(grUulfltral. f7i iftisccllnncoiis. Jtllsctllitncotts. $aunfarturcrs. tisccHitncotts. ailroabs. (.From the Oerinaiitown Telegraph. . Ttie Three Orchard 1'tMSts. I proposo in this nrlicle to eay a few words about three peal's of tho orchard in tliis vicinity tho borer, the ennker-worm, nnd the cnlerpillnr. The. first I consider the most dilllcult to deal with, 0 they at tack the tree in its infancy when it is least able to withstand their assaults. In the election of trees to set out, great care should be used to get those that are free from them in tho first place, and then re member that success, in this as well as in anything else, is the reward only of vigi lance. After having taken all due precau tion in the selection of the trees, they must bo marked and the Knife and Mlexiblo wire must be used wherever one makes its ap pearance. As to infecting poisonous sub stances or hot watcf into their holes, I have never seen it done, and so I cauuot Judge of its effects. "Next comes the canker-worm, and ho is a pretty troublesouio fellow, but as his habits are well-known, and his depreda tions confined to one particular time of the year, we can lay our plans and out-flank nim easily, if wo ouly attend toil faithfully. Among tho many traps that have from timo to lime been ollercd to tho public, some of which might reasonably be called scarebugs, none that I have seen have been at all cliectual, and we havo been obliged to fall back upon the old method, in vo;ue a hundred years ago, and that is tar, cith er coal-tar from the gas-house or pino tar, and more recently printer's iuk, as not re quiring to be renewed so often, though if it Bliould be requisite to renew it every day the expense would be nn objection. Tire method to which I allude is to take a strip of sheathing paper about ten inches wide, and tie it Or tuck about the trunk of the tree in October, aud then tar or iuk with a paint-brush. Hut few will be caught in the full, nnd I don't think that many that are around the tree ever da any harm. Iu tho spring as soon ns the frost begins to come out of the srround, we must be on the alert, apply tho tar or ink as long as any of tuo gruls are taken, iheso bunds ot pa pers should be taken off as soon as the in sects have done going up the tree, ns the black absorbs the heat of the sun and is ftpt to injure smooth-barked trees. A new instrument has been sent to mo within a day or two, which I have ucver seen iu use, but I think it may be much butter than any other trap I have seen. It is sim ple in construction and not very expensive, it is made of two by three inch pine stuff, grooved as for gutters. Tho groove is an inch and five eighths by three-fourths deep ; it is cut so as to make squares of an)' desir ed size, three sides arc nailed together, the fourth only tucked so as to be easily taken off to adjust it to the tree. They must be set by a level on the ground and all the spaces be filled in with sonic kiml of mnr. tar, and tho groove be filled with tar. The cost hero is twenty cents per foot across the inside of tho frame and one cent addi tional for larger and some deduction for smaller ones. I see ouo objection to the eflicionzy of these and that is, tho mortar may collect on the top of the tar, and thus prevent its sticking the insects ; this might perhaps, be removed by a sponge. When the tar gets encrusted over, it may bo stir red to remove the crust. Another trouble might be that when the insects were very plenty they might bridge over (lie tar, but I think this would happen but seldom. I think these frames might be well adapted to geutlemeu's places who might dislike the tar band for its unsightly look. So much for the canker-worm. Tho catterpillar can bo dispatclied in short order. No measure can be taken to prevent them from depositing their eggs, which is always done iu the fall. We have got to bide our time with them. When tbey get about half-grown, take a suitable . pole, tie a swab of oakum on tho end of it, get some kind of thick oil, what we call blubber here, which is decomposed fish-livers, dip the swab into it and push it through tho uest, taking care to smear the nest pretty well with oil, nud tho woik is done. Every one that is nbro;(l aud comes home, puts his foot into tho oil and is a coner. They never attempt to repair the old house, and the largest part rc killed. 1 think there should be some legal enact ment to compel owners of apple trees to clear them at least of the two last named pests, or else cut them down, nud not keep them year after year to annoy their neigh bors. J. I,. IIl'imAKD. rcabwb, Dec. 15, 1871. Staggering in Tigs. A correspondent asks information renaidinj the cause and .management of pigs suffering from what uppcara to be staggers. The symptoms are jut follows: The nisi stands and works, his mouth, and froths at the mouth, then stag gers and falls as if in a, lit. Alter rcmain m in that state for a timo it recovers, but at last the symptoms prove tatai. smuiiu pigi force their noses against the wall, or iulo a corner, but the symptoms are always nearly tho same. The disease which is pop ularly t.tmid stackers in medical parlance is called epilepsy. It depends usually upon imperfect nutrition or the .brain nud tier vniia svslpui. Iii i.i-'s as well ns other animals, epilep sy is often litritlilory. Frequently It is tlo- vhIoiiimI bv breediiv' in-and-in. ContmueU furiliiiir mi nuor. iiniutritivo fare, such us brewers' wash or Indian coin, or even on such unduly stimulating food as beans or peas will favor the production of epileptic fits. Wet, foul uncomfortable beds also lead to epilepsy among young and delicate pigs. In preventing turther losses we would advise tho atlendins carefully to cleanliness, comfort and liberal feediug minnlv tlie small nil's Willi some cood milk and u daily mess of foiled linseed, which is particularly iwul, ns containing a large nronorlion of oleaginous matters. A lew cabbages, grass, dry peas and barley Hour will help to vary the dietary. If the pigs are weakly, ten or twelve drops of tincture of tho chloride of irou may be giveu twice daily in beer, water gruel, or mash, l-'or the next litter securo u strong, sound, vigorous sire of a 6train of Wood eutirely dillereut from that which has been hitherto used. Vtt. Kd. North British AyricnUurist. A delegation of Cherokee, Creek, nnd Choctaw iudian called ou President Untut ou Saturday nnd liud nn interview, with which they were much pleased, the Pres ident expressing his gratification at their tiocinl progress uud assuring tin 111 that he vould nt ull times d whatever lay iu his PA'.'T to promote their prosperity. The i"-'U-'8"eg iu Cotigress from tho Territories also calui t jU(J xcctive Mausiou, prcsent lug a resi)Ui()U ,eqUegliug that hereafter tho .PP.lnlt of Federal oflicers iu tho lerritories bo f tUizU)8 of lho same. r ri'r 7tMiur. the orcau 01 mo wiupurnuuo men , K . . como to tho conclusion Ui: 1 ed temperance tickets has iti,,'" f. rv to the cause, aud tho only uii way to push tho reform is to rely". " " , these reasuiis. it advocates local onCu- that the neonle may decide for th niselvek whether or uot intoxicating liquor is to bo sold at their door, to tho Injury of the body .aud soul of man. Some men et their barrel of loer ou tick, uud leave It to suttlo fur iuoir. CAKIt I Mi K MA DI'Al'TOHV) BUN BURY, TENN'A. J. S. SEASHOLTZ, WOULD respectfully announce t the cltl rens of Sunbury nnd surrounding country, that he U prepared to manufacture all styles of Carriage, IlH(rgiei, Ac, nt his neT shop on east Market street. IIo will furnish every description of Wagons, both Plain and 'Fancy. tn ihort, will make everything hi his line from A first-class carriage to a wheelbarrow, warranted to be tnnde of tho best and most durable materi als, and by the most experienced workmen. All work sent out from his establishment will bo found reliable In every particular. The patronage of the public Is solicited. J. S. SEASHOLTZ. Sunbary, Nov. 4, '71.-1 y. FOR SALE! I EIGHTY acres of Improved land in the best lA section of Southern Michigan, within five miles of tho town of "Three Rivers," in St. Jo seph county, within two miles of tho Railroad Station, good buildings, out bonces, Inrge or chard, soil, rich sandy loam, school houses nnd churchs within siijlit titlo indisputable, ten acres arc In wheat, the remainder In clover Sod. A span of horses, caltlo, hops, (train n".d farming utensils, &c, will be sold with this projierly. Trice f 70 per acre, t3,000 in cash, the balance in time payments of (500. Apply to WM. A. MASsER, Three Rivers, Mich, or, II. B. MA88ER, Suubury, Pa. Sunbury, March 11, 1871. POM l'FKET SIAXOK OEM ETEK Y OOMPAXY. This company Is now prepared to sell lots In the new Cemetery, located nn an eminence nbotit one-fourth of a mile east of Sunbury. The in crease of the population of Sunbury, and conse quent advance in tho ratio of mortality, as well us the limited facilities for the Interment of those who have fought life's battle, have suggested the organization ol the nuovc named company. 1 Plan of CVmetcrv may be seen nt the olllcc of 1 J. A. Cake, Esq., or l.lovd T. Rohrbach. I Price of lots from ?5 to H5, according to loca tion. Deeds will be executed for lots sold. LLOYD T. IIOIIIIBACII, Scc'y. May 13, l871.-tf! BEEF, FORK, POULTRY ani FRUIT EMPOniO.M, In C. Dallas' store room, two doors cast of B right's Building, Market Square, SUNBURY, PEXN'A. Having fitted upn room twodoors cast of Wcit rel's Store, the underpinned has opened 11 Meat Shop in connection wiih his stand on MARKET DAYS, where he will keep on hand the best of Keel, Pork, Veal aud Poultry of every c'eseriptimi. Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Chli'kcns ready dressed, uiul put up in regular btyle of city markets. ALSO, Hiitter, Errs, Potutoc. Ap ples, and Fruits of nil kind?, all of which will be sold ut the lowest Market Prices. Tiio iilTiii9 of Sunbury arc invited to call nnd examine for themselves Ucfr purchasing else where. A full assortment on hand every iiiurkt morning. HENRY NEUER. Dec. 9, 1871. IF YOU WANT TO SEE the largest assortment of Milliraeiry- Groorl ever brought to this place, go to L. SMssler, Market Spare, MSIll KY, PA., Where nre arrayed In nil their different varieties Fall Millinery Goods of every description just brought from Philadel phia and arc now open. The new Room just completed Is filled with nn endless variety. A most magnificent display of Goods ou exhibition, and sold nt the lowest prices. KVEItY K1XI) OF UOOH.N usnnllv kept in a Millinery establishment can be had lit her store. The best hi the Philldelphia markets were solicited. Give ine a call and be convinced. MISS U S11IS8LER. Sunbury, September 23, lb71. M IOEIIXE SHOP AXI IUOX rorximY. GEO. KOHRBACII &, SON'S, Nun bury, Penit'n, INFORM the public that they are prepared to do all kinds of CASTINGS, and having added lew Machine Shop in connection Willi llieir Foundry, und have supplied themselves with New Lut lies, Planing nnd Billing Machines, with the latest Improvements. Willi the nid of skillful mechanics, they are enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given them, In n satisfactory man lier. (irate to nult any Move. IKON COLUMNS, for churches or other build ings, or all sizes. BllACS CASTINGS, Ac. Ornamental Iron fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS j VERANDAHS , FOR Y All US AT RESIDF.KCF.tf, AC, AC. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been still further improved, and will alwajs ue Kepi 011 nanus. Also, TliKkMll.NU MAC1USKS. Sunbury, May '.'0, 1871. XF.W Flour, Feefl, Fruit ani Veetalile Store, tpruco Street, between Front uud Second, SUNBURY, PA. JOHN WILVER having just opened a etorc ut the above place, where ull k'nuls of of the Int brands of Flour and Feeil will be sold nt greatly reduced prices. The cele brated Buck's Mills Flour will bo kept constantly on li'ind. AIeu, all kinds of Feed, Grain, Corn, Oali and Rye, chopped or wlme, Potatoes!, Applet, Oabtmge. A Fruit generally, at a cuenper nie 11:111 can oe noiigm elsewhere. All goods ddivcred Free of Charge. Call and examine my stick aud uscerlaln the piices before purch.isiuj; cucwhere. Jlll. vtll.VLK. Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1871.-11 DRl'.SS OIN. FALL AND W1X1EII STYLES, now open it 9MSH KATK Itl.AtK'N NTOHE, Market Square, SUNBtRY, Pcnn'a., LADIES' DRESS GOODS A SPECIALTY. Silk Poplins, Press Trimmiigs, Embrolderiy, .millions. Gcnts Collars, Neck-ties, ll.lf-hose, Huudkcr- ehlets nna U loves. l'erfuuiery, Toilet Soups, liar Brushes, Combs, etc. Au luvitntlou Is extended to dl to call and se cure bargains. NOV. 4, iSil. AGEXTf HiMI.n FOR Pbranea or Loudoa 1-lte. By D. J. Klrwan, the well-known Joirnalist. THE VERY LARGEST COMMISSIONS PAID. nu h..w - u uauiirul xMoToof 6C5 pages embellished with 200 engravings, and a Quely xftcutrii man of Loudon, desiirned and executed oxnretsly for this work by emluent artists. It e..t;iins a inn. irmomc ana irutuitu sukiuuieiik of tin Mights, Secrets and Sensulious of the great meiropau of the world. Address. DUrrlFLD AbHMEND, Fabllshor. JsulSTi. . 7jt gantom Sti.et, PhlladelpWa. FALL AND WINTER STYLES. HATS AND BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, WREATHS, LAOES, &c. . Crape Vella, CRArE'HATS AND BONNETS, and everything usually kept in a Millinery Store. Call at M. L. GOS8LFJV8 Store, South Fourth Street, below the S. V. R. R., SUNBURY, PA. . Nov. 4, 71. f-'AH r i it i" ri esT TUACKARA, BUCK & CO., SUCCESSORS TO MISKEY, MEUItILL & TUACKARA, MANUFACTURERS OK GAS FIXTURES, BRONZES? &c, &c, Chandeliers), 'Pendants, Hracketn, Ac Ac, would respectfully Invite the attention of pur chasers to our elegant assortment. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SALESROOMS, 71;CheitnnC Street. MANUFACTORY, 403, 404,408 AND 408 RACE STREET. Aug. 19, 1871. KKW meat" niiop. rPUIE undersigned respectfully Informs the cltl- JL lens of Sunbury nnd vicinity, that they havo opened a MEAT SHOP, in Dcwarl's bullriincon the north side of Market Square, two doors from the railroad, were they w ill keep a constant supply of tho best of Beef, Pork, Mutton, Ac, nt wholesale or retail, nt the lowest prices and or the first quality . A wairon will be run to supply customers every morning, (except Sundays.) The best of meat will found ut their shop. Give us a call nnd satisfy your selves. REFFEW & BOWER. (Hal0tll 1801). tf. Attention, Agentn. Great Inducements offered live Agents, to sell the most popular work of the ngc, 'Reuinrknblo Characters and Places of the Holy Land," by CHARLES W. ELLIOTT, with articles from the pens ofT. D. Wnolsey, L. L. D. i Right Rev. Thos. M. Clark, D. 1). ; Rev. Joseph Ciimmlngs. D. 1). : Rev. C harles A. Stod dard ; Rev. S. 1". Smith, I). D. t Rev. William Adams, D. I). ; Kcv. Henry Ward Hceeher, ifce. Address for circulars nnd full particulars, J. II. IHiYMIUK. Dec. 3, lSTl.-Sm. Pottsvillc, Pa. HOLIDAY tiOODN. THADD'S S. SHANNON, THIRD AND MARKET SQUARE, Has in stock and constantly receiving Novelties In hi. lino, cnnsisiing in part of a full line of AMEKIOAX UATCMi:s, Elgin, Illinois, Howard fcf'o., Wnliimm, M... saehusettK, nmr Hoy's AMERICAN WATCHES j Also, a full set of Ladies, and (icnt's Gold nud Silver Swiss Watches. T"T'I"1"VT T7 T 1"V J JJ-J VY JUJL-JJ-V JL . Roman Gold sets, pink coral and Gold Belt, iuir-nii.n. Necklaces und Pendants, Onyx and Jet Jewelrv. SILVER-WARE, Solid Silver-ware of Sterling punH, made to or der, llridal and Presentation Pieces, Knives, Forks and Spoons in eases, also, a full line of Silver Plated Goods, Tea Sets, Ice Water Sets, Erbit Stands, Cake Baskets, Cofu-e Urns, Forks and Spoons treble plated, the best in the market. SPECTACLES. If you Value your Eyesight, use the Perfect Lenses, ground from minute Crlstle Pebbles mel ted together, and derive there name '-Diamond'' 011 account of there hardness and brilliancy. They will last many years without change, uud warranted Supeiior to all others iu use. TABLE CUTLERY. Ivory, Pearl and Metal handles in cases sup plied to order. LOCKS. A full assortment of Eight day and Thirty hour Clocks, also Calender Clocks ot all dwerip tions. Engraving done at the shortest notice. Watches', Clocks and Jewelry, Repaired and Satisfaction warranted. All goods will tic sold at the very Lowest Cash Prices. Every body is conllally Invliod to Cull ond Examine fur themselves. Don't lorfct the p'acc. T. S. SHANNON. nnburyDcc.lC, tf. Tlllj'sVw.ftiTOKF. I CLEMEHT & DISSINGER, In the new Clement Building, .Murket Snuare, Sunbury, Pa., offer to the public, an cutiro new assortment of WINTER DRY GOODS, of all styles at the lowest prices. Full lines of Alpacas, Mohairs, Plaids, Empress Cloths, Shawls, rlanncls, iiosiury, MOURNING GOODS, a full variety, Blankets nud. Woolen goods of all descriptious. CLOTHS, CASSIMERE8, VESTINGB, &c, &e Itcnlj-.Male Olothlugt a full assortment, which will be sold lower than elsewhere. Carpetst aud Oil OlotliN. , GKOCEH1ES of nil klndi, which nre guaranteed all fresh. QUE EN S VA H E, WILLOW WAKE, &c, &c, &c. TRIMMINGS, GLOVES, and in fact everything that can be mentioned In u tlrst-class store. Call and examine our stock. Having our s.ore rlited witA Gas, goods can be selected in lliu evening as well ns lu tho day time. No charges for bbowiug goods. CLEMENT & DISSINGER. Dec. 0, 171. CEVrF.U OF ATTIIACTIOX. Everybody is Invited to come aud buy of tho handsome assortment of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES at SAMUEL F. NEVIN'S STORE, In frame building, adjoining Moore Disslnger's ' building. T1UKD blKfctT, e-LJHCKt, t'A. Just opened a fresh supply of Coufcctionuries of every iiusei ipliun. TOVN OF AM. UIKON couslantly on hand. The beet RAISINS, FIGS, CURRANTS & DKtfcD fUlU. PURE RIO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fresli Bread, Buns & Cukes, every morning. FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, 4c. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! OYSTERS! Having fitted up a room expressly for serving up Oysters lu every style, Ladies and (ieulleiueu will bo accoiiiinoduted with the last bivalves lu market, at ull hours during the day and evening. I amines will be supplied at their resilience wun the best Shell or Cuuued Oysters, as U Uesiiuble, at the very lowest prices. Cull and see my excellent assortment of goods and ascertain the prices. , - B. " . Dec. 16, 1871. E. Moagklns, Agt., DEALEH IN Hides, Tallow. Bones, Rags aud CRACKLINGS, Banbury, Kortb'd lounly, Pa. CASH PAIB ON ALL PURCHASES. ( Sunbury, Dse. a, VBTl.-floi. 80XXYKIDE-IIEATEH. SCNimwB AT MAKVLANU STATU FAIR. BaU- timohk. First premium for irire-tlc lleateri awArded the Snnnvshlc. Advantages of the Snnnyslde I 1. It Is so constructed that one-third more of tho radiating surface extends Into tha room, giv ing that much mora additional heat without ax tra fuel. 8. It Is the only Hot-Air Fire-place neater In the market. Like the regular built cellar heater, It loses no heat, but couuuet 11 an 10 its icgm pnrposcs. 8. The fuel magazine l donble the usual etce, extending from the flre-box to the top of the stove, with capacity for twenty-four hours' iup ply of coal. 4. The patent double cover for coal magazine consumes the gas, prevents escape of gns Into tho room, nnd makes It Impossible for any puf fings or explosions to occur. This Is nn advant age possessed by uo other tire-place stove In the market. 8. Thcro are three olr ccambers, wherein ft brisk circulation Is kept up, drawing tho cold air In the room through heated flues Into a large hot-air reservoir, nt the back of the stove. 6 No side pipes nre used, as the air Is heated In A reservoir having double radiating flues and double back, supplying large quantities of hot nirwithout waste of heat or fuel. 7. The Si NNYSinB utilizes tho wnito beat to thoroughly that wc frequently heat an adjoining room on the first, besides healing the rooms Iu second nnd third stories. 8. A dnmpcr on top of the stove, connected with tho hot nlr flues, controls tho quantity of hot nlr required for the uso of cither the upper or lower rooms. All other flre-placo stoves are very Inconvenient in tills respect. tf. The (irate is self-sealing, and 110 dust can escape while slinking it. 8TURAT, TETERSON A CO., .Philadelphia. II. B. MASSEk, Agent. Nov. 11, mi. KXTRAOUIHXAUY. 110 OFFERflO 80 DAYM OX Tit I A L. MONTHLY PAY.MF.XTS. PKU'E IIDDKED. The Amrwcmn Sbwino Machine Co. havo concluded to offer their whole Stock of Supeiior and widely-known machines, npon the above nnparaleled terms, to everybody, everywhere, who have, or can find uso for a really good Sew ing Machine, cheaper than the cheapest. Every one is welcome to n month's free trial at their own home. The best, and only true guarantee oflts quality, Is a month's fre trial. The object of giving n free trial is to show you how Good our Machine is. Tills is the sl"iplcst and most certain way to I convince you that our Machine is Just what you ! want. The Secret of safety Is in ore month's trial. No one parts w ith the Machine alter trial. All Day for and keen it. Buy 110 machine until you have found It 11 good one, easy to learn, easy to manage, easy to work, easy to keep lu order, perfect in mechanism, perfect in construction, simple, reliable, and satisfactory. Any company who will refuse you this much cannot have as good a Sewing Machine 1 us ours. I Bnv only when von know the machine docs not take flu hour to get ready to do n minutes work. Buy only when you find a Machine that Is ! ready 111 11 , ,i ,,v khxl of work nnd Is always ready, and i:evcr out of oroei. I A mouth's trial answers all questions, solves j all doubts, prevents all mistakes, and Is the only ! safe way to get your moneys worth. Try it. You I cannot lose. i Write for our Confidential Circulars and lllus- tratCfl l'limlilit r.,t,t.!i,1t,. ftlll .Artl,lM, which wo will send you by return of mail free, 1 with Samples of Sewing, that you can Judge for yourself. And remember, that we sell our good ! Machincnt a low price, upon extraordinary favor able terms of payment, and upon tlieirown mer its. Don't hesitate because you are uncertain whether want u Sewing Machine or not, no be cause you have one of another kind. Try a good one, they arc always useful, and will make money for you, or help you to save it. And if yon havenuotlicr.ouis w ill show you that the one you have could bo Improved. The company slake the very Exi-tenee of llieir Business on the mere its of this Wonderful and Extraordinary Sewing Machine. County Rights given free to good Smart Agents. Canvassers, male nnd female, wanted everywhere. Write for Particulars, and address : AMERICAN MACHINE Co., Cor. John aud Nassau Street. New York. Oct. 11, 1S71. 1 year. US t'UF.APF.It T1IAX Ui:itOSK.F OtriCE or Tiin Si.Mii RV Gas Company, October ., 1871. To the Citizkns : Recent liiusitgailou de monstrate that (!as of 14 Candles -puil'ilv. can tic sold at t'.'.OO per 10O0 cubic feet. The Direc tors of the Sunbury Gas Company have deter mined to adopt that price nnd 14 Candle ns the standard of quality. This fixes the pi ice of a 14 Caudle burner at one cent an hour, or one third less than Philadelphia gas. A Kerosene l.-.inp gives a light of seven to ten caudles only therefore, gas at the above price Is much cheaper than kcrotcne, w itliout causid ering cost ot chimneys uud liability to accident. Let all come forward and become gass consum ers. Make your applications lor service pipes nud llttiugs at once, as t lie season for introduc ing them is drawing to a close. By Okiilu op tup. Boakd ok Duisctous. TERMS. The contractors for the Works will introduce pipes upon the following terms. Serrice piies at 50 cents per running foot, measuring from centre of street. Upon Market Square, twenty dollars lor entire service. Interior fittings at 15 cents per running foot, In new buildings ; 15 cents per running fool over plaster, und U0 cents per runuiug foot under floors. Chandeliers, Pendants rod other fixtures for sale nt new York nud Philadelphia prices. October 7, 1871. -OSADALSS TilE INGREDIENTS THAT COMPOSE KOSADAUS are published on every puckagu, there fore, it is nor a secret pivparatioii, consequently rilTSICIAXS PRESCRIBE IT It is a certain cure for Scrofula, Syphilis in all its forms, Rheuma tism, SUin Diseases, Liver Com ulaiut and all diseases of the Blood. OSS ECITL3 C? E3SA3ALI3 will do more pood than ton bottles of lho Syrups of ciaraipsrilla, THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS havo used Rusudulisin their practice for ilia past tiircc, years und ticely endorso it as a relmblo Alterative and blood I'urilier. Pit. T. C. PIT. II, of Boltlmors. Ull.T. J. BO V KIM, " nit. it. w.OAkK. " nu. K. o. n.WM-LLY. " Ult. J. H. SPARKS, ut NlchoUiviUe, Ky. Dll. J. L. McCAKTHA, Columbia, 8. C. bit. A. B. NODLKS, Kdgecooib, N. C. USED AND EH DOES ED Br J. B. FRENCH fc SONS. F-' - Man. . !, Mirh. F. W. SMIT.XKH, Lima. Ohio. LA, A A 1.1.. l.nna.Ol.io. CRAVKN & CO., tionlomvllle, Vs, SAM L. u. M. ADDKN, Murfrees- buro, Teun. Our spacs will not albiw of anv ex. tended remarks in rrlation to lh virlucsof HoiaUaln. Tulho Uediral t'rulusaioa w cuaraate a Fluid F.a- traciauorUir to any they bava evor used ia the treatment of diMased blood 1 and to tha alllirtad w aav trv Huaailalla. and vuu will ba reatur.! to health ' RosaHalfs Is sold br all Dnifffflat. piics flJiO per bottla. Addrex ' CS. CIU27T3 CD. I BaiTmosc, Vs. Jnly 23, 1871. ly. D MerchantTallorlng. J. M. IIONTIAK, lit tbe Post Office Building, opposite IWs Depot, (upstairs,) SUNBURY, PENN'A, Informs his friends and the public generally, that he has just opened ft large and varied as sortment of Cloth), OMBnlmere), Venting, Ac, which will be made np to order In the latest styles, and warranted to fit. Gentlemen In want of fashionable suits lire Tiled to call and examine his stock. SHIRTS tclentlflcally and practically cut and made measure. RUN NO RISK. We fnrnlsb tbe aboro styles of Improved yoke and sack shirt with entirely new shape sleeve, nnd gun ran tee a perfect filling shirt. It Is the best model of a shirt ever ottered to the trnde. Fino and fancy shirts made to order. J. M. BOSTIAN June 8, I871.-Cm No. 002 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, . PHILADELPHIA, JEWELGRN, (SIL.VEHSMITIIS AMD IMPORTERS, . nre now In rceept of their FALL AND HOLIDAY GOODS, embracing a superb stock of pa it is nnozF.Nt CLOCK SETS AND MANTEL ORNAMENTS VIENNA FANCY GOODS I PARIAN STATUARY. I Wolld Nllvrr Ward tastefully arranged In cases lor WEDDING PRESENTS, also a splendid assortment of FINE JEWELRY, WATCHES, CHAINS, ELECTRO-PLATED WARES. Oot. 11, 187L , I.t MIIEII AND PLAXIXCl MILI.f. Third Street, adjoining Phlla. X Eric R. R., two 8tiiarcs North of the Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PA. Ira t. "clement; IS prepared to furnish every description of lum ber required by the demands of the public. Having all the latest Improved machinery for mniiiifiu'iuring Lunbcr, be is now ready to till or ders all kinds of FLOORING, S1DINC, DOORS, SHUTTERS, SASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and nil kinds of Ornamental SerowlWork. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, X LAKOR ASHOItTMENT Of BILL 'LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, lithe, vc. Orders promptly tilled, nnd shipiied by Railroad or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT. deel'J-r.S:ly STOVE TIN FSTAKLISIIMENT. MARKET CTBFF.T. SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor. siccr.sJOH to surra uentueh.J nA VI MO u.Um,4I !. nbovowoll known OB. labllKhmeiit, Mr. Krauso would respectful. ly iulorm the public that hu uow has on hand a large artmciit or COOKING STOVES. Sjiccr's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving top, t.omliination, busiiiciiniiii!i and otliers, which nre so arranged ns to be used for Coal or Wood, and are warranted to perform satisfaetori ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put up to beat one or more rooms. llr.AHNU bTOia of diU'ercnt kinds at very low prices. Tinware of Every Iocrlptlou kept constantly on hand. Roofing and Spouting with the lu'st uiaterial, done lit snort notice. REl'AIRINO ulleiidcd to with dispatch. Coal Oil and Lumps constantly on baud. Japan ware of a i.nil.i. Store opposite Couley's hard ware store, tiivo me a call. A. KltALbU.. apl24-ly FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF CI.OTIIM AD CASNIMEKES! FRENCH AND DOMESTIC GOODS of every grade, just opened at the MERCHANT TAILOR SHOP Til OK. lT. NOTT, On Third Street, In Miller's Block, opposite the .Moore K Dlsslngcr Buildings, SUNBURV, l'ENN'A. The most fashionable clothing made to order from every variety or goods. Suits of ull sizes made up at the shortest no tice, from the best selected ktock iu ew lork and Vhiliidelphiu. Call aud be convinced. THOS. G. NOTT Nov. 4, 1871. Beef! Beef! . frMIE undersigned is prepared to furnish the JL citizens of Sunbury and vicinity with tha choicest Beef and l'ork In Market, cUher nt Wholesale or Retail. Families will be supplied by the quarter or side, or smaller quantities nt the most reasona' ble rates. Constantly on hand the choicest cuts of Beef, l'ork. Mutton uud eal,also Sausages, Uelognas. Vc. Apply ut the Meat House, South Third street, In Moore A Dissinger Row, buubury. On market days the best of meat is served to customers nt the meat stand, corner of Market uud Third streets, w lieu the celebruted Urosious sausages can ba hud, long kuown at tbe best In market. HENRY K. FAfiELY. N. B. Persons having fut hogs or beeves for sale can procure the Ingest market price by ap plication ut the above establishment. Sunbury, Nov. 11, 1871. M I LM Ell Y G IJULL V. NEW STYLES OF BONNETS, HATS, FLOWERS, FRAMES, Ac. Mourning and Bridal llsttsi and Bonnets), Full line of Mourning .Veils and Crape. MILLINERY IS THE SPECIALTY Sash Ribbons, Ornaments, Feathers, Gloves, llundkerclilets, dec, dec. FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS. MI8S M. L. GOS81.F.R. South Fourth 8t., below the Railroad, Burbury April S2, 1871. Wanted Immediately. lO.OOO Men and Women to purchase the entire slots: of GOODS now of fered for iuspectiou "'d suje at the Mammoth Store ou Queen St'eet, Northumberland, as I siu determined to be I'ndersiold or Excelled la quality of goods offered for sale lu my line. EU MILLER, Oct. is.-in. KTEKEOM'OPKsJ, VIEWS, ALBUMS, CHROMOS, FRAMES. E. at II. T. ASTIION Y V t'O., 501 Broad way, New York, Invite the attention of ths Trade to their exten sive assortment of ths above goods, of Itiulr own puimcauon, manufacture and imporiatlon. Also PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES and GHAPHOSCOFE8. NEW VIEWS OP YOSEMITE. E. 4 H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 591 Broadway, New Yorkj Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, IMPOKTUS AMD MANl'r AOTCBBHS OF Pkotorramtale Material. Msreh 4t, 18T1. Vy. JJARDWARK FOR ALL AT TI1K HARDWARE STORE or J. H. CONNELLY & CO. Market Street, Sunbury, Pa. It Is useless to enumerate every kind of article tn his Store, but among the leading items may M aown iu following t Iron, Steel, Lead, Scales, Bteeiyards, Urlndstones, Nalk of ail kinds and sites. Vices, Saws, Planes, icves, c bains, Axes, srass nna iron neuics, Shovels. Hoes, Forks, Spades, Rakes, Hatchets, .arpenter ana Biacksmitn ttoring Mncbines, Cellar Orates. Drawing Knives. Btone 8le,es, rinstcrers' t rowels, Masons' Hammers ana rrowois, Hand Dinner Bolls, and large cast Iron Bells for School Houses and Farmers' Dinner Bells, Carpenters' Bench Screws, Potato Forks for digging potatoes, Looking Glasses, Twine, Ropes, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Tacks, Mule and Horse Shoes and Nails, Tlammers, Augurs, Chisels, Lanterns, Oil Cloths, Brooms, Locks ofll descriptions, Coffee Mills, Bits nnd Braces, Carriage Bolts of all kinds, Paint and Wall Brushes, Buckets, 011ft,lVaruishen, Japan, Lve, Soda Ash, Washing Soda, PAIST. OF ALL, KIXUN in Oil or Dry, Parti-Colors of all kinds, CEDAR-WARE and other Wooden-Ware of all kinds and very ehenn. Hav-Fork Pulleys. Picks, Mill Picks, Levels, Level Glasses, Files, Hinges, Coal OH, Hems, Cotntis, Screws, sadilicry ana snoc Mailings, Buggv Trimmings, Excelsior Glass Cutters. Pocket Knives, Scissors, Shears, Knot, (Caps) aud Powder, and a great variety of other articles. Any thing wanted and not ou hand, win do ordered at once. Sunbury, Aug. Ill, 1H71. WM. MURIUT. J. SI.ATMAKEK. WM. II. SLACK. MURRAY & CO., Wholesale Dealers In MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, Office and School Stationery, Printing, Wrapping and Manilla PAPERS, PAPEIl HAGS, Ac, Ac. The ColubraU'd Corry Kerosene Burning Oil always 011 hand. Having also opened a COAL YARD, wc nre prepared to supply at short notice, and ut tne lowest rates, EGG, STOVE, CHESTNUT v and l'EA COAL to all who may be pleased to give us a call. Orders left at our ofllce No. 35 South Third St., will be promptly tilled. MURRAY & CO. No. 35 South Third Strett, Sunhurv, Pa. Aug. SO, 1K71. LADIES' FANCY FURS. John Fareira, 7 aiu ii Miti:i:T, Middle of ths Block, between Tth and 8thSts., South Side, Philadelphia, Importer, Manufaetuier nud Dealer in all kinds and imn'itv of I ZEVsTC" TTJTJEIS, For Ladies' and Children's Wear. j lluvini: imported a very )ari;c and sdcudii ns- I soitincntof nil the ditl'eient kiliils of Kill's from j first hands in Europe, anil have had them made up by the most skillful workmen, would respect fully" invitu the readers of this paper to cull nnd ; examine his lurye und very beautiful assortment j of Fancy Furs, for Ladies and Children. I am ; determined to sell nt ns low prices us any other ! respectable House In this city. All Furs war- ; runted. No misrepresentation to ill'ect sales. i JOHN FAREIRA, 718 Arch Street l'blludclpbla. I Oct. S, lSTl.-Sm. MIM.IXKIIY AXI) FAM Y STOItK. l'.iill und Viuter ooil. MISS L. WEISEU, Market Street, one door west of Gcaihart's con fectioncry store, SUNBURY, PA., Has opened her stock of Milliner)' and Funcj toods), HATS AND BONNETS. The latest styles of Dress Trimmings, French nud American Flowers, Laces, Ribbons, Sack 1 1 1 1. 1 . t '..II . 1 .r. ln...,. loops, Chignons, Collars, Cuff, Jouviu Gloves, aim a uirge variety 01 otner unifies. In connection with the Millinery business, she carries on the DRESS MAKING AND FITTING, lu all IU branches. She is also agent for the sale of Ramsr y, Scott A Co.'S Patterns. The ladies of Suubury nnd vicinity arc cor dially Invited to cull uud examine her splendid stock. Nov. 4, 1871. Mure Cure Tor Teller. rpilE Snbscriher, resident of Seven Points, Au L gusla township, Northumberland .Couiily, Pa., has a sure cure for Tetter, which he oHer tn those atllicled with this annoying disease. He was troubled w ith it for eight years, and nothing would cure it until he obtained this remerly. ll has been tried In a number of cases, to his know ledge, (oneense of 25 years standing) with entire success. I" pon receipt ol M 00, he will send a box of the medicine, and directions to use It, or 6 boxes for (5, free of postage. WILLIAM RAKER, Augusta P. O., North'd Co., Pa. August 12, 1871-7in. Philadelphia and Erie Kallroad. WINTER TIME TABLE. On and after Monday, November 27, 1871, the Trains on the Philadelphia ii Eric Rail Road will run us follows WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia, " " " Suubury, air at Eric, Eric Express leaves Philadelphia, " " " Suubury, " " an at Erie, Elmira Mall leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, " " arr at Lock Haven, Accommodation leaves Suubury, " arr at Kennvo, tt.20 p m 1.00 a n 2.50 p u. 13.30 p 111 6.50 p 111 7.40 a in 7.50 ui 4.US p m 7 w p m 6.15 a m 10.40 a iu jiabTWARD. Moll Tn,a "J'e, 11.25 am " " Suubury, 13.30 a 111 " " arr at Philadelphia, 6.30 am Erie Express leaves Eric, 9.00 p m " " " Suubury, B.'JO a in " arr at Philadelphia, 8.80 pm Elmira Mall leaves Lock Huveu, ' ' 7.35 a m " Sunbury, 11.00 a in ' " arr at Philadelphia, 5.50 p m Accommodation leaves Kenovo, 12.V5 p m . " sr at Suubury, 4.85 p in Mall East connects east an! west at Erie with L. S. & M. S. R. W. and at Csrry and lrvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Mall West with west bound trains ou L. 8. & M. 8. R. W. and at Corry and lrvineton with OU Creek and Allegheny K. K. W. Cattawlssa passenger trains will be ran east from Willianisport oa Erie Express, and west, to vt Ullamsport oa cimira Man. H it. A. BALDWIN, . Gss' Sup't. LtkwM and Blaomabnrg Rail road. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT OT 7AMB9QBR TKA1NU. Monday, Jnly 17,'1871. SOUTHWARD. Leave, A.M. P.M. 1A.M. P.M.iPM. Scranton, Bcllevne, Taylorvills, Lackawanna, Pittston, West Pittston, Wyoming, Mnltby, Kingston, A it. W.-Barre o'rs Plymontb June, Plymouth, Nnnticoke, Hunlock's, Shickshinny, ' Hick's Ferry, 0 4A 8 150 57 1 45!10 05 8 80 1 4 00 6 88' 4 05 7 03 4 19 7 11 4 83 7 19 4 80 7 24 4 3H t 81, 4 49 7 86. 4 47 7 8l 4 KS 800 8 00 8 05; 5 05 iu 17, 110 sw' S 11 10 85 1 !l0 40; 8 21,10 47, Uo 53 T 05 7 14 1 18 1 87 7 40 7 80 9 83 11 00 9 40 8 00 8 07 8 22 8 6 8 43 8 201 8 80 8 45 8 08 neacn naven, 8 7 8 84 Berwick, Briar Creek, Lime Ridge, Espy, Blooinnbnrg, Rupert, Cntawlssa, Danville, Chulnsky, 8 50 8 57 9 07 9 14j V ID 9 26 9 SI 9 51 8 67 6'J t ameron, 10 03! North'd, (arrive.) 10 20l 4 53 NORTHWARD Leave. A.M. P.M. Northumberland, Cameron, Chulnsky, Danville, Catnwissa, Rupert, Bloomsburg, Espy, Lime Rlde, Briar Creek, Berwick, Beach Haven, Hick's Ferry, Shickshinny, Hunlock's, Nnnticoke, I'lvmonOi, Plymouth June., Kingston, it W.-Burre Maltbv, Wvominp;, West Pittbloa l'iltstnn, ' Lackawanna, Tnylorvllle, Bellcvuc, Scranton, (arrive) DAVID T. BOUND, Snp't. Northern Central Itallna-. FALL AND WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ON and after Nov. 13, 1871, trains will run ns follows : N OR! n WARD. Niagara Express leaves Suubury nt 12.40 p. 1 m., urrivvs at Niagara Falls at 1.30 a. in. j Buffalo Express leaves Suiiluiry at 12.30 a. m., arrive at Williamsport at 2.25 n. 111., Eluiiru at , 5.30 a. 111., Canandaiguu 8.15 a. ill. j Mail arrives at Suubury at 4.30 p. 111., arrive I nt WiiliuniFport 6.30 nnd Elmira 10.35 p. in. I Fast Lino arrives at Sunbury at 0.50 p. in., arrive ut Williamsport 8.15 p. ru. , SOUTHWARD. Buffalo Express leaves Sunbury nt 1.47 a. tn., arrive at llarrisburi; 3.45 a. in., Baltimore T.2t J a. in. I Mail leaves Sunbury at 11.05 a. ni., nrriye at ! llarrisburi; 1.45 p. m. 1 Krio lCvjin... Ii'iivps Suubury at 0.25 n. m., nr 1 live at llarrisburg 11.20 a. 111., Baltimore; 3.00 I p. m. I Erie Mall leave Sunbury nt 12.30 a. in., arrive ut Harrieburg 2.20 a. 111. SI1AMOKIN DIVISION. K4STWAIII1. Leave Sunbury nt 4.40 p. 111., nrrivs at Shatuo kin 5.50 p. in., Mt. Carinel 6.40 p. m. Leave Sunbury (Accommodation,) at 11.60 a. m., univc at Shaiuokin 1.00 p. m. WESTWAKU. Leave Mt. Carmel nt 7.00 a. m., Shuniokiu 7.40 a. m., arrive nt Sunbury 0.55 a. m. Leave Shaiuokin ( Acconiiiiodution,) at 2.45 p in., arrive at Suiiliury 4.00 p. m. Express leaves daily. All other trains leave daily, except Sundays. A. R. Fiske. En. S. Yoino, Gen'l. Sup't., Gen'l l'assen'r Ai;'t., Harrisburg, Ta. Balimore, Md. Itrttdina; RaiironU. W.I N T E R A R R A N G E"M E N T. Monday, Xov. Yith, 1871. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North and North-West for Philadelphia, N. Y., Reud- inff, Pottsvillc, Tamniiun, Ashland, Sbana kin, ! Lebanon, Allcntown, Easton, Ephrata, Litiz, Lancaster, Coluinbia, &c, Ac. Trains leave llarrisburi for New York, as fol lows : At 2.45, 8.10, a. 111. and 2.00 p. in., con I nectlng with similar trains 011 tbe Pennsylvania I Railroad, and urriviui; ut New York at 10.07 a. j 111., 3.42, nud U.45 p 111. rcspccliv. lv. Slecpiui; . Cars uccoinpuuy the 2.45 a. in., tiaiu without I change. ' Rcturnlnc: 1 Leave New York at 9.00 n. ni., j 12.30 uoon and 5.W) p. in., Philadelphia nt 7.:;o, ; 8.30 u. 111. aud 3.30 p. 111. j Sleeping Cars accom pany thci.uu p. 111. traiu from New York with J out chaiitrc. i Leave Harrisburir for Readme-. Pullsville T .. 1 maqiin, Minersvilie, Ashland. Shaiuokin. 1 111... . m:i . ..... . ..... Aiieiiiuwn ami rmiuocipiii.l at n.10 a. in.. 2.00 uud 4.05 p. 111., stopping at Lebanou and principal way stations; the 4.05 p.m., train connecting for Philadelphia, Pottsvillc and Co lumbia only. For Pottsvillc, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Suscmchunna Railroad, leave Harrisburg nt 3.40 p. 111. East Pennsylvania Railroud trains leave Read ing for Allcntown, Eastou uud New York nt 4.34, 10.40 a. in., aud 4.05 p. 111. Returning, leave New York at 9.00 a. 111., 12.30 uoon and 5.00 p. ni. nnd Allcntown at 7.20 a. m. 12.25 uoon, 2.15, 4 25 aud 8.35 . 111. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. 111., coimccliUK with similar train 011 East Pcnnu. Railroad, returning from Reading ut 0.30 . m., stopping ut all stations. Leave Potlsvillu ut U.OO a. in. and 2.30 p. Hi. lleriidou ut 10.00 u. 111., Shainokiu ut 5.40 and 11.15 a. 111.; Ashluud ut 7.05 a. in., and 12.43 noon; Mahauoy City at 7.51 a. m. and 1.20 p. ?n. Taiuaiitia ut 8.35 a. in. uud 2.10 p. 111. for Philadelphia, New York, Rending, HarrisburgjAc. Lcuvo Pottsvillc via Schuylkill and Susque hanna Railroad ut 8.15 a. 111. for Harrisburg, aud II. 45 a.m., for Pine Grove und Treuiont. Reuding Accommodation Truiu leaves Potts- vllleut 5.40 a. 111., passes Reading ut 7.30 u. iu. arriving at Philadelphia at 10.20 u. 111., returning leaves Philadelphia ut 4.45 p. 111., passing Read ing at 7.35 p.m. arriving at Poitsville ut U.30 p.m. Puttslowu Accommodation Train leaves Potts towu at 7.00 a. ui., reluming leaves Philadelphia at 4.15 p. m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading nt 7.20 a. I"-, and 6.15 p. 111. for Ephrata, Litiz, Lunnitlcr. Columbia, fcc. ; returuiiig leave Lan caster ut 8.20 u. 111. uud 3.25 p. ni., aud Colum bia ut 8.15 u. m. uud 3.15 p. ui. Perklomen Rail Road Trains leave Perkiomcu Junctional 7.25, W.U5a. 111.. ut 3.00 aud 5.45 p. in. Rcturuiug,lcu hchweuksville ut 6.45,8.10 a. m., 12.50 iioou and 4.45 p. 111. conueeting u ith similar trains 011 Reading Rail Roud. fickeriug Valley RuiliMd trains leute Phus uliville ut 9.10 a. ru., 8.05 and 6.55 p. 111. 1 re turuiiig, leave Byers at 6.50 a. in., 12.45 uoon, nnd 4.30 p. in., couuoctlug Willi similar trains ou Reading Railroad. Colebrookdale Railroad Tralus leave Pottstown at 9.40 a. 111., l.lSaud 6.30 p. m., rctuiulng leave Mt. Pleasant at 7.15 uud 11.35 a. m., aud 3.54 p. III. , connecting with similar trains oa Readiug Railroad. Cheater Valley Railroad Trains leuve Bfldge port at K.30 a. m., 2.05und 5.20 p. in. returning, leavs Dowuiugtou ut 6.55 a. in., 13.50 uoon and 5.15 p. m.couucctiug with similar truluson Read ing Railroad. Ou Sundays t Leave New York at 5.00 p. tn., Philadelphia at 8.00 a. iu. aud 3.15 p. 111., (ih 8.00 a. 111. traiu runuiug ouly to Reading;) Icavs Pottsvillc al 8 00 a.m. ,lev Harrisburg, 2.45a. iu., aud 2.00 p. ui.; lea re Alleutowu at 8.35 p. m. 1 leave Reading at 7.15 a. iu. uud 9.50 p. 111. for Hurrisburg, ut 4.34 a. ui. for New York, aud at V.40 a. in. aud 4.15 p. ui. fur Philudel'u. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School aud Excursion Tickets, to and Xroui all poiuu at rs duoed rales. Baggage clucked throiyrb 100 Pounds Baf gg allowed each Passeuger. J. E. WOOTTEN, vtt. Eupt. i; Eng. Much'ry. ; ! 10 25 5 10 5 27 6 81 10 50 6 40 0 00 6 05 11 14 D 18 17 6 24 S 84 11 86 6 41 11 43, 0 49 A.M. 0 65 12 00! 7 09; 7 30 I I 7 24. 7 45! ipM. 'P.M. 7 81 8 00! I VJ i.'C; 7 41! 8 15 P.M.' 5 10 1 8 20 1 5 15. i ! I 8 40! 2 43 1 5 sr, 12 43 8 on 8 451 e 4h 5 411 I I 8 13 8 r.3; 3 54 5 4 7 112 52 8 18 9 04 2 M) 5 02 ! 8 2S, 9 14 3 07 G 00 I 8 30, 9 25 3 1 0 10 I 8 42 9 32 3 23 0 17 1 14 8 48. 9 40 3 30 0 25