XicKtxo Hons!: Kirking iu imrmes la u lii'NUUi'Uvu )i'.iitiihi4y u stlulilxirii vice that is lliuaiios.1 iluui'Mus) (il ail Imbil. If the uolt aliouM coutriii't tha vicious Imlitt tf kicking iu burnt',., tliu tmincr muni re port to kicking ntr:iis to prevent tinnier to life and limb. tNVyial kickiiu etnim Imvu Loon invt'iiU'd to juevctit kicking, tlmt liuvo Jii'ovi d iiicllcclual. Tho must clliirtu.il kicking strap. tli.il lias been, dcvisi'il, conaials of two iil!i'g fits-tcfk-tl Intj a lentlier cover, anil ultodiml lo Hit) ciri'lmrlo imuYr t!ic belly, ticnr t!io fun. legs. A leather ali'itn p.iss.;s through the forwanl jmllcv, tittncliril to each tore les, wear lhi body. Anotlici' strap ' paws through the hind ptilk y, fastened to each hind lei, iicnr the body. Theso straps play through Hits pulleys according to the movo lurnt ol'cr.th leij." Otdy cue loot can move nt the k:nie time, which coiiiiuea the horse to tho walk or trot. They cnmiul break U), jump back, or ruu away. In tho net f walking or tioiiins; there, is no serious obstruction, and this rijjin;. may he mid to lenrn horses to trot without Lroakin. With an additional strap, it would prove n 9a Tel y vulvo to prevent danger in lile or limb from htad strong running bruit, and n soveivin remedy ayaiust kicking iu har ness. - The oM-faflli'ioiied kicking fitraj) paesea over the hips, al (ached to the aliajla of the lnitiyy or cart. Tho ovcrcheck may be con verted intj a kicking Blraji. by isTssin tho check-line through the terrels" iu the Raddle to a loop on tho rump, crossing down the hips, and attached lo the shafts of tho vehi cle. When tho horse kicks, it forces his bead up with a sudden jerk. This self iullieted punishment prevents a repetition. Fulliti;; at the bailor is another perni cious habit that may be corrected by simply j'usaiiiR the halter rope throuidi a ring i:i the miic;-er and attaching the tamo to the bind foot. When the horse settles hack to pull, the strain comes upon the leg, which prevents him from repeating i lit; cxpcii ment. lie will soon give up the habit of jmlling to strain hi hind leg. The s.iuiu flect will be produced by fixing a gearing lu tho shape of a trooper, attached to the manger, that will pull upou the tail. 'Jurf Field (iik? '(ii'wi. The Way to Blanket Houses. Hut few persons comparatively understand how to apply a blanket to a horse to prevent him from taking cold. We frequently em tho blanket folded double and across the rump part of the animal's back, leaving those parts of the body which need protection intirely exposed to the cold. Tlios j parts of the b xly of a horso which Mirround the lungs require the bcuelil of a blanket in preference to its Hank and rump V." hen we are exposed to a cm-rent of cold nir, to guard against any injury from tak ing cold, wc shield our shoulders, neck, chest and back. If '.hese parts are protec ted, tho lower part of the body will endure a degree of col d far more intense, without any injury to the body, than if the lungs wero ii )t kept warm with suitable cover lug. The satno thing holds good in the protection of horses. Tho blanket should cover the neck wither, and shoulders, and ba brought around the breast and buttoned or buckled together as closely as a man buttons bis overcoat win u about to face a driving storm, Let the lungs of a horse be well protected with a heavy blanket, and bo will seldom contract a cold, even if the hindmost parts of his body are not covered. Many of our best teamsters protect the breasts of their horses by a piece of cloth about two feet square, banging down from tho lower end of tho collar. This is an ex cellent practice in cld weather, as the most important part of the animal is constantly sheltered from the co'.d wind, especially when traveling towards a strong current. The forward end of hoiseblankets should be made as closely aivund the bieript of a horse as our garments lit our books. M at horses lake cold as r.-adily as men, if iivt blanketed w'.ulo stainiing.'aftei- exercising fcuilicicntiv lo produ.'o perspiration, Sj long as the horsu is kept iu motion, there is little danger of his suileriug from cold ;but i allow him to Maud for a lew minutes, with- I out a blanket to protect his i.hou'.ders and limes, nnil lie will take cma sooner than tlll'll. 1.x l Wc Ciul tlm following receipts nnil e;ij; p.'Mion9, written by a iractii:al citizen of lJaltimorc county, Mil., to the Country (jciitlL-ruan : Head Cheese and SAUSAin.-For head chctsc, taku ntV tliu ears anil noses., anil jiiek out t'm eyes ; lay the heads in salt and vaU-i-;nwr Liilit.tla'ti whsIi nnd jmt them (with tin: ears and bUi us; on to boil; bui! till the bones, emtio out easily. Season twenty pounds cf meat with half "a pound of is ilt, threo la-:iin; taolrspoousful of B:ie, three of pepper :u:il two !' tliyine. Fur inure or less meat, reason accord injly. After H' lis iniii'4, chop tin'! pour tliu ne.ai in mi'.k-pans, p;iek closely, and ever with palter st'easeil with melted lard, and lastly cover with hoards -r platen. Ilea's l-.ead s l-.ea.l I rluHBi! mav ho eaten eo d. with or WlUutil finear, or fried :-.s sa'jeav.o. I l-'or. san-jii-ie; meal, take all the clippings, , it portion offal, livi r anil heart, chop line, i previous lo teas-iiiiiej; ami piiekitij,'. Tho j number of pnundb sadvi-ed for lion's head ' Cheese is tooil precedent ns ri'anN ft-a- j Bonini; and packin;;. The middlings, il l very Lit, paj best wln n tin; lean parts are t-onveri. il lino Kiusa. mom, in,! i.u uuo l ira, .lo t in- "-1.1:11 1 ' iMcii-us-j mis uu 1 Jio,; 6 head 1 luese. l'revious to paekinj, fry a small portion of the nieat to test the fccasoni'.iu' ; if not E-.uiMaetory, it can be altered by ad lin;; nrne meal or increasing a portion of the serrimin. Makisti HoMtNV. If I am not mista ken, hominy is seldom found 011 tasturn tables. At the South it is an everyday winter dub, and can he found in all tho Southern markets), cither cooked or pound-i-J. As re;;auls exceileiic it may be called tha twin sister of that excellent winter dish' called por; and beans. lUH prepared aud cooked tills: Take day three quarts of white.lhntcoru ; put itiuau iruii or wondeii j 11101 tar and p niiiil it w ith an ir.ui peht'.o! till the hulls are removed and the grains ! broken ; blow out the hulls ; sonk over n'miit in puio fresh water, (soak tho beans p.lso, and boil three hour ; then add one pint of white beana, and boil two hours longer. Small hominy or grits w ;11 be cook ed in half the limn. It is eaten like corn mush, with boiled milk, with butter or fiicd in UrJ. In our rt ur mills are generally found hominy beaters : the mortars are made of iron ancl conical, ft dozen or more in a line, and ov. r them a continuous re volving iron crank, to which the pestles aro attached, hail' of them striking tho corner oIlci nately. Keas in wiU salt, or add a mall piece of salt pork wbeu boiling. Pokk and Heash Tick ont from a quart of white b ?ans all that are imperfect: hoak them in water over niyht.,' which will tnoro than double the bulk. Plod two luturs with pleuty of water; at tue samo tiuu boil aboiH two pounds fat pork till done : pour the beans in a shallow earthen iimi ; lice the skin of the pork and place it (llesli hide down) in the centre of the beans ; then coat tho pork and beans with best molasses or syrup. Hike till bytwn. A substantial dinner fur four to. six persons, and costing nWit fifty cents. tO'clu 5vtU3.trlJ.rwuntB. cakKi ji v i r tcronv, 8UXBUKY, TEKN'X J. S. SEASHOLTZ, "YYTOU) respect fully announce l tint oil t- V (tens rf Simhury nnd surrounding country, that tie Is prepared to manufacture nil style of 4'utrrIuxcM. Itwirgte , As., t his neY shop on c.ist Mnrkrl street. Ho will furnish every dcscrlpilou of Wngou, both Plain and Fanct. In short, will make everything In tils linn from a tlist-cluss on raisiire to n "wheelbarrow, wnnnntcd lo be made oT the best nnJ most dnnibln materi als. iohI by tho moot experienced workmen. All woik runt out from It I a ctnb'iebtneut will be found reliable In every partlculur.' 'f ha patroniiRu of tbp public U ollc't,1. J. S. SEASUOI-TZ. Buiibury, Nov. 4, '71.-ly. FOR S ALE I ITMCillTY srrei! of lntprovnl hind In the bwl Id pcetiou of yontbein Wk-tiigau, wllbiii flvo miiea of tlie town of "Three Rivers." In fct. Jo county, itliln two miles of tho Kitilroad Station, co'oil biiltilinue, out botipes, large or chard, cull, rich tnnrty Ion in, fdmol bou'cs nnd iloirclu within uliiiit ilt! liulifi'tituble, ten nrrc arc tn wheat, lint reiniilnrter In clover sod. A span of horpro, cattle, tines, cruln nJ farming nUnsilP, &e., will be Fold with tills property. I'lice &70 per nerc, $3,000 In cunb, the balauce la tiui.) payiiu-ntJ of S500. A ;'s' to Wit. A. MAS-jKH, Time Rivers, Mich, or, II. V.. MASSER. Euubnrv, P. Bunbury, March 11, is-,l. w COMIMXV. , ThU company Is now prepared to sell lots In tho new Cemetery, located on nn eminence nb-nit oiie-rouitli of n mile east of Sanliury. Theln crense of the population of Bnubiiry, and conse quent n'.lvauce. iu tha ratio of inortulily, ns well us the limllnl facilities for the Interment of those wuo nine long ii ii.c 4o..ii1e,iniM-buj:SuMe.i um t organization ol the above named company. I'l-ii. ..I l .nii.ti'v ni'iv ln Bi.en iiL the nlllen nf J. A. Cake, t.'ti., or l.loyd T. Rohi bacli. 1'iice of lots from $5 to f 15, nceoiding to loca- thai. Dee.ls v.-Ill be exocutej for lots polif. LLOYD T. ROIIRUACII, See'y. May 13, ISTI.-tf. . j BEEFPORK, POULTRY and. FRUIT E.fil'OUUM, In C. DIIur' store room, tw o doors east of Brlj;ht's Muildin, Mmlict tiiinre, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Havhitf fitted npa room two doors cat of -Welt-fel's Store, the underslmicl has opened a Meat Shoa In eonnection vi h his slnnd on MARKET DAY, wh.-re lu will l:ep on hand the best of KccJ. I'orli, Veal natl Ponltry of every r'cseiij tion. Tuikey', Ocesc, I)iu!i. t'ltUUens ready dressed, and ; up in regular style of city markets.. ALSO, Ktitter. I'KKn, SNtlHtoes, Ap Iom, on I Fruits of nil kinds, a'.l of which will lie eol.i nt the lowest MarkU Trices. The citizens of Sunb'.uy urc Invited to call and examine fur themselves before purchhsini; e!e- here A full assortment on haul every umrl.et HK'iii'.ng. HENRY NEC EI!. Pee. P, 1S71. IF YOU lVAf-3Y TO ihc luigcbt asboitment of Millinery Goods ever brought to this place, go to T.T .t:, t fii.:i T.Tni.oi- nr.n-, ; MISS Jj. 6IUSS1U1, DUdlC, j Sl XBt'RV, I A., Where aro arraved in all their different varieties Tall Milliucvy Good a of every description Just brought from Philadel phia und are now open.. The new Room just completed Is filled with nn ctidless variety. A most magnificent display of Cunls on exhibition, and sold at the lowest pi ices. r.VUHY HIXI OF tJOOI usually kept in n Millinery estsiblishiner.t can ho h-i.l nt'her store. The bef.t lu tho l'hUdelphia tnarkets were solieiti-.l. , Give me a call and bs convinced. MIPS L. E1IIS3LER. F.u.ibiiry, Peptemlier 2H, is?l. ISA Af U niaiifi:k, VI tTCTSFM " ,Jlvtlu'' JEWELltY, itn x rlli Neeond St., ( or f ejui i-j . l'lHLADELPHIA. An assortment of Watches, Jrtdij, liver aud Piate-'l Ware constantly on hand. Repairing of Watches an.l Jewelry promptly attended to. April l.lSU-ly. J3. G . PETERS' ggSALE. STABLES, Adjoining Harrisburg Stock Yards, Horses BoiM, Soli or Iictajei December 10, 1HT1. Sin. Flour, M, Fruit anl VetailG Store, Bpriico Btie.t, hetweca Front nud Stcond, SU.MH'RY, PA. - - hiv.nc last opened a More at mc aixivs pif.ee. where all kind's of of the best branr. of t lour aiul Fi-rJ will b sold at greatly reduce I prices. The Cele. brate.l liuek's Mills l'lonr will be kept constantly on hind. Ao, all kinds of Feed, Urala, Corn, Oats and Rye, chopped or whole, Pol.itoes, Ap;i!on, Calbu;o A Fruit Lcin-rulh-, at a clirtiper rate than can tie bonelit ;.,,.,.. Ail eo;tU delivered Free of Charge. 1 ai examine mv stock and oerlnlu the pi ices before pureli.isin elscwlier. JOHN WILVE1L' Suntmry, Pec. 3 1871. -If. x imi'ss ;on. TALL AND WINTER STYLES, lift open at Ml KM HATil II LACK'S NTOI5E, Market Square, bL'NBLRY, Pcnu'a., LAMES' DRESS GOODS A SPECIALTY. Nik Poplins, Dress Ti pinning, Embroideries, Vnlirei. Ae. Gji;U' Collars, Neck-ties, Ualf-uoso'IIandker- j chilis and (i loves. Porfuntery, Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushes, Combs, etc. An Invitation U extended to all to call nud se cure bargains. Nov. 4, 171. . ' At; EM'S VA.NTF.I FOR 1 r IMi rases of Eontlon Fife. By D. J. Kirnan, tha well-known Journalist. THE VERY LARGEStToMMISSIOSS PAID. Tli 4 book is a beautiful octavo of I'.Gj panes, embelislied wilh- "0 ciigravlue;R, and a Jluely execilet map of Liaidou, daslgued aud execiitt'd expre.sly'for this work by eminent artists. It coiituim a full, Krawhic and truthful sutoinent of the b.lits, Seel ei and Sensullous of the great M"ljo)Gil of the worui. Addicts, DC IT FIELD AbIIVEND, Publisher. Janl3,'7i. 711 Sansom Street, Philndalphla. TIip t'oufoMblonM of an Iuvulld. TUlll.fcHF.D as a wurning and for the benefit JL of iwuiKj tntn und other; who sufler from Nervous Debility, &c., supplying the means of seo-ere. Wiioen bv one who cured hituie.f and sent Tree urocelviug a post-paid directed envelope Addn, NATHANIEL MAVl'AIK, May Xt, t"71.-4m. Brooklyn, X. Y PALL AND WlXTEll STYLES. HATS AND 1JONNET.4, HtnDJX!. FLDWETtS, WHEATIIS, LACES, Ac. Crnpe Veils, CUAPE HATS AND .BONNETS, nd cTe'rj tblnir nsually kv l la u Mi'.llucry Storo. Call nt Ttf. 1.. OOSSLKU'8 Storo, Boutb Tourtli Plreet. below the S. V. R. H., . BTINBURY, PA. Noy. 4, '71. G AS IIXtlKf S. TIIACKAItA, l.DCK & CO., SUCCESSORS TO M1SKEY, MERRILL & TIIACKARA, MANDFACTURKIIS OK GAS FIXTURES, BRONZES, Ac.,' Ac, ( liaii-Jcltoi-s, PeiiilnntH, Urm-ketsi, Ac. Ac, would respectfully Invite the attention of pur chasers to our elegant assortment. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SALESROOMS, 71S Cheat n nt Street. MAjNC FACTORY, 402, 404.400 AND 408 RACE STREET. Aug 19. 1871. m:u- sit at shop. riIIF. iitulerslpicd respectfully Informs the citl JL y.enf of Suubttry and vlrlulty, that they have ojeued a MEAT SHOP, in Pewn-l's biilhline.ou the north side of Market fcjijuure, two doors from the railroad, were they k Cl,n,tilt su,,pv of the best of Beef, ...... ' . . . I l'ork, Mutton, ice, nt wholesale or retail, at the luucM j iieeit niKi vi lae toti quaoiy a waigon will lie nm to supply customers every morning, (except Sundays.) The best ofnte.it will found sit their shop. Give us a call nnd satisfy vour felves. KEFFEW i ROWER. Oct. ICth 18C3. -tr. Attention, Agenfsi. Oreat ludneeintnts offered live Aircnts, to lell the ino-t popular work of the ajre. "Remarkable. Characters nnd Places of the Holy Luud," by CHARLES V. ELLIOTT, with r.iticles front the-peni of T. I). YVoolsev, L. I.. 1). j Rluht Rev. '1 l.os. M. Chirk, D. D. i Rev. Jo. ej h Ciiinmim:, I). I. i Rev. Ctt:irlcs A. Stod dard ; Rev. 8. F. rimilb, I). D. ; Rev. WilliKin Admi t., D. D. ; Rev. Henry Ward Heecher, Jtf. A.f.lieui for clieul.'.rs and full particular. - J. H. bT.YMIRE, !.-. i3, lS71.-Bci. l'ottsville, Pa. HOLIDAY GdODS. THADD'S S. SHANNON, THIRD AND MARKET SQUARE, ll.ts In etockand eenstiietiv iccciving Novelties nls "" fons.sunir in pari oi a inn line ot i.Tiiiii :as niin utsi, Elgin, lllluois, Howard fc Co., Wallhnm, .Mns saehusetu, and Boy's AMERICAN WATCHES; Also, a full set of Ladies, and Out's Hold aud Silver fc'wiss Watches. JEWEL Y. Roman Gold sets, pink coral aud Gold set, l';ir K'uiL'S, Neekhicci nnd Pendants, Ouyz and Jet J ewe! r v. SILVER-WARE, Solid fciiivcr-ware of Sterling purity , made to or der. Uri.Lil and l'rc.entatioti Pieces, Knives, Forks and Spoons In eases, also, a full line of Silver Plated (ioods, lea bets, lee Water Sets, Libit Stattds, Cake liaskels, Cott'ee I'ms, Forks and Spoons treble fluted, the best iu the market. m'JiCTAC'LK.S. If you value your Eyesight, use the Peifcrt Lenses, ground front uiiuute Crhtle Pebbles mel ted together, nnd derive Uicre uatno "Diamond" cn account of there baldness and brilliancy. They will last many years without change, aud warranted Superior to nil others in use. TAliLE CUTLERY. ' Ivory, Pearl aud Metal haitd'.cs In cases sup plied to order. FOt I4S. A full assortment of Eight day and Thirty hour Clocks, also Calender (.'locks ot all discrlp tio:is. Engraving dune at the shortest notice. Watches, ('locks and Jewciiy, Repuircd and Satisfacilou warranted. All goods will he t( hint the very Lowest Cash Ti iees. Every body is cordially Invited to Call auj Lxnmine for IIicium lro. Don't toryet the place. T. 8. SHANNON. uubuiyDei-.K., tf. CLEMENT & DISSINGER, in the new CU incut Biiililiug, .MurUt't Nquurp, Suiibury, Iu., offer to the public, an entire new assortment of WINTER. DRY GOODS, of all styles at the lowcU prices. Full lines of Alpacas, Mohairs, Plaids, Empress Cloths, bhawls, Flannels, Hosiery, MOURNING (iOODS, a full variety. Blankets nnd Wooleu goods of all descilplions. CLOTHS, CAPSIM K.KE&, VESTINGS, Ac., Ac Itcn;l.v-Mile C lothing, a full atsoilmeut, which will be sold lower than elsewhere. Carpets nud Oil ClotUn. OKOCEH1ES of all kinds, which are guaranteed all fresh. QU E EN S W A K E, W I LLO W WARE, rsfej" a ra? : a: ci rG" bbs 9 TRIMMINGS, GLOVES, aud in fact everything that cau be mentioned In a first-Class store. Call and examine our stock. Havlni; our s,ore lighted Willi (ias, Roods con be selected In the evening a well as la the day time. Ho charges for showing goods. CLEMENT A DISSINGER. Dec. 8, JS7L (I.MTK OF ATTlt ACTIOX. Even body Is Invited to come and buy of tha handsome assortment of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES at SAMUEL F. KEVIN'S STORE, In frame buil line, ndjolnlnir Moore A Disslnger's buildius, TlilKU blKhhT, btULKX, PA. Just opened u frcsdi nujiply pt Coufuctioueilisli of every description. . TOYS OF A EE KIXI constantly on bund. The best RAISIN8, FIGH, CCRllANTSA: niiir.u KUll. 1'UIIE 1UO COFFEE, TEA &, SriCES, fresh Bread, Dim. A Cake, every uiorniiig. FANCY CAKES, liltfTTITS, CRACKERS, Ac. OYSTEllS t OYSTERS ! OYSTERS 1 Having fitted up a room expressly for servine up Oysters lu every style, Ludies aud (cutleineu will bo accommodated witb tbe beet bivalves in market, at all hoars during the day and eveuiug. Families will be supplied ul tbe.r residence with the best Shell or Canned Oysters, as is desirable, ut the very lowest prices. Call and see my excellent assortineut of goods aud uscettjlu the price. 8. F. XEVIN. Dec. 16, 1871. , E. Hodgklns, Agt., PEAI.KK IN Hitles, Tallow, Bones, Kags and. . CRACKLINGS, Huubury, Xortli'd Couuly, Pa. CASH PAID ONALL PURCHASE. SuiitiuiT. De- im.-oiu. JUtsccIIancoMS. Hl'SClYNinF. llFATF.lt. 8pWTiiniii t Mamtlnw Ptatb Faih, IUu TiMOMit. First premium fur Flre-pluce lleuteis awarded the Bininysidu. Advantages or the Bnnnysldc i 1. It Is so constructed that ouc-thlrd more of the rndlalhitf surface cjtends Into the ro4tm, giv ing that tniicU more adilitloiial hwit without ex tra fuel. 8. It is the otily rtot-AIr Flro-Vhteu Hooter lu the market. Like the regular bul t cellar heater, It loses no beat, but contlncs It all to Its legiti pnrposes. 8. The fuel magnzliie-lB double the nsnal dzc, extending from tho lire box to the top nf tbo stove, with cupaeltj for twenty-four hours' up ply of eonl. 4. Tbo pntcnl double cover for cool ntnirnitino consumes the gas, prevents escape of iras Into tho room, and makes It Impossible for any puf fings or explosions to occur. This ts an advant age possessed by no other flre-pluce stove lu the market. 6. There are three air cenmbcrs, wherein a brisk circulation la kept up, drawing the cold air In the room through heated flues Into a large bot-nlr reservoir, at the back of the stove. it Nn side pipes are used, as the air Is healed tn a reservoir having double radiating flues and doublo buck, supplying largo quautities or hot alrwlthout waste of beat or fuel. 7. The Bi'NNTBin utilises the waste heat so thoroughly that we frequently beat ao adjoining room on the first, bwldes heating tbe rooms la second and third stories. 8. A damper on top of the stove, connected with the hot nlr Hues, controls the quautity of hot air required for the use of either tbe upper or lower rooms. All other flre-placo stoves are Tery Inconvenient in this respect. tf. The Orate Is self-sealing, and oa dust cnu escape while shaking It. BTURAT, PETERSON A CO., Philadelphia, n. B. MASSEn, Agent. ' Nov. 11, 1871. . EXTRtOUWISARY. eio OFFERIlO 30 DAYS OX Tit I A I,. MOXTIII.Y PAYMENTS. niHE ItEDFCF.n. Tub America Sewino Maciunb Co. have concluded to offer their whole Stock of tiupeiior aud widely-known machines, upon the above unparuleled terms, to everybody, everywhere, who have, or cau ilud use for a rvnlly good Sew lug Machine, che..pcr than the cheapest. Every one Is welcome to a month's free trial at their own home. The best, nnd only true guarantee of Itsqnality, Is a month's free trial. The object of giving a free trial Is to show you how (iood our Machine is. This is the shnplest and most certain way to convince you that our Machine is Just what you want. " . The Secret of safety ts In nr.e month's trial. ' No one parts with the Machine after trial. All pay for and keep It. Buy no machine, until you have found it a good one, eusy to learn, easy to inanago, ensy to work, easy to keep In order, perfect in mechanism, perfect in construction, simple, reliable, and satisfactory. Any company who w ill refuse you this much canuot have us good a Sewing Machine as ours. Buy only when you know the tnachiue docs not take an hour to get ready to do a minutes work. Buy nnly when vo u find a Machine that Is rendy iu a minute to do any Ulna r wnrk aud Is alwavs rcadv, aud uever out of order. A month's trial answers all questions, solves all doubts, prevents all mistakes, and Is the only safe way lo get your moneys worth. Try It. You cannot iose. - Write for our Confidential Circulars aud Illus trated Pamphlet, containing full particulars, which we will send you by return of mall free, w ith Samples of Sew'inir, that j'ou can Judge for yourself. And remember, that we sell our good Machine at a low pri-e, upon extraordinary favor able terms of payment, and upou tbeirowu mer its. Don't hesitate because you are uncertain whether want a Sewing Machine or not, no be cause yon have one of another kind. Try a good one, they are always useful, and will make money for you, or help you to save it. And if you haveauotber.ours w ill show you that the one you have could bu Improved. The company stake the very Existence of their Business on tiie mere its of this Wonderful and Extraordinary 8cw lug Machine. County Rights given free to good Brnurt Agents. Canvassers, male and female, wanted everywhere. Write for Particulars, nnd address : AMERICAN MACHINE Co., j"Cot. John aud Nassan Street. New York. Oct. 11, 1871. 1 year. CAM IIEAFEH THAN KEUOSEXE. Oefice or TUB SlKDVBT Gas Covtaiit, Oct.fr 2J, 1871. To Tnit Citizens : Receut inrcstlgalions do moniir.tn thiit Gas of 14 Candies -jualilv, can be sold at t'-'.OO per 1000 cuuit ru,. Th,, "itirec tors of the Bunbury Gas Company have deter mined to adopt that price and 14 Candles as the standard of quality. This fixes the price of a 14 Cuudie burlier ut one cent ao hour, or one third less than Philadelphia gas. A Kerosene lamp gives a light of seven to tea caudles only therefore, gas at the above price Is much cheaper than Veroscnc, without causid ering cost ot chimneys aud liability to accident. Let all come forward and become gass consum ers. Make your applications for service pipes nnd fittings ut ouce, as tbe season for Introduc ing them is drawing to a close. Bl OnoEK or tux Hoard or Dihbctoks. TERMS. The contractors for the Works will Introduce pipes upon the following terms. Bervice pipes at 50 cents per running foot, measuring from centre of street. Upon Market Square, tweuty dollars for entire service. Interior fittings at 15 cents per running foot, lu new buildings ; 15 coiits per running foot over plaster, and V!0 cents per ruuuiug foot under tloort. Chandeliers, Pendants rud other fix. lures for sale at uew York aud Philadelphia prices. October 7, 1871. OSADAL The ixcREryF.NTs that COMPOSE, KOSADA1I3 are p'iblishcd on evei y package, ti'ore fure it is nof a sot ret p npiriiiuii, consequently rilTSICIASS PKESCHIBE IT It is a certain cure (or Scrofula, Syphilis in all its forms, Rheunu liiin, bkia Uiseates, Liver Coin plaint and all diseases of tie Uiood. CSS tOTTLTCP MSA3Ai:3. will do more pood than ten buttles of the rlyrups of Sarup&nlU. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS have used Roiadjlisi" their practiro for the past three years end t ely endorse it ss a reliablu Alterativo and Bluod Purihor. nn. t. c. rrc.ii.fii Bsitimci. 1)11. T. J. BOVK1N, " nu. it. w. i-'Aiut. l)K. V. O. MANNK.LLY, " DU. J. S. Si'AUKS, of Nlrholsirille, Da. f. L. McCAETHA, Coluoibii, S. C. DU. A. B. NODLtS, Kdgecomb, N. C. USED AND ENDORSED BY J. B. FRENCH A SON'S, rill Stiver, Mis. F. W. SMITH, Jscksnn, Mich. A. V. WHU Ltll, I.im. Ohio. B. HAI I.,1. Imi. Ohio. CHAN K.N & t,0.,(ior.r.svin, Vs. SA.VI'I.. C. Mef ADUt.V, .Murfisc. boro, Teua. Our spsce will not allow of any ex leu. ltd remuks la relation lu the virtaesof RontUUt. Toth Ifetflrat Protrusion w guarantee s ,'luid tract superior to any thsy have ever used in the treatment of diseased llluod; and lo thoatnietad w say try Hoaailalia, and you will be mlursd ta haallh Roaailatla Is sold by all Drurrtits. price 1.60 par bottla. AJtlrvss SS. CLiLir.JI3 U CD. MaaaWiiri( CS'lMa, 0 ALII hoik, Va- Jnly 93, Wlly. jtttttnf;tctnrrrs. v Merchant Tailoring. J. 91. 1IOMTIAK, In tha Post Otflce BulldliiK, opposite tit Depot, (np stairs.) STJXBUKY, l'EXIT'A, Informs his friends a ad the public ReneralVy, that he lias Just opened, lurge nud vailed as sortment of Cloths, Vnnslmcrcs, Y-tliiK fchtch will be made np to order lu the latest styK-s, and warranted to fit. Hcntlcinen In want of fashionable suits are v it il to cull and examine his Mock. ' BIIIRT8 scientifically and practically ut nud mads measure, HTJN NO RISK. Wc fnrulsh tho nbove styles of Improved yoke and sack shirt with entirely new shape sleeve, and guarantee a perfect nttlnir shirt. It is the best model of a shirt ever cKTereit l,t the trade. Fiue and fancy shirts made to order. J. M. HD8TIAN. June 8, 1S71.-CW MACHINE SHOP AND IRO. FOllVKRY. GEO. ROIirvBACH & SONS, Nunbury, Peuu'a, INFORM tho public that tlicy are preparen 10 do all hinds of CASTINGS, and having added a new Machine Chop In connection with their Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Pinning and Boring Machines, with the latest Improvements. With the ld of skillful mechanics, they are enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given them, In a satisfactory man ner. (rates? to suit any Store. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other bulld Imrs, of nil sizes. BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOT8 i VERANDAHS, FOR YARDS AT RESIDENCES, AC, AC. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been still further improved, aud will alwavs be kept on hand. Aiso, THRESHING MACHINES. Stiubury, May 20, 1871. t'M it Fit-ax iriEA Ji i xTmTLXs; Third Street, adjoining Phlla. A Erie R. R., two Squares North of the Central Hotel, BUNBURY, PA. IRA T. CLEMENT, "I 6 prepared to furnish every description of lum- l ber reutiirea bv the demands of the public. Having, all the latest Improved machinery for manufacturing Lunber, be is uow ready to till or ders of till kinds of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS, SHUTTERS, SASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and all kinds of Ornamental ScrowlWork. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A LllIOR ASSOnTMKNT or BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and FINE. Also, Shingles, Tickets, Lathe, Ac. ' Orders promptly tilled, rfnd shipped by Railroad ur otherwise. m. l. CLr-MRMT. decl-t!8:ly STOVE A TIS EST A It EI Nil M EX T. MARKET STREET, 6UNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor. sl'CCESSOtt TO SMITH UENTUER. J HAVING purchused the above well known es tablishment, Mr. Krause would respectful ly inform the public that be now has on hand a large assortment of COOKING STOVES, Speer's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna and others, which are so arranged ns to be used for Conl or Wood, aud aro warranted to perform satisfactori ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put up to heat one or more rooms. HEATING 6TOVE8 of different kinds at very low prices. Tinware of Every Oonerlpllou kept constantly ou hand. Roofing aud Spouting with the best material, done ut short notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil cud Lamps constantly on hand. Japan ware of i.ndj. StNie opposite Conley's hardware store, (iive me a cull. A. KRAUSE. opl24-ly FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF CLOTHS AXD ASM M EKES ! ' FRENCH AND DOMESTIC GOODS of every grade, Just opened at the MERCHANT TAILOR SHOP or T1IOS. XOTT, Ou Third Street, lb Mlllci'a Mock, opposito .the .Moore s DiBsntger liunomgs, SUNriURY, PENN'A. Tho tn oft fashionable clothing1 made to order from every variety of goods. Suits of ull sites made up at tue tnorteat no tice, from the best selected stock, iu Now I01U ami Philadelphia. Call aud be couviuccd. THOS. 0. NOTT. Nov. 4, 1871. Beef! Beef! rrinK undersigned Is prepared to urnlsh the Js cinitens 01 onnnnry ana vicinity witn ine choicest Beef nnd Pork In Market, cilher at Wholesale or Retail. Families will be supplied by the quarter or side, or smaller quantities at the most reusona ble rates. Constantly on band the choicest cuts of Beef, Pork, Million and Ycnl.ulso Hiusaires, Uelotcnas etc. Applv ut the Meal House, fioulh Third street, iu Moore Jt DlsVinner's Row, Suubnry. Ou mui kct days the best of meat la served to customers ut tbe meat stand, corner of Market and Third streets, when the eelebrutcd Brosious sausages can be hud, long known us the best In market. HENRY U. FAOELY. N. B. Persons havim; fat hoirs or beeves for sale can procure the bluest market price by ap plication ul Ihc a Hove ei-laOllshment. bunbury, Nov. H, IH71. !rt 1 1,1,1 XFRY GOODS ti KX LR.i LLY. NEW STYLES OF HATS, FLOWERS, fit AMES, &c, Mourning and Bridal llata and Bonnets. Full line of Mourning Veils and Crape. MILLINERY IS THE SPECIALTY Sash Ribbons, Oruameuts, Feathers, Gloves, , Handkerchiefs, Ac, die. FANCY GOODS AND MOTIONS. . MISS M. L. GOS8LER. South Fourth St.; helow the Railroad, Surbory. April i!2, 1S71. Wanted Immediately. 10,000 9Ien aud Women to purchase the entire stock of GOODS now of fered for Inspection and sale at the Mammoth Store oa Queen Street, Northumberland, as I am determined not to be I'nderstold or Excelled In quality of goods offered for (ale in my Una. EU MILLER, Oct. 38, 1871.-8m. , ST Kit EOM'O PES, VIEWS. ALBUMS, CHROMOS, FRAMES. E. A II. T. AXT1IOX V A CO., 501 Broadway, New York, Invite the attention of tbe Trade ta their exten slve assortment of the above goods, of their own publication, manufacture and importation. Also PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES and GBAPnOSCOPES. NEW VIEWS OF ITOSEMITE. - J.. A H. T. ANTHONY A CO., 591 Broadway, New Tork, Opposite Metropoilta Hotel, iuroTas axo MiaurAOTi aaas or Photographic Material. ' ' March.tth, 1T1. -It. ftfascclhncons. JJARDWARE FOR ALL at ma HARDWARE STORE J. H. CONNELLY & CO. BlaTkct Street, Hunbory, Pa It 1s useless to enumerate ever? kind of article In his Store, bul nniong the leading Items may be set down the following Iron, Stool, Lend, Scales, Btoolynrrtu, Grindstone. Walls of nil kinds and sites, Vices, Saws, Planes, Sevet, Chains), Axy. nrass and lion Kettles, Shovel. Hoes, Forks, Spadea, Rakes, Hatchets, Carpenter and Blacksmith Borlnir Machines, Ccllur Grilles, Drawing Kuives, Stone Sledges, ' Flatterers' Trowels, Masons' Hammers and Trowels, Hand Dinner Bells, and large cast Iron Bells for School Houses and Farmers' Dinner Bells, Carpenters' Bench Screws, Potato Forks for digging potatoes, Looking Glasses, Twine, Ropes, Knives nnd Forks, Spoons, Tacks, Mule nnd Horse Shoes and Nails, ITammcrs, Angnrs, Chisels, Lanterns, Oil Cloths, Brooms, Locks of all descriptions, CoOce Mills, Bits nnd Braces, Carriage Bolts of all kinds, Pulut and Wall Brushes, Buckets, OH st, Varnishes, Japan. Lve, Roda Ash, Washing Soda, r A IX T," OF A EE KIXON hi Oil or Dry, Parti-Colors of all kinds, CEDAR-WARE nnd other Wooden-Ware of all kinds and Tery . cheap, Hny-Fork Pulleys, Picks, Mill Picks, Levels, Level Glasses, Files, Hinges, Coal Oil, Hems, , Combs, Screws, Saddlery and 8hoe Findings, Buggy Trimmings, Excelsior Glass Cutters. Pocket Kuives, Scissors, Shears, Shot, Cnpst and Powder, and a rrcot varirty of other articles.' Any thing wanted and not on hand, will be ordered ut once. Sunbury, Ang. 19, 1871. WJI. MVKIUT. J. SLATMAKSII. Til. H. SLACK. MURRAY & CO., Wholesale Dealers In MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, Office and School Stationery, Printing, Wrapping; aud Manilla PAPERS, rAl'KIt 1JAGM, Ac, de. The Culobrati-il Corry Kerosene Burning Oil always ou hand. Having also opened a COAL YARD; wo are prepared tn supply at short uotlce, and at the lowest rules, EGG, fcSTOVE, CHESTNUT ancl PEA COAL to all who may be pleased to cive us a call. Orders left at our offlce Nn. S3 South Third St., win be promptly lined. MTJR.KAY & CO. No. 35 South Third Streit, Suubnrv, Ta. Anc 2, 1S71. LADIES' FANCY FURS. John Fareira, 70 A lit II KTltEET, Middle of the Block, between 7th and .Stli Eti., eonm onie, rhiliulelphla. Importer, Manufaetitier and Dealer Id all kinds and quaMty or FA3STCY FURS, For Ltdles' aud Chlldreu's Wear. ITnvluc Imported a very larire and splendid ns. sotlmetil of all the different kinds nf Fnrs front first bauds iu Europe, und have had them mudo np by the most sUilllul workmen, wou'.d respect fully invito the readers of tills paper to call and examine his lare and very beautiful assoitincnl of Fnuev Furs, for Ladies und Children. I am determined to sell ut as low prices ns any other respectable House hi this city. All Furs war ranted. No misrepresentation to effect sales. JOHN FAREIRA, 718 Arch Street Philadelphia. Oct. IS, lS71.-3in. MII.I.IMCKY AXD FAXCY NTOUE. Etll aud Winter Uoods. MISS L. WEISEK, Market 8treet, o e door west of Gearhart's con- I "tionery store, SUNBURY, PA., Has opened her stock of Millinery and Fancy (ooda, HATS AND BONNETS. The latest styles of Dress Trimmings, French and American Flowers, Laces, Ribbons, 8uck loops, Chlizmins, Collars, Culfs, Jouvin Gloves, and a lnrjre variety of other articles. Id councctlou with tbe Millluery business, sbe carries ou the DRESS MAKING AND FITTING, lu all its branches. Bhe Is also agent for the sale of Ramsey, Scott & Lo. 1'ullerus. Tbe ladles of Sunbury aud vicinity arc cor dially invited to cull and examine her splendid stock. Nov. 4, 1871. Sure Cure for Tetter. THE Subscriber, resident of Seven Points, Au gusta towuship, Northumberland County, Pa., baa a sure cure for Tetter, which he offers to those afflicted with this annoyitu; disease. He was troubled with It tor elt'bt ytars, and notiiins would cure it until be obtained this remedy. It has been tried lu a number of cases, to bis know ledge, (one case of 25 years standing) w ith entire success. Vpon receipt ol l 00, he will send a box of the medicine, and directions to use it, or 0 boxes for t5, fieo of postage. WILLIAM RAKER, Anetista P. O., North'd Co., Pa. August 13, 1871-7M. Philadelphia and Erie Railroad. WINTER TIME TABLE. On and after Monday, November 27, 1871, the Trains on the Philadelphia A Erie Rail Road will rap as follows 1 WESTWARD. Mall Train leave PMWuiclphh, Suubury, arr at Erie, Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, " " " Stiubury, " " an nt Erie, Eltnlra Mall leave Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, " " arr at Lock Haven, Accommodation leaves Suubury, " arr at Renovo, 6.20 p m 1.00 a tr 3.50 p it 13.30 p m 8.50 p in 7.40 a m 7.60 a in 4.86 p in 7.55 p m 0.15 a m 10.40 in EASTWARD. Mali Train leave Erie, 11.95 a iu " " Sunbury, 13.30 a ni " " arr at Philadelphia, 8-30 m Erie Exprcs leave Erie, 00 p m . Suubury, 0.20 a m " - " rr at Philadelphia, I SO p m Elmlr Mall leave Look Haven, 7.85 ut Sunbury, 11.00 a m " " arr at Pbiludelptfit, 6.fKl p ni Accommodation leaves Renovo, It -5 p m ' arr al Suubury, 4.36 p in Mail East connects east and west at F.ile with L. S. A M. S. R. W. aud at Corry and Irvtoelon with Oil Creek and AHugtMity K. R. W. Mai) Wl with wl bautxi train ou LrS. fc M. 6. R. W. and at Cony and Irvlnelor. with Oil Creek aud Allegheny R. B. W. Cattuwiaaa pasaenger train will b run east from Wll)tumiort ou Eri Expre, and wet, to Williainsport OB Elmlra Mall. . , , wm. A. BAJ.DV1N, CfW I btif t. uilrcabft, Lackawanna and llloomstbtirirRaJN w t road. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGEtt - TRAINS. Monday, July 17, 17L SOUTH WARD. !. A.M.;P.M.A.M.fF.'M.PM, Seranton, Bellevue, Tnylorvllle, Lackawanna, Pittston, West Pittton, Wyoming, 0 4.'. e 5 0 fi7 7 no; 7 14 7 19 7 Si7 1 4", 10 H5 0 Bui 4 09 0 65 4 ( 7 OU 4 1 7 114 til 7 m 4 no 7 24 4 K$ 7 81 4 49 7 80' 4 47 7 Bl' 65 8 00 8 00 8 05 05 8 20 1 8 Urn 8 461 10 2lli 3 11 10 lift JO 40 81 10 47 ftiaiiny, ' Kingston, A ) at. 1 W.-Barre (c'rs ! Plymouth June., Plymouth, ' Nanllciike, ! lliinloek's, J Slileksblnny, Hick's Ferrv. 7 40 8 88 11 Oi) 7 60 S 00 8 07 8 22 8 tO 8 4Ut 8 Ml 8 r7 07 9 14 9 10 2 40 Bench HaTen, Berwick, Brlnr Creek, Lime Ridge, Espy, Bloomsbarg, Rupert, Catawlssa. Danville, Chulasky, Cameron. 0 !.' S 67 9 bl 9 M 9 69 111 North'd, (arrive.) 10 sol 4 63 NORTHWARD. Leave. (A.M. P. M. Northumberland, 10 85 6 10 Cameron, 6 87 Chnlusky, 5 81 Danville, 10 60 6 40 Cutawissa, A 00 Rupert, 8 05 Bloomtburg, 11 14 6 12 Espy, 0 17 Lime Ridife, 6 24 Briar Creek, 8 84 Berwick, 11 8G 0 41 Beach Haven, 11 4a 48 A.M. Hick's Ferry, 6 65 Shlckshlnuy, 12 00 7 09 7 80 Hunlock's, 7 24 7 45! PM. Nauliroke, P. M. 7 i.l 8 Ool j Plymouth, U iitj 7 41 8 15'r.M.jsiO Plymouth June, 8 20 1 5 15 Maltby, 8 40 j 2 43 i 5 35 Wyouiiutr, 13 43 8 CG 8 45! 2 48 5 40 Wcm. I-Mtslon. 8 13; 8 52! 2 64 i 6 47 Pttiston, 12 52 8 18 9 04: 2 69 5 62 Lnckuwnnna, 8 28i 9 14 8 07 0 00 Taylorville, 8 36 9 25 8 10 6 10 Bellevue, 8 42i 9 82 $ 23 6 17 Scruntoo, (arrive) 1 14 8 48 V 40 8 80 6 25 DAVID T. BOUND, Sup'tT j Northern Central Ruilwaj. FALL AND WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ON and after Nov. 12, 1871, trains will ruu as follows i NORTHWARD. Niagara Eicrress leaves Sunbury nt 12.40 p. m., arrives tit Niagara Falls tit 1.80 a. m. Bullalo Express leaves Sunbury ut 12.30 a. rn., arrive at Williainsport ut 2.25 a. m., Eliulru nt &.3U a. m., iuu:init;imua S.Ij a. ni. Mali arrives at Sunbury ut 4.30 p. tn., arrive nt Wiiliumspnrt U.30 nud Eltnlra 10.35 p. m. Fast Lln- arrives at Sunbury at 0.50 p. tn., arrive at Williainsport 8.15 p. iu. SOUTHWARD. Buffalo Express leaves Sunbury at 1.47 a. m., arrive nt Uarrisburg 3.45 a. m., Baltimore 7.ii0 a. in. Mail leaves Snubury at 11.05 a. nt., arrive at HarrisburK 1.45 p. ui. Erie Express leaves Sttnbury at 9.25 a. m., ar rive at Harril)ur 11.20 a.m., Baltimore 3.00 p. ru. Erie Mall leave Sunbury at 12.30 a. m., arrive at liarricburf; 2.20 a. m. . SHAMOKIN DIVISION. BASrWAKD. Leave Suubury at 4.40 p. m., arrive at Shamo kin 5.50 p. m., Mt. Carincl 6.40 p. m. Leave Suubury (Accommodation,) at 11.50 a. m., arrive at 6bamokin 1.00 p. m. WESTWARD. Leave Mt. Carmcl at 7.00 a. m., 8hamokln 7.40 a. m., arrive at Suubuiy 9.55 a. m. Leave bhamokin ( Accommodatiuu,) at 2.45 p m., arrive at Suubuiy 4.00 p. m. Express leaves dully. Ail other tralus leave dally, except Sundsvs. A. R. Fiskr. Ur. S. Y'oL'no Gen'l. Sup't., Gcu'l Passcu'r A(,-"t., Hnrrlaburif, Pa. Baliuiote, Md. Reading Itutlroad. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Monday, Nov. Uth, 1S71. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North and North-West for Philadelphia, N. Y., R. a 1 Ing, l'ottsville, Tamaipia, Ashland, Shaiai kin, Lebanon, Alleutown, Easton, Ephrata, Litiz, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac., Ac. Trains leave Hurrisburg for New Toik, as fol lows t At S.45, 8.10, a. ru. and 2.00 p. m., con necting with similar trains ou the Pennsylvania Rallruad, aud arriving at New York ul io.o; a. m., 8.42, and 9.45 p in. respectively. Slcepiue Curs accompany the 2.45 a. m., train without change. Returning! Leave New Tork ut 9.00 a. in., 12.30 dood and 1. 00 p. 111., Philadelphia at T.M, 8.30 a. m. and 8.30 p. in. ; bleepiug Cars accom pany the 5.00 p. m. train trout New York with out chance. Leave Hurrliburg for Reading, Pottsville, Ta maqua, Minersville, Ashland, hliamokiu, Allrntown and Philadelphia at 8.10 a. m., 2.00 and 4.05 p. tn., stopping at Lebanon and principal way stations; tbe 4.05 p.m.. tram connecting for Philadelphia, Piiit.v!lle and Co lumbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill lluveu and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave Harrishurg ut 3.40 p. 111. East Pennsylvania Ruilroud truius leave Read lug for Alleulowu, Eastou and New Y ork at 4.34, 10.40 a. 111., and 4.05 p. 111. Returulug, leave New York at 9.00 a. m., 12.30 noon and 6.00 p. m. and Allentown at 7.20 a. iu. 12.25 uoou, X.15, 4 25 and 8.35 p. m. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 u. 111.. coiiueetiui; with similar train on Easl Penna. Railroad, n turning from Rending at U.20 p. m., stopping ul all stations. Leave Puttaville til 9.00 a. m. anl 2.30 p. m. Herudon ul IU.00 a. ut., bhamokin itl 5.40 and 11.15 a. 111.; Asblund al 7.05 a. m., and 12.43 noon; Mahauoy C ity at 7.51 u. 111. and 1.20 p. :u. Taiuuiiiu ut b.35 a. 111. and 2.10 p. in. for Philadelphia, New l'oik.Kt'aiting, Han isliur'.Ac. Leave PoMsville via bchuylkil) and SuMpte hanna Railroad at 8.15 a. 111. for Uarrisburg, and 11.45 a.m., for Pine Grove and Treuiont. Reuding Accommodation Traiu leave Potts ville ut 5.40 a. 111., pusses Kudlng al 7.30 a. in. arriving at Philadelphia nt 10. Al u. in., returning leaver Philadelphia ul 4.45 p. 111., passing: Read lug at 7.35 p.m. arriving at Poitsville ut 9.20 p.m. Potlstowu Aceouiiuuuution Traiu leaves Polls ton 11 at 7.U0 . in., returui..g leaves Philadelphia at 4.15 p. in. Colui'-.bia Kallrcntd Trains leave Reading at 7.20 a. m., and 0.15 p. iu. lor Ephrata, l.ilin, Lancaster. Columbia. ,. ; returning leave Lan caster at ti30 a. 111. and 3.25 p. iu., aud Colum bia at 8.15'a. m. uud 15 p. iu. l'erkiotuen Rail Road Trains leave Perklomen Janrtlouai 7.25, U.05a. ut.. at'41.00 and 5.45 p. m. Retuiniiig.leuve Scbwvuksvillu al 0.4.',S10 a. 111., 12.50 uoou and 4.45 p. in. connecting with similar trains on Reading Hail Road. Pickering Valley Ruilroud trains leave Phai iiixviliual 9-10 a. in., 3.05 und 6.55 p.m.; re turning, leave Bycrs at 0.511 u. m., 12-45 uoon, and 4.20 p. m., eoniKvliu with siiuila' trains on Reading lluilroad. Colebrookdiile Railroad tsmins leave Pi.ttsiowu at 9.40a. in., I.15uud 0.30 p. 111., returning lca'e Mt. Pleasant al 7.15 and 11.25 a. 111., and 2.54 p. in., conreitintf with similar trains on Heading Railroad. C better Valley Railroad Trains leave Bridge port ul 8.30 a. in-, K.t'.iau 1 5.20 p. 111. iviuruins, leave Dowmngton ut 0.55 a. 111., 12..'0 ucxin and 5.1A p. 111. couiiecling Willi similar train on Read lug Railroad. Ou SuuiUy I Leave New York at 5.00 p. in., Pbiludelplu-t ut 8.U0 a. m.iud 3.15 p. in., (tha 8.00 a- 111. train running only to Vending;) leave Pottsville at 8-isJa. ni., leave Hatvistmrg, 345a. IU., and 3.1HJ P- iu.j leave Alleulowu ul 8.35 p. mil leave Rwidiug ut 7.15 a. in. wid 9-50 p. III. for Uarrisburg, at 4 34 a. in. I"r New York, and al 9.40 a. in. mt 4-.I5 P- m. for Philadc, a. Conimulalinu, Mileage, Season, fcehool anl Excursiou Tickets, lo uud from ail oiul at re duced rate. Baggage check.! throng 1 100 Pounds Ba IK .g allowed each Pawn-Tiger. I. E. IVOOTIE.V, ,ft. f-upl. eV F.nj. Vach'ry.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers