1'wa.iu.ewiujussmi HgricnlutntL MuiricuiN Sacks. -The tluiiynien of Washington TerritnrT, fee wnnt i um nntl Juts, have ndoptotl a mntlioxl of pnttiiin prnl keeping butter which, though novel, pn ocntu some feature flint nre worthy the nttPiitinn of those Iinvlnff but tor prukeil for the retfijJ trade. This packing is thus ik torilwil : All butter is packud in muslin sacks, tna.lo in such form that the package., when complete, is a cylinder three or four inches in diameter and from half a foot to a foot in length. The. butter goes from the churn !8 toon ns worked over, into the cylindri cal baps, niitde of Hue blenched muslin. The p.'iekn;;es nre then put into largo casks continuing simile bible with n slight ud mixture of saltpeter, mid by menus of weights kept always below the surface. The clotli integument iihvnys protects the butter from any impurities that chance to come in contact with the package, and be ing fllwnys buried in brine that protects it from the action of the air. nyiil it has been ascertained by trial that butter put up in this way will keep sweet longer than in any other way. Besides, it is found ens'er and cheaper for the manufacturer than to pack either in jars or lirkins. And for the retailer, there is no teliiiiii the advantage on the score of safely and convenience. These rolls of butter can lie upon I. is counlerassile from injniy. from dust, or other contact, as bars of lead ; can be rolled up lor his customer in a sheet of paper with as much propriety ns a bundle of matches. II' the consumer, when he gets home, discovers specks of dust noon the outside of the sack, lie can throw it into a pail of pure cold water and take it out clean and white.. As lie uses the butter from day to day, v.'iihn sharp knife he (.'ills it oil' from 'the end of the roll in sliees of thickness suited to his want, and peels off the cloth from the end of the slice, leaving it iu tidy form to place unou the table. :C C. Kr.Ei'iNci Gold Fish. All gold lisli dea'.TS say "feed the gold fish lioihitrj at nil, they will derive their sustenance from the water." A correspondent ol 'the Rural New Yorker says : '"I have kept gold llsh for two years or more. The first six mouths, or thereabouts I losteiijlit lili by liillnvring the instructions of par.ies from whom 1 purchased. I then thought I would us" m own judgment iu the matter and see it (cdintj would I-ill them, as I had been iut'.inned by the afore said dealer. I now have live gold lish. three minnows, one crawfish or crab and four turtles, in an aquarium I1U by 10 inches and 1J inches deep. 1 have on the bottom about two inches of line lake sand, and scattered here and there stones built up or piled so ns to form runaways. I feed them about twice a week with fresh beef, cut into small pieces and dropped on Hie water, when, quick as a trout after a lly, they will seize the pieces until satisfied. I have often seen them jump three inches above the water trying to catch a lly on the side of the glass. I keep a small plant of theCalia species in a pot standing in the water all the time ; some say it helps to keep the water pure. I change and renew the water twice a week during the winter and three times during the summer. I lind it is a great pleasure to sit and watch the lishes at all times, and would not part with my aquarium for any thing." Plum Puddixo. One pound of bread crumbs half a pound of sweet butter, eight fresh eggs, onequirt of milk, one collue-eup ol sugar, one pound of stoned raisins, one pound of well-washed currants, one-half pound of citron thinly shredded, grated peels of two lemons. Soak the bread crumbs in the milk ; chop the butler Hue. beat the egg9 toa I'ro'h, and boil for lour hours in a well-lloured cloth or buttered mould. If a 'oih is used, dip it in boiling water, and hen dredge Hour all over it ; turn in the ;. udding, and tie up loosely. When it is done, stick blanched almonds all over it, nud ornament with a wreath of holly leaves and berries, or box and snow berries. For n sauce, stir toa cream hall a cup of butter, with one cup of powdered white sugar. Add a glass of wine, and just before serv ing, two tablesioonsl'ul of boiling milk. Another sauce, less rich, is made from the beaten whites of two egjs and a cup and n-half of sugar. Add to it, when ready to serve, four tablcspoonsl'ul of boiling inilk nud a wineglass of wine. To Kill Hoaciif.s. A writer in the C mnlry Gentleman gives his experience in killing roaches as follows ; 1 moved into an old house ; the roaches soon made their appearance in the kitchen ami cellar under; it was lathed and pl.isicrcd U'tweeu the joists. I went down the cellar after candle light ; it just gave me the horrors; 1 thought we should have nothing lit to eat ; over the victuals shelf 1 could not spread my hand betwieii them the largest I ver saw. I got 2 oz. red wafers, broke them Up, and strewed them where I could among them. In u shoi t time there was not one to be fonuj. Where tiny went I never knew ; th :y were luver found d.ad. ri'Mi'ix Pi!!!;vks.(.,hI a nice ripe pumpkin i ito pieces u tln.-d of an jlu., thick, purine tln-m. Take - o al wei. in in white sug u'. Allow the juice of one lemon to n pound of pumpkin. Let the pumpkin remain in a pan. with the Mig.tr and j.iiee, all nyhl. In the inori.ing put into a pr. serving kettle, cooking till per fectly clear. sure to skim well. Then add le-iiem peel cut in pieces small as mar bles. Take out and strain the s rup through a jolly-bog; una pour uvi r the pumpkin. Srrcij-u: i oi: Diptiikiha. The Italian louruals publish a letter from Dr. (iovanui Gal .ig.iri, describing the. remark:) hie success which has attended his treatment t dm theiia with phciiiu acid, lie relates I he losses Iu formerly experienced among his patients when treating them with emolli ents, solvents, and cauterization with hy drochloric acid, and obst rves that tliis cauterization can no more eradicate the morbid principle than tearing the leaves ..I u ulaut will dcMrov the rout. m, w simply uses a pirgle of ,lt.i,jc aciJ ullt distilled water, with external ap die . .... ol new Dunne! ; the food and drink to be taken cold. After the adoptiuu of this treatment Dr. L'uligiiri lost but on,, patient out ot fifty -eight. lie requested the Italian journals to publish the discovery, phenie ncul is the agent which is now bciu" used tu this country as a remedy forcauccY, and Beeinfhkcly to tiled an immense savin" ol lives formerly hopelessly sacriliced to tuai disease. The Scranton Dcniocntt says : "Wo nre enabled to nnounce upon the best authority that there will be no reduction of price's paid lor mining coal after the lirst ol Janu aiy. 1 hat Hie Companies have eiiU rtaiued no thought ot any such action, and that il the men are so disposed, thero will la) no stoppage in the works iu this anthracite region. This fact is to be ollieially an nouiuvd by the Companies in a lew days. The rates at which the men are now work iug, will be conxinued throughout the com ing year, thuu ensuring prosicrous times tor all brunches of industry in this valley." The storm which raged in California or more ihuu a week ended on New Wnf. Jiv. and bright luir weather now prevails i5rto jlibcrtiscmcnfa. 1I.4 Kit I A U K n A ! T FA fTOHY, SUNBUKi, PENN'A. J. SSEASHOLTZ, "YXTOTJLT) respectfully nnnnnnen tu the clfl- V cns of Bunbnry and mirrnundlnir eonntry, that he l prepared to manufacture all styles of Carriages, JlnRirleii, cc.t nt his new shop on east Market street.. TTo Will furnish every description of Wagons, both , Plain and Fancy. In short, will make everything hi his line from a llrFt-rlat-s earrlnire ton wliceltmrrnw, wuiinnted to be miide or tho hest nnit mrat dnrnliln nniterl iil!. nnil tiv the mmX cxpeilcneed workmen. All work sent out from liis c-labllslimeul will be found iflinlilc In every psrtlrnliir. The putroiiiiue of the pontic l solicited. .1. S. SEASIIOLTZ. Sin bnry, Nov. 4, '71.-ly. AXTIIHACITE COAL! VAI.FXTIXE HIKTZ, Wholesale snd Retail dealer In every variety of ANTHRACITE COAL, CPl-ER WHARF, 8UNBURV, TE'N'A. All kinds nfOrnln taken In exelmnjre for Coal. Orders solicited and filled prompt I. Order left .it S. F. Nevin's Confectionery Store, on Third street, will reelove promt t ntlcntlon, nud. money : receipted lor, ine fame us in. me. nniee. FOR SALE! IIOHTIT iicics of Improved land in the best Id section of Southern Mi'-'hlifini, within five uilic of the town of "1 Invi Kivcm." Iu i?t. Jo seph count v, within two miles of I lie tbdlmad Si iilon. good baildiuirs, out houses, Inrge or chard, soil, rich sandy lonm, school hna-es and eloirchs wiihln niu'lit lltie lndiputnlilc, ten ncre ore In whent, thn rcmnlniler in clover sod. A spaii of horses, entile, lioa". irruln nud lnrm.iig utensils. Ac., will l.e iMld wiih 1'iis property. I'riee 7l per iiere. a,0HU i!) cash, the balnliec ill li'.ne pnvinents of iro lO. Apply to ' YV.U. A. MASM-:ti, Three Kivers, Mil li. or, ?. U. MASSri!, Snnlmiy, Pa. Sunlmry, Mnrch 11. 1871. I 1'oJlTi'KET MiXOK t'E.tlETEltY Tiol compnuy is now prepared to sell lots in t lie new CeiiKtcn, . locate.! en nn eminence ab-nt ci.e-l'ouith of n mlie cast of Simtmry. The In crease of the population of tsiinbury, and conse quent advance in the ratio of mortality, as well us the limited facilities for the Interment, of those w ho have fought life" h,.llle. have tlirccstesl ihc oriran'Ziition of the above tunned company. Plan of Cemetery iniiv tie seen lit the olllce of J. A. dike. Em., or 1,'oytl T. Kiliitmcli. Price ol lots I'roni $') to H5, iiceurdhi to loca tion. Deeds will be executed for lots sold. LLOYD T. KOHRUACII, fiec.'y. May 13, 17 1. -If. FARM FOR SALE. 'TWIK iiadcrsi!:ned having a Inriter tract ofl.ind JL (over Alll acres) than can he properlv culti vated in one farm, hirirely devoted lo trnckiu!!, otters for sale a limit one 100 acres, cmhriichiir the w liole of t lie old I'ersing farm, together Willi a ' part of the (Julilin farm. 1 The natural advautairo' of the part otfercd for sale, are In ail repceti cmml for gardcninir pnr- poses, to those of the part reserved. My own irar- j denim; tor the rnsi two seasons has been ehielly j done upon it. I There nre ninny cood farmers in this county I barely luakiiiif a i'i iiiir at ordinary urn in farm ine, I who 'might greatly advance their Interests by I rlvlnir some intention to truckluir upon ft farm so well adapted to the business us I lie one now otfer cd, unit so convenient to one ol the very best mar kets in the State. Terms reasonable. For par ticulars inquire of, or address- WILLIAM L. NF.SniT. July 8 tf. l'axiuos, North 'd Co., Pa. w.v rr.i) soo Ata:xxs. LIGHT employment nud yood wayesto those who want to work. Should cull on or address. Yojer &'Wolvcrton, Suuburv. Pa. Oct. 14,1871. BEEF, FORK, POULTRY and FRUIT I..U POIMI 11, iu C. D.ilius' store room, two doors c:it of l)rij;lit's HnildiiM,', Market Sipiare, Sl'NBURV, l'ENX'A. llavhnr titled up a room two doors cast of Weit ."I'sMore, the undersigned has opened a Meat Shoo in conneeHou wi ll his stand on MARKET DAYS?, while lie will kei-p on hand the b.-ot of llet-l, Peril, Veal ami I'ouSSry of every t'eseriptioii. Turkeys, (Icese, bucks. Cliiekcns ready dressed, an 1 put up in reifular style of city markets. ALSO, Halter, 1'kjtj, t'olalopN, Ap-1 pics, iiinl Ki nils of all kiiol-. all of which will be sold nt the lowest Market Prices. The cilizens of Suuliury are invited to call and examine for themselves before purclialutr c'se wbcre. A full ussortiiicul on hand every inarkel inoniinir. HENRY NEVER. Dec. 9, 1STU IP YOU VAWT TO GEE llielarijesl ussortnicnt of Millinery Goods ever hro'iuhl lotliis place, an to Miss L. SMssIer, LMet Spare, SlMll llY, VA Where are arm veil la all their difiV'ciit ini'e'iis Tall riiiliuory Ocos ofeverydeJciiplle.il jn-l bioalit from Pliilndcl phia and aie uoi open. The. new Itooin Just comp'el-'d i- I'el.-1 with .-in nidlc-h variety. A ino.-i uunrailicciil di- lay of (ioop; ou exhibition, uiul so.d al the iowe-t luiei-s. r.vi t:v kim of .; oi .isaally ke.t in a Millinciy c-i.ib i-liuient em, he li i I at !a-r store. Tlie lie.-t in the Phiiidphia uuiiicit- were solicited, liivc lilt; u call and lie convinced. Mit-SL.fcIHSSLr.lt. I Sa .lain, Scptiaiihcr 'J.'i, 171. ' MAi Mior AM) ii;o. ioiii:y. GEO. UOIIIiHACIl & SONS, Nualinrr, IN'iui'n, INFORM the imbpe th it I nre prepared io do all kind- of CAsTINtiS. and haviiiL' ad led u in vv Meehiue Slnui in connection Willi I'.cir 1-otiiidry, and have supplied Iheni-elves with New Lathi-f, Piauiiiu and Poriin; Machines, Willi tne ule-t improvements. Wilii ttie aid of skillful iincbntiies, tin y arc enable I to execute ull order of NEW WORK fiR REPAIHlXi;, that may be given them, iu u uni'-faeiory man ner. (riltt'M lo Mlltt 11 11 Slov'. IRON COLL'MNiS, for chinches or other build- lnsrs, ol ml sizes. 11RANS CA&TlMib, Ac. Ornanrnlftl Irou. Fcncinr rUK ( ll- V f, I A Ull 1.1 1 o i VERANDAHS, FOR Y'AltUS AT i:i-llJl-Ni l-s, ,tC'., AC. The PLOW'S, ulreiidr celcbraled for their su periority, have been s-t 1 1 ! further improved, und will ulwavs be kept nn h ind. Also, T!lliKlll!i MACHINES. Santiury, May Su, 1H71. KF.W Flour, Fee3, Frnit and VecelaWe Store, Spruce Street, helwce.i From uud Sccund, SI'S BURY, PA. JOHN WILVER liuvlng just opened a Store ul the above place, where till kind of of the ll bruud- of Flour uud Feed will be sold at ureal I v reduced prices. The cele brated Buck's Mill Flour will be kept constant:' on 11 lid. Also, nil kinds of Feed, Gralu, Corn, Quia nud Rye, chopped or whole, I'otutoeg, AppfrM, Cabbage A Fruit gcuerullv, at a cheaper rate titan can be bouuht elsewlierj. All gooiU delivered Free of Cliarue. Cull und examine my slock nud uncertain the price before purcliatinij elsewhere. JOHN W1LVEB. Suiibury, Do. 8, 1871.-4 f. tllsccllnnccns. S5 FALL AND WIXTEIt STYLES. IIAT3 AND BONNET3. 1UBDONS. FL6vi:n WREATHS, LACE3, c. Crape Veils, CRAVE HATS AND BONNETS, snd everything nsduily kept In n Millinery Store. Cult at M. L. GOBBLER'S Store, South '.Fonrth Strprt, below the 8. V. It. R., StlNBURY, PA. Nov. 4, '71. Muiihooris How I.oNt, Blow Itrntcrril. .v.vp4y..t Just puh:llicd, n new edition of Dr. SVSShW Cn'verr ell' Cclelirnted Essay on the '4inA't' radical cure (without medicine) of 8perimtorrlioert, or Seinlnal Wenkness, Involun tary Seminal Lose, Impoleney, Mental lind Physical Incapacity, Impediments, to Marrlaire, etc ( nlso, Consuniplinn, Epilepsy, nud Fits, In duced Ivy self-indulircnce or sexual extravairance. -?" Price, iu u sealed envelope, only It cents. The celebrated author. In this a Imlralile essay, clearly demonstrntes from n t hilly years' iuc ccssfnl practice, that the nlnrmimr conscqui rices of scll-iibnse may be raaicaliy enrol wunoiii ine daiiL'crons use of tnternnl me liciue or the impli cation of the knife s pointing oat a mo le of cure Hi once simple, citain, and ell' ctu it, by nrf ans of which every sntferer. no matter what his con dition may be, may cure, himself cheaply, prl vateiv. and ra licaliy. t tf" This Lecture, should lie In the. hands of of every youth und every man In liie land. Sent under seal. in u p'aln envelope, to any ad dress, postpaid on receipt of six cents, or two post stamp". AIo. lo-. CulverwclPs ''Man Inge .Guide," price 25 cents. Addicss the Pi blNlo-rs. CIIAS. J. C. KI.INF, CO.. r?7 Howerv. New York, Po-t ttllee Pox -t,") C. Oct. -Jl. 1S71.-1.V. (a AX II I C A V V. It THAN KKBOJiKXi:, OCFICB OF tliC SlMll llY ('.AS CoMTANV, (M-ber .'.it, 1871. To THK Cmzi ss : Recent invc-lialions de monstrate that (ins of II Candles U.i!ity. can lie suid al f','.(lil per 1110(1 cubic feet. The Direc tors of the 'inliui y (ias Company have, deter mined to tiib.pl that price and 11 Candles as the ftandard of quality. This fixes t lie price of a 14 Candle tinnier atone cent nn hour, or one third less than Philadelphia Iras. A Kerosene I, rip uhcj a iiulit of si ven to ten candies only lii r- lore, iras nt the nliove price Is much cheaper U, i;i kerosene, without causid erlntr cost ol chimney and liability to accident. Let a'1 cone' forwaid and become, irass cousum cis. Make your triplications for service pipes end fining nt once, as the season for introduc ing them is drawing to a close. 1V OltllEll OF T1IR liOAKD OF DinECTOHS. T Kit MS. The contractors for the Works will Introduce pipes upon the followini; terms. Service pipe at oil cents per runnini; foot, measuring fioni ?en(re of street. I'p-m Market Square, twenty dollars for entire service. Interior litlinirs nt 15 cents per ruiininc foot. In new bulMine: ; 15 cent per riinnin-r fool over plaster, und 'JO cents per running foot under lioors. Ch..ndc!icrs, l'cnd ants rnd other 11 xl ares for sale at new York and Philadelphia prices. October 7, 1!S71. .vri:uKvn.vi(Y. il i O.V R I) 30 DAYS TlilAI,. HI)TII I,V PAY .11 KXTS. iHtici: nr.Dni.D. Tun Amf.iucan Sfwino Maciiinp. Co. have concluded to oiler tl.eir whole Mock of Sniifiuir nnd widely known machines, upon the above unparuleled terms, to everybody, every where, who have, or can tiud use tor a real'y nood Sew Ini; Macliiue, die per than the cheapest. Every one is welcome toil month's free trial nt I heir own home. The best, and only true guarantee of its quality, Is a iiiout h'i. free t rial. The object of iiivinir a free trial is to slurw you how (too I our Machine is. This is the simplest an 1 mo't certain wav to convince you Hint our .Machine is ju-t what yon HUl't. The Secret of safety is in ore month's trial. No one parts Willi ihc .Machine iiltertriai. All pay for and keep it. ituy no machine nut5! you have found il a cood one, easy to learn, eai- to manage, euy to woi k, easy to keep in or l--r, perfect in mcchauUui. perfect in coin-lruetion, sinip'e, reliable, mi I satisfactory. Any company who w i!i reiii-e you this much cannot have as good a S-cwing Machine us ours. Huv only when von know the machine dm s not lake wu hour lo get ready to do a minutes work. Bay only when you lind a Machine that is ready iu a nilnule to'lo any kind of work and is always ready, and i.evcr out ol order. A liionlh'Mrial answers all iilcrtio!s. solves all doabis, prevent all lui-takes, nud is the o-uy sale way to get your moneys woitli. Try it. You cannot loi-c. Write for our Conti lenlial Circulars nnd illus trated P.iiuplilet. cm t.iinini; lull pait'ealars, which we will send you by ritum of mail free, with Samples o:' ;( i'ie. t'n.l you can jadee for yourse'.f. And rellK'iuh l , t h .1 we .ell our L'oo.l Maeliii.e nt a iov pre -. upon eM r lordin i y favor- tile term- of i - e.. t . i.iul upi ii llieii own mer its. Don't 1: il i ln-i.M- von are nnceitiin wtteili' i i' - i . - w.-.v" Mio-hiue or not, no tic- eail-e ol. lei ..; -n o h,r kin I. 'iiyaeo-l one. t!i.-v ni.- :u-.y. 'i-ii'u:, and will make money I'm yoe. i i h.-'p mi to rove it. And if you h.i e a not i.i-r.o o - wi t hmv you t hat the one on have coie. I 1, i.npioM-l. The company stake i!e- ii-iy l'i-li n't o: ih.-ii Itii-ines on I lie mere ii mi'' t hi.- V'on.lerl a', an I Extraordinary Sew hut Machine. County Khl li'Ve.i flee to good, r'niail Air -i Is. (.'m.v.issers, ma'e and I'dnalc, ival.le 1 eVi-i- w heie. Wr.te for Pal I iea!ar. an I ad ln-s : AM. ill' AN M.i'!l!r. Co., Cor. John nud Nassau ! I:-" t. New Yoik. Oct. 1 1. JSTi. 1 vear. Tin: iNGrti-DinNTo that roV.Pt LSI". llOSADAHS aro ;"il li-hcd on every package, tlicre loro it is f"a eocret p cp.iruliuii, coasiq-ieully niTSICI VX5 rRESCKIDR IT It i j a certuin euro for fVrofula, y phili i iu ul I Ha lorins, l.hcuuu tisin, bi.in lyiscae-, Liver Com- 1 I : 1 1 t Llld ull dlbCUbtl of tllS ljloOtl. C " -- )..-- ill i'o ino-o pood thuu ten Uittlcf ul tho yru.i of barsapinlla. 7h; undz2Ion;d physicians Invou-e l Piosail.il. si their pructico for I lie p ibl three yen is and f i ly tu do-so il hi a rcliublu Allorutive and blood l'un.'ier. DTI. T. C. runil,rf Eiltlmcie. Hit. V. J IWVhlN, ' ll)i( 11. V. L.'Al.ll tut . r. o hawh.i.y, U.l J. S. SPAItKS, ul NicholasviUe, D.1.KjVl. McCARTHA, ColumbU, s. c. D:t. A. U. XOCLtS, KdgiHomb, N. C. U.:-ID AKDHiDOnSID BY J. D. I'ltEXell & SON'S, Fill Kivcr, 7. AV. K STITJT, JirVim,, Mirh. A. I'. WHS i l.i-ll. l .iu. I hio. 11 1 1 Al I., I :iii Uli .o. C.1A' ..N ii ( O..I ..tilnntvi.tr, V. SA.v.'l.. (-. Vi-FAUlitN, Murrrcct Lu:u, 'luu. Our spit-e i!l not cllnvr of tny ex. tti 1c 1 ii-iaarkt In ir alien lu tl.o virlunol l:..sa-is'.i. T,.t.o Mojical Pnee- ;iitl vt c ruaiun'.co a ( luid x trarltli;.crior I't any tliey l.ave rvrr used ia tl.o t.-ca iio-iil cif d.srasrd niouJt snJ lo l he milliard vvesnylry H.ts.1 ot and luu will La teslured luhcaUu IIkj ls'.l, it told 1 all Druceistt. price I.DO per butllo. A.i;ret Uaufoclyring Ck'tillt, Baiiiaoaa, Mo- 1DALIS A .11 1 1.LIK KKV VOOf9 GENERALLY. NEW 6TYLE3 OT BONNETf n mourning nd Bridal II t and Bonnets. Fntl line of Monrninjt Vellt and Crnpe. MILLINERY IS THE SPECIALTY. Sash Ribbons, Ornarnent, Feather, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Ac, &e. FANCY GOOD8 AND NOTIONS. MI8B M. L. Q088LF.R. Sonth Fourth St., below tb Knilroad, Surbury. April ll-J, 1871. AS FIXXl HEN. TIIACKARA, BUCK & CO., BCCCESSOItB TO MISKEY, MERRILL & TIIACKARA, MANUFACTURERS OF OAS FIXTURES, BRONZES, &c, &c, CliHutlcllcrs, 'Veudautn, Drackct. Ac. Ac, would respectfully Invite the attention of pur chaser! to our elegant assortment. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SALESROOMS, 7lh Choatnut'Ktrect. MANUF CTORT, 4(V2, 404.400 AND 408 RACE STREET. Am,'. 19. 1871. NEW NEAT MUOr. rill'E unlcrsigncd respectfully InformBtlieeltl JL 7. ns of Eunbury and vicinity, that they have opened a MEAT SHOP, In Dcwu't's buihlimr.ou the uorth side of Market Snuare. two doors from the railroad, were they j will keep a constant supply of the best of Beef, ' Pork, Mutton, &c, at wholesale or retail, at tho ! low t-it prices and of the tlrst quality . A wagon ; w ill lie run to supply customers every morning, i (except Sundays.) The best of meat will found at ih-ir shop. Give us n call and satisfy vour j celves. REFFEW ii BOWEU. I Oct. 10th 1809. tf. .1I1LMXEKY AM I'lM Y STOKE. Eull ami Winter Uootln. MISS L. WEI.SEK, Market Street, one door west of Geuihai't'i con fectionery store, SUXBUKY, PA., Has opened her stock of milliuery und Fumy (Joodi, HATS AND BOXXETS. The latest styles of Dress Trimmings, French nnd American Flowers, Laces, Kibbons, Sack loops, Chignons, Collars. Cutis, Jouviu (jluvcs, and a large variety of other articles. In connect iou with the Millinery business, he carries mi the DHESS MAKING AXD FITTING, In nil Its branches. She Is also ngcut for the snle of Ramsey, Scott & Co.'s Patterns. The ladles of Sanbury and vicinity arc cor dially invited to cull aud exumlne her splendid slock. Nov. 4, 1871. I mtrss goods. j FALL AXD AVIXTElt STYLES, I now open at ; MISS KATE IU, At It'S STOKE, ! Market Square, 8UNBURY, Penu'a., 1 LADIES' DRER8 GOODS A SPECIALTY. SilK Popiius, Dross TrimmUigs, Embroideries, i Notions, ,ve. I Gents' Collars, Neck-ties, Hulf-Uose, Haudker- chiefs nnd Gloves.. j Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Hair Brusbes.Combs, etc. I An invitation la extcuded to all to call aud ec I cure bargains. j Nov. 4, 1S71. FALL AXD -VIXTEH. STOCK OF ' LOTUS AM ASSIMF.Hi:S! FHEXC1I AXD DOMESTIC GOODS ! of every grade, just opened at the ! MEUCTIAXT TA1LOH SHOP I OP TIIOS. V. OTT, On Thlid Plreet, in Millei's Block, oppotito the j Moore & DUsingcr Buildings, 8UNBURY, PENN'A. I The most fashlunuble clothinj; inadu to order j from eveiy variety of goods. Willis of 'all sizes made up at the shortest no ' lice, from the best selected stock iu New York I nn I Philadelphia, i Call and be couvluced. TIIOS. G. NOTT. ! Nov. 4. 1871. j Beef ! Beef! 1 riUE un Icrslgncd Is prepared to furnish the I 1 ciiiens of Suiitmry and vicinity with Hie 1 eiioic-t.-i Bt-cf and Poik in Maiket, either ut ! Wholesale or Retail. j Families will be supplied by the quarter or ! side, or smaller quantities ut the most reasona ble rales. Coiittaiitly on hand the choicest cuts of Beef, Poik, M niton and N'eal.alo Sausages, Bi.-loirnas. tvc. Apply al tin; Meat House, South Third street, in Moore & Dlsslnger's Row, Suiibury. On iuaik"l days the best of meat is served to cii-loine-" ;.i the meat stand, corner of Market ni.il Tlor I -ireets, when the celebrated Brosiuus' s un t'es can be bad, long known us the best in market. HENRY K. FAOELY. N. It. Persons having fat hogs or beeves for sale can procure tin' hiL'cst market price by ap plication ut ttie uhove ctablibbineut. buub.iry, Nov. 11, IS71. SI WYMOK IIEATEK. Si nwsior at Maiiylanu State Faik, Dal TiMtiiiK First lirciuiuiu lor Fire-pluce lleuteis uwar led the Suunvside. j A Ivaul il'cs of the Snunyside I I 1 ll is so constructed tii.it one-third more of 1 the r.oli it in Lt surluce cxl'-niis into the room, giv ing Hi it miicli moru additional heat without cx j till fuel. '2. II is the ouly Hot-AIr Fire place Heater In ' the in ii Uel. Like the regular buhl cellar heater, : it loses no lit at, but coiiiiues it all to its Icgiii- purposes. Si. The file' magazine is double the usual size, extending from the lire box lo the top of the smve, w.lh capacity for twenty-four hours' sup ply of coal. 4. The patent double cover for coal inaeazlne consumes tho gas, prevents csi-Hpe of gas into the room, and niakos it impossible for any puf-IhiL-s or ex plosions to occur. This is an advant age possessed by no other tire-pluce stove iu I be market. 5. Thero aro three air ccniubers, wherein a brisk circulation is kept up, drawing the cold air iu I in) room through healed Hues into a large hot-air reservoir, ut the back of the siove. t No side piH-s ure used, us the air Is heated In ii reservoir lining double ru()iallng Hues and double buck, supplying large qliaulitiet of hot nil's ilho.il Waste of heat or fuel. 7. The SLNxvsinB utilize tho waste heat to thoroughly ttial we frequently beat an adjoining room on the II rst, beside lieullng tire rooms iu second and lliirH btorlet. M. A dainpor on top of the stove, connected with the hot air flues, controls tliu quautily of hot air required for the use of either the upper or lower rooms. All other flre-ptuco stove ure very inconvenient iu this respect. Ii. The Grate is self seuliug, and uo dust can escape while shakini: it. STt'KAT, PETERSON 4 CO., Philadelphia. II. B. M VSSEtv, Ageut. Nov. 11, 1S7I. Wanted Immediately. 10,000 Men wiiiI Women to purchase the entire stock of GOODS now of lered for inspection and ule at the Mammoth Siore on Queen Street, Northumberland, a I am dctcriuiued not lo be ludemold or Excelled iu quality of good cflcred for (ale lo my line. KU MJitLEK, Oo. M, wn.-. ifHannfuctnrcrs. Merchant' Tailoring j. w. nosTi A, la tb Post Olllce thilldlng, opposite the Depot, (np stairs,) SUTTBURY, VESICA, InHortBi h! frlenrle nnfl the public (teTirTnTry, that he bus Just opened a large and varied as sortment of . .1 Cloth. Canlmerrt, Twatlnsa, Ac, which will be made np to order iu the latest styles, nnd warranted to lit. Gentlemen In want of fashionable tults are Vlted to call and examine his stock. B1IIRT8 scientifically and practically rut and made measure. RUN NO RISK. We fnrnlBh the above stylos of Improved yoke and sack shirt with entirely new shape sleeve, and guarantee a perfect tilting shirt. It is the best model of a shirt ever offered lo the trade. Fiuo aud fancy shirts made to order. J. M. BOSTIAN. June 3, 1871.-Cm No. 002 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PHILADELPHIA, JEWELED, KI1.VEUSMITIIS AND IM POUTERS, are now In reecpt of their FALL AND HOLIDAY GOODS, embracing a superb stock of IA1IIN IMtOXZF.S! CLOCK PETS AND AIANTKL OHNAMENTSI VIENXA FAXCi GOODS! PARIAN STATUARY! Solid Silver H are ! tastefully arranged in cases tor WEDDING PRESENTS, also a splendid assortment of FINE JEWELRY, WATCHES, CHAINS, ELECTRO-PLATED WAKES. O.t. 11. 1871. 1. 1. tilt Kit AXI l'LAMMi MILLS. Third Street, ndjolnhif: Pliila. & Erie R. R., two cipjurcs North ot the Central Hotel, SUNBL RY, PA. JH A T. CLEM EXT, IS prepared to furnish every descr'ption of lum ber rc'iuircd by the demands of the public. llavitm nil the latest improved machinery for mumilucturm Limber, be is now ready to till or ders wf ull kinds of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS, SHUTTERS, SASH. HL1NDS MoL'LDlNGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, nnd all kinds of Ornamental Scrow l Work. Turn ln; of every description promptly executed. Also, A I.AIIOH ASSORTMENT OF BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK uud PINE. Also, Shinelee, Tickets, Lathe, A'c. Orders promptly tilled, and shipped hv Railroad or otherwise. IRA T. CLi'MENT. decl'.l 0S:ly Stovevtixi;staih.inii.me.t. MARKET STREET, BUNBLltr, PA. A LEU ED KRAUSE, Piopriutor. sl'CCESSOlt TO 8VI1TU 4 GIENTUE1I.J HAVING purcliasctl t lie aliovewell known es tablishment, Mr. Krausc would respect ful ly niloriii tin- public that he now lias on bund a lariie assortment of U O O KING STOVES, Specr's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquelianna and others, which ure so ai runted us to be used for Coat or Wood, und are luirrantcd to perforin satisfactori ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put up to Ileal one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of dilferent kinds at very low price.. Tinware of Ever)' Deiscription kept constantly on baud. Rooliui; and Spouting with the best material, done at sliori notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil m il Lamps constantly on baud. Japan ware of a x.ml... More opposite Couley's hardware store. Give me u cull. A. lUtALSE. upliM-ly LADIES' FANCY. FURS. John IFarftira, 70S Altt'll NT KELT, Middle of tho Block, between "til aud 8thStt., Souili Side, riiiludeliIiin, Importer, Manufaetuier i ml Dealer in all kluds and qiiu'ity of For Ladies' uud Children's Wear. Havlnic imported a very lai'tre and splendid ns soitment of all the dilfeieiit kinds of Furs from tlrst hands in Europe, mot li ne hai them made up by the most skillful workmen, would respect fully invite the readers of this paper to call mid examine his larjje mid very beautiful ussoitmcnl of Fancy Furs, lor Ladiee' uud C'hildre.i. I a in determined to sell ut as low prices as any other respectable House iu t tits. city. All Furs war ranted. No misrepresentation to i-tTccl sales. JOHN FARE1RA, 71S Arc!) Street Philadelphia. 0ct. CS, 1871 -am. WM. Ul'RIUT. I. 8LATMAHEK. WM. U. BLACK. MURRAY & CO., Wholesale Dealers in MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, Olllce and School Stationery, I'riutlug, Wrapping aud Manilla PAPEitS, PAPF.lt HAUS, Ac, Ac. The Culcbrated Corry Kerosene IhirningOil always on hand. Havinir nlso opened a COAL YARD, we ure prepared lo supply at short uuiice, uud ut tliu lowest rules, EGG, STOVE, CHESTNUT and TEA COAL to all who may he pleased lo clv us a call. Orders left at our office No. 3.1 South Third St., will be promptly tilled. MURRAY & CO. No. 35 Poutii Third Street, 8unliurv, Pa. Am:. S. l7l. Nure l ure for Tellrr. THE Subscriber, resident ol Seven Points, All KUstu township, Northiimlierlaud County, I'a., has a sure cure for Teller, which he otters to those nlUiclcd with this annoying; dieasc. -He was troubled wilh il lor eiuht years, and iiolhini! would cure it until he obtained tills remedy. Il lias been tried in a number of eases, lo his know lediie, (one case of 25 yeur standing) wilheutire success. C pou receipt nl r 1 IK), lie will send a box of the medicine, inn! directions to use it, orti boxes for (5, free of posture. WILLIAM RAKER, Auirustu P. O., North'd Co., Pa. Ainrust 13, ls7l-7m. STI.ItKOMOPH, VIEWS. ALBUMS, CHROMOS, FRAMES. E. A II. T. ANTHONY A 0., 601 Uroadway, New York, Invite the attention of the Trade to their exten sive assortment of the above goods, of llielr owu puhlicullou, inuniifucture aud liupoilutiou. Also PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES nnd GKAPnOSCOPES. NEW VIEWS OF V0SEMITE. E- t It. T. ANTHONT 4 CO., 501 Broadway, New York, Opposite Metiopolltan Hotel, IMFORTIBI AMD HAKCrACTLKaUS Or tMiotograpuie SlmtMrUl. bccllitnfoirs. V Sunbury Cattle Insurance Company. TnlKD ATJITUAL STATEMENT FCTR TITE TV AH feNlVTNa 1AVDART Ut. 1S71. fTnmber of Pollclea, T13. Amonnt or rroperty intiren fa,nn,iiii Amount of Prsuilnm Note !nfbw, 34,m,Uli CASI1 ASSETS, AmoTtnt loured at interest, 13000,00 Amount In Treasurer's bauds, . I1000.U0 Amount due from Airents, $:ioo,Q."i Amount due from other sources, ' (7!HI.0U Available Capital, ISu.Situs Inanre yonr Cnttlo. INBT7RE with a responsible nnd perfectly re liable Company. Insure where your losses will be paid promptly. THIS IS A MUTUAL PROTECTIVE COM PANY. Tlcnco, unlike other Companies, yon arc snre of being paid promptly for all losses, if insured In this Comnnnv. OUtt RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LESS THAN TIIOSF. OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. BeinT: mutual, our expenses aro less, nud onr Charter Is Perpetual. We pay losses by all kinds of accidents by death, ( excepting In cases of epidemics,) by theft, c, elc. We pay prompt ly. No red litpc proceedings to obluiu your money hi case ot loss. Xearly 83,000 paid on Cow alone luce Organization. Look at the list of Losses paid ou Cows alone by tins Company. M Ileuninecr, Sunbury, Pu f H3 D Ililercrt, Northumberland 50 Gcorire Eckert, " 40 S H Dotle;o, " ao Charles Hnlirk, Mt Cnrniel 30 l'subcns Sipple, " 40 Catharine Wairuer, Watsontowu 48 (icorue Heir, Northuinhcriuud 50 Jacob Snvder, Sunbury 'J'SS3 J - B-issler, " 50 Minor Cady, Dewart 00 Catharine Martz, Shamnkin 40 Francis Huclier, Sanbury 0 Samuel H Price, Upper Lehigh . Joseph Dcppcn, Mt Carmel Matthias Scliolly, ' 40 Francis MeCarty, " So Maria Kramer, VVatsontown 45 Joseph Nicclv, Jr., Dewart 40 J & R C Quiirirle, Pine, Clinton co 40 R RamaL'c, Slicnnndouhcliiilkill co 40 J S Thiirp, Shamokin 40 Thomas Wnrdrops, Mt Carmel 45 N A Louileuslairer, llerndon, 40 Rachel Cramer, Fisher's Ferry 40 0 L Rcui.Mii. Slieuiiudoab, Schuylkill co 50 Jacob Shine, " " JO Jac.li Stoliz, " " 40 1) II Rower, Hcrndnn, 30 lien M l.ahr, (ieorifetnwn 40 John 11 Ossinan, Minliary 40 W B Wallace, Northumberland !0 II S (iraliam, " 50 Rebecca Kohle, Oeorirctown 40 Philip Wintcrstcin, Watsontown 40 ti S Low, Lime Ridge, Columbia co 40 Lewis Osterliaut. Laurel Run, Luzerne co...40 Mary J lliue. Northumberland ...40 H V Krohn, Snntiury 40 Andrew llealy. (iirardsvillc, Scbujlkill Co.. 40, Patrick Fursesoti. Mt Carmel 40, Martin Prtaney, Shenandoah city 14, John Dune, A-hlmid, Seliuylkill co 10, Anthony McLaughlin, Girurdsvllle 4ti, I.lnvinan S Hay, Mahauoy Plane 40, kit Johnson, Raven Run 40, David Bauclier, nerwicK --it, J D Foclit, Pottsville K0, Erastus Solicr, Point twp 'Al, A Lippcncolt, Watsontown 40, Maria Krainer. Watson'n.'id losspd last suai,40, I P Lippeneott, Watsontown 40, R S Aniniermuu, Snyderlown 'JO, Nullum Hloss, Berwick, (Columbia co 27, J .V C R QuIixglc.Pinc Sta'n Clinton c '.'d loss,4o, Charles W Hazzartl, Rupert, Columhiu Co.. .40, Jolin Fogleman, Watsontowu 40, Patrick Hester, Mt Cnrniel 4o, Tliomas Mel r., Paxinns GO, R McClosky, Lock Haven i:4, HON. A. JORDAN. President. C. A. RE1MENSNYDER, Sec'y, Sunbury. DIRECTORS t Ex-Gov. James Pollock, Hon. C. J. Rruner, Solomon Stroh, Win. Uilndle. Snloman Shipc, John A. Sliissler. Dr. D. T. Krebs, Dr. Duvid Wn hi ron. March 11, 1S71 ly. II ARDWARE FOR ALL AT THE HARDWARE STORE OF J. H. CONNELLY c CO. Market Street, Suubury, I'a. It Is useless lo enumerate every kind of article In his Store, but among the leading Items may be set doivu the following: Iron, Steel, Lead, Scales, Steelyards, Grindstones, Nulls cf ell kinds and sizes, Vices, Caws, Planes, 8 eves, Chain, Axes, Brass nnd Iron Kettles, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Spades, Rakes, Hateliets, Carpenter nnd Blacksmith Boring Machines, Cellar li 1 ates, Drawing Knives, Stone Sledges, Phi-tt-rers' Trowels, Masons' Hammers und Trowels, Hand Dinner Bells, und large cast iron Bells for School Houses and Farmers' Dinuer Bells, Carpenters' Bench Screws, Potato Forks for digging potatoes, Looking Glasses, Twine, Ropes, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Tacks, Mule and Hon-e Shoes and Nails, Hammers, Augurs. Chisels, Lanterns, Oil Cloths, Brooms, Locks of all descriptions. Coffee Mills, Bits nud Braces, Currlago Bolts of all kinds. Paint and Wall Brushes, Buckets, I) Varnilit'Ht Japan, Lve, Soda Ah, Washing Soda, r.U.Vr OF AI.l. KIIS iu Ml or Dry, Parti-Ciilors nf all kin Is, t'EJJAU-WAHE aud other Wooden -Ware of all kinds and very cheap, Hay-Fork Pulleys, Picks, Mill Picks," Levels, Level Glasses, Flics, Hinges, Coal Oil, Hems, Combs, Screws, Saddlery and Shoe Findings, Bugcy Trinnuiugs, KveuUlor (;tnss 'Cullers. Pocket Knives, Scissors, Shears, Shot, Caps and Powder, and a great variety of oilier articles. Any thine wauled and not on hand, will be ordered ut once. Sanliiiry, Aug. 19, 1871. l'lilludelphiaand Krle Railroad. AVINTEU TIME TABLE. On nnd after Monday, November 57. 1S71, the Trains 011 Ihc Philadelphia Erie Kuii Road "ill run as follows : WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia, 0.20 p m " " " Sunbury, 1.00 a 11 " ' arr at Erie, 2.50 p n Ejie Express leaves Philadelphia, 12.iiU p in " " " Sunbury, 0.50 p m " " an at Erie, 7.40 a 111 El in i ra Mull leaves Philadelphia, 7.50 a 111 " " " Sanbury, 4.1.5 p m ' " nrr at Lock Haven, 7.51 p 111 Accommodation leaves Sunbury, fi.15 a 111 " arr ut Renovo, 10.40 a 111 EASTWARD. Mail Train leaves Erie, ' " " Siinlmrv, " arret Philadelphia. Erie Express leaves Erie, " " Sunbury, 11.55 a in 12.20 a m O.tiO a in 9.00 p 111 w.'.O a ni " " arr at Pbiladelplna, S.iiO p m Elnilra Mall leaves Lm-k Haven, 7.145 a 111 " Sunbury, '1.00 um " " arr al Philadelphia, 6.50 p 111 Accotnmodutiou leaves Kt-novo, 12 .S p 111 arr at Suuburv, 4.85 pm Mull East connects rust and west at File iih L. 8. t M. S. R. W. and al Corrv and Irvinctou wilb Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Mall West wilb we- bound trains ou I.. B. A M. 8. R. W. and at Con r and Irviuelou wilb Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Cntluwissa patsenger trains will be run east from Wllliaius)oit 011 Erie Express, aud west, to WlUi&msport ou Eliulra Mull. WM. A. BALDWIN, ailrcaba. LarltttW-Hiinft and nioomitlturg nail road. i rOMMEft ARRA50EMBNT OT PASSENdEB TRAINS. MonAny, July 17, 187U SOUTHWARD. Uw. A.M.lP.M.A.5LrP.W.IPM. Scranton, Bellevue, Tnylorvllle, , I.aekowanna, P t West Pitts ton, Wyoming, Maltby, Kingston, A ) St. W.-Barre ic'rt Plymouth Jnae, Plymouth, Nuntlcoke, Ilunlock's, Sblcksblnny, Hick's Ferry, Reach Haven, Berwick, Briar Creek, Lime Ridge, Espy, Bloomrblirg, Rupert, Catawissa, Danville, Chulasky, e 45 e mi e 6? 1 5 10 05 6 50 8 55 7 02 4 00 4 P! t J3 4 I'i 10 17 10 un 7 0.V 7 14 7 11 9 11 10 Its 7 10! 4 80 7 84! 4 5 7 till 4 4'J 7 HO 4 47 7 61 4 65 8 00 5 00 8 05 1 6 06 8 2o 8 ilO j 8 45, 7 19 t 27! ho 40 3 ei 10 47 hO 521 7 40 3 88 '1 00 7 60 8 00 8 07 8 22 2 40 3 08 8 27 3 i4 8 iiOl 8 4il i 8 501 8 57) 9 071 9 14 19! 9 20 1 9 ill I 9 511 9 50 : 8 571 l-nmeron, 110 03 North'd, (urrlve.) 10 20 4 62 NORTHWARD. Leave. A.M. P.M.I Northumberland, 1 10 25 5 10 Cameron, I 5 27 Chulasky, 5 til Danville, 10 60 5 40 Catawissa, K 00 Rupert, 0 ti5l Hioomsburg, 11 14 (1 121 Espy, (1 17 Lime Ridge, 6 24 I Briur Creek, H4 Berwick, ill EH- 0 4l' I Beach Haven, 114a (I4HA.M.! Hick's Ferrv, ! 8 65 Shick.-hinny, 12 00' 7 bit; 7 :;; Ilunlock's, I 74 7 45 P), Nanlicoke, P. M.j 7 !H 8 (hi P.ymoulli, :12 kb: 7 41 8 15 P.M. 5 10 Plymouth June. j 8 20 5 15 Kimrston, Ai I st. , , . v' . n. W.-B..rre je're-1- 84j ' "li 8 "i S Eti: 6 25 Maltby, I j i 8 4 1 2 4 5 S. Wvnming, !l3 43 8 PC.' H 45 2 48 5 40 Wei-i Piitslou. I I 8 Hi 8 52 2 54 5 47 Piii.-ion, 12 52 8 I H 04 2 5!) 5 (ij Lnckawmina, 8 2S 0 14 ii 07 U 00 Tavlorville, 8 lib 0 25 8 Hi 0 10 Bellevue, 8 4:i II :,2 ii li 17 Scrautou, (arrive) 1 14 8 48 U 40 o UJ 0 L5 DAVID T. hwl'ND, Sup't. Xortlicrn Central Railway. FALL AND WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ON and after Nov. 12, 1S71, trains will run us follows NORTHWARD. Niagara Express leaves Sun'mry at 12.41", p. ro., arrives at .xi.igara Falls 1. 1 l.u.i 11. in. Rullalo Express leaves Stinbiiry ut 12 :J a. in., arrive at Wiiliuiusoii at 2.2.'i u. m., Eonira ut 5. till a. m., Caiiaiidaigaa 8 15 a. m. Mail arrives at Sunbury at 4.i! I p. in., arrive at Williainspoit 8.80 und Eltuiru 1. 1.0.1 p. 111. Fast Lin arrives ut Sunhuiy at 0 5j p. in., arrive ut Willi amspcii 8 15 p. 1. SOUTHWARD. Buffalo Express leaves Siintii.ry at 1.47 a. m., arrive at llarriojurg 3.45 u. in., Hultimore 7.20 a. in. Mall leaves Sunbury at 11.05 a. 111., arrive at Harrisliurg 1.45 p. m. Erie Express leave Viebury at 0.-5 a. m., ar rive ul ll.11itnb.1rg ll.D a. ui., lJaiiiioie is. tin p. 111. Erie Mail leave Sunluty ut 12.00 a. m., anive ut Uurrlsbuig 2.20 u. 111. SHAMOKIN DIVISION. EAsrwAitn. Leave Suiibury at 4.40 p. m., arrive hi Sli.urio kin 5.50 p. ni., Mt. Carn.e. 0.4U p. rn. Leave Stinbiiry (Aecomuio l.itiiei,) at 11.5J a. ni., urrive at Suamukin l.lo p. 111. W ES1WAKI). Leave Vt. Carmel lit 7.iW a. m.. Sliumokin 7.40 a. in., arrive t Sm.bury 9.55 a. m. Leave Sliaiaoki i ( Accomiuodution,) at 2.45 p. m. arrive al emibary 4.0O p. no Express leaves 'daiiv. An other trains te.ive daily, except 9 unlays. A. R. Fipki:. ' En. S. Voroi Gen'l. Sup't., Gcu'l Pas-en r A.t.. llauiaburg, Pa. B.iiliiuie. 1 1. Heading HallroaU. WINTER A R R A N U E l F. N T. Monday, Xov. IMh, H71 GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North an! North-Wcst for Philade'pliia, N. Y., R u I lng, Pottsville, Tamaiii.i, Ashland, tli.i n km, Lebauon, Allentown, Easton, Ephr.itu, Lil.z. Lancaster, Columbia, Ac, Ac. Truius leave Harrisliurg for NVw York, as fol lows: At 2.45, 8.10, a. m. c.u l 2.00 p. m., con necting with similar trains 011 .he PcnnsvlvauU Railroad, and arriving nt New York ut io.oT a. 111., 3.42, und 9.45 p 111. respn tivclv. Sleeping Cars accompany the 2.45 a. 111., tr.iiti without change. Returiiiug : Leave New York at 9.00 a. m., 12. oO uoou und 5.00 p. in., Philadelphia at 7.30, 8.30 a. m. and 3.30 p. m. ; Sleeping Curs ucmni pauy the 5.00 p. in. train trom New York with out change. Leave llurrUburg for Reading, Pottsville, Ta nmtiia, Miuersville, Ashland, Shamokin, Allentown and Plihadelpiiia at 8.I0 a. m., 2.00 und 4.05 p. in., stopping nt Lebanon and priucipal way stations; the 4.(5 p. m.. train connecting for Philadelphia, Pottsville and Co lumbia only. F01 Pottsville, Scl.uvlkill H.ivcu ami Auburn, via Seliuylkill an I cusip.iehauuit Railroad, leave llariii-lia:g at 3.40 p. in. East Pennsylvania I'.mooatl trains leave Read ing for Allentown, Ea.-lon mid New'Yoik at 4.34, 10.40 a. in., and 4.05 p. 111. Reluming, leave New York at U.ou a. in., 12. 3o 1 1 nuin.tO p. ill. and .Vlentowu at u. 111. 1,' o noon, 2.15, 4 Lfi a id 8.35 p. 111. Way Passenger Tram leaves Phila lcipiiia at 7.3oa. 111.. coiniectiiiK v. ith similar train ou East Peiina. Railioud. iclurnmg Irom Reading al (j.'JO p. 111., slopping 1. 1 ail station. Leuve I'otiovii.e i.t U.uj a. in. und 2.3J p. m. llerndon al lO.oOn. in., Shmuokia i.t 5.40 and 11.15 a. 111. j Ashi.nu! ni 7.u5 a. m., and 1- J uoouj Malimioy C iiy at 7.51 n. m. an I l.-ju p. :u. 'i aiiuii(uu at 8.35 u. m. ali i 2.1 I 111. for Pliil.idcipliia. New York. Reading, llai-ii-l'iirj.Ae. Leave Poiinviile via oeliuylki.i uud Sii.-iiie-hunuu Railroad at 8.15 a. 111. VorJliriisliuig, und II. l.i a. in., tor I'iii" ti-..c ..u l Tieniont. Leading Aectmiii.utlatioa Train leaves Potts- villeat 5.40 a. m., passes Ilea ling at 7.30 a. tu. an iving al Philadelphia al 10. Sal a. 111., returning leaver Piiit.ideipliiu al 4.4 i p. in., p.tssnif Ri-.tjT mg al 7.35 p.m. arriving ut Poll.-. nit- nt H.'jo p.tn, Poil-lowu Accoliniio 1..I1011 t rain leaves Polls timn al 7.00 a. 111., icluuiii.g leaves Philadelphia ut 4.15 p. ill. CtHuie.oiu Kailioad Trains leave Readt.':g ut 7.2o a. m., iiu i 0.15 p. 111. lor Kphraia, i.itiz, l.aueartei. (. o.u.iibi:t. Ac. ; ret irni.ig leave Lan Ciler ul ti 2j a. in. and 3.:.5 p. in,, an I Culuiu bi t nt 8.15 a. in. mi i 3.15 p. in. Peikio.uen Rail Ro.i.l trains leave IVrklomen Junctional 7. ',5, O.o5.i. 111.. at 3.IS ull. 4 5.4.c)p. m. R. lillllluu.uatc bt liu elti.M o.e at ti.lo,!,. Iu a. 111., 12.50 110011 ami 4.4o p. in. eo.iiicelmg wit h similar trains on Ke 1 l,nt Rail . Pickeimg Valley hai load trains leave Phm lilxville at 9.10 a. 111., 3. u.'i uml 5.55 p. ni. ; rc luiiiiug, leave Hcr at ti.5 1 u. in., 12 45 uotui, and 4.2o p. ui..coiiiiccluig wall si.iiilr truius ou Rcatilug Rai.10.ul. toleiiiooKd.ii'- lialiroa I Trainsleave Pollstowtt at 9.40a. 111., 1.15 t.nl u.W p. m., leliiniing leave Mt. Ple.is.iut.it r.l.'i .ni.l U..'.i a. in., uud g.5t p. III. , coni ecling null -liuiair lulus uu Reading Railroad. b I hosier Valley Raiito.nl Trains leave B. idge poii ai s.n a. in., .".and 6.20 p. m. ivturuiiT, leave rtLvtoiulou 11..1.1 ,1. 111., 12. . 0 noon mi l j.i i p. in. t..iunccling wilh siinilur Iruiusou Keail- illg 1 lillO'lti. till lud.iys : Lefl' New York at 5.00 p. m., Pbila'taipbii ..1 8.0.) a. m. nnd 3.15 p. 111., (ihe 8.00 a. in. 1 rain tuning only to Heading;; leave P.-lUvi tent S isia. Ul., leave Han isliurg, 2.45a, in., and 2. 00 p. ui. leave Allcutotvii ut 8.35 p. 111. Ic ivc Ilea ling ut 7.15 11. Ul. uud M.50 ji. 111. tor limri. liarg, ut 4.34 a. ui. tor New York, and nt U.40 a. in. uud 4 15 p. m. lor Philudel'ii. C01111nul.il ion, Mileage, Seasou, bi llool i.ud Excurtlou Tickets, to uud fiom all point-, nt ie Uuced rales, Bugguge checked through 1 100 Pounds Hag gittu uilowoj each Passenger. J. F.. WOOTTEN, Asst. Supt. A Kug. Atauh'iy, B LACK ALPACAS of the beet quality, eWp JaV tJ, 18T1 If. m tessre imeimei-s