Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 02, 1872, Image 3

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    inters ijimcncnn.
m . 1 1 - . U.'.' J
ItAllrossd Time Table.
N. C. R. W. E.lft P. A E. ft. R. Wctt.
Buffalo Ex I've 13:30 am, Erie Mnll, I've 1:00 a m
Kris . o-9o Ueom. "' 6:111 "
-ElmrraMnll M 11:0S NlRgura Ex 12:40 pfri
KlagaraEx." 4:4'J p m ElmlraMall " 4:85 "
.. . ErleEx. " 6:50 "
, f - anxvon t)iviiion x. c. b. w.
B anbury at 11:150 a n At Sunbury 9-.M a m
" . 4:40 p ml " 4:00 p m
D. II. A W. R. R.
Leave Snnbury 6:80 a. in. Arrive at 8.85 p. m
Bnnbury at 8:30 n. m. At Sunbury 8:35 a. m.
"11:40a.m. " " 10:45a.m.
Accident Insurance Tickets can bo had of J.
Shlpmnn, Ticket Agent nt the Depot.
focal f ffitirs.
Sbwino Macuines.-MIss Caroline Dnllusls tbe
agent for the sale of the best Sewing; Machines
In existence, vli : "The Improved Singer,"
"Qrover A Baker," "Howe," end "Domostic,"
which are constantly on bund and oU a. rea
sonable prices. She is also agent Tor the cele
brated Franti and Pope Knitting Machine. Call
and see them. Office on Market street, east of
tba railroad.
For Rent. The three rooms over Dr. Moody's
drag store, on Market Square, will be for rent on
the 1st of April next, or as toon as the repairs
and fitting up are finished.
Pat. As we ore greatly in need of the money
due us for subscription, job work, etc., those
knowing themselves Indebted will confer a favor
to call aud puy up during Court. As there will
bo court for four weeks a good opportunity Is
offered to those uot coming to town to send by
some of their neighbors.
We would state that onr books are still open
for more subscribers, and all who desire a live
county paper, are Invited to call and have their
tames enrolled for the coming campaign. Only
.$ 1 00 is charted for the American from the first
of April until after the Presidential election.
Scnscntnr.RS changing their post office address
between this and the first of April, will please
notify us of the fact, so there will be no trouble
about receiving the paper.
Delegates to the State Convention. At the
last County Republican Convention, R. M. Frirk,
Esq., of Milton, was appointed Representative
Delegate to the next State Convention. W. L.
Neshit, Esq., of Shamokln township was selected
as the Senatorial Delegate, with power to appoint
his own conferees.
We notice several new bouses are being built
In Purdy's addition, and that a number of others
are lu contemplation of beiug built during tho
summer season.
Mr. Daniel Holsuoe, of Juckson township,
lately sold his flouring mill and farm to bis son,
E. F. Holshoe, for tlO.OOO.
A Sitekior article of Wheat and Buckwheat
Flour, and Corn Meal, Is sold at J. G. Trlmbre's
Grocery at a low price.
Messrs. Wiu. Ilaus Wm. Buchcr are sup.
plying onr citizens with fresh fish from the lnkes
every Wednesday and Saturday. They keep a
general variety.
Tu2 reason J. G. Trimble sells Groceries cheap
Is, that he buys for cash and sells for cash. Small
profits and quick sales, is his motto.
J. n. Coslet A Co. have moved their store
In Haupt's building, Market street, lately occu
pied by Messrs. Moore Dissinger. Tney keep
a splendid assortment of cutlery and everything
kept iu a Git class hardware store.
Tub Iligh Constable lately elected, we are in
formed, means business, and intends to give tho
town a general cleaning up. There is much room
for Improvement in ou streets and alleys, aud
we hope that be will not hesituto In performing
his duty.
Shows. This town has been blessed with an
extraordinary number of shows during tbe past
winter season. As soon as one takes Its de
parture another takes up the place.
The parade of the I. O. of R. M., at Shnmo
kln, on the 15th Inst., promises to be a gruud af
fair. Besides tbe parade, a diuner will be given,
also a lecture and a ball.
Tni present whiter is oue that will be remem
bered as a remarkable one fur the small quantity
of ruin and snow that has fallen, and also for
continued cold weather. Last winter we had
some severe cold weather, tbe mercury falling
below aero on the 6ih of January, but after the
12th of February tbe weather moderated aud
continued so during the season.
The Bacher Hotel. We notice that Joseph
Bacher Is building au addition to his house ou
Third street, opposite the Central Hotel, fur the
purpose of mukintr It a hotel stand. Mr. Bacher
Is an energetic business man, and is constantly
luvesllng bis surplus change in making Improve
ments. A yocno man named George Gass, of Lower
Augusta township, met with a serious accident
last week. While in the act or felling a tree, bis
axe caught the limb of another tree and glanced
off, cutting a gash Into his bead about two Inch
es In length. He laid Insensible for a long time
. before he was discovered. His wounds were
dressed by Dr. R iker.
Grand Sire James B. Niciiolson, of Philadel
phia, will visit Mutual Lodge and Pilgrim En
campment, I. O. of O. F., of Milton, on next
Thursday evening. Ao address will be delivered
at 8 o'clock, after which an oyster supper will be
given by the members of the Order.
Our neighbor of the X-rmoeroi, who has be
come cornered, is himself adopting the plan of
tbe Kentucky Jackass to extricate himself from
difficulty without knowing what he Is klcklug at.
Ia this he Is as brait as the nigger's lion to which
Sambo compared his master, but which, on lu
qub-y, turned out to be only a Jackass.
To tiftect spurious greenbacks or national
bank notes divide the last two figures of the
number of the bill by four, and If one remains,
the letter on the genuine will be A If two re
mulus it will be B, if three, C and should there
be no remainder, tho letter will be D. For ex
ample, a note Is registered 2,401, divide alx.y-one
by four and yon win nave one remalulug. Ac
cording to the rule tbe letter on the note will he
A. In case the rule falls be certain tbut the bill
U counterfeit.
TBI Dot'TT Uocse at SuAMOEis. We notice
that this hotel has lately been refurnished with
nsw furniture by the present proprietor Lieut
Wm. Reese. The bouse has undergone an entire
change, and is one of the best furnished hcusea
in tbat part of tbe Stule. Mr. Reese is an ee
rlencod landlord, and know the wanls of bis
guests. Those stopping at the Douty House will
Had it one of the ablest eouduuled establishments
la tbt coal region.
The Rev. Milton Relmeusny ler has accepted a
tidVotn the Lutheran Churches at Orangtvlll
f c , in Columbia couutv, and bat entered
The BELtfttoaova Fire. We copy the follow
Ing further particulars of the conflagration at
Bellnsgreve, from the Guard t i -
Tbe fire originated in Mr. John App't stable,
situate on the south east corner of the alley of
square. About thirty buildings, Including sta
bles were destroyed, and the lost la estimated at
about $57,000.
Business places and property of .the following
persons' were totally destroyed t " All the build
ings belonging to Wm. F.' Eckbert, extending
from the alley on Pine street to a short distance
on Market, in which were located a tin-smith
shop and stove store, owned by Daniel Burkbart,
a photograph gallery, a barber shop. The now
and line store room erected by Mr. Eckbert last
summer on the corner of Market and Pino, and
his flue residence adjoining.
Dr. P. R. Wagensellcr's residence In which
Shindel A Wngenseller't drng store was located.
Mrs. Beuj. Bchoch's residence, In which Cbns.
Dover's hardware store was located and a build
ing adjoining belonging to the above lady, In
which Lloyd Millar bad a boot and shoe store.
Ti.e Tribunt printing office, belonging to Lum
bard A Lazarns, situate on Pleasaut street, ad
Joining the barn belonging to Mr. John App,
: where the lire originated. All the stables on
j both sides of the alley In this square and two
! stables belonging to Messrs. Fred. Gundrum and
George Sell nu re on square south of this. On Piue
street from the alley cast to Water street a build
ing belonging to Mr. James K.Davis, In which a
music store owned by Mr. Salem and a marble
shot) were located.
Several houses on Water street, west side,
owned by Mr. App.
Large brick buildings' owned by Dr. Hlestand,
of Mt. Joy, Lancaster county.
A resilience lately erected by Mr. Roshon.
The Baptist church, and blacksmith shop,
owned by Mr. Wenrick, on east side of Water
Mr. John App lust four valuable horses, seve
ral cows and other stock, and a large lot of hay.
Most of the property is covered by Insurance.
Tbe Lycoming Co. loses about $25,000.
It Is supposed the fire was the act of an incen
diary. The largest loss falls npon Mr. W. F. Eckbert.
Ocr Dauvillo cotempurnrles, as an offset to the
rowdy visit from that town to this place, a few
weeks ego, report the advent lu that town of a
Sunbury female, namod Flora Johnson, who, it
appears, has beeu behaving iu a rude manner and
"kicking up tbe devil iu one of their churches,"
for which offence she was Incarcerated in prison.
Our neighbors arc evldeutly mistaken ns to the
nativity of Flora, as she is uo resident of Sun
bury. On iuquiry, wo ll-d that she came from
Danville, where She alleges to have a husband
living, a few mouths ago, and took up boarding
iu Upper Augusta towuship, where she ensnared
a youth of that township into the matrimonial
noose. A few days after the occurrence she de
clared her Intention of obtaining a divorce from
busbaud No. 2, aud Join husband No. 1. As
there has been no court since time, we nrr
sume Flora has got h pr irom the Dimo
rr..t le Justice of the Peace, who, several years
ogo, furnished a document of. that sort to an
other party of similar character, whleh -afterwards
found Us way into a Wllllamsport paper,
aud we presume Flora, after being freed from
husbaud No. 2, was rejoiced to find herself once
more in her unlive town, probably with her origi
nal husband and former admirers.
Candidate tor Phothonotart. We ore re
quested to stale that Mr, John A. Taylor, of
Northumberland, will be a candidate for the
olllee of Prothouotary at the ensuing election.
Mr. Taylor Is favorably known throughout the
county ns a worthy, honorable and dignified
gentleman. In his business, as tombstone, cut
ter, for upwards of fifty years, he has made a host
of friends, and but few enemies. He was frequent
ly urged to accept public office, whleh he declin
ed, preferring hard labor to becoming an office
holder. About a year ago he met with uu acci
dent on the railroad betwe'.'u this place and Nor
thumberland, whereby ho lost his right arm,
which now deprives him from following his avo-
catlor for a living. He has therefore consented,
on the urgent request of numerous friends of
both parties, to become a cundidute at the uext
general election. He therefore appeals to the,
voters of Northumberland county for their suf
frages, to give him a position to maiutuln his
e are requested to give publicity to the fol
lowing letter from Dr. Ruker, of Lower Augusta,
who was severely injured last full- by falling
down stairs ut his residence i
Arot'STA, Pa., January 27, 1S72.
Jacor Shifman, Agent
Travelers Insurance Co.,
Dear Sin I take pleasure
hi acknowledging the rwe pi of your cheek for
f lf)7 04, which came to me lluough tho bunds of
my son. Dr. 11. M. Rikur, Aud while thanking
yuu, and through you, the olncers of your Coiu-
luuy lor tiieir promptness lu paying my claim.
1 cannot now refrain from recommending the
'Travelers" of Hurl lord. Conn., to all who con
template making upplieuliou fur Life aud Acci
dent Iusurance.
Jons Raker.
Frk Lectvhe oh Odd Fellowship. A Lec
ture on Odd Fellowship will be delivered in the
Academy of Music, ut Milton, ou Thursday eveu
iug, the 7ih Inst., by James B. Nicholson, Esq.,
Secretary of tbe Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania.
The Lecture will commence at 8 o'clock. The
members of the order with their wives, daughters
and sweetheaus, as well at tbe public generally,
both mule aud female, are respectfully Invited to
attend. After tbe lecture, a supper will be serv
ed up in the Market House, tbe proceeds to puy
the expenses of tbe lecture.
Tb new borough Council were sworn Into of
fice on Wednesday evening last. As they were
elected as a reform eouncil, there will probably
be more expected from tbein than they will be
able to perform. We hope, however, that tbey
will carry out tbe contemplated improvements
during their term In olhce. At we do not charge
for publishing the Council proceedings, we hope
that the newly elected clerk will not follow lu the
steps of his predecessor, but furnish theiu regu
lurly for publication.
Tub Democrat states that Thomas Pursel, Esq.,
who wa elected Justice of the Peace in the West
Ward, aguintt the wishes of the editor of the
Dtmocrat, has applied for an office In the Court
House, and says t ''This la the coolest thing we
have heard of for many a day." We cauuot be
Heve tbut Mr. Pursel did so indiscreet a thing
with any sincerity, as he certainly knows that
an honorable mnii could not withstand tbe bud
odor about the Court House Ring, arising out of
tbe muny fox and skunk scalps hovering around
the building to pick up the crumbs tbut fall
from the festive board of the Rlug.
Tux telegraph office at Trevorton Jhnctlon, on
tbe N. C. R. R., bat lately been abandoned, and
an office bat been established at Georgetown.
Tbt Increase of business at the latter place, no
doubt, made the change necessary. Georgetown
Is one of the best freight stations on Hit road, and
besides a telegaph office, the place is much tn
need of a good ware-house to store the large
uouui or goods unloaded dally.
Fophd Corbsxt. We learn that Mr. flail.
gher, a son-in-law of Mr. George McEliete, who
is cousidi red a very exoelient accouutaut, bas
examined the Auditors1 Report tbla week, at to
tbe late Treasurer's account, and reports that be
4e uuable to discover any eirors. Bo ,ne amount
of Indebtedness to the county by Mr. McEllece
remains T,00,6.
SnERirr Saxes. Tbe Sheriff will expos 10
public tale, on Monday, March 11th, at tbe Court
Home, Sunbury. the following property, to wit i
A large tract of coal land situate In Mt. Car
mel township, tho property of The Colombia
Coal Company.
A tract of land in Cameron township, the pro
perty of Peter Long. . Also a tract Of land In same
township, property of Heniy Long.- Also another
tract In said township, property of Wnv Long,
A town lot in McRwensVllle Borough, the pro
perty of Peter Handley. '
A half lot In the borough of Sunbury, property
ofP. M. Shindel.
A two story frame bouse In Mt. Carmel bo
rough, property of John Deitrtch.
A tract of land In Cameron township, property
of Leonard.Gottschall.
Two lots of ground, one In the Borough of
Banbury and the other in Upper Augusta town
ship, property of Anthony Leutzer.
A lot of ground In Sunbury, property of Hiram
II. Hauck.
A lot of ground in Northumberland borough,
property of Norman Cleveland.
Two lots of ground In Cameron township, pro
perty of John Lynch. '
Ou Saturday, the 9th of March, at 1 o'clock,
p. in., a lot of ground in Lower Augusta town
ship, property of George tV. McCurty.
Also a lot of ground In same towbshlp, proper
ty of Samuel L. Culp.
Tbe following act to meet certain cases In
which parties have been swindled by dealers In
patent rights, has passed the House of Repre
sentatives at Hurrisburg i
Section 1. Jit U tiuuttd, ttc, That whenever
any promissory note or other negotiable Instru
ment shall be given, the consideration for which
shall consist, in whole or In part, of the right to
make, use or vend any patent inventions claimed
to be patented, the words "given fur a patent
right" shall be prominently and legally written
or printed on the face of such note or instrument
above the signatures thereto, and such note or
Instrument, In the bunds nf any purchaser or
holder, and any person who shall purchase or
become the. holder of any promissory note or
other negotiable instrument, knowing the same
to have been given for tne consideration a lore
said, shall bold such note or Instrument subject
to the same defences as in the bands of the origi
nal owner or holder, although the words "given
for a patent right" shuli be written or printed
upon the fnee thcreol.
Sec. a. If nny purchaser shall take, purchase,
sell or transfer any promissory note or oilier
negotiable Instrument uot having the words
"given for a patent right" written or printed
lcrihty and prominently on tbe face of such note
or Instrument above the signature thereto, know
ing the consideration of sueh note or iustrumenl
to consist in whole or in part of the right to
make, use or vend liny patent Invention or inven
tions claimed to bn patented, every sueh person
or persons shall be deemed guilty of a niisd--ineunor,
and uimii conviction thereof, shall be
fiued iu nny sum not exceeding five hundred dol
lars, or imprisonment In the county Jail not ex
ceeding sixty days, or both, iu the discretion of
the court.
Sec. 3. All nets osparn of acts Inconsistent
herewith are hereby repealed.
Skmnsohovb Fire convinced many that it is
folly to be without insurance, and we learn tbat
many arc getting security by injuring iu the re
liable compnnys repiesented by Meeker and L.
M. YoDEn.
List of Letters remaining iu tbe Sunbury Post
Olllee, Feb. 28, 1S72 :
Rev. J. Albert, James G. Ardrev, O. W. Ben
cher, Mrs. Kalie Blair, Mis. H. M. Brown. J. 1.
Bristol, Franklin P. Both, Brown fc Meneh,
Samuel Byers, Mrs. A. M. Culp, Frank li. Cle
ment, Thouias Coukly, F. M. Cautleld, William
Denney. Augustus McDonald; Arch Dally, Johu
Fry, Polly Frymirc, John Garinger, Master Henry
Huup, Mrs. Sa-uh J. Huiin, W. 11. Moult, Esq.,
E. C. Johnsca, Mrs. Suau Jones, M. fc. Jones,
Messis. Krectterifc Pawling, Mrs. Geo. Kuebler,
Joseph Kui'U, W. 1'. Kiiiilne, Geo. b. Lenhurt,
John Lentz, Eq., Henry Lester, H. K. Lytic,
Henry L. Martin, Leonard Neidi;, Silas W. Paul
ton, Mrs. Hannah S'.eurns, Mr. Thompson, (Car
penter), Harry Weaver, Charles H. Womer.
Editor's Tublc.
Goiiet'S Labt'S Book for March Is snlen 'id.
Among the pictures, the continuation of that de
licious pictorial representation of Miss Lollpop's
Party, is the most noticeable. Cinderella Is a
very good picture. The usual colored pictorial
fashiou plulc accompanies this number, together
with a number of plates without color. The
literary work shows evidence of care nnd culture,
"Stumbling blocks," by Marion Hariand, Is per
haps the most valuable paper. "My Step-Mamma"
is a very readable story. It wearies lo pick
and discriminate where one Is morally certain of
finding nothing bad. So our advice is to buy
aud read for yourselves.
March Is usually represented as a blu'lering
lime. Not so with all it brings forlli. For in
stance Demokest's Torso Amkkii a, although
anything but quiet, has no bluster. Il is all
solid, sound, uselul uud entertaluii.g In its con
tents, Just ihe thing for indoor umusement for
the season. Get u Cory for Ten Cents, ut u Book
Store, or subscribe lor a year, for your Boys and
Girls. Only (1, with a premium. Published ul
tUS Broadway.
Demokest's Magazine for March comes lo us
fresh from the fouiitaiti-beuil of fashiou. its
publishers seem to be never failing lu heir etloi ts
to make it the model Magazine of America, uud
nave always attained llielr point. Mot with
standing tbe tnauy attractions iu the mugaxitie
Itself, muklug It worth double Hie subscription
price, th'-y are now otf.rlug He beuuiilul oil
chroino "Isn't She Prettv," worth S or "The
Pet's Music Lessou," a uew uud beautiful oil
chromo, also worth $8 to every yearly subscri-
uer, at eo, giving ei I in value lor J lu eusn.
Address, w . Jen.ninus Demohidt, tuH Broad
Thb Lady's Tbiesu fob Makcii. The Steel
Plate In this number' Is charmim; a bright.
sweet Tuce, "The Tambourine Girl." There is a
handsome Colored Fashion Plate, and u pleasaut
lami y group singing "The F.venmg Hymn."
Music "We'd Belter Bide a Wee." The illus
trations of fashions look stylish, aud there ure
pulterns for fancy work in variety. Tbe literary
mailer Keeps up the high reputation of this
magazine. There Is a very irood story bv Mary
L. ttolles Branch (August Bell.) aud oue bv Miss
F. Hodgsuu, quietly told, but of rmuurkable
merit ( Mrs. Hiwmer's ".Misslou Work" is satis
factorily coucludvd. "Oiseen Coquet la" con-
tiuues to be a facinutliig seiiul, aud Mrs. Wood'
novel grows exceedingly interesting, hrice, f-J a
year. Four copies, 0. Eight conies fund one
gratis), It J. "The Lady's Friend" ami Satur
day Evening Post," . Published by Deuou A
relersoil, rtilludelpuhi. single copies lor sale
by all Newt Deuiers, uud by the Publishers, price
'M cents.
Hahheh's Magazine for March Is a very en
tertaining aud attractive number, profusely illus
trated containing nearly tiny engruviugs sriili
a great variety of reading matter.
The leading urtlele, by t'olouel Thrope, gives
a comprehensive history of the United States
Treasury Depai tmeul, Illustrated witn portraits,
views of the old und new Treasury buildings, etc.
Some very quaint and curious revelations are
made of the domestic economy of Hove: ninent
officials in our early history, and of Ibe "court
society" of Philadelphia aud Washington.
Lieutenant Commander Allcu D. Brown, V. 8.
N., furnishes a very interesliug paper ou "Nuval
Architecture, Past and Present,'' which will be
concluded In the April number.
Mr. M. D. Couway contributes a paper on Mu
nich, under the title of "The City of tbe Little
Monk" Illustrated. This will also be concluded
in Ibe April uumber. Mr. Cou way's illustrated
papers beloug to the very bltfUest wrdT of Mugu
liuu literature.
' Negro Life iu Jamaica," with ten illustra
tions, by G. O. Beilhamer, preseutt novel and
graphic delineations of the domestic ai.d indus
trial lite of the Juuiuica Negroes and Creoles.
Mr. E. IL House couti mutes a very entertain
ing article,, entitled "A Jauauese btuteemuu al
Three Short stories are vlven In this nnmlwr ,
"A Case of Vitrification," bv J. W. Do Forest I
"Gottfried's Success," by Ruth Dana aud "Slur
and Candle," by Jullau H'wthorue. The two
serials, "A Good luvestment," by William J.
Flugg, aud "The Goldeu Llou oi Graudpere," by
Authouy Troliope, are contluued.
The "Sclentine Record" eoutulns over thirty
articles, besides a "Summary of hcieulitie Pio
gress" oovuring a period of two mouths.
Tbe "Historical Record" embraces tbe period
from December 84 to Jauuary 34, and gives a
comprehensive summary of Congressional pro
ceedings, and of domestic and foreign Intelll
(eooe. . f
Trial !! for the Week t'emmtac
tag Monde. March IStta, 1873.
Marlon Trego; by 'her nsxt friend, Ferdinand
Piper T K 8 Trego. ? .
iiemy I John vs The Count y of Northumberland
W II Periling rs Welser and Frfck.
Dnnlol Bley va same.
Jacob Shall vs Sams. .
Solomon Hummel vs same.
The Henry Clay Coal Company vs Grant A Bro.
Fiederlek Strader Vs Joseph Johnson.
Frederick Strader vs Daniel Beeklty, bherlff.
Nathan LoudenMagcr vs Joseph Deppcn.
Edward Hainford vs Graher Kemel.
J D Dlelfendatfer vs George Relsrler, owner or re-
- puu-d owner, and P H Kuser. contractor.
Daniel Mengas et al vs H I) Moyer.
Herman Snyder vs Johr H Conrad.
Catharine Keed et al vs The Catnwissa R R Co.
Reuben Kline and wife vs Isaac May et al.
John Fisher vs A A Helm A an.
Same vs Isaac May et al.
Post. Smith A Co. vs Hammer A Co.
George Troxel et 1 vs Daniel Beckly, Sheriff.
John Vought, Endorsee vs Isaac J Sober.
Robert lira haul vs S P Wolverton, Administrator
of H Melius, deceased.
S I Slaymaktr's use vs Jeremiah Savidge.
Peter Dunkle vs II E lii:llonlerger.
F Zimmerman et al vs V Klase.
F Zimmerman et at vs Daniel W Snmpscl.
Win 1 Greenonsrh vs The Fulton Coal Company,
The Excelsior Coal Mining Company, The En
terprise Coal Company, John U Douty A John
II Gable.
Wm Mltchc.l vs Wm 8 Snyder.
Same vs Mary C Snyder.
Aaron Rebtr vs John Krock.
For Week t'ommenrlng Monday,
March 25, 1872.
Samuel H Bush, C J Miller and James M Trexler
vs John M Bartholomew.
Nagle A Owens vs Z P Boyer.
Elias Persun vs Armtaruug A Artman.
Elias Persun vs J P Armstrong.
John Willis, Endorsee vs William Reagan.
Adam Daniel vs Emanuel Klinger aud E Bach.
David lUrtnun vs Albert It P'.ilmnn
George Welker vs The N C Railway Co.
Elizabeth Gearhart vs Tbe 0 II i W U It Com
pany. Joseph Allier vs John Umlor.
Cbrisllau Frnuklianser vs Addison Harlcr.
dinner & Co vs Johu W 8uyder, contractor, and
Locust Mt Coal Co, owners.
William M ('arms vs Wm and Samuel Russel.
William Kote va Edward Kline.
Thomas Forties vs John B Douty.
Lavlna Wallman vs John McClecry.
Samuel C Brysou vs Tbe School Diseclors of
Delaware township.
A J Stroh vs Thuinus McGow.
Mayer A Morgan vs Joseph Vankirk.
Jeremiah Maliek v D D A D Bustian.
Charles Hoover vs Alberto: Bower.
Charles Bilght v Samuel Kyle.
Peter Gearhart et al vs D H fc W R R Co.
Thomas R Hall vs John P Summers.
Levi Ualliett's use vs U K Haag.
John Tressler vs John Rumpel
Benjamin Thomas aud wile vs David Heiser and
Henry Harvey.
Benjamin Wetzel vs Nathan Hans.
Jeremiah Wiliver vs hob" it Dalesman.
Solomon llcs6lcr vs The Directors of the Poor of
the Borough of Shamokln aud Coal twp.
For Week Conimenring; .Monday,
April, 1, 172.
David McNIght vs Richard Richardson with no
tice to Henry Fry el ul Tere Tenants.
Henry Suylor et al vs Audrcw M East wick et al
Henry Suylor vs snnie.
William ' n-j n..ia- Jacob oil.
Kcubcn Kline and wit'u vs Johu 11 Douty.
John Fisher vs Same.
Alice E iirowu, Administratrix, vs J W Cuke.
Magdaleua Grunt el ul vs The Big Mouutaia Im-
provi'uicni Compuny et al.
Same vs same.
L J Wright et al vs Amelia Kiehl.
II P Slichter va Thomas Wilson et al.
Executor of Joseph Waruer, deceased, vs J B
Masser, o: au
John Fuh ncM ock vs Thadeus Shannon.
Same vs Sleeniau unci Shannon.
Johu A Lloyd vs John Benjamin.
J K Saiihourn vs The Sunbury Lumber Co.
Andrew J Stroll vs Tbomas G Cooper.
Daniel Heib vs Isaac tit-buck.
Kissinan & Gundaker vs Griencr A Blttuer.
Marv E burr vs George Burns.
Joseph Vankirk vs Tbe Hcnu'a R R Compnny.
Boyd Cluvhcrger vs Tho Burnslde Coal uud
Irt.n t'mmiMtiv
Joseph Coiiruil, use vs The Lycoming County
Mutual Insurance Company.
Com of Peuii'u vs Simon Sides, Conductor and
Kiieine-ir on P ,Vi E It U.
J K Dunkle vs I'eter S Dunkle.
James Sanders vs Ileury Flick.
Johu Treftsicr, Admiuistraior of James Daniel,
deceased, vs Joseph Rcitz aud Joseph Kline.
William Rebiick vs Isaac Kehuck.
F II Keller vs George Troxel.
Business Notices.
A Piano rou Sale. -Apply at this office. flOtf
All persons wanting reliable insurance, at
rates as low as is cousistaut, with prompt pay-
meut of losses, should call on L. M. Yopbh. of
, tloo near tbe Court House, Sunbury, Pa., or W.
; A. Meekek, Cashier Snyder County Bank, Se
j linsgrove.
Fauueiis manufacture your own Super Pbos
I phate, purchasing your bone dust uud vitriol of
Ev-wartl Hodgkins, Agent, Suubury, Pa. In
I structions glveu iu It. Manufactured ut little
I cost, saving you 5U per cent. By making your
i owu Superphosphate you can rely upon Its puri
' ty. A good und reliable Phosphate will always
be kept ou hand for those who desire to purcbuse
a manufactured article.
Eyek A Lashell, Fourth and Arch streets,
Philadelphia, tire now offering a full Hue of
tprlng Dry doods to purchasers, as will bo seen
I by advertisement In auother column.
Begin Ahigut. The homely virtues of econo
my and honest saving arc excellent subjects for
Suuduy thought. No person cau b,ope to prosper
in life who is not careful about useless expenses,
und carefulness is a mutter of habit which li to
be a matter of course. One must beglu urlght In
forming such a habit, nnd In uo other way can
be I icg in so well as by going to Win. H. Miller's
Excelsior Boot and Shoe store and "procure a
fashionable aud durable article at a low price.
It pats all.wuo eo tiieiik. T. G. Notl, the
fashionable tailor on Third strict, gives more
thuu the vulue of money to his customers in
clothing. All who cull and procure a suit made
up iu the height of fash ion are richly paid for so
doing. Nott never refuses tn give tbe best of
btirguius and gives general satisfaction.
Besides keeping a flue assortment of Oranges,
Leninus, Dried aud Cuuued Fruit, Apples, Peach
es and Confectioneries, good Canoed Oysters,
fresh aud very palalable, can be procured at 8.
Byvrly's store, on Third street. Fumlllet sup
plied with oysters dally.
A sri.ESbiu assortment of new furniture bas
just been opened at the furniture store of B. L.
Ruudenbusli, In Masonic buildings, at this place.
Everything In the line of furniture can be pro
cured there. This lot just opeued Is of Ibe latest
style, and Is handsome and duruble. Those
wishing to select from a good assortment will
please call cany.
A Fact worth remembering, that Welmer sells
goods lower than Ihe lowest. Ills stock of Dress
Goods In Silks, Mcriuos, Empress cloth, Sattlns,
Plaids, Ac, Ac, are complete. Velvets aud
Velveteens 25 per cent lower Ihun former prices.
Wutcrproofs of the latest styles uud best make.
Ladies' Childrens' uud Gents' Furs. Ills assort
ment of Shawls, embracing all the leading stylet
lu' the markets, which lie offers at extremely low
prices. Cull aud be couviuced that Welmer's
popular Cash Store Is the place la secure bur
galus. Ills slock of goods is not to he surpassed
by any lu quantity, quality, or price. No trou
ble to show goods. (
Paving just returned from the New York mar
kets, be Is prepared to otfet extra. Inducements to
cash buyers.
Tub splendid assortment of all kinds of Hats
and Caps at 8. Faust's store eoutluue to attract
attention, which are told at reasonable price.
Ou Marriage. Essays for Young Mou.ou
Great Social Evils and Abuses, which Interfere
will, Murruige, and ruin the bupplnese of thou
sands, with sure means of relief for ibe Erring
aud Unfortunate, deceased aud debilitated. Seul
in sealed letter euvelopes, free of charge. '
Address, Howard Association, No. , South
Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa,
Special Notice.
A Isandaeine Moasitache.
MOUSTACHE. Prof, fit Croix's French Com
WHISKKRS. pound, the Grtat Hair Growe-,
MOUSTACHE, will produce a Inxnrleut Mou
WHISKERS. staehe or Whiskers an tbe
MOUSTACHE, smoothest face. Pleasant to
WHISKERS. use. Sent to any "address on
. :. receipt of Fifty Cents.
H. T. BOND, Chemist.
N. E. Cor. Tenth and Chestnut Sis., Pliila.
Feb. 17, 1 878.-1 y.
1 Si
t a. e
ie t
a a
" S
. a
o .
w t
a -
s s
O W .
a ;
5 5 E
5 S. 5 H
e 5 .
w t
S 3
c E w
C S o
t 3
2 2 S
The Rev. William II. Norton, while residing
in Brazil as a missionary, discovered in that
land of medicines a remedy for Consumption,
Mcrofl'I.a, Soke Throat, Colons, Colds,
Asthma, A!ii Nekvoi-s Weakness. Tills rem
edy has cured myself after all other medicines
bad failed.
Wishing to benefit the suffering. I will send
the rccle lor preparing nnd using this remedy to
all who desire It r REE OF CHARGE.
Please send an envelope, with your name and
address on it. Address.
670 BkoadwaT,
Oct. 141871. 1y. New Toiik Citt,
On the 4th nil., by the Rev. J. W. Early, Mr.
Jacoii Koui.ek and Miss L. Charlotte Bat
nour, both of Lower Mahunoy, this county.
On the 18th ult., by Rev. G. J. Bienslne-er. Mr.
Frank Bi iins. of Selinsgrove, and MUs Martha
8iiAtEL, of Wintleld.
In this p'aee. on the 20lh of February, Mrs.
ELIZ ABETH PETERY, con.oit of Henry Petery,
aged 71 years, 1 mouth nnd 21 days.
At this place, on Mnndjiv, the 19tli ult., Mr.
GEORGE GASS, aged about 4 years.
In this place, at the reldeiic of lu r son-in-law.
Thouris ii. tirant. E..nn Thurlav morn
ing last, Mrs. MARIA I). WHARTON, aged 08
years, 4 months, and la days.
The deceased was tho consoit of Charles Whar
ton, Snr., and sister of Jtulue Donncl. d
o..... in una place, and resided here during
her whole life, with the exception of a few years,
during which time she lived in Danville. Her
amiable nnd liberal disposition gained for her the
friendship of nil who knew her, and her exempla
ry life commanded the respect and commenda
tion nfhcruc.iuutnt.'tnce nt home aud abroad. She
was a kind mother, an excellent neighbor, a de
voted member of the Presbyterian Chinch ; and
iu nil her works endeavored to live the life of a
true ChrUtiau. Simple in her hiibils, pure in
heart, and devoted to Hie service of God, she will
long be remembered in tbe family, the Cbutch
and the community.
Suubury tiraiu V Produce Market.
couurrTr.ii wikkly ut iiile a obuinger.
-Choiec While Wheat...
Best Amber, Wiuler...
..! 60
...1 60
... i 1)0
Outs, (yj lbs.)
Best Amber, Winter, per sack 3 00
barrel 8 W
Coru Meal, per cwt.,
8 VI
.. .25(0,30
, 75
, 1 JO
, 13
Pennsylvania Roll
F.ooS Pel iojleii
Meats Dried Beef, pel lb
Smoked Mutton
Lamd per lb ,
Fisu Salt White Fish, per lb
" Trout "
Cod "
VeoctablsS Turnips, per bushel
Potatoes " "
Onions " "
Deans, " quart
Hominy, " "
DitiiD Fruits Dried Apples, per lb...,
" Peaches. "
ito bbcrtisfmcnts.
Estate of ('Mtheriue Leaker, I.ute
oi' Lower Nalistuoj touuhhip, de
j -J-OTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad
i ministration have been granted to the un
dersigned, on the estate of Catherine l.cnker, hits
of Lower Mahunoy township, Northumberland
county, Pa., deceased. All persons indebted lo
said estate are requested lo make Immediate pay
ment, und those liuviug claims to preseut lusss
for settlement.
ISAAC LENKER, Administrator.
Lower Mahunoy twp., Feb. 10, 1873.-Ot.
400 Acres of Timber Land
j a mile from the Sunbury .t Lewistown R. R.
100 acres of which Is Hue While Oak, balance
Rock Oak. This is one of the best pieces of lim
ber on th Hue of this Railroad, l'rlce er
Acre, 921. For particulars inquire ut this
office. n
Feb. S, 1373.-U.
WILL be sold nt private sale, the valuable
Farm situate iu Upper Augusta township,
Northumberland county, Pa., on the public road
leading from Danville toSunbiiry, an t three and
a half miles Irom r-tiiihiiiv, and a naif
mile from the D. H. & W. R. R. adjoinlne land
of Daniel Reefer, Jeremiah Culp, Isaac Kline,
James Campbell and G. G. Kline, containing 70
Acres more or less, hereon are erected a two
Story Frame Dwelling House, Hank Barn,
all nearly new, and other outbuildings,
a never fulling Spring near the house. About
twelve acres of which is timber land, sufficient
chestnut lor feuciug.the balance Is cleared, aud
In a good state of culllvatlou. There Is oue of
tbe tiuest
upon this tract in this part of the country, with
au abundance ot flag stone of the same quality
wed iu laying most of Ihe paveineuls In the bor
ough of Suubury, aud also buildinir stone. This
quarry has realised as high as two thousand dol
lars pet annum.
The ubove tract of Und will be sold cheap, and
ou reasonable terms. For fuither utrticulurs
apply lo G. W. STROM,
eu the Island between Snnbnry and Northumber
land, or to A. J. Struh, Suubury, Pa.
Jan. 27, 18JH. tl.
It It a companion volume to
of which -
Have already beed ordered, au it still one of
the nest selling nooks out.
Don't waste time on books no one wants, but
take one eoplo will slop you lu the streets lo
subscribe for. "There Is a lime to laugh," aud
all who read this book will see cleaily tbat lime
has come. Apply at once for Territory, Circu
lars, and Terms, A dress
Til Sanson) Street, Philadelphia
To Debilitated Pertona,
To Dyapcptic, ' ,
To SufVerert from Liver Complaint, i
To those having no Appetite, -To
thoee with Broken Down Conalttuf
tons, . t
To Nervoue People,
To Children Wasting Away,
oany with IXibllltattid Digestive Organ,
Or tuffcring with any nf the following
A mjjtonit. which indicate iordeml Lttw
sneh as Con
stipation, Inward
Piles, Fullness or
Blood tn the Head, Acid
ity of the Slomaeh, Nausea,
Hen rt burn, Disgust for Food,
Fullness or Weight In the Stom
ach, Sour Ernetatlons,Sinkliig or
Fluttering nt the Pit of the Stom
ach, Swimming of tho Head. Hur
ried and Ditlleiilt Breathing, Flutter
ing at tbe Heart, Choking or Suffocat
ing Sensations, when In a Lying Posture,
Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the
Sight, Fever and Dull Pain In the Head, Deficien
cy of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin
and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Buck. Cbest,
Limbs, Ac, Sudden flushes of Heat,
Burning lu the Flesh Constant Im
aginings nf Evil, and Gruat De
pression of Spirits.
Iloofland's German Hitters.
A Bitters without Alcohol or Spirits of any kind
Is different from nil others. Ii is composed of
the pure Juices, or vital ntiNnri.c or Roots,
Hehbs and Barks, (or as medicinully termed tx
trnets,) the worthless or inert portions of the iti
eredients not being used. Therefore in one bot
tle of this Bitters there is contained as much me
dical virtue ns will be round In several gnllonsor
ordinary mixture'. The Roots, Ac., used in this
Bitters are grown in Germany, their vital princi
ples extracted In tbat country by a scientific Che
mist, and forwurded to the manufactory In this
city, where they nre compounded nnd bottled.
Containing no spir.tuous Ingredients, this Bitters
It free from the objections urge4 against all oth
ers : no desire for stimulants can be induced
from their use i they cannot make drunkards,
and cannot, under nny circumstances, have any
but a ty-nellclul effect.
HOOFMMI'K i:rma toxic,
Was compounded foi those not Inclined lo ex
treme bitters, nnd is intended for use In cases
when some alcoholic stimulant Is reipiired In eo -ncellon
with the tonic properties of the Hitters.
Each bottle of the Tonic contains one bottle of
the Hitters, combined with puree SANTA CRl'Z
RUM, mid flavored In sueh a manner that the ex
treme bitterness of the bitters is overcome, form
ing a preparation highly agreeable nnd pleasant
to the palate, aud containing the medicinal vir
tues of ihe Hitters. The price of the Tonic is 1 1.
50 per Dottle, which inanv persons think too
biuh. They must take into consideration that
the stimulant used Is guaranteed lo be of a pure
quality. A poor article could lie furnished ut a
cheaer price, but Is it not better to pay a little
more and have a good article 1 A medicinal pre
paration should contain none but the best ingre
dients ; aud they who expect to obtain a cheap
conipoiiu l, and be benefitted by It will most cer
tainly be cheated.
Iloofland's German Bittern, or
LAND'S Podoplijllin IMH,
will cure you. They arc the Greatest
BLOOD PURIFIERS known to the Medical
world, and will eradicate diseases arising from
impure blood, Debilitv of the Disgestlvc Organs,
or Diseased Liver, lu a shorter time than any
other known remedies.
Wuo wori.n ask. ron moke Dignified and
Strohoer Testimony I
Hon. Georok W. Wo rWAitn. formerly Chief
Justice of t lie Supreme Court of i'cunsylvanla,
at present Member of Congress from feousyl
vania writes s
PniLATiELrttiA, March ICth, 1?C7.
I flurt "Iloofland's German Hitlers" It a good
Ionic, useful iu diseases of tbe digestive organs,
nnd of great henetit iu cases of debility, and
want of nervous action In the sv-trm. Yours,
truly, GEO. W. W'jODWAnD.
Hon. James Tho.ii'son, Chi ef Justice of ll.e Su
preme Court of Pennsylvania.
Puii.AKEi.ruiA, April 23, 1SC7.
I consider "Hooflaud's Gernuiu Bitters"' a val
uable medicine iu case of attacks ol Indigestion
or Dyspepsia. I eau certify this from my expe
rience or It.
Hon. George SnAitswoon, Justice of the Su
preme Court of Pennsylvania.
Philadelphia. June 1, 1S.
I have found by experience that "H.::2and's
German Bitters" is a very good Ionic, relieving
dvspeptic symptoms almost directlv.
Hon. Vl'm. F. Rcgtrt, Mayor of the City of Buf
falo, N. Y.
Mayor's Office, Buffalo, June 22, 1SC8.
I have used "Iloottuud's German Bitters und
Tonic" In my family during tho past year, and
can recommend them us mi excellent tonic. Im
parling lone and vigor to the system. Their use
lias been productive of deeidedlv Uetictlciul ef
fects. WM. F, ROGERS.
Hon. Janus AC. Wood, Ex-Mayor of Williams
port, la.
I take great pleasure In recommending "Hoof
land's Getman Tonic' lo any one who may be
a 111 ul ed Willi Dyspepsia. 1 had the Dyspepsia
so badly it was impossible lo keep any food on
my stomach, and 1 became so weak us not to be
able lo walk half a mile. Two bottles etfectod a
perfect cure. JAMES M. WOOD.
Will Cure every Cum: of
or Wasting awny oi the Body.
Are the medicines yon require tn purify the
Wood, excite the torpid Liver lo healthy uelion,
aud to enable you to pass safely through any
hardships or exposure.
or substitute for Mercury Pills. Two Pills a
Dose. The mosl Powcrfut, jel Innoceul Cathar
tic kuowu.
It It not necessary to take a'hsndful of these
Pills lo produce llio desired cll'ecl ; two of tbein
act quickly and powerfully, cleansing tbe Liver,
e'toniaeh uud Bowels of all Impurities. The
principal ingredient is Podophylliu, or Ihe Alco
holic Extract of Mandrake, which Is bv many
times more powerful, acting uud searching tb.iu
Hie Mandrake itself. Its peculiar action is upon
the Liver, cleaning il speedily from all obstruc
tions, with nil ihe power of Mercury, yet free
from the injurious results attached lo the use of
that mineral.
For all diseases, in which the use of a cathar
tic is indicated, these pills will give entire satis
faction in every case. They in ver fail.
Iu cases of Liver Couipluiut, Dyspeptda and ex
treme coeliveuess, Dr. Iloodimd't ticrmau Bit
ters or Tonic should be used- in connection with
the Pills. The louic elleel of the Bitter or To
uic builds up the system. The Liners or Tonic
purities Hie Blood, strengthens the Nerves, regu
late the Liver, uud gives strength, energy uud
Keep your Bowels active m it U the Pills, and
tone up Ibe system with Bitters or Tonic, and uo
disease can retain Ihe hold, or even assail you.
Recollect thai II is DR. HOOFLAND'S ti HU
MAN Remedies that ure so universally used and
highly recoinmeuded i and do uot allow the
Druggist lo tuduoe you to take auything else
Ihut he may say Is just as good, because be
makes a larirer profit ou it. These Remedies will
be sent by F press In any loealllv, upon applica
tion lo the PRINCIPAL OFFICE, at the GKR.
. CIIAS. M. EVANS, Troprlcior.
Formerly C. M. Jackson A Co. These brine
die are fur Bale by Druggists, sworsksef-ers, aud
Medietas Deert tveryehsie.
1NSCRE with a responsible and perfectly reli
able Company. Insure where your losses
w 111 be paid promptly.
This lis si Mntatrt Protective Co.
Ilenco, you are sure of being puld promptly for
all losses. If Insured lu this Coinpanv.
Wii pay losses seeming through theft, death by
Ore, accident, or natural causes, (excepting
eieifemic diseases). We- pny prompt. No red
l.ipj proceedings to get your money, in case of
paid on horss aud cuttle since mgnnixution.
DR. D. WALDRON, President.
C. A. REIMENSNTDER. Secv, Euujury, Pa.
Ex-Gov. James follock, Hon. J. C. Bruner,
Solomon Utroh, Wm. Brindle, Solomon Ships,
Johu A. Bhissler, Dr. D. T. Kreb, Dr. David
Wnldron. Jan 13 '7 ly.
A Valuable House and Lot
for Sale.
THE nnderslEiied offers at private sale, bis
Liit, Willi all the nuce'sary outbuildings, situate
ou the Southeast corner of Walnut and Third
streets, Kuiibnry. Pa. The house is nearly new
and well finished mm contains nine rooms, a
good cellar. Ar. It Is well calculated for a resi
dence, nud would bean admirable business stand
for it store or hotel. This property will bo sold
at a reasonable price.
For terms, dec, apply to -
Sunbury, Jan. 87, lS72.-'.f.
Lalt oftht Borough of Xorthumberlatd, dee'd.
"TOTICE Is hereby given that letters tcstninen
' tury have been granted to the uudersigned
ou Ihe estate of llenrj Wenck, late or lie Bor
ough of Nortliumlwrland, Northumberland Co.
Pa., deceased. All persons knowing themselves
indebted to said estate are requested to mu'te Im
mediate payment and those hit vinit claims tn pre
sent them duly authenticated for settlement.
Northumberland, Jan. 27, 1 372. fit.
"fS I10U1:ENt"k OIT EE.4STH A K D.
Duutlllr, llaileton sV iYllliClMirro
Kail ltoiad.
tew wETWinn
8uiibiirv, 6 20 am."
Danville, 7 02 " j
Cottuw'a, 7 2S " K
Huzieton, 9 OS " :
Bethlc'm 12 10 p m
r. Phil'u, 3 15 " :
N. York, C 00 a ra
Euston, 25 "
Pliil'u, 8 00 "
Hcthle'm 10 05 "
Hazleton, 1 00 p ra
Cuttaw'u, 3 40 "
Dunville, a 20 "
Suubuiy, 3 57 "
u 1 Ettston, 12 5 "
N. V
fork, a 50
5 I
The afternoon train connects at Suuubury with
the Philadelphia Erie, 4 i!5 p. in., train going
west, arriving ut Williumspnrt 30 and Lock
Haven 7 55 p. in., nnd with the Northern Ceu
trul 4 50 p. tn.. moving south arriving at Harris
burg 7 00 p. in., and Baltimore 10 45 p. m., and
also with ihe Sunbury A: Lewistown R. R.
Comfortubie and haudsomu couches ou Ibis
new route.
oq tri
ft 0
H o
l rjl
O 1 1 1
3 M
---3 i"i
l C3
bo 1
J 2
o i
-"3 n
Just Published, iu a Scaled Euvelo;. Price 6 cts.
A Lecture ou tlie Ktilure, Trent-
meut and Radical Cure of Spermatorrhea, oi
heniinul Wuakiii'ss, luvoluulary Eiulrslous, Sex
ual Debility, uud Impediments to Marriage gen
erally! Nervousness, Coiisiiuiptiou, Epilepsy,
uud Fits ; Mental and Physical Incapacity, re
s.iliini: from CVIf-Abuse, Ac Bv HUBERT J.
IT LVERWELL, M. D., Author of the "Green
Book," Cc.
The woild-reuowued author, in this admirable
Lecture, clearly prove from bis own cxh.i ieuce
that the aw fill cousequcuc-s of Self-Abuse niuy
bu ttfeclually removed without medicines, any
without dangerous surgical orations, bougies,
instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing out' a
mode of cure al onee certain aud etteclual by
which every sufferer, no mutter what bit condi
tion may be, uiay cure himself cheaply, prlvale
v and radically. THIS LECTURE WILL
bent under seal, toauy address, in a plain teat,
ed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two
postage stamps. Also, Dr. Colverwell's "Mar
riage Guide," price Vi cents. Address the Pub
lishrrs. CIIAb. J. '. K 1.1 S r. A tu
1ST Bowery, New Vr-Tk, I'. U. bt, i.t4
.'an. o. IT,