Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 30, 1872, Image 4
tisctlluncons. Help Yourself. Fight your own battles. Hoc your own row. Ask uo fa vors of any one. nml you'll succeed five thousand timts better tliiin otic, who i nl rtny hcli'tching some oui-' intlite,uce or patronage. No one will ever help you its you cau help youraulf. becnuio no one will ever be to heartily interested tn your af fiant. The first tup will not be audi a long one, perhaps ; hut, carving your own way up the mountain, you would e:wl.i one lead to another, ntul stand tirni in that while you chop still another out. Men who have made fortunes are tint those who have hnd live thousand dollars uivun them to start with, but boys who hnvo staited fair with a well earned dollar or two. Men who have acquired fame have never been thrust iuto popolnrity by pull's begged or paid for, or given iu friendly spirit. They nave outstretched their own hands, and touched the public heart. Men who win love do their own wo"lv.'. nnd I never knew a man to fail so signally as one who induced his all'ectiouate grniHltrminiiiii to peak a ooil word for him. Whether you work for fame or for love, for money or for anything else, work with your own IihikIm, and heart, and brain. Say "I will," and some day you will comnier." Never let any man have it to say, ,-l havu divided you up." Too many friends sonieliou s hurl a man more thati nmie at all. As for wo men, this applits to llieni as wi ll. A wo man who fights her own way upward, al ways succeeds. Be -in by saying, "I'm as good as anybody, if not a lectlu better." Don't say it aloud, but act it. You can teach a school, or start a manufactory, or a little shop, or puint or scrilible. and live by it as well as the beat man, if only you know your forte, and do not pitch upon the very thing you have no genius for. Shut up your troubles and your embarrassments in your owu heart. Ask tin man to help you because Vou a re a woman all the same flood men will, out of the kindness of their learls and such aid, unasked for, cat: harm no one; and your first success, achieved by your own hands, will bo so sweet that you shall hardly have words in which to epcak it. Ask help of Heaven and often you will be heard ; hut of man as seldom as you can. 1 never siw the words, "She helped herself," woman's tombstone by way of eulogy. But I should like to have it truthfully' engraven upon Uliue at least. I should like to deserve it. Cost or Butteu. The question "what is the cost of making butter per pound for one year '"' was thus answered '.o the Sole bury, Bucks County Farmer's Club, by J. B. Simpson, lie knew of no better way of gettiug at this difficult question than by taking his own dairy ns a guide. In his dai ry often cows last season the average num ber of pounds of butter made was 1 JO. He therefore gave each cow credit for 120 Ihs of baiter, nt 35 cts. per It) J42.00 500 qrts., sour mi Ik, at 1 cent per quart (equal to 18 lbs. of butler at oj cts.) 15.00 Total, fjT.OO I)n. . 2 mouths, or eight weeks rough winter keep, at 75 cenls per week ? 0.00 , 4 month, or 13 J duvs fee l, .it 15 ets. pr day 1S.00 i 6 months, or 34 week, summer pa-tnr- aire, at 40 cent jier week 10.00 Interest on cost of cow, (t?5o,) o.i'O -Taking care of milk ft.00 Total f 4 1.00 Mailing 10.5 lbs. of hotter cost SU, or -27 cents per pound. In this estimate the hay is considered to balance the manure. The profit on the butter is 13. to which must be added the calf in order to obtain the pro- ' fi't on ianli cow. Williuu C. B'acki'm slut- . ed that he. had sen tin qu.s'ion ans.vered in a.'nl old number of the agricultural re ports, when butter was sdling at 13 cell's I per pound, that the cost of inukinr it was ', 01 cents I'er lb. He therefore desired to ! know what it cost to make butter nme, and hnd handed ili the question forassignmeiit. His owu experienee agreed with the an- I swer ili ven viz : 27 et uis p-.-r pound. East- burn 'Header thought the estiin te too low ; i he had been making n rough estimate ami found that in winter it cost 40 cents, and in ' summer 2d cents, making an average for the year of :i0 cents per pound. There is DO class of persons in the community who I are groping; iu the dark more than farmers ; ! ask how much it costs to raise it nustiet oi corn, or make a pound of butler, and not one iu a hundred can tell ; ask him which crop pays the best, or what branch of his avocation is most remunerative, ami how few can answer intelligently. This should not be. liae'Mijtnwr. Well Said. Show ns nn intelligent family ot'hoysauil nirls, ami we shall show you a family where newspapers ami per'nuli cals are plentiful. Nobotly. who has been without these silent private tutors, cat) know their educational power for ooil mul for evil. Have you never thought of the innumerable topics of discussion wniuh they kiijoest at the hrealctiis!, table, the most important puV.o iiieasures with which, thus early, our children beeouie fa miliarly acquainted ; 2tvat pliilaiithropic ?tlestions of the tlay, to which Miieonsci'oKS ,i their altenlii'ii is awakened, nud the penctal spirit of intelligence is evoked by these quiet visitors V Any ihiu that inakes home pleasant, cheerful and chatty, thins the haunts of v cc, and the thousand and one aveuues of temptation, should certain ly he regarded, when we consider its in flueuce on the mind of the youn as a great moral nud social blcssiti''. Chicked 1'ik. Take fi ur or live chick ens (they bbould be youiiu), .oiul llieui nnd boil for an hour in water well salted, lioil the heart, gizzard, and liver also. Line a lare sized milk-pan with the best pie pastry you know bow to make ; then put tik; chickens iu layers, with crumbs of but ter scattered over each layer of chicken. Fill the pan until it is hioh and minded to the centre. Pour over all thu liquor iu which th chicken was boiled until the pan will hold no more. Salt nnd cpper should be sprinkled over each layer, and 11 little Hour dredged in if liked. Cover all with a liht crust, half an inch nt least iu thick ness. Make an (ipeniu in the top by cut ting a slit in the crust, or by taking out 11 portion of it, after which trim the ctljjo of the pan and thu opening with pastry. .Should the piu bake too fast, cover it with paper. Dake four or live hours. Potato Poultice. It is not generally known how much pleasanter and more agreeable, as well as eflicacious, is a poul tice made of potatoes than one made of bread. It keeps longer, can Us reheated several timet, and does not wet the cloth ing. Peel, boil and mash the potatoes ; in close iu a muslin bag, and apply to the affected part. To boil thein iu hot water has a very soothing ettect, aud enhances their virtue. A poultice ruaue of boiled beaus is by some thought to be better than potatoes ; but, both are worthy of a trial. Baking Cake. Here in a simple way of prcveuuup cane lrotn sticking to the tinsiu which it is baked. Grease the tios tho roughly, then put in a handful of flour, thako it all over the inside of the dish in which yon bake ; then, alter turnim.' it ut side down, strike it on the edge of your flour bowl ; that will free all that does not adhere to the grease. JSow put la the dough aud. your cke will "mu out" iQfto .Olbfttia.ttntlii. ('Alt It I IUK JIAM'KACTOKV, SUNBCUV, TENN'A. J. S. SEASHOLTZ, "f "ITOCl.D refpictfully announce, t the clll- V tens of Siinhury nnd surrounding country, thul he Is jircpnred to manufacture all styies of ('rrlngea. Haggle, Ac, it his ne'v shop on east Wui ket street. He will furnish every description of Wngou, both Plais and Fancy. fn short, will make everything In hU line from a flrst-clsse carriage to n wheelbarrow, wnrinnted to be made of the best and most durable materi als, and by the most experienced workmen. All work sent out from his estiib'ishmeut will be found reduhle In every pnrticular. The putronnge of Ibe public l solicited. J. S. SEASHOLTZ. Sunhury, Nov. 4, '71.-1.V. FOR SALE ! I7MGHTY acres of Improved land In the best A section of Southern Michigan, within live of the town of "Three liivers." in St. Jo seph county, within two mites of the Itallroad Station, good buildings, out house, lame or cliurd. soil, rich candy loam, school hiv.i cs nnd rhurcbs within eight title Indisputable, ten acres are in wle-ut, I lie remainder in clover sod. A span of horses, rattle, hogs, grain and farming utensils, ore, will lie fold with this property. Price 70 per mere. (3,000 in fash, the balance In time payments of $500. Apply t" VM. A. MASt-F.R, Three Rivers, Mich, or, II. B. MASSER, Banbury, Pa. Sunliury, March 11. 171. i'OnPFKUT MAXOK CEMETERY CO.IIPAXY. ThiJ company Is now prepared to fell lots In the new Cemetery, located on an eminence about one-fourth of a mile eat of Snnbury. The in crease of the population of Sunhury, and consc q.ient advance Iu the ratio of moitalilv, as well in. the limited facilities for the Interment of those who have fought life's buttle. have suggested the orgtiniznt ion of the above named company. Plan of Cemetery may lie seen at Hie ollice of J. A. Cuke, Esq., or Lloyd T. Rohrhneh. Price of lots from $5 to $15, according to loca tion. Deeds will be executed for lots sold. I.LOY1) T. KOHHBACIl, Scc'y. May 13, lSTI.-tf. K.ltrOHlOl, In C. Dallas' store room, two doors east of Bl ight's Buildimr. Market Square, SUNBURY, FENN'A. Tlnvlns titled upu room two doors east of Welt- j's Store, tin- undersigned has opened a Meat , Shov tn conmcliou wi ll hi. stand on M ARKET ' DAYS, where he will keep on hand the best of j lU'Cl, Pork, Veal and Poultry of every eseriptiun. i Turkevs, Geese, Packs. Cli.eken ready nres.I, mi I put up iu regular fty'c or city markets. , II (in f'.rfru. lvdbt:ltfefu. fi I irls'rt, and Fruits of all kinds, nil of w hich wnl be sold at the lowest Market Prices. The citizens of Stinbury are invited to call and examine for themselves before purchiiMUir e'c wherc A full iisMirtnieut on baud every market murning. HENRY NF.L'ER. Pec. 8. 1871. IF YOU WANT TO SEE the hugest assortment of Millinery Goods ever brought to this place, go to Miss L. Siiissler, Market apt:" SI .Mil ICY, PA., Where nre arrayed In all their dill'ereiit varieties Fall Millinery Goods of every description Jnsl brought from Philadel phia mid are now open. The new Room just completed is tilled with nn endless variety. A most uiUKiiilicent display of Guilds on exhibition, and told at the lowest prices. KVKIiY KIM) OF ClOOft usually kept ill n Millineiy establishment can be had nt' her store. The liebt in the l'hilidelphia markets were solicited. Give me u call ana oc cnnvineci. i MISS L. SIUSSLER. ; Su ihury, September 2H, 1S71. -ISAAC ti. M AI WATCHES, JEWELRY, 1IH .Vorili Secoinl at.. C or urrj', PHILADELPHIA. An iissnrtment of Watches, Jewelry, liver nud 'Plated Wnre constantly on hand. Repairing of Watches and Jewelry promptly attended to. April 1, ll71-ly. SEW Flonr, M, Fruit ana Tealile Store, Spruce Street, between Front and Second, SUNBURY, PA. JOHN vVXjLVER bavinjf Just opened n (Store at the above place, r. licie ail kin Is of of the best brands of 1 lour und I'eoil will be sol I at irreatly reduced prices. The cele brated Ruck's Mills Flour will bo kept constantly on h-.nd. Also, all kinds of Feed, Grain, Com, Oats nud Rye, chopped or whole, Pot u tors, Applt'si, C'ubhuge A Fruit .'enerallv, at u cheaper rale tluin call be. bnuubt elsewhere. All irood delivered Free of Chariie. Cll and examine my slok hu 1 uscertain l tie prices bctoru purchasing elsewhere. JUUN W1LVER. Sunliury, Dec. 2, 1871.-lf. nitr.sH coons. FALL AND WINTER STYLES, now open nt MHH KATE ltl.A KS stok Market S.piare, SUNHURY, Ponn'n., LADIES' DRESS GOODS A SPF.CIALTY. Silk Poplins, Dress Trimmings, Embroideries, Notions, ,tc. (cuts' Collars, Neck-ties, Ualf-liose, Hundker chielB and Gloves. Perfumery, Toilet Boa, Hair Bruslus,C'oinhs, etc. An Invitation is extended to nil to call and se cure bargains. Nov. 4, 1S71. The C'Ollft'NSlioilM ot'HU IiivhIUI. T)U HUSHED as u wnrnini; und for the beuclit 1 ot J.IUH7 1M1 and othrrt, who suiter troin Nervous Debility, Sc., sui.iilyini; the menus of self cure. Written by one who cured himself nud sent free on receiving a pot pniil ilirected envelope. Address, MAlllAMKL MAVlAlIt, May WO, 1ST1.-4S01. Brooklyu, N. Y. A. M. MEIXELL, PlLSS 1K American and Iluropeavn WATClltM. FINE JEWELRY and SILVERWARE I Perfected Spectacles) and E Olaaaea. GOLD HEADED CANE3. Watcbts and Jswtlrj etly tspalrsa sad war-raatsd. fjcb tbertidemcnts. NIEEIKEKY. FALL AND AVLNTER, STYLES. HATS AND BONNETS. RIBBONS. FLOWEKS, WREATHS, LACES, &c. Crnpe VelH, CUAFE HATS AND BONNETS, and everything ntuully kept In a Millinery Store. Cull ut M. L. GOSSLEU'8 Store, South Fonrth Btrect, below the S. V. R. It., BTTNBl'RT, PA. Nov. 4, '71. JA VixTtuits. TUACKARA,BUCK & CO., succisssorts to MISKEY, MEHUILL & TIIACKABA. SIANCFACTCRER8 OF GAS FIXTURES, BRONZES. Ac, Ac, C'littiMlclicra, I'emluiits, Ilracki'la. Vo. Ac, would respectfully Invito the attention of pur chasers to our elegant assortment. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SALESROOMS, ?ls Chestnut Mrcet. MANUFACTORY, 4TJ. 404.408 AND 403 RACK STREET. Aug. 19. 1871. XEW MEAT SHOP. TTMIE undersigned rrspcctfullv inforinstbe clli- I r a i - i ..;..! .. :... ,1. .A. ZeilB Ul OU1IUU1J HIIU Vteillll.V, lllUfc llltrj uu,n , opened ft j MEAT SHOP, ! In Dewn't's buildinii.on the north tide of Market j Sipiare, two doors from the railroad, wep' they w ill ke p a constant supply of the bet of Kf, 1 Pork, Mutton, Ac, at wholesale or retail, at the lowest prices and of the tir"t quality . A wairon will be run to supply customers every nmrnimr, (except Sundays.) The best of meat w ill found at their shop. " Give us a call an I sathfv vour selves. REf FEW A lluWER. i Oct. ICth 1S6'J. t r. . ; THADD'S S. SHANNON, THIRD AND MARKET SQUARE, Has in stock and constantly leceivlnir Novelties lu his hue, cotibif lint: in pint ofn lull line of AJlKllK MS WATCH EN, Eluln, Illinois, Howard A Co., Wnltham. Mas sachusetts, nod Hoy's AMERICAN WATCHES; Also, a full set of Ladies, ul.d Gent's Gold and Silver Swiss Wati'hes. JEWELEY. Roman Gold sett, pink oral nn.l Gold set.. Ear-Rlne, Necklaces an 1 Pendants, Ouvx umt Jet Jewelry. 5ILVEH--WAKE, , Solid Silver-vvai e of Sterling' puritv , miulr t or j der. Bridal and Presentation Pieces, Knives, 1 Foi ks and t'poons iu cases, also, a full line of ' Silver Plated Goo Is. Tea Sets. Ice Water Sets, Erbit Stands, t ake Baskets, Cotf. e I'rns, Forks und Spoons treble plaleil, the best in the market. Sl'KCTACLES. I If you value your Eyesight, use the Peifect I Lenses, i: r omul fiom minute Ci istle IM lili s inel I ted loiiciher, and derive there name "Diamond'' I on account of there hardness and brilliancy. They will last many years without change, mid j warranted Superior to all others in use. TABLE CUTLERY. Ivory, Pearl and Metal handles in eases sup- to order. CLOCKS. A full assortment of Eiuht day and Thirty hour Clocks, also Calender l'loel.- i ,,il inscrip tions. Enirrnvinir done nt the shortest notice. Wmi ..-.... Clocks and Jcwciry, Jicpatrcd unit Satisfaction warranted. All pioils will be sold at tlm very Lowest Cash Prices. Every body Is cordially luviled toCull and Examine for themselves, j Don't forget the p'nec. T. S. SHANNON. unbui vDcclfi, tf. Tin: STOitK CLELIENT t&DISSINGEE, I in the new C lement liuildinp:, 1 Markrl Square, Kuiibury, la.. od'er to the public, un entire new usMirtmriit of WINTER DRY GOODS, ' j of all styles nt the lowc-t prices. ! Full lilies of Alpaca'. Mohairs, Plaid-, Empress j Cloths, Shawls, Flannels. Hosiery, j Mul'RMNU GOODS, a fall variety, Blankets anc" Woolca goods of all Irsei ipiiims. CLOTHS. CASS1MERES, VEST1NGS, Ac., &c Itettdy-Made C'luthin;, a full assortuieui, wh'e h will be sold luwcr than eewhere. Carpets aud Oil Clot tin. GROCERIES of all kinds, which nre cnaranteed all fresh. QUEEN.-sWARE, WILLOWWARE, j &c, Ac, &c. 1 TRIMMINGS, GLOVES, j and In fact everything that vail be mentioned in j a llr.-l-cliiss store. 1 Call and examine our stork. Having our s.orc lichted with (las, goods can lie selected In the evening ns well us in the day time. No charges I tor showing joods. ; CLEMENT & DISSINGER. Dec. 0, 1ST1. j ( I'ATI I! tTTIttl'TIOV. I Everybody is invited to come aud buy of the haudsome assortment of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES at SAMUEL F. KEVIN'S STORE, ll frame bail. liner, adjidnini; Moore .t Dislnj;er's biiitdUiir, THIRD b'i'REKT, tiUMSURY, PA. J il-l t 'L n rl a l'ub kUj l'ly of Confectioneries of eciy description. TOYS OF A I.I, KIXDS eonstnntlv on hand. The bct RAISINS, FIGS, CURRANTS .fc DRIED FRl'I'l". PURE RIO COFFEE, TEA & .SPICES, fresh Bread, Runs it Cukes, every morning. FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, ice. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! OYSTERS! Having titled up a room expressly for servhijr up uytcrs iu every style, Ladies and Gent leineii will be accommodated Willi the best bivalves in market, at all hours during the day nnd evening. fruiuilit'8 will be supplied ut (heir resilience with the her-1 Shell or Canned Oysters, a is desirable, ut the very lowest prices. tall and see my excellent assortment of goods aud ascertain the prices. 8. F. N'EVIN. DeelS, 1871. E. Hodgkins, Agt.. DCAl.EU IN Hides, Tallow, Bones, Rags and CRACKLINGS, 6 unitary, Norlli'd C ounty , Pa. CASH PAID ON ALL PURCHASES. Bunbury, Dee. 23, lS71.-8in. AGENTS WANTED. 44 ROUGHING IT," IS HEADY FOU CANVASSERS. It is a companion volume to 'I3SOCENTN AliltOAD," of which Hsvs lrdy bead ordered, an U (till on of tbe best telling books out. Don't ssie time ou books no one wants, but teke one people will stop jou In tbe etreete to subscribe for. "There It a time to laugh," and al) who read tbtt book will tee eleaily that time ha come. Apply al ono tot Territory, CUea, La re, ea4 TrM, A4reee (SI .YMIOE IIKATEK. BtlHWTflDR AT M ARTLAKD PTATR pAtlt, ItAlc TIMoiip.. First preinliim for Flre-plnee Healer awarded the Htinnyslde. Ailvantaires of the Hnnnyside I 1. It Is so constructed that one-third more of the radlatliuf surface extends Into the room, piv Inir that much more additional heat without ex tra, fuel. 3. It is the only Hot-Alr Fire-place Heater In the market. Like the regular built cellar heater, it loses no heat, but comities It nil to Its legitl pnrposcs. . 8. The fuel magazine Is double the. usual sUe, extending from the (Ire box to the top of the stove, with capacity for twenty-four hours' (up ply of coal. 4. The patent double cover for coal mniraiilne consumes the iras, prevents escape of tras Into the room, and makes it Impossible for any puf flnirs or explosions to occur. This Is nil advant age possessed by no other lire-place stove in the market. S. There are three lilr ccnnibers, wherein a brisk circulation Is kept np, drawing the cold air In tne room through heated flues Into a largo hot-uir reservoir, at the back of the stove. fl No side pipes nre used, as the nlr Is heated hi n reservoir huvlntr double radiatlnif Hues and dmilile back, supplying I a rite quantities of hot airttlthoiil waste of bent or fuel. 7. The Si'NNTRinK utilises the waste hent so thoroughly that we frequently heat an adjoinini: room on the lii.-t. besides healing tte rooms in second and third stories. 8. A damper on top of the stove, connected with the hot air Hues, control, the. quantity of hot air required for the use of either the upper or lower rooms. All oilier tlre-plnco stoves are very Inconvenient In this respect. tf. The Grate Is self-sealiii:, and no dust can escape while shaklnir It. BTUKAT, PETERSON & CO., Philadelphia, n. B. M SSF.n., Afteut. Nov. 11, 1871. GAM CIII'. V THAN Hl.ltO.SKXH. Orrici: or tiik St siii itT Gs CovrisT, Ortubtr C, 1S7I. To inn Cmzr.NS : Recetit inve-iijiatlons At inonstiate 1 lint Ga of 14 Candies iilalitv. can lie sold at f :.)! per loot) eiibie feit. 1 he Direc tors of the Sunlniiy (ias Company have deter mined to adopt Unit price and 11 Caudles ns the standaid oT ipaality. This fixes the price of a ; 14 Candle tinnier atone rent nn hour, or une ' third less than Philadelphia sas. i A Kerosene lanij ilves a 1 iu lit of seven to ten i candles only therefore, tas at the above price ; is much cheapiT than kerosene, w ithout cansld j eilau eortol chitnnevs nnd liability to aeeidei't. ! Let all come forward and become irass consum ers. Make your applications for service pipes ; end litt ins nt once, as the season for lutroduc j lug them is drawing to n close. I Br OitPru or inn Board or Dtiirc xor.s. j TERMS. i The roulrnrtors for the Works will Introduce : pipes upon the fn'lowini; ternii". Service pipes at 5(ieenls pii ranniui: font, meusuiiuir fiom : "entre of street. Up"'i Mai ket Sq iai e, twenty doliars fur entile service. inteiior fittings nt lf erts jier runnina:, in new hiiil'liti!rs ; l.ri cents per runniiiir fnnt over I piaster, and '.'0 cents per running foot under Honrs. 1 Chi.nde!ler, rnnUm, rnd other ftvtares for sale at new Yoik and Philadelphia prices. October 7, 171. Til!'. INGREDIENT! THAT COMrOSr. RUSADAt 13 r..-e P''.licd on cvr'V pari ser, t nre lliro it is "f a r;tr. I p ep. u :n, conscqnetiy 'niYSicnxs r::E-.r:;ir. it Itiii a cert it'ti euro for -'rro!.iIa(-' pli 1 !i - in al 1 i'a l" rins, lUn-bia.i-li sin SIui lvist'u", l.ivi-r 'u-n plaint und all .)cutti8 of t u iiluoU. will do ir.oro rood lli-in tun hnltles ol ilu Syrups of harsipunl'a. ' THE UNDCfioiafiED PHVStCIANS Ihnve lecd llossl.:l i i their pi art ire tor the p ist three ye us and f ( i !y j :em!orF it ns a rei.ahlo Ailcrativo , and Blood Purifier. nn. t. c. ri';it.i.f Euimno. 1 mi. t.j. nnvKi.v, ' i !i)l it. w. f A Kit. lilt l . O V vNCI.I.V, jtlK.J. S. S1-AHK.S, ol NlchnUivUtr, ,Da. J'l.. McCARTIIA, t olumbin, I s. c. I I DR. A. II NOIiLl:S, Kdferomb, N. C. I . i USED Alii) ErlDOILSED BY ' J. K FHKNi II 1 SONS, Kl Kivcr, I ,r. W. SVTTH, Jick'':i. Xir'.i, . F. V. H1 t 1-1 It, U.uia. v Lio. ;U. II Al I.. l.iiM.tihid. ! jl'IlAVKN A l i',"!!r, V. boro, 'if. tn. 1 Out' will nr I ullnw of ny ex. ! ton lo I icinr.rks in nlatu n to tho ' (V.ritn sol I'.u i talis. iit!i Mc:u.ii i ; Irt!t" sic n w o p:.-. i jnlrj 4 Kluiil y . 'uieJ i;i il.c t 'a inrnt .f d.rnm-J RlutJ't ; nud t' Il.r iitii :'"tl .y I: y Kn-u it.s ti.d you will Le rt-!;ortd Dai 1 imuiik, Mo July S2, 1871. ly. sunvTBTJiFjrsrr HORSE AND CATTLC I.Sl ii.wc t: C OMI A.W. INSURE YOUIt HOUSES ! INSU li H VOUll CATTLE I NSl'RE with a risponsible nnd perfectly rell- j 1 utile Company. Insure where, your lostrt S will he paid promptly. ' Tills lit u 51 ul mil l'rolorlivc Co. ; Hence, ymi are sure of beinif paid proiuptly for i nil tosses, 11 insured in llus I onipanv. 1 OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARK LESS ' j TUAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER ; COMPANY. We pay losses accruing through theft, death hy ' 1 nre, accident, or natural causes, (excepting . epedemiu diseases). We pay prompt. No red , tape proceedings to gel your money, iu ease of I lOr'S. S OVER 5000 I paid on horses nnd cattle tiuce organization. ! DR. 1). WALDRON, President. C. A. RE1MENSNYDF.R, bec'y, Sunhury, Pa. ! iiiti:croits. i Ex-Gov. James follock, Hon. J. C. Rruner, Solomon Mroh, Win. Hiindlc. Isolomoo Miipe, J.ilin A. Bhisslcr, Dr. D. T. Krebs, Dr. David vvaldron. Jau 13 'W-ly. A LIK Fi' ni: TO TOUNO MEN. Jutt Published, In a Sealed Envelope. Price Celt. A I.erture ou (lie .Vulure, Treat. ment and Radical Cure of Sperinalorrhnea, 01 fceniinal Weakness, Iuvolunlury Emi'slous, Sex ual Debility, and Impedimenta to Man lure gen erally 1 Nervoutuess, ('ousiimptiou, F.pilepty, and Fits Mental anil Physical Incapacity, re sii!lini from Self-Abuse, c By ROBERT J. CULVERWELL, M. 0., Author of the "Green Book," Cc. The world-renowned author. In tlilt admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that Ihe awful consequences of Self-Abuso may be ellectually removed without medicine, any without dangerous surgical oierations, bougies, inntruments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once curtain and effectual by which every su Merer, no matter what his condi tion may be, may cure himself cheaply, private iv ana ranieauy. 1 1110 Lt.i ILKt THIS LECTURE WILL PROVE A BOON TO TIIOU8AND8 AND THOUSANDS. Sent under seal, to any add rest, In a plain seal ed envelope, ou tbe receipt of six cenls, or two postage tiam pe. Also, Dr. Culverwell' "Mar riage Guide," price 85 eeute. Address the Pub lisher. CHA8. J. C. KLINE it CO., 197 Bowery, fcew Tor a, t. O. Bs, 4.M4. . , im. JOilAliALlb iftlamifoctitrrrs. ...viu.ant Tailoring. J. n. ItOSTlAX, In the Post OUIee Bnlidinir, opposite the Depot, (up stairs.) SUNBURY, VENN'A, Informs his friends nnd the public (tcnrmlly. that ha has just opened a large and varied as sortment of ClAtliH, C'nsMlmrron, Yositliiti, Ac, which will be made up to order hi the latest styles, and warranted to lit. Gentlemen In want of fashionable suits nro vited to cull and examine his stock. SHIRTS scientifically nml practically cut and made measure. RUN NO RISK. We furnish the above styles of Improved yoke and snck shirt with entirely new shape sleeve, and iruarintee n perfect tlttinir shirt. It Is the best model of a shirt ever ottered l.i the trade. Fine and fancy shirts made to outer. .1. M. HOSTIAN. June 3, lS71.-Cm mac him; shop and ikon FOlMHtY. GEU ROIIHRACII & SONS, Stinbur.v, IVitu'a, TNFORM tlie putilic tlint t hey ure prepnrettio JL do nil Kovls ot t iV.M unit linvinu' tolded a new Macliine hliop In connection with t'leir Foundry, nnd Imve si'i'I'lled themselves with New Lathes, l'liininu' nnd Borinst Miiehlnes, with the Inlest iniprovenietits. With the nid of skillful liuchaiiics, they nre enabled to execute till orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may tieiven them, iu a sutM'uctory man ner. Cinitrx to Htiil any Stove. IRON COLUMN!?, fur churches or other hulld lim. of nil sizes. URAfed CAeTlNUS, Ac. Oraaraental XroTi Fencing FOR CRAVE YARD LOTS; Va!ANsA.H-4, FOR YARDS AT IM'slDKNI K, AC, AC. Tli- PLOWS. Jilrendy eetelirated for their su p"rlority. h ive heen still fuitlier Improved, an I wi'.l nlwavo tie on h m l. Aln. TIll.K.r-'ir.U MACinNER. Punhury, Mav '!. IS. 1. 1.1 tll liniSd 11SI.1.N. Thiid Ptr.'et. nttolnlnir Vhila. .'c Erin R. K., two Spumes North of the Central Hotel, H'NIJI UY, PA. IRA T. CLEM KXT. i piepitred to fiimiiih every description ofl'.t'.n- i . tier re p.iii e l hy Ihe il mands of l'ie pa!.'i". llavini; ml the late-t improved machinery fur j ' m.innfneiu'-injr Lanh -r, lie. is now ready to li l or- j ders !' all kin! of I FLOORING. fill'INtl. Doot.S. SHl'T TERs?. ! !, Rl.lNDt) M)l."I.DIN'(.o., VE- i ! K A N DAS, M!ACKET. and a!' kinds of Ornntnenfil triiiwi Work. Turn ing of evei y deei ipt ion prom tly e-cuted. Altio, i a l..i;or Afs-vfTwrsT r 15 11. I. I.UM11KU. i HEMLOCK uivl PINE. Also, Slilncles. Pickets. Lathe, Ac. I Orders prornptlv liilcd, nnd -hipi.e 1 hv Railroad I or otherwise. " IRA T. CLEMENT, deel'.l '.: I y j NTC'.VI'. V TIN KNrAr.S.tSJI.Tir.SiT. MARKET STREET, fcUNBCRY, PA. ALFKKD KHAl'Si:, rronndor. sl CCr;siOil TO SMITil 1 OMIlCK.J U A VINO aireha.'e.l Hie ah.ivewell known es-tatlisli!n'.-nt. Mr. would respeeifal- I ly iulorm the ptihlic that l:e now has on hand a I lai'e iM'itmei.t of i C I) (J K I x ; S T () V ES, 1 5'ieciV CiM-k A'.'.i D.i' t, r.'-.-ul.iti.r or Uevolviitj. Tup, Coiitliioatii.n, S'.'.'jUilianna und others, i whit i are en arra:i''i.l as to tie Use.! for Coal or j Wood, and ai e wan anted to pel f. ji in .ui.l'nctt,! i- ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kia is pal up to j heat one or tinne rooms. HEATl.NO STOVES of dit'a teal kinds at veij low prices. Tinwarrof rtrrj' Uesv i ipt ion ' kei t eiinstai.liy on han.l. Kooliai; and Spouting j Willi the licet, uialeri'il. done at short notit v'. I REPAIlil.NO attended to ith dispatch. Coal j Oil eld Lnm('S constantly .u hand. Japan ware Md'.i ..nd... fctre opposite. Con!y' hardware .store, (livj me a cull. A. KKAUSE. I mdW-Iy FA I.I. AS'D V.'IXTKIi 8 T()( K OF LOTUS AM) I S I rUFNCH AND DDMKSTIC lilHJDS of every i;iadc, just op( r.e 1 at the MEKC1JA.NT TA1I.OU SHOP op TItOS. ii. NOTT, On Thlid Ptreet, in M iller's Rh-ek. opposito the Moore ,t m'r lliiililins, SUNi'.L RV, PF.NN'A. The most f.ishionatiiii clothing niad to order from every variety of oods. Sails ol all ma le np al the shortest no tice, from the h-.'st se'.eete I stock in New York and Philadelphia. Call und he convinced. THO.. G. NOTT. Nov. 4. 1871. Beef! Beef! riMIF. 1111 lersiirm d is prepared to famish the Ji. citizens ul tuinouiy and vieinilv mill the I rhoiee.-t Beef and Pork i Wholesale or llelail. in MarkLl, i:lur nt i Families will he supplied by the quarter or 1 side, or smaller quantities nt the inorl reasona j hie rates. i Connantly on hand the chu'.c -t cats of Beef, Poik, Million and Vral.nlso Sausages. ItelOLiaas. ! clc. Apply al the Meit House, South Thinl I Btreel, in Moore A Iis!a.;ert, R ive, rjunhary. On maiket djvs the tx -t of meat is servi-d to ' customers ut thu nie it Hand, corner of Market nnd Thu d hlreels, lu u I iu c. h ln atel llrnsiiHis' . sausages can be had, liini; known as the b"Sl in 1 market. HENRY K. FACELY. I N. B. Persons hnviuu fat h"sr or h.eves for I sale can procure ihe hiui st market price by ap plication at thu ahuve i-tah.Uhincnl. j btiuhuiy, Nov. 11, 1S71. .111 1.1.1 i:uv Goon ;i. i:ua li.v. NEW STYLES OF BONNET'S, HATS, FLOWERS, FRAMES, &c. Mourning aud Rritltil HatM and Ilouueta. Full line of Mourning Veils and Crape. MILLINERY IS THE SPECIALTY. Sash Rililmns, Ornaments, Feathers, (lloves, Handkerchiefs, Ai'., Ae. FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS. MISS M. L. ( South Fourth St., below the Railroad, bin bin v. April a'J, lsTl. NllOltTl.HT KOI'Ti: HASTU Altl. Duuilllr, IInzIcIoii A 1Ukeaburrc ICull Kuuil. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. IKAVK EASTW1KI. Suuburv, ti u mi Danville, 7 " j Caltaw'a, 7 L'S " : iluzleton, 9 08 " ; I.BAVB WESTWARD N. York, 6 00 a in Easiou. 0 "5 " PhU'a, 8 00 Betlilu'm 10 05 " Bethle'in 13 10 n m Pliil'u, 3 15 . iluzleton, 1 00 p 111 Easiou, 13 35 ! Culluw'u, S 40 " N. York, 8 50 " Danville, 3 20 " I Kuubury, 3 57 The afternoon train connects at Siiuiihurv with , the Philadelphia A Erie, 4 85 p. m., train conn,' west, Hriivlni; ut w munition 6 SO und I.ih K Haven 7 55 p. m., and wilh the Northern Cen tral 4 50 p. in., moving tomb, arriving al Harris burg T 00 p. tn., and Baltimore 10 45 p. in., nud also wilh Ibe Bunbury V Lew is town R. K. Comfortable aud baudtouie coacbat on tbi new route. . UEKVET KASE, upertnleadtal xntoi .. J TARUWAUE FoK ALL AT THE HAUMVAKE ST01U2 or J. H. CONNELLY & CO. ltlttrliet sitrofl, Nuiiburj, Pa. It Is useless to enumerate evert kind of nrtlelo in his Store, but ntnnnir the leuding Items may be set down tlic follow inm , Iron, Btnel, Lend, Scules, Eteelymds, Grindstones, Mills ot nit Kinds anil sices, Vices, Buws, Planes, B eves, Chains, Axes, Brass nnd lion Kettles, Shovels, . Hoes, Forks, Spades, Rakes, Hatchets, f'arpenter nnd Blacksmith Purine Macliincs, Cellar Orates, Drawinir Knives, Stone Sledires, Plasterers' Trowels, Mnsons' Hammers nnd Trowels. Hiind Dinner Hells, nnd lurtte cast iron Bells for (School Houses and Fanners' Dinner Bells, Carpenters' Bench Screws, Potnlo Forks for dininic potatoes, Locking Glasses. Twine, Rop':, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Tucks, Mule nud IPmc Shoes und Nails, Hummers, Augurs, Chisels, Lanterns, Oil Cloths, Brooms, Locks of nil descriptions, Colfco Mills, lilts and Braces. Currlage Bolts of nil kiii'K Paint nnd Tail Brushes, buckels, j", Varnisihcn, Jttpansi,, Snd.i Ah, W'nshlne So la, PAIM.S OT A 1.1, KIMIK in Oil or Dry, Purlia'olors "if all Kinds, CEDAU-WAKE nnd other Woodcn-Wnte of nil kinds nnd very cheap. Hay-Fork Pulleys, Picks, Mill Picks,' Levels, Level (Hnsses, Files, Hinges, Coal Oil, Hems, Com hit, Screws, Saddlery and Shoe Findlnpr. PiUirU'V Tritninltins, Excelsior Glass Cutters. Pocket Knives, Scissors, Shears, f.Itot, Cnpft aud Pow!or, iin l n variety of other articles. Any tiling wanie I and not on hand, wiii he ordeied ul ouce. Sunhury. Ail;. If, IliW. W M. ML'Kl'.AT. J. Sl.AVMAKril. WM. It. UI.ACK. Ci V vwf Wholesale Dealers In MACHINERY AND BURN IN ir OILS .1 Oilire n'.rl Stationery, li in t Inp;, Vrti!t tm.l Mnnillu pavi.iv; I!ti. Ac. Tliu Ce'.clnateil Ac. Corry Kerosene Burning; Oil ul ways on haa2. Havlrit also opened a COAL YAED, we are 'rep.ired to sii.pv at shoit notieo, and at tlie lowest rates, EGG, STOVE, CHESTS UT unci PEA COAL to r.'.l :i)ay bj j. leased to civ;, uf a call. (.);.'. jr.) left nt our office No. 5 S.mtli Third fit.. Kill he promptly tilled. JStrKU.YV sS; CO. N. South Third St ret t, Sunh.irv, Pi. A J-:. r71. LADIES' FANCY FURS. 7M AIU'll KTltJiKT, 7.'i dJ'.o of lae Riuek, la I vv vii 7th m:J fcih St. baih hide, riiil:t.icShin, I:npo:ler, an I Dealer In nil kite! i.v.d ip.ta'lty of Fur Ladies' and CI I.IlV.I Wear. 17 vin imported a very lai:'e and p!"ndi 1 r.. soitiiieut ol all the 1! Ili ienl km I-ot 1 nr from liisl hands in Europe, and h ive had tii.-m ni..;te up tiy the most skillful vvoidirnen. would resprrt luiiv invite the readers of this p.ipi r to oil nn.l examine his lare nnd vciy I'eautil'al a roilinei.l of Fancy Furs, for La die-.'' and ( lnldien. 1 am di lei uiit.. . to sell el a la'V pi lees as any other re-peetali'e Hoiifc iu this eity. All I'urs wr rr.t:Ud No misrepresentation to i il'. et sa'es. JoliN FARE1RA. 71S Arch Street l'hila.le.pliia. O.-t. ?S. lS71.-8m. : MIH.I.lM.m' At r.lM Y (iTOUE. j Hull nml V.Tnior CsOoJk. I MISS L. WEIsfeK, :'.t Billet, one door west of Geai 'nail's eun- ! fectiiiuery store, j SUNHURY, TA., H.-.s opened her stork of .tlllliuory nnd E'uucy Coodn, 11 ATS AND KONNETS. I The latest styles of Dress Triinuiin, French i ar.rl AuicriCHii Flowers, Laces, Ribbons, S ick I loop. , Clfiv mns, I'ollars, Culls, Joiivin Gloves, 1 an I a lare variety of other ui tides. I Iu conn. 1 lion vv.tU t'.nj Mii.iacry business, she j carries on L i 1 e ; DRESS MAKING AND FITTING, iu all its brunches. Sac Is also nent for the sale of Kanifey, Sfotl is i Co.'s Patterns. I The Indies of Banbury ant vicinity arc cor i dimly invited to cull and elau.iuc her spleudi I st nek. ; Nov. 4, 1371. I (iure C'ltro Tor Tftter. rrMIE Suliscriher. rerident of Seven Points, All ' (rusia lovvnship. Not 1 Itauitirland County. Pa., has a sure cine for Teller, which he oilers to t ho-e alllieled Willi thi- innov ing di-ease. He j vva iio' vviili it (or eiul t years, and nothing' 1 would i ure il null! lie obtained this remedy. 11 li is 1,1 en tried in a number of case. to his know ; le (oae ease ol years viundi.iL') w ith entile ! sneei-.s. Upon reeelpi ol (HI, he will send 11 I box of tlm me liciue, an 1 dire. lions to use il, 01 ti boxes 101 co, tree orpoelai:,'. W 1LI.IAM RAKER, Aug a-ta P. O., North'd Co., Pa. Alien-t 1'J, Vi71-Tni. l'hiladplikliin and Erie Ituilroud. WINTER TIME TAI1LE. On and after Monday, Noveniher 27, 1871, the Trains on the Pliiiade.pliia A Ei iu Rail Road will run us lollou t : Y I'STWARD. Mail Tluin leaves Philadelphia, ' Suiibury, " " arr at Erie, Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, " " " Suubury, " " an ut Erie, Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia, " " " Suubury, " " orr ut Lock Haven, Accommodation leaves Suubury, ". urr ul Rennvo, EASTWARD. 0.20 p in 1.00 11 11 3. SO p 11 12. el) p iu C.50 p til 7. Ill u ni 7..M) n ui 4. :;5 p m 7.5" ji 111 0 .15 a in 10. 40 a iu Mail Train leave. Erie, ' Suiihurv, " " arr at Philadelphia, Erie Evpiess leaves Erie, " " Suubury, ' " arr at Philadelphia, Elhilra Mall leaves Lock Haven, " riunbury, " arr at Philadelphia, Accommodation lea v en Rcaovo, arr at huuburv. 11.25 a in 13.20 a ni 6.S0 a 111 V.O0 p in V.20 a 111 s.;;o 11 m 7.S.'i 111 11.00 a m 5.50 p in 12. '.5 p m 4.;. i in Mail East connects east nnd west nt Erie Willi L. is. JL M. 6. R. W. aud at Coi rv and Irviiielou wilh Oil ( leek nud Allegheny R." R. W. Mail West with west bound trains 011 L. 8. A M. 6 R. W. aud ut Cony nnd Irviuetou with Oil Creel and Allegheny R. K. W. j Caltuwinsa passenger trains will be run east' from Wllltamsport ou Erie Express, aud west, to I WUilaautHH-l ou Elmira Mall. 'U. A. BALDWIN. en 1 frsp'v ,(t;tilrc;tv a. ti' Inrknnaiiiin nml rn ooiiiNlinri; KniJ SUM M E R A P R A N G ' i.NT OF PASoF-SGEH J aIN.-. ii'.'nv. .Tnlv 17. 1871. SOLTHWARD. Leave. A.M. P. M., A.M. P. M. P M. Scrnnton, Belleviie, Taylorvillc, Lnckavviuinn, Pittston, West Pittston, Wvotninir, Mi'ilthy, " Kinirsion, fc 0 ii 0 50 fi 5T( T 0.V 7 14 7 in 1 iii 7 40 1 45 10 05 jlO 17 10 !i 2 11 10 it.". p 40 S 21 0 47 i0 5 2 83 1 1 tH) I I 2 40 I 6 50, 0 55 7 02 7 11 7 111 7 S4 7 :;i 7 lit! 4 00 4 OS 4 111 4 23 4 80 4 SS 4 42 4 47 ft. j W.-Barre 1 61 4 M c r i Plymouth June., 8 00 5 00 I 8 0s 5 05 I 8 20 riyniouth, Nnnticoke, llunhx'k's, Shickshinnv, Hick's Ferry, It' iieh Haven, Berwick, Briar t'rerk, Lime Ridge, Fs)v, Bloomaburg, Rupert, Csttiwissn, 7 SO 8 00 ' 8 07; 8 2-1 8 bfi l 8 r.i I 8 50 j fi 07 U 14 ! tl IM I 9 9 hi i 9 r.i l) 5H 8 30, 8 45 3 08 3 87' 8 34 57 I I'anvi'ile, I Chulaeky, nineron, 10 (-11 Noith'd, (arrive.) 10 Hi; 4 M, NORTHWARD. Lenve. A.M. P. M.' Nnrthninlierlaiul, Caiueron, Chuliisky, Danville', j Catuvv issa, I Rupert, I Bloomsliurg, ; Kspy, I Lime Ridfe, 1 Briar Creek, i Berwick, 1!-Hch Haven, hii-k's Kerry, fdiiekshinny, Hun'ock's, Nanlieoke, Plymouth. , FiYii.out h Jane. Ki'ieslon W.-P, ,r,: Maltliy. W voinin I st. ic'n Pi.viMi, I.aekmv nma, Tayioiviili,, 1'eilevue, Si, (an ive ) 1 M ;a Nortlkfrn -n(rsil ltl!tvi). TALL AND WlNlLii A ERA Nil 11 M EXT. AS nnd alter Nov. 12, 171, trains will rnn V as f.illo-.vs hOS! 1! WAI'.D. N'ajrira Exr1'1- !tvt putii.'iry st 13 4) 7. 1.. nnives al Niagara I. ills ut l.oo n,, lii'ttV.o Esptes leaves S'liihuiy at 12 '.'' . m., ai i '.vi; al V 1 .ll.-uiisi ..' t a' V '.'5 u. rn., E n ::a ut 5.U." a. in., I a a in- i .. !i 1 S.15 a. m. Mul Kiiivis i t siachury at p. in., a;:;v tit Wii.i tin-pott 'i.oJ in: 1 Llnil'.i 1!.i.. p. iti. Fa-t L ii" cnive? at Sanhary al C.5-J p. in., nriive r.t SViilium-port S.15 p. n. fro I'TH WARD. RwIT i'.- 17 5 ;: -s- V-..V. Sr.-i! 11 i v r.t 1.47 11. r.ri'.i.; at I'...iis';.ir 3.45 r.. m.. i'..i'ti.i.vr 7.1) 11. 111. Hail liaves Pllt.t::ry i.l ll.v: I! I' i- s'vii .; 1.45 p. in. m., nriive nt f : E ,p:sijs i-'iivi- i h rive at 1! uri.l.ii. j; 11.2 p. m. l--t 1 v i.; u. tn., 1.. nr., r- :r.ois 3.00 !! lit Erie Mail lev 8.:r hi HarrUbsis S.2J a. ii'y f t 12. '0 n. tn., rrl MtAV iKIN I'lVis. r.nrwiKn. Leave I anbury r.l 4 40 p. m., rr! fit Iflinaia kia C..L0 p. ri., Mt. Car. 11 1 t..1J i'. m. La .il k ., HI I iv : arv ( Aee uniiK u" ; at 11 W s. n: al Leave Wi. Ce'mel a! T.uJ .1 7.40 a. m., anive :u S'j Ti..iv 'J.. Leave rhr.'iiokin ( Aeremvi :t ., KUanmkln in. . ) ut t.ii c :n.. ati ivs :.t iM;i;h.n v 4 I-.vpic s leaves ,;i:iv. A.l 1 I'm r tiaiu. is.l j.. iu. .dui.r, c- ci '. S -la-la re. . S. Y.,i'xj' A. H. Fi -.:. !' ii ni';. ri-.-j-'t., (TK-n: r. ilarra l.ui i. Fa. -'I'r Ai('t., u ..;'.:r,'.-e. v. IZt'Ilkiil Railieiid. WINTER A K Ii Ju'imJ t j. A'ov 1 N it E i! h. X T. VM. 1S71. " RT: vT TRUNK LIST. K J Nortii-Wt-.t for l'hiia.l -1; ins;. l'oi-v:!!.. Tamaijaa, A.' Lebanon. Aiientown, ICastoa, Lanearti-.-. t ..Mlliib.a. Ac. s'(.-. Trains 1- it ll.ii , l-l,. 11 ,'..f ; I fo in th? N ith sad N. Y.,;'i-l, Sbani' k a, F.pbrala. L.lit, 'r To k. f..:. ::i.. eou ilvr.n:a i-.i.o7 a. fc:-rir; hots : ,t -J.4'.. s.l'i. ; I.,'.'. v.ltli i al ar 1. II. iilr-.. t. 1 .aalin in.. d y..;;i 1 Cuts aeeon.r-.iiav tu-: chaii!:e. Lviiuiiii.ii; : I. rave l' r.i oh and i.oo p. 1. 111. an I !.': p ..ii; on ;'e Pn al N-.-w iic !'fi l.vr.v. tn., liain without 'It Yorx al S.OO a. 10.. , I'bi'i.-.iii Ipb'.a at 7.30, Slei-piu I a. s rtc.-oin-l.cji N :w York tritlj. S . 0 a. In. and o.J p. in. am pany th" .'i.IjJ p. ui. tr eh;l :L'l. Lcuv ilanlshuiy for E.Rd'f?, I'otl-ville, Ta ma.jii.i, Mi:eisv lie. Ash'.i.u.I, feiiauiokin, Alleulowu and Phiai le'piila al S.10 a. ta., -'.t-o i.rd 4.r.'i p. in . ,;,.p( lug .1 L p.iiir-p:.! w,y ftiiti,-,s; t!., p. 11... naiu eonne iin lor I'liim ! I hi 1. P,,:tsvi,e n,j ( u. lumlii.i o-a.y. For I'oltsville, Sd.aylkill ll.nen and A a barn, via Se'auyis..! U:i I t us piehaaua Raiii. a. I, k.iVe H 11 1 :-' iil al II. til p. m. I'.n.-l Pennsylvania lli.iin ;. trains have Rcnd Iiil.' for A ! leu: 1; an, l-.a.. inn and Y01 k al 4.1i4, l'.4l' 1. m., 11 ml !.;.". p. 111. Reiuriilag. leave New Yoik 1.1 '.i.o.ia. iu., 13.:;. 1 110011 and 5.00 p. 111. ami A'icntown ut T.u a. 10. 13.35 uoou, 3.17, 4 '-a anil s.oo p. in. Way i'..eseln;er ll.v, leaves Fhilalelpaia at 7-80 a. m.. conned !::,; with train o,i Last lVtinii. liaiiroa l, return. i.g Hem Keadiug nt ii.30 p. 111., stopping :ii all nation-. Leave t'oiisviile a; '.la'.s a. in. nn.l 3.;'..l p. in. II' 1 inlon al I o.i-o a. 111., Miamnkin at o n;ij ll.l.'i a. 111. : Asl.l.tln! at 7.i-'i a. 1,1., and 13.43 noon; Malianov 1 ity ut 7..M a. in. :,n I 1.3U p. ni. 'I ani.ui'.iii at .va.i a. 111. and 3.10 p. 1.1. for Pin 1 ideipltia. New York.lS'-n.'ir.g, II. 11 1 i-liai,A;c. Liave Potl.-vi.,e Via s-i-iiyilii;l ami Mt.i! h n.aa Kaiiioa.l al S.I.", .1. ni. 'lo. 11. in i!iury, aud II. 45 a.m., lor l ine diove and Ti. nioiu. Lead. in; Aeeoiuu oiial ion '1 rain leave- Petit viiieal 5.40 a. 111., pa.-ses U -adiae at 7.110 a. m. aniviiie;ai Plii'ade.phia al lo.'.u a. 111., r, lurninif leaves I' .il. Ipli' 1 ..1 4.C p. 111., pa-sinj; Read. iiK. at 7 :.'i p. 111. arriv mi.' al I' 11 v ii..- al 11.30 p.m. Pull-ton 11 Aeeointuoilal ion 'Irani leaves poita to,i al T.ou a. in., ictuiuiug U.iVi Philadelphia at 4.15 p. in. Coiun-.l.u Itailioad Trains leave Reading nt 7.30 a. 111., an I p. in. for ll hr.,ta, lain, Lancaster, Columbia. ,se. ; letaiuia' leave Lan caster at n.30 a. 111. and ;!.v"i p. in., and Colum bia al H.l'ia. 111. an 1 I., l.'ip. m. Peikiomeii li-iii Ro.ul Vraiin, leave Pnkiomcn J ani l ion at 7. ,.". '.i.o.'ia. in., al a.UI nnd 5.45 p. iu. Iiellllliluu.leave Celiiveuksv ille at ti.4.,.ltl a. Ul., 13. oO noon and 4.4.-1 p. tn. coma till- wilh Minilar trains ou Reading Rail lio.,. I. I'iikeiii.g Valley Raiiioad trains leate Phn inwille ut y.HI a. 111., y.o.'i and 5 .V, p. 111. j rs tnrniiiL', leave liveis at ti.aii a. la.. 13.45 noon, and 4.3o p. in., c-in uvet in vv ith tinuhu I rains on Riadin Railroad. l olelirookdale Raliroa.l Trains 1. ave Pottstown nt 11.40 u. 111., 1.15 and .;;o )i. in., reiiiiniug have Ml. Pleasant al 7.15 and 11.35 a. in., nnd 3.54 p. III. , eoni-ei ling with binniar trains on Reading P.aiiioad. Chester Valley Railroad I raiiu leave Bridge port al S.:UI a. 111., 3 b.jan I 5.1.0 p. m. let urnii.g, leave llovvninuton al Ii.a5 a. in., 13. .'.0 noon and 5.1. p. m. connect nig .th similar trains on Kuad- 1 lug Railroad. on t-uii. lays : i.eave M'w 1 ork at 5.00 p. m., Plnladelpliii at -I'J a. 111. aud ii.15 p. in., (ihe h.00 a. 111. train running only .0 Reading;; Polisvilleai S isin. 111.. I.' i burg, 2.45a. in., and a.oO ji. m. leave Allcniovvii 111 8.S5 p. III. j leave Reud'uig al 7.15 a. in. and W.5i)p. iu. for Harrihurg, at 4. tit a. ni. for New York, and at U.40 a. in. an I 4.15 in. for Pliiladel'a. Commulallon, Mileage, Season, School aud Excursion 1 iekeis, to aud from ull j ojuit at re duced rates. Baggage cheeked ibroiigu : 100 Potindi Ihis. gage aUtvr4 toh Paeaeuger. J. E. WOOTTEX, Am. Ptii. Ftig. Wtuh'if 10 !:. 5 io i :su 111 BO 5 40, i i ti on 1 fl OS' 11 14 3 121 : 0 17 ; 0 24 i ti '.i4 I 11 IC ti 41 1 1 ; 4i A. M. li 65 :12 W 7 t.y 7 HO 1 7 V:4 7 45 P M. P. M. 7 lil ti (si 1-i - 7 418 15 P. .M. 8 10 8 at) 5 15 IU 84 7 51 8 f.; 8 ZS 5 8 4' 2 ! 5 S5 li 4S 8 ( S 45 'J IS 5 40 8 11! 8 54 5 47 IS s 1 '.I 04 i 50 5 fia 8 2i Oil u 07 0 (,0 k 9 s in c io h t ! ti wi 3 t:; c, n ti 40 3 :o a '.r. r. hoc: