huilmrg American. CSV Itallroivd Tim Tifl. N. C. n. W.s-feiisT. r. A K. R. n. TTnsf. ' fl'iiriloEl'viHJ:9nnilErl rvTnll, I've 1:00 am Krin ' r " iAoeoin. il! " ! F mlrM-1' " 11:0ft " jNlaeara " l:40pm SiuiraraEr." 4:40 ra RUnlt-aMall , 4tSW i Erie K. " 0:60 fj?Artt ArtwrojrM. o. i lsavt , i-fcttrni anbary at . 1HM miAl Busbar 4:40 pm . 00 p m D. If. W. R. R. Leave Bunh-irr fiti0 a. in. -Arrive at t.88 p. in BUN'nCRr & LKW1STOWN R. R. LBAVR J AnRITT fltinbnry nt O.-no a. in. I At Bnnbury 3:SS a. ra. ' Hilda, m. " " 10:45a.m. Accident Insurance Tickets can be had of J., Tieko' Ag"nt nl the Depot. tffairs. Suwiso M a:i!ines.--M1ss Caroline Dulliisls the agent for the sale of ihe best SewlnfJ Machines In cxlttciitv, viz i "Tho Improved 81ngcr," "(trover fc linker" "Howe," oud "Domestic," which nrc constantly on hand and soli': ai. rea sonable prices. She Is also agent for tlie cele brut, '1 FutnU and Pope Knitting Machine. Call and seo tli.'in. O'llce co Market street, cast of the rul'irond. N. I.ionTNr.n gives notice that all ac counts due bi n, unless paid to him before the l'lth ihst., will lie left with A. N. nrlce, J. P., for collection. Call one and all at hU old place of business anil save cost. Or a thinks me due to ITon. 8. Cameron, Hon. J. li. I'.icker, (iiiv. Geary, Gen. Ilartrauft, Audi tor General, for pub'Ic favors. The Po t Master General has established a m.ill mate, bat'-ecu Sunbury and Lewlstown Junction, dift nice of fifty miles, six time a week from the 2,ith l'i . , SfNtirisT has b 'en very fortunate thus far In ccuplt.g that loathsome disease, smallpox. Not a slngiu ca.-c has been here. Amit:ii::i sociable hop came off at Moore & Hlsslngcr'a Hall on Thursday evening last. There was iu!t o a large attendance, nud, of course, a good time ha 1 generally. J.vmt s CiiMixn, of Lower Augusta, was severe ly Injnr : I hy fa I ing while engaged In putting up tc! .-graph vtre, on Saturday of last week. rr.sriVAi.. A f clival will be held by the la 1;.' . of ill i M K. Ch.irch. at Shamokin Dam, da:ia:' n n i W'vk. A dinner will be given on Tli ir.,1 iy next. The pro.cei ds are to be applied to the I! i i l..t'.oa or tic c'lijioh debt. The pub lie are i :ir:ie-l y invited to attend. Cuinu DrniCArios. The United Brethren Chuich of fc'niiute.wn, will be dedicated to the wor-h'p of Col on Sunday, "1st In-t. Dinner an 1 hone feel will bi provided. The public are cordially invite 1. We nofee that A. A. Sliller, Esq.. of this place, imw empl yed in tlie Treasury Department nt Wu. hiii'ilnn city, lias b -i n elected Captain of ill.' 'Wa-hic.tnu City Grays," vice Hon. Chas. I.. Ilu'se. Th's iniliuiiy company Is ons of the li.t. drilled, and lincst looking 111 the United States. We congratulate the Captain upon this hiiih eonipliiurait, partieiilarly as It was tendered to liiai without solicitation. -- Ktkssion of A Patent. The Commissioner i f Patents on the Sr.l in-laiit. (.'ranted an exten ?io i r.f H. U. Miss-i" patent, for an Improve ment i i ire Crr:i:n Freezers, for teveu year3,. t:o:n the 1 Ha ol "January, lbTJ. Pi:. Ui'tri;!i.M' re( iets us to state that he Is nlii et Iia ath,ir ernat:c..tly ut EunOury to con tie. :e lii; pneil-e o.i th eye and ear and surtrery i i i.' -n i!. For pre eat he -.vill he found ut D.a'iih.-i'.r'a li.,: !. S 'Mr. Very li ,e h.s have been nl lUfrhteiel In t!i'- place .1 n il! ; lh- past winter. Henry Huoher, O 1 )'lei e r-tlV I, ki'.'.e I t0, siitCCU IllOalllS old, w.:.-.hia -1 tiT and 111 pounds. Hen. Kroliu si iiilr, -re 1 two welhin wiihlu a few pounds !' niae huiilre 1. N. Fi.itUKE uives noticjthat ail ac i o i:m duo hi:n, unless p ill to hlvn before the lv.h i i- t., will tie left with A. '. Iliice, J. P., for colli etioii. Caii one mid ail at his old place of biif-iaes.i and save cots. Some of th a applieants for license are beiug 1 lolie 1 alter in every community, and many are :vt tti.l hy the nee.v Ju le;e. Tliere appears to be a iren 'ial loo. e:ie.-s iu the sale of intoxicating drhiLa w lilcli hi. Honor ii ttying to remedy in tlu fut arc. We not lee that a bridge has been erected across tliii Gut at the east cad of Chestnut street, by M"m-s. Mm ray & Co. and J. B. Lcnker. The an 1 is now oien for vehicles to pass out Chest nut street to the public road, which will make it ijei'.e convenient to those, purchasing coal und oil lr. :u M -.-is. Murray & Co. to Ret to their p'aee of ba.iacss at the tUamokiu Valley uue t.o... ArviTTM To HJ Ua it. Our younij friend, F. K. Ill I, E-., son of Geo. Hill, Esq , of this p lie . was ajniitt -J to tho bar last week topiac ti eiu I'm event Couita of this couuty. .Mr. liiil i-tool a ere I. labia i xauiiualion before the fx miiiiln-jr c nnaiiliee, composed of Hon. A. Jo, la ., s. P. Wo'vertou and L. H. Kuse, Esqs lie is a w ,i thy youni; man, and we wish him S:iec"s I:: his ew voc'oa. W.M. Fuantz, :i,i employee of the Penusylva hl i liii.roal ( o iii i iv, w as lii.iea ou '1 ues.lay I i-l, at UoeUvi.le, Diaphia county, while attend ing to his .l ilies us switchman. Ills u'u was s:ty y-.ns. and he kavea a wifo and family to inouiu l.i.- lors. - - U'hii.e on ii rilt to the borough of Watson t o.v.i a ret ,la).it;o, o; wjic shown through In I i i:v lii.ut and .-hoc- factory at that place. The I. h i. a y u I at tlie imiih. i n end of the i.oi.culi, an i i ii.i le d I y a joint stiak company. Tl.i :e are .::i t,n-:ity melt employed who are tin 1. 1- lh.- i.eii..ciideiue of Col. C). 8. Law-r-ace, an elil, .ei. I mechanic, who has sueeeejed Ihrou.'i iio i 1 hia.Uab.c peri veraiice and energy to li iv. 1 i .rje m nc ot castoiu to the estahli.-h-lin iit. The w.irk ilo'ie at this i..atiufactory will 11.1L he 1 e li -d a n.v lure. Work had ceaocd lu rin,' the h ili la to i hi : i luce new 1 atterus of u more impiove I character. It is quite a curiosity II see how i.ipi 1 y hoots and riho. arc niauufuc t an l. TliW c.-tahli.-huieiit Imi la w experimeut Iu this pail of tin eoiiuliy, and already altructi t;re.ii utlcutiou by the ixcclknt work wade there. We tin 1 many persons complaining that much of the coal oil hi Use now t).. Worthless. Iu many hisluutcs it u uot the 'oil, bat Us Iu the III luner how wicks ure kept iu lumps. Persons u.insf kcrosdne, (or coal oil), should frecjueutly cleanse tho bursicrs, cspeeiail the Inside of the tub j, which can be be.-t douu by soakiug iu hot water betorc ch uuin;;. The hks often become swo.leu iud Itlled up so that the oil cauuot .iseeiid and tousciiueully cauuot buru, beu a ni.-an wick should bo put Iu. The wicks are fjlteu too Urge for tubu when oue or more threads should be druwu out at each edj;e. Never roudemn the'ftil until you kuovr your burner sv.d l'!cks re cleutraijil In gooJ or.ier. Is Dajikhebs Aoai-j. Our ton was sud,iiily thrown Into darkness on Weitiiesduy cvenltitf of Inst ircck. The Simbnry 0a Compiny hnvhn eTttntmlshnd their rdrcot llirht rn ecotint of the refusal of the Council to fiy for the pus pre. Tlotisly consumed. The Council did not feel pa thorlned Irf num th restionslblltty In rprOi'l tloh to th iwtpresston of town meetm on tbj tnhent torn months aeo.- The 0s Company, M B experlinent, erected street lamps na Mar ket street whloh prorod beneQclaljind were hliih apprerlntod by the oltlrens, and this sudden darkness, no doubt, brought to mtnd of many, some reminiscences) of tho past, when railroads Were not thought of, and people wended their way In darkness to the business portion of the town and to the churches, through mud ankle, deep. Tho experiment has shown and convinced many that llijht at night Is a necessity, and that tho reputation of ths town Imperatively demands street lamps at loast In the business portion, and as far as the gas pipes extend. Many of our neighboring towns with a much imuller popula tion, have their street brilliantly lighted with gas at night, and we cannot see why a town like ours, the tcrmlul of Are railroads, with SI arri vals and departures, should be so far behind their neighbors In this progressive ago. We feel con fident that If a town meeting was held now that a large majority of tho citizens would agree that tho Council should add this much in-cded im provement to our borough, which, as tho pipes are extended, would cveutually reuch every street In the borough. It Is a mistaken Idea to suppose that only those who resldu In Market street are benefitted by the public lamps. Many who reside outside of that street will reap moro benefit from these lights than some of those resi ling hi fan street. INSTALLATION OP OrFICEUS I. O. or R. M. On Monday evening of last week, D. D. G. 8., E. Wiiver:, nssi-ted by P. S.. Sol. Stroh, Installed the following ofllccrs of Chlll!su,tt:iUc Tribe, No. loll, I. O. of U. M., it Northumberland 1 Sachem S. 11. Donohue ; S. Sag., John Stew art 1 J. Sag., W. E. Taylor i C. of R., R. Lesher ; K. ot W., A. Pastlewalte j Prophet. D. M. Evans. On Thursday evening, the following officers of Shohomoklu Tribe, No. C'J, located ut Sunbury, were Inslallel by V. TH O- E. Wilvcrti Sachem J. M. Bell j S. Sag., I-aac I.eescr j J. Sag., John Landau j C. of R., P. F. llower i 1C. of W., C. Feeker t Prophet, G. E. Beard. On rriday evening, the olllcers of Shlckallaniy Tribe, No. MS, located at SUatuoklu, were in stalled by P. S.. John Kemp : Sachem J, A. Kerllu ; S. Sag., W. F. Smith j J. Sag., E. G. Gilhalu j C. of K., Isaac Sinluk, Prophet, A. F. Elms. Ou Monday evening lust, the following officers of Muhontongo Tribe, No. 150, located at Mt. Citrmel, Were Installed by D. D. G. S., E. Wil Vert, assisted by P. S., Kemp, and Bros. Thos. Allderson, W. Kemp uud Thos. Luun, of Shickal lamy Tribe : Sachem Win. J. Sinocks; S. Sag.,J, Hughes; J. Sag., John N. Evans ; C. of 11., Mcsach Wat kin... ; A. C. of It., Jus. Daltry ; K. of W., Isaac Harvey ; Prophet, John Evans. On Tuesday evening last, the officers of Wa wcenoc Tribe, No. lio, lucuted at Watsontow n, were installed by D. 1). G. S., E. Wilvert, as fol lows : Sachem Juo. Pcterman ; S. Sag., James Tay lor ; J. S.iii., Jacob Wagner ; C. of R., A. 8. Lamm ; K. of W., Geo. Burns ; Prophet, Oscar Foii.-t. The Shuniokiu JeiaUl of lust week, gives the following Items : A tine toned bell of 1,100 pounds weight, has been placed iu the steeple of the Reformed church. It .vas rung for the first time ou Christmas morn ing. December 23.1, Henry Byerly, a married man, aged 23 years, was Rtitl'oeated in Win. Monte'.ius' mines, near Mt. Curiae!, by foul air. Joseph Marklc, who was working with him, was a fleet ed to such un extent us to become uncouscious, but upon being brought into fresh uirhe revived. There have bjen seven cases of small pox lu Shaiuoklii ; now there is but oue. Noue proved fatal. Fatal Accident. Jacob Wicst, a citizen of McKccs j Falls, and for a number of years, en gaged in the uici'cauti.e business iu this place, was accidentally killed 011 the -Tth ult. He was assisting several persons in hauling loirs, when, by some cause or other, a log was rolled over lii'.n causing his death in a short time after it oc curred. Mr. iest was a highly respected citi zen and a member of the Reformed Church. At the time of his death he laelie 1 but 11 few days of being 5J years of age. NuitUr Co. Tribune. List of letters remaining In tlie Sunbury Post Otlice, week ending Jun. 10, ltjTJ : J. H. Artley, W. II. Harrows, F.sq., A. P. Briil, Wills MeCnrinick, Mrs. Small Jane Con rad, Henry Krli-tcn, J. 1. Fes-ler, Alexander Fox, t. C. Henry, C. C. iles-h r, Ira llile. Wil liau Michael, l-.-ip, John Mm ii.u ler, Lciiniel Mood, W. S. Moore, Mrs. J.nnes Notion, Mrs. Hauiiali Khoads, Mis. Kiizibcth Hied, Miss Kuiie Smith, Mrs. M. Simpson, U. X. biniih, 11. Spen cer, J. M. Simpson, I-;i:ic Wagner, MUs Flora Watson. Persons calling for the above letters will please give diilu ol udVe-ilifremeiit. JOHN J. SMITH, P. M. Tub publisher of the pnlciit-out-ide Northum berland ( oiiiity-Deiuocraiie, nets the ih-t und fourth pair"- of his paper printed by the same press and from the same type that are u-cd to print tlie Suiihury ";,i.otte." "IIow'b that for"' Democracy tW'ulnuutuun litrord. Friend John, we ure at a loss to understand how it Is for Itcpublicaiii-in ? For Democracy it is an easy inulicr to comprehend it, as it i- a part of Hie principles of mo Ico n Democracy to cueourage foreign labor instead of home indus try. Since tlie JJainicrnt uud Ua:rtU can both agree ou this "pulley," and claim to be the organs or the mo political parties, tiny may inteud uniting tlie two parties and send them to New York for Instructions on the home policy, uud then get their "largest circulation" printed in Europe. The County Commissioners hivo made the following appointments for tlio ensuing year : Meicautiie Appraiser Peter Keefc-r, of Sun bury. Clerk John Farnsworth. Attorney S. U. lioyer. Janitor Samuel Mautz. One of our nei-'nhoi dug cnunii,-, is being re deemed from wickedness. One of the county olllcers is seeking Hie Lord ut thu anxious bench. Let the good woik go on extend to some other counties ami purifv the souls or some of the pub lic ofllccrs. Jteiuoeratir 6'uun?. We hope tho good woik will be extended to this county and tako hold of some of our couuty otlleials. The trial of Perry Hans for the murder of Martin Oberdorf, has been occupying the Court nearly the whole of this week. We will endea vor to give the full proceedings iu our next issue. Poof. E. J. UowiiAN.of Berwick, Pa., deliver ed a lecture ou "Romanism in America," lu Garlnger's Hall, on the 1st lust. The Prof, de serves much credit for collecting so many Tulua ble statistical and historical facts us presented iu his most Instructive lecture of about an hour's length. The appreciation of the lecture was shown by the audiencs In tbalr unanimous vote for its repetition tba following eveulng. Prof. Bowman bas anrtural talent for public speak ing, and we hope ha may see the public good this meritous lecture Is designed to produce. Reported by A. N. Ttprnn, Esq. Conrt IroorMn?r. BuwnrTT, Jinn ry p., t W. Hecoof Com. r Pntrlck rVGtrrn. fo- not; ftrrnlne a rood In orhf CowTuMn, was Jnl 1 nmr until ncrt term. rr was fonnd irnlltr, but th Pnrtire did not nwitence Mm. fyonnso hn hi'l donMs that im tndWment "Wtrnlff lib nmlr-rthw Act of Assembly., JTa wilt render an opinion' next Court, and Patrlok was bound oTor totblit torm. In th fsxc Com. ts Mm. C A. rfnn W, of Worthnmbcrlnnd, for arsanlt and rssicne npon Thomnt London, mgh Constable of that town, who was arresting a son of the defendant's npon warrant. When the case enmo to trial the war rant npon wbioh the constable, bad made the ar rest was cilled for as an erldcnce of his authori ty to make the arrest. It was not sent over hy Esq. Little, and therefore was not put In evidence. A io. prot. was entered, and that (topped the proceedings. F. K. Ilill, Etq., a con of Oco. mil. Esq., was admitted to practice In our Courts, Inst week, lie was examined by non. Alexander Jordan, S. P. Wolverton and L. II. Kaso, Esq. We wish him success in bis new field as a practicing At torney. Lemuel Moode. Larceny of a pistol In Mt. Cariuel. Tho defendant was found guilty and sentenced to fourteen months lu tho Peni tentiary. Com. vs Wm. Plummer A'sault with Intent to kill. This case occurred In Trevorlon last summer. One Charles Lnmb, while lu an Intoxi cated condition, rau against the defendant, who, considering he had sufficient provocation, II red two shots from a revolver at Lnmh. It seemed to havo been tho out-growth of a bad feeling be tween the Union tulucrs art I those employed by Mr. Kutlibau, growing out of tlie question of wages. Lamb recovered from his wounds a' d was present in Court as the proccutrr. The trial lasted about two days. Tlio Jury returned a verdict of not guilty, but defendant, Piuninicr, to pay the cost9, nud ho wus sentenced accord ingly. On Saturday n Jury was called iu the Perry Haas murder case, for the killing of Ma:ti:i Oberdorf. The Jury was selected and sworn nud held over uutil Monday, when the trial cv.n inenced. Ou Saturday a jury wus also called In the case of Coin, vs Charles White, for committing a rob bery In Sunbury upon old Mr. John Eu.erick, of Jefferson county, who came here on the train at midnight ou the first of November la-t, mid was being taken to DrutnheUer's hotel by three men who took him past the hotel, und when near Sheet st't tavern throttled the old mau uud robbed him. A bill was found al Nov. term against White, who had been found and nrrr.-ted, hut it was quashed through some technicality In tlie Indictment. He was hound over to this term of Court, and in the meantime the ca.e was appa rently settlej ; but the Commonwealth would not allow It to be settled la that way, uud Mr. Emerick was sent for and the prosecution was continued. .A true bill was fonnd at this Couit. The jury was empaneled on Saturday, alter con siderable delay, occasioned by lc;al objections being made by defendant's Attorney, is. B. Buy er, Esq. His objections were thec, that the Grand Jury had uot been properly summoned according to law that the Jury Coininissiouei s hud not pel formed all of their duties according to law, te., and the objections Were well found ed. The Jury were sworn and held over to Mon day, when the caso coming up for trial, Mr. Buyer Interposed tlie objection to proceeding be cause the prisoner had not been arraigned and a plea put iu when the jury were swum, Tlii was ulso a solid objection, and fatal. The Cou.t then, after some discussion, ordered tho prisoner bound over nud committed to March term, und the Indictment quashed. An attempt will now bo iinide in the Supreme Court, I believe, to have young While taken out uud discharged on a wiit of iiiieii eorjiut, on the grouud that he has twico been put tojejpardy. The trial of Perry Haas for the murder ut Martin Oberdorf, of Upper Augusta township, will occupy most of the wctk. Argument Court will be held next Monday. The only impoilnut thing in the r. port of tlie Grand Jury la.-t week, was tho reconi'nea lat'.ou to build a new county pil-on, as follow-: They ulso vi-itcd the jail and tlie up pcarancc oftliat tni-cr.ible, wn-tihe l, forlorn, dreary, dilapidated building i-ceinu.l like a relic of mid lie ages, ami at'lc-r carefully surveyiag it, the Grand Jury pa.-sej the following re.-ol'ition tmini!mc'M.;,Jy .'ivi, liy the Grand Jury of the January Term, HSJ.', that we rcoiniiicn I to the Coni't that liny Instruct the Cointni-sl.mci s of Mil county to build a new j ill w hich shall 1 e n.-,l, la all le-peets, t)s a public woiu hoii-c, and that all parties convicted and itnpi isnnc 1 be roinp l.c I to work ut nny Uude or occupation tiny m iv be capable of, during the term of their i'uipr.sou ineiit. They recommend repaiia to the j .ii ai once." M. li. Pile.-tly foreman of the j uy. The following persons composed the Jury : E. II. Uowcr, Sii-. boro II. K. F:.gJv, S.ii.b.ny J. llepnil, Zerbc. C. Gi.Si.lcr, 1. Tenet, Tttrbut S. Itro-i.iu-, Wi-iio:i W V. Mlverwood, L A'l J. G. Murh'e, fi-i. j-1 J. Caniphell, Sham twp .J. Mautz. San. W W C. McClain. liub ville A. Frv, Mia uol.m twp F. Itecd, Point Jo-. Vci'.2-l, i, iu Alt" . Kuinlel, North'd J. rt'ork. I) In ware C. 11. Alexander, bba tp M. If. I'rie.-l.v, NnrthM N. Fugc-iy, fcha.u twp Win. Fcutou," Minhary Patent Outsidcs The Bloo.i.b'irg t;.-i-foau says t We have heretofore exprcs-cd the opinion ilia: the in-ertion of admi iii-tiatoi't. no' i, es, i-.iic- anil other legal i. Iv rti-cment-, ill pipei, u-iuy 'patent Mit-ide,"' uu- not a I ,il U . 1 in, nt !' Ilia law rcpiiilne; tiicm t , be in-cited i a paer printed oi puhii-bcd In the countv. We observe sittimr at Hancock,' Maryland, h i-iici-iiily decided the tpic-ii.m hi ucor laiicu w ith the view we maintain. The Hancock Ch.wcu ties -ay- ; " i he court of this county, yesicrl iy ih-cilcl that ndverilruiiiciils lcipiii',-,1 by law "o be pub-ii-ln-d within I lie coiinlv, Were pniili.he i ac cording' to law nhcii iii'se-ited iu one, ii.c-liail nl of whieli was pan i.-lw I oat or thu ti .t,-."' This deci-inu wid compel us to ipiit the "'pa tent plan," or lo-e a larao pr.ipi.rt ma nl" Ihe couuty piinting, und we have ihlei niim d on Ihe former, and next week our paper iil bo edited, printed uud pubiu-Ued ut home. Bkoke Tuiioi iiii the Ice. The closing or the river Willi lee al this place so us to bear walking or driving over it, i u ciicuinetauce that doc. not orteii occur. Duiiug the severely cold weallier of Ihe past December the liver cloed und the ice ".,ishroiig enough to bear pel-sous over it. and a great many passengers pa.-sed lo and from the Northern Centra! st.uiou on the lee, as I hey were not ullowed to cross the bridge. On Cliri.iums day u Miss Miuicli and a Mrs. fchruh, ol Pine grove, and tho lalter sister. Miss Elliott, of So liusgrove, uud u young man named Swariz, wcie crossing the liver In coinpuny with others, when ou u sudden thu Ice gave way uuder them and Ihe four were precipitated Inth Ihe water, about tight feet deep, uud ut a contl derublo distance from the Bolin grove shore. Every elfoil was ut ouco tiiudu to rescue them, and fersoiis from the shore went to their aid. They were all gol out safely except MUs Miulcb who went under the Ice. She passud along about twenty feet, when Porter Fiuk broke the leo and took her out. She had turned black uud wus about us near dead as was possible and still bo revived. Willi great ditnculty tho Was brought to ugla.Stliiugruit Timet. Get your property lusured with L. M. Yoder, agent for uona but reliable eompaulus. Losses paid promptly. Jonx Caov. a'.t.a.t i:t wol eci'e nl r mil finer merchant ut tills pleci, ftlpo fulls llie-be.-i of rial. L. Tr"! cm rl'C the fiif "t find lH"t piT lug Lira Insurance Po'lry. Cull and soo Ll:n Ht his ofllce, the Court Ifnnsc. s .. j MorT li 4"TTrtel tn ho rearm, ep'l',"y artioiig'Jbct da of people who won't work for it. i Bow of onr town belle are (frowlntrtmpnt'ent over the delay of the "snow, the snow, the beau tiful jnow," and the sleighing carnival. rominnu!c.ileti. Fon t:ib AMSricak, Rather Fastidious. NoRT.'tfMnKKl.ANn, Jun. 8, 173. Tlio clhtr day I heard a luun, whom I took to he a Ileinocr.,1 :c i.n Hicl ni, declare tlmt. he i tr.-iv.Y'iif i - o - V f" i".f fur A'oi. Tlil I bii.ia j ni t o.i I a 'i:iir, which aipeired j diii'inic the v, ir, ub. i. it a man who, with his wa I tou .tuck l i t l.i the nv.i I. Was "Kent on li llhig to the mill , Wid e 1. r I y i.ot n rod fioin thence, A ihuio sat upon the fence;" mil who, when I nc negro ollercl to tusl t blin. "U'.'l ;l .l, as he gave hl whip n crack, I'll lake, no help from one that's bhick." But tlnne i . one .11 lieienee between thU Isdaln fnl liMinti i and tin politician. The bitter, like, moft of hW patty fiietidt d es not seri lesly ob ject to having Hie h"!i of u ne'.'io to lilt him' Into otlice, I- on I y an'rlir; the help of a ''nlygi r" that appears to him so ict adl: tr. 1 wonder It be would Inve nny conscientious scruples u-kl ig the;.-.i a. i-ta:."i' of a cat or pick-) ock'-l, wp h a w ,i:t" l:i i. I If he would, he ha t be t ie.ive the ',) eilli'crat i I Jiuty l inn, 'y. II he wo p, 1 .ii't, lie slums hi l.iita hi the doctrine (V ti c :o !:- p art;, j nneiiic-; ut' tai in- -t i... tin o.i:-, j. I,:," for lie c m reeo :niz : a lj.ti c h trt . -e.(t(a I j rel, if he happens t have a Ifejl. sooai-r j ' than an npi iLlil l ure hcaite! man, ii tue Creator I I lias seen lit to giv? linn u haul; klll. It would lie i.o ihllie-.ilt matter, pro'-ah'y, to I find plenty of black men J-;ft a a lionc-t, I gent and n spe.t, ihl as h . nn I some, perhaps I wan, alt::: ki. owing hi.; view s wo"ul nut consi ler I ihcni-e.v. j n irti'iilurly iin'iore I if he shoul d con I de-c nil to li r t'le ni his h. nil. is It too much, lo hope i-,. t r-'t mi" of the u?io.'s whom he kiioii-it t Auee ecY-v; cr h!m, will ever -o tar for get the lr udf r.spect as to do so again. J. C. l'.ail. r'.s Tt.Mc. j iiai 1 1 .M.11 1 i.Ai. me i:i---ii,ii: ' . 1 1 e- , e . I w'.tti th- Janu n.v I--ue of Demoiv.-t's Monthly. 1 Th" puhdr lu-r il-ies u..t I'.iiict 10 proviilc goi.-l, I i Va:i-..l. and s ih-taiitinl food lor the u.ind. to n- j ! c-iiiip-aiiy his rompli la nt-; ut' the s'-.ison. i his is , ' nil elegant ei-'a, with a sp'vndi I title, lit'io- j ' uraphe I in lint- settine; tin! a tin- Various d, pan- ( ; trie-'ds ii-pre-eiited dai :i, ; tha year. We wuuid! tiilviM' liio.-e le'piiii-t a uon.l t 1 111 ily Mag 'zue, j : m see this bc'iuc. Mib.-t'iibiug chewhere. It his 1 inmy iulacenicuts that i I pay and arc wmth 1 j sciious iitteiitiiiii. Prii e ;'. n y-ar with a re- ! niiam. and c'iaor li-.aiy i i liiceaienls to cu'is. ; fun 1-tie I hy JeUliin llemolest, b -) liloa.l- way, N . 1 . Pnovpr, S: i:Air,-.iTroi:'.vA:;n. Humm: int.':. Fo-.c.iio-t ii inn. t'ne tiims nt tin- country are llii'il r 'i Co., the w..;; known pahd-her- and h lal.-s.-llcv-, ol HiiimI lie. X. ii. K-talili-he 1 thcic lor a doz :i of year- th -y have ha It npa eh ir..c- I r lor ho :e-ty an I t iir de .'la ; w hich m .h-c- a continual, y liierca-int; ti i-!,ie-. Our re idei-i in in- I ol' Uiinl- . Curds Print-. Photnuraph-. Ida- i lies, (i.tiifcs, Aibuni-, M itiniiery, Xove lies i,r Xotions, cither wholcMia: or leiiiii, or in fact i.i need of an, thill ill t lie nhnve ;i-,e, i-honhl s-ll I -.amp for cal.iio le to Hunter et Co., Hinsdale, Staii PfAMit.rn Banm:!1. This favoi it f :ni y paper takes it- loo. -mil i-..., lei - l-y mi i pri-c ia t ,ie i-mie mi- J inn. uy, Iv?.'. la t iv'-lve 1. It i-i-n- large I to same -.; a . V . ,, ' ' r. a n I a op u s in .lit e-iiine li, nil---, f- e-. :... lie" le-a ;i:i.-, I border, tpe, etc. It coiii.ii.i-. vru: !,: nunc; ! reading t i:a:i fo.'iiier'y. uu I is tre it .y i.uprov.: I j in every re-pect. T I ii - n .r-i'-er c.vitta'nis t'.iar i sph-ii lid Stoiies, I'oetry, W.t and Wi-hnn, I ' t-!v tehes, ivnnw-d ! in' a Ni.t Mu ll, Money I j Make- M i.i nr. t'bil ir-ei'- I a-p .1 1 neat. Health, : lh-' i i'l nii- ii t , I-'., nn iie-.! r.n,ii-, .k's I 'm uer, 1 l.idie- Ihci'lnir, l'en nn' ivi-os, I'tnp ii. h I, ! Illl.f the llmr.le- Col Her," a peei .! iie nt I 1 this cM-elh-nt piper. One tlm i-iind Mii .!.--r , . quack- till I llllint. W.-lc 11 line I :in I e...-i - , cl'iriui I'll. 'Ill1 pah i-li.-i- .;' ta '.) i:,i-f" Live a in-w siip.Mli "lh mg ( "at,::..," an I th.-.r l-ir-je a ii I tli t ch.-s pip. r a w h '. j. ,n- tor i y 1 Tli et .. Tin it. C.ipie- can b ; -i en ,-t lie-i :::-, , or limn liuv neovsei ill, nr hv -.-a In--- li ce:.l- l.i ! tlAli M'.vM.l.vii It n-.i::i. I in,,- I.ilc, ... li. j The Aila:it:r MmiI,!; -p -nJ it u "l. i ly Wen! 1 Worth," a , ni l Xew iliii'. iii I l,i-l.aie.irh-::-;i ! . f i 1 1 1 r p. i .-: i y i - -: i j ' -1 : I hy ii.ivirl 'lavl-n. 11 C. --t. il.ii i .i I'clia I h XI er, T. W. P .r-i. 1'r. II. l ines. Here, too. i- t" .lr t (...r.i-m o ,'".-. i ii :.a Felt on j nr. t.i- I-"...xii ,.;' Li a re 1 ce it y ih U'ii-1, tiui .h. i-l e 1 r'liaine t III i I hot :i.-. M I ailnc. .,u a -.a. ti i mi :ie. ie", ..; : i. C,.cf 1' i. " Me. 11. J i:u -. Jr , li is h i- can:- i1 a '1 h-iin.i- ,!c:l -. s-.ii." -lo: y, "A Ch in -,-1 in dramatic r , ... t -A c'.,. a, i, ,,. I, Fil . nl 'lie', e I., I II It- cnat.i ill -III- Ih. r i . et . I. li.' o. I..- I t, !.'?' ' !' '.'''' - r he A.l.le- lie-las "' I ll ie is Si.,-1,1 the I' I':-' l.c io I'ilih.'' Itu-t !l nelll, "(iral':; ,.al I he :.e ol thi- Jan- II 11 y 1111,11; . ; a 1 .loh'i l i ,- ".',ijti;s of the li.irti.uic V.'.'.l I," c:..-i.i.; .1 -i i -.- woi'thv nt 'being pill inl . book lo. Ill, .1:; I ' i h P,i -t ,t t'h'- H e lk l.i.l 1' b.e. ' by t'. V. . 1 ! :.. in I r.e and 1 ver-i , an I .:-:., I -i t 1 .;i. c .a" a 11 I "The . Pro -. - .' 'I li ,. ..- .). ,..- 1 l 1 11 tle-s i.f ic ce it l..ei it 11 l li -,, , XI 11 ' 1. a'l I li'-W ilc p .1 1 .:i--n'. i if A I. '1-iMc :- ,.,",-. n-il t '.:t:'- ' i I : 1. 1 e i 1. v : ' -1 . . . ; :i.!:uh ot t.n I ..'. f-a.... l!:iaii.i-ss No' j lit -tli t l.tte: t;,,ii f. h.l-i::. ... Tli-'S. 0. j'. the tirg.-t tuil.uh.g l.usiii -ss in fc'.i.i , b.ny. All l.i- siit- tv.ti ct -atioi,, and in. : co-:i:actit I up. n 11s 'lie b -st titti'ig c'.'tl.lng worn. He l.i-p.- .-xe.-lant -,il, ai. l k'.ows how I fo ni il; then. -;p to phii-i: the m.n-t fa -tidio-i-. 1 Tin: splci li I iit-...tnici:t o! all kinu? of Hi.t j ami Caps i.t S'. l'.iu.-l ' -i.-ie continue to attract ; intention, w h;ch : -oal i.t re.. sou ili'.c pih-. .-. I Tin: tailoring csutili-hiu.-nt nf .1. 1". S.-lielf -r j nppe i-s lo he con taiitly IPh-d with work, l i i Ilia-ciolhiag made up ci, attract the all u- lion of all who admire ll le clrei.-. To ejet a 1: -n- I tec I suit, Seh:i tier's", opn s!t3 th'.' Central Hotel, I .... . I- tlie p::,c- to e.-l I leal. I Turn", are mo re lio. ts and Mrws snhl at the j Kxcchior store of W, . Midcr, Mark.-t S-ptare, than nnv c-tahli-tiineiil la lh:- ce,. 'I'l... r-i so, i.-, thit llee-li- Ihe. hll'e-t slock to select fro-ii, und ala'ays ll is the lie-l iflalitv. ! 1. 1 . . . '" '"""' U'S J l-l Keen receive. I al II. L. lb. 11 lenli i-h"s More, in the Ma- souie Diill'lings. S una of Ihe very hc-i that can be found lu Ihecilie., made up in the most 1- m,..,.i, i. . l4 .. enisijla. 1- ire nl a. I k: a Is. cq ml ton c:ly More, are M'pl III nils t--l.lo.lsiiineni, una bolj rtl the iiut re 1,-oiiiil.le pi ices. Tin: holiday, being over. It is, nevertheless, Iran Unit Clement A: His-luger are still se ling I heir goo U ut lower piice- than i-lscw hue. Every olio will t.e coav'uie - l f this fai l by call ing at their new stoic iiMiui la Clciieul's ing, on M.uket t- .ar,.. A Fait woith reinciiibeidiig, tli.,1 Wcinier sells g.sids lowc-i lliuii Hie lowest. His stuck of Dress Goods lu fc-l.Un, Merinos, Lmpress c!. li, S atlins, Piai ls, eVc, ic, arc co nplcte. Velvets uud Vclvelecn- i'5 icr cent lower I hall fi.nicr piiivs. Waterproofs i.f the Intcsi styles nn I b. -t in iUe. l.udiet.' t hili liens' and Gents' Far-. 11:, a-soil- uieiit of Shawls, embracing nil tlio h a li ttjrl!;:;;:r in Ihe markets, which ho oilers at pi lees. Call nil I be convince.! that Wchuei's popular Ca-h Store Is Ihe place' in ecuic tmius. His slock ..r good- is u..t 10 be surpassed by any in quantity, quality, or price. Ho 110:1. 10 snow goiMin. I iivingjiisi returns,! notn Hie Xcw York mar - ke.ts, he is prepare i lo offer extra inducements lo cash buyers. i.c.i. cii.K. une 101 uj reel trout on Cbestiiul street, Sunbury, adjoining the residence iu- and a o'clock, p. 111., or said day, m uc of L. T. Ilohilatcb, Esq., and two vucunt lots . coKfauee wilh Ihe provisions of the Ael'of Con fronting Race street, in Master's odd'uion. Kn- S.J. PACKER Cafdll' quire of n. B. Masser. I fcnnoury, Ps., Vtt. 8S, im. ' I'.in to t iiomv th,' irrr.t d -1r- or a'l, A ' .. i.i .ei 1 1 1,.," ii i 1 1 . in j i .e.ii i i.i . will make iuoi;"y for vo'i, or he p y yo i to l ive it. iv ni i. sent to your own lioui" nn Ira' oi hi I i; s, no matter wlier. may b", ni l you c n ny for It lit small inoithly Installments, by writing to the American Machine Co., cor. John end Niimim rtreii. New York or ymi can hitro n Count v Ulilif free, as infill, und make money fast. We ndvlso smrt men to swum the busi ness, n nothlmr pays b-tter th in th nircnoy for a gooj Sewing Muchin". Write, at onco. f pf clnl Notices. On JTTlft(ft. Essays for Tnnie Men. on rtrent Social Evils nud Abuses, which Interfere with MsiTiee, and ruin the linpplnasv of thou sands, with sure means of relief for tho Flrrlnir and IJnfoitiiniite, deco iscd and debilitate t. Sunt In se ale 1 letter envelopes, Tree or charge. Address, Ilowa- 1 A"nr:,ition, No. 2, South Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. TO T5IS3 HVrH-T.RISifJ. " Th Ttrf. Wiliimn II. N irto'i, while residing In Br ' us a ml-siii'i iry, diseovercl In that laud of me Heine n re'ii-'y for CossMPftiN, Ncnon l.. So u' Tiiu"a;'. Cot nns, Colus, AT'tWA, ani Nr.i'Vors Wr.KNtt.. This rem eilv lia-cured mvself after all other medicines had failed. Wl-hiim to benefit tlio siill'ei'lnir. I will sen! the recipe for pr-p nr.;: nud nln- lhi reuio Ij to all w'ni desire, it "RMMOr'f ilAUfiK. Please send mi envelope, wit'i nar Iie'ue and nd.lress on It. Address, l'.ev. WILLIAM 1!. NtlilTON, C;ti II: n.'.ti VAiJ, Oct. Hr.71. ly. Nl v.- Yoi:-City, T'ir 'oii.V.'iMi:;!4 ;';;. Onvaiil. )L'r!.lSir:i) as a w iriit i.; and for t he be-.u lit a o: i.'unfi tut' Vervoa s c .' -i-k. w.ei mi;, r lior.i 'Ippljlllg the ll'e.ll.s ,.' Written hv niv who eufl l ini'eir and sent Tree 011 .'celviag a p.. t I oil -.-t . I .iv, ',.;v. ... 'l I i ! I. M Y K i It ', lTl.-Cial. ih .hlvn, X. V. OT r-i - P- LI n - C 1 rvj C j ...- ('),, l, I n't., at th - r '-i len-" of the b -1 P-'s rul er, hv the. P.. v. I. II. (': nh. Hav.'d Hi:: t ' of Noithtitiibeil.-ui.!, and M 1- -I 'ni:'.: i.r i. c .' si I ia.:ht -r of (h.irlcs ( illln-, X- ., nf I'ni-.t t -vp. At the I: .! of V bvld n.--tr P ivi.i. Pa. i .P, o,;. ,- ),v j;, v. II - i; v S. Mea ! i'. tl.', Mr! lh t;i: J. Ou:v.i:iiii;t to .M'.i I.v:.: A. 11:: -.:' all ot this county. ' i": .--,;.. 1 ' V i . .1 . 1. 1 Mmh-.n-y ;;-aln A Prtidiice .2rkft roitun-Trii wrrKt.v nv itn.i: a oraiisiiuit - Hi.vIN Choice Vv'hlte Whe.'.t. fl fit . pe-t Anib.'r, Wii.t.-r.. . 1 t urn live ll.ltS, (.J i'.S.l liest Amber, Winter, per sack.. barrel. Corn Meal, per i-ivt., I'ell'l' v' 11, .11 FilOS Pel loz-M M::at-.- lnii d l'eef, per lh i n I : ."0 " ii. i . e S Ml ...."-?' -1.0 fviiohed .Mutum ...Hi.-i V: 1. Ann per lb I'lMl S-:s!t White Fish, p T I ' Tmat ' ; Cod VriiCTAHi.t: T'lrni; ;s 1 r I i I'..?, ; C lin.l- " .l." 1' , , i t hi lh-eni. i'lail. ..l.V i. I. inn. ..I'.' Uiin l) Fill ITs Dried .'.i.ples, per in. r.-ach'-s, , ';' : t:-jrt or -I r! ::?;.u,il!i ! t:.'J.r.r.', 11 'lMi-t of t he co 1 1 111. 1 . f "I 1'li-t W.iIom::! a of iiit.-.:,-v. , lia 11k of f.11,1. :,-v," i 1 til In I'll! Mate nl i'etni-ylv.ili .1. at (!'.. clo-e of lei siucss ou the li'.th d iy ot" 1 Yceniher, A. !)., 1'jT! LI. Ml I LIT! !1S. Cap'tul Stock paid in f'nrplus fan I I)i."o:i: t, Kveh.-.ue, !,! t, I'voht an I I..i'.s Cii ea'rt i-IT Note- n ll-taa h,,:- . ,, 1-! ii- 11 ivk c'fc 1 hit 'o 1 n::t 1 :i, lia ' " a-tr.i -ti" 1 ace. mt I'iv, h 1 I- l'l.;.:, 1 I 1 livi I 1 -.1 d ; ..It- i'Yte I : t t ! a . -i 1 -s Dep.. -It- ot I'. S. I i-b-ii-ii-g )!!!e- ti.." to National Bank-- L.te to Hate Hanks and it..:: la is.. ji;.cOi"i:ci:.s. I'd .n 1 Ma, 1 IT r. i.m:, .-.I i . 1- .' 1 1 hj 1 '.111 (.( ' . ' .1 11 , -I 11 I 17 4 ,1.1 s If I. in- a': 1 I'l-count 1 I'. '. l!--:i 1- I . .-.-: 11 I'. '. ll-'.i ls to ..- "I. I '."." I I il l .11.1 ,1 ,.-l . 'l.i bo ' ' iica.aiin.1 , ' d-d- " oa li.,:i , Clh.-r Slur-:-... li .a I- a-i.l M.,it..-i Dae lion il d.-e. a", ig aad llc-cne A'- 1'- Dll- ,,;,, , lh, , 1 Pa-l',- t! He I, ink! 11 1 H ;tik i"-... II inking ifi ii-e, other 11 :.l I'.-lat , I-'urai: inn and lixt ir s Current Fx;enei and Tavc- ( '..-ll ll -nis, inolu ling stamp-, :i" I i'rote-t Ace, 1 mt 11- l'.'.lMl v.' h i' ; 1 ai i 4 s ni 1 c-: 1 i,i. :s b : i.i p.: : lJ,-.oT Ud : l.V.I I SI Hills of Nut'..!.-! ll-".l. i t. : 1 -lioaal Currency, ii i: miing Nic!.- el- ' l'' Legal 'lender Notes ' I M.iii.J ti'l iMJ.o.s 11 M. t . lit t'E.N XS1 LV AM. : Cut mv ur N.ii.Tiii vni:i:i.vt, -i t. J. sJ.U'l IC tl. 1 . CK-T. :imi I'T 4)1 Th- l ir l v.,,i.,a. 1! ,,,!: ol' S ...l.'.rv ".I .-.:,. .,at the above st -.tern "it is true, lo Hi b.-t ol , n:y know ledge and bc.ief. i l''-'.'i 'd, S. J. PACKMIt. Cash! r 1 M.orii to and subscribe I before me, this ti-.d ,1... ,- (,.,...,, ,r. . . lig 1- l,J D. Kelt. 'KF.FELLF.!!, Notary Public, ( : u. ) Correct Attc-t : J. B. PACK Fil. "I W M. I. liiiKKXOl'GH, Direct iu.lS HAAS. J VI-. Sunbury, Jan. 0, lali. 12. a. futebs' oALE STABLES, Atj Jains Harris': urg Stock Yr.icls, : Ecrs:s EobtM, Soil or MM. Deeenibcr id, IS',1. hal. sX!i I'lrhl aliuuiil llanli ol' Nun burj", IVuu'tt." "VTOTICE is In rcbv elven. lh .1 thw scenhir In I nnl election of Di rectors of "t he First S .lin-iil II ink of Snubarv. Pit. ."will bo held on 1 I'UMIAV, the S3-I day of JAM' 11V, A. !., IS..', nl the tianklii"; lloa-e. In the borou-.-h of ! tanburv. 1'.... beiwc.11 thu boar ..: Ill ..Vhu-L "".TV,f '..--": til'.W V" ' ,,, , i . , , i , , 1 ' I'coiniiiiu'i l emons, T.l iKSlKM'tii'H. 'J'n Niiilof -ra I'nim Liver Compluliit, To tlinso h'tvinj nn Apjiotilc:, , TutlioBQ With Urukuti JDovrn CousUtur tonn," To Xnrvnrm Pcopln, . To Children WtiHtlns Awsiy, Oitny with IXibilitntucl Uigiatlve Oririn, Or tvJJ'tri tf.'ti vii'j of fir fn'lvwouj & rrtj toniif, v!ih indioatr. L)ivrd)cJ Liixr 4 bkjmach, inch as Con stipation, liivard llles, Fullness or Wood to the Head, Acld fty of the Stomach, Nausea, ni'iirlbnrn, DUtrust for Poo!, Fullness or WcieM 'm the Ftoin Btdi, Sour Hruciaiioiis.M iliiMg or Flulleilng lit the Pit of the tMoni- eeh, Siv'niiniiiig of th i Ilea I, Uur r!"d und IHtiicult lire: thing, I'lutier Ing at tin Heir, C'l". king (,r iSiillocut h:er Sain ation ;, when iu a i.viinr Posture, Iimncss of Vi.-!on, Dots or Wi lis before tho Sight, VYvoriuid Dull t'.ii'i iu the Head, Delleieil cv of Perspiration, Tcilowncss .f the ftklu and Uses, I'ain in the Side, Hack. Che-t, Limb. Ac., siiiden II Khcs or Heat, llnriiinir in the Fieli Co-Mant lin ug'unig of K.v.l, and tiieat De pression of hpir'.LS. IIoDilaiuVs dcrisian lUltcrs. A Hitlers without Alcohol or fi: Irils nf imv khi 1. tlid'erent Tioni ii 1 1 olic's. it is ronipo-a-i of tin : : re .In leer., or VitM. Pvr.-i-ti't.p. ur ilee'is. ll'-'.i.i'S and ltA:::;s. (or u me lieiual ,y tcrme 1 I.x- '. 11 ' ') th- wmi'i 1 or I'ii 1 1, pi a t :011s ot the in- 'i -ill- let ti:i:ie; u-e-1. 'I .1 'reli.ii' in one hot- lie oi' thi-- Hitters tle-re is 1 talae 1 as much me dio:.! :rt ic 11s wiil h 'i nn I in 1 vered ;.-a!loiis nl ' i'-liiiary niixl'i'cs. .Tho Kools. u- .1 in this ";"'.vn In O.'r.n.niy. I :.-'. r v.: 1! pri 11 i- I pi- s ei ::,et. 1 it! t ''.it ( 1 .lit l V l-V a r cielll ( he- ;.l t. ana Iit.v el'y. whe:e th l'o"it lining no , i. fiee In. o t'' cvs : no ,1 ..Ive ode, I in the : in i :" : t . . ;- in th y a.--.; iveno '1,1 I 1 and butt', d. i .-.r t:io i- i;. :.i. lie:, t-. this B'tti 1- .,1.1. ,:; 11s n.v.t 1 e-..ia t all ' -:rii-. t 1., , . t I fro'-i th -ir ii-" ; th -y c ra-e-t 11 an-! c i-.-inl . in 1- i- ,v.y c-i.ell'.il-t bat a b -laoiei ii . I', , ;.' have I iiM!'2.AS!v. cr.Ksi.-ix T:T:ir. I W i,. cu ,1;... 1-iJ 1 f 11 III 10 .1 h.-.ll'c 1 t 1 I X J tf.ll l'i;l-;i. :e:l i. : I-;.;..! ','..- life i'l c.ii I wle-n s ., 1" t i :a 'I l.i lit I - V, - j til 1 i'l CO I ) -ll'i'! w 'th 111 l...'e pr. rt' - of the Bit! I- 1 1 '1 bar.ei.:' I ,-.e :'i .::e -, oae lei ,- ,,( j t h" Hi' tci-i, e.i:al.'i 11 1 v th 1 ,:i "e i-'-AX i'A "ilTV. ' li'.'.M. a'. I .1 . 1 a-.-d ias-.o-'i 1 maMee-i that the is ! t l e::ie h! 11 erne--, nl' t 'c l-'Kei s -Ve'oiae, tiiria j a prepeialion hi. l.'v a'n'i ih'e an I to the palate. :i:i 1 iv::.:; t'c m-oei ir i to -s ol lh-' Bitter. '1 1,.-,, i.-i ,.c Hi:. Ti.tmc i- Jl. ! " p r ilo:ile, v. Y: eh n.anv p as tliial; too . h''i. 'l iny ma-! t ' . :;.:'.-.-; !.-:-.:ti . a th-.t 1 the ..?!,,: ,i,t u,.-. I. tt.ur...ii.."l to '- .d a pare 1 'I i-iiae. a t -in ir a ri a- eo'iel t'c tano. :.. I at i ch - :p -r pi-ie , let i . it e, ! I. -it a' to p iy a li.t mole aad Irn'e :t LT-i i I alli.-ie f A me lieiaal pi- ; - t I .1 I .1 1,1 l ,11.1 l I l i ll I I .1 I .1 i I I I C .1 I L I 'I-- 1 - - I 1 I . e- it: -at ; an I t ic-v w no c , ! , et to!i a c i ; c, imp, cm I. an 1 he In-neii'.teJ by it will lao: t cer tain. V lie c-le ate I. IJoo'3:t?5!lVi ot'i-t:irm oiljprsi. or HiKil'I. N1'S .:'.!'..; V TnVlf. wi-li HOC LAXD'o ii ;;:;i:-i Vill. v.iil care y.ei. 'i ,ey a I c t he (i : . ,,t t I'l.'ldi) l'L'illl-'iniS l.iv.wn to th-- Yclh'al I : 1 I. a'i 1 u i.i era '., d: nr.-ing Im: i::i; hi i i 1 , 1 ;-n:e hi,. 1. n h. :: v i.i th-- I':: ir -!:ve li .-n, li.c:.s... Liv.-r. in a shcrt.r tiui-- than a.iv j "ll;"r k"""'" ,v!l"!i'' - Tiin wnoi.r sriMji'MK couut of ; l'KXNSVI.VAXIA M'KAK TOU Tin;-1; hi:mi-iiks. Wi-'i wovui 'i; r ut i' v::: I'mMrict) and Tl!' Ti..--.'iMoNY ! Uiei. (;,;:: W. Wei, fnnner'v Chief' a -:-i . ot the ;..i-: im- I .ei, t ol r n:i- .vania, it pi--i nt Meiub-r of Congress from Pouusyl- vuuia wiile--P: I Pi-'tt.ii t'i.i'.ri.v. M-.n-h Jilt't i -,T. I I tied "lio !:', 's th-lin-lt Ill'ier-" i-ai:.n d to'iie, u-el'il i.i di-. a i s nf th ' di:.-i-fiv lm':-. : I e'i I oi' L'l -at h -in ht in ca- s nl' ih hi lil v. mil v.a'.t ut n:rvo:i!s act: m In I v y-?'-m. 'Vonr., . '"!", (ir.o. W. WalMlVi Aiil), . ll-'ll. .IVMri Tlt.iMI'.s.lN. I'll! i r .'it: ticc of the Su pve!,...' Conn ol' l'eiin.-.. Ivani i. P.:ii.m.i I.IUMA, Arll 1- 07. f"'l .. , T " r. "' ! " "'" ' "-c:.! . ii lillt a -'' a v ;!- . ' ' - '" i - i '-' l;y-p-p.-ia. 1 c-.iu itify this f.nin t .v , re-i,- 1' Y..J JAMES TiiOMlVON. 1 I!i,u. CiT.i'ii.v: S:TAi:-vion, ,Tu-;i-e i.r the -' . pieme Court of i'ennsylv i',ia. I I lhin.vtou I'tMA. J l ie 1. r S. ( ' I have fonnd by cxpd i. nee I '-a t '"i 1 . :'. i : i ": I .German Ihtter-" is a very tr---- I Ionic, re'l.-vj. r I iilv-p'lt'c :upi j.ns aln-.ia 'iir-et'v. ' U.M-U'ih SHAKhWC'OL'. ; iio:i. TI' 1. 7 falo, X. V. iv. Mavi C'.tv c,r r.:.!- Mayor's ('fliee, Huifiln, Jane CI.',. I have u-.e 1 "li mil ami'- ti-rm 111 l.tu-ra 1:1 1 Tonic" in n:v r.i'iiily ilmii- r the pa t ve:ir. iiu.i 1 cm reeo-nn:,-,, 1 them n- an excellent Ionic, im parl ins tone nn 1 :-,i- 1 , n, -ee t - ni. Tl: ir 11-e -.','-'.o0( Oil 1,,,, he-en pro d.ieuvci of d.'ei-lcdiv beaeiie'-il ef- ec-.-s. W.M. F, I'.DtH'.lltf. . 1:, .1 1 I' 1. 'I. HV..,.', E:;-Major of VH'.lmne. I 1 on-iit 1 ! : -ii ie la r4,-.:u:iv.. lin:; '-Kn.,;. '';'- c ; . 1 n 'i c nc'' to 11 a .ei-. ul.., iir,- hi- , t 1 w't . :iv-i.,-. ia. I I, .d 1,. Dv :-, l-i. . i-o h I 1 it . l,..,,s',hc lo I.e.-;, -i v 1 ,1 lo I,,-, ;, -i v 1 '" -'' ' i;. HI I 1 came M. M el, 1:- 1-1.! t,, he ..I,:,. !u, i '.,,.1-1, T.-.. I.. , I .. . l-.te-.t c..:e. JAM La M. Wi,, THAT ( liuorL.vxD'.s (;i::;max jutti:;:.-, ' n 1 IIOt'I'LAND'S t;i:;;M.x toxic, Will C'.l.v c-Vi r (.'::si: of r ;i a n a e n u a , or Wasiuig trvuv of t!u iik.m:-:mi5i:i:' Vitd ii'"OI''I.AXl)'S CJEHMAX lil'MIIItl i: : .'. I t ll" m, -ei, ,m le-piiie t.ijn.ily the Il'i o I. ex, he tin- ti.lj id Idler 1 1 1 I.e. ill! (..-t;,..i. 11 I lo i u ih e yo 1 t 1 safely ikr-u -li any 1 !iii',l..ii:iij or ciipo-i re. mi. iioori.Axn'e! P O I ) 0 V 11 Y L L 1 A' , ' or s '..!.-ft lit 0 lor McVCilV Pi, Is. Two I'll' 1 " " . '1 he met I'.i'.ve: ii.l, jet l.;i;oe nt C..1I..11- , t.c j ! Il Is not neces- iry to take a handful of th, se 1 t,. i.,,,l..,e the ih-li.l riln . .' Pi! act .'iick.y ami powerfully, cleansing the L v, r, t n.-li uud lioweis 1 1 nil Papillitis. The : 1 1; il in 41 li- .t 1- I'o h t h lie, or the- A'.co- bo.ic l.Mi.,,-1 nl' Mali l.-ahe, w aieli i-hvinaliV 1 line! e paw eri 1:, ;.i t lllr and .- ca Ich .11 " ill ill 1 the. M. 111.!:. ike it a .1. 1'- p culi.-r it ' l 1. .11 is 11; nn ! ...e- i.iwi. 1 " ,1 .-j.'i.ii; iinin ;i,i oc-lllle- li, 1, is, v. ii li all ihe power ol' Meiriny, Jet live tl. 11 the i'..: 'li lolls le-'.:.t- attache 1 to the U-e of tli t us : 11--. al. I'lirall -li--ases. n which Ihe u-e of a cathar tic i- in lie , 1,1, He- e pi Is will ive entire satis- in cieiy c;im. fhey neler 1 ,ll. I'l c.i-cs nl' l.jvei oiiiphiint, l'v-p. p.-ia and ex. t I'cine est 1V1 in-.-s, IV. llni 1I.11, i (ieiniau Hit ters or Tonic shoul I lie used I.i minted inn w ith the IY.I-. The lonie eliect of ihe Hitters or T... nic b ib-Is 1111 th ' s.vsiein. Tim 1. liters or Tonic pai tli, s ihe it in, 1 1, si icneitheiis the Xervi 1 en i.Ues the Liver, uud yives stiength, etic-rejy und v i '..r. Kn-p your Powcls active with the Pills, and tone up Hie sy-te i- with ltiuers or Tonic, and uo ills a-c can ri lain U1.1 hold, 111 even ns-eil run. ltecolh-cl lhal il is llK. HlJe.iFLAXD'6'l.Klt MAN lliincdies that are so universally used umi binlily 11 ml do uot allow the Diiizitl to Induce you to lake miyihiug else thai l.c 1111 vs:,y Is ju-l us iroo.1. tieeau-e he iiiaUcs a laiirer proili 011 it. 1 fcee iieinedie w ill be sci.t bv i-l a pr.-ss 10 unv ln-" iiiiv. upon applica tion to the PKIXC1P VI." OKFb K, at Ibe GKH MVN MKDiCINK Ellil.ll, Clil AUCH ST.. I'lill.ADKI.l'lll A. CHAS. M. EVANS, lVoprictor. r.H'merly C. M. Jacksoa it Tbe-e Heaio dis are fe r bale by Drugi,' l-i0ieeer, and Miilehie P'CiU'rt eroryvviif re. , gslt .t-l-.tilitfTx-rfi - Crent Indilcerii: tils (.ir.-ud live AK-M.ts, to tfdl ti n iiiost popular work of lbs ue, ,I,.rp.ii;l't'iB Ciuiricturs snd flnco., of tha no.y I;iJ," by CHARCCn W. rrr.LIOTT. wttl?rr!e:p from lb "'tH of T. D. Woolscs. t. f D. f Rinht Ki t. Tbot. Cldilf, D. D. , rt. v. Jo-eph '.'iitnmhurs, D. D. ; Rev. Clmiles A. rtoil dird t lit". S. V. t iulth, 1). t. licv. William Adams, D. D. I tv. I.'cnry Ward Hcecher, etc-. Address for circular and ftlU pnrtlcii'nrs. . II. BR7MIP.B, Tfc. t. 1871.-m. Pottsvllle, Pa. iiomDav ;ns. THADD'S S. SHAHNON, TIIIKD AND JIA-TlMT 6QUAUE, JTis In slocjf and corstanfly icceiviuti Novelties lu his line, coai l. tinii in part of a full iiue of Avr.Kir.tH, Elgin, Illinois. Howard ,1-Co.. 'a'llin. Mis. fichusells, nud Boys AM Ml! I CAN IVA'tT!'. Z: 5 Also, u in I set of Ladies, nui Glut's Cold tod fculver Swiss Watches. JEWELRY. r.o ni.ti Gold s. ts 1 ink en! 11.1 Cold set., s, Necklaces ii::.l Tea 1. 1:1' ., Onyx a:.J Jet .Ii We'lV. Solid Silver-ware of SierHug p -1 -.-1 ; i , mad to cr-il.-r. Bri Inl mil lh s.e--, ':;. .-, V'uiks und r-;ioui! io' s, uImi, :i t' ,11 :1, o: t-'.'.vi i- l'i.iic i 11 1 , is. Tea rets. ic-. Wat r '.-. K.'bll fl.llals, Hi.- I.' IS, ('ill' e l'l 'lis. 1 lilid t Jlo.Mle : 1 . hie plated, til" Iv-1 1.1 tue U.a: ki I . .SPIXTAlVI.n-s H yoj value your l'.yc'.iit. iu-' th" P 'f t I.' :i-:. rioi.nd 1'iotn Mi'.'-t I'ii t.e i'. t t ! le 1 :aer. and !. ;e tie 1; ,1,.,. : :.,,: J O.I lie- O.l'l o!' Iheie l;.f.!ill'.-S : !:! I I :;i V. 'I i.e;. vi.l lit many ye. is e.' chance, i:iv.i ,, ,ki rai.l'i.l cup' n'U loi.ll 1 ill- i i.i u.-.s ' 7 i;l.;, tfl I.MP.V. , . . ... , .. , , ... .... ... ..... M"r., . Tie.lll ... ! 11.1 11,. j ,:i e.irej o c i - p'.i' 1 to o. d r. A fill hour C.'-! i--.-.:t'i:-i.t of llie'.t .1 ".-ami ' ct H .' 1 f t :v ; ; It ''U-, -i.-o t ' i'eii.1 -r Co 1 ::r i-t : tioa :.t t le- -' . -. I l. i k - i.n 1 li I ;.!' I 11 ' A' i.i w ri ivi. !. ..-U w ill I--i'l ! : t I'v v rv I.O'.v.-t f 'di Ih -c- -. Pv. . y h- .!., h- e-,i ' I.n . y hie .lei in Cah i-ad ll:;''.i,ie l.,r tl ' ..-. I" -. 1.. a t c..-r T. g. ;1! '.NXOX. inhii'-V.lil.-ir. i r .-..-1 tc', iT"; 2.''"'-'ir " I...AI.., PArriTTN; COrXTV, PEXIv., ;2s;r'!:Y UAi"ri:E:?J.-?;. i.'o;;'ttor. I Travi ler.-. v.-'.i! li-.ul tl i-a liv.-t. -li..-.s Hi.nse. 1 h .' nn. lerat . The : .h cs a,e t ,i. pli- i v.' it It the b,-. t ia i.ui : U. t . j he t-in. ice t lei'. era at the , 1 liar. ! ol :':!'-. :n : a-.! alle.-itive ret r.s Dee. Ill, PCI. liaio. 'tis:: xiLiv fT::i: j CLEIdSxIT & BISBIIIOi'ill, i.i the ii-iv Cl.nuctit ! i'.r.g, .irliit rs;;:ti:r.'". :mi: ta the iuib":e, an entire i .bury, Pa., i :-,'.' a. -oitnlent of - v n ":7 VnTT f rtTtn , V iiJ A -'1-1 iJ-llS. UOC-Utff cfull sty'..'- at the low.-t price-. ! F":;:::i':,: v.'AlV,".e' '.':;,.v'.'.-,-,r'!.i;:.!.:n'l'rts I y -.-,.--, ; ' (;: -o; , ' , . ', " . ... , . ,, a f ill Var.etv. ."!- ane oo.e:i goojs of nil ,le-e. ';, 1 ion-. I r-t r .rit-j r v : Vl'-vrtVf: 'i .:. lntlllll.. a full a;soit.ucut, wha-li wi 1 be sold lower lli.iu, e,M v. lie 1 e. tV.rnctsi n:.;! :;J iollifi. ciioci'.iur.s of nil khi I, which are ru ira'ite-l all fresh. 1 TCZTiZTTZ' 17 TZXTG-sJe THIMm'iNc:-'. til.'.Yi'.S, an 1 ill fa a f'.-t el. thic ll...t can be I., .-ntioi.e 1 iu t all a I ' rt i: .it: ";: . U. 11 lighted w i i: li.:-. - ei 1- l l I:.' s i v.-.,i':e; .1- well a- ia t h- d..y t'.a.i 1 i.r rho-xiug "...ol-. .- -.i ::r store ei ; i iu tie; No c'.e.i,..- --iNi'iE:'.. CLF.MENT Dee. 0. 1- 14 m 0 H n , r-l 5 rr,, 4 H CQ ,'-J n ?,u :.s'iiiii t'Av i.;. a go...' K'.ackS'.nith or I'm 1 aai;esniith w-il tin! r-u.rlai:-enil'lovineitt bv applving at lh f 1 1 ii. ee s h, u.. ' J. 6. MCAtvLTZ. Eucbr.rv Dee. Id, (1 O to M- .V tiien'.uer's for While G.sji aim if' t t lie ti il ai A splendid astonmcnt of Gcut's Furtii ..-s rt ln Jk liiiftuf sv's. sj M M (h r- 0 cr fV r , . Z i"H rf e"-5 . 1: 1 , JJ r. O 54 ?3 'ii ' 1 1 j. r r7" . . - T 1 r. a r- ... , 1 C ;- Z h-i Pi h-1 '-; ai -2 "H f-i vj - Va ' 1 H CO t f1 '-' ' v r "1 cb b) 1 n