wmtarg American. 8TJNBTJRT, APRIL 20, 1872. Railroad Time Table. M. C. R. V?.T.kT. P. A K. R. R. W8T, Buffalo Et I'M 13:90 a m Erlo " " 9:20 ' Erie Mall, I've 1:00 am Accom. ' 0:11 " Niagara En " 13:40 p m ElmlniMull " 4:83 " Erie Ex. " 0:50 " ElmtnMaU " 11:05 " Hlagara Er. 4:40 pm 8B1MOKIK DIVISION X , o. . w. MU.VB ARRIV Sanbary at 11:50 ft to At Banbury 9:Mara " 4:40 p m " 4i00pm D. n. AW. R. R. Lwre Sunbury 6:20 a. m. Arrive at 8.35 p. m 8UNBURT & LEW18T.0WN R. R. 1.KAVS I ARBtVB unburv at 8:80 a. m. At Sunbnry 8:85 a. m. "11:40 a.m. I 10:45 a. m. Accident Insurance Tickets can be bad of J. Shlpman, Ticket Agent at the Depot. focul ffuirs. Skwimo MicniNRS.-Mlss Caroline Dallus It the agent for the sale of the beet Sewing Machines In existence, viz i "The Improved Singer," "'Grover & Baker," "Howe," and "Domestic," which are constantly on bnnd nud sold at tea sc.nn.ble prices. She If also agent for the cele brated Frants and Pope Knitting Mncliine. Call and see them. Offl;e on Market street, cast of the railroad. Tor Rekt. One of the rooms over Dr. Moody's drug store, on Market Square, will be for rent as the repairs and fitting up are finished. Trimble sells nothing but the best quality of groceries and cheaper than the cheapest. Trimble's grocery Is the place to buy cheap. Everything In the grocery line is kept there. Orders for Flour, Feed, Potatoes, Dried Fruit, Crackers, Ac, left at the butcher shop of Rcffew A Bower, Third 8trcet, Sunbury, will receive atteutlon, and goods delivered at residences punc tually. JOHS WlLVER. For Sale or to Let. A new bouse and a lot of ground, on Fourth Street, Sunbury. The lioui e has all the modern Improvements. Apply to eS.St. ISAAC 8EILF.lt. The Treasurer's Sale of Unteatcd Lands will be found on the fourth page of this pu;er. REMOious.-VThe Rev. Mr. Clark, of the Uni tarian Church at Northumberland, will preach In Fry's Opera House, on to-morrow (Sunday) evening, at 1i o'clock. The public ate Invited to attend. The new bank to be organized under a charter obtained several years ago, by Col. J. W. Cake, will be located In Cuke's addition, where a now building Till be erected tor that purpose. The iuilltullon will be called "Tho Farmers' Life lu snranco aud Trust Company." Josrpu Johnson, a highly respected citizen of Northumberland, died at that place on Saturday, tho Cth Inst. Ho was an enterprising' business mat), aud was greatly esteemed as a friend to the poor. His death bat vast a gloom over the en tire community. A iiuirtK tuow squall during the greater part of Monday last, was a reminder that "winter" stlU "l'uh-ered In the lap of Spring." TnB present Spring has beon extremely back ward. Last season the budding trees, flowers, grass aud grain fluids had nearly six weeks the start, so far as appearances were concerned. VTa direct attention to the advertisement of Messrs. Cloineut A Dissiugcr, who have opened a splendid r ssortnient of all the handsomest goods In the city mirkets. Their store is filled, nnd vvcrylhinjj In the goods line can be hud nt the most reasonable terms. Look to your Intercut and call and sec their stock. Those desiring to witness a splendid assort ment of Millinery Goods, wl'.l have their wishes gratified by calling at the Millinery store of Miss M. L. Gossler. Beautiful goods adorn the entire establishment, and a choice can be made in style and prices. Call and see them. Mr. Sajivei. Conh.ui called npon ns this week and contradicts the report given us two weeks ago, that he hud knocked his wife's eye out, but acknowledges of maltreating her, and tayt he will du so again if she does not behave herself. A pile of cord wood belonging to the Northern Central Railroad Company, at Mulberry station, caught tire from a passing locomotive, nnd was consumed, on Saturday last. The house of Mr. Iletrlck, near by, was In great danger, the roof having been set on fire at several places, but fortunately was extinguished without doing any material damage. JfST Returned. Miss L. Sbissler has Just returned from Philadelphia with a general av soitmcnt of Millinery Goods, which are not ex celled. All the latest styles, both French and American, may be teen at her magnificent store, and procured at the most reasonable price. Sec advertisement. The flue Millinery goods at Miss L. Vfelser's lore have beeu attracting the attention of ladies doriug the past week. Her splendid selection Is admired by all. ner stock being very large, there are still great bargains to be made by call ing early. New Goons. A large and well selected as sortment of Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Furnishing Goods, Ac, bas Just been opened at atore of Kcefer A Gass, ou the corner of Fourth and Market streets. They have a general varie ty, which are sold very cheap for cash. Cull and be convinced that you can buy cheaper at their tore than elsewhere. Advertisement next week John S. MahsiI has Just returned from the city with a large lot of Spring aud Summer ( lothlnir and Gent's Furnishing Goods, f'ii'.l unit ee him, in Simpson's building, Market Square, If you wuut bargains uud good clothing. Arrested The boom of the Sunbury Boom Compauy, at Wlnlield, in the West Branch, was cut by a rarty of raftsmen on the night of the 17tu Inst, It was discovered early on Thursday morning by Mr. E. S. Lowe, who overtook the party, whom he fo-isd toeontlst of J. O. Creevy, Joha Bhankle, DenJ. Conk'.n, Jobu Cregg, J. Ca meron, Uuulol Kern and Wllliein Btiilner. Thty had out through two platforms of the boom, aud floated out a double timber raft, without walling . for tome one to opto the boom. Mr. Lowe came n to Suubury la a boat, made information be fore A. N. Br lee, . P., who Issned a warrant for ' the arrest of the parties. Severs 1 men were col lected U town, and tbe steamboat was put iu re quisition, and the raftsmen at above named, and their rafts, were towed over to Sunbury. The men were considerably frightened wheu told of the nature of the crime they bad committed. Tbe - Boom Company very generously let them off up on payment of all eosts, and f 75 towards ;he da mages, aud turned litem over into tbe channel again, a wiser aud more docile set of men. Tbey balled from the upper waters of the West Branch, and supposed they eould override booms and eve rything els, Oor BoROOoa Cocsrort. aud Improvements. Tbe Borough Council elected this spring, we are bappy to say, are determined to bring about a dif ferent tttte of affaire In tbU town. Belnf com posed of energttlc bnslnest men they desire to place the town on a revel with other towns of pmgrese and enterprise. ' At a late meeting of the council they resolved to enclose with an Iron fence, and adorn the Vacant space on Market Square, and have already commenced the work. Boon we may expect a fine park where lumber and building material was found lying about miscellaneously for fifty years past to the otter disgust of all who felt a pride In the town. It was also resolved to erect street lamps in every part of tho town as rapidly as tbe gas pipes are laid down in tbe different street, and to nppolnt night police. These improvements are no more than reasonable, as we must show some degree of enterprise if we desire to attract tho attention of business men to locate here. When we look to our western cities and find how rapidly they buPd up aud beautify their towns, we cannot help tint deplore that so little spirit of enterprise is left in towns that have been in a half dormant stato neatly a whole century. We therefore hope that the present council of Suubury, who appear to have the grit, will continue la their enterprise nnd make this place what it should and could havo been twenty-five years ugo. There Is no town in the State that bas more natural advan tages to induce business men to Invest, and if a spirit of improvement Is shown by our citizen! we will soon fijid additlous by those who will come from abroad, and the towu will grow into a city. It is but a few years since tbe lines of the borough were extended, and already we find those vacant fields occupied by bouses and busi ness places as far as trte bridge lead In; to our sister town Northumberland. Let the citizens of that town also enter luto the same spirit, aud im prove, and we will, before many years, see the two towns situated similarly to Pittsburg nnd Allegheny city, with her luanufucoiles located upon the banks of the river. We learn too that the present council propose to Inaugurate n dlffeieut state of affairs iu our borough matters ijenern'ly, and the contemplated Improvements will be made on the most econo mlcol plan, nnd the people be Informed of every cent that will bo expended. This will bo most grutlfying, and we fed assured that when they have completed their work that but few will ob ject to paying their proportion of 'tb.3 tuxes, as every ccut of money expended in theso im provements will greatly enhance the value of property everywhere- Let the good work of Im provement go on, nnd wo may soon expect capi talists from abroad who will uid in making still more substantial ones to build up our town. Native Qr.Nics. Sometime last week wcwcie shown n small locomotive, which we consider one of the most wonderful pieces of workmanship wo have over seen. Everything ubout it was built proportionately, nnd every part belonging to a largo locomotive was there, from the whistle, bell aud safety valve, to the reverse lovers attach ed to the liuks. All were fitted up to the square, pol'.idied off, and worked with the ease and preci sion required for a locomotive pulling its train ol a hundred cars. This beautiful little machine la 2 feet long from the extreme point of the pilot to the end of lis cub. Its guagu ou the track is 47 Inches ; its lieighth to the top of stack 1 fool t width of its cub 71.,' t length of cab S'J ; diame ter of driving wheels 4 ; do. of truck wheels li ; length of the boiler which Is supplied witi) six flues, 15 inches ; dhmi. uf same Z ; stroke 1," j ; bore fire box 1x2,'.;. It is supplied with a little pump of exact workmanship. Tbe boiler is covered with a copper Jacket, and the w hole machine as It stood weighed about 43 pounds. It hud the power to draw a small cur containing two meu, but the weight was lacking. What is most noticeable in regard to the mat ter is that it was built by a young man named Franklin Singer, who knew nothing about loco motive building, and who at the time he was con structing It was learning carriage painting, and finished bis apprenticeship about the time he con cluded his labors on bis machine, four weeks atro, having consumed the leisure hours of four years in its construction. Ills father resides in Uerryeburg, a hamlet located among the moun tains in the upper end of Dauphin county, and is a blacksmith by trade. Tho only training to the use of tools, he received in his father's smith shop, and as the work done there was of the roughest character, be received, of course, but little know ledge which would bonelit him iu the construc tion of a miniature machine of eo much beauty of workmanship, and exactness In its forma tion. We were Informed that the only tools be employed In constructing it were a drill, flics and a hand hammer. lie lived lour miles from the railroad stutlon, and when compelled to exam ine any unremcmberjd part, ho would travel that distance for thai purpose. He commenced the work at 18 years of age, and finished it at S3. About four years ago this same boy walked to Sunbury from Bcrrysburff, a distance of :;8 miles, for the purpose of getting into the machine shops of the P. & E. R. U., to learn to be a machinist. His Intellectual and porsunal appearance did not make a very favorable Impression upon the then Superintendent of the works. In speech he drags his words along at a very slow rate, and as be comes from a Gcrian district, though of native birth, his language is a little broken. He Is also slow in motion. In consideration of all this the Superintendent dismissed him with the remark, that he did not think be had head enough, nud that he wanted no boy. Ho went home with a heavy heart, fully resolved that If he could not be tuugbt to build locomotives be would build one anyhow aud that be bas done so all must udmlt who saw his pretty little en gine. An Attempt at Hoi-be Biieakino. Au at tempt was made on Saturday night last, to break luto the residence of John R. Kaufman, Esq., of Lower Augusta tor. nshlp. The thieves were dis covered by the inmates of the house who gave an alarm, when the rascals fled without dolug any damages. A similar attempt wut made ubout a year ogo ou Mr. Kaufman's residence. A Police. We notice that a p illcemao from Philadelphia, hat been placed on duty at the depot at this pluce by the Railroad Companies for the protection of the passenger travel, gelling iu aud off the trains. The boys who have beeu congregating about the depot, nnd hanging on cars on the deparluie oftrulus, had belter make themselves scarce If tbey do not desire to take a peep at the lock-up. The appointment of such an officer wa highly necess,y, and will prove very beneficial to the companies as well at the traveling commnuity. Tub river bat been iu excellent rafting order for a week past, aud we noticed a large number of raftt passing this place, on their way to mar ket. D. H. Si W. R. R. Tbe Lessees of this road are about pulliug on several more tralus. ' Tbe tars from Suuburv to Haxleton has bun rrAartA from:.' 45 to tl 80 and the freight rates have I also beeu changed, An active aeut bat beeu placed at this station, aud It It very ev'dent that the management of tbe road will be tuch at to promote the Increase of business along tbe Hue of tbe D. U. & W. R. K IlAMa, thouldert, dried beef, and fish of tbt flrst quality are told at Trimble's. A lABoa assortment of boots and shoes are Just btliiB opeued at the Excelsior boot and shoe store of Wm. If. MUler, on Market Square. He bat a general variety to select from, and all of the latest Pprln( l'v'' Call and tee tbem. Tan Fire Fourteen Buh.dinos Destroted Fourteen Famim Thrown into the Streets Cause or Fiaa Unenowm. On last Monday -morning, April 13, oer" borough was visited by the most destructive fir that was ever witnessed In this place.. At about four and a half o'clock It was discovered that the "Douty House" wat on fire, and the alarm given, when hundreds of men, women, and children rushed to the scene. Having no fire engines to bring into service, the only expedient was to carry water In buckets The fire gained so rapidly, that it was In a short time communicated to the building of Mr. Jere miah Zimmerman, on the East side qf Rock street, and when once started there, It wat com pletely unmanageable.' Water was freely used, and small buildings pulled down, but all of no avail. Tho fire raged furiously. The whole square, bounded by Sunbury street on the South, Dewart street on the North, Rock street on the East, wat consumed, with the exception of the brick buildings of Mr. Wm. R. Kutzner, nnd a frame Wars-house standing Iu the rear. On the north of this square, It crossed DeWaif street, and consumed two dwellings belonging to Messrs. Samnel Stnlnk A Daniel tstnrtzel, , At tho North cast It crossed Shamokln street, and consumed a new dwelling, owned by Mr. James Sclbrrt, nnd oeenpted by Mr. John L. Hammer. Tho proicr ty destroyed in the above described square, was owned by Messrs. Juremlnh Zimmerman At Sam uel B. Stnluk, cousUting of dwellings, smaller buildings occupied as places of business, and nil their stabling. A dwelling owned by the Mesrs. Fagely, occupied by Mrs. Cleaver, aud tho sta bling, and a wurc-housc owned by Mr. Win. R. Kutzner, all of which was totally consumed. Tho "Douty House," together with Iho ofllco and stabling, were also burned Jo the ground. It was with great dilllpulty that the residence of Messrs. John B. A Wm. II. Douty was saved, having also been on fire. The Post Office and the "Brown Stone Front," were ulso ou fire nnd with great difficulty saved. Thu residence of Mr. Win. Fagely too, wnsjn great peril. The brick building of Mr. Wm. R. Kutzner, was also on fire, and almost despaired of being saved. The United Stales Hotel, owned nnd occupied by Mr. Jacob Mowry, was several times on fire. The bouse occupied by Lewis Hummel, too, was nt one lime on fire. Tho last two buildings named, are situated nt a considerable distance from the main fire, yet by the strong current of nir that was blowing, they were cudaugcred. During tho progress of the fire, the beat was so intense that It was almost Impossible nt times to endure It, nud apply water to prevent Its further spread. Too much credit cannot be givm those meu and women, who worked so zealously to stay the flames. And too much contempt cannot be heap ed upon those who went there for the purpose of plundering nnd stealing. The injury done by the tiro Is very great, and acco-npllshed in a very short time, not having been more than about two uud a half hours from lis discovery, until no other danger was apprehended. The insurance on the destroyed property is very liht. May our citizens arouse, nud nt once procure fire engines, und thereby prevent another such destructive conflagration. The loss Is variously estimated from fifty thousand to ninety thousand dollars. Fourteen families were thrown out on the street, hoine?s, nnd much of their goods carried aw; y. From the Shamokin Adrtrtittr Frtra. Nrw Goods at Clark's. Philip Clark having just returned from the city with a new slock of goods, is prepared to open the Spring trade with extraordinary inducements to his customers. Tu Jnpancse Silks of all colors, grades nnd styles, he delios competition. He has the largest stock of Carpets ever brought to Suubury, from Ingrain to three ply, at the lowest prices. Dress goods in a variety, and a large assortment of bite goods. Let everybody call and examine, and he will be pleased to show his goods whether you buy or not. Dry goods, carpets, oil cloths, Uncus, window blinds, notions, cussimcres, furnishing goods, queens are and glassware in great variety. He has the cheapest assortment of groceries ever of fered in Suubury. Refined Miar fur Yi cts. j the fluent syrup, 2S ceuts; hams, 13 cents per lb. Mackerel In all grades; hening by the barrel. A large stock of bo-ts aud shoes without paper soles, and below old fogy prices. Give him a call before purchasing elsewhere. a20,Ut. P. T. IUrnim's immense traveling show, com prising museum, menagerie, caravan Hippo drome, Pulytechuic Institute and International Zoological Garden, buviug grown to such gigan tic proportions that It could not be dragged through the country with less than a thousand men and hoises, will travel this season by rail road. The show will tft at Danville, ou the 2;iJ, and nt Williamsport, on the 2tth of May uext. Wc have no doubt a large number of our citizeus will attend the exhibition at Danville. S. Fai-st, Br., has been In the city during the pat t wei-k purchasing a large itock of new ball. His variety is complete, and be dells cheap. A large assortment uf gentlemen's neckties, collars aud cull's are constantly kept on baud. Every body will be titled and pleased who call to tee them. 1.1st of Letters remaining iu the Sunbury Post Office, April 17, 1H.2: Herbert 11. lllnckiner. H. S. Honnel A Hon, Mi chael Bobh, (i. B. Caldwell, C. J. Cornell, Mr. T. t'oppi-uhaver, Mrs. Charles Dean, Annuel Dewitt, Charles Hewitt, Charles Frrv, John J. Fanisworih, John Elmer. P. F. EUenbroson, Frank Goodman, V. 11. Hiukley. J. It. K.ititl umii, Xeal Keenim, Miss Alice Kcefer, II. 8. Matter, U. P. Marshall (i), I.uminu Nuns, Aaron Mays, Col. ti. G. Prey. II. U. lVifer, H. rtailri bach, 8. K. Roberts, Miss barah Roshou, Miss Basic Weaver. Held for postage. David Atliek, Emi., Shamo kln, Pa. ' J. J. SMITH, P. M. Cot'NciL CiiiMBra, ) Sl-niii hy, April 11th, 1672. On motion of Mr. Cake, it was, by the Utirgess and Council of the borough of Sunbury littulvtd. That the Finance Committee be in structed lo announce through thu papers of the borough, that nil persons having claims against the said borough, clher than the numbered bo rough Order, ure hereby required to tile an au thenticated statement of the same with the chair man of the Finance Committee ou or before the 1st day of May next, in order thai u full uud com plete report ul the ununclal condition nf said bo. rough may be mide nut and published for the Information of the citizens thereof. NOTICE. In pursuance of the above resolution, all per sous who have claims or any kind against the borough of Suubury, (except numbered borough orders), are required to furnish an authenticated statement of the same, in writing, Includiuc; debt, Interest and cost, if there be auy, with me, ut my office In Suubury, on or before the first day of May uext.iu Older that the same may go into the nuaneiul report, aud be prepared for Bual udjustmuut. W. L. DEWART, a20,3t. Chairman of Fiuaure Committee. ' At oesTA, April 8, 1872. ' Fritnil H'cri.- The timely and judicious re marks on the second page of your last Issue, that Pennsylvania 1 'pouriuif out her iwouey for the education of her children niot generously," ure certainly correct. We are heavily taxed "for the educational benefit of the rising genera tion. "Our people are willing lo pay lor the best schools" Have we got I hem f "And we must bave them Mint have them? Look over the county, rice (be Inexperienced boy pedagogues rilling most of the country schools. Whv, sir, In onr school a strange boy wut engaged who could uot speak English plalulf, aud whose profunily and Insolence reduced the number of pnpilt to two or three Iu number, yrt he was retained among our empty suits and desks for three uioullis. Do such Ttaclurt "contribute to bring back the greatest possible return for that which Is given I" It there no remedy A TsiPSTia. From Trrvorton. - ThRVORTO", April IS, 1873. . Mb. Editor i As editors are aonoraliy anxi ous to get lbs newt from every "nook and cor ner" to make llfelr papers Interesting, I propose giving you a faw items from Trovorton. A sud accident occurred at the P. A R. Rail road In Ibis place last Tuesday. Mr. Joseph Berry, was eugaged with a number of men load ing a ear wl'.h mine timber for shipment, when a log rolled off the top of the ear, knocking down Thomas Berry, a bright, Intelligent and premis ing son of Mr. Berry's, 'breaking both his legs and Injuring him Internally to such a degrco that be died yesterday, notwithstanding every thing was done that medical skill could do to preset ve his life. His age was about sixteen years. Business is either looking up or looking rfowu, wo don't know which. It bus been .ns flat as a "jancnko" during the winter, until tho middle of March, when the work was resumed, bul nt re duced wages, and continued slowly until last Tuesday, when tho men were stopped to enable tho company to make somo repairs lo tho break er. It mny'start again In a few days. A new slope on the No. 8 vein will soou be fin ished, nnd the men commenced work this week grading the road for a back-switch to the place where the new breaker is proposed to be put up this summer. This would look a little more like business, )ct I am of the opinion that It will not help the place a great deal until other companies come In nnd open more coal, uud start up n few more collieries. It Is but natural that as loug ns there is only one operator here, the place will remain a "one man town." One man can make and also tin make the place. As long as the adage holds truo that ."opposition Is the life of trade,'' it must al so be admitted that more collieries would give new life to the place. There is coal enough embedded beneath the rocky surface around Trcvorton lo Inst for ages, and there Is no doubt a bright future for the place, but. bow distant, or how near, I will not attempt to divine. Our town is generally healthy, nnd has thus fur escaped the ravages of tho Small-Pox, Ty phoid fever, and other scourges which have vis ited so many pla?cs of lute. Situated ns It is, nmidst the hills nnd mountains provided with good water, nnd thercfrcshing breezes of the nlr mospnere (jitrinir me summer, u is mtaptuii, in every way, to proeervo the health ot its inhabi tants. , . , A'iciis mtffuer ditunal. . Amicis. Editorial Noticbs nre to common that it hi almost impossible for an editor to cxpre.ts his honest opinion of tho merits of any article with out being suspected of interested motives.' This fact, however, shall 'not deter us from saying what we think of n new addition to the Materia Mcdica to which onr attention bas been recently directed. We refer to Dn. J. Wai.kkr's Cam tohma Vinpoar Bitttrsj. a remedy which is nuking its way Into more families just now than nil the other advertised medicines put. together. There scorns to bo no question ubout the potency of its tonic and alterative properties, while it possesses the great negative recommendation of containing neither alcohol nor mineral poKon. That it Is n specific for Indigestion, Billlousness," Constipation, and many complaints of nervous origin, wo have reason to know ; and we are ns sured on good authority that us a general lnvigo rat, regulating und purifying medicine, it has no equal. It is stated that its ingredients, (obtain, ed from the wilds of California,) arc. uew to tho medical world j nnd its cxtinordiuary effects cer tainly warrant tho conclusion that it is a com pound of ngrnts hitherto unknown. If pnpuhui ty is any criterion, thero can be no doubt of the cllleicney of the Viniioar Bittf.rs, for the s:ilo of the article Is immense and continually In creasing, ad 4w. Husiucss Notices. Tiir best of new Groceries nre kept at J. O. Trimble's. A nrw lot of goods bas Just been opened at Trimble's. Ufi your best Codec and Tea at Trimble's. Tits finest and Mackerel are found at Trimble's Grocery. All kinds of Canuod aud Dried Fruit will be found nt Trimble's. EvEitTTniNo in the Grocery Hue can be pur chased at Trimble's cheap. No EgrAi.s Sn.EMin Goons and Fashiona ble St:iT MAiir t l'. The most complete assort ment of cloths, cat simeres, Ac, have been open ed at T. G. Nott't tailu- store, on Third street. They have been selected from the best establish ments iu New York nnd Philadelphia, and sur passes all Mr. Noll's past efforts to select some thing that every one may be suited. Everything of the late.-;t style of gentlemen's goods for weal ing uppnrct now graces the shelves cf this maijiiid cei t establishment. The prices too ire such that ev.-ry one can procuie n neat serviceable article. These goods will be made tip lo order, equal to any manufactured In the cillcr, hlio they will be much more bcrviceahle. Call und see the flue assortment before purchasing elsewhere. A SiTKltioit article of Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, and Corn Meal, is sold lit J. G. Trimble's Grocery nt a low price. A Fact worth remembering, that Wciiucr sells goods loucrthan the lowest. His stock of Press Guods in Silks, Merinos, lCmprcss cloth, Sattli.s, Plaids, Ac, Ac, are complete. Velvets and Velveteens L'5 per cent lower than former prices. Waterproofs of the latest styles and best make. Ladies' Chlldreus' and Cents' Furs. His assort ment of Shawls, embracing all the leading styles in the markets, which he offers ut extremely low prices. Call und be convinced that Welnicr's popular Cash Store Is the place to secure bar gains. His stock of nods is not to be surpassed by any iu quantity, quality, or price. No trou ble to show goods. navingjtist returned from the New York mar kets, he is prepared to offer e!?tra. inducements lo cash buyers. ft On thel-lth insl., nt the resiJcuce of the hiide's parents, by Uev. G. J. Brcnsingcr. Mr, SfKfnr.S I). TyoMi lo ML A nt live L. Fr.tsTCit, bmb of Fibber's Ferry. Northumberland county, Pa. On the 1 1 ll Inst., by the Rev. J. F. Wampole, Mr. Syi.vkstkk Koonh to Mis Ei.izaiikhi Ma iioka Glliun, both of Watsoiilown. On the 15th nit., by the same, Mr. Jotis UlSl'OFF to Miss MaHUAULT BltADLUY, both of Coinley. At the residence of Mr. Peter Coble, in this place, on the llilh lust.. Mr. HANNAH COBLE, aged 87 years and 7 months. Ne tr Ttirhiitvillo, i,n the UKh Inst., ANDREW J. SNYDER. aged ai years, 0 months and 7 d ivs. Near Turbuivillc, on theUOlh nil., ABBY, wife of the, late Samuel Philips, aged !i'J yours, 10 month and 7 day. Near WashinL'tonvt'.le, on the. 21 ult., ALFRED MONROE, son of Levi and Lydia J. Moser, nged 1 year, 1 month and 10 days. In Limestone township,' Montour county, on the 87lh of Feb., JOHN F. LVKENS, aged IS yearn, 3 months and 3 days. Ageuta Wnled Tor the e Work, out uiiLimi: i OK, How to Make and Keep thorn Ilenttliy. BT AlOt'STl J K. GiKDNKll, M. D., Late Professor n New York Medical College. ' It treats of Amusemeuts, Education, Physical Development, Diseases; Accidents, Marriages, A-c, imparting a vast amount of valuable infor mation conducive to the ilenlib, Happiness, and Welfare of the Young. Written iu a pieasiug style, it Is eicccdiogly interesting, as well as in structive. Every Family should bave It, and no Parent can atrord to bo without it, Snd for Circulars giviug full p irticiilars. Dl'FFlELD ASIIMEAD, Publisher, ' TU Bantom Street, Philadelphia. TO BOOK AGENTa " NARK TWAIW'N KH BOOK, "ROUGHING IT," Is ready for t'anvasseis. No book Is looked for more Impatiently than tills, aud agent will do well to get territory lor it as early as possible. Apply for Circulars und terms to DUKFIELD ASH ME AD, Publisher, TU Pseioip b'.reet, Pblladslpbts. JUST AiJ?X3JJA-H. To Debilitated I'craous, ' To I)yncpLicB, To Siiflurers from Liver Complaint, To tliosq having do Appetite,,' ' Tothoso with Jlroken Down. Conatllu tons, - . : . . To Nervous rfcoplo, ' 1 ' V'. . To Children Wnstttij? A way, v oany with Debilitated Digestive Organs, Or tuft'ering vilk any jf the following & ri;fonix. vhirJi indicate Disordcrtd Liver tffomacA, . ' such as Con-' ' stipatimt, Inwnrd , . Piles, Fullness or t 'Mood to the Heod, Add-.. ',' .. Ity of the Stomach, Nauseo,' , Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight In the Stom ach, Sonr Eructations,Ainktng or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stom- ach, Swimming of tho Head, Hur ' rled and Difficult Breathing, Flutter log nt the Heart, Choking or Suffocat ing Sensations, when in a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever nnd Dull Pain In the Head, Deficien cy of Perspiration, Yeilownest of the Skin and Eyes, Pain In the Sido, Back. Chest, Limbs, Ac, Sudden flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh Constant Im aginings of Evil, and Great De pression of Spirits. HooilaiHTs (J c nn an Hitlers. A Bitters without Alcohol or Spirits of any kind. Is dilferent from all others. It is composed of the pure Juices, or Vital PniNrnsM! or-P.ooT3, llEitns nnd Harks, (or as medicinally termed Ex tract,) the worthless or Inert portions of the in gredients not being used. Therefore In one bot tle of this Bitters there Is contained as much me dical virtue as will be found !n several gallons of rrdinnry mixtures. The Knots, Ac, used in this Hitters urc grown ill Germany, their vital princi ples extracted Iu that country by a scientific Che mist, nnd forwarded to the manufactory in this city, where they nre compounded nnd bottled. Cntitalnlug no spir.tuous Ingredients, this Hitters it free from tho objections urged against all oth ers i no desiro for stimulants can be induced from tlrclr use; they cannot make drunkards, nnd cannot, under nny circumstances, have any but a hcnelU'ial cflert. , : IIOOFlYM'K c;iirma TOXIC, Was compounded for thosa not inclined to ex treme bitters, and is Intended for uso in rases when some alcoholic stimulant is required In co -ncetion with the tonic properties of tho Hitters. Each bottle of the Tonic contains one bottle of I the Bitters, combined with puree SANTA CKi'Z RUM, and flavored in such n manner that the ex treme bitterness of the bitters is overcome, form ing a prcparatiou highly agreeable and pleasant lo the palate, and containing the medicinal vir tues of Hie Uitters. The price of the Tonic is 1 1. 50 per Hotlle, which many persons think too high. They must take Into consideration that thu stimulant used is guaranteed to be of a pure quality. A poor article could be furnished at a cheaper price, but is it not better to pay n little more nnd have a good nrticle ? A medicinal pre paration should contain none but the best Ingre dients t and they who expect to obtain u cheap compuiin 1, nnd ho benefitted by It will most cer tainly be cheated. HooflniMi'M (ieriiian ItiMersj, or HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, with HOOF LAND'S INMloplijlliii Pill, will cure you. They arc the Creatcft BLOOD PURIFIERS known to the Medical world, and will eradicate diseases nris-ing from Impure blood. Debility of the Pinrestive Organs, or Diseased Liver, tu a shorter time lhaii any other known remedius. TIIK WHOLE SUPREME COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA SPEAK FOR THESE REMEDIES. Wiio wot.i.i ask ri)K Vioir. Dignified and Stronger Testimony! Hon. Gkouos W. Wo uiwaiiu, formerly Chief Justice of Hit Supreme ( om t of Pennsylvania, nt present Member of Congress from Pennsyl vania writes : Piill.AnHLPiiiA, March 10th, 1807. I find "Hoofland's German Bitters"' is n good tonic, useful in diseases of the digestive organs, and of great beiiclil in cases of debility, an 1 want of nervous action in the svstcm. Yours, truly, GEO. W. vvjODWAl.D. lon. James Thompson, Chi ef Justice of the Su preme Court of Pennsylvania. Puu.AnRi.riiu, April 23, 1SC7. I consider "Hoollan l's German Bitters" u val uable medicine iu case of attacks ot Indigestion or Dyspepsia. I can certify this from my expe rience of it. Yours, JAMES THOMPSON. Hon. Geiiiiob Sua us wood, Justice of the Su preme Court of Pennsylvania. I'iwi am I piii.v, Juni 1, lSiiS. I have fouud by experience that "Hoofland's Gorman Bitters" is a very good tonic, relieving dvspeplic symptoms almost directly. GEOKGE SIIAItSWOOD. Hon. Wm. F. Iioatri, Maror of the City of Buf falo, N. Y. Mayor's Office, Butralo, June 2), lSi"0. I have used "HooUund's German Bitter and Tonic" In my family during the past year, aud can recommend them ns an excellent tonic, im parting tone and vigor to the system. Their use has been productive of decidedly benctleial ef fects. WM. F, KOUEUS. Hon. f.ni if. Wood, Kx-Muvor of Williams port, Pa. 1 take great pleasure in recommending "Hoof land's Gciman Tonic' to any one who may be ntlliited with Dyspepsia. 1 had the Dyspepsia so badly It wu impossible to keep auy food on my stomach, aud I became so wcitk us not to lie able to walk half u mile. Two bottles enVcti.J a perfect cure. JAMES M. WOOD. REMEMI.ER THAT HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, ami HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, Will Cure every disc of MAR A S M U S . or Wnslini; away of tho Body. UEMEMUEU t!lU HOOFLAND'S GERMAN REMEDIES Are theiiie lieh-.es yon require to purify the Blood, excite the toipid Liver In healthy notion, und to eua'ole you t pass sal'uly through any hardship or exposure. DR. HOOFLAND'S PO I) 0 P 11 Y L L 1 X , or substitute for Mercury Pills. Two Piils a Dose. Tho most Powerful, yrt Iuuoceut Cathar tic kuowu. It Is not necessary to lake a handful of these Pills 10 produce the desired ellecl ; two of Iheiu act quickly and powerfully, cleansing thuLixr, fcloiimcu und Bowels of nil impurities. The principal ingredient is Podophyllum ir the Alco holic Extraet of Mandrake, which is by many limes more powerful, ucting and searching than thu Mandrake itself, lis peculiar action is upon the Liver, cleaning it speedily from all obstruc tions, with all tbe power of Meieury, yet free from the injurious results attached to thu use of that mineral. Fo: all diseases. In which the Hie of a cathar tic Is indicated, these, pills will give entire satis faction in every case. Tluy ucver fail. In cases of Liver Complaint. Dv.-pi tn-U and ox trcme costlveness. Dr. Ifoofi.ind's Gcrniaii Bit ters or Tonic should lie used in connection with the Pills. The tonic effect of the Hitlers or 'Io nic build up the system. 'I h- l.iit.'i or Tonic purilli: the Bloo I, strengthen tbe Nerves, regu lates the Liver, uud ite strength, enemy and vigor. Keep your Bowels active with the 1111s, aud tone up lhesolm with Hitters or Tonic, and uo disease run main the hold, nreven asiill you. Recollect I Iml it is 1)11. HOOFLA ND'3 " G ER M AN Remedies that arc so universally used und btgbly recfttnnieudcd i and do not allow the Dr,cntfl' to Induce ynu to take anything else that be may say I just a itood, bccuiit-u he liiaKe a laruer profit ou it. These Rcinciucs w IU be sent by Express to any locality, upon applica tion to the PRINCIPAL OFFICE, ut the GFIl MAN MEDICINE STOKE, 3I ARCH ST.. P11U.ADK1.PU1A. CIIAS. M. EVAN'S, Proprietor. Formerly C. M. Jucksou A Co. Those Reme dies art for Sale by Druggist, Storrlseeper, sad Medietas Pfthut evsrswbtr. .SPRING, 1.872. Great Stock of Wall Paper, BORDERS AND WINDOW PAFER3, Of both Foreign and Clement Block. Sunbury, Piv., April C, 1973. It. errand Spring Opening AT S. HERZFELDER'S Popular Clothing Store, Corner Market and Third Streets, SUNBURY, PEiYN'A. how on hand and receiving nn enormous assortment of SPRING COOPS. "f-SNt - "" - 500 Business and Working Coats, 400 Dress Pants and Vests, 500 Business and Working Suits, : -ISO -lSoy Suits IMS ail CAPS 1 MEN it BOYS. A grand assortment hi thlr. Hue, Ineludine all the vcrv Irttct Spring Bly8. A large variety BOYS HATS AND CAPS. derate' urnisliins Q-oods. The Largest Assortment In this Hue to be fouud outside the large cities. S.Q.O. eHEMTS, Calico from 75c up. White Dress Shirts from $1.00 up. Agency r,.r the Celebrated QUAKE! CITY nnd ECLIPSE FINE DRESS SHIRTS, cverv one of which is guaranteed a perfect lit. SHIRT UOSOMS, Ac. Gents' Spring and Summer Underware. 500 Overalls and Ovei'sliirts made to order. Only tho host material use' and v.t-'.l sewed. Trunks, Valises, Satchels, Umbrellas, Walking Canes, aud numerous other arlic'us. All the above poods will be oiTered nt IJuyiii; only of tho largest and most tvliiiblo. Houses, and for CASH only, nnd doing bv far the hirgcRl business iu my lino in this part of tho country. I am enabled to sell HLTTEK AHTIC1.ES at EaoiRres? Prices than any of my competitors here or else where. Call at the Largo anil Beautiful Store It join, Corner Market and Third Streets, S UXBUKY, J?.A. Sunbury, March 23, 1612. - ly. FANCY SILK CCCD3, Kin CLOTHS. 4. . .. Rivtneo,.,. : S. 4 u teas .t--7.l sS, 361 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Importers r-.nl Ji:lc Of rin-. n Till ill, IN ALL COLORS hUQ WIDTHS, TSimiT3 AND 202i:?3T CILUS, TUIKTJOISS aai V2LCU3:, English Crapes, Grenadines, Tissues, Laces, Ev'u;iiv;s, miiiti: cotto ti:jh?:i. NECK TIES. DRESS BUTTONS. IZ. March lid, lsT-.'.-'.'m. Ofllce of the l'liila. mid npitdiuar , naiiruuu oiM.Hiiy, , No. '.-;7 S. KotjHTii bv., I'mni riPiiii. j A 3'lul Uiotiuu Of tbe Bloc kheloVr ef the , Phi'adelplii.i uai Keadiliir lUilroad t'oninan will lie held at the prhu of th said Compsnv, iu the citv of Phlla lelphiu, on MO.S'DA V, Hie llitb day of MAY, lSTJ, ul Yi o'clock, M., when and where the Joiul agreement vriervd Into by the Board of Maimnei s of the Phiiudelphlu uud kcudliijr Rsllroad Company, and the. Una id of Dlreetni ol' the .M. inn Cuiboii Kailroud Coin puny, for the consolidation of the said Com pa. tics, and the merger of the said Mount Caihou liallrond Compauy Into tbe 1'hl.udiiphia und KniidiUK Kallrnail C'o'upuny, will be submitted to the said Htockholders, and a voto by ballot lu person or by proxy taken for thu adoption or ro. juclion of the saute. J. W JOKE", Pefretarv; April IS, l!,72..Cw. Domestic Manufacture. C. 8. HAZELTINE, 6ucce8eorto N. F. Lightner. i '! SJ I Administrator's) Xotico. 'VOTiCE i- her, -by ulvcn, that letters of Ad in i i. I .-. 1 1 in-i having heeu granted to the 1 ! I, i I V i .1 i . . I .... tl... u.t.l ..I' I '.. ...t. . VU. i:.ir.t, hit- Lower M.ihanov ImviiMiip, Nor I tiin nlici i" I c unity, Pa., ileoea-ed. All persons j indebted to s.,i. e-t.it-' are reoiiested to muke iininedi ite payment, mid those Laving claims to prcu't.l tliern i',r settlement. 1 U.LJ am riKAH.M II, Administrator. Lower Miihanoy Up., March S , lV.i.-ot. i Nlate of Hsi-kcl Hoeicr, I.ate or Javhsiou ttYius,hi;, dccruNCd. NOTICE U hereby then, that Utters of Ad- ! i.i't.r , l i t. .... K.-....I ...... .,i...l tl.. .... d. r-iu'nc I, on the c.-tatc of II vi ait. Ifoovi n, law ; of J.ick.-.Mi township. N.;'.;:i'.iu.lierl.in I county, P.i., d.-c.Me t. All crsoiis indebted lo sail cs late nre rciues:cd to make Immediate .payment, i and those Ua iuj claims to proved liitiu-jur set ' lirineM. Z. T. 1iO; I K, .idmlnUtral. r. ; J.iek -o;i tup., Mar eh Til, 17'J-11. ! A 1'KOI I Tlltp.i: IIIMVfN'i, , LIMIT l-Ajr Till', t OcT ! ( ' i.r w iek n-e I. j Men d'-sii :i:c the rxciiicive i i: Carbon lias l.ii: ' Mild Mules. V i AI. TO liAr, AT ONt-Lltil'.TII 'i.nv.ji b.-tvp.odel. Xc-cliiuiury a Prolit.ihlc !..iness, can secure hi lor the sale f Dyott's Patent ill buinrrj nnd Oil. 'lor I'miMUs lite for iuforiiiuli'Mi or call on M. 14. in Off, .South Second Mreet, Phila., Ta. hs furiiiilird with I'liaiidtHicrs cv.- y in seriptL"!, -5 per frnl. any otlur cttabliiuiuciit iu the -.- Jin. No. 114 ' X. B. -Chttr. ' and La.ops ot ch'-apcr l.iau ut COUIltl V. I Match l-.; ; i:talt of Juliu Micliurl, Dorenncd. !"VTOTU K!s bertby then, that letters of Ad I 1-N iiiiuUtratiou have been grant'-.) to the uu- dcisivnied, ou Ihe mate ot John Mk iiagi., late ! of Lo. r Muln.noy tov. i.s,'.ilp, .Nnrthaniheihiiid county. ' Pa., dreeaseit. All j erm:t knowiiiK ; Ibctiiselvi-K indel.ted to s.-.id i-t.ite are re.picHcd to make. linnud.atH payincut, and tbie having , clu'a-s to present tlium'tot- sen ic ai.-ni. ' II. M. Et'lilt, Admini-traDi. j I.RWtr M.hnnoy lirp., March U'J, laTV.-Ct. I I htutt iri I-ii r lea (.oss.Ier, Ooe'd. ""OTK'l". Is l.eirl.y tiien Hint Utlets of ad 1 -i-V lululsiraiiou hut iuk been liiantrd to t be tin di-isi;;ned on tlio i st.iie of f'h.uh-s Uosslei, le.ir of thu li.uouu'h of funtiuiy, Xorthinlil.1 rT:;n I ' couiily, !'., dHn-a.t. Ali prrsnns iuili hted lo nald ctalu are rciticted to umke linwedUli- na nifnti and those hathi): claims lo pirient them, duly aulUotltlented for seltlemrnt. MAKUAKLT GOSjiLFH, Ailiniiilslrall. isauii s. coLf.n, - AdiiiialMral r. Snnbnl April 6. i t.