Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 06, 1872, Image 3

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Railroad Time Table.
N. C. R. W. East. P. A E. B. B.-ffm.
Buffalo Ex I've 19:3v a nil Erin Mall, I've 1:00 a m
Erlo " ' 0:80 Aecom. " 6:15
ElmlraMall " 11:05 " Niagara E " 12:40 p m
Niagara Ex." 4:40 p m ElmlraMall ' 4:85"
IfirteEs. " 0:50",
Banbury at 11:50 a m At Sunbury
" 4:40 p m "
D. n. & W. R. R.
9:55 a m
4:00 p m
Leave Sunbury 0:30 a. m. Arrive at A.
p. m
Banbury nt 6:30 a. m. I At SuDbury 8:35 a. in.
" "11:40 a.m. I " " 10:45 a.m.
Accident Insurance Tlckele can be had of 3.
Blilpman, Ticket Agent, nlthe Depot.
tfontl jffairs.
BEWrwa Mach ISB3.-M1B8 Caroline Dnllus is the.
gent for the (ale of the best Sewing Machines
In existence, viz i "The Improved Singer,"
"Grover & Bnker" "Howe," and Domestic,'
which nre constantly on band and sold rea
sonable prices. She Is also agent for the cele
brated FraiiU and Fop Knitting Machine. Call
. and see them. Office on Market street, east of
the railroad.
The proceedings of the Teachers' institute not
having been furnished ns, we are necessarily
compelled to omit their publication.
Firs. On Wednesday morning lust, about 10
o'clock, the house of Andy McDemarra, on Ceutre
Alley, was discovered to bo on fire, when an
alarm was given. Fortunately tho Are vas ex
tinguished before much damage Was done.
TitE festival held during the holidays by the
Indies connected with the Reformed Church, was
quite a success. Wc learn that upwards of two
hundred and seventy dollars were realized, which
will be applied towards tho erection of a parson-
' age.
Tns second in tho course of Free Lectures at
nt Northumberland, will be by F. N. Burdlck, of
Lancaster, Editor of Pennsylvanlan, at O. S.
Chnrch Hall, Tuesday evening, January Oth.
Subject, '-The Labor Party, and its Principles."
O Monday evening last, D. D. G. S., E. Wll
vert, assisted by P. S., Sol. fitroh, InstuUvd the
following olileers of Chllllsqunque Tribe, No. 152,
1. O. of R. M., at Northumberlaud.
8 ichem S. R. Donohue.
S. Sag. John Stewart.
J. Sag. M Taylor.
C. or N. R. Leshcr.
R. of W. A. Postlewait.
Gas Fitting. B. B. Harris, of Lewisburg, has
made arrangements to locuto permanently in
Buubury, and has opeucd a gas fitting establish
ment in Dewart's Block, Market Square. Every
branch in gas fitting, plumbing, ifcc, will receive
prompt attention, ond work will be guaianteed.
Mr. Harris has had some twelvo years experience
in tho business, and comes highly recommended
aa a good mechanic.
Fatal Accident at Seven Points. On Mon
day afternoon lust, a youug man named Reuben
Shipc, of Seven Points, in Upper Augusta town
sh'p, met with an accident which caused his
death almost Instantly. Mr. Shlpe and several
of his neighbors engaged In shooting an anvil,
were tilling tho anvil with powder and then
closed the hole with nn lrou wedge. While Mr.
Sliipe was hammering thu wedge a premature
explosiou took place and the wedge driven clear
through the head or Mr. Shlpe, entering ubovc
tho eye and coming out at the back part of the
head. lie was then conveyed to his widowed
mother unconscious, where he died a short time
after tho occurrence. Mr. fchlpe was & young
man of excellent character, sober and ludustri
ous. He loaves n young wife uud a widow mother
who were dependent on him for support.
A Fine Esteutaikmest. Previous to Lieut.
Reese uud family leuviug the Reese House in this
place to take charge of the Douty House at Siia-
moklu, Mrs. Reese aud her sou Andrew gave a
liuc eutertalnmetit in tho way of a grand oyster
supper to some or their most Intimate friends, on
Wednesday evening last. Tho table, as usuul,
nbouuded with all the luxuries of the season.
Oysters were served In every style, while spark
ling Champagne flowed freely around the festive
board. After ample justice had been done to the
great profusion of good things, a number or
toasts were drank to the prosperity and good for
tune or mine host and hostess. At an early hour
the party separated, highly pleased with the libe
rality of the proprietors of the Reese IIoukw, mid
regretting their leaving this place. The many
friends of Mr. and Mrs. Reese will, no doubt, be
happy to learn that they cau hereafter be found
ut the Douty House, Shamoklo, wbero It Is hoped
they will be as successful in catering for their
guests ; and that their worth will be aB highly
mmracluted there as' it has.been in this place, is
the wUh of all their friends.
Master Andrew Reese will be tho acting clerk
at the Douty House, uud will receive strangers
in his usuul polite and pleasant way.
The Kccse House will hereafter be conducted by
Mr. Fessler, of Pinegrove, who comes highly
recommended. Mr. Michael Weaver, the polite
nu.l accommodating bar tender, who is well
known to have but few equals In making up
palatable drinks for the thirsty, will continue in
his position ut the bar of the Reese House.
On Christinas day, as has been the custom
heretofore, the teachers of the differcut Sunday
schools invited their scholars to their school
rooms, where presents of various kinds were dis
tributed among them. The school rooms of the
different denomluatious were neatly decorated
with trees which bore the presents for the scho
lars. Many a young heart was made glad when
beholding and receiving their gifts. Even min
isters who were the recipient of soma neat silver
ware, could scarce help having a smile upon their
countenances. This custom of making present
to scholars has given much encouragement In
making them regulurattondants at their school,
which is accomplishing much good to the com
munity. We had tho pleusura of attending a social
gii'hcring ou the SClh ult., at the house of
Win Kaker, Esq., at 8even Points, In Lower
Augusta twp. The occasion was a dinner given
by Mr. and Mrs. Raker, to some of their person
al friends in this vicinity. Among the Invited
guests present were the Hon. Win. M. Rocke
feller, Hon. Geo. C. Welker, Gen. Jno. K. Cle-
x meat, Geo. Hill, Esq., Col. Geo. Cadwallader,
aniHjeo. Smith, Esq., and others of this place.
Thu tables were ludened with the choicest of the
season, to which all prcseut did ample Justice.
The pmty separated about 3 o'clock in the after
noon, highly pleased with the hospitality extend
ed to them by Mrs. and Mr. Raker.
The new town of Beveu Poiuls has only lately
been laid out In lots, and already promises to be
ii live nluee. It contains a dry goous ana irro
cerv store, a tin and stove store, blacksmith
shop, carriage shop, ifcc. A flue hotel is being
erect id for the accommodation of the traveling
nubiic. Roof slating bus been discovered at this
place in great abundance, which, If It proves
satisfaciorv, will soon cause other manufactorlug
establishments to be established. Parties who
have airejidv leased the Quarries, and who pro
fess to understand the nature of stone, allege it
to be a superior article, and are now making ex
tensive preparation lot quarrying and preparing
it lor roonng.
A Bsocxnco Accroxir. As a Journalist, we
arc called upon to ehronlol tin accident which
hni cast a gloom over thll entire Community. 1
Last evening abont 6 o'clock, while Mr. Richard
OutTy and wifeof McEweusvllle, Were crossing
the railroad In two-horse buggy at Pardee'!
Planing Mill, In this borough, they were etruck
by the engine of passenger train going south.
By actual measurement Mrs". Guffy Was thrown
85 foot and received In uric that proved fatal
about 7K o'clock. She waa Immediately taken
to tho honse of George Btruub, near by, and
Dr. H. D. nnnter summoned, who dressed her
wounds. The face and right forehead wnt
frightfully cut. After death bad ended her suf
ferings, the body was brought op to the house of
her father, Mr. Robert MoKee, Br., .The person
of Mr. Guffy adhered to the pilot of the locomo
tive nnttl the train was slopped, a distance of
one hundred yards from where the buggy was
first struck.' Mr. Guffy was brought back to the
depot and from thence taken to the house of his
brother, A. J. Guffy, Esq., where Dr. Bowman
dressed the wounds. He Was very much hurt
about the head and also In the back. At first it
was thought that he, too, could not recover, but
we are happy to state that at present (10:00 a.
m. to-day), the chances are greatly In his favor,
lie appears to be conscious but Is unable to
speak. The horses escaped uninjured, but the
buggy, being squarely on the track, was broken
In pieces.. Mr. and Mrs. Guffy had been lu town
duriug the day, and when the accident happened,
were on their way to attend the wedding of Mr.
John McKee, a brother-of Mrs. Guffy, which
was to take place near P ottsgrove, luter In the
evening. Should Mr. Guffy not recover, four
small children will bo left to mourn the untimely
death of respected and affectionate parents.
Just as we go to press, 3 4 o'clock this (Fri
day) afternoon, Dr. H. D. Hunter informs us
that Mr. Guffy still remains In a very prccnrlous
condition. Wattontown Record, Dec, S3.
We learn that Mr. Guffy died ou Sunday morn
ing last, from the effects of his Injuries. Ed.
Below we publish the Report of tho Secretary
of tho Accommodation Saving Fund aud Loan
Association :
ScSBfliT, Dec. 30. 1871.
To the Mauogevs and Stockholders of the Accom
modation Saving Fund & Loan Association, of
Sunbury, Pa.
Gentlemen: In accordance with Article Oth
of the By-Laws of this Association, I beg leave to
submit the following report, or Financial State
ment, for the year ending Dec. 81, 1871.
There nre ut present 1;2 Stockholders, holding
CC3 8harc?, from whom wc huvo received the
following umonnts, viz :
For Membership Fees, at 10c
per Share, $00 83
For Dues, 77U4 11
." Flues, 9 20
" Premiums on new shares
17903 04
1070 58
Total Cash Receipts,
Add Premiums received from
Total Receipts for tho year, $8930 23
For Books, Stationery, &e., $150 43
" Printing Constitution uud
By-Laws, C3 00
For Rent, 20 00
" Secretary's Salary, 150 00
" Treasurer's Commission, 113 08
$510 50
5 00
$524 50
" Withdrawal 5 shares,
Par Value or 603 Shares
at $13, each, $7956 00
Deduct amount of Dues
unpaid, 149 00
7807 00
Whole total,
Total Net Proceeds for the year,.
Hemit Clement Theasuuer,
To amount received from Secretary, $7903 CI
lo amount received from Loaua paid, 1470U 00
To amount received, Interest,
03 00
11 17
Balance due treasurer,
$23,615 84
iiiois S4
By amount paid out ou Orders,
Notes lu hands of Treasurer not due,
$S,C00 00
149 00
7 20
Dues unpaid,
Fines unpaid,
Total amount outstanding Dec. 00 '71, $8,750 20
All of which is respectfully submitted,
Goon News for the Afflicted. Dr. Updc
gruff, of UpdegrafTs Eye and Eur luflrmary and
City Hospital, has taken rooms at Drumheller's
Hotel, nt this place, for three weeks from Janu
ary 1st, 1873, where he will operate upon aud
treat all diseases of the eye and ear and opera
tlone iu general. Di. M.r,i, brig accompanied
Dr. Updegraff, uud will treat all forms of Cronlc
discuses. Cull early and avail yourselves of the
Doctor's advice. Consultation free.
"We were wituess tonn operation for Cataract
by Dis. Updecratf & Morris, on Saturday last.
The patient, a man named Robins, from Sun
bury, stood the trial with remarkable coolness
while the Dr. thrust a sharp Instrument into the
eye and worked off the opaque filament which
obscured the blind man's vision. In three min
utes from the time the instrument was inserted
the patient could see. He is now doing well, no
inflamation having supervened and iu a short
time will be able to support a continuous light."
If our nclghhor of tho Democrat considers It an
enterprise by getting hit paper printed lu New
York clt) , and theu circulate It us a home paper,
we confess that our twenty-one years' experience
in the printing business has not yet conviuced us as
being creditable to publishers of such papers, nor
that it shows auy slgus of prosperity in their es
tablishments. Tub carrier requests us to return thanks to the
patrons of the Amehican for their liberality on
New Yeur's day.
List of letters remaining Iu the Sunbury Post
Office, week ending Dec. 20, 1871 :
Samuel Bend. Esq.. J. D. Bristol. Esq.. J.' B.
Buyer, Jno. M. Boycs,' Mr. Carbitt, Miss Tiilic
J. Culp, Mary Clush, John M. Levitt, Martin
Gast, S. P. Hill, Esq., Isaac Kruhiner, Mrs.
Keturu Kirliu, Mhss Louisa Lutshu, Mrs. Mary
Drescoll, (rare of Mrs. Mullen), Peter Oberdorf,
(2), T. L. Schnttner, Miss Mury Smith, Solo
muu Shides, B. R. Tally, Miss Mary Auu Wil
liamson, J. E. Wolf.
Persons calling for the above letters will ulease
give date of advertisement.
JOHN 1. SMITH, r. M.
A 8ociAbLE Hop came off at Moore & Disslng-
er's Hull, ou Friduy evening last, which was par
ticipated in by a number of ladies aud gentlemen
from Lewistown and this place. We learn that
our young friends had a delightful time, and en-
Joyed themselves lu "tripping the light fuutas-
tic," until tho "wee sma hours of the morn."
The supper gotten up by Messrs TuU & Delaucy
of the Clement House, ou thu occasion, did great
credit to those parties. Their dining looms were
not only beautifully decorated, but the tables
were ludened with (ucb a profusion of eatubles,
thut would have done credit to any of the city
Acoi'staville, Jan. 1, 1833.
The Farmers and Horticulturists' Association
held their third annual election, Dec. 80tb 1071,
resulting In the choice of Win. H. Horulug, Pre-
siuent, j. r. i.erch, Vice President, Jacob K,
i;iara, Decretory, Rev. E. E. Berry, Cor. Becreta
ry, Ellas Emrtck, Storekeeper, and J. B. Horn
lug, Treasurer, for the year 1873. Next meeting
January , at 8 P. M., at Aogustavllle. Officers
elect, fall not. E. EMkUCJC, Pree't
Reported by A. N. Bricb, Esq
Co art Proceeding. (
BtJNBtrHT, January 1, 1879.
Court called at 10 o'clock, a. m., Hon. Win.
St.' Rockefeller, president Judge, and Eoas. Jo.
Nicely and Geo. C. Welker ra the bench. After
the commissions were read and Constable return
made, Judge Rockefeller made the , following
most excellent charge. , reporting It I omit
that part which wae published rn the charge to
the grand Jury of Montour County t
Gentlemen oftht Orand JVrs. The statute law
of Pennsylvania directs that each year a number
of sober, Intelligent and Judicious persons shall
be selected from the whole quail lied doctors of
each county at large to serve as Jurors In tho
several courts of such county, and at each ses
sions tho names of twenty-four persons are drawn
and summoned to servo ns Grand Juror. Al
though the act of Assembly directing the modo
and manner ot drawing and summoning Jurors
in comparatively qui. or rcCoht date, yet tne lu
stitution of Grand Juries Is a very ancient one. j struction of property, will bo considered a sufll
Iu almost all civilized countries It, or something clcnt cause for exacting bail fur go.pd behaviour,
similar to it, exists. It Is a part of the common In Wharton's American Criminal Law, page
law of England, tho hhtory of which wo can
truce back to about the eleventh century, and
from which country we derive our laws. This
Institution Is at tills day considered one of tho
wisest regulations for the administration of pub
lic Justice devised by man.
1 uo principal and most important business oi
a Graud Jury Is to make presentments of all
matters, known to them, or a criminal nature,
committted within tho county, and to have Cho
Commonwealth's testimony iu regard to all ac- .
cusntlous of a like character against their fellow
men, and, nflor hearing, to determine whether
tho accused is probably guilty, so as to put him
on a public trial. :
Whilst It Is a very serious and solemn matter :
for a person to be put on trial nt tho bar or a
coin t or Justice, It is alto of vital importance to
the pnblic safely that every ofliiudur should be ;
brought to light and punished in accordance with
the law. It Is a part or your duty to guard your
fellow citleeiis niraiust trilling, vindictive and
unfounded charges, and yon will. In all such
cnes, bo supporting your own dignity and tho
dignity of the laws, by rejecting all hills liiul
are not well founded, nud where thu prosecutor
has no public good iu view, but only seeks to
make you the Instruments of his private malice ;
and ou the other hand you must consider how
serious Is the evil if the laws nro suffered to bo
violated with impunity aud offenders permitted
to escape unpunished. It Is Indeed criminal to
suppress a prosecution In which tho Interests aud
well being of society ore involved. i
The Interests of the community are In a great !
measure in your hands, l'ou are to say by your
returns whether this muu or that man shall be
prosecuted before tho Court, or not. If you say,
by your return that yon have no reasonable evi
dence of the facts alleged iu the bills of indict
ments sent out, or rail to present any person
whom yon know to be guilty of tin ollence Hgaiiist
the laws under which you live, then the Court is
powerless. So that you see how important it is
that it should bo deeply Impressed upon your
miuds that this is a public office of the utmost
couccrn to the fortunes good name and lives of
your fellow citizens, nnd to the peuceand govern- '
uient or the State. I
It lies with Grand Juries to suffer the public !
laws to bo violated with impunity or to support
thein with dignliy nnd reverence. It lies with
them to protect nurt justily the Innocent man
from false suspicions, or to yield him up to op
pression nnd the prejudice and rnge of the day. :
Yes, very oil en tho issues of lilc una deutli are .
lu their hands.
Before giving you more particular Instructions
in regard to your duties nnd ttie mode or your
proceedings, we think wo may here properlv in
dulge in a short digression and which may not
be altogether unprolitable. In other or loi nier
days, you who Iiuvl atlende.l our courts, mil
perhaps served as grand jurors, have listened to
another voice, and other instructions, perhaps
the same in substance. Previous to tlie year
1850 all the Judues of the several Comts of this
State were apiduted by the Governor i but in
that year the Constitution of Pennsylvania was
amended, nnd from that time ull tbe Judges of
the Courts have been elected by the people. The
first election under the new amendment was held
in tbe fall of 1351, which rusulte I in the choice
uf Hon. Alexander Jordan, of Sunb iry, Nor
thumberland county, as President Judge or this
the Bin Judicial district oi Penusylvuulu. lie
was again elected In the Tall of l'jfll, mid served
until the first Monday in December lust, Ju.t
twenty years In ull.
How well we remember the first occasion, nnd
how short seems the time. A score or ycui i
but a short time, nud yet it is more than one
fourth of that usually allotted to man. We
know that his labors have been greul.nnd in
many Instances extremely trying i but llin satis
faction of knowing that lie retires beloved and
respected by all, uud particularly by those with
whom the duties of his office brousriit him In M
most daily contact, must bo great indeed. Tu- 1
dustrious, and ulways willing to ut tend to bnsi-
ness, whether In or out of Court, J list ly entitles
him to the thanks and praise of all interested In j
the judicial busiuces of the county. He has nc- j
quired and justly merits the reputation oi' being
one of the best Common Pleas Judges in thu
Male; and blieviug him lobe honest .ml true,
if his health had permitted, the people would j
ngain have been willing to trust their best inter-
ests to his hands and now that hu has in a
manner retired, we can only bestow upon him I
our best wishes for his fill are hu piut ss uud
prosperity in this life, and thai in the end lie
may gain nn entrance In that better laud, to
which he told us, a few days since, lie expected 1
soon to go. At the last November term he de
livered ids last, charge to u Grand Jury or Nor- i
thumherlaiid eo inty, and he then said that the '
next time they would he charged by another
Judge, and that the charge would be different.
This truth Is now realized in the fact that other
faces arc now seen, and othet voices heard, ad
monishing us to the successive changes that are i
continually going on all around.
1-ouKing oacK Into oui Court o within the brief
space of lime siuce wo commenced thu study of
the iuw wluil reminiscences we could relate. An
Anthony, u Doiiucl, a Greeiiougli, a Bellas, a ,
Hepburn auJ a lliggins, all senior members of .
the bar, alike distinguished tor their learning
and ability, and many younger members, have
a. I passed uway from the scenes ou earth, ami 1
whilst their voices whl never auain bo heard In
any human tribunal, our recollections of them
are as vivid as ever. When we were admitted to i
the bar something over twenty-one years iig, i
we commenced the practice of the law lu Schuyl
kill county. The Court were theu hoid t
Orwlgaburg, and tho Hon. Luther Kidder pre
sided. The bur was composed of about foity
seven members, A few months since we had oc
casion to be in thu same Court, now held at
i'oiisviiie, and you may well Imuiciuo our sur
prise uud umuzement in finding but two familiar
laces in nil that large urruy of Judges aud law
yers. AH seemed changed.
e are fully Impressed with the crcat respon
sibility that devolves upon us lu ussumiui: the
judicial functions. Ouruituaud highest uuibi-
tiou will bo to administer the laws of Pennsylva
nia with strict impartiality, and to the lu-t of
our judgment meet out even handed justice to
an. i speiiK lor every member of this ton it.
We nil owe our position here, as all Ju Itres
should, to the people, ttrirtly to the ptojilt, and
not to any party either political orrcligious.
Wo live iu an aire of crime. Murder stalks
throughout the laud, uud crimes of every grade
are fearfully ou the increase. The time lias
come wheu the Courts must rigidly enforce the
crlmiiiul laws of the and. Tho end and object
of ull human punishment Is the prevention of
luture oileuees ut thesauie kind, no have set
tled iu onr minds what the policy of the Co. i i ts
.ii. , .
liuject, und we fu.iy
id determination u
' ul Montour count e
should beou this Important s
emtuclutcd our Intentions uud
our churgu to the Grand Jury of Moulour county
U few days since, nud which wus fully can led
out lu ull our Judgments and seuleucee j nnd the
eucouragement awurdud us by the belter uud
law-abiding citizens there, bus convinced us that
our sentiments are duly upprcciulcd uud our
course approved by the community.
More than a century ago, uu able writer suid,
that it wus tho duty of a Judge iu his charge to
a Grand Jury to always recommend lbs encour
ugeuient of industry undgoKl morals. We
uo time now to refer at leugth to the many mat
ters thut iniirht be urged iu fuvor of these tL.ii ;
uui we runnoi lei ims occusou puss, uor umii
this subject, without a brief retvrcuce to wu.u
seems to be, unfortunately, luU-iiuJcrslandiug
oradilleienee of opiulon between the represenla-
tlves ot luborandof capital. Vte lh it to bo
understood that we do uot mean to speak dis
paragingly of the many societies thut huvo been
formed by the laboring clusses witu the lutein ion
of bcilerlug their situation by legal and prop r
action und alt may reel assured of our heart
felt sympathy for the laboring man, and that we
would at all times do all In our power lo enhance
bis prosperity in a legitimate msiiner ; but we
would now refer especially to the conduct of thut
class of in borers whosay to their unpioyers 'yuu
mutt employ or you tntuf discharge such uud such
persons engaged about your business you must
pay such wugee a we demand or wo will uol
work ourselves nop permit otluri to u,ork eveu
though tbey are willing and lestre so to do aud
if you, persist we will take the law lu our own
hands we will hunt 4c? d your coal Weaken
and murduf your men." In onr county It U tho
sincere belief of svery one that this system has
already led to many in-tancosj of bloodshed. Of
all acts of violence those ore the most dangerous
which nre committed by private cltlzeus, without
authority to redress grievances of a local or pri
vate nature. For "these are generally committed
with deliberation undu specious pretences of
Justice, and tho violence and outrage Is reduced
toft system supported bymutnal countenance,
and boasted of us patriotic Inborft. ' Wo would
refer you to the law on the subject of conspira
cies, and If yon know of your own ktmwledire
that any such exist its come within its meaning
and spirit, it is your duty to present the same
to the Court and wo ray without hesitation, and
desire It to be particularly understood, that If
ever a man or set of men are duly convicted In
this Court during our administration, of even so
much as touching a hair on the head of n labor
ing man, becnuso be Is willing to Work nf any
price or at any rate of wages he pleases, for the
support of himself or family, tho very highest
penalties of the law will ho Imposed and eveu
Intimidations or throats oi oodiiy nnrm, or de
2323, the following doctrine Is laid down as tbe
law or tho land:
"A combination Is a conspiracy In law when
ever tire act to bn done line a neeessurv tendency
to prejudice the public, or oppress Individuals by
unjustly subjecting them to thj power of the
confederate, nt.d giving effect to tho purposes of
the latter whether of extortion or mischief. Every
association therefore Is criminal whose object it
Is to raise or depress the price of lnhor beyond I
what it wouul bring IT it were left without itrlili
clal excitement. A conspiracy of Journeymen
woikmen, or any trade or handicraft to raise the
wanes by entering Into combination to force or t
coerce Journeymen or master-workmen employed
in the same branch of industiy, to conform to
rule adopted by such combination for the pur
pose of regulating the price or labor, and carry
ing such rules Into effect by others is Indictable
as a misdemeanor." See same book, paite L'iWd.
A fruitful source of crime is thu sale of intoxi
cating liquors, a melnncboiy proof or which we
witnessed week before last at our Court ill un
other part of this dli-trict, when, from our situa
tion it became our duly to pass sentences that
for a long time must pail husbands nud wives,
unit parents nnd children, and substitute the 1 Mecca ol his youthful iro-to ineetiug era, and re
dreary and gloomy walls tr the penitentiary lor i turned same day on root, l.rirs used to be ofcon
t he associations and comforts of homo. In many ssderablo value. Some still belivc In their prac
Instaiiees the only excuse offered for their Imiis- j utility.
cretions was that the were under tho influence i 'I'he Baptists have built a neat parsonnie nt
of liquor ut the lime of committing the griuvan- ; tbl place, and are preparing to erect a coinmo
ccs proved ugulnst them but the Court re- i dlons brick meeting house next spring. Thu Lu
plied that this was only un aggravation. thornns have completed their new Church. Th
In Pennsylvania thu people have not abolished I Methodists have a neat house of worship. Upon
the sale of Intoxicating thinks, and the act of tbe whole Snydertown is beginning to look up.
tbe lath of March, 1850, sectiou 7, provides thut w have a few live men here. Wc have a sepa
llecnses for the sale of liquors as therein provi- j rate election district, n municipal government of
tied, itiH be grunted by the Court of Quarter , our own, nnd we expect to beeomu a thriving
Session of tile proper county at the lirst or town In this beautiful Shnmokln vulloy. Give us
second Fes-don of each year, iV:e. The modi: und ' call, Mr. Editor, und enlurge your subscription
manner of lnakiue: nniilieatlons for a license Is list. CAMDEN.
there set lor.h, and we hold-that If u person duly
makes his opplientiou, signed by the required j
number of luxubie citizens, aud by them ccititied j
thut such person is of good repute for honesty j
nnd temperance, and Is well provided with house I
r"om, iVc, ns prescribed by the act of Assembly, I
we. have but very little discretion In the matter, i
Section 8 provides that "licenses nhull be grunt- '
e l to citizens iff the V lilted States, of temperate 1
habits and good moral cliar.tctir, wheuever the ,
requirements of the law on the subject ure com- j
plied witli by such applicant." j
The Court lias, however, u rinht to hear re- j
monstrance tin I evidence to contradict the cer- '
tlllcate of the signers to a petition, uud receive
other nets that may disqualify the applicant.
We will, tlx Friday next, at 7 o'clock, p. in., nt
which tiuvi applications lor licenses will be Ik.'U'iI,
nnd nt which time nil persons applying, or mak
ing objections to applications, win be heard by
evidence, petition, reinoie tinuee or counsel.
Disord' r I y conduct, sales ot liquors to minors, '
or habit naf ill link trds end Intoxicated persons,
to husbands nnd children alter notice, and ou
Sunday, are ui! mutters forbidden by law, and
are all legal grounds for rejecting an applica
tion, nud any conviction oTa person for vlo.ating
the law in regard to any of these matters, will
work a forfeiture and annul any lie use already
granted! audit is your duly, gentlemen of the
Jury, if yon k'mw of your own knowledge, of any
violation of the law In lelafion to Hie sale of
liquors, to present the same to the Court, so
we may direct bills of indictment to be drawn
and sent up, un 1 iu tbe meantime withhold the
granting of any license until the matter is dis
pose I of; and here the Court will take occasion
to we cannot hear tiny complaints or j
solicitation-) of u ftrlvutt. charuct-r out of Court, i
We have a public duty to perform, we must not ;
be partial, uud If any one hits ftny objection to
a licence b. 1'ig granlej to any applicant, it is
their duty lo come forwnid boldly, and either lu
open Com l or l y petition, represent tho nature
of their objections, and not undertake privately
to put the responsibility Upon t'.ie t our!. We
have received both 111 this aud other palls of the
district, private letters, some siine I by iimivi I
u lis, and some signed "in any citixc.ii of. Ve.,"
without giving any names. Such information
we cannot net upon ; but if any good, rcii.ibic
persons will come forward and show to the satis.
taction or the Court tho ttrounds or their com
plaint, they shall aud will be heard.
Com vs (ico. W. Ilinnlx Selling liquor on Sun- t
dny,No,.bill. Prosecutor, Geo J. Mason, lor costs. I
Same vs same (iumb.iug house ; uo bill found. ,
Same vs same Selling liquor to minors ; no ;
bill found. '
Same vs same Sel'pig liquor without llcnse :
true hill ; defendant, (ico. W. lllnnix, pleads
guilty. Tho Court sentenced him to pay a llneor (
51(10, un I the costs iff prosecution, and stand
committed until the sentence Is complied w ith.
The (oui t ulso stilted that this sentence would
be u bar to the defendant's receiving a license at '
January term, for which lie is applying to keep a j
t .'diii vs Benjamin Hinniv. rson ; Martin I
Walls, prosecutor i no hill. ItciiJ.iinin is u son of
Geo. W. Biunix, anil was arrested for firing the
stable nt prosecutor recently
Com. vs C. A. Harrison Asbiiult nnd Rescue ;
1 limn as l.ondub. Constable, tiroset utor. Tlie
' Constable was engaged la the attempt loarre-t
' a sou of Mrs. Harrison, when, it is alleged, Bhe
, rcsl.-ted the aforesaid ollicrr, uud in the rencoun
ter bit Mr. London on the hand, much to the
chagrin of Hie otlleer, whoshoiild thus rudely be
assailed by n woman. The; mark on his haiid is
jet visible lo the naked eye.
J Jantauy 2, 1S72.
I Com vs Patrick O'G.irr.i Misdemeanor In not
' opening a road ; true bill. Patrick was indicted
for not keeping in repair a road in Zerbejowu-
ship, as per contract. This proceeding wasinili- .
. tiled iu accordance with the provi. ioiit, of the Act '
of ISO. I, l.i reference to road-. TU it Act makes
I it an in Hi t.ib'e i Hence in a contract or uot to keep '
i up roads which he agrees to make, Ac. The real i
i prosecutor m this case seems to lie John K. IS ath-
bun, and Patrick is an Irishman. It would
i Seem Irom the testimony thai the road in ques
! tion Is iiecccssary to Mr. Rutliburn'a conveni
ence, an I, because such is the case.O'Gurra would
I not make the road. The eniniiy would seem to
j be oeeasioucd by the fact that lialliburii employs
' at his coal works nu n who see lit to be free nnu
I lintruminclcd in reference to wages, and this In
opposition to l tie conclave td miners lu tlie re
gion j or, in otbi-r words, O'Gurra Is not a very
warm I'llcn I of Mr. H.tlili un, uud therefore this
livid Is slightly out of repair. Verdict gui.ty.
Defendant's counsel made a inotlou for a new
trial. ''
Weusi siu Y, Jan. 8, 1 873.
It will not be inopportune Just here to mention
that bis Hon. Judge Ro kufeller. gave a grand par
ty at his residence, but evening at 7'.: o'clock. In-
vited gue,ts the. number or nearly one hundred
, ,if , ,ice:it. sine from Nortliuinber-
, , WU1M 0, U--isbu.g, Dauville uud Sim-
.. . . ..... .
moKin, aud tlie uieinnersoi inu uura oi iioin
counties composing the bill I'i.-UicI, and their
w ives. The atl'iir ',u biiiiiant, and tlie evening
wore into midnight pie isanl y to tlie taste and lo
the eye. Ijaite it u.iiuberof pretty women, und
inn'iv li ui Imiiiio masculines iovcd gracefully iu
the tin ong. His Honor und his esteemed coin
pHition preside I handsomely during tlie evening,
and locn, w hen towards Hie hours of midnight,
: the feature of the occasion a glorious table,
j grouiiiug Willi delicious deiieaclus, and substan
, Hals as well 'incorerei t ) view, what a oneness
I of purpose there was iu devouring the sweets so
'. t it.: n. : irovi.le.l. Filed ovsters. eliit ken salad.
sandwiches. Ice cream, cake, oranges, uuls,
j S u ntn ginpe-, eollec, dir., adiniuUleied to the
tn-t'esoi the ns.enibly. May the Julgeuud Ins
Bmi ,1,1a wde loug live to ei joy t..e I'lieud hip of
Ine many.
Com. vs Win. Brown. Assault and battery.
This defendant was aire. led and tried lor iis-utilt
upon two ditl'eruut women in Sh.tmokiu, aud In
turn lie arrested one of i lie women for assaulting
bun. The cases gave vent lo the angry fccliugs
if suverui Irish combatants, and presented a vnt
Held for the Htlornuy nf Shuiuokin to explore
Hie regions of legal lore and lo ascend the heights
or sublime eloquence. Ejrli female, has1 a baby
lu her arms, and one a big patch on her right eye.
U his Honor bad been disposed, he might have
tried the w hole three case hlaiseif in nhuiit ten
miuutee each uud saved much valuanle time.
They are beneath the dignity of the oousldtialinn
of 13 men ' ani should be dealt wilh summaii'.y.
Id two eases, Wpa. Brewn waa convirtud, and
sentenced In each case to pny a flue of $10 and a
month In county jail. In the case In which
Brown was prosecutor against Mary lliggius,
each was sentenced to pay half the cost.
Com. vs John lloylo. Assault and battery
plead guilty sentenced to pay a fine ot $25, and
a month In county Jail. These sentences ought
to teach the marauders of Bhamokln that law
relirns supreme still.
The murder trial In case of Perry Haas, will
not lie touched before Saturday.
For thb AMgntOAX.
Sntdeutown, Dec. 85, 1871.
Fitintn Wn.vnnT i Yesterday tho beautiful
chapel of the old Shnmokln Baptist Church was
dedicate! with appropriate ceremonies, conduct
ed by Professor Lowry, of Lewisbure, and Rev.
Rush, the stationed pastor. The address of the
Professor was very able aud Impressive nnd a li
beral collection was taken. Tho linnionso Con
gregation prnwded tha house almost to suffoca
tion. Many were unable to get Inside.
The old house, the first Baptist house oT wor
ship In central Pennsylvania, was built In 17!'tt,
two miles above Snyderlown. Hern is nnnnf tho
oldest grave yards In the country, tilled with f ho
ho ics of many of the first settlers. Here two
preiiehera t f the olden time, Wolmrton and ('far,
many of thu former deacons, members nnd oth
ers of all erects, and of no creed, awuit the moru
inx of the resurrection. '
Here, more than sixty years since, the writer
was taken to meeting, and on his return, he told
his little cousins the wonders he hnd seen. "I
seen two men in Jail," two preachers in the
high, old faslUoned pulpits or that day "and I
en two women drowmled" two weic baptised
They being anxious to know all abont the
'drownditur,'!, to give them oceulur demonstra
tion, took Junes' doll, nnd wo proceeded to the
spring, w here I duly Immersed t lie doll, to show
them how tho drow'nding was performed.
In that olden time people dressed in homespun.
Men, women and children went to meeting on
foot, takiuir n near rut through tho woods, and
across tho fields. Old people came on their farm
horses, nr in farm wagons, with full loads, over
the imperfect road", then destitute of brldircs.
They were n hurd-wnrking, social people, with
very little upper tendoin slleklnir out. I saw one
of these old remnants t.t the dedication. In his
sixtv-oighth year hu walked ten miles to the
Business Xoli .cs.
ANOTniiit lot of new Puriiituro has Just been
received nt B. L. Roudciihush's Store, In tho Ma
sonic Buildings. Some of tho very best that can
be found In the cities, made up In the most mod
ern style. Furniture of all kinds, equal to a city
store, are kept In tills establishment, and sold ut
t lie most reasonable prices.
Tin: holidays being over, It is, nevertheless,
true that Clement & DUslnger nro Hill selling
their goods nt lower prices than elsewhere.
Every one will be convinced i f this fact by call
ing nt their new store room in Clement's build
ing, on Market Square.
A Fact worth remembering, that Wcimer sells
g.Hids lower than the lowest. His stock of Dress
Goods In Si'Us, Merinos, lanpress cloth, Sattius,
Plaids, &c, tc, nro complete. Velvets nnd
Velveteens 25 per cent lower ll'.au former prices.
Waterproofs of the latest ttylcs and best make.
Ladies' Chlldrens' and Gents' Furs. Ills assoit
incnt of Shawls, embracing nil the leading styles
in tiic markets, which he offers nt extremely low j
prices. Call nnd lie convinced thut Weimer's ;
popular Ca'-h Store is the place to secure bar
gains. His stock of goods is not to be siirpu.s-d !
by any In quantity, quality, or price. So troll-.'
tile to show goods. !
Irai::g J'ist returned from the New York mar- j
kits, he la prepare J to offer i.:tra inducements to '
cash buyers. !
1 How to get money Is the gre it dei'ire of all. A
r-ally uod and srr ice.iblc Sew ing Machine that
will make money for you, or help you to save It.
Will be seal to your own home on Trial of iid
days, no matter where you may be, and you can
pay for it iu pitiull monthly installment, by
H.iling to th.) American Machine Co., c'.r. John
' end .Nassua Street, New ork ; or you can have
' u County liigh' flee, it agent, and make money
i fast. We ndvi-e sin 'it men to secure the bu-i-j
ness, ns nothing puvs In-tler than the agency for
' u good Sewing .Machine. Write ut ouce.
Special Sotict'S.
On JBarrlngc Es.-uvs for Young Men. on ;
Great Etiia nud Abuses, which Intel fere)
will. Marriage, and ruin the liupp'iicse of thou- j
sands, wilh Hiiro means of relief for tlie Erring
uud Unfortunate, deceased an I debilitated. Sent
lu sealed letter envelopes, fne of charge. I
Ad I'-css, Howard Association, No. -J, South
Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa.
The R"V. William II. Norton, while residlj; j lion. Jiunet if. H'ootJ, Ex-Mayor of Williams
in Brazil ns a missionary, discovered ill that ; poit. Pa.
land id' medicines a remedy for Cunsi mvuhn, I 1 take great pleasure in recommending "Hoof
hrltOFl'LA. . Stlltn Tllltovr. Col'ous. Cm. lis. ' land's I lei man 'I'onie' lo niiv ntm who tuav be
' Asthma, an'ii Nkhvoi'h Weakness. This rem -
vni iia-ciucu iiM&e.t unci an inner incuieiiics
bad tailed.
VYishiust to bcnelit tho suffering. I w ilt send
the recipe for preparing and using tjils ruinedy lo
nil whodesireil r RE!'. OF CM AUHE. I
Please send un envelope, w ilh your name and
uddrcss ou il. Address,
CTli BitOAiiwAr,
Oct. 141871. ly. Nr.w YmtK Citv,
The 'oiilVsNiii of uu liivnlit!.
PUBLISHED as a warning and for the benefit
of young men uui! oilier, who suili r from
Nervous Debility, e:c, supplying the menus of
Written by one who cured himself and sent
free on receiving a i-t-paid directed envelope.
May SO, lStl.-Cm. Brooklyn, N. Y.
i. .y
,- L'
.5 g .
. s I i
tj T r y
- 5
2 3
. t.
3 V
fc- w a
v u
i "2
At the Baptist Parsonage, by Rev. G. J. Breu
singer, on the L'tith ult., Mr. JAwrs-A. Cami'u.l
aud Miss Ci.aha Hiuxu, both of Sunbury, Pa.
Sunbury Clratlii A 1'rotluce illurkrt.
Gkain Choice While Wheat $1 tip
Best Amber, Winter I ftll
Corn ; 80
Rve 1 OU
Oats, (uj His.) hu
Best AmlMi', Winter, per sack 'J Ik)
" " barrel S ml
Com Meal, per cwt., .- a 50
renusyivuuia Roll S"
Eous Pei doien ; 3u
Meat Dried Beer, K-r lb MfrSO
Smoked Mutton I0(u,13
Lard per lb . yo
FliB 8alt Whit Fish, per U , JJ
, To Debilitated Persons, "...
To Dyspeptics,
To Sullhrors from LWcr Complaint,
To those having no Appetite,
To thosa wiLU JJrokeu Down Conslltn
tons, To Nervous People,
To Children Wnstinjt Awny,
oany wilh DoUlitatoil DisicBiiro Organ,
Or nufferi-ng with any of tic following
S rnutomt, which indicate JJitdrdored Livor
encti as Con
stipation, Inward
" Plies, Fullness or
Wood to the Heed, Acid
ity of the Stomach, Nausea,
Heartburn, Disgust for Food,
Fullness or Weight In the Stom
ach, Hour Krnctntlons, Sinking or
Fluttering nt thn Pit of the Stom
ach, Swimming of tho Heal. Hur
ried and Difficult Breathing, Flutter
lug nt the Heart, Choking or Suffocat
ing Sensations, when in a Lying Posture,
Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before tho
Sight, Fever and Dull Pain In the Head, Dellelon
cy of Perspiration, Yellowness of tho Skin
and Eyes, Pain In the Bide, Back, Chest,
Limbs, c, Sudden flushes of Heut,
Burning In the Flesh Constant Im
aginings nf Evil, end Great De
pression of Spirits.
Hoofland's tier man Bitters.
A Bitters without Alcohol or Spirits of any kind
Is different from nil others. It is composed of
the pure Juices, or Vital I'k'ncu'i.b or Roots',
. ... .' ... t .1....0.. 1 17..
IircitllS una 1)A11K, t.or "s Iiictlll-IIIUMJ' venoea i.A
tracts,) the worthies! or inert pi.nious of Hie In
gredients not being used. Therefore In one hot
tie of this Bitters there is contained ns much me
dical virtue as will be found in several gallons of
ordinary mixtures. The Roots, .fce., ust. 1 in this
Hitters arc grown iu Germany, their vilnl princi
ples extracted ii: that country by a scientific Che
mist, and forwarded to the manufactory in tlii.1
city, where they are compounded nnd bottled.
Containing no spir tiious ingredients, tills Bitters
I; free from the objections urged against nil oth
ers i no desire tor stimulants can be induced
from their use; they Cannot tnnko drunkards,
and cannot, under nny circumflauccs, have any
but a beneficial effect.
Was compounded for those not Inclined to ex
treme bitters, and Is Intended for use in cases
when some alcoholic stimulant is required in en i
ncetion with the tonic, properties of the Hitters.
Each bottle of tho Tonic contains one bottle nf
the Hitters, combined with puree S ANT A CRUZ
RUM, and flavored in such a inauner that I be ex
treme bitterness nf the bitters is overcome, form
ing a preparation highly agreeable and pleasant
to the palate, and containing the iicdicinal vir
tues of the Bitters. The price of the Tonic is tl.
BJ per Bottle, which many persons think too
high. They must take into consideration that
the stimulant used Is guaranteed to he nf a pure
quality. A poor article could be furnished at a
i cheaper price, but is it not better to pay n little
I inoro and have : good nrticle I A medicinal pre
J ion should contain none but the best ingrc
i dlents; and they who expert lo obtaiu u cheap
; compoun I. and bo beueliucj by it will most cer
tainly be cheated.
IIoofSniKl'st Grruinn liittern, or
LAND'S PotlophjUin 1MII,
will cure you. They arc the Greatest
l BLOOD PURIFIERS known to the Medical
. world, nnd will eradicate diseases arising from
S Impure blood. Debility of the LMsgeslivc Org. :ns,
1 or Uisease.l Liver, iu u shorter time than uuy
: other known remedies.
j TIIE.SE remedies.
i Who wori.n ask roit moi:b Dignified and
! SiHoxonu Testimosy !
Groiiiin W. WoiTv.VAitrt, formerly Chief
Justice of t be Supreme Court of Pennsylvania,
nt present Member ot Congress from Pennsyl
vania writes :
j Fiiii.Anni.ritiA. March 16th, 18117.
j I And "Iloofluud's German Bitters" is a good
: tonic, useful in diseases or the digestive or;at;s,
! and of great bcnelit in cases of debility, and
! waul of nervous action in the system. Yours,
; truly, GEO. W. WOODWAuD.
I Hon. Jambs Tumirsov, C'lii of Justice or the Su
j premc Court or Pennsylvania.
Philadelphia, April as, 1SC7.
! I consider "llooSund's German Bitters" n val
! liable medicine in cai'C of Hltucks ot Iudigest ou
or Dyspepsia. 1 can certify this from my expe
rience of it.
Yours, JAMES TtiOMi'MT.
Hon. Groi'.r.r S:iAi:-w,ion, Jiiitice of the Su
preme Court of Pennsylvania.
Pnu.AHFi.rniA, Jui.e 1. 1SH.
I have found by experience that ' l's
German Bitters" Is a very goo 1 tonic, iV.iev ing
dyspeptic Sjiui'loiii utmost directly.
Hon. Urn. F. ?-:, Mavar of the City of Eu!
falo, N. Yv -I
j Mayor's Office, Buffalo, June 2-', ISfifl.
I have ued "Hooll and's German Bitter:! un 1
Tonic" in my family during the. past rear, and
! can recommend them as an excellent touie, lui
p. n ling tone ami vigor to the system. Their uce
i lias been productive of decidedly beneficial ef
1 feels. W.M.V, ROGERS.
i utUu ti d with Py-pep-da. 1 'had the Pjspcpsla
: so o. uuy u was 1'npossioic 10 Keep nny loon on
my stomach, and 1 became la) weak us not to be
iible lo wa.k half a mile. T o bottles cll. etod a
perfect cure.
Will Cure every Case of
M A R A S M U S ,
or Wasting nvny ot thu BjiIv.
Are the medicines you require to purify the
Blood, excite the torpid Liver to healthy action,
tin I to enable you to pass safely through uuy
hardship.! or exposure.
P O D 0 P 11 L L 7AT,
or substitute for Mercury Pills. Two Pills a
Dose. The mo t Powerful, Jet Cathar
tic kuowu.
It Is not necessary to take a handful of these
Pills to produce tlie desired tll'eel ; Iwo of ibem
uct quickly uud powerfully, civaiisiug tlie Liver,
trloniaeli an 1 Bowels of all linpurilhs. The
principal ingredient is Podophyllin, or the Alco
holic Exlj-act of Mandrake, which Is bv niaiiy
times more powerful, tiding ami searching than
Hie Mandrake ilscit. Its peculiar action is upon
the Liver, cleaning il slice. lily from ail obstruc
tions. Willi all tha amer nf Meieury, yet free
from the injurious remits attached lo the ue of
that mineral.
For all diseases, lu which tho use of a cathar
tic Is Indicated, these pills will give entire Satis
faction iu every ease. They tieter fall.
Ill cases of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia aud ex
treme costiveness, Dr. lioollutid's German Bit
lets or Touie bhould be used lu connection with
tlie Pills. The tonic cll'ect of llie ltitleu or 'Jo
ule builds Up lh system. The Litters or Touie
purities the Blood, sircngtheus the Nerves, regu
lates the Liver, und gives siicngth, eucigy uud
vigor. ,
Keep your Bowels active with the Pills, nud
tot.e up ihe system with Hitters cc Todie, and no
disease can retain the hold, or even nssnll you.
Recollect that it ii UK. HOOFLANU iS GER
MAN Remedies that are so univcreully used and
highly recommended and do not allow the
Druggist to Induce yon to take anything else
that he may say is Just as good, because he
makes a larger profit on it. These Remedies will
be sent by Express to any loralltv, upou applica
tion 10 tbe PRINCIPAL OFFICE, at tho GER
Oil AS. M. EVANS, Proprietor.
Formerly C. M. Jackson it Co. These Reme
dies are for Bale by Druggists, atorekcevers. aud
Meltie Dealers everywhere, r
Attenlloii, AfvatH.
Orffit Inducements offrred live Ag- uls, to se.i
the most popular work of the egr, Remarkable
Characters and Pluccs of the Land,". Mj
Ith artifice frnm the pens nfT. D. Woolscy, L.
L. D. Right Rev. Thfp. V . Clink, D.TT. ) Rev.
Joseph Cuinmlngs, D. D. ; Re. Orur'cs A. Stod
dard Rev. S. F. Smith, D. TV t Her. Wlllhtm
Adams, 1. U. t lie'- Henry wnru pecrner, r.
Address for circulars aud fu'l pnttit .par.
Dec. 8fl, lS71.-8m. Poiuvllle, Pa.
NOTICE Is hereby given Hint, a;- di-allcn rill
be made in Hie next seoeioii (1ft-') ot tl.-n
Legislature of (he Statn of Pennfylvuniii. for tic
Incorporation of a b ink, under the name, f'.vV
nnd title of "Th" Sunbury Dime Satires Dark,"
to he located i" PunViry " -erl it: d coun
ty. Pa., with such powers and ptlvllclges, en I
for such objects ns are usually g: ante 1 to Insti
tution of like character with o'ctipital or S.IS.OHO,
nud with the power or lncr"iisiiig the paino, by A
vote of the stockholders, to too,'.
Suiibuiy, duly Id, 1K7I.
tic 12 sew" fixoi;::
In the new Clement Birl.illnj;,
Market Nqtiinre, K:t:t!t:rj-, tn
offer to the pnblic, an entire mvv assortment or
ofnl! styles at the lo vc:
F'J'llinciof A'pucas, Mohair.',
Cljt!i, Shawls, l-'luniicis
t price.
I'ir Ids, Kmprcss
a fall v.iiviy, Blanket ure' Woolen goods r all
It end j iioUUiiK,
a full assortment, which will be sold lower Hi. in
clscu here.
Carpels End OJ1 CIciIs.
of all kinds, which him g ' nivdecd nM fivsh.
&c. ..
nn l in fact everything that can he mentioned in
a first-class lore.
Cull and examine our to"k. Having our store,
lighted w';!t goods inn l eeld ted in tlie
evening us well us iu the day time. o cUai j,oi
lor showing goods.
Pec. 9, 1S71.
' .
k '
9s H
WA."Tt:j 5! At; F.XTM.
f IGUT employment nu.l on.5 wug.-iiu
J J who w ant to work,
bhould call ou or address.
Yo.ler tS'Wo'verton,
Su..'i;irv. Pa.
K.lil'Oitll 51,
iu C. Da'.ius' store room, t wo doors east of Blight's
Building, Market S,u ir
Having fitted up a room two doora ensf of VVcit
zel's Mole, tlie undersigned has opelie I a Meat
bhop iu connection wit Ii his stand on MARlvl.'i
DAYS, where he will keep on h fad the I ol
Hoi-!, I'oi-U, Vcul iisil lt,
of ever cVse.iption.
Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Che'lteu., rndyil"cs cd,
uud put ep iu lylo ic'eiiy ,
ALSO, nutter, I'Ri. S'otuttici.. Ap
ples, an.l 1 in its nf ull winds, nil it' which v. :
be sold at the Irnveht Market '.'.ice'.
The citizens of Sniilv.try erj invite I 1 1 call f :
ixaminc for lliemscdves before per; In -In-.- e'sc
where. A full assoi'linenl oil hand tvi.y mark' I
henry xev::r.
"T'TTOCLD resprcffully ti.itioiiti .. t ill" I'l
lens of Sunbury and surr-.-.tudieg cvib
thut he is prepared lo maiiuf.-.cturj nil sty e.- o
C'urriagvN, Jtr.gjiUH, ,((.,
at his new shop on east Market Hreil. He via
furulsh every descri'Muu of V,'uj;ous, boia
1aix and Fakcy. '
In shnit, wt.',', make eteryihlng In hU line frcm
fll'st-cla w4 eurrlage to a wheelbarrow, wuilanled
to be, made pf ti e ben an1 most duiehjtt mater:
al. tin I fy the mo. t experienced workmen. All
work sent out from Ms etlabiichmcLl will hi
found reliable in every particular.
The ptttront'.jre of tbe public is tiliHtod.
Ennhnry, Xot. 4, 'Tl -ly.