THE SUNBURY AMERICAN. IS rtJBLISHEO srttRT SATURDAY by EM'L WILVERT, Proprietor, Moon A PUsId jar's Building, Market Square, At 91.50 In Advance. as nut lliiu niimu .(. Sitiirii'iifi fiiJ-fn for iie Jlinfi. i .. -.. i w . , - ContvncTKTt wltli tills establishment li an exten slreNEW JOB OFFICE, containing a Tnrlcty of plain and fancy typo equal to any establishment n the Interior of the State, for which the patron ego of the public Is respectfHlly solicited. ..... .-'4 Jrofcssionul. . M MM. MM m&s7B- . rw mm n i A mi A TTORNEt; COUNSELLOR, Sa..'pfnee til XV the Clement Biuiuings, second noor. in trance on Market street, Siinbury, Fa. Sunburv, March 10, l72.-ly. W)l. J. WOI.TGRTOH, -Attorney a Law, ofllcc.'Uoor No. 5, 2nd Boor, Haupt't Block, near Miller's Shoo Store, Sutibury, Pa. March 2Mh, 1871. ly. Sll. IlOYl'.K, Attorney nt Law. Nos. 2 ami , Beeood .Floor .Brlfrht' pnlldln?. finnbilty, Pa. Professional business attended to.ln theconrts of Northumberland and adjoining ouctles. Claims nromptly collected. Consulta tion cau be had in the (ierman language. . March 25th, 1B71.Ili ; ; .,, . ,-r i J. JIAKKI.E CO,' Market Street, 8UNBUKY, PA. Dealers In Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnishes, Liquors, . Tobacco, Cigars, Pocket Books, Dairies, Ac. St. WOLVEUTOV, Attorney at Law. Market Square, SUNBURY, PA. Profession al business in this aud adjoining counties prompt .y attended to. CA. iTcniKXNXYIfER, Attorney at Law, bUSBURT, PA. All business en trusted to his cure attcuded to promptly and with diligence. apl27-67 C. i. ItltUNBR. L. H. RASE. BIllXEK H ASP,. Attorneys and Coun sellors at Law, SUNBURY, PA. CMltee on Chestnut street, west of the N. C. and P. A E. Railroad Depot, in the building lately occupied by F. Lazarus, Esq. Collections and all profess ional bnsiuoas promptly attended to in Nurlliuui. herland and ailjolnin;; ..,uiics. npUO-O'J j HM. 91 ANNEIt, Attorney at Law, 8UN- BURY, PA. Collections attended to In the counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia nnd Lycoming. npllu-ti'J AN. lilt ICE, Attorney at Law, Sunbnry, Pa. Office in Masonic Hall Building. Collections of claims, writings, and all kinds of It pal business attended to carefully and with dispatch. . IjAprll 8, 187L ly. 0. W. MEOI.IK. I.. T. ROHHIUCIt. IIECiLEK A KGIIRUACII, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office In TTanpl's Puildintr. lately occupied by juue rtocKeieiier unci l.. t. itouruncli, .-). Collections and all prolepalnnal business promptly attended to la Hie Courts of Northum berland and adjoining couutiM. Dee. SI. 1S71. fan)s. no.11,1 COALI COM! GRANT BROS., Shippers and Wholubdle uud Retail Dealer In W1I1TK AND RED ASH COAL, SUNBURY, PA. i (lowdb wn.vr.r.j Iztf" Sole Agents, westward", at the celebrated j Bonry Coal. Janl'J-wt j w. s. a no ADS. J. I'AOKI'.B liiAS. i "VXT KHOADS CO., If KETAII. DBAI.ERS or j ANTHRACITE COAL, 6UNBURY, PENN'A. ! Omcu with Haas, Faohlt Jt Co., j Orders left at Seusholt A Bro's.,olitco Market ' tr;t, will receive prompt attention. Country 1 Feb. 4, 1671. tf. EXCHANGE EIVI.UY. J. M. BARTHOLOMi:r, I'koi'Riktoe. FOTRTII BTREET, ABOVE MAP.XET, 8unbury Pa. rpiIK best of riding aud driving horses always jL. ou hand to serve customers. Orders left at the Central Hotel, for vehicles, wlil receivo prompt attention. Nov. S. 1870. anthracite" coa L ! VA1.ENTINE DIETZ, Wholesale aud Retail dealer in every variety of ANTHRACITE COAL, UPl'EU WHARF, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Al! kinds of Grain taken in exchauge for f oal. Orders solicited and flile't promptly. Orders lull nt S. F. Nevin's Confectionery Store, on Third Street, will reelcve prompt attention, and money retipted for, the s line as at the oliii c. ItENTSNTKY. CliOKGE M. UEXN, Jt Dimjisoix's lluildiny, Murktt S'lunre, SuynfRT, Pa., 1 prepared to do all kinds of work pertaining to Dentistry. He keeps constantly on hum! large' assortment of Teeth, and other Dental; mateiial, from which he ",vill be able to suleet, , and meet the w.-wits of his enstom ars. I All work warrauted to give satisfaction, or clue ! ths money rafanded. The very ben Mouth Wasli .-.r.d Tooth-Powders j kept ou liunl. j His references arc the numerous patrons for j whosn he has worked for tin lal twelva yrtrs. Sunburv. April 21, 1871. : NEW COAL. VARIK THE undereigned having connecte I the Coal j business with his extensive Fl.OL'll & GRAIN I trade, is prepared to supply families with the ! VERY BEST OF COAL, j CHEAP FOR CASH. 1 Ffg, Stove and Nut, constantly on hand. Gruiu taken in exchange for Coal. J. M. CADWALLADER. Buubury, Jon. 15, 1S70. if. CA Kill AGE 91 A X C FACTO It Y, SUNUUnV, l'EXX'A. J. S. SEASHOLTZ, "1TOULD respertfnlly announce t tho cltl t y zeua of Sunliury and surrounding country, that he is prepared to mauulacluro nil styles oi CnrriugcM, Iluiticsi, Ac, at ills new shop on east Market slreet. He will furnish every description of Wagous, both I?LAIN AND XANCY. lu short, will make everything In his line from a Urst-class carriage to a wheelbarrow, warianted to b made of the best uud mot durable materi als, and by the most exerleueed workmen. All work sent out from his establishment will be found reliable In every particular. The patronage of the public is olic!trd. J. S. SEASHOLTZ. Buubury, Nov. 1, '71.-1.V. J. W. AVASIIINCTOX'S GRAND RARItEU SHOP. The old permanent shop of the town. We decline the boast, but nt the tame lime onslder that the mighty truth uiavjlie seasona bly spoken without manifesting an uucoml'orta ble amount of vanity and ambition. Just twenty yearn ntro I began my bnsluess career iu this place half my lifetime, thus far speut, hare I stood upon the floor of uur shop day ufter day, ami uight utter ulglil, uud applied the sharp blup gleamiug steel, and within that elap.e of time embraced by the mighty fold of that eventful period have I shaved nearly every body In the country (lu common parlauee) aiid to oblige the public interest we herein publicly announce to our patron old and new that we re ready to shavu them all a;aiu three huudrcd thousand times or more. Come when you please, jutr iu Wm is the max im we are always ready to', work, foreuoou or afleruoon, to shave you, linir cut you, ahumpoo you, whisker dye you, or perfume, cuuib aud ar range the hair with artistic skill, In the "water fell" or water raise style to suit the customer. We work to please, not please to work. ' Stop, don't go past our slo;j to tfet thaved on h basis of ability because w da It as well us ft mu be don or cvnr could be. A chance is all I hut w Jrtnatid To give ths pr.utf tw hi hvid, A few r ahove p oM, nya.r M trktl llfjt , li? TO 1 :JU nsit ntllnliol In 1SJO. PRICE 91 BO IN AOVAM'E. iotcls atitr ilcstitimmts. ItEENE IIOTEfu, (panjiiBtT totn iiot,, ' - :v ""TM." REESE, ProirIctor. Shamokln. Tn. This house has been refurnished with nil the latest Improved furniture, by tho present proprietor. Every attention paid to the comfort 6f truest s. Shamokln, March 23, 187?.-ty. I.EE(alIEN V IIOI'NE, A. BECK, Proprie tor, Nos. SIS and S14 Market Street, above, eighth, PHILADELPHIA. Terms,. 2 per day. He respectfully lollcits your patron age. " JanU'72. J- A I'lEKRE 1IOESE, Broad and Clieu J nut sts., Philadelphia, J. B. BUTTER WORTH, Proprietor. Terms per day, 3.00. April 15, 1871. lj r. BYRRLT. 1. O. BOWEn. 'UNION IIOUNE," LYKENS, DAUPHIN COUNTY, PENN'A., BYERLY BOWER, Proprietor. ' The table Is supplied with the best the market affords. -Good Btabling and attentive ostkrs. May 20, 1S71. , hvERiiVS iioti:e, JOSIAH BYERLY, Proprietor, Lower Maha noy township, Northumberland county. Pa., on the road leadine from Georgetown to liuiou town, Smith Inn. Trcvoiton PnltsTllle, &c. The choicest Liquors and Segars nt the bar. The tables arc provided with the best of the sea son. Stabling large nnd well suited for drovers, with pood ostlers. Kverv attention paid to make guest comforta ble. Nov. li, ian.-iy. VrAT0's'A,'J IIOTEE. AUGUSTUS WALD, Proprietor, Georgetown Noith'd County, Pn., at the Station of the N. C. R. W. Choice winca and cigars at the bar. The table is supplied with the'best tho market allbrds. Good stabling and attentive ostlers. lT7-ASUIXTON IIOI'SE, C NEFF, 1 Proprietor, Corner of Market A Second Streets, opposite the Court House, Banbury, Pa. Mny!28,'70. HCMMEJL'N RESTA1 RANT. LOUIS HUMMEL, Proprietor, ! Commerce Ft., SHAMOKIN, PENN'A. I ITavlng just redtted the above Saloon for the I accomodation of the public, is now prepared to ! servt "its friends with the best icfreshments, and ; fresh Lnger Beer, Ale, Porter, and all other tnalt i quors. J. V A L E II ' S WINTER GARDEN AND IIOTEE .Hui. 720, 722, 724 A 727 Vint .St., miLADELPHIA. WINTER (! aTdEN HOTEL, (OK THE ErilOI'EAX tlak) Centrally located, connecting with all the City Passenger Railway Cars, from all the Deots In tho City. Excellent Accommodations) Tor Tra vellers. Grand Vocal and Iuslmmeutal Concerts every evening in the Summer aud Winter Garden. ZS Orcliestrion Concert Eviry Afternoon. n.1E IADIE3' IIRSTAURAST TUB BEST OF UKI'liEHUSIKSTS SERVED. Oillre of J. Valer'a Fountain Park Brewery. Juue 4, lS70.-ly. t - . - - . - LHil'OK ST O li i: ! CHRISTIAN NEFF, . Second Street, opposite the Court House, SUN BURY, PA., Respectfully invites the attention of Retailers and others, that ho has on hand, and will con stantly keep all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LlyUORS, Consisting of Pure Braudis: Coguiuc, Cherry, Ginger, RocluUe and Otard. Whiskies: Pure Kye Copper-HIstlllad, Monntl. gahelu, Api'lc and Ne'.-tar. PURE HOLLAND GIN I Wines: C!ia!.:.a-uo Wiue, Sherry, Port and Claret. Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. E. Rum, Brown Stout and Scotch Ale. 8TOMAC1I AND BAR BITTERS, And all oilier Liquors which can be fonnd in thu city markets, which will bo sold at Whole Kalo uud Retail. Every article guaranteed us represented. Also, a large lot of.. DEMIJOHNS and BOTTLES, always ou baud. l'-y Orders promptly attended o, and public patronage respectfully solicitej C F.FK. Eunbury, July 3, 1-S09. ly. JACOll 8II1PMAH. lllOMPeON DftlR. Eire, 1. 1 To uud Accitlrut .fJSURAfJCC: AGENCY or SHII.n.N A DERR, MARKET STREET, SUNUUKV, PA. COMPANIES REPRESENTED. N. American, l'hiia l"lplila, Assets, New York, i Enterprise, j Manhattan, : N. American &2U,U)5 1, uus,tita 80-J.570 1.65tl.l30 H82.1S0 750.1X10 8,0110,003 4,001,000 2, b.r.,731 4,.r)lfi,3'J 2.541.210 1,027,010 l,SJil,oO'i 020,100 ,Srt5,'22 S5I.100 SrtS.'.'Ol 7,300,000 I l.orillard, " j Yonkers AN. York " 1 ilanover, " I Imperial, London, I Lycomiug, Muucv, ! Franklin' Philadelphia, Home, New York, I Hartford, Hartford, I I'hojiilx, " Truyelers, Farmer Ins. Co.. York, ,N. liritish Mercantile Nommercc, New York, Corwich, Norwich, New England Mutual Life, BEEF, PORK, POULTRY M FRUIT i EMI'OUIIM, lu C. DaliUb' stt re room, tw o doors east of Blight's Building, Market S'iiare, .SUXBUKV, PENN'A. Having lilted up a room two doors east of Welt r.el's Store, the undersigned has opened a Meat Miop in connection wiib bis stand ou MAHKET DAYS, where he will kerp on baud the best of Uecl, Pork, Veul uud Poultry ' of every c"esei iption. Turkeys, ficose, Ducks, CUU kcns ready dressed, aud put up in regular style of city markets, ALSO, llutter, Erkh, I'otaioest, A llt'M, and Frnits of all kinds, all of whiiU will be sold at tho lowest Market Prices. The citizens of Buubury are invited to call and etumiuo for themselves before purchasing else where. A full assortment ou baud every market morning. HENRY NEUEK. Dec. 9, 1871. DUES GOODS. FALL AND WINTER STYLES, now open at MIS KATE It LACK'S STORE, Market Bounce, SUNBURY, Penu'u., LADIES' DRES3 GOODS A SPECIALTY. SiU Poplins, Dress Trimmings, Embroideries, .. Notions, Jcc. . . Gents' Collars, Neek-ties, Half-hose, Husdker. chief aud Gloves. Ptrf uuiery, Tuiie Soape, Jjulr Bru.hes.Combs, etc. An Invitation It extended to all to call and se cure bargains. Nov. 4. 171, SUNBURY, PA BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL JR. JOnNSTON, Physician of thla celebrated Institution, has discovered the most certain, speedy, pleasant and effectual remedy In the world for all DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. Weakness of tho Bark or Limbs, Strictures, Affections of Kidneys and Bladder, Involun tary Discharges, Impoteney, General Debili ty, Norvousness, Dyspcpsy, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitutiou of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels these tcrriblo Disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth those secret nnd solitary practices more fatal to their victims lliau the song of Syrcus to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes of anticipations, rendering marriage, Ac, impos sible. OCNO MEN especially, who hare become the victims of Soli tary Vice, that dreadful aud .destructive habit which annually sweeps to nn untimely grava thousands Of ymirg man of the most exalted talcuts and brilliant intellect, who might other wise have cnUr.ioed listening S"nate with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstacy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE. Married Persons or Young Men contemplating marriage, nwnro of Physical Weakness, (Loss of Proereative Power Impoteney), Nervous Ex citability, Palpitutiou, Organic Weakness, Ner vous Debility, or nuy other Disqualitlcution, speedily relieved. He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in Ills honor as a pentle muu, nnd confidently rely noon his skill as a Phy sician. . . ORGANIC WEAKNESS, IiupoteniT', Los of Power, immediately Cured and full Vigor Restored. This Distressing Affection which renders Life, miserable nnd marriage impossible is the penalty paid by the victim of improier Indulgences'. Young persons nro loo apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful couseqeueos that may ensue. Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lot sooner by those falling into improper habits than by the prudent T Besides being deprived the pleasnresof healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive symptoms to hot li body and mind arise. The system becomes de ranged, the Physical uud Mental Functions Weakened, Loss of Proereative Power, Nervous Irritability, Dyspejwia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion. Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of tho Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay anil Death. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. Persons ruined in health by unlearned preten ders who keep tliem trilling month after month, taking poisonous nnd injurious compounds, bliould apply immediately. Dlt. JOHNSTON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Lon don, Graduated from one of the moat eminent Colleges in the United States, aud the greater part of whose ifc has beeu spent in the hospitals of London, Pris, Philadelphia nnd elsewhere, has eileeted some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known j inauy troubled with ring ing lu the head and when asleep, great uervousuesa, beiug alarmed at sudden founds, bashfulucss, with frequent blushing, atteu lej sometimes with derangement of miud, were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who have lulnrrd theuiBclvns by improper indulgence aud solitary habits, which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for cither business, study, society or mar riage. Tiikse are pome of the sad aud melancholy effects produced by early habit of yonth, viz: Weakness of the Back and Limbs. Pains in the Baekand Head. Dimness of Sight, Loss of Mus cular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsy, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of Digentive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Con sumption, Ac. The fcarfnl effects on tho mind are much to he-dreaded Loss of Memory, t 'on fuslou of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion to Society, sclf-Distniht, Love of Soiitude, Timidity, Ac, are soinu of the evils produced. Thousands of persons of all aes cau now judge what is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming, weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having n singular appearance about the tyes, eo:'.:,UanJ symptoms ol consump tion. YOUNG MEN Who have Injured themselves hy n certain prac tice Indulged inwbeu alone, a habit frequently learned from evil com anions, oral s 'liool, tho effects o." which ure nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cure 1, reu Jcrs marriage impos sible, uud destroys both miuj and body, bhoilld apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope of his country, tho darling of his parents, should be snatebci from all prospects and injvineats of life, by the cousequciiec of deviating from tho path of nature and itululgiug in u curtain secret habit. Saeh persons mi st, before contemplating MARRIAGE, rellcyt that a bound miud and body ure the most necessary requisites to promote couuubiul happi ness. Indeed without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and tilled with the melan choly reflection, that the kappineej of another become blighted with ourowu. A CERTAIN DISEASE. Wlicu the misguided uud imprudent votary of pleasure finds that he has Imbibed the beeJ of tills paiuful disease, It too ofteu happens thai an Ill-timed sense of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, froiu education and respectability, can alone, befriend bun, delaying till the couMiuttional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased uoac, uoi tural pains in the head and iimbs, dimness of right, deafness, nodes on the shin bones and arms, blotches c ii the head, face and extremities, pro gressing with frightful rapidity, till at last tho palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose full in, and the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of commiseration, till death puts a perioil to his dreadful suffering, by sending him to "that Undiscovered Country from whence uo traveller returns." It is n melaueholy fact that thousands DIE victims to tliis terrible disease, through falling into the hands of Ignorant or uuski.lful i'RK- lfc.NUI'.K.-', who, by thu use of that deadly Poi son, Mercury, Ae., destroy the constitution, and incapable of curing, keep the unhappy snrterer month after month taking tliuir noxious or in jurious compounds, and instead of beiug restored to a renewal of Lite Vigor and Happiuess, iu des pair leave bint with ruiued Health to siU over his galling disappointment. To such, therefore, Dr. Johnston pledges him self to preserve the most Inviolable Secrecy, and from his extensive practice aud observations iu the great Hospitals of l".uioe, and the Urst in this couulry, viz: England, France, Philadelphia aud elsewhere, is enabled to oiler the most cer tain, speedy aud ell'eetuul remedy ill the wurld for all diseases of Imprudence. Dlt. JOHNSTON, OFFICE, NO. 7, S. FREDERICK STREET, Baltiuoke, M. D. Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner, Fai: not to observe name and number. No letters received unless postpaid aud coutaiuiug a slump to be used ou thu reply. Per sons writiug should stale age, uud send a puriiou of udviitisemenl describing symptoms. There aro so many Paltry, Designing and Worthless luipnstcrs advertising themselves as Physicians, trilling with and ruining the Leallh of all who unfortunately full lulo their power, that Dr. Johnston deems it necessary to say es pecially to those unucquniulcd with his reputa tion that liU Credentials or Diplomas always hang iu his ttfb e. . ENDORSEMENT OF THE PRESS. The many thousands cured at this Establish, nient. year alter year, and the numerous lui- JiorUBit buigical Operations performed by Dr, oliuitou, witueascd by the representative, of thu press uud many other papers, notices of which have appeared again aud again before the public, besides his standing as a gentleman of character and responsibility, is a tumcieut guarantee tolas adlleud. Shin disease spesdily eared, fsbmary 18, Wt.-y MiteMisrMM SATURDAY MORNING, 'APRIL 13, 1872. THERE IS LIUIIT UEYOND. Though yon stand beneath the shadow, Oh, do not be dismayed, But with bold, true heart press onward, Through tho darkness and the shade, To the light beyond. IIo who dwells deep In the valley, Only sees the tempest clond That obscures tho mountain snmmlt Willi its thick Impervious shroud, And the light beyond. Though yonr heart is bathed In 0rrow And despair, look far above ; You will see tho lustrous shining ' Of the stars of Hope and Lovo , In the light beyond. Through Dcall.'s dark, mysterious shadow We must pass, to roach heaven's light J Then sad hearts, why still keep pining To grope hole In worldly ulglit, When there's light bcyOnd t Auditor's Report of tho Financ es of North'd County for 1871. Kxpciiditiires niul Receipts ( f Northumberland County from the first day of January, A. 1)., 1SS71, to flic thirty first day of Deeemb t t f the fame year, both inelmivc: O.-ilers. KXPBKIllTf I1K3. 4 For Slate Tux for IS" I, ns per State T'reoanier's Report, paid out of County funds 7,7M 60 37 For Comt, Jurors' pay and Consta bles' Fictiirns to Session 4,734 76 40 Vor Constables' ami Justices' fees in Commonwealth cases '43S 1'8 55 For Cominonvcralth witnesses' costs 2,-5 1 f7 ',7 I'or Kod l'miiagcs U,153 5s 14 1 For Konds, liri.lges, Viewers psy and liiide Building 4,773 50 2 1 For (Vanity Commissioners pay : M K. Surlier CI 7 50 laiMian .Sn pp . fiS 00 Jacob Ilmisecker 075 00 A iuoh Vnsiinc fiS 'J5 4 For Jury Commissioner's pay 7'J 12 1 For County Auditors' pay 171 00 IS For Courthouse rc iiir 1.15 80 31 For Po-tiga, IVmtirg. HUnk Books nnd Smtioncry Sll 22 f-'i For Prison F.xpcnoi 2,253 M 11 For CiTOners" nnd Justices' Inquisi tions 329 ?5 1 Fi r Penitentiary Expenses for the year 1S0 1.309 S7 1 Ditto for the year 1S70 1.333 29 2 For Hospital Kxpenses 135 50 C7 For Assessor's pay and Registration Fxpeiises 2.712 94 10 For ction Expenses 799 02 41 For (aunt Crier's, Jankers and Clerk's pay 1,110 00 11 For Pre-secuting and other Attor ney"- fees 1,210 75 29 For interest on loans 2, IS'! 37 !:'.' For Fr x. Polecat and Mink Scalps 1,533 lift 2 For Fuel 270 7 1 For County IiiMiIutn 15 50 4 For lu'l'iniliug 1 (JO S9 1 For part payment of Comity indebt edness to J. F. Feidler, former Treasurer 1 220 00 1C For miscellaneous payments 355 21 20 For Outstanding orders paid 10,58s 19 Treasurer's Coinin-,:o on $.13,- 57 3.1 1,339 -tit For nd.litionnl payment on Smto T ax, as prreii:ipt f February 7th, 17 570 00 For S;ate Tax for 1!-71 as per Stale Treasurer's Report, unpaid 3,0i7 64 $" ,857 li !teeeg of F.xpeiHliiure llcceipts above $11,270 30 i:i:cr.irTS. By li received from ('ollee'.ors of Coai ty T'rtACs (tr s7 and previous years By cash received from ('Hliectors of Stale Taxes for 1871 and previous years By cash received fmm Collector of Bank Tax for the year 1S7! By cash received Aoni Court Fines', Costs, etc. Ily cash reeeiv.-d from .V. T. Forythe (Or Ueepini JaiM.b Grass By cash reeeivedXrom Lower AufiuMi for kcepint: llnuuail Savi le 4 1.077 52 1 ,5 '.'5 50 57U 00 197 -IS 121 50 25 lit) I 1,270 30 157,857 42 Kxcets f Kxpenilitures above Receipts 11,270 Join, F. Fiedler, Eo., former Treasurer of Nor- I tiiumberlaiid county, in account with the same fur the year 1871. DR. To amount ofan or ler granted end paid b him $1,220 00 To balance due him 930 til 2.15J CI CR. Ily an:t not due him on settlement ns per luM Auditor s report, Feb. 1S71 2,101.1 ci 2,150 01 Balanco iluo former Trraurer if :'.') 01 Georjio MeEliece, F.sii., Treasurer of Noitbuuilier land county, in nccom t with the same from the first day of January, A. D. 1S7I, to the 3 1st day of December of the !.anie year, both days inclus ive, repeclin(! lounty and Plate taxes, eta. DR. . ' To Bilaiica in hands of Treasurer as j pei lu't Auditor t report $11,320 41 j To amount ol outtnndinj County lax i for lS70and previous years 41,121 0'' To amount of County iluplieates for 1S71 f,0,0H0 tS I To a no T.t r.f out-tandins Sta'e tax for 1S70 an, I pn-vious years 2.843 40 To ain't of Sinte duplicates for lN7l 2, 315 09 To ca-h received Irorn collectors of hank tax for the years 170 and 1871 1,M0 HI To uinount reeeived from sundry per mits ns loans to county 5,0GO 'j0 To amount received for court fines, costs, etc. 197 48 T cali received frcin W.T. Forsythe lor keeping Jacob lirass 121 50 To cash received from Lower Atiyuila for keeping Hannah S.ividgo t5 0C ... $115,450 20 Baiauce In bands of Treasurer $S.lb0 62 CR. By error in last report charging him witii cuah received from inilitiu fuiul 135 Of By niu l of ou!iun.liii county taxes on the llrst day of January 1872 ' 44,523 67 liy ain't of txoiieiation allowed col lectors ' 1,59.' 17 By ainoiinr of commission allowed eol- lectors 2,1 11 WO By amount of outstanding stute tax on tb" first day of January 1H72 3,472 52 By amount of axonerations allowed collectors . 35 03 By conunUinn allowed collactors 15 38 By ain't id' county orders paid iu 1671 53,578 39 By Treasurer's coiiiniiss oii ol V pal cei l, on 53,7B 32- 139 48 Balance 8,40 02 $113,450 20 Ceorp MeEliece, Esq., Treasurer of Northum berland county in account with the same, res. peeling State lax on personal property foi the year 1871 and previous years, settled in his ac count respecting county ami state taxes, etc. DR. To amount of outstanding statu tax I'or 1WT0 and previous years $.H3 40 To amount of state tax duplicates Tor 1871 2,345 t9 $5,188 40 Balanco received hy Treasurer 1.593 56 CR. By1 amount of stnte lax outstanding tn the first day of Jnnunry. 1N72 . 3,472 52 By exonerstions ttl'owcd collectors for 1871 nnd prev'mits years 33 03 By commission allowed ooliectori for 1871 and previous years 85 5S Balanco 1,59.1 5U r,lk'H 4 9 (Jrnigr- Meniere, Ks., Treasurer bf Kortliurnber land county, in aceount with the same, respect ing state tax on national bunk stuck, for tin) year 171, settled iu bis account respecting county and stuto luxes, etc. , . DK. ' To nuiount ol (luplieati! lor First Na tioiial Bank tifSunbury fiOO CO To nmouM of duplicate for National Iiank of Northumberland 300 00 $'.00 00 Fa'anco rectiyed by Tteiistirer CR. By amount of taxes outstanding on duplicate, fir National Lank ol Nor thumberland By comniissioh allowed collector for First National Bank of Surrbiiry Balance $570 00 300 00 j 30 00 i 570 CO j U0 00 I Goorge McF.lirce, Ksrp, Treasurer of Northum berland county, in account with tho .Militia Fund of the same, for the veins 1870 anil 1871. DR. To amount in bis bunds as per Inst Auditor's Report 135 00 To amount of duplicates for 1S70 our standing on the lirst day of January 171 1.977 00 To amount ol Duplicatu for 1S71 1,459 ell Balance in hands t f Treasurer 87 07 CR By amount of Militia Tax I'or Ifc70and 1 871. outstanding on the lirst day of January, 1S72 SS.'-"'2 95 By exonerations nllowe I Collectors 591 So Hy commission allow ed Collectors 31 95 By enh aid Militia oflieers, by order of Militia Board, as per receipts 591 (O By Treasurer's commission rn $V.'7. 78 S 98 Balance 87 07 $3571 00 Oe.-irg MeF.liece, F.s i , Trennrer orNurtliiniiber- land county, in account with the Treasurers of j School Itiard. fjuperviitors of Roads and Over i soers of l'o.-r of Townships, respecting Taxes on j Seated and Uuteated Lands for the years lt,f,S ' and 1 (!)'.. DR. j To balane in Lands of Treasurer, as I per lust Auditor's Kepcrt 331 3S $334 3r( Balance in hands of Trenurer CR. I By mut'iint paid township olTicers, per receipts Balance 211 91 $334 3S (leorce MeF.licen. F.sq , T reasurer, in account with Northumberland county, for the year 1871. DR. To balance due on county. State and National Bank tnxes for the year '71 nnd previous years 8,150 02 Balance due cc; inly CR. By additional amount 'aid State Trea surer, a per his receipt ol Feb. 7, '72 Balance $180 '2 Outstanding Taxes for Yt:it. 1S05 lSOO 1S67 I Coi.i.KCTou's Names. Withinctoii LaUu Charle Martin John rmydcr Philip Frank :S. V. Snyder John Snyder John Lynch D. Kuoeble I Philip Frank Samuel Sees Philip Winler.-ieii , iThomas Miller 'Charles Ililliard . 'Frank Bower John Kissinirer Harmon Snyder 'Joseph F.Ucly James tiotslcr Aaron Troxel Knoeh Kvcrt 'Ileujamin llolliiian lk-n. Stahlnecker S,.80 f,.' $7,9 I i) 02 j i fi70 no ; 7,910 02 ... Shamokln Borough ... Sunhury ... Viiiton ... tapper Auiiit.i .. f 'mneron ... Milton ... Coal Township ... s'lamokin Township.. .. I'pper Autruta ... Delaware ... Wiitsoutown ... Point ...Turlmt ... Zerbe .... Jordan .... Shamokin liornilfrh .. ... Hiinbury ... N'ki thuiubcrlaud .... Chillis!iiaiie Wiilsontowu ... Delawaro ....Lewis 1W 1 Still 170 J. B. lvuiss I'pper Abraham Kekuiau Rush. J. T. llepner Harmon Snvder Thonias .1. Iltirk Isaac Mollister Frank ltoer J. 11. Kautlinun Joseph Finely ;Jame6 Gossler i William (irady I Aaron Troxi l, IJobn .lll!rrove jThoinris Knrchner... 11. D. Mowrcr Juniin Arthur l'eter Wajrnor K. L. Mulchiu 'William Cooncr ' Martin Oass IWilliatn Johnson lUooritu llarllelu . l'utnek Ready I Andrew Marliu Uuae Ilollistur 'j. II. Kaiill'inan j A. It. Treon IK. S. Zortmau !C. K. Weikd...., Kliaa blmtle.i' Joliu Sputz i. Michael Downey jl). Z. lfaker Ilsane D. Dewitt... ... Harrison Henry Miamokiu . Miamokiu liorouli .. Coal . Mount Cariuel Borough ..Zerbe .. Upper Muhanoy .. Smibuiy . Noiiliuinbei'lau I ..Point . Cliillisqiiaqtid ... I Millon ..iTlllbllt . Delaware ,.. l.ewia .. Turbulville . ;McKwetisvlllo ..jWntsonlow:: .. Upper Augusta ..;Kush .. rshainokin Township .. l.'oal Township ... Mt. Curuiel Tow nhip...., 'Mt. Crniel Borough I'pp'r Mahanoy ..." ..'Washington ... 'Jackson ... I'umerou ...Jordan ... Lower MaU.iuoy , ,.,'Zerbe ... Little Mahanoy ... Lower Augusta .' ... SUamoklu Borough ik;i Those marked with a bare sluce paid. VF. llie umlerslitneil. Auditors cf Northumber land County, Suite uf I'ennsylvauia, dp certify that in pursuance of the 17ih section of the Ai l entitled -an Act rcitulatinjt Counties and Town shitis," parsed the 15th day of April, A. I), IS 11, we mei al the Caimiiissioner's 'llice, in the Borough of Sunbury, on llie .11, t day of January, A. li, 1S72, nnd adjourned from time to lime, and did audit, adjust nnd settle tlio several accounts re quired of us by law, agreeably lo the several Acts of Assemb'y and supplement thereto, according to the best of our judgments and abilities ; and we do fuuhcr certify, that upon due examination ef , New Merles, Vol. 4. No: 2.. Old Merlon, YoI.S2, No. 20, Statement of the' Fintinces of Northumberland county on the first day of January, 1S72. UK. To amount of outstanding orders for the) year 1871 and previous years $20.flOS 00 I o amount of an outstanding Bounty order issued in 180 i To amount of indebtedness to Stnte for S nte Tsxes unpaid, as per Siato Treasurer's Report To amount due J. F. Fiedler, former Treasurer Balance ' ' 723 00 3,087 CI 930 01 30,951 5H $5S,3()o 81 CR. Hy amount of nul.tnndinerniinty tnxes (or Ifl and previous years $14,01"? 07 fly amount of outstanding Stntrt taxes' for 1 87 1 and previous years 3,472 52 l!y amount ouiitstnnling Iiank slock tax for thr- year 1871 3U0 00 By amount duo from Geo. M'F.licce, Treasurer, on settlement 7,910 02 S."r,,3l.!5 81 F.xecss of County edness B'seti above indebl- f:o.t.'.i ,-,r, ('enrge MeKliecc, Fai., Treasurer of Nortlnuii berland Coumy, in a -eount with tlm Coiionon weallh of I'enrisylvania, t 'spcctiiig Lieenii's, from tlie lirft day of Jniv-nry, A. D, 1K7, to the 31st day 4 December, 1871, bollulays ineliisive. To amount received .'or Tavern Licen ses, for the year 1 H7 1 To amount received for Rcstaurrut Li censes, for tho year 171 To amount received for I.itpior S'o.-e Licenses f"r the year 1S71 To amount received from Retailer of Merckandise, Coal & Liunlier Yards. Urew, lies and liilli-ird Rooms, as per Mercer, tile Appmisrr's List, for the yar 1S7 1 $.',099 50 710 00 220 (;0 3,Ci91 50 $ i,75li H0 CR. By 5 er cent. Commission on $l,00O, 1 per cent, on tJI.UCO and percent on $91) 50 Tavern License By State Tr-n-iircr's Receipt i f Sept. 7th, 171. ou Tavern Licenses By State Treasurer Kecei;t of Feb. 7th. 1872, on Tavcin Licenses By 5 per cent. (Vuunissiuii on i-'.-iC- liest.-tnrant I.ieri'' s By State Treasurer's Rec i t,,f Sept. 7;h, Ih7l on lie. tanraut Lircns.-s By Suite Treasurer a Receipt of Feb. 7ib, 172,on Restaurant Licenses By 5 percent. Commission on $.25 Li'pior Store Licenses By State Treasurer's Receipt of Sept. 7th. 1871. on Liquor Store Licenses By State Treasurer's Receipt of Feb. 7th, 1872, on Lienor Store i. iconics By 5 per cent. Commission ou $1,000, 1 percent rn$!uuiiand prreeut. oirW ,01.5o -Mercantile Licenses By Mate Treasurer's R- i'eipt of Sept. 7lh, lt7l,nn Mereiiutilc l.ii'elises By State Tretisnier's Receipt of Feb. 7th, IS72, on Mercantile Liccn-cs CO 50 1.700 CO 339 1,0 37 00 C'JO iu iC;i 11 29.1 13 3.000 r. j'i " S'vo'J Oo Northumbei inn 1 County iu account C,ennonu'uti!i of Pciinsvlviniti, with T! re.-ipeetti S'ate and National B.iuk year 1 17 1. toek Tax, etc, for tho Pit. To balance due Comnunvenlth nn sclilcmeitt, for the yi.-ar 187.1, ns pi-r St ite Treasurer's Report To amount of Tax on persona! proper ty. a fixed by the Board of Reveuun Coinniissinneis fir llie year 137 1 To amount i f half mill lax, a- fixed by the !!o:u! of Revetun; Comiuissioi' ers for llie year 1 71 To ainciin: of interest a.-ciuad, as cliar,;nd by tl, Attorney General . 591 o2 4..'S 19 713 95 42 j 35 SI 1,99 1 II $3 'JS 7 01 8.2 S O Balance due the Commonwealth CR. By amount of puyinentj ma ! into State treasury by treasurer of Noi lliumberland County By Collector' and Treasurer's Com missions, a ailuwed by hiatc Tirns nrer Balance 021 3.1187 $11,9;"' I 11 1871, and Previous Years. Distuicts. BTATF. ! Cot'NTV. I MlI.ITIA. .1 $ 41 E..V 2 54 11 70, 44 52 177 13 55 07 199 27; leS 55, 199 It): 832 43, E33 02! 109 00. 333 33 10 uo 47S Ua' 1,1 '72 40; 105 7: 1,495 90! 741 M 1.230 37 ! M'.i 49: 1:71 31 1,731 05' 2, SOS 30. 314 US . I I.SnI .S 1,011 43, 955 19 2,9 s- 17 .'.113 03' 2.9S0 3.514 79. 2.115 05. 317 27, HS7 02, 6T0 27' 1 ,X5S 05' 1,115s 73' 1,407 06 i 1,579 14; 532 S3, 1, 120 20; 337 24, S71 (12 1 CS 01 i 5otl is, 003 23 1 1,413 40 1.049 01 ! 13l 111 757 55 K02 181 i- 3 29 I l'J 43! 1.'.0 32 119 3 123 71 lil l, CI Clli 11 94 ' li'.Vlii, i 1 7 f2 lot 511 5J h." 77 72 133 O.i! 21 .SI' as 9) 5 70 10 74' 75 01 1 IS 34 51 03 lt'9 M 23S 20 14U B5 101 51 100 2s 18 1J 75 9i; 34 4" TO 6S 97 93; l.;(5 43, K7 KJ VJ 03 ill 53' M 7jl 1.8 111 I 2 HJ, 27 92, .".l is I 133 bl 37 84 1 27 51 115 79 41 4S 2 's.) 07 S3 7S 3 33 M0 129 205 r.4 s 51 Augusta Township HI I W 70 51 29 50 31 00 KO 50 49 0,1 52 Oil 40 50 11 59 10 U0 13 5(1 13 li.) 54 51 70 00 Oj 51 V 50 l'JS 5) 44 50 27 50 30 5il 22 00 33 50 K ) IK I 5 00 19 00 01 50 . 71 5J i f 3,472 62 11,022 07 1 2,202 95 the expanse hooks, we find that the indubt edness of the County, in unpaid CiMiiuy ordns, is $.'0, 008.00; the balance ofindebteducrs to the Com. inonwealtli of I'ennsylvauia, in lieu of Slate Tuxes i $3,087.01 ; ;l,e balance due John I' Feidler, former Treasurer, is $930 01, an I the amount (,f an ontriidit)g Buiinty Order ine I in 1S02, is $7.25. In witness whereof we bare hereunto set our hands and seals n oliice nforcsuid, this lOili I day of February, A. D 1872. JASPKR HAl'CHAWAOT, JOSF.IH F.ISF.I.T. 3. M FOLI.MF.R. ft.. ADVERTISING SCHEDULE 10 LIncR, or about 100 Wordn, male a Sm"ar 1 8ii S Bq 81 4 8rj Vcot Xol l ool One week Two weeks Tbrea ' l.oo j. &: 2.wi, a.ofi n.oo n.oo is.ofl 1.S0 i.00j 8.60-1 4.00; IMH) 11.00 1R.00 o.rHu .ov;.t.00i .OO'IS.OOXO.OQ ;U.5U. 4.501 6.60; 6.00 IO.OO-l64KslW.60 ;2.75: 6.0j6.So! 7.001S.OO 17.00 25.00 3.0Q 6.7S!" 7.60 8.00 1 8.(W 18.0027. 50 ;8.25) 7.50; 8.60 9.00 15.00 20.00 SO 0 3.60j 8.O0; VAI.10.00 20.00 'J5.OO 40.OC ,5.0U 9.00 11.00 j2.0lJ 2H.OOlSi5.00 r,0.00 :6.(H fO.IHI IH.OJ'l.VOO 5.0U45.00!75.00 i.U0 12.00: JO.Ot) 00.10', 100 Four " Five Bix : T ro mo'a Three " Bix Nine One Year ancons. The Kcicnce oTAtl vercUlugr. Jittlicioits ndvcrtHnjv always pays. irvoti liavo ft good thing, mlvertise It. If you fiavnn't, don't. Largo type isn't necessary iu advertising. Iilind lolka don't rend ncwBjiapcrs. Don't bo afraid to invest in printers iuk , lest your sands of lift! be nearly run out. Never run down your opponent's goods iu public Let him know his own adm' tisin. .... Let your ndvcrlismcnts liavo something of the daeh iu them, without great exag geration. You can't eat enough in ono week to last you ft whole year, and you can't advertise on that plan either. It's ns true of advertising aa of anything else in the world if it is worth doing at all" it is worth doing well. Hand bills aud circulars arc good of their kind, but they cannot lako the placo of newspaper advertisements. Injudicious advertising is like fishing iv hero there's no fish, l'ou ucod to lot liurs fall in the right place. Xo bell can ring so. loudly as a good ad vertisement. People will believe what they see rather than what they hear. .Small ftdvenisemcnts, aud plenty of them, is it good rule. AVe were all babies once, yet we made considerable noise. When you advertise, soc that you do it on the same principal that you buy goods. (Jet the nioBl you can for the money. AVe don't recommend advertising as tho best way to get a wile ; but wo know that it is the best way to gvt a good trade. People who advertise ouTy once in threo months forget that most folks can't remem ber . anything longer than about seven days. If you can arouse curiosity by an adver tisement, it is a great point gained. Tho fair sex don't hold i'U tho curiosity in tho world. A constant dropping will wear a rock. Keep (hopping your advertisements on tho public and they will soon melt under it liko i rooK salt. I (Quitting advertising in dull times is liko I tearing out it dam because the water is low., , Either plan will prevent good times from i eve r coming. . I "Dull times," it is said, "are the best ; for advertisers." Because when money is j light, aud llio people are forced to econo mize, they always read thu advertisements I to ascertain who sells tho cheapest, aud j where they can trade to the best advantage- According to tho character or extent of j your business, ni t aside a liberal percen oo I 2', j 00 J 75 1,0 tage lor advertising. Keep yourselt un ceasingly before thu public : and it matter I not what business of utility you may be. engaged in, for, if intelligently and iudus- let i trious pursued, a fortune, will bo tho result.' : The man who advertises shows not only a business tali tit above his neighbors, but j he may be at onco reckoned among tho in : dependent, generous and public spirited . of the community. He who hides his light, j under a bushel, when such advantages as : those at pisent all'orded are so freely offer- cd him,' does not deserve to succeed. , Women tin rifclal Correspouileuts. I It is as special correspondents that wo ! men have won their chief sucet sa in jour ' nalistn. Ther.! is scarcely a paper of weight' uud versatility which 1ms not upon its 6ialV nt least one lciiunine corn spotidelit. AVo- nten is p'tr e.c Ik nee the letter-writer of her race. To every detail she gives a dainty ' charm a certain quality that strike ono as thu perfume of the sweet human tlovrer. ! Kvery one who possesses I he friendship of ' thoughtful, siiritucl'e women must feel tho , rejrret that often comes to me tho regret, i that their ersiiiial letters, full of tact, vi-, j vaeky, and humor, are not for tho world's i enjoyment. The cultivating gossip of Do S-viune, the modern graces of that most I trraceful writer, Kate Field, aro daily ri ; v.iilcd in private letters which but ono pair. , of eves probably ever scans. Lord Chester-. l'u hi s stately platitudes, U'alpolo's hau",h 1 ty ironies. Sydney Smith's sometimes vul ' wit, Charles Lamb's buoyant fun, havo : for years and years been cited as models of j epistolary excellence, iu meu. I'd kito , them all for that one letter, so delieiously. ' simple and naive, in which youur; Fanny ! IJurney describes her dinner with the great j Mr. lUako. i i New spaper correspondence makes a kind : of literary seventh heaven for a clever and ! larjro miuded womau. To find free apaco ! and appreciation for her written talk aro ; inspirations iu themselves. Her worst laulu me. haste aud carelessness in traus- cribiti lur impressions thus nllowiug ! sudden prejudices and iirefi tenees to stand. above her name as well considered judg ' m nts. The characteristic womanly di I liUe to method, will) tho necessity for "regular" h tU'is, must bear th3 blame of. this. I must confess that tho femiuino ; newspaper letters are occasional ones, lien ; nro much more even in correspondence,' f I 77 o i ; 50 ; 51 . ,VJ 50 50 ! 5 I ! 00 00 ! os no j (K) but what w tunc ii lack iu literary trust wottliiiu ss they more than make up iu pic turesqucness, naivete, cluti a vivid elasti city that bel.mes to them and thetu alone, "(lush" is in correspondence nil nmiablu fault. We can't afford to spare enthusiasm alto-ethtr, even if it. dues sometimes in crtuiiiuts praise or vague redundancy of expression. The modern journalist often' saeriliees literary art to much less worthy purpose. f J race tiroenwood's droll nnd picturesqua skelches, and thoao of Kate Field, nearly always acute, vivacious, and suicstive, arc examples of our best fe mini ue oewspa per coriespoiidence. Tho lastiug success of a woman iu this kind of work depend' very much upon her avoidance of the rock of small personalities a rock upou which correspondents loss cultured tnan thesa ar. apt to be quickly wrecked. Stliy iiison in Lvi il (' i'it.ry. Tin: Village MiiOKUAiiKR. Did you ever jjii to the village slnKmaker'8? If uot ooatotitto; it will p.iy the trouble. If you don't believe it, try it on. 1 have been. 1 was there to-day. 1 went lo get my boot mended. If you havu't any boots to mend, take tho ax and rut a hole iu one. Thu first thing the cobbler does is lo tuko tho boot in his hand and giro it a critical ex amination. This takiis several minutes Ho ihrnasks you how it was done. ; if you' cut your loot ; how lom it has been, etc. Then, if you are in u great hurry, ho takes a chew of tobacco, then turns tho boot over and. looks at it auaiu ; lavs it tlown and goes to looking alter leather. At last I to l Unls a bcrap, and sits down on tho bench. Hy this lime it is half-past three o'clock.', lie thru coiumcuccs talking about a cer tain hoisu trade. Just then a couplo of dogs commence fighting in tho street aud ho goes out and stays half an hour. He loses a quarter, for which you rejoice. You then modestly intljiate that you aro in ft hurry. Ho looks around, and says he cab not fix It to dayand yon gq, home. ,