Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 16, 1872, Image 3

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Snnburg American.
SUNHU11Y, MARCH 10, 1872.
Railroutl Time Table.
N. C. U. W.-F,ast. P. K. R. R. West.
Buffalo Ex I've 19:'Wn m Erlo Mail, I've 1 :0() a m
Erie " " 0:20 '' lAceom. " 8:15 "
KlmlrnMall " 11:05 ' I Nlnsriirn Ex " 12:40 p ra
Nlararn Ex." 4:40pm Elnilrn Mail" 4:85"
!Erlc Ex. " 0:60
sn.vMOKis ruvisw n. c. r. w.
Sonbnrj at 11:50 ft in At Snnbiiry 0:55 n m
" 4:40 pm; 4:00 pm
D. H. & W. R. R.
Loave Sunbury 0:20 n. in. Arrive nt 8.35 p. m
lkavk Aitnivp.
Sanburv nt 0:110 n. m. At Sunbury il:35 n. m.
" " 11:40 n.m. I " " 10:45a.m.
Accident Insurance! Tickets can be had of J.
fihlpmau, Ticket Airenl at the Depot.
Skwino M ciiini:s.--M1ss Caroline Dallas is the
agent for the snlo of the best Sewing Machines
In existence, "viz I "The Improved Singer,"
'Grover & Baker," "Howe," ami "Domestic,"
which arc constantly on hand and sole'; ni rea sonable
prices. She Is also afc'dit for the cele
brated Frantz and Pnpo Knitting Machine. Call
and seo them. Ch"i:e on Market street, east of
the railroad.
For Rr.xT. The large room one door north of
the Junction Hotel, now oooi.j.loo by Mpkm.
Kerns & Co., as a Tobacco Store. Tho room is
well calculated for any kind of business. Pos
session given oil the Dr.-t day of April. Apply to
Jamfs Vasuyki:.
LuirnAL Christianity. Rev. I). II. Clark, of
the Unitarian Church of Northumberland, will
preach at Fry's Hall, Sunbury, ou next Sunday
evening, March 17th.
Small l'ox. We are informed that some five ;
or six cases of small pox exist ut Vera Cruz, ;
Lower Mahanoy township, tlii-s county, ft rent :
precaution should be used In preventim; th.' ill-
sense to spread.
On Wednesday lint, Mr. Solomon Stroh, black- j
smith of this place, in roweline; a horse's should-
cr to cure the sweeny, found a hard tn'istacre
under the skin, wh'ch was extracted and found
to be a flvj cent silver cuin, dated ISM. How ;
this piece of eoiii got there or how louc; it bus re- !
maincd, no one has be:! able to explain. The
coin is now in M. Stroll's possession.
Gi'.o. W. IlA:i;i;ir.iiT, lp. of this place, has I
received the appointment of Chief Cieik on a I
Postal cur between Baltimore an 1 'unnnduiitua !
over the Northern Central railway. Mr. Ham- 1
bright has had much experience as a conductor, '
and is favorably known to the traveling public.
He will no doubt make an cllkient olllcer.
- - '
Roofing Slate. We are informed that Messrs. '
Snyder & Co. have been successful In opening u
quarry ut Seven Points, In Lower Augusta town- !
hip, wh-re is deposited a hug.! body of rooting
slate. The slate is pronounced of excellent I
quality. I
Tun festival by th; ladies for the bniclit of the !
Baptist church, at this pine, is sliil projtrossiuir ;
with increased interest. Tiie question of legal
popularity between prominent members of the
bar, as well as the Lantern content between two
popular conductors on the railroads makes it tin- I
usually cxcllieg. I
In ano h-r column will lu fouv.l th.? profes- ;
sional curd ofT. n. 15. K-ic, Iq., whohas deeid- !
ed to locale p-i niauciilly al this place. Mr. Kuse j
graduated in lV'tiS, at the college of New Jersey,
and read law under S. P. Wolvertnn, E q. Ilav- I
ing been admitted to the bar, after a creditable ;
examination, lie already ranks at a good adviser j
aud promising attornev. ;
' " i
Phomit PaVMHnv. We were i lu.wn a draft a j
few days ago by Isubah (io-sler, agent for the j
American Life Insurance Company of Philadel- :
phia, (or the piyment of ?;.,f.'0ii insurance for M.
T. Hiazeln: in, of Port Ticorlon. lately deccas- '
. ed. This is the mo t pioiupt payment of any
Insurance company made in lliis vieinilv. The
American Life Insurance Company is considered
one of the most prompt, which is proven in this :
case, as the sixty days usually reserved in the .
policy, has not expired vet. j
Fob Insuuinee go to Voder's office, near tha j
Court House. I
Dh.' Lfcti uk. The lecture of Dr. '
A. A. Willetts, in the Court Hou-c, on Tuesday ,
evening last, was attended by a large, select and
appreciative audience. The Doctor appeared in '
his happiest mood. 1 1 is subject v,':!? "The Model '
Wife,' und quoted from the thirty-Unit UsTiter
of Proveibs, in which the model wife ikjlly i
represented, whose example Is worthy of efffla-
tion by the ladies of the prcset.t day. He con- !
sidered industry; neatness, virtue und "garni)- !
tiou" as essential qualities for a model wife. He i
attributed the success of our greatest men to the I
fact that they had good mothers, and urged upon
the young ladies the necessity of fitting them- i
selves for such. The lecturer referred somewhat j
disparagingly to old bachelors, and ndiised the j
young men to pop 'he question and settle the j
matter at once. I
The lecture was a masterly production und elici
ted frequent applause from the audience, which
was a sufficient proof that nil were mora than
Tub annual election of officers of the Northum
berland County Agricultural Society took place
on Tuesday last, at the Court House. We lire
happy to state that the members of the society
have taken the precaution to re-elect its old olll
cers. Tho society having just been regularly
Incorporated, It is well to retain its officers until
a permanent organization is tffce'.cd. The exhi
bition, at this place in September lard, under the
new organization, w as the mot successful of any
ever held in this county, which is attributable to
the energy und efficiency of its officers. Although
most of them reside in the upper end of the
county, they cheerfully yielded the location of
the fair to Suubury as the best and most central
point. We are Informed thl these officers ex
press themselves in favor of holding the next fair
on the same grounds. We hope this may be ac
complished, as we arc satlslied that with its pre
sent board of officers, smother fair ut this plnee
will not only make a permanent und well regu
lated organization, bat will also make it one of
the best paying concerns In this countv.
Ta fallowing letter was sent through the Post
Office on Tuesday morning, to Mr. Diuiubtllcr,
proprietor of the City Hotel, at this place. We
copy the letter verbatim I
lit Drumbeller 1 heard a conversation last
evening belt ween too men that workl ut your
house saying that If you did not soon pay hain
o that he could pay him ihal he would lake re
venge on yon or the hoiue he would give you
city hotell on his own txpens lie bedeind he
would lay low for you and you might be treated
like the nigger at the douty housH Uiat you was
meaner lima a negor thut you told bulu he should
go on aud ttuisb the house that he should not
loose anything Look out,,
We are requested to state that the parties ho
made this threat are well known. The bouse
wai taken by contract, h!J iLu amount contract
ed for has bou overpaid )f there Is anything
due on the wqi It Uil b bands and
ihf enntraefo,
Court Proceeding.
Reported by A. N. Brice, Esq.
SrsnuRT, March 11th, 1879.
Court opened at 10 o'clock. Judge. Rockefel
ler, Nicely aud Wolker present. The Constables'
returns were made and sworn to from tho differ
ent boroughs, wards and townships, nfter which
tho newly elected constables presented their
bonds and were sworn In for the ensuing year.
Judge Rockefeller then charged the Grand Jury,
simply stating to them an outline of their duties
and suggesting to them the Importance of nr. ex
amination nnd report upon tho condition of tho
public buildings. He suggested, very properly,
that they reeonnnci.d tho court room to be venti
lated. A large and commodious court house has
been built nnd the Important matter of ventila
tion ha 'been shamefully neglected. The Court
nlso suggested that one of tho vacant rooms in
the rear of the court room be fitted up for the
convenience of counsel nnd clients in the trans
action of business, so ns to obviate the confusion
of tongues nnd miserable noises heard almost
constantly in an 1 nround the bar, among the
lawyers and others.
The Court filed an opinion In the case from
Lower Augusta, In which the Church was plain
tiff nnd Sunday School defendant. The gist of
the case, I believe, was that two congregations
worshiped in the same building, and the charter
or article of holy alliance. It seem, did not say
anything about Sunday school. They simply
recited that divine worship should be held. Jn
due course of time the rising generation desiring
to learn, were taken into the church and a Sun
day school was organized. Hie old fellows did
not seem to relish Ibis innovation upon the an- !
dent custom. They protested in t lie? name of
fiod and their vc-led chart' ue 1 right. 'Ihry I
appealed to coiut. The m.itt r has been in c ourt !
for some time. An opinion litis dually been writ- I
ten, aud it Is favorable to the Sunday school, j
Hut the end Is not yet. The sp-clal injunction is j
dissolved, but another may be forthcoming. '
Another opinion wa also tiled in the case of ;
the Sunbury Mutual Saving Fund ;:nd Building j
Association vs. Harriet Martin. This case I
argued al last term on a rule to tiinw cnii-u why
the execution should not be :ct aside and judg- I
mcnt opened and defendant allowed Into a cle- :
fence. The opinion Is an able one, and at an
other time w ill be repoited for publication in the
county papers, ns the question involved is of
wide importance in this State on account of thj
nuuiero'.!!', Kin Ire 1 associations of the kird. The !
opinion thefavored A delation and discharged the !
rale. Kx.v; tiona were tiled, an. it is likely the j
cace may o to tii- Supreiiu Court. j
A in. s ftlaze and bis wile, from tie: upper end '
of the county, have found that the i..;use of true j
love does not inn smooth, and they are in Court
to prove to the world that fact. Mrs. (Jiaze li.i.l j
Amos urie-ted for de.-eilio:i an 1 failing to sup- '
port bet, under the Act of 1H'7. A lc imthy hear- I
ingof each other's wrongs, and a vivid poiti.ii- j
lure of the Ins and outs of married lite were '
made before the Judge, w'nll i the listening pub- j
lie wondered why U was that two persons so '
respectable ami so well stationed in society sl.oiiM i
not be able to ;o t along well together. Hut the 1
sour apple of discord has entered the circle, au.l, !
as may be supposed, the Innocent children will j
sailer iho most, from mortilieation and shame, .
as well as from the results of so bad an example i
set them and the community, llow good and i
pleasant a thing It is for brethren to dwell to- '
githcr in unity. When discord enters a family
circle nu;l ugly divisions sever its ties, tho state
of that dome-lie fabric mu.-l be a sort of lore-ta.-le
of the divi.-ions which, exist in that place j
where the! worm die'.li not.
The following new rule- of court, wh'ch will I
be found to be of general Interest throughout the i
county, as well as to the profession, were adopt
ed bj the court. ""Tncy nTe. well-timed nn ! will j
be of great benelit in the practice. Tho rule es-
p-.cially in refeienec to short cases will be fotin I
a good one : ,
li'AUTl'.i: Sii. sions'. Rule 15. Hereafter the !
lir-t Thursday of the tir.-t aud second session.' of j
the Court of Cjuartcr Sessions In each year is fix- I
ed for hearing oi' applic itions for licenses to keep '
hotels, rc-taurants end selling liquors, at which !
time all persons applying or mahim; .bjeelioiis ,
to applications for licenses may be hearn by cvi-
deuce, petition, letnoii-trance or coun.-el, but in ,
order ihal all applicants may bo duly nppi ic e 1 I
that objections will be made, all petition, re- ;
mou-tr.inee-, or objections shall be lili I in w rit- '
'1114.' on or before I h s mud day of the se-ioa. at
which appl' -utioa U made and the ch rk shall !
write in Hie lack or the petition "object ions
filed"' and the date id" hlim; the Same provided
that nothing herein conlaincd shall he construed
to prevent the cou'i refusing licenses, where
from i:s own know le liie such lieeiises are un
necessary, that Ihe applicant is not it lit persou
to have license or has not complied with the re
quirements of i he acts of A-scnibly.
Rule Pi. The del k shall niake'a trial ll.-t of
all indi"lnients uu.lispo-cd of. and repeal the
state of each ca.-e, and shall, imniedi -itely, upon
the return of any indictment by the ftrand Jury,
or any pres -ntiueul, put the sauic: upon the said
RintC f All rules to show cause in the Quar
ter bcci . or Com I of Dyer and Terminer shall
be argued, if calle 1 by Hie" conn, on the liit day
of each si'-sion. ami Tkkmisfh. Tin; clerk shall procure
and keep separate dnekejs and minutes of all
ro-e.-diiig in the Court of Over und Terminer
and c -neial j id delivery.
Thiai.. Ru'e 11. Th Pro'.h vmiury shall keep
a list of slant ca n '., and counsel for eiiher party
may, vither in or out of term tiie, in the in. in
ner now practised, direct in wriiimr any case at
uc and whether on the general issue list or
not. to be put up ui the said short li-t for trial at
the next term provided .-aid coun-tl will certify
in wilting, at the line' of making su -h ditvuioii
that in hi- ojuuion Ihe said case will not occupy
more than three hours for the thereof. All
appeals from Ihe judgments of Justices cf the
lVnec may be put upon I lie said shoi t list. When
ever in the opinion of the Court a sufficient num
ber of casts are upon the short list lo eniraL'e the
Court a week in the trial thereof, a lime will be
designated by the Court for the same.
Rule The I'rotlionotary shall put all short
cases upon the short iict ill the order as to time,
of three being directed lo be placed upon said
Rule 13. The argument li-t will be taken up
as soou as the erimiunl business is disposed of.
Tuesday, March l'.'lh, 1S7J.
In the case of the Commonwealth vs. Patrick
O'Oarra, the defendant was brought Into Court
und sentenced. This case was tried al last term.
The defendant was tried for not opening n load
in Zerbe township. He was found guilty, but
not sentenced because the Court was not fully
s.uislicd thai an iiidielmc ut would lie under tho
Act of Asscmbiy. 0tiarra was therefore held
until this term. He was sentenced to pay a line
of f.VJ and costs of prosecution, and undergo an
imprisonment of thirty days in the comity Jail.
Bill of exceptions filed.
Another case of desertion was tried this morn
ing, the parties hailing from the neighborhood
of Lykrnstown. tine Daniel McCoy was accused
by his fond d.uneel of deserting hrr to the cold
charities of the world. She is left with three
children. The evidence showed, however, that
she refused to go with her liege lord, and, there
fore, the Court dismissed the case, ordering Dan
iel to pay the costs.
Com v Joseph Conrad. Larceny of sled ill
Upper Augusta. Philip Hetrick, prosecutor.
Grand Jury return uo bill.
Com vs Coleman Burgctt. Larceny of a inule
in Northumberland, ftruud Jury return no bill.
Com vi Jeremiah Iluuks Rape. Kate Ker-
stetter, prosecutor. The young girl on whom
the rape was alleged to have beeu committed,
Minnio Haas, has sluce died. The evidence now
being "sileut in the tomb," the Grind Jury re
turn no bill.
Coin Ti Denny McGiuley and JereniiabHuuk.
Breaking luto a dwelling house. No bill.
Coin Ti William Kehris, Lewtt Reltz, and Gil
bert Beits Larceny. True bill. JVYJIs Frottqui
entered at to Win. Kehris and Lewis Rlu. Mr.
Boyer moved to qnath tho Indictment In writing
filed. Conrt overruled the motion. Exceptions
made. It may bo a matter of Information to
state here that the present District Attorney
brings nil fclonlee In the Court of Oyer and Ter
miner, and the fees In said Court on bills of In
dictment are higher than In tho Quarter Sessions.
Rills for lnreeny, Ac., may be found In either
Court by Act of Asscniby. Mr. Boyer was In
structed by tho Commissioners to make a point
in the mutter, to nt to take it to the Supremo
Court, for the county must pay the costs In all
cases of felonies.
Com vs John M. Hrown. Larceny by Tenant.
No bill.
In the desertion case of Amos Glaze, the Court
sentenced Mr. Glaze to pay the costs of prosecu
tion. This clears the wife to look out for her
self, a fine relief In tho teaching of Elizabeth
Only Stanton or Victoria Woodiiull, of singlo
blesscdncss funio and asserted femalo rights.
Com vs Geo. J. Mason. Larceny by Bailee.
A. Dlcflendafcr, prosecutor. This is n matter
which arose In nnd nround the P. it K. shops nt
funbury. Mr. Mason wmr accused of taking
monic, fie, the properly of the said P. it E. Co.,
and appropriating them to ids own use. The ;
charge was not sustained, and the Grand Jury ;
returned no bill.
Com vs V.. B. Stillwagner. Selling liquor j
j w ithout license. Defendant pleads guilty. Sen
I tenced to pay a flue of S'.'O nud costs of prosocu- I
: I Sunday n week, aged ST rears. Iler husband
! Com vs Joseph Bachcr.-Seillnv: liquor on Sun- J wn , ,,,, ,,,,., llraudvwine and ftcrman
i day selling liquor to habitual drunkards scll-
Iiil' liquor to minor. For these several charges low" IU"' narrowly escaped massacre nt Paoli.
1 bills w ie found at lnl sessions. Bound over lo ; He taught school in Union county lu 110.
! next session in $o:in for each olfensc.
Wednesday, March llllh. j
Com vs Mary (J'llun Selling liquor without j
license. True bill. Defendant pleads guilty and '
was scntencfd to pay a tine of ?Jd and costs of
prosecution. In this case Mary sold liquor to i
an injured woman's husband, and the wile pur
sue I the destroyer of her husband's reason. i
Com vs Elizabeth ft ilhistlier. Perjury. ,Yo!.
J'tiV. entered upon payin uit of costs. j
Com vs .lolm Judge. Misdemeanor. No bill, i
County to pay eo-ts. :
Com vs Levi Ihildash. Assault and battery. I
No bid. l'ro-eculor, Andrew McHlicce, topav
Hie costs. '
Com vs '.-. W. 11 tz. A'.t and Battery,
with intent to kill. '1 rue bill.
Com vs Ann John. Adultery. Noblil. Win.
II. John to pay costs.
Com V Robert Davis. Adultery. No bill.
Wm. It. John, prosecutor, to pay the eostf.
Com vs Mary Q iinn. A-sau'lt and battery.
Verdict iMiiltv. Sentenced to pay half the cn-t"'.
Com vs Wm. !'. Kite hen. --(;,: mhlimr. Mo
bill, l'roseeuior, K. II. Miilwau'ncr, to pay costs.
Coin vs. W. I". Kitchen. Selling liquor on
Sunday. True Id'!.
Com vs (ieo. W. lletz. Gambling as Tavern
Keeper. True bill.
Com vs. M ithias Se'jmuck, John Koenic',
Peter Sm 'Itz -r and John Welkcr. Conspiracy,
True bill. Joseph Ii icher prosecutor.
Com. is. Tiios. B. Il-di. selling liquor to mi
nors. True hill.
Com. s. Leu is Hummd. Selling li.pior to
minors. True lull.
Com. vs. Nicholas Richards. Selling liquor to
minors. True bill.
Similar charges. True hills were found agiin-t
Mary Pinny. Samuel Hursh, William li.i-e. Lew
Mur iu. tt '.Ion pb i;. Aro. .1.1, 'I llos. Uosser, tied.
Hack, William Gaining, John Curtis, Hcnrv G.
It is only my duty to reflect the opinion of tin
( "in t and all the aitornics for the man
ner in which th- Deputy honotary, S. II.
Kuowies, F,si.. peiforms all of the luties assign
ed him in the oi'dce he so well lii'.s. Mr. Kuowies
is well vcr-. ii in til ' the forms, a eorrcel clerk,
and a very neat penman. The record he keeps
show s high talent and practice 1 ability. II' is
now engaged in trans, ining one of the Lien
Docketsjif i h county, which ha- been torn and
d. faced coi sidciab.y. We Venture to say the new
docket is one of tlie neatest and mo-t accurate in
any of ihe offices in the Commonwealth. Mr.
Knowles has won the conh.leuce of the aitornics,
ami he knows how to make a correct reeoid.
The case of the f mniouwi alth vs. Perry
was taken up o i Wednesday evening, and the
rule to shew cans" i hy a new trial f-honld not be
grant'-d argued. The depo-liion-- w re tak'-n be
fore term time, ami read by L. 'I . Ibdii bac li.'.'.sq.,
who then vny neatly and ably argued the view
lie lea.k of theca-e as counsel tor t he defence.
He w as followed by Gen. Clement , who kindly
took charge of the whole of the Coriuionwcullh
side' of t lie case since the taking of the deposi
tions, without private counsel knowing anvlhing
of the proccc linu. Geo. W. Z- igii r, ll-q!, clos- ':
cl the argument in favor of ihe prboner for a I
new trial, and demeaned himself irncstly for his j
ciicnt. I'roin the tone of the depositions, we
think there was cou.-hlei able in :'u:aiily in their '
nrocecdines nnd in their ee.n 1-i. t. One of H'.. '
; most obje ctionable tilings stated in their conduct
was that they had been fiirni-hel with i'n-ior. 1
; Men who have the life of a fellow being in their
; hands ought to ke qi their mouths away from in i
i toxiealing liquors. The Court has not decided yd
! us to whether a new trial will be granted.
Com. vs. Augn-ius Moore. Larceny. This
defendant is a colored la 1 lio.u Milton. Not
! gui'ty.
j ( can. vs. I'rcdi ric k Grossman nnd Simnel
! Stiitzni r. Burglary. These reprobates ale fioui '
I Milton also. 1 hey liroke into a giocery store in ,
: that town some time since, cud weie detected in '
what tiny have heretofore been practicing witb
i out letjor hindrance, l! so happened that Sluts- :
! ncr, scenting the ic-nlt in the d'Manee, walked
out of the court room w it Ii sin' jiny, and has i
since been heard fmm. Giossinaii was sentene- '
ed to fourteen mouths iu the Ha-iern Pcnitcntia- ;
I Com. vs Dr. C. II. Up Degralf. Practicing Sur-
gery without Heen-c. The Doctor came to Suu
; buiy in danuary, it is alleged to operate on the
eye and car for a brief period. An act of Assem
! blv for this county, pa-scl last, winter, provide
i that a transient physician must pay a county li
; cense f f;,n. unle ss he Intends to locate per'nia-
neet'v. tin tlie charge of violating this law, the
j Do.'ior 15 to be tried. He is now perm inentlv lo
; c.i led hern and allege (hat this was his intention
from the beginning.
The above are all the proceedings of Court up
to tiie closing ol our form.
NsritANiT lo any amount placed in reliable
companies by L. M. Yoder, agent.
Asm At. Mittinci op tiii: Nouthi miikui asi)
Cocniy So, iktv. An annual
meeting of the Northumberland coanty Agricul
tural Society was held lit the Arbitration room, I
on Tuesday. March p'ih, 1S7J. The ininutcs o j iTcnch.
last meeting were real and alopted. The fol
lowing officers were elected to servo for the ensu-
lug year :
President JOSEPH BIRD.
r.eeoi cling Secretary G. W. Armstrong.
Treasurer J. II. McCormiek.
Corrcspon ling Secretary Joim 11. Vincent.
Vice Presidents John McFurhind, Lewis;
Joseph Nicely, Jr., Delaware; Win. Waldron,
Turbut; Junin 1). Itarr, Turb'ltvi la borough;
J. M. Fullmer, Watsontown borough ; II. J.
Reader, McEwensviilu borough ; Lewis Sticker,
Miiton, N. W. ; L. Holf, Milton, S. W. ; O. Vorls,
Chillis'iuaipie ; 'I hos. Johnson, Point; Win. T.
Forsyth, Northumberland ; J. M. Bartholomew,
Sunbury, E. W. ; Joseph Ey.ier, Buubury, V,
W.j George. Gaul, Upper Augu-ta ; Lemuel
Shlpmau, Lower Augusta ; Edward Grady, Rush
twp.; John Moore, Suydertown borough; Ste
phen Bittenbciider.Sliaiuokiu E. W. ; II. H. Van
g.iskin, Shamokiii, W. W. ; A. A. lliitn, Coal
twp. ; S. A. Bergstresser, Mt. Curmel borough (
C. K. Wulkel, Cameron twp. ; J. 10. Rathbtin,
Zerbo twp.; II. II. Dornsife, Little Slahanoy
twp.; Joseph Mowrer, Upper Mahanoy twp. ; J.
G. Smith, Jackson twp. ; John Wert, Jordan
twp. ; Peter Burrcll, Sr., Lower Muhanoy twp. ;
O. II. Ustrundcr, Rivcrsldu borough. i
Llbruriau Geo. B. Cudwiilliider, Sunbury.
Agricultural Chemist J. J. John, Shumokiu.
Geologist P. M. bhlndel, Sunbury.
Al'er the election, Juoph Bird, Pies't, called
the Executive Committee together und orguuiml
for business.
Ou motion, adjourned to meet ou Tuesday,
March 19th, at the Court House.
G. W. Arms-. homo, Bccretary.
Since the case of small pox to w hich we have
before alluded, came to Shaiuoklu Dam, we learn
that the dissase has been spreading, aud that
there are now no less than five cases of it, Tho
schools have been closed. Xilintyroi Tinu$.
Dmtroyino the Costaoio of Bmaix Pox.
Our friend David Relmcr, Esq., of Northumber
land, baa kindly furnished nt tho following
translation from a late article published In a
German Journal by Dr. Zlnreck, In his official
capacity as Government Physician to the citizen!
of Berlin I
"For the disinfection of a medlnin tlfed room,
In which a small pox patient Is being treated, nil
that is needed, beyond scrupulous cleanliness, Is
to place 8 or 10 drops of the Solution of Carbolic
Acid upon a shnllow plate or piece of glass for
evaporation lu some part of the apartment.
This thould bo renewed daily.
For the disinfection of excrement, Water clo
sets, nnd privies, n mixture of 5 parts by weight
of carbolic add with 05 parts of slacked lime is
needed. Four ounces of this powder Is sufficient
to destroy the small pox poison in a bucket of
liquid or half liquid excrement. Tho disinfec
tion Is cll'eetcd by Intermingling the powder with
the contents of the bucket.
Cotton or linen lied clothing, or wearing ap
parel, before being washed, should be soakeit
twenty-four hours in water, containing 2 ounces
of Carbolic ncid, nnd 4 ounces of washing soda,
to each 25 gallon.
Woolen clothing, Ac., should be soaked ns
long lu a sliullnr bath, leaving out the soda.
Beds, Turs and cloth, which cannot be wnshcl,
should he sprinkled, or brushed oir witii n mix
ture of 'Jb; ounce of carbolic acid, dissolved in n
quart of strong nlcoliol."
Every family and every phynlclan should pre
serve a copy of this.
Mas. Jam; Linn, a Revolutionary pensioner,
w idow of John Lynn, died lu Lock Haven, last
Kon Ti:n Amkiiican.
Mil. : By a communication In last
weeks paper, I perceived that a person calling
himself "Ami ricas" thought, proper to cast some
rrlleeti uis upon mvself, my led urn and cnter-
1 tainni"Ut, in order, to quote bis words, "iliat
! other Lodges may keep their eyes skinned, and
; not be imposed upon iu t tie same wav." in re
i ply t i his remarks, I'd say, first that my lecture
; was not a voluntary one. A member of the Lodge
at. Trevorton, who is a gentleman, and myself
' were talking about temperance, ami I li ning in
; my hands a written address, at bis request re ad
I it to him, and be proposed lliet 1 should deliver
! the lecture ill Trcvorion. 1 agreed so to do, and
I nil arrangements were to be made by n committee,
and I Wa to tie notified when these were com
' plete.l. The lime arrived and So did I. 1 bad
: unite a good attendance in the ohi.reh, and if my
speech was, as be says, so dry, tasteie-s ami un
intc resiiug. it is strange that so many remained,
though, 'tis true, a fw did leave) Auiericiis
:inioi.g the nuuili er, an I he, I presume, not wish
! I".g to hear truth, whither taken from an aut'ah
hu ir.n Sin ',',. ; lhn l; or not, found licit the place
was touring too hot lor him. and retired with per
i haps a Ilea in his car. As far as my exhibition
1 was concerned, was satislied if be was not.
j llow could I cxpeel a cow h' 1 house when there
I was another entertainment in the place of a dif
; fen lit kind f Americas seems lo be jealous of
lay preiix. If be thinks h,' is belter entitle I to it
than myself, I will donate it to him. I generally
w rite my speeches, for they suit sonic young men
whose calibre, cannot contain m:u:y ideas, il any,
nt one lime. As fir as th" I ill fee. nted Is coil-
c.aie,!. I shall only say that I am horizwd no bills
to be printed, and the I. let of their presenting
such a bill, and expecting mc to pay for it, does
, not reflect any great credit on the committee of
1 arrangements, f,,r they not only did not meet me
; at the depot, but none, i.avc one, tried to make
my acquaintance. Now, wlielher they consider
ed me tin ir superior by this conduct or not I can
i.ot say. but the refusal to reimburse one member
who .,,i.l I lie bill himself, is a stigma upon liicin
which will place them iu a proper light before the
public. The bill of twelve dollar could not have
been iit.'il by lliem. or else they would not have
stumbled over it. 1 think that if 'Americas," n
cognomen to which the writer is not entitled,
, looks at ihe matter In its proper light, be will
perceive that bis words to me are lil,e pouring
; water on a duck's hucIS, nud 1 say just as the
man said when the mu'e kicked hini,"l consider
' the source."' If the rest of the G.T'snre Ike Mm
le e .n save the Lodge, for their efforts are in
nn. to trvlo stoo Intemperance a- long as a
Ve.Vf.--.r' lt.ointks strike any one of lheii mem- '
bei s on a r.oro spot. I nave thus endeavored to I
show my -hie of the cuc-tion, and am willing to I
leave its settlement lo a judicious, unbiased, dis
ci luiinating public j and I sincerely nope that if
Americas iinMijrt slightly, be will sc" the error
of his w ays, ami not try to set a person. w ho con-
si'lers himself his siipcst ir, in a false light,
C. C. Litinv. I
Muuut Cmm-l, Maub Vi, 17'-.
I (iOr MY 1IKTH. '
nr ncn.:
niieiio;:!:, rsy.
Yaw ! Yaw
His co.i'.tiy
I tink cic re ur
Yaw !
Yaw !
ii ry fast,
lie! bet'les here',
Are wery haul g
one past.
tier iirvi'i in v is von
1 link upon mr sole,
I ili in.
1L s cliuib'd, und climu'd und c'.imb'd until
He's got u:i top der pole.
Von day I vants a picture got,
So I vent along into
His otllee, simp, or Vat vou call
'Der nrii.-i's Studio."
lie take mem picture, and you bet!
It was a good von nice.
Und den 1 ax him vat he h:irge
Or how much vas der price
It vas so sheep, 1 links again for him I sure will
set j
I" ml d -ti I links so more as fll'tv o ler vours I
Now mil dose pieturs goot und nice,
I told you vat I do,
Und ven you be ar vi.t vas I did,
I t inks you do so too.
I scud von loo nic'm Betsy clear
Who lives aer, .-siler vay,
She is a ..iiy gall to see,"
So handsome und so guy.
I sends Per von deie pictures nice,
From llemperly J gets,
She writes me bueil a Mlty ijueti
1 am yoiii darling lletz,
Und show I never knows beforo
You did so handsome be.
Until you goi von picture from
Der mii.'ion iiKMi-icui.v.
GALLERY on lid st, Sunbury, Pn. Challen
ges the country to excel his productions,
liiisiiiis Xoliefs.
Si'iiixu Goons. Furniture of every stylo aud'
quality for the Spring sales has just been rceclv- i
ed at B. L. Raudeiibush's store iu Masonic build-
ing. For the bc-t aud most stylish furniture, I
Raudeiibush's cannot be excelled. Call and see '
the siendid Spring styles. . i
A Kplcntliil AsiMOrluit'iit ol'iSssrin
Goo Is at t icmciit iV Di.-siugi r". I
t losiu-; nut inlor Stork at almost j
co.l, ut t lenient & Dis-inger'e. I
Mi a u Ik and ItlaukvtH ut remarkably
low rices, at Clement A Dissiugcr's.
A 00l UMnorlllU'llt of (Jueensw.uc just
rece ived at Clement A liis-inger's.
100 (lozt'll bcsil Noul Cotton iu the
tnutket, just received at Clement A Dissiugcr's,
and for sale at the following prices ; U cents per
spool or 70 cents per dozen.
The larxcxt, cheapest aud best assortment
of C.isslmeies In town, Jusl received at Clomeut
& Dissiugcr's.
Amitui'an Piiodwt Situ. Ahead! W M.
Duuglierly is now using inccrblc that Is superior
to the Italiun for monuments und grave sioues.
While Italian marble cracks in less than ten
years, the American has tood the lct for over
thirty years und found to stand our climate far
better than any foreign marble. Cull at bis
shop, opposito the Court House, aud see his as
sortment. The prices have beeu greatly reduced.
Btu.iN Amour. The homely virtues of econo
my nud honest saving are excellent subjects for
Sunday thought. No person cau hoie to prosper
iu life who is not careful about use'ess cxieuses,
nud carefulness Is a mutter of hubil which Is to
be a matter of course. Oue must begin aright in
foruilug such a habit, and in no other wuy cau
ho begin ta well as by going lo Wm. II. Miller's
Excelsior Boot ami Shoe store ami procure a
fashionable and durable article at a low price.
A SiTRRtoR article of Wheat and Buckwheat
Ffnur, and Corn Meal, U told at J. O. Trimble's
Grocery at a low price.
A Fact worth remembering, Hint Wcltnor sells
goods lover than the lowest. Ills stock of Dress
Goods In Silks, Merinos, Empress cloth, Pattlns,
Plnlds, Ac., Ac, are complete. Velvets and
Velveteens 25 per cent lower than former prices.
Waterproofs of the latest styles nnd best make.
Ladies' Chlldrens' and Gents' Furs. His assort
ment of Shawls, embracing ull the leading styles
In the markets, which he oilers nt extremely low
prices. Call and be convinced that Welmer's
popular Cash Store is the place to secure bar
gains. His stock of goods Is not to be surpassed
by any In quantity, quality, or price. No trou
ble to show goods.
Having Just relumed from the New York mar
kets, he Is prepared to offer extra Inducements to
cash buyer.
Insi iir on the reserve plan with L. M. Voder.
Pl;.-iru: I' -cping a Hue assortment of Orange,
Lemons, Dried nnd Canned Fruit, Apples, Pcach
i es nnd Confectioneries, good Canned Oysters,
; fresh and very palatable, can be procured nt S.
Byeriy's store, on Third street. Families sup
plied with oyster daily.
Tim: splendid assortment of nil kind of Hat
nnd Cup at S. Faust's store continue, to attract
attention, which nre sold at reasonable prices.
How to get money is the great desire of all. A
really good and serviceable Sewing Machine that
will make money for you. or help you to save It.
Will be sent to your own lion n Trial of I'o
day, no matter where you may be, and you can
pay for it in smud monthly in-t'illineul-, by
writing to the. American Machine Co., cor. John
nil Nassau Street, New York; or yon can have
a County Right free, as agent, and make money
fast. We advise smell men to secure the husj.
nes., as nothing pays better than the agency for
a good Sewing Mac bin". Write at once.
t- -
"'pci'lui Nolice.
On "IiilTin;e. Essays for Young Men, on
('real Social Kvils and Abuses, which interfere
will. Mai inure, and rain the bappinese of thou
sands, wit h sure means of relict for the F.rring
and rnfortunate, deceased and debilitated. Seat
in scaled letter envelopes, free of charge.
Address, Howard Aiifiiiiron, No. '2, South
Ninth St., Philadelphia. Pa.
A llnurfsomt Moustache.
Prof. St. Croix's French Coin
pound, the ('I'pttt Hair (irowcr,
will 1 ro.luce a luxiirieut Mou
stache or Whiskers ou the
smoothest face. Pleasant to
use. Sent to any address on
receipt of Kill v 'cuts.
II. T. BOND, Chemist.
Tenth and Chestnut Sis., l'hila.
o jl- e. y o
'7. r ' 1 -: H
N. K. ( or.
eb. IT, ls;j.
T 2 t
u ! u rn -
: i
2 S - i i
. .! 1 5
r s.
Z t- a. - 'fi o n
t tiii: si'("m:ke.'7.
Tiu licv. William II. Noiloii. while
in Brazil ns a missionary, discovered
land of medicines a remedy for Coxst mi'TIon,
Si itofi i.a, Sum: Tiiiioat, Coicus. t'oi.os.
Asthma, asm Ni i:v. ii Weak si:. This rcui ha-( ipe'l myself after all other medlein, s
had failed.
Wi-hhie, to hea' tl'. the snll'ering. I wi'l sen 1
tin reeli'e frr preparing and using this icm-dy to
all who desire it Ullli: OF CIIAUUE.
Please sen t an envelope, with your name nn.l
address on it. Addiess,
fo'i BtMAOWAV,
o t. 1 HS71. 1". y,-w YuiiK (
s-,.- '1.' J
Ntmlmrj (riiku cV I'rutlui-o Huritrt. '
con:i!:i T!:n v. i..:ki.v by hii.c i c,.ui jr.u.
-Ch : V.Tiite Wheat...
Best Amber, Winter....
0..1!,, ( Pj.-f
II. An.b. . V, ,..
... 1
bariel S in
I "i'l .Meal, per cwt
Pinnsjjiaula Rod
Poos pel ....'
M BATs I filed Ii !!', pel Ml
ijinoke.l M ulloii
I - a i : i p r pi
Fish Salt M bite Fish, je e ,
" Trout '
Cod !'
Vr.iir.TA.u. i:s. Turnips, per buel.el...
I'liMto-. " "
Ol'.io.lS " "
Beans, qvi.n t
Hominy, "
Dttiru Fuitts -Dilcci Apples, ji;.r it,,
' Pencil.'. ,
2 .Mi 1
Hi I
,.Hiw 1'.'
H j
VI 1
75 j
iictu iabcrti5CJitent3.
lisitittr f .3ir.inlH Sjiuli, Oorrasi'il
ATOTH'E 1 b.
.by g'Vc
h.c iug
that 1. Iters of ad
eii grafted o the
uiolersigne I ou the est. ili-ot Miranda bpatz, late
of lower M.ih.inoy township, Norlliumbeiiand
county, ra., deceased. All pc:rsons knowing
I the
en-elves m l. I ted to said estate, are rciiuested
to make immediate payment, and Ihote having
claims to piesi'i.t them for settlement.
JOHN M. LFNKK.R. Adminislrato.
Lower M ihanoy iwp., March lSi'J.-l'it.
j Don't Rcr.t! This ! !
j Coed morning, M i ,. A., w '..ere are i ou bound
t for so early I .
Mrs. A. Why Ms (, . nn't you know Mr.
Bveily b is bought out the Grocciy and Confec
tionery Store id' Haas A: Weaver, und is selling
idee fresh Groeciies, Canned Fi'rt.nml in fact,
everything iu tiie Grocery iiu ', ch .;'. i ihaii the
t in ape-1, and I have got tired paying high prices,
so 1 have made up mv min i .titer this n, patron
ize Mr. Byeily. So food iiiurniug, Mrs. C. I
tnt'.-t go.
Mrs. ('., to herself. Well I am bmud to fail
out for inys"lf. and will to to B.erly'snew cheap
cath Grocery, the not time I want any
Groceries., ConJ'e tlonerifior I'rlni
I will Just say to nil come and giro me a tilal,
and satisfy yourselves that there is one cheap
cash Grocery in Suuhurv.
Remember the p'ace. No. 11, South Third St.,
in i lenient House isiniillug, cunmirv. ra.
Bunbuiy, Jan. SO, 1872.
Fourth uuil A reh Nt.t IMitludrlphiu,
T3n-r goodsi
K.ktublUlira iu lt40.
'()oli-:nt (joons.
Bint (JLOVlvS only.
Uholeaale and ltrlall.
March 8, 187 J.-61. .
To Debilitated Persons,
To Dyspeptics,
To SeUiluriTS from Liver Complaint,
To tboso lmvinff no Appetite,
To tboso with llrokcu Down Coustilti
tons, To Xcrvous People,
To Children 'WnHtinjj Away,
oany with Debilitated Digculivc Organs,
Or 8tllirinti with auu of the fiAhnrhui
S mjitomii, which indicate JJisnnkr'.d Liver
such ns. Con
stipation, Inward
Piles, Fullness or
Blood to the Head. Acid
ity of the Stomach, Nausea,
Heartburn, Dii;u-t for Food,
Fullness or Weight In the Stom
neh, Sour F.ruclat ioiis,Sinklng or
Fluttering nt t lie P'it of the Stom
ach, Swimming of the Head. Hur
ried and Dillieull Breathing, Flutter
ing nt the Heart, Choking or Suffocat
ing Sensation, when In n Lying Posture,
Dimness of Vision, Dots or Web before the
Sight, Fever nnd Dull Pain iu the Heud, Delleicu
cv of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin
imd F.s e, Pain in I he Side, Back. Chest,
Limbs, ,V:e., Sudden llu-b"s of Heat,
Burning in I h" Flesh Constant Im
iigiulti!.' of Hvil. and (irect De
pression of Spirits,
llooflnml's German Killers.
A Hitter without Alcohol or Spirits of any kind.
is diilcrcut 1 iDiii ail other. It is composed of
the pure .Inices. or'YiT1 1. I'liiM tiu.K or Hoots.
Ilimns nnd Baiikm, (or as me liclnaliv termed 1.x-
tract. ) the worthies or inert portions of the. in- i
cTc-lient n-t being Used. T herefore iu one! bot- i
lie of this Hitter there is contained a much mc- i
dical virtue as wi.l be found in several gallons of
ordinary mixtures. 'J he Hoots, o:c, n-cd iu this i
Bitters are urown In (o rmany, their vital princi- j
pics extracted in tbat country bye. scientific ( he
mbt, ami forwarded lo the manufactory in this ;
city, wlicie thev arc eo:npouteled and bottled, j
Containing no spir.tuons Ingredients, this Bitters ;
1-. fre e from the ohjeet ions urged against allc-'.h- :
er : no d'-siro fn stimulants can be induced ;
from their u-e : they cannot make, drunkard. .
and cannot, under any circumstances, have r.ny
but n beiielicial clbat,. !
isooix t!'s ;r:r:-i i Tst
Was compounded foi those not inclined to ex- ;
trcine billerr. and is intended lor use in cases
when soni" alcoholic stimulant is re-piircd in co '- j
neetion wiih the tonic properties of the Bitters. J
Much bottle of t he Tonic contain one hott le of I
the Bitters, omnium d with puree SANTA CP.CZ
KUM. nnd flavored in such a in inner licit the, cx-
tienie hittei n n the hitler is overcome. I, nun- !
ing a preparation highly agreeable anl pleasant
lo Ihe I'.ilate. and containing the lmdiciual vir- !
t iesol tb - Biiier. The pi ic-e of the Toni" l f 1. '
."el per Hot lie, w hich many pcrMins think too!
high. They tun-!, take into cons!, lei ation that
tlie stimulant used is guaranteed to be of a pure 1
quality. A poor article could be furnished at a
cheaper price, but Is it not le tter to pay a little j
more and have n good article f A medicinal pre-
par.ition should oo'it.iiu none but the best ingre-
clients; and they v.ho cpec t to ohtain a cheap t
compouu I, and Ii" beneiitted by it will most cer- ;
talnlv be cle ,iU .1.
Ito;r.ik:':i (;oi i;ii-.:i Iliitcri, .r
' LAND'S (Nnlopliy fill.
will cure you. They are the (in atcst
BLOOD Pl itl FH'.IIS known to the Medical
world, nud w iil eradicate disease s arising fiom
Impure Moo , Debility of the Di-g.-.iive Oigans,
or Diseased Liver, in a shorter time than any
other known remedies.
Wi!) .ori.; a-k ion :.M!ir: DiciNiriEn and
Sir.ilN. lal Tf.-TIMONV I
Hon. (ii:'i:.ciK W. V'o i:w aiip, formerly Chief
.Justice of t he S ipreme Court of l,cuns Ivania,
at present Member of Congress from l'cunsyl
! vania w rites :
i I'uk.a:.::: : ;.ia, March iCch, 1siH7.
I find "Hoollaii I's Herman Bitters" is n good
tonic, n-el'al iu il'scas-s of the digestive organs,
an t of treat benclft ia case of d bility. and
; want of in rvous action in the system. Your",
truly, liLO. W. WvIODWAnD.
j Hon. .Iamcs Timvp in. Chief Justice of the Sa
' prcmc C'jUi't of I'ei.n-yivaimi.
I'liti.AliKi.l'UiA, April 2", 1S67.
I eoiisiiler "II !" cud's Clerniun liitl"rs" a val
i uali'e ine licine i!i case of attacks ol Indigestion
or Dy-pep-iu. 1 ce.n certify tills from my t:i; e
, rieuee of it.
lion. Ciiamar: Puas .voon, Ja.tlee of the Su
preme. Court of Pennsylvania. j
l'l!H.AIi:t I'lllA, Juue 1, 1X
Ileivefiuml by uxpei ience that 'Ho..tlaiid's ;
fl. tin. in Litters" i a very good tonic, relieving j
dvspeptle s , mptom iclnio-t directly. i
(jiioiuii: fcHAKSWoon.
Hon. U'ei. ll.j-.-i, Iay
the C'.tv of I! .1-
falo, N. Y.
Mayor's Oillc". I!u!i".i'o, .Tune -2, 1'dl.
I h: ve u.ed 'Ml. mil anil's l.ermaii Bitters mil
Tonic" in my fanii y during tlie pa -I year, and
can recommend t lu-ui us a'l ixceihmt t'e.iic, im
paitiug Ceie a, id vigor to ilc sy-teui. Tie ir use
bus been ptJ.lucl'Ae of deehledlv benelic-lal ef
fects. WM.'F, ROGERS.
Hon. Jiimtt -V. H'wd, LxMayor of Wiliiame- i
I'ort, Pa. j
I take great pic is-jr- I:i recomnicudlng 'Mloof- i
land's licima:i 'I on c'" to any c tie who niuv be:
allliele.l witil Dy-p p-ia. 1 II id lie.' Dy.-pep-i .1 j
so badly it was!e to keep ,i':y f, .W ou j
my ctomaeh, and 1 became so weak an not to be 1
able to w alk naif it mile. Tw o bottles etl c tod a I
perfect cure. JAMLS il. WuOD. j
Will C'tiic cvi ry Case' of !
Ft 1 A t"? A G i V i U
or Wastitie; nivnv ol tine Hody.
Are t lie medicine you require topniPy t tie '
Blood, exeiiell.e IoMmJ Liver to healthy ui-lioii, I
and lo enable you to pass safely through any '
hardships or i xposiire. " I
i:i:. lit K)tT. AN'D'is
o d o r u y l l i
or substitute f. r Mercury
Dose. 1 lie tno-t Powerful,
tie known.
Pil's. Two Pills
('. t Innocent Cat!. a
It Is not neei s ary to lakes lmnlfn". of tries'?
Pills to prod lee the .b sired t ffeel ; I AO of ll.ctu
net riuickly i.nd poaeifully, clc.insiii tlie Llier,
Stomach ami Bowels ol all impurities. The
principal in'iie.lieia is l:o.l pbyllie. or the Alco
holic llMi.ut i f Mandrake, which is by tnanv
times more poMcrfu
acting and .-e.crehihe; ti,.,u
Ihe Mandrake iis.-it. Its peculiar action is upon
I tic l.iver, cleanme; u spec, Illy Iroiu all obslruc
tions, with nil ihe power of Mercury, yel free
from the injurious results uttuclud lo the use of
that mineral.
For all diseases, In which tho uso of a cathar
tic i indicated, these pills will tin- entire satis
faction in every case. They ni er fall.
lu cases of Liver Complaint, lly.-pcpsia and ex
treme costiveness. Dr. llootlun l's (icimaii Bit-
ters or rl onie should be Used iu conneciinn u oh i
.i.. i.: i i,:.. " -. .i. i
I... I to . on' niiiii 1-i.iinii nil- i.iuos or 1 O- i
lie builds up the svsti iu. The hilt
or ionic
purities the Blood, slren .'lhcu. the Nerves, rciru
lates the Liver, an I t''s ttrciith, ciu'i ty and
Keep your Howe's active with tin- Pills, and
tone up the system w ith Bitters or Tonic, und no
disease can retain the hold, or even you.
KeeoHecl that il Is UK. 11UOFLA N U S C.HK-
M AN lli'iiiedles linn are so universally u-ed and
. . , , . , , , , - .
liiKbly recomiiieiided ; and do not allow lh
DriiL'irUi lu induce you to take anythine-ils
thai ha may say is just us eai.xl, because he
makes a laruer profit on It. These Kcnicdii.r w ill
be sent bv Express lo any localiiT, upon apidieu
tion to the I'ltlNCIPAL tiFFHT, ut the GF.R.
('11 AS, M. EVANS, Proprietor.
Formerly C. M. Jackson A Co. Thus Keme
riles are for Sale by Uruggins, Storckoe.pi s, aud
Medlein Uenlri rvrrrnhfrr.
r '-4
"I NSt'BF. with a responsible and perfectly rell
1 able Coinpunv. Insure where jour losses
! "c PI1 promptly
Tlii ! n Mil I ii al Protective Co. .
j Hence, you nre ure of being paid promptly for
j all losses, if Insured in this Couipnuv.
We pay losses accruing through theft, death by
(Ire, accident, or natural causes, (excepting
epedemie diseases). We pay prompt. No red
, tape proceedings to get your money, in case of
I loss.
j paid on horses and cattle since organisation.
1 DIl. D. WALDKON, President.
1 C. A., See"y, Sunbury, P:.
Ex-Gov. James Pollock, Hon. J. C. Bruner,
Solomon Stroh, Wm. lirindle, Solomon Shlpr,
John A. Sbissler, Dr. D. T. Krcb. Dr. David
Waidroii. Jan J373-ly.
A Valuable Hcucc and Lot
for Sale.
r 1 11 T B U'.idersU:ii"d oiler at private sate, his
1. large Bill. K. DWULLINc'i HOUSE and
Lot, with all tlie uccc'sary ontlmildings, situate
ou the. Southeast corner of Walnut nud Third
streets, S'lnlmry. Pa. The house. Is nearly new
and well liui-he mid contains nine rooms.
good cellar, ece. it is well calculated for n resi
dence, and would be an admirable business stand
for a store or In tel. Tuis property will Le soli
at a reasonal'le price.
For terms, Ac. npplv to
S;i!ibury, Jm. C7. 13-f.
F.sJntP of t'iilliorino I.t'iiUor, I.nto
f I.nurr .Haliu.ioj tor nstliip, le
(ptisifd. "VfOTICK i hereby given that letters of Ad
il ministration have been granted lo the un
dersigned, on t he c-tate of Cat liei ine Lenker, laid
of Lower Mahanoy township. Northumberland
county. Pa., if ceased. All persons indebted to
said estate nre reuuestcd to make immediate pav-
I nn nt, nnd those, having claims lo present lliem
for settlement.
ISA AC LF.NKrr., Jdm1nUtiator.
Lower Mahie.oy twp., Feb. 1'), lsfd.-Ct.
SHOKTIIri':' Kttt'Tr. CANTH UtU.
OkuvIHc, Hii7l'ton A IVUHchbarro
Kail i:oul.
W INTER All R A N ii E M F. N T.
Sunl.uirv. II 'Jo a m
Danville, ? (.' '
Cultaw'a, 7 LS "
llalfton, '.I U-5
N. Y'oik, G 00 a m
Fusion, U 25 "
- ) I'hil'a. 8 UO "
I Bethlc'tu 10 t'5 "
Hazlcton, 1 00 p ni
Cattaw'a, 8 40 "
Danville, 3 'M "
Sanburv, '6 57 "
Hethle'm 12 1(1 m
! t'lnl a,
i r-.,st,.,i i
N. Yoik. 3
The afternoon t rain connects at Sunubury w ith
1 the Philadelphia o; Uric, 4 ho p. tn., train going
I wc-t, arriving at Williamsport II oil and Lock
' Haven 7 o.'i p. tn.. and with the Northern Cen
tral 4 .r'!i p. in., moving south arriving at Harris
I burg 7 (M p. iu., and Baltimore ID 4a p. m., and
j also with I lie Sunbury ,V Lew istown R. R.
j Comfortable and handsome coaches on this
new route.
I Superintendent
a 1. 1: t it r.
lust Published, in a Sealed Unvelojie. Price 6cts.
A l.rrlurc on Ibo .future. Treat.
menl an I K.idieal Cure of Spei niatori ba'a, ol
Seminal Weakbess, Involuntary Fanisslous, SeX-
11.1 1 I):
oiio,, au.i iiiiiieiiimeuis 10 AlarrlaL'-e i--(.n-
fill 11 V
i i.-;.-. i ..i i . . ' . ' .
. . " ................ Ill.sil.ll n
SUlllllf ll'Olll Sclf-Atinsc. A'e Hi. IJOIIL-I.'T f
i UMilltLL. 31.11.. Antbns of it,..
Book," Cc.
i be world-renowned uuthor. In this admlrah!
Leiline, clearly proves Iroin bis own cvrienc
tlu.l Ihe a till cciUsiinieiices of Self-Aliuso may
be iileclually removed without nn dicincs, auy
wnboul dangerous surgical owralion.s, bougie,
iusti uuieiits, rings, or cordials, pnlnlin? out i
lllililc f.l' inr. ... ........ ....Pi..i.. .... ........... .
- -..'w "'i iv...iu nun lurituill nf
which evciv sufferer, no niHii..r wi.t t.i. aX
P3 rA
Lj s t"
GO n m n
P; a) Pj ft
y f.- t: . n r
i i f o
as h H "ta 'I H
r i
...... .unj li, i.i.ij kuiu hoi. sen cnea'iv, priVHta-
ly and radically. THIS LEl'lCUU WILL
under seal, loony address. In a plain seal
d rnvcltiH, ou the receipt of six com., or two
postape stumps. Also, Dr. C'ulverwell's "Mar
liairufiuide," price '. cents. Address the Puh
ltshers. CHAS. J. C. Kl.INK .V CO..
IU Bow.ry, Ntw Yoik, P. O. Bot, t,S
Jan. 10 1S7?,