I'&ctlhnscns. According lo a promise made our friends in the lower end of the county, that we would publish nil county matter! if they would support the Republican ticket l' ; last &ll,Ve insert in to-dny't issue the l Treasurer's sales graluitously ! TREASURER'S BALK. A LM of Unseated lands advertised for sale by Albert Cudwullude r, T reasurer of Northumberland County, agreeable to en act of the (ieiicrnl Assembly of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, pngi-ed the loth day of March, A. !., 1815, and th supplement thereto, entitled An Act directing the mode of selling unseated hinds for taxes and othrr pur- foses, will be exposed to public sals, nt the Court Tonse, lu lbs borough of Sunbury, on tho Steund .V-ntlay of Jutit, 1XT3, being the loth d;iv ofihe : month, it Klo'clctk A. M.,lbe follow Ingilescrlb .' ti tracts of Und, for nrrearugcaof tuxes due mid tiup.ilil, Hiid cotln accruing on each tnict respec tively. If not sold on the above mentioned day to be 'adjourned from day to day, until o!d or disposed of, nnless the tuxes anil costs he previ ously paid. Al.bl.lt L CAUWALl.ADKK, Treasurer s Office I Sunbury. April 4, 172. $ Township. Warrantees. Jenkins. Jamct 1 Treasurer. Acres. Taxes. Antes, rred'ck, Adams, Robert, Fni ter, Thomas Mt. Cancel, Salmon. Rlcli'd, Manning. Kich. Huff, Edward, Green, James, 17H 1S7 12 Green, Tho's, ) Chnmplain. H't 1 CliaHipinin Tb's I Mt. Cartnel, Morns, Win. Stephenson Ja I Cnnscrt, James J Washington. Bear Piter, Zerbe, H.iitcy, John N. Coal, llciyd, John, " Hrosciis, Peter, ' Hradv, John, IA Mah'oy, Rrowii. Nat linn Mt. Carmel, Blllineton. Thos ' Bovd Eliza P. " Boyd, J. (.:. " Bradford, E. I.., - "Washington, Uctterton, BenJ. l'oiut, Bartram, Alex. Coal, Brady, John l'oint, B mow John, Jr. Coal, Hradv, John " Brady WiiwP. L. Angu?tu,Urady Wnlter, Mt. Carmel. Hrautigam, Dauiul, Chllll.vittaq.Hettcrton BcnJ. Zerba, Bally Jolin N. I'oiuf, Branhan Ebcnczr " Uranium A: Erwin, Mt. Carmel, Brook", Jesse Sr. Coal, Hogelan. J. " Adams, Thot. " Antis, Ifcnry Hradv, John Ml. Carinal,BellaP, Iln-lt Zerbc, Cowden, John Mt. Carincl,Chainplalti, Roht. :sa lea .') 10 08 l.V.t 11)50 447' r.tiy 50 13 r.t us L'U ISA 81 6i ii 210 21 84 443.I0U45 00 4ta 45 00 H 8 24 4U5 10 40 100 4 120 lrtfi'., 250 50 100 0 20 44 SO CO SfiSlj-SSn 4S 15 1 !i0 814S' PI 80 164 5 30 0 0 SO 314 l'J 03 1U7 4 08 40C. 107 41S 18 10 i20 248 03 287 80 8U0 340 87 29 30 14 20 70 862277 70 4? 33 HO 45 S3 W 147 15 4 417 V '-S 02 8:0 305 87 f.13 2.VJ 0 11 2.0 J 0 72 3-1 65 6;t 30li.;i31 64 250 30 81 Zerbe, Coal, Zjrbe, Cameron, Cook, William Kramer Frederick Haley, Bernard C owrlen, John II Dorr John Didd John " D.irr Mary C MabanoyDurr Peter " " Darr Luke " Didd John " Da it Mary " Derr Peter ' Derr Luko Mt. Currnel, Evans, Jess 50 80 130 100 159 181 453 to 115 20 170 10 259 200 m 100 1(K) S 59 12 00 29 33 20 10 30 05 81 01 400 f.9 0 70 4 52 14 23 64 80 4 20 93 10 24 (0 20 40 1 10 09 3 85 11 53 1 L'l! 24 Oil i 25 12 12 WO 5 70 rngclcy Reuben Epiey, Andrew Fuelev Win i Sol. File Luke Fry Jacob (eM) Grant Tinman Oafkim Thomas Grant Thomas Grant Thomas Point, Coal Cameron Phamokin Z.rbe Ca neron Coal Washlngton.Gardtier, Areli Sr. Uiituner, Arcii Jr. Gardner, Archibald Gray Wm Grant Thomas Gardner Archibald 80.) 100 410 418'j SO I 129 2001,' Zerbc, 44 Point " Gardner Win 1. Lit Mah'nov. Gardner Archibald " ' (iarduer W P " Hunter James Washington. (Jardncr Wm P Mt CVirinel Gilbert Wm Cameron HarriMin William Zcrbe Haas I'redcr'.ik Zcrbe, Hnliey Bernard " Hamilton Thin " llimtm drcMi Henry Coal, Hiinme'reii h Henry ' Hepburn James Mt Carmel, Hepburn Janus Zerbe, Heller, Jacob Coal, Jackson Jeremiah Shaniokin, Jackson Jeremiah U. Mah'oy,Irwiii Robert Point irwia Robert Zeihc, Jnckton .lercmiah Ml Caniul.Jor.lnn Robert 11 40 10 OS 1 70 420' 5 24 01 50 1 40 83'.) 00 SO 00 U 00 50 15 24 71 113 47 251 47 247 S2I 51 50 54 00 20 55 4 70 50 50 15 90 25 21 20 Oil 830 250 15) 2-'4 412 1113 221 413'. 2o:,j 6' 203, 203 KOO 354 422 4 13 Coal Kroll .Michael Kroll .Michael Kinu'.nir Abraham Kim; Kzekiel 1. likens Smith l.ukens SmiiU I.ukins Aliiiralo Laks Richard IGO'190 37 CO 40 73 Zerbe Point. (, Coal, 20 04 18 15 H 70 21 47 158 80 3-;7 845 6hamoklu 215 215'.; )08'4' 03 soo 20 80 Sot) 121 6 05 Coal - " Jackson " Coal, Lambert Win. part Lit Mali'uoyLako Richard " J.atshaw Michael " Lyon Joseph Point, Lake Hiehard Chillisn'ijue " Mt Carmel Morgan Samuel Zerbc, Muneny Peter " Martin John G Mt Cirutal, M .'era Marv " Miller It-ane Zerbo Miller Joint Point Mttner John D ' Martin Peter Coal Marshall Wm II Up AngtuthMabicr Jacob II Coal Mus-er Jacob B Point Nudinot James ('btllUq'tni! ' Zeibu Pi'mec G.'orjo " Pcteny Peter Coal Uece Sarali Jordm U'-iia Henry 8 " licit 2 Jonathan Mt Carmel ln Sarali Coal Ken, Daniel " Uccii Tlios Jr Mt Carmel Hutou Thouiat " lilt: ton Mavy Kryiioidi. John " RtfsioD Charloltj Hee nnnlid ZerliS Iteese Thomai J.t Mah'noyllies Th.m.'.t, Mt Carmel Smith Peter Zerbe f ausenian Peter Coal 8teadinan Wm " Btarr Merrlek Z.-.rbe Srott Abraham Mt Carmel Scott Hour " Shall George Zeros Scott Samuel " Scott Abraham " Bhurtle William Cameron Smith Luke " Smitb Ablgale U MahanovSmith John 5 05 3 33 44 02 17 10 4 44 4 88 0 40 5 64 32 1 1 149 40 150 204 1 28 20 19 52 450 50 8 47 2 80 0 20 8 78 2 33 140',' 50 200 10 5 8') 21 P U'i 4 50 10 00 10 00 114', Hi) 09 148 IDS 8 1.8 132 82 1 50 1 00 01 00 05 108 10 50 13 89 2O0' 300 127'i 13 131 0 03 21l'i 200' 233 101 843 40 21 08 27 71 S3 00 0 00 19 52 02 40 issns is 171 ti K. la n 19 CO 7 70 4 SO 4:ts 107 aoa 171 70 97 59 74 14 .50 co :;o 7 3 8 irti 92 1H Shaino!, id, Scott Abraham Kbnmokln V It It 457 4 395 i'J 203 10 85 ' Titswlth John ' Tap-rail Kobert T.Ton Jfwepb Ehamokia Tilswuiib Juhvi " Tattfart Kobit LH MAb'nojrTricKte Chat W 197 V 1J 12 87 ax 8 04 2J7 no 8 197 2iH b 10.150p 14 a 67 Ut Curinel Tay'.or &mc 10 42 it Coal Coal ZerlM . hamokla i Crtal WhiU John Wilton William Wilton and Dewart ToxtUeimor lltiuy Voung Baiuucl 404 H28 SlM;i04 94; 70 . 110 14 64' 61 14.4Sl 14.48u 17 . 30GW 443 ZSinmcrmaQ M 110103 A ladjr in Loudon got the idea into her head that the devil w as in her, and bung hartclr. u womcu will 20 and hoivj them ash e f-r a Uttlo thing like that, they tr CCiu; to jc nearer, tuM ail. peto bbcrttscmcnta StTVItl UY MiRBLK YARD. THE undernlinicd hnvlnif boupht the entire stock of Disslncer A Taylor, wonld Inform the public that he Is now ready to do all kinds of MAltllXE HOIIK. Has on hand, -am! makes to order at ' " 81IOHT KOTICE; ' Monument! & IIcid-fitone, r r-, t sTTi.fi. JDOOn AND VTIXDOW Sf.LLS Also,Ceineter Posts with Galvanized plpo and Sll other fencing penernlly nsed on Cemeteries. John A.Taylor will continue In the employment, at the old stand on Market St..8nnbtiry. inav2'08 l!tiAC ti. NTAI FIKH, WATCHES, JEWELRY, UH Xorlh Second SI., for or Qnrry, PHILAnELPIII A. -An Bssortmciit of Watches, Jewelry, liver and Plated Ware constantly on hand. Repairing of Watches nnd Jewelry promptly attended to. April 1, 1871-lr. t'EXTKK Or ATTU.M'TIO.W Everybodv Is Invited to come nnd buy of tho handsome assortment of TOTS AND CONFECTIONERIES nt SAMUEL P. NEVIN'S STORE, In frame luilldlnir, adjoining Moore .V Dislii(;er'a building, THIRD STREET, Sl'NRl RY, PA. Just opened a fresh inprly of Confectioneries of every description. TOYS OF .41.1. KIXO.S constrtntlv on hnnd. The bet RAISINS, FIGS, CLRUANT3 DRIED FRl'IT. PURE RIO COFFEE, TEA & SLICES, fresh Bread, Bucs it dikes, every morning. FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, Ac. OVSTEUS 1 OY.STEUS ! OYSTERS! Having fitted lip a room expressly for serving up Oysters In eveiy style, Ladies and Gentlemen will ho accommodated with the lief t bivalves In market, at all hoars durinir the day and evening. Families wilt he supplied al their residence with the best Shell or Canned Oysters, ns is desirable, nt the very lowest prices. Call and see my excellent assortment of goods and ascertain the prices. S. F. NEVIN. Dec. 10, 1871. A. M. ME1XELL, DEALER II American nud nrpeiw WATtlHN. FINE JEWELRY and SILVERWARE! I'erfvctetl Sperlnclea and Eje Glasaea. HOLD HEADED CAXE3. Watcht and Jewelry neatly repaired and war ranted. Market' Square, 8CNBVRY, Pa. 3, lBTS.-tf. Feb. C A RI), No. 002 Chestnut Streot, Philadelphia, PHILADELPHIA. I MESSRS. CALDWELL & CO.. DEM RE TO ! CALL ESPECI AL ATTENTION TO TIIEIlt US- 1 PARTMENT til- SOLID MI.VEK WATCHES. 1 POSSESSING St' l-EIUOR FACILITIES Til ET I WILL BE EN A li LED TO PLACE BEFORE ! Cl'STOill-.RS. IN ADVANCE OF THE GENE- I UAL MARKET. ALL THE NOVELTIES AND i IMPROVEMENTS IN SILVER GOODS AS It A- I P1DI.Y AS l'RODl'CED, VERY PARTICULAR : ATTENTION BEING GIVEN TO THE SHE-' CIATIES OF BRIDAL AND OTHER PRESEN- j TATION GIFTS. J 'I HE STANDARD OF SILVER LONG SINCK ' ADOPTED BY I II EM IS THAT OF ENGLISH ' STERLING, O-'S-lOdOTiis FINE, Til E QUALITY ; OF EVERY ARTICLE SOLI) BEING STRICT- j LY GUARANTEED. i ATTENTION IS RESPECTFULLY DIRECT ED TO THE IN VARY I NG BUSINESS POLICY OF THIS HOUSE IN REGARD TO THE FIRM- ! LY ESTABLISHED SYSTEM OF FIXED PRICES, WHICH WILL BE RIGIDLY AD HERE!) TO IN ALL CASES, SECURING TO PURCHASERS, FAIRNESS AND EQUALITY IN EVERY TRANSACTION. POLITE ATTENTION MAY BE EX PKCTID TIV Al l. WHO FAVOR THEM WITH A VISIT. I ORDERS AND INQUIRIES BY MAIL, PROM PT L Y ATTENDED TO. J. 1'.. ('AM)WIXL v to. Feb. 10, 1S73. A I. K C T V It E .TO YOUNG MEN. Just ru?i'.iLeil, in a Sf-uled Euvelo; e. Pi'.:e6ets. ' A I.rrture ou (he XHlnrc, Treul. uieut mi l Radical Cure of Spermutunhum, oi Seminal Weakness Involuntary Emissions, Sex- ! u. il Debility, and luipedlmuits to Marriage gen- 1 erallyi Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy,' and Fits ; Mental and Plnieul Iueapai-itv, re- suit in;; from Self- A)u.-e, Ve. Bv ROBERT J. ! CULVER WELL, M. D., Author 'of the "Grecu ' Bcik," Cr. The world-renowned author, In this admirable ! Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful couiequeneeii of Self-Abuse may I h iH'ectually removed without medicines, any uitliout uangcrous surgical operations, bougies, Inrtriinieutf, rings, or cordials, pointing aut a mode of cure nt once certain and effectual by which every siitlerer, no mutter what his condi tion may be, mar care himself cheaply, private ly and radically. THIS LECTURE WILL PROVE A BOON TO THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS. Sent under feal, to any address, in a olatn seal ed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Also, Dr. Culrerwell's "Mar riage Guide," price 25 cents. Address the Pub lishers. CIIAS. J. C. KLINE i CO., 1?7 Bvery, New York, P. O. Box, 4.5S6. Jau. 20, 1872, WM Tho Kest Paper! Try It!!! The Nclentiflr Auterirsin It the cheap est ana oesl Illustrated weekly paper published. r.very numner contains rrom 10 to 15 original en gravings of new machinery, novel inventions, Ullages, engineering works, Arcnitecture, tin proved Farm Implements, and every new dis covery In Clieir.lniry. A year' numbers contaiu Ws pages aud several hundred cugravings. Thousuiids of volumes are preserved for binding arid rcl'etcnce. The practical receipt are well worth tcu time the subscription price. Terms, 3 a year by mail. Specimen teul free. May be had at nil New Dealers. I'ltlruta) obtained on the bet terms. Model of new invention and sketches examined, and advice free. All patents are published in the Scici, title American tho weak they, issue. Send for Pamphlet, 110 pages, containing law and full directions for obluiulug PateuU. Adtlre. for Haer, or concerning patents, MUNN A CO., S7 Park Row, N. Y. Branch of fice, cor. K, and 7th st., Watblngloo, D. C. ad 41 79 10 23 49 60 A Valuable House and Lot for Sale. rpnB undersigned offer at privsta aale, hi 1 Inrge BRICK DWELLING DOUbE and Lot, with all the necessary outbuildings, siluau on the 8outhca6t comer of Waluut aud Third streets, Sunbury. Pa. . Tha boui.e Is nearly new and well finished and contain nine room, a good cellar, 4c. It 1 well calculated for a resi 50 63 95 es 63 941 96 U dence, and would be an admirable business stand for a iore or hotel. Toi properly will be told Hi a rra.unaoia price. For terms, Ae., apply to . , MICHAEL HiHXI Sunbury, Jjd. 17, 1871. -'.f. Ibbtrtiscntcnts. Vlncvar I? Ultra are not a vile Fancy Drink, mad of Poor Rum, WhiOccy, Vroof Spirits anil Uefuw Liquori, doctored, tpiced, and tweelenrd to plea the tate, called Tonics' AppetierV Restorer, ftc, that lead the tippler oa 10 drunkenneM ad ruin, but are a true Medicine, made from tit native roots and herbs of Calt fornia, free frmn all Alcoholic Stimulants They are the Great Blood Purifier and a rife-giving Principle, a Per feet Renovator and Invignrator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter, and restoring tlie blood to a healthy condition, eurichin it, refreshing and invigorating bab mind and body. They are easy of administration, prompt in their action, certain in their results, safe and re'i.iblln all forms of disr.ne. No Prison can take tneme R.Here accord ing to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed Dy mineral poison or otner means, , and the vital organs watH bevond the point of repam Dy sp pain or ludlajeation Headache, Pain in the bliotilders, Coughs, l ightness of the Chest, Dini ne, Sonr Eructations of the Stomach, H.id l'aste in the Mouth, llil'ou Attacks Palpitation of the Heart, In (Ummalion of the Lunc, Pain in the regions of the Kid neys, and a huudrcd other panful symptom, are the ofT springs nf Dyspepsi.i, In these complaints it has do equal, and one bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merit than a lenqthv advertisement. Kor Female ComilMliita in vonn; or old, mar lied or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Uitteii display so decided an influence that a matke. improvement is soon perceptible. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rhsn inatlam and Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Itilioue, I Remittent and Intermittent Kevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and II ladder, these Bitters have been most successful. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Ulood, wlrch is generally produced by derangement f tba Di gestive Or-ans. Thrr ft re a Grnti Pnrrxatlv an wrll ft Tonic possMsinx also the pecnliir merit of acting aa a jKwerful agent in relieving Cong cm inn or Inflammation of the Liver and Viseeral Organs, and in Bilious Diseases. For Skin UUrniei, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt j Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car huncles. Ring worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itcli, Scurfs Diiooloratians cf the Skin. Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these I) i tiers. One bottle in such case will ronviuce the most incredulous of their curative effects. Cleanse tha Vitiated Blood whenever yoa And its impurities bursting tfcrongh the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sors; cleanse it when you find it ob structed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it ie foul; your feelings will tell you when. Keep tha blood pure, and the health of the tystein wKI follow. Oratrfnl thonisaili proclaim Vinioar EtT TtKt the most wonderful luwgorant that ever sustained the sinking system. Pint Tape, and other Wormi( lurking In tha system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed aud removed. Says a distinguished physiologist : There is scarcely an individual Upon the face of the earth whose body is exempt from the presence of worms. It is not upou the healihv elements of the body tlut worms exist, but npon the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these living monsters of disease. No system of Medicine, no vermifuges, no antheliaiaitice, wilt fret tha eystem from worms he these Hitters. 'Mechanical Dieenaee. Per ions engaged ta Paints and Minerals, euch as Plunibfts, Tyjtt-scttert, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, will be enbiect to paralys's nf the ttu-ls. To guard against this take a dose of Wai.kri's Vihbgak UiTikKS oooe or tw ee a week, as a Preventive. Dillons, KrtulMcnt, nnd Intermittent Fevers which are to prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially tnose of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Ten nessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Biaxos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, James, and many other, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remaikahly so during seasons of unusual heat and dryness, are invatiahly accompanied by exten sive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. There aie aiwavt more or less ob structions of the liver, a weakness and irritable state of the stomach, and great torpor of the bowels, being clogged up with vitiated accumulations In their treat ment, a purgative, exerting a powmf.il influence upon these various organs, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpoe equ.d to Dit. J. WAticaa'a Vinscar I'ittim-, as they will speedily remove the daik-colured vicid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same tune stimulating the secretions of tha liver, and geneially rc&torins the healthy functions of tha digestive organs. Scrofula or King' Kvll White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Surchcu Neck, Goiter, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Af fections, Old Sores, Eruptions of ihe Skin, Sore Eyes, etc, etc. In these, as in all other constitutions! Diseases, Walker's Vinkijar Hitter 3 have shown their great curative poweis 111 the not iLsimie aud intractable cases. Dr. V nlker'a CaUfornln Vinegar Hitters act on all those cases in a similar manner. Uy purifying the llrod they remove the cime. and by revolving away the erects oi the inrlammation (the tubercular deposits) the atfccttd parts icceive health, and a permanent cure is effected. The properties of Pr. Wai.kpk's Vimbqar TliTir.us are Apeiient. Diaphoretic and Carminative, Nutritious, Litative, Dmret'c. Srdative, Counter-liri taut, Sudorilic, Aitcraltve, and Anii-I'iliuus. Tha Aperient and mild Laxative properties of Da. VValkbh's Vini-Gak Littkss are the best safe guard in all caxes of emotions jtnd inaliuant fevers, their balsamic, healing, ai.d S'o:hing pro(crtu'S protect tits tin mors of the fauces- 1 heir Sedative properties allay pain in the nervous svstem, -n iiath, and bowels, e:ther from itiflamnui.on, wmrl, c i-, cramps, etc Their C ounter-Irritant influence extends throughout the system. Their Diuretic properties act 011 the Kidneys, correcting aud reuiatmg the flow of utiue. Their Anti-ltiiiuus properties stimulate the liver, in the secretion of bile, and its discharges tli-r-ii.;H t!e biliary ducts, and are superior to all remcth.it agents, for the cure of Uilioua E ever, Fever and Aue, etc. fortify tha l4dy asalnst dlaease bv puri- ftug ail ii fluid with inegak Hitters. No epidemic can Uke hold of a system thus forearmed. The liver, the stomach, the bowels, the kidneys and the nerves are rendered disease -proof by this great iuvigorant. The Krttcaey 01 Dk. Walker's Vinkgar Bit Tsas, 111 Cuiontc l)y.pepsia, Fevers, Nervous Disorders, Constipation, deficiency of v'ul piwer, and ail aiaJadiee adectmg tlie stomjcb, liver, bowels, pulmmiarv organs, or muscular system, has baeu experienced by hundreds of thousands, and hundred of thousand more art ask ing for the same relief. Directions. l ike of the Bitters on going to bed at slight tram a half t one and one half wtne-giastiill. Eat good aourishmg food, such as beefsteak, inutun chop, venison, roast beet, and vegetables, and take out. door exereis. They are composed cf jsurc'y vegetabia ingredients, and contain no spir.ts. WALKER. Prop'r. II. II. McDOX 4 I.D cTo, CO., Druggists and Gen. Agts., San Erarcisco, Cal., and comer of Washington and Charlton Sts., New Voik, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. March SO, lbTii.-3tn. 1872. 187S EYEIl & LANDELL, f ourth laud Arch M., rhllmlelphlis, DEAL EKS IS FINE JDFCT GOODSl i;tab!lhctt iu 1940. Fine KTLKS. Fine SHAWLS. WIIITK GOODS. BLACK GOODS. DKKSS GOODS. IAS EN" GOODS. WOOLEN' GOODS. Good FLA XX ELS. Fine HOSIERY. Best GLOVES onlv. - l 15,000 GOOD BLACK SILKS. Wholesale at nil Iletail. March 9, 1S73.-61. HORSE AND CATTLE i ihmi; co.ni AN Y. INSURE YOUR IIORSES ! INSURE YOUR CATTLE INSURE with a responsible and perfectly reli able Company. Insure where your loe will be paid promptly. TbiM Is) a Mutual Protective Co. Ilonce, you are sore of being paid promptly for all lo, if insured iu this Coiupauv. OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LESS THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. We pay loese accruing through theft, death by fire, accideut, or natural causes, (excepting epedemio disease). We pay prompt. No red lai proceeding lo gel your money, iu ease of lot. OVER S5000 paid on horse aud cattle siuce organization. DR. D. WAI.DRON, President. C. A. HEIMEN8N VDER, Sec'y, Banbury, Pa. IiIKKCTOIlM. Ei-Gov. James Pollock. Hon. J. C. Bruner, I Solomon Stroh, Wm. Brindle. Solomoa Ship, : John A. Bales' sr. lr. p. T. Kretn, Dr. David I Walerrm. Jan. U '7 It. tisccUttnrotto. PuitTsri at Maktxaud Ptati Faih, llAli TiMOKB. First pramlttro for J"lr-pIoc Ileatera awrtrrlerl tha SnrrnTplrla, Advuntitffes of the Bnnnjiltle t 1. It la bo eonatrnctetl thnl one -third more of the rndljitinir orTncc extrndu Into tht room, plv Ing that much more ntlJitlonal heat without ex trfi fnel. . . It la the only TTot-AIr Klre-plftee Honter In the market. Like the regular built cellar heater, It loses no hent, but contiuea It all to Ita leg It 1 pnrpoaea. 8. The fuel mngnxlne It double the vsnnl rlee, extending from the fire-box to the top of the store, with ennnr!tv for twantv-four hours aim. j ply of eonl. 4. The patent double cover for conl magnr-lne cotisttines t!te gn prevent 1 escape of gns luto the room, nnd makes It Impossible for any puf fings or explosions to occur. This la nn ndvunt ni;e possessed by no other fire-place stove in the mnrkpt, f B. There are three nir ccambers, wherein ft brisk circulation Is kept up, drawing the cold nlr In the room through hen led flues Into a targe hot-air reservoir, at the buck of the stove. A No side pipes nre used, as the nlr Is nettled In a reservoir having double radiating, flues and double buck, supplying large quantities of hot I ntrwithniH waste of hent or tuet, ' 7. The Hrxrit!H utilises the waste he.it so j thoroughly that we frequently heat nn adjoining j room on the first, bcthh hcntlng the rooms in 8. A damper on top of the stove, connected with tho hot air flues, controls the quantity of hot air required for the tiso of either the upper or lower rooms. All other Are-place stoves are very Inconvenient In this respect. 9. The Orate Is self-sealing, and no dust can escape while shaking it. BTURAT. PETERSON CO., Philadelphia. II . B. MAPSKK, Ageut. Nov. U, 171. 'Liia IX RKK DIR. NT.3 TH T !cOMFOSF. nOSADAMR ro piiblislipd en every pn( knj;e,l!.ore 'foro it is no a ccr.t p oMr'ion, nt ronwuentlr PnYSICIAXS I'RESf KIBf. IT Itii a certain ruro lor Scrofula, Sy pliilii i 11 al 1 its furms. It lirurni tisin . Skin Diseases, l.iver Com plaint aud all disrasra of Ira Hluoi). 0U3 EOTTLS OP SOSATALIS will do moro pooil than ten bottles of 1)10 Syrups of Harsiparilla. THE UNDERSIQNEO PHYSICIANS hare UfpJ Rosarlnlis in tliuir prsi.lice for tha pist tlirce vcirs and f.nlv endorsu it as a rrlial.lu AHerativo and hlu'od rurllicr. Dll. T. C. I'L'liH. nf liuhlinrto. I)K. T. J. HOVKlM. " .DR. R. W. CAllH. " 'Dll. V. ft. HANS KI.I.Y, I lilt. J. 9. SHARKS, of .NichnlaiTllle, I Ky. 1)11. J. L. McCAHTIIA, Columbia, S. C. iUIl. A, II. NORl.Hi, K.lgromb, N. C. j USED AND ENDORSED BY J. It. FIIFSCH ti SONS, Fall Uivor, I .Vs.... IF. V. SMITH, JacVn. Mii-h. A. V. WliKM.KK. I.iina, Olii.i. It. H Al l., I.iina. Ohio. t RAVKN ii I '., ((rilnnsvllta, Va. :SAM'I.. li. .McKADIiLN, .MurfrecV j boro, Tcnn. I Our sj..e vill nrt allow of any ti. ;ipn.loi remsiks in re'attim to the irim f R.iiailalis. T' tlm tl.'lii al ; I'n'ireNiioii we uarar:ee a V'lui.l J-.i-traft superior t-i any I h.y bao ever Itue.l i:l tho lrcatnt.nl rf dl.eattd ' niul ; an 1 10 the sfll rte.l wa aa try llt.isn.r: lii r.n.l yi.u will lo regre t I to lu-sUh ! Jl'''.ali. i ...111 It all rruf-;;;iti, I-r.rn 8 l.SO j..r brttlH. A-lu;il I Manuizttwittg f At.n''i, Jnijos, iy. Don ReadTThis ! I Good morning, Mrs. A., where nre you bound fur so early I Mrs. A. Why Mrs. C, on't tou know Mr. Byerly has botiu'lit nut tlm Grocery nnd Coulec tioiu i v tore of Hans .fc Weaier, nnd is sellhie like fresh Groceiii'i., Canned Krult.and In fact, j . v.. 1 ii.ii 111 nil; i,v.i, line-, iiivii-i 1,111111 biia clieapcst, nnd I liatc K"! t'red puyin hijh prices, an I have made up my uiind after this to patrnn lzo Mr. Bycrly. So nuoi niorninff, Mrs. C. I ', mn.-t i;o. Mra. C"., to hart-elf. Well I am hound to find out for myself, aird will i;o to Ityctly'snew cheap , cash (!rofery, the not lyne I wunt any (rororlCB, t'onfpctlont'rlonor Frlnoe I Ojntera. ' I will just say to all come and glTa uia a' trial, and satisfy yourselves thai there is one cheap cash Grocery In Banbury. j Remember the place. No. II, South Third fit., ' I.. I'tu.n... IT...... 11. .111!.... U .. II 111 VICU1CUI UVIIS. ilUtlUlll, OlIllUlll. I 11. I S. BTERLY ! Sunbury, Jan. 20, 1S7-J. j A. H. FKAXCISCUS &. CO., 518 Market Ntreot. Phlladt'lphlea. ! We havo opened for the SPRING TRADE, lb ' largest aud best assorted stock of i PHILADELPHIA CARPETS, ', Table, Stair and Floor Oil Cloths, Window j Shades and Paper, Carpet Chain, Cotton, i Yarn, Batting, Wadding, Twines, : Fancy Baskets, Broouis, j Ba.ket, Buckets, ! Brushes, ; Cloth Wringer, "Wooden and Willow War in 1 the United States. Our large Increase In business enables us to I sell at low prices aud.furuish the best quality of ' Goods. I SOLE AGENTS FOR THE Celebrated American Wanner, Trlee 85.50. Over 13,000 Sold in Six Month. I Terms : Carpel, 00 days. ' All other goods, SO days, Net. February 17, 1873.-3m. ! STOVE A TIX rATABLISllMCVT. j MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor. srcC ESSOR TO SMITH OENTUKIt. J HAVING purchased the above well knowu e tabllshment, Mr. Krause would respectful ly inlortn the public that be now has on band a large assortment of COOKING STOVES, Speer Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna and others, which are so arranged as to be used for Coal or Wood, and are warranted to perform kut'ufaclori Ivor no sale. II EATERS of all kind put up to heat one or more room. I1EATINU STOVES of ditt'ereut kind ut very low price. Tinware of Every leerlptioii kept constantly on band. Rootlug and Spouting with the best materii.1, done at short notice. REPAIRING attended lo with dispatch. Coal Oil i'i.d Lamp constantly on hand. Japan war ota .nd.i. Hture opposite Coulev's hardware tore, (iive me a call. A. KRAI Ski. t aplSVly NEW Ftar, Feel, Fruit anlTetietalile Store, Bprue Street, between Front aud Second, 8UNBURT, PA. JOHN WILVZR havlug Just opened a Store at the above place, where all kind of or the beet brand of Flour aud Feed will be told at greatly reduced price. Tbe cele brated Buck' Mill Flour will be kept con ilaotly on hand. Also, all kind of Feed, Grain, Corn, Oal and Rye, chopped or whole, Potato), Apple, Cabbage at Fruit generally, at a cheaper rale than can be bought elsewhere. All good delivered Free of Charge. Call and eianitne my stock and ascertain the price before purchasing eltvwbere. JOHN WILVEB. anbury, Dee. 9, ls71.-tf. . IROMMLIS tamtfachtrcrs. MA( I1INE rSIIOP AMD IRON rotnvDitT. GEO. ROltllBACII tc 80N3, Nanbnry, Penn', , INFORM tlie public that they nre prepare) lo do all kinds of CASTINGS, and hnTinir added a nnw Machine tMiop In connection with their Foundry, and hare supplied tliemselYes with New Lathes. Flaulng and Boring Machines, with the latest improvements. With tha aid of aklllful mechanics, they are enabled to execute all orders of. NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given them, In a satisfactory man ner. firtkXrn to nlt any Stove. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build ings, of all sizes. BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS VERANDAHS , FOR YARDS AT RESIDENCE, AC, AC. The PLOWS, ulready celebrated for their su periority, have, been still further improved, and will always be kept on hand. Also, THRKHIl I NO MACHINE". Bunbury, May 20, 1871. III' 51 II ER 'AX I I I.A XI X Hi 1 1 iVL". Third Street, adjoining I'hlla. ti Erie R. R., two Squares North of the Central Hotel, SUNHVRV, TA. IRA T. CLE. VEST, IS prepared to fnrnlnh every description of lum ber required by the ilemands of the public. Il.iviuu all the liitesi Improved machinery for manufacturing Luntier, he Is now ready to UH or ders ( all kinds of FLOORING, SIDING. DOORS. SHUTTERS, SASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, nnd all kinds of Ornamentnl $r row I Work. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A LillUK ASSORTMENT Of B I J. L I. U M B E It . HEMLOCK aud PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, Ac. Orders promptlv tilled, and shipped bv Railroad or otherwise. " IRA T. CLEMENT. ileclH-fily X;V""5IKAT KIIOI. r"WE undersigned respectfully Informs the cltl 1 Tens of Sunbury nnd vicinity, that they have opened a MEAT SHOP, In Dewarl's buililiiiL'.ou the north side of Market Siuare, two doors from the railroad, were they will keep it constant supply of the best of Beef, l'ork, Mutton, Ac, at wholesale or retail, at the 1 lowest prices and of the llrst iiuulit y . A wagon I will be run to supply customers every morning, ' (except Sundays.) ' The best of meat will found j at their shop." Give us n call and satisfy vour ' selves. RLFFEW A BOWER. ! Oct. ICth 1SC9. tr. i '." Beef I Beef! TIIIK undersigned Is prepared to furnish the I JL cili.ens of Sunbury and vicinity with the ' choicest Beef and Pork In Market," either at I Wholesale or Retail. Families will be supplied by the quarter or side, or smaller quantities al the most reasona ble rates. C'oiiita itly nn band the choicest cuts of Beef, Pork, Mutton nud Vent, also Sautages, Bolognas. Ac. Apply nt tin: Meat House, South Third street, ill Moore A D'iF"dnger"s Row, Sunbury. On market days the best of meat is served to customers at tho tnniit stand, corner of Market aud Third streets, when the cebbrated Urosious' sausages can bo had, long known as the best in m.trkel. HENRY K. FAGELT. N. B. Persons having fat hogs or beeves for sale can procure the higeft market price by ap plication at the above establishment. Sunbury, Nov. 11, 1S71. ! THADD'S S. SHANNON, THIRD AND MARKET SQUARE, I lias in stock aud constantly leech ing Novelties i In his line. couxUlilig in part of a l ull line of A.ni.lCH'.W WATCHES, ! Elgin, Illinois. Howard A Co., Waltham. Mis sachuett, and Hoy's AMERICAN WATCHES j Ais-, a fill) set of Ladies, and Glut's Gold nil J Silver l?wis Watches. I JEWELRY. ! 'Roman Gold sets, pink coral aud Gold set, I Eur Kings, Necklaces and Pendmi'.s, Onyx and 1 Jet Jewel rv. j ' Solid Silver-ware of Sterling puril , made to or- lirmal and rrcsentation 1'ieces, Knives, Forks and Soons In cases, ulso, a full liim of I Silver Plated (ioods, Tea Sets, Ice Water Sets, Erbit Standx, Cuke Baskets, Coffee Urns, Forks and Spoon trel.de plated, the best in the market. SPECTACLES. I If you vultie your Eyesight, use tho Perfect Lenses, ground from minute Crbtle Pebble mel ted together, nnd derive there name 'Diamond'' j on account of there hardnes nud brilliancy. ' They will Inn many years without change, and warranted Superior to all other In ue. TABLE CUTLERY. Ivory, Pearl nnd Metal handles In cases sup plied to order. CI.OCKN. A full assortment of Elirht dav and Thirty ! hour Clocks, ulso Caluuder Clock ol all dlscrip- tious. Engraving done at the shortest notice. Watoae, Clock and Jewelry, Repaired and Satisfaction warranted. All goods will be sold nt the very Lowest Cash Prices. Every body is cordially Invited lo Call and Kxamiue for themselves. Don't forget the place. T. S. SHANNON. SnnbniyDec.lr!, tf. Up De Graff's INFIUMARY BUNIJURY, PENN 'A. riMIS Institution is now open for the reception -1. of Paliant for the treatmaut of Disease of the EYE, EAR, THROAT, LUNG 3, CATARRH, 4c, Ac, Aa, end operation In GENERAL SURGERY. Oar collection or INSTRUMENTS i very large, com. prising all lb latest iMpaovsatim, enabling n to mssl EUKGERT In all forms. Physician are invited lo accom pany Patient to our Institution for operation. By request of many Citizens, we will attend to call in GENERAL PRACT ICE. Infirmary, Clement' Building, CORNER TUIRD AND MARKET STS., SUNBURY, PA. C. E. I P DE GKAFF, Physician and Surgeon. Sunbury, Feb. 8, 1873.-tf. POMPl'RET MASOK CEHETEUY COMPANY. . This company i now prepared to tell lot In the uew Cemetery, located on au eminence about oue-fourta of a mile evt of Suubury. The lu cre of tha population of aunbury, and conse quent advance iu the ratio of mortality, aa well a tbe limited facilities for the luteruieut of those who have fought lifu' battle, have suggested the nrniiiaatlon of the above named enmuauv. Plan of Cemetery may be aeeu at the olllce of J. A. Cake, JksQ-, or l.loyi T, llolirbaen. Price of lots from 15 to I li, according to loca lion. Peed will be executed for lot sold. LLOYD T. KOHKBACH, tee'. . My Jl, Ie7l.-tf, Miscellaneous. JJ-ARDWARE FOR ALL . "' ; AT TUB '. HARDWARE STORE or J. H. CONNELLY & CO. Slarket fttreet, Nunlsnry, Pa. - It If nsclcss lo enumerate every kind of article In his Store, but among the landing Items may be art down the following t Iron, Steel, ' Lead, Scales, Steelynrds, Grindstones, Kalis of all kinds and sixes, Vices, , Snws, Planes. Sieve, Chains, Axee, Brass and Iron Kettles, Shovels, Uoes, Forks, Spades, Rakes, Hatchets, Carpenter nnd Blacksmith Boring Machines, Cfcllar Grates, Drawing Knives, Stone Sledges, Plasterers' Trowels, Masons' Hummers and Trowels, Hand Dinner Bells, and large cast iron Bells for School Houses and Farmers' Dinner Bella, Carpenters' Bench 8erews, Potato Forks for digging potatoes, Looking Glasses, Twine, Ropes, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Tacks, Mule and Horse Shoes nnd Nails. Hammers, Augnrs, Chisels, Lanterns, Oil Cloths, Brooms, Locks of all descriptions, Colfeo Mills, Bits and Braces, Carrlngo Bolts of all kinds, Paint and Wall Brushes, Buckets, Ollaj, Yaruishrsj, Japan, T.re. Soda Ash, Washing Soda, rAIXTM OF A I.I. KIIH In Oil or Drv, Partl-Coiors of all kinds, CKDAK-WAUE and other Wooden-Ware of all kinds and vory cheap, Hnv-Fork Pnllevs. Picks, Mill Pic ks, Levels, Level Glasses, Files, Hinges, Coal Oil, Hems, Combs, Screws, Saddlery and hoe Findings, K "BtJ Trimmings, Excelsior Ultt.s ( niters. Pocket Knives, Scissors, Shears, Miot, Cops uud rotttlcr, and a great variety of other articles. Any thing wanle.l and not on hand, will bo ordered at once. Smibury, Aug. IV", 1871. WV. MI HRAT. t. BI.AYMARFK. WM. It. M.ACK. MURRAY & CO., ! Wholesale Dealers In j MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS,! uiuce and teliool stationery, Prlutliig, Wruppiog nud Mauillit 1 PAPER It VON, site Tlie Cclcbiatt d Ac. Corry Kerosene Hurniiig Oil j always on hand. Having also opened a COAL YARD, we are prepared to supply at short notlco.anr! nl the loWHt ralos, EGO, STOVE, CHESTNUT arid TEA to all who may be pleased to give us a call. Orders left at our office No. 35 South Third St., will bo promptly tilled. Mint KAY CO. No. S5 Soutii Third StieU, du:ihurv, Ti. Aug. 2t, 1S71. G AS H.YTI IILS. THACKAKA, BUCK & CO., SUCCESSORS TO MLSKEY, MEUHILL & THACKAKA, MANUFACTURERS OV (JAS FIXTURES, P.RONZES, Ac, ic, CliuiKicliers), I'eiidmits), Ilraclictsj. ale.. tVe., would respectfully Invite the attention of pur chasers to our elegant assortment. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SALESROOMS, 71 S Clieatuut (Street. MANUFACTORY, 400. 404.408 bTKEET. Aug. 10. 171. AND 403 RACE THE SEW NTOKK; CLEMENT & DISSINGER, In the new Clement Building, Market Kqiiare, Knnbury, la. ofl'i;r to the public, an entire new assortment of ; WINTER DRY GOODS. ; of all styles at the lowest prices. Full lines of Alpacas, Mohairs, Plaids, Empreo Cloths, Shawls, Flannels, Hosiery, MOURNING GOODS, a full variety, Blankets and Woolca good of all descriptions, CLOTHS. CASSIMEKES, VESTING8, Ac., Jtc Ready-Made Clothing, a full asioituient, which will be sold lower than else here. Carpeta aud Oil Cloth). GROCERIES of all kind, which are guaranteed all fresh. QUEENSWA RE, WI LLOW WARE, Ac, Ac, Ac. TRIMMINGS, GLOVES, ami in tact everytmng mat can ue mentioned in a tlrat-class store. j Philadclhia, New York.Readiug, Ilarrisburg.Ae. Call and examine our stock. Having our . ore Leave Pottsxille via Schuylkill and e-u.qua-llghted with (ias, goo-ls can te selertcd in the '""" Railroad at 8.15 a. in. for llarrisburg.anl evening ut well as in the day lime. No charge tor riowing goods. CLEMENT 4 DISS1NGF.R. Dec. 9, 171. Philadelphia aud Erie Railroad. WINTER TIME TABLE. On and after Monday, November 27, 1871, the Tralu on tbe Philadelphia & Erie Rail Road will run a follows i WESTWARD. Mall Train leave Philadelphia, " " " Suubury, .. " " arr at Erie, Erie Express leuve Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, " art at Erie, Elmlra Mai! leave Philadelphia, " " " Bnnbury, " arr at Lock Haven, Aoeommodalion leave Suubury, " arr at Rcnovo 6 .00 p tn 1.00 a ir 9.50 p ir 18.80 p iu 6.50 in 7.40 a ru 7.50 a m 4.b5 p m 7.55 p ui 0.1 a m 10.40 a iu EASTWARD. Mail Train leave Erie, 11.25 am " " " Sunbury, 1 W a iu " " arr at Philadelphia, 6.80 a in Erie Expre leave Erie, 00 p in Suubury, 9. 'JO a iu M " arr at Philadelphia, 1.80 p in Elmlra Mall leaves Lock llaveu, 7.85 a iu .t Suubury, 11 .00 a ru " arr at Philadelphia, 6.50 p iu Accommodation leave Reuovo, " l'J.25 p m arr at Sunbury, 4. 85 p in Mail East connect east and west al Erie with L. S. A M. 8. R. W. and at Corry and Irviuetou with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Mall Wekt with west bound train on L. 8. A M. S. R. W. and at Corry and lrviueton with Oil Creek aud Alleghany R. K. W. Caltawlwa puaengr train will be rnn east from Wtlliatukport on Erie Expre, aud west, to Wllllanaport an Elmlra Mall. VTM. A. BALDWIN, lsti'I upX ailroas. Lackawanna and lUoomaburc Kail - ron,. . SUMMER ARRANOF VKNT OF PA89HNQBR T. AIN9. - Mrlnr, July 17,1S71. BOLiiiiWAKU. Laava. A.M.i.P.M.IA.M.i Pcrantoo, Bollcvue, - Taylorvllla, Lackawanna, Plttston, Wist Plttston, Wyoming, Multby, Kingston, A J st. W.-Barre ) e'ri Plymouth, June., Plymouth, Nanticoke, . Hunlock's, ShickshinuT, Hick's Ferry, Bench Haven, Berwick, Briar Creek, Lime Ridge, Espy, Bloomnbnrg, Rupert, Ctawlsa, Danville, Chulasky, . 451 8 rol 6 67 7 05 7 14 1 19 1 87 7 40! 1 tfjlO 08 50 00 8 65! 4 Oft 10 171 7 02; 4 18 10 M; 7 11 4 8 4 80 4 89 4 42 4 47 4 65 9 11 10 8.-., 7 19 1 24 7 81 7 80 7 81 !i0 40' 81 t0 47' .2 83 11 00 8 40; 8 00! 8 05, 8 30 S 00 DM 7 60: a ii 8 07! I 8 m: 8 oe: 8 D6i 8 43! 8 27 8 50 3 84 8 57i 9 07' ' 14 0 19 I 0 'M. t 67. 9 81, 9 51 ! 9 59 10 031 i 8 80 8 45 Cameron Norlh'd, (arrive.) 10 UOi 4 68; NORTHWARD. Lonve. i A.M. P. M.i Northumberland, Cameron, Chulasky, Danvilla, Catawlssn, Rupert, Bloomsburg, Espy, Lime Ridge, Hi lar Creek, Berwick. Beach Haven, i Hick's Ferry, Milckahmtiy, Hunlock's," Nnnlieoke, Plymouth, i'lyinoutli Jnnc, Kingston, A st W.-Barre S c"rs j Maltby. i Wyoming, j Weri. Piltslcn. ; I'UtflOU, Lackawanna, j Taylorvllla, I Bullcvue, Seranton, (nrrivu) BOUND, Sup't. 'orthora Central Railway. FALL AND WINTER ARflAXCEMENT. N nud after Nov. 2, loTl, trains will ma , a; aa follows : NORTHWARD. i .Mngura express leaves buui'Miy at IS. 40 p. j ia., arrives at Niagara Falls at l.SO a. m. ! IlufTalo Expresi leaves S jul ury ut 12.30 a. m., I arrive el Wiillamspnrt nt 3.85 a. m., Ilmlra at j fr.'.M a. m., Cauanduigua 8.15 a. rn. J Mail arrives at iunhury at 4.80 p. m., arrive I at Wiiliamspoii 6.C0 aud Elinira 10.35 p. m. ( Fast Lin- arrives at Sunbury at 6.50 p. rn., i arrive r.t Wililarnspnrt 8.15 p. m. 1 SOUTHWARD. ! Hi'.ffaln Eiptesa leaves aunt.ury at 1.47 a. m., i arrive al llurriiburg 8.45 a. in.. Baltlmoro 7. j a. m. I Mail leaves Sunbury at 11.05 a. m., arrive at I Ifnrriehurg 1.45 p. tn. j Erie Express leaves Snobury at 9.25 a. m., ar : rive st Hariisburg 11.20 a.m., Baltimore .8.0 . p. m. j Eric Mail leave Sunbury at 12. SO a. ru., arrivo ! at llarriihurg 1.20 a. m. ! FHAMOKIV DIVISION. ElSTTI-Ar.il. Leave Sunbury at 4.40 p. m., arrive at Sluireo kiu 5.50 p. tn., Mt. Carmel (V40 p. rn. Leave Siiutuiry ( Accommodation,) at 11. &0 s. in., arrive al SlmrrcUin l.OH p. ui. WUS1W1HD. Leave Mt. (irmel at 7.00 a. m.. Bhanokla 7.4t u. lb., arrivn at Sunbury S.J5 a. m. Leave Shamoklu ( Aocomnindallou,) at S.Sp m., arrive at Sunbury 4.00 p. iu. Express leaves daily. Ail other trains leave dally. xcept Sunday. A. R. FifKB. Eu. e. YuL-xo', Uen'l. Sup't., Gen'l Passau'r Ag't., Harrisburg, Pa. Bailmor, Md. Itcading Ilailroud. WINTER A R R A N t j E M E X T. A'omtoy, .Vot. 12th, 1871. Ct REAT TRUNK LINE from lh Nortk an4 T North-West for PhlL-.JVphU. N. Y., Ruid Ing, Pttvllle, Tarnaqua, Ash'.and, Sliamokin, Lebanon, Allentown, Euiton, Epbrala, Lltia, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac, Ac. Trains leave lluriisburg for New Tork, a fol lows : Al i.4.", S.10. u. ni. and 2.00 p. m., coa ntcting with similar trains on the PeunsvlvanU ' Railroad, aud arriving at Now York at 10.07 a. ; in., 8.4;!, aud 9.45 p in. respei tively. tleeaing ; Cars acou;pauv the -.15 a. in., tralu wltho-t change. Ksturulngi Leave New Tork at 9.00 a. ra., K.S0 noon and 1. 00 p. m., Philadelphia at 7.80, pany tlie 5.00 p. m. train from New York with- Lcavo llnrrisburg for Rending, PottsvlUe, Ta maqua, Mlnersville. Ashland, Shainokln, Allentown and Philadelphia al 8.10 a. in., 3.00 and 4.05 p. m., slopping at Lebanon and principal way stations ; tho 4.05 p. ui., traia connecting for Philadelphia, Pottsville and Co lumbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Havsa and Auburu, via Schuylkill aud Susquehanna Railroad, lcavo Ilarri.burg at X40 p. m. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Road lug fnr AilenlowD, Enston and New York att S4, 10.40 n. m., and 4.05 p. m. Reluming, leave New York al V.00 a. ru., 13.S0 noon and 6.00 p. tn. and Allentown at 7.-0 a. ni. 13.25 noon. i a. 15, 4 -5 and p. ui. ; Y! Pasbcnger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.110 a. ni., conneeting w ilh similar train ou East j Pcuna. Railroad, returning trom Reading at S.90 p. ni., stopping at all siatioiis. Leave Pottsville ut W.Ot) a. m. and 3.30 p. I m. Ileradon nt 10.00 a. ni., Sbaiiiok!n.al 5.40 ao4 11.15 a. m. ; Ashland at 7.05 a. m., and 13.41 I uoon; Mnhanoy City at 7.51 a. tn. and 1.30 p. :n. I aniaiiua at s.oo a. ni. and ".10 v. m. Taniuqua at S.o5 a. ni. and S.10 p. m. fnr 'l- ". Ior ' W roe anil l remont. Reading Accommodation Train leaves Potts- ville al 5.40 a. iu., passe Railing at 7. JO a. m. arriving at Philadelphia at lO.'JO a. in., returning leaves Philadelphia at 4.45 p. m., passing Read ing at 7.35 p.m. arriving at Pottsville at V.M p.m. Poll t own Accommodutiou Train leave Potts town al 7.00 a. ui., returning leaves Philadelphia at 4.15 p. m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7.20 a. in., and 6.15 p. ni. fnr Ephrata, Litis, Laucaater. Columbia, Ac. ; returning leave Lan caster ut tt.30 a. ni. and 8.25 p. in., and Colum bia at 8.15 a. m. and 3.15 p. in. rerklomeu Rail Road Train leave Perklomea Juuetiouat 7.U5, 0.05 a. m.. at 3.00 and 6.45 p.m. Returning, leave Schweukivill at 6.45,8.10 a. in., 111..VI noon and 4.45 p. in. couuecliug with similar train on Reading Rail Road. Pickering Valley Railroad train leave Pb nixville at 9.10 a. m., 8.05 and 6.55 p. m. l re turning, leave Byers at 6.60 a. m., li.45 noon, and i.W p. ui., counseling with similar train oa Reading Railroad. ( oletirookdale Railroad Tralu leave Potutowa at U.40a. in., 1.16 and 6.30 p. ni., retnruiug leave Mt. Pleasant al 7.15 aud 11. Jo a. ni., uud 3.64 p. ui., connecting with tiinilar trains ou Reading Railroad. Cheater Valley Railroad Train leave Bridge port at 8.80 a. m., S.O&and 6. ao p. m. returning, leave Downuiglou at 6.55 a. in., 12.60 noon and 5.15 p. in. cuuueclUia; with similar train on Read ing Railroad. On Sunday i Leave New York at 6.00 p. m., Philadelphia at 6.00 a. ui. and S.16 p. m., (.the e.CHJ a. iu. train runulug only lo Uediug;) leave PotttviUe at 8.00 a.m., leave Hurrisburg, 9.46a. ni., and 8.00 p. m. leave Aileutown al 8.85 p. ni. i leave Reading at 7.16 a. in. and 9.50 p. tn. for HarrW-burg, al 4.84 a, in. for New York, and at V.40 a. ui. aud 4.15 p. in. for Puiladel'a. Commutation, Mileage, Seaaon, School aa4 Excursion Ticket, lo and from all point at tea duced rate. , baggage checked inreugn i we rouna pa in allowee eaeh Paeewker. . gage 1 . J.t. mj i i an, a.. i. Sjj4. A Keg. vie.a'rj, 10 S5 5 101 ! 1 5 37; ' 6 81 i ! 10 50 1 H 40) i I oo 6 05' n 14, 6 ia . i 6 ,7i ' 6 U ' 6 11 8 6 41: in 4; e 4:a.m.; ; i C 65 ! 1 13 OO! 7 09. 7 80, ' I i 7 24 ! 7 45 ;PM. P.M.. 7 Rl 8 00: W 20: 7 41' 8 15 P.H.i 5 10 I I ' 8 20, 6 15 13 84 7 61 8 80 2 88: S 5 ! : ' 8 40: S 43' 5 SM 'IS 48- 8 00 ! 8 45' U 48 5 40 i 8 131 8 M 8 54, 5 47 13 52 8 16 0 04 59 5 63 I 8 2 tl 14 8 07 6 00 I I 8 SO tl 25 3 10 8 10 I I S 42; 0 3J 3 3 fi 17 1 14 H 43 9 40 3 SO 8 25 DAVID T.