SJXBUKY, FEBRUARY 10,' HT2. itniirnml Time Tables. C. R. W. East. " P. R. H. R. West. BiifTiloEtProlSiSJahTErie Mall, I've ItOOam . . ... . A i - i . ..:. ' V Am .0 8,1 1'tMAm . 1 A.lft VIilMTntl II. 0.1 fc It jam Ex." 4i40pm KliuimMaU" " Prt r . a.r.n J . KtAJNCW NTUJIOS H. C. nl W. tdUTS ' I AJtnpra Sunbury ( 11:150 a ml At Sunbai j 9:55 am :40 p m " 4:00 p m :. . . . . . D. n. W. R. R. Lwrt Bnnbnry 6:20 . m. Arrive at 1.36 p. m BGNBURY A LEW1ST0WN R. R. , ; 1 ibay I ' RRrvJ. Sunbnry a. :3t) a. m. I At Sunbnry 3:35 a. in. " 11:10a. m. I " " 10:45a.m. Accident Insurance Tickets civa b bod of J. 8h1ini:ri, Ticket Agunt otthe Depot. 8swia Machines. Miss Caroline Dallusls the agent for the snle of the best Sewing Machlucs In existence, vi i "The Improved 8lnger," "Grover A Baker," "Ilowe," and "Domestic," which ore constantly on band and sold ai rea sonable prices. She Is also agent for the cele brated Frantz and Pope Knitting Machine. Call and sco thera. OUce On Market street, east of the railroad. AsoTitER new supply of groceries has arrived at the store of J. O. Trimble, In Blight's building- We have received tho Tribune Almanac for 1ST2. It Is brim full, as usual, of valuable in formation. We art under obligations to Messrs. Newbaker, Bright and Dr. Bmlnky, of tho House of Repre sentatives, at Harrlsburg, for public favors. We regret to learn that Hon. A. Jordan was takcu seriously 111 on Snturday last. We are happy to say, however, that he is much better. CosernT. A concert is to bo held in Zlon's Lntheruu church, Turbutvllle, for the benefit of Sunday School, on Wednesday evening, the 21st The Susquehanna river nt this place has no been frozen as solidly, or as long at one time, for many years. The Ice is about 14 inches in thickness. A mbktisq of the Executive committee of the Northumberland County Agricultural Society will bu held in the Junction House, In Suubury, on Satnr.lay, February 17th. The members arc requested to attend. Wm. IT. Waiti.f.s, Esq., of Northumberland, who was severely injured iu the Into railroad ac cident near Lock Haven, wo regret to learn is new iu a critical condition. He Is suffering se verely from injuries in the headend neck. Hams, dried beef, fish, dried and canned fruits, coffees, teas, the very best of sugars, and all other articles in the grocery line, which are, sold at greatly reduced prices nt J. G. Trimble's. Thvpebasck is Ti'rbi-tville. The Rev. j. n. Monges, of York, hi to speak in Turbutvllle, on Temperance, on Washington's) Birthday, Thursday, the 21 Inst., in Zulu's Lutheran church, Rev. J. Y. Wampole, Pustor, at 10.$ o'clock, a. m., iu German, and at 7 o'clock, r. M., In English. Winter. The present winter thus fur lias been one of extreme rigor. On Thursday morn ing the mercury stood at zero. The deep snow of Saturday was fast disappearing, uutil the cold r-nap set in. The sleighing is slid good, aud a little more snow would mnk'i It excellent. Festival. A festival will be held In the M. E. Church, in this place, commencing on Wed nesday oveuing, the 14th Inst., and continue tho balance of the week, during which time all the luxuries of the season will be sold, such ns oys ters, ice cream, Ac. As specialties, there will be a calico neck tie offering, and an Old Ladies' Tea Party to be enjoyed. Admittance free. An invitation is cxten ted to all. Tine Bradford County Buckwheat Flour, Pilme Sugar Cured Hams, Dried Href, jut received and for sale nt J. G. Trimble's Grocery, Iu Brighl's building. "We notice that nearly every town of any lin-' portance in tho State, is contemplating the erec tion of a new and commodious hull for dramati cal nud other entertainments. Such an Improve ment is much needed In tills town. An Invest ment by some of our capitalists In such an enterprise-voul.l prove a bonelil to the town as well as a high per centage on the money invested. The Norlhuinberluud County Agricultural So ciety has been regularly chartered by the Court, and Is now an Incorporated body. The con stitution has been printed acd is now ready for distribution. This Institution Is In a flourish ing condition, and having been admirably mau aged bTlhe prcscut otlieers. The members are no doubt sutislluj that Suubury Is au exellcnl lo cation to make it a pnjlng institution. Member; of religious bodies In this place and the county, are requested to famish to us for publication uny luformatlon concerning special services in their respective chuiches also, mar riages, deaths, or anything occurring within the limits of their parishes or charges of Interest to the public. Favors of this kind are very accepta ble, and we will make due relurus as we may baveiopportunity. A musical college baa been established In tho town of Freeburg, Snyder county, which we are happy to learn meets with great success. A fine musicul ball has been erected by F. C. Moyer, proprietor of tho "Moyer House," with good taste, in which rich musicul cntcituluments are held occasionally for the edification of those who have in uslcul tuste in t hat vicinity. Freeburg eon tains, probably as much musical tulent as any town iu the Stute. Rape. Two rowdies from Danville, named Deunis McGlnly aud Jeremiah Hawks, broke Into the house of Mrs. Kerstettcr In Vpper Au gusta, on Monday night last, aud each of them, after driving her aud her children out of the house, committed rape upon a young girl by the name of Haas, who has been lying sick for about live months. Warrants were issued for their ar rest by A. N. Brlce, Esq., on Tuesday, when Hawks was arrested and committed. MeGliily made h's escape notwlthstuudlng two shots were fired after him. Wo understuud these villlans have reecutly come out of the peuliemiary. Bad Acciomt. Ou Tuesday evening last, a ad railroad accident occurred in the neighbor hood of the machine shops, In Coke's addition, Suubury. A train of burden ears was shirting to which Mr. W. Stebgcn was attached as break man, and who was, in some way or other, which he can not exylatu, drawn uuder the car while in motion. A number of cars lu the backward movement of the train while shifting, passed over his lcfl 1-;, mashing it to such, g f jtent as to reader amputation necessary, Vrhlrh wal done on Wj 1us ' (y moml ig, by rr. IUbj,, M McCoy. Ml-. Is!..'.- :. ;; ! . - ..S yb'4B (, Wih't wife. 1 1 1 '.'l . '-li-.'h r an i.ts tnln. .y f.(. 1' : " Tn Citt noTEL. This beautiful structure Is now In full operation as n public house uudurthe management of Its enterprising projector and owner, Mr. Edward T. Drumhellcr,"ns Landlord. Mr. Drilmhellcrcametp this place about the time of the commencement of the war, from one of the Malyinoys, with nothing to recommend him as a Landlord, coming at be did from a country dis trict, except honesty, nothing industry on the part of himself and lady, frugality, a good cba ractar, good nature, and gobd heart. Com meootng business In a baric part of the town, In What Is now known as the Bosqnehnnnft Bon so, and qualified a( mentioned, M..Drnmheller was eminently successful, and rose rapidly from com parative want to sufficient means to purchase his present loeatlon, which was at that time, and until lntoly, occupied by the Wearer Hotel. Boon af ter the purchase of that establishment, Mr. Drumheller designed the erection of the present structure, but dolayed It for certain Masons, un til March last, when It was commenced, and was completed about the middle of December of the same year. In point of external beauty, It Is pro bably not equalled by any public edIOce outside of Philadelphia or New Tork certainly not ax celled. The Internal arrangement Is wholly cal culated for the comfort of his guests, and tho convenience of buslucss. located as it Is, In the heart of our growing town mid prospective city, and but two squares from the depot, the City Ho tel will command a large share of tho transient custom which our numerous railroads must ne cessarily bring to the place, and the proprietor receive the reward which enterprise and iudustry always merits. In the erection of this fine estab lishment, the projector has done well for himself and tho town, aud has the good wishes of the population of the" place. ' " . .H . . ROWDT ExrEDITIOM OM DANVILLE AND ITS Results. On Monday evening last, seven or eight men arrived lu this place from the town of Danville, who expressed their intention of rais ing a row, and creating general destruction at Kate Christ's. Kate Is of a solitary nature, and therefore she has built her abode on tho lonely meadows laying bctweeu Furdy town and Snnbu ry where she" bns for some months past abided in peace in company with seven or eight girls of not very careful virtue. Tho flrst preparation made towards carrying out the enterprise successfully, was to get drunk a matter powerfully nuxlllia ry to deeds of courage. About 9 o'clock, the valorous onset was made j eight stout men charg ed across the 'Gut,' and tho result of the combat Is, oue miserable creature nearly beaten to death, some personal property destroyed, and one pri soners taken about 8 o'clock tho following morn ing by constable Boughncr who was.aftcr a slight struggle, snugly incarcerated In Suubury Jail, to await charges, and the usual reward. We have trouble euough with native rowdyism, must wo be tormented with that vexatious element from the peevish town of Danville? SfROiCALOrEBATioss. We witnessed on Sun day last, a surgical operation on the eye of Mr. Alex. Birtch, of Freeburg, Snyder county, per formed by Dr. Up De Graff, of this place. The operation was the cutting tho cornea with a knife, and removing part of the iris to create an artificial pupil. This surgical operation was successfully performed by the Doctor in the presence of somo twelve persons. Mr. Birtch' has becu bliud for more than a year, and bud been operated on in Philadelphia without receiv ing any benelit. After this last operation the pupil of the eye wus distinct, and ho was cnubled to see object before hlin. Hopes arc entertained that his sight will be eutirely restored after re maining in tho dark for a short period until the eye becomes more strengthened. We also witnessed on Tuesday last, the suc cessful removal of a cataract iu the eye of Mr. Samuel W'ynn, of Lower August;? twp., by Dr. Up De Graff. Mr. Wynn was entirely bliud for more Ihuu a year, aud was enabled to see through a handkerchief Immediately after the operation. Our reporter of the grouud bog convention.on Friday of" last week, says that a consultation was held iu the neighborhood of Bacher's Brew ery, on Mount Pleasant; as to the propriety of re maining out. Some of the younger dandies, who probably wanted a frolic, or iu Imitation of their two legired cousliis,"eot on n drunk, Insbted that it was hazy, and thut no shadow could be de tected, but 4I1C presideut who is composed entirely o(biu'nt, decided the motion to be out of order, as auy sensible grouud hog could sec the sun was getting blighter every moment, and that It behooved them to turn tail. He" predicted there would be three snows of considerable depth, with some heavy blows, before spring would fairly open, aud he therefore adjourned the meeting to the 21-1 of March, at six o'clock, a. ill near the Gas House, ut which time they could decide to reinaiu out, if they saw proper. Tho delegation fr-.mi Danville to the conven tion were detained, aud did not arrive until Monday, or the result might have been dilfereut. Tub borough council, at a lute meeting pass ed a resolution asking the Legislature to re peal so much ol liie Meant Ferry act, us divest ed the borough of Its title to the Ferry, aud con fer it upon an Individual without compensation. Tho borough Is perfectly willing to aid In keeping up a feteam Ferry, but never intended to surren der Us rights to its property without compensa tion, or the coutrol and management of the same. The fact is, the borough has been rooked upau for many years as a big fut goose, which every smart fellow fuels at liberty to pluck wheuever he can get the opportunity, aud as long as the tax-payers are willing to look on quietly and put their hands In their pockets and make vp any de ficiency, the pluckiug operation wJll contiuue. Wearing Flannel. The majority of the peo ple are not aware of the beneficial effects of wearing flannel next to the body, both lu cold and warm weather. Flanuel next to the body, boats in cold and warm weather. ' Flanuel Is uot so uucomfortable In wurm weather as prejudiced peoplo believe. Frequeut colds and constuut backing coughs will disapiiear if flannel gar ments are adopted. There Is no need of greut bulk about the wulst, which condemus the wear ing Of flannel with those who prefer wasp-waists to health, for lu that case the tluuuel cuu be cut as loosely fluim waists, always fastening at the buck. There ure scarcely any of I'he bud effects of sudden changes of weather felt by those who wear flannel garments, and mothers especially should endeavor to secure such for their little people in preference to all those showy outside trimmings fashion commands. Tni Phlla. R. R. H, engine house at this place wus destroyed by tire on Thursday evening lust. The fire broke out between 8 and 9 o'clock, and Is supposed to have originated from the ig niting of some cotteu-wasle which was neur the stove in the small shanty attached to the build ing. The regular watchman was not on duty, (being ludUposed) aud bis place was filled by two boys named Henry Shock and Wm. Dreber. They were eugaged iu cleaning the engiue Louis iana (the only one In the house at the time) and did not discover the Are until It was too lato to put it out. With great presence of mind young Shock promptly mounted the engine and run it out of the house. Tbs loss U estimated at be tween two and three thousand dollars. For the present the Reading Co. are using the N. C. House. The erection of new bouse next summer was contemplated by the ReadlnirCo.. and we presume U will now be commenced as soon aa the weather will permit SKanwki Ihr- Tin IHnrMt of February 3d, contains tho fol lowing t ... RELtotous. Tho peoplo of Riverside arc de termined to have a suitable House of Worship, and measures are now being taken to rntsc funds for tho erection of chnpol 43 by 00 feet. The locntlou selected is on Oth street near Avenue F, The commit tea on Finance aro 1 B. G. Welch, O. n. Ostrauder an .( Orleans Longacre t B. G. Welch being assigned to Danville O. H. Ostran der to Rifrslde ami Rash township, and Orloans Longacre at large. The subscriptions, thus far glveu, art Tory encouraging In the spirit as well nt In the amounts subscribed. ' Believing that very worthy object can be bost secured by the cordial co-operation of many, tba public, gono rally are urgently solicited to lond a bolplug hand, every Individual desirous of fostorlog the virtues and morals of the community to contri bute tomething however little towards the general fund, and tuns plant within our midst, a church organization to help strengthen and promote a Christian conduct In the affairs of Human Life. Another Mansion. -B.' O. Welch, Esq., of this place, we are Informed, bat concluded to commence the erection of a large and commodi ous brick mansion, on Bth street between Avenue D and E. Work will be eommeoced At once, and when finished we have no doubt It will have a One architectural appearance, and every Inter nal convenience. i W copy tie following Items from the AfiHon ian of last week WUAT might havo proved a serious conflagra tion was averted by a timely discovpry, on Satur day morning Inst, Abraham Marts' shop, next door to Swenk's dry goods store, took Are from a defective fiue.uud was being consumed between the ceiling and the roof j when fortunately tho smoke was observed by a passer by and prompt measures taken to extinguish it. Mr. Swenk's stock of buckets was put In requisition and after a considerable scare, quiet again prevailed. A STABLft belonging to Mr. Rccdcr, nt Turbut vllle, was burned on Tuesday night, together with IU couteuts, consisting of about four tons of hay, a bnggy, c. The flro is known to be the work of an Incendiary, as none of tho family hnc. been to the stable with a light. It is to be hoped thut the guilty party may be caught and dealt with as severely at least as were the Muncy Incendiaries. We are Informed that Mr. Peter Shade, who resides near Dcwurt, went to Reading a short time since to sec a daughter who was sick with the small pox. When Mr. Shade arrived nt that place he found that bis daughter had died and was burried. . Ho returned home Immediately, and it Is now reported that he is dowu with the loathsome disease. TnE Sunbury correspondent of the Miltonian notices the following interesting matrimonial In cidents : "A peculiar freak has come over some of our old well-to-do farmers In the adjoining country. Three of them, well advanced In years, John Moore, Win. Dcpuy and S. L. Bergstresser, have sought out places on the hymcnial list and en tered the race for huppiness. The two former were wnlthy bachelors, living respectively in Upper Augusta and Rush township. Some time since, ut tho residence of Mr. Moore, came a very respectable soldlcr's'widow and her children, w ho look up their abode mid kept house for the kind hearted gentleman. Shortly after came to thesamc domicil annthei handsome soldier's widow, with a family of children all made orphans by the Into war. They were also eutcrlHlncd by good Mr. Moore. After a little while Mr. Dcpuy came dow n that way iu search of a housekeeper. Ono of the ladies went with him, and as they depart d the latter gentlcmnu whispered to the former that if this oue suited him he would mnrry her if Mr. Moore would marry the other. Some time wore away. Friendship ripened into love, nud recently the two were duly married to the two widows of the war, nnd all were made happy. Mr. Bergstresser, a gentleman of ubout sixty-live winters, recently of Elysburg, a few days ago happily Joined himself to Miss Annie Robbliis, of that village, a sweet young lady of about thirty summers, aud they have been made happy." Press Dead Heads. Railroads occasionally complain of the dend-headlng, but no lusti Union suffers so much from it as ihe press. A sensible writer says : The press endures the affliction of dead hend Isnr from the pulpit, the bar and the stage j from corporations, societies and Individuals. It is ex pected to yield its interests ; it Is required to give strength to the wcuk, eyes to t tie blind, clothes to the naked, and bread to the hungry; it is asked to cover inllrmaties, hid'! weaknesses and wink at quack, bolster up dull authors and flutter tho vain ; it is, in short, to be all things, to men, nnd if it lisyks for pny or reward it is de nounced as mean aud sordid. Theie is 110 inter est under the whole heavens that is expected to give so much to society without pay or thanks us the press. List of Letters remaining U the Sunbury Post Office, January 31, 1673 : James Baker, John L. Bartholomew, Georiro Beetzel, Esq., Messrs. Brown Arbsignst, T. M. Boyd, Esq., J. D. Bristol, Joseph Conrad, Mury Clush, Miss Mary Davis, John Grouer, Joseph A. Gas, G. Harry Gains, Cbas. L. Hanirh nuwout, C-), William J. Harp, James E. Ilile, Charles Moore, (), J. W. Moohartcr, Miss Catharine A. Moore, Ira F. Renn, Morris Ritie, Miss Eva Reed, George Robertson, John F.' Knth lidge, Frank Kowlrc, A. J. Rollback. Mrs. Ella Stumer, Amos Stroll, Esq., Mrs. Margaret Walker, Miss Lizzie C. Wullize, R. F. Weimer, Harry Wtber, Miss Sue Witmorc, Miss Mary E. Wise, Abraham Wolf. JOHN J. SMITH, P. M. Leip Tear Pahties. We notice the ladles of Watsontovrn, this county, arb determined s not loose sight of the advantages of leap year. The RteorH riot ices the second leap year party In that plui-o, and says, "such social gatherings are de cidedly plensnnd and enjoyable." We confess thut the Suubury ladles are somewhat behind the age In this respect, which Is owing perhaps, to their reticent dispositions. To obviate this difficulty, we will state tb U all marriage notices will be inserted lu Ibis paper free of charge the balance of this year. Stamp Your Cuius. --With the many changes in the revenue laws, many thluk that checks, drufts, etc., are not to be stamped. The follow. Ing Is tho luw 1 Bank cheek, draft or order for any sum of money drawn npou any bauk, bank er, or trust company, at sight or on demand, two cent stamp. When drawn upon any other per son or persons, companies or corporations, for any sum exceeding ten dollars, at sljbt or de maud, two ccut stamp. Tsntn and Convicted The trial of Jacob Richhold, piernon Crawford, Hopewell Walton, and Washington Giese, four of the seven young men arrested in Money, week before hist, charg ed with the burning of property, dnrine the fall and winter, and held for trial, commenced at vt illlainsport, on Friday morulng last, and wus concluded on Saturday eveulug, resulting lu their convlctlou. The other three joudir men Wm. Mitchell, Isaiah Butler and John Glese were discharged for want of evidence against thorn. Tn following nurned gentlemen have been ap pointed passenger and freight ageuts on the Sunbury A Lewistowu Railroad 1 At McClure Abraham nolsbue. , Adaiusburg Henry Houser. Beavertowu Moses Specbw Krea 111 asw-Jacob A. Smith. Middieburg Adam Deally. Mclser John 8. Meter. Bellusgrove R. H. Slilndel. Bellusgrove Junction 11. K. Flsber. - Wl have just learned as we are coins- to Dress. that lbs Furnace in Lawlsttwn, was totally de stroyed by fire this morning. This is a sad mis- fort uns aud throws a great many hands ont of employment. - It will create a little suffering among the employees of tbs Company. .VUkllt. turg tot. RonnKRT. On last Sunday night tho reldcuce of A. J. Stroh, oh Market street, wns entered by n thief throngh the kitchen window who sncc;- d ed In getting Into the dining room, but not up stairs, ns the door was lovked. He Carried away a pair of boots, but did not take an overcoat that was hanging in the dining room. Some time ago a wntch was. stolon from Mr. Stroh by pcron who lived with him, tint he has since rwoverud It at one of our watch makers, whore It bad been left for repairs. G?zM. JOttiDSffSJ. Bkbt Juice Is good for orotip. ErntTMor can "kecj cool" now-atlay. TnrsrnLB lolls green applos at his Grocery. Esprcial altontlon Is given to flue Job pi luting at this office. Tous far our town ha escaped without a siu gle case of small pox. TnE Hop at the City Hotel, on Thursday night of last week, passed of very pleasantly. Wbenkteb wo bear a man curse tho town he lives In, we conclnde he had better leave it for the towns good. W often omit the good we might do In conse quence of thinking about that which is out of our power to do. Look out for dealers In counterfeit money. Many of the "shovers of the queer" aro traveling through the State. The fare to Lewlstowi: over the new railroad from 8unbury, Is $2.2i. To Huzlcton over the D., II. 4 W. R. R., 12.45. Our dovil wants to know If the civil service reform will so far "refofra" .servants as to put "civil" tongues in their heads. The faces of our Hvcry men brightened up wonderfully on Suturduy last, at the prospect of good sleighing, but 00 Monday and Tuesday they began to fall until Ihcy got below Zero, Ex-Sheriff Vandtkk has placed n neat sign over the entrance of his Restaurant below our office. Mr. V. keeps a first-class eating saloon, where the tuner man may be refreshed ut ull hours. Ltcomino county has a Justice of tho Peace who administers an oath ns follows : "You do awfully swore you will tell the truto, the whole trutc, nnd nothlug but tbo truto, tho best what yon can't. The popular idea that nono but the human fatuliy drink whisky bus been exploded higher than a kite. At the Owl's Nest they have a li'e hog tbnt drinks a quart without a grunt. Tho only way we can account for tho fact is that the aforesaid hog was Imported from Reading. Tub boxes nnd other rubbish on the pavement In front of our office door, and generally along our most public thoroughfares, have long since becu declared a nuisance by public opinion. The cause of tills is thut the High Constable has been dead for nearly a year past. List of Grand Jurors Tor Jlarcli, Thomas Burk, Conl Ja. Tufts, Sunbury K Montgomery, Lewis J A Snyder, Shainokiu Valentine Epler, Kush Thos Mnlpne, i.inbuiy Wm II Ncsbit. Chillis jWm Mick, Chlllisqun W'm Lake, s?liamoMn ho j John Pepper, Mt Car tp Ben Witicnmoycr, Chill I Win Hoover, Sham twp D R Harvey, Suulnny DM BrautWiHii. North Daniel Feitnn, Lewis Chas Dcill'cnb.ich, Delu James Harris, Sham bo Rob Schriucr. Noith'd Joseph Carr, Delaware S B Conra.l, Zerhe Ed Uawon, Mt Car ho M Broeloni,l'p AiiLTii'ta J John, Bhamokln bor John I.eho, Jackson Lint of Traverse Jurors Tor -March, 1S72. F F Fagely, Mt Car bo J Stehncr, L Augusta Franklin Hoy, Miltmt Geo Long; J H Chirk. Up Augusta Peter George, Lewis Joseph M Hair, North'd Eph R ike, Suuburv Peter Clnli-t, Tilihut ID Deililer, 81m ni biir Peter Vorls, Chillisqua n Briley, Watsontowu J B Finshrr, Shu in bur ,E Urosious. Washington Jno Green, Mt Car bor (G Adams Jordan Sanies Lytic, Zerbe C Eckman, U Augusta C Chaiiiberlin, Sham tp J B Lenker, Sunbury R Dcrr, McEwcnsvllio W Yot, Slmmokln bor Simos) Metskcr, Del Chas Haas. U Augusta Jos Eager, t p MahunoylD Kelser. Cliiilisqiiaque Daniel Smith. Zerbe J 8 McWIlli.ims, Mt C b D E Kehrls, Wushlng'n D Schmiuk, Shmn bor II D Bower, Jackson 'Geo Lyon, bunluiry John Mouon, Suubury V Hoover, bliaiiiokin bo B Stcpp. Low Mahunoy Wm Beii. Cameron S 1) Hoffman, Jaeksou IThos Crawler, Tilrbut John Bender, Tilihut 'Samuel Fov, t'oal W Neglvy, L Mahunoy Jj K Kho.ids, Mt Car tp Charles Miller, Point John Foy, L August F Shoemaker, Point 'J is B Wallis, North'd Heury F Ruch, Noi th'd Daniel DiM, Sunbury l.itt of IVtlt Juror lor March, '72. Wm Z Rake, Zerbe Geo W Seller, Milton, J II Zimmerman, Sha b Jos Negley, Chillisqua F II Knight, Wulsout'u Ed Knoebic, U Augusta Win Deal, Point ISamuel Faust, Suubury John Blalu, Turhut J Rohrharh, Sham twp R B Aiiimcruian, Sham Edward Marti, I.o M.ih C B Reninger, Nqrih'd : Win K-leh, McEweus Wm Koch, Chillisqua 'Geo (i iul, U Autrust.i J Hartmuii, Turbut jjos licit, Slmmokln tp P M Forrester, U Aug 'Ellas Fagely, Jordan John Hoffman, Lewis III Troutmun, Jordan wm Dunham, Sunbury J W Kanttman, u Mali J M Dewltt, Sunbury hillps, Jordau ilsou lltiy-'s, Lewis M F Seamau, Milton Chus Leader, Jackson Joseph ltird, North'd A J Gallagher, Shaino J. Evcrlil, Watsonlown G W Beisel, U Mahanoy v n jotinson, riusli J R Teats. Shumokin tp Chas Artman, Rush Lisj( of IVlIt Juror si for I.usit Vcek In March, IH7SS. G P Glllman, North'd G M Forrester, U Aug Samuel Payne, Suubury M Davis, Mt Carmel Jos Vunkirk, North'd Osi-ar llurlruuli, Chill Jno Geist, 8r, Sunbury D Truekemiller, Dela Wm Sterling, Mt Cur b S J llousewoKIi, L Aug L Baitholomew, U Aug J Scott, Ml Cunncl twp D Kingherry, Chillis (ieo S ila-, L Augusta Thos Tollen, Mt Cur tp I. M Everhai t, Delaware Peer Llllcy, Tnibut Jacob Eckman, V Aug Tlios W Scott, Sham bo i Snyder, Jr, L Sfah.i'y Henry Pelcry, Sunbury ;K Gi", Shainokiu bor Jno G Gehrig, Milton IN Marts, L Mahunoy Ellis WrtlKer, Chillis J R Long, L Augusta Isaac Derk, Coal ill H Teals, Sham tp James Scott, Noi th'd I Patrick Burk, Coal Peter Reeiugler, Turhut ! David Evcluud, Coal Juines Heacham, Point Ichurles Uoyles, Slmn J IV-Reed, Mt Carmel boE Artman, U Mahanoy r Petit Juror for First VTcek iu April. Jno Caldwell, Sham bo .8 Gnllck, U Augusta James Lyon, Sunbury (K P McClauskey, Sun. 11 D Drelsbuch, Tur'vlle.Geo IUirrisou, Suubury Win Burnhurt, Chillis jjno Eckman, U Angus Bencville Wirt, Jordan A J Stroll, Sunbury Geo Fasholt.L Augusta! Ah Hamor, Point 8 K Cadwell, Watsoni'n. W II II inglcr, Turhut D Lenker, L Mahanoy!nh Ki,Jjl U Malta Saul Shlpmun, L Aug Kiinqer Furow, Sham b G W ArmuKust, L MahiCluis B Kninie, Zerbe Sam Clemisus, Sunbury Win Kchiis, Wushing'n W II Lamb, Jaeksou G McDonald, Mt Car tp M Geurhurt, Sunbury T L Keuhuur, Turhut M Hinkle, MlCurmel h Lein Bashore, Nurth'd Jno M Lenker, L Muha K Johnson, Watsontowu j n r.vins, sh ar twp o u tf tstiun, U Angus A B Kelser, V Augusta Peter Dower. Sunbury A Newlierry, Suubury Michael Haley, Coal Th scarcity of money does uot cn"l-et B. L. Raudenbush from keeping np his large assort ment of furniture. A spluudld stock is on hand now to select from. Any article not ou huud will be procured at the shoitet notice ut the Masonic buildiugs, pu Third street. A Fact worth remembcilng, that Welmcr sells goods lower than tin lowest. His stock of Dress Goods In Silks, Merinos, Empress cloth, Suttlus, Plaids, Ac., 4c., are complete. Velvets and Velveteens 25 per cut lower Ihuu former prices. Waterproofs of the latest styles and best niuke. Ladies' Chlldreus' and Gents' Furs. His assort ment of Shawls, embracing all the loading styles In the markets, which he offers ut extremely low price. Call and be convinced that Welmcr' popular Cash Btore Is the place to eeure bar. galus. His stock of goods is not to be surpassed by any in quantity, quails, or price. No trou ble to show goods. Having Just returned from the New York mar kets, be Is prepared to offer extra luduccmciits to cash buyers. k Biwiiiis NoILcm. A Piano fom 8Ai.B.-Apply at till" rifflco. flUf For Kent. A house nud lot In Minuet FUeet. Posvesslon given linine H:tely. For further par ticulars Inquire at this ollloc. Tim books of N. Ferrcu Llghtnc.r havo bocn left w ith A. N. Brlce,,Jusllccof the Peace.tor col lection. Pnlties Indebted, will please call and make settlement, and save costs. J23 :it As IT was thought that W. H. Miller, of the Excelsior Boot and Shoe store could ncrcr sail tbe largo amount of Boots and Sboct bronghl to bis last fall, wa are batpy to state that they aro almost sold out, and that Mr. Millar Is replenishing the stock with the latest style preparatory for tho spring trade No ono can go amiss at bis store, as he keeps every stylo and quality. Mant of the fine suits mado np by J. F. Sciiaf fer, opposite the CentVnl Hotel, are supposed to bave come from the c'.ty. Tho facts Is Mr. Schaffer makes up all bis clothing in tbe latest style ou of tho very best material. Every one patronizing this establishment is satisfied that, garments mado by Schaffer will compare to any In the State. Br strict attention to bnslnens, Thos. G. Soft controls tho largest tailoring business in Sun bury. All his suits attract attention, and are commented upon as tbe best DUlng clothing worn. He keeps excellent goods and knows bow to make them up to please the most fastidious. TnE splendid assortment of all kinds of Huts and Caps at 8. Faust's store continue to attract attention, which are sold nt reasonable prices. How to get money Is the great desire of ull. A really good and serviceable Sewing Machine that will make money for you, or help you to save it. Will bo sent to" your own home 011 Trial of Ik) days, no matter where you limy be, Pud you can lor u iu smau inoumi in-iaiiiiiciii, oj writing to the American Machine Co., cor. John r.nd Nassiri Street, New York or yon can have a County ltiutit live, us accent, and maku money fast. Wo advise smsrt men to secure the busi ness, ns nothing pays better than the iigrncy for a good Sowing Machine. Write nt once. Sprelal Notices. Oil Marriage. Essays for Young Men, on Great Social Evils nnd Abuses, which interfere will. Marriage, nnd ruin the happluese. of thou sands, with sure means nf relief for t lie Erring nnd Unfortunate, deceased nnd debilitated. Sent in scaled letter envelopes, free of charge Address. Howard Association, No. 'i, South Ninth St.,' Philadelphia, I'a. 5 . " ? m u -- Ph S I m a o o 5 E 2 . - H 0 2 XI o 5 2 - t 3 - - c 3 T. 5 t- - 5 -5 - k t i s TO TIIK NITFICIt J The Itev. TA'llliiim !l. N.ntm, while resi ling in Brazil as a missionary, discovered In that land of medicines n remedy for Conhi'mi'tion, ScllOl't'I.A, SlMIB TllltOAT, CofOMS. I'oi.ns, Asthma, and Ni:kvoi s Weaknfsh. This rem edy has cured myself after all other medicines had failed. Wishing to benefit the suffering. I will send the rccij lor preparing nnd using tills reined v to ull who desire it t KEK OF CH AKCK. Please send un envelope, with jour name nud uddress on it. Address, Rev. WILLIAM II. NORTON, CT0 Bkoadivat, Oct. 141871. ly. New Yokk Citt, ft; At the residence of the bride's parculs, bv Rev. Geo. J. Hreniugee, on tho 1st lnt., Mr.'jniiN H. MVKiiS, M. D., of Kratzcrsvillc, and .Miss Mauia Siiii'ton, of Wlntield, Pa. At Him residence of the bride, on the Ut int., by tho Rev. Jacob F. Wanipolc, .Mr. Thomas T. Lilly to Mis Sauah E. Allkx, both of Lime stone, Montour count v. - Near Exchange, Montour countv, on the ai-t ult.. HANNAH BLOC1I, aged 40 Ncurs, li mo,, and 7 days. Sunbury (irulu A Produce Market! COnnKCTEll WEEKLY IIY UII.B A GEHISGEIt. Gkaix Choice Whito Wheat. Best Amber, Whiter., Corn , Rye ...1 fij .... 1 .r)J 80 ... i 00 Outs, (32 lbs.).... Ml Best Aiiibcr, Winter, per sack 8 00 " " " barrel S ill) Corn Meal, per cwt 2 50 Pcnnsylvuuia Roll ;;5 Eous Pel dozen ;jo Meats Dried Beef, iei lb 'jrift liO Smoked Mutton lOOj.ia Lahd per lb o,i Fisu Salt White Fish, per lb l.', " Trout " m Cod " n Vkuetaiiles Turnips, per bushel V) Potatoes " 7.j Onions " " 1 ,io Beans, " quart loyUH Hominv, " " ..VJ Dried Fki'Its Dried Apples, per lb lf ;,;;il " IVacbes, " 2g.1i.25 iehj .bbcrtiscuunts. 400 Acresof Timber Land i a mile lioin the Sunbury &. Lewistowu R. R. Io0 acres of which is flue Whito Oak, balance. Rock Ouk. Thu is ono of the best pieces o Hm her on tin' line of this Railroad. Price per Acre, V-tl. For particulars inquire ut this olllce, Feb. 8, 1872.-41. A Valuable House and Lot for Sale. rpilE undersigned olfi-rs at private sale, his -L large BKICK DWELLIVtl HOLSE aud Lot, with ull the necessury outbuildings, situate on the Horn I wast comer of Walnut and Third streets, Sunbury. Pa. The house is nearly ue and well llnl-hed and contains nine rooms, a good cellur, He. ll Is well calculated for a resi dence, and would bean admirable business stand for a store or hotel. This property will be sold at a reasonable price. For terms, Jtc, apply to , . MICHAEL HAHNE. Sunbury, Jan. 27, 1873.-tf. yiC'li'N I I.OKAL til llK rorlH7. The First Edition of Two Hundred Thousand copies Just pulilUhed. If is elegantly primed on tine tinted paper, lu Two Colors, aud IlliiMiuted with over Tine Hundred Eugrmings of Flowers aud Vegetables, and TWO COLORED PLATES. The most beautiful aud Instructive Catalocue and Floral Guide iu the world 112 piiges, giving thorough dlicctions for the culiuro ol Flowers uud Vegetables, oruauietniug giouuds, making Forwarded to any who appiy by mail, for Ten Cents, ouly one-quarter tluj ut. fddrf,'... JAMF.8 VICK, Jan. 13, 1T?. Rochestsr, N. r. 1 u. ssKjjmjwrn tw.j nwsajju sra-rr APPEAL T lX'bilittttufl IVrsona, T 1 H';M' t;ra. To Su Merer frni:i Liver Complaint, To tlingo lmviii no Appetite, To tliosio with llrukcu Dowu GuistiUl ton, 1 To Xorvtms Peoplo, To CiiiUh-cti Vitsliii2 Away, oany wii!i Lhibiiiuicd Digestive Organs, Or tvffcring tcitt any af lit b mpUmiB. which indicaU 1 itorder td Liver btomack, en eh as Con stipation, Inward Piles, Fulluoss or Wood to tbo Heart, Acid ity of the Stomach, Nausea, Tloartburn, Distrust for Fbod, Fullness or Weight In the Stom ach, JonrEnictatlons,Rinkhigor Fluttering nt the Pit of the Stom ach, Swimming of the Head, Hur ried and Difficult Breathing, flutter ing at thn Heart, Choking or Suffocat ing Sensations, wlim In a Lying Posture. Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before thq Sight, Fever and Dull Pain In the Head, Deficien cy of Perspiration, Yellowness of tho Skin nnd Eyes, PHin In the Side, Buck. Chest, l.lmbs, Ac, Sudden flushes of Heat, Burning In thn Flcslj Constant Im aginings of Evil, and Great De pression of Spirits. nooflamrs German Hitlers. A Bitters without Alcohol or Spirit of any kind. Is dilfereut frontal! others. It, is composed of the pure Juices, or Vital PiiiNciri.R of Boots, llsans and Habks, (or ns medicinally termed Ex tracts.) the worthless or inert portions of the in gredients not beimc used. Therefore In one bot tle of this Bitters there is contained nsmucli me dical virtue ns will be round In several gallons ut ordinary mixtures. The limits, c, ucd in this Bitters ure grown in Germany, their vital princi ples extracted li: flint country byn scientific CIk' 11 1 1 -1 , nnd forwarded to the manufactory iu t h 14 citv, where thev are coitiiiouuded and bottled. Containing no splr tnmi' Inirrcdients. tills Bitters i It free fio'.u the objection "' x'l inratnst " "" I pr . Hrt otisirc '"I" stimulants can be iinffircd from their use they cannot make drunkards, nnd cannot, under any circumstances, havo any but a benclleiul effect. IIOOFI,A'N ; ERISA TOXIC, Wus compounded for those not Inclined to ex treme bitters, and is intended for ue iu cases when some alcoholic stimulant i required in en -ncctioii w ith the tonic properties nf the Bitters. Each bottle i.f the Tonic contain' one bottle of the Hitters, combined with puree SANTA CKL'Z RUM. nud flavored in such n manner that Hip rx trcntc bitterness of the Litters is overcome, form ing a preparation highly agreeable and pleasant to the palate, nnd 'containing the medicinal vir tues of the Hitlers. The price of the Tonic Is fl. .VJ per Bottle, which Many persons think loo high. They must take into consideration that the stimulant used i guaranteed to be of a puic quality. A poor article could he furnished nt a cheaper price, but is it not better V pay a little more nnd have a good article I A medicinal pre paration should contain none but tli bet ingre dients ; and they who expect to obtain n cheap compouu I. and hs benefitted by it. will mo'.t cer tainly bo cheated. , llooflinitl's) (ierraan flitters, or IIOOFLAND'S t.ERMAN TONIC, with HOOF LAND'S IVMlophjiliii I'ill, will cure you. They are tl.c Greatest BLOOD PURIFIERS known to the Medical world, nnd wlM eradicate divuses arising from j impiire blood, Deliiiity of the Disgcstive Organs, I or Diseased Liver, iu a shorter time than any j other known remedies. Tin: WHOLE SITU EM e cornT OF ! rrjxNsyj.vAN-r.v speak ron j TIIKC llEMEDIES. . Who woi i.n ask r.u moiir DtnviriEn and Stkonoeu Testimony ! Hon. W. Wo nwAi!H, formerly Chief Justice of the Supreme. Court of I'ennsv Ivanla, at present Member of Congress from Pennsyl vania v riles : Philadelphia, March lCih, 1S07. I find "Hooflaud's German Bitters" i a good tonic, useful iu diseases of the d;g '-tivc organs, uud of great benelit iu cases of debility, nnd want of nervous action in the sv.-te n. Yours, truly, GEO. W. WJODWAuD. Hon. Jamtis Thovpsos, Chief Justice of the Su preme Court of Pennsylvania. ' riiiLAHEl.fiiiA, April 2S, ISO?. I consller "llo-iOand's German Bitter"' a val ' Hiihle nie lieine lu case of .-.Hacks ol Indige-tion or Dyspepsia. 1 can certify this from my expe- ii'nec ol it. Yours, JAMES THOMPSON. Hon. Geoiice Siiauswooo, Justice of the S.t preme Court of Pennsylvania. PuiniiEi.pniA, June 1. Irs. , I have found I v ixnei lenee that "llowlaiid'i German Hitters" is a very good tonic, relieving I dyspeptic sjinptoins almost directly. j Ul.uiilit tllAIISHHUU. I Hon. Il'm. F. Brjtrt, Mayor of the City of Ilnl- lalo, I . Mayor's Office, Buffalo, Juno SO, 1S,-,G. I have used '"Hooiland's (ierman Bitters and Tonic'' in my family during the past year, and can recommend them a an excellent toulc, im parling tone and vigor to the sy-;c:n. Their e has b.-uu productive of dcei.ledlv beneiicial ef fects. W.M.'F, P.Otir.KS. Hon. v'oiKS M. TJW, Ex-Ma vor i f Wi'.liair.s port, Pa. I take great plenrurr ill recommending ''Hoof land's Geimaii Tonic" to any ono who inav he iiflliete.l with Dyspepsia. 1 'had the Dyspepsia so badly it was impossible to keep uny food on my stomach, nnd 1 became so weak us not to be able to walk half a mile. Two bottles etr.ct.i l a icrlal euro. J AMES M. WOOD. REM KM 13 EU Til AT JIOOFLAXD'S GERMAN HITTERS, (iiiii HOOFLAXD'S GERMAX TO: Will Cure every Cose or MARA ST.! U S , or WnBtinj; nw ay ol tint Uuily. REMEMUEK ft HOOFLAXD'S GERMAX REMEDIES Arc the medicines you require to pui'ify the Blood, excite t lie torpid Livur to healthy action, aud to enable you t pass safely through ut.y hardships or tAposure. DR. HOOFLAXD'S TO D 0 1' JI I'LL 1 N , or subMitule for Mercury Pills. Two Pills n Dose ,The most Powerful, jet Ijiiocent Cathar tic known. It Is not necessary tcf lake a liandfiil of tl:r, Pills to produce the desired ctfeet ; two of iheiu act quickly and powerfully, cleansing the Liver, r'tomach uud Bowels of a'l impuiities. Tlie principal iiigrc.liciit is Podnphylllu, or the Aleo holic Extract of Mandrake, hh li Ir. bv many limes more powerful, acting nnd searchiug than the Mandrake itsell. Its peculiar action is upon the Liver, dri lling H speedily from ull oh.-true-lious, with uli ihi) (lower of' Mercury, yel tree from the iu.luiious results attached to the u-e of thut mineral. Forall diseases, in which the use of a cathar tic Is Indicated, these piils will give entire suliu. fttctlou In every case. They never full. In cases of Liver Complaint, Dpcpsia and ex treme costiveness, Dr. llootl.iiid's Geimaii Hit ters or Toulc should be li .id in eoniKiliou ith the Pills. The tunic i-Occlot" the Bitters or 'Io nic builds up the f v-ieiu. Tim bitters or Tonic purities the Blood, Hcne.lllou he Nerves, regit lutes the Liver, uud gives strength, energy unJ vigor. Keep your Bowels active with tlm Pills, nnd lone up the system with Bilteisor Toulc, uud no Ulseuse cun ntaiii the liold, or even assail you. Recollect llml il U lilt llniil'l ivhs ,:v-i.' MAN Remedies thut are so univeiully ucd and highly recommended and do uot allow th Druggist to Induce you to lake anything else thut be may say is Just as good, because lie makes a larger profit on it. These Remedies will be Sent by Express to uny loValltv, Uliou applica tion to the PRINCIPAL OFFICE, nt-the GElt. MAN MTCDH'INE STORK, 631 ARCH bT.. PHILADELPHIA. ' CHAS. M. EVANS, Proprietor. Formerly C. M. Jackson & Co. These Rente- I dies are for Sals by Drggl,ti, Siotkjs,, and Msdis.ns Pes 'cu erervwheis. "or.t'v.iAr-v ;rs;T r-.n.r, rTMIK tnidnrsiffi'rd. AdirtnUtrators of Ihs Es JL tatn of Dm Ids" 'iff !nl!. ln-nf P imftury, bo 1 1 null, docetiscd, wpl idler nf 1'uhl'c Snip, on tint pr ..miser , on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24TH, IST'.S. at ten o'clock. A. Nf., of uld day, aU that certain bouse and lot of ground, sllnste on nstrtlr Fourth strcnt, rn the borough o Bnnbn y, Wto ty of Northumberland, and Stale of Ponnry1va". nla, bounded n the nortb by aa alky and on lb east by aMrnira known by the' name of Got, and on the south by lot of Valentine Diets., and on th west by Fourth street, coot .Inlng fuy feet In front on Fourth street, and aliout one hundred and flrty foot deep, whnrwrn Is eroctod a two sto ry framo honss and kitchen, a good stable and other Improvements. Also a Lot of Ground sit uate In Lower Augusta township, about . two mlle east of 8inhury, nrtjolnlng land of Honry Kulp. and Henry Fsohl, containing abort ouo acre and a hu'f, wlieiron is erected a one story and n half Log Dwclilnir House, Stabio and wheelwright shop, nnd otl.w outbuildings, some veiy choice fruit trees. Ac. Also, ut tho sniun time nnd place. Hip following personal proper-: tv, to win Five Bedsteads and Bedding, two I'locks, Clollieshorsc, tine" Tables, two Cup boards, two Sinks, thrco Stoves, (one conking stovo, nnd two parlor stoves) a lot of Carpet, one sett cnlti bottomed Chairs, two rocking C hairs, one Kureuu, n lot of carpenter tools. Cow, nnn heifer, n lot of Pork, Chest, a lot r Tinware, Quceii6ware, n loi of Pickles, Ac, o:ic Grindstone, and otner articles too numerous t. mention. Terms of sale wl'1 lie made known on the day ofsnleby HENRY GOTSHALL, Adm'r. Jamt.sL. Parks, Auctioneer. 5 ij $ ri i MOItF. MOXEYonn lie mnde canvassing for the "Young People's Helper," a dollar magazine for young folks, than with any other enterprise In the country. A magnificent Piling f'bronio given to every subscriber. Boys nnd girls do ns well as men nnd women. Send lor particulars to F. G. RICH A: CO., Publisher?., Dont De'av't Portland, Mo. .Tan. II!, IS'. 2.-41. KSTATIu OV IIF.MIV HI'.MIi T.ate of the Borough of ' Xorthimherltn"!, tlcc'n. "VTOTK'E Is hereby gt'. cn f h.-i f letters tc.-taiueu-tary have lc ni granted to-1 he mideri .'ne,l on tbe e.'tatc of Henry Wciick, latc.f tl.r. Bor ough of Noitlimnlierland, NoMbunilierlund Co. Pa., deccae I. Ail persons knowing them .elves Indtbted to said estate nre reque.-tcj to mac ini mediate payment nud those having claims topre scut them duly aittiei,ilcaic.l for settlement. SARAH A WF.VCK. NICHOLAS iVFVl'K, Executors. Northtimb3rlanit, Jan. 7, 1S72. tit. "fcHoirriiKT Koi ti: kantwakh. Oanvlllr, Ilnzlcfoii V IVillicsbitrro Ituil ICo::. WINTER ARRANGE"! F. N T . l.fAVB r.A.'TWAIill. . Sunluirv, 0 'M a in Danville, 7 Hi " i Caltaw'a, 7 '.'S " Ha.icton, 11 (JS " LFAVC W ISTWAIto N. York, 0 00 n in l'.aston, 2" " 1'liil'a. S 00 " Kellilc'm 10 03 " f Retlile'iU 12 10 p m r. Phil'ii, i 1") " : - I Easton, 12 :15 " IT.izlcto!!. 1 00 p in ( attaw'a, 2 40 " Danville, 20 ' Sunbury, o .'.7 " N. Yi MJlk, ii 50 The afternoon train connects at Sunubuiy w'.tl th I'hilad.'lphia & Eric, 4 113 p. m., train going west, nniving nt Willlamspoi t ti tit) and Lock II iven 7 53 p. in., and with the Northern Cen t ral 4 SO p. in., moving south arriving at Ilarris barg 7 H i p. in., and lial'iinore to 45 p. in., un 1 also with the Suubury V Lewi-town R. R. Com !'o; tabic nud iiainisome coaches on this new route, J. HERVEY KASE, Superintend'Mit. P5 o & -5 5 tl n:'-j o o (3 i k 0 H H PI 1 1 H Ha Ol S3 14 o J H ft m o o o I m C 0 (I) 0 H w a o o 13 to (H J .a H CI 03 CO z c a i. k t i' i: i: TO lbl'NB MEN. lust Published, lu a Sealed Envelope. Price Gets. . Lecture on the Nature, Treat- ment and Radical Cure of Spermatorrhoea, or Senilnal Weakness, Iuvoliinturv Kni.-ioiis. t-ex- i..l n..l.iu.n I 1....... i: . f ..L.7iiit ,, ttiiu lo.j.etMilieills IU -UUllllgC gCU erully t Nervousness, Consumption, ipllt nsv and Fits Mental and Physical liKupucity r't! suiting from Self-Abuse, Ac. By RoUFKT J CI LVEKWELL, M. 1)., Author of the ' Gmu Book," t c. The world-renowned author. In tbl admlrnUr Leetnic, clearly proves from his nr. n expei IcMee that the awful consequences of tSclf-Al,,,,, niv be ellecluully removed without me jieiu-s, and without dangerous surgical oprtat .oi,,, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials. ,H1,-mg out a mode of cuie at once ccrtui-., , tliul bv which every sulh rer, liom4lw whllt , r.oulXi. tlou may be, may cure h:. mscll i heaplv, private. PUni't T"i iVC 'f,US LKCTl-lU; WILL THOlSANi)" T X,1(Jl'8AN1J! ANI Seut tiudcr seVt, to any address, iu a plain seal id envelope, o0 xin ref.vili , iix ,.,,, or lwo postage starllpl AUo c'ulverw.ll's "Mar ringt Gul ie, , cenll Addrei6 lhe jub. U'liers. CHAS. J. C. KLINE As CO., , T7 Bowriv, New Voik, i'. O. Bos, ,.ts.' Jan. .!. is;r.'. ,