tantats American. BUNBURY, FEBRUARY 17, 1872.- Rllrod YUn Table. N. C. R. W.E.st. P. A B. R. R -WKiT. Buffalo El I've 18:90 m;Brl Mull, I II 1:00 am Erie " " : i rrnm . ft: IS EtmlraMall " 11:05 " Niagara Ex." 4:40 pm Niagara Et 13:40 pm Kimtrauaii - :oo -Erie Ex. 0:50 " BAWOKIM DITUIOM M. O. . . w. uiri flunhnrv at 11:50 am At Bunbury 9:S5am :u p mi D. H. A Mi. R. R. Leave Banbury :20 . m. Arrlre at 8.88 p. m BUNBURY 4 LKW18TOWS R. R. MATS I ARRIVB Banbury at 6:30 a. ra. At Bunbury 8:85 a. m. "11:40a.m. " . 10:45a.m. Accident Insurance Tickets can be bad of J. Slllpmnn, Ticket Agent at the Depot. . jtocnl f ffairs. Bswino MAcniNM.Mis Caroline Dallus U the agent for the sale or the best Sewing Machines In existence, vlxt "The Improved Blnger," "Grover A Baker," "Howe," and "Domestic," which are constantly on band and solf a rca onuble prices. Bhe Is also agent for the cele brated Franti and Pope Knitting Machine. Call and see them. O'Bce on Market street, cost of the railroad. . Jlpob RoCKRFBi.tBR lias been absent from home during the past week, holding Court In Clinton County ,In place o! Judge Maytr, w ho has been HI. The Blate taken out at Seven Poluts,ln Lower Augusta township, proves to bo of exeellcti' qua lity. A large quantity line been taken out and thoroughly tested. This discovery will be vastly beneficial to thp citizens of that township, as It will odd much to their wealth. Mr. Arot.-sTi-a Mi nnocx, for a number of years engaged at this place as telegraph operator, has been appointed agent of the P. & E. R. R., nt Milton, In place of James MeCoiikey, wlio has been appointed to the Jersey Bliore station. Bonouon CiiAHTsn. It has been suggested thnt tba Borough Charter should be so amended that no tax enn be collected until the previ ous years' nceonnt has been audited and . published. The tax payers ought not to be re quired to pay .until tlieyknow how their money has been expended. Ueavt Ijisciiakcb. The Into excursion party from tl.is place to Lewistown. had purchased ac cidental Insurance tickets to the amount of seventy-four thousand dollars Trom Jacob Shipman, ngent nt the deput. The result was that nil re turned safe nnd sound. Washington's birth day will be celebrated by tho citizens of Georgetown, this oounty, by a grand ball to be held In Bingnnian's Hall, nnd a supper to be prepared by mine host and hostess, Mr. Frank S.irgc and lady, of the "Susquehanna House.'" A general good time may be expected- Eveutbodv. We refer our readers to tho ad vertisement headed "Everybody,' lu another part of this paper. Tub citizens of Danville have decided, at a. public meeting, to erect water works in that place. A Pauadb. A grand parade of tlia Improved Order ot Red Men will take plac nt Shuiuokin, on the lalb or March next, on the anniversary day of Shlcknllamy Tribe No. 148, of that place. A lecture on the rise nud progress of the order, will be delivered In the evening by P. G. 8. Mor tis H. Gorhain, of Philadelphia. 'Wit learn that ground has been leased from Mr. John Shissler, nt tho lower eud of this Bo rougb I'orthe purpose of erecting a steam saw .mill and a car manufactory. The saw-mill will 'b commenced lu a few weeks nnd the woik completed us speedily as possible. The parties 'connected with the euterprize are nil thorough business men. Their location U one of the best at this place, having the river on the ouc side nnd the railroad on the other. Died i-hom Parali bis. James Forrester, nu old citizen of Upper Augusta township, aged 75 years, died suddenly of Paralysis, at his rcsl . deuce,-on Monday morning of lust week. He did not risent his usual lime, unci when his wife went to his bsd to awake bim, found him in an almost Insensible condition. He spoke o few words, when she assisted bim to rise, and as he got out of bed he fell over against the stove, and died In n few minutes afterwards. Mr. Forres ter had mi attack about a year ago. He was an cxuiirplury citizen, nnd highly esteemed by all who kuew him. Tub excursion party from this place to Lewls towu, ou Thursday lust, returned borne on Frl dayJilghW pleased with their reception, by our neighbors of Lewlstown. There were some scv. cnty in the party, who, oue aud all, report that the trip wo one of the most pleasant ever made ifrom Smlbniy. In fact our friends at Lewistown, extended to them each a degree of hospitality, that all are willing to make the trip over again. W urc .pleased to nee our frlond N. Ferree Liglitucr, late of this place, a partner with C. E. Morris iu the manufacture of lime from tbc cele brated 'Holstein Quarries at .Upper Merlon, Montgomery county, Pa. The lime produced from these quarries Is of the most-celebrated lu the State. We wish Mr. Lightucr success iu Ills :ncw euterprise. Tub Express Business. Twenty yees ago there was no Express at this plate, aud commu nication between the city and other points aud Bunbury, was slow and tedious. Adams' Ex press was then In operation only between Urge .cities, but has slnee extended over tbe whole con tinent. The Expreet business at Bunbury baa grown rapidly with the place, and tbe different railroads that no centre here. Out of the thirty-one arrivals and departures of passenger trains at this place, nine carry goods for tbe Adams sad Central Express Companies. This necessarily keeps tbe Express agent very busily employe!. Taa ablest lawyers In (own are well pleased wltb Mr. Heller as a public officer, and pro nounce bis husluees habits correct. Iitimotrut. Our neighbor's tmagluatiou U certainly very extensive when he Includes tbe ablest lawyers iu town as approvlug of Mr. Heller's business hab its, when It Is well knows thai any scfcsul boy of a dozen summers knows more about transacting business than the fresent incumbent ot the She riff's office. Is It likely that a Sheriff would al low himself to become liable for executions iu his possession If bs Is of approved business habits I It does'uot look very plausibls neighbor. Bnt af ter all we wouder whether yoa don't mean bu siness qualifications. There is a rst difference between business babits and business aualilca. tlons. A man may always bs In Ms place of bu siness ready to do 'busluess, and bs' entirely un qualified. Bis constant pretense and willing. Aiess relates to the babits of ths person, bis qua lllHeatlons show only In tbs exocntiop of business. We bad reference to ths quallfletlous of the offi cer acd not bis habits. Neighbor, neighbor ths paper w hich boasts of so vast a circulation should be edited by some oas who can make a proper distinction between word. It's bsd lsu fun; neblor-my bsd. Annual Sohoo Rob. Ws aro raabt44o Dr. Bmlnkey, member' bt ths Legislature from Dauphin county, for a copy or ths Annual Re port of the Btats Superintendent of Common Schools, for the year ending June 6th, 1871. On examining It ws And that new school houses have been erected lu tbs following townships In this county, te wit i Coal, 8 1 Csmeroni' Jackson, t Ml. Car reel township, 1 1 and bine brick, as follows i De laware, 8 1 Turbut, 8 p Washington, 8 1 Ml. Car rnel borough, 1 1 Upper Augusta, 1 ) Bhamokln township, 1. One ofthe two built In Jackson Is a two-story building. In which two schools ere taught, thus affording the advantage or grading these two schools. The two built In Delaware, are furnished with patent furniture. Tbe two built In Turbut are model structures, 88x86 feet i ceilings 18 feet, with ventilation registers In the walls, and sliding sash In the windows, with weights appended. Eac-b has an entry and sepa rate eloths rooms for boys and girls, provided with bnt hooks and shelves. The two built In Washington complete their whole number five In nil all brick built In two years. The Mt. Carmel borough school bouse Is 80x70 feet, two stories high, with ceilings 13 fret rrom the floors. It has also a "frontispiece" or exten sion ten reet w Ide for entries and stairways. The cost or this building when finished, if completed according to specifications, will probably reach 19,000. Northumberland borough has commenc ed the erection or a new school bouse. 05x100 feet, which, when completed, will be the best school building In this county, aud probably the best lu the State. The whole number of schools Is two hundred and two, or which sixty-four ore graded. The graded schools pre found In Bha mokln borough, Mi lion and Northumberland bo roughs. ' From thelutalur statement Appended to there port, w lenrn that the whole number of schools lu the county Is 202 j average number of months taught 5.20 number of male teachers, 105 j num ber of females, 43; average sulur'es, or male teachers, per month, Hl.oOs females, f 31.95 ( number of male scholars attending, 0,053, re males, 6,2u8j the average number attending school, 7.7V1. Amount of tax levied for school purposes, (43,104 5 ; amount levied for build ing purposes, $24,143 00. Total amount levied, $74,710 25. 1 bo auiouut collected was 134,220 75 j State appropriation, 14,705 03. Cost of con struction, $40,003 87) ruel nnd contingencies, $13,1C5 CO. Cost or school bouses, purchases, building, rciits, Are., $41,053 45. It will' be gratifying to the friends or our Pub lic Schools to learn that all the districts In the county have accep'ted the Common School Sys tem. Little Mahnnoy township having been tbe last to accept it, hue made no report. Tlie tabular statement for Bunbury District Is as follows: Numberof schools 10. ; average num ber of months taught, 7 male teachers, 0; re male teachers, 4 , overage salaries frr mala teachers per month, tC5 ; female ti a'.hers, $30 "5; number of male scholars attending, S79 fe male scholars, 2U5 j average number attending school, 474. Totnl amount of tax levied, f 5, Goo 52. Stnte appropriation for 1871, $372 00. Cost of instruction, $3,745 00 ; fuel mid contingencies, $820 80. Cost of school bouses, puretmso of buildings, rent, Ac, G,ol7 04. Debt or District, $0,1S7 23. DritiNO last winter there was scarcely a day that did uot produce lu report of murder, robbe ry, or outrage of some kind in the coal region. Farmers, hucksters, Ac, taking produce to that market, did so In danger or lire. Eveu residents lived in constant fear of being violently attacked, or perhaps murdered for. some trilling offence. A different state of affairs appears to exist there siuce tho last election. The citizens feel a se curity unknown to. them for many years, and the runner takes hi produce toihe region undisturbed. We (te Informed the population can hardly real ize ths change. Where ouee murder, robbery mid general crime prevailed, they Dud peace and qui et uot belngdisturbed by even an ordinary street brawl. Can our neighbor or the Jtmocr,u give us the reajon of this change, taking the f.n t into couslderutiou that it lias all resulted slnee the election, and that such a peaceable and desirable state of affairs has uot existed there for many years before Tng Whits Cask. 8. B. Bayer, Con ncl for White who Is awaiting trl.tl for waj laying and robbing Mr. Emcrlch one night last fall, In this place, curried the ease before the Supreme Court ou a writ of Aabftu .roijptM Inst week, praying to have White discharged because the Court bo- low had failed to try the case wiihiu a law ful lime. Tbe prisoner whs taken to Philadel phia by Deputy Sheriff, W. A. Heller. Mr. Buy er ably argued tho case before the Supreme Court, contending that While was kept illegally in jail through two terms of Court, nt the iu stauee of the Court it-elf. Dislilit Attorney Clement, who proceeded to the city to defend the Commonwealth, and prevent her criinluuls from escaping Justice, combatted this plea. The Su preme Court, after hearing tbe arguments on both sides, and examluiug tbe records of the Court below, decided the case against White, aud remanded diim back to Jull for trial. The Su preme Court held that the record of the Court bi- lo did not corroborate the plea of White, and that his case had been coutluued through two Courts at his owu Instance, and uot by the Court below. White will be nrralgued for trial at the March term, aud we hope no Impediments will be placed lu tbe nay, aud that justice will be meted out to bim. Gen. Clement, the District Attorney, deserves much praise for his seal lu defending the Com monwealth lit this case to a successful issue, und brltigiug bcr offender to trial. Although there wero many obstacle, shrown In bis way to pre vent bim from appearing ogaiust White, he was determined, ir necessary even at a sacrifice, to perform bis duty, and follow up the ease to pre vent tbe escape of Utt prlsouer until properly tried. Criminals will learn by this that tbelr es cape will not easily be. accomplished ir once given over into tbe bauds uftho present District Attor ney. Tub signs painted by "Mr. nenry Keen for Dr. Up De GrufTsEyeand Eur Infirmary, have been skillfully executed. Mr. Keen is doing the puint lng on thp curs of the P. ec E. R. R. Co., at tbelr shops, and has proven tilineelf quits an artist. Jiues Wooi died sisLewlstown on Saturday last or lieart disease. He was defeated at the last election, by Joseph Bucber, Esq.1, of Lewlsburg, for Pi et ideut J udge of that district. Its all tub 8am Ou verdict from all parts of ths towu, that J. G. Trimble, In Brlghl's buildings, Marksj, street, has coffee, tea, sugar, sjrups, pure spices, soaps, glassware, hams, fUhi fj ult, and everything else lu tbe Grocery line, as cheap for cash as any store lu the county. I, all aud see bis superior stock of ruUius, currants, tigs, canned and dried fruit. List of letters remaining In Sunbury P. O., Feb. 14, 1872. -J. G. Ardey 8, J. Barrs Samuel B. Raker, Mrs. Kate BUlr, Ruchael Barnhart, Emma Bartholomew, Jaeob Baker, Mrs. Kate Murlew, Ed. E.TBunce, Alice Brmnon, Alex. Ga lea. Mrs. Rebecca Culp, May B. Doyle 8, Busua Dornsife, William Denney 8, B. F. Daggatt, Mrs K. T. Melllnger, B. M. Keeser, Esq., J. W. Ros enberg, Emma BoWer, Edward Evens, Esq., Thomas Fecelsy, Wm, Fulton, Cnas. T. Gra asm, Uaorge Uase, Michael Grorwty, John Gro ner, HillUin Gut, Mrs. Jauey Haekett, Nellie Harris Mrs. Amis Hepferd, Mrs. Susan Keefer, Mrs. May Densrd, Daniel Lamb. Esq., Cbas. D. Murray, Z. B. Moyer, Esq., H. E. Wilier, Isaac V. Strebr, Mary "pad. John R. White. JUAN J. SMITH, r. sf. It Is see asserted that ths prevalence of diar rhea In this city has been positively traced to a break In ths conduit at the edgs of ths water works Wharf, and that our fceople have been Im bibing, beside the ordinary filth emptied Into the river from the sewers above ths water works, a large amount of ths contents of the cesspools connected with tbe cotton factory. We under stand ths breach In the conduit has been repaired and means have been resorted to that may cor rect the last mentioned abnse. If tbe above are the causes, It la to be hoped our city will become quite healthy when the causes are removed. Let the matter be thoroughly Investigated and Venti lated. We have since learned from competent authori ty that Instead of beluga break in tne conduit, wnter was drawn In through a regular gate at the wbarr which has been open for nearly two years. Instead of having the water ftjrced Into the reservoir t-.'-en through the pipe put Into the river for tbe purpose it has been admitted 111 rough tho gats referred to. Ths filth from the sewers above has doubtless been pumped Into the re servoir, and our citizens have been drinking tbe contaminated water. Tho sewer of the cotton factory bad not been opened nntil recently, end the officers thought the goto was thoroughly closed, nnd that the only means of getting the water was through tbe pipe. No doubt the mat ter will be thoroughly discussed nt the meeting of Couaoll to-night, when the correct facts will be ascertained. Ifarrtiburg Ttltgraph of Monday latt, CnARLis Mapprtt, aged 19 years, was suffo cated in a lime kiln on Frlduy evening last. He was employed by J. W. Derr, or Limestone twp., Montour county, and having Just fired up the kiln, descended from the top to level off the stone. Mr. Derr observed bim railing under tbe Infill. ence or the gas and descended tho ladder to help him out but finding thnt be himself was being seriously affected be was compelled lo leavo the young man nnd hasten out or the danger. Run ning to a house near by help was procured and the body of the unfortunate man lifted out with ropes, but dentil had already prevailed nud nil efforts nt recitsltutlon were unavailing. The pa rents of the deceased, whose support he was, reside iu Delaware twp. iftltonian. Tub -Viffimi'in makes the following sugges tion, which wo lio) will be acted on by our members of the Legislature i "We w'ould call the nttention or our Legisla tors to the propriety or furnishing to each News paper office iu the State a copy of tho pamphlet laws (both general nud special) of each session. In the country, the newspaper olllce Is by com mon consent the headquarters for political and statistical Information, and a a consequence all documents intended for the people should bo placed there." The nouso of Representatives, nt Harrisburg, lias passed a bill to prohibit the sale'or gift of li-q-iors on election day. It Is so slil-.ircnt that a man Is hardly crmiued to hand n glass of wine, or whisky, to a friend on election clay. The Sen ate has uot yet passed the bill. Democrat of lust Meek. Will it effect you any ueighbor, or It it for the sake of some of your party that you w hine about in Thad. 8. Stmnnnn, thm oici.itjlng jeweler nt this place has been tixiug up his establishment gcuerally, and increased bis slock adding tbe most improved articles lu the jswdry line. Call and examine his place corner of Third unj Mar ket streets. Jonathan Foli.mek, of Pottsgrovc, died on Saturday, Jan. 27. aud his wife Margaret, died on Tacsclay, Feb. 0. Mr. Follmer was 'a most estimable man and good citizen, and bis loss will prove a severe one to the community lu which ho llve.l. I In wife was an exemplary woman and highly esteemed by all w ho knew her. .VMtmian. A iicl'Cnt circular from the Postmaster Gcu crnl says t "Owing to tho rapid Increase lu tho malls and the establishment of many new PostofhVes throughout the country, this Department finds It necessary, in order to facilitate the di-lrihution and to secure a speedy transml sion of the heavy malls now passing, particularly over the trunk lines of railroads, to request of the public, that In all cases the name of the County, us well us the I'oftujict and State, he superserihed upon let ters, circulars newspapers mid other matter to be lorwirded by mail." Jottings. Eastek Sunday rails this year on the 31st or March. Bi'unXAtiS are operating In some or the adja cent towns. The wandering mui-lcinns must have gone to parts unknown. Wc have haj uo free concerts or several weeks. Tub mad dog excitement la up in Danville, and the decree has goue forth to slaughter ull dogs unmuzzled. Ql-ittinu advertising in dull limes Is like tear ing out a dam because the water is low. Either plan will prevent good times from ever coming. Beware of long, prosy advertisements. Bhfad is the staff of human life, nnd advertis ing is the staff or butluess. People that adver tise only once In three months, forget that most folks caunot rcrucmbi-r anything longer than a week. ' - List of upplicunts for Llceuscs at March Scs siotif, 132. Tavbhnb. John Albert, Jackson twp., old stand. Henry B. Weaver, Zerbe Iwp.. old stand. Henry Haas, old Siiuliuiy, old stand. Ellas Feaely, Jordan twd., old gland. Francis Mcfcirty, Mt. Carmel Iwp., old stand. Peler MtDonuld, Mt. Carmel twp , old stand. Keened: Wiest. Lower M.ihanov iwp., ol Island. August Wald, Lower Mahunoy twp., old stand. Franklin Sarge, Lower Mabanoy twp., old stand. Jrwial. Byerle, Lower Muhunoy twp., old stand. Thomas Fnulds, Zerbe twp., old staud. Charles B. Boyer, Cameron twp.i old stand. John B. Cbollews Mt. Carmel twp., old slauu Benjamin Kuause, Zerbe twp., old stand. Thomas Foulds, Jr., Z-rlio tw p., oW uud. Nathoii Laudeuslager, Jackson twp., old staud. Elius Shaffer, Jordan twp., old stand. Wm. Farrow, Snydcrtowti boro., old stand. Samuel Weaver, Suubury, old stand. Charles Garlngcr, Bunbury, old stand. Abraham Rolheinel, L'r Mabanoy tp., old stand. I. O. Billman, Jackson twp., old stand. Reiti Z irtman. Little Mahaaoy.tp., old staud. Harrison Held), Bhumokln boro., old stand. Thomas Nesbll, Bhumokln twp., old stand. Joseph Depen Ml. Carmel boro., old siund. Thomas Scott, Mt. Carmel boro., old staud. Christian Neff, Suubury, old staud. P. H. Curran, Zerbe twp., old stand. Michael J. Downey, Zerbe twp., old stand. Austiu Muley, Mt. Carmel twp., old stand. Michael Graham, Mt. Carmel boro., old stand.. Julia Ann Johnson, Norlb'd boro., old stand. Geo. W. Bets, Cameron iwp., old staud. J. G. Smita, Jackson twp., old stand. J. M. Huff, Milton boro., ol&stand. Thomas Walsh, Ml. Carmel boro., o'd stand. Jared Howerter, Bhamoklu boro., uew stand. F O Donnell, Milton born, old stand Chas W Sticker, Milton boro, old staud John H Forseman, Watsoutown, old stand L O Sticker, Milton boro., old stand W F Rolh, Bhamokln boro, old stand Henry Summouds, Ehamokln boro, old stand Patrick Hester, Mt Curinel twp. old stand Michael SchlocWr, Bhamokln boro, old stand Joseph Timmes, Bhamoklu boro, old staud Jobu Downey, Bhamokln born, old staud Tho Gibbons, Mt Carmel twp, old stand Edward Muldowney, Mt Curuiul twp, old stand Jacob Lelsenrlug, Bhamoklu twp, old stand Henry FUber, Washington twp. old Staud Jacob Sheets, Suubury, old stand James Adams, Bhamoklu twp, old stand John Curt us, Bhamokln boro, old stand John Larkins, Bbamokio boro, old stand -Michael Ilraly, Coal iwp, old stand James Rafferty, Ml Carmel Iwp, old" stand James Brenna, Coal twp. old stand Edward X Usrb, Mt Carmel boro, old stand H E WeUsi, Milton boro, old stand J R Cooosr, WalaoulowD, old stand John Eitenhsrt, Csmeron twp, old stsoi Mar Flnnev'. Bhamokln boro, old stand T J Biamn, Northumberland, old stand Thomas Tobln, Mt Carmel twp, old ttnud Joseph Eyster, Sunbury, old stand V II Drelsbacli, luroui iwp, o a sin do , Simon Opp, Turbullwp, old stand Allen Foust, Clilllisqunqne twp, uew stand Chas Hartman, Chllllsquaque twp, old stand Conrad Raker, Little Mabanoy twp, old stand K T Drumheller, Bunbury. old stand Thomas Logan, Northumberland, old stand John B Douty, Bhamokln boro, old stand Elizabeth Kirkhairt, Bhamokln boro, old stand D E Kebres, Washington twp, new stand William Reese, Bhamokln boro, old stand Jacob Mnurer, Bhamokln boro, old stand Wm Fisher, Milton, old stand Samuel Btnhlnocker, Delaware twp, old stand Joel Hlttcrinnn, Upper Augusta twp, old stand Nicholas Richards, 8hnmokln boro, old stand Henry G Bach, 8humok!n boro, old stand Patrick Muhun, Bhamokln boro, old stand Samuel Kehrcs, Shnmoklu boro, old stand Dennis Mullen, Bhamokln boro, old stand Joseph B Becker, Cameron twp, old stand Jeremiah Tordy, Delaware twp. old stand Wm M x J A Weaver, enamokin uoro, oin siann KRiTACnANTS. Henry Byerly, Jarkson twp, new stand Bartholomew Conner, Mt Carmel boro, old stand Michael Kllev, Ml Carmel boro, old staud Frederick Woir, Milton, old staud Henry limb, Milton, old staud - Lewis Hummel, Bhamokln boro, old stand Jacob Kilmer, Milton boro, old stand Jamet Burk, Mt Carmel iwp, old stand W A Fisher. Watsonlown boro, old stind Milton Walker, Milton, old stand Mnry Mr-Andrew, Coal twp. old stand John Gayvltz, Bhamokln boro, old stun I ' Lewis Lehe, Trevorton, Zcrbotwp, old Stan I Kichnrd Wild, Trevorton, Zerbe twp, old stand Win A Halsey, Milton, old stand Jacob Krltzer, Milton, old stand Jacob Bright, Sunbury, old stand D A Startzel, Bhamokln boro, new stand Bainucl Garlngcr, 8unbury, old stand John J Shorlin, Conl twp, new staud Wm Gehring, Sunbury, old stand Simon Stradlcr, Turbutvillo boro, new stand Isaac R Kelser, Bhamokln boro, old stand George Hack, Bhamokln boro. old stand ' Lewis Marquetl, Ehamokln boro, old stand August Gliitsner,'nmoliing boro, old stand Thomas Edwards, bhamokln boro, old stand Jobu Heckel, Yvnlsontowu boro, old stand ' LltjUOH STOKES. Cyrus Brown, Milton, old staud David D Davis. Mt Carmel boro, old stand Thos Rosser, Bhamokln born, old stand Anthony Culton, Bhamokln boro, new stand Samuel Hursh, Sliamokiii born old stini J G Aruold, Bhamoklu boro, old stand List of Grand Jnror for March, 1872. Thomas Burk, Coal iWra Mck, ChlMlsn.ua Jas. Tufts, Suubury- Wm Lake, Bhamokln bo U Montgomery, Lewis John Pepper, Mt Car tp J A Snyder, Bhamoklu Ben Witteiimoyer, Chill Valentine Epler, Rush Wm Hoover, bham twp Thus Malone, Banbury iD R Harvey, Suubury Wm II Nesbit. Chillis D M Brauiigutn, North Daniel Fe:ton, Lewis ,Chas Delllcnbuoh, Deiu James Harris, Sham bo Rob Schrliicr. Noi th'd Joseph Cnrr, Delaware S B Conrad, Zerb'e Ed K.iW'on, Mt Car bo jM Broclous.L'p Augusta J John, Bhamoklu bor iJohn Lcbn, Jackfon I.Ut of Traverse Jnrors Tor March, 1872. F F Fagely, Mt Car bo J Stchncr, L Augusta Franklin Hoy, Milton Geo Long, " J II Clark. Up Augusta Peter George, Lewis Joseph M Hair, North'd Eph Rake, Sunbury Peter Christ, Turbut jl Deiblcr, Sham boro Peter Vorls, ChiilUqna S Brlley, Watsontowu J B Flusber, Sham bor iE Brosious. WntiiHion Jno (irce.K. " du.uur Adams Jordan names Lytic, Zerbe C Eckman, U Augusta C Chainberlln, Sham tp J B Lenker, Sunbury R Derr, McEwensville W Yost, Sliamokiii hor Simon Metsker, Del ;Chas Haas, U Augusta Jos Fager, Up Muhanoy D Kelser, Cbiilisquaquc Daniel Smith. Zerbe J S Me Williams, Mt C b ! E Kehris, Wushing'u'D Schmlnk. bhuin bor II D Bower, Jackson !Gen Lyon, Suubury John Mou hod, Suubury F Hoover, Bhamoklu bo B Btepp, Low Mabanoy Wm Berig. Cameron 8 D Hoffman, Jackson Thos Crawfer, Turbut John Bender, Turbut , Samuel Foy, Coal W Negley, L Muhunoy J It Rhoads, Ml Car tp Charles Miller, Point John Foy, L Augusta F Shoemaker, Point iJas B Wallls. North'd Henry F Uuch, North'd Daniel Dim, Sunbury l.lwt or IV-tll Jurors for March, '72. Wm Z Rake, Zerbe Geo W Seller, Milton, J H Zimmerman, Sha b Jos Neglev, Chitlisqua F II Knight, Watsout'o Ed Kncx lle, V Augusta Wm Deal, Point jSamnel Faust, Sunbury John Bluiu, Tuibut !J Rohrbacb, Sham twp R B Ammerman, Sham Edward Martz. Lo Mah C B Rciilngur, North'd I Win Kelch. McEweus m Koch, Clilllisqua Geo Gaul, U Augusta J Hartman, Turbut Jos licit, Sliamokiii tp Ellas Fugely, Jordan H Troiilmaii, Jordan J W Kanlliiiun, U Mali Ellas Philips, Jorduu A J Gallagher, Bbamo J. Everltt, Watsonlown (i W Btlsel, U Mabanoy Wm Johnson, Rush Chas Artman, Hush P M Forrester, U Aug John Hoffman, Lewis Wm Dunham, Suubury J M Dewltt, Sunbury Wilson Huges, Lewis M F Senman, Milton Chas Leader, Jackson Joseph Bird, North'd J It Teats. Bhamoklu Ip Msit of relit Jurors for L,ut tVcrU In ainreli, 1M72. V Glllman. North'd G M Forrester, U Aug Samuel Pavne, Sunbury M Davis, Mt Canned Jos Vunklik, North'd Oscar Hiirtranft, Chill Jno Geist, 8r, Suubury D Truckemllh r, Dela Win Sterling, Mt Car b 8 J Ilousewoith, L Aug L Bartholomew, U Aug J Scott, Mt Carmel twji 1) Kiugsberry, t hlllis, Geo Seller, L Augusta Thos Tollcn, Mt Car tp I. M Everbait, Delaware l'eier LI I Icy, Tuibul Uacob Eckman, V Aug Thos W Scoit, Slum bo J Snyder, Jr, L Maha'y Henry Pclery, Suubury IF Gilgcr, Sliamokiii bor jiiou (icurlg, .Mutou ; Martz, J. Maliauoy Ellis Walker, Chillis J R Long, L Augusta II II Teats, Sham twp Isaac Derk, Coal James Scott, North'd ratricK Burs, coal Peter Reeiugler. TurbutlDavld Evelund. Coal James bcuchum. Point Charles Boyles, Sh tin J B Reed, Ml Carmel bo;E Artman, U Mabanoy IJt or Petit Juror Tor Urstt tVecU lu April. Jno Caldwell, Sham bo 8 Giillek, U Augusta Jume Lyon, Suiibiirjt E P MeCluusUey, Sun II D Dreisbach, Tur'vlle Geo Harrison, Sunbury Wm Barnhart, Chillis 'Jno Eckmuu, U Augus Belleville Wirt, Jordan A J Stroll, Sunbury Gen Fusholt, L Augustal Ab Humor, Point 8 F Cadwell, Watsoni'n1 W II Rangier. Turbut D Lenker, L Mahanoy Ijo'iab Klebl, U Malm Saul Shipman, L Aug jKimqer Farow, Sham b G W Arinngast, L MalnCliris B Krame, Zvrbe Sam Clemens, Suubury Win Kehris, Waslilng'u W II Lamb, Jackson .G McDonald, Mt Car tp M Gcarhurt, Banbury iT L Keubner, Turbut M Hlnklc, Ml Carmel b L"m Bashore, Nurlii'd Jno M Lenker. L Maha'R Johnson, Wutoutown J N Evlns, Mt ''nr iwp G D Batiau, U Augus A B Kelser, If Augusta Peter Howur. Sunbury A Newburry, Suubury Mielmel Haley, Coal Hukiuftfcg Noflccs. ' A Piako ron 6L.-Apply at this ifBee. fi:tf Anotiixh new supply of groceries has arrived at the store of J. O. Triuibls, in Bight's build- lug. Bti-rosB you lupcO the Cheap Boitfs A Shoo at the Excelsior Slurc of Win. II. Milier, ou Mar ket square. Children's Shoes, Misses Shoes, Wo meu's ShoesHMeu's, Boy's und Youth's Boots and Shoes or every style cheap uud durable. Tuos. G. Nott asks everybody lo call und be convinced or the Tact that the iiiut complete merchant tailoring Is carried ou opposite the American Office, ou Third street. Full suits are made up which lu regard to ueatucss, durublllty and cheapness, cuuuot be equalled is Suubury. Hams, dried beer, fUb, dried and canned fr uits, coffees, teas, tbe very best of sugars, and all other articles In ths grocery line, which are sold at greatly reduced price at J. G. Trimble's. A Fact worth remembering, thsl Weliner sells goods lower than tbs lowest. His stock of Dress Goods In Bilks, Meriuos, Empress cloth, Battlns, Plaids, Ac dee., are complete. Velvets and Velveteens 25 per ceut lower Uian former prices. Waterproofs of tbe latest styles uud best make. Ladles' Chlldreus' aud Gents' Furs. Ills assort ment of Shawls, embraclug all the leadlug styles In the markets, which bs offers at extremely low prices. Call and be couvlucej that Weliuer's popular Cash Btors is the place to secure bur . galus. His stock of goods is uot to be surpassed by any in quantity, quullty, or price. No trou ble to show goods. Having Just returned from tbe Mew York mar kets, be Is prepared to offer extra Inducements to rssb bnyers. Tna. scarcity or money docs not effect B. L, Raudenbush from V.wplug op Lis large assort ment or furniture. A splendid rtock is on hand now lo select from. Any artlclo uot on band will be procured at tbe fchoitost notice at tbe Masonic buildings, on Third street. Ton books of N. Fcrroe Llgbtner bars been left wltb A. N. Brlce, Justice or the Pence, for col lection. Parties Indebted, will please oall and make settlement, and save costs. J20-St Tns splendid assortment or all ktnds of Hats nnd Caps at 8. Faust's store continue to attract attention, which are sold at reasonable prices. How to get money Is the great desire of all. A really good nnd serviceable Sewing Machine that will make muuey for you, or help you lo save It. Will be sent to yonr own home on Trial or 80 ditys, no matter w here you may be, and you can pay for It In small monthly Installments, by writing lo the American Machine Co., cor. Jolm r.nd Nnsrnin Btm-t, New York or yon can have a County Itiirht fne, as agent, und make, money fast. We mlviso smiMt men to secure the but,! ness, as nothing pavi better than the agency lor a good Sewlug Machine. Write at oncn. Special Notices. A Han ilsoino MotiMtaclie. MOUSTACHE. WHISKERS. MOUSTACHE. WHISKERS. MOUSTACHE. WHISKERS. Pror. St. Croix's French Com pound, the 6'rott Hair Grower, will produce n lux urieut Mou stache or Whiskers on the smoothest face. Pleasant to use. Sent to nny address on receipt or Flltv t ents. II. T. HON D, Clienilt. N. E. Cor. Tenth nnd Chestnut Sts., I'lilln. Feb. 17, 1872-lv. On ltfarriaKe. Essays for Toung Men, ou Great Social Evils and Abuses, whicB interfile with Marriage, and ruin the happincsv of thou sands, with sure means nt relief lor the Erring and U n Tort u utile, deceased aud debilitated. Sent In senled letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, Howard Association, No. 2, 8otiU Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. t a. a a a x- & .2 - W. a. . -e s k o ri e E Eos E B 3 V n o 8 1 c r o " - S u f 2 S CO a o O J3 -s te B T X M v a " o -a f 5! a 3 OQ S " E . m P 5 s: ft. "5 V, 3 TO THE ISl Fl lCltl.Vti. The Rev. William II. Norton, while residing In Brazil as a missionary, discovered lu that land of medicines a remedy for Consi'jiption, BcltorcLA, Bonn Tiiiioat, Couoiis, Coi.ds, Asthma, and Nekvoi s Weakness. Tills rem cdv has cured mvsclf after all oilier uiediciucs bad failed. Wishing to benefit the snfferlng. I will end the recipe for preparing nnduslni: this remedy to all who desire it rKF.E OFsniAlKJE. Please send an envelope, with your name and address ou it. Address, llev. WILLIAM H. NORTON, VC"8 Ukoaiwat, Oct. 141S71. ly. New Your Citt, tfitarrinsts. At the residence of the bride's father, on the 13th Inst., by Rev. C. S. Get hard, J. Weiseu Bt'cfiKK, Esq., and Miss Mauv Favst, daughter of Mr. Samuel Faust, of this place. -f Reading papeis please coy. On the 15tb lust., by the tunic, at the residence of the In He's parents, Ms, J. Ai orsn s ilt..utii to Miss Hannah E. Siiii'i:, both of Bunbury. On the Sth Inst., by the Rev. R. Mutt, Mr. Eiiwaui) Yodeii nud Miss C'laka Folk, both of Shamokin. In Trevcrton, Dec. 31, 1871, at the parsonage, by Rev. T. O. Clues. Mr. Jamfh M. Auteii, of Sunbury, aud Miss Heniiietta Scumi.vk, of Slia mokiii. At Northumberland, on- the C.Stti u'.t., by tho Rev. A. D. Moore, Mr. Thomas F lit en nnd Miss Sai.i.ie Colt, both or Northumberland. Iii Upper Aimiila townshhi. on the 7th last.. j Mr. JAMES KOKilFSTEK, aged 75 yens 3 uios. una u ua s. I Near Rtishtown, on the :i.',lli ult. AMELI j JANE RYAN, nged 10 yeaisl months and -U ' day. At Boyl's Kun, on tl.e Till, lust., Miss MAR THA J. W'YNN, uged "1 years, lo mouths and 10 days. 4f!arl;il cruris. Sunbury Clrulu A Produce Iflurkot. t'OKIIECTEll WEEKLT UT Ull-fT OEKINQEK. Gkain Choice White Wheat , Best Amber, Winter Com , Rve Oais, (32 lbs.) Best Amber, Winter, per sack... ....tl 00 1 50 8'J 1 00 50 a oo " " " " barrel.. H 10 Corn Meal, per c.wt., , Pennsylvania Roll .'. Eoos Pel dozen : Meats Dried Beef, jei lb Smoked Mutlou..' .' I.Aitn per lb Fun Salt White Fish, per lb.. " Trout " Cod Vegetadlus Turnips, per biisheV".'.'.'.'". Potatoes " " Onions " " Beans, quart Hoininv, " " Dkieu Fki its Dried Apples, per lb , Peaches, " , a m 85 30 ...'.'.'iCa lit) ..loia 20 i5 It) 8 50 75 1 JO ..15.S 12 ..i2fi;:o ,.2U(.C5 FOR 400 Acresof Timber Land S a mile from the Suubury A Lewistown It. R. 100 acres of which is line' White Ouk, balance Rock Oak. This Is one of tho best pieces ol tim ber on the line of this Railroad. Price per Acre, r21. For particulars luuulra at this otllec. Feb. 3, 1S73.-41. X Valuabfe House and Lot for Sale. rpiIE undersigned ofTers at private sale, his JL larce BRICK DWELLING HOUSE and Lot, with all the necessary outbuildings, situate on the Souibeiibt corner sis-Walnut and Third streets, Suubury. Pa. The house I nearly new uud well finished and contains nine rooms, a good cellar, fie.. It Is well calculated for u resi dence, nud would bean admirable business stand for a store or hotel. Tula property w ill be sold at it reasonable pitee. For terms, &c, apply to MICHAEL HAHNE. Bunbury, Jan. 27, 18T2.-tf. y It'K'S FI.OH I, (U ll K for 147. The First Edition of Two Hundred Thousaud copies Just published. It Is elegantly printed ou flue limed paer, iu Two Colors, nud lllm-truled wilb over Three Hundred Engravings of Flowers und Vegetables, uud - TWO COLORED PLATES. The most beautiful aud Instructive Catalogue and Floral Guide iu the world 112 puges, giving thorough directions for Die culture ol Flowers aud Vegetables, oiuaiueutlug grouuds, uiuklug walks, &c. . ForwardeU to auy wbo.npply by mall, for Ten Ceuts, only one-quarter the cost. f "'tV'.. JAMES VICK, Jen, 1, 17J. IWhestcr, N. . A.N" APPEAL To DubiliUlcd rvraons, To Dyspeptics, To Suilcrers from IJTftr Comtilalnt, To Ibose havsng no ApH lrto, TotlioSo wllh llrokou Down Coustllu tons, To Nerroiw TVopIo, To CliiUren Wnslinj? Awny, ORnv with DeWlitntuU DiiZfHtlvo Orgnn. Or Buffering with atij Xh JoUmoing S mztonis. wliich indicate JJitordertd Liver tiUmach, sncti a Crm (tipntlnn, IrrWard Piles, Fullness or Blood to the Head, AfTf tty of the Stomach, Naiistn, Hesrthurn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight In the Stom ach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering nt the Pit of the Stom ach, Swimming of tho Head, Hur ried nnd Difficult Breathing, Flutter ing nt the Heart, Choking or Suffocat ing Sensations, when In a l.yiug Posture, Dimness ofYlslon, Dots or Web before the Sight; Fever nnd Dull Pain In the Head, Deficien cy of Perspiration, Yellowness ofthe Skill and Eves, Pain In tho Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, c, Sudden flushes of Heat, Burning In the Flesh Constant Im aginings of Evil, ninl Great De pression of Spirits. Hooflamrs (icrnian Bitters. A Hitters without Alcohol or Spirits of any kind. Is different from nil others. Il is composed uf the pure Juices, or Vital Piiisciw.!: op Hoots, 11 ruhs nnd Hahks, (or as medicinally termed Ex tracts,) the worthless or Inert portions or the in gredients not beliuf used. Therefore In one bot tle of this Bitters there is contained as much me dical virtue as will be found in several gallons of ordinary mixtures. The Boots, fir., used In this Bitters are grown ln.Gvrniany, Iheir vital princi ples extracted in that country by u scientific Che mist, nnd forwarded lo the manufactory in this city, where they are compounded nnd bottled. Containing no spir.tnnus ingredients, tills Hitters it free from the objections urged against all oth ers : no desire for stimulants can be Induced from their use i they cannot make drunkards, nnd cannot, under nny circumstuuccs, have any but a beneficial effect. iioon,ins Ci n.llAN TOXIC, Was compounded foi those not Inclined to ex treme bilters, nnd is intended Tor use ill cases when" some alcoholic stimulant is required in CO ' neetion with the tonic properties of the Bitters. Each bottle of tbe Tonic contains one bottle of the Hitters, combined with puree SANTA CRUZ RUM, and flavored In such a maimer that the ex treme bitterness of the bitters is overcome, form ing a preparation highly agreeable and pleasant to Hie palate, and containing the medicinal vir tues of the Hitters. The price of tho Tonic Is f 1. ftj per Bottle, which many persons think too high. They must take Into consideration that the stimulant used Is guaranteed to be of n pure quality. A poor article could be furiiMied nt n cheaper price, but is il not better to pay a little mure and have a good article I A medicinal pre paration should contain none but the best Ingre dients j and they who expect to obtain u cheap compound, and be benefitted by It will most cer tainly be cbsutej. Ilooflitud'at (iernnin Ititlcrs, or HOOFLAND'3 GERMAN TONIC, with HOOF LAND'S ro!oiitiiiii pi:i, will cure yo'i. They arc the Greatest BLOOD PlT.irlERS known to the Medical world, and will eradicate diseases arising f i oil) impure blood. Debility of tliu Disgestive Organs, or Diseased Liver, iu a shorter time than, nr.y other known remedies. THE WHOLE SUPREME COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA SPEAK FOU THESE HE.ME1H.ES. Who wo'jLn ask fou moi-.e DicNirieu and Stkonulh Testimont ! Hon. GxoitGS W. Wo iiiwahi), formerly Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, at present Member of Congress from 1'cnui.yl vauia writes : Pitit.Anr.LrniA, March lOih, 1S07. I find "Hoofluud' German Hitters" h a good tonic, useful In diae of I lie digestive organs, und uf great benefit iu caeca ut ilehiliiy. and want of nervous nition In the svtim. Yours, truly, GEO. W. V JODWAi.D. Hon. James- Thomtsom, Chief Justice of the Su premo Court of l'eiiusylvaiiia. Pun.ADEi.riiiA, April 25, 1SC7. I consider '-llooiand's German Hitters" a val uable me liciuc in case of attacks ot Indigestion or Dyspepsia. I can certify this from my expe rience of il. Yours, 'JAMES THOMPSON. Hon. GnoRaii Siiakswood, Justice of the Su preme Court of Pennsylvania. PltlLAKKl.piliA. Junr- 1. 1 SOS. I luive found by experience that "Hooflaud's German Hitlers" is a very good tonic, relieving dvspej tic sjniptouis almost direcllv. GEORGE B1IAKSWOOD. Hon. irp,. Mayor uf the City of Buf falo, N. Y. Mayor's fiCle, Huiralo, June 22, 100. I have ued 'llootl.n:d's German Wttcis unj . Touie" iu my family, during the paH year, nnd ; esn recouiineiid them as mi excelient t..ulo. Im i parting tone uud vigor to the system. Their use has been productive of decidedly beneficial ef fects. M. I, i;oih.I. Hon. atirs il. WooJ, Ex-Mayor of Williams port, P.i. I take great pleasure In recommending "lloof land's Gri mini 'I onic' lo nny one who may lie afflicted with Dvspepsia. 1 had the DvsiHisiu I so badly It was impossible to kiepany food on my slomacli, aud 1 became so weak as not lo be able lo walk half a Intle. Two bottles rtl'ectuj a perfect cure. JAMES M. WOOD. REM EM HE II THAT I100FLANDS GERMAN HITTERS, a nil IIOOFLANP'S GERMAN TONIC, AVill Cure every (tsc of MAR.AGMUS, or Wasting away uf the Dody. REMEMBER . ' - thut IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN REMEDIES Are tbe medicines you require topmlfy the Blood, excite the torpid Liver lo healthy action, and to enable you, to pass safely through any hardships or exposure. DR. HOOFLAND'S d0 DO PI Y L L IN, or substitute for Mercury Tills. Two Tills a Dose. The must Powerful, yet Innocent Cathar tic kuowu. It lss.ut necessary lo take a handful of these Pilisto produce the desired UWct j two of tlitui uci quickly and Hwvrfnlly, clranniug the Liver, ttoi'.iaeh uud Howels of nil inipuiilu a. Tlie principal ingredient In 1'oduphyllin, or Hie Alco holic Extract of Mandrake, which is I t many times more owerlui, ui liiiL'-aiid searching th.iii tliu Mandrake itself. Its pcuuliar uclion i upon the Liver, cleaning il speeJily from all o!-ti ac tions, with nil the power of Mcicniy, jet Ircc from Ihe injurious results attached to Hit ne of that nilneiul. - For all diseases, In which the use of a cathar tic is indicated, these pills will give entire satis faction lu cvei v case. They never fail. Iu ruses of Liver Complaint, Dvspcptia and ex treme coeiiveness, Dr. llootlaud's Gcniau Hit ters or Tonic should be used in conneeliou with the Pills. The tonic etfeel of the Bitters or 'lo. lie builds up the system. The bitters or Touie purines ihe illood, strengthens tho Nervis, legu falcs ihe Liver, mid gives sucmrth. emrirv unJ vigor. Keep your Bowels ii'rlive with the Pills, and tone up the system w lib Hitters or Tonic, aud so disease can retain the hold, or even ns-all you. Kwollect that il Is UK. HOUFLASb'S GER MAN Reineuli that are to universally used uud highly recommended ; and do not ullow the Druggist lo Induce you to lake niylliiug else that he may say Is just as good, because he makes a lurefer profit on II. TIhs Httscdlr, w ill be sent by Express to uiiv loealkiv. tioa applies, lioutotlie PKINCIPAL'OFFK'R, utthc t-:,. MAN MFPKINE SIOKE, 631 AP.CK ST. PHILADELPHIA. CilAS. M. EVANS, Vrotritt.ir. Formerly XX U. Jackson & Co. Tbise Reme dies are for Hsle by Druggists. KiorcV.ei.wrs. nixl Medltlne Dealeif efrv,hsrf. OK1MIAKM COliltT NAM:, THE nudwslgned. Administrators of Iho F.s tute of DavKtftoMshHll, late of Snnbnry. bo rough, deeensed, will nnr nt f ulillc Sale, no the premises, on BATUROAT, FKBHtOARY 84TH, 13TO, at ten o'clock, A. M., or said day, all thnt rortnln bouse and lot or ground, altunio on north Fourth street, In the borough of fiur.fcu y, conn- ty or NorthonSlrlsna, and ftate or i'etinsylva nia, bounded on the north by an alley and on ths cast bv a stream known by ths namu of Got, and on the south by lot of Valentine Diets, and on lhA west by Fourth street, routalnlng forty fort lt front on Fourth street, and about one hnndrod and fifty feat deep, whereon Is erected a two sio ry frame house nnd kitchen, a good stable and other Improvements. Also n Lot of Ground sit uate In Lower Augusta township, (thnut two mils east of Sunbury, adjoining land of Hunry Kutp, und Henry Fassold, containing about cno acre am' a baif, h-reon Is erected n one slot y end n half Log Dwelling House, 'tabic and whcclwilght shop, and other outbuildings, soma Verf choice fruit treis, Ac. Also, i.t Iho snme time and plain, tho following persoiml proper ty, to wit i fire Bedsteads nnd Bedding, two Clod;?, Clolhrshur!!', lb rev Tables, two Cup boards, two Sinks, three ffotcj, (one rooking stove, uuj two parlor stores) n lot of Carpets, one felt culn bottomed Cbnlrs, two locking Chairs, one Bureau, n lot or carpenter tools, one Cow, one heller, n lot or Pork, Chest, a lot of Tiuware, Queensware, a loi of Pickles, Ac., one Grindstone, nnd other articles too numerous to mention. Terms or sale will he mado known on the day or sale by HENRY GOTSIIALL, Adm'r. J.Mins L. Pakks, Auctioneer. MOKi; Mf.EYouu be made canvassing for the "Young People's Ile'iper," a dollar magazine for young folks, than with any other enterprise In Ihe country. A magnificent Prnng Chroino given to every subscriber. Boys and girls do as well as men and women, beud for particulars to It'. G. IUC ii A CO., Publishers, Dont Pe'pv !l Portland, Ms. Jan. 13, 'lH72.-It. KSTATK OF 1IF.MIY UEXCM I.ate nftht Borough of .Vurfnumterluutf, rifc-M. 'V'OTICE Is hereby given Hint letters testa mm tary have been granted to the undersigned on the elate of ilenry Wenck, lata or nr ough of Northumberland, Nortliumber and Co. Pa., deceased. All persons knowing t cmsclvj) Indebted to said estate are retpiested ti maiu .111 mcdiate payment nud those having cluiii.o to re sent them duly authenticated for scttlemct:t. SARAH A WENCK. NICHOLAS WENCK, Executors. Northumberland, Jan. 27, 1372. Ct. KHOR I I M KOI Tl. r.ASTW AH1K Danville, Ilacletou V WIILcsbarro liail lCo!. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. LEAVE EtflW A1!D. I.F.AVB WEsTWIKO Suubury, fi L'll a til: Danville, 7 OU N. Y'ork, 0 00 a m Easton, VI 25 ' Phll'n, 8 00 " Uethle'm 10 05 " Cuttaw'n, 7 Haz'.cton, 0 CS Bethle'm 12 10 p m Phi'.'a, 2 J5 " Kaslon, 12 T.5 ' N. York, S 53 " Hnr.li ton, 1 00 p in Cuttuw'a, 2 40 Danville, 3 20 " Siinbnrv, 3 07 " Ths afternoon train connects at Stinubury with the Philadelphia Erie. 4 85 t. m., train going west, nrriving ut Williainsport 6 SO and Lock Haven 7 6.1 p. m., nnd with the Northern Cen tral 4 60 p. m., moving south nrrlving it Harris burg" 00 p. in., und Baltimore 10 45 p. m., nud ulso with the Suubury iV Lewistown R. R. Comfortable and handsome coaches on tills new route. J. HERVET KASF., S'.iperintendetit. CO n m rp ft in z pq 050 Sit -A r O . 1 is 1 a O t H n N w a 1. 1: in n 1: TO VorXG MEN. Just Published, In a SealeJ Eavclope. Pi Ice C cts. A Lett 11 re oil tUo .Nsxturo, Treat nient uud Ridica! Cure of Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, Iuvolunlary Emissions, Sex ual Debility, nnd fmpcJIments to Ma nil ire gen crallvi Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits 1 Menial ami Physical Ineapiieitv, re sulting lioiu Srlf-Abuse, ,tc. Bv ROBERT J. Cl'LVERWLLL, M.tk, Author ofthe "Grecu Book." t c. The wocld-rcnitVued autho-, In this admirable Lecture, clearly proves fro, hi, own cxiH-iicuce that Ihe awful touseqUHllce, 0r Helf-Almsv juay be tn'ectually reuiov.j wiihout medicines, -any without Slangcrous surgical nN-ralians, Upuglvs. Inslrumenls, rhigs, or cordials, iolinlng oat a mode if cu'j ni once rcrtalu unit ctlivtual by' which (Very sufferer, poinntler what his comli Hon '-.iay be, may curK biinssif cbaplv. private ly and radicalh. THIS LEt TI RE t Il.L PROVE A BOON TO THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS. Brut uudcr full, toany address. In s plsdsi sidl ed envelope, on the receipt of six rents, or two ost:igv stamps. Also, Dr. Cnlverwells "Slur liage Guide," price B4 cenls. ArhLs the V11L1 lishers. CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., 117 Howerv, V( York. P. ". p,n, 4 .Tap. '!, "m m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers