inntotrs J,merinm. SUNBUUY, APRIL 13, 1872. Railroad Time Tables. N. C R. W Est. P. I. R. B. Wbst. Buffalo Ex I've 12:20 nCErle Mall, I've 1:00 a m Erlo ' :80 ElmlraMall 11:05 Aceom. " 6:15 Niagara Ex " 12:40 pm Niagara Ex." 4:40 pm lUimiraMnll " 4:3 " Erie Ex. " 0:50 ' SBAMOKlft DIVISION M. 0. R. W. . AHRIV1 funbaryat 11:50 a m t fitinbury 9:56 am " 4:40 p m " 4:00 pm D. II. ds W. R. R. Leave Bunbury -4:90 a. m. Arrive nt 8.85 p. m SUNBURY LEW18TOWN R. R. LtiVI I ARMVB flflnbury at 6:30 a. m. I At Bunbury 8:85 a. m. "11:40a.m. " " 10:45a.m. Aeeldent Insurance Ticked can be bad of 3. Chlpman, Ticket Agent at the Depot. ocul fFirs. firwtwo Machines.-MIbs Caroline Dallusls the tgtnt for the sale of the best Sewing Machines In exUteuce, Tlx i "The Improved Blnger," 'Grover & Baker," "Howe," and "Domestic,1' which are constantly on hand and sold at rea sonable prices. She Is also agent for the cele brated Frantt and Pope Knitting Machine. Call and tee them. Office on Market street, east of the railroad. s Foa Rxt. The large room one door north of the J auction Hotel, now occupied by Messrs. Kerne A Co., as a Tobacco Store. The room Is -well calculated for auy kiud of business. Pos session given on the first day of April. Apply to Jamis Vandykx. Ton Rest. The three rooms over Dr. Moody's -drug store, on Msrket Square, will be for rent on the 1st of April next, or as soen as the repairs and fitting np are finished. D. C. Dissinobr of the firm of Clement & Dls slngcr, left ns on Tuesday Inst for Philadelphia aod the eastern cities for the purpose of buying a heavy stock of Dry Goods, Notlons.Cassimeres, Groceries, Ac., 4c. Ac. Their stock it already tremendous, but we can assure our readers that upon Mr. Dlsslnger's return, they will have not only the largest but the most complete and best 'elected stock In this section of the country. Mr. D. Informs ns that' on Wednesday, April 17th, these goods will be ready for the Inspection of the public. Call and examine prices whether you wish to purchase or not. No trouble but a pleasure to show goods. ' Trimbli sells nothing but the best quality of groceries and cheaper than the chvupest. TmsinLr.'s grocery is tho place to buy cheap. Everything tn the grocery line is kept there. Orders for Flour, Feed, Potatoes, Dried Fruit, Crackers, Ac, left at the butcher shop of BcOew A Bower, Third Street, Suubury, will receive attention, and goods delivered at residences punc tually. J OHM WlLVER. For Sale or to Let. A new house and a lot of ground, on Fourth Street, Bunbury. The bouse has all the modern Improvements. Apply to ,Sl. ISAAC 8EILER. Broke a l.lo. A son of Mr. Blank, on Fourth 'Street, aged about seven years, on Wednesday last, broke a leg by filling off a shed. Tax late heavy rains has put now life Into our lumbermen. It is expected that the water will rise sufficient to get out all their logs in the small streams, In the upper counties. Tb river is now in good rafltug order. Tbi paluters are now finishing the ln.lde work of the new depot. We aro Informed that the company expect to occupy the building by the .first of May. When you want iuturancc, call on L. M. Yo nder, agent, for none but reliable com panics. Tiiu Susquehanna river and its tributaries in this vicinity are alive this spring with rnuskruts, and quite a war is being made upon them by -sportsmen. Toe rooms formerly occupied by the Americas office, in Master's buildings, on Market Square, have been entirely changed aud huudsomeiy lil ted up for offices. They are well calculated for law offices, and aro located conveniently to the the county bulldiugs. X Jew Billiard Saloon has been started in the third story of Moore A Dissiuger's building, by 3. P. Pursel, Esq. The tables are of the most Improved style, aud wo understand that the room will be Uttcd up in a style not surpassed lu this jwt of the countrj". Ws are requested to state that the infor mation furnished to us lust week, that Mrs. S. Conrad had lost an eye by being kuocked down by her hnsbund, Is not correct. She has not lost the sight of her eyes, although they were pluced in deep mouruing for a few duys. A special meeting of Col. James Cameron Post, Ho. 105, U. A. K., will be held at the office of A. X. Brlcc, Thursday evenlug, April 18th, at 7i o'clock. All the members are requested to fee present, a business of Importance will be transacted. J. J. SMITH, P. C. A. N. Bricb. Ag't. BciBi'RT Division, No. 267, Sons of Temper- ' ance, will celebrate their first anniversary an Monday eveuing, April 15tb, at their hall, in Henry Haupl's building. The public are cor dially Invited to participate In thu exercises of the occasion. Addressee will be delivered by the friends of the cause of temperance. Insure. Now is the season for accidents on railroads. As the frost Is coming out of the ground, rails are more lluble to break than at any other time which generally result In Injuries to passengers. We advise all who travel to guard against such results by procuring acciden tal Insurance of Jacob Shlpman, at the ticket office, before entering the curs. A small amount Invested often keeps distress from the doors of those meeting with accidents. VToa roa oca Peace Officeks There has teen much complaint of late In regard of the crowd of men aud boys gathering on the corner of Third and Market streets, In the evenings, ob structing the side walks so that it is difficult for female pedestrians to pass. The evil is on the Increase, aud the officers whose duty it is to re medy such evils should see to having all crowds dispersed. A Festival A festival will be held during next week commencing on Monday evening, the proceeds of which are to be applied to the pur ehase of Instruments for a Cornet Band. An organisation of this kind has long been wauled la this place, and we hope to see the festival a suc cess that the desired object may be accomplished. The young men composing the Band are not able to procure Instruments at their own expense, bene they appeal to the cltisens to patronize their festival. The festWal will be held iu the hall aud Ar bitration room la the Court House. The ice treats will be furnished by M. C. Gearhart, who win give his wkele aUeplloa U it during the en Irs rssUlvsL Tbi Town Counoll at their last meeting, de cided on Improving the public square lc Market street by enclosing it with an Iron railing and laying out walks, Ac. Ths square will extend from Second to Third street, with a street on each side. Workmen commenced on Monday morning last In filling np the low places, and be fore many weekl we may expect to lee this laudable enterprise completed. This will be one of the best Improvements yet made by onr bo rough fathers, and we hope they will continue In the progress of Improving the streets and alleys. To do this It will require money, but we do not believe any citizen will object to paying a tax when Improvements are made which will enhance the value of property geuerally, and give the town a belter appearance than it ever had before. Improvements. Messrs- Isaac May & Co., the lessees of Burnstde colliery, are ecgngod at present in making some extensive improvements at their colliery. On Monday last they com menced sinking a slope on the second lift of one side, which they expect to have completed in three months. They think that by (Inking about 75 yards they will strike the basin. When this is reached a large area of the finest BurnsWo coal will be open to them, which will Increase the ca pacity of their colliery to 10,000 tons per month. They have also commenced driving the big tunnel, known a the "Blttenbender tunnel,',' the contract of which has been allotted to N. Dclt man. They propose driving this work nntil they cut the No. 10 vein and the twin veins, which they expect to cut on driving about 150 yards. This work Is to be completed by Februnry, 1873. What Is remarkable about this work aud worthy of special notice Is that while all these improve ments are being made the regular shipments of the colliery (0000 tons per month) are steadily going on. This is a feat In coal mining hereto fore unknown In our country. The operators are practical men, aud when they succeed lu maklug all the proposed openings, they can easi ly mine coal sough to supply two first-class breakers. The Burnstde has a bright future. Shamokin Herald. Railroad Extension. We are pleased to chronicle the fact that the Danville & Hazieton Railroad Company have engineers employed to survey a route for the extension of their rond to Wilkesbarre. The orlgtirni act Incorporating this company was entitled an act to incorporate the Danville A Wilkesbarre railroad company, and it was under the amended act that the Dan ville A Hazieton route was built, the amendment to the bill giving the company the right to con struct branches not exceeding fifteen miles In length. Litigation proceeding from the building the route tollnzlcton, the act was further amend ed last winter, which gave the company a right, without cavil, to construct a road from Suubury to Hazieton. The company also retained the right to construct a road to Wilkesbarre. Dan till! Intelligencer. To lessen the taxes for the Improvement of Market Square, a subscription i being taken np to raise money outside- of tho Borough Conucll to aid in defraying the expenses. We learn that some eight hundred dollars have already been subscribed to this laudable enterprise. We hope to see still more added to the list so that It will guarantee the projected Improvement without burdeulng the poorer elaeses with taxes. A Serioi-8 Accident. On Thursday evening last, about 9 o'clock, two freight trains collided at the upper end of this borough, on the P. A E. R. R., and cars were tbrowti down the embank ment and piled np on the' track. Mr. Patrick Mooney, fireman on one of the engines, was in the act of firing up when the wreck took place, and wus thrown between some cars and the engine. It took some time before he could be extricated. When taken' 6ut It waa found that both legs and the lower part of his body was ter ribly mangled. He was taken to his boarding house at Mr. E. Brosious', where every attention was paid to him, but wo lourn at going to press, that his wounds were proving fatal. Mr. Mooney was only lately employed by the P. & E. R. K. Co., aud we learn, came from Blossbnrg, Pa. Mining Accidents. On Thursday afternoon, Stoirls VValdron, a Polishman, and his helper, whose name we did not lenrn, were slightly In jured by a fail of slate at the Henry v-'I:ty mines. Joseph Merkle, employed at Wm. Muntellus' mines, Mt. Carrael, was seriously burned by the explosion of a keg of powder, on Friday last. Hie accident occurred by his lamp fulling into the keg while he was preparing u cartridge, of his recovery are entertained. Hhamokin Her ald. Accident in the Mines A Man Killed. A shocking accident occurred In the Lykens Val ley (Short Mountain) colliery, on Monday after noon last. A miner named John Doinas, of Gratx, was iustuntly killed by a full of rock. He was completely burled licucath a mass of rock and fallen timber, so that some time wus occu pied in recovering his body. His funeral took place in Grutz, on Wcduusday, where he leaves a family. Lybraud F. Nolan, of this place, while at work, lu Big Lick colliery, on Saturday morulng last, was severely burnt about the face and arms by un explosion of sulphur. He Is recovering. Lykeiu Register. We refer our readers to the Prof, card of Dr. S. Gilbert, lu another column, who has located at this place for the practice of medicine. The Doctor Is a graduate from the old school Penn sylvania University, aud comes highly recom mended as a Fhyslelau and a gentleman. Hav ing had considerable practice In Dauphin county with entire satisfaction, be now offers to the cltizeus of Suubury and vicinity, his professional services. Professional call both day and night will receive prompt attention. One of our exchanges says i The Belinserove and North Branch R. R. has been contracted for from Selioscrove to Port Trevorton a distance of seven miles. The contractor gets t'.'O.OOO per mile. He expects to begiu grading in a few weeks. Lice on Animals. An exchange says that the best exterminutor of lire on any klud of animals Is flue sand or road dust put on the back from the head to the tail. Ir there is an Individual in this world we de test, It is one who professes frieudship and by that means obtain your secrets, (political or otherwise) and then divulge them to an enemy. Editorial Notices are to common that It Is almost Impossible for au editor to express his honest opinion of the merits of any article with out being suspected of Interested motives. This fact, however, shall Dot deter us from saying what we think of a new addition to the Materia Medica to which our attention has been recently directed. We refer to Hit. J. Walker's Cali fornia Vinkuar Bitters, a remedy which is muklug its way into more families Just now tuau all the other advertised medicines put together. There seems to be uo question about the potency of Its tonic and alterative properties, while it possesses the great negutive recommendation of conuining neither alcohol nor mineral poison. That it is a speclue for Indigestion, bllliousuess, Coostliiailou, and many complaints of nervous origin, we have reasou to know ; aud we are as surwl on good authority that as a general luvigo rat, regulating aud purifying uiedlciue, it has uo equal. It U statod that its ingredients, (obtain ed llom the Willis of Callforuiu.'k are nr tn Ilia medical world aud its extraordinary eUucts cer tainly warrant the conclusion that it is a com pound of ageuts hitherto unknown. If popular! ty is any criterion, there cau be no doubt of the efficiency of the Vinboar Bitters, for tha ul. of the article is liatneuse and continually io- ereasiag. a6 tw. Supposed Infanticide. On Monday last, a man passing through the woods on tha Cameron farm, near town, observed that the ground bore the appearance of having recently been disturbed by a spade. Proceeding to Investigate the mat ter, be unearthed a box tn which lay the dead body of an Infant apparently three or four days old at time of death. The body was wrapped lu cloth and covered loosely with shavings. No clue exists as to tha person Implicated In the murder If murder It be. Miltontan. List of Letters remaining In the Bunbury Post Office, April 10, 1873 1 Mrs. Annie Ardor (Foreign), Mrs. Kate Blaln. Miss Jane Benette, John E. Barnacle, Mnmici Bine, John L. Benson, Cyras Cleno, John Deny, William Eldrcd, Thomas Emswellcr, Michael Kelly, Miss Emma Kerstctter, E. HofTmnn, Miss Mary Hellcn, Miss Sarah Gutchall, George 8. Lcnhart, E. 6. Lowe, Miss Belle Marts, D. P. Marshall (8), Mrs. Kate Keed, James S. Russel, Chanel Stluo, David C. Winebrene, F. Williams, C. M. Youngmau, Jacob Zlegler, Esq. A J. J. SMITH, P. M. Jotting;. It Is stated that old elder Is now made of sul pheric acid, sugar of lead and water. An act exempting the parsonage of the First Germau Reformed Church, at Bunbury, from taxation, has been approved by the Legislature. It will Interest thjse who have png noses "growing puggcr and puggcr every day," to learn that a machine has been invented which will give to thorn the finest Roman form. Injured Trees. Injured trees that have had their branches broken by winds or storms should have the damaged surface smoothly pared and covered with a coaling of shellac varnish or melted grafting wax to prevent the water pene trating and causing decay. Bad for Babrehs. Every day brings some thing new. Razors are to be laid aside, and shaving, In the proper sense of the term, abolish ed, and henceforth the hirsute growth on the lip, chin and cheeks is to be removed, not with soap, brush, lather, hot water and a keen edged blade, but by simply rubbing a piece of pumice stone over the bearded parts. We have not tried it, but the ScUttitflc American says It will do it. A letter bearing the following Inscription passed through the Willlamsport post office oue day last week i Sir, mystvr postmlster, Speed this to my sister j Her name, sure, Is Kilt Donyhoe. She's come over of late To the Dlllyware State, He Gorry I the town I don't know But ye'll find her a livin, With one Patrick M'GlvIn, Her husband lust fortnit' or so. Jist please now keep still 'Bout tho 3 bill In this same it's a token I'm well If there's the least bit of lhaven, Ye'd best be bclavea I'll tylegrutt Myster Crcswell ! Three of Them. With the sitting up "or sparking on Sunday night slipped into sweet ob livion the three first months of this leap year of love-muking, when it was anticipated that the ladles, having the whip hand and the inside track, would do a flourishing business to the matrimonial line j but up to this time these ex pectations have scarcely been fulfilled. To be sure, they have had only three months In which to work but still the time has been ample for a better display of results. Consummated matri monial contracts have not iucreascd. On the contrary, the marriage notice colnmns of most of our exchanges show a decided falling off from last year. Perhaps, like skillful raco-rlders, tbey are holding baek for the last quarter, when they will make a desperate dash and come off victors. Business Notices. The best of new Groceries are kept at J. O. Trimblo's. A new lot of goods has Just been opened at Trimble's. But your best Coffee aud Tea at Trimble's. The finest and Mackerel are found at Trimble's Grocery. All kinds of Canned and Dried Fruit will be found at Trimble's. EvERTTniNo in the Grocery Hue cau be pur chased at Trimble's cheap. No EgvAi.s Splendid Goods and Fashiona ble Scits made it.-The most complete assort ment of cloths, casrimeres, Ac, have been open ed at T. G. Nott's tailor store, on Third street. They have been selected from the best establish ments In New York mid Philadelphia, and sur passes all Mr. Nott's past efforts to select some thing that every one may lie suited. Everything of the latest style of gcntlemeu's goods for wear ing apparel now graces the .helves of this magnifi cent establishment. The prices too are such that evesy one cau procure a ncut serviceable article. These goods will be made up to order, equal to any manufactured in the cities, bile they will be much more serviceable. Call and see the fine assortment before purchasing elsewhere. Sprinq st'iTS are engaging the attention of J. F. Behuffer, merchant tailor, opposite the Central Hotel. He Is kept busy manufacturing them for fashionable young men. He has a spleudld stock of goods, and knows how to manufacture a good suit of clothes. Hams, shoulders, dried beef, und fish of the first quality are sold ut Trimble's. A laiuie assortment of boots and shoes are Just being opened at the Excelsior boot and shoe store of Win. H. Miller, on Market Square. He has a general variety to select from, and all of the lutcst Spring style. Call and see them. An Immense lot of Hat and Caps may be found at S. Faust's Hat store, on Market Square. All the beautiful new Spring styles are now open. Everybody cau be suited as he has a general va riety. More Furniture. Another new lost of Fur niture has Just beeu received at B. L. Ruuden bush's store, in Masoulc buildings. The sales at this establishment are constantly increasing, as new furniture is received every week. He keeps the best ussortiueut out side of the cities, and sells at reasonable prices. American Product Still Ahead ! W. M. Daugherty Is now using marble that Is superior to the Ilallau for monuments aud grave sloues. While Italian marble cracks in less than ten years, the Amerlcun has stood the led for over thirty years and found to stand our climate fur better than any foreign marble. Cull at bis shop, opposlto the Court House, aud see his as sortment. The prices have beeu greatly reduced. A Superior urtlcleof Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, and Corn Meal, is sold at J. G. Trimble's Grocery at a low price. A Fact worth remembering, that Weimer sells goods lower than the lowest. His stock of Dress Goods lu Silks, Merinos, Empress cloth, Sattlus, Plaids, Ac, Ac, are complete. Velvets and Velveteens 25 per ceut lower than former prices. Waterproofs of the latest styles und best uiuke. Ladles' Chlldreus and Gents' Furs. His assort ment of Shawls, embracing all the leadlug styles In the markets, which he oners at extremely low prices. Cull and be convinced that Welmcr's popular Cash Store is the place to secure bar gains. His stock of goods Is not to be surpassed by any In quuutlty, quality, or price. No trou ble to show goods. U&vlugjust returned from the New York mar kets, he Is prepared to offer extra Inducements to cash buyers. Special Notice. On Marriage Essays for Young Men, on Great Social Evils and Abuses, which iulerfcre will. Marriage, and rulu the bappiue of thou sands, with sure meaus of relief for the Erriug and I'ufortuuate, deceased and debilitated, bout In sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, Howard Association, No. 8, South Ninth ft' . - v.? . Vs. dflorae Monntaehe. MOUSTACHE. WHIBKEBS. MOUSTACHE. WHISKERS. MOUSTACHE. WHISKERS. If. E. Cor. Feb. 17,1878. Prof. St. Croix's French Com pound, tbe Great Hair Grower, will produce a luxnrlent Mou stache or Whiskers on tha smoothest face. Pleasant to use. Sent to any address on receipt of Fifty Cents. H. T. BOND, Chemist. Tenth and Cbestnat Sis., 1'lilla. -ly. TO THE SUFFERINU. The Rev. William H. Norton, while residing In Brazil as a missionary, discovered In that land of medicines a remedy for Consumption, Scrofula, Sorb Throat, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, and Nervous Weakness. This rem edy has cured myself after all other medicines had failed. Wishing to benefitlho suffering. I will send the recipe for preparing and nsing this remcdv to all who desire It VKEE OF CHARGE. Please send an envelope, with your name aud address on It. Address, Rev. WILLIAM H. NORTON, 676 Biioadwat, Oct. 141871. ly. New York Citt, itrraats. : On the 0th inst., by Rev. J. C. Clark, at tho residence of the bride's parents, Mr. W. B. Fur man to Miss Annie E. Torrinoton, both of Sun bury. Porktt fltparts. Banbury drain fc Produce Market. CORRECTED WEEKLT MT HII.B OERINOER. Grain Choice White Wheat $1 60 Best Amber, Winter 1 50 Corn 80 Rye 1 00 Oats, (3i lbs.) 60 Best Amber, Winter, per suck 3 00 " " " " bnrrcl 8 K Corn Meal, per cwt., 2 50 Pennsylvania Roll S5 Euos Pel -iozen 80 Meats Dried Beef, pel lb ....25fj:i0 Smoked Muttou 10(5. 13 Lard per lb 20 Fish Salt White FUh, per lb 15 " Trout " ifl Cod " . 8 Vegetables Turnips, per bushel SO Potutoes' " 75 Onions " " 1 00 Beans, " quart 15il8 Hominv, " " 13 Dried Fhuits Dried" Apples, per lb V2(k:M " Peaches, " 30(5(25 e NOTICE. A MEETING of tbe Biurd of Examiners, ap pointed by the Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas of Schuylkill county, to examine candidates for the office of "Mine lnspector" of the 3rd or Shamokin District, will be held In Pottsvillc, nn Monday the 8th day of April next, up to which time nil applications for the office will be received. By order of the Board. W. R. SIMONS, C. E. Seot. March 30, 1873.-31. Kntatc of John Mirharl, Deceaaed. NOTICE is hereby given, that letters of Ad ministration have been grunted to the un dersigned, nn the estate of John Michael, late of Lower Muhnnoy township, Northumberland county. Pa., deceased. All persons knowing themselves Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, aud those having claims to present them for settlement. II. M. lU'BB, Adininistratoi. Lower Mabnnoy twp., March 30, 1873.-fit. Agent Wanted for the New Work, OI K OiIII.imK.V i OR, How to Make and Keep them Healthy. 13 T At oisti s K. Gardner, M. D., Late Professor in New York Medical College. It treats of Amusements, Education, Physical Development, Diseases, Accidents. Marriages, fcc, imparting a vast amount of valuable infor mation conducive to tbe Health, Happiness, and Welfare of the Youug. Written In a pleasing style. It is exceedingly interesting, as well as In structive. Every Family should have It, and no Parent can afford to be without it. Send for Circulars giviug full particulars. DUFF1ELD ASHMEAD, Publlshur, 711 Sanson! Slrect, Philadelphia. TO IJOOK AGEXTS. MARK TWAIN'S SEW HOOK, "ROUGHING IT," Is ready for Canvassers. No book is looked for more impatiently than this, and ageuls will do well to get territory for it as curly as possible. Apply for Circulars and terms to DUFFIKLD A SUM KAD, Publisher, 711 Sanson) Street, Philadelphia. miloMs7 FANCY SILK GOODS, KID GLOVES, &c. 361 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Importers aa4 Jobber of Cord Ei&e ail Gros Grain Efflons, IN ALL COLORS AND WIDTHS, TSTMrmra and bonnet siles, TUBWOISE and VELOUHS, English Crapes, Crenadineo, Tissues, Laces, Edgings, WIUTli COTTON TltlH.TIlXGS. . HECK TIES. DRESS BUTTONS, iC. March 30, 1873.-3in. Eststle of George , leeesel. "VTOTICK is hereby given, that letters testa Ll inentary have been granted to tbe under signed, on the estate ol Ueorge Uses, late of the borough of Suubury, Northumberland couuty, Pa., deceased. All pel sous knowing themselves Indebted to said estate are requested to make Im mediate payment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. P. M. 8HINPL, F.iecutor. anbury, March , 187a.-t. A Haa i a I I I S 1 m i S J? E 1 g ri 3 , 1 5 i 5 O . i ; t - ' i : 8 q a s i 5 i EH ?5?S:s3s. s''! To Debilitated Forsonn, , To Dyspeptics, To Sufferers from Liver Complaint, To thosd having no Appetite, To those with Broken Down Conslltu tons, To Nervous Foople, To Children Wasting Away, oany with Debilitated Dilutive Organs, Or gvjf'ering cith any of th following A mptoms, which indicate Vitordered Liver Stomach, such as Con stipation, Inward Piles, Fullnoss or Blood to the Head, Acid ity of tbe Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Dli-gust for Food, Fullness or Weight In the Stom ach, Sour Eructatlons.Slnklng or Fluttering nt the Pit of the Stom ach, Swimming of the Head, Hur ried and Difficult Breathing, Flutter ing at thn Heart, Choking or Suffocat ing Sensations, when In a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficien cy of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, &., Sudden flushes of Heat, Burning lu tho Flesh Constant Ira aglnlngs of Evil, mid Great De pression of Spirits. Hoofland's German Bitters. A Bitters without Alcohol or Spirits of any klud. Is dltrercnt from all others. It is composed of the pure Juices, or Vital Ficivm-i.a ur Moots, 1 1 runs and Barks, (or as medicinally termed Ex tracts,) the worthless or Inert portions of the in gredients not being used. Therefore in one bot tle of this Bitters there is contained as much me dical virtue as will he lonnd lu several gallons of ordinary mixture. The Koots, vc. used in this Bitters are grown In Germany, their vital princi ples extracted ii: that country by a sclcutillc Che mist, and forwarded to tho manufactory in this city, where they arc compounded and bottled. Containing no spir.tunns Ingredients, this Bitters it free from the objections nrged agnlnst all Cill ers i uo desire for stimulants can bo Induced from their use t they cannot muke drunkards, and cnunnt, under any circumstances, have any but a beneficial eflcct. IIOOt'LAXO'N UERDUK TOXIC, Was compounded for those not Inclined to ex treme bitters, and Is Intended for use In cases when some alcoholic stimulant is required in co i nection with the tonic properties of the Bitters. Each bottle of the Tonic contains one bottle of the Bitters, combined with puree SANTA CKUZ RUM, and flavored in such a manner that tho ex treme bitterness of the bitters Is overcome, form ing a preparation hlirhly agreeable and pleasant to the pulule, and containing the medicinal vir tues of the Bitters. The price of the Tonic Is (1. 50 per Bottle, which many persons think too high. They must take into consideration that the stimulant used is guaranteed to be of a pure finality. A poor article could he furnislied at a cheaper price, hut is it not better to pay a little more and have n good article ? A medicinal pre paration should contain none but tho best ingre dients and they who expect to obtain a cheap compound, and be bcuctilted by it will most ecr tniuiy be cheated. IIooflHna'M German liittrrs, or HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, with HOOF LAND'S l'odopliyllin IM1I, will cure yon. They are the Greatest BLOOD PURIFIERS known to the Medical world, and will eradicate diseases arising from impure blood, Debility of the Disgestive Organs, or Diseased Liver, lu a shorter time than any oilier known remedies. THE WHOLE SUPREME COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA SPEAK FOR THESE REMEDIES. Wno WOt'I.D ask roa mork DlGXIFIED AMD Stronger Testimony I Hon. Geo una W. Wodwaiip, formerly Chief Justice or the Supreme Court of I'ennsyivanla, at present Member of Congress from Pennsyl vania writes : Fiiii.AnEi.ruiA, March 16th, 1RC7. I flud "nooOand's German Hitters" Is a guod tonic, useful In diseases of the digestive organs, and of great benefit In cases of rialillity, and want of nervous action in the system. Yours, truly, GEO. W. WOODWAiiD. Hon. Jamks Thompson, Chief Justice of the Su preme Court of Pennsylvania. PuiLADEi.rniA, April 28, 1S67. I consider "Hoolland's Germnu Bitters" a val uable medicine in case of attacks ol Indigestion or Dyspepsia. 1 can certify this from my expe rience of it. Yours, JAMES THOMPSON". Hon. Gr.oiiOE Shakswooo, J u alee of the Su preme Court of Pennsylvania. Pnii.AiiEi.ruiA, June 1, 18C8. I have found by experience that "Hoolland's German Bitters" Is a very good tonic, relieviug dvspcptlc sinptoms almoft directlv. GEORGE SHAUSWOOD. Hon. Il'm. F. Itogert. Mavor of the City or Buf falo, N. Y. Mayor's Office, Buffalo, June 22, 18C0. I have used "Hoolland's German Hitlers and Tonic" in my family duriug the past year, und can recommend them us an excellent tonic, Im parting tone and vigor to the svntein. Their life has been productive of decidedly bcnellcial ef- iccts. w.l. r, KUlitKS. Hon. Junto If. Wuod, Ex-Mayor of Williams port, Pa. I take great pleasure In recommeudlng "Hoof land's Geimuu Tonic" to any oue who may be allllcted witn Dyspepsia, l had the Dyspepsia so badly it was impossible to keep any food on my stomach, and I became so wcuk as not to be uble to walk half a mile. Two bottles effect, d a perfect cure. JAMES M. WOOD. REMEMBER THAT HOOFLAND'S GERMAN HITTERS, fintJ HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, Will Cure every Case of MAR ASMUS, or Wasting away of tho Body. REMEMBER that HOOFLAND'S GERMAN REMEDIES Are the medicines you require to purify the Blood, excite the torpid Liver to healthy action, and to enaVjle you to pass safely through auy hurdships or exposure. DR. HOOFLAND'S PO D OP II I'LL IN or substitute for Mercury Pills. Two Pills a Dose. The most Powerful, yet Innocent Cathar tic known. It Is not necessary to take a handful of these Pills to produce the desired effect j two of them act quickly and powei fully, cleansing the Liver, Stomach and Bowels of all impurities. The principal Ingredient is Podophyllln, or the Alco holic Extract of Mandrake, which is by many times more powerful, aellug und searching thau the Mandruke Itself. Its peculiar action is upon the Liver, cleaning it speedily from all obstruc tions, with all the rower of Mercury, vel free from thu injurious results attached to the use of Unit mineral. For all diseases, lu which the use of a cathar tic is indicated, these pills will give entire satis faction lu every case. They never fail. In cases of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia and ex treme coeliveuess, Dr. llooUiiiiu's German Hit ters or Tonic should boused iu connection with the Pills. The ionic effect of the Bitters or To ulc builds up the system. The bitters or Tonic fiuritics the Blood, strengthens the Nerves, regsv utes the Liver, und gives strength, energy and viiror. Keep your Bowels active with the Pills, and tone up the system with Bitters or Tonic, ami no disease cun retain the hold, or even assail you. Recollect that It Is DR. HOOFLAND'S GER MAN Remedies that are so universally used and highly recommended ; and do uol allow the Dri'Kgist to induce you to take anything else that he muy say is Just as good, because ha make a lamer profit on It. These Remedies will bu sent by Express to any locality, upon applica tion to the PRINCIPAL OFFICE, at the GER MAN MEDICINE STORE, ttSl AKC'H ST.. PHILADELPHIA. CHAS. M. EVANS, Proprietor. Formerly C. M. Jackson A Co. These Reme dies are for Sale by Druggist, HtorelMupers, ud Meditiue Dealers svery where. Grrantl Spring Opening AT S. HERZFELDER'8 Popular Clothing Store, Corner' Market and Third Streets, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Now on hand and roceivlng an enormous assortment of SPRING GOODS. 500 Business and Working Coats, 400 Dress Pants and Vests, 500 Business and Working Suits, M B5JrS Stilts HATS I CAPS to MEN ii BOYS. A grand assortment In this line. Including all tho verv latest Spring Styles. A large variety of ' i- BOYS HATS AND CAPS. Gents' F'upiiisiiiiig .S-oods. The Largest Assortment In this line to be found outside the large cities. sou ' s sk i 'ap s Calico from 75c np. White Dress Shirts from $1.00 up. Agency for the Celebrated QUAKER CITY and ECLIPSE FINE DRESS SHIRTS, evcrv oue of which is guaranteed a perfect fit. SHIRT BOSOMS, &c. Gents' Spring and Summer Undcruare. 500 Overalls and Overshirts made to order. Only tbi best material usoj and well sewed. Trunks, Valises, Satchels, Umbrellas, Walking Canes, aud numerous otlier artlclos. All the above goods will be offered at ex;tra,qiid jjvary PEid-is Buying only of tho largest and most reliable IIouvs. and for CASH only, nud doing by far the larpest business iu my line iu this part of the countrj', I am enablud to aull BETTER ARTICLES at Lower Prices than any of my competitors hcta or ele where. Call at the Large and Benutiful Store Room, Corner Market and Third Streets, SUNBUEY, PA. Sunbury, March 23, 1S72. ly. WAXTlCltt Agents for our new Id page paper the Contributor. Thiiteen depart ments, religious and secular. Kev. A. H. Enrle writes for it. tt.00 a year ; a 'J.O0 premium to each subscriber. For Acents' terms, address, n0-4w. JAMES 11. EARLE, lloslim, Muss. 'T)".vclioiHMiioy, or Soul 'liMrniiiiK- JL How either sex may fascimito and gain the love and ntreclions of auy person they choose, in stantly. This simple mental acquirement all enn possess, free, by mall, for 25 cents, together with a marriage guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, :e. A 'queer, exciting book, 100,000 sold. Address; T. WILLIAM & CO., 4-.v. Publishers, Phils. ACENT8 WANTED WOK p -, i !-tf an 1 --b: ' ''it . H't sr rfl .-i.-in w.-rfc fvor Himl.,1 Vr t' It. it; '.irn.l -. sr ft ni inif.7T"rt''NY.'' C:ic!nU.rh- .' -t hi" " hibsiiism The Ilest Paper ! Try It!! The Scientific Aiiiertrun Is the cheap est and befit illustrated weekly paper puMi-hed. Every number contains from into 1" original en gravings of new machinery, novel Inventions, itrldges, Engineering works, Architecture, Im proved Farm Implements, and every new dis covery iu l lieinistry. A year's numbers contain :'J pages and several humlicd engravings. Thousands of volumes arc preset vcl for binding and reference. Tho practical receipts arc well worth ten times the snbscrlptiou price. Terms, $a a year by mail. Specimens scut free. May Lie had a', nil News Dealers. 1'uteiltK obtained on the best terms. Models of new liiYCUtion.4 and sketches examined, and advice free. All patents ure published in the Scii nlillc Americnu the week they issue. Send I for Pamphlet, liu pages, containing laws and full directions for obtululng Putcuts, Address for Paper, or eoneeriilue patents. MUXN" A CO., 87 Park Row. X. V. Hianeh of- , See, cor. F. auj Till sis., Washington, D. C. at! il j AdinliiiMtrntor'M Xotlec. "VfOTICF. is hereby alien, that letters of Ad- i .iA ministration having been granted to t!i j uuderslgned, on the estate of Ciikiktiin Kei licii, late of Lower Mahanoy township. Nor-! thuinberluiid couuty. Pa., deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, nud those having claims to present them for settlement. j . n VILLI AM KEAB AC II, 1 Administrator. : Lower Mnhanoy twp., March 80, Isi'J.-tit. A l'itOFirABI.F. Bl.SIMSS. I.KiHT F.QV L TO tJAS, AT ONE-EIGHTH i Til K COST! Cunnoi be exploded. No chimney or wick used. Men desiring a Profitable Business, can secure ; the exclusive light for the sale of Dyolt's Patent , Curbou lias I.iuut Hmueis and Oil, for Counties and States. Write for Information or call on I M. B. DVOTT, I No. Hi South Second Street, Pbila., Pa. i N. H. Churches furnished with Chandeliers i and Lamps of every description, 25 per rent. ' cheaper Hum ut auy other establishment iu the j country. March 23, 1873.-3iu. I F.Mtuto of.tliruudu Kpatz, Iterensted. "VTOTICE Is hereby given, that letters of ad ministration having been grunted to the undersigned on the estate of Miranda Sputz, lute of lower Mahauoy township, Northumberland county Pa-, dereused. All pursous knowing themselves iudebted to said estate, are requested to make Immcjlalu paymeut, and those havlug claims to present them fir settlement. JOHN M. LENKER. AdmluUtrato-. Lower Mihauoy twp.. March 3, lBTi.-ot. state of Rachel Hoover, I.ato of Jacknon townahip, deeeaaed. "VTOTICE is hereby given, that letters of Ad JJN mlulstration have beeu granted to the un dersigned, ou the estate of Ricukl Hoover, lute of Jitrkson township. Northumberland county, Pa., deceased. All persous indebted ls said es tate are requested to make immediate payment, aud those haviug churns to pressut thsat for st tletuenl. Z. T. HOOVER, Administrator. Jackson twp., March M, I8T2.-1. A Valuable House and Lot for Sale. TTIF. undersigned offers nt private ssle, his In rue BRICK DWELLING HOUSE and Lot, with nil the necessary outbuildings, situate on the Southeast corner of Walnut and Third streets, Sunlmry. l'.i. The house is nearly new und well llni-hed and contains nine rooms. A guild cellar, .Vo:. Il is well ral"iilated for a resi dence, and would bean admirable business stand for a store or hotel. Tills property will be sold al a reasonable price. For terms, Ac, apply to MICHAEL II.UIKE. Suubury, Jan. 27, 187-'.-f. AI! IMSTKATOK'S NOTICK. F.Mute orilenry Hopper, Dercasied. Notice is hereby given Unit lelteig of Adminis tration have been irranled to the uudersigned, on the of Henry ll.pper. late of the Ho ronirli of Siuiluuy. Noi thumli.'rlnnd county, Pa. deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those lia iiin claims to present them duly authenticated for setilemcul. T. II. MOORE, Administrator. Bunbury, Feb. 24, 1S72.-CI. V AUD. No. 002 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PHILADELPHIA. MESSRS. CALDWELL A CO., DESIRE TO CALL ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO THEIR DO PARTMENT OF SOLID SILVER WATCHES. POSSESSING SUPERIOR FACILITIES THEY WILL III-: ENABLED TO PLACE BEFORE CfSTOMEP.S, IN ADVANCE OF THE GENE RAL MARKET, ALL THE NOVELTIES AND ' IMPROVEMENTS IN SII.VFR GOODS AS RA PIDl.Y Art PRODUCED, VERY PARTICULAR ATTENTION BEING GIVEN It) THE SPB CI ATI I. S OK BRIDAL AND OTHER PRESEN TATION GIFTS. 'I HE STANDARD OF SILVER LONG EINCR ADOPTED BY I HEM IS THAT OF ENGLISH sTI'.KI.ING.U'jr, .IOOOtiis FINE, TIIK yl'ALITT OF EVERY ARTICLE SOLD BEING STRICT LY GUARANTEED. ATTENTION IS RESPECTFULLY DIRECT ED TO i HE UNVARYING 1,1 SINKSS POLICY OF THIS HOUSE IN REG ARD TO THE FIRM LY ESTABLISHED SYSTEM OF FIXED PRICES, WHICH WILL HE RIGIDLY AD HERED TO IN ALL CASES, SECURING TO PURCHASERS, FAIRNES AND EQUALITY IN EVERY TRANSACTION. POI.IIE AT I EN HON MAY BE EXPECTED BY ALL WHO FAVOR THEM WITH A VISIT. ORDERS AND INQUIRIES BY MAIL, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. J. I!. tU lHVI I L & CO. Feb. 10, 1S7J. A 1. 1: c t i' it i: TO YOUNG MEN. Just Published, lu a Scaled Envelope. PilceCcU. A I.i-clurc ou the tit tire, Treat ment and Radical Cure of Spermatorrhea, ol Seminal Weakness, luvoluntury Emissions, tcx ual Debility, und Impediments to Marriage gen erally : Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits i Mental and Physical lneupucitv, re suiting from Self-Abuse, Ap. lly ROBERT J. CULVERWELL, M. D., Author of the "Green Book," Ce. The world-renowned author, In this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experieueu that the awful cousvqucucet of Self-Abuse may be t'llt'cluaUy removed without medicines, any without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rlbgi, or cordials, pointing nut a mode of cure nt once certain and elteciiml by which every sullerer, no matter what his condii tiou may b.', may cure hiinsolf cheaply, private-. Iv nnd radicallv. THIS LECTURE WILL, PROVE A BOON TO THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS. Sent under seal, to any address. In plain seal ed cuvelopo, on the receipt ol' six eeuls, or two postage stamps. Also, Dr. I 'alv. ru all's "Mar riugf Guide," price cents, AiUless the PutK lubers. CHAS. J. C. KLINE A CO.. 1S7 Bowery, Nts, York, P. p. Box, ,5tsJ, Jaa. Sn, lr, . . .