Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 23, 1872, Image 3

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    iimbnrn mtriean.
SUN BUR Y, M ARCH 23, 1873?
Railroad Time Table.
N. C. R. W. Kst. P. & B. R. R. West.
JhitTalo Ex I've 13:80am: Erie Mail, I've 1:00am
Erie ' " 9:20 ' lAccotn. ' 0:15 "
ElmlraMnlt " 11:05 " lNln?ara Ex " 12:40 p m
NlainraEr." 4:40 p m ElmirnMnll " 4:33"
I Erie Ex. 0:50 "
tltWR . ARR1VS
anbury nt 11:B0 a in At Sunbury 9:55 m
4:40 p m " 4:00 pin
D. II. W. R. R.
LeaTeSunbhry 6:30 n. m. Arrive nt 8.85 p. tn
Banbury nt 6:30 a. m. At Suubury 8:35 a-ra.
' "11:40 A.m. I " " 10:45 a.m.
Accident Insurance Ticket can be bad of J.
Btilpman. Ticket Agent nt the Depot.
local Affairs.
Sewio MAcnisns.-MIss Caroline Pallus is tlio
ngeut for the sale of the best Sewing Machine
in existence, vis i "The Improved Singer,"
"Grover & Baker," "Howe," end "Domicile,"
which are constantly on hand and told a; rea
sonable prices. She is also agent for the cele
brated Frautx and Pope Knitting Machine. Call
and see them. Office on Market street, east of
the railroad.
For Rest. The large, room one door north of
the Junction Hotel, now occupied by Meters.
Kerns A Co., as a Tobacco Store. The room Is
well calculated for any kind of business. Pos
session given on the first day of April. Apply to
JiMCS Vandtkc.
For Rest. The three rooms over Dr. Moody's
drug store, on Market Square, will be for rent on
the 1st of April next, or as toon as the repairs
and llttiug up are finished.
Sow Is the timo to pluut flower seeds.
A few Susquehanna shad have already becu
caught nt Columbia.
Wb have this week sent out a number of bills
for subscription and Job work. We desire all
who receive them to remit promptly, as we have
heavy payments to make, and need the money
that Is owing us. As we have always heeu
prompt with our patrons, we hope they will favor
us by punctually seuding that which Is due us.
For the Campaign. As Hip campaign will
shortly bo opened for President and Governor,
which will probably be one of the most hotly
contested political struggles lu American history,
we propose to olTcr every reader a newspaper that
will furnish all the Important news of the day as
well as the local matters of the eounty, at a rate
so that every family In the county can afford to
take a copy. We will furnish one copy of the from now until nfter the Presidential
election for the low price ofO.N'E DOLLAR in ad
vance. Subscribers may be sent either in clubs
or single. Those frieudly to the Republican
cause are earnestly rcque3tcd to aid lu circulating
the Amehican among their frieuds and neigh
bors, for there is nothing so beneficial to a com
munity as a reliable family newspaper.
T. M. PcnsiEi., Esq., tho newly elected Justice
f the Peace In the West Ward, has opened nu
office lu Clement's building, on Market street,
second floor, next door to the Amhiicas ofllce.
Squire Pursel will make an obliging, attentive
nnd cflleieut officer.
Tub festival held by the ladles connected with
Baptist church, of this place, closed on Thursday
evening last. It was a well conducted nffair and
reflects irreat cre'it upon tho inemliers having it
In charge. The festival was well patrouized, and
we are happy to learn has yielded them about
f500 clear of expenses, which will be appropri
ated to the repairing of their church and to pur
chase Sunday School books.
We uoticc that ex-SherilTD. Bcckly has receiv
ed the Appointment of Court Ciier, vice J. G.
Fry. Mr. Becltly Is a worthy citizen and will
make an cfllclent officer of the Court. Though
opposed to Mr. Bccktey In politics, we must say
In justice to him, that he Ins bwu one of the
most efficient officers in this county, and we feel
confident that his present appointment will meet
the approbation of both political parties.
DriusQ the latter part of Holy week oud on
Easter Sunday, Rev. E. V. (jcrhart, D. D., Presi
dent of the Theological Seminary of the Reform
ed Church, at Lancaster, Pa., expects to be in
Suubury,nnd will preach In the Reformed church.
Services every evening during Holy week, also
on Good Friday morning.
On Wednesday morning last, a wreck of some.
half dozen coal cars, occurred on the S. V. R. R. :
near Pnydertown. The p.iscui'r train due here !
at 9 o'clock, a. in., was detained for several
Fike. The roof of Mr. W. Bundle's dwelling
Louse, on Third street, caught fire on Tuesday
last from a spark of a passing locomotive. For
tunately it was discovered aud extinguished be
fore much damage was doue to the building.
Capt. Daniel Oyster, of this placo, has re
ceived the appointment of mall agent on tho rail
road route between Harrisburg and Lock Haven,
and entered upou his duties on Tuesday lust.
This appointment is one well bestowed upou a
worthy soldier and citizen. Capt. Oyster did
vsliuut service during the late war, where he re
ceived wounds which crippled him for life. He
is a worthy citizen, aud his numerous friends
will be happy to learn that the Government
which he so bravely fought to susluln, has given
him an office whereby he is able to maiutalu
Officers Installer. The following officers
of Fort Augusta Encampment, No. 140, 1. O. of
O. F., were iustalled by D. D. G. Pat., Em!
Wllvert, at Suubury, on Monday evening I
C. P. Calvlu Woodcock.
11. P. R. W. Wynn.
8. W.- -James Farm.
J. W. -William Mockert.
Treas. Val. DeitE.
Scribe A. N. Brlce.
Tub following officers were Installed by D. D.
O. Pat., Em't Wllvert, of Pilgrim Encampment,
No. 100, 1. O. of O. F., at Milton, on Tuesday
evening last :
C. P. 8. Moorehead.
H. P. W. W. 8isty.
S. W Miltou Kerr.
J. W. J. B. Meixell.
Treas. Jas. M. Huff.
Scrlbo W. D. Snyden
Tat Agitations. Tbere are numerous ques
tions which appear to agitate the minds of the
people Just at this time. Among them we find
the Presidential and Gubernatiooal question.
Another the large amount expended for fox
scalps lu Northumberland county, while the ma
jority are discussing the fusbiouable clotblug thai
are to be worn the next season. This question
will soon be solved, as our friend Thos. G. Nott Is
now in New York selectiug all the latest styles
of cloths, casslineree, &e-, in that Market. It is
his Intention to procure none but the best tn the
ellj markets, and liuiluj every facility will make
up suits uot surpassed anywhere, either for beuu
tv or durability. The laige luvolce wilt be open
e l ths fore part of next week, aud those who de
sir to be in fashion should call at once and
inti ke th'lr selection.
P alack Postal Cars. The Northern Central
has put upon Its road a magulflcent Hue of pos
tal cars, said to be the grandest tn the United
States, to run between Baltimore and Cannndal
gua. The Elmlra Arrwrrtser thus describes them!
These cars are the size of passenger coaches,
with raised roofs for light and ventilation. They
are partitioned Into through mall and distribut
ing rooms are furnished with water closets,
wash rooms, with marble bnslus, lco water tanks,
couches, German student lamps, patent heating
appnrntiis, and the Westlnghouso air brake. The
paper and letter cases have five hundred boxes,
with reversible tabs nnd slides with wire work
bottoms, extenslou tables and trap doors. They
will be run on the Buffalo express each way, tn
the night passing Elmlra at 9:40 P. M. south,
6:30 a. m. north. The line will be extended to
Washington as soou as the tunnel Is completed
under the city of Baltimore.
At an adjourned meeting of tho Northumber
land County Agricultural Society, held at the
Court Ilouse, In Sunbury, March 19th, 1872, the
following restitution was adopted i
ItttoWiil, That a regular meeting of the Execii
tlve committee take place on tlio 22d day of
April, at the Court House, Sunbury, for the pur
pose of receiving the report of the Committee ou
By-Laws, and to receive proposals for tho place
of holding the next Annual Fair, and also propo
sals for doing the pvintiug, hi whole or In part,
for tho Society, during the ensuing year Hie
printing to be doue in the same style as was done
for the last fair.
N. R.Tlic Committee on By-Laws will meet
at 10 o'clock, a. m., and the regular meetlug of
the Executive Committee will take place at 1
o'clock, p. m.
Sad Affair A Bor Poisoned. Oa Monday
last, Walter, son of Joseph Irvln, Esq., of this
place, aged five years, died from the effects, it is
supposed, of eating laurel. The deceased ami an
older brother were out In the woods on the day
previous In search of winter grceu, nnd In mis
take gathered and cat a portion of the poisonous
leaf above mentioned. At first no d.inger was
apprehended, but he finally rev worse when
Dr. II. D. Hunter was called and doue all in hit
power to save the boy's life, but It was too tale.
iroio"irn fiteont.
That's So. An exchang ludulgcs In the fol
lowing sensible reflections regarding ladies head
dresses at the theatre ! "If a man were to take
his seat at any place of public gathering or
amusement and keep his hat on ho would be
hissed, or hustled out or handed to the police.
But women, night after night, go with the most
preposterous pile of riggLg on top of their heads,
just as high as men's hatsaud keep the unhappy
men behind dodging the never-quiet pile, nnd
never giving one moment's clear view of the
stage or the performers. Perhaps It would be
well to revive the old Puritanic text i "Top knot,
come down."
List of Letters remaining In the Sunbury Post
Office, March 13, 1373:
Wm, G. Beards, Madison Canilhau, Mrs. Helen
Cnminings, Norman Ldson, P. S. Hepford. Miss
Lib. Huiipt, Mrs. Mattio Keller, Mrs. Frauds M.
Lonu, Miss Rebecca Marl., Joseph Petcry, Miss
Mary Rimerd, Junics Rockwell, Mrs. Mattic
Rockwell, James Lyon, Muster Eddie Thome,
Edgnr D. Taver, Si G. Youngman, Miss Susan
A. Young. E. J. Walker A Co., Miss Sarilla
Zeckmau, Jucob Zieglcr.
Mil. Wilveut: I notice lu your last issue, a
letter s'gncd "Look out," making threats to Mr.
E. T. Drumheller, proprietor of the City Hotel,
to which were attached comments to the effect
that the contractor had been overpaid. As I am
the contractor I desire to state that is not the
case. I am uot paid my Just dues according to
promise. Having done a large amount of work
outside of our contract for wl leh he promised to
pay, but so far I have becu unable to get a settle
ment cr my pay for the work, as he always
shoved me off by saying he had uot time to srttle.
M. J., Contractor.
Si snLKT, March lit, W73.
Is the caso of the Com. vs. Dr. C. E. Up Do
Gruff, which wa6 tried last week, the jury brought
In a vcrJiet of not guilty. The prosecutor, Dr.
F. L. H.iupt, was directed to pay the costs, but
owing to a separation of the juiy before the ver
dict was annouueed, the Dr. was not sentenced
to pay the costs. A rule to show cause was
taken out.
Report or the Or a ml Jury.
The following moot excellent report was pre
sented by the Graud Jury last week, and we re
port it entire, as it Is worthy of the author, who
was foreman of the Jury :
Now holding a Court of
Quarter Sessions In uud for the county of Nor
thumberland :
The presentment of the Grand Jury made at
March term of A. J). 1372,
Kesneetfullv represent, that they have acted
upon sixtv-six Bills and have of that number ig- J
I mired twe'uty eeven of them, of which tlio largest
1 number ure of a trilling nature, nnd ought not to ;
! have been returned to Court. We have fouud
thlrtv-uine True Hills nnd uear'y two-thirds of
them are for selling liquor on the babualii it ay
and to minors from those low groggeries. It
does appear thit the majority of the keepers of
those dens of Iniquity have no regard for the
sanctity of the Sabbath day, but will sell and in
toxicate men aud boys who are swaggering along
the pavments in drunkenness, to the great an
noyuneo of the sober, moral aud religious people
going and retnrnlug from church, and. for pe
cuniary gain will wantonly sell strong drinks
and intoxicate the boys In their minority, with
out reflecting that by so doing they are sowing
the seed broad-cast of drunkenness, degradation
nud crime amomr our ouee promising boys, who
soon must take the places of their fathers and
control the destinys of our government. We do
flatter ourselves that it will nut be long heuee
when the good and moral sense of the people will
purge our towns of those nuisances.
We have examined the county buildiugs mil
offices and nud the departments' vouchers, books
and papers are well kept, clean nud In good or
der, by the kind and elrlclent officers ; and would
recommend more bed clothing procured for the
prisoners In Jail and some repairs to the water
closet. The floor and two windows in one of the
rooms should be repaired, otherwise the Jail and
Jail Yard is in good order. The Appearance and
Lien Docket for A. D. 1S02, should be. transcrib
ed and rebouud. The Treasurer should have
some new books. The water closet In Court
House Yard is iu a filthy condition and should
be rcmodled and kept clean during Court term,
at least. We also recommend that a good vculi
lator be put lu the ceiling of the Court House so
as to purify the atmosphere, and benellt the
health of those unending Court, and also one of
the rooms west of the Court room lie fitted up lu
decent stvle for the accommodation of attorneys
and clients, and to put in a suitable number of
benches lu the witnesses' room so the witnesses
of the Commonwealth may be there kept while
the Grand Jury are lu session. We have suffered
much delay on ihut account, altnougn lue rrose
cuting Attorney has doue all be could to remedy
the evil.
There is much complaint among our worthy
tux payers of the couuty, and we think with Just
cause, about the loose manner our Couuty Com
missioners have been practicing in grauliug the
tax duplicates to irresponsible collectors und tak-
lug straw ball lor liieir laltuiui performance.
The county has sustained heavy losses by such
couduet, and we think a law should be passed iu
all such cuses to make them Individually respon
sible, aud also the different collectors should be
compelled to settle up tueir aupiicuw in u rea
sonable time, end not allow them to speculate
upou the people's money aud the county's pay
inir hporv on monies borrowed.
We are also luformed that our ex-Treasurer of
the eoiniiv m Ik.ii he pave un his office to his suc
cessor, removed all the deposits to Siiamokin. If
such be the ease It should be immediately attend
ed to.
There now appears nothing more for us to do.
vie respectfully ask to be discharged.
S. Joun, Foreman.
Traveling Gambleiis. Under the guise of
public exhibitions, quite a number of adveuturers
are getting up shows and exhibitions lu which
they sell lottery chances. Others open stores
and dispose of various articles with prises added
The wuols system Is a simple evasion of the law
to prevent gambllug and deserves greater punlsb-
1 meul than opn gsmbliof.
Ths following are the officers elected In the bo
roughs and townships at the election on the 10th
ult., except Sunbury borongh, which we have al
ready published I
NoRTnuMBBntASD. Chief Burgess, A II Vorls.
Council, A II Stone. W T Porsythe, J E Toole,
M L Savldgo, Hiram Young, M B Priostly. Jus
tices of tho Peace, (5 F Little, James DlefTcn
bncher. 8chool Directors, 8 B Morgan, W H
Lelghow, Val. M Smith. Overseers of the Poor,
Peter Vandllng, Jacob Matthias. Supervisors,
W C Kapp, R M Slack. Constable, Joseph John
son. High Constable, Jumes Wclker. Assessor,
J F Readllue. Judge of Elections, John A Tay
lor. Inspector of Elections, W G Gnsklns, James
Mii.toh. Chief Burgess, C C Straub. Assist
ant Burgess, R M Lnnghmore. Council, S W
Murray nnd Henry Buruhnm. Justice of the
reace, W. M. Mcrvlnn. Overseers, D Dlefl'ender
fer nnd W Marsh. Judges of Election, A C Lon
gun nod Jas. R MUlor Inspector, F Alper, Joe.
Caldwell, R H Hatfield nnd ZM Hogcndochlcr.
School Directors. J M Hun, H C Sticker and J
II McCormisk. High Constable, Andrew Jordan.
Constable, Robert Riddle (for both Wards.) As
sessors, John Miller nud W H Bogle. Auditor,
P I. Haekcnherger.
TmnrTviLi.E, Burgess, John Derr i Council,
Thomas Burr, Israel Phillips, S J Sladler, Nath
an Wetzel, II Roup, and LGiirman Street Com
missioner, Daniel Biel t Overseers of Poor, O M
Kamp nnd Peter Wagner t Judsre of Election,
Richard Fruit t Inspectors, O H Roup and Tims.
Ban t Schoel Directors, N Wetzel and E II Hor
ner j High Constable, John Lnmptmri Assessor.
John C Lnwnrs i Auditor, David Fowler.
McEwensvii.i.e. Burgess, E Everltt Council
Alem Mowser, E Truckeiniller, John T Derr, H
Weenicr, John P Beard nnd J J Parker) Justice
of the Peace, Wm McNinch, Overseers of Poor,
R W Lawall and II J Lawall nnd II J Recdor i
Judgo of Election, K D Derr ; Inspectors, F S
Rlchart and Wm Hood t School Directors, Henry
Life, G W Armstrong and John J Parker t High
Constable. Homy Rcdcuy j Constable. H K Culps
Assessor, Wm B Irwin t Audiior, K P High.
Shywertows. Burgess, Wm F Kline t Coun
cil. Wm Withington, D H Evert, Val. Klase, Jr.,
D Smith, B F Hoy and Jonathan Deibler ; Street
Commissioner, John Martz ; Overseers of Poor,
I) J Willett ; Judge of Election, Jackson Berger;
Inspectors, G W Startzel aud Geo W Farrow (
School Directors, Jesse Gonsar. Daniel Smith, J
M Wolvcrton, John Klase, A T Dewitt and D II
Everts High Constable. Geo W Startzel i Cousta
ble. J M Smith t Assessor, Geo Y Welmer s Au
ditors, John Klase, Geo W Aruold, David Hoov
er. Isaac Arnold.
Watsontows. C hief Burgess, J N Messlnger
and E II Russet were a tie t Council, Cyrus Bow
ers, Conrad Springer, Geo Btroub, Silas Rain
bach, C O Bachman and F Knight Overseers of
Poor, S M Miller and Levi Linn j Judge of Elec
tion. Austin Stull t Inspectors, Phincas Llscrund
8 M Irvln t Schoo Directors, Joseph Hollopetcr
nud Philip Shay t High Constable, Dauiel Noeok
er i Constable, James Cummings t Ai,sessor, Win
Bnnghart s Auditor, D R J Rhonds.
Siiamokin. Chief Burgess, Wm A Marshall i
Assistant Burgess. Jere H Zimmerman ; Council,
Wm R Kutzner, Malhlns Ernes, Isaac Smith, Jo
slah Zerbe, Simon Hoffman and W. H. Mussel
man ; Justices of the Peace, W P Withington and
D C Smln' t Overseers of Poor, W B Smlnk s
Judges of Election, Jonas L Gilger and Wm F
Lake; Inspectors, Alex Caldwell, A Baen, KC
Farrow and John K Haas . School Directors, W.
Lake, R 8 Auckcr and JohuShipp; High Con
stable, John Kissinger t Constable, Isaac Foulk;
Assessor, Harrison Hcnr'.e ; Auditor, Tlios. M
Mr. Carmci, Bonot nn. Chief Burgess, W J
Unas ; Council Hcnrv Hite. M Scliollcy, Win Sw
ing, Wm Stcrline, 8 A Bergstrcsser and Tlios
Scott; Overseers of Poor. Jonathan Hoover nnd
Abin Avrer Jutlue of Election, John Dreher ;
Inspectors, Inane Kelser and J B Reed ; School
Directors, John Raup and J M John ; Hiuh Con
stable, John Dieterick ; Constable, E B Stillwag
nert Assessor, J B Reed; Auditor, A N Monle
litis. Vpper ArorSTA. Justice of the Pence, Jacob
Seasholtz; Constable Mathias Boslian; Assessor,
John Eekman ; Supervisors, Benj. Hoover nnd
Henry Arnold; Judge of Election, T. S. Shan
non ; Inspectors, Win B Sehive and Juhr ytdams;
School Directors, D. Kulz, ami David R Maliek ;
Overseers of Poor, P M Forrester and John S
Hans; Auditor, John Buyers.
Little Maiianoy. Justices of the Pence, Jno
D Ilcnsyl and Joseph D Reitz, a i t Constable,
Aaron Derr; Assessor, Samuel S Hetrleh ; Su
pervisors Saml Raker and David Wagner ; Judge
of Election. Daniel 8 Reitz ; Inspectors, Jere S
Wagner and D F Kced ; School Directors, Sam'l
Feese, J B Reitz.Sol Dnnkleberger, II H Dornsire,
Levi Baldorf and Sol Reed ; Overseers of Poor,
S II Dorusifeand Win Kukrr ; Treasurer, Geo
l'eifer; Auditors, Wm Dunkelberer and Sol
Klase ; Clerk, E F Peifer.
KiTBii. Justice of the Peace, John W Hoffman;
Constable; Joseph Fox ; Assessor, Thos J John
son ; Supervisors. Edward Grady and John Re
huek JikIl'C of Election. J S Bassett ; Inspec
tors, Samuel Reeder and Ji.sepii Kinrpless ; i tiling m us way uny American or J-.ngiisli inaga
Snhnnl Directors. Henrv Martin und D C Camp- i zine has had for many a day ;" and the iiostun
hell s Overseers of Poor. D C Campbell and Sol
Auditor, Erastns Hoffman ; Clerk, Ji.o.
Mel ler
Lowrit Acotsta. Justice of the Pence. Jere
miah Alleman s Constable, ('has A Conrad ; s
scssor, Henrv Bloom ; Supervisors. Jacob B Fox
and Isuoe Startz; Judge of election, David B
Conrad ; Inspectors, Levi Conrad ami Geo W
HeUuer; School Director. Henry M Raker, Ja
cob Shipman and Samuel Reefer ; Overseers or
Poor, IVter Dunkelberger and John Snyder ;
Treasurer. Silas D Rem. ; Auditor, Hiram Bloom:
Clerk, D B Fox.
Ll.wis. Justice of the Peace, R Montgomery;
CniiKtalili' Franklin Wolf: Assessor, John Ycrg ;
Supervisors, B Barto nnd D Keller ; Judge of
1 . . . . t . T .1. l
Election, John Raup. Jr. ; Inspecto
Farland and John ( Foulk ; School
H llocklej nnd C Ruciman ; Ore
Poor, John M Farland and Levi to
inspceioiw, UOllll ...
Directors, v
Overseers of the
Follmer ; Trea
surer, G A VKOH ; AUUllor, o i.ercu ; v lei a, n
A Wykoff.
Delawahk. Justice of the Teace, A Nye;
Constable, J C Sterner; Assessor, A J Hurra b ;
Supervisors, George Rank nnd Charles Hartzell ;
Jndire of Election, Samue'. C Aryson ; Inspectors,
E Hoffman and Jos Nicely, jr. ; School Directors,
John Evster and J Keyser ; Overseers of Poor,
Geo Seibert and John Wcrk ; Treasurer, M A
Nicely ; Auditor, John Seibert.
Cameiion Justice of the Pence, J B Becker ;
Constable, Jos Gross ; Asscssor,C K Welke.l ; Su
pervisors, Cbas C Buyer and George Lntsha ;
Judge of Election,' John 11 Ilanpt; Inspectors,
Francis Lonir and Daniel Mock ; School Direc
tors, Jarcd Heninger, John II Hnupt nnd C K
Weikle ; Overseers of Poor, John F Kerstetter
nnd Genre: Maurer t Treasurer, Petrr W Sehleleh
Auditor, Joseph B Bocker ; Clerk, John H Kra
mer. Coal. Constable, Patr'ek Ready; Assessor,!
James Long ; Supervisor, Edward Brennan nnd !
Patrick Burke; Judiro of Election, Patrick J
CJainn ; Inspectors, George Smith nnd Dennis
Downev ; School Directors, John Downey, Thco.
Meissberucr, F. Hcsser and Roht. Parker (two
latter a tie;) Overseer of Poor, Thos Gillespie;
Auditors, Michael While, C H Chamberlin and
Thos Wilcox, (two latter u tie.)
Ciui.LiSQfAyi E. Constable, Win Stiver; As
sessor. W Auten ; Supervisors, J C McWillianis
nnd Hugh Martin; Judge of Election, Norman
Butler ;' Inspectors, Henry Berkheimer und Ed
ward Hummel ; School Directors, Win. E Fetz
gar and A Kutz ; Overseers of Poor, A C Troxel
and John M Miller) Auditors, E B Emory uud
Wm Koch.
Point. Constable, Henry Morgan ; Assessor,
C M Leshur i Supervisors, John Vuudcrvendcr
and Wm Vaukirk ; Judee of Election, Daniel
Sherwood ; Inspectors, F Reed and John Hauler;
School Directors, James D Smith and F Reed ;
Overseers of Poor, C A Morgan nud A Vaudling;
Auditor, G W Vandevcuder.
Wasiiisoton. Dunstable, G II Hoffman; As
sessor Frederick Fotzcr; Supervisors, H D Hoff
man snd K M H Snvder : Judire of Eieetiou, Geo
Kehres; Inspectors, Isaac 1 Hon ana A 1 I 'rum
heller ; School Directors, Peter Fenter, J Kiefler
auc A KerincK ; uverseers oi ruor, ionim:u:i
Kelts and Isaac Rebuck treasurer, A K inou ;
Auditor, A R Trioo Clerk, Samuel Malick.
Jacksow. Justice of the Pence, Geo W Kobel.
Constable W B Lougsdorf t Judge of the Elec
tion, I O Billmnn ; Inspectors, A D Suyder, I 8
Zartman ; Supervisors, Henry Thomas, George
Snyder ; School Directors, Washingtou Otto, B
Btepp; Overseers of the Poor, Peter Buhner,
Abraham Zelgler. Assessor, Sol Billman ; Trea
surer, I B Trussler. Auditor, Daniel Jlolsuue.
Town Clerk. Geo DcpK ii.
Zkuhb. Constable, Samuel Haupt t Assessor,
Wm Deppeu Supervisors, John Partridge ;
Judge of Election, James Coyle ; Inspectors, M
G Brvmlreaud A H Yordy School Directors, To
bias Bouder, James Fuller and James Maurer;
Overseers of Poor, Joseph Kline and Daniel
Smith; Treasurer, Peter Mets; Auditor, J E
Rnlhbun t Clerk, Jacob Roads.
Upper Maiiaoy. Justice of the Peace, Wm
Bcrghouse I Constable, G W Hornberger ; Asses
sor, J H Malllck i Supervisors, Johu 8 Snyder
and Jacob Masser; Judee of eieetiou, Isaiah
Knoor I Inspectors, JJaulet 11 Belsel ana It
Clock School Directors, Dautat Snyder, M D
Paul and Wm Berghou&ei Overseers of Poor, J
K Maurer and Daniel Suyder. Ellas Paul and Le
vi Snyder bd a tie vote ; Treasurer, I H Gelst ;
Andltor, SOW. Hornberger and C II Clock
Clerk, G B Leltsel.
Ttmni'T. Constable, A Kisslnpcr i Assessor,
Wm Waldron i Supervisors, oamiiel Jacoby and
Henry Buss Judge of Election, J J Rlttcr In
spectors, Thos Crawford and P J t.'rlste Schi-ol
Directors, J F Foust and John Dunklo t Over
seers of Poor, Peter Ranglo and John Hagg Au
ditor, I) L Ireland
Lower Maiiasot. Constable, Aaron Spat
Assessor, J L Snyder Supervisors, Aleiandor
Rsngnmnn nnd Imiibc Bubh Judge of. Election,
David Scllei Inspectors, Tobias Long nnd Aaron
Scirlert School Directors, Wm. Deppen nnd Ell
as Wlest Overseers of Poor. Samuel Mcrtr. and
Geo Witiner Auditor, J L Winner Clerk, J 11
JonoA. Constable, F Shaffer t Assessor, T
M Wclst t Supervisors, (J Troutmun nnd John
Slegcl) Judge of Election, Aaron K Trautman
Inspector John F Trautman and Daniel Gclsa
School Directors, Wm A Shaffer and Sol Smoltz;
Overseers of Poor, Jos. Williamson nnd John
Krlsslngor) Treasurer, Daniel T Trautman ; Au
ditor, Noah Klock Clerk, Solomon Smelts.
Nhamoki Township. Justice of the Peace,
Martin Gass Constable, Petor Martin Asses
sor, Simon Vouglit Supervisors, Lnbnu Camp
bell nnd Henry Regley t Judgo of Election, Sol
Haas Inspectors, Jared llartleiu and Wm. Sim
mors t School Directors, John Shipman and Sam
uel Swank ( Overseers of Poor, Leonard Penusyl
and F Fnrnswnrth Auditor, J. K. Munich
Clerk, J. Johnson.
Mi, Caumel Township. Justice of the Ponce,
John N. Evans t Constable, Andrew Martin t As
sessors, Hugh McDonnell and C Cannon t Super
visor, Patrick Martin Judge of Election, Win.
B Donnelly Inspectors, Richard Doyle aud Jus.
McClarencet School Directors, J McDonnell and
Patrick Moore Overseers of Poor, Michael Mc
Andrew and Austin Mealy Auditors, Tlios.
Mnmilng and Bernard Breslln.
Editor's Table.
Young America comas to us ns fresh as the
Spriug-time. It Is the most sparkling and origi
nal of the Juvenile publications Just what every
child ueeds. $1.00 per year subscription price,
(1.50 with n valuable premium.
Demohest's Montui.t for April is bright, and
full of good things as usual. Us fashions arc
particularly full and interesting to ladies, nnd
its literary matter vnried, thoughtful, and sug
gestive as well as entertaining. It is pre-eminently
practical, and therefore most useful as a
family magazine.
Godey's Ladt's Book for Apicil. A beauti
ful number of illustrations are presented to the
subscribers in this number, commencing with the
steel plntu "Grandfather's Pet j" then a tinted
cut, "The Sports of April," suitable for the sea
son j n pretty colored fashion plate ; a view of
Miss Lulipop's dressing-room for gentlemen ;
and another of those largo sheets of braiding and :
embroidery patterns, printed in blue. Besides
all these superior embellishments, there is the
large extension sheet, containing any uuinber of j
the latest designs for the toilet. We ueed not
speaK oi us literature, A perusal oi ll will re
pay you.
GuowiNn Better and Better. The March
number of "Pr.on.ii's Montui.t" of Pittsburgh,
is to hand, and we must say it Is the best aud
finest yet issued. The illustrations ure all nil-
usually beautiful, fully equal to anything from j
Ken York. The contents of this uuinber are us ;
varied and interesting as usual, aud the whole
paper Is a credit to t lie West, where it ought to !
have a geuerul support. The chief attraction in I
this issue, however, is the new Serial historical !
and illustrated culled "Old Fort Duiiucsnc." I
The story opens out well, aud promises to be ex- i
ceedingly thrilling nnd nbnoi l-lnir. The escape
of Capt." Jack and the Indian Chief across the
river, under the very guns of the fort, is deeply
exciting. All who can, should read this story,'
introducing most of the Indian chiefs and roil
and white scouts notable ut that period. It will j
run through ten or twelve numbers. Price,
l.. Ml a year. Address "People's Monthly." I
"Back-Loo Sti dies." In this unique series of
the papers, now appearing lu Scribner's Month
ly, Mr. Warner, author of "My Summer lu the
Garden," is doing his best work. Here we have,
iu n pleasant fiction of a talking group In front
of an old-fashioned couutry back-log, philoso
phic suggestion, sarcasm that smiles, not. sueers,
bright bits of description, social out-looks, and,
enlivening nil, a fresh, "crisp, yet juicy" and de
licious humor. Buck-Log Studies have been
quickly appreciated by the press. The New York
Timet says that, these sketches, "for light, airy,
but genuine delineations of character. Imvc rare- j
ly been surpassed by auy writer of the present I
day." The Jloxtvn Traiueript suys that "for do- j
lieacy of touch, quaint scnlimeut, anil quaint j
humor, Back-Lug Studies arc the best of things '
in their way." The .Yu7iiu thinks that Back- !
Log Studies No. III. "renews and Increases the
evidence glveu lu his previous performances that 1
we have In him a humor'sl of real merit." Writ- I
lug of one of these papers, the N. Y. Mail says it I
is the "best thing be has written, nnd the best i
Cvmmrrchil UuUe.lin savs : "Back-Log Studies (
constitute a decided hit in niagezine literature
Another of these delightful papers will appear In
the April number of Serihner's Monthly, which
will be for sale by all liookscllcrs uud Newsdeal
ers. fl.OO u year, i!5 ets. a number.
SuitiiiNEii it; Co.,
CM Broadway, New York.
We are not closed up yet at the Excelsior of
Win. II. Miller, but we are geltiug over one hun
dred cases of the finest Boots nnd Shoes direct
from the manufacturers, made to my
order, goods that cannot be bandied by pcdlerr .
We cull the attention of the public to the fal
lowing facts :
We don't have so many slop shops through the
country to depend on the refu-ed stock that will
not sell at auy price.
We buy from manufacturers that no other par
ties can buy from, even if they huvc the money
to puy for them, to sell them in Sunbury.
We don't only buy one case, but we buy hun
dreds of them ut a time nud pay for them, as the
good people of Sunbury will nttest.
1 have manufactured twenty yenrs myself, nnd
have cut Moroccos, Calf's Sole to supply fifty
stores peddling through the country.
I will warrant all goods sold ut my store, as
we handle such goods that there Is no discouut
ou them to sell them.
We don't sell any of S. & Bro.'s (roods that
have failed for 4.80. We don't have any wears
for agents. We pay 100 cts. on the dollar.
We don't sell paper sole shoes, as we have
plenty of paper hero without sending cast for it.
We will give filly dollars to pedlars that will
sell belter aud finer boots and shoes than we do.
llusinesH Notices.
Spuing Goods Furniture of every style and
quality for the Spring stiles has Just been receiv
ed nt B. L. R.iudenbush's store in Masonic build- j
iug. For the best und most stylish furniture,
Raudeubush's cannot be excelled. Cull aud see ,
the spleudld Spring styles.
Tuobe wishing to cniruge In a profitable busi-
ness should read the advertisemeut of M. B. Dy
ott, 114 South Second stroet, Philadelphia, iu
this issue. Light equal to gas at ono-elghlb
the cost, ovc. Rights of Counties aud Stutcs for
A NpleuUiil Aaiortnieut of Spring,
Goods at Clement & Dissluger's.
Cloniiig out Winter Mock at almost
cost, ut Clement & Dissiuger's.
Miawlsi and Iflauketa at remarkably
low prices, at Clement A Dissiuger's.
A good asNortineiit of Queeusware Just
received at Clement A Dlssinger's.
lOOO dozen brut (spool Cotton lu the
market, Just received at Clement A Dlssinger's,
aud for sale at the following prioet i 6 ceuts per
spool or 70 ceuls per dozen.
The Istrgeittt cheapest aud best assortment
of Cussiiucres In town, just received at Clemeut
& Dlssinger's.
American Product Still Ahead 1 W. M.
Daugherty is now using marble that Is superior
to the Italian for monuments aud grave stones.
While Italiau marble cracks in less than ten
years, the American has stood the test for over
thirty years aud fouud to stand our climate far
better thau auy foreign marble. Cn'l at his
shop, opposite the Court House, aud see bis as
sortment. The prices bave been greatly reduced.
A BcriKioa article of Wheat and Buckwheat
Flour, and Corn Heal, Is sold at J. G. Trimble's
Grocery at a tow prlee.
A Fact worth remembering, that Welmer sells
goods lower than the lowest. His stock of Dress
Goods In 8ilks, Merinos, Empress cloth, Batttns,
Plaids, Ac., Ac, are complete. Velvets and
Velvetocns 25 per cent lower than former prices.
Waterproofs of the latest styles and best make.
Ladles' Chlldrcns' nnd Gents' Furs. His assort
ment of Shawls, embracing all the lending styles
in the markets, which he offers at extremely low
prices. Call and be convinced that Wclmer's
popular Cash Store Is tlio placo to secure bar
gains. His stock of goods ls'not to be surpassed
by nny In quantity, quality, or price. No trou
ble to show goods.
Having Just returned from the New York mar
kets, he Is prepared to offer extra Inducements to
cash buyers.
The splendid assortment of all kinds of Hats
nnd Caps at 8. Faust's store contlnuo to attract
attention, which are sold at reasonable prices.
How to get money Is the great desire of all. A
really good aud serviceable Sowing Machine that
will make money for you, or help you to save It.
Will be sent to' your own home on Trial of 30
days, no matter where you may be, and you can
pay for it in small monthly Installments, by
writing to tho American Ma lilne. Co., cor. John
r.nd Nnssua Street, New Yo.'k j or yon can have
a County Riirht free, ns agent, nnd make money
fast. We ndviBO smart men to secure tho bus.
ness, ns nothing pays better than the agency for
a good Sewing Machine. Write at once.
Special Notices.
On Marriage. Essays for Young Meu.on
Great Social Evils and Abuses, which interfere
will. Mnri'iage, and ruin the happinese of thou
sands, with sure means of relief Tor tho Erring
and Unfortunate, deceased nnd debilitated. Sent
In senled letter envelopes, free of charge.
Address, Howard Association, No. South
Ninth St., Philadelphia, Ft.
A HaiMlstoine MouMachr.
Prof. St. Croix's French Com
pound, the Orcul Hair Grower,
will produce a luxurlcnt Mou
stache or Whiskers on the
smoothest face. Pleasant to
use. Sent to nny nddress ou
receipt of Fifiv Cents.
II. T. BOND, Chemist.
Tenth and Chestnut Sis., Phila.
N. E. Cor.
Feb. 17, 1H7'2.-
5 a .
xi c
O 5
.5 is
- k
P4 -15
a. ?
4j -
U ,3 - V
C3 W W ,S
2 - 2 -
3 2
U bl cl
2 x
. "
e w m to
Im a l- 3 B
TO Till: Nl FFKKI.Xl.
The Rev. William II. Norton, while residing
in Hrn7.ll a a missionary, discovered In that
land of medicines n remedy for Consumption,
Wi'Kofila, Souk Tiihoat, Cotutus. Colds,
Asthma, and Nekvols Weaknbs. This rem
edy has cured myself nfter nil other medicines I
had failed.
Wishing to benefit the suffering. I will send j
tho recipe for preparing and usinir this remedvto i
all who desire it r REE OF CHARGE. " j
Please send an envelope, with your name and
nddress on it. Address,
670 BitoiuwAT,
Oct. 141S71 1y. Nnw- York Citt,
In Mitttin township. Dauphin countv, on Tues
day last, Mr. SOLOMON RESSLER, aged ubout
OS years.
In Northumberland. February Slst, CHARLES
HENRY WOMER, son of John D. '. and Mary
Wonier, of litis place, nged l'J years, 1 month
und da vs.
Nunbury Oruin dc Produce Market. W EEKI.T MV H1I.B QBR1NOEH.
I GtiAiN Choice White Wheat
I Best Amber, Whiter
I Corn
I Rve
Oats, (- lhs-1
1 Beit Amber, Winter, per sack..,
" " " " barrel.
I Corn Meal, per cwt.
. Pennsylvania Roll
Enos Pet lozen
i Meats Dried Beef, pet lb
! Smoked Mutton
Lsun per lb
j Fisu Salt White Fish, per lb
" Trout "
Cod "
! Vesbtadles Turnips, per bushel
! Potatoes " "
j Onions " "
I Beans, " quart
j Hominy, "
; Dkibu Fhcits Dried Apples, per tb
Peaches, "
.... 1
8 DO
.....3 .'.0
, no
.... 18
. 8
"". ui
'"Vva X
"'i'i'm irt
$clu ttuciiiscmcnts.
Estate of Niruuda Npntz, Drrraaed.
"VyOTICE Is hereby given, that letters of ad- j
a ministration having been grunted to the
undersigned on the est. its of Miranda Spatz. late
of lower Mahanoy township, Noi thuinlieriand
county. Pa , deceased. All persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate, are requested
to make immediate payment, and those having
claims to present them lor n I lement. j
4 oil a xi. ir- r. tit, Aaministrato.',
Loer M ihanoy twp., M.i;eh 2, 1872.-0U
DoitVtcad f his ! !
Good morning, Mrs. A., where are you bound
for so early I
Mrs. A. Why Mrs. C, . on't you know Mr.
i Byerly has bought out the Grocery nnd Coulee
; tiouery Store of Haas el Weaver, nnd is selling
nice fresh Grocui ics. Canned Fruit, und inflict,
j everything in the Grocery line, cheaper than the
! cheapest, and I have tot tired payinir high prices,
so I have made up my mind after this to patron
ize Mr. Byerly. So good morning, Mrs. C. I
must go.
Mrs. C, to nerseir. Well I am lionud to Una
out for myself, and will go to Byerly 'anew cheap
cash Grocery, the next tune I want any
Groceries), Coufei tionericor Prime
I will Just say to all come and give me a trial,
and satisfy yourselves that there Is one cheap
cash Grocer v in Sunburv.
Hemember the place, o. II, eontn I nira St.,
la Clemeut House Building, Suubury, Pa.
Sunbury, Jan. 80, 1878.
Fourth aud Arch M., Philadelphia,
Katabliahed in 1840.
Best GLOVES only.
Wholesale and It tall.
March t, 187l.-t.
To Debilitated Persons,
To Dyspeptics,
To ciuflererg from IJvcr Complaint,
To thoso having no Appetite,
To those with Broken Down Constitu
tons,. To Nerrous I'ooplc,
To Children Wasting Away,
oany with Debilitated Digestive Organs,
Or suffering with any o the following
f rwitoriM, which indicate DisordertA Livtr
such as Con
stipation, Inward
riles, Fullness or
Blood to the Head, Acid
ity of the Stomach, Nausea,
Hesrtburn, Disgust for Food,
Fullness or Weight in the Stom
ach, Sour Eructations,Slnklng or
Fluttering nt the Pit or the Stom
ach, Swimming of the Head, Hur
ried and Difficult Breathing, Flutter
lug ut the Henrt, Choking or Suffocat
ing Seusatlons, when In a Lying Posture,
Dimness of Vision, Dots or. Webs before the
Sight, Fever nud Dull Pain In tho Head, Deficien
cy of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin
nnd Eyes, Pain In the Side, Back, Chest,
Limbs. Ac., Sudden flushes of Host,
Burning iu the Flesh Constant Im
aginings of Evil, mid Great De
pression of Spirits.
Hoofland's German Bitters.
A Bitters without Alcohol or Spirits of nny kind.
Is different from all others. It Is composed of
the pure Juices, or Vital Principle or Roots,
limns and Bahks, (or ns medicinally termed Ex
tracts,) the worthless or inert portions of tho In
gredients not being used. Therefore in one. bot
tle of this Bitters there Is contained as much me
dical virtue as will be found In several gallons of
ordinary mixture. The Roots, fie., used In this
Bitters are growu In Germany, their vital princi
ples extracted In that country hya scientific Che
mist, and forwnrded to the manufactory in this
City, where they nro compounded and bottled.
Containing no spir.ttious liigiclV'eute, this Bitters
It free from the oujc.'tions urged ngaiust allolh
ers : no desire for stimulants can be induced
from their use ; they cannot make drunkards,
and cannot, under nny clrcumstauccs, have nny
but a beneficial effect.
Was compounded fur those not inclined tn ex
tremo bitters, and is intended for use In cases
when some alcoholic stimulant Is required In co l
ncction with the tonie properties of the Bitters.
Eacli bottle of the Tonic contains one bottle of
the Bitters, combined witli puree SANTA CRUZ
RUM, nnd flavored In such n manner that the ex
treme bitterness of the bitters Is overcome, form
ing a preparation highly agreeable and pleasant
to the palate, and containing the medicinal vir
tues of the Hitters. The price of the Tonic Is fl.
50 per Bottle, which mnny persons think too
high. They must take into consideration that
the stimulant used Is Kuarantced to be of a pure
quality. A poor article could he furnished at a
cheaper price, but Is It not better to pay a little
more and have a good nrticle I A medicinal pre
paration should contain none but the best Ingre
dients ; nnd they 'who expect to obtain a cheap
compound, and be benefitted by It will most eer
taiuly be chruted.
Hoofland'a German Bittern, r
LAND'S Podoplij'lliti rill,
will cure yon. They arc the Greatest
BLOOD PURIFIERS known to the Medical
world, nnd will eradicate diseases arising from
Impure blood, Debility of the Disgestive Organs,
or Diseased Liver, iu a shorter lime than auy
other known remedies.
Wno woi:i.r ask vor moiir Dignified asd
Stronofr Testimony I
Hon. Geouob W. Wo idwaro, formerly Chief
Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania,
nt present Member of Congress from Peonsyl
vnnia writes :
Philadelphia, March 16th, 1807.
I find "Hoofland's German Bitters'' Is a good
tonic, useful lu diseases of the digestive organs,
nud of great benefit in cuses of debility, nnd
want of nervous action in the svstem. Yours,
truly, GEO. W. WOODWAnD.
Hon. James Tuostrsos. Chief Justice of the Su
preme Court of Pennsylvania.
Piltl.AtirLPriA, April 28, 1SG7.
I consider "Hoofland's G .-man Bitters" a val
uable medicine In case of attacks ol Indigestion
or Dyspepsia. 1 can certify this from my expe
rience of it.
Hon. Geouob Suslswood, Justice of the Su
preme Court of Pennsylvania.
1'iitLAur.i.ritiA, June 1, 180S.
I have found by experience that "Hoofland's
German Bitters" is a very good tonie, relieving
dvspeptic symptoms almot dlrertlv.
Hon. Wm. F. liogin, Mavor of the City of Buf
falo, N. Y.
Mayor's Office, Buffalo, Juno 23, 1KC3.
I have used "Iloolland's German Bitters aud
Tonic" in my family durius the past year, and
cau recommend thcin as an excellent touic, im
parting tone and vigor to the sy.-tem. Their use
has been productive of decidedly benetleial ef
fects. WM. F, ROGERS.
Hon. Jiwut if. H'uii, Ex-Mayor of Williams
. port, Pa.
I take grent pleasure In recommending "Hoof-
I land's Gei man Tonic to an v one who may be
i afflicted with Dyspepsia. 1 had the Dyspepsia
, BO O.HIIV ll v u mi iHiriiJiv: t.J mi ' itii, i.nui .111
1 my stomach, and 1 became so weak as not to be
..ll- . - II. ...I I.. T- ln. tV....t.A ..
f UUIC IU Willi, IIUIl M 1II.1C. 1 " " wuua tTTiii.ifu
perfect cure.
Will Cure every (.'use of
or Wasting away of tho Body.
Are the medicines you require to purify the
Blood, excite the torpid Liver to healthy action,
and to suable you to pass safely through any
hardships or exposure.
or substitute for Mercury Pills. Two Pills a
Dose. The most Powerful, ytt Iunoccnt Cathar
tic known.
It Is not necesr.nry to take a handful of these
Pills to produce the desired effect s two of them
act quickly and powerfully, cleunaiuj; the Liver,
Stomach uud Bowels of all impurities. The
principal lugredieut Is Podophyllin, or the Alco
holic Extract of Mandrake, which Is bv many
times more powerful, actinj; and searching than
Hie Mandrake Itself. Its peculiar action is upou
the Liver, cleaning it speedily from all obstruc
tions, with all the power of Mercury, yet free
from the Injurious results attached to the use of
that mineral.
For all diseases, In which the use of a callmr
tie Is iudieuted, these pills will give entire satis
faction In every case. They never fail.
In cases of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia and ex
treme costivencss. Dr. L Tolland's German Bit
ters or Tonic should be used in connection w ith
the rills. The tonic effect of the Bitters or To
nic builds up the system. The bitters or Tonie
fiurinos the Blood, strengthens the Nerves, rejru
ales the Liver, aud fives strength, enerey and
Keep your Bowels active with the Tills, and
tone up the system with Bitters or Tonic, and no
disease can retain the hold, or even assail you.
Recollect that It Is DR. HOOFLAND'S GER
MAN Remedies that are so universally nsed and
highly recommended and do not allow the
Druggist to induce you to take anything else
that he may say Is just as good, because lie
makes a larger profit ou it. These Remedies will
be sent by Express to any localllv, upou applica
tion to the PRINCIPAL OFFICE, at the GER
CUAS. M. EVANS, proprietor.
Formerly C. M. Jackson A Co, Tbi Reme
dies sre for Bale by DniEit, Storekeepers, sod,
.qnw 'Ynr"7 (very wnsre.
Up De Graff's
rriHIB Institution Is now open for the reeeptlou
-1. of Patieuts for ths treatment of Dis W
4c., &c, Ac,
and operations In GENERAL 8CROERT. Our
collection of INSTRUMENTS is very large, com
prising all the latest IttpaovEMame, enabling us
to meet
lu all form. Physicians are Invited to accom
pany Patients to our Institution for operstlont.
By request of mnnr Citizens, we will attend to
Inflrinary, Clement's Building,
Phvslclan and Surgeon.
Bunhmy, Feb. 3, lS7i.,-'tf.
C A It I) .
No. 002 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
Feb. 10, 1873.
ivsiRtxci; tout AX Y.
LNSURE with a, risponsible nnd perfectly reli
able Company. Insure where your lossrl
will be paid promptly.
This in a Mutual Protective Co.
nence, you are sure of being paid promptly for
all lossos, if insured in this Conipauv.
We pay los.cs accruing through theft, death by
fire, accident, or natural causes, (exceptirt:
cpedcniic discuses). We pay prompt. No nj
tape proceedings to get your money, In caso ri
paid on horses nnd cattle since oigauizalion.
DR. D. WALDRON, president.
C. A. KEIMENSNYDER, Scc'y, Sunbury, Pa.
I)t Ilt.CTOIiS.
Ex-Gov. James rollock, Hon. J. C. Bruner,
Solomon Stroh, Win. Biindle. Solomon Sliiiie,
John A. Niissiirr, Dr. D. T. Krebs, Or. David
Waldron. Jan 13 '73-ly.
A Valuable House and Lot
for Sale.
riHE nnderslcned oflcrs at private snl, his
Lot, Willi all the necessary outbuildings, situate
ou the Southeast corner of Walnut und Third
streets, Suubury. I'a. Tlie house is nearly uew
and well linislied and contains nine rooms, a
good cellar, ,Vc. It is well calculated for a resi
lience, and would be an admirable business stand
for a store or hotel. This property w ill be sold
at a reasonable price.
For terms, &c, apply to
Suubury, Jan. 87, lS72.-tf.
Danville, Iluzletou & Wllkeabarro
Rail Uoad.
l.SSVK kastwarii.
Munburv, H -U a Ul
Danville, 7 H-J " i
Catlaw'a, 7 as "
Hazietou, tf 03 " :
N. York, 0 00 a m
E.inon, 25 "
Phil's, 8 00 "
Bclhle'm 10 05 "
Betlilc'm 12 10 p tn
Mii;'.f, i 1" " j
Hnzleton, J 00 p ru
Cultaw'u, 3 40 "
Danville, 3 20 "
Suubury, 3 5T "
Kaplou, 12
N. YciU, 3
The afternoon train connects ut Sunubury with
the Philadelphia Eric, 4 S5 p. ni., train puinir
wet, arriving ut Willianisport 6 30 and Lock
Haven 7 55 p. in., nnd with the Northern Cen
tral 4 50 p. m nioi ini; south arriving at Harris
burg 7 00 p. in., and Baltimore 10 45 p. in., nud
al i"i with the Suubury .V Lewi. low u R. R.
Cum loi tulle aud baudsouio eU'tica on this
new route.
Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope. Priie Oils.
A LeetMre on the Xature, Treat-
meat aud Radical Cure of Spermatorrhea, m
Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sex
ual IVbiliiv, and Impediments to Marriage gen
erallvi Nervonsnes, Consumption, Epilepsy,
and Fits t Menial nud Physical Incapacity, re
milline from Self-Abuse, Ac. By ROBERT J.
t I'LVERWEl.L, M. D., Author of the "Green
Boik," Cc.
The world-renowned author, in this sdmlrable
Lecture, clearly proves from his owd experience
that the awful coiisequeuccs of Self-Abuse may
be effectually removed without medicines, any
without dangerous surgical operations, boogies,
lustrumeuts, rings, or cordials, pointing aut a
mode of cure at ouee certain aud ett'ectaal by
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