .'id nnd Rare
streets, on Mnndar, May 0th, at 11 o'elork, a. in.
Ii"v nrje'r of tho PRESIDENT.
Eunbury, April S7, 1S7. '-'I.
A (.i:TS Fl
Literature, Art and
Is Ihe hrr.f ee-lling bock ever nllrcd. It com
bines the humor of anecdote, the widom of es
say, the information of history and biography, i
Ihe swcMncss and grandi-nr of portry. the cxiii-
site ehai in of tnu-ic, an.l 4PJ beautiful i'.lustra- :
lions. '
"Solid rending for gntvrr moments ; pleasant
pictures to illumine ij n let hours, nnd gems of .
soue; for lho socUi circle."
An Acrnt writes, "Sold 127 copies this Week. I
Will sell !W0 this month essily." j
(Mir new system of canTasing does awny with ;
objection to the bu ,!w. Particular free A;
valuable present In everv new Aeent.
and IK) Liberty Street, New York. nU'.Ct. f
;UA.I orr.MlVG
of the birijest and moH fushlcmable tock of
Cloths and Cassimcres
of every grade, nnd
Gentk'ineiv's Ftirnisliinjj Gomlti, ut
Til ON. tJ. XOTT'J ,
In Miller's Illock, Third street, two doors below
Market, 1
The most fufliionnble clothing made to order
frmii every variety of (foods.
Suils of all siac made up at the shortest no- j
lire, from the best selected Hock in New York
and t'ld'.ud.'lphin. !
Cull uud be convince I.
April SO. 187J.
is E tr ABU I V A L
AT j
Clement & Dissinger's, i
In the new Clement Bnil.ling,
fltii-Itct Nqiture, Ktiiibury, Pa.
We take pleasure in announcing that we havu
just opened u uew usoitmeiit of
of all sty ut the lowest prices.
DOLLY VAKDEN, still raging iu new ;
and beautilul di-jon.
ItFIKlj-.MlKle lOtllillg,
a full arsoitment, which will be sold lower Ihun
Oil t lot In aud
Floor Mat-
of all kinds, which are guarantee! 1! fresh.
&e., &c, &t.
-kTfiBrB:.mtidr: v ,
and In fuel t vcrylhltijf that can be mentioned hi
a ttrst-clitbs store.
Call and examine our stock. HaTlng our more
lighted with lias, goods can be Selected in the
evening as well as Iu the day time. No ctmrges
lor shotting goods.
April 20, 1S72.
Ncav Store ! New Goods !
Having taken the store room lutely occupied by
11. Peters, corner of Third and Church streets,
h is JukI opened a new store, with nn cuttle new
block of goods, comprising of
lry oodi Must fWrorerifsi.
The Dry Goods department Is toinpli tc, having a
general assortment of
Cloths, Cassinieifs, Calicos, DeLains,
and everything In the Dry Goods line. The
are all fresh, and cousixte of Tea, CoQce, Eugur,
Molliisscs, Spices, Moat, FUb, V:c.
Willow-lVnre aud OIhssj-M are,
a general assortment. In fact everything kept
In a flrsl-claes store, cau be had at Ihe
most reasonable prices for cash.
Having located Iu Suubuiy for the purpose ol
becoming one of its citizens, 1 hope that by fit I r
dealing and strict attention to business to merit
a share of the public patrouage. My motto Is
'Small Prodis und Quick Sales."
All are cordially invited to call and examine
my goods, as no charges will be made for show,
lug them. . i -
Sunbury, April SO, 1872. '
Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope. Price, six
A Lecture ou the Nature, Treutment, aud
Rudical Kura of Seminal Weakness, or Sperma
torrhea, luduced by and Impediments to Mar
riugo geuerally i Cousuiuptiou, Epilepsy, and
Fits Mental and l'hvsical Incapacity, etc. By
By ROB. J. CCLVERWELL, M. U., author of
the "tireeu Book," etc.
The World-rouowued author, Iu this admirable
Lecture, clearly proves lrom his own experience
that the awful cousequeuces of Self-Abuse may
be effectually removed without medicine aud
without dangerous surgical operations, bougies,
Inslruuieuis, riugs, or cordials, pointing out a
mode of cur at uuee certain aud edecluul, by
which every sullerer, no matter what his coudi
lion may be, may cur himself cheaply, private
ly, and radically. This lecture will prove a boon
to tbousauds aud thousands,
Sent, under se4l, Iu a plitiu envelop, to any
address, ou reoeipt of (it cauls, or two poataa
slum, by addresiug the publishers.
Also, Or. CULVER WELL'S 'Marriage Gulde.
Price 25 ceuts. Address tbe Publishers,
P. O. Box, 4,K8a. 1S7 Sowary, New York.
April T, , .
t(to Abberllscmcnts.
UNUtM HOTEL, 813 aud 814 Rnce St.,
J'nii.Anri.miA. Accommodations first
class. Prices ti 00 per day. Taitiit Dritb
n i no it, Proprietor. . ap20,Sm.
Estate of Philip llerkert, dee'd.
NOTICE Ik hereby RlTea, that lotters of ad
ministration have been granted t the nn
Uerslgned on the estate of Philip Heokert, late of
Lower Maltnnoy township, North'd county, Pa.,
deceased. All persons knowing themselves In
debted to Mid estate, are requested to make lm.
mediate payment,, and thono having claims to
present tliem duly authenticated for settlement.
EMANCEL HECKERT, Administrator.
Lower Mabanoy twp., April UO, 1878-6t.
It In a companion volume to
of which
Have already beed ordered, an Is still one of
the best selling books out. .
Don't waste lime on books no One wants, but
take one people will stop you In tbe streets to
subscribe for. . "Thcrt is a time to laugh," and
all who read this book will see clcatly that time
has come. .-' . . -
Apply to W. IT. Renter, aeent, for Northum
berland. Point, Upper Angusto, end Sunhury.
Orders for the Book left at the Clement House,
Sunbuiy, Will receive prompt attention.
April SO, l7S.-4t.
ITtrcilEY A- CO'N C'OLl'MX.
ITnYlfV MADK KAPIDLT with Stencil
ilAUilAil and Key Cheek Outfits. Cuta
losue, Samples and full particulars FREE.
o:J0,4w S. M. ffr.Ncan, Rraltleboro. Vt.
Wc l;l seud a handsome Prospectus of our
New Illustrated Family Bible containing over
450 flue Scripture Illustrations to auy Book
Agent, tit", of charge. Address,
ii'.iO,4w National Pcbmsuio Co., riilla., Pa.
I 1 Do you want an airenry, local nr travelinr,
I 1 with an opportunity to make 83 to K20 a
111 (',IV seHiiii; onr new strand While Wire
ll t'lothes Lines 1 They lust forever j sample
tfs,l',e. Send for circular. Address at once
Hudson River Wire Works, or. AValer St. and
Maiden Lane, N. T.Or4C W. Randolph J,
Chicago, III. a20,4w
ir( the Only Klnndard Rook of the
kind published. A f 10 saved vrarly by all who
vussinc f ir Voimak's Kictiosarv ok Eveiit
Iat Wants, coiituiiiing id.OOO Receipts la every
Uepnrtnient In Human Etfoit, than in any other
possible way. From (15 (o (40 a week Inniie.l.
It Is for everv Housekeeper, Farmer, Trade and
Profession. For the Sick nnd Well. A tellable
book of permanent value to every wide-awake
progressive person. It sells Itself. " Extra terms.
Address, F. M. IlKim, Ilia. Eiirhth St., N. Y. 4w
- I
TInee Years in a Man Trap!
A companion to 'Ten Night's in a,' j
by 'I'. S. Ailhiir, (the inol popular of American
authors.) is now teady. It is a expose of li.j'ior
making and soiling, a thrilling isr'uul of a three '
years years' life in acliydrum shop, shows up j
the vile deceptions practiced iu bar-rooms, and ,
Ibe in. st piiwarfu! work of ihe kind ever written. ;
Will be vatrerly r-tid by thousands, nnd t cer-
tain lo have, an immense sale. Apply for an i
nfency and do good :is well as make money to i
4w. J. M. Stoohaiit A l'o., P ibli'hsrs. i'l.i.a. !
Hilliakd Tables !
Ei ei vtliiio: pcrtalulriz to RilMurds ut lowe.t i
prices. Illiiitratcd Catalogues sent by mall. 1
H. W. COI.LENOKR, Nr.w Yokk.
fcaeces'Or to I lie. an A i.;! !
ii'.'0,4w 73S Hrondwsy. :
Wells' (rljoTTc Tablets 1
Fon CoroH, Colvs ft IIoin-srNK.-i). j
Thee Tablet present tlie Aeld In Combination ,
wlih oilier efficient reme.lies, in u popular form. '
for the tJure of all THROAT ami LUNG Pi- '
senses, llciirsenef s and Cieeratloii of ihe 1 lncat ,
are itrimediiitely relieved and sla'.cmenis aree'iti
Hantly b -ini; seia to tlie propiieti.r of relief in
-.isr i.r Th mat difMcullies of yiuifc slauding. J
'AI'TIO.. Don't be deceived bv wonlilei
imiialiom. (iet only Wells' ( urla.'lic Tiibleis. 1
Price -J"i cm. pet box." JOHN t. EK.LI.O0lj, !
Send for Circular. 11 Pint I slr-jct, N. Y. i
n?o.4w S,)'.e Agent for VuUe 1 i-tulei. i
Ttfa-Jf;tai. A fsre airs tei. !
Rest Tea InrohrEu.
fft! fo sto't f.-(.s((.i.
ifcpjstcjjns'Put tip Iu our trade tnark Half- ;
Xifc72J-firt.r)unil and Pound Piicknges only, '
30 to 00 Pound llovci.
For Sale nt Wholesale onlv br
The (Jreat At'untle & Pacific I
O. Uox 5VHi, N. V. tily. aL'0.4w i
I,0M A ko II 1st HiiteI ! for our new Book.
By . II. Wrbb, Hie noted Pioneer uud Hu
morist. A most accurate nnd fascinating de
ed ipli.m of the wildness and wealth of the bound
less Witt, lis untold riches. Rig Injuns, Hufla
lo, Wolves, ftc. Cromlrd with valuable Int'or
mr.tlou, .iparklinc with the keenest wit aud rncl-e-t
humor, rivaling Mark Twain's best, aud
tplcudiOly i.iunrated. Will be Immensely pi'P'i and sell beyond precedent. For sample pages,
lllustr;,, terms, Ac, address,
HL'UilAltl) HIIOS., l'iib:ishe,s,
ai.l.-lw 7Si! Saniom street, pnt'.a.
The Knuilay Nrliool World. A leadieK
pciiodical for Teachers, with full explanations
of the Lrssons. H page monthly. Only 50
cents a Vear.
The (iilld'M World. An Illustrated paper
for children. 100 copies mouthly, one year,
(!'.'. On. or twice a month, f'.'4.
The Scholur'si Iiter. Giving the text of
the lesson, and topics for the slndy of ll, ftc.
Interinedlnte I.eaisou Paper of a mora
simple churuclcr, with question, uud explaua
llons. Either of the above at tbe rate of 75 els.
per 100 copies mouthly j or t'J for 100 copies per
sput-inien copies or any or the ubove, furnished
on application to
The Amfiiii as SrsiAY School Csios,
u20,4w 11;".' Cliestnut street, Philadelphia.
rush for ll) on IHO LEWIS' hist aud greatest
or. Mt Joi.i.t Fkieku's Sf.cket.
It Is by odds tlie most taking and salable book In
the Held. 1. It is on a vitally important subject.
'. It U by America's most popular writer ou
health, if. It Is, for the price, the lurgest and
hundcoinest book ever sold by subscription.
Agents, the people are eager for such a book, aud
w ill urge you to bring it to them. Write for
terms ic., free. Geo. Maclfan, Publisher,
ui0,4w 733 Sanson) street, Phila.
01, Woi TwSeTciiili Again !
sighs the weary aud exhausted ouc.asthe lauiruor
and lassitude of sirring comes upon him. Com
and receive vigor aud strength from the wouder
ful South American Tonic
Long and successfully used in lis uatlve country,
as a Powerful Toule. and Potuut I'm ill tr of the
blood, it Is fouud eveu to exceed Ihe anticipations
founded ou its great rcputuliou. According to
the medical and sciei'itilic periodicals of Loudon
aud Paris, it possesses tbe Most Powerful Touic
proertlea kuown to Mulsria Medica.
Is a perfect remedy for all disease of the Blood,
Organic Weukness, Glauduloui Tumors, Dropsy,
Scrofula, Inieruul Abscesses, aud will remove
all obstructions of lha Liver, Spleen, Iutestiucss,
L'leriue and Cripary Organs.
It Is strengtheulug aud uourlshiug. . Like uu
trlclous food taken Into the stomach, It assimi
lates aud diffuse Itself through the drcnlatlou,
giving vigor and health.
It regulates the bowels, quiets th nervu, acts
directly on the secretive organs, aod, by It pow
erful Tonic aud restorlug effects, produces healthy
a ad vigorous action lo lb whol syitsni. ,
JOHN Q. KELLOGO, 18 Piatt St.. N. T.
... Sols Acsqi for tb Called Slates,
fries, wl per Bottle. Bead for Circa is i. 4w
V'.-VtS-JHtuPaaco. I -
The Novelty
Patent Flange Cog Wheels on both ends
- of the Rolls. .
Rolls separate freely at either tad.
Has the Patent Curved Clamp.
Is the easiest working Wringer.
Is the Btroneest Wrloeer.
Is the most durable Wringer.
These with other advantages make It mors
desirable than any other.
No Practical Housekeeper ran afford to bny a
V rintrer uutil sho has examined the Novelty..
. Try It and satisfy yourself that It I the BEST.
Sold everywhere.
Bailey Wasuiso & "Wringing Ma
chine Company,
a20,4w 102 Chambers Street, New York.
"IXTAXTEOt Agents for our new 10 page
v T paper the Contributor. Thlileeo depart
ments, religious and secular. Rev. A. B. Earle
writes for It. (l.Oo a year ; a (ii.00 premium to
each subscriber. For Agents' terms, address,
a8 4w. JAVE8 H. EARLE. Boston, Mass.
TJsjychoniaucj-, or Koitl Chamiliig.'
A. How either sen may fascinate nnd iraln the
love and efl'tetions of any person they choose, In
staully. This simple mental ac(u!rcinrnt ail can
possess, free, by mail, for 25 cents, together with
a marrtujre guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams,
Hiuts to Ladies. 'c. A queer, exeitlnp book.
100,1)00 told. Address, T. WILLI A MS & CO.,
a6-w. Publishers, Phila.
Tho Rest Paper ! Try It!!
The NclontHle .4iuerlen is the cheap
est and best Illustrated weekly paper publ'uhsd
Every number contains from 10 to 15 origlual en
irravinps of new machinery, novel inventlous,
Ui-Mges, Eniiineering woiks, Architicture, Im
proved Fiirm Impleinentf, and every new dis
covery Iu Chemistry. A year's numbers contain
tuVi paces and several ' bundled cngrnvings.
Thousands of volume nre preserved for binding
and reference. The practical receipts are well
worth ten times the siilr-rrlpilou price. Terms,
(3 a year by mail. Specimens sent free. May
be had a' nil News Dea'eri.
l'utrnts obtained ou the best terms. Mode'.s
of new luVL'll-Mn and skelclu examined, and
ndvice free. All patents ore published in the
Seleutillc American the week ihey issue. Send
for P iin)liltt, 110 p.itres, containing laws and
full directions for obt, tilling Patents.
Ad.lress br Paper, or coiicciiiinif patents,
Mt. NN A CO., 57 Park Row. N. Y. Branch of
fice, or. F. nnd 7th sis., Washinlou, D. C. 18 41
R. R. R.
In from Cn to Twenty Mlnutoa.
I. . t - r;
sTrt I I;
l!lil.TP!!: II9U UT DIM
w:rn r.m.
lunwavtl KL.wr, i!'.i.i:f ib a crux T0
c.: I'AI.
I, vni, tcr fira, sna t,
Tito Only 1'uln Remedy
Cst ii.,-..,' y s-.j , i'-.. ir..-rt ei&:ueUUsjr as. alUyi la
fuutuaowns s.-id i-uirs f-.i-y.l.t... .hs.fri.f tb. I.uo,
P.i iut.L, lib.t.., tfr .Lt.- ,ii ii crKid, by va appv
:.o rrr..;.r U'.w ......i t er i-rcricltlli-s the pain tbu KHEtT
Hi'i i .'. 1. : r.iM. i, b'Crni, eiiri't.a, J1:-vcu. sarska,
KADVVAY'S heady relief
win. AFfonn i.'.bia-;t j.ase.
:xnAi;iiATioN of tii i-: iovei.s.
0.ui:ill oF TBS LOCOS,
f. il'.E Tlino.iT, Mlilcrir HHKaTHINO
ALriouu Of 191 UUSr,
coi.t rn:i.:3. a-itl hu l.
Tin !;;: ::c..n, i o th llonlv Rsl'ff t It IMitt
rsn. wh.r. t... cr i:j.: .x.ts tiUaSwri ssm
Tw.nt t-ttri ) tlf a hi. l.'ir f wMl In S fw
i sam tu. CKAVI'I. .-PAfcUb. BofB kl'OMACIU
intt'Turr.v, k iikaI'4 he. markuea.
iVrNTEHY. COI 10, V. ISU 111 IBE BOW LLB, wl
t..: i:.ti:i:nal vais.
T.-S's e t:;ft.ili kisv. eftlTV a ltll. nt UmAmv'm
aty Itcllfcf v lu t.tviu. A few a.-opt iu wlil
.1 stlfe of Malwr. It U b.
t..:. IVci. i1 ai.:l or lr.t..
n. l;o.ti.sit.
tCfP.K 4ND At. Hi.
rF VHH A.N l AOl ll In, t.j,l.. Tkn Is os
s wmUs', rs.-I Ii : (.iM Ii; a l en-g F.vsr sua
.J:. s.i I III, I' Muji.tnuii, lll.lsut. hci'lH, T pboUI.
U. ,i.l .!.. H,..r : .'-'..1 l KAtiWAt'l PliXsJ
,. - kiav i::aT iu.lir. liny m S..U b. Aiiut.
sniova . si i t-nR r.:rn r.i.oon-isr t.ease or
H. r's: ATI Wri'.IIT-cl.KAII SKIV HSU btAIJ.
uah y.Kur, th Mvr a s roviuis! re rks : bo
si' irK, : ) i.A.'iii auk 7hk iunuh iSi
raATrUi T"utr vwrjrft mkuicu'JC
Every Dry tn l:icroao9 In Flash
nnd Wo!r!it lo Heen and Tclt.
vfT d o? ft iu BvHi'AKli.LU.V RC30LVK5T
trra-.!ctf ifi-. (iiftj, Bn: L'r.n. -u-t etit
r.ijtazd I. euo ti -v.).n v-jjr r llf. f.r It rp-lra
t-it J.tU' cf 1.8 1 -' w-.sli nsw nj msUrl.
bcrof-ui, S. j'l'i'i, Cwn-rtji-i;..!, iJ'un-.u -r ti lr-f
I. T-'Oii. -iuth, Tji.c'1, N'lti ti t 0 twui.
CtJ'CI r4-1ff 114 IM.tlil, sVUst htxiu 1 lcbr(.t
Tu a U Ai.EiJ tna urit fMT...' Riu aMtM4i. -ma.
Vcut. Krr b h) I It. Ct.nj( W trm fta , HliaiitB.
Kr . ii Acn. 'i!cr S1 i'.. Worm H IHcrh, T-mori
( AV.ICVI4 f'l tH3 VollL, E'.J H 1 1", fc.l t fallliful (I'.fc
f'isV Vriil Vwtaj, "L,, ,,f .s-,rm, !.! ii J I w tilts cf lilt
lif iiiirtfip., mt wntun c tt m of ti.U r.a
i.f MJ1ra Chi al-liv. fcl ft tew r u will prov-i u
i.rv utln,( It f t c.Ui.r it W.m ti.m vt d !- l
L,(-'.4.m power tn Ctira tnrni.
If tlie uMicuL iiieoml:ikT r..ui,.1 ty tit wmm..4
flt oiiisj!itoB lKt I cch.Mi t wcirewv-t, .?..-e4dt
-'iim lbtvi wii fi, cnJ rtlm tl.j m i.v 'Ji new tniU
UI hr-Uhv l iL fiAKiAPAHlX
1.1 "i w 11 anyl ,1-toi .'.
Not OiilVltrsrs tl. SAK-ai:Ll'A R-HVIIT ls tJX
in-wii rtin.Mi! i.ta In ic) cu-sj cf lioi'Vc. ftcrufu
onttktutiwMtvl,aiia 0km c!ww ; but 11 li iii twly iowtl
l.KliM-y V IJla;icr f'omp.alntft,
rrinnrv, r-:.t C-.-sis, Cw Maitt, IWdst
f-t"ri'r f Wnlti, InriiUiiiict ut rnnt, UrU' l't PitM
Allium. iiuni, itl in w l cn. licro llu'io -ij brlcktUl tl
rosin, or t: w-ler U thick, ru.1v, inU4 Hii uburic
list lh While if Ktl fit. ut tlron,U II. h't. !, Ihssa
U inorbil, tlittt, bl:i(.a, Ui U irduil
Um im a rrU'Wlnir. l.urnln . .ii
ti:i aa; wutrt. nj pin tn ibt b.uavll of tU Dck Ui4
Hen. to I " !. Jiici. i Co,
WORMS, Tho ousf hwn ui4 nni lMdr ft
Tumor or 13 Years Growth
Cured by Iludwny Resolieut.
- . ... . 'Sl, Nsj., llf U, ISSS.
Ts Si.wiyi-I k.v h,4 0.rla Tawivr tn IU. ....Im ssA
.Ii. Ail th. Inswn MiS " .. tu i la. 1. 1 If W,U
ihi.r ts.1 ri rvcomMdiS ; iioth'sit u,, Mw
, ..r Ss.Ufci, u llisugsi 1 uU .r. it ; but )ui fetiA la 11.
Il"l 1 S.S llflii1 ff tw.l.. TMrt. v .k l'i Wills, f
1'j..m, si.4 m. s. w ..,'. r.ih, mi uu. r r
.7. . I "4 u,r to ""i " ' w s. s. . I.'..
T ImI s.tlr, Kiwi. sa. I h. f.r tv.l.. yssfs.
If .! ... mm in IS. I.a .1. f S.W.U, .... is. .ms.
I IW lt!l H J. Af SS. SSSStl l Stl,,,,. , . u .... A It
, sm. ilinmah r.VxArr.
frttf tulclMat, fliruji;v CMtf1 vlthwrt gvm, pjrm
I'lJItl. r-rtr. saKii- avn
f'iriK cu".f ai li'fUt1. rf tl. Siuiunth. I.lvw, BoUk
f ts. fiiumnd
i crista s'.umritn. 1 1 v i , i
iMww. itiiNh. rv
vnnavt,, IMtawwa. I
ia IMwWa. Hi I'onalljra.
imi, lMptp. lilklVUwBM. BV
at ihe l-t'fi. THi, aiiO ail La-
Iftua Flttf. 1: daiLBittili-n nl I
nt'iamafit uf lha It iter-at Vtatara. M'arranlari is affaa.
iv lenMii ur. furclr -, osuOi.ti. uo mimrf
LiH r.n, nr Uayirlcii'Hi drvf.
tr Otarv th f..n. rrmptotna rMu!Ur tnm
bilriaof uta i)Li.nha Oigj-: - -
Caa if Mtlas, lwvl T. Talhs af ! f Ui ta lha Rm4
AaUlit r U S4s.iitah, . Il.rtum. Iiijnsl af TaxO, tmlk
&MtrYerfai ta las airL, kVr kractaMeai, k'aklnf w PlaUar
lig M ika fit of IU W b-VH.arni.a- td haast, M.rriasl aa4
l')rull kweathiaa, J l mi4 at himvk. Ckl'tf t tsfMatltaj
WMstWoeni srh 'n a ) )H'r fastsrr-. I'la.aau 4 Tit's. ta at
Wan ahatirkt, Avaraa4!wil Pus b tba Kal tmr
ml Fai.uoilua. K i at at a a I . - s us ai k.a Pa Las
LuaiW, aai iela 1aiia af Ht, Darkbf to bt
A fa 4m tt RAPWi
BiPWAT'l FILL -l fr UxMit
l'i($ tki jt-tt ft
T"ir! il Ira !,'t :
frll D BY T Ri-wM,
KEAO "FAI-AK ANP ir.T'BM mi Mt 1
It K il'WAT CU., "A, ftst4Na Jat.4,
BtetfM'K. ..utllA.j l! ri.i; r..ui.l. TKJ ;
frnT"77?rTT"MTT?MT77'''Ti. wnt .f.r
,r I'-rc..'. .. ,M-.,.t'.H. Pfl.fsniVo-ePTVr;
4!.rl.yd,n',;.,..,,xHl.,.. J