iXtsbcrliscnunfa iisM tbciiismrnts. (itllrous. liltfOUS. Tim prvi!io!ii of thi RnlriierV liotnu stead bill which hits just pivrd Cotitires nud njn.ivi.'d the signature nf tlm President, nro ns follows : Every olticrr. poldior, jai lor or niavinn who etrved in the wnr for a period exceeding ninotjr diiva, may iu Btt tlinii upon tho public lurid?, under t He lioincHtcnd laws, count the period of his service, ns a part of the five years' residence, required to obtain a patent to one hundred and Mxty acres. The actual residenco on tho land mti3t bn at least one year. Six months nro allowed ulVer the location of the land before the residence upon.it must !ommenep. Persona diseliarcd for wounds or disability may have their whole, period of enlistment counted. In case of the death of a person who would l entitled to the privileges of the net. his widow, if un married, or minor children, if the widow bo married or dead, are entitled to its ben efits. Any person to whom the bill gives the. right to acquire land njav have l ho same entered an.l tin rcpid'edrettlrmcnl and residence made, by an audit. This is the most important feature of the bill, for a comparatively snnll number of soldiers will themselves become homestead settlers. The right to transfer their privileges totvn agent will doubtless be of considerable value to them. Here is the stump epeach in the form of n prayer that caused the chaplain of the Massachusetts House to be called to order: "The earth is thine, O Lord, nnd the fullness thereof ; the World and they that dwell theiviii ; and now another of the world's prent questions prsses into this chamber for an answer: What shall we do for women ? And clamor answers, Let her vote ; clamor answers again, don't let her vole. tinnier thunders clamor whines clamor prays clamor jers. Shall we heed Ilia jeers of Clamor ? (.tod forbid! If there- beany stain of a right withheld from those bright blessed beings who, as mothers, wives, sisters, oaughieis, compan ions, friends, make up n much of the hap piness of Common wealth homes, pive us wisdom clear enough to expunge that stain from the records of our otherwise prosj-er-mis State." The prayer was really addressed to the gallery, where a great many j ravers go, because a large number of women's rights females were present. Tun Massing Hid. An exchange says: "In rumagin aiuong dead men's hones. Mr. Perriu linds a trace yet in man of the original Adam in nn ndditoual or super numerary eighth rib making itsnppenrance from time to time. This, ve suppoPe, is the ona which we were deprived of during the manufacture, of Eve. Although we are not nuthoritivoly seii iitilic, we venture to Biigeest that this extra rib m ty be found in those who, by pcrsistanec in refusing the comfort of a wife, have, according to Mr. Darwin, degenerated, or rather reverted, to their original condition, when man was a simple-minded gnnle'ier, ignorant alike of the world and of woman. Agricultural. Fuuit-Gr aftixo. As tho time will soon be here when grading is in order, we repeat our former advice that every farmer should do his own grafting. It is a very easy operation when once understood, anil this is readily done by seeing it done. A sharp penknife and a good line saw are in dispensable. 1-plittin,' (lie stalk so that the bark shall not be bruised, and shaping tho scion wede-l'ishion boili ways, preserving al.so tin bark uninjured, and placing the rim of fit ifo.nl of b ith stock and scion ex actly together, so that tlu sap can inter mingle there is no danger of failure il pro perly waxed. i c make a sa milder t ) tie; graft and think it adds to the certainty t.f j eucenss. though probably it. weakens it. "We prefer also two eyes or buds to r. graft, i and would rather have only one than inure ! than two. One year's ,vo. id should always bo incd wl;. ii it can bo ooi.ilujil, as it is more certain to take and grows more vigor ously, and the graft should Iw cut lrotn bearing braaehes. Wo wish to remind those, preparing grafting wax, that we have found Jour parts of rosin, one part of beeswax, an 1 rme part bnof tailow, to be the best proportion. Melt them together in :i skillet, (which is the bet.) or a linciip. an I mix well. It should remain in the vessel nnd used as needed. Twenty or thirty scions can be waxed willi oae heating up. When much grafting is to be done, a little lire for heal ing tho wax should bo made on tho spot, botnvtten two bricks or stones. We have seen various preparations for making grafting wax and we believe we have tried them all, but prefer our own. Applying il warm r hot does no injury to the graft. The object to attain in the pro portion is that the wax will not crack in cool, dry weather, or run in warm weather. If however, upon trial, diiferent propor tions be required, the foregoing cau be al tered, though after using them iu several ways we have come, back to these. O'tr-m-intou-H Tik(jnq,h. -.Scene, Lar-room. Timo mid-iiii'ht. Wife. 41J wis!i that man would go homo, if he has nny to fc-o to !" Lauditu'd.ilujih, huali, he'll tall for something directly.'1 Wile, "I wish ho would tuako haste ubout it, then, for it's time every honest matt was in lib hud." Landlord. ll.';'s taking the shinies oil' his own house and pulling them on our." At tltii time Jami-s Uau to t:ome to his right senses, and commenced ruhuiug Ids cjes, and stretching himself as if he had just awoke, wi ving : "I believe I will go." 4JXnt he la a hurry," said the landlord- ' Uli, yes, I must go," said Jumea, and he started. After an absence of some timo, the land lord accosted him with : "Hallo, Jim, why ain't you been down to rcc us V" Whyf I had taken so many shingles otV niy house it began to leak, bo I thought it time to stop the leak, and I have done it," said James. Tho tavern-keeper and bis wife were as tonished. James is now a barmy man, and bis wife and children ure happy too. Yuii man whoso house arc you shing ling ? Is it your owu ? A Youxa man becoming tusngod re cently, was desirous of prraeiiliu hie iu tendud with a r'mj,', apprnjiriatuly inscrib ed, but being nt a Iot tlmt to liavo en graved ou it, called on hia father for advice. "Well," aid the old mini, "put on 'when this you Boe remember me'! " Tho youn lady was much surprised a few day after with receiving a beautiful rinx, w ith this inscription: "When this you sue remem ber the old man." As a Judge was delivering his decision iu a case tho other day, bo was interrupted by tiid vociferous brayiiif; of a donkey un der one of tho windows of the 3ourt-roam. "WhatistuatV" testily asked the jude, whereupon, the lawyer ayaiust whom ho was deciding the cusp, arose aud remarked, "It is merely ths echo of tba Court, your honor." f;vMu uv maukm: yard. npHK tiiiilerltrncd having hoiipht 1 lto entire Jl. single nf iJl'vhucr ft Taylor, would tulitnn tlif p.ihlio tlmt he In now itnily to ilo nil kluds tf i.inmr vo:m. 1 lint on hund. anft makes to order at .ISoiiamrnf Ilrtil-IMonc, r rvrfr ptyi.b. , DOOR AND WINDOW STLLS Alsn.Cemetcrv Posts with Galvanized pirn nnd nil other fi'iichip generally used on Cemeteries. John A.Taylor will contlnuo In tlm employment, nt the. old stand on Market Bt.. rjnnhiiry. mny8'8 PttMI'FRET IIAKOll tXMIli'EKY tOJU'ANY. This company Is now prepared to sell lots In tho new Cemetery, located mi nn eminence abut nnc-louith of n inile, cast of Sunhury. Tim lu creus v of tilt population of, S anbury, nnd conc qi.crt n.lvnnco In tho ratio iif mortality, ns well s the limited facilities fur the Interment, of those, who have fought life's t'.Utle, have s invested the or'.'niii.atlon of the above nninrd company. Plan of Cemetery may he fen at the olllcc of J. A. Cake, Esp. or l.lcivd T. Rol.ibaeh. Price of lots from $5 to ti:, neeoi ding to loca tion. Deeds will he cvecitcd fur h t sol 1. I.l.OVD T. ROliRHACil, Sec'y. VnT 13, lsTI.-tf.- I'F YOU " VAHT TO SEE the. liugest ussoita.cnt of Millinery oods ever hro-ipht to this phu -, g ' Hiss L. Sassier, Marict Spe," ki'm;m:v, r.i., Wlii-rc hio arrayed hi nil tliciriUil'crcnl varieties F.ill IiJJhicry Gocd3 j of every il.jci ij ti. in put brought from Philadel phia slid are now open. 1 he new K.rfmi jnt completed is filled with nn rnJI.-hS variety. A iiui'i ninnnificent display if (ioodi on exhibition, u;:d mid at Uio lowest prlecf. i'.veky iii of c;oinr usnnllv kept in n Milllnciy eMahUehmeiit can t c had at her store. The best in the L'hilide.phi.i markets were solicited. iemc u e.'i'.l nnd be convinced. IM1M 1.. SHISSLEK. . r,:i ihnry, ppptemtier 2, lTi- ' Ifi.-IAC tl. BTAII'VKH, WATCHES, JEWELHY, XortU Socoml Ml., t or of iurry, , riiibnr.i.iHiA. An nssovtment of Watches. Jcwe.li;, liver nnd Piated Wro con-tantty o:i hand. Itepairinj; of Watches nnt .Tewery rronptly nttemled to. April!. Is71-ly. ' r xv.w Flour, Feed, Fruit and YcictaSle Store, Spruce ttrcet, l ttwoen Front unil Second, f ''NI'VUY, r.v. JOIIIT "WILVER having Just opriicd ft frtore r.t tho ubuvo plnoe, v. here all kimU o(ot the h.-st brands of I'lniii uih! i'ood will brt oM nt creally riMnoetl priced. The ctilo-brut-MBuck' Mills Flour will bo kq t contaiit!y on hmn. AUo, all Kinds of Fee l, Grain, Corn, O ils nnd Hyp, chopped or j hoU, j Eolatoo, AppScN, i'abHne A Trull jrCHcrnllTi fit p- f'u;.por rat'- tL.tn ran brj hnuht i t-lrH where. All uooU dt livercd Free of Chnrirt-. . ("all and examine my Mock and tuccrtaiu the , prir byire rnit:li,iin t.dr-t w Iihh'. JOHN WILVER. i fiuniimy, Dee. 2, lSTl.-tf. ATTRiaiosr. KviTvhudy la lu it 1 to come aud buy of the bnndfiome abfioriinent of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES at BAM.UEL Y. KEVIK'S STOEE, in frame buiM'tnir, niMiditin MnjA lieiuftr buiidmjr, T1UUD ;-liEET, pUNUI KY, i A. j Just opeiifd a frob fci:pp!y of Confertiuneries of j every tlfi'rii'tiiii. i confitantlv on hand. T1h lnwt R AIJNS, TICiB, : ( I' UK. NTS & DlIIKi) Kiii lT. 1 rrni: nio coffee, tea & sficks, ! ftvsii Rivad, 15 an A: Cakr, every morning. ! FANCY CAKES. nrcriT.S CKACKFKS, c. i .OVL-TEPiS ! OYSTEKS ! OYSTEUS! j llavinir Jit! id up a r.icm cxprc.-.-ly f-r m tvin ! np i iy.-lt i In pwry ty!p, Ldii and (ienllrnifu v, iil h. :u t'lt'.nni u!alcl uiili the brst bivn'.t in j m nkt-T, at all hnvn-h cinr'ui th day and ev.niiiiLT. I n mi. n c w i 1 1 l hap;dh'd al their rcrddenn w'u h j Iho jfl eitdl or Canned Oyntera, a 1 lUiiaMf, ! at lh" very lowest priens. Call and nee tr.y txeollcut asio: tmei.fr of goods and useitaln the price?. F. F. NEYIN. 10, 1STI. A. M. MEIXELL, 1'Eil-EH IS UlTt'HCN. FINK JEWELRY and PILVEUWAItK rerffttiJ Kjx-cturlcH Had F.jo GOLD HEADED CAN IIS. V.'aUii.s uud Jawiiry uel',y repaired uud war ranted. Market Square, Sl'NUURY, Pa. Feh. 8, IRTSIf. Up" I)e Gra nMsp E"5T3ZJ .3STJ3 IXFIHMAHY, SUXJ'.UrtY, PEXX'A. riinirt Institution Is now open for the reear,l!io 1. of Pdticuts for the liSatuiBut of D'aaa at I tho EYE, EAR, THROAT, LUNG?, CATARRH, to., io., Ao., and operations In fiF.NFRAI. BURGERT. Onr eolleeiion of lNtTItl" M K.XTS is very larpe. eom prising all tbe latest Imji?ovMENts, nabliog B to meet EURGERT In all forms. Physicians are Invited to accom pany Patients lo our Institution for oixratlon. by leqiiei't of many Citizu, we will attend to culls Iu GENERAL PRACTICE. luHruinrj', rieiueut'a Duildlut;, COHNEli THIRD A XI) MARKET 8T8., 6UNBURY, PA. C. E. I I ItC UK.4FF, . . Physiclsa and Surgeon. Snnbuiy, Feb. 8, lT3.-lf. Vlnrtrnr Hit tern are not it vile Fancy Drink, mnAe Of Poor Kutn, atskry, Proof Fpintt mid Kefuse Liquors. citctoreti, Riccii, nnd sweetened io pinase tne tasie, CAiiea "Tonics, ,,App(tiTl'rs,,, " Restorers, " Ac, that lead the tippler on in dninV:ffnness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, m.iJe from the ti.itive roots and hetbi of Cali fornia, free fiom nil Alcotio.ic Miimil.inta. t They are the (heat Blood Purifier nnd a Life-giving Principle, a Per fee; Renov.itor and Invigoraior of the System, carrying off all poi-.onou niatir, and rntoting the blood to a healthy condition, enriching it, rcfrclniK and invigorating batU mind and body. Thcv are eaiy of atlmuiitr.ition, prompt in their action, ceriain in their results, safe and rul table in all firms iif di-c.i.c. So Pri'fioii cnn twice tnrao Bit I era accord ing to directions and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison o other means, and the vital organ nvted bevond the point of repair. OjiciI or lutll'TestioM. Headache, Pain in the blionMern, Cottgh, 'i'lluness cf ilie (.licRt, Diizi neu, Sour Kructationn of the Stomach, Had TaMe in the Mouth, Ulbon Auac1 P.tlp;t ition t.f the Heart, In flammation of tht I. urn;, Pain in the regions of the Kid nevs and a hundred other pa.fu! vmi)toni, are the ofT pprinpi of Dy-pcp-iia. In these complaints it has no equal, atd one bottle v. iil provt a bsttur uatintee of ite merits than a Jcniliv advertisement. For Kt'nttilo Coiuplnlikin, m yotmt; or old, mar ried or sim1, at th davn v( Wunianltood, or the ttira of life, these Tonic Ihttei-s d.pbv so decided an iniluence that a mirkrd improvement is soon perceptible. 1'or luflmnniaiory ami ClivtHiic nttn matlixiii and (iont, 1'yspepiia or Iniilc&tion, lhliott KemiitetH and InUrm'ment overs Pieases of the Blood, Liver, Kidnevs mH t.adl r, these Hitter have leen moat ducces'f.d. S'ich I)ieises nrc censed by Vitiated HloocL wh ch is genera!! protlucd by dranReincnt of the Dt ge'tive (:g u.3. Thy io ft fen'lr PnrMive ne well as a Tonlr, pcsin;; ,i!so the permi ir it.ciit of acting a a power fui itjtcnt in re icv.n Congcution or I iitlammatton of the Liver ami V ( .era 1 1 tian, and i:t liiiions Disease. Vor Kklii lJl'ie.i, Krupiions, Tatter, Salt Rheum, Hlotches, SjTts, Punpits, J'tisiules, Hoi!, Car buncles, King wnims, ht.iid-lie.nl. Sore Lye. F.rv sipelaa, pcli, Scurfs, I ti-C'iloiaiioni rf the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, if whatever name or nature, are literally duci up and cti rie l ont of the system in a short time hv tli-; ue of tlica P:tters. One bottle in such cases wiil convince the most iucrtdulcus of thoir curative effects. ( Iransjft Ilie VKIntcd Rloo1 whenever yoa find its iniparitir-i burtin;! liirouh the skin in Pimplos, Eruptions or Porr ; rVaiii! it svhen ymt find it ob tructed and shiRish hi the vcin.t : cleanse it wtien it ie foul; your feelings will ted yj when. Keep the biOod pure, and the he.i'ih of t!i. syutc:n will fol'ow. CJritCcfiit tIioiiHtiifl iTCH.;.iir.i VtNnoAR Pit tkrs the most won d erf j I invtgoiant tlut ever sustained the sinliinis system. Plu, Tope, mifl other Worm, hi i king in the system of so many tivKs-nuU, aie cilvctualiy ticstrnyed and removed. S in a d.-iinuhrrd pin h.o.Djcist : There is scarcely a.i individita upon t lie? face ot the earth whose body is cMimpt i:u h; prssi-nr of w-oniis. It it not upon the heahhv e.ein::t.i i-t llu hcxly tli.it worms exist, but nnm the diseased h'tinor:; and blnny ilcjosits that brcedNhee livim; ntn:?!cis cf divert"". No system of Medicine, no vui mifi:.'j no D'.hclnuititics nee the ytem frntn wnnsl..:e t'ltve hitlers. ' nierhniilrnl DIfnrH. Prsr:iB enpptped in Paints nnd Mnicra's, such as Pin .1.'-: -;, Tvjc-settcr, Gold licatets ami Mine, a? thr-y nclvs'irc in hie, will be uhiect to pira'ysis of t!i I'.wel-. T.j cjiaid apainst this take a dose of VA:itn s Vinkoah liTrr.aaono or twice a week, as a Preventive. lilllmii, Keuiittrnt, nnd Ini crnilt tent Fe vera wh.ii h ar 11 pievalp!it m the v.i'ley of our great rivers thioic-ljout the Unired S:aies, especially those of the M ts.ssippi, Oliio, Missouri, ilinot, Ten nessee, Cumberland. Arkansas, Red, Cttlorado, Hraro, Rio Grande, I'eatI, Alahaim, Mob.ic, Sivanr.ah.lt oanoke, Jame, and inanv other, svitli their vat liibutanes. thionhout our entiro l onntty during the Summer and Autumn, and reut.u U.ib'y ;o during seasons of unusual he it u Urynos, are invariably accompanied by exten sive deians'rucnu of the sun.iatli nrd liver, and other abdominal visceia. There are alwrays more or lis ob structions of the live;-, n weakness and iniu.ile state of the stomach, and rc.u t it .'.r i f the bowels, being cloSed up with U:t.j.1 acc mm!a:inin. ) ;i their treat ment, a pnrfiativ, ee:titv a pnrt-Mi'tl iniluence upon these various otrans is e.e:ii:a.!y necessary, 'there is no cathartic for the purpoi-; t-pi.ti to 1)k. J. Walkkh's V iniig a r H it rr v. bi t!;ey v,:;j rpccdi'y remove the daik-coiored vi.-cid nutter wi:!i wh ch ttie bowels are loaded, at the same hue stiinti:at,u tho secretion of the bver, and geueiahy rctonn the heAithy function of the digestive organs. Hcrofuln, or Iiinq;' nvll White SweilmR, Ulcers, Krysijiehs, Swelttd N-cU, tJinter. Scrolaloue Inllammaiio:: i. Inu'V::nt lntlamma'.i')i:s, MrMiinl Af fectio'is, O'd Sores, ICmnnons of the Skin, Sore F.yes, etc., etc. In tlicse, as in i! o:h-r con-.tituiional Disease, Wai.kkr's Visbgar HiTTuici have sanwn their great curative powt-ii in the niot (bs;iiiat2 ani inttac;able cases. Ir. WnlUor'a ( allfoi'tiln Vinegar lilt t ere act on all ilit-s-j c.et in a bittii.-ti nunner. tiy purilyma; the Uioo l they 1 'iunve t!ieci.:e, a.sd hv reso.ving away the ejects ol the in:kim.iiit.o:i itl'e tnuenuiar deposits) the ai'ft'ctcd paits receve hsaiih, and a pcimanent cure is eiTw'ited. Tlie proiertif of Dr. Wauckb's Vinhar PtT 1 HKi .ue Al".-: ii't t. 1 i.irh relic and Caimmaiive, Nui nt. Tin. I. txanvo, 1 . nrc tic, Sd uive, Counter-liri tan t, Su-I'nilie, AStcr.itiv., and A ili ti'h.-i:i TIic Aiii'i'lcnt and m,!d l.v.u;ve pmp-rtiee of Dii- V!.'i.t's VismA t lij r: ic tin: bcl safe- :.l c.i.t.- ul eitij bcu-nt', .uid f t':- f.n-.,: i;tt iLiLi, ihcir roi put ilia 1j t a:iu hutiiDi i of t'ic l.i ii' I 1 I" rieitie a.i.iy pa :n in III i -i' 'i j'roiii ii 1 ht'.im i, ( tv.inV r 1 1 i .'. n,'.: TIku- J):i:;.:.c i i nu.l rt.-.iiijt'ii tl.i pri'i'irriii Fi.umljtj Aitil its d''c'..i,c. 1 1 U.ucii, f.litr , t.i.utipi, i.e. J heir ! i iliit.ii.'Iiinn the m-?eiii. li.u iin.ty., roncctiiiij : 'i lltir Alltl- lti.!illA -l ill J KCii'tiiill ol" bilv, ,'... .u y clut-tn, ni.il are i r the cure i f li!iuui t ever, 1 .- r vii A- f. etc. Koi'lii'y tliu hotly utAiuft dlseM by pnrl- fiu,.; aii .i-i ii.i..'i:l Vin;.o.i: IUitlus. No tpulcmtc can take liod ol a iv,teui A.fi.Mrn.eJ. The liver, tUa iom:ich, tiie b 'we.s i!;j k.l:i.-y ni.d the curve ara renin- rcl isj -pn..: ! bv t!u rien n.vioiant. TIio Iflii-nc' ul Uh. ALKCR'k" Vinegar Bit-THh-;, -:i Clnuit.r 1 .' .i.-i-.-.i.i, F,' i:-, Nciv..iii Disotdcri, Coin.ip.i'.: hi, i'.cfii..f u: v.: .i p -vwr, and aH nulatiioa artccti;'4 t!ii snii itb, l.v?., bowels, puinicm.iry organs, cr mtwciii.ir syslem. Ins 1-:i PTieiiL-iiCLd by hundred of thousands, and bundled ct" ih"U'uu3 mute are ask ing lur l! ie .i:ie re.i liiri'Cilou. I .il.e of thi Liitrn (n )t;oir.g to bed nt nlit ft 01. i a lt'.u' ou at. 1 oti liali' vaio-j;Ufull. Eat Kaud nouriluni; UkV, m:c! as beeutcak, tnuitun chop, vcnii'jn, to.ist beef, and vce:.ibics, and lake out door cxrc.se. '1 hey are tumi-ocd c( purely eetal'! ingredient, and onuiu no snitits. VVAI.K.KK. 1'mtr. It. II . MrDOX I.D i. TO., DiupRisf; and Gen A;t.. Sat. 1'r.im istf, CaJ., and comer of asli.ngum and Cli.u.ion St., New Vurk. SOLD UY ALL URUGG1S1S AND DEALERS. March 80, l7-J.-3m. ; v illicit t Ji.Vxt IfltlJU, FourCh and Arch Plii!drli;liln( I'KALKiiA IX FIXn ron-sr goodsi I Blub!Uhel Iu IS 10. Fino SI L1CS. Fine SHAWLS. WHITE (iOOIS. ULAC'IC (i((JDS. H;i:ss fiooDs. lim:n ucxjds. WOOLFX Ci(HJDS. (loixl FLANNELS. Fine- HOSIKICV. Host GLOVES only. 15,000 GOOD BLACK SIllKS. WholCKulo wutl lt'tnil. Mnreh 8, 1872.-C. HORSE AND CATTLE INSURE YOUK IIOHSKS ! INSL'UE YOUll CATTLE LNSUREwilhariepoiiMbleand perfectly rU able Company, insure where your losses will be puld promptly. Thin Im a Muiuitl lrolrctM e Co. ITcncc, you uro sure of belnj; puid promptly for , all louses, if lusured lu this Coinpuuv. OUR RATES OF IXSURANCK ARK LESS THAN THOSE OF ANY OT1IKR COM PA ST. We pay loes accrulnt; through theft, death by fire, accideut, or uatural causes, (eieeplinK epcdeniic diseases). We pay prompt. No red tape pioceediut; to et Jour niuuey, iu case of loss. OV1l!R S5O0O paid on horses aud cattle since organization. DR. D. WALDRON, Pre.ldect. C. A. REIMEN8NVDER, Sec'y, Buubury, Pa. IIIUKITORS, Ex-Got. James Pollock. Hon. J. C. Oruner, Soloiuou troh. Win. Urlndle, Bolouiro Ships, John A. feUUalsr, Dr. D. T. Krebs, Dr. David 1 Waldron. Jan JS '7-Jy. j NLVNIIK IIEATF.K. Bl KYBIR AT MARTf.Ayl) fTATR FaiB, BaI TiviiiiR. vrvt I'rcmlum for Flre-rlntu llcnters iiw.'irrti'cl tho Htinnvsidc. , . Aflvnut!iii' pf the Pnnnvplilc i 1. It in m crmptnictcil tiuil one-third mor of Ihc rinlliitin) Mirfnco CTli-n.lg Into th room, iT ltif?tli:it much more addlllunal hcut without ex tra fuel. 8. It la the onlv Hot-AIr Fire-place Hcnter In the market. Like the regular built cellur heiitcr, It Inmea no her.t, but oonllnei it all to it Ugltl purposes. 8. The fuel magazine in double the usual nice, extending from tho fire-box to the top of the novo, with capacity for twenty-four bouri' op plyofcoal. 4. The patent double cover for eoal magazine consumes the pas, prevents eseapo of gas Into the room, and makes It Impossible for any puf fings or explosions to occur. This Is an ndvant aite possessed by no other fire-place stove iu the market. 5. There are three nlr ccambcrs, wherein n brisk circulation Is kept np, drawing tho cold air in the room through heated Hues into a large hot-uir reservoir, nt the back of the flove. fl No fide pifl are used, ns tho air Is healed In n reservoir havinir double radiating (lues and double back, supplying large quautitic of hot airwlthout waste of beat or fuel. 7. The St'NMTSins utilizes the waste heat so thoroughly that wc frequently heat an adjoining room on the II i-st, besides ecatlng tho rooms iu second nnd third stories. S. A damper on top of the stove, connected with tho hot ulr lines, controls the quantity of lict air required for thu use of either the upper or lower rooms. All other fire-place stoves are very inconvenient in this respect. K. The Grate is self-scaling, and no duct can escape while shaking it. STL' it AT, rETEf.SOX A CO., Philadelphia. 11. B. M SSErt, Agent. Nov. 11, 1871. IMS I.VO.II'.DIF.NT THAT coMro.-r. i'.osad i ir. mo puLlihul ou uvory p.irliit.-. li.bru i'lro it iu not a r t p p ia ion, consequently rursicim riiE'cr.iiiE 17 Itia a ccrl.1'11 cm. lur Pcroftila, 3y pliilii in al I it 1 .rtns, lv!.-.'imi i tisni, fckin Diseati't, l.ivcr Com ul. iil t Lnd til di in'.o of t o illoud. will do moro pood tl.an ten l.dttlrs of iho Syrups cf .Saraupjrilia. tkc UNornsuNca physicians li3Vt ur'cd HosailaliK i ' their pr;:ciii jl'ur the p-:t tlinu yeam ami i cr ciuIoifu it ns a rri.ldo Ai'.era!io land I;!uuJ l'unl.ur. inn. t. r. n.'fiit.ef rahimcie. IIHl. T. J. )OVKt.V, :;!. n. w.i-ah jv ' ill !. y. (I. DASVfi.I.V. ' :D.t. J. !!. Sl'AItKK, of Mc!io!iivli!e, Ivy. n. J. L. .VtCARTHA, Columbia, S. t:. IDIl. A. n. NOm.r.S, Igeromb, N. C. USED AND EKDOESED BY J. P.. XHI.NTU t JONS, Kail Klvcr, F. AV. SVITIT. Jirh.w.. Mi,-h. A. V. 'VHKM.klM.ima, Ohio. II. H AM , I. in 1. Ohm. CRAVKN A t:0.,firdeo.ivi;ic. Vs. SA.V1.. C. Mcf Alil.i-.V, !un".-j. bcru, 'i eun. Our spjcti villiiot kllu'r ef try c-. tfliJO I rcmsrVs in n-'a:: n t;i trie rvjjKi l.riU'ol l:o;J.iiis. 1 .c ieii.LAl ji'j.ilL'Mc a w o cui'iin'.ri' I , tr.T-'t s:i errnr t' sny I i.i y l.svs r Juicd ill the Irpi'fu-M tf ti:.pa;ed ! I.'i.o t: si 1 lo (hi'slil.ft-V w s.iv try :ito.i. v.ii, and you iil l.o rost'.rci 10 Kf iM.'l li(.s.i ii r-'M t.j- :i Ttaf'.t'.i, rir:ce 1.30 vr tnt;:e. A't s ZIaltimov:, ? July 22, 1871. 1r. FAIJ, AND WIXTElt STOCK OF C I.OTi.M U ASSIIKEH S! FHKNCIl ANI) DOMESTIC GOODS of ever y yj.vle, Jutt opened nt the MERCHANT TA1LOK SHOP OF On Thlnl Street, lit Miller' Hlrck, oj'pos.U th Monro iSi DU.Niuei' Huildiux, L'NiU IiV, F'KN'N'A. ' Tli- mot fashionablo clothing mad to order ! lrotn every vnrlrty of nod. iStiit ot all ii".e inmli1 up nt tbe shortest uo , tlco, from the len tio'.eoteU stock iu New York i and Vln!ad'!phia. j Call ani he cum in?. 1. ! TI10S. O. NOTT. ! Nov. J, 1STI. Don't Read This ! ! Good morning, Mrs. A., where are you bound for so early f Mrs. A. Why Mrs. C, i.on't Ton know Mr. Bycrly has liuiight out the (iroeery nnd Confec Uoiierv !tore ol ll,,. A: Wmvn. n ,l U s..Ml nice freh ffrocei i iei, Canned Fruit, and iu fact, everythiinr In t lie Groeery line, cheaper than the cheapest, ami I nave K'H lireci pn.vlnif niijti prices, no 1 huveiniule up uiy tnindnlter thia to patron i.u Mr. Hyurly. So goo I nun uiiij;, Mrs. C. I must o. Mrs. C, to hertelf. Well I am houml lo Und or.t for myself, and will j:o to liyerly'e new cheap cash Groeery, tin next time 1 wnnt'uny Groceries, CoulVilloiicrlcsor I'rlmo OjKtcrH. I will JiKt aay to all come and (lve mo a trial, ami satiety yourselves that there Is oi.o cheap cafh Grocery In Snnbnry.. Remember the place. No. 11, South TMrd Bt., iu 1'li.uieul House Ruiiilin, Suuburv, Pa. 8. BVKR1.Y. Suiibnry, Jan. 29, 187'J. - i. A. 1 1. Fli AXC1SCUS & CO., 918 Mnrlift fclrcot, I'liiladclphUt. I We hare opened for the PPRIN'G TRADE, th largest and best assorted stock of PHILADELPHIA CAHPETS, ! TaMe, Stuir and Floor Oil Cloths, Window Shniles und Paper, Carpet tliaiu, Cotton, Yuru, Ballintr, Wuddini;, Twines, Fancy liaskets, Hruoins, Baski'ls, iiuekets, Brushes, Clothes Wringers, Wooden aud Willow Wars la the Uuiled States. Our large increase in business enables ns to ell at low prices and furnish the best quality of Gooili. POLE AGENTS FOR TflE Celebrated American Waahor, l'riee 05.50. Over ia.000 Bold in Blx Mouths. Terms i Carjiets, CO days. All other goods, JO days, Net.- Fthruary 17, 1872.-8m. NTOVi: sV TIN STAIILIS1I.MET. MAltlvtT STREET, 6UXBUBV, PA. ALFRED KRAL'SE, Tropriotor. stlC'ESSOH TO SMITH 4 OESTUER. J HAVING purchased the above well knowu es taliliHhmuiit, Mr. Krauto would respeclAil ly intoriu the public that he now hue on hund a large assort incut of COOKIXO'STOVE R , Bpeer's Cook Anti-Dust, Kejrulntor or Revolving Top, Cuuibiiiatiou, SusqUelianiia and others, w hich are so arranged as to be used for Coul or Wood, and are wnrranlnl lo perform satisfactori ly or no sale. HKATLKtt of all kinds Hit up to heal nue or more rooms. 11LAT1NU bTOV tti of dilfeieut kinds at very low prices. Tluwarevflivery lescriptiou kept eous lantly on hand. Roofing and Sjioutlng with the best material, done at snort notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil aud Lamps constantly on hand. Japan war of a s.utU. fetere opposite Couley's hardware store. Give me a call, A. KlUl bki. apl.'1-ly v .Era. 1 11 4 ;tnuf:ifturcrs. j:y IClJiDKT. GEO. llOIIUIUCII & S0X3, Nnnbiiry, I'cnu'R, INFOIIM tho puldle that, tbey are prepared to do all kinds of CA8TINOB, and having added n new Machine Phop In connection with their Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New I.atucs, Planing and Horing Machines, with the latest Improvements. With the aid of skillful mechanics, they ure enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK Oil REPAIRING, that may be given them, In a satisfactory man ner. Gralo to null any More. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build ings, of nil sizes. BRASS CA6T1NU8, Ac. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GKAVR YARD LOTS; VERANDAHS, FOR TAHI3 AT R ESI DUNCES, AC., AC. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been still further improved, and will always be kept on hand. Also, TIIRFPI1INQ MACHINES. Bniibnry, May 20, Wl. M M It i: 11 AMI I'UMMI MIM.S, Third Street, adoinlng Phlla. A Erie R. R., two Bqnarcs North of the Central Hotel, BUXBCRY, PA. IRA T. 'CLEMENT, t S prepared to furnish every description of lum I ber required by the demands of the public. Having all the latest Improved machinery for manufacturing Lunber, be Is now ready te till or ders rnll kinds of FLOORING, BIDING, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, HRAUKKT"), and all kinds of Ornamental Berowl Work. Tnm lng of every description promptly executed. Also, A t.Anafl ASf lUTMriNT OF BILL LUMIUCK. HF.MI.0CK and VINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, Ac. OrJcri promrtlv tilled, and shtj ped Ijv Railroad or otherwise. " JRA T. CI.LMENT. decl'J -t":i;ly jiii;i.ax::itv. FALL ANI) "yTnTEH STYLES. HATS AND BONNETS, H1BBONS, FLOWEBS, WltEATIIS, LACES 'raic Veils, CUAFK HATS AND BONNETS, and ercrvltiing us ual'.v ke; t In a Millinery Store. Call at M. L. (iO.asi.F.R'S Store. South Foiirlh f'trect, be'.inv the S. V. R. K., el'N'tURY, PA. Not. 4, '71. XKW 5SKAT S?ZI. ! rrlIF. uu IcrsiL-r.rd rcspeeifullv Informs the e!tl- 1. reus of Sunbury and vicinity, th".t they have opened a MEAT SHOP, In Dcw.v t'i bni'.ding.on the north side of Market Hiiiarc, two doors from the railroad, were they will keep a coiiFtant suply of the best of Heef, Pork, Mutton, e.. nt wholesale or retail, at tlm ! lnwcxt price and cf the tiret quality . A wagon w ill he run to f apply customers every morning, (except Sundays.) " The best of meat will found at their shop. Give us a call and satisfy your selves. UEFKKW liUVVEU. Oct. h'.th 1SCJ. tf. G AH FISTI ItKS. T HACK A II A, DUCK & CO., SUCCK'SOItS. TO MISKKV, MEIM11LL& THACKAKA, 3IANl'FAt'TL"nnnS OK (iAS riXTUUKS, BKOXZE3, &c, Sec, l'han!.'lii rt, 'iN'tidunts, liraokcis. Ac. A v.. woti'.d respeetfully Invite the ntteiilion ot pur- chaseis lo iur elegant iisr-oituicnt. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SALESROOMS, 7I hrsttiiut Htrrvt. MANUFACTORY, 1)2. M4.IJ STREET. An?. 19. 1S71. 0 AND 10S RACE Beef! Beef ! T "M1E tr.ulersiLMied is prepared to furnish the ! cilizi'iis ol ."-lUii'Urv and vii inity Willi tin) ' ehiiieett Btxf und L'oi!i in Ma.kct, ei'.hir at Wholesale or Retail. Families will he supplied by the quarter or side, or smaller quantities ul the most maxima ble rntej. Constantly on hand Hie. choicest cuts of Pre, Pork, Mntton nnd Veal, aim Sam-ages. Belouas. Ac. Apply nt the Meat House, foulh Thinl street, in Moore & Diesiugei ' Row, Nunlmiy. On market dajs the best of meal is served to customers ut the meat stand, corner of Market nnd Third Ure-!?, when Ihc celebrated I)rnioiis' .... 1 I - ., .. I K can uo ii.iu, i.,uS -.uu u u L.c u..-. .a j niarkcl- UF.NRV K. FAG ELY. N. B. Persons having fat hnjrs or beeves for sale can procure the aii;. ?! market price by ap plication al the itbovi. cttab'.i.slnuctil. Buubury, N.iv. U, is",i. .TllI.I.Il-UVG0!.'i GliXKKAl.I.V. NEW STYLES OF BOS'NETS, HATS, FLOW E Its, FRAMES, So. Mourning and Hritful llatst und Ivonucln. Full line of Mourniii(; Veils and Crape. MILLINERY IS TIIE SPECIALTY. Sash Ribbons, Ornaments, Feathers, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Ac, Ac. " FANCY GOODS AND NOTION?. MISS M. L. GOSSLER. South Fourth Bt., below the Railroad, Surburv. April 2;!, 171. THADD'S S. SHANNON, THIRD AND MARKET BQITARE, lias In stock and constantly receisinc; Novelties iu his Hue, eoiisiMinir in part of a full line of AMF.Itlt A AT( lli;S, F.ljrln, minors, Howard ft Co., Wallham, Mas sacliugelts, aud Roy's AMERICAN WATC HES ; Also, a full set of Ladies, aud Ueut's Gold and Silver Swiss Watches. JEWELRY. Roman Gold sets, pink coral aud Gold seU, Ear-Rio:s, Necklaces aud Poudanla, Ouyx and Jet Jewel rv. Solid Silver-ware of Sterling puriu, made to or der. Bridal mid Presentation Pieces, Knives, Forks nnd Spoons iu eases, also, a full line of Silver Plated Goods, Tea bets, lee Waler Scls, Libit Stands, Cake llaekcls, Collee Urns, Forks and Spoous treble plated, the best iu the uiaiket. SPECTACLES. If you value your Eyesight, nso the Perfect Leusef, pround from minute CrUtlc lVhhles mel ted together, and derive there name "Diamond" on account of there liarduess aud brilliancy. They w ill last many vears wi I limit change, aud wai luutcd Suierlor to ull others In use. TABLE CUTLERY. Ivory, Pearl aud Metal handles In eases sup plied lo order. CLOCK A full assortment of EleMit day and Thirty hour Clocks, uIm Calender Clocks ol all dlxciip tlons. Engraving done nt the sbortesl notice. Wntciios, Clocks and Jewelry, Repaired aiid Satisfaction warranted. All goods will be sold at the very Lowest Cash Prices. Every body is cordially Invited to Cull aud Examine for themselves. Don'l forget the place. T. 8. BHANNO. BunburyDee.lft, If, JJARDWARK FOR ALL AT THE , IIAItDWAUE STORE OF J. H. CONNELLY & CO. Mnrhet Ntrcct, Nnnbnry, Pa. It Is useless to enumerate tverr klrnl of article in his btorc, but nmong the lonillui; ltums may be srt (Iowd the following i Iron, Btecl, Lend, Scales, Ptpclynrdu, GrindKtones, Nails of all kinds and sites, Vices, Bnws, riutu-K, Sieves, Clmlns, Axes, iiiass unu iron ivcmcs, Shorels, Hoes, Forks. Ppndes, Knkes, Ilntvhcts, 'nrpenter ana uincKunmn norinc Mncntnes, Cellur (Jrntes, l)ralni Knivef, etone Sledtrc, l'lnKtcrcrB' Trowels, Musons immmers and I rnwcls, Hand Dinner Hi-lls, and lnrje cact iron Bells for Bchool Houses and Furmcrs' Dinner Bells, Carpenters' Bench Screws, Potato Forks for discing potatoes, Looklnjr GlnfU'S. Twine, Ropes, Knives and Forks, Spoous, Tiiek?, Mule and Hurce Shoes and Nails, Hammers, Anurs, Chisels, Lanterns, Oil Cloths, Brooms, Locks of all descriptions, Coflbo Mills, Bits unci Unices. Carriage Bolts of nil klrnl. I'uiut uud Wull Brushes, Buckets, Oil, Yariillie. Jtipunit, T.ve, find a Ash, Washlntr Soda. TAINT Of AM. KIMIS hi 1 11 or Dry, TflrtM'oIors of nil kinds, I'KDAIl-ffAHK aud other W'oorlen-Warc of all kinds und Very elieup, Hay-Fork Pulleys, Ticks, Mill Picks," Levels, Level (ilasses, Kilos. Jiinees, Coal Oil, lieins, Coinls, Screws, b:iddlcry und shoe I lnrtinps, Rut'L'V Trlinuiitig", Kxeelsior (iliiss Cutters. I'ockel Knives, " iicissors, Rbe:ir, Bitot, Caps nud Ponder, and a are.'it Tiiricty of other articles. Any lliiii wauled hii I n Dl mi haud, will he ordered nt ouee. 8nul)ury, An?. I'.l, 1S7I. WM. MIMKAT. J. BtrfT'.Ar.EK. WM. II. I;LArK. MURRAY & CO., Wholcsule Dealers in MACHINERY 'AND BURNING OiLS, Olllce and School Stationery, I'rlutliiR, Vrnpins nud Manilla PAPERS, rA3'F.It KAON, Ac, Ac. Tho C'clubralud Corry Kerosene Burning Oil always on hand. H iving alfo opened a COAL YAED, wo arc prepared lo supply ut sliort uotlce, and at tho lowest rales, EGG, STOVK, CHESTNUT and I'KA COAL to all who in ay he pleated to pive us a ca'.l. Orders left al our office No. Soutli Third St., w'.il be promptly filled. Ml-RKAV & CO. l'o. S3 South Third Streit, Sunhurr, V. SISLMMinV AND FAXCY NI'OKi:. Iia31 mill YVInt.T tiood. MI.SS L. WEISER, Mnikel Btreet, one doir west of Cearbail's eu fettioneiy store, SUXIH'RY, PA., Ilf.s opened her st"Ck of 'UllitU'i n.i:l Fnucy Coo-i, HATS AM) ROKNETS. The la. fit si ! of Dresj Trlinminj;'', Fre.m Ii au.t Ainer:'..m Ulow. ri, I. aces, liib't.jr.a, Sa U limps. I 'billion?. Collars. l'ii'1. J'Hiviu Glovei., and a larne variety of other article. lu connection with the Millinery hu:'!ne?, she carries on the DRESS MAKING AMI PITTING, in all It. branrhri. She Is alto agent fr the sale of Ramsey, Scolt & Co. 'a Patterns. The ladies of Sunhury and vicinity ate cor dially invited to cull ami examine her f.pleu.lid slock. Nov. 4, 1871. Tin: x:v stoke; CLEMENT & DISSIHGEE, in the new ( h iueut liaildintr, istrkct Ktiur:'. Nuuiitii') . I'll., oiler to the public, nu culiru new assortment of WINTER DRY GOODS, of all styles ut lh lowe t prices. Full line of Alpacas, Mohairs, Plaids, F.uiprcss Cloths, Shawls. Flann.'ls, llo'leiy, MOURNING GOODS, a full variety, lliankcts and Woolen poo.ls of ull descriptions. CLOTHS, CASSIMF.RIiS, VESTINGS, ftc, &c Itcnl)-llHle ClnthiiiK. a full u.soilnicnt, which wiil be sold lower thau . t'.tcL're. Cariirtsi und Oil Clot lis. GltOCEUIES of ull kiuds, which lire uuarautee.l nil fresh. QUE EX S V Alt E, W'l LLO V W A RE, &c, &c, &o. TRIMMINGS, Gl.OVF-S, and In fact everything that can be mentioned In a llrst-class store. Call and examine our stock. Having nnr s.orc lighted with Gas, iroivls can he select. d in the eveu'niK as well as iu tho day time. No charges for show ing goods. CLEMENT & DISSINGF.R. Dec. 9, 171. riilladelpliin and llrle Ruilroud. WINTER TIME TAPLE. On and after Mouday, November 27, 1871, ihe Trains on the Philadelphia ft Erie Rail Road will run us follows i WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia, " ' " Sunbury, " " arr nt Erie, Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, " " " Suuburv, " " an at Erie, Elinlra Mall leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunhury, " " arr at Lock Haven, AocommoJatlou leaves Sunbury, " arr at Renovo, fj.20 p m 1.00 a rr S.R0 p n 12. SO p in 6.&0 p in T.40 a in 7.W a in 4.S5 p in 7.5.5 p in 8. 18 a m 10.40 a m EASTWARD. Mail Train leaves Erie, 11.95 am " " " Sunhnrv, 1 ?0 a in " arr at Philadelphia, 6.S0 a m Erie Express leaves Erie, 8 00 p m " " Sunburr, 9.M a in " " arr at Philadelphia, 8.30 p in Elinlra Mall leaves Lock Haven, 7.35 a ru " " Sunbury, 11.00 am " arr at Philadelphia, 6.50 p m Accommodation leaves Renovo, 18.25 p in arr nt Sunhury, 4.ii5 p m Mall East connects east and west at Frio with I.. S. ft M. S. R. W. and at Corrv and Irvlneton with Oil CreeK and Allegheny R. R. W. Mail West with west bound trains on L. 8. ft M. S. R. W. and at CoriT and Irvlneton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. f'ttttaw ibsa passenger trains will be rnn east from Wllllanisport on Erie Express, aud west, to Wllltamsport oo F.ltnira Mall. WM. A. BALDWIN. Owi'l Sup't. 1 I.nchawnunn and ltloomsibiirK liall- SUMMER ARRANGKHIONT OF PAS6KSGBR AIMS. Moi.rtar July 17,;i8Tl. SOUTHWARD. Leave. A.M.;P,JLA.M.!V. M..PM Seranton, Beilcvne, Taylorvillc, Lackawanna, Vltlston, West Ptttston, Wyoming, Mnlthy, Kingston, & St. W.-Unrr c'rs I'lymonth June., Plymouth, Nantleoke, Hiinlock's, Shickshlnny, Hick's Ferrv. 8 ii 0 fsj 0 BT 7 Of, 7 V 7 1 7 27 1 45 10 06 0 50 4 00 0 r5 4 06 7 02 4 19 10 17 10 20 7 Hi 4 93 2 11,10 85 T 19)4 80 !l0 401 7 24l4 m 9 81 10 47, -7 81' 4 t 1.0 DM 7 K0: 4 47 r 7 40 7 80 8 00 8 07 8 22 8 86 2 83 11 00' 7 Rl4 68 8 00' 5 00 8 05; 5 05 2 40 8 80 8 80i 3 06 8 27 8 84 1 8 45 Beach llaveu, Berwick, Briar Creek, Lime Uldge, Espy, Ulouineburg, Rupert, Ounwissn, Danville, Chulasky, 8 43 1 8 60' ! 8 S7' 9 07; ! 0 14 ! 0 2G; ! 9 Sl! I 9 Mi I 9 f.tl: 8 SI' enmeron, 10 03 North'd, (arrive.) 10 20 1 4 62, NORTHWARD.' Leave. ,A.M. P.M. I Northumberland, Cameron, Chnlnsky, Danville, Catuwlssa, Rupert, Bloomsbnrg, Etpy, 10 SS. 6 IO' 5 S7 5 81 5 40 10 SO. I I fi 00 ! 6 05 11 14 6 13 I I 6 17 ! 0 24 Lluie Ridge, I Hi lar t reek, t Berwick. Ilea eh Haven, , Hick's Kerry, l Phlekshinny, i Hiinlock's, j Nantieoke, Plymouth, I fi 84 ,11 8fi 6 41' 11 4, 6 48 A.M. 0 5.'j 12 00 P. M. Vi 2fl 7 0f' 7 24 7 .HI 7 41 7 80 7 4.V 8 (K I PM. 8 15 P.M. 5 10 j Plymouth June 8 20 -, 5 13 Kingston, & 13 81. 7 M ; w.-llurrc i Malthv, S c rs 8 80; 2 S3, 5 25 8 40: 45, 8 53 9 04 0 14' 0 2.V U 83, 2 1.1 3 48 8 54 2 50 8 07 5 f,5 5 40 5 47 5 fiS , Wyoiiiipg, ( Wei-t. ViUsluil. I PUNtnn, I Lackawanna, i Tavlorvii:, ! lieilevue, ' Scrauton, (arrlvej 13 43 1! hi I S 0C S lii B 1 8 2S 8 an 8 4'J 8 is 8 00 8 Hi. U 10 3 28 0 IT 1 14 0 40 8 Su 8 25 DAVID T BOUND, Sup't. JSortlicru tcHtral Itailwny. ! FALL AND WIXTF.r. ARRANGEMENT. ! nN l n'a 19 1S71' trai" will rua i v as to:; :owa r NORTHWARD. N1.im:i Kipross leaves Sunhury ut 12.40 p. ', la., anive- at Niapira Fails nt I.M i, in. I'u'.lalo F.xpres? leaves Buuhury nt 12.80 a. m., ' arrive ul S illiamsport at a.-'5 a. in., Kitulra nt i.'M n. in.. Ciinandalun HAH a. in. , Mail arrives at Suubnry nt 4.i!o p. in., arrlvo at S ii!iaii..-; urt C.l'J an;l"K'.:iiii. lO.S-i p. ui. ; l iitt Un arrives at Sunbury at U.50 p. m., i aritve nt v p.iiam pert S.is p. is. t SOUTHWARD. Buffalo RxpreiM leave Sunhury nt 1 .47 in.. : arrive r.t llarrlshurj; li.li n. m., a. in. Mail 1 waves t?ai,l.:iry at 11.16 Baltimore 7.30 m., arrlvo at llni r;i urn x 1 .,.) p. in. I K;ie l!v pres. leave, f' anbury nt 9.25 a. in., nr j rive al Hmrirhur; ll.v'O a.m., llallimore 8.00 ; T i f.rin Mail leave pjnhury nt 12. SO a. ru., arrlvo e.t l!airihur( S.V'i) a. in. SilAMDllIN DiVla'ON". rjsrwiiiD. I.-nvc ti. I'i'.irT i t 1.'.0 p. m.. nrrlre at Sliatno kin 5.50 p. m.. Vt. C:rmcl C.40 p. ri. Leave S iiiliery (Accouiiuoilatioi,) at 11.50 i:. in., ariive t tiiuniakiu l.WJ p. in. iSTw.irii. 1.m Mt. Ca;:n.l at 7.''0 s. in., Buawokln ! 7. IJ a. in., arrive at Suuburv 0.1 a. in. Leave t h.i'.uokln ( Ai-covnae .oiiatlun,) nt 2.lj p . m.. arrive .it Snuburv 4.00.' Ltpi ess leaves dai: t: j A.! oil: s-r l.a!a leave d.il'r. cicerl Sundavsj. A. 1'.. Fii-ks:. ' Ku. S. VoiM." Gen'!. liiip't., Gcii'i Pass-n'r Air't.. )iaiii:!.''jv;, Pa. Br.l'.uiore, MJ. Kcacllug Caii.-ca,;. w i n t r. u a r. u a x u i: : 1 e n t. M-vlty, .Y-f. l:;,'i, 171. TREAT TRUNK LINK from thi North and JC N.'.rlh-Wcst I'v-r-l biiudeii'liia, N. V.. Read in;, P:i. viile, T:i inaiiM i, Asii.and, Sliaiukin, Lebanon, Alienlown, Euston, F.,!rat:v, Litis, ; Lancaster, Coiunibla. ft.., itc. I Trains leave Hani-bui-jr Itr New Toik, ns fo'. lows : At S.li. S. It), a. lit. aLd "J.ti'j p. in., cun ihi lius; willi similar trains on the Pennsylvania. ' Rui.roa.l, r.i.'l urimni; at New York at io.07 a. m.. "A2. hud Vt.d.S p ni. res pet t ively. Sleeping t.iirs Hccouipanr the J.45 a. m., tiuin without ' cbaii.e. ! lint u ru icLT i Leave Nrw X .rk at 0.00 a. m., : Itf.li'j noon nnd I. CO p. ni., I'liiladelphia nt 7.30, . H.'M a. ni. nnd o.IiO ji. in. ; Sliepinx Cars accom , puny ti e 5.00 p. ui. train Hum New York wlth I'llt clia'iL''. Lei.ve Uarriehiirg fjr Radinsr. Poltsvilie, 'fa ' mr.ijua, MlnciFville, Ashland, Sliainokin, i Alleiitnwu and Philadelphia ut H.10 a. m., . 'J.00 and 4.05 p. iu., slopping al Lebanon aud principal way stations; tho 4.05 p. in., train ciuiufetiii; for Philadelphia, Potlsviile nnd Co lumbia only. Fur Pottsvil!., Schuylkill Haven ; uud Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave Hal risl.iu; al ;!. I0 p. in. Last Pennsylvania Riiuruad trains leave Read j Init for Allentown, Easion and New York at 4.34, i !ii.40:i. in., nud 4.05 p. in. Reluming, leave I New Yoik t U.00 a. iu., li.SO noon nnd 6.00 I p. in. nnd Aileutown ul 7.-0 a. iu. 1J. 5 uouu, . 1", 4 u'i and S.iio p. in. j Way Pabf euger Ti.lin leaves Philadelphia al , 7.1io a. in., coniiectinp. witii similar iralu on East I'enna. R.ulioa.l. rcturniiu; lroni Reading al (Lift) I p. in., ti'ppinif at ull staliun. i Leavo Poiuville ul VI. 00 a. in. and 2.30 p. i m. li'TU'.lon at lo.OO a. ui., Sliainokin ul 5.40 ami J 11.15 n. in. ; Ashland ul 7.05 n. in., nnd 12.41 J noon; Mahanoy City at 7.51 a. in. and I. "JO p. ra. TiiiuiiMua nt h.'.iit a. in. und 2.10 p. in. fur 1 Philadelphia, New Yoik.Reai'.iiiir, llarrisburg,fte. 1 Leave Potlsviile via Schuylkill and busiiue 1 hanna Railroad ut 8.15 a. ni. for llarrrsburg, and j 11.4") a.m., fur l'hio Grove and Tremoiit. I Reading Accjiinuodalioii liaiii It aves Poll I -! viilcnl o. )0 n. in., passes Reading ul 7.0 a. ru. j uriivim: at Philadelphia ut 10.20 a. iu., returning j leaver I'liiladelphia at 4.45 p. in., passinr Read ing at 7.35 p.m. in riviiie at Poltsvilie at 9. JO p.ru, ' Putwtowu Aeeoiniiiexlatiun Traiu leaves Potta. I town al 7.00 a. in., rc'.uiuing leaves Philadelphia. ut 4.15 p. m. ( olui'.iiia Knflroud Trains leave Heading at 7.20 a. in., nnd u.lo p. in. lor F.phn.la, l.ills, Lancaster. Coluuihia, .te. ; returniuK leave Lan caster at $.20 a. ni. and 3.25 p. u., and Coluoi bla r.t s!.15 a. in. and 3.1.1 p. m. Pi rl.iomeu Rail Road Trail s leave' Perklornen Junctional 7.25, V.o.'ui. m..nt S.U0 and 5.45 p. ra. K, liiiiiiiir,li .ie Sehwenk'iVilU: ul li.4o,S. 10 u. m., 12. .'id noun aud 4.45 p. iu. l uniieetiug with liiuilai trains on Keiulln Rail Road. Pickering Valley Railroad trains leave Phce nlwilleiu 0.10 a. In., 8.05 nud 5.55 p. in. j re luming, leave livers at 0.50 a. rn., 12.45 noon, aud 4.:.0 p. in., connecting with similar traius ou Reading Railroad. ( olehrookilale Railroad Trains leave Pottstowa at U.40 a. tit. , 1.15 and 0.30 p. in., returning leave Ml. Plcasuulal 7.15 uud 11.25 u. m., and 2.54 p. in., com i'Uiiig with suuilar trains on lleudiiij Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave Bridge port at H.30 a. m., '.'.uSaiid 5.20. p. ni. returning, leave Uuwunigtou nt i.5j a. in., 12.50 noon and 5.15 p. iu. coiiucctuijf with similar traius on Read ing Railroad. On Sundays : Leave New York at 6.00 p. m.,' Philadelphia nt &.00 a. in. and 3.15 p. in., (ike H.uo a. in. train running only to Reading!) leave PultuviUcat e.lXIn. Ul., leave lianisbuig, 2.45a. iu., and 3.00 p. in.j leave Aileutown nt S.SJ p. m. leave Reading ut 7.15 a. m. and 0.50 p. in. for llarrisburg, at 4.31 a. ui. for New York, aud al 0.40 a. in. and 4.15 p. in. for Philadul'a- Commutation, Mileage, Season, School anil Excursion Tickets, to and from all poiuls at re duced rules. ' baggage cheeked through i 100 Pounds Bag. gag allowed each. Pasavaser. 3. E. WdOTTEN, Ast. Snpi. ft Eni. Mash'lf."