tgricultttntl. Frttit-Grattino. Ai the time will aoon be hero whoa frroftinR Is in order, we repeat our former advice tliatevrrjr farmer ihoulcl do his own grafting. It is n very easy operation when once understood, ft ml this is reiulily done by secitiR it done. A sharp penknife and a )? line saw are in dispensable. Si'liling the staik so that tho bark shall not be bruised, and sharpen the cion wedge-fashion both ways, preserving also the bark uninjured, and placing the rim of the wood of both stock and scion ex actly togtther,so that the sap can internun cio there is no danger of failure of proper ly waxed. We make a shoulder to the graft and think it adds to the certainly of success, though probably it weakens it. Wo prefer also two eyes or buns to a graft, and would rather have only one than more than two. One year's wool nhoiiUl always be used when it can be obtained, as it "is mora certain to take and grows more vigor ously, and the graft should be cut from bearing branches. Wo wish to remind those preparing grafting wax, that we have fouud four parts of rosin, one part beef tnllow, to be the best proportions. Melt them together in a Bkillct,(whieh is the best,) or a tincup, and mix well. It should rcmnin in the vessel and used as needed. Twenty or thirty scions can be waxed with one lieat- lng the wax should bo mnUu on the spot, between two bricks or stones. We han seen various preparations for making grafting wax at d wc believe we bavo tried them all, but prefer our own. Applying or hot docs no injury to the graft. The object to att:iin in the proportion is that the wax will not crack in cool, dry weather. If, however, upon trial, dillerent proportions be tequired, tho foregoing can be altered, though after using them in several ways we have come back to these.. Genua n town Tc le'jrapk . Potatoes. We are inclined to think that farmers seldom plant their potatoes early enough. If planted earlier and deep er, and the ground was Ivirrowed repeated ly with Thomas's harrow before tho pota toes came out of the ground, afterwards far less hoeing would be required, and wc think a better yield would bo obtained. Harrowing winter wheat is a practice we would earnestly commend. Many farmers are afraid that the harrow will pull up tha wheat, but such is not the case. If the land is dry, a good heavy, forty toothed harrow will destroy many weeds, break the crust, stir the soil, and greatly benefit the wheat. Dressing Foit Boots. One of the most Important means of preserving health, es pecially at this season, is to keep the feet dry and warm. Farmers nnd others who are exposed to wet and cold would lind the following composition very valuable as a Erotection and a preservation for their oots. It is also excellent as a dressing for harness : Ncafs fooc oil 1 pint, beeswax 1 ounce; spirits turpentine 1 ounce, pine tar 1 ounce; melt and mix together, and stir uutil cold. Spread aud rub this com position over tho leather while it is damp; leather will absorb oil or grease better when damp than dry. For tho soles, take pine tar and it in be.foro a tire until the soles will absorb no more. Three or four appli cations will bo needed. The durability of the soles will be much increased. . How to Make a Good Sorr. Procure a soup bone, boil until tender, removo the meat, add to the soup a few unions, season to suit tho taste ; slice the unions very thin; set it to boil. Then take some llour in n bowl, drop sweet milk in by tho drop and keep stirring with the right hand uutil y.,u think you have enough to thicken the sou;) sulliciently, and you will what we call Hour rubbings. Add to the soup; lot it boil up, stirring it all the time, and it is done. It is excellent warmed over for next day. To Make Screws Hold. In driving screws into soft wood, do not use a bit to make a hole. For the bit use the gimlet screw and make a hole with the brad-awl, just enough to aliow tho screw to start. The screw will cut its own way. aud as the wood is all there, it be comes compressed, and the threads are well oiled nnd solid. In bard wood, bore a liolu no larger than the core of the screw, leaving the screws to cut their full depth. A little linseed oil will assist the running of the Keren in and prevent the breaking of the thread iu the wood ; it will also preserve tho screw .against rust. mnorcits. "Captain" Scott." U is suid of that fatuous hunter, Captain Scolt, that when he sighted a coon in a tn-j nnd was recog nized by tho "critter," the Rrtgnoious. coon, knowing that it was all up with him, would call out:' "If that's you. Captain Scott, don't fire for I'll conic done. Thu famous pursuit alluded to was an olliccr in the regular army, who rose from lliu ranks having bei'ii commissioned for palkint scrvict'S in the war of lie was very illiterate, and could not write his own name, but ho could make his mark with a ritlo or common smooth bore llint lock musket of the oMcu times. Many anec dotes were told of lam in the old tinny, where he was a universal favorite with the officers and men. lie had for a rcal many years before the Mexican war been captain 111 tliH l-'flh Inl'.iulry. and his company was uoted ns good iii.iiUsincn. U wus the boast of his meu that lluir old captain could pick un a niusket at any time aud oll haud put a tlozeu bullets in th Lull's eye, one after the other, ns fust as lie could load and tire. His own soldiers, who idolized nun, cot, up tue siory auout me conn, which is correctly told above. This biave oiticer was killed in the battle ofMiUua del Rey. A Hint to Gkumulers. "What a noisy world this is 1"' croaked an old froo M ho tqti.iited 011 the mariu of tho pool. 'Do you hear those geese, how they scream aud hiss ? What do they do it forr" "Oh, iust to amuse them selves," answered n little mouse. "Presently we shall have the owli hooting. What is that foil"' It's the music they like best," said the mouse. "Aud I hosti grasshoppers, they cau't go home without grindiua and ehirpiug. Why do they do that V' "Oh, they're so hap py, they can't help it," said the mouse. "Vou'll tiud excuses for all ; I beliovo you dou't understand musiu, so you like the , hideous noises." "Well, friend, to be ho ttest with you," said the mouse ; "I don't greatly admire any of them ; but they are all tweet in my ears compared with the constant croaking of a l'rog." Ono day recently, a citizen of an Eastern town went to the cars to gets his dauchter off. Securing her a teat, lie passed out of me car, ana went rouna 10 her window to ay a parting word, as is frequently done . on such occasions. While ho was passing out the daughter left the seat to speak to a friend, and at the same time, a prim look ins lady who occupied the teat with her. moved up to the window. Unaware of the important changes inside, our venerable friend hastily put his fac up to the window .ana uurriaiy exclaimed. "One more kiss. tweet pet." In another distant the Doint of a blue cotton umbrella cau-'hl his seduc tive lips, followed by the passionate inlunc lion, "Seat, you gray-beaded wrttch!" and J. teUlb'J. ibbcrtbemcnts CARRIAGE NANUFAtTORT, SUNBURY, FENN'A. J. S. SEASHOLTZ, WOULD respectfully nnnounce tV the cltl icns of Sunbury and iiirrmuidlne country, that he Is prepared to manufacture nil ttyles of Carriage, llagKlrn, Ac., fit hit nev shop on eiut Market street, lis will furnish every description of Wagons, both Plain and Ianct. In shott, will make everything In bl lino from a tltst-clim carriage to Ik wheelbarrow, warranted to tie tnnde of the best nnd most durable, materl ii Is. nnd by the most experienced workmen. All unilr pnt. out from his establishment will bo found reliable In every particular. Tha putronnife of the public Is solicited. .1. S. SISAS110LTZ. 8unbury,'NoT. 4, '71.-ly. FOR SALE! EIGIITV acre of Improved land In the best section of 8onthen Michitrnn, within five miles of the town of "Threo Rivers," in Pt. Jo seph county, within two miles of the Railroad Station, Kol buildings, out houses, large or chard, soil, rich siindv loam, school houses nnd churchs within sight title Indisputable, teu acre urc In wheat, the remainder In clover sod. A span of horses, cattle, hogs, grain nnd farming utensils, .tc. will be sold with this property. Price t70 per nerc. 3,000 In cash, the hnluuce In time pavments of ?.100. App'.y to ' VM. A. MASf-ER, Three Rivera, Mich, or. TT. It. M ASSF.R, Sunbury, Pa. Punitory, March 11. 1S71. FOMri'UET MAXOIl CEMETERY COMIMXY. This eompanv Is now prepared to sell lota In ttie new Cemetery, located on an eminence about one-fourth of n mile cau of yunbury. Tho in crease of the population of Stinluiry, nnd conse quent advance in the ratio of mortality, ns well us the limited facilities for the. Interment of those who have fought lilVs battle, have suggested the organization of the above named company. Plan of Cemetery may be seen at the ulflce of J. A. Cuke, Esq., or Lloyd T. Rohrtmch. Price of lots from 1 3 to f 15, according to loca tion. Deeds will b executed fir lots sold. LLOYD T. ROIIRBACH, Ssc'y. May 13. lSTl.-tf. BEEF, PORK, POULTRY anil FRDIT lu C. Daltus' store room , two doors east of Bright' lluildinvr, Market S)iiure, SfJN'BUKY, PKXX'A. Having tilted up a room two doors east of Welt r.el's Store, the nnderslgucd has opined n Meat Shoo iu connection whh his stand on MARKET DAYS, vvhjic he will Keep on hand the best of Itcel, l'ork, Vent ami Poultry of every inscription. Turkevs, Geese, Ducks, ( l.Mieus ready dresfeJ, nnd" put up in regular style of city markets. ALSO, li ti ft or. r.fjgs. IotntoPM, Aj pleat, and Fruits of all kind, nil of which will be sold at the lowest. Market Price. The citizens of Sunbury arc invited to call and examine, for themselves before purchasing else where. A full assortment on hand every market morning. HENRY XEl'EK. Dec. 0, 1S71. IF YOU WANT TO SEE the largest ussoitmeut of Millinery Goods ever brought to this place, go lo Miss L. SMssler, Market SI XItlKY, PA., Where are arrayed In nil their dillerent varieties j Tall Millinery Good3 j of every description just brought from l'blladel- j pl.ia and are now open. ! '1 lie new R.iom jiirt completed is filled with an , endless variety. A mofi tiiiguitlreut display of : (ioods on exhibition, nud told at the lowest ; prices. EVERY UIXD OF GOODS j tisuallv kept In a Millinery utablisbment enn tie had at" her store. The best in the 1'uilidelphia markets were solicited. Give mc u call aud be convince.:!. , MISS L. SIIISPLEK. j Funbury, September 2o, 171. I ISAAC ii. NT A I FI1.K. WATCHES, JEWELRY, I IS Xorth Neeond St., Cor of lurrj of- PHILADELPHIA. An assortment of Wati hea, Jewtlir, liver nnd Plated Ware contantly on hand. Repairing of Watches and .lewe'.rv promptly ! attended lo. April 1, !71-ly. O- PETER SALE STABLES, ' Adjoining Harrisburg Stock Yards, Horses BoiM, Soil or Exfapil December In, 1S71. Sin. SEW Floor, Feei, Fruit an! Ye&etatle Store, Spruce Street, between Front and Second, hUSRL'RV, l'A. JOHN WILVER bavinx Jun opened a Store nt 11. nlnjvu place, w lieie ail kinds of of the bel brands uf Flour und I'rctl will be nuld Bt greitll.T reduced (ulcei. Tbe relo 'u.ited Duck's Mill flour will be kept couMautiy un baud. Also, all kind of I'eed, Gralu, Corn, Oats and Rye, chopped or w bole, l'otators, Apple, allae A I'riiit ttrueriillv, nt n cheaper rule than can be bought elsewhere. All too ls delivered Free of Charge. Call und eiauiiuc. my Muck an I uscerl.iiu the prices before pureluninir cltew here. JOHN W1LVER. SunUuiy, Dee. 2, l'.l.-tf. IlItEKN GOODM. FALL ASH WIXTEIt STYLES, now open nt JIISS KATE ItI.A K'H NTOKE, Market Square, Sl'XBV'RT, Penu'a., LADIES' DRESS GOODS A SPECIALTY. Silk Poplins, Dre Trimmings, Embroideries, Notions, &e. Gents' Collars, Neck-ties. Half-hose, Handker chiefs nud Gloves. Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Il.ilr Brushe,Cotnbs, cte. An lu vital loa It extended to all to call and se cure bargains. ov. 4, 1S71. A ; EXTN WASTED FOK RfllA6EMOVEL Ibrea or Louiluu Ette. By D. J. Kirwan, tbe well-kuowu Jouroallst. THE YEUT LARGEST COMMISSIONS PAID. This book U a beautiful octavo of 603 pages, embellished wiili aoO engravings, and a finely executed map of London, designed aud executed expressly for this work by eminent artist. It contain a lull, graphic aud truthful statement of the Sight, Secret and Sensation of tbe great Metropolis of the world. AiUres, DC F FIELD AtsTIMEND, Publisher, Janl3,'73. . 711 Ssnsom Street, Philadelphia. The ('onfeaalou ofau luvalid. 13CBLISHED a a warnlug aud for the benefit of uowm n and otKirt, wbo suffer from Nervous Debility, die, supplying Ihu uieuu of elf-cure. Written by on who cured himself and ent free on receiving a post-paid directed envelope, Address, NATHANIEL MA Y FAIR, May 90, ltm.-8ai. Brooklyn, N. T ibbcrtisctncnts. MILLINERY. FALL AND WINTER STYLES. HATS AND UONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, WREATHS, LACES, &c. Crape Veil. CRAPI3HIATS AND BONNETS, and everything usually kept In a Millinery Store. Cull at M. L. GOBBLER'S Store, South Fourth Street, below the 8. V. R. It., SU.NBUIY, PA. Not. 4, '71. JA EIXTI'RES. TIIACKAKA, HUCK & CO., SUCCESSORS' TO M1SKEY, MERRILL & TIIACKARA, MANUFACTURERS OF GAS FIXTURES, BRONZES, Ac, &c, Chandelier, IViitlnnttt, Bracket, air,. Ac, would respectfully Invite the attention of pur- j chasers to our elegant assortment. WHOLESALE AND KETAIL SALESROOMS, ! 71 Chestnut Street. MANUFACTORY. 402. 404,408 AND 408 RACK I STREET. Ante. 19, 1S7I. XEW MEAT NIIOl". rpilE nn lerslpned respectfully Informs the cltl JL reus of Sunbury nnd vicinity, that they have opened a ! MEAT SHOP. I In Dewa't'S buildiiiL',011 the north side of Market I Square, two doors from the railroad, were they ' will keep n constant supply of the. best of Beef, Pork, Mutton, Ac. at wholesale or retail, at the 1 lowest prices and of the first quality . A wngon ; will be run to supplv customers every moi ninir, (except Sundays.) The best of meal will found : nt their shop. " Give us a call nnd satisfy your I selves. KEF FEW A HOWEU. j Oct. IGth 1S6S1. tL Attention. Agrii! Great Indutcincnle offered live Agents, to sell the most popular work of the nee, "lleuiai knble Characters and Tlaccs or the Holy Lund," by CHARLES W. ELLIOTT, with nitlclcs from the pens orT. P. Woolsey, L. I.. I), i ltiuht Rev. Tho. M. Clark. P. I). : Hev. i Joseph Cnmmhiir i, D. D. j Hev. Charles A. Mod ;dard; Kv. S. F. ilmith, D. D. ; Rev. William ! Adams, D. D. ; licv. Henry Wnid lleccher, Ac. I Address for circulars nud rull particulars. J. H. BUY MIKE. ! Dee. S3, 171 .-3n. Potlsvlllc, Pa. THADD'S S. SHANNON, THIRD AND MARKET SQUARE, Has In stock nud constantly iro.iviiig N'ovrities lu his line, consisting in part of a full line or A !1 Elt ICAX WATCH EN, El"ln, Illinois. Howard A Co., Walthnm, Mas sachusetts and Ilov-s AMERICAN WATCHES; ! Also, a full set r,r Ladies, and tient s Ool.l and ! Silver Swiss Watches. Roman Gold sets, pink coral nud tiohl sets, Ear-Rings, Necklace and l'cudauts, Onyx und JitJewelrv. btt .Tr-Fri.-o.-vxr A SflTinrR SolldSllvcr-warcorStcrllngpurils made to or Wliuulu ,ier. Bridal and Presentation Piece', Knives, ! Porks and Spoons in cases, also, a full line of Silver Plated (ioods, Tea Sets, lee liter Sets, Erhlt Stands, Cake Uaskets, Coil'ee Urns, Forks and Spoons treble piated, the bent In the market. SPECTACLES. If yon value your Eyesight, use the Perfect Lenses, ground from minute Ci idle Pebbles mel ted together, nnd derive there name "Diamond" on account of tlieie baldness nnd brilliancy. They will Inst many years without cbauge, nu.l warranted Superior to all others, in use. TABLE CUTLERY. Ivory, Tenil and Metal handles lu ease sup plied to order. A full assortment of F.iirlit day and Thirty hour Clocks, also Calender Clocks of nil iliseiip- tlons. Engraving done at l lie slioriesi uowec. i u Watches, Clin ks and Jewelry, l.cpaireit - All goods will be fold at the very lowch lasu Price. Every body is cordially Invited loC'all aud Exiiiulue for thcinsulvcs. Don't torgct lb-.' 1 1' C. i T. . SHANNON. niihnrvl), if. . . . . THE XEW STORE. jCLSElEHTi in the new t & DISSINGER, Iviueiil Uulldiu, .taikft Sii-.iutc, Nualiurj, I'a., 1 ofTcr In the tublie, an entlre new iismiiI iiient of WINTEH DRY JyX JL Jl"U of nil sly'.c al tin: lottol prices. lines of .Mimcai:, .1011:1:11, 1 iam-, i.iui,ic Clot hs, MiawU. V htmielH, llosleiy, MOVRMNli GOODS, a fiill variety, lllauk.'t aiu' Woolen e;nols of all descriptions. CLOTHS, CASS1M FRI'.S, VK.STlNliS, &c, &e Ileaily-Mudc ( lothiiiR, a fi'.ll astortmeut, which w ill be sold lower than elrewheiu. urpet Kail Oil lotbu. fillOCKKIES of nil kinds, which uie cunranteed all fresh. F. EX SWA it E, W UAA) W WAKE, TT r.U7 Had 5) faf s TRIMMINGS, GLOVES, and In fact everythltig that can be mentioned In a first-class store. Call and esamlne our Mock. Having our s.ore lighted with Gas, good call be selected lu the evening ns well us lu the day time. No chaiges for showing goods. CLEMENT .t DISSINGER. 1'ce. (, If.Tl. C'ESTEIt OF ATTK ACTIOS. Evervbody U Invited to come and buy of the handsome assortment of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES at SAMUEL P. WEVIN'S STORE, In frame building, adjoining Moore A Disslnper' building, THIRD biltttT, etalif 111, V.. Just opened a fresh supply of C'oufecliouerie of every description. TOVM OF A EE HIS UN constantly on hand. The best RAISINS, FIGS, CURRANTS ii DRIED r KL ti. PURE HIO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fresh Bread, Buns &. Cukes, every morning. FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, &e. , 6yTEllS I OYSTEJiS I OYSTEltS ! Having titled tip a room expressly for serving up Oyster lu every style, Ladle and Geutleinen will b accommodated with the besi bivalve In market, at ull hoar during the day und eveuing. Families will be (applied at their residence with the best Shell or Canned Oyster, as 1 desirable, al the very lowest price. Call and aee my excellent assortment of good and ascertain the price. 6. F. KEVIN. Dec. 10, 1871. E. Hodgkins, Agt., ' ' ' DKALEK IN Hides, Tallow, Bones, Rags aud CRACKLINGS, Banbury, North'd Vonnty, P. CASH PAID ONALL PUUCnAiES. Kunbury, Do. W, 1871. -Im. JtsccIIancc'ua. SCX XV Nil E HEATER. Bt'HHTstT.11 at Mahtl5D Ptat Faih, Bat timohb. First .promlnra for Flrr-plnee Hentcra awnrded the Huunytldc. Advantages of the Bnnnvslde t 1. It Is so constructed thnt one-third mors of the rndlntlnir aurfnea eitends Into the room, (riv ing that much more additional heat without ex tra fuel. S. It la the only Hot-Alr Flrc-plnce Heater In the market. Like the reirulnr built cellnr heater, It loses no heat, but conlluea it all to Ua Icgili purposes. 8. The fuel mnpanlnc la double the usual sire, extending from the flre-box to the top of the stove, with capacity for twenty-four hours' aup ply of coal. 4. The patent double cover for coal magazine consumes the pas, prevents escape of fin Into the room, nnd makes it Impossible for nny puf llnjis or explosions to occur. This Is nn ndvntit nuc possessed by no other flrc-plnce stovo In the market. fi. Thero nrc three nlr cenmbers, wherein a brisk circulation Is kept up, drawing the cold nlr In the room through heated fines Into a large hnt-nlr reservoir, nt the back of the slove. 0 No side, pipes are used, ns the air is heated in a reservoir having double radiating flues nnd double back, supplying lnrgo quantities of hot nirwithout wnste of heat or fuel. 7. The 8VNXTNIHI3 utilizes the waste heat so thoroughly; that wc frequently heat nn adjoiuing room on the tlrst, besides heating the rooms In second nnd third stories. 8. A damper on top of the stove, connected with tho hot nlr Hues, controls the quantity of hot air required for the use of cither the npper or lower rooms. All other tlre-placo stoves are Very inconvenient lu tills respoet. U. The Grate Is self-sealing, nnd no dust can escape while shaking It. STI UAT, I'ETERSOV Sc CO., Philadelphia. 11. B. M ASSEn, Agent. Nov. 11, 1971. E f. T R A O R I I X A R Y. ?10 OFFSIUlO 30 IAN OX Tit I A I.. 71 OXT II I. Y 1'A Y t EXTN. TRICE KEOCCEO. i Tub Amkricam Pr.wiso Machine Co. have ; concluded to offer their whole Stock of fiupeiior nnd widely-known machines, upon the above ! tinpnraleled terms, to everybody, every where, ; who have, or can find use for a really good Sew i iuir Machine, clie .per than the cheapest. i Every one Is welcome to a month's free trial ' : nt their own home. i I The best, nnd only true guarantee of its quality, j Is n month's free trial. j ' The object of giving a free trial Is to show yon j I how fiood our Machine Is. j j This Is the sl-'iplest and most certain way to convince you that our Machine is Jui , ' you ; want. ' The Secret of safety is ill ore month's trial. i i No one parts with the Machine after trial. All i pav for nnd keep it. ! I Buy no machine until you have found it a good , one, e asy to learn, easy to manage, easy to work, I 1 easy to keep in order, perlcet hi ine.'li viiiain, : perfect in construction, simple, reliable, nnd ! ! satisfactory. Any company who will refuse you : this much canuul have a good a Sewing Machine j ns ours. ' Buy only wben you know the maeliiue does j ! not take ull hour to get ready to do a inluules i . work. I Buy only when yo n find n Machine thnt is t ready in a minute to do any Kind of work and U 1 always ready, and t:cver out of order. A month's trial answers all questions, solve I ; ail doubts, prevents all mistakes, and is the only ; safe way lo get your money woilu. Try it. Yoll . cauuot lose. Write for our Confidential Circulars nnd illus trated Pamphlet, containing full particulars, which wc will send you by return of mail fire, ; Willi Samples of Scw'ng, that you can judge for yourself. And remember, that we sell our good Machine nt a low price, upon extraordinary favor able term of paviucut, and upon theiro.vii mer its. Don't hesitate because yo;i nrc uncertain j j whether want a Sewing Machine or not, no W-t ' 1'uu.v you have one of another kin 1. Ti ) a good , one, they are ulwuys useful, nud will make i money for you, or help you to save it. Aud if j you havcauothcr,nurs w ill bov you that the one : you have could bo Improved. The company slake the very Existence of their Business on the mere its of this Wonderful and Extraordinary Sum ing Maeliiue. County Rights givcu free to good j Smart Agents. Canvasser., male and female, ; wanted everywhere. j Write for Particulars, nud address : AMERICAN MACHINE Co., Cor. Juliu and Nassau Street. ' New Yoik. i Oct. 11, 1ST1. 1 year. j j ti.VS CIIEATEK I It tillitOSKA K. Ocrice or tiif St-NBt-nr (i.vs Coriv, n,-t..hrr X',, 1S71. To T11R CiTtzKN : Recent luvestii;ation do Inonftrute that (ias of 14 Candle iialitv, can be sold at f L'.OO cr 100U cubic feet. The ( Direc tors of the Sunbury lias Company have deter mined to ndopt that price and 11 Candles as the standard of quality. Tlibi fixes the price of a 14 Caudle burner at one cent an hour, or one. third less than Philadelphia fax. A Kerox'iie lamp sjives u iilil of seven to leu candle only therefore, pis at tbe nbove price Is much cheaper than kerosene, without cansid- I ei init con ui eniinnets nun ii.iiuiiiy 10 iieciueiit. i.vv ail euilie iuin.iil ami ut eiMiic nun, eonsaill fZ.flllIIU II.. I... - 1: I r....'. -.liiKW ,iji, 11 'ue.i tuns ni pel ire M'eH ' 11ml litliiiir i.l itiiee. flu se:iKi,tl rur lilt rrt.l nn. j lr ,i,cm'J itruwiii!! to a eloe. , vit 01.1t nr hie ihukii ui i'iiii1. toiis ! TERMS. 1 The conlraetorrt for the Work will Introduce t pipes upon the following term. Service pipe I at r0 cents per running foot, measuring from ; "eiitre of street. I' poll Market SipJare, twenty ; dollars for entire service. ; Interior titling nt li cents per running foot, in new buildiiiL's ; 15 cents per running foot over : plaster, and 20 cents per miming foot under ! t ools. i Chandeliers, Pendants rnd olber dxtiire for ; sale at new York aud Philadelphia prices. October T, 171. Till: IXURI.DlLNT-i Til r ' com p )..; itoy.:! 1 :..-: P'lLI :-!;, il t.ll uvt' v i ti !..r-, t ' t lore it in li"( secret p cj, .r.uiun , .coiiseqaciitly jriiTsu iaxs r::F.H;;:c.: it ,lt ii a cerlaoi cure lor Sirnlula, fy philis 111 nil its li'iuia. I. hi uina lism, isuiti Discisei. Liver Coin pluint aud nil tinu-asis uf t e UiouJ. 0S3 EC7TL2 C7 a23ATAlI3 will do more good than ten bottle of llio ISyrups of barsaparilla. TH UNDLft;iGNED PHYSICIANS hat used Rosadali in their practii e for tiie p ist three years and f. icly ondorm it as a reiiahlu Altorativo and Wood Purifier, nn. T. c PUtill.uf BsltimcM. OJI.T. J. LOVklX, ... nil. it. wTr Aim. ' " IUU. V.O. IIAV.NKLl.Y, Ult.J. S. KPAJtkS, of NirholssTill, iDB. U MeCAlt'i'HA, Columbit, Is. C. IUU. A. H. NOSLia, t-Alsecsjt, N. C. USED AND END0ESED BY J. B. FRF.NCH h SONS, Fsll River, Msss. y. V. SMITH, J;iekiK.n, Mirh. A. K. 1VHI- l.l.t.R, Lisa, Ohio. B. H AI L, l.iius. Ohio. ,( 'RAVK.N it t '!'., (ionlnhiviflr. Vs. sam 1.. ii. ii(auw..x, aiutire boro,Teun. Oar spsca will not illnw of sny ex. trailed rcnnuks iu i-eluiion to the viriuesof ItubAAlis. Tutho Mistical ProteHAion we guarantee 4 I'biitl Kx irrfctsuiriiurlii any they have ever ued m tha treallneiit of iinMasvd Hluo.1; aud so thealtlieteit we say tiy H'uailsiis, ami yoa iU be reatotel lu hcallU llossilalis is S"M by all UrucrUla. tprle 91.00 pet bolllo. Aildrns 52. CLSHSi.73 & CJ. Mtnufattuinj tknlitt, PaiTiaer.e, Slo July 89, 1871. -r-ly. I r t i rtmtf;icturfrs. ..t,ic..ant Tailoring. j. in. 1IOSTIAX, In the Toot Office Building, opposite the Depot, (np stairs.) SUNBURY, PENN'A, Informs his friends and the public generally, that he hps Just opened a large and varied as sortment of Clolhsi, CnMNi merest, Venting. Ac, which will be made np to order lu the latest styles, nnd wnrrantcd to lit. 'Gentlemen In want of fashionable suits nre vllcd to call nnd examine his stock. SHIRTS scientifically nud practically cut and tnnde measure. RUN NO RISK. We furnish tho nbove styles of Improved yoke ftnd sack shirt with entirely new sbnpe sleeve, and guarantee a perfect lilting shirt. It is the best model of n shirt ever offered lj the trade. Fine und fancy shirts made to order. J. M. ItdSTTAN June 3, l71.-0io MACHINE NHOI AXD IROX FOI'XIMIY. GEO. UOIIK15ACII & SONS, Nunbtirj'. Tenn'n, INFORM the public thnt thev nre prepared in do all kinds of CASTIN'tiS, ntnl having added n new Machine Shop In connection with their Foundry, nnd have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Planing nnd Boring Machine", with the Infest improvements. With the aid of skill fill mechanics, they nre enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given them, in a satisfactory man ner. OrnteM t wuit any Nlove. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build ings, of all sizes. BRASS, CASTINGS, Ac. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS VERAN33AH3, VOll YARDS AT IlIiSlDKNCUS, AC, AC. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su peiiorlty. have been stiil further improved, nnd will ahCiivs lie kept on ha'id. Also. TllRl".S!ll(i MACHINES. Sunbury, May i.'0, 171. i i.CUKEIt AM) IEAS1XU MII.EN. Third Street, adjoining Philn. & Erie R. R., two j Squares North of the Central IluW-i, SUNBURY, TA. 71 T. CLEMEXT, 13 prepared to furnish every description of lum ber required by the demands of the public. Having ull the latest Improved machinery for manufacturing Limber, he is now ready to fill or ders it I all k inds of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS, SHUTTERS, SASH, KLINDd MOL LDINliS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, nnd n'.l kinds of Ornamental Scrowl Work. Turn ing of every dc.ciiption promptly executed. Also, A t.ARGR AS.SOIlTMr.NT OP BILL L U M H E It. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets. Lathe, Ac. Orders promrt'v filled, nnd shipped bv Railroad orothnrwise. " IRA T. CLEMENT. deel!-f,:ly N'I'O V 11 & T I X EJS'i'A II M SI I H EXT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURV, PA. ALFKEI) KllAUSE, rropriutor. hfCi-TSSOU TO SMITH AstlBNTUKU. J nAVINd purchased the above well known es tablishment. Mr. Krauc would respeclful lv inform the public Hint he now hus on bund a 1 large assortment of I COOKINt; STOVES, Spccr's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolting 1 Top, Combination, Su.ouebaiina nnd others, which are so arranged as to bo use.l Tor t oat or Wood, and arewavianlel to perform satistaetoi I ly or r.o snle. HEATERS of nil kind put up to lieat one or more rooms. HKATINll 6TOVES of dill' rent kinds at very low price. 'Fiim nre or Every Oesteriptiou kept constantly on hand. Rooting and Spouting with tlis lest material, done l shori iioliee. RKl'AlRINli attended to w!:h dispatch. Coal Oil eid l.ain'H eoiistaully on hainl. Japan v.nrc of a .1.11 I,, Siw opposite Conley's hnrdwnre .lore, liive mc a call. A. KRAUSE. hpI-.'1-Iv FALL AXI 1VINTKK STUCK OF I.O I IIS AM) ASSI1IKKKS! FKKXCII AXD DOMESTIC GOODS of every grade, just opened at the MEKCHAXT TAH.OIt S1IOF TIIOS. ii. MITT, I Ou Third Street, in Miller's Week, opposite the j Moore A Dinsinjrcr liuildiiii;, SL'NdL'RV, PENN'A. j The most fashionable clothing made to order from every variety of goods. i Suits of all hizes iniuie up at the shnct no- lice, from the best soleeted aloek. iu New York ! ami I hiladelphia Call and be convinced. TIIOS. G. NOTT. Nov. 4. 1ST!. Beef! Beef!. , rrHE undersigned Is prepared to furnish the 1 i 1 citizens of Sn:ib:iry and vicinity with the ' cboleit Beef nnd l'ork In Mnrket, cither at 1 ; Wholeffile or Retail. I Kutnilies will be supplied by tha quurler or j : s'ulc, or i-nialler iiunuiilics ul the mo.-t reasouit- ; ' b!e rales. j j Couxlantty on hand the choicest cuts of Beef, 1 l'ork, Million and Veal, aim Salvages, Uelouuus. j , tVe. Apply nt the Meat flonse, Suutli Thiid 1 I street, in Moore ii DisMiiKer's Row, .Hiinlinry. ' On 11,111 kel days the btL-t of meat is served lo ! ! customer tit the meal stand, corner of Market ' i aud Third streets, uheu the celebrated Hro.ious' I i suUMii:ea cau be had, louj; kuotvii as the best iu j market. ; I HENRY K. F AG ELY. 1 . B. Person having fat hoes or beeves for i sale can procure the liiitest miiikct price by np pliealinn nt the above eluhilahmcut. Sunbury, Nov. 11, 1M71. ' .TIIEEIVEUY GOOUN tiEXERAEEY. NEW STYLES OF lliONXETS, ! HATS, FRAMES, &e. aiournlng ntt Hridal llatn and Bonucta. Full line of Mourning Veil and Crie. MILLINERY IS TIIE SPECIALTY. Sash Ribbons, .Ornaments, Feathers, Glove, Haudkerchief, Ac, &c. FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS. MISS M. L. GOSSLF.R. South Fourth St., bolow the Railroad, burbury. April "Jj, 1X71. Wanted Immediately. 10,000 Meu and Women to purchase the entire stock of GOODS now of fered for hispertlon and sale al the Mammoth Store ou Quceo Street, Northumberland, as I am determined not lo bo t'ndervold or Excelled In quality of good offered for tale lo my line. ELI MILLER, Oct. 28, 1871.-8m. ' Vtereomopek, views, albums, chromos, frames. E. aft II, T. AWTIIOX Y t C O., Sttl II road way, New York, Invite the attention of the Trade t their extca live assortuieul of tbe above good, of their own publication, manufacture aud Importation. Also PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES and URAFUOSCOI'ES. NEW VIEWS OF YOBEMITE. E. II. T. ANTflONY CO., 6S1I Broadway, New York, ' Opposite Metropolitaa Hotel, niroimi and aUHurACTimiuts or fnotograpltle Material, Mrch.h, XST1 ly. fttatclliincor.s. TjARDVARK FOR ALL AT Tint HARDWARE STORE OF J. H. CONNELLY & CO. Market Street. Siuibnrj, la. It Is nsclcss lo enumerate evert kind of urtlclc lit his Store, hut uinong the leading Items limy be set down mo following i Iron,, Lead, Scales, Ktceiyarrts, lirlndstoncs, Nails of all kinds and sizes. Vices, buws, Planes, Sieves, Chains, Axes, Brass and lion Kettles, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Spades, Rakes, Hatchets, Carpenter nnd lllueksmtlh Boring Machines, Cellar Orntcs, Drawing Knives, Stone Bledgcs, Plasterers' Trowels, Masons' Hummers nnd Trowels, Hand Dinner Bells, and large cast Iron Dells for bchool Hous v and Farmer' Dinner Bells, Carl enters' Bench Screws, Potato Forks for digging potatoes, Looking 01nssc. Twine, Ropes, Knives nud Forks, Spoons, Tacks, Mule and Horse Shoes nnd Nails. Hammer., Augnrs Cblel, Lanterns, till cloths. Brooms, Locks of nil descriptions. Colfce Mills, Bits and Braces, Carriage Bolts of nil kinds. Paint auJ Wall Brushes, Bucket-., Otln, Varnishes), Jnpans, Lve. Soda Ash, Wiislilng Soda, PAINTS OF AM. HIXON in (Ml or Dry, Pcrti-Colors of nil kinds, CEDAli-WAHH nud oilier Wuodcn-Wnrc of n',1 kinds nnd very cheap. Hay-Fork Pallet, Picks, Mill Picks, Levels, Level tilnssss, Files, Hinges, Con'. Oil, ' Herns, Combs, Screws, Saddlery and Shoe Findings, Bugi'v Trimming, Excelsior (i'ass Cutters. Pock.t Holvea, Scissors, filnars, Miot, Cups) and Ponder, and a great rttr!-dy of otber r.r' c . s. Ai.v thine wnnte.l a;d ma on hand, will be urtlercl at one,-. Sunbury, Aug. P.i, wm. mik::ai. j. su-.t .vhki:i:. M. U. 1'l.Ai II MURRAY & CO., j Wholof.ilc Dealers in 1 MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS,' Olllee and School Stationery, J 1'rlnliiig, Wriitlii; aud Manilla PAPERS, IA1EK ltA;. Ac, Ac. Tho C'ulcliratrd ' Corry Kerosene IluniliigOil nlwayj 0:1 hand. 1 Having also opened a COAL YARD, we arc prepared to supply nt short notice, and ut the low:t rate, KG G , STOVE. CHESTNUT TEA COAL 1 ti all who nniv be r.lcascd to t'.vc n a c.ill. Orders left at our odiee No. ".' South Third St., wili be promptly title. 1. Ml' UK AY & CO. Nn. !'?i ? vit'n Third Streit, Sunbury, t Aii;r. ISTf . LADIES' FANCY "FVlvJ. eTolm jFareiia, 7is a (ten kti:et. Middle of the liioek. bet wren 7ih r.l. t '.'.1 Els.. South tfMc, riiila!fltltla. Importer, MnuufiietUier and Dealer In ull hinds and n'lu'ilv of Fur Ladles' nud I hildren's Wear. lLivlnir impoite I .1 verv larjre and si'leji.'el ns- j sol tuieut of all tlie il'.tleieul kinds of Kills from , first hands in Europe, nud Iriw bad lb; in made ; up hv tbe niosl skil'.lul v, jrkTi:-'n. would resp-et-; fully invito lite, readers of pa er to eail nn I i examine hi lar;e aud veiy beriutiful nsfurtiueiit I of Fancy Furs, for Ladled1 nnd t'luldre .1. 1 am j determined to ell at as loiv piieen H- nny other i respectable ltouse In thi' eil.v. All F:r w..i ! rai.Ud. No inisreprei--.'.it:ilIou to ell'eet sales. JOHN 71S Ai i h Mreet I'hila ielphia. Oct. !, 171. -Urn. MI.I.IM:itY Al FANCY MOItF,i Eull und MiutiT (iuuilM. MISS 1.. WKISKH, Market Strv.'t, one door west of Geaihan's con feet ionery itoro, Sl'NUCilV, l'A., Has ipued her stock ,f MilliiK-ry a nil FttiM-y (muodst, II ATS AND ItONXKTS. The latest styles of Dress Trlmmlm:', Fn uch and American Flowers, Laces, Ribbons. Saek loops, Chignons, Collars, Cull's, Jouvin lilover, and a luru vai , iy of other articles. In connceiiou with the Millinery busluei?, she curl ies 011 ths D 11 ESS MAKIXti A.M) FITTING, lu ull It branches. She Is also aeut for the sale of Ratntey, Scott & lo.'s r.ilterus. The Indies of Sunbury and vicinity arc cor dially invited to call and exair.lne her splendid stock. Nov. 4, 1871. Kure C'nrr for Tctlvr. rilHE Subscriber, retidcLl of Seven Points, Au . (tuMa township, Northumberland County, l'a., ha a suru cure for Teller, which he oilers to those alllieied Willi this iinnoyini; disease, lie was troubled w ith it for cittlit years, nud uothliiK would cure it nulil he obuiued this remedy. It has been tried in a number of cases, to his know ledrfc, (one case of SJ5 years standing) with entire success. I' pun receipt oi el 00, tie will eeud a box of the uiediciue, and directions to use ii, u. 0 boxes for tt, free of postnee. WILLIAM RAKER, Ancusta 1. O., North'd Co., Pa. Aueust 13, 1S71-7J1U Philadelphia aud Erie Railroad. WINTEH TIME TABLE. On and after Monday, November 27, 1871, the Train on tho miladelphla Erie Rail Koad ran a follow 1 WESTWARD. Mall Train leave Philadelphia, " " Sunbury, " " arratErie, Erie Express leave Philadelphia, " " Buubury, " an at Erie, Elmlra Mall leave Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, " arr at Lock Haven, Accommodation leave Sunbury, " arr al Keuovoj EASTWARD. JO p tn 1.00 a rr S.ta p a 13.80 p m 6.50 p m 7.40 a m 7.50 a tn 4.S5 p ni 7.55 p ni 6. 15 a ni 10. 40 a tn Mall Train leave Erie, 1 1 .25 a iu " " " Bunbury, 12.20 m " " arr at Philadelphia, 6. 0 a m Erie Expres leave Erie, 6.00 p in ' Bunbury, 9.20 a m " " arr at Philadelphia, 8.80 p m Elmlra Mall leave Lock Haven, 7.85 a in " Kuubury, 11.00 a tn arr at Philadelphia, 5.50 p ni Accommodation leave Reuovo, IDA'S p m arr at Buubury, 4 Uo p 111 Mall East conuect east and west al Eiie with L. S. A 51. B. R. W. aud at Corrv and Irviuolon with Oil Creek and Allegheny R." R. W. Mail Weal with west bound train ou L. 8. & M. 8. R. W. aud at Cony and Irviueton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Callawissa puetvnger train will bt rnn east from WUllanisport on Erie Express, and west, to WUUamapoit 00 Elmlra Mail. WM. A. BALDWIN'. 6n'l enf't. ailrcuH. Lackawanna and llloomaburg Rall ro i f. SUMMER ARRANOKVKNT OF PASSENOEn T. AlNS. M-,dHy, July 171871. SOUTHWARD, lsawi. 1A.M. P.M.IA.M.'P.M.iPM. Scrnnlon, Bellcvue, Taylorvlllo, I.uekawanno, Pittston, Wot Pittston, Wyoming, Mnlthy, Kingston, it ) st. 0 4.'ii 1 45:10 05' 8 50 4 00 0 501 I fi W 4 Oft e 57 i iio n: 7 Ob, 1 10 0 7 14 3 11 10 JJti, 7 111. ji0 4(li 7 S7. S 21 10 47 7 O'J 4 13 7 11 4 30 7 19 4 80 7 24: 4 35 7 81' 4 43 7 80 4 47 ,0 52 7 401 2 83 11 Oo' W.-Bnrre (c'r Plymouth June, Plymouth, Nauticoke, ituniock's, Shieksliinny, Hick's Ferry, Bench Ilavcu, Berwick, Briar Creek, Lime Kidge, Kpy. Blootnnburg, Rupert, Cut aw Inn, Danville, f'hnlnsky, 7 51, ,4 55 8 00 6 00 8 05 5 05 8 20, 8 SO: 7 50 8 OOj S 07 8 '.'2 8 801 8 4 8 50 R 57 9 07 I) 14 9 10 9 2i 9 il 9 fill .V.i 10 ti.1 3 40. 8 09 8 37i 3 S4, 8 45 8 87. l atneron. North'd, (arrive.) 10 20, 4 52, NORTHWARD. Leave. Northumberland, Camerou, t'hubskv, Danville, ! Cntiiwisa, j Rupert, i liloon!5bur, ! Kspy, : Lime Ridire, Hi i:tr ( reek, I lierwick, ; lleiich Haven, , Hick's Ferry, : Sliieksliinny, 1 llunloi k's, j Nanlieoke. i I'lvmoulb, ; riyinout Kinutoi! 1 June., U El W.-li.ine Mnlll.v. b 4 ' ! !' i 12 9 04 U 14 U ' .' 51 Si V 40 s ; Wyoming, . Wl'M. PittSll.ll, i j iMirilllll, , Lackawanna, , Tnyloiville, 12 H 06 M 1.1 8 1 8 U8 S HI 43! 41 )l 4 5 11 Si ' A r, 47 e,i 12 4 r.u 8 0T 6 W) S M li 10 8 Ti fi 17 Hellevuc, Scriii.ton, (arrlvr) 1 1! HO 0 iS A III 1 . ROUND, Sup I. Northern Central Railway. FALL AND WINTER ARRANGEMENT. nnd nftcr Nov. IS), 1SU, trains ri illoivs ; yoininv.vnn. Niagara Esi'-re. Unxts Sunbnry nt 11.43 p. m., nrrlvcs at Niagara Tails at l.ll.ia. rn. Buffalo Kxpres leaver Sunbury ul K'.;. n. tn., arrive at V ilUnmspoi t nt '4 a. m., t inlra nt o.o'.l 11. m., I 'aiiait'lalua .15 a. m. fail r.rrlves at ii!ib::ry nt 4.5o p. m., Arrive at Wiiiiamspoii C.10 and Kliaira (f.'c' p. in. fast Liu- arrives at fsjnbniy ut 0..W p. nriii at Wi;liiunport S.15 p. is. EOL-TUWARD. IW.lVo r.spitss leave? sunbury nt 1.17 a. m.. m. nt li 1 , .iS a. m., Laltiuiure 7 . V I Mnii is ives f anVitiiy at 11X3 a. in., nnlviS at Il.m'sb ir,; 1.45 p. in. L:ie press 'naves Sunbury nt 9.'i5 n. m., ar il'.c ;.i Harris!, urg 11 .ij a.m., llaltUnorn u.t'O f.rie Mill leave 6unv.v.ry :.l 12.Sa a. re., arrhe ul Han i: bur; V.SIo a. m. BllAMOKIN DIVISION. rj'TwiMi. I.eive Sutibiiry ut 1.40 )'. in., errhu nt Siiaino kin 5. i.D p. tn., Mt. t'jnuid C.'l l. rr. I.".te Miiil'iny ( Aee.iaii'iO'.liitioa, ) t ll-CJ s. ill., anive bl hhiimo'sui l.Vj p. .a. v rsli'ir.n. l.rce Ml. Cir:iiel nt 7.10 a. m ., Slu nokbi 7.4 J a. in., at rive at ui.hur) .5 a. in. Lwive l.amoklii ( Aee, .naM.lailjii.) ut S.tii p tn.. .nrhe nt bauburi 4. CO p. ra. I'.xf less leaves ct :. i 1 v . Ad utlier tii.i::i dnilv, uxcoi.t Pundav. A. R. Fiiki:. " Cv. t. Y-iiMi', Oeti'l. rt ip't., t'ion'l Passeu'r As't., lL.rr.b;irL', Fa. L.iiimoic, '.d. Ki'titSIu lt;iilro:.;. W t N T E R A ?. It A N Li i". M .Voml'iv, .Vow. I'il'i, lr'7 1RHAT TRUNK LINK the N.ulli ant O Not Hi-West for Pli'.lttdelphin, N. V.,R' 1. Intr. I'oitsvillc, Taiiis.iaa, Asii'a'r', M'.ain. k.n, l.ebantei,, Kasloii, t(.hri.l.i, Lit:, I. ane::ster. Columbia. Ac., ct-. T:-:'iiis leave Harristiui for N'w, us fol Ions: At Us, ''.ID, a. in. j.n.l S!.Uo p. in., con- nc.-liiitf wilh si:,iilar tr:.i:is ori the lVnr.-y.vanj,i Railroad, aud aniline; hi New Yorit dt ii.i;7 n. in.. 3.4', r.nd p in. lesj'ti lively, blcepim; f.'ars uucoiiipauv Hie !.M.'i . in., t ruin nilLjiU ehanire. lit-t Hiiiiii' : Leave Nvw link at 9.03 11. 111 . , 12. lij uoon nn, I '..Oil p. tn., I'uil.oielpliiii at 7.o0, S.;;o a. 111. and U.oU p. ni. ; M.; inc I nrt sivom puny tho 5.0'J p. ut. train iro;u New York with ' oat eballL'C. l.eive HarrlsburK for Reading. Pottavills, Tat niU'i'.iM, Minersville. Ashliiiil. bbainokiD, Allentown and l'hilr.delphia at S.lo a. m., J.iiO au l 4.05 p. ui., Hopplnir ul Lebanon and priucipil way stations; the 4.'.i.') p.m.. train connect iutr lor Philadelphia, 1'oiisville and Co lumbiii only. For Poliaville, Sel.ujlkill Haven ami Auburn, via Schuylkill un.l .Susquehanna Railroad, leave Harilsbiir nt H.40 p. in. Fart IViiin-vlvauiu Rmlroad train leave Read Imr for Allentown, K isloii and New York ul4 U4, 10.40 n. 111., and p. m. Returning, leave New York nt U.00 a. lu., lii.Su noon aud 5.00 p. 111. und Allentown al 7.i'0 a. ni. 1.S!5, M5, 4 :.'5 and S.35 p. in. V.iy Pafseii-rer Train leave Philadelphia at ; 7.110 u. m.. connecting wilh similar truiu on East . Peiina. Railroad, returning Horn Reading at U.1W p. 111., stopping ol all stations. ' I.eue I'ottsville nt U.00 a. m. and !.30 p. ' m. Ilerudou at 10.00 a. In., Shaiuokiu at 5.40 and I 11.15 a. ui. 1 Ashland at 7.U.J u. ui., aud 1U.43 , uoou; Mnhauoy City at 7.61 a. m. aud l.AJ p. m. ; Tamiiiiuu ut a. in. und 2.10 p. 111. for 1 Philadelphia, New York, Reading', Harrisburg, Ac. I Leave I'oitsvillc via iScliuylkill and Susque : haniia Railroad nt M.15n. m. for Huirisbuij;, and II. 4 1 M.ui., for l'ine (nove aud Titiuout. j Reading Aecouiuiod;ilion Train leaves rotti j villeut 5.40 11. m., passes l.ejuiiiis' al i.l'O a. 111. ; arriving nt I'liiludelphiu at 0.'4O a. m., retjrnit'X leaver Philadelphia at 4.45 p. in., pussiur Read j hi): ut 7.85p.m. arriving at Poitsvilleat p.m. j Puttstowu Acccmiuodutioa Traill leave Poll. I towu at 7.00 a. ul., leluruiug leave Philadelphia I at 4.15 p. iu. I Coluie.bia Railroad Trains leave Reading at I 7.20 a. nt.. and ti l 5 p. in. for Ephrata. Litil. Ul Lancaster. Columbia. Ac. 1 reluruiiig leave Lan caster at s.'JO a. ni. and 3.1:5 p. m., and Colum bia at 8.15 a. in. and 8.15 p. ni. Perklomen Rull Road Trains leave Perklomea Junctional 7.25, 9.05 a. In.. at 8.00 and 5.45 p. m. Retuiniini,lue SehwenksviU ut 8.45,8.10 a. m., 12.50 nooii and 4.45 p. ni. twnucctlug with similar trains on ReadluaT Rail Road. I'k kei niaT Valley Railroad train leava Pho. uixvilleut U.10 a. ui., 8.05 and 5.55 p. ni. ; ro. turnln, leave Byer al 6.50 a. m., 12.43 noon, and 4.20 p. m., couuectiU; with ilmilar train oa Reading Rallioud. C'olebruokdale Railroad Trait! leave Potlstown at 0.40a. ui., 1.15aud 0.80 p. in., reluruluL' leave Mt. Pleasautal 7.15 and 11.25 a. ut., aud 2.54 u. 111. , couutttiug with (iiuilar train on Keadiug Railroad. I Cliesler Valley Railroad Train leave Brld port nt 8.R0 a. ni., 2.05and 5.20 p. in. returulLtf, leave Do 0111,41011 at tl.55 a. ni., 12.50 uoou and I 6.15 i. 111. couuectiuj with imilar train on Read j Ing Railroad. ! On Sunday 1 Leave New York at 8.00 p. m., I Philadelphia al 6.00 a. m. and 8.15 p. ni.. (ih I 8.00 a. ui. train runujuE only to Reudiug;) leave I'ottsville al b.oo a. ui.jleave Harrisbuig, 2.45a,. I 111., and 2.00 p. in. j leave Alleutown nt b.S5 p. ! 111. 1 leave Reading at 7.15 a. m. and W.50 . in, I for Harrisburg, at 4.34 a. in. for New York, j aud at 11.40 a. ru. aud 4.15 p. tn. fur Phlladel'a. j Commatuiiou, Mileage, Senon, brhool and F.xciirsion Ticket, to and from all point at re duced rate. Pagag checked throuph 1 100 Pound Br S"i a.lowed each Paeseueer. J. E. H-0OTTIN. j fnp Fif. Mseh'rr 1 A.M. P.M.; 10 2i 5 10! i i 5 27; i 5 S1 10 W) 5 40; ' i 0 ("ji i i fi !!' lilt II 12 (I 17' ' ' 0 i! ! ' 6 m n si 41 , 11 4S tt ! A.M. 1 1 6 r.5 1 .12 fco 7 o'j 7 :;;v , 7 S4 7 4ft PM. P.M.- 7 111 S W 14 '.'o 7 41 S 15 P. M. 5 10 i '8!0 . 5 15 7 M S 0 U SS 5 4:5