tumorous. ltlernl I'liilOHopliy. It Iz bettor tow leap one roil, and strike on your feet, than tew lenp two rod nml trike on your hod. This is a well-know n fact-. Tho only hutrmn bcin on tho, face ov this earth thnt I renlly envy U a lulling Chris tian. Men ov little, ntilliority, nre like men ov little strength, nhvtia nii'xions tew litt sum tli'mg. Tlinre iz (wo kind of men thnt I don't kfire to moot when I nm in a grate hurry ; mun tliiit I owe, nml inou that want to 0V0 mo. Tlirtrei nro folk who don't do enny lirml work but watch their simploins. 1 liav saw dons akt just ny, sensible. I hav tatw a rat-tarrier watch the symptoms ov a knot-whole in a board-fence all day tor Mini rat, tew cum forth, and no rat didn't cum forth. You will nlwus notis one thins ; the de vil never oilers to i;o into partnership Willi a bizzy man ; but you will ol'ien see him oiler to jino tho lazy niid furnish nil the capital. llnpe'liaz madi a great many blunder ; but thai'H iz one thins about her that I nl wus did like ; she means well. Mont enny hoddy thinks liu kitu keep n good hotel (and he kan) : hut tin nkotinU for the prate number of kussid mean onc3 all over the country. Convinee a pliool ov hiz errors r.nd you make him yine enemy. A in in whom yti kan hire tew work on a farm tor notion:: and hoard himself will just about earn hiz wages. The highest rate ov interest that we pay iz for borrowed trouble. Things that are ahvuz n-f ing tew happen never do hap pen. Face nil things ; even adversity iz polite to man's ficc. Whenever t see a mm nnxiins tew get into the middle of a lite that don't belniig tew him, I am nlwuz anxious tew hav him, for I kno he iz suro Uv Le the wurst vv'nij I man in tlie party. There ain't but phew men weak -nufl' tew admit their jea'.ousys ; even a disgraced roosU.-r in a hani-yard 'will git a lectio fur ther oll'and begin tew crop up a new rcpn tiishun. Felh is an ni row shot into a krnnd ; the only rezon w!j"i it hit another is bckause it missed us. Ally genius iz like arly cabbage ; it ain't flpt tew bed well. A man with a phew braiivs iz like a dog with one Ilea on him d red fid oneazy. Old .Starrs, on honest German, had a farm about, three miles from the village of Naples, on- the Illinois river, and,' liko most of his coiiiitryiiic.ii who sciilo in this Country, was great on garden trtt.'k. butter. egL's, iVc., which be carried lvgnl.irly lo tiie town to sell or barter for family sap plies. ( hie day he can)!; in as usual, and l'eter CritZ"r, the store-keeper, thinkin.' I ) pet a "saw"' on the old man. said .- "'tVcli, Stalks, pot sonio more csres y "Va, 1 have a few." "I paid you a bit for the laM.-' said (,'iitzer, "but we have had a conven tion of the storekeepers, and they have re Solved to give only ten cents in the future." "Va. Veil, mine hens they have a ineet iu" replied .Stalks, "an' they resolves wot (Uy won't wear 'eniM lv s out layiu' CL'gs for less as t'oolicc'i sheiits,'' and the old mail stalked oil; having l'cte to Maud the laugh of lh' crowd. fitlv Jbbcrtiscmcnts. va iii i ii ifsiTxrVu t6uvT SUN HUH V, PEXN'A. J. S. SEASHOLTZ, "VTOULr respectfully nimoiincc t the rltl 1 fens of Sunluiry and muroiiiulliiK country, that lie 1" prepared to manufacture nil styles of Citrringcn, ItnggirN, tic, tit tils new shop on enst Market struct. He will furnlt-u every description of Wiikoub, both 1 LAIN AND .1: A NO. In ptmi t. will make everything In Ills line from a llrst-ebiss ciinlnirc ton. wheelbarrow, wuitniitcd to be made of t tic host nml most durable iiiutcrl-nls-. nnd by the most experienced workmen. All work sent nut from bis establishment will tic found reliable in every particular. The. piitronago of the public i solicited. .1. S. SEASHOLTZ. Sunbuiy, Nor. 4, 'Tl.-ly. FOR SALE! T7MGI1TY acres of Improved land In the host Id section of Southern Mli'Mirmi, within Hve miles of the town of "Three Rivers. in St. Jo se) Ii county, within two miles of Ihe Railroad Station, (timd linildinu's, out linnses lame or chard. Foil, rich sandy loam, school hoac nml churclis wilhin sia'hl lilie lndi-putable, ten iii'i-cs lire in wheat. Ihe remaladcr In clover sod. A spun of hop-en, ro 1 1 !, lmus. jrraln and farniinc iilcnsiU. A:..., will be sold with this properly". Price s-iO per acre. 3,IKK) in rash, the balance in time pavinetit ol ' if "((. Applv to ' W'.M. A. M.S.-KK, tiiree Kivers, Mich. or, II. 11. MA.-vir.It. Emibuiy, Ta. ! S.inhnrv. Mnrrli 11. is:i. ! ii.tiiis;i:T .iiAsofi i..hlti:i;y COJii'AXY. Tlih roair.iiiv is now prepared to soil lot in the new Cemeli-iy, located on an eminence nb'ut on. -Ie,u I '.i of u niiie rait of Suiibury. The in crease cl the. po.u!ation of .Simbury. and cone- ( i j , , i' 1 1 1 advance in Ihe ratio of mortality, lis well as tlie limited faeilitiies for ihe int.-rnu'iil of llioso I who luive louuM t'le s bailie, lia re surest c.l l lie rt-.-aniz-U i-ui of the abovt nancl cntnpany. ! Plan ot' IVmeUM"v mav be seen at lie- olllec '.f J. A. ehe. V.tq.. or l.loyd f. lloluleuli. i l'rioc iiflois from '.") to it"", neeoidinjr to loca- i I t'r.-.i. I l?cr-Is will tv ex'-ate J for lots so'.d. l.l.OVI) T. IIOIIUDACII, Soe'y. ' BEE?, FOliK. PDULTRY actl FRUIT I mim.i.m:hy. FALL AND V1NTEH STYLES. HATS AND. IIOXNETS, RIIHJONS, FLOWE11S, VUEATIIS, LACES, Ac. Crape Vcll. CRAPETIIATS AND KONNETS, nnd everything URnally kept hi n Millinery Store. Call nt M. h. OOSSLF,lt'8 Ftoro, Poiith Fonrlh Street, below the 8. V. R. It., Sl'NHl ItY, PA. Nov. 4, '71. vs i ix ri it::.1. TIIACKARA, T.UCK & CO., srcuns'scms to MISKEY, MEllKILL & TIIACKARA, 5IANIFACTIHEU3 OK CAS FIXTURES, I5UONZES, Ar., &c, (liaiidrliri'M. I'omlinit , ItriickolN, would respectfully Invite the attention of pur chasers to our decant assortment. WHOLESALE AM) KETAIL SALESROOMS, 71 liostinit Klrrot. Jlscclletncous. uuufatturcrs. ! MANUFACTORY, 4"!. 40,loO AND 40S RACK m ki:i:t. Anc. 1?. 1S1. ll'tl O!!!! V, laC. De.ii'.lB't-tere renin, twoil.iors eat ofllribt's l'.uil.lin,'. Mailii I :: pure, .q-.MiniV, l'KNN'A. IT.-, vlnt; fitted up a room two doors cast of Y". it 7"i's store, the undi isiiroed lias oprne.l a M.-at s'Vvi in eniincelion v'n!i liis stand on M AUKI.T LAY.s, where lie will keep on hand the best of Kerf, ri-;, Voiil ami Poultry of every .'eseription. Tevhev. O: Diif!. ( hl- le-ns ready dresrc 1, e.:: I j :.t l.p in leLUle.r .lei- ofeily tllalk.-t. ). It.itcr. J'.u'tt'M. S'olaJ .. .- . :-.l, I I-'ra.t- -i" : 11 ki n-, ait of v li'e-'n v. ul I ,:t the biwe-t Malls. I l'liers. i-itizer.s of in, bury are invit.-il to rail nod ex.v.iii-.u- for I .ict.isi Iv. I.i loie p-iu ha-inu' eS-'-A I'.iU r.i-.-.oitii.eiil ua 1-aiul t.vi iv maikiL uior.ibg. HENRY NLUKll. 11. e. 0, 1SU. OOr?? O k-. tJi tie MiW HEAT NIIOI. riIIF. undersltrncd respeet fully Informs the eitl .1. zees of 8uniiury and vicinity, that llicy have ul'eiled u MEAT SHOP, in Dewn-t's bail lieu'. on the north side of M;nl;.-t Si i o:i ee, t wo doors f iota the raiiroad. wer.-tlc-y will k. -i-p a constant supply of the b.--t nf Href. , Fork. Mutton, Ve., at whoh'-al." or Mall, at the 1 lowest i.rici s and of the first quality . A wa'.'oa 1 , w ill be run to supply customers every moi'iiiicr, ; I (-e.'i t Sundays.) The best of meat will found 1 nt their shop. Uie as n call and sntisfv vour- selves. RKFl'EW .V HOWKR. ; ' Oct. tilth 1011. tf. Altrnliuu, A,",enl!i. C.reat in.Pieements otl'-r. d live Atrents, to fell I l Ihe mot popular work of the rue, '-Remarkable Chi. meters un.t l'Uiecs uf the Holy Laud," by i ! CHARLtS W. LLLIOTT. ' with nrtleli.- froiM the pens of T. 1'. Woo'.sev. I.. L. I). : Riuht ll.-v. T h.. M. ( lark. D. IV ; Ri-v. I Jo-rpli ( iimmiin;s. 1. Ii. ; Pev. C diaries A. s'tod (lard; Rrv. S. V. cneth, 1. I. ; 11-v. William , : Ailam -, I). D. ; Utv. Henry War.l Reeehcr, iVrc. : i Address tor ciii-ul.irs ami full partiea'ars. j I J. II. HRYM1KF. ! Ihe. '-'.I. L.ri.-thn. l'otlsvi.ie. Pa. A I. t: 6F YOU r T m r- mrm l.o t :iooi tuient of TIIADD'S 13. SHANNON, THIRD AND M ARKET S(.(. ARE, Has in -t..i In and cons' anlly i e U in N'..v. ;ti". i.i UU lite', eoio-1 In part of a lull line of .i J i: e: e '.. x w vxt s t ;s. F.h'in.Rliiwts. 1'ov.ard Co.. Wa.thaui. Mnf fachiiseils. and Iho's AM ERICAS' WATCHES; Also, a full s --I "f I.e.uieF, e.i.d (ieul's Cold aici hilvcr s-wi s Watclr s. JEAVELRY. Nl.YKIIK IIKATICIt. Pt'NKVjmn at Mahtlanh Statu Faih, Bai TiMoiin. First premium for Fire-place Ileuteii awiinlcd tin. Siiniiyslde. Advuntntes of the f nnnyslde I 1. it Is so constructed thnt one-third more of the rndintiiiK surface extent's Into the room, (ilv lug that much mora atlditionnl heat without ex tra fuel. 2. It Is the only Hot-AIr Firc-plneo Ilcnter In tlie ili.uhet. L'l.c'lhe regular bul.t cellar heater, it loses no heal, but coo Hues it all to its Icgiti purposes. 5. Tlie fuel mP.ea7.lne Is double the nsnul size, extending from tho tlrc box to the top of tlie stove, with capacity for twenty-four hours' sup ply of coal. 4. The pati-nt double cover for coal maear.ino consumes the iras, prevents escape of K" Into the room, and makes it impossible for tiny puf fuifB or explosions to occur. This Is an advant age possessed by no other llie-pluce stove In tho market. 6. Thero nre three ni r ceninbers, wherein a brisk circulation Is kept tip, drawing the cold air ill tlie room through he. .ted Hues into a lai'i;e hot -air reservoir, nt the bark of the stove. fl No si le pipes nre used, as tlie air is heated 111 a rc -irvoir bavin;; double r.ulialiutc tine" nud double baek, stippivin lurire ituuutitics nt hot J iiirwitho.it waste of heat or fuel. 7. The ScNNYsinr. utiliz"? the waste heat ro i thoronivliiy Unit we fie.Ui'titly lieat nil adjoining 1 room on Ihe llivt, bc-ddrs heating tt'e rooms in i second nud third stories. I s. A damper on ton of the stove, connected I wi'h the hot air Hues, controls the quantity of ' ho air required for the use of either the- upper j or i iwer rooms. All other lirr-place stoves are very inconvenient in this respect, j II. The (irate i Pell seaiin.Lr, and no dust can escape while sliakini; it. STL" RAT, fin T.R'S' .t CO.. I Philadelphia. I n. 15. M ASSF.it, A.-ut. ! Nov. 11, 1S71. j KXTIMOKDIVIKY. i f 10 Or FK.151) :t n.-ivs x tri m,. j;o.T!ia.v r.iYJiLMS. ! k'kici: Ki-:ircx:D. Tnr. Ami:iiii av Sr.wis.i JiiciMsn Co. hav-' ' eoiielu.U-d 1. 1 oiler tlu ir w hole Slin k of .S'i;iei ier and widely known muchim-n, upon the above ! linpuralcled l. in.s, to everybody, everywhere, j who have, or can lin.l Use for a really coud siow in: Machine, die. .per Ulan the eheapest. F.very one is welcome to u month a free trail at t heir own home. The bct. and only true ijiuii'aiitec of its quality, Is n month's flee trial. Tlie object of liivini; n fie? trial is to showyoii lre.v liood our Mai-hiiie is. This is the si'-ip!t-!.l and mo-t ceilain way t.i eonviiiee yon that oar Machine is j.tit what you wut. The Secret of safety is in ore month's trial. No one parts w ith the Machine niter trial. Ail pay for and keep it. iluy no machine until you have found it a cviod one, easy to Icaru, easy to manage, '':e (o..oik, iii-y to keep in onlrr, ie.'IVet la iie-ehaiusui, perlc -I ill cousti iietion, simple, re!i;.li'-, an t sal i.-iai tf-ry. Any vni.ipany who will rei'u-e yo I tliis mi. eh caiim-t h-ive a.i l'ooiI a Scv. in:; Maea'ua ...cic.rtnt Tailoring. j. .n. llOHTIA., In the Post Olllce Hnildine, njiposlte the Depot, (up stairs,) SUNIHJUY, l'ENN'A, Informs Ills friends and tho public generally, Hint ho lias just opened n large nud varied as sortment of Clot list, 'isI moron, VoMIiik. A r., which will be made iii to order In the latest styles, and warranted to lit. (icntlenien in want of fashionable suits are Vitert to cull nnd examine his stock. SHIRTS sclent Itieally nnd practically cut amt inndo ineusiire. RUN NO RISK. We furnish the above styles of Improved yoke nnd sack shirt with entirely new shape sleeve, and uuar.tntee (I perfect lltlinir shirt. It Is the best mo lei of a shirt ever oll'ere.l t.i llielrado. Fine and fancy sdi'n ts made to order. J. M. P.OSTIAN. June 3. ll71.-Cm Miscellaneous. v J JARDWARE FOR ALL AT THE JUKI) WARE STOKE OF wtilroas. I.avkuwnnna mul HloouiNlFiirg ItitiN ro: f. BUMMER ARUANOK VKNT OF PASSENGER I . AIN'S. Moi.dny, Julv 1 ".'187L bOLTHWARU. Leave. Pcrnnton, Rellevue, Taylorvilla, Lnckuwunnu, I'itlston, West Pittston, v vomitijr, Mallbv, MACillXi: KIIOI AXIs IKO. FOlXIHtY. GEO. KOIIKNACII & SOX!", SuulMir.v. IVnii'a, INFORM the public tlinl they nre prepared to do nil kinds of CAS I I SOS, and havinis added a new Machine hi, op in eounection with their Foundry, ami l.ave supplied themselves with New Lathes, Planiii!; and ltorin.r Machines, with the latest improvements. Willi the aid of skillful mi chuiiics, tliev are enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may lie jjiveu them, in a satisfactory man ner. ;-: oh lo suit nny Move. IRON CuLUMNiS for churelie.) or other build- iuj:s, of all sizes, j HRAsiS CASTINGS, Ac. ! Cruajncntal Iron reci" I FDR GRAVF. YARO LOTS i Vt---- n, -t t r, . Vj-i v' .-juiii i fJ.O.rl j j FOR YAKIlS AT 1MMKN'CKS, if., AC. . ! Tie- PLOWS, already eel. I. rated for tVir su- I peii.t.ily, hae l.e.-n stiii f-iither impi . .ve-l, a:el ! iu.1 a: w a oe tie I I on iiau-I, Also. Tlllii SlliSG MACHINES, f nibu.-y, May l'.ii 1. J. H. CONNELLY & CO. .MiirUot St root, Ntintturj, Vn. It, Is useless lo enumerate every kind of article In his Store, but anions the loiiillpj; items may be act down the following: Iron, Steel, Lend, Scales, Steelyards, Grindstones, Anns ot an Kinds ami sues, j Kingston, & st. Vices, Bnws, P' nes, J W.-llarre (c'rs . uains, 4. Axes, i I'lytnoutli June., iiin-B uii.i lion m:iiKjif, Shovels, Hoes, - Forks, Spades, Rakes, Hatchet 'iirpenter and Blacksmith TSorlnsr Machines, cellar tirates, urawiiej Ivnlve", Stone Sledues, Pla-ten;rs' Trowels, lleaeh Havuii, Masons' Hamniers and Trowels, . Herwiek, Hand Dinner Hells, and In nre cast li on Pells for j iiriar Creek, School Houses nnd Fanners' Dinner Lime hi.lge, '"OS, i-,spy, Carpenters p.i-nch Screws, Potato Foilis for diu:;itii; potatoes, Looklu? Glasses. Twine, Ropes, Knivts and Forks, -poons. Tack", Mule and Horse Shoes and Nulls, Hummers, Atiirms, Chisels, Lanterns, Oil Cloths, lirooms, Locks of nil descriptions, Collee Mills, Hits ntnl liruecs. Carriagu Holts or all kinds, paint nnd Wall Brushes, liuckets, A.M. (1 sTi. 0 50 o r,:1 7 0.V 7 14. 7 Hi 7 'i- 7 40; P. M.iA.M.lP.M.i St Piyniouth, iMinucoke, Hunlock's, Shlcksliinny, I nek s l-erry lilooini-burg, Rii eit, Cataw is:i, l'anville, (biilasky, Cameron, North'd 1 45 10 05 i I '10 17 ! io sic. 8 11 10 85 p) 40 S 21 p) 47 ',0 W a 3ii it 00. i 7 no 2 40, K on! 8 07! I 8 S2: 8 OS 8 KG 8 43, 8 27 8 50 3 31 8 .17 I l 07 14 l'J ! ail 8 67 9 ft I: 11 5-J- j io ii.1 (arrive.) 10 20i 4 52j NOUTHV.'ARI). 0 50 C 55 7 oa 7 11 7 1U 7 24 7 81 7 tiO 7M1 8 00 4 00 4 09 4 19 4 23 4 80 4 85 4 43 4 47 4 55 5 00 8 05 5 OS 8 20 i 8 U0i 8 45 Leave. A.M. P.M.: Oils, Vnrnlslios, Jap aim, I.ve, Pid-iA-di. W-i.-htnii So.bi, I I'AlN'I.S !' M.l. IillS in Cil or Dry, Pari i- 'olors of alt kinds, , CEDAli-WAHE j and other Wooden-Wave of nil kinds mid Very cheap, Hay-Fork Pulleys, Picks, Mill Pi-Us," Levels, Level Glasses, Files, llin::e.. Coal Oil, Hems, Combs, Screws, Paddlery and Mine. Findines, P.-.vj-'-y Ti i iimiiu-, Excelsior Gla.-s Ce.tter. I'oel-.t t twuives, ScI.-mjis, t hears, Kiiot, 4 ii.;M S'ovulcr, and a :rre".t v-ii-.tv nf oilier articles. Anv thlntr j wai.l--l iui-1 not on ha!nl.wi;i be ordered at once. ibiiry, Air:. IP, ts;i. 11 14 i'l 5 81 6 401 00 tl 115 ! 6 l'J' 12 00 P. M. 0 17 6 24 0 84 Ii 41 f. 4S (i f,.'i 7 111 7 24 7 el 7 11 f.i'-iiif.r.: Ai ss.ai.; Third Fireet, ndioiu'.ns Phlla i S'laarei North of th : j-jjj- W M. Ml tlUAT. .t. sr.A MAKKIt. WM. II. lll.AC K. bUNP.l'RY A Erie u. I-:., two ntral Hotel, PA. LVCJT.imY & GO., Wholesale Dealers ia iiay . not tak Woi k. lily when . ;tn hour y.'ll know llm macilia.- .loeu to e.-i ready to do a luie.ules IS T. i 1 1 i 1 1 e v v C v o o d s Miss L. SiiMcr, Market Span iHisccIIaiuoui. IlES's J'atisu I'.diis, &iA eories pondetit of the Ji'rr t' A'. Yuil.i r writes : Some in.mt',1 or two since I saw an impiiry in yotir vain ili'e panel- villi reeard to ire venting liens, tVoni eatin-j iln-ir e":. 1 Sure Unit people leae'' I'li-ir eliiekelis toe.il cgjjs by t!iro-.vhi.T t-i-.: :j s,!i;-11i ntnuim tin scraps n! I'ooil tiiat in giveti thein. In tliis nay they ,ir.-t tlie t.iste of tint rooked cl'', nnd t lion when siuine; 'lieyiMl Hit m rather than leave the nest lo o,.t, oilu-r l.iud. I liavo killed many a hen for this when it wa.a r.-aiiy my own or tho cook's fault. 1 now lake the shells ear.-fnlly IV'. -mi the scraps at the tal.'.e and the slops in the kitelien. and throw them i-i the lire. It'ind enlir. ly burned when 1 lak- the asle-si no I OLii'.iiLl, LiCtlLLl liiUlU, M'Mii'lSV, SA., Where nre aria-.ed in all thelrdillcient Varictlis pit brought tioni i In.adcl- 1' '! h. p.i. I'll e-ert':'i en in- uo.V o , KooMI .l e t C ly. A no .liretio!!. and -led ii filled with an a irni-ieciit display of sold at the lowest i:vi:v Ml ll'V k. l t ill a i ! at h r store. The lark -l- weir s.,:ie;i, !. Gile lilt- a call u'.ui in: tiirm or (itions Ml'ii '. -iy ---tal-'i-hne-i.t can i Tl e liotl in tie- l'liileleli hia IX. epic mb. I onvlneed. MI.-.S L. f !. 171. HISSLKR. si ai i ri.JJ. Oil 11 tiXiil is if iiri-y. Roman Gold sets, pink coral and Gold set;, Kar-R'mtis Neiklaecs nnd Priidaut", Onyx and Solid sia.-i-wjiiT of Stcrliii"; purilv , made to or-i,-r. Liidal mil l'lvieiilalioii Piece-, Knives, Folks nnd Spout. in eases, nbo, a full line of Silver i'hiicd Goo Is. Tea Sels, leu Water Sett., Eil.it Stands, l.'ak.i I'.askets, Coll'ef L'rn, Forks and Sp. ons uvhicpUtted, the tn-st In Lj niai'Uct. Sl'KCTAt.'I.l. 1 If yoa value your Eye.-luht, Umi the Perfect Leiise.-, L't'iiund flout miiint.- Cli-t'.c l'. bblcs lliel t -.l li'uvl her, aiel derive Ih-.e name '-Hi iinond'' t i-a aceoMiil of iheie hai-lilcss and brilliancy. ; They will last ni.-.ny years w'.t!ne..t. change, nud warranted Superior to all others in use. TAbl.F. CI "1 I.F.RY. Ivory. IVirl ant Metal handles in cases sr.p i plied to order. A full assortment of .LLdit day a': 1 Th'i ty hour Clock-, al-o Calender C.oi ks ol .ill diserip I'.ons. Eneravini; rio-ie at tliesh-iile-t notice. 1 Walehes, Clocks nut Jewelry, ltc.-aiicl and liny only when v.. u find a Machine that is ready ina minute to do any kind ofwoik nud Is ulwuvs readv. and never out of order. A month's tiial answers nil ipn-.-lions, solves I nil doubts, pr vent-all n.i :ake-., and is the only i safe way toect your ui-iuej j woilh. Try it. You eannet lic. Wi -.tc. for oar Confidential Circulars a'ld ill;;?- tinted l'aini-'.ili t. c.nitaiuia fail pal I ii u!at. j which wew.li send y on l.y r- lain of mail free, with Saiuplc-. of s,.'ine-, that yo.i ran judee for yourself. And remember, : h.it we sell our L'ood Machine at a low price. iiion i t r.i ordinal y lavor- i able leiius nf pa licet , uliil upon llieiruwn luer- Us. ' Don t he :tul'.' bee.iuee you are uueeitam 1 whether want a Sew'.n:; Machine or not, no be- ran -e yoa in.vo one of am. I her kind. Try a iroud I one, tlii-vare always n-d'al, and will make i iiiom-y for you, or belli '"U tu t-ave it. And if 1 yon haveaiiother.oais v.i.l i-bow you tliat the on.; ' you have could be improved. Th.' company slake . ihe very ENi-t -in-e ot their llusiucss oa Ihe mere 1 il-of this Wonderful and Evtraoidinary Sew inn ! Machii.e. C.iuoty lii-his mven free to uood Small A-jents. tanvasi-crs, male and female, llllle-1 i-Vel-l W here. Write for Particulars, ami address: AMI.KIi AN M ACII I NK Co., Cor. John and Nassau Sire. t. New Yoik. j Oct. II. Ii71. 1 if ir. Zi'.t T. i. prej aie l to iV.ni'i-h eveiy description of 'nm- . Pi-Sill! l,.-r re-ni'ie 1 1-v the dcinan.ls of t! pahVie. I Havipu ail the hit-t improved lna-'hiiu-ry foi tiiaiiiit'aeiu' inu l.iinl cr, he is now ready to till cr ib rs of ail kinds r.f FLOORING. SIHING. tllioKS. SIll.'TiT'.RS SAs-H. I'l.lNHs Vol'i.I'IN'Gs, VE l:.' NI ..;'-. LRAI'RLT.-j, i.a-1 nil i;li. 1- . i :i:al .-r.wi W.nk. Tuns inu' uf-rVL-.y .i -a : pr.e.-o t e,-e;;ti:d. Al-i A l.A'.oi; .:.-...;,.:i NT ( F j r.i I, I. i.i'MH iw HEMI.OClv mi l VINE. At...., fcl.O.a'....., l'li-keli., l.-lt'ie, Ae. Cnlers i-romt'.y iilleJ, and i-lilp-- 1 bv Railroad or el henviM'. HIA T. CT.EME?i1T. deel'.l t'.srly S'i'OVK A 1'iS' Elfi'l'AliS.Ii'ill.tlK.'i'i'". X, ARivET bTREiVF, bUNRL'RY, PA. IMACMIKCRY AND EUHMING OILS, .' an 1 l-'e'ic! St. ill, -m ry, Wi-ii.iMi;;.'- ii:i;l ;iii Jil;; . -"5 .--- rs A.V JS..B, rAS'Kss ii v?:. vo Mc. The Celebrated j Curry Kercscu IJaniinOil I alw-.ivj on hand. I ! H.!vi:i- ni. o r-i ..- n I a j Noi tliumherlRiiJ, lu 25 5 10; I. ameron, : , 5 Chuho.ky, j Itivitlv, 1 Citawiesa, I Rupert. I liloonishurg, ' Kspy, Lime ItMiro, , Iiriar Creek, 1 Hsrwiek, . Reach Haven, H'u k's Ferry, Shick-hiiiuv, Hunlock's," ianii.-oke, i I'lvmi-uth, Ply;iie-'t h Jv.n-.. Ulnmn:., A: n. W.-B.ine' tr'is Mallbv, Wyo-a'ei 12 4S t! Of. We-, i'ltls.'..,!. ' 8 111 ' I'i;;-i'-n, 12 K H It Li'.ekiiwtinr.a, , s ix Ti.vloivi!.-:. ' ; S te. ! Rellevue, 1 8 il S'. i auton, (arrive ) 1 M 4S A.M. 7 lo 7 45 S bo s 15 ; M 2i; - PM. '. M. 5 10 G 13 11 9 "0 2 S3 5 25 H to H 45' h : tl ('! II 14 II -J.ri ii ;,- (I 40 2 41i 2 4S 2 51 2 ;.'.l 3 07 li if. :i 2;: 3 3l 5 S5 5 40 5 47 5 ca r oo o 10 0 17 G 20 i .' r. t. i.ui Nt, snp i. Xoi-t!tcrii Coat r;:I lilittlv.i;. r.LL A::i) WINTER ARRANGEMENT. v. 12, 171, trains will ma ;n iiwakd. 1 Ol: after '. COAL YARD. Ai.i'nr.i) Ki!Ai I - i i i ;:.-; ..; to s-:i r: , 1'iMpi i. tor. c::.r:,;:.;.j are ) ; ECG, 'j V ;:t ; iini j'A-f.-t rat-;?. STOVE, Nil l'a; in r'.ve nt V. F:. i ui'lio l.-l and VV.A Fxi-riss leaves re.iabr.rv fit 13.40 p. ; :.t i iLr..i i Fiillo ut I.Lj a. m. E-q-r. l.-i.v.-s sni-ibaiy at l'.'.Li I a. in., Wi.iiniuspo'.l at 2. ''.) a. m., F.imiia at . Can in i.i ; in :'.1.' a. tn. ,iv -- ;.;y i t 4.P.J p. m., urii'o -1 . ;t i.0 i.ii I 1. 1;. i;i. i 1 ...-,. p. tn. e.l;ivt-s at Mlnbai y p.t IJ.oJ p. a.. Wild -i-aspr.'-. .la p. 1. l-OflHWAI!!'. . E-.; ,i . 1' ,. n - Mit.'niry at 1.4T tt. tn., E n : j..;:.; li.vi a. i.i.. U -t:tlniora 7.S.I to all Orders 1 1' CCAL lay l e 1. le.i'.'d to i.'.ve i;s a e.'.ll. Ill--- No. e' S.eaih T'jirJ St ! i -cut ;'v tilled. mi"ki:av a co. out. i Tl;;: il I'dnot. M;i;;1iuiv, l'-i. 11. .t nt our i will b- nAVIN'G pnrchpse I fie r.bove well known es tablishment. Mr. Kr iu-e v.ei!d re-i -. t ful ly inlo.-iu tie- public that lu loov lias on ban 1 u lal-e. -. .tuient of COOK 1 N tr S T O V !: S . peer's Cool; Anti-Hast. It.-e n'ator or Rcvolv'm.r j T A TyrT;.Ts fP A TXfVXT w hi.-li nre so iirranu -.1 a to i-e .rr 1 Coal or Wood, nml ai e t - p . .d'o.-l .1 t 'c-fuel o! i- ly or no se'.-. II EAVi-.KS of ad kin. Is l -it i-i. to ileal one ..r t l. re rooia .. HEATING S I'OVE:' ol dlil'.-renl kbi Is at v.-i lo.v piie. .;. TlH-.v;i?i on' 3".i.-jy Is: ii;;Jio: kept eon; -.i.lly ou ha:;i. R.-oi'.'; a. id j-pnntiajr w it ti Ihe be-1 ni, ii - rial, .'.one at short iiot.ee. REPAIRING iiltt-ndi.l to Willi dis; atch. Coal i I.;!, i , live ;.t H p. in. Ell.'Ma l.t H-llIa 1: ' .. es s.;i . '.l.'-M i l.e5 H. ibury ..t 1 11. 11!., 1' , r:.vu .. i a. in., ar- illlii.ore. 11.09 :,L;i:v at li.3J n. r.i.. arrlv I : I .HA Fux:a T Akit'lV ;i.! l'e of the I'.l-'ll. b- IV. boiitii S 'ell lie, ,T. 'i .:ts., Oil of a list;' ni ; i..l l.-.n.i A.nd.. Ft ..re o . Give Ion a e.li 12-l-lv v o.i '.. e'.'.e C id. Jap. in ware ..ilv.'s 1. .i Iwan-A.'KRAC.SK. Importer, ?.;au;. throw t iii-m hack a.-ain. Always keep a lie.;p of :is!m s I'u ni Ihe kit. -In it in the ' -'liiekeii-ar.l ; they lil;e it and will ;;d to ii. jiniiK'iliat-'ly artel- eatin.'. Tl.is with tin i occasional sprinltlinej i f lime, will keep tin in healthy ami make l'oo.1 lint) 1 Bhe!!s: J J ' ' j Leaf Viiai:. - K ither a novel method i f Celebralillj the ail V. -lit ot lea i year lias been I adopted at South vide, Kmii t'eky, and one j iniite. unpleasant t',.r the victims. 'J'his is; nothing m.ii'-i or I. ss. than a public site of i the baeln-l.it s .in widn'-v.-i.-; u' thai, inter- ; prisilie; town l.y (lie y.iui)-: l.iiiies of that vi- i einity. Tin ybr i-.i -ht the I'.il.oviti priec- : J Lawyers, fun interior jtr.ide.) :' f bead ; l farmers, from 'J" to .-..1 oil; rloetois, j (coniiinm stuck, an.l evi.L-tillv ilitis in ihe market, "i ! ; wi-luwers, .-. I.d'ii), Lid-lino ; epirited ; bach. I ns witlnnn, any disline- ; tivo pfoh f s'p u;s . f ! ri'.iU'S. Toeeiits to I tl.'i, nnd the bidding slow. The lii.oli pri,;e p.ii 1 fur the widowers wins nuaeiMiiii'alil.; to the bachelors. It is a pity to hoi I up si Mrui,snu inducement for men to wish to be j widowers. V.'IIAT are the points of (lilfc'enee be tween the l'i ince et' Wall s, an ni phan, a bald head, and a "oril'a ' The I'lince is heir apparent, an orphan has i; r a pa rent, a bal l I.i ail !:as no h. ir appaii nt, and a jori!l;i has a hairy p..iciit. Xo Ciitiin r 1 it :'. An ind. p.,-iul, n t i! ', lady, ancukin-.! ni' Adam t.iiiiiin all the an imals., said sin- didn't think lie h s. rvei'. anv credit for miniine; t l;.pi; any one would know wh'it I i call him. A St. Lottisi reporter tells its that Aiexir does not ri-j Ii iin his chair lib: ordinary nvrtals !u "uiit-. l'-seepcs his iimuetisu form.'' I cniiht hcrs'ifily by the in in. my m title blue-ej i d Ka'.e, she squealed, "1 t t;u, ymi cuss'd foul you hint my vaccinate !'' W'iy is dress'tue; a futitruint: laoei ssV lie cause it's n-tiriiiL', (attiiiiio) yuiirsell'. htrantje that this thought so fceldoiu ueeiirs to the ladies. Tlie property exempted from tax ..lion in I'hiladelphi.t is valued at .7'.'.:!,ir,il).(-on, in chiding thiirehes, hchools, hupitals, ma sonii: and odd fellows' hulls, Ate. '1'hc Leg islature is too liberal in ils exeinptiuus. 1 J Koeotiil Kt., Cop I'll IL A 1 1- l.PII I A. An .-.s.-o.tl::e..t of Walelli s. Jrivtli; Plate I V. are conMnnt ly on li.UHl. IP-pair'ac f WulchVd and .tewclry pmm t att- ie'. I to. lApri t.-.tt-l, Pii Ail co liver an.l ' E.;;aa.l.. : i w- '.IT mo is will be M i ry I), dy P ;.,r lii.-n'.-.-l lJen'l 1- 1. ! et . i: the v ry I.o-i . ;te i .ii -t Ci-h l is c:ir.tif.riTsi.vx uiip.ommsi:. Oito i; or ".nr. Si 1 1, ISTl-lv. T. S. SHANNON. -. Pe 13. O- PETSP-S' sSALE STABLES, . Adj.iiiing Harrisburs Stock Yards, Horses MM, Soli or Mm&. .lrt,--df. tin-- r:r. mt::i; De.-e.nbcr II', r ll.-S.a. .MAS CLEIIEKTBISSIKGEE, in tlie ne v Cel.. l.t P-iild'ai", .llai-lift K'juiii-i-, Ni:nl:iii-j, I'at.. (ifl'er to the pe.b'.ic, an enlir f.-'W us-oi I u.ert of WIHTE1! DRY GOOES, of all styles lit the lowe-t pi ic es. Fu'.i lines of Alpacas. Mohairs, l'lai.ls, I'.uipiets Clut'us, Mi.iwli, l-'iaiineis. Hosiery, MOCRNIMJ (KK'I.'M, li'.anU.-ts an.' Weole'.i p!'l.' of nil FteF, M, Fruit ail Yefttalila Sere, 3 ' " , ' ' , , CLOTH?, CAPSIM Illtr.S, LSTINflP, Ac., S tipi ceo Strc-t.t. twee,, Ii.u.t and Pieond, i1wl-.Mai. 4-lu(liiur. ! L'NRL'RV, PA. O 'ot.i.'.'i iriri lust op-a' t a Move, at the -above place, w ivre .ill feie.l olol'th - lu-t biands of I'lDiir uml Ft-C-tl .'.! b- 1 at rva!y reduce 1 pries. The eele-,ni- I II .i!'s Mills l'loar will be kept constant. v :i li-.a.l. .-Mf.., all l;!a U of i -. .1, liiv.iii, Crni, i,.ts an A Pyx, t-hopped or w hole. lev;. C;ilIU V 5'riiil per rate ih-ui i-in be b.n.el.t .1- l! -liVeled Pice of CleilLie. tn v stock i.u i useei taiu the (i icial.v, l.l a em All t; Cail und exa'.iilt . I.-.':- b,-!.:;v ptr. e JOHN' WILVElt. fc'inbaiy. Dee. 0, lc.71.-lf. t)!SI'.S COOSiN. FALL AND VINTi:il STYI.KS, now o en nt .tsrs. hatj: iti.At rt'4 ktoki-:, Miiilo l S ii.ire, t I'MIVRy, Penu'tt., .Anil.:;' Hlll.SS (KidllS A SPECIALTY. ill; Poplins. Dress T i itinnlni's, r.iiibrolderU-s, iVe lit'iuly-.1iiule lotliiii;;. a full ficsoi tuient, wliieb will be sold lower than j elsewhere. C'Ul'VflN mud Cil ClOtllM. I 1 (ilUHJKUlLS. of all Vlnd'i, which ate uuaianteed nl! fresh, j yi'JtKNSWAKi:, V.ILLOWWAUK, itc, oite., iVe. Tvr CLisnr' n t TR1MMINHS, LOVI'.f, and in fact even lliinj,' th.it call be liautioi-e.l iu , a lir-t clan store. Call and examine our stock. Ilaviit!; our B.ore I lieliled w it h (las, (iiio'b can be s.lecied in Ihe ociiiny; as well as in the day time. No ebuiei for bhowiinr iiouds. 1 CLEMENT & niSSlNHLR. MlL'I.V CuVii'ANT, ; ce..?'--e is;i. To r:;;-; Ci v'.-c;;.-Tleceiit ine-liuaiioi.s de- j inon--liate that I. as of 11 Can. be-, pinlily, eaa be nild.it f '.'.11 1 per 1.;.,;; cubic feet. '1 he , 1 liree. j tors of the t-unbiiiy Cas I onipaiiy iae il- ter- j mined to adopt thai p.i,-.' nnd 14 Candles as the j stand. lid of uuuliiy. 'i iiis Uses tin-price of a It Can, be burner nt one cent an hour, or one- third le-s Hi. in Philadelphia iras. I I A Kero ene l:;tnp niira a iiel.t of seven to tea c.iiuli only ibeleloie, ti is at lilc uli.ive -r:ce , is niii-li c'.e-iiper than keneene. without cansld- ' eiinir coI ol chiinni s nir l liability lo iiecidi-M. ! Lit a'l Of inio forward und become pirs ocnsuni- : r s . Make o:ir nppiieal.ous tor service piles. 1 an.) tit l in jiit at on -c, at tlie season for intiodue- v.' liietn is di-ain;t to a elo.-e. i Rv tnuuai or nil: Uoaho or I)nii:eToit. I i 'JLRMS. ! 1 The cm, tini tors for the Woiks will Introla.-e I'll es upon the follow iae; terms. Service pipe-, l.t .',0 cents per runiiiui: foot, lneasui inu' fioni ' -eiilre ot ,-tieet. I pun Market ts.pi.ir-.', twenty doilars for cut ire ser iec. Intel ior tiltii. its i.i 15 cents pi-r runnbiij foot, iu new bai., lines ; 15 cents ,-i runniii-'; foot over '.piaster, and u'U cciitu if ruuuint; toot under I liOol S. CI i.ndeliers. Pendants I r.d sa.e nt new imk and I huade October 7, ls.l. FAI L AN1 WIXTKI! STlK K OF 'i.'m;s am c.tHe.i:::f!i F!;i:nch and imftiu ;u(jds of every vi-i 1 ', J-.-t o; e;n-l at the A I KKC'II ANT TAII.DK SIIOF OK TUtl.'j. U. NOTT, Ou Thtid Street, in Millei-V l'.'.oek. opposlu the Moure I i;-.-inei- Ruiiaiiig-, t-UNiH IlY. Pl.NN'A. The mo-t f.hl.i'e.l.:.. eh thin.; ni.; le to or.l r .pun eveiy aii--t v cf eoo-t-,. Mills of all ,-i.. i ni l 1.- up at the i-hoit-st r.i I ice. t'ronl tie- ,.-t M-leeU-d stock ill New Vo;k and Philnde'i-hia. Cull and be convinced. THOS. 0. NOTT. Nov. -4. EJcef! t-Scef! rSHE under. bjacl i? prepared lo fiiinlsh the 'ell V l'oik ! ;E0BA3 1 iill . ther IP Iphia I'll. tines for i ciiKa ns ol eholee.-t Il.-ef and iio.e-aU- or R.-tai Paiiiilie w i.i b side, or sun. U.-r e t ble rales. Con-t intlv on ha:i I th l'oik, M:,!l-."a and Veil.: ice. Apply nl the Me stte--t, in Moole .V lb--.il On inai lu i .! a s tlie L. i lit viciuitv with the in Maiket, cither ut I i . Iee i, Hair-ho.e, Hiindker- A hor.-'j was never made fnt by n Mtit; bushel of oitls ; it Kiii-'le ndvertisemeut is never a perfect test of the benelits of ud Vei'lisin. At ii social partv, where humorous de finitions was one of the oaincs of the even ing, the question was out, : "What is reli gion '" "Kelioiou," IV,!icl llt! 0fii,u lur. ty, uioru famous us a man of husiness than a wit, "is nit intiurau n-j iinst tire in the next world, for which honesty is tho bett policy." A 1'ARSiMONlors eca captain answerint; the complaints of his men that tho bread win bad, exclaimed : "What I complain of bread that is made from flour? What do you think of tho Apostles ? They nto 'shew bread,' made from old boots ami shoes." In 6an Francisco the, faxt lia been de veloped that a number of Chinese mer chants have married white women, and that the women are geuoraily of Irish birth. There is n man in Robertson county, TexaaVvvho has hit eiUu wifs and forty one chili) ran lo feed. Notiol dents' Collars, Neck-tic chicle an. 1 (ilovc. Pei f.iuiery, Toilet t-oup, lI.ilrIlrii3lies,Coinbs, etc, Aii l.ivit itlou U c-i tin. led to all to call aud se cure buriMi'is. Nov. 4, 1ST1. AUl'.XTN VATi:i I'Olt I'liras" of l.uiiitoii I.UV-. By D. J. KU wun, the well-kuuwu Jolllllalist. THE VERY LARGEST COMMlSIONa PAID. Thin hook is a beautiful octavo of Cu5 paired, c',iibe'.Phed with -ail cimiiivinjs, nnd n tiuely execute I map of Lou Ion, dc iuncl and execute. 1 expressly lor this woik by unineul nil:,td. It contains u lull, i:i'.iphie and truthful statement of the tNithts, tv cieN und sicnalloii of ttio treat Metropoiis of the woiKI. AddieM, Ut FFIELD AhllV EN'P, Publisher, JanlS,'72. 711 gansoui Slrel, Philadelphia. The CoufcMsionti ol'uu luvulid. T3L'bl.lslIl;l) ui u wuriiiiiK and for the beuelit JL ol yeioe men auU o .,, who uller I loin Ncrvoin Uebiiiiy, 0,0., nupplyliig tlie uieuns of telf-cure. Written by one who cured himself and teut flee on receiving a post-paid directed envelope, Addreu. NATHANIEL UAYFA1K. 1 M 9o. 19Tl.-m. BtookWn. N. r. t, lsTl. j (I.MT II OF ATTRACTIOX. Ever) body Is Invited to come mid buy of the j hau Isniiie ussoitinei.t of j TOYS AND CO N 1' ECT ION E RIP 3 - nt j CAMUEL F. NKVIN'S BTOIIE, 1 In frame bulldinir, adloiniiej Moore A: His-iiieer'ii j huikliiie., THIRl) htRLKT, M 'Mil LY, PA. , J list opened a licrlimippiy of Confeelioiiciica of : cverv descril'lion. , I iOVN ALL KIMM eonslnntiv on hand. The heft RAISINS, t'Uib, (1 l;KAN'l ,v I'RIED I RUT. FUHi: 11H) ( (Jl'FFK, TliA & SFICES, fresh liniul, Run iV: Cakes, every nioriihn;. FANCY CAKES, Blit I ll's-, CRACKER!, Ac. OV STICKS ! OVSTKILS ! OV.STFlbSl Haviiui tilled una room expre9hlv for M-rvIng up Oysii 11, in every style. Ladies nud (ientlemeii , will be in eouiinod. tcil with the best bivalve in j tun 1 ki t. ut till horns limine; the day and cveninL'. j l-'ii 111 iiics nili be supplied ut their residence with the be.-l flu II or Canned Ojbters, as l d -.ilaiile, I ut Ihe Very lowest prices. Call and v my i-xeelleut usioituicnt of Loods i aud asccitalu the prices. 8. F. NEYIN. Dec. 10, lbTl. i.'-t ; ll 1 avi r 1 nm- (Jiscaso id" t c INC.l'.l'.i comp;):'.;; i;u P'i!.l;-l..-il ( 1 tie. lt.ro i t i J a : i c coufieijaeiit iy rilYSHIAN. I" It ii a rerli'ii e.iro lur .' Sy plnli - in nl I i s l'- i ;es, I Ii'iii, Moil iin.-. ihiiat cud cl! Lloil. will do inorup-ond than ten holt lea oi liio siyriijm ol' s;r.i;-iril!ii. TH" UNOZ.til.l.NED PHYSICIANS b 1 v. M....I llni.1,1 l"tli(-tri.riirliro for the pist thrie yearn and f . ely fj - jviidursa il mi riia'. lu Alterative Jtj Hit. T. (-. I'l'ii II. 1 f Diliimi ia. JkS3S li, (.!.. I. I.,)Vsl.V, : 1 supplied by the ipcitlcr or intilie.at the most icisona- i- ehoa-st cnt of Reef, 'en S I'lsni Ih-loirna-. .t Hun-,-, S-iuth Third lucr's Row, Sunliury. st of 1111 at is served to customers nt the meat stand, corner of Market and Thirl street-, when the cel. brat. I liiosioiis' mil-aces can be had, Ion-- known as the. In .-I iu market. HENRY K. FAHtlLY. N. P.. Persons liavini.' fat Iiol's or b- eu -i for pale e. 111 p;-.. cure the l.i.si niaiket piieebyaii plieatiou at Ilin ab r.-e e-i .li'.rhuicnt. Siiutiiuy, Nov. 11, lsTl . 5iii.i.ii.i;v,mhi i;r.Min ai.i.v. NEW STYLES Of i I er and 1 e.ler t-.l id! k'.aUs ' Il 1 I ' 1 .1 1 '. t V cf , P..r L-i.ll-V n 1 ( lid I'.ea's We.'.r. j I It ivl.ia iiup. ' l - I a veiy !.'.i L',e mid s''ciid'.,l as- I -,,itni,'i-l of n -1 -,1k- ,lilv icit kin 1- if fer , fioin 1 lir.-t h 111.I1 in Euro ,-. 1, iv-- ii ; 1 th.-ui in i e- ! up by the iin 1-1 si, il'! al v. 01 Pin -u, v-ui'd r 1 . -1 - I fully invite tile re-.i s ,e' lb:-, paper to ci I .e; 1 1:; iiniiie hiv iure and v.-iy b.-auiif-.il n-.-.iitnui 1 I ot l-'aie-y I'lirr, lor L" .1- aa 1 'liil-I;-. n. I al.l ilet'-i niiii. 1 to sell at u- !i.;v pri -c i as any other re-pect.ib'e Ilou.e iii tl.ls illy. All Furs war r.iutid. No tnisri ;uo-i-:.i a' ion toiileet sa'es. J H I N" P KM! Iv A. 71S Ar-h l-.lie t Phil i.i -ilphia. Oct. is;t. .tsi.!LSr:i:v .irvs" r.tr'v s4'i'Sii-:. I'ti'.i nn-A x .iter Cloid. MIS-; I.. WKIKK, Market Street, one do r v,--t of 11 -.11:1.111'.' cea-l- l' ... iy store, SUNIH'HV, FA., H.'.s opvnc 1 her t le. k of .tll'Itin'ry n.itl H'iitify (.loot!?, HATri AND liDXNKTS. The lilt e-t styles of I)ie-s Trini:iiii..:s, Freueli and A merieaii l-'hovers, I.-u-es, Ribbons, Sack loops, Chiiioii.-i, Coil. i;fc, Ci;!!-, Jouvin (ilovc-, and a hire" variety of other aile-les. I;t ecinnectioii with tho Millinery business, she carries on the DKESS MAKINi; AN I) FITTINCi, lu all it, branches-. She is n't a aeut for the sale of Ramsey, fieott it C.i.'s Pattern.'. The ladies of Sunbuiy and vicinity nre cor dially Invited to cail and examine her splendid slock. Nov. 4, 1871. L .il 1 .-.. 10 x;t. t m. ,,;p: I..I.-1W A 111). ei.'.v 4. Ii. p. 111., arilwri! U..a.o ., .Ml. 1 ;.:.,i,-. (i.;,i n. r.i. . ,i-v (A-:f.-!ie.u.-t..;i..a. at 11 S3. f-!."i V.iu le " ; . 111. wi sire.!'. -nr..-'. rt 7. CD . ;u S . ,;,v II. S la Ace. mei. .a.t'.ja.) at S . aniie at s-nij !;!" ' l-ave- , ,.l ..Her ti R. i'li-KK. Gen'.. Siir,'.t., lli.rr'isb'urs' t: :i w t n r r. i: ,-uy -i. r.i . n.., '; niK.k'ji 1 ily, sxeept fi'ir.dsy. VI;-. s. Vol :.o. Ocn'l Pasne-i'r Ai;'i., P.ilimi'io. Mi. 1XT. '71. '1 I'.EAT TRUNK LINE fi V.W No.lh-Wirt p..- Phlla.;. ; iin', P..tl-vil!e. 'i'aaia ,n 1. Ash Lebanon, A 1 leniown, E.ot-.'.i, Lau.-n-ti r. Columbia. Ve.. ae. ;a t.i Nua'a nnl ia, N. Y.. Iv-ad-ie.d, Shu n, kin, tpuiatu, I.i'.;, Ti At . : : wii'.i llanM.uiK tor N:-' '.'. s. p., . ni. au l v; . ilar ti-.ics oa .. .Iv. i - .a :,-,.v .-.lid York, P.a fed. O p. I.I., 01)3. Pcin.-y iva-iift it l'l.i-7 a. rs ( .e.n; a Cl Le-.V ni. r.-ipt eiiv.-ly. ti'.i , plan '..'.l." u. 111., Uiiiu without -k t P.OJ a. m., ula.l -It hiu nt 7.3U, 1 piuir l tin aeeora- Iroui New V01W with- LY, ' nf Ni. bob-vf'.te E. Modgkins, Agt., DKAIXK IS Hides, Tallow, Bones, Rags and CRACKLINGS, Nuubury , Xortli'tl Couuty, I'u. , CASH PAID OS ALL PUKCUASEd. tnnburr, V. 'M, 1871.-lm. int. ii. w. l" a 1. 11. hui. l'. o lev. : l.l Pit J. ti. M'AU.CS K y. lilt. J. I.. WcCARTilA, Ce'.jnilia, S. c. IDU. A. U. NOUU-S, li.ieeeoii.b, N. C. D3ED AND r.IiDOr.' ED EY J. II. !Til..Nl-n It S O.N.N, r.il P.ieer, Ma). P. IV. SN'ITll, .b-!;.,.n, Vk-'i. A. V. ili.hXI.b, l.ii.ia, ulna. 11 II AI I , rii.ii.Dl.a). 1 IIAVrei .t ( i. lo nlnr 3l".e, Va. KAM'I, C. MilAUUK.N, Amilrtes buro, '1 1 1111. O ar space will 111 1 id P. w- of or.y ex . ten-led ivnuiks in lelati. 11 Id the liiiu.-iiil l;u--a.i.iti;. 'le tl.e Me, lieai lVi.lesi.im u v tu-iuii-e 4 Khi'ii 1 . lr.u l tu.'iriiT I 1 any II. i y Iniio hit ll'-e-l i.l II, i Ilia w ,.l id' ,1. c.o. d Uloo.l ; und to I lie ni. la Is. I vu ty ti y U..-,i.'.i'ii and )ou mill le iviiurc-J id l.calili U a.l.di U i bl hy ill r-iirri,:i. ipricu ft l.dJ per b-'.ll. A .iir.--. B UTiuoiir, ' j JuItM, 1871 It. UONNKi'S, HATS, FLtJiVF.US, FltAME-S &c. .MouriiiuK and Irid:il llatH and ltonu-tt. Full line of Mournini; Veil an.l Crape. MII.I.INKUV IS THE SIMXTALTY. feash 'Ribbons, Ornaments, Feathers, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, c., A:e. FANCY GOODS ANH NOTIONS. MISS M. L. (iOSSLER. South Fonrlh Si., below the Railroad, Sinbtiry. April '.', lsTl. "Wanted Sm mediately. IO, ( .Urn and Vtnirn to purchase the entire stock of GOODS now of fered lor inspection und sale ut the Man. moth Mi ic 011 (.liieen Street, N01 lliuiiib- rlaud, lib 1 uui delei mined not lo bo I'lidei-HOld or l'.t--llcd lu ipiality of yoods ollered for Sale In my line. ti.t .Mil. 1.1. it, Oct. 2S, IHTl.-Sm. nti:h:.su,i:n, VIEWS, ALUl'MS, I'll ROM OS, FRAMES. K. II. T. A XT II OX Y A CO., 591 tiromlnu)', Xew YurU, Invite the attention of the Trade to their exten tvc usboltlllent ot the above ir.snls, of their ov. I publication, lit iiiutiiftuie 11111I ilnpoilaliou. Also PHOTO LANTERN IsLlUEiJ mil GRAPHOSCOFES. NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITE. E. ii II. T. ANTHON Y CO., 591 Broadway, New York, Opposite Metropolltuu Hotel, IMHORTEat AND M4NIT1CTI RRtll or rbtOKrpbie SluterUU. Murch'.llh, U71. If. Sure 'ure for Tetter. riUlE Stib-erlber, re-i l-nt of Seven Points, Au 1 L'lista town-hip, N-u thunibei Ian I County. Pa., has a sure cure for litter, which he oilers lo liio-e iitl'.iel.-.l with this annoyiiie disease. He wan troubled Willi it lor eiirbt years, and iiothint; wou'd cure it until he obtain, d this remedy. 11 has been 1 1 icd ill 11 number of ca-cs, to his know ledee, (one ease of La yeunstuiicliiisr) wilhenlire nieces-. I'l on receipt 01 Hon. he will Bend a box of lb ' medicine, and directions to use it, tu U boxen for f a, free of j ..-taee. WILLIAM RAKER, Auirn-l .1 P. O., Noith'd Co., Pa. Aii'T'.iM P.', 1-iTl-Tm. rii!itdrlihiu tut .! I'.rit Ituili-uad. K t ai nil,: 1 .'.:; unen mi l i.l e 1'. in. s.i-;u a. 111. and S.l.ii p. in. t I'.i.iy the .'i.o'j p. in. train 1 111 eaa::-". Leave lie.ril.-hu:-.- f,.r P. -a litis;, Pr.'.tf viEf, T ne.ipia, V.iuei s i'.lc, Ashland, sliuiuokiu, Ai',e;;l...ua und Philud-'.plii.i at H.10 a. iu., U.i"i ..id 4.bj p. 1.1., rti'ppiuK at Lebanon and 1 -ii 1.1 1 1 -.il way statiie.-s : th. i. P.', p. in., train conntetiiie; lor Philadelphia, Pouswile and Co luuibia only. F.or I'otlsville, Sel.'.iylkiU llaten and Aubiiin. via Sehuvlkiil and Misqnebauuk Railroad, 'leave I larrh bin 1: nt o.40 p. m. East i'cnnsytvaiiia I!;. llneid trains leave Read. 1 1 IT I'U- Allentoivn, I'.as-.oii end Ni York ut 4.?t, 10.4.1 a. in., and -t.n.'i p. 111. It-t 11 riiinjr, leavs New York at tl.OJ 11. id., 1'J.oJ tioou und 6.00 1 p. m. and Ailentown at 7.10 ti, m, 1.2!) uoou, I li.lS, -t and s.;,'i p. in. ' W..y Pusseiiirer Ti.-tin leaves Philadelpiiln t 7.1.0 a. in., e, 'line, tile; with similar train oil Eat ' Pi una. Raiir.-aJ. ret 111111114 trom Reudtu at tf.sO 1'. III., Mo) phiii" at ail stations. l.eiic l'oti-vlile nt U.im a. in. and C."0 p. 111. Ib i 11, Ion at 10. oa a. 111.. Shiiiuokin nt j.-to aril . 11.1.") a. 111. ; Ashland at 7.U.' a. 111., u:i 1 r.'.4S ! 1 11; Mahatioy ( uy at 7. at a. 111. slid l.-.l p. -.u. ! Tama. pia at "s-.li.'i a. 111. ;iud y.iti p. in. for Philadelphia. Nor Yoik.Heai'ine, llui 1 isl -u e,V e. Leave Poiisville via S. luiMlii.l and s,lls,jue ' lianna Raiiiou I ut S.l.'i a. 111. for llarrisb-.ne;, and . H I ) ii.in., lor Pine I. role nud 'I'letnoni. 1 lliiidiim' Aeioiine. illation 'Praia leaves PotU ' viileat ft.to.t. ia.. passed R a. line; tu 7."0 a. ui. ' iiriivnei at Pbil;nlc. I1I.1 1.1 lo. "il 11. in., returning leaver PhikiuVlphui at 4.4.1 p. m., pas-iux Rcud- lin.' at 1. .1.) p.m. an lViutr at r..it- tile ai ti.yj p jn. WINTEK TIME TAUI.E. I l'l'tl-town Aei 011,1110,1. tion J nun leaves Pott ' town at 7.00 a. 111., rcturri-.! haics Philadelphia j ut 4.1a p. in. i t olui'ibia l.ailioad 1 rains leave Ileadiair at On and alter Motidav, November 27, 1S71, the 1 7-i.;l a. in-, and ti.15 p. 111. for Ephrata, Litis, Trains on the Pliila.leli'hi.i & Erie Rail Road will ; l.anca-lcr. ( o.i.nn.ia. o-e. ; r.-i 111 nm leave .au- i-.isiei 111 . ...... . i'. .1.., wen I.U.UIU. liia at si.lja. tn. and It. lo p. 111. uu u follows ; WESTWARD. Mail Trftla leaves Philadell'hia, Sunbiirv, " " nrr at Erie. Fade Express leaves Philadelphia, ' " " Suubury, " " on ut Erie, Elmlra Mail leaves PliPatJeliLl, " " " Suiiliury, " " urr ut Lock Haven, Accoinuiodalioii leaves Sunbuiy, " orr at Renovo, EASTWARD. 2.SH p 11 12. till p 111 !'...)' I p 111 7. -id a 111 7.."''il a m 4.:.r 11 in 7.-V) i m 6.14 a ill 10. JO a 111 Muli Train leaves Erie, " " r-unbiirv, " " urr ut Philadelphia, Erie Express leaves Erie, Suubury, 8rr ut Philadelphia, Elmlra Mall leaves Loik Haven, " Sinibiiry, 11 urr ut Philadelphia, A eoimnodatioii leaves ltenovo, ' nrr at (oiaburv. Mull East connect rust und west at Fide with L. S. M. S. R. W. and (it Cony 11 I Irvinetou with Oil Crc k ami Ailrirtieny it. R. W. Mail West with we.-l bound trains on L. 6. A M . C. R. Wt anil ut Con v nnd li v.uelou ilb Oil Creek anil AlleuheiiT R. R. W. Cutlawiss.i inissuiiuer trains will be run cast from Wlllkiinspoil ou Erie E press, and west, to Wtlliiiuiiporl on Eiuiira Mail. R'M. A. BALDWIN. ftwi'l tllf't. 11.55 a ui fJ.SO a 111 f .Sd a 111 II. 0,1 p 111 Si.VO a ni S.hi) in 7. Isl a iu 11.00 a 111 b.M) p ni l'J. .5 p 111 4.0.) p 111 I fo, l lVikion-.e.i ll.ul Roa. I Iruius leave Pe-.-';inniea 11. .0 ni 1 j ,ni.-ti,.ii iti 7. -'., ln.'ia. 111.. 1.1 u.(0 and 5.4-jp. in. 1.00 a n ,, , 1..... ,. K.a. . .,. ,i-, in ! 1 w .. ... mil. 1 1. .... ,. . . 1. a - , 101 Ill ...lj.r.,i ,1, iy,, j l'J. .".11 noon ami 4.4a p. in. connectitie- ith similar I trains 011 Reading Hail Road. ' l'lckeiine; VaiU-y Railroad t rales leave Phce niwi.lent t'.ln a.m., u.ia and .Ve." p. 111. ; ro tiitniiief, leave livers at ti..V) a. in., 1 .'15 noon, ! and 4.'.'.l p. 111., oinieciuie, w ith n. Hilar trains oa Re.i.lii.;;' Railroad. I Colei'iD.-kdale Kailroiid Trains leave Pollstown I lit 'J Ma. 111., 1 . 1 ') a nl li.lel p. 111., I, UilllillL' lrae Ml. I leiisnnt at T.l.i .mil tl.'.'.j a. in., and .st p. lu., collect Hue; wu.. btiinlar trains on RcddiUK j Railroad. I t in -ter Valley Rai'r, -d Trains leave Bruits ! poll nl x.'.lO a. 111., il.:,').ni'l S.'.'O p. 111. ietiirii!iiC, I leave Doiniiivrloii nt H.';5 11. m., l'i.ri) uoon and 1 5. to p. in. connecting with niaiiliii trains on Red- ii. Ltilroa.l. j ibl Sundays 1 Leave New York at B.OJ p. m., i Philadelphia r.t ti.OO n. m. aud 3.15 p. 1.1.. (iha S.Uii a. 111. iraia iiinultii; only to R ailincTi) leavt P.atsvilleat S o0a.ni., leave' Han isbui l', 'J.45a. III., and S. 00 p. in.-, leave Ailriilowii ut W.tii p, 111. ; leave Ki adinn at 7.15 a. in. and U.-'- J p. lu. for Iiarriburjr, at 4.o4 a. 111. for New York, nud ut U.40 a. 111. und 4.15 p. 111. for Pliiladel'a. CoiJiuutatiou, Mileage, beusoii, Celiool hiid Kxeuibiou Tiekels, to and from all poiuls at r Uuce.l lutes. Hagtrni; etiecke.t tl'.ronirh t 10P Pounds Baj nn alloasil eaub Pssseuar. " J. E. W00TTEN, Asst. Snpt. .4 Eng. Maeh'rf.