Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 16, 1872, Image 1

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:.- EM'Ii "WIL-TEUT, Propriotor,
MOOT A DIi-loir' Building, Msrktt Pillars,
, .'!, At 91.SO In Advance. ,
It not paid wllkln 6 Months $3.
Bubtcription Men for than tiz Month.
' Cot-r-tmcTicn with this estnbllehment ti an exten
tlTeXEw JOB OFFICE, containing a vnrtrty of
plain nml fnncy type equal to any eittnhliRliihe.nt
n the Intsrlnr of the State, for which the patron
age of the public li retpectfully solicited.
Win. J. WOIjVEKTON. Attorney a
Law, otllce, door No. 5. -ml floor, Unnpt't
Block, near' Miller's Shoe Store, Sqnbury, F.
March g.Mh, 187 1. ly. s
Sit. HOY tUt, Attorney at Law. Nos.
8 and 3, Second Floor ltilffht's Building,
8 anbury, Pa. Professional business attended
to, In theconrts of Northumberland nud ndjoluing
our.tles. Claims promptly collected. Cousulta
lion can be had in the German language.
March gSth, 1871. ly.
J5VO. A.
No. 144 Forma Atbhub,
Notary Public, Pittsburg, Ta.
Jan. 15, 1 S 70 c 1 y .
JCi. N.tKKI'E V CO, Market Street,
Dealers In Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils,
Glass, Varnishes, Liquors, Tob&eeo, Clears,
Pocket Hooks, Dairies, etc.
Sr. WOI.VtiltTOX, Attorney at Law.
. Market Bo;uare, BUNHURV.PA. Profession.
1 business in this and adjoiulug couuties prompt
.y attended to. ' ,
A. KEIMKXS!VYIEU, Attorney ut
Law, SUNBURY, PA. All business en
trusted to his care attended to promptly and with
diligence. apl'27-67
JJVO. It AY CI.EJI EXT. Attorney at Law,
SUNBURY, PA. Collections and all pro
fessional biisiuese promptly attended to. mclilll-fiti
C. 3. ERl'SER. L. II. KA.-K. j
BRL'XEH KAKE, Attorneys and Couu-
scllors nt Law, SUNBURY, PA. Ollicc on
Chestunt street, west of the N. C. and P. & E.
Railroad Depot, In the building lately occupied i
by F. Lazarus, Ksq. Collections and all profess- j
lonal business promptly attended to In Northum
berland nml adlc-iniiiu enunllcs. npllO-CH
HASSElt, Attorney ut daw, SUN- i
UntT. I'A f'.illeel iii,s ,, ! I ,.,,,l..,l In in .
the counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder,
Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. cpH'i'-lil'
V Attorneys at Law, SUNBURY, PA. Of
fice in Hanpt's new building, focoud Uoor. Eu
tranca on Market Square. j iu4 CS
AN. BRICE, Attorney at Law, Hunljurv,
Pa. Oillco in Masonic Hall Building.
Collections of claims, writings, and all kinds of
legal business attended to "carefully nn l with
dispatch. II April A, 171. ly.
niC. j. F. CASLOH,
OflSoa md Reslde-ice, Walnut Street, between
Third aud Fourth ftm-ts,
Ail forms of Diseases of the Eves will be treat
A or operated upon, such as Strabismus, (Cron-
Kves,) Cataract, (Blindness.') and all otlisr di
seases relating to Surgery, as Talipes, (Club or
Keel Feet,) Hair-Lip, Excision of Tumors, Ac.
Also the cure of Epilepsy (or Failing Fits.)
ttuubury, Hay 13. IS
O. V. tlEULKK.
L. T. FOIlltEACn.
Office. In Haupt's Building, lately occupied by ;
Judge Rockefeller and L. T. R du liach, Eq. i
Collections and all protsiousl business
pr-mptly attended to la tlio Courts of N&rthuiu- i
bsrluud and adjoluluj count'.. j
De. 2. 1871. !
W. I. KUOADS. J l-if Kf.u UAXS.
Office wrn TUis, FssfLY A Co.,
Orders left at Scasholtz it's., niliee Market j
Ireet, will receive prompt attention. Country;
cstom respectfully solicited.
Feb. 4, 1371. tf. j
WE are selling Rims, f "-es. hubs. Ppiins, i
Canvass, Bolts, Clips, .e., very
Lange Stock at ,'0.v Y .4 Co.
Sunburv, March jJ j
Shippers and Wholesale and Retail l.ea!ei-s in I
(loweu wiiAity.; !
Sole Agents, wastwrd, at the celebrated ;
Henry Clay Coal. jaulB-Ctj ,
E .1(11 .Vx iT "L i V E li Y .
J. M. BAlirilOLOMEW, rnoi-RiKTuu.
Kuubury I"ik.
riHtt best of riding and driving horses always j
JL on hand to serve customers. j
Orders left at the Central Hotel, for vehicles, j
will receive prompt attention.
Nov. ft. 1S70.
7-ALEXTIXE IIETZ. Wholesale and
V Retail dealer In every variety of
Al! kinds of Grain taken In efehaaa for Coal.
Orders solicited and flileH prompt'y. Orders lelt
at 8. T. Nevin's Conlectioueiy Store, on Third
Street, will reeieve prompt att ntion, und money
rteeipted for, Ilia same as nt I lie olllre.
' oextistky;
Irk Simpson's Building, Market Square,
Bt-'sr.i RT, Pa.,
1 prepared to do all kinds of work pertninlns: '
to Dentistry. He keeps constantly on hand
a lare assortmeut of Tc;th, and other Dental;
material, from which ha will bo able to select, j
aud meet the wasits of his customers.
All work warranted to give satisfaction, or else j
the money refunded. I
The very best Mouth Wash and Tooth-Powders j
kept on hand. I
His references are the numerous patrons fori
whom he has worked for the last twelve years, j
Sunbury, April til, 1S71. j
THE undersigned having connecte 1 the Coal
business with bitt extensive l'LOURJiiiRAIN
trade, Is prepared to supply families with the
lg, Stove and Nut, co ilaully on hand. Grain
taken iuexchange forCoal.
Snubury, Jan. 15, 1870. tf.
J. V
The old permanent shop of the town.
We decline the boast, but at tho same time
consider that the utihty truth inayjbe Dtasona
bly spoken without tnanltcstins; an uncouifurta
ble amount of vanity and ambition.
Just twenty years ago I beirin my business
career lu this place half my lifetime lliuafur
speut, have I stood upon the floor of our shop
day after day, and nlchl after nijthl, and ap:ied
the sh.n p bliio gleauiinil steel, and within that
elapse of time embraced by the mighty folds of
that eventful period have I shaved nearly eviiy
boiiy In the country (in common parlance) and
to oblige the public interest we herein publicly
announce to our pulrons old and new that we
are ready to shave them all a''ain three bundled
thousand times or more.
Come when you please, jutl in tints Is tbe max-ltn--wesre
always ready to woi k, forenoon or
afternoon, to shave you, hair cut vou, shampoo
you, whisker dye you, or perfume, comb and ar
range the hair with artl-tic skill, In the "water
.fall" or water raise style to suit lbs customer.
We work to please, not please to work.
Slop, don't K past our shop to get shaved on
the basis of Ability because we do it as well aa
It can be done or ever could be.
. A chanc ll all that we demand
To lva (lit proof w bold in band.
A N - a'T PSS.X, lT Mark atroe.
1 - ill :
folds'" le8tannmt8.
IIEXRY KAI'TER.MAN, l'roprirtor.
Traveler "will Unci this a first class House.
Charges moderate. The tables are supplied with
the best In market. The choicest liquors at tho
Hood Stabling and attentive oetltrs.
Dec. 10, 1S71. :imo.
Proprietor, Nos. Sl'J and S14 Market Street,
above eighth, PIIILADI'.LI'IH A. Terms, sti
per day. He respectfully Eulicila your pat ron
ags. JanH'7-J.
T V I'lEKKE IIOl Si:, Broad and Chest.
J nut sts., Philadelphia, J. It. BUTTER
WOKTII, Proprietor. Terms per tiny, $3.50.
April 15, 1871. ly
"I'xiox iiorsE."
BYERLY & BOWER, Proprietor.
The table Is supplied with tho bct the market
affords. Good stabling and atteutive ostlers.
May 20, 1871.
bveklvn hoti;e,
TOSIAU BYERLY, Proprietor, Lower Maha-
i li noy township, Nortlimnborland county. Pa.,
ou the road leading from Georgetown to Uuiou
i town, Smith Inn. Trevorlon Pottsviile, &c.
j The choicest Liquors and Sesjars r,t the bar.
The tallies are provided will) the het of the soa
I son. Slab'.ing large and well suited for drovers,
wit n pood ostlers.
Kverv attention paid t. niaks gussts comforta
ble. Nov. n, 1S71. -ly.
R. M'rf
County, Pa., at tho Station of the N.
Choice wines and cigars nt, the bar.
Th table is supplied with the best the market
affords. Good stabling and attentive ostlers.
Proprietor, Corner of Market ,fc Second
Streets, opposite the. Court House, Sunburv,
Pa. MayUV'U."
TUOM ASA. HALL, Proprietor.
Suubury St., we-t S1IA.MOKIN, PENN'A.
Mea'.s served nt n!I hours, at short, notice. The
b'V.t of Li piors at the Bar. The Table is sitp
p'.ie.l with the best and latest In the markets. At
tentive survanis. Terms moderate. Patranayo
I'X'H f EfiT A I ' I? A XT,
LOUIS HUM MEL. Proprietor,
(.otninrrec St.. si I A.MOM N, PENN'A.
Ha ing jtift rotllted the above Saloon for the
neenmodaiion of the public, is now pre).ue:l t'
serve jis friends with the best icl'reshments, and
fresh Lager Beer, Ale, Porter, aud all other mall
q uors.
I-EFSE IIOrSSE, Third Street, at the
1 depot. SUNBURY, PA., Wm. Rei'.re, pro
prietor. Warm meals served up at ail hours.
Fish, Fowls and Came. Fresh Oysters con
stantly on hand and sci el in every style. The
best of wines and liquors at the Bar.
Families will be supplied with oysters
doiu up in stv'.e, by le.ivintr orders el the
flar. " Nov.5,'70-ly.
Xcl. 791, 700, 7S4 .fc 727 Vint Ut.,
Centrally located, connei'tin with all the City
Passenger Railway Cars, from all the
Depots in tho City.
Excellent Arcoiiimoiiutiou Tor Tra
vellers. Grand Vocn! and Instrument x Concerts every
eveuinir in t lie Summer and
Winter Garden.
tgr Orchestrion Concert Ev)ry Afternoon. J&
rivn LAnics' kkstaurant tiik pest oit
Olllre of J. Vuler's Fountain Park Brewory.
June 1, H7l).-ly.
L I i I" O It N T O It E !
Second Street, opposite the Court noase, SUN
Respect fit. ly Invites the attention of Retailers
aud others, that he has ou hand, and will con-
stautlv keep all kinds of
Cuiisiathitf of Pure. Brand:: CouUc, Cherry,
i G.:i;rer, RoiheUeand Otard.
W huskies: Pure Rye Copper-'iitillled, Mo"oa.
gahela, Apple and Nectar.
Wines: Cl'.atnpuKue Wine, Sherry, Port and
! Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. K. Rum,
1 Brown Stout and rtctttch Ale.
And all others Liquors which can be found in
i the city markets, which will be sold at Whole
i sale uud Retail. Every article guaranteed as
j represented. Also, a lari;elot of DEMIJOHNS
and BOTTLES, always ou hand,
j t-i Orders promptly attended to, and public
i pi.'.ronaiie respect fully solicited
! " 0 'F.FF.
! Sunbury, July S, lKiiJ. ly.
I'iro, LiAt aud
Aocl Jut
N. American, Pliilalph'a, Assets,
5o, 100
New lork,
N. American
Youkers AN. York "
Hanover, "
Imperial, Loudon,
Lvcoinimr, Muney,
Franklin' Philadelphia,
Home, New York,
Hartford, Hartford,
PIkciiU, "
Travelers, "
Farmers Ins. Co.. York,
N. British o: Mercantile
Nomnierce, New York,
Corwieh, Norwich,
New England Mutual Life,
111 E undersigned havlmr bought the entire
the public tliat be is now ready to do all kinds of
r . r. Has ou hand, and makes to order at
Honauiruls A' llrud-Monca,
r-. ?.-r btvlb.
Also.Cemetery Posts with Gslvanircd pipe and
all other feueinii generully used oa Cemeteries.
John A Taylor will continue In the employment,
al the old stand on Market St., Sunbury. niuyy'tls
Blacksmith or Carrtugnsiuith will nud oon.lant
employment by applying at the Carriage bhop of
lmiarfPw. 1, 1ST;.
r"--7 . --
jn. JonxsToN,
Physician of this celebrated Institution, has
discovered tho most certain, speedy, plcasaut and
ell'ectunl remedy in the world for all
Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures,
Affections of Kidneys and Bladder, Involun
tary DNchnrces, impotcncy, General Debili
ty, Nervousness, Dyspepfy, Lnntruor, Low
Spirits. Confusion of Idea's, Palpitation of
the Heart, Timidity, Trembliinrs, Dimness
of Sifrht or Giddiness, Dise.aso of t lie ifead,
Throat, Nobo or Skin, A flections of Liver, Limits,
Stomach or Bowels these terrible Disorders
nrisinc from the Solitary Habits of Youth those
secret and solitary practice more fatal to their
victims than the sons of Syrens to tho Mariners
of Ulysses, blinhlim; their most brilliant hopes
of anticipation:;, rendering marriage, dec, impos
sible. tOUNG MEN
especially, who have become the victims of Soli
tary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit
which annually sweeps to an untimely irrnve
thousands of younir men of the most exalted
talents and brilliant Intellect, wdio mlirht other
wise have entranced listenins Senates with the
thunders of cloiiuenee or waked to ecstucy the
living lyre, may call with full confidence.
Married Persons or Younir Men contemplntini;
miirriaprc, aware of Physical Weakness, (Loss
of Procieatlve Power Impotcncy), Nervous Ex
citability, Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Ner
vous Debility, or any other Dis'jualilkation,
speedily relieved.
He w ho places himself under tho care of Dr. J.
may religiously confide in his honor us a gentle
mail, and coniidintly re'y uoon hisskill asa Phv.
Impotcncy, Los of Power, immediately Cured
and full Yiifor Restored.
This Distressing All'cction which renders Life
miFerableand marriage impossible is the penalty
paid by the victims of Improper liidulironces".
YonnK persons arc too :ipt to couimit excesses
from not beinenware of the dreadful conve'ivnecs
that may ensue. Now, who that nnderslnnds
the subject will pretend to deny that the power
of procreation is loft sooner by those falling; into
improper habits than by the prudent (
being deprived the pleasures of healthy o.TspriiU'.',
the uiO'-.t serious and desl ruetive symptoms to both
body and mind arise. The system beeotics de
ranged, the Physical and Mental Fun-lions
Weakened, Loss of Procreativc Power, Nervous
Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart.
Indige-lion, Constitutional Debility, a Wastin.
of the Frame, Conirli, Consumption, Decay and
Persons ruined in health by unlearned preten
ders who keep thein t rilling mouth after month,
taking poisonous and injurious cumpoun Is,
ftllUULd , itltlltU.lLMt ! v.
Member of the Roy.ul t'olie. e of Surgeons, Lou
don, Graduated from one of the most eminent
Colleges iu the United States, and the dealer
part of whose ii'e has been spent in Uicho-pitals
of London, Prist, Philadelphia and elsewhere,
has eliected some of the niOft ustonishing cures
'.hat weie ever known s many troubled with ring
ing in the head and ears when asleep, great
nervousness, being alarmed at sudden so.m Is.
Ijusbl'ulncss, with fiC')Ueut blushing, nt tended
sometimes w iih derangement of mind, w ere cured
Dr. J. addresses all those who have injurrd
thrmselTc by improper indulgence and solitary
habits, which ruin both body aud mind, uutittiug
tlie'.n for ei: her business, study, society or mar
riage. 'j'HoSK are. t.imn of the sa'l and nict.mrhe.ty
ctieets produced by early habits of youth, viz':
Weakness ol the Back and l imbs. Pains in the
Buck Mid Head. Dimuess of Si;'ht, Loss of Mus
cular Power, Palpitat ion of the Heart, Dvsp-.-p.-v.
Nervous Irritability, Derangement of Dii.siite
Functions, General Debililv, Symptoms of Con
sumption, tS:c. " " I The fearful elects on the mind
are much to be. dreaded Loss of Memory, Con
fusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirit, Eil
Forcbo.liugs, Aversion to bocicty, bclf-Dislrust,
Love of Soiitiuh', Timidity, Acure some of the
evils produced.
Thousands of ) ert ins of all a res can now
judire what is the eaiueof their declining health',
losing their vigor, becoming, weak, pair, nervous
und emaciated, having a singular appearance
about the eyes, cough and symptoms of consump
Who have Injured themselves by a certain prac
tice iutlulged in when alone, a habit fre'iuently
learned from evil eompaniout., or ut school, the
cllrcto of which are uightly felt, even when
asleep, and it not cured, i cud.'i s marriage impos
sible, uud destroys both lain. I and body, should
apply Immediately.
What n pity that a young lt.hi, the linpanf his
country, the darling of his parents., should be.
snalchei from till prospects and enjoyments ol
life, by the conscjucnc: of deviating' from the
path of nature and Indulging in a certain secret
habit, fcuch persons ni, before contemplating
reflect that o sound mind anj body are the most
necessary requisites to promote connubial happi
ness. Indeed without these, the Journey through
life, becomes a v.cary pilgrimage; tile" prospe. t
hourly darkens to the view; the mind Lceo.nrs
shadowed with despair aud tilled with the, melan
choly reflection, that the happiuoss of uunluer
b-comes blizhte I with ourown.
When the misguided and imprudent votary of
pleasure tin Is that he has imbibed tbe seels of
this pamlul disea.-e. It too often happens that au
ill-timed sense of shame, or dread of di.-coven,
deters him from applying to those who, from
cducHtlon and respectability, can alone h. friend
him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms of
this horrid disease malic their appearance, such
as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, uocturul
pains iu the head am! limbs, dimness of sight,
deafness, nodes ou the shin bones and anus,
Hotchcs on the head, face and extremities, pro
gressing wit h frightful rapidity, till at l.ra tho
palate id" the m mill or the bom s id' the note full
iu, and the victim of this awful di-ease becoi ics
a horrid object of coiuniieeration, till death puis
a period to his dre.uli'ul sullcrhig, by sen ling
him to " that Undiscovered Country from u hence
no t iu veller returns."
It is u melancholy fact that th.c.isands DIE
victims to this terrible disease, through falling
into the hands of Ignorant or unskillful PRE
TENDERS, who, ley the uc. of that deadly Poi
son, Mercury, iVc, destroy the c )iist;tuliou, and
Incapable of curing, keep the uuhuppv sutlerer
Ihonjh nl'ter month taking their noxious or in
jurious compounds, and instead of 1 elng re tore I
to a renewal of Life. Yigorand Huppine-., iu des
pair leave liiiu t illi ruined Health to siU over
his galling disappointmeut.
'In such, therefore. Dr. Johnston pledges him
self to preserve the most Inviolable Secrecy, nud
from his extensive piuctieo uud observations iu
the great Hospitals ol Europe, and the liist in
this country, vix: England, France, Philadelphia
and elsewhere, is enabled to otter the most cer
tain, speedy aud ell'-ctual remedy iu the World
for all diseases of imprudence.
Lelt hand side going from Haiti more street, a few
doors from the corner. Fail uot to observe uume
uud number.
I H" No letters received uuless postpaid and
containing a stamp to be used ou the reply. Pur
sous writing should state age, and send a portion
of iidvirliscuicut describing symptoms.
There are so many Paltry, Designing and
Vt'ort bless lmpiislers udvuilisiug llicliiscl vo as
Physicians, tiilliug with und ruining the l.eallh
of all who uul'oituuately fall Into their power,
that Dr. Johnston deems It necessary to say es
pecially to those iinaciiuinted with his reputa
tion that his -Credentials or Diplomas always
hung iu his office.
The many thousands cured ut this Establish
ment, year utter year, und the numerous im
portant Surgical Operations performed by Dri
Johnston, witnessed by the representatives of the
firess and many other papers, iiotiees of which
une appeared again and ugiiiu before the public,
besides his standing as a iteulleiuau of churaeter
end responsibility, is a tulUcicnl guarantee lotbe
atllieled. Slilu diseases speedllv oured.
February la, U7.-ly
cltct )cctrj).
From the Portluml (.Oregon) Bulletin, of Feb. 17.
The following esqtilsltc lines sweetly utter
their own brief sad story. The beautiful senti
ment Inspires them is charmingly, tenderly, very
pathetically pin tray;d, iu the happiest muso of
that breathing poe.-y which touches the chords
that loose the fountains of the heart and causes
Its well of tears to nill'use and dim the eyes of
the symptt liizing, iuot'onal, attentive render.
They were written hv Mrs. Helen 'Iimsurl Clink,
of Northumberland, Pennsylvania, n young mar
ried lady of twenty-two years, the daughter of
Col. David Tnggarl. Chief Paymaster of this
Milltaiy Department oftlio United Stales Army,
and their publication Is now fur tho first time
made. They were written and sent, simply for n
fond father's perusal, but at the r."pir-,t ol a few
fi lends to whom the. verses have been shown, and
who appreciate I lie impressive beauty of their
thought and expre.-sjeti, they ,'f"-. in fliaV.rt.
i.ktix. Their fair n'ltllior may well be ncco;,ic-
a chosen place in the flowery Hardens of the M i. - .
whose inspiration is divine, uud vlioe utterances
flow in lie I l ieu grace rich freighted with the
Imagery of a thoughtful mind, uud come clad in
the diction of a rctined nii'.ure. We present the
verses :
Down In the pasture meadow.
Two footlci--, bare and brown,
Deep In the scented clover,
Pressing the, grasses clown.
Eyes were sunny and saucy
Curls of a tawny gold
A smile of rippling sweetness.
And a mouth half shy, half bold.
He chased the straw-colored millers
He laughed at the lowing lane
Heir of a limit less kingdom
Was this piinc-.-ly boy ol tiiine.
Down in the pasture meadow,
Under a tinted sky,
Hop.-inl, and proinU una loving,
We Hood my wife and I.
We watched t'ns ''merry monarch,"
As he i tore I his lint io til" brim
With white and guldeu
Watched till the west grew dim.
The Summer died with its clover.
The daisies withered away,
Til Lis-on of Life we are learning.
And its text is hard and w-y-
Down in tbe ru'iido. of marble-,
A headstone "u' 1 and whin
Maths where our boy is sleeping
Mis dio imlc.-s sleep to-night.
tilths ?- 5J;etfh5.
WliETfltr.S OS' AIjASE&A.
at IIomi:-Kf.-s. and Indian
DIAN J.Abllls I'AIxr AN1 l'EtiPL'MZ
From the Philadelphia - Press wo copy
lb, i following, cnlitribiiied by Colonel Ibivid
T:i;:g:ilt, lnilc' S'teu l'.iy.i'aster,
lieudijuarters is nt j'illaiul, (dregon :
Sitka, Alaska. Nov. '22, l?7i.
Leaving Nuiiuinorat four o'clock on the
bright altertioi n of November l'lib, v,e
sl'.'auied out again into the iulf of tieorgia,
tliellCJ through 1 iiscovery Pass.'ge, in
which are Kuel lytoii Kapids, impassable
save (;(( the- tide, and .lolinston and
lhciugbtoli Strait1, into tiieen Charlotte's
Sound. As the wind blew u gale outside,
and the water was rather "lumpy," before
entering Sound we e.nclioied for' the iiijlil
al Fort lliipi-il, on N'aueoitver Island, in
latitude! ."el clegrei'si -12 minuec-s. Starting
again before daylight, we were across it by
n i tie; o'clock, ll is Iwenty-live miles wide.
this and Miihauk Smtntl, f less width, bi
iiu; the only c.r.o.v-.i,' .-mii,ituniutti'n.i w'tli
the oc t iti i,t a run j out t!ifuiiuul miles
11 (.',';(' I'i'itU ,, io sit', it.
For the "reati.r p ali'in of the voyage
our course -lay through channels from a
quai ler to four mile, u ale, completely luck
ed up in I,, ttn:t iihs of great elevation.
You can fancy ntiisclf al all times navi
LMliug a bcauiiiiil lake, liUe Sciieca or
Cliaoiplain, wiih sun uindings much more
grand aud picliuvHi-uu.
i'assing li'iiii ( k-,mi Ciiarlol te's, we en
tered Fi;z Hugh Sound in latitude old
(Villi ; thence thiMitgh Lama Passage and
.scal'mlli Cliauuel into Milliank Sound at
olid Jlin, where we again fell the roll of
ocean. Ci'ossing thai, our course lay
through Fin!:t smi und Cronvilie Channels,
varying in lioni "n)il yards to urn ur
Uiree miles. Ih iv lor uuu'e than -'Kl miles
we had teencry as fur surpas.iug lhal of
Lake .1 or L ike (ieorge in all tlte
attributes ol i' ui.nidcur and beauty, as the
sublimity of llie Sierra Nevada exceeds
thai of the Ailegliaiiies, nnd inw!t. more
t!m a tli .-. If any et'ittern on carta can af
ford a more int, n sung and lovely voyage,
1 will avail unseif of an early leave of ab
sence to visit the in. Mere word pictures
canuii! rcpiYM iit if, and -greater than l'ar
rhasius would be he whose pencil could do
it justice. At every point il has the ap
pearance of a iiii.iinlaiu lake of almost un
I'atiiinnalde depth, but constantly varying
iu outline and sin rounditigs. The waters
have the dark blue of the ocean, and in
many places, in channels less than half a
mile wide, the lead has lailed to reach the
boilom. On b ,th sides are mountain peaks
of every form of llititas'.ie ruggedtii-ss, vary
ing in altitude from o.OUO to' .i.iMjj feet, and
except where the l'liiluuit; rocks crop out,
covered to 'the water's edge with lir. hem
lock and cedar. Tim pine proper is entire
ly wauling north of Victoria, and the trees
on these thin-sui!cd nceltviiies lack the
Vast growth ot those of Otegoii ami Pllget
Sound, and well they mtglil. for t.iey grow
almost on the bare rock. These magnifi
cent upheavals have their bases from U00
to 1.01K) feet below the surface of llie water.
Their almost perpendicular sides are sear
red at innumerable places with the path of
the avalanche, and beautiful cascades, Irom
fountains never polluted by human touch
or tread, come bounding in niisl-wreatbed
splendor from the wild canons. Like co
lossal tents iu a crowded camp of giants,
such us in the olden time gave battle to
the gods, stand these vast peaks, unci be
yond another, as far us the eye can reach,
hemming us in on every side. When we
passed the trees were covered with freshly
fallen snow, nnd looked us if
'Eternity had mmmil It years upon them,
Aud the dread Winter of their nje had come."
l'arly on the morniti!? of the 19th we en
tered the lUtlu Hay of Fort Tongas in 5Id
4l)m, and wero once more on our own do
main. Cntil recently it was occupied by
tho United States as a military not. It
is on a small island of three hunched acres,
separated from tne mainland by a very
uurrow channel. Hero and at Fort Wrau
gcl, one hundred and fifty miles further,
are good buildings erected by tho Uovern
Dient fur troops. Those at Wraugel have
been told to an Indian trader bearing the
deathless name of King Lcnr, which our
greatest nctor lias made so familiar to nil
Americans. Iar whs once nn army offl- j
cor, and born in tho army. His father fell
nt Monterey. I do not, "know Hint ho has !
any half blood "(Jonerils" and "Hegnns" I
to go back on him, to "prove how glmriicr !
than a serpent's tootlt it is to have n thank
less child. "
lie dispenses calico, heads, blankets,
Hour, groceries, slioe-blackino, tool (-.-brushes,
chignons, line conitm nnd Hall's Sicilian
''hair restorer" to the aborigines, it) ex
change for furs and skins. At each of
these former pouts is a well built Indian
village. The great drawback to trade is '
that the Hudson liay Company in Ih-itish '
Columbia undersell them in blatiki'ls. ;
These are bought by the Soul hern Indians, i
anil traded to their brethren it) the vicinity '
of Tongas and Wrangel, who prefer Idem ;
to the American article.
Leaving Cape Northumberland, of home '
suggesting name, to the West, we passed j
through Ko.villii (iigedo channel, sometimes
culled Tongas Narrows, into lHiko of Chi- :
lence Straits ; thence through Stacbiuski
Strails to Fort U iangel, near the ix.rllieru j
end of Y range! Island in latitude nd HP, m 1
and in longitude lliJd 20m. Hero we tar- j
tied long enough to taku on fi-nr or live I
tons of skills, aud bis Majesty. King I .ear. j
The sltius were of black and cint ..uuon '
bear, deer, woif, fox, lynx, land otter, fur ,'
and hail seal, marten, mink, wolverine and '
ben vet. M ust of these came front far up i
the Slaehin;; riv. r. !
I'o-cnt' .ifing Iluke. of Clarence SI raits by j
a channel, to save distance we
cross; (1 Chriatiau'sj Suund into tin; I "aci lie: i
tjeean. Our vessel oulniiuiir.g i lw ',.p-
tain's calculations, we should li ive la i:i
aniuiig the rocks in Sitka hurbi.r long be
fore daylight, a very haKartloiu e.spcti-
nitnt, if we had imL st-ipped in t'u: open j
sea. I'itiiling no aiie.liiitage, we v jie toss- ;
ed about by the billows from oipj o'clock
until six. ( tin engines not bein,; at worl;,
wo were completely at tin in; rey of the;
'lumpy" waters, and very ilttle merry 1
they showed ttfi that night. I was able to j
stay m bed beraunu it bad sides to it, and j
lit tin: like a eollin. :
At the dawn of day we moved again, and
before breakfast w as well over we
il pass
ed through Sf.ka Sound into its ii-U-t-d'-l'.ed.
inoiuitaio-f-li't !. arbor. In a moment all
my preconceived notions of Sitkau -gloom
and Alaskan horrors had passed away. I
saw before me, in the balmy but misty air
of a November morning, a cheerful-looking
village, with natural surroundings .- ij-iiiiiI
(I ml leuht'al H.i Kin; fr-.n.nrl t'nrn on r, ;;(.
The weather was mild enough to muki' an
nveicoat an inc umhrauc'-. it nccupies al
most the only level land we have seen since
we left Victoria, and there is n ,t more
than two hundred acres here. To the west
Mount Kdgi'cumb raises ils volcanic crest
J.S.Vi feci high, nnd not more than tli;i;e n
miles away. Within the men: ry of man
it is said to have emitted smoke and ashes,
find the hoarv track ol its lava tides is plain
to be Scon. The crater is J,(I(HI feet in ill- !
ainetcT, and its basin J l) feet deep. Onj
three sides stand the evidences nf lia'.uiv's !
past convulsions. M ,i!i:l: his that nr-y 1 ,
as far as man's knowledge goes, the young- !
est Oolspring of earth's inollreii ivmnb, or
almost coi val with eternity, lilt up in tii- !
versilied and rugged sublimity theii sharp,
craggy nnd snow-crowned peaks. Oiinue i
side you look out through mossy rocks i
and evergreen islands to tbe illimitable 1
Nor is this hyperborean hamlet without j
interior attractions. Hero, as nt most j
military pn.-!s, you will find intelligence,
iviineniont and uip-tiuiccl hospitality. Iu
a dog castle, reared upon :i Inil, clise by j
the shore nnd overlooking the sea, once tho j
palace of the llussiau ti ivernor, and now 1
occupied by the chief surgeon of tbe post,
and iu the home of the military com
mander, 1 found all these, and in every
ollieet 's quarters a ociii il welcome and io
striielivi e-iiuipaoe disiiin. Around Hie two
short November clays and 1-nig chceriul
evenings passed among theinuill cluster
pluisaiil and lasiinj uiLiiiorirs. ll is one
of the ciiinpensali'Mis of an exile that ulcer
a letiglbened service there is no -.tatiuii t,u
reunite thai we will not Uud in it valued
und treasured friends. Since inv wander
ing began I have struck no place whore 1
did Hut meet Mime a;;rceub:e acipiaiiilauce
o! former years.
The town is built upon a single street,
about fifty feet ill width, which follows tho.
ctirval lire ol the bay. llie old dieekj
church, wilh ils triplceross. is plain iu ex- j
terior, but ttdorn-'d internally with rare j
pii.turts set with costly jewels many of i
which were stolen two years ago by saeri- I
lcgimis tliicves. The's a.biroinetiis
in" as rich and dazzling as any monarch, s !
- :'. painful contrail wilh llie unseemly!
rags id' his dock. For a sight of tlen.- ;
tilings wi! were indebted In the kindness of j
an intelligent young priest, almost the on'y ;
liussian of pure bhcii I saw in Sitka. Near- '.
ly till the tinirniighhrrds have returned to !
the mother country since itniiexalinti. The :
town atnl Mr. Scwaid were founded about '
Hie same time, in lT'.t'A Atnl tilth- thouglil
the lorinder.s, when they drove llicti lii-t
stakes ill these northern wilds, that a baby ;
was just then about to be born somewhere
iu Ntw York State, who one day would 1
denationalize their descend tuts ttu l bring !
their young colony under the tlag ol a great
lb public, al that lime of sli ght prominence J
among the nations of the earth ! And I ;
take this oce.u-ioii to thank our Veuer.ibV
peripatetic statesman for my share of Alas
ka, il being the forty millionth pari, or 17
cents' worth. I would not sell out for
double tbe money. j
Near Ihe church is a large low two story .
log building called the "double decker."
Il is divided into small, squalid nparl- 1
incuts, crowded with w rctelied mongrels,
in whom tiiiugle the blond of l!uss, Aleut j
and Indian, the M mg ili ttl type of Ihe
Aleutian largely pieponderating. In u i
room eight by twelve we found an Indian '
woman lOo years old, with live other le- '
tunics of all ages above 4(1, und of all cross- j
cs. She was lying on a miserable cot, ;
munching wilh her toothless gums a crust j
of bread, the cruuis hanging disgustingly j
on her slavering lips and chin. Tiio world j
could furnish no more repulsive contrast to !
female loveliness. j
Tbe air of ibis den was so foul with re- '
p. ated inhalations that thirty seconds suf- I
tlced me fur an observation. And yet iu !
this horrid atmosphere, pcclilential enough I
to kill tho young and vigorous, the poor I
old crealuru hail breathed away her day s
and nights, equally dark to her, for mouths
and years. In one or two rooms we found
poverty struggling for comfort, enjoying thu
cheap luxury of ilowers, aud the still chap- j
er one of cleanliness. In all of them was;
tho inevitable brass or copper chi. or tea i
uru. Iu every Russian home is also sotpu
nicturo or imago typical of their faith.
All tho old Government buildings are of
ponderous logs and painted yellow, includ
ing the palace before alluded to. This oc
cupies a very commanding position on ft
1 Old Nrrlcn, Vol. , No. IO.
rock eighty feet high, overlookina tho town
nnd harbor. It is dented with large earth
en structures, cylindrical in form, nnd ex
tending from tloor to ceiling. Although
wood is burned in them, tin y need nttention
but once, or twice a day, retaining the heat,
n long time. In this mild dimato I. could
not see the uso of double windows, however
desirable, they might bo in the neighbor
hood of St. Petersburg and Moscow,
From the double decker we wended our
way to the Indian village, separated from
th;; town by a picket fence. We i nte red
througk a gate, ut which a soldier was
standing guard. .Nearest the Rale on the
Indian side, not, far from the shore, stands
a fae-.simile of Noah's ark, as represented
in illustrated prime rs. Il was built, by tin-
liiisstans lor a lloating saw nml and is now
used nn a (rovcrnuicnl store house for coal.
My companion w bo is tint, well versed iu
scripture lore, remembering only the pic
tures, insisted il was the original. Next to
this is the Indian, market, where we found
tbefnsh carcasses id' deer and large tlal
S'piniv cakes, resembling chew ing tob-tcco.
mad'. of pressed seaweed and called k'okus.
The Scotch eat it under the name ofdulee.
Here wit" also dried berries ami the inner
batk of the hemlock put up in the same
'fhe village contains fnriy or f fiy houses.
The population consists of one thousand In
dians and two thousand dogs. Oi'liii d-jx,
till bul one nre of the s.'.uie sharp-cared,
wolii.-h type s-'eti aming the Indian:' of the
plains. The exception was a bandy-'e-.-ged,
lttp-cared cur of civilii d breed, 'the' only
one among the two thousand that showed
a lack ,f civility by barking at our heels.
The ho'.i.' es iniie'i mure resemble the semi
sub'.errauean abode, of the Laplanders and
Ksquimaux than the wigwams of American
Indians. Like '.lie oak described by the
Konian poet, they extend ns far into the
earth as above it." Some of tlietn are. from
twenty to thirty feet square, and built of
very wide cedar planks, many of them
more than four feel across, wot keel out dy
these rude people.'
We entered several. Creeping through
apertures, s-jnarj iin-l round, not more
than three feet in diameter, we de
scend, d iligbts ol' steps info the largo sin
gle room. In the centre of each a lire was
built on the ground, and in th" centi- of
etch roof a hoi;, out of which passed a
small portion of the smoke, the most of it.
remaining for the benefit of the salmon
banging over our heads, and to make n.iv
eyes for the intuaKs. The whole inside is
lioored, except '.he lira-place in the middle.
On both sides are the sleeping places, cov
ered with skins nnd blankets, and in some
instances separated by low pa! lili"t:s. In
the rear, an.l on shelves above the dormi
tories, wi ve stored potatoes and dried sal
mon, in sniall daks, covered with malting.
Their largest potatoes aro the size of a hull
ed walnut.
The. women were ei'lierc inking or work
ing small baskets or other ulciisiis of dried
grass, in the manufaet are of which they
are tturpasMii:y s'aih'ii!. The ur n v. i
building canoes iiiiisiile, or curving odd im
ages of wood or walrus ivory, for sale- to cu
rious Vio e,ie (if wl, i-tn is y-iur ( 'i
tvspondi !il. Tl.l.s was iiilit::i'.i by bis
many purchases of rp.r.i r pipes. Utile skin
boats, bows and barbed arrows fa the
s'aughter of fur seals, mid other arli' les nf
' but of ll i e -special u'.ihly. As lime is
of 11.) value to these piojec, tiiey bestow
gteat laii.-r for sunil rewards. A -jrass
m it or baski I. or an ivory carving lieu has
occupied se v. ill days in ils const ruction,
can ne ooii-n; i a two or tlifee oils, ami a
dressed deer skin, lunned us only ll.ey can
I do it, over v.hi, li s.-aio hours of many days
have been spi t:', may be tmreleised fur" a
i Their canoe building is worthy of note.
I Cut of a hu ge spruce or cedar tree lln-v
; work a vess,! of pet t'e, t s mmctry that will
': carry from live tob u Luis. After roughly
hewing t io the for-st, l hey drag il to their
hone s, which are always near the shore, to
', be finished at. their leisure. All Indian
', dots md H(; to l.e huniid, and especially
' by such men as Sheridan aud Crook. I
saw many if these can:-, s in process f cou
i struct ion. The ni'.st c.;ti.e,; operation is
that of stretching th"ui apar;, when rediu
c l to the proper th'nn,.s of au inch or
I more. Ji'eloi-i: stretching th-y may lie foor
f et deep and only two feet w'i.k- at the lop.
A"i r it, lia-.-;? proportions wia !.-; re Versed,
making the wMih four feit. To accom
plish flits, the hollow is tilled with water,
which is raised to Ihe boiling point wiih
hi lled .stones. It is then covered wiili
mats until thoroughly steamed, when the
stretching be, ins. The sides are kept
apart by ci'iiss-piiv.-s. which s.-rve al'tcr
ivurdt us scats for tie' pt ldleis. Hut fev
of lb on have yet It ani' d the labor saving
e ipucil v ol' o.irs. 'J'l'.-v lis no ti aiis but
fasten, their woods With roots mil wytht .i.
Th: y make spoons a:, 1 oilier u' !'.:! m u
cks from the Imn.s of the nrgall at: l the
tusks of tin-walrus. Thvy burn the dead,
and deposit the a-lii s in litt'e out door
striietuti-s that look like a cross between an
old-f.ithioiic,l bee-hive and a small hen
coop. They build a square, hull w pile of
logs, and after getting well ablaze,
thrust the body iu !n-id f.ieinost.
Thu lail'e s beati'iiiy their complexions
with s uit cud iv.l paint, and still further
enhance their charm by wearing a b ine
through i lie under lip, tbe size of which is
increased from year to year, until, in same
ol' i in: id, I ones, it at tains a width of two
inches. Au Indian lady thus adorned,
with her coarse, black, uncombed locks
hanging iu mailed profusion around her
beautiful pig cm s and lop cars, is only re
sistible to tie so wlni.-.g aiV. et'soiw ar.i'llio
roU:.h!v pr -oeeupie.i. The delights of
courtship until be doubled by the pleasant
nrouia of shoi u whii.-h pe rvades the pre
mises, and, as 1 have heard, their persons.
Am-nig them the crow and the raven lire
held sai led, and iliinivaml theirlodges un
disturbed. They live mainly on llsh. and
have a monopoly of lie; trapping. There
is but one white frapper iu the country, and
In; is at Conk's L.let, six hundred miles
W. N. W. lie came ilown to Siika onca to
So to K'idiak. liOtirnitig that no vessel
would sail for a month, uud ur.twing tired
of the place, he sai l he would take "a Utile
walk." lie started with bis ride and a
pocketful of salt, and traversed alone that
mountain wilderness for three weeks. He
h:ul no extra covering at night but the
skins of freshly slaughtered animals. He
re turned in good condition, and, in answer
to questions, boasted that lie had lived bet
ter than his questioners.
A Faik hairetl, love-siek youth, Iu a vil
lage! near by, lately presented bis "iri"
Willi a pair of these ncw-faugh-d metalic
(garters. Ho thought they were the latest
thing iu bract lets, und only discovered ids
mistake upon asking her to "try them on,"
he don't go there 'no more.
Why i kiuuinf; your sweetheart like eat
ing soup with a fork V Because it take a
otij time to get enough of it.
10 LJncs, rl)oiit 100 Words, make a Squaw
1 Sip S S,' 0 A 8q Kcol 4 'te
fine week 1.00 .00 2.,M 3.0-,i S.00: 8.0015.00
Two weeks I. M. S.0U 8..rsl 4.01) 8.00 ll.CK) 18.00
Three " 3.00 S.5Hj 4.50; 5.0!l fl.00 1 3.00 1JO.0O
1'our " -8.5(1 4.50 tt.M 0.00 10.00 15.00 22.50
Five ..7.V 5.(10 fi.50: ?.() ) 12.00 17.00i!i5.00
Six " fl.OO (I.T5' .0 1 1:i.(Hi l8.O027.0
1 ,,, in,,',, i-.yr, 7,5 -,.r,o eJ.oni5.oO.gU.OO SO.00
Three" H.0(i tl.-SO 10.01) 'JO. 00 -5.00 40.0t
Six " -i.iHi tl.oo 1 1. Oil ,2. OU 2S.00 35.00 .50.00
Nine 11 :(,.;,; ln.(i(. ,3.(M 15.00 u5.0l) 45.00,75.00
One Year :S.on l' 15.00 20.00 40.00 iSO.OOl $100
i:i l-.!:il Con-plc-i of VVuilili-giou.
A Washington correspondent is facetious
over the bridal couples who thick to tho
Capital to otijoy their hoiiey-moon.
II.1 says: There must be some undis
covered magnet which brings so many
happy pairs to Washington. They llourisli
iu such numbers iu no other city, but the
secret has not been discovered. Vou meet
Idem everywhere, and at all hours no, not
nt all hums, unit ss you take your breakfast
very late. If you go down Io your break
fast, say half-past ten or eleven, you will
sec a perfect school, or llock, or drove ef
Iheai. Tin-re they Bit at the little rouuel
tabh s nil over the room and they look very
pretty I mean the brides of course, for thei
mi n. great sheepish fellows, are not worth
looking at.
There they sit., in the propercst kind of
i altitudes ; tliey wuiihl not have you tor tho
! world think thev were at that very moment
i the happiest gjr!s on earth. Their dress is
; of tiie propi ri si kind a subdued or neutral
; shade, I rimmed with velvet and fiingeof
embroidery ; a dainty little, with a bow
i of rihho'i, a patch of velvet, a plume, a
j shred of lace, nnd a bright llower trying to
' hide among them all, even as she is'trying
j to bide tin; blushes that come and go on
: her round cheeks. The little doves always
; come to breakfast iti their hats, and carry
; their little coats, and miiTs and gloves in
; little hands. This is the style, fair
: girls, il you have any such thing in view.
! Mie may pi right back to her room and
j read ov. r the letters be used to write her
I all day long, aud lint go out. of the hotel at
! all ; but it is the style to down wild hat
j on and all thiuss ready.
, It is very amusing to watch thes2 people
I al the hotel. They come to every meal
j breakfast, lunch, elinner and supper. At
bn-akfast they look very pretty, at lunch
i so-so, al dinner they are resplendent, and
! at supper pale nud' I ired. Vou sett them
' iu lle.-ii best. at. dinner. It is there that
' they shake out tin- wrinkles in their new
' dressis. Yesterday the pretty bride) went,
to dinner in black silk and Fo'e itriontes;
. to-day she wore a light-blue silk, long train,
I rimmed with ;."i'iu' "y..'eyer; to-morrow she
will wear ashes of rose silk, with white
satin trimming and fringe ; the day follow-,
ing. if she stay so long, she v ill wear a very
hands-i:iie black silk walking suit, and tho
filiowing ui'iening you will see her at tho
early breakfast wiih her demure liuie trav
eling suit on. for she is going in the morn
ing train going bark to hegm her future
' but whether lor good or ill depends largely
on herself.
Tin I.rrn.r: I'oi.tcs. Don't rxpeet too
' much id'Hiem ; it das taken forty years, it
may be. to make you w hat yo.i are with all
your lessons of experience ; 'nn.1' most prob
' atiiy you are a faulty being at best, Abovo
a'i don't, expect juginont in a child, or
' pv.i.eii'-e uudel trials. Sympathize with
them in their misinl s or 'troubles; don't
ridicule them. II, -member not Io measure
' chi'd's trials by your standard. "Asono
whom bis u, oilier comfnr'.i th."' sas the
iie-iirn! writer, nml beautifully does ho
. convey to us the deep faithful" iove that
' o'tghl to he found in every woman's heart,
; the unfailing sympathy in all the chililren'a
griefs. Let the memories of their child.
iioo.1 be as hrio'iit as y.iti can make them, them ( v. ry ii.uoeint pleasure in
y ' air pow, r. We have often fell our tem
pi! ri-' to s-e how carelessly their plans
'.'.ere thwarted by el, ler persons, vdetl
little trouble on their part would have
given the child pleasure, the memory of
which would last a lil'elime. --Lastly, don't
think a fhihl hopcles, be causa it betrays,
tome very bad habits. We have known
children that seemed to have been born
thieves und liars, so early did tluy display
these undeniable traits; yet thise same
children have become noble men and wo
rn, n, and ornaments to society. -Hut they
I. ad wise, aifcetinnato parents, and what
ever else vm uviy be compelled t deuy
your child by your cireunistauccs in life,
etc.; it what it tin st, plenty of lov
in;: kindness.
.IvrANttsi; Gi:.- snort. The gro
shop M' ,laj :iii are neither more nor less
than tia shops. All along the public roach,
al I'cpu-nt distances, are planted pleasant
l a-ho,isi:s. The "te a'' ae.jnriiing to a cor
. n spon.h nt. when lli.-y must stop by thu
' way sLle, and in su.-h 'lit tie bits of cups that
(en could drink the contents of twenty of
the:i and then want more, l'rcfty ten
girls ste.n, I l y (I n n nir.inee, and. their
t 'eth n -t yet bia, ki-u.'d) with pretty ways
and courtesies so l'.s; 'mating that tea eveti
without sugar or milk becomes agreeable.
OupieHy laqiMvd waiters the tea girls
: b ind you iit'le liny cutis nith a mouthful
in flu m, and yen down o:i the nico
ckan mat -s, ifs you can, and yet sip
and sip this moinhful of h it tea us if the
gi ds' nectar was going down your throat
iu iiilinilessiinal drops ef .Viieroseopio in
i visibility. The keeper of a Japan tea
! lions picks out as pn tty a place for tho
te:i-h ais,. ;h she ur he can gct. The keeper
' covets, if pos-ihie, n view of the liay of
Vidd i, a! mg which mo-t of the way hero
l runs the 'i'o, iiido. The grand ti a-hottse, is
: cut up into nunii r.,i:s little rooms, with pa
! per partitions, running ou slides, to part
! them, bul all removable al will, to restore
I I ho nlio'e io ono grand room. Cakes
! sweetmeats and candies are brought in
; with the tea. all put on the clean matted
Uoor, i.'hern .in- n scat-j I nud all squat or
stretch out on id.' iliior.
IIuw TO 1'N JiiY Lifi:. It is wonderful
to what mi extent people believe happiness
depends on not being obliged to Leber,
lloiiesl, dearly, contented labor is llie only
Source of happiness, as well as the only
guarantee ol' life. The gloom of misan
thropy is not only a great destroyer of bap
pin, ss we might have, but tends to destroy
hfe itself. I, l-i uess ,-iud luxury produce
premature decay ti.ti, h fis! r than many
trtd.'s n as the most exhaustive and
fatal to 1 ngeviiy. Labor in line, instead
of shortening the term of life, actually In-
creasis it. It is the luck of occupation thm
annually destroys so many of ihn wealthy,
w ho, having nothing to do, play tho part
of droii r, and, like them make a spenly
exit, while the dusytec tills out its days in :
use fulness aud honor.
As tho paasciigtis wern preparing lei
leave tl.eir seats, ou llie arrival of Ihe train
the other evening, nn Id genilcnu u picked
up a dai k object which appeared to drop
from a lady's bonnet. "Madame, is t Lite
yours i You appear to diva dropped it by
accident. " "Thank Je,u, sir" plaeiux
drr hand to lur dead "a railroad acci
dent a misplaced switch."
- " "
An Indiana groom was iiitiftv-ne, aud
the bride one hundred aud six. They wero
married without the consent of thjir p