otclsi nub cstanrants. GRATK, DA UPII IX COUNTY, 1'EXX., II!E'KY KAlITFItMAX, Proprietor. Travelers will lliul tills a lirst clnss House. Charges moderate. Tim tallies tiro niii11ctl with the best t;i market. The choicest liquors at the Bar. Ooo.l Stabling nil 1 attentive ostler.?. Dec. in, 1S71, :imn. Ai.ij:cjh:xy itorsr., a. heck, Proprietor, Nob. SI J and M4 Market Street, above eighth, PIIILADKLPH I A. Tonne, fJ l"r dny. He respectfully solicits your putrou irre. Janli'72. TA i'lKltKE' IIOCKi:, Broad and Che-l-J nut. Ms., Philadelphia, J. H. BCTTER WORTII. Proprietor. Terms fir day, 3.50. April 15, 1871. ly r. tivr.i.M'. t. o, fiowitit. C.NBOJi laOl'KSV LYKF.N9, mrruiN COVNTY, PENN'A., P.YERLY & ROWER, Proprietor. The table Is supplied witli the best tlif market affords. Good stabling unci attentive, ostlers. May 20, H71. . nvEKr.vfj e:oti:l, JOSIAH BYF.RLY, Proprietor, Lower Muha noy township, Northumtn'rlun 1 comity. Pa., ou the road leading from Georgetown to I'nion towi, Smith Inn. 'i revorton Pottsville, Are. Tin- choicest I.i'iaois and ScLrar at llieliar. The tallies me provided villi the bo t of the sea son. Stabling large und well suited for drovers, with pood oMlcrs. F.verv attention paid to make jrncfts comforta t e. Nov. 11, lSTl.-ly. -vf at . o a I. si ;T"rfi7 XT .;r:vrcs WALD, Proprietor, Georgetown North'd County, Pa., at the Station ofthe N. C. R. W. Choice wines nnd cigars at the liar. The tnMels supplied with the In st the mini:- affords. Hood stabling and attentive ostlers. WAsraixtJTni isiss:, c. neit, Proprietor, Coiner of Market it Second (Streets, opposite the Court House, Sunhiirv, Pa. MayH,d. ROii:i, A" ttKMTAS'KAVr. THOM SA. M ALI.. Proprietor. tSimlrary St., v.", -t SHAMOKIN", PENN'A. Mc:.N si rve.liil all hours, at short notice. The be.-t of Liquors ut the Bur. The Tahle is ron plici W illi the best and latest in the market.;. At tentive, feuvaiils. Terms ino Icrate. Patran-.".'-' solicited. nl'MJIKIM Kr.!4TA? AST, . LOIlSlil'M MEL, Proprietor, Commerce M., SHAMOKIN, PENN'A. Having jut refitted the above Saloon for the nceiiiiiodaliou of the public, is now prepare I to serve "ais friends with the best icfrcMnueiits, and fresh Lager Beer, Ale, Poller, and all other malt ij uors. rJ'.I'.NK IJOI SI', Third Street, lit the V depol. SVNBl'RY, PA., V.'m. Rr.Ksr., pro prielor. Warm metis . rved up at all hour!!. Fish. Fowls and ll.ime. l'.-c-h Oysters con stantly on hand and served in every Kyle. The best of wines anil liquors at the Har. C ;;"Faniilit s will lie supplied with oysters done up lu imv style, bv leaving orders at the Har. " N'ov..rv.70-y. J. V A l i: 11 ' s M'lVTEK ARI:X AXI HOTEL Vol. 720, 722, 724 & 727 Vine Philadelphia. W I N T E It G AR1) I? N II OTKL, (on the rruoi'n.iN plan) Centrally loeaterl, eonnectin with nil the City Passeusier Hailway Cars, from all the Depots iii the City. r:.v4cIlout Accom iii oilat loan Cur Tru xrltvrx, Grand Voeal nnd Iuftrnmental Concerts every ctcuIiil: Iti tltc Ciiittiv. .4 Winter Garden. C3"OirAofinVi Concert Ecjnj Aflcrnonn.j? rixu i.ADir.s' ni:sTU'i:ANT the uest of nri i;i:s!iM i:tsj peuvi'.d. Olllee of J. Yalcr't, l'o'.intain Park Brewery. June l.17(K-ly. 1. 1 j v o it sto u i: i CHRISTIAN NEFF, Second Street, opposite the Court House, SUN UPltY, PA., Respect fully invites the attention of Retailers sad oile rs, that lr; lias on hand, uud will con Mantlv keep all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consist inn of Pure lirainlies: Comac, Cherry, Clinurer, Itoclielle and Otard. Whiskies: Pure Rye Copper-'isli!'.c:l, Moi"u gahela, Apple an.l Nectar. PVRE HOLLAND CIN 1 "iVincs: Chainpauc Wine, Suerrv, Port nnd Claret. Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. T.. Ruin, Brown Stout and Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, And all oilier Liquors which can be found in thu city markets, which will be sold at Whole sale anil Retail. Kverv ankle iruaraiiteed as represented. Also, a law lot of DEMIJOHNS and BOTTLES, always on hand. 1-3" Orders promptly attended to, nnd public patronage respectfully feoiieilej 0 NF.1T. Suuhmy, July', 10'J. ly. JACUll SIMI'.MAN. IIIUMI'ON 1' I;;. Vive, I.ii'a mstl Arcidont or tiitivnxs a ir.i:. MARK L"T STRKKT, SUMJUHV, 1'A. C O .V. PAX IKS LI . PR F.SE X T E V. ' X. Ainerieau, I'l.i'a-iulplila, Enterprise, Mauhatlau, New York, X. Aineiicau l.oilllard, " Yonkcrs e; X. York " Hanover, ' Iiajirrial, I.. -.ido-i, Lveouiin-r, M uncv, l'iaukliir i'lillade'lphia, Home, New Voil;, II art ford, Hail lord, PlncnU, " Traveli i s, ' Parmer, In.;. C., York, X. BlitUh .V Meicaalile Noiiinieri .', .New York, Cor'.vieh, N jrwicli, New Kn.';.i:id Mutual Life. Aseets, f,-;:i.:;t:.j l.:;iis,o'.il s;r.',:.70 l.n.vj.i::i .' S.lN I 7")U,000 s.uau.oi, J f',r,ui,ono ,k:.t,,t::i 4,.riiiv;i.s a.SI-t.t.'lO i,i'..':,oio i,uri,iio7 tri'.i.loO 14,8. ,:;.' y.j::,ino ;iii-.r.'ol 7,on;i,ujj J. W. VAsiUNUTOX'S CKA. IMISSIEli SI!OI. The old .'nnaucnl hhop of the town W6 decline thj boast, lint at the baiue lime consider that the mighty truth niuyl jo tieasona hly tpokvii without inanllVai'ai an uncomforta ble amount of vanity and iiiubitiou. Just twenty years ii','o I heau luy busln 'sii career in tins placj half inv lifetime, thus far pent, have 1 stood upon the lloor of our shop day alter day.und nkjht afier i.ijcht, uud applied the thaip blue (.'learning hi, llud wilhin Unit elapse of time embraced by the mighty folds of tlt eventful period have I havcd nearly every, body in tli.- coun'iy (in common parhuice) and to oblige tlio public interest wo herein publicly unnonucA! to our patrons ul.l and new that we are ready to shave theiu ull ujjain three hundred thousand times or more. Come when you please, jiut In Unit Is the max im we nro always rejdy to work, forenoon or uflemoon, to shave you, "hair cut vou, tdianipoo you, hi.-ker dye you, or perfume, comb uud ur rane the hair with uilbuic skill, in the "water tall" or water raiso Btylo to suit the customer. We work to please, Hot please to work. Stop, don't go past our shop to get shaved ou the basis of ability because we do it as well ns it cau be dono or ever could be. A chance is nil that we demand To K'tve the proof we hold lu lmud. A few door nbovc Depot, near Market strrct. Oct. 1. l7-j. ISAAC li. NTAl l'IXR, BATCHES, JEWELRY, "orlli Neroud tit.. Cor orlurrj, I'HILADELPHU. -t of Wnlche, Jewcli j, liver and 'Hiitly on hand. ''t and Jewelry promptly , I April i, je u-if . litto Jbbcrtiscmcnfs. C A It It A ti E M A I FACTO It Y, . SUN13UHY, TENN'A. J. S. SEASHOLTZ, TT7-OVLD respectfully nnnonneo to the cltl- V r.ens of Bnnbnry nnd surrounding connlry, that ho Is prepared to iniinnfiicliiro alt styles of Carrlnge, IttiKIP ., nt his tic'v shop on cnt Market street. IIo will furnish every description of Wngons, both . Plain and Fancy. fn short, will make everything In his lino from n llrst-claen'carrlmro to n wheelbarrow, wairnnted to be Hindi) of the best nnd most durable nmterl nls. nnd by the most experienced workmen. All work Bent out from his establishment will bo found reliable ill every particular. The patronage of the public is solicited. J. S. SEASHOLTZ. Eanhury, Nov. 4, 'Tl.-ly. A X T II It ACITE COAL I VArKSTIXE IIKTZ, WholcBnlo nnd Retail dealer in every variety of "ANTHRACITK COAL, CPl'EU WHARF, SUNBPRY, PENN'A. All kinds of drain taken In exchanp) for Coal. Orders solicited and tilled promptly. Orders left nt S. F. Nevin'i Confectionery Store, on Third Street, will reclcve prompt attention, and money receipted for, the sumo, us at tho olllee. FOR SALE ! ITMC.HTY acres of Improved hind In the best Id fiction of Southern Michiu'iiu, within five miles of the town of "Three Rivers," in St. Jo seph county, within two miles of the Railroad Station, pood huildinu's, out houses, largo or chard, soil, rich sandy loam, school houses nnd churcln within sight title Indisputable, ten acres lire in wheat, the remainder in clover sod. A span of horses, entile, hogs, grain nnd farming utensils, te., will he sold with this property. Price iP7'J per acre, SU.OUO in cash, the balance in time pavnieiits of t'.M.O. Applv to WM. A. MASTER, Three Rivers, Mich, or, II. P.. MASSER. Sunbury, Pa. Punbiiry, March II, 1871. I'O.tllTltiri' MAXCIt CtJIETtStY CCMSMXY. Thii company is now prepared to Bell lots In the new Cemetery, located on an cniiueiice about one-fourth of a mile enst of Sunbury. Tho in creai e of tho population of Sunbury, and conse quent ndvance in the ratio of mortality, ns well as the limited facilities for the Interment of those v. ho have fought life'n battle, h ive suggested the organization of the above named company. Plan of Cemetery may be seen nt the olllee of J. A. Cake, E-q., or Lloyd T. Rohrbaeh. Price of lots from $5 to t-Ut, iiccordinit to loca tion. Deeds will be executed Tor lots sold. LLOYD T. ROHitUACH, Sec v. May l:i, 171.-tr. FARM FOR SALE. TH" undersigned, having a larger tract of land (over acres) than can be propetlv culti vated in one farm, largely devoted to trucking, oilers for saleabout one Hit) acres, embracing t he wliole of the ol 1 Pei'sing farm, together witli a part of the Guldin farm. The natural advantages of the part oll'ercd for sale, are in all respects equal for gardening pur poses, to those id' tho part reserved. My own gar dening for the past two seasons has been chiefly done upon it. There are many good farmers in this county barely making a living nt ordinary grain fanning, who "nii.r,t ure.'itly advance their intere. ta h giving some nttenlion to trucking upon a farm so well adapted to the business as the one now oll'er ed, and so convenient to one of the very best mar kets in the State. Terms reasonable. For par ticulars inquire of, or address WILLIAM L. XESBIT, July fl tf. Paxiuos, North'd Co., Pa. ivavite:e 500 .ii:?iTs. I1CHT employment and good wages to those j vi lio n am lo won. Should call on or address. Y oder A'AYolverton, Sunburv. Pa. Oct. 14.1S71. rm hiC. Daliita't-torc room, two ilootseast of Bl ight's Buildin..r, Market Square, SUNBURY, PEXX-A. Having fittcj up a room two doors east of Wcit Zel's Store, the. undersigned lias, opened i Meat Shop in connection wi.h his rlaud on MARKET DAYS, wIi.tc lie will keep ou hand the best of EJcc!, I'orJi, Vottl K'-ul I'oaUry of every c'c.iciiplion. Turkeys, C.ccs", I)nck. Chl.-lii tis ready dressed, an 1 put up in regular style of city markets. ALSO, Ki-.JIcr, Ess. Potatoes. Aj ami Fruits of nil kinds, all of which will be sold at the limi'.-t Maiket Pliees. 'i lie citizens of funbury are invited to call and examine lor themselves before purchasing else where. A full assortment oa hand every market tin. n.ing. HENRY XEUER. Dee. 0, 1S71. EF YOU VJMZT TO GE2 the laiLje t assortment of Millinery Grovels ever brought to this place, ijo to Miss L. SMer, Market Spare, s-:;-m:m:y, im., Whcri are arravtd in all their ilillerint variilles Vail Millinery Gcotla of every description Ju- t brought froia Philadel phia and nre now open. The new Room Just completed U filled with an millers variety. A most maguliiccnl display of Goods on exhibition, and Lo'.J at th, :ovest piiies. EVERY KlXi) i3V ;COM usually kept In a Millinery establishment can bo had at )n-r .-lore. The bst ill the l'hllidelphia Markets were solicited. Give me a call and be convinced. MS L. SlIISSLER. ' Su.ibury, September i:i, 171. .HACttilM: Mior AXI IKO.M rcrxiKY. GEO. KOIIUBACII & SONS, fiiiu'jiir)', Boiiim, 1XFORM tbu public that they are prepared to do all kinds of CASTINGS, and having added a new Machaie Shi p In connection wilh their Foundry, and have ; iipjilli d ihcmelves with New Lathes," Planing nnd During Machines, wilh the latest improvement. With tho aid of skillful iinclianles, they are fciiabh.il to escctitoiill orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may bo given iheui, In a satisfactory man lier. Grates lo unit uny Niovc. IRON COLUMNS, for chinches or oilier build ings, of all sizes. BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. OmajcTital Iron. PenciiM (Ultl.li.Ut; l.Klll.Uli FOIt YARDS AT ItIllEX(;KS, AC, AC. The PLOWS, alreadv celebrated for their su periority, have been still further Improved, and will always tie kept on hand. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. Sunlmry, Mav :.'0, 1S71. XEW " Flour ,M, Fruit anl Vejrflalle Store, Spruce Street, between Front and Second, EUNBUKY, PA. . JOHN WIIiVEZt having Just opened u Store at the above place, w here all kinds of of the best brands of Flour and I'oed will be sold at greatly reduced prices. The cele brated Buck's Mills Flour will bo kept coustuutly ou baud. Also, all kinds of Feed, Grain, Com, Oats aud Kyc, chopped or whole, rotittoeu. Applet, Cubbuge Oi Fruit gcuerallv, at a cheaper rate thnu can be bought elsewhere. All goods delivered Free of Charge. Call and examine my stack and ascertulu the prices before purckanliig elsewhere. JOHN WILVEB. Suubury, Dec. 9, 18Tl.-lf. &tisttl!;mcons. MILLIXEKY. FALL A3TD "WINTER STYLES. HATS AND BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, WREATHS, LACES, &c. Crnpe Ycils, CRArE HATS AND BONNETS, nnd everything usually kept in a Millinery Store. Call nt M. h. GOSSLER'S Store, South Fourth Street, below tho S. V. R. R., SUNBURY, PA. Nov. 4, '71. flnuSiooiI: How Lost, How Kent orrtl. .--;."!?s Just published, a new edition of Dr. i ;Culverwell's Celebrated Essny on tho '.iim-'-" radical cure (without medicine) of Spcrinatorrhica, or Seminal Weakness, Involun tary Seminal Losses, Inipotcney, Mental nnd Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marringe, etc i also, Consumption, Epilepsy, nnd Fits, in duced by Bclf-lndiilgciice or scxiiul extravagance. J-V" i'rlee, in a sealed envelope, only 0 cents. Tho celebrated author, In this ndmlruble essny, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' suc cessful practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse nuiy be radically cured without tho dangerous use of Internnl medicine or the appli cation of the knife j pointing out a modo of cure nt onco simple, certain, nnd effectual, by means of which every sulli rcr, no matter what his con dition may be, may cure himself cheaply, pri vately, and radically. IT" This Lecture should he In the IiiiiuU of of every youth nnd every man In the land. Sent under veal. In n plain envelope, to any ad dress, po-tpiiid ou receipt of six cents, or two poft stamps. Also, Dr. CulvenveU's "Marriage Guide," price "J j cents. Addics the Publishers, CIlAS. J. C. KLINE .t CO., 17 Bow-rv. New York, Post Olllee Box 4,oli. t.'et. yl, l71.-1y. UAa c:sr.Air.:5 tieax t;r:nNiIxiT. Oi:i r -is or the Simu iiv Gas CuMr.vNy, Vet-hrr ::;, 1871. To tiik CiTizrs : Recent invcftigalions de monstrate that Gas of H Caudles iialitv, cau be sold at .'.H:) per 1000 cubic feet. The 'Direc tors of Hie Sunbury Gas Company hnvo deter mined to adopt that, price nnd 11 Candles ns the standard of quality. This fixes the price of a II Caudle burn. r atone cent an hour, or one third less than Philadelphia gns. A Kerosene lump gives a light of seven to ten candles only therefore, gas at the above price is much cheaper than kerosene, w ithout cunsid ering cost ot chimneys nn l liability to accident. Let all come forward nnd b"eonio gass consum ers. Make your npplicatlons for service pipes mid fittings at once, as the season for introduc ing them is drawing to a close. Bv Oi:m:ii or ntj: Boakii of DnirxTnliS. TERMS. The contractors for the Works will Introduce pipes upon the following terms. Service pipes at. "iU cent' per inualag foot, measuring from centre of street. I'pon Market Square, twenty uoiiars lor cm ire service. i Interior tiitings at lo cents per running foot, I ill new b.iililiu.j-s ; in cents per running foot over I plaster, and 0 cents per running foot under ' Iloors. j Chandeliers, Pendants rnd other fixtures for I sale at new Yoik and Philadelphia prices. I October 7, 1S71. i: XT It A O U E I A K Y. ftin fpprtt5io 5! DAYS On TICIAIi. SHOM'II IY IA Y3E EXTS. E'itlCi: UEtl 'El. Titi: Avr.mcAv Sr.wiMi Micuim: Co. have concluded to oiler their w hole Stock of .Snj, iit.r and wiilelydiiiowu machines, upon the above unpara'elcd terms, to everybody, everywhere, who have, or can lind use for a really good Sew ing Machine, cheaper than the cheapest. I-'vcry i.i.o ! u'ol.'omu to ti t.tmitti'ti free Irlol at their own home. The best, and only true guarantee of its quality, is a month's free trial. The object of giving a free trial Is to show you how Good our Machine is. This is ihu simplest and most certain way to convince you that our Machine Is Just w hat you want. The Secret of safety is In one month's trial. No one parts w ith ihc Machine alter trial. All pay f..r and keep it. i!uy no machine until you have found it a good one, easy to learn, easy lo manage, easy to work, easy to keep in order, perfect in mechanism, perfect in construction, simple, reliable, nnd satisfactory. Any company who will refuse you thi.i much cannot have as good a Sewing Machine as oar-. liny only when yon know the machine docs not take an hour to get ready to do a minutes work. liny only when you find a Machine that Is ready in a minute to do any kind of w ork and is always ready, and i:ever out of order. A month's trial ansv.ei i all questions, solves all doubts, prevent all mi-take.-, and Is the only cafe way to get your money j worth. Try it. You cannot lose. Write lor our Confidential Circulars and Illus trated Pamphlet, containing fall particulars, which we will send you by return of mail free, with Samples of Sewing, that you can judge for yoiir.-clf. And iMiiciiiber, that we sell our good Machine at a low price, upon extraordinary favor able terms of payment, and upon thcirowu mer its. Don't hciitate be -ai se you are uncertain w hether want a Sewing Machine or not, no be cause you have one of another kind. Try a t;ood one, ilieyaie always Useful, nnd will make lunacy for you, or help you to save it. And if you have anol In r. ours will show you that the one you have c.v.l.i be improved. The company stake the very Existence of their Business on the mere Its of tliis Wonderful nnd Extraordinary Scw iug Machine. County Rights gheti free lo good Smart Aireuts. Canvassers, male and female, wanted every w here. Write for P.ii ticulars, nnd uddc?r : A M ER I CA N M.U 1 1 1 N E Co., Cor. John and Nassau Stru t. Xew York. Oct. 11, lh71. 1 year. TlIK IXGitEDIK.VT.3 THAT COMPOSE KOSADAl.I.S are puLlished on every package, tl.cru foro it is not a secret iva..rutioii, conscmioutJy rnisuiAxs rsESCEiBE it It is a certain euro tor Scrofula, Syphilid in nil its forms, Rheuma tism, tikiii Diseases, Liver Com plaint and ull discuses of tho Blood. oss tiirLS c? resins will do more good thun ten bottles of I lie Byrups of Sarsapnrilla. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS have used Rosadalis in their practice for tho past three years and fnely endorse it as a rcliuUu Alterativo and L'lood 1'urihor. I1R. T. C. VVCH, ot Ualtlmr.ie. DU. T. J. BOYKl.V, " Illl. K. W. UAUII. " bK. V. O. DANNKI.LV, " Dil. 1. K. SPAUKS, of Nicbo'.aivirte, Kv. Da.g. L. McCAUTHA, Columbia, DR. A. li. NOBLES, Kdgecomb, N. C. USED A1ID KIDOr.SED JY J. H. FUKNCH ft EONS, Fall River, Mass. V. V. SMITH, Jnrkson, Mich. A. V. WllKKLUt.I.inia. Ohio. U. II ALL, Lima.Ohiu. t ItAVtN H CO., UurclonsWllo, Vs. SA.M'I.. ti. McFADIjL.V, olurfrces bu,Tnu. Our spae will not allow of any ex. tended remarks iu relation to the vliliu sol Uosadalia. Tullio Uediral Prulcitiua we guarantee Fluid k tract superior to any they have ever used ia the trcauneui of diseased Bloud; and to theailliried we say try Itosadalis, sad you will be reitorvd to liealia Itosailalia is sold by all PrucRists. nri.. . 1 -fill k...t l Al.lV"- ' A 11" 1'. MUWCH 53. CLSUINT3 & CD. BaLTfMssajle. ROSABAUS S A T July 82, X871. ly. fifasctllatuotis. MILLIXEKYliOODNUENEKALLY. NEW STYLES OF BONNETS, HATS. FLOWERS, FRAMES, &c. mourning and Ilrldal llata and llonurtn. Full lino of Mou.ru In f Veils nnd Crnpe. MILLINERY IS THE SFECTALTY. Sash Ribbons, OrnamentR, Fcnthcrg, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, tc, Ac. FANCY GOOD8 AND NOTION'S. MISS M. L. GOSSLF.R. South Fourth St., below the Railroad, Surbury. April s;j, 1H71. 0.AN I IXTIKES. T1IACKARA,WUCK & CO., 8UCCESSOn9.TO MISKEY, MERRILL & TIIACKARA, MANVFACTCRERS OF OAS FIXTURES, BRONZES, &c, &c, CIiaudcllcrH, 'I'oikIhiiIh, ItrarUcts, Ac. Ac, would respeetfully Invite the attention of pur chasers to our elegant assortment. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SALESROOMS, 719 ClirMlnut'Ktrrct. MANUFACTORY, 401, 404,400 AND 40S RACE STREET. Aug. 10, 1S71. XEW MEAT NIIOI. rrillE undersigned respectfully informs tlicciti JL r-ens of Sunbury and vicinity, that they have opened a MEAT SHOP, In Dewnrt's building, on the north side of Market Square, two doors from tho railroad, were they will keep a constant supply of the best of Reef, Pork, Mutton, fcc, nt wholesale or retail, at tho lowest prices uud of the llrst quality . A wagon will be run to supply customers every morning, (except Sundays.) The best of incut will found at their shop. Give us a call and satisfy your selves. REFFEW & BOWER. Oct. lGth 1800. tf. M1LLIXEKY AXI I'ASCY STOKE. I'.all uud Winter Cioodtf. MISS L. AVEISER, Market Street, one door west of Gearhart's con fectionery store, SUNBURY, PA., Has opened her stoek of Milliner uutl 1'iiiu')- diood, HATS AXD BONNETS. The latest styles of Dress Trimmings, French and Amcricai. Flowers, Luces, Ribbons, Sack loops, Chignons, Collars, Cutis, Join in Gloves, nnd a large variety of other articles. In conncctioi with the Millinery business, she cat lies on Ihu DRESS MAKING A.NI1 FITTING, lu nil its branches. She is also agent for the sale of Ramsey, Scott & Co.'s Patterns. The ladles of Sunbury nnd vicinity arc cor dially invited -o call and examine her splcudid slock. Nov. 4, 1S7.. IHtE.VS (iOODN. FALL AXD WINTER STYLES, now open nt niSH KATE IIEACH'N STOKE, Market Square, SCNBUKY, Penn'a., LADIES' DRESS GOODS A SPECIALTY. Olllv Piillm, llroca Trlnimloir, Fmltrobtcrics. Notions, Ve. Gents' Collars, Neck-ties, Half-hose, Handker chiefs ind Gloves. Perfumery., Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushes,Coinlis, etc. An invitation is extended to all to call and se cure bargains. Nov. 4, 1K71. ! FALL AXD YVIXTEIt STOCK OF CI.CTII.S AM) CANKIMi:ilF.N! FliEN'ClI AND DOMESTIC COODS j of every grade, Jm-t opened at the MERCHANT TAlLOll SHOP OP j TltOS. Ci. OTT, : u Third direct, in Miller's Block, opposite Hie Moore K l)llui,'er lluildiiigs, SUNilLRY, PENN'A. The most fnsliinnnblc clotbiiie; nindu to order I from every variety of c;oods. btiits of all siz-s inade up at the shortcut nn j the, from the bil selected stock lu New York j and Plii'.iidclphli'. ' Call and be convinced. I TH09. G. NOTT. j Nov. 4, 1S71. I Beef! Beef! j riHE undersigned Is prepared to furnish tlie j L citizens of Sunbury mid vicinity with the I choicest Beef und Pork ill Market, cither lit Wholesale or linail. ) Families will be supplied by the ipuartcr or i side, or smaller ijuautitles at the most reasona ble rates. j Constantly ou hand tho choicest cuts of Beef, , Pork, Mutton mil Veal,nlo Sausages, Belosrnas. V:e. Apply at the Meat House, South Third street, in Moore Dissiii!.'er'8 Kow, Sunbury. j tin market days the best of meat is served to : customers lit the meat stand, corner of Market and Third streets, when the celebrated Brosious' sausages can be had, long known as the best iu markel. I1ENIIY K. FAG ELY. N. B. Persons having fat hogs or beeves for sale can procure the higest market price by ap plication at the above establishment. tsunbury, Nov. 11, 1H71. M .VWSIIU: IIEAXFH. Sinxyside at Mahvlanu State Faiii, Ual timoke. Flrt premium for Virc-ilaeo llciitcts awarded the Huniivslde. Advantages of the Sunnyside I 1. It Is so constructed that one-third more of the radiating surface extends inlo-the room, giv ing that much more additional heat without ex tra fuel. 'J. It Is the ouly Hot-Air afire-place Heater In the market. Like the regular built cellar heater, It loses no heal, but confines it all to its legitl purposes. ' ti. The fuel magazine is double the usual size, extending from the lire-box to the top of the stove, wilh cupacity for twenty-four hours' sup ply of coal. 4. The patent double cover for coal magazine consumes the gas, prevents escape of gas into the room, and makes it lmpossihaC for any puf fings or explosions to occur. This is au advant age possessed by no other lire-place Btovo lu tho market. 5. Thero are three air ccumbers, wherein a brisk cirenluliou is kept up, drawing the cold air iu the room through healed tines into a large hot-air reservoir, at the back of the stove. "0 No side pipes are used, as the air is healed In a reservoir having double radiating llues aud doublu buck, supplying large quantities of hot uirwiihout waste of heat or fuel. 7. The Si nnvsidh utilizes the waste heat so thoroughly that we frequently heat an adjoining room on the first, besides heating the rooms lu second and third stories. 8. A dumper on top of the stove, com.ected with the hot air tines, controls the quantity of hot air required for the use of either the upper or lower rooms. All other fire-place stoves ure very inconvenient lu this respect. U. The Grate Is self-seullug, aud uo dust cau escape while shaking it. eTL'KAT, PETERSON & CO., Philadelphia. H. B. MABSEtt, Agent. Kov. U, 1871. Wanted Immediately. 10,000 Men aud Wemcu to purchase the entire stock of GOODS uow of fered for iuspectiou aud sale at the Mammoth btoie ou Queeu Street, Northumberland, as 1 am dclei uilued not to be - Undersold or Excelled lu quality of goods offered for (ale iu my line. IU MILLER, Oot. 98, 18il.-fin, i itttttfa timers. Merchant Tailoring. J. 91 : IIOSTIAW, In the Post OHloo Building, opposite the Depot, (up stairs,) SUNBUHY, l'ENN'A, Informs his friends and the public generally, Hint ho hn just opened a largo and varied as sortmcnt of Clot lift, Cftgftimcrcft, Venting, Ac, which will bo made np to order In the lntost styles, and warranted to lit. Gentlemen In want of fashionable suits are vllcd to call and examine his stock. 8IIIRT3 scientifically nnd practically cut and made measure. RUN NO RISK. We furnish tho nbovo styles of Improved yoko and sack shirt with entirely now shnpo sleove, and guarantee a ierfcct tilting shirt. It is the best model of a shirt ever oll'ercd to the trnde. Fine aud fancy shirts made to order. J. M. BOSTIAN. June 8, 18T1.-Gm No. 002 Chestnut Stroot, Philadelphia, PHILADELPHIA, JEiYEXKHN, KIL.V Kit SMITHS AMI IMPORTERS, nro now In recept of their FALL AND HOLIDAY GOODS, embracing a superb stock of l'AKIN ltltOVZKS! CLOCK SETS AND MANTEL ORNAMENTS I VIENNA FANCY GOODS! PARIAN STATUARY ! Nolid Silver Ware t tastefully arranged in cases lor WEDDING PRESENTS, also n splendid assortment or FINE JEAYELRY, WATCHES, Cn.VINS, ELECTRO-PLATED WARES. Oet. 11, 1871. 1.1 Illicit AXD l'I.AXIX JIIl7l. Third Street, adjoining Phlhi. & Erie R. R., two Squares North of the Central Hotel, SUNBI P.Y, PA. 1EA T. CLEMENT, IS prepared to furnish every description of lum ber required by the demands of the public. I laving all the latest improved machinery for manufacturing Lnnher, he Is uow ready to fill or ders rall kinds of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS. SHUTTERS, SASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, nnd all kinds of Ornamental ScrowlWork. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, a i.aiioi: assoht.mi:nt of 15 ILL LU MISER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, Ac. Orders promptly filled, and shipped by Railroad or.,ii.ru-i. " IRA T. CLEMENT. decltl-OSily STO V li V T I X "EST A E I S 1 1 31 EX T. MARKET STREET, SLNBL'RY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor. SI C'IT.SSHU TO SMITH It UF.NT11F.H.J "T T A V1NG purchased the ubove well known es-A-A tabllshmcul, Mr. Krause would respectful ly iutorm the public that he uow has ou hand a large assortment of COOKING STOVES, Speer's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna and others, which ure so arrangee ns to be used for Coal or ooif, uud nre warranlcu to perform suiimuciuii ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put up to heat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of dill'creiit kinds at very low prices. Tiuwnre ol Every Desrriptioii kept constantly on hand. Rooting and Snouting with the best material, done at short notice. REPAIRING uttended to with dispatch. Coal Oil at d Lamps constantly on hand. Japan ware of a .t.nd.!. Store opposite Conley's hardware store. Give me a call. A. KRAVSE. nnljU-ly LADIES' FANCY, FURS. John iTaroira. 70S AUCII NTHEET, Middle of the Block, between Tlh aud Sth Sts., South Side, IMiKudclphia, Importer, Manufacturer uud Dealer in ull kinds and quu'ity of For Ladies' and Children's Wear. Having Imported a very large and splendid ns toitnn lit of all the dillereiit kinds of Furs from first hands iu Europe, and have had them made up by the most skillful workmen, would respect fully Invite the readers o this paper to call and examine his large und very beautiful assortment of Fancy Furs, for Ladies' and C hildren. 1 am determined to sell at as low prices as any other respectable Houso in this city. All Furs war ranted. No misrepresentation to effect sales. JOHN FAREIRA, 718 Arch Street Philadelphia. Oct. 2S, 1K71.-Hui. WM. Mt ltliAV. J. SLAYMAKEU. WM. 11. BLACK. MURRAY & CO., Wholesale Dealers iu MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, Olllee and School Stationery, I'rintiug, Wrapping; uud Manilla PAPSIIS, l'Al'EIl KAGN, Ac, Ac Tiie Celebrated Corry Kerosene Burning Oil oju-nya on build, llaviug ulbo opened a COAL YARD, we are prepared to supply at short uollec, aud at the lowest rates, EGG, STOVE, CHESTNUT and PEA COAL to all who may be pleased to give us, a call. Orders lea at our office No. 25 8outU Third St., wiil be promptly tilled. MUKItAY & CO. No. 35 South Third Street, Sunbury, Pa. Aug. 'Jii, 1H71. Sure Cure lor Teller. TITHE Subscriber, resident of Sevcu Points, Au--E guolu towuship, Northumberland County, Pa., has a sure cure for Tetter, which he oilers to those aftllctcd with this uunoying disease. He was troubled with it (uf eight years, aud nothing would cure it until be obtained this remedy, il has bceu tried lu a number of cases, to his kuow ledge, (ouecasc ol lid years standing) withculire success. Upon receipt ot H DO, he will send a box of the uiedlcluo, and dlrcctious to use it, orO boxes for 15, free of postage. WILLIAM RAKER, Augusta P. O., North'd Co., Pa. August 12, ls71-7in. STEltEOSt OI'ES, VIEWS, ALBUMS, CUROMOS, FRAMES. E. A II. T. AXTMOX V 4c CO., 591 Hroadwtty, Xew York, Invite the attention of tho Trade to their cxteu sive assortment of the above goods, of their owa publication, manufacture and liuportutlou. Also PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES aud GRAPH08COPE8. NEW VIEWS OF yoSEMITE. . Ai II. T. ANTUONT ACO., 691 Broadway, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, tUPORTIHS AMD M Ai r ACTL'BEUS OF "holographic Material. March 1ST1 1;. U5(fIIitntons. Sunbury Cattle Insurance Company. THIRD ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE TEAR ENDING JANUARY 1st, 1871. Number of Policies, ' fig. Amount of Property Insured, 953.915,00 Amouut of Premium Notes In force, U4,S13,00 CASH ASSETS. Amount loaned at Interest, 93000 00 Amount In Treasurer's hands, f 1000 00 Amount due from Agents, 9300115 Amount duo from other sources, 9726'oO Available Capital, 3D,ilU)u5 Iasntre yonr Cattle. INSURE with a responsible and perfectly re liable Company. Insure where your losses will be paid promptly. THIS 13 A MUTUAL PROTBCTIVE COM PANY. Hence, unlike other Companies, vou are sure of being paid promptly for all losses, If insured in thiB Company. OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LESS THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. Being mutual, our expenses aro less, nnd our Charter is Perpetual. We pay losses by all kinds of nccldents by death, (excepting In cases of epidemics,) by theft, tc, eic. Wo pay prompt ly. No red tape proceedings to obtain your money In case of loss. Nearly 93,000 paid ou Cows alone nl nre Organization. Look at the list of Losses paid on Cows olonc by this Company. M Hennlngcr, Sunbury, Pa 933 D Hilgcrt, Northumberland 50 (leorirc Eckert, ' 40 8 B Dodge, " 30 Charles Bolick, Ml Carmcl 30 F.subeus Sipple, " 40 Catharine Wngner, Wntsontown 40 George Heir, Northumberland 50 Jneoh Snyder, Sunbury 8333 J W Uassler, " 50 Minor Cady, Dcwnrt 60 Catharine Marti!, Shamokln 40 F'rnncls Buchcr, Sunbury 0 Samuel B Price, Upper Lehigh t- Joseph Dcppcn, Mt Carmcl Matthias Scholly, 40 Francis McCnrty, " 50 Maria Kramer, Watsontown 45 Joseph Nicely, Jr., Dewart 40 J fc R C Quiggle, Pine, Clinton co 40 R Rainage, Shenandoah, Sehuglkill co 40 J 8 Tharp, Sliamokin 40 Thomas Wardrops, Mt Carmcl 45 N A Loudenslagcr, Deration, 40 Rachel Cramer, Fisher's Ferry 40 (i L Reagan. Shenandoah, Schuylkill co 50 Jacob Shine; " " 10 Jacob Stollz, " " 40 D II Bower, Heinilon, 30 . (co 11 Lahr, Georgetown 40 John II Ossman, Sunbury 40 W B Wallace, Northumberland 30 HS Graham, " 50 Rebecca Koble, Georgetown 40 Philip Wintersteln, 'atsontown 40 G S Low, Liino Ridge, Columbia eo 40 Lewis Osterhanl, Laurel Run, Luzerne co... 40 Mary J I line, Northumberland 40 H F lvrohn, Sunbury 40 Andrew llcaly, (iirardsvillc, Schuylkill Co.. 40, Patrick Furceson, Mt Carmcl 40, Martin Pchiiicy, Shciiandoali city 14, John Dane, Ashland, Schuylkill co 10, Anthony McLaughlin, Girurdsvillo 40, Llaynmn 8 Hay, Mahanoy Plaue 40, R Johnson, Raven Run 40, David Bauchcr, Berwick , J D Foclit, Pottsville 30, Erastus Sober, Point 'wp 'JO, A Llppencolt, Wat-iontown 40, Maria Kranicr,Watson'n,2d loss pd last sum,40, I P Llppencolt, Watso.itown 40, R S Aiiiinerniaii, Snydertowu 80, Nathan Hloss. Berwick, Columbia co ','7, JCll QuiL'glc,Pinc Sta'11 Clintou c i2d loss,40, Charles W Hazzard, Rupert, Columbia eo...40, John Foirleman, Watsontown 40, Patrick Hester, Mt Ciiruiel ....4ll, Thomas Metz, Paxiuos 30, R MeCloskv, Lock Haven 134, HUN. A. JORDAN. Prcsideut. C. A. REI.MENSNYDER, Sec'y, Suubury. DIRECTORS : Ex-Oov. James Pollock, Hou. C. J. Unnier, Solomon Stroll, Win. Ill indie, Soloniau Shlpc, John A. Shissler, Dr. D. T. Kribs, Dr. David Wal'lron. March 11, 1ST1. ly. II AUD WARE FOR ALL AT THE IIAHDWAItE ST0IIE OF J. H. CONNELLY & GO. .MitrUet Street, Suiiburj-, In. It is useless to enumerate every kind of article lu his Store, but among the leading items may be set down the following: Iron, Steel, Lead, Scales, Steelyard', Grindstone, Nulls of all kinds aud sizes, Vices, Saws, Planes, Sieves, Chains, Axes, Brass and Iron Kettles, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Spades, Rakes, Hatchets, Carpenter and Blacksmith Boring Machines, Cellar Grates, Drawing Knives, titone Sledges, Plasterers' Trowels, Masons' Hammers and Trowels, Hand Dinner Bells, and largo cast iron lleils for School Houses aud Farmers' Dinner Bells, Carpenters' Bench Screws, Potato Forks for digging potatoes. Looking Glasses, Twiuc Ropes, Knives uud Forks, Spoons, 'l ucks, Mule and Horse Shoes uud Nails, Hammers, Augurs, Chi-cls, Lanterns, Oil Cloths, Brooms, Locks otll descriptions, Cofl'co Mills, Bits and Unices, Carriage Colts of all kinds. Paint and Wall Brushes, Buckets, Oils, Var::islios, Japans, I.ve, Soda Ash, Washing Soda, PUXTS OF A 1.1. lill iu Oil or Dry, Parll-Colors of all kinds, CKDAli-WAHK und other Wooden-Ware of oil kinds aud very cheap. Ha) -Fork Pulleys, Picks, Mill Picks, Levels, Level Glasses, Fib's, Hinges, Coal Oil, Hems, Combs, Screws, pauuiery aim Mioe r innings, Buggy Trimmings, Excelsior Glass Cullers. Pocket Knives, . Scissors, Shears, Shot, Cant aud Powder, and a great variety of other articles. Any thing wauled und not ou baud, will be ordered at ouee. Sunbury, Aug. 10, 1S71. riilladelphla aud i:rle Hailroad. WINTER TIME TABLE. On nnd after Monday, November 27, 1871, the Trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Rail Road will run us follows 1 "WESTWARD. Mall Triilu leaves Philadelphia, 8.20 p in ' himbury, l.oOair " " urr at Erie, a.50 p 11 Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, 13.30 p in " " " Buubury, 6.50 p 111 " " an at Eric, 7.40 u i El in Ira Mail leaves Philadelphia, 7.50 a iu " " " Suubury, 4.!5 p in " " arr at Lock Haven, 7.55 p 10 Acconimodallou leave. Suubury, 6.15 a iu " urr ut Rmiovo, 10.40 a m EASTWARD. Mali Train leaves Erie, 1 1.85 a iu " " Suulniry, 13.30 a iu " " arr at Philadelphia, 6.30 a lu Erie Express leaves Erie, 9.00 p 111 " Sunbury,- 9.20 am " " urr at Philadelphia, 8.30 p in Elmlra Mull leaves Lock Haven, 7.85 tn " Suubury, 11.00 a ui " arr at Philadelphia, 5.50 p lu Accom modal lou loaves Kun.vo, 13.25 p in " arr nt Suubury, 4.35 p m Mull Fust connects east and west at Erie wilh L. S. & M. S. R. W. and at Corry and Irvluetou with Oil Creek and Allegheny U. K. W. Mull West with west bouud trains on L. 8. A M. 6. K. W. aud at Corry and Irvluetou wilh Oil Creek and Allegheny It. K. Vv . CattawWsa, passouger Ir.lus will be run east from VUliuUisKi't ou Erie Express, aud west, to WUllamsport ou Eliuim Mull. n'M. A. BALDWIN, flen'l Bupt. Encka wanna nnd Itloomsbura Hall, road. BtTMSlER ARRANGEMENT OF rA68BS8il TRAINS. .Momlay, Jnlv 17,M71. SOUTHWARD. ..Sftve. lA,M.;P.M.IA.M.'P.M.Pf. Scran ton, Bcllevue, Taylorvillo, Lackawanna, Pittston, West Pittston, Wyoming, Multhy, Kinrrston. .fe ) 0 45 8 50 8 67 7 05 7 14 7 19 7 27 7 40 7 50 8 00 8 07 8 22 8 30 11 A't 1 45 10 05 e no 8 65 7 02 7 11 7 19 7 24 7 ai 7 30, 7 61 00 05 13 23 80 85 43 47 65 10 17 to rn 3 ll'io 85 1 10 40 8 21;i0 47 10 53 St. a 83 h od W.-Hnrr. i c rs Plymouth Juno., Plymouth, Niintlcoke, HiinlocU'.. 8 00 5 00 3 40 8 UY 8 20 8 80 8 45 5 05 Slilckshlnnv, Hick's Fcrfy, Bench Haven, Berwick, Briar Creek, Lime Ridge, Espy, Hloonmburg, Rupert, Catawlssn, Danville, Chulusky, ( 'nlncrnn 8 08 8 27 8 50! 8 34 8 57! 9 07 9 14' 9 19 9 211 1 9 81, 9 51: 9 511, 10 03 8 57 North'd, (arrive). 10 20 ! 4 52 NORTHWARD, Leave. Northumberland, Cameron, Cliulnsky, , Danville, Catawissa, Rupert, Bloomsburg, Espy, Lime Riilire, Briar Creek, Berwick, Bench Haven, Hick's Ferry, Shlckshlnny, llunlock's, Nanlicoke, Plvmout h. Plymouth June., Kingston, W.-Barro Maltbv. Wyoming, West Pitttluu. Pi;t t on, Lackawanna, Tnylorvillu, Bellcvue, Serur.ton, f arrive) , .. T BOUND, Sup't. ' Xorthern Central Kr.taway. FALL AND WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ON and after Nov. 12, 1871, trains will run as follows 1 NORTHWARD. Niagara Express leaves Sunbury at 12.40 p. m.,nrrives at Niagara Falls at 1.3u a. m. Buifalo Express leaves Sunbury at 12.3o a. ni., arrive at Williainsport nt 2.25 a. 111., E!luira ut 5.30 a. 111., Cauandaiviia ts.15 a. in. Mail arrives at Sunbury at 4.30 p. m., arrive ut Wiiliamsport 6.30 and"K!niiia 10.35 p. 111. Fast Line arrives at Sunbury nt G.50 p. in., arrive at Williainsport h.15 p. m. SOUTHWARD. Buiralo Express leaves Siiiilmry at 1.47 a. m., arrive ut Harrisbur 3.45 a. nt., Baltimore 7.20 a. in. Mail leaves Sunbury ot 11.05 u. in., arrive at Harrisburg 1.15 p. in. Eric Express leaves Suubury at 9.25 a. m., ' rhe at Harrisburg 11.20 a. l'a., Baltimore a.00 p. 111. laic Mail leave Suubury nt 12.30 c a., arrive ut Hanisburg 2.20 a. m. S11AMOKIN DIVISION. nASTwAtin. , .Leave. Sunbury at 4.40 p. in., arrive at fhatuo kin 5.o0 p. 111., Mt. Carmcl o.-w p. m. Leave Suubury (Accommodation,) nt 11.50 a. 111., arrive ut fcliaiiiokiu 1.C0 p. 111. wtsrwAr.n. ! Leave Mt. Carmcl nt 7.00 11. ni., Sharaoki.i j 7.40 a. in., arrive at Suubury 0.55 o. 111. j Leave Shamokln (Accommodation,) at 2.15 p. I 111., arrive at Sunbury 4.00 p. 111. j Express leaves daily. Ail other trains leave dailv, except Sundays. A. R. FisKn. Kn. S. Yim no", Geu'l. Suji't., Gcu'l Pasvcn'r Ag't., j Harrisburg, Pa. Ualimore, .ld. j Kem&iii RaiSront;. J WINTER ARRANGEMENT, j Mon-hi;, Xoi: 13.7i, 171. GJ.REAT THI NK LINE from the Nnh and North-Wc,t for Philadelphia, N. Y., I'.ead i I'oltsvillc, Taui:i.ii:i, AJltland, Sii.iiii..kin, ..V...I..UH, .iiicuiowu. i.a-r.n, t.piiral.i, l.iuz, Lancaslcr, Columbia. Ac., .tc. Trains leave Hanisburg l,n- New York, as fol lows : At 2.45, K10, u. in. and 2.00 p. 111., con necting with similar trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at l'o.07 a. in., 3.42, and 0.45 p in. respectively. Sleeping Cars accompany the 2.45 u. in., train without change. Returning: Leave Xew V..rV nt n im ... 12.30 troou and 5.00 p. m., I'liila.lcljdiia ut'i.yol S.30 a. 111. nnd 3.30 p. in. ; Shvping Cars aeeom- pany the 5.00 p. m. train from New Yorl v.ilh- : out cliaiiL-c. Leave llarrisliurg fir Eeadiiai, Pottsville, Ta 1 ma.tia, Mincisville, A.-l.land, Shamokln. I M....r I 1)1. :.. ....... . .... ' ..i"i'W' u iiini 1 Illl.ui.'ipilia ill S,.1U o. IU., 2.00 und 4.C5 p. in., stopping at Lebanon and principal Way stations ; the 4.U5 p. 111., train connect hit' t'nr Pltil.iH.'ti.li!.. ;i.. .....1 .... 1 r 1 , ."i.J'.m 1.1111 v l- I luinbia only. For Pottsville, Scl.uwkill Haven and Atiburn, via Schuylkill and Stisouchaiina Ikuilroad, leave Harrisburg ut 3.40 p. 111. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Read ing for Aliciitoivn, Lastoii anil New Vork at 4.34, 10.40 a.m., and 4.05 p. in. Returning, leavo New York ut 0.00 a. in., 12.30 noon and 5.C0 p. 111. and Aileutowu at J.20 a. 111. 1V.25 noon, 2.15, 4.25 aud 8.35 p. m. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia, nt 7.30 a. m., connecting with similar train on East Piiinu. Railroad, reluming from Readiugat 0.20 p. 111., stopping at ull stations. Leave I'ollsvillc at 0.0.1 a. in. and 2.30 p. in. llei udou at 10.00 a. 111., Shamokln at 5.40 und 11.15 u. in. ; Ashland ut 7.05 u. 111., and 12.43 noon; Mahauoy liy i 7.51 u. 111. ami l.'y p. . Tamaiua ot 8.35 u. 111. and 2.10 p. iu. for Philadelphia, New Yoik.Riadim.', HanisbuigVcj Leave Pottsviile via t-chuvlkill and Sas.nie haima Railroad at 8.15 a. in. for Harrisburg, and II. 45 a.m., lor Pino Grove and Treuiont. Reading Accommodation Trail leaves Putts- villeat 5.40 a. in., passes Reading nt 7.30 a. iu. arriving ut Philadelphia at 10.20 a. in., reluming leaves Philadelphia at 4.45 p. m., passinc Read iugat 7.35 p.m. arriving SI Pottsville at 0.20 p.m. Pottstowu Accommodation Traill leaves IVtts town at 7.00 a. lu., reluiiiin.; leaves Philadelphia ut 4.25 p. 111. Columbia Railroad Tralus leave Reading ut 7.20 a. in., aud 6.15 p. 111. for Kphratu, Liliz, Lancaster. Columbia, iVc. j returning leave Lan caster at 8.20 a. 111. and 3.25 p. 111., uud Colum bia at 8.15 a. 111. and 3.15 p. 111. Perkloincn Rail Road Trains leave PerUionun Junctional 7.35, 9.05a. tii..ot 3.00 and 5.4.'. p. 111. Reiitriiing.lcavc Si hweiiksville at 0.45,.io a. m., 12.50 uoou aiid4.4.'i p. 111. connecting with similar iraius 011 1. calling Kail Road. Pickering Valley Railroad trains leave Plnt nlxvillo ut 0.10 a. 111., 3.05 uud 5.65 p. 111. j ic turuiug, leave Byers at 0.50 a. In., 12.45 ucoii, aud 4.20 p. m.,couutctiug with similar trains ou Reading Railroad. Colcbrookdalf Railroad Trains leave Pottstowu s at 9.40a. u., l.louud 0.30 p. iu., rctaruii.c leave ' Mt. Pleasautai 7.15 and 11.25 a. 111., and i-54 p. III. , eCmnculug wilh similar trains ou Ruiitiu Railroad. . Cheater Valley Railroad Trains leave Bridge port at 8.30 a. lu., 2.0juud 5.20 p. 111. returning,, leave Dowuiugtou at 0.55 a. in., 12.50 noou and 5.15 p. ui.couueciiug wilh .hiiiiar tialiuou Head ing Railroad. Ou Sundays t I .cave New York at 5.00 p. m., Philadelphia ut 8.00 a. ui. and 3.15 p. 111., (tha 8.00 a. in. train ruuuing ouly to Reading;) lea 1 Potlskilleat 8.00a. m., leave Harrisburg, 2.45 u. ui., aud 3.00 p. m. leuva Alleutown ut 8.35 p. 111. leave Reudiug ut 7.15 a. iu. aud 9.60 p. ui. fur Ilurrudjurg, ut 4.34 u. 111. for New York, and at 9.40 a. iu. and 4.15 p. m. lor PhUadcl'a. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School uu Excursion Tickets, to uud from all points at re- ' ducevutos. Baggage checked tlirough 1 100 l'ouuds Bag gage allowed each Passeuger. J. E. WOOTTEN, Asst. Supt. & Eng. -Much'ry. BLACK ALPACAS of the best tjusjity, ebPy at Moots A VMHaS'S. tpiA. I A.M. P.M. ;io 25' 5 10 5 27 I 6 81 10 60! 5 40 X I 6 00 I 0 051 11 14 0 121 0 17 I 6 24 ' 6 34 ;11 3d 0 41 II 43j G 4S A.M. I I 0 55 113 00: 7 0H 7 30 I I I 7 24 7 451 !pr. P. M.; 7 31 8 00' Vi '-'0 7 41 8 15 P.M.' 5 11) I ' I 8 20 1 5 15 (c'r's,12 E1! 7 M 8 so 3 33' 5 25 I I 1 b -IU 2 43 5 35 12 43 8 CO 8 4.-, 2 4i 5 4(1 I 8 13 8 f,-.' 2 54. 5 47 12 VS S IS tl (;4 2 50 5 C2 ! ! 8 Si 0 14 3 (.7 I) 00 ; 8 ai y 25 3 111 0 10 I I 8 42, 0 32 3 ,3 ti 17 114 H 4H 11 in : 1 a -.