timorous. " United Wk Stand, Dividkd Fai.l." A few evenings since, two friends who had been Imbibing 'flro water,' wrro eecn wending thmr way liomewnrd. One wns ft burly, near sighted man, encased in a heavy overcoat, with for cloves on his hinds. . Tho other was ft sinewy active man, nnd, although hla head was full, ho kept his balanco on his pins, while, his arms were as stiff and rigid as ball clubs. ' 'Steady, now, Hob,' said the slim man ns the heavy welpht clung to his arm on their way acmes the street. 'All right, Jnck, ; i nay's the word. Hut I say, old boy, that last round of brown stout has uiado mo rather blind and stag gery.' 'Careful, my boy ; steady on tho left J united we stand, divided wo fall, easy now, Bob.' 'Easy 'tis, Jnck ; slack up a, littlo as wc round tho corner' my tulip.' At this junction the double deck load was too much for Jack ; while stapering round the corner, (hey separated, Rob circling to the reliable old pump, tho handle of which ho grasped firmly with his gloved hanrts. (Since the water famine the pump has been kept filled to tho spout.) 15cnd Ing over the handle, Hob ejaculated : 'Come, Jack, straighten up a bit, old boy,' at the same time raising tho handle Down went the handle again, with Hob clinging to it, and out gushed about half gallon of water. 'That's right, Jack,' said Hob, throwing one arm around the pump thinking; ho was supporting Ins Irietid, 'tlirow it up, my boy, you'll feel better ofter it.' Fond of the Wiimjwh. The fallowing story is related of an old man of strict creed and high moral standing in the com munity where ho lived. It is said immedi ately following the death of his third wife he donned his coat and hat, nnd with a smiling face that indicated no thought'of failure, summoned a widow lady living in the neighborhood to tho door, ond ' an nounced the news to her thus : 'Good-mortiin', ma'am ; I'm 'round tell ing folks how my old woman's dead, don't know for sartin" that I shall get married ngaiu. You are aware, howsome.ver (with a knowing wink), that I'm mighty fond of the widders." His fourth marriage lias been placed on record. A man from one of tho rural districts recently went to Washington to see the sights. A member of the House, whoso constituent he was, said : "Como to-morrow and I will give you a seat on the floor of the Ilou&e." "No you don't !" replied Jonathan, "I always "manage to have a cheer to sit on at home, nnd I bet I hain't como to U'nsh'n'ton to sit on tho lloor 1 Iujins may do that when they come, if they like, but I that am civilized, don't do it."' On one of the recent cold nights, says tho Nashua Telegraph, a lady acquaintance of ours put her two boys in bed in a cold room, tucked them up anil sat down on the edgo of tho bed to hear them say their prayers. Johnny, aged seven, trot through nil right nnd cuddled up to Willie, aged five, who had just comnfenced his prayer. Presently, Willie, began to hurry, the words eamo fas ter than he could distinctly utter, them, and the prayer ended thus : "I pray the Lord my soul to keep amen take your hand off from me or I'll warm your ear for you." Johnny was tickling him. An At -Ton's Skhmon. "When John lid wins, an accentric actor, went tramping through the south of Ireland on a profes sional tour, with three others, they reques ted him (it being Sunday morning) to favor them with a discourse suitable to the da)', lie began ns follows : In the iift.li chapter of Job, seventy verse, you will find these words. 'Man is born unto trouble, as the sparks fly upward.' I shall divid this discourse, and consider it under the three following heads : 1 A man's progress into the world ; 2. A man's pro gress through tho world ; and 3. His cagress out of the world. , '"1. A man's ingress into the world is naked and hare ; 'J. His progress through the world is trouble anil care ; 3. And his egress out of the world is nobody knows wh?re !'' To conclude "If we do well here, we MiaM do well thorp, 1 cnn till yo-.i no mure if I pleach u whole ye.ii-.' It is well known that a rewaul of five hundred pounds was oll'ered for the head of John Hancock, whose bold, impressive signature Is remarkable on the. Declaration of Indipendence. Well, he signed the. do cument as it he wished to throw bis whole soul into his pen, and rising from his seat, exclaimed ; "There, John Hull can read my namo without spectacles. He niuy double his re ward, and I'll put him at defiance." The Hope granted an audience, on Satur day, to the Grand Duke Michel, brothers of the Czar of Russia, nnd this is regarded as indicative of reconciliation of tho differ ences which have existed between his Ho liness and tho Cztir. The Duke of Newcastle, declares that the conservatives iif England distrust Mr. Gladstone, because he is believed to favor the abolition of tho House of Lords, nnd dallies with tho dangerous principles of Sir Charles Dike and other disturbers of tho constitutional order of tliiups. !ccipc5, lit. Rkmedy for Sore Throat. Boat up tlm whites of two i-ir's with two spoonfuls of white nufim- nnd mid u pint of lukewarm water, (iratu a little iiiitnii in thn mix ture. Stir it well nml drink n small por tion frequently. The remedy is pleasant and certain. Apple Cake. Two cups dried apples bo.ikou ana cnoppeu line auu 1$ cups mo lasses ; put the apple iu the molasses and simmer iu tho stove. Whcu cold, add 3 teaspooufula. fcaloralus, 2 orgs, cup but ter, ami two cups stir milk, with cloves, nutmeg, etc. How to pet Colors Dissolve a table spoonful of sujjar of lead lu a pail of water, in which you soak vour colored cambric tor fifteen minutes before wnshinir. If more convenient, a little vinegar or a handful of nal. thrown into a paii of water and the dressed soaked, will set tho color. Oincii:u 15ker. Thrco gallons of cold spring water, one quart of molasses, ono tablespoon of cream of tarter, three table spoons of ginger, one quart of yeast ; mix together iu a tub, and stand lor live hours. It may then be bottled, and will be lit for use iu one day. Old Fashioned Shout Cakr.-A quart of buttermilk ; a tablespoonful of unmelted lard, and salt to taste. Holl out, to about uau an men mien, ana cut tuto diamonds and bake quickly. ' SrorpiNa Nope-Bleed. Stand up. with tha head elevated. Compress the nostril with the lingor, and at tho same time stretch up the arm on the same side with tus oieeuiug nostril. Keep the arm tier pendicular lor two minutes. Also rapidly OUBW K I 4CCTJ 01 npi t. ibbertiscmcnta C'.l It It I A U EJ , HI A K V FACTO It Y, SUN BURY, 1'ENN'A. J. S. SEASHOLTZ, WOULD respectfully nnnotince to the cltl cens of Sunbnry mid snrronndlng country, that lie Is prepared to manufacture nil styles of " Carriages, Ittigglca, Ac.,' nt Ills nf3'vbop on east Market street. He will furnish every description of Wogoas, both ( Iain and Fancy. : ' tn short, will mnke everything in his line front a first-class carriage ton wheelbarrow, wnirantrd to be nuiile.of tho best nnd most durable, nintnri als. nnd by the most experienced workmen. All work sent out from lil establishment will be found reliable In every particular. The putrounge of tho public Is solicited. J. S. SEASHOLTZ. Sunbnry, Nov. 4, '71,-ly. FOR SALE! ITUUHTY acres or Improved land In the best 14 section of Southern Michigan, within live miles or tho town of "Three Rivers," In St. Jo seph county, within two miles of the Riiilrond Station, Rood buildings, out houses, largo or cluird, soil, rich sandy lonin, school houses nnd churclu within slight title Indisputable, teu Hcres nre In wheat, tho renmlndcr In clover sod. A spnn of horses, cuttlo, hogs, grain and farming utensils, Ac, will ho sold with this property. Trice f 70 per nerc, 3,000 hi cash, the bultiuce in time payments of tiiOO. App'.v to YM. A. MASTER, Three Rivers, Mich, or, IT. B. MASSER, Sunbnry, Pa. Sunbury, March 11, 1871. rOMTl'KET MANOR CEMETERY COMPANY. Tills company Is now prepared to sell lots in tho new Cemetery, located on an eminence about one-fourth of n mile east of Sunbury. The in crease of the population of Sunbury, nnd conse quent advance In the ratio of mortality, ns well as the limited facilities for tile Interment of tlioso who have fought life's battle, have suggested the organization of the above named company. l'lun of Cemetery may be seen nt the olllcc of J. A. Cake, Esq., or Lloyd T. Rohrbaeh. Price of lots from 5 to f 15, according to loca tion. Deeds will be executed for lots sold. LLOYD T. ROIIRUACII, Sec'v. May 13, lS71.-tf. BEEF, PORK, POULTRY ani FRUIT EMIMHtlt'M, I11C. Dalius' store room, two doors cast of Bright' liuildiuf, Market Square, SUNBURV, 1'ENN'A. Having fitted up n room two doors cast of Weit xel's Stoic, the undersigned has opened n Meat Shop in connection with his stand on MARKET DAYS, wharc he will keep on hand the best of llcrl, Iork, Veul aud Poultry of every inscription. Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Chickens ready dressed, uud' put up in regular style of city markets. ALSO, Ilnttcr, I'KK. Potatoes, Ap i !, and Fruits of all kind, all of which will be sold nt the lowest Market Prices. The citizens of Sunbury are invited to call and examine for themselves before purchasing else where. A full nssortnicul oil baud every market morning. flENRY NEUER. Dec. 9, 1S71. IF YOU WANT TO SEE tho laigcst assortment of Millinery Goods ever brought to this place, go to Miss L. SMssler, Market Spare, SlMilltY, 1A., Where are arrayed In all their different varieties Fall Millinery Goods of every description jutt brought from Philadel phia and nre now open. The new Room just completed Is filled with nn endless variety. A most magnificent display of Goods on exhibition, and soli) nt the lowest prices. EYEltY KIND OF GOODS usually kept In n Millinery establishment can bo had nt her store. The best iu tho Phlliilclphtn markets were solicited. (iive me a call nnd be convinced. MISS L. E1IISSLER. Sunbury, , Pepteml.er 23, ls7I. IMA AC Is.. NTAl ril.lt, WATCHES, JEWELRY, 1 IS North Kcroutl St., Cor of lurrj-, PHILADELPHIA. An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, liver und l'liiti'd Ware constantly on hand. Repairing of Watches and Jewelrv promptly alien. liid to. April 1.1M71-Iy. 33. O- PETERS' gSALE STABLES, Adjoining Harrisburg Stock Yards, Horses Eonft Soli or EickanpL December lrt, 1S71. Sm. NEW Hour, Feel, Fruit anfl. Ve&etatJle Store, Spruce Street, between Front aud Second, bL'SIU'RY, PA. ,JOHN WILVER having Just opened a Store nt the above place, wlici o nil kinds of of the lctt brands of Flour uud Food will hp sold at trreatly reduced prices. The cele brated Ruck's Mills Flour will be kept constantly on hand. Alto, nil kinds of Feed, Grain, Corn, Outs and Rye, chopped or whole, I'oluloo, Applet, C'ubltiiKO 4V Fruit irenerullv, at n cheaper rate than cun be bought elsewhere. All goods delivered Flee of C lull ire. Call nnd examine my stuck aud uccilui,n the prices before puichabiug elsewhere. JOHN WILVER. Sui'bury, Dee. 2, 1871 If. :ri:ss uoo. FALL AND WINTER STYLES, - now ojien nt MISS KATE HI.At K'N NTOItE, Market Squure, SUNBL'RV, Pcnn'u., LADIES' KRESS GOODS A SPECIALTY. Silk Poplins, Dress Trimmings, Embroideries, Notions, ivc GenU' Collars, Neck-ties, Ilalf-hosc, Ilandker- chlets and loves. Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushcs.Coiubs, etc. An Invitation is extended to all to call and se cure, bargains. Nov. i, 1S71. a;f.xts wavi fi for FhruMt-s) of Loutlou Life. By D. J. Klrwan, the well-known Journalist. TUE VERY LARGEST COMMISSIONS PAID. This book Is a beautiful ocUvo of fifl5 naires. embellished with 200 engravings, and a finely executed map of Loudon, designed and executed expressly ror this work by eminent artists. It contuins a lull, graphic uud truthful statement of the Sights, Secrets aud Sensation of the treat Ait'iropou 01 lue worm. Address, DUFFIELD AbllMEND. Publisher, Jaul3,'73. 711 Bansom Street, Philadelphia. Tho Coufexxlonn ofttu Invalid. PUBLISHED as a warniug aud for the benefit of yuumj nun aini othtrt, who sutler from Nervous Debility, ike, supplylug tbe means of self-cure. Written by oue who cured himself and sent free on receiving a post-paid directed envelope. Address, NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, My 0, lVIT..-m. Eiooklyn, N. Y. 2clu 'a" IbfcIIancons. "mLOjfETfvr FALL AND WINTER STYLES. HATS AND BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, WREATHS, LACES, &c. Crape Yells), . CRArEJIIATS AND BONNETS, and everything usually kept In r Millinery Store. Cult at M. L. GOSSLER'8 Store, South Fourth Street, below the 8. V. R. R., SUNBURY, PA. 1 i Nov. 4, '71. (A! EiXTtKESL TIIACKARArTlUCK & CO., SUCCESSORS jro M1SKEY, MERRILL & TIIACKARA, MANUFACTURERS OF GAS FIXTURES, BRONZES, &c, &c, Chaudcliors), 'Pendants, Ilrackets, Ac,, Vc, would respectfully Invite the attention of pur chasers to our elegant assortment. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SALESROOMS, 719;Chest n ti V St reet. MANUFACTORY, 403, 404,400 AND 408 RACE STREET. Aug. 19, 1871. NEW 91 EAT SIIOI. TT1E nnderslgned respectfully Informs the citi zens of Sunbury und vicinity, that they have opened a MEAT SHOP, In Dewnrt's bulldlng.ou the north side of Market Square, two doors from tho railroad, were they will keen a constant supply of the best of Beef. Pork, Mutton, Ac., nt wholesale or retail, at tho lowest prices and 01 tne nrst quality . A wagon w ill be run to supply customers every morniug, (except Sundays.) The best of meat will found nt their shop, (jive us n call and satisfy vour- selvcs. REFFEW & BOWER. Oct. ICth 1869 tf. Attention, Agent).' Great Inducements otTercd live Agents, to sell the most popular work of the ngc, "Remnrkable Characters aud Places of the Uuly Lund," by CHARLES W. ELLIOTT, with articles from the pens of T. D. Woolscv, L. L. D. ; Right Rev. Thus. M. Clark, D. D. ; Rev. Joseph Cummlngs, D. I). ; Rev. Charles A. Stod dard ; Rev. S. F. tiinith, D. 1). ; Rev. William Adams, I). l. ; llev. Henry Ward Bcccher, &c. Address for circulars aud full particulars, J. II. HRYMIRE, Dec. 3, 1S71.-3IH. Pottsville, Pn. HOLIDAY UOWDN. THADD'S S. SHANNON, THIRD AND MARKET SQUARE, litis in stock nnd coustnntly receiving Novelties iu hia line, consisting In part of a full line of AMEHICAX M ATt'lIES, Kl jitn , IllinoiK, Hownrd fe Co., Waltham, Mas sachusetts, and Hoy's AMERICAN WATCHES; Also, n full set of Ladies, and Gent's Gold and Silver Swiss Watches. JEWELRY. Roman Gold sets, pink coral and Gold sets, Ear-Ulna's, Necklaces and Pendants, Onyx and Jot Jewel rv. SliiVER-"WABE, Solid Silver-ware of StcrHiifr purit , made to or der. Bridal nnd Presentation Pieces, Knives, Forks and Spoons in cases, also, a full line of Silver Plated Goods, Tea Sets, Ico Water Sets, Erlilt Stands, Cake Baskets, Cotfec Urns, Forks nnd Spoons treble plated, the best in the market. SPECTACLES. If you value your Eyesight, nse U10 Perfect Lenses, pround from minute Crh-tle Pebbles mel ted together, und derive there name "Diamond" on account of there hardness nnd brilliancy. They will last many years without change, uud warranted Superior to all others lu use. TABLE CUTLERY. Ivory, Pearl and Metal bundles in cases sup plied to older. (LOCKS. A full assortment of Eight day and Thirty hour Clocks, 0U0 Calender Clocks of all discre tions. Lngr.iving done at the shortest notice. Wateiics,- Clocks and Jewelry, P,epaircd and Satisfaction warranted. All eoi.ds will lie sold at the very Lowest Cash Prices." Every body is cordially Invited to Call und Examine for themselves. Fob t forget the place. T.S. SHANNON. unbiiryDcc.lC, tf. THE SEW'IORE) CLEMENT & DISSINGER, In the new Clement Building, .Mnrkct Nquurc, hiuuburj, In., offer to thn public, an entire new assortment of WINTER DRY GOODS, of all styles at the lowest prices. Full lines of Alpacas, Mohairs, Plaids, Empress Cloths, Shawls, Flannels, llosiury, MOURNING GOODS, a full variety, Blankets and Woolen goodB of all descriptions. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTING8, &e., Ac Itettlj-JIadc Clothing, a full assortment, which will be sold lower than elsewhere. Carpets ttud Oil Cloth. GROCERIES of nil kinds, which are guaranteed all fresh. QUEENS W A R E, YVILLOWWARE, &c, &c, &.C. TRIMMINGS, GLOVES, and in fact everything that can be mentioned lu first-class store. Call and examine ourVtock. Having our sore lighted with Gas, goods cau bo Selected In the evening ns well us In tbe day time. No charge for showing goods. CLEMENT & DIS8INGER." pec. 0, 187L i:TFH OF ATTRACTION. Everybody Is invited to come aud buy of the handsome assortment of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES ut SAMUEL P. NEVIN'S STORE, in frame building, adjoining Moore A Dissiuger's building, THIRD STREET, SUNBURY, PA. Just opened n fresh supply of Coufectioueric of evry description. TOYS OF ALL KIM constantly on hand. The best RAISINS, FIGS, CUKKANT8 & DRIED FRUIT. PURE RIO COFFEE, TEA.&JSPICES, fresh Bread, Buus & Cukes every morning. FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, &c. OYSTERS 1 OYSTERS 1 OYSTERS 1 Having fitted up a room expressly for serving up Oyitturs iu every style, Ladies aud Gentlemen will be accommodated with the best bivalve in uii ket. nt ull hoar during the day and evening. Faiullio will be supplied at their residence with the best Shell or Canned Oysters, a U desirable, at the very lowest prices. Call aud see my excellent assortment of good ami usccriuiu tue price. 8. F. NEVIN. Dec. 10, 1871. E. Hodgklns, Agt., IlEALEB IN Hides, Tallow, Bones, Rags and CRACKLINGS, suubury, Korth'd Couotr, Pa. CASH PAID ONALL PURCHASES, f-unuurr, Dee. 33, 187L-8DI. f&tsrtllatteons. MUNNYSIDE nEATER. BcNNTSIIVa AT MaSTXAHD STATS FaIH. BaL- timobs. First premium for Fire-place Heaters warded the Bannyslde. Advantage of the Snnnyswe t 1. It Is so constructed that one-third more of the radiating surface extendi Into the room, giv ing that muck more additional neat without ex tra fuel. 8. It Is the only Hot-Air Flre-plaae Renter In the market. Like the regular built cellar beater, It loses no heat, but confines It all to Its legiti purposes. 8. The fuel magazine Is double tbe usual site, extending from the fire-box to the top of the stove, with capacity for twenty-four- hours' sup ply of conl. 4. The pntent double cover for coal magazine consumes tbe gas, prevents escape of gns Into the room, nnd makes it Impossible for any puf fings or explosions to occur. This Is an advant age, possessed by no other fire-place stove In the market. 5. There nre three air cenmbers, wherein a brisk circulation Is kept np,'drnwlng the cold air In the room through heated flues Into a largs hot-air reservoir, at the back of the stove. 6 No side pipes are nsod, as the air Is heated In a reservoir having double radiating lines and double back, applying large quantities of bol nirwithout waste of heat or fuel. 7. The SuNNTsina ntlli7.es the waste heat so thoroughly that we frequently heat an adjoining room on the first, beside bunting tbe rooms lu second aud third stories. 8. A damiier on top of the stofc, connected with the hot air ilucs, controls the quantity of hot nlr required for the nse or either tbe upper or lower rooms. All other fire-place stoves are very Inconvenient in this respect. U. The Orate is self-sealing, and no dust can escape while slinking it. 8TURAT, PETERSON & CO., Philadelphia. II. B. MASSEit, Agent. Not. 11, 1871. EXTRAORDINARY. 110 OFFERflO SO DAYS OS TRIAL,. MONTHLY PAYMENTS. PRICE REDUCED. The Amkhicas Sewing Maciiinb Co. have concluded to otter their whole Stock of fiuietior and widely-known machines, upon the uhove unpnraleled tcrniB, to everybody, everywhere. who have, or cnn fiud use for a really good Sew ing Machine, cheaper thna the cheapest. Every one is welcome to a month's free trial nt their own home. The best, and only true guarantee of It quality, is n liionin s iree trial. The object of giving a free trial Is to show you now uood our .Machine is. This Is the sbnplest and most certain way to convince you that our Machine is Just what you want. The Secret of safety Is lu ono month's trial. No one parts with the Machine after trial. All pay for and keep it. Buy no uiachiuo until you have found it a good one, easy to learn, easy to manage, easy to work, easy to keep in order, perfect in mechanism, perfect in construction, simple, reliable, aud satisfactory. Any company who will refuse you this much cannot have as good a Sewing Machine ns ours. Buy only when yon know the machine does not take un hour to get ready to do a minutes work. Buy only when yo u find a Machine that Is ready in a minute to do any kind of work and is always ready, and uevcr out of order. A mouth's trial answ ers all questions, solve all doubts, prevents ull mistakes, and is the only sufo way to get your moneys worth. Try It. You cannot lose. Write for our Confidential Circulars and Illus trated Pamphlet, containing full particulars, which we will send you by return of mall free, Willi Samples of Sewing, Unit you can Judge for yourself. And remember, tLut we sell our good Machine at alow price, npon extraordinary favor able terms of payment, aud upon their own mer its. Don't hesitate becauso you are uncertain whether wunt a Sewing Machine or not, no be cause you hare one of another kind. Try a good oue, they are nlwuys useful, and will muke money for you, or help you to save it. Aud if yon havennotber.ours will show you that the one you have could bo improved. The company slake the very Existence of their Business 011 the mere its of this Wonderful and Extraordinary Sewing Machine. County Rights given free to good Smart Agents. C'uuvasscrs, male aud female, wanted everywhere. . Write for Particulars, and nddress: AMERICAN MACHINE Co., Cor. John aud Nassau Street. New York. Oct. 11, 1871. 1 year. UXH CHEAPER THAN KEROSENE. OEKICS OF Tll Sl-JiBfKT G.IS ColiriNT, (h tuber 'id, 1871. To the Citizens: Recent Investigation de monstrate that Gus of 14 Candles quality, cun be sold at $2.00 per 1000 cubic feet. The Direc tors of the Sunbury Gus Company havo deter mined to adopt that price uud 14 Candles as the standurd of .quality. This fixes the price of a 14 Lnndle burner nt one cent an bour, or pne tbird less than Philadelphia gas. A Kerosene lamp gives a light of seven to ten caudles only then-fore, gas at the above price is much cheupcr than kerosene, without cunsid crlng cost ot chimneys and liability to accident. Let ull come forward aud become gass consum ers. Make your nppllcntlons for service pipes and fittings at once, as tbe season for Introduc ing them is drawing to a clone. By Okdeii or tue Boahd of Directors. TERMS. The contractor for the Works will Introduce pipes upon the following terms. Service pipes at 60 cents per running foot, measuring from centre of street. Upon Market Square, twenty dollars for entire service: Interior fittings at 15 cents per running foot. In new buildings ; 15 cent per running foot over plaster, and 3D cents per running foot nudcr Boors.. Cbhndellers, Pendant rod other fixtures for sale at uew York aud Philadelphia prices. October 7, 1871. ROSADALIS O TllE INGREDIENTS THAT COMPOSE ROSADALIS are published on every package, there fore it ino( a secret preparation, consequently PIITSICIAK8 PRESCRIBE IT tt is a certain cure tor Scrofula, Syphilis in all it forms, Rheuma tism, Skin Disease, Liver Com plaint ml all diseases of the Blood. ONE SOTTLS OF EOSADAUS will do more good than ten bottles of the Syrup of Santaparill. THE UNDEHSIQNF.D PHYSICIANS have used Rosadsli in their practice for the past three years and liecly endorse it a a reliable Alterative and Blood Purifier. DR. T. C. ri'GH. of Baltimore. DR. T. J. BOVK1X. " DR. B. W. CAltK. DR. F. O. DANNKLLY. Dtt. J. 8. 8PARKS, of NlchoUsvllU, Da. .'l. HcCARTHA, ColuatbU, S. C. EH. A. B. NOBLES, Edgecomb, N. C. USED AND EHD0BSED BY J. B. FRENCH fc SOMS, Fall Biver, Mass. r. W. SMITH, Jmckson, Mich. A. t . WHKKLfcH, I.UUS, Olllo. B. HALL. Lima, Ubio. CRAVEN A CO., (lordonsvllle, V. SA.MX. O. Mci ADDEN, siiuiree. boro, Ten a. Our space will not allow of any ox. landed remarks in relation to tba virtues of Hosadalia. Totha Uedlral Proleaaioa wo guarantee a Fluid Ea trectsuperior to any they havo over used in tho treatment of diaeaaed Blood t and to tho a in u-ted wo say try Uoaadalia, sad you will be reatoraa to health Rusadalis la (old kv all Drutrltta. priil.0 par ttottto. AudrcM US. CLEMENTS m 03. Afaaaartitrtaf- ftamitfa, BaVtimos, llav July 22, 171. ly. s mttufitrtitrers. Merchant Tailoring. J. n. BOSTIAH, In lb Post Offle Building, opposlta tba Depot, tup stair, J SUNBURY, PENN'A, Inform hi friends and the public centrally. that he bn just opened a large and varied as sortment of Clot ha, t'asstmeres, Venting), Ac, which will be made np to order In the latest style, and warranted to fit. 1 Gentlemen in want or fashionable (nits ar Ylted to call and examine hi stock. . ' ' SniRTS . ' i scientifically and practically out and mad measure. BUN NO BISK. . We furnish the above style of Improved yoke and sack shirt with entirely new shape sleeve, and guarantee a perfect fitting shirt. It Is the best model of a shirt ever oflbrcd to the trade. Fine and fancy shirts made to order. . J. M. BOSTIAN. June 8, 18.71.-flm MACHINE SHOP AND IRON FOUNDRY. GEO. EOIIRBACII & SONS, Sunbnry, I'eun'a, XNFORM the public that they are prepared to jl ao an aintts ot castings, aud having added a new Machine Shop In connection with their IT 1 1 . . .1 r I ..... r. .tmnllnj -ill. VT VUUUIjl.NU UU TC OM I'l'llCU IIK'IIIBCI .III 1 U W Lathes, Planing nnd Boring Machines, with the latest improvements. With tbo aid of skillful mechanics, they are enabled to execute all orders NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given them, In a satisfactory man ner. Grates) to unit any Stove. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build ings, or all sizes. BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GKAVK YAKU LOTS VERANDAHS, FOR YAHD9 AT RESIDENCE), C, AC. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been still further Improved, and will always ue Kept on nnnrt. Also, THREH1I1NG MACHINES. Sunbury, May 20, 1871. LUMBER AND PLAN I NO MILLS. Third Street, adjoining l'hlla. & Eric R. R., two tenures riortn or the Lcntrul Hotel, 8UNBURT, PA. IRA T. CLEMEXT, "I S prepared to furnish every description of lum- ber required by the demands of the public. Having all the lutcst Improved machinery for manufacturing i.unocr, he is now ready to till or- acrs ei an Kinds or FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS, SHUTTERS, SASH, BLLNl MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and all kinds of Ornamental Scrowl Work. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A I-AllOS ASSORTMENT OF BILL LUMBEH. HEMLOCK aud PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Latlic, iV.c. Orders promptly filled, and shlpiicd bv Railroad or otherwise. 1UA T. CLEMENT, dcc!9-C8:ly STOVK sfc TIN KNTAULINIIMENT. 'MARKET STREET, 8UNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, rroprittor. SUCCESSOR TO 8MITU k OLSTUEIl. J HAVING purchased the above well known es tablishment, Mr. Krause would rcsiicctful- ly inform the public that he uow has on baud a large assort inrnt or COOKING STOVES, Spccr's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving lop, Uumhiuution, DUsuuchunna ..nd others. which arc so arranged as to be used for Coal or Wood, nnd arc warranted to perform satisfactori ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put up to heat one or more rooms. lli.All.NU BlUVh.3 of different kinds ut very low prices. Tinware or Every Dettcrlptiou kept constantly on baud. Roofing and Spouting with the best material, done ut short notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil Hr.d Lamps constantly on hand. Japan wure of a x.ihIj. Store opposite Conley's hardware store. Give me a call. A. miaisl. apl24-ly FALL AND "WINTER STOCK OF CLOTHS AND CASSIHEULK 1 FRENCH AND DOMESTIC GOODS of every grade, Just opened at the MERCHANT TAILOR SIIOl OF THOS. U. NOTT, On Third Street, In Miller' Block, opposite the Moore iK Dlsslngcr Buildings, , SUNBURY, PENN'A. The most fushronnble clothing made to order from every variety of goods. bulls of all sizes made up at the shortest no tice, from the best selected stock in Nuw York and Philadelphia. Lull aud be convluccd. THOS. G. NOTT. Nov. 4, 1871. Beef! Beef! THE undersigned Is prepared to furnish the citizens of Sunbury and; vicinity with the choicest Beef and Pork in Market, cither at Wholesale or Retail. rami lies will be supplied by the quarter or tide, or smaller quautilies ut the ruobt reasona ble rates. Constantly on hand tbe choicest cuts of Beef, Pork, Multou and Yeal.also Sausages, bolognas. Ac. Apply ut the Meut House, South Third street, lu Moore a Dlsslncer's Kow, Sunbury. un market days the best of meat Is served to customers at the meat stand, comer of Market aud Third street, when the celebrated Broslous' ausages can be bad, long known as the beat in market. nENRY K. FAGELY. N. B. Persons haviuir fut hoirs or beeves for sale can procure the bluest market price by up. plication at the above establishment. Buuoury, Nov. 11, ibti. MILLINERY VOODS GENERALLY. NEW STYLES OF BONNETS, HATS, FLOWERS. - FRAMES, &c. Mourning and Bridal Ilaisj and Bonnet. Full line of Mourning Veils and Crape. MILLINERY IS THE SPECIALTY. Bash Ribbons, Ornaments, Feathers, Gloves, jianaKercnicis, xc, dec. FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS. MISS M. L. GO&8LER. South Fonrth St., below the Railroad, Surbury. Apni Z3, 1Y1. Wanted Immediately. 10,000 Men and Women to purchase the entire stock of GOODS now of fered for Inspection and sale at tbe Mammoth Store os Queen Street, Northumberland, as I am aeterminea not io do . I'ndemold or Exeelled In quality of goods offered for sale in mv line. ELI MILLER, A, na e o at un, 9t ion. -8m. HTERFOKCOPES, VIEWS, ALBUMS, CIIROMOS, FRAMES. E. at H. T. ANTIIOXY A CO., 591 Broadway, New York. Invite the attention of the Tradele their exten sive assortment of the above goods, of their own publication, manufacture and Importation. Also PHOTO LANTERN ELIDES and GRAPHOSCOFEB. NEW VIEWS OF roSEMTTE. E. H. T. ANTHONY 4 CO., 691 Broadway, New Tork, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, iHroBTaas aud sumcfactuhsks or rhetos;raphi Matorlala. March 4th, 1871. ly. U9(flIaitf0U8. J JAEDWARE FOR ALL ' AT TUB HARDWARE STORE Of . , . ., J. H. CONNELLY & CO. market Street, tSanbary, P. ' It I useless to enumerate ever kind nt article In his Store, but among tbe leading Items may be set down the following 1 Iron, Steel, Lend, "'" . Bcnies, meelyards, Grindstones, Nail Of all kind and iaea. Vice, Saw, Planes, Sieve, Chains, Axes, Bras and Iron kettle.' Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Snade. Rake. Hatchnta. Carpenter and Blacksmith Borlne Machinbs. Cellar Orates, Drawing Knives, Btone Sledges, Plasterers' Trowel, Mason' Hammers and Trowels. Hand Dinner Bells, and large cast Iron Bells for Bcuool Houses and farmers' Dinner Bells, Carpenters' Bench Screws, Potato Forks for dliririnir potatoes. Looking Glasses, Twine, Ropes, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Tacks, Mule and Horse Shoes and Nails, ITammcrs, Augurs, " Chisels,' Lanterns, Ull Cloths, Brooms, Locks of11 descriptions, Coffee Mills, Bits and Braces. Carriage Bolts of all kinds, Palut and Wall Brushes, uucKctSj Oils.'.VarnlNhes, Japans, UTC. ADIla VTIinilllllf OUUU. PAISiTf OF ALL K11N in Oil or Drv. Parti-Colors of nil kinds, CKDAK-WAUE and other Wooden-Ware of all kinds and very enenp, liay-eorK rullcys, Picks. Mill Picks. Levels. Level Glasses. Flies, Hinges, Coal Oil, Hems, Combs, Screws, Saddlery and Shoe Findings, Buggy Trimmlncs, Excelsior Glass Cutters. Pocket Knives, Scissors, Shears, - Shot, Cap nnd Ponder, and a great variety of other articles. Any thing wanted and not on hand, win be ordered ut once. Bnnbury, Aug. 1, 1871. WM-MlRHiT- blatmakek. t.m. u. black. MURRAY & CO., Wholesale Dealers In MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, Office nnd 8chool Stationery, Printing, Wrapping and Manilla PAPERS, PAPER BAGM, Ac, Ac. Tho Celebrated Corry Kerosene Burning Oil always on hand. Having also opened a COAL YAED. we are prepared to supply at short notice, and at the lowest rates, EGG, STOVE, CHESTNUT and TEA COAL to all who may be pleased to i;lre us a call. Orders left at our ofllce No. 35 South Third St., will be promptly tilled. MURRAY & CO. No. 85 South Third Street, Sunburv, Pa. Am;, lili, 1S7L LADIES' FANCY FURS. John Farcira. 70S ARCH STREET, Middle of the Ulock, between Tth aud 8tliSls., outn Mde, Philadelphia, Importer, Manufacturer nnd Dealer lu all kinds and quu'ity or ZP-A-TsTG"" FTJBS, For Ladies' and Children's Wear. Having imported a very lunre and splendid as- soitmcnt of all the different kinds of Furs from first hands in Europe, nnd have bad them made up liy the most skillful workmen, woti.d respect fully invito the readers of this paper to call and examine his luru and very beautiful assoitmcut of Fancy Furs, for Ladies' and Children. I ntn j determined to sell ut as low prices as any other I reiqiectuble House in this city. All Furs war- ranted. o misrepresentation to i licet sales. JOHN FARE1RA, T18 Arch Street Philadelphia. Oct. 2X, 1871.-3U1. MILLISERY AM FANCY NTORK Lall aud Winter VootU. MISS L. WEISER, Market Street, one door west of Gearhart' con fectionery tlore, SUNBURY, FA., Has opened her stock of Milliner)- and Fancy Cioodst, HATS AND BONNETS. The latest styles of Dress Trimmings, French and American Flowers, Laces, Ribbous, Sack loops, Clilirnous, Collars, Cutis, Jouvin Gloves, and a lurge variety of oilier articles. In conncctlou with tho Millinery business, she curries on the DRESS MAKING AND FITTING, in all its branches. She 1 also agent for the sale of Ramsey, Scott &. Co. s ratterns. The ladies of Sunbury and vicinity ac cor dially luviled to cull and examine her apleudid slock. Nov. 4, 1871. Sore Cure Tor Tetter. rTMIE Subscriber, resident of Seven Points, Au J eusla towuship, Northumberland County, l'a., has a sure cure for Tetter, which he offers to those afflicted with this annoying disease. He was troubled with it for eight years, aud nothing would cure it until he obtuiued thi remedy. II ha been tried In a number of cases, to his know ledge, (one caso of 25 years standing) with entire success. Uiion receipt ot 1 00, be will send a box of tbe medicine, and directions to uso it, or 8 boxes for 15, free of postage. WILLIAM KAKr.K, Augusta P. O., North'd Co., Pa. August 13, lH71-7in. Philadelphia and Erie Railroad. WINTER TIME TABLE. On and after Monday, November 27. 1871. the Trains on the Philadelphia fc Erie Rail Road will run a fo'sowt 1 WESTWARD. Mall Train leave Philadelphia, 0.20 p m Buuoury, 1.00 an " arr at Erie, 9.50 p n Erie Express leave Philadelphia. 13.30 p m " " 811. ,l.n r-v Ml n m " " an at Erie. 7.40 a ni Elm Ira MaU leave Philadelphia, 7.50 a m " " " - Sunbury, 4.S0 p m " . " arr at Lock Haven, 7.55 p m Accommodation leave Sunbury, 015 a ni " arr at Kcuovo, 1U.4U a m EASTWARD. MaU Train leave Erie, 11.98 am bunhury, ts." a ra " " arr at Philadelphia, 0.80 a m Erie Express leave Erie, 9.00 p w " " " Sunbury, a m " " arr at Philadelphia. 8.30 p m Elmlra Mail leave Lock Haven, 7.35 a m " " Bunuurv. ll.uuam " arr at Philadelphia, 6.50 p ra Accommodation leave Keuovo, 13.25 p m " arr at Snubury, 4.35 p m Mall Eaat connect east and west at Erie with L. 8. A at. B. R. W. aud at Corry and Irvlneton with OU Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Mall West with west bound train on L. 8. A M. B. R. W. and at Corry and Irvtuetou with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Catttawlssa passenger trains will be ran east from Wllliamsport on Erie Express, and west, to Wllllamsport on Elmlra Mall. WM. A. BALDWIN, Uen'l Snp't. itilroitbs. Lackawanna and Bloomabarg KaU- 1 - i road. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT Of FASaiNQBR TRAINS. Monday. July 17,871. SOUTH WAIU). Leave. A.M, P.M. A.M. P.M. PM. Bcranton, Bollevue, Taylor-villa, Lackawanna, Pittstor, West Pltteton, Wyoming, Mnltby, Kingston, A ) st. W.-Sarrs ) o'rs Plymouth Juno., Plymouth, . . Nantlcoke, ' ntinlock's, Shlckshlnny, Hick's Ferry, 46 C 60 67 T 06 t 14 T 19 1 45 9 11 SI 10.06 10 17 0 Be. 8 65 7 08 7 11 7 19 7 84 7 81 7 86 7 81 8" 00 8 05 4 00 4 OS 4 13 4 83 4 80 4 85 4 43 4 47 '4,55 6 00 6 05 10 80 10 85 10 40 10 47 .0 68 T 87 7 40 S 89 8 40 11 001 7 60 8 00 8 07 "s s -i 8 0 8 43 8 60 8 57 8 80 8 80 8 45 8 08 8 27 8 84 ucacu itaven, Berwick, Briar Creek, Lime Ridge, Espy, Bloomsbnrg, Rupert, Cntuwlssn, Danville, Chulasky, V 071 0 14 19 20 0 81 9 61 8 671 &' i-amcron, 10 03 North'd, (arrive.) 10 20 4 62 NORTHWARD. Leave. Northumberland, Cameron, Chulasky, Danville, Catuwissa, Rupert, Bloomsburg, Espy, Lime Ridge, Briar Creek, Berwick, Beach Haven, Hick's Ferry, Shlckshlnny, Jluolock s, isnnucoke, nymouth, Plymouth June, Kingston, & I st, W.-Burre ) c'n Maltby, Wyoming, WcftPHistoo. Piitston. Lackawanna, Taylorville, Bcllevuc, Scrantou, (arrive) DAVID T. BOUND, Sup't. Northern Central Railway. FALL AND WINTER ARRANGEMENT. fS and afler Nov. 13, 1871, trains will run as follows : NORTHWARD. Niagara Express leaves Sunbury at 13.40 p. m.,urrivcs ut Niagara Falls nt 1.30 a. m. Buffalo Express leave Sunbury at 12.30 a. m., arrive at Wllliamsport at 3.25 a. m., Elmira ut 5.30 a. m., Canunduigua 8.15 a. m. Mail arrives at Sunbury nt 4.30 p. m., arrive at Wiiliamsport 0.30 and Elmira 10.35 p. in. Fast Lino arrives at Sunbury at 6.50 p. 111., arrive ut Wllliamsport 8.15 p. is. SOUTHWARD. Buffalo Express leaves Sunbury at 1.47 a. m., urrive ut Harrisburg 3.46 a. m., Baltimore 7.20 a. in. .Mail leaves 8unbnry at 11.05 a. m., arrive at Harrisburg 1.45 p. m. Erie Express leuves Suabury at 9.25 a. m., ar rive at Harrisburg 11.20 a.m., Baltimore 3.00 p. 111. Erie Mull leave Sunbury at 12.30 a. ra., arrive at Harrisburg 2.20 a. m. 8IIAMOKJN DIVISION. EASTWARD. Leave Suubury nt 4.40 p. m., arrive ut Shamo kin 5.50 p. m., Ml. Carincl 6.40 p. m. Leave Sunbury ( Aecommodutiou,) at 11.50 a. m., arrive nt Shamokin 1.00 p. m. WBSTWAHD. Leave Mt. Curmel at 7.00 a. m., Shamokin 7.40 nx in., urrive at Suubury 0.55 a. in. Leave Shamokin ( Accommoilatiou,) ut 2.45 p in., arrive nt Sunbury 4.00 p. m. Express leaves daily. AM other trains leave dailv, except Sundavs. A. R. Fisk. " Ei. 8. Yoi-no', Ueu'l. Sup't., Ceu'l Pusseu'r Ag't., Harrisburg, Pa. ballinore, Md. Heading Railrond. WINTER A R R A N G E M E N T. Monday, Nov. 13i, 1871. 01 HEAT TKI NK LINE Trout the North and T North-Wert for Philadelphia, N. V., Read ing, Pottsville, Tumitqun, Ashland, Shainokin, Lchunon, Ailentown, Easton, Ephrata, Litiz, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac, So. Trains leave Harrisburg for New York, ns fol t lows: At 2.45, 8.10, a. ut. und 2.00 v. in., con necting witli similar trains ou the Pennsylvania Kailrood, aud arriving al New York at 10.07 n. in., S.42, and 9.45 p m. respectively. Sleepiiii; Cars accompany the 2.45 a. m., train without change. Returning: Leave New York ut 9.00 a. ni., 12.30 uoou and 5.00 p. m., Philadelphia at 7.30, 8.30 a. 111. and 3.30 p. 111. ; Sleeping Curs accom pany live 5.00 p. m. train from New York with out change. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Ta maqua, Miucrsville, Ashland, Shamokin, Ailentown and Philadelphia at 8.10 a. iu., 2.00 aud 4.05 p. m., slopping at Lebanon and priucipal way stutions ( the 4.05 p. 111., train couueeling for Philadelphia, Pottsville ami Co lumbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave Harrisburg at 3.40 p. iu. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Read ing for Ailentown, Easton uud New York U14.34, 10.40 a. m., and 4.05 p. m. Returning, leave New York at U.00 a. in., 13.30 noon and 6.00 p. m. uud Ailentown al 7.20 a. 111. 12.25 noon. 2.15, 4 25 and 8.35 p. in. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. 111., connecting with similar train on East Pcnna. Railroad, returning from Reading at ti.20 p. m., slopping at all stations. Leave Pottaville at 9.00 a. m. nnd 2.30 p. m. llerudon at 10.00 a. m., Shamokin at 5.40 und 11.15 o. m. ; Ashland nt 7.05 a. m., and 12.43 noon; Mahunoy City at 7.51 a. ui. nnd 1.20 p. :u. Tuinariua nt 8.35 a. m. and 2.10 pj- m. for . Philadelphia, New York.Rcading, HurrUhurg.Ac. Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill and Suiue hunua Railroad ut 8.15 a. in. for Harrisburg, and 11.45 a.m., for Pine Grove and Tieiiiimt. Reading Accommodation Train leaves Potts ville at 5.40 a. in., passes Reading ut 7.80, a. 111. arriviug at Philadelphia at 10.20 a. in, reluming leuves Philadelphia ut 4-45 p. ni., passing Read ing at 7.85 p.m. arriviug at Poitsville at 9.20 p.m. Potlstowu Accommodation Train leuves Potts town at 7.00 a. in., returning leuves Philadelphia at 4.15 p. iu. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Rcadiug at 7.20 a. in., and 0.15 p. m. for Ephrata, Lilis, Lancaster. Columbia, Ac. returning leave Lan caster at 8.20 a. iu. and 3.25 p. m., aud Colum bia at 8.15 a. ni. aud 3.15 p. iu. Perklomen Rail Road Trains leave Perkiomen Junctional 7.25, 9.05a. in.. at 3.00 and 5.45 p. ni. Reluruini;, leave Schwenksville at 0.45,8. 10 a. 111., 12.50 noon and 4.45 p. ni. connecting wilh similar trains ou Reading Rail Road. Pickering Valley lUilroad trains leuvo Plue nixville at 9.10 a. in., 8.05 aud 5.55 p. iu. ; re turning, leave Byers at 0.50 a. ui., 12.45 uoon, aud 4.20 p. ui., connecting with similar tralut on Reading Railroad. Colebrookdale Railroad Trains leave Potutown al 9.40 a. ui., 1.15 aud 6.30 p. ui., returning leave Mt. Pleasant at 7.15 aud 11.25 a. m., aud 3.54 p. ni., connecting with similar trams ou Reading Ruilroad. Chester Valley Railroad Train leave Bridge port at 8.30 a. in., 2.05 und 6.20 p. ui. leturaeug, leave Dowuiuglon ut 6.55 a. in., 12.50 noon and 5.15 p. m. conuectlng with similar trains ou Read lug R'lllroad. On Sundays 1 Leave New Tork at 5.00 p. m., Philadelphia at 8.00 a. in. and 3.15 p. in., (the 8.00 a. m. train ruunlug ouly to Readily;;) leave Pottsville at 8.00 a. in., leave Harriaburg, 3.45a. m., and 9.00 p. m.; leave Alleutowu at 8.35 p. ut. leave Reading at 7.15 a. m. aud 9.56 p. in. for Harrisburg, at 4.34 a. ni. for New York, and at 9.40 a. ui. and 4.15 p. in. for Philadel'a. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excursion Tickets, to and from ull puims at re. duosd rale. Baggage checked through 100 Pound Bag gag allowed each Paaaengar. J. E. WOOTTEN. al. Supt. : Eng. Maeh'ry. A.M.iP. M. 10 25 5 10 5 87 5 81 10 60 5 40 5 00 0 03 11 14 6 13 6 17 34 6 841 11 80 0 41; 11 43 S 48 A.M. 65! 13 00 7 0U' 7 30 7 24: 7 4.V IP Xf- ' ;P.M. 7 81, 8 OO! I ;13 i'rj 7 41 8 15 P.M. 5 10 8 20 5 15 'l3 84 7 5l! 8 3o! 3 33 5 25 I I 8 40 j 3 4s' 5 85 13 43 8 00 8 45. V 48, 6 40 I 8 13 8 53! 3 541 5 47 '12 52: 8 18 O 04! 9 K8 K fi 8 28; 9 14; 8 07, 6 00 8 3f, 0 25 3 lfi 6 10 8 42 9 32' 8 23 6 17 1 14 8 48 U 40 8 80 0 25 v