nnbnvg American. SUNBURY, MARCH 30, 1872. Railroad Time Tables. N. C. R. W. Esst. P. & K. R. R.-Wbst. Buffalo t I've 13.-20ani Erie Mall, I've 1:00am Erie ' " 8:20 'Accom. " :15 ' ElmlraMutl " 11:09 " Niagara Ex " 13:40 p m Niagara Ex." 4:40 pm ElmiraMall" 4:35" ,Erle Ex. " 0:50 " IHiMOIIN DIVIStOK M. O. B. W. anbury at 11:50 a m' At Sunbury :Mm " 4:40 p tn " 4:00 pm D. n. dt W. R. R. Leave Sunbury 0:80 a. in. Arrive at 8.35 p. m BUNBURT LEWTSTOWN R. R. . LEAVE I AHRIV finnburj at 0:30 a. m. At Sunbury 8:85 a. m. "11:40 a. m. " " 10:45 a.m. Accident Insurntice Ticket! can be had of J. Shipman, Ticket Agent at the Depot. l?0cal Affairs. Eewino Machines. -M16S Caroline Dal I us Is the agent for the ante of tho best Sewing Machines In existence, vli : "The Improved Singer," 'Grover & Baker," "Howe," and "Doui'stUy' which are constantly on hand and sold a. rea sonable prices. She Is also agent for the cele brated Fratitz and Pope Knitting Machine. Call and see them. Otllce on Market street, east of the railroad. Fob Rent. The large room one door north of the Junction Hotel, now occupied by Messrs. Kerns A Co., as a Tobacco Store. The room Is well calculated for any kind of business. Pos session given on tho first day of April. Apply to James Vaxdtke. Fob Rent. The three rooms over Dr. Moody's drag store, on Market Square, will be for rent on the 1st of April next, or a soon as the repairs nnd fitting up are finished. Thimble scl's nothing but the best quality of groceries and cheaper than the cheapest. Fob the Campaion. As the campaign will shortly be opened for President and Governor, which will probably be one of the most hotly contested political struggles In American history, we propose to offer every reader a newspaper that will furnish all the Important uews of the day as well as the local matters of the county, at a rata so that every family In the couuty can afford to take a copy. We will furnish one copy of the American from now until after the Presidential election for the low price of ONE DOLLAR in ad vaucc. Subscribers may be sent either in clubs or single. Those friendly to the Republican cause are earnestly requested to nid lu circulating the Americas among their friends and neigh bors, for there Is nothing so beneficial to a com isuulty as a reliable family newspaper. As act has been paused establishing a TYriy at Trevorton Junction, over the Susquehanna liver. The removal of the slaughter house nuisauces arc ngalu agitated In our Borough Council. The Rev. J. Clark, pastor of the M. E. Church lu this place, asked to be rc'ievcd at thu lute meeting Of Conference, and was transferred to Bhamokin. The Rev. Mr. lYuuypacker, of York, will succeed him. The shaft upon which the Court Houso bell is hung, gave, way on Saturday last, and the bell fell nud lodged upon some JoUt. about threa feet below. It has bees, repaired and the bell ngalu sends forth its loud peals, summoning Jurymen uud others to the house of Justice. Fiiie. On Saturday about 10 o'clock, A. M. j cense fee, und V.huney put him oil', telling him smoke was seen Usulng through the windows of ! call ngaiu. Thu List lime Coptain Smith the Steam Fire Engluo House, when nn alarm ' called he found the ticket ottce closed, ami Whit uf fire was clven. On the doors being opened j uey among the mining. At a Int.; hour in the it was discovered that the closets nud woodwork evening it was r.sccrtalued that he had taken the lu the back part of the building were on lire, j -for Philadelphia. The Chief of Police of The fire was extinguished with Imse attached to j that city was telegraphed to to arrest him, Prof, a force pump, but not mull the wood work was ! Martin having made complaint against him. considerably charred. The fire Is supposed to I " have been caused bv carelessness lu emptviug I Tits Reess Hotel at 8iiA.MOKis.-We notice out ashes from the stove. j lllat uamc rf lhe DlM,t-v IIou"c nt Slium.-kln, . j has been changed to ' Reese Hotel." This change Killed. John Deen of this place, met with i j Is not as -reat, however, as t lie Improvements fatal accident on Thursday last. He was brake- made in the house by the present proprietor, man on the passenger train on the D. II. & W. Railroad, and while ou duty at the upper end of i the road, tho car on which he was standing jump ed the track nnd he fell under, w hen the wheels passed over his ucck killing him Instantly. His remalus were brought to this place In the even lug aud taken to his residence ou Fourth Street. He leaves a wife and one child. The Snyder County Ti-ibum, burnt out in tho recent conflagration at Selinsgrovc, U acain pub lished in a new dress, and looks very neat. We hope that the proprietors will be rewarded for their enterprise in furnishing their reudcn with the Tribune after a lapse of ouly a few weeks from the time of the disaster. Tuosa who prophesied a late spring are likely to be right for once. The frost is yet in the ground to tho depth of over a foot, and farmers will be unable to do any ploughing for some time. For years past much of the ploughing has been done in February nud March, aud lust year oats were sown by this time. A stone seighiug three pouuds aud a quarter was taken out of the bladder of a mare, lately killed by Joseph McCloud, of Lower Augusta township. The animal had been ailing for some time past, andufter being killed, curiosity ns to tho probable cause of her sickness led to nu ex amination, when tho stone was discovered. The stone U in thu prssessioti of Henry Neldlg. A coal oil lamp exploded at the residence of i J. H. Jenklus, Esq., of Northumberland, a few nights ago, aud set fire to the bed clothing. The : flumes were extinguished by Mrs. Jenkins, throw- log blaukcts upon it, saturated with water. The lumps had all been carefully trimmed during the ; day, but It seems coal oil Is liable to explode ut I auy time, and too much precaution cannot be ! taken. j Vru James Yiuko, of Lower AuguBta town-, ship, met with serious Injury lu a stone quarry, on Tuesday of last week. He was employed by Reuben Garlngcr us a laborer, aud was cleariug away the debris of the blast when u stone struck biui on the back part of the head crushing the skull and making a gash some four Inches in length. Dr. Wageuscllcr, of Sellusgrove, dressed the wounds, but death ended his sufferings ou the following day. He leaves a wife but uo children. Ixstalled. The officers of Susquehanna En campment, No. 00, J. O. of O. F., at Bhamokin, were Installed on Tuesday evculug Iubi, by D. D. O. P., Em'l Wllvert. The officers for the ensuing term are as follows i C. P., F. 8. Hans H. P., J. L. Gllgcr ; 8. W., Martin L. Gabel J. W., li. O. Mails Trcas., John Newmau Scribe. J. Weinicr Young. A Council, of Junior Order of United American Mechanics was organized at Ibis place, ou 1 burs day evening of last week, by District Deputy, J. E. Colt. This uew Couucil is named Mason Council, No. 131, and U composed of some of our best young men of this place. The following officers have beeu Installed for theeusulug term i Couucillor, C J. Bluir V. Councillor, O. K. II. DrnmLiUr i R. 8.. J. C. Fari.sworth I A. R. 8. 4, 6sy t F. 8., L. Savidgo Treus., 8. F: KlVfc.in. w- Sepsenbuch I. 8., Ed. W-u ' f t J- V. bT.'M. 8BSATOBtAL Cohpbkescb. The conferees of this Senatorial District, composed of the coun ties of Northumberland, Perry, Union and Sny der, met at the Contral Hotel, In Sunbury, on Friday, tho 33d Inst., to elect a Delegate to repre sent the said Senatorial District, In the Republi can Btute Convention, to be held In TUrrisburg, on the loth of April ucxt. The following Dele gate were present I Snyder Samuel Allemnn, James K. Davis, and Jeremiah Crotise. Union J. W. Kauflman. Perry J. L. Gantt and James E. Stephens. Northumberland A. N. Brlce. Ou motion of Jos. K. Davis, Esq., J. L. Gantt, of Perry, was made Chairman of the Conference. On motion of James K. Davis, Esq., A. N. Brlce, of Northumberland, and Jeremiah Crousc, of Snyder, were made Secretaries. On motion, Retolved, that each county be en titled three votes In the conference. The following resolutions were then offered by Samuel Allemnn, Esq., of Snyder, aud read I ficiohvd, Thut the Seuatoilal Delegate to the Republican Btuto Convention be nu.l is hereby Instructed to support Hon. John B. Packer lor Governor. Jietolved, Tlmt ho also be Instructed to support Hon. Ulysses Mercur for Judge of the Supreme Court. A vote was taken on each of these resolutions, and they Wero unanimously adopted. Nomlnulious were then made for Senatorial Delegate, as follows i Snyder nominated William Harding. Perry nominated O. T. Kerim. Uniou nominated Scott Clingun. Northumberland nominated IVm. L. Nesbit. Quite a spirited coutest took place for the Delegate, each county presenting her own claims. The balloting was carried on very good humorcd ly, and after the twenty-seventh ballot had been reached, William L. N'csbit, Esq., of Northum berland county, was unaulmously cho.'en ns the Senatorial Delegate with the above Instructions. We regard this ns not only a compliment to the Hou. John B. Pucker, but to the county In which he resides, for Mr. Nesbit is a gentleman in every way qualified to represent us in the next State Convention at llurrUburg, and he will ably pre sent our honored standard bearer to that Conven tion as the- very best candidate for Governor of our Commonwealth. A. N. Bluer., Jeiiemiau Choi SB, Secretaries. Wu. P. Mii.lsb, late Justice of the Peace at Lykens, died of consumption lu that place re cently, aged nearly thirty-three years. During the rebellion Mr. M. was l.st lieutenant of com pany "H," 210 regiment Pennsylvania volun teers (ore year service.) His funeral took place on Suuday, March 17, nnd wns probably the largest that ever occurred lu Lykens. It was ntteuded by the Lodge of Odd Fellows, (escorted by the Silver Cornet Hand.) Wieonisco Encamp ment and Likens Camp of American Mechanics, of which Orders deceased was a member, nil in regalia ; also a detachment from Anthony Pot, (i. A. R., of Williamstown, in Zouave uniform, and the people of ibis place and Wieonisco almost tn matte. A salute was fired over the grave by the soldiery. The funeral, services were held nt the Lutheran church, where a feeling discourse was pronounced by Rev. Kloss. Lykeui Jltyltter. Anscuxnr.n. The Lancaster IftdliijMctr says: Charles S. Whitney, the ticket agent of Prof. I). Martin, who Is now giving a series of entertain ments in magic and ventriloquism In Fulton hall, ubsquatulatrd ln.l evening, taking the b:45 train of cars for Philadelphia, and taking with him the receipts of admission for the evening, amounting to $43. It appears that Capt. Smith, chief of police, called at the ticket ollice two or three times during the evening for the usual 11- Lieut. Win. Ilocse. Every room lias been reno vated, nud ail the furniture reuewed. The latest style of uew furniture nud carpets now grace the parlois and bed rooms. The tables, ton, appeur to have uudcrgonc a change, and while they arc supplied most bountifully, the surroundings mc of such a neat appc.rnixc that the most t'aeti dinus are coutcr.t. The ,ropiiclor, Mr. Reese is widely known ns one who "knows how to keep u hotel," while his son Andrew, is not surpassed in treating thu guests of thu house with the greatest politeness and ulteutiou in uukiiig nil feel comfortable. Thimble's grocery is I he plac e to buy cheap. Everything lu the grocery line is kept there. SriciPE. John Fitslnger, a resident of Sus quehanua township, Juniata county, hung him self to the limb of a cherry tree, near his retidcuco und In sight of his family, ou tho IStli lust. It is supposed that he was laboring under a tempo rary lit of insanity. Ha had immediately previ ous to hanging himself, made violent demonstra tions towards hi w ife and children. MMitbunj rout. Oiu Merchants, before ordering their Spring stock from New York, should read the advertise meut of Eastman, Bigelow V Dayton, in unother column. Their slock I one of the very best. They import direct, and offer every Indueerucut j to purchasers. List of Letters remaining in the Suubury Post OUlce, March 27, IS" Dime Savings Bunk, William Burx, Edward E. Huuce, Mrs. Rachel Campbell, George W. MeColiou, Henry ErUtm, Mrs. 1). A. Finney, Mis. S. C. Fainnan, II. M. Harding, Charles llagcy, Miss llatlie Jayncs, C. W. Jones, Miss Mane Kerliug, 1. Leuiiias, W. II. Ilurny & Co., Robert Martin, James WenUc.l, Miss Mary K. Oberdorf, Miss Eliza Oberdorf, C. D. Oberdorf, Miss E. K. Oberdorf, Mrs. Anna Fatten, It. Ji. Pipher, Mi.s Mary Aliis Poll, Mis Alice Poll', G. McRune, Joseph T. Butter, Mis. Elizabeth KeiJ, II. behiuultz, Miss Nellie Thomas, Miss Mollie Wolf. JOHN J. SMITH, P. M. Dkieu aud canned fruit of all kluds can be bought cheap at Trimble's grocery. Thehb has beeu au uuusu 'l amount of sick ness during the past winter, tlioughout thecouu try. Btnnll-pox has prevailed ueurly everywhere, typhoid fevers have curried off large numbers, aud other diseases have hud their victims. There exists much speculation whether this is not au indication of much sickness during the coming warm seusou. Tho greatest precuuiiou should be tukeu in every towu uud village, and all gar. huge au uuelcuuline.s which Invites disease, be removed. Though Sunbury has thus far escaped the pre vailing discuses, we would urge upou our bo. rough ulhorities to give their timely atleution to having the streets uud alleys thoroughly cleans ed. By expendiug a llltle money at the openlug of the season may save many lives aud much distress. nAMB, shoulders, dried beef, and fish of the first quality are sold at Trimble's. Easteun Btab Loixis of KoighU of Pythias, of this. place, celebrated their anniversary ui their hall, on Tnesduy evening last. A general j good tliua wa bad, and all present were highly ' Oughts. Tbb Opothalmosoopb. This is the title or a domestic medical Journal, which will be Issued from Dr. C. E. Up De Gkapp's Eye and Ear In flrmary, the first of crciy month, the first num ber of which will appeur on Monday next, and will be sent free to every person sendlug tils name to the editor, Dr. C. E. Up De Graff, Bun bury, Pa., from this or adjoining' counties. It will be devoted to the exposition of charlatanism In medicine and the enlightenment of the fami ly circle ou medical subjects. Here Is an oppor tunity to obtain a neat and spicy Journal free. Send In your names. - We learn that efforts are being made to finish the Presbyterian Church In this place, during the coming summer. Work on this beautiful edifice censed nearly two years ago ou nccoiint of nn In sufficiency of fuuds for Its completion. During the past week, tho amount required has been nearly subscribed, the Hon. J. B. Packer having given 11000, Judge Rockefeller t500, James Boyd, Esq., 5003. P. Wolvetton, Esq., 1500, and W. Montc'.ius, Esq., of Philadelphia, $500. The amount required Is about 80000. Removal. J. G. Trimble removed his tobacco store luto the building two doors south of his former location, on Third street. A new stock of tobacco aud cigars have been received, and purchasers can procure bargains by calling nt Trimble's new store room which Is handsomely fitted up for parties to regale themselves by tak ing a smoke of the nauseous weed. A Card. The Baptist congrcgntion take tlil opportuni ty of expressing their most hearty thanks to tho friends who so liberally patronized their festival held In .Moore X Uissiimer's ball. The good order and friendly feeling which pre vailed throughout, enshrlno lias the brightest, most Joyous social period In our history. For much of our pleasure we are Indebted to the members of tile Sunbury Orchestra, who kindly and fuithfully interspersed tho festivities with the sweetest strains of music. The Ice Crenm, which was of the flucst quality, ond from which tho greatest results were realiz ed, was under the entire supervision of Mrs. Elizabeth Graves. The Oysters, prepared In an excellent manner, camo from the hands of Mrs. Ann Irwiu. The receipts amounted to ti'H S3. The ba lance, after expenses wero paid, amounted to $003 4'.l, which will be applied immediately to religious purposes. Geo. J. BiiEMtiiMir.ii, Pastor. Fun the Ameuican. A Fcniuii Victory. Ou Tuesday evening lust, March 10th, Just be fore blowing of the w histle, at the P. 6i E. Shops, the boys were treated to the enlivening scene n( a pugilistic encounter between Mike Ryon, 6osj of Hie flouting gang, and George Mason, bum of the carpenter shops. M.kc is un Irishman, and of course, n Fcui.ui, and w hen religiously Inclin ed, Pollute bis beads. George Is au Hiiigli.luiMii, and bel ings to Hie established church Mild hales onu Irishmen, especially Keiiiaus. Between tl.ese two personages there has long existed u hitter feud, which has omVii found vent In words, but i.ot until the. above time did it come to blows. The encounter lasted but a short time, Mason being throttled and having received a lew well directed slwus from a Fenian battel,, ami wiih tomrue protruding came ut second best. 1 he above occurrence is much regretted, because the parties so engaged are liable to b; dealt with ac cording lo the Book of Rules of the shops, which prohibits lighting between working hours by em ployees, ll also puts the General Foreman ill a delicate position, who, it Is believed, sympa thizes strongly wiih Mike, and when the pro spective Is taken Into consideration it is sate to assume will deal gently wi.h George. As OnsuitvEii. IMi tor's Tuble. Tub Lady's Friend for Ariui.. The April number ol tills licuutiltil magazine makes its up- i pearance in a pretty tint of Spring green, edged ' Willi clear while lace cool and refreshing to the : eye. lis contents arc us grateful to the spirit. "Lili," the finely engraved Steel Piute, is a ' charmlug und unique picture of a mountain maUb n, with the birds anil ether Innocent crca- ) t li res Cocking lovingly about her. drawn tiy some secret attraction. The Colored Fashion Plate is elegant as usual, ''Spring Flowers" a pleasant scene, and there is nn abundance of captivating j designs for costumes mid halr-ilrosiiig. The music is "Home, Sweet Home." la literary mat- 1 ter this luagazino maintains Its well established , superiority. There is mi illustrated Hory by M. , C. Pylc, and onu by Millie W. Carpenter. The fascinating serial of Quecu Ci-quiita'' Is con-, eluded: und Mrs. Wood's novel, 'Within the' Maze." certainly one of her be-t so far, deepens with every lumber iu mystery and absorbing In- teres!. Price, t-' u year. Four copies. SO. r.ight ; copies (and one gratis), 41'.'. Oil. "The Lady's ; Friend" iiinl "The Saturday Evening I'o-t," 4. I Published by Deacon .t Pcteison, Philadelphia, j Single copies fur tale by all News Dealers, and ! by the Publishers, price 'J'J tents. j Sciiiunek's rou AruiL. A half dozen 111 its- ; t ruled articles, an unusual number of sliori sto- ! lies, several bright essav and sketches, t wo or ' three papers of special interest to scholars, and ' some excellent poems, make the April number of : ScitiuMMi's not oniy popularly attractive, but really valuable. The leading article, beautifully I illustrated, is descriptive of the great L'nitcd States Navy Yard at Mare Island, California. ! 'Curiosities of Plant I. lie' is ail entertaining pa- per on Natural History, w ith a number of sirik- ' ing illus'rulions. Prof. Scheie de Vere writes skutehilv, and with the aid of pictaies, of Hie Earth's "Hid len Treasures;' aud AniosG. Dra per, hiinelf an Inmate of the iiistliuliou, de scribes 'The Silent tollego at Washington.' Apropos of Easter, we find a graphic account, by Eugene Schuyler, of the Russian observance of the feast ; also a thoughtful and characlcri-lic poem by Mrs. A. I. T. Whitney. 'Awakened Japan' i the title of n brief and timely paper by Noah Brooks, a w liter unusually well Informed on Japanese matters. The three short stories arc especially reudatilo. They are 'The Mullen- villo Mystery," by young Hawthorne ; 'With the ' False Prophet : A Mormon Wife's Storv.' by j Mrs. Ratlensperger j ami 'The Haunted Closet,' j by Mrs. Weiss. There is a suggestive and touch- j ing llltle paper ou 'The Boy John.' Warner s Back-Log Studies IV.' are juicy uud de.icious ! us usual. These papers have ultra, d wide at- I teution, und constitute one ol I lie most attractive . features ol I lie Monthly. 'Shall we Say 'Is Be ing Built' ' Is a spirited und scholarly essay iu the field of grammatical controversy, by Filzcd wald Hall, of Oxford University ; and in an able aud eloquent paper Dr. Tayler Lewis defends the belief in 'The One Human Race,' in opposition to the theories of u race before Adam. Among the poems, Margaret J. Preston's "Hero of the Commune' should not be overlooked. In the Editorial departments Dr. Holland ex presses some decided opinions oil 'A Heresy of All,' 'Hepworth and Heterodoxy,' 'The Illinois I Temperance Law,' uud 'The General and his r l lends.' In thu 'OKI Cabinet' there is u talk uboul 'The Smut of "Heal Work,' ' "Our Friend's Portfolio,' 'Playing with the Passions,' 'Studies, ' aud 'The Sculptor uud the Statuette.' In the de partments of 'Ilouie uud Socieiv,' and 'Culture i and Progress Abroad' uud 'At Home' are paper on 'The AH Museum, musical mailers, uud new book. The Etchings show how Peter Green emulated the Grand Duke's career iu the Buffalo Hunt. Uuslucss Xolkes. We are not closed up yet at the Excelsior of Win, H. Miller, but we are getting over oue hun dred cases of the flucst Boots and Shoes direct from the manufacturers, made to my special order, goods that cunuot be handled by pedlere. We cull the altcnilou of the public to the fol lowing fuels I We dou't have so many slop shops through the country to depeud ou the refused stock thut will not sell at any price. We buy from manufacturers that un other par ties can buy from, even if tbey have the mouey to pay for them, to sell them lu Sunbury. . We dou't ouly buy one case, but we buy hun dreds of them at a time und pay for them, as the good people of Sunbury will attest. I have manufactured twenty years myself, and have cut Moioceos, Calf's bole lo supply tifty stores peddling through the country. I will warrant all goods told at my store, as we handle such goods that there Is uo discouut ou them to sell them. We don't sell any of 8. & Bro.'s goods that have failed for 4.60. We dou't have any wears for ageuis. we pay 100 ets. on the dollar. We dou't sell paper sole shoes, as we have plenty or paper bere wllbout sending east for U Wa will kits nil dollars to pedlars thai will HU better and flow boots and shots then w 40 AMplendld Assortment of Spring Goods ut Clement Dlsslngcr's. Cloning out Winter Stock at almost cost, at Clement Dlsslnger'. Shawl aud Blanket at remarkably low prices, at Clement A Disslngor's. A good assortment of Quecnsware Jnst received at Clement A Dlsslngcr's. lOOO dosen best Spool Cotton In the market, Just received at Clement A Dlsslngcr's, and for sale at the follow. ng prices i 6 cents per spool or 70 ccuts per dozen. The largest, cheapest and best assortment of Cusslmcrcs In town, Just received at Clement A Dlsslngcr's. American FiiourcT Still Ahead I W. M. Duugliorty Is now using marble that is superior to the Italian for monuments aud grave stones. While Italian marble cracks In less than ten yenrs, the American has stood tho test for over thirty years nnd found to stand our climate far better than any foreign marble. Cull at his shop, opposlto the Court House, aud see his as sortment. Tho prices have been greatly reduced. A Sl'PEuioh urticlo of Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, and Corn Meal, is sold at J. G. Trimble's Grocery at a low price. A Fact worth remembering, that Welnier sells goods lower than the lowest. His stock of Dress Goods iu Silks, Merinos, Kmprcss cloth, Suttlns, Fluids, fee, &e., are complete. Velvets and Velveteens 25 per cent lower thtin former prices. Waterproofs of flic latest styles nud best make. Ladies' Chlldrctis' and Gents' Furs. His assort ment of Shawls, embracing all the leading styles in tho markets, which he oilers at extremely low prices. Call und lie convinced that Weinier's popular Cash Store Is the place to secure bar gains. Ills stock of goods is not to be surpassed by nuy In quantity, quality, or price. No trou ble to show goods. Huvltigjust returned from the New York mar- ; kcts, he is prepared to offer extra inducements to : cash buyers. j The splendid assortment of all kinds of Huts j and Caps at S. Faust's store contiuuu to attract j attention, which are sold tit reasonable prices. pcclal Notices. On MarriMRe. Essays for Young Men, on Great Social Evils and Abuses, which Interfere will. Marriage, and ruin tho happincse of thou sands. w ith sure means of relief for the En ing and Unfortunate, deceased and debilitated. Scut lu sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, Howard Association, No. 2, South Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. A EIuudKOitic Housitudie. MOUSTACHE. Prof. St. Croix's French Com WHISKERS. pound, the Onut Hair Grower, MOUSTACHE, will produce a luxuricnt Mou WIIISKF.RS. staehe or Whiskers on the MOUSTACHE, smoothest face. Pleasant lo WHISKERS. use. Sent to any address ou receipt of Fil'tv Cents. II. T. BOND, Chemist. N. E. for. Tenth nod l licstuui sis., I'tuia. Feb. IT, IST.'.-lv. "5. 5 tn -4 - P 3 i o O O H J3 E a a t - C r. QfJ .9 - t f H a. ,0 -A C Z JZ O i-- .1 e c " S 2 52 I - a 3 x m 9 CO V u S 8- to tiii: KS Fri:iti;. The Rev. William It. Noitoii, while residing In lirazil as a missionary, di-eovered in that land of medicines a i Mneily lor Cons; mi'Iion, ti uoi'i i.i, Souk Tiniovr, fortius, foi.ns. Asthma, imi N K li vol it Wi:.knkis. This rein rdv hat cured invself after all other medielues had failed. Wi-diinii to benefit the suQ'erlnir. I will send the recipe lor preparing and iifimr this remcJvto all who desire il rKF.K OF CHAIKiK. Please send an envelope, with your name aud address on it. Address, Kev. WILLIAM II. NOKTON, 070 UllOAllWAV, Oct. 1US71. Iv. New Youk Citv, In Jaelifon twp., ou the 1Mb Inst., RACHEL IIOOVLK, nvriil till years, il months and U days. In this place, on the lilinl inM., of scarlet r;ih, LllliAlt WI1KF.LF.U, aged 3 years, S mouths and 'M days. Iu this place, on the Sod lust., ULr.ItU EISF. LY, ascd oil years. The deceased was a native of Vienna, Capita! of Austria. lie served duiiiisjlhe lute rebellion as a veteran soldier, aud was severely wounded at the tli st battle of Bull Uun, from the cthcts of which his death rrsulted. His remains were fol lowed to his hitt rcstini; placu by a large con course of people and members of thu U. A. It., who buried him with the honors of war. Nuubury iruiu V Produce Slurkct. COKIIBI TBll WKF-.KI.V IIY HU B OKItlMOKIl. Grain Choice White Wheat Hest Amber, Wiuter , I oru live Oats, CM lbs.) Het Amber, Winter, per sack.... " " ' barrel.. Corn Meal, per cwt., Pennsylvania Roll , Eoos Pet dozen Meats Dried Hcef, ei lb chunked Mutton Lakh per lb Fish Suit White Fish, per lb " Trout " Cod " Veoktahlss Turnips, per bushel Potatoes " Ouious " Beans, " quart Hominy, " " Dried Fki'its Dried Apples, per tb , " Peaches, " ...tl CO 1 50 80 .... i 00 1 50 a oo 8 JO 3 so bf ! no , ..?:o7 :;o : ..ltiftia I ! is ' .... j i , '.0' "I 1 JO ..l.'i(u,iH , ..l -(;:!; Aiteuts WunOd for the Xew Uork, OLK CHILOltES 1 I OH, llov? to Make and Keep them Healthy. Bt AiuisTi'S K. Gahuner, M. D., Lata Professor lu New York Medical College. It treat of Aniuseineuts, Education, Physical Development, Diseases, Accident, Marriages, ic.. Imparling a vast amount of valuable infor mation conducive lo the Health, Happiness, aud Welfare of the Young. Writteu In a pleusiug style, il 1 exceediugly lulcretllug, a well as in structive. Every Fumily should have it, aud no Patent can atloid lo be without it. Scud fur Circulars givlug full particular. DUFFIELU AplIlMEAD, Publisher, Til Suusoui blreel, Philadelphia. TO KOOK AGENTS. 91 Alt K TW AIVN :W BOOK, "ROUGHING IT," Is ready for Canvassers. No book is looked for mora impatiently than Ihl, aud agent will do well to get territory for it as early a possible. Apply for Circulars Ld term to DU FIELD AfsUMEAD, PublUber, 711 CsBtora fcliesi, rbilsdslpbta. VIST APPEAL To Debilitated Persons, To Dyspi-ptics, To Sjullbrera from Liver Complaint, To thoBo having no Appetite, To those) with Broken Down Coustltu tons, To Nervous Poople, To Children AVimtinfr Away, ontiy with Debilitated Digestive Organs, Or suffering viitli any of the folliwing ! t;i(oi8, which indicate Visor dcrmi Liver Stomach, . snch as Con stipation, Inward Piles, Fullness or Blood to the Hend, Acid ity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight lu the Stom ach, Sour Eruclatlons,Sinklng or Fluttering nt Hie Pit of the Stom ach, Bwiinnilns of tho Head, Hur ried and Diflleult Breathing, Flutter ing at the Heart, Choking or Sutrocat Ing Sensations, when In a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficien cy of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Sklu and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back. Chest, Limbs, Arc, Sudden flushes of Heal, Burning lu the Flesh Constant Im agiuiugs of Evil, and Great De pression of Spirits. HooflaiuVs German Hitters. A Bitters without Alcohol or Spirits of nny kind. Is dill'erent from nil others. It is composed of the pure Juices, or Vital Piiiscipi.e ol' Roots, Hp.iins and Baiiks, (or as medicinally termed Ex tracts,) the worthless or inert portions of the in gredients not beinif used. Therefore ill one bot tlo of this Bitters there is contained us much me dical virtue as will be found iu several callous of ordinary mixtures. The Hoots, ifcc used in this Bitters are mown iu Germany, their vital princi ples extracted I p. that country by a scicutitic Che mist, and forwarded lo the iiinnufuctDry in this city, where they are compounded and hot lied. Containing no spir.tnous inirredients. Ibis Bitters Is free from the objections meed against all oth ers : no desire for stimulants can be Induced from their use) they cannot make drunkards, and cannot, under any circumstances, have any but a beueliclal effect. IIOt'I.Air. tJKKM AX TOXIC, Was coinpouuded for those not Inclined to ex treme bitters, and is Intended for use in cases when some alcoholic stimulant is required in co i nc. tlon with flic tonic properties of the Bitters. Each bottle of the Tonic contains one bottle of the Bitters, combined with puree SANTA CRUZ RUM, and flavored In such a maimer that the ex treme bitterness of the bitters is overcome, form int a preparation highly agreeable and pleasant lo the palate, and containing the medicinal vir tues of the Bitters. 1 lie price of Hie Tonic Is $1. M per Bottle, which inunv persons think too high. Thcv must take into consideration that i thu stimulant used Is guaranteed to be of a pure quality. A p ior article could be furnished at a cheaper price, but Is it not better to pay a little more ami have a irood urticlo ? A medicinal pre paration should contain none but the tiest ingre dients; nnd they who expect to obtain n cheap compoun 1, and bo beuetllled by It will most cer tainlf be cheated. IIooflaucl'M German Kilter, or IIOoFLA.MVS uF.Il.MAN TONIC, with IIOOF l.AND'Li Iollijlli:i 111!, will cure you. They are the fireuteet BLOOD PnUFIF.KS known to ihe Medical world, and will eradicate diseases ariin from impure blood, Debility of the liisgestive Organs, or Diseased Liver, in a shorter time ihau auy other knowu remedies. T1IK WIIOLK srrr.EMF. COURT OF ii:nnsyi.vama speak von THESE UKMHDIES. Wno wort.n ask pok mokr PiosirinD and Strosoeu Testimony I Hon. (.no not. V. Wu iwaiiii, formerly Chief Justice of the Supreme fnuit of Pennsylvania, at present Member of Congress from Pennsyl vania whi Pitit.AnKi.riiu, March lftth, I3C7. I find "Hooll nnl's l.ci inan Hitlers" W a good tonic, iiM-fnt in diseases of the diircMive orpins, and of great benelil ill cases of debility, and want of nci'vous action In the svstem. Yours, truly, liLO. W. W joDWAul). lion. jAvr.b TiioMi s.i.v, Chief Juttice of li.o Su preme Couit of Pennsylvania. Puil.AiiEl.ruiA, April Sx, 1867. I consider ''Hootl.ind's German Hitters" a val uable medicine iu e.ibe of altucks ot lndi;esiiou or Pyspepiia. I caa certify this from my expe rience of it. Yours, JAMES THOMPSON. Hon. Gcohos Shakswhoo, Justice of the Su preme Court of Pennsylvania. Piiii.Aiirt.riitA. June 1, 180S. I have found by expel icuce I hut iloolland's German Hitters" is u ery pood tonic, relieving ilvspeptie symptoms almost direct I v. UEuKGE SUAKSWCOD. Hon. Urn. F. Ucnat, Mayor of Ihe City of Buf falo, N. Y. Mayor's Ofllee, Iiutr.ilo, June 5'2, WA. I have used "Honlluud's German Hitters aud Tonic" in my family duiiii: tho pa.-t year, and can recommend them us un excellent tonic, itii- part'ui'' lone und viiror lo the sv-lcui. Their uu ' lias beeu productive of decidedly benetieial cf feels. WM.'f, I'.tJGEKS. Hon. Jamtt V. flocd, Ex-Mayor of Williams port, Pa. 1 take irrent pleasure In recommending "Hoof l.md's (iei man Tonic" to any one who may be atllieted with lyspepi-lu. 1 had Ihe Dyspepsia so badly it was impossible to keep any fiod on my stomach, und I became so weak as not to be able to walk half a mile. Two buttles etlectoj a perfect cure. JAMEh M. WOOD. REMEM15EU THAT IIOOFLAXIVS GERMAN HITTERS, and HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TOXIC, Will Cure every Case of MAR A S M U 3 f or Wastinj; away of the Body. REMEMliEli thai HOOFLAND'S GERMAN REMEDIES ; Are the medicine you require to purify tho I Blood, excite the torpid Liver to healthy action, 1 and lo euuble you lo pass safely through auy hardships or exposure. DR. HOOFLAND'S PO D OP 11 I'LL IN , or substitute for Mercury Pills. Two Pill a Dose. The most Poweiful, ytt Iuuoceut Culhar tic kuoHn. It 1 not necessary to take a handful of these Pills to produce tho desired etfect ; two of ibeiu uct quickly uud powerfully, cleansing the Liver, e'loiuucu aud Bowel of all impurities. The principal iugredieul is Podophyllin, or ihe Alco holic Exlruct of Mandrake, which i by many limes more powerful, uctiug und searching Ihau the Mandrake itself, lis peculiar action is upon the Liver, cleuning it speedily from ull obstruc tions, with all ihe power of Mercury, yet free from the injurious results attached to the use of that iiiiueiul. For all discuses, In which the use of a cathar tic is indicated, these pilU will give enure satis faction in every ease. They never fail. Iu cases of Liver Complaint, Dypcpsia nod ex treme cOoliveiiet.it, Dr. Hootlaiid's German lin tel or Tonic should be used in connection with the Pills. The tonic effect of Ihe Billers iir To nic builds up the system. The bitter or Tonic purities Ihe Blood, slrcugtheus the Nerves, regu lates the Liver, uud give klreuglh, enemy uud vltror. Keep your Bowels active with the Pill, and tone up the system with Bitter at Tonic, uud uo disease cut ritiilu Ihe bold, or even usrail you. Recollect thai II is Dlt. HOOFLAND'S GER MAN Remedies that are o universally ued uud highly recommended 1 nod do not allow the Dreist to induce you to take unythlpir else thut ho 11111 y tuy I Just a good, because he liiuKe a larger profit on it. These Keiucdiw will he eut by Expres to any locality, upon applica tion lothe PRINCIPAL OFFICE, ut Iho GER MAN MEDICINE blORK, 1 ARCU ST., PU1LADELPII1A. C1IAS. M. EVANS. Proprietor. Formerly C. M. Jackson ii Co. These Rui diee are for Sale by Druggist, kttofekswpers, a4 M4taaa Pealert itnukirt Grrand Spring Opening AT . .. S. HERZFELDER'S Popular Clothing Store, Corner Market and Third Streets SUNBURY, PENN'A. Now on hand and receiving nn enormous assortment of 6PRINO GOODS. 500 Business and Working Coats, 400 Dress Pants and Vests, 500 Business and Working Suits, 1& Bloys Suits ITS ffl CAPS tor li M BOYS. A grand assortment in this line, liiclndinir all the verv latest Spring Styles. A large variety of BOYS HATS AND CAPS. dents' F'urnisliing Goods. The Largest Assortment in this Hue w mt oi S3, jm. & jt& feg Calico from 75e up. White Press Shirts from $1.00 up. Agencv for the Celebrated QUAKER CITY Hnd ECLIPSE FINE WiF.SS SHIRTS, eve rv one of which is guaranteed a perfect Ct. S1IIKT BOSOMS, &.c. Gents' Spring and Summer Underware. 500 Overalls arid Overshirts made to order. Ouly ttvi best material used and well sewed. Trunks, Valises, Satchels, Umbrellas, Walking Canes, et.d numerous other articles. All the above goods will be offerer! at Hity'ui only of the largest nnd most reliable: Houses, and for CASH only, and doing hv fur the lurjL't-sl business iu tu'y liuo iu this part of tho country, I utu enabled to tell IiETTEll ARTICLES at Isorarer Prices than ny of my competitors here or else where. Call at the Largo and Beautiful .Store Room, Corner Market and Third Streets, Suubury, March 23, 1872. ly. Don't Read This ! ! .Good moriiing, Mrs. A., where are you bound for f o early I Mrs. A. Why Mrs. C, . on't yon know Mr. r.yerlyhas bought out t he Grocery and Confec tionery tore of Haa & Weaver, uud U selling: nice lrci.li (irocciies, Canned Fruit. and in fact, everything in the Grocery iine, cheaper than the cheape.-t, ami I h.ive sot lii ' d payiiu: hijrli 1 rices, bo I have made up my mind utter this to patron i.o Mr. Uyerly. so good morning, Mis. C. I must so. Mrs. C, to hersilf. Well I am bound to flud out fur myself, and will no to Byerly'snew cheap cash Grocery, the not time I wuut any Groceries, Conic lloin-rlvsor I'riuie Ojslvr. I will just say to all come and give me a trial, and Fatisfy yourselves that there Is one cheap cah Grocery in Suubury. Remember the place, No. 11, South Third St., iu Clement House Building, bunburv. Pa. B. BYERLY. Suubury, Jan. 20, 1ST'-'. 18727 18'72. EYEIt & LAX DELL, Fourth aud A roll Sits., l'hiiudelphfa, DEALERS IN FINE JDFi-r GOODS 1 EHtabli!u.'l iu It 10. Fine SILKS. Fine SHAWLS. "W1IITF C(X)S. liLACK GOODS. DRESS (OODS. L1NKN GOODS. WOOLKX GOODS. Gotul FLANNELS. Fine HOSIERY. IVst GJ.OVES ou!v. 1 5,000 G GOD UL ACK SI l'.KS. Wholesale nud ICetnit. March li, IST '.-iit. A. II. FRANCLSCUS k CO., 51.1 Markrt Street, rhiludolpbU. We have opcued for the SPRING TRADE, .lis largest and best assorted slock of PHILADELPHIA CAKPET9, Table, Stair and Floor Oil Cloths, Window Shade aud Paper, Carpel Ch-tin, Cotlou, Yarn. Balling, WuJdiiik.', Tui, Fancy Baskets, Biuoms, Buskels, Bucket, Bi uli::i. Clothe Wringer, W ooien and Wlilow War U the United biatc. Our large Increase in busine enable ns to ell al low prices aud furuisu ihe best quality ef Good. BOLE AGENTS FOR TUB Celebrated Amerlrau Vasbr( I'rlce 65.50. Over 13,000 Sold in Bis Moaths. Term 1 Carpet, f'O dsy. All other good, u0 days, Nst. Ftbruarv 17. l7S.-3m. A Valuable House and Lot for Sale. rpHE undcrsl'.'nel olfer at private ssle, his L lume BRICK DWELLING IIOCSE und Lot, Willi all tne necessary oiubulldiims , silunl on the Southeast comer of Walnut und Third streets, (Suubury. Pa. The house 1 ueurly new uud well lliiished and contain nine room, a g.xid cellar, Jte. It is well caleulutcd for a rest deuce, and would be un admirable business sluud for a store or hotel. This properly will b sold at a reasonable pi ice. For terms, Oic, apply In MICHAEL UAliNE. Suubury, Jnn.S7, lJfj Notice. Notice i hereby ulven, that I have purchased the following articles belonging to Geo. J. Gel ser. at bheriiT's sale, on the Ullh of February, lttW, and that I have loaned the same to the ttld Gen. J. Gelser dariug my will aud pleasure, slat 00 cook love, oue parlor love, aud one trunk. ' CHAS. P. SEABUOLT5. Suubury, March 8, lb7l -3i to be found outside the large cities. Up De Graff's JJSTID EfVH INFIUHARY, : suxnuKV, penna. riIIIS institution Is now open for the reception -L of Patients for luu trealuisut of Disstuse t thu ! EAR, ! ! THROAT, I ' LUNGS, j CATARRH, 4o., &o., o., j and operations In GF.NF.RAL erRGERT. Crsr j collection of lN&TliL'M LSTS is very laiya. eotn I prlsiiij; ail thu latest liiruovtuKsrs, euatiliux as I to luect j 6CRGERT in all forms. Physicians are Invited to accoea i pany Patients to our Institution for operations. Bv request of muuv (. itiens, we will aliend to j culls iu GENLIf AL' PRACTICE. ; Iutiriuary, ( It'uieut'a Building, COKNEB TlilKD AND MARKET ST9.. bUNlJURY, TA. C. E. IP DF. tilt AFT. Phvsiclan aud Eurtsoo. Euiibuiy, Feb. S, 167-'.-tf. I AI.tJ I MHTIt ATOIt'S NOTICE. I Esttute uTIIenry Hopper, Ueceaaed. Notice Im hereby given lhat letters of Adminis tration have been grunted lo the uuderiigned. on the entitle of Henry Hopper, late of the Bo 1 rouch of Sunbury, Norlhuiulier aiid county, l'a- deecuked. All ersins indented to said estate arr requested to make Immediate p i ment, and tbo ' havii.c claims lo present the in duly aulh:uticalw lor eltlemcut. P. H. MOORE, AdmluUtrator. Suubury, Feb. '.', DSTJ.-fit. C AIM), No. 002 Chestnut Street, rhilacIolphlB. PliiLADF.LPUIA. MESSRS. CALDWELL A CO., DESIRE TO CALL ESPECIAL ATTEVI ION IO THEIR D P VRTMENT OF SOLID SILVER WATCHES. POSSESSING Sl'FFIUOK FACILITIES I I1ET WILL KK ENAHLLD IO t LAI I- llt.rOKf. I CI STOMFl'.S, IN ADVANCE OF THE GENE RL M RKI.T. ALL 1 UK NOVEL'llbS A.M. IMPROVEMENTS IN SILVER GOODS AS R PIDLY AS PRODI ED, VERY PARTiCl'LAl. ATTENTION BEING GIVEN TO THE SPR CI TJES OF BRIDAL AND OTHER PRESEN TATION GIFTS. 1 HE STANDARD OF SILVER LONG SINCI. ADOPTED BY I II KM IS TH AT OF ENGl.lSli STEK1.1NG, U-'.VllKior us FINE, Til E yl'ALlTV OK EVERY ARTICLE SOLD BEING STRICT . LY GUARANTEED ATTENTION IS RESPECTFULLY DIRECT ED TOTHE UNVARYING HI" 61 NESS Pol lC. OF THIS HOVSE IN ULGAKD Tu THE FIRM . LY ESTABLISHED SYSTEM Or F1XEI. PRICES, W lilt il WILL BE RIGIDLY AD HERfcl TO IN ALL CASES, SEC I RING T H'Ht HASERS, FAIRNESS AND EQUAUTV IN EVERY TRANSACUUN. POLITE ATTENTION MAY BE FXPECTI--BY ALL WHO FAVOR THEM WITH A VISl't ORDFRS AND INylTHIES BY MAIL, PROMPTLY ATTENDED IO. J. E. l-iLDWWLI. ft CO, Feb. 10, l7i'.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers