Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 23, 1871, Image 4
ft octlbnfono. JftistcIIuncous. iituufacturtrs. ibccllanfoua. V' . llALTIMOKi: LOCK 1 n. JOHNSTON, IIOSriT.tla Jl - Physician of this celebrated Institution, hn discovered tlit most certain, speedy, pleasant mill effectual remedv In the world lor nil DISEASES OK IMPRVDKM'K. Weakness of the Hack or Limb, Strictures, All'cetlnns uf Kidneys n nl ltl'idiler, Invnliin-f-iry Dlscluirirr, Impotent)', (icncriil Dcblll l.y, Nervnii nrss, Dysprpsy, Liniirunr, Low Spirits. Confusion of Ideas, 1'iilpltMloii of tlio Heart, Timidity, Tri'iubllnus, Dimness of Sljadil "r Giddiness, DlsriiPO (if tlio lleiid. Throat, Nose or Skin, A flections of Liver, l.umrs, Stntiincli or How els these tcrrll'ln Disorders iirlshut from tin', Solitary Ilubltsnf Youth those cent und snlltury practices more felnl to their victims lliuil iho souk o( Syrens to thi Milliners of Ulysses, bllirhtlni: their nio. brilliant hopes of anticipations, rctnlerlmj iiiiiit1.i);c, .Ve., Inipos. sib'.e. I PVNG MEN especially, who have become the victims of Soil, tnry Vice, llmt drciidl'ul uiul destructive habit which uiiiiuully wi-j to mi mitlnwly crave, thousands uf youim men of tin' nin.t exulted talents mill hillllnnt Intullei t, w hn nilirhr other wise have cut railed llstcnlm; S .'unit's with tin' thunders of rln.iictire or waked to eesluey I In1 livliiij lire, inn v call wilh full cnnltilcncc. " MA Hill AUK. Married Persons nr Ynumr Men ronloinph'.tlns lniiri'iiifre, ii w nro uf Physical Weakness, (Loss of Pimrciitive Power Impotent')-'), Nervous 11 elliihlllly, Palpitation, OrtMnic Weakness, Ner vous lMilllly, or uuy oilier Dh'pinllileallon, mp-ilily rclhve.1. llo w lio pluer-i himself under tin rare of Dr. .1. inny religiously In his honor in u uviillo inuii, and toi.tideully ri'ly iinon hlsshlil ua I'ln--slclau. OltHANK" WEAKXFP8, Impotence, .nii of Power, Inimrdliitely Cured mill full Vlror llcstnrctl. This Distressing Affection which ren l"U Life nilsci nhle iiml iiinrrlni"i Impossible Is the penally pnld liytlio victims of Improper In.liilnetices. Ynuntf persons ure too npt to commit frui's from not bciui:uiviirc of IIiimIiimiII'iiIousph'.ih'i' tlmt mny t'liKim. Now, who tlint ii'iili'i'MiuiiM tlip milii'ct will pri'toml to ih ny t!iat Hip pow.'r of procreation 1h lo-t sooner by Ihoso. I'allhi'into liiil'iopcr lmlilt than by Iho pniik nt I H. M.b a bclnii ilcpiiVi'J Iho plcasuivs of heallhy otlprinir, tile most Ki rlmiK anil ilcit rucl 1 c symplonm lo both body nnd inlad niii-i'. The system becoau da. raneil, the 1'liyMcal mid Mental Kiinetlou.-' M'cnki ned, l.oKHof I'rocnatlvc l'owcr, Nei voii Irritability, liyspej sia, l'al lliitlon of the Id-art, Iudiectloii, CoiiMitiuioiiiil licliillty, it Wastia.' of tliu Kiauie, Cmi:;h, C'oiiniiiiption, Deeav and Ii. A CTJiF. WA'.tU ANTED IN" TWO DAYS. lVrsoim nilno I hi henllh by lilileariied pri teli ih'is who keep thein ll'l.lini.' inonili nl'lei' Inoiiin, tuMiiu: poiMinoiis anil inj ui Una coaipoun.l, ilioald applv ilelv. IU1. .Mill S'sT;iN', Mt inber of the Key il ( 'ol!ev of nr.'eoa?, T.on ib'ti, tiradilati d from one of the in.i-t eaiinent l'ollii;e, in the l iilled ttiiten, and Hie i icau r I nit of whose ll'e him been npent 111 t he hospital of 1. on. lull, 1'iis, Philad' li'hia and eisewheie, rns polnc ol llicllloM ilstonl -llillir cares that were "Vi r known ; mini) troubled with riier lnsr In Hie heol and ear hen ii-le.'p. ureal lurvoiisiu P8, bi'liii; alarnieVt nt sin'den i-imn,ls, lianhfiilliess, Willi IVe.iueiit blushiiis;, intended oniel linen wilh Ueran:;. iiH ,it of niiiul, w-ioeuied lliil.ieillatelv. 'I'Ah II lWnTKTl.AK NOTICE. Dr. .1. nddrossc ull tiio e who have liijurr.l th"inelvi by linproicr iiuluUenee and miliar) babil-i, which in: 1 Ui body and maid, untitling tlieni Ibrilllarb.i..1!!. , at idy, i.oekiy or I'll? (TO. Tlilnu are hump rf the i-ad and inolane'inl;, tdeiis prod.l'cd liy early hahll-i of yi.tuh, vlx"i WcnUi.cs of the Pack mid I. hub, l'alu in ihe liiukiind Dlmm of .-1-1. 1. Lo. of Ma -iul..r Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspep.y, Nei'rmm lrriiabl.lly. Der.niuenienl of D.ev.ii.o 1-miction, tlcn 'i'.iI Dcblniy, tyi;;;.tonis of Cm n.. i 1 Hun, tVe, Mi.M'.iii.v The fearful cl'Vet on tliu mini urc luae!. o be tin a led l.oi4 of Memory, Coa-fii-lni i.l Mias, Kpiv--io i of ,-jilvh.t, Kvll. l'"oreho lilies, Avi rsionh' pofl'ty. i- 1 1 -1 ii-: :.:, l.ovn oi '' !' I u.l ', 'i i.. i id,; v , c., ale , o: le of the evil pre laced. 'IVui of pcrsotir. (full nsje ran now lililui! what U till' eai.seol t ir ileelinhii; Iic.iU.i, lu.-in:; t'.n Ir vii r, beeoiiiliu;, nealc, ah , nervoni uin! enineiat, .1, having a him; uboiil 1. 10 eycb, c,,i,.!i and i yui;'Sonoi ot coa.iuiap llol, Yfil Nti MI'N Who have IiIiiki! t lieii.-lves by a c it ilu rac tlee InJalued In when nei: a haliit l.eU. .nly learai d lioui evil ciiipaiiimis, or at school, I lie tiled, of which nre ni'.itiy felt, even when lohep, i:iul If Hot ciiil I, renders iiianiae linp.os wble, ami ileslrov bolli loin I and body, shoald apply Immediate:). What a '1iy that n yoii'ii; man, the hup 'of his country, the d.irlhi:; of his parenw, shoiild be nateheit fioin nil prospiet unit cnliiyiuents of lite, by the eniisc'iueuee of del lat lui; from the l iith of natill'ii and lndiii-'!:,i;' ill a certain secret liablt. fcneh persons Ml .-T, before col. tempi. itinn MAlMllAtir., relied that a sound mind an I body are the uio.-t neees.-.iy l'e :lli.-iles to promote counilMal hapd tie. Indeed without Ihe-e, the journey t'.iroauli lift! been:, lei a i.cary pili linage i thu rosp.-cl lioiirly tin i l,i us to the i.-iv; ilia iniint slunhiwcd wit ii despair and liilcl wkh the melan choly rclleetlon, tiiat III.' Ii.ippla ii of nnotli becomes blighted with, A cr.i'.T us 1ikah. n the m!sv' I'del and niiprn fait votary i f lli r. that helm.-. Imbibed the peed, uf t lii- painful tlisea.-e, It loo oiteti hap ens that a i Ill-limed nils' of shame, or dna I of ill eoicn, Uetcrs him fioin hi I ! v i 1 1 it lo those, who, fioin education IIU,1 ic-peeliibillty, C..U llloilc liel'li, n,! him, ileal! i.l : III! I lie e ni.-l it u'.ioual svui inm, ul this holi'l I disease make !ieir n. p viraiae, sll. li lit. iiilctl sore tin. 'at, ill-, .e e I n n. luial paliu la Hie head iii.d 111111-, til in . u nl', I deafness, node on the hlu boia-s ail a) ai , ' hloti In s on Hie be id, I'll ea. i 1 cvlieinai. -, i i- I (!le- linn w ith I'.ipl.lilV, till el 1.,-t l'.e palate of the iiiomli or Hi. h.,i ., tl ihe m. et.i'l , In, mid Ihe vicliiu of ibis awful t.I- a1 l. nm: s u honld ijl'jcct of iiiiniuii rat iua, till dealh pals a peiiod in his die. i li'ul satl.-i i. i;', by se.iutai; bilii in "that I'n ll-eoVi lid C.e.ia; I final w lain ,i no uaielh i' fctu-.'.is." It Is a liie...iielM !y fail Hut thui-.i'iN Dl!" Mt I. n.., Iti th, lel .ilae ill ,a e, l'a,"..i;li faiiiii Id ' He hand.-, ol I iini.ii.t oi ua. I.iui.ii I'lll.- 'II M'l'i:, win., by ihe i f Hi. i , lea lly lull, .Melt'lliV, i-e., lie ti.v l!,e t I il lit am, a, t.I Pu.'.pable t.I el. i i..c , 1,,' lit. Ii.l.uppv sad, it r It.ot.llt atter I. teila; H.eii ih.m.h.s tn ia Jai.oi.s c. ia..i..ti 1, ir, t i.i. ,.; t.f t iMi: ie i.'n I lo a renew al i,l J.u. i,.r an 1 l!.ippin In le .. .ill' It I. lui w a Ii i ma. I 11. aUli I i : : Ii t l hi-;l.i'.; tli 1 1 siieii, i:. to I'les, I t I . iua l.i. e Mt the eu at lb. p I tJ- t.I l.n . i oal.l i y, ' l I. tpl 'h.i I.. 1. 1. 11,1 .tl. .,', l.,,.i,'ii T.,s p.ef - I i,i. t 11. ii lli t at, c K'flirv. !. II V ' pi.. I'ati and idi-eival lon in ' ol laiiol.e, wild Hut llul h; u . V .i.':.ui l, I lance, Pi.i..okipl ..i i ill. I els- tv ,t I. t ua'ii, t I i o.l I li.e in, .si e. l- i t- p I) nil ell .1.1. 1 leii.i.l) In f, i Wi.i. l . ,., .1.1 .t- 11 l,.,; i I I . . . I l 1 II. Jt il',.i 1 llM, (, t ?, :. h i i ! men i.t:;::' r, . ' ,, ,M lit.i.M.ii... M. H. u wWJJ , l.tllliiul !; I; i ft' in l'.i'l!iii..e .Ii. . I, u U il.'fl. I i :!..-. I'. ' a 'I to i.' nil. u.t in ! ' I mi i it in t. .. i '; ; . i. ;i i- i ii u ... . p.. t;..i i .i.i, 1 1 l,...l..ii..a; ., I. ..ij It, t.e . ' ,. . I' t M ...t li. i.. l ti.i .1. '.. l ,' , , , .. I .... I ., ';, .!,!..! I t 1 1 ' ! 1,1 i..' V l in. in. ut d , i i'i. , ., I .ii... 1 ; I.l. . il... I . . . i i . . .1 . I V. .11 tile a I IK ii -I. I. .. lv. .1. .... I .. ,, , , 1 '' NJ J I.) , . 1 liiill,. I Will, I I , I., l.a.lU 'V' I '"'' ' ' . I ..I ta'l . U..I I. ) I..II li.lo II. tl p. He., j VA .If' "U Hi-1 ll. I. ' HI. II let. ..) I . f..)' I, j V 1 53. s: i t ) I , I I i,i' ,l.i i. , I. . I i.l. H .. I lilt . pi. I " l.'wu. V I. .u I... I ... I i, , t.1,,, a . , i. ,. a. i ,.,... I I , .1. 1 . . I. . ' I . J 1 III. -I)'. I'll '..".I 1 V S 1 I..I' . 1,1' I 111 .. Milt I ' I1'. . i. .ii. I l ( ,;, I l ,l, " " ' I lui;' i .. i . .i oi ...i.. .. i , ,. i i , ii,, 4 IJIII, " ' "" 1 "1 " I i . , . 1 1 I ;i.n mi,,, t.. t I", ' ; 1 1 ti sin ... I- l,i.a - i,. .w,.t I it iit. I .... I i. ... a . . k . . . I tl. '' I I i.i . .... . ,... .i , I, .... , , L . . , , I I. ' V I L I-. . til I'l I , I t , u.. . , I , I 1 . I I I lll' Ullt V"'"' "".. ... .... . . r.-'vj.-i ..;:.;', i . I I.. , I II . .I ll l.tlllkl ' ' " I .' II.' . , u., Ill I. a 1 ,"' ' ' I. . . I I k t. . I , 1 1. i. .1 . . ,1 . . , I" t, I l...,l,ll,,ll II llli ... I . I i 1 1. ....... , ... 1. , , I . ta i . I .1 . ' . , ! ''.-'' I I I . I, a, I , . I M ta 1. ... t ' I aj I 4 I . . .... , .. .. l . 4 1,.,, t ' ' - ai. . . . . , ... .-i, , I ... , t,. , -''' I " ' I t I 1 .. I... t t. t t, ..I, 1 .. la- I. 1. .-. Ii. . ll. .. t l,. i, I , , i ll ' 1',..,, K.. $cta Sbbcrtistmcnta. ro u i""V it i it m a o iiKM'Ki'Eit y vomvasy. Till J company Is now preparer! In toll loin In the lieiv (Viiieterv. located on an eminence about nnu-fomtli of n inllvnut t.f timhiiry. Tlio In creitst! nf Iho Ooliilhitlnii of Sunbili'V, mill conP ilttcnt advance la the ratio of mortality, n well a the llnillc.l fnrllllles for the Intcrinciit of those who have foiiu'lit life' battle, Imvc uiiiie-'tetl the oririiiilnitlon of tho above named com puny. Plan of Cemetery tuny be een nl the olllee of J. A. Cake, Ksip, or l.loyd T. ltohrbueh. Pi Ice of lots from 3 to J IS, iiccorUiug to locu tion. Deeti will lis executed for lot fold. l.l.OYD T. ItOHUllACH, 8oc'y. May lit, lTl.-tf. FARM FOR SALE. rpill? lintlerslirued ImvPi a larger (met ofliiiul X (over !i00 acre) than eu he properlv eultl vatc.l in oim farm, largely !eote.l to Irneklnir, oiler for sale about one I tit) ucre, enibriielnir the whole of tint nltl Pernlnij farm, together Willi n pait of the liiililla farm. The natural ndviiiitaitei, of tho part offered for ale, me In nil respect etiinl for ir irilenlni; pur posed to those of the pint icservcd. Myown mir tlenhiH; for the past two soas.nui ha ben chiefly done upon It. Thcie are many coo.l farinct In this county h ue'y mnklni; u fh lui; nt oidinury (train furniliur, who iniht irieatly advance their Interests by uivliii: some intention totruckhnr upon a farm so will adapted lo the business as I he our now offer ed, nnd so convenient to one ol Ihe very best mar ket In tho State. Term reaont:b. Kor par tlcuhna luiiiilio of, or nihlri s WII.I.IAM I.. NT.MUT. July 8-tf. I'ai.inos, North'd Co., I'n. Merchant Tailoring. J. .11. lIOSTIA, in tho l'ott Olllea llnlhllni:, opposllo the Depot, (up stall.) SUXnUHV, l'ICNX'A, Informs hi frlciitl and tho publle jrencrnlly, that he hn J .1st opened a Inro ami Milled as sortment of ClothS. CiViMiltlprfN, YVKtlllRH, Vo., which will lei inatle up to order lu the latest styles, and warranted to lit. tientleuien In want of fnshloinihlo ult lire vlletl to vail mij examine his ttuek. tflllHTS scientilieally ini.l practically rut mid iiunlo un a sure. lU'N NO HIiK. We furnish the nbove styles of Improved yoko nn I sack shht wilh entirely new shape sleeve, uiul ituar.intce n iterfect lltllmr shin. It Is the "St mo lei of a bhli't ever oll'ere.l to the trade, l'lne nnd lancy shirts inatle lo order. j. M. IIOSTIAN. June DiTI.-t'tui YOU WANT TO SEE tile i.Uti'.'st as ertnicut ol ISIilliiiory Goods evi r brouhl tti this place, 1.0 In Mi;;s L. Mcr, Hartet laiu, SIMll UY, VA Where nre nrrawd in nil theirdiilt urt vnritliiB I TiiH IiEilliaorsr Gootli ! of I'V 'i v ilcsciipll.ui J'l-l bioiihl from l'hlladel- I phia mi l are inov open. 'I lia i.ew K 'uui Ju-t ciiinplited U llllc l wilh mi ciill. ss variety. A tuo.t mau'iilllceiil tli.-play of (ioods on exhibition, and soitl ut the lowest price.-. r.YiitcY liisn or a tiallv ki pt In a Millhiei v c-lab',ishnient can be ha. I at lu r store. 1 l.c ties A in tho PhllUelphia markets wi're so'.lcile lliveinc u call and bo cniilneed. Mi!-S 1.. isllISM.Kli. I S'.i.doiry, Peplenib"!' lsTl. m H'ssixn: mus .v:;i iuo nuMiitv. I CEO. POUI.lJACll tV; SONS, ! Ki3iiki;rj . f'oti.i'ji, j jNI'"I!M Hie public Hint lluyuir uei.arcu lo . do r.ll l.lnus , I CAsT'lNl.ts. iilel haiii',' a,! led I a Hew .Maehine b'iop in connect ion wilh their i I t.nndiy. nnd havt' -up lied ih"i i-clves w ilh New , Latin s. I'lanb.j; an I lloiini: Machines, with thr 1 h.l.-t Piiju .vcini'i.ts, Vt'ilii t';r aid of skiilflll nn i haiiles, lin y arc enable I lo execute all order of N EYi H'DIIK Oil lli.PAll.INC, that may be given them, In a sati-factory man ner. Criitf'i to dttit uuy IHIttvo. IKON COl.t'MNf. for ehiir.'hes or oilier build ing's, of all sli s. Hit AM CAisTlNl.S, tve. Orii.-ijn"r?.nl Vi-on cticig loll till A YE YAlll) LOiSi VE2tAlJAH3, OK YAP.H AT lil.slDLNt IIS, JtC, JtC. The PLOWS, nlreiitly celebrated for their u perloilly, have been silll fiirilicr Improved, mid wiil iilwais be kept on h ind. Also. TMKE.xlMMi MACHINES. P anbury, Miiy'Ju, D'Tl. 108ADALI8 Tin: ;.citr.!)i!'.NT.j that COMi'tlsr, Ito.MWI IS nre pul. I i' la il on rvei v p u I, ii'.', t acre i I is ic I a seiivt p p.i'.iuii, coiicip.eiil!y I'Ijyshivns rr.iMr.ii::: it It is a certain i u:a lor St rofiil.i, sypiuli' in till it 1 1 1 1 1 1 s , Llu'iiin i- lli.-in, M.iii Dis'iiM's, Liver t inn 'plaint uinl all 1I..1..M of 11 u Ct-s s's -, f si. . s a ..W. C- .v.a44 will du inula p. I".! C.:i:i tell bottlts ol tho IS ri : j -t of .S.;rapirill4. THE U:j;;nCk'.NtO PHYSICIAN! hn vi mr 1 Ili.s.n'.il in Iheii .riieliia for l',o pi.t t.ii.e y .1 i ii nd f 1 1 ly i.iiili.isii it ii i u 1 1 Alteralllu .ml I1I..U.1 I'm.!., r. T. r. I'd. II. i.i l.atilim iu. I. J Ii v.,l., It. W.l' " I O HASN! I.I.V, " I M'.MilvS, t.I Nl, !...!u ilh.. Hit J I . .V. I'AV. I'IIA, C.duial.ij. I " ' I'll- A II N i III. I S, I.l;. . jr.,, .N. f. jiV-D a::d r.!:i)oi:;-n) ey J II. I Pi S- II I. MIS.'., Pall J.iver, i ' U . Ml I ,1, .1... (,. i.. M h. V. I V, 1.. I i.l il, I. ,1,14, I t.I... II l I.. 1 .: I I 1 1 ' a v ' i i i ,i , i I t ilb , V. N.l'l I., ii. t'Alu.l.N, Mmrie,.. I.i,..., ', . .. ... I ' o at .u . vt I.l lil ..ll'.w uf t.y e. I I i.. .1 ! lit l. li I., II, to 1... Ul. .. 'I !... .'. '.. l ' i n t. o i.ii ,l nl' t 4 I I'll. I I - i i .. I . i, y 1 1 . I 4 t, tor In I .a I . 4 I I l I tlial'4-, .1 , -1, I ., I ,iti .!,!.. .t I . v ... i. y ' t.i.t .,u tu i.aat.l Illy sll I'm' laoll.u. , .... ,l.t S . t 11 J. .V. f j ( A. I. ,1 I .4 M, Fruit ami Vuiil jib Slow, . 1.1 . 1 .. . 1, it. JOHN WlLVKrt l lu ... -I I Ins tin. .U.O, pUitl, t. la t. a I I I -...I a. I Us t 1 1. 'I I v i wt I'taUlu.a,, t ll t aLti.isv A l l llll .1. I.. ... . .a, t la .. .Ul .1... I 1 1 . ,1 1 I... 4 1 a a S,l(4.J (la a, a 1.. a . . i '.iS Vill VI It I 'L !0: j A' ' H, n aj oil 1 1 . it M1I.L1M UY. FALL AND A"TnTER STYLUS. HATS AND HONNKTS, nir.noNs, FLowr.ns, W HEATHS, LACES, Ac. 'rnc Vollft, CUAFEniATS AND 1 BONNETS, nnd everything usimlly kept In n Millinery Store Call nt M. 1.. C.ofSI.KU'S Utore, SoulliFotirtli Street, below tho 8. V. K. U., PKNBI KY, I'A. Nov. 4, '71. No. 003 Chostnut Stroct, Pluladclphia, I'llIl.ADK.I.VIIIA, JllUlll.l.ltS, KII.Y1.KK.1I I TILS A N 11 1MPOUTE US, nre now In rcccpl of their FA 1. 1. AND HOLIDAY OOODS, embraciin.; a supeth stock of 1VVKBN IIUO7.I NI CLOCK 8F.T1 AND M ANTl'l. OUN AM KNTS ! VIENNA FANCY (JOt)DSl PAlilAN STATUA11Y 1 Holltl Silver Vr! tiitlefully arranired In eases lor iV EDD1NU PUKSENTS, also a ftpleiulld assorlnicnt of F1N1J JKWIl.UY, WATCH rs. CHAINS, F.l.l'.CTP.O IM.ATKD WA15F.3. Oct.ll.lStl. .llniihixuli lloiv l.osl, llww Kt'KlortMl. -.y. s - , Ju-t publi-hcil, u new edition of Dr. ; i'ic Ciihciwoir Celebrated l.ssay on the "' - ladle. il cure (uitbtuii medicine) of ppcrin ilorrlue i, or fvininnl Weakne-, liivoiiiii t t I V heiiiiual l.o-scs, Imptitenry, Mental ami Physical Incapacity, Impeiliuienls to Manlane, clc n'so, Consiiniplion, rpiiepsy, and Fits, In duced I tv self lndalitcnce or sexual extravagance. J-t?" Ii iff. In il steaied envelope, only ii cent. '1 he celt bulled author. Ill this admirable csay, clearly demon Hate from u thlily yenrs' suc cessful practice, Ihat'tho ahiriulm; consetp-ienccs of self abase may be radically cured without Ihe ilaiiircious u-e of Intel mil medicine or the appli cation of the knife t pointlm: out 1 inotle of euro nt once simple ilaiu, uiul effectual, by menus of which every snlfercr, no mailer what his ron- l tlillon may be, may cure himself cheaply, prl- valely. anil radically. i C-T"Thi l.eeluic fhoiihl be In the hand-i of j of cvrry yoitih and every man In the land. I belli ' '.in lor u plain envelope, to any ail I tires-, post pal I on receipt of six cent', or two j po-l Maii'p . Abo, I 'i'. Calverweir "M.iriiai;o .Cubic, " I price Co ceats. i Addu -s Ihe IVhli-ln is. I 1 1 AS. J. C. K1.1XK CO., 1 i :; Powcrv. New York. I'.t. l tilV.c. Ilox I. .'.Si!. Oe1. I'-Tl. -Iv. .s t iir.AZ'i.i: s st ji ut ii(ht:i:, Olll'li I- III' T.'.t: ISl MU'UY (i.l CoMIMW, ( 'ef,..''.'!' 'Jt, 1ST1. Yo Tin: Citiz'':.. : K"eei t law- ihrat' um tlc-iiuin-ln;te that Has of I I Can. Pes pinliiy. can be sold at Oil per liHid ciib'a' feel . Tim IMieo loni of the Punhury H i ( otntiany have tl' tci 1 1 1 : l '. , 1 to adopt thai pile,' and 1 1 Caudles as the stundaid of ijtiailty. 'i'lrs lie I be pi lev1 of a I I Candle burin r i.t one cent ici hour, nr one third ie.,s than 1 hilade'l hl.i u:-. A Keio.-i ue lamp aives a 111. 1 of seven to ten candle only- I lien lore, pi nl Ihe above price Is lunch cheaper than kerosene, caiisld cilnu co-t ol chiiniu is iiii l liability to .ucldti't. Let nil came I'm Ward ami become piss consumer-. Make your npplh atlons for service pipe mid Hn al m c, a the season for hitiodue li:jj i lit' in la tlrawiiii!' lo a close. l!i Oiii.i i: or Tin: ll...iii ok IMuik'toi!. THKMH. i i Tho contractors for 1 'WorUii w HI Introduce i pipe upon the followlai; term, t-crvlce pipe : nt .'.0 cent per ritniilnn foot, ineasurlnj: fnun ' "rut re of street. Vpou Market ftjilare, twenty i dollar for entire sriVicc. ! Interior llitlm.' at la eeul per rnnului;' foot, I In new bullilln.". i ; LI cent per riinnltn: foot over I plaster, mid "It conn Jtr runiiln I'tn-.t under j ih.ors. Chi.iitlellers, Pciulanl md other fixtures i fait, at new Yoik ami Phllatlelphla price. October 7, IsTI. .k.I'ts Ti'.i ro:: TDK tillllAT Wolllv OF TUP. Sl'SON. I'llUSI'M Oil' k.tUlAtlll l.llf, liy D. J. Kll'tWAN.lhe well-known Joinuallst. X'ory I,.;rf!il Coiiiiu.nsIoiih S'ulil. This book I a very beaulllul nct.ixn of t'ti.') na.jes. titiib -ll-bed with 'Jlltl rii'j ra In !S. and a I liiiely executed map of London, designed nnd executed c.xpicsly lor Hn wink by ciuineul arlisls. Il i tains a full, irruphlr. and li'illhful stalciueiil of Ilia ,S.'.'..-, .Seel', 1. mid ,x'.'i..ii'i.ihi ol Hie ui' 'nl Mel in', "i.i" ol Hie world, w hich cunt. lies a pop.ilal ion t I over .;,o,:o,o(. Ill lory, lliour ipby, lloinunce, nnd Advenliire are eon. blued iii Oil- voluuie, making it e wt.ik of Inlcn-e Inleiesl lo all. Circulars, Terms, co., with full lal'.u laallon, eut free on a pl.e ilion lo DlT'l lllLI. ASUMIIND, PublUher, 111 Kiii-oui t-ticct, i'hllai'.clphlii. Oct. "I, l,71.-l)iii. rvrit vouuiviitY. em tii'fiii.eio 3U 1YN TU1AI.. MOM II I. Y IMYJIIMH. IMtH t. ItllDI ( I.l. Tin: AMiiiHtN K':win Mmiiink Co. have concluded til, dfer their Ittlole "stock of .Sl,n. 1 i'i.i' and u Idely kiioit'ii ma. 1. 1.ies, upon Ihe above Hup. liable I t' lius, .i citiybuly, ckel)berc, u ho have, or cm ilinl Use lor a leal!)' tood Irw. Iiiu Machine, ihe per I ban Hie cheapcsl. fill v tnii' b w e'.eoiae lo a mouth's lice at Hi. ii own lioiae. j The tier 1, an 1 1 'lily true guarantee of its tpiullly, i is a l.u.iilli'. free til.. I. Th" i.l.lcci of c . v 1 1 1 1; 11 free trial Is to show you I holt tb.ii I OUI Mat lline is. : 'I bin I, the siui'ei an I nio-t ceil.ilu to I coin luce )oii Hi.l 1 1 1 1 1' M .ie li I in" lJut )uil v. . 1 1 I . 'I lie ,t ei. t i f a. if. ly In In nre m. mill's lilal, I No one pails u Hi ihe Machine alter All p 11 I n and K. J' il. J Hay no inn bine until w.u have found ll a good one, 1 .0 l In le. 11 n, easy (n In lli.n;.', t-a.) to M ol k, 1 t-y 1. kt.p 1 1 1.1 1 1 1 , 1 en. l in Hit 1 11. ml. 111, ,.;... P. ..Iii. I ' I ; t win 1 1 lielliill, killl ti liable, and . lilt I HI . ,li Ml.. Mill let II t I It 1. .inn I Ii tie .11 H'.'. l a hevuun M itbli.i ll,o U.l. 1 ...I. .. p .. ..n't it In 11 I If .1 l ik ' tall ll.o. I )"U kill., I be llllll 111. in do. S In I.. t it ad 1 1 1 do 4 niiii ul e U in il . 1 Hi, 1 nit In 11 t ill It 11 I at M.ielilnu that It . , .1 1 1 l d in 11. 1. (' t" d i lay I. Hi I ol tt in U uii. I It ai .1 1 I ' It, it ltd I it. I...I ol older. I A I..11.1 ll . 1 1 1.1I UI.M. 1. ,.! ,,.. ll. ll, Si. Ilea, all ,1. ..I.l pi. t. i.l all 1.. I .l.iket, a'.a I- lli 1 o .1" ..,11 tl .. I.. 1,1 I ) toll inn.. . . U111II1, IlIll- loll : l .I.I.. I I tt 1 lie l. t HI' Co.. I, leiill tl t lit Uinta, St. I lilut ' ll.ilt I P il..,.'. 1 1, nil 1I11111. llul pnl.iuUla, it li'.. ll tt tl 1I1 t 1 id 1 " l I , 4' 1 1.1 1, ul In. ail l. t , It II ! it 1 11. t I.t i.l hi mii 1 1 ..I .. 1 1 an Jta la-t lol' 1 "...' 11 I 1 ao It.l.. 1 , 1 1. . t S t l tat. I no I i ll III l.l.ll.! 1"H I I i , Lp I til .l.tlli.,tl ) I.l tl ' I all" I. I .11 a . I I .1)11.. ..I, .. ... Up. all tlai II u 4 II lli. I lit. ! Il. u'l I, a.l ,lil li t .u.ti .11 dl III. .til .III I. H i mill t i., II. . Ilh 01 4, m Ut ,1 1. ..ta ladls to t 'I Mta-ilin I av.l. I. 'I I al 1,1 . , I ,., ull. .')... laal l. le.ll it. ... 1 lui ...a "i In .p ' ti l i . .1 ii. Ail I il a . 1 1 I .1 .nil t IS "1 al." ) ..It ll,.l 111. i'., )..,. - ill. I"' I I la. Iv. I an) al.k,. I I La I 1 1 I .. 1 ,i I ', it lita. .lit .. tila I .s II.. I ,1. . 111., tl .a, I. I I.l alia I I 1 1 . -1 .1 . . I t . I . kl a I.e.. ( .14 . 1) I,. ...It . Aitliii ta tat. t VhI.1 40 ilklnl, H i.U I .( I uii 1 bii, t ii I Ull t I j it II, III) I )' ajta I u 1 li, aa i . U H nlk f. ' .u d la 4 '....111 I I -is. MILMXEKYUOOIiNtiEXEnALLY. NEW BTYLE8 OT BONNETS, HATS, FLOWF.KS, FRAMES, &c. .Mouruiiig; anl Bridal llnta and Ilouoets. Full lino of Monrnliiff Veils and Crape. MILLINERY IS THE SPECIALTY. Sash Ribbon, Ornaments, Font her f, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, vte., eic. FANCY UOODS AND NOTIONS. MJSS M. L. GOSSLF.R. Boutli Fourth 51., below the Hallroad, SuiUury. Airll2-.', 1M7I. aj rixTiriiiir THACKARA, RUCK & CO., 8UCCKSS0HS TO MISKEY, MEHUILL & TIIACKAUA, MANVKACTCRKrtS OK OAS riXTUHES, UUONZES, &c, Ac, huiilcllcra, Io ikIhiiIh, Ilrnekcts. Ac, Ac, would respectfully Invite tlio attention of pur chasers to our elegant assortment. WHOLESAI.U AND ltF.TAIl. 8ALESIIOOM8, 71. (lifMlnut Strccl. MANVFACTOUY. 402. 4O4.400 AND 403 UACK tSTUKKT. An?. 19. 1871. X liW ,11 HAT SHOP, rrMIE tnuleritlirtieil respectfully Inforuu tlioeltl .1. tens of Sunbiiryand viclulty, that they have, opened it MEAT SHOP, In Dcwa't's biilldlnir.oii the north lde of Market Stiinrf, tho railroad, were they w ill kei p n eoiistuiit supply of the best of lleef, Pork, Mutton, iv.e., at wholesale or retail, at the low est price ami of the llrst quality , A w niton will be run lo supply ruslomer every niornlii)r, (except Sundnys.) The best of meiit will fouiul at their shop, Cllvo '.is n call uiul sutlsfv your selves. UKFFKW UOWlilt. j Oct. ic.tii istui tr. .111 l.I.I Milt Y AM l'A'Y K'l'Oltla. Hull mill M lnler ooiIm. MISS L. VKISEK, Market SI reel, one door west of (Jeai hart's con fectionery store, SUNUUltY, PA., lias opened her slock of Millinery uiul I'uiif.v 4.ot!N, II ATS AND HON NETS. The latest style of Dress Triniiiilnirs, French nnd American Flower. Laces, Hlbboiis, Sack ' loops, Chlnuoiis, Collars, Cull's, Jouvlu (ilovcs, ! and a lurnc variety of oilier articles. i lu comicetloti w ith the Millinery bitslnc-s, she i carries on Hie ; DIIESS MA KINO AND PITTING, In all It branch's. ' She Ii also agent for the snlo of Kanisey, Scott & j Co. "a Patterns. j The ladies of Sniibiiry mid vicinity are cor- ; ill. illy Invited to call and cxnii.tuo her splendid stock. Nov. 4, 1S71. ;ooi.s. PALL AND VINTEU STYLES, now open nt HI INS It All, 1II.A4 li'M Si'OItl'., Mmket Siuare, Sl Nlll'liY, Penn'ii., j LAD1F.S DUK.S8 tiOtiDS A SPECIALTY. ' Silk Poplins, Dress Tilinnilnc;, Kiubiolderles, Notions, Xc. I tJenls Collars, Neek-tlcs, llnlf-hose, Handker chief anil (Hove. Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Hair llrushes, Combs, clc. An Invitation Is extended to ull lo call and se cure bargain. Nov. 4, IS, I. PALL AND WINTER STOCK OP I.OTHS AM t'ASSnil.Kl.S! PIJENCII AND DOMESTIC CiOODS of every grade, Just opened at tho MERCHANT TAILOR SHOP OP Til OS. ... .OTT, On Third Pt reel, in Miller's lllock, opposllo tlio Moore & Dislnj;er llulldlns, Sl'NlllUY, PllNN'A. The tnosl faKhlouable'elotliliit niado to order from every variety of goods. Bulls of all sizes made up nl the shortest no tice, from Hie best selected slock lu New York and Phlliidelphiii. I all and be convinced. TIIOS. (I. NOTT. Nov. 4, 1871. Eecf! Beef! ri"MIK inidcrslifiied I prepared to furnish the .1. illl.t'ii. of tMinluiry and vicinity with the choicest lleef nnd Pork in Maikol, cl: her ul Wholesale or lletilll. Kiimilics will bo supplied by the quarter or side, or smaller ipiatitllies al Hie most reasona ble rate. Constantly on hand the choicest cuts of lleef, Pork, Million a ml Ycal,al-o Sausages, llulounus, .Vc. Apply ul Iho Meat House, South lliiid slrei't, in Moure .v. Dissluci ' How, Sunbury. tin imiiKci nays Hie i.e.i ot meat is served lit custoinc! ut the meal stand, corner of Market and Third si reels, when the celebrated Illusion.,' sausages can be had, lony kuow ii u I lie be.-l lu luarkct, UF.NUY K. FAtiELY. N. 11. Persons having fal lings or beeves for sale can piiM'iiiu the lilgcsl market price oy ap plication at the above establishment, Miuhuiy, Nov. 1 1, ISTI. MYHII11 HlllTllU. PlttKTSIliM AT MtllVliM) PTiTS KtlU, UaL Timoiii:. I list preiiiliiiu lur V'lie plaee llsitlcis nw allied tliu Miiuuvslile, aillaiitai;e of lliu hiilinvslds I 1. ll Is so ei'-'-triieie, tinil oiie-lhird mora of the ritiliallin; oteuds Into the room, civ IllKlli il biul will.i.lll c I I .l fuel. 2. It Is Hie only llnl-AIr Kli place Heater lu tint lii.iikel. Like tliu regular built cellur lirulrr, il hue. no Ileal, but eoiillites It all lo Its Iciit- pill p.uct, 11. 'I lie fuel nianailue Is double tliu tiaUatl slse, exieiidiitii In. in I lie llio b.. In Hie oi uf I lie stiite, mill e.ip.ieily for lueiil) four liuuis' sup ply of 4. The patent doubln coli-r for coal luaiislns I'ollaUlntaj lllti I'.la, pletehlt I'tieapt) of Kll lulu the r.Miui, uii. I inakea it iinii, lor uuv luif- ' lilies or i'p!oltiii In t.eetn. I hit I. ttu iidval l- iiye H...e.ieJ liy no oilier stove lu luu I'l. 5. Ilioiil itrti I In nil air i'.ailili. l, wheiiilii I Inlak llieul.ill.iii la kept up, ill ittli. Hie void all . Ill Hie I il'. .11 UllilUlill lie, lie. I 1 lea llilo lnrt j hot air Ii a. i Vuir, ill I lie but k ul tliu altlte. tl .No i.l.i I l,a,a ttiti uti I, iis Hid sir U llSdlud I lu at luflluil tlaVllljl llil.lljio lldlatllliK Hutia lid I do .ibln b.u k, su piling luittu iiuaiilllle. uf laiil , ull A lllltldl t,( ,, ill lull. 1, ulllUta lliu Sttltl In'ail to ll.,....i; that ll.,litl.ll) Ini.l mi a.lj. .11.1114 lo. Ill oil (lid lilt., lata lit a healing Iks lui.UH lu 11.11111 t slid tblid aim 1, , . A tl a in i mi top nf Ilia el. me, i'i.i.iiih tad I IS Ull lint nil idda, Hid tjUdblliy of k t uii 1114111114 (ti uu laati of thiol lit uppvl ill .Hi r I. a., 11, a. All tailor Ultl pldCU slutl l I .. Hull 1. 1 lu lllla aacll. u. ,a iiidlu Is stil ttdiii,,), dti4 ua Uutl d i It u d llll tl. ikl.ig II, 1 k 1 1 U i I , I'll 1 1 lSuV i. ( (t , I I'tiii nl. ipl.U. I II, It. U lilts, 4gct,l ... II. Ull VantcU Immeilltcly, lu.uiiu VN Mi 1uih I 1 1 ldt U 1 1.1.1 tt..k ui litO'l'S) nuts ttl ,, II. t la .11.114 It'l ltita 4lu ti4 tal Ida UtiaaHti.atlt Itadlta dta4 I liMlt., , all alt iw tJ ut ta l 1 14, K nl I kdlta tat-l tdl, I, S Stti ; J. 4. ltaa.aa.4 la'4 (ta t.a I s4fswl4 tt I ll4 lit ii.a..l tal guu4 lailtt) -! Ill In I tins Iv.l MllUM, I ii 1 , lM (us FURNITURE STORE, In Masonic Hall Buildings, Third, ucar th Toat Oflloe, 81XBI RT, PA. B. L. RAUDENBUSII now offers to the public. rxjiisriTTjrm selected nnd inn do with great care, anil with a view to please the wants of hit numerous customers. Ills stock Is new and of tho lntost style. FATtLOn SUITS, TAKLOU AND RECEPTION" CHAIRS, COTTAGE SETTS, Ash, Walnut or Hosewood of the flnc.t patterns , tnnilo, NIIK HOAltOM, lu Oak or Walnut, nnd Dining Room Furniture of nil kinds. LOOKING GLASSES AND PLATES, Mattresses, Tlllows, Holsters, 'Wludow Shades nnd llxturcs. XJISTTDEnT-A-ICIlSTO. y I. lai.' Wiij.Ti.L,iiii iwn iMisili-tiJi k Vxnnaajiii il a.xJwai W-S"W f WSUOV.VMSSa.Iav-1-tinuM i .7W,''S Special intention paid to this department by W. P. Huberts who has hail n number of years experience In the city. Collins of every Ueserip Hon nnd, constantly kept on hand. Also, rlK Met n Mh Iturlal Cases. Hirouds nnd lu dertaker inittrrlals of all kluds, lif Personal uttoui'ance to funerals. Henieuibpr, the Masonic Hull Buildings, on i una street, siinuurv, ru. H. L. RAVDF.NUL'SH Sunbury, July IS, 1871. I.l.Mltllll AMI 1'I.AM.VU 9IILLK. Third Street, nd.lolnlmr Phlln. Erie R. R., two Stiuures North of the Central Hotel, SUNlirilY, PA. IS prepared to furnish every description of lum ber rc'iulrcd by the demand of the publle. Having ull the latest Improved machinery for luiinuliiciurlng Limber, lie is now ready lo till or ders if all kinds of FLOOlilN'ii, SID1NC, DOOltS, SIH'TTEKS, SAMI, UI.INDS MOL'LDlNliS, YE HANDAS, UHACliETS, and nil kind of Ornamental Scrow I Work. Turn lug of every description promptly executed. Also, X LAIUII! ISSOIITMKNT OK P.ILla LUMP. ER. HEMLOCK mid VISE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lut lie, Ac, Orders promptly llllcd, nnd shipped by Railroad or olhci H l.-r. 1HA T. CLEMENT. ilrcll.-iiSily KTOYI'a TIX llSTAlli-lVllMlaXT. MARKET STREET, SUNULRY, PA. ALFRED KltTuSE, Proiitietor. hICITSSOU TO SMITH 4 UI'.NillLH.J nAVINli purclmscd the above well known es tabllshincnl, Mr. Kraiiie Would respectful ly inlorni the public that he uow has on hand a large assort incut of C O O K INC S T O V E S , Specr's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susiiuihiiiina nnd others, w hich are so arranged a to be used for Coal or Wood, ami m e ivari nnled to perforin satisfactori ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kind put up In lieat one or more rooms. 1IEAT1NO STOYES ofditlcrciit kinds ut very low prices. Tli.wnro ol' I'.vrry licNcripf ion kept constantly on hand. Roofing mid Spouting w ith the h.'si material, done ut short notice. UEI'AlillNtl attended to wilh dispatch. Coal Oil in d Lamps couslaully on hand. Japan ware of a at.nd.t. Store o Conlcy's hurdware store, (iive me u call. A. KHAl'SE. Mpl'J-l-ly LADIESPANOY FURS. John Favoira, 7(1H AIM II Sl'ltlll.T, .Middle of the lllock, betw een 71 ll and Sth Eti., (South Side, ritlludcljililu, Impoitcr, Miiiiufactiiier mid Denier in nil kinds uiul (puiHty of For Ladles' and Children's Wear. Having Imported a very large nnd splendid as soitmciit of till the dlllcictit kind of Furs from Hist hands in Europe, anil have had them made up by Hie most skillful w orkmen, would respect -lull)-' Invite Hie readers uf this paper to call and examine his large and very beiiullful assortment of Fancy Furs, lor Ladles' mid Children, 1 am determined to sell ut a low prices a any other respectable House iii this elly. All Fur war ranted. No misrepresentation to t Ifeet sales. .IOI1N FAREIRA, 71S Arch Street Philadelphia. Oct. IS, lS",l.-ain. FOR SALE-! "IT'KiHTY acres of linproicd laud in lh best .1 J section of ISoulhcin, witliin live miles urllte town of " 1 lireo Kiveis," in M. Jo seph couuty, within two miles of the Hallroad station, ood bllildluifs, oul houses, luruu or chard, soil, rich sandy loaui, school houses nnd church within slight title indisputable, ten acres are lu wheat, l lie remainder in clover sod. A span ol horses, ciilllc, line's, train and larinliii; iitcnolb', tVe., will be Sold Willi this property. Pi lee Ttl per ucre, (ia.OOO lu cash, Hie balance ill liuio paynienla of ilniU, applv lo WM. A. MASsEU, Tiitee lilvers, Mich, or, 11. D. MASSKIt, Buubiiry, la. Punbury, March II, lb7l. WM. Ul'lllUY. 4. bLATMAKEIl. IS. tl. IlLAC'K. a MURRAY & CO., Wholesale Dealers In MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, Olllee and (school hiulloucry, l'l-liillu, Wruiiliij( Mini Muuillu PAPERS, IMTI It lllin, le sir. Tliu Colt In iiU'il Cony Keiosono Itiiriilii Oil ttlwuys on baud. Ilai Iuk lllao opened it COAL YAIID, wo ure pit pared to supply ul aboil uullcu, uud at the hvat rules, ihkj, bTDVK, fJllvSTNL'T ml ri:. GOAL Id nil tsbo in sy bs plcdatd lo mt us rail. (Inltos left ul our olllee No, lift Huulk Iblld HI., Ill lag pioliipll) tilled. Ml'KKAV tl III. K.i. 1)5 iv.ulu 1 Ull 4 klittl, Bdiibui), Ps. Au,. ao, I'll. U l l III OM OI VIKH., Al ltl si, I IIHOMiiH, HUMK last II. T. IIIO A (O., M llrtjt , irk. InlUa lltt- dll-lall"U tl I Uti Tiddt. 14 lli. ll tll'tii t.tt1 u.fl.ititi.t uf Hid dlHilD u.attiU, tal (Ssil tadtl pdl.llt dlaaatta Ut-i ddldt I did Sta4 Ida lai tdlltata . a Ud i-llt'lii LAM Hi IILI.m4 laUII'llOMCI't httt mumy I'liakniiK. K 4 ll. I a ti mm i s. ui., tS lttd4, Ka lix, II) ldUS klulit-tallld IL jl, Isn.asilSkS IIS ktstlst i ksa.s w l'lillsf iJibl flilMlsll. Msuk ik, ll -1; Sunbury Cattle Insurance Company. THIRD ANNUAL 8TATEMEMT FOR THE YEAR F.NDINO JANUARY 1st. 1871. Number of Policies, 718. Ainoanl or Property Insured, f'UKj Amount of Premium Note In fores, tlUti CAHII ASSETS. Amount loaned nt Interest, 93000,00 Amount In Treasurer's hands, (1000,00 Amount duo from Agents, :too,tl5 Amount dun from other sources, 17211,00 Available Cnpilnl, 39,V!;1'J,V13 I (inure your Cattle. TNST'Tllt: with A resnonslblu nnd ncrfretlv re. A liable Company. Insure where your losses will bo mm promptly. THIS IS A MUTUAL PROTECTIVE COM PANY. Hence, tinllko other Compnnlcs, yon nre sure of bring pnid promptly for all losses, If Insured In this Company. OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LESS THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. IU'Iuk mutual, our expenses nro less, nnd our Charter is Perpetual. We pay losses by all kinds of accidents by death, (excepting In enses of epidemics,) by theft, &c. Ac. 'Wo pay prompt ly. No red tape proceedings to obtalu your money lu case of loss. X curly 83,000 paid on Cows nloiie Mince Orgiiiilcntloii. Look nt the list of Losses paid on Cows alone by this uoiiipiinya M llunningrr, Sunbury, Pa D Hllgcrt, Northumberland tieorne Eckert, " 8 H Dodge, " Charles ltollrk, Mt Curmcl F.siiheu Slpple, " Catbarinn Wagner, Walsontowu., Oeorgc Heir, Northumberland ,1a rob Kiivdcr, Sunbury 3 W llass'ler, " Minor Cady, Devvnrt fill linrino Martz, IShtimnkiu Francis Huelicr, Sunbury ...33 50 40 :to ao 40 40 50 anus 50 ....00 .. 40 0 Samuel 11 Price, Upper Lehigh... Joseph Deppc-n, Mt Curincl Matthias rcholly, " Francis McCarly, Marin Kramer, VVnlsnntown .40 ..111 45 Joseph Nlrelv, Jr., Dewnrt ..40 ..40 .40 J iV K t (julirgle, l ine, Clinton eo R Haniaue, hhciinndoali, Schuglklll Co J 8 Tluirp, jsluiiuokin 40 Thomas Wardrops, Mt Cariuel 45 N A Lmidcnshigcr, lleriulou, 4i) Rachel Cranicr, Flslier's Ferry 40 O L Rt'iigan, Sheuandoali, Schuylkill co fit) Jacob Milne, ' " 40 Jacob Molt, " " 40 D 11 Bower, Heiudon, at) (ieo II Luhr, Georgetown 40 John 11 Ossinan, rtuuhtirv 40 W II Wallace, Nortliumbei luud 110 II S (inibain, " 50 Rebecca Koble, GcoiL'ctowu 40 Philip Wintersteln, Wutsonlowu 41) (1 8 Low, I.lino Ridge, Columbia co 40 Lew is Oslrrlinut, Laurel Run, Luzerne co... 40 Mary J lliuc. Nortliiiinberlaud 10 II F Krohii, huiibiiry 40 Andrew Ileal)', (ilrar.lsviilc, Scliii)lkUI Co.. 40, Patrick Furgeson, Mt Cnrniel 40, Murtiii Dclauey, Sheiniiuloah city I I, Jolm Dane, Ashland, Schuylkill eo 10, Anthony McLaughlin, (iiiurdsvlllu 40, Llaymau 8 Hay, Mnhauoy Plaiiu 40, R Johnson, Raven Run 40, llnvid llauclicr, Itcrwlck -7, J 1) Fochl. Pottvillc liO, Erastiis Sober, Point twp ".(, A I.lppencolt, Wiitsonlowu 40, Maria Ivi ainer, Watson'n,0.! loss pit last sum, 10, I P Llppciicott, Wutsonlowu 40, R 8 Ammerman, Snydertown 'JO, Nathan lllnss, lierwick, Columbia co tiT, J A C R Qiilu'glc,Plne Slu'n Clinton c Sd loss,40, Chillies W llazzard, Rupert, Columbia Co.. .40, John Foixlcuian, Walsoutowu -to, Palrlck Hester, Ml Cariuel 40, 'I nomas Mel, Pax una 110, R MeClosky, Lock ileveii Kll, HON. A. JORDAN. President. C. A. P.EIMENSN YDI'.U, Bec'y, Sunbury. DIRECTORS i Ex-fiov. Jatne Pollock, Hon. C. J. rtruuer, Solomon !;lri.lif Win. Hilndle, Snloinnu Shipr, John A. Milssler, Dr. D. T. Krcbs, Dr. David Waldron. Muich 11, IS7I. ly. II AIIDWAIIE FOP. ALL AT THIS IIAUDWAHi: ST0UE OF J. H. CONlJELLY & CO. .Ilurket Strt'ol, Nuuburj', I. It Is useless to enumerate every Kind of ai tide In Ills btnrc, but inuoiiK the leuillu;,' ileitis may be set down tliu followlnj;! Iron, btcel. Lead, bculci, ("icelynrds, liihulstoues, Nulls of ull kinds u ml sizes, Vires, Saws, Plunes, 8 eves, Chains, Axes, Ilrass nnd Iron Kettles, Shovels, Uoi-s, Foiks, tSpades, llakrs, Hatchets, I 'niprnicr nail 131ael,inith lloilni: Machines,'.ar (iratei, DrnwInK Knives, tstoue tilcilues, Phisleruis' Trowels, Masons' llanimers mid Trowels, lluild Dinner Hells, and lnii;e east Iron Pells for behuol Houses und I'ai inei s' Dinner 11. lis, (.lurpcntrrs' llench Screws, Pot hi o I'oiks for dii-'cliit; potatoes, l.ooklnir (ilasses. Twine, lit.)" , Knives uiul Forks, spoons, TiuU", Mulu mid Horse Klines uud Nulls, Hammers, Auxins, (.'lii-els, Lanterns, (III t'lollia, Hiooius, Locks uf all ilesci ipl ions, l oll'eo Mills, Hits uiul Unices, ('uirlui;o Holts of all kinds. Paint and Wall Urushe', lliickcls, 1I1m, VaruNliOH, Juian, Lli', fsoibi A-h, Wnslilin: r'od.l, IMIMS !-' Ala I. KIMiK lu C'll or Dry, Puril-l iiliir of all kluda, CEDAU-WAlti: uud other Wooden-Ware of nil kinds ntiilveiy cheap, lliiy-l-'ork Pulleys, Picks, Mill Picks,' Levels,' Level lil.isscs, Flics, llluu'cs. Coal Oil, Ileitis. Combs, rel'elts, Saildlery and Mhh' Findliiira, I Ilnyirv Tilunuliijis, Fxerlalor Ulaas Cullers. 1 Pucka Knives, Scissors, Shuns, j Miot, iiis Mini runder, j ami a un a! v. ii li ly of other arllclcs. Any thliiaf wuiili'd und not on hand, will bu ordered al once, : fct 1 1 1 1 . . 1 1 1 , An. I'.., Diil. I'liiluili liilila uutl llrltt ItHllruHil. UlNTl'ltTIM i:taui.i:. Oil sii.l slier M.iii.luy, Not euib, r 'Jl. H71, the Truliisinilliu; Lue ll.til lb. ad will run us luilovts i WlNTWAltD.. Msil Tl ! Kates I'liiludelpUut, I 9tl p in " " SUillllUI)', I is. it u " sir ul File, laV.'.U l II 111 hi Ftp "a h alts Plilludelldils, l'J .10 p 111 " tSuiibiii), It VI . ill Ull at I lie, T tu FluiilS Mall lea lea Plillud.'lplltd, 1 si d in uiiluti , 4 t.A ui " " sin l Lot k llatsii, 1 tii pin A ceil" Uutua Miiibtiiy, 4 li 4 III " stir ut Km. 1 1 o, 10 40 s in H AS I WAIID. Mdli Tiabl Itstes Ills, 11 n tu ui,l,alf, J '.'o tt m i " sir at 1'biU.ltlpltU, din I lls llpi.ta Unlet lue, W il p lu ' itn,l.ul, l M 4 iii " ail dl I'ln dtJ' .puts, jl iJ p III l.lii.lid Udll Udita Luis, lldtvia, t iii s in " " kunlaul), II tsl d HI 'I dll dl I' l hid, h .'ail . u, AtVtaUllttia4ulloSl Lull Itiilill l, 4 -4 , u " Sll dt kllulauit, I da . I. Mull I ual tdl dt4 dial dl I Ut dlllt I 1.4 U t tt. H SU4 dt I- M, dl I llll.t.i.ti llllll till I lu, d4 t. H H . Udll V..l lit, u. Lauu.l llullat tatj . Si . U. M . ut.4 dl I to, a .l l llaut dllll Hal . I i.t dt4 t bitan tt tt. W 1 lallaaiaat) sat.dtl lldlull Ldltid Sdtll fitatai ti I. lit ltaiiu. t v iviid 1. 1 1" tats, Sdl ss4, Id . MiatlatUflaat tad kVadataa) tduU ' uti mii'Miv. 1 llt'l t.f I. I.uckHw nunft and Bloomsbarg Rail ronil. BUMMER ARRANGEMKNT OT PA89ENG ER TRAINS. Momln?, JulT 17,'IS71. BOU TUWAUDa Louvs. A.M.iP.M.IA.M.P. M.iPM. Scrnnton, Hellcvue, Tiiylorvlllo, Lnika wanna, Plttston, Went Plttston, Wyoming, Multbv. 9 ift 1 45T0 05 10 17i 0 50 4 00 0 55' 4 05 e 50 6 57! 7 05 7 02 7 U 7 10 l'J iivl 11(1 tir 4J 47 10 ao' a n 10 85' HO 40 8 81 id 47 !10 7 24 7 111 7 Ull, 7 5l' 8 Oo' 8 (15 8 Sol Kingston, A i W.-Ilnrre I St. 7 40 a on li oo 4 65 c rs Plyinoiith June, 5 00 5 05 i-i)inoutii, Nnntlcoke, llunlock's, BhlckHhlnnv, Hick's Ferry, Reucli Haveu, Berwick, llriar Creek, Lime Ridge, Espy, Hlooinnburg, 7 50 8 (lOi 8 07 8 li'J 8 :i(ii 3 40 8 ao 8 45 3 08 8 411' 8 C7 8 no! U 34 8 57', 07 9 14 0 10 i U 211 9 Ull 0 fill I) 511 nuperi, Catawissa, Danville, Chuhtsky, 3 571 t-uincron, 10 Ull North'd, (arrive.) 10 liu 4 531 NORTHWARD, Lcnvo. .A.M. P.M. Northumberland, Ciinieron, C'litilasky, Danville', Cn litwissa, Rupert, llloouisburg, Espy, Lime Ilidu'r, Hi lar Creek, Berwick, Hciicli Haven, lllck's Ferry, Slilekshlnny, llunlock's, Nnntlcoke, Plymouth, Plyinoulli June., Kinirston, it W.-llarro Maltbv, Wyoniintr, Weil. Pillstou. Piiision, Lackawanna, Taylorvlllii, Bcilcvue, bcriinton, (arrive) II 10 ll III a aa o 17 a ao 0 a5 ll.ll Jl) l . not Ml, bllp'l. ,orlhoru 4'onlrul ISui.miy. FALL, AND W1NTLH Alt 11 AN (IE. ME NT. ON' and after Nov. 12, 1S71, trains will ruu us folluws i NOinilWAIiD. Nlairar.i Lxpress leaves Sunbury lit l'J. -10 p. ni.,nrrlve at Niagara Falls ut l.liilu. in. Itnllalo llxjircsh leaves Sunbury ut l'.'.lliln. m., ni rive ut Witliiimsport ut - -'i a. in., Illmira ut fi.llil a. in., ( aiiaii'liilua it. 15 u. m. Mail iirrlves at Sunbury ut 4.110 p. in., arrive lit Wliliuuispott ti. 110 und F.lmlru lil.u.'i p. in. Fnst Lin" urrives lit Sunbury ut O.CiJ p. in., urrive ul It llllainsioit K.l.i p. in. 60UTI1 WA11D. lluir.ilt) F.xptcss leaves Putilniry nt 1.47 a. ni., nrrive ul ilni i ix'juti; ti.4.'i a. in., Haltiiuore T.-U a. in. Mall leaves Siinbury at 11.05 u. in., arrive ut liirrisbur 1.45 p. in. F.rie KxpresB leaves Piiubury at a. m., ar rive ut Hurrisbui'K 11. U0 u. til., lliilliuioiu li.UL) p. in. Mile Mull leave Siinbury nt l'J. 30 a. in., arrive at llai ribt.iu 'J.'JO u. m. fill AM O KIN DIVISION. IM.VlWAUil. Leave Suiihiiry at 4.40 p. in., unite at kin .Villi p. lit., Ml. l.'.irmel li.-io p. m. Leave biiiiluuy ( Acci'iuiuo.latioii,) i t 11 Cdu. in., uriive ul Sliainokiu 1.00 p. tu. WKSMVAKII. Leave Mt. Carmi l ut 7.00 n. ni., Shaiuokiu 7.40 u. m., iirrlti) ut f'tiinbury ti.Tia a. in. Leave bhamoklii ( Accommodation,,) ut -.!') p. in., arrive ut Sunbury 4.00 p. in. Kxpress leaves daily. Ail other trains leave dally, except Sundays. A. K. J'l")Ki;. Lit. h. Vol mi, lieii'l. Sup't., Ucn'l Pas-cn'r A't., Ilarrlsbiirs, Pa. Hallmore, Md. I'oiiilliiK Ctiiilroad. W I N T E H A lilt A Ml 11 M II N T. 3oil.fil;, jVnf. l.'Kl, 1S71. CI ni'.AT TllUNK LINK from the North mid H Noith-Wcsi for Piiila l.-lphia, N. Y-.U -a l Inr, l'ultsville, Tatnaipi.i, Am, I. in. I, Miami kin, Li billion, AUciitoun, La.-l in, llplnata, Lilii, Lancaster, Columbia, A:r., ,Vc. Trains leave llnrri.-biiii; fi r New York, us fol lows: At a.4.1, H.10, ii. m. mi l y.iiu p. m., con ncctlnn with similar trains on ihe Pennsylvania llailroud, r.n I nriiviui; nl New York ul io.ti" a. 111., 8.4'J, uiul ll.'l.'. p in. le- t i lively. Slecpin:' tuts uccoinpaay t.K J.-ia a. in., irain without change. Kcturuini;: Leave New oi k at 0.0,1 a. m.. I'liilatlrlphia at 7.1iti t'leepiii'j: Cars iiceom t'.'.HO noon und A.OO p. lu. h.liO a. la. nnd 11. Ud p. ta. ; I any the .'i.t'J p. 111. Intiii lioui New York with out clianire. Leave llarrlsLttrp; for Iba llntr, Poltsi il!e, Ta niuipiu, Mluetst ;ile, A-hi. iiul, r-haiiiokin Alli utoit n uud Plilia lelpliia ul N.hl a. in. 'J.l.ll end 4.1.1 p. m., slo.pia' ut Lebanon an piillt'i;iill Ha)' it. .til. Ilh I Hie" p. III., tlai: en. in. Miu' lor i'liiiad 'ipbia, Pollsti.le and Co luinbia iiaiy. I or l' It.-1 ille, Sel.utlkill II. mi mid Auburn, vi i bebiitikill and r-iii.Ueli.ur.i: itailnuiil, leave I I.l lli Inn t' al ii. 10 p. in. F.a.-t Pi tiusyi tanl.i tiaiiu. lleinl luu fi r Aliciitoti n, Fusion uud N'm York at I. M In. 40 a. in., and 4.H.) p. in. lb tin iiiinr. It al New li'lli at P. tltl. i, in., I1.' noon in i.l .'i.t' i. III. laid - ' ii ul T.-U a. in. 1'.' -'.'i iiooi' 'i.l'i. 4 '.ii uti. I "-.!.. p. m. Wat Pat ii. r 'i rain h ai. s Philadelpni i a 7. lit! u. in., ci ml' e -1 iiiK vt ith similar l rain on I'.u P.lin.l. ltailiiia.l. I'lililinia, In, ni Iua ihii; at ti.: p. III., at") I hi4 at i.U sialiiuir. Levitt i'jii.iiiilti al n.n.l 11. 111. mil 'J.ilO 111. Ileriiilou ut In. tsl a. 111., Mintuokln at .'..Ulan I i.l'i u. III. 1 Ashland ni T.'..'. a, 111., and I'J. I UiMiii; Mali. ua ) ("ty at T.M 11. in. in" '.'.up. '1 Taiiuupiii at a. 111. and '.'11 p. in. ft Philadelphia, New V' 1 U.K. ai'lii',', Hanoi. iili.',.V, l.tuie Pollst il!u tia liny il.iil and u.ii luiiiiiu Hailroad at t.l.'ia. 111. nn ll.11 1 '-1.1,1 u, 1,1 ll.4.'i a. III., for Pine Inotc uud I n luoul. Itcuillin; Aii-oiniii.til in. 1 1 I tain let it Pott vlllc ut a.10 a. in., 1 ut K. .11I 1 -4 nt .,;o a, 1 uiiitiiii; ul I'll ll.Klt l ("li i.i at In. 1:11 a. 111., i-linn,. leaves Pliiidili'lpliia al I t . p, in,, pasii.t: ll. .,, in.' al 7. a5 p. 111. in 1 it my a I Puil-i 11 1. el a. ..1 I'till alult II Ai l Ollllll.lll.lll.ill ' lain ll lltta p.iii I lottii at T.t'O fl. in., lei iiiuii, l,,t. t Pblla.l. Ipl. ul 4 1. 1 p. m. I nlu 'bi.i Id 11 1 1 Mi.l Trains It. nn I i , . 1 . 1 1 ; ; l; 7-'Jo 11. lu., and i. 1 p. 111. lor I phi iia, Lit. Liiut'uilt r. ( oliiii.liia, ,Vf. 1 rei 111 uin'.' Irat e .., t.i.l. 1 ul Jl 11. 111, uiul .1-1. p. 111., it it I 1 HI ul 1 but ul t l '' u. 111. an I IL I , p. 111. j I'l l 1. 1-mien Ii .il It'snl I lain, b ate p, il, iuui I J mi. 1 1 nl al 7 .' , t' o.'. a. m.. al IS. tsl 11 ml ,'i.4'i p. 1 j t, lull. lilt, I. ate S, llttel. k.t Illi' ill li.4.'i,ll.J,i 11 I l'J.. 'ail ins ni and 44) p. in. coiiiic, 11111; tt II li .11... , liMlua 011 Id a In. Kill I Pi. I.i lie tj aiit) Lal.10.1d liulna leuitt PI. liUllile ul 0 I') 11. HI , ii o'i ami & .Vi p. 111. 1, leatu It 1 la ul li 'si u. iii., 1 : 1 1 ion dint 4 .'I IL III., liil.llli tin, Willi aWnlal lidliia lttd.lli.4 I. .tlit. ia.. I .... 1 ....1, 1 l;...iii..i. ' ' 1. ,1,1a li .in Pi.iiiu dl VI. in d. in., 1 I' I ii ..iti p. 1.1, 1. 1 111 uin, li . Ml. ritua.u.l ll ) I 1 .... I I I ; . 4 III , uud J M In,, t't'l.l 11 l,l.ji dull aiti.t,..! li.tli.a tiu It.'.l.l It.iiliisi I, I llt.t. I Y.ili. ) li.ilil.i.l I Tl illia I. .it.' Hit. I.. .11 ul uO d. Ill , lu in I '. -I' p. It'l in Ii. Idtd l..dillllul Hi a. u .a .1. In , I J. U U.i. li 1 6. 1 -l 1. 111. tt.11. ii. He 4 d uti 1 1 .uti. ,111 l,t. II. U It. .Ll. SI, . (iii a.. I ., t . I .'..ic Si I .ul tl & iti . 1 '.IU4ti lit d. s mi d, in. .111 4 u I (.. 1.1 , ( I tl In. Ilulii I ....... 1., .. I) I I 1 . I. ...,) If ', U tin dl I' 4- lit , . tf ll tit,- ',.11, '4 1 III. , dlll a'iaO I lo i it .tt t....i.'dii ut I.l III. i litlt If .a ti.i,j ul I II d lo 1" W I .al llulli lata. ,, dl i ul d. Ul. I I N. ...J U II l d lo Si'-1 I I I Ul. I' l I't.ilu 1.1 t ti.itMltal all u, tii.'.aai t i .!. .11, t. It Mil I ttui.taaat 't. W'lt, l-i .ait4 l-'idd-l pui.tladl tld.tu4 Idl.d. Uug,' 1VS tl-t. tt I ital-'tauU i iS( I'taUii It ff st.s l It 1'itt" . I M Wi'.tl II , 4 iti b4 4 I ... ll. la 41 C' it l tfct It.. I ,H. U),lll Ml. 4 I'.tl. 10 115 5 10 I I 6 87 5 ai 10 uO 5 40 j n co: I I o or ill 14 (I l'Ji I tl 17 0 SI i (I 114' lit an 0 4i! in 4a; o 4h a.m. ! j o 55 12 00; 7 (ill 7 ao' I I I 7 'J4. 7 45' P M. :p. M.I 7 111 K OH' i !l'J W. 7 41 M 15 P. M.' 5 III V ao 5 15 I .' 12 si; 7 f.i 8 ao a an 5 w 1 e rs , I K 40' 8 111 5 1.5 12 41)! H (10 8 45 2 4H 5 10 8 Ul 8 K, 2 54 5 4 7 1 12 68. 8 IS 0 01 2 .Ml 5 1.2 8 as II 1 I a 07 li 111) h ao o ur, 8 48, ti aa ' 1 14 8 4S ll 40