itnlmri! American. SUNWUY, DEC. 23, lrt71. Itallrond Time Tables. JT. C. n. W. T.kkt. P. R. R. U WMf. niiir.ilnGtl'ro1J:9nm;Rrie Mull, l'rt MH) h m Kilo ' 9.-3.1 Aecom. " 0:111 " F.lmlritnll " .1:03 " INInirnrti Et " 13:40 n ni Niagara Ex." 4:40 p m F.lmlMMnll " 4:R.O' !r.Ex. " 0:50 " IMM0K1K IMYltlO X. C. H. W. ht , Anntra Sutilmry ut 11:50 n m'At 8 i -jury fbM a m " 4i-li p m; 4:00 p in d. n. a w. n. n. Lenve flnnhtiry Mi) a. in., 4:45 nml O:fi0 p. m. Arr. nt Sunhury 0:50 it ni, Oik'i) itm. 10:40 p. in, BUNBURY LEW1STOWN K. R. LRA VN Sunhury nt ::t0 n. ni. " " 11:40 II. 111. AlllltVR At Suiiliiir.V 8:3H IV. m. " " 10:43 o. in. Accident liiirniii'C Tlrkrl run bo lmd of 3. Slilen in. Ticket Agent nt I lie flcpot. ftW.I Iffairs. "J 8r imi Mai'iiimfs.-MIm Caroline Dnltua U tlio nifeiit for lliu tulo of the bent Sowing Machine In existence, vl i "Tlio Improved Slinrer, "lirover .V- linker" "Howe," end Domestic," which are cou-t nit ly on liaiid nnd told n ren rotiiilile prices. Phe Is nlso nucnt for the ecle brate.l Fr.nilx and I'opo Kulttlnix Maehlno. Cull mid see tlieui. O'l.ce ou Market street, ciut of the railroad. "Tuts l'oon Wr" A tlrst rnto lecture Mai ulven by l'rof. l'cck. In the D.iptUt church on Tuesday evenln Inst, nnd the midlenco, Uko . , . ,. , , .. - o.lver Twist, called for more. T ho l'rofcssor roiiseulcd to ulvo uiiother ou this (Saturday), vvi'iilnir. nn 1 llioe who pronni-u to henr It should bee lire seats by irolna early. D. !l. W. II. It. Passcnjier trnlnt nrc now rcjjiilaiiv innnlnu: between Sunhury nud llurle tou. They leave Sunhury nt 5.40 a m. nrrlvo nt JlaKleton ul t' n. in. leave Ilar.lcton nt 7.10 p, in. ; nrrivc nt Sunlmiy nt 10.1 p. m. - 1 mi carrier of the A vciiipan, desires us to ro mind bis patrons tlmt he will lie waiting upon thcni ou New Years day with n spicy nddrcsa. As these arc hard times, nnd Jut the luxlnnlin; of n cold nnd frosty winter, mid his h itlom dol lar havlnj; vanished lontf since, he hopes that he w ill receive n bonnl ll'iil supply of the "needful," no t lint his i hislrpH'iny limy ir i.iiic I'li'tlm shape for nt IcnM twelve inctitlit to conic. Vk hnvo concluded to pay n frieudly visit to many of our subseilhess iliirlnittbe holidays, and those who owe us, we hope they will bo ready to Clvo lis further cueouraijeiiient by siuarlnjj up their accounts with u cheerlul hemt. I'm. i Vr:.vTin:ii. Thursday iiinrulu was tlio col.b-sl of this reniaikalily cold wluter. The theiiiou. 'tei4 ut 8 a. in., stood ul zero. A Ni:w il.MiiiWAiiii STuUt:. Major D. Ilel'.iliv; Son have opened new hardware ilore u few doors east of Drumliullcr'a Hotel, Murket ctrevt. Tliey have an extensive ussmtiiieiit. Till! 1. lilies' festival In I'lcasunt's biilldlni:, re cently occupied by N. K. l.lulitiier, will open this (I'llday), evening, hikI conlliiue duiinj the holi days. A Silver Tea Service will bu put lip to be voted for by the friends of the different Ministers of Sunhury. The proceeds me lobe iipplkd to the pii'ioiiau now biilldiui;. - A I.itcTritK on Humanism is Ameiiica. A lec ture will he d.'llverod In tiaiinifei 's Opcru House, on New Year's evening, by l'rof. K. J. ltowmnn. Sutiject "iloaianlsiu In Ameilc.i." The pio eee ls of the lecture will bo donated to Mi. John A Taylor, of Northumberland, who unfoiluiiute ly lo-l his rlfiht iinn by nn ueei.leui on tlio rall roail n few months njju. At Mr. Taylor Is n worthy man und well known to the community, we hope lo see this excellent lecture well patron ized. AcniiiniNii to our usual em torn, no paper will tin Issued nest week fioni this ulllee In order to eive our hands tin opportunity to take some I'Lcrealloii during the holidays. Aa wo Issue I two extras annually ciintulnlni the niessnnes of the President nn I tlovernor, oar reader will lose uiitlii:i by an our "Ion of one weik. r.X'"' .suvis.-I'xeiirslnii tickets over the Phila delphia A: Krle, and Sunhury A Lew I town rail roi l, will lu sold oa the -J.I, 'Jltli an I '.'5ih lust., iron I until Hie i'.id of January. Tickets can be bad ol Mr. Jaeoh lihlpinau, ticket m-i-nt, iu the depot. This will nlve panic n ooi opportuni ty to tr.iwl al re luce I rates. Dun;, Medicine nnd Kimey tjoods nt Kilmer' Vnvi t'toie. il'Jlllt. A lit Mi n prevails thai ihc new railroad pus l ender depot, now In cour.-e of erection ut this place, is to lie nbaii lolled for that purpose, und Hi it ii laiue union U lo be built on the slto of the present ,.n I old dejiot. licimwrat of ire.'A'. Several persons, under tlio Impression that tho above had been published in tho A vir.u u an, call e I upon us lo know the truth of tho rumor. We stall I that we knew nothing of the matter, und if nu ll nn niliele had been published, It must 'ins Il ea In one of our Democratic Journals, I I v. Id : ma. ie Ion MoiIim uro never out of 1'1'ce. llAvhm,K ( i;i:s T hose wlthlne lo procure b " t ie Ho 1 I n I skis, shou'id not forget that D ivi l r'iy, on Spmu .In it, has the tlue.t us sii't iiciit lliil e. n lit had ill till place. Mr. Fiy' u p nation us a baker I widely known, nud Iho-o ilsiiin ni. I'.talill.lniieiil mill Ih satlsllrd that Ills present issoituHut U not excelled. II Nfixo Ii very o.,'ija iW ut tUo Sunhury (.'a lf. .T'ue Aiimiii an thU week will bu found more lli tll llsk.illy ililen sllll. We hnvo placed on .ni' o il. i Ir a t In. ttiM which should be a ul ! o'vrv oue, .ni. I viliit h enut.iln all excel till ii il. On our Inside puuc nl bu louiij ii nil. i. 'V Ini; li iii r from our fi lend 11. D. H'iiur-E-'l . t'niiii uu iiceuiiul of the Pemmy li.iul.i li p llOt III Ueitioa t V4hiiik'loll, tlitfellll'l' mil Urn -. , ,,!, ,, tin. u. J. . I'a. ker oil that . 'I' On i.r Hi 1. 1 p ii;e Mill li.i found .. I v utile i h nun t, lUn lii.iud Juiy of Muuloiir iiuulv, hi lliu in k 1) Jud,' nl this Jii.l!. Ill IH.1U.I. Jalje Hoeki fi Hi r Imn ilt'illlltei illlll.ilf Will Oil l,i, IK'l.l.illll, miij hi, udlltiM illilS Ol ll Ihr. pe..,e 1, till. ill. III. ,.nu Ut ie. ll lilt l.nSlll. I Ii, l(. If ,, l,m f ,,, On Ii4 in.! u.ily IU. ii44iiiie.illuu, but b l. tho ii ou lo p. i fin ia l.l.dlr mi In ml liarur film, is, l,n, mily 1. 1 linn, l,.t, , nil, o jjui.Io .4 in Hi i p i do iii.iuec ul liu d il) u J, 4 uui li, J H I.IS I. ilu no n. I'ikii To. -'e wupla bait any 'OUl i 'll. Ill ul Ibo tlull'4'.-1 Mili4r ll4Vl 4t,4 ii . In I Hi I li) ih i I4T 'uad faiiliiu u u(. in.,1. Ibis I'n ii U U'i tbo eiiiliiu of pts ..m.. ., ll ) I I.. S jlll.lll t H1I14I, I'l.l4 ' '( Ii t A w km V 4llr, i.iinlll A I I 10, an I Uu. 0 ,1.1. ii y A .i auli.n . ' bu H. il. ul 4I1I1.1U 411 I il.Ml4lS if p4lUl( 1 i n 1 1 Hoi . u . I, I'.ui) u U mi) lan.l). I. 1 k 1 11 1 1. j li 1 l, i4ib a i al Ic4 I d' 4 . H .1 11 i.ii 1 . it. 1 1 lug Ii. i uu, 1,411 . I ' .in . 4 11 1 1,. ak nt, it.. .1 ..4 ,. tuia, li '' li'st' a,,bi444 4 luuii it, 1 ,11 4 " 1 ' I r ' i l, 4 , l im) u u. W I4 ,- Ki. CkiM Ul (klk -l k, JuAft nockelVUer 'hric ! IhO tilriand Jar of Montour County Tli Itrtt Court hold by Ilia Honor Juilffs Rockefeller, In Uill Judicial District, commonced on Manday latt, t Dnovlll, Montour county. On opcnliiK Court the Corot fiouto wat flllcil to Its utmost. A ft or the Grand Jury wne em panelled, th ncr Judgo dull rend lilt cbur'O to the in nt follows i OiVTi.rjMits of Twt JnnTi Tlio Inmltnllon or Qiund Juries ho d tlio ntost riTtinirullid pinto In hII plncus nml device established fur Bacurliig tliu wienncl uniform ex ecu Hon (if Ilia Inw. Tills Institution, It Is mid, Is tlio bonitt of the common law nml tliul tbo crn of Its com mencement Is conceit led behind the roll of it very rcinolo nntlqtiity. Tlio origin of ttiunrri to grand Juries, which wore no doubt Introduced nml properly Intended to nnslst llicni In Hint duty to which llicy nrc riillc I by the pountiy, Is per Imps cipinlly iinclent. To nsll them in the .-r-formiincc of their duties Is tiic primary mid prin cipal object of n clmrjre by the court, but illtfius tdnna.ln tbo strictness forclirn to the occasion, arc mid pciluips properly Indulge! es pecially lit the lirt or last Sessions of it recently elected or rcllrlnir I'rwlilcut Jtiiljfu. Under this Indii ireiico we may ha allowed nt, tills time nnd In this place to commit tilntu tbo people of Montour enmity nnd of the ilndlchil dl-lilct on their ifnod fortune In the pnt. Of tho present It Is not lor tt to rneak. nod of the fu ture It Is not (rive n us lo Know. Previous lo tbo I year 18ult nil Hie Jinlucs of tho several fount of I I Ills State were uppninlcd by tlio (Inventor, lint III VCHI t lid. filll.t ll ntli.ii i.r lmiiavlv..iil.i was amended, mid from that time nil Judircs or the courts have been elected by the people. The llrst election niidei' tho new miienilmnnt was held In the Tall of ISM, which re,niltel In the choice of tho Hon. Alexander Jordan, of Suubaiy, Nor ' Ihiiiiilicrlnml county, ns President J a. Ice of llils the eighth diidiclalTiti'iet of rciiiisylvanla. Wo neeiseiiri'ely say that Jndire Jordan has ncqiilrcd nml nicriled n most enviable reputation us a Jnrl-t, nnd no Common I'leus Judtru has ever retired from the bench anil. I greater expressions I of l'r"l"nd re-ret on the part of hot i nil I tlio people. All bullevu li in to bo n i llmlll YiiVistlnn mid n irentleman. both the liar I mi lioneH llavlnk' served with so niucli siitUfaeilnn for two sueces- ; 8ive terms or twenty one double but that had his health iierniittul III in to accent u re. nomination, ho would huvu been nstaln elected for tiniither term without opposition. At lliu last September Sessions be delivered his Inst charge to a urand Jury of Montour county, nnd whilst it is to lie hoped be may louir live to enjoy retired lile, tlio seeno hero Is entirely cl. united. Other laces are f .'en and other Voices mo lieanl u liiiiinlshlu us of the successive fliai'Kes Hint are eontliitially irolnir on nil around. We me lully Impressed Willi the K'eat rcspou sllilllty that devolves iition us in assumliii! the j Judicial liinctions. H uiiillcrs not wliat may I have been our experiences ns nn i dvocate or (otius' l, ns a Jiidce It can hardly be expected Unit tlio business of the courts will nt once lie j conducted with ns touch dispatch us lulht be I done by oue with twenty years' experience ou tlio 1 bench. Our ii I ni nnd hluhcst n nihil ion wilt bo to ad minister the laws of I'e'iiu-vlvniiln with strict i linpurllallty, nud to the bet of our Judgment, mete out cvi iilian le I Ja-tlce lo nil. The due lol.iiiiil-tr.itiou ul Justice cannot be too liili'y nppivcl ite.l. It conn's home l.i every one. The people look to their courts of Justice for protection in nil their rights, nppertalnlim lo life, liberty nnd propel I v. No irreatcr cilaiultv could beiall u free- people th in In bo burdened wiin n rorrupi or nu liieleut inllcl.uv. l liev I stand b.tween the liuue-t nil I the dishonest, the pure nud tint corrupt I hey luilsl. be aeluale.l by pure motives mid lioiie-i liiteiilions. They liiu-t possess intemity of heart, tlruiucsn wHIiuu't olistinacy, iliscii'tior without tiinldity. knowledge wit limit conceit and Judgment wlthuiit presiiinp I ion. Free loin cannot exist without law. and a law lunoraiitly, paiiiitlly or iniecitiiliily iidiuiins tered, Is the worst Kind oftyrany. We live in nn nye ni' ei'iuie." Murder stalks throughout the land, und crimes of every jiiudo nro Iculul'you the increase. In tills Judicial district, within I lie short space of u lew months, no less than three willul murders have been J commuted for no other or iiuiulfest cause, than j thai the iiul'oi t uuatc victims were willing to work for reasonable waaes to earn brend for their d p mi hint fanil.lcs. Yet no citizen or olll cer o! the law b is ever made the liu'luc-l cllort lolilinr I he perpel rnlors of these lion iblo oul- I rajic to Jistiee. This slioald not bo so. Ills I the duty of every irond citizen anil of every peace j idliccr. wlien a crime Is known to have hcc: coin I nutted, be it what it may, to use duo tli.Uenee In j endctivurlni.' to ferret out the criminal nnd have l.liu punished. The time lias come when the courts must n';ii.7( enforce the criminal laws of the Ian I. The cud and object of all linuian puii-l-liiuciit ia the prevention of future olteiices of the same kind ; llr-l by the uiiiemtmeiil ofrefur Illation of the otl 'lider himself t second, by de terrliit; others by Hie dread of bis example Iroui olleii liny: In I iivo lna ll in-r, and lastly, by drpriv lui; the par'y Injuring of Hie power in ilo tilluie mischief. l''xiMiieiiee has couviiiecd us that III our day lljo miidiiess of tlio couil's sentence lias not had the desired ctl'ect. A line of u few dot- la is or an iuipiisonuieiit fur a lew iiioiiths In the county J.iil, wln ro iiecess by friends U Ir 1 lent iv ieriniite l and ever cncour,ii;e I, bus ueneially had hut slight, any, Inlliicnci la t ae i. iurin i liuu of the l uliuit, and he onlv remembi'i's bis 1 1 1:1 1. con vi.'l ii ni 11 in I 1 111 11 ii. li in.' nl u ii li li'i'liiii't. ul' cnulemiit lor the weakness ul lliu law mid ol dis- reuaid lor the nenaitles It liniioscs. I lienlleni'ii. vou have la.i liacn swum to the ! cxeici.-e of one of me nio-t iiupoi I. oil part ol i I t no iiitmiiiistratton ul public J a-l'ce; ymi arc to i si.iiia iu l ne mi. i.l. c. lo tllar.l, protect nml Jil-lllv ( t:ie iiiuoeeiil Ulna fiom Hie false Ml-piclons nnd iicciisauons, ii nn in i no same nine in eiiarit uic laws, to biiiii; the criminal to Justice und see ' thai Hie public laws ure in. I siitlcicl to be vio lated with Impunity. Your ulllee i bui temporary, but at the same Utile let ll be deeply impressed upon your mind that il Is of the inmost iiiipnitance to you, your families and your lellow cil Incus. Tho man of whom the destlnle of Ihl nation mice seemingly depended, utter huvinir successfully cominaiided her armies, and utter having lillcd Hie hl"hcsl ulllee in Hie uill of the American people for eight years, was uflei wards called lo net us n Juror, nil1 on Unit occasion , : lively nml iiiihcsliiilinuly declared that ol all the positions be bad ever occupied, be felt, Unit to net a a J ill sir ou uuesllons' Hie for- tunes, too I name and life of hi fellow citizens, was the most important. Would Unit nil men heu they are siiiniuoued to court us Jurors would ciiiueslly rctlecl upon Hie pave import nf their iluilc and how vuolly liny eiiiicviu their fellow, uicu. Ymi liuve, by your oaths, appealed to the Su preme lieiiiir to Judite of the integrity of your ilelibei. ill. nis and presenlliienl-, nml this till-1 la one of lli.i-e of winch you iila-t give all uceouiil at the ureal ilav. Ymi have lli-l swoin that bill will dillk-eiilly liupiiie and Hue plc.i nl ni'cnt make ol nil ueh iillieles, niatleis nud thluu u shall bo 1 1 v. ii vuu in charge or ot In i le conic to your know ledge, loin lilui; the pii -i i.l service, I he Cuiuiuiiiiwcoli b' Coiiusel', Mini ft lions, und your own )ou keep seciil,' you will pic-cut no one lor ciny, bulled or inulli s, neitlier w III you leave any one unpicseuted lor bar, f.tioi ur till, cl ion, Imp,, ut rewind or u.uii, but Hi I ou will pies, nl nil 1 1 1 1 1 , u' - Ii illy us Uny come In your kiiowlcd j tueoidliii; to Hie be-l ol your Uiulcr tuudliiu. T be aubjeel on w lib li your dcllbciiitluiia nrc .l be lAiii i-cd nie su, I, mv jjlveu )uli in chaikc, in sui h u ion know ol youi own kuowt I'dji ibIU ol In In t neul, m il li the li. lilies of Hie, Ml lbe emu ),iii b the in-lu.l At. ul lie) tin nil ..Hi ni , s known to hint or bu which public pio-i l uiiii. a li ne been i .uiiuii m i d; il lliu Jin jr, ul Uu ii ow ii know leliiii, or I he know I e.le u mi) ul lln nil, ur liulii the ck alum alum of, know id any ml nee" I In Hie count), lor abich no lubeuii'i.t l puliii..o IIiimii, it latin n iimy In intuitu I he utiici ul h,. Culllllloliwe l lll ul Hie u.illile ul lile oil. me. un l if ll din lui It pale l.ll llulielllielil il la Hu n )i.ill Jul y to tun ut li li.b, i In I lie ciniil, When 4 i lintels r Ulll.llly . It'll rie.l uu tb. uu liiilui ii . ul lln uiiiuuk iiupoil iiiii' thai )uU (luoil Ululel -laud I ho 11,11114 u )oil. Unl) r li l , tbe luii' ma 11 ol I tie ul Hid Jul ) ol mi) lot in. In I Hi. not, U ,1111 hut lai d lo u.liulol n i lite inpil. silo tiailj to ,illliiu.iliiiii to .in)' ailiie a iiu-ti u n a. 1) li luaiku l liy Hie lb. nn I Allium uu I.K l.i . t ul i. lit III,! ul. 1 04 4IU Hot o ll Ml nil) ul lliu Ji l.u.l.iu.'. ttiluu.u unit . 11. Ii a me pluluisl I.) I Im I '.million 4 i'4H ll. Yull 41V li"k lo 4.I10111I111 (he 4. .ll.ill ul 1I14 U'lLl 01 lliloi I'siie i,u .tt't'iiss I, u ! U lite ikelii.iia iliiOiie u ll.u f'S'a T ratil.u Jul) W II III lie a..ut,,nc al( uu.lil lb tliiilllinl I'l III loUlt a u p.. lnl, ul laa.laail )unr Jul) I .l.upl) lu lu 4ii Int., i,. mi, wii I i.ik .u i.. iu Ii ol in ti. ss.ali.ii.ii u i. a. 1 a,..l.iai tl., 1 tl. .a. lltsnl la . II I ul . ,k. I Is. ll III, I ).,t I it l... .. ,1,111 v, ,,4 , , ,u.,, tM lb bill all li.,. k,vi( ..,u a.a.y I l. Ut ul ik. I..4 .i.i.i 1 , i t.,,m ,, ,,iui,, """" " .!.,.,, l.. II., , ('H I.l ks pi n. I on HI .1 .1 ,1,. (, ! , , , , j,,,,,,, anl l.iill Jsnu .ih .ke.k u, in l is uksl naian., lu p!..-i.l .i.a,.4Uaa,t ka Ik. I us . a. .j,., lm alMtaj tkil la I ili'-u-al t ". 4 ul I I'sW. kiosi k. ) .1,. ,4 11 a) al' fUaa Mi . ID. i Oi.uiaa ul lilsl k) stsii, ti,! ik.f W,H,;t l Jsai f tiit " j their ontlia and their duly to the eotiiiiiuiiliy. A bill innt not bo respected Hirnn'li motives of cninpiiaslon or because the ncl churned limy s-ivn lobe trllllnir, such s mora naaniiit, wiileh Is en Inchoate net of violence, or a bntterr which In eludes en assault, nnd Is thft iietual dolnff the In jury, bo It eror eo smiill, for the person of every inn u Is snered, end It It Impossible todinvr n lint between tho different dcirrv.t of violence, nnd thorefoie the law prohibit! Hie flrvtor Inst ilcirrcn. it Is only chni'jros Hint ere unfimidcl nml of which rou Imvt do ronsonablo e vldcnee of their trill li Unit you nro to rejnet, for ir tho clmriru b woll founded tho motlro of the prosccniorcmnot outer Into Hit question. Ifnnuet Is dona or com mitted In vlulutlnn of n public Inw It then be. conies only n quottlnn betwoen tho t'oininon wealth mid tbo defendant. You ought not henr wltn(!se whose iiniiies ere not marked by tho District Attorney u tho bill of Indictment, nor ouht ynit to listen to men who hnvo so lltllo tenso ofduty or rcirnri! for tho laws of tho land, or respect fur 't lie eliSracter of a Juror, that when nny (iietlon In which they or th 'Ir ti li'iidi nru IntoiCKled it likely to coino' be fore tho Urund Juiy, will ro nmonu ilcin en I enter Intocon vernation wltb.tlieni.'irevcnilii tliiilr presence nml licHiluir In relation to the matter nboiit to eiiitutpj Ihelr coaldcratlon and attn. lion, with the view ef Intl .u-iiclny their Jmij,-- IllCllt. The irond sonso nt tlio community, havlnir n proper reunrd nr the public safety, of private I kilts nnd of the chauiiels of IikiIp '.- mahl frown down every such Uilnjnt boiliij; or prlvntu solid- ,ni i in. Neither Judiro nor Jury must for it tiinnient iillrw It In renaril to nny m ilter In INiurli lliev ! "'" ,,u respceloit of peiMins, l,i Jadifnicnt ! 'V'T,'"".' ' "" b" ,Vl ,h,'' ,U',1,lu 01 iriemis nni! tiH'S nml tun man w ho will un dertake cither directly or Indirectly to Inllii Mieii or persiiinlu by private solicitation or otherwise, nuy member of the court or ii Juror In favor of one side or the other, cannot be cmbued with n proper respect for the law, and cannot have n proper appreciation of his own dut v ns n luvv nbldlmr He Is n dlstrrneo everywhere, mid liable toilui highest penult let of luo inw. It Is your duty not to IMcn to nny conversa tion w hatever In regard to any matle'r before, or likely to come before, tlio (I run I Jury, nu I never to speak of It yourselves except In full Jury, ami if nny person attempt lo cnmiife you l i conver sation out of ibmrs In relation to such mailer, your duly Is to Inform tho court. If any matter should coiiin before the (I rand Jury In which nny incinber thereof, or nny rela tion ol bis, Is Interested, It Is hi duty lo 111 I'm 111 tho court, m that he inny be excused or with drawn while the case Is under Ion. Tlio law for certain mid wise reason iciiilrcs nil y nir proccedinirs to lu In secret. Your Ii enjoins secrecy. You hive swoi-ti not toillsclusc Hie Commonwealth's counsel, your fellows or your own. When you arc salisllcd from the examination of one or more wltucstp. of the truth of Hie lie. cusallon, or have reason iblecvl luiec of the I ruth of the mailers ullcdirod In the bid, your fiuemin by your direction, will endorse on i Ii . hill of In- iliflii 1. li V (i n. .1.111 ' I 1.1.. ............. , ..hi,, .-iii in-, nam,? thereto iis forcui..u but before you can return u bill us "true," twelve nl least of I he Juiy hum iiurce to Hindi llndlnir. If Ihc Jury thlnli'lt Is a Uioundicss prosecuiioii, or have no e l lenee Hint the defen 1:1 lit Ik probably uullly of Hie cliaria, it Is their duty to return the bill ciido.v.ed "luuur iiiniis," we nrc Uanrant of any such charge, or you may wilte upon ll, "not a t rue bill." or wld. h peihaps Is the better way, "not fo i l ," and such en lor-ciiienl, ns lu the case of a true bill. Is to u a subscribed by the foreman with Hie ail HI Km of "foreman" to bis n.iine. l iulii the ptnl h Ioi.k uf the net of Ism, commonly known us the Code, lu all prosecution.', case of felony ceel" I, If llic bill of liidictmeiit shall be ret in ne t "luuor iiiiiiis'' tho (iran I Jury nt aruliiu' the same sli ill decide and ecrlily uu sucli bid w li ! her the county or prosecutor shall pay the cosis of pro-eciition, und In nny case In which you so determine nn I direct Ihc pro-ccntor to piiy the costs, yuiinre to inline lilui In your let urn. In nny sueli cucil reniilrcs llint nt least Iwt.lve of your number shouid concur for Ih it in pose und us this, mi I nil oilier decisions of the liriu I Jury, nrc made in Hie ubseiiee of tho pirlv, who has no upnori m it y of defence. It Is Jii-i lint yon slioulil in ike strict Pupiiry us lo Hie persun who is ucmuiiy I lie prosecutor, unit, nlso, Info all Urn circumstance which require the lu,p i,lilou of costs us a piinlshincnl. T here nuy he ininy ciiuscs lu which it would be uuJiM lo'ilii nu.r I he costs on a prosecutor, n 1 1 In u u 1 1 he may nut be able to fgnilsli till the prool liree-i-aiy lo con vince yon of Hie probable unlit of Hie ill Tcudaiil : for If he sutislii s ynil Ihul an ntl', nec ii'Mlust the pntilic law was comuiiilc I, uu I that he piiisecu. leu vue uecus 'cl in ifouil latlll. Il'llcvluir III. it he wis '.he uufly party, It would not lu all cases l. rlulit to inakchlni Imy Hie cosis. Tills wo !il. In many ln-laiees, discoiira;e public pros cut ions ii ii i In -1 the wor-t on of ci Imlnais. It I- ony trilling, iiuuiiiiiV7 nnd in clnu .o s t h it Hie net, w lileh is u bene Hclul one, Inieiuled to stippi e s tirand Juries nrc Intended asa check on Irllln.i; vindictive mi l ridiculous cluun. s, nml shout I never allow themselves lo be iiuide the ii. tiu incuts of prlviile malice mil to prcvint n jm a -i.Vi piosecnlions, they may i veil p misii the proM cutur bv compelllmr lilui lo p..,v Hi i e,,.s. 1 on I'd illy, In this tesp el , Is a plain o e'. :i,t!ioicj'i I IC'liiiiim; the cxerelseof a souii I nud Inipulial I 1 1 1 1 1 C 1 1 1 11 1 , itl Ilu lillli'l' lllctivo ll It pllli'lc J'ls. lice. You c in never liupusu I h co.t on t 'u- c tciidnnt. If you I'rnoic ihe Mil mu nic lo ,!.' tilnllne the iiuc-llmi of co-Is betwci a tie Ci ni- monwcallli an. I Hie p,osi , utoi t l.t If vo l in 1 h" 1,111 "H ue, ' the ilclcnil ml in I in. iv m l He iiiillu'cil to pay the co-l which will In .1 t .1 lnl'"' ' I ho Court and Jury lu siibsc iieut pro I'eeilliiL'.-, The slate of the public biilidiiu's nil the con did of all concei lied In the iii.i nui'i "oenl of them are piopcr subject lor Muir i xaniliiatlun and present men!. Ymi should v Isli the public pri-ons ueioic inc close ol Hie mssiuii-, un l see Hint all lire lu iou, older nud pioperly coiul icti d, unl If utilises exist they should be present cd to Hie Court that they may diieet means to prevent thcni. These, uenllciiicii, men I. .ail all Hie tin iruelloiia tliat the Colin deems It to plvc you id this i i in,.. We will eurnr.l'v endeavor to do our whole duly In the part ol the luliiiltil-tintlon of pulille justice that Is iiliutti . lo Us i and Hint vou who "re selected us the llrst (iiaud Jury for Montour county uu. ti e ii ir iiiliutiiisiiati'in, will. In vou r I place, eoiilrllnite lo this lni mtii'it pnniose, by i In limlnit every nth n lerlolljit, HieCnti'l bus 110 ! tloiilil 1 l eineiubci lna Hint I he sa I'd v of Hie people j und the foA.1 older of your 1 ny ilei.eii.l, In a iricut measure, ou Hie ddclitv wui'i which lir.111 I Juries perform I 1m Ir tluties. Lit lot puny or I pollllcui lilus, 1101 rell'rloin pre u lice, swerve") oil iioiii 1 tie Due 01 your iluly. louhave swoin lo present no man from luili-. d em m in a lice, and to leave 110 III ill 1111 presented fur j oa-, 111,1 itur, lewitldor nny bnlui Ui Menf: hut I esenl all 1 tln.iu trtilv 11 they ciiiu.i 111 your kiiowledee 11c I eoidinu' to your uudeiMan tin','. With Ihl oaili I well uiidci'tou.l, mill Its si.lcliiiill v deeply, lln j prcs-c I 011 the luliid, 11 cnnipiele due tor) is ut I once 10 isiitule I for the ilin'bai;e of U1I1 honor- iiuiu uutcu in u proper iiinutiiT. l.AZAIil'Ist: Mo 11 ill' I'elfict.d Hold Hpi'i'luiU und Kye, t ,, M, Mliaull'. -s - l.isrof Icltei iinnalnliiu' In the (tneiry pott Ulllee, week cndliii Dec. S!rt, ISU 1 .1. II n lie. Mis l elie.i li. IIiowii, Mb A tl 11 In t'lilloii, Midiu y Ci.iiic, J0I111 Di d, duo, iM.-niei, It. v. A. II. li.Mleitr, llev I.. O. li Tho, mi. Iio.l.l, A lull. lull, John 11.1.(11,1, J, . Je .1, li-, (l'iililcr), Ml Anna June, l-.i ie Iviine, Jr , A- ti. M.iuliux, :..p, Mr.. M.ny M.,iu, Mi-. i:il.i Muoic, Mb. ri.tllle li. Pi itv'm VMol.ui M. wu.l, Mn M ilt A. Mni"', o.iv.i is. not, Mi I !' II. Van. line, Mi. J.niu Y..11111;, J 1, 1 uunu, ll. Mil)' II VV, ..lll tale, IV ,1 ab, l,,, llaiiy C, WullK.i, Ml. A. M. Iltim, bo. V..I... Pel ...ii t c llilliif lul Urn 11 but v Kit I l.i pli 4 e Hit U.ily 1. 1 aili.lllo 1. " nl. Joll.W J. bMITII, P. M. A coiiiieaiMMir.k r aniiu fiom l. 1 i)-nui.', Dituplilil louiil.i, In the I y'.mt ,', ,y...i, In. Hi. Iiilb.wllii: 1 I "Ml. D.ililel I'.'lbbi, lllll uliiu.l 4o lul. c. I ion ib ul 11,1. pi,,, ,-, bail iMia , ,ii.i,ei. pi,.. i 1 i" I In libu b) bi.,i A.i() .,4 i4-l t 1,1. 1 ). Mi.. D.ibitl I. boa up. 11. 1 ul al'l) j. in 11, I. I I Ii.l llul III' I 411) I'lll lull lor .null )i il., I I i. I I llallpllIU k.i Up to, III I. ill. I .. I,,l ul lic Inn . M i) in, ) ilie 111 111) ).4i i ,s,iKi uu I in,1 ') 1 11 U uli.i . ll ..1 I.e. -.u I. I . 1 mill). I na I'aisi a uv W 4J1. Nul ln-- lbs Inti 4.liim lima Hi lb 1. 11 a u W4ln4.11 bin 1,1.1 lo Li uunu), i ia ,1 1 U1.1i a In 4 li- am l.iu.i.bll) Lit fiiia4it l) 4 d. I11..J. lil'i b "sbli H) ila. .1 bp all I In pill si l I ! II an a i.l ill I 1 ,., l,.4. , !.rf, n ti'li.liM, j fl , Mil llu.kl 4 kp all Ik... la.l.l . lsl.ll. nl t l" iik '' ' al UmI mi '.i t l.t) In I. V s.i 1 I14 st 4Uiu.'l In Ik is ill 1 ui iiii , k j a.., I, k. in. 1, Host! I l I .l uu. .ai l,,u In, I. I t, put ll. a) ba,tk, a4 U U tap. .1 4 1J a, I , laMl) su4 lit im.lsls lul a tu l i.l a . In. a I i Ul, la-aO, ksllllat alsk)i iv.aH ki(4, istkiat ('ii m Assonant with Tiifm. A. A. tdilssler, Ksip, rrcshVuil of lliu renny1vanl(i npubllrnn Association, c.t Washbiuton c'ly, whn Is one of tlioio llhcial heirti'd men wo meet with occ,i aloniilly, la dliliih nluif hi coiiip'.liucntuilc for the series nf Rocaihlus nf tho Assoclullon, sent one lo our iii ibbor of the ltnmtrnU, ut well as other Ib iiioci He c lliort In Hie Pints, pxpcctlntr t tm. oi l' In li'Minl v o aid like lo luliiulo iK'Cnslotl nlly fl'nu i,, n. n win) Co itro! the rtc'llin.s of this liiitlon, Viz--I'ic.l leul, Cnlibiet, Scnatoiii, nnd nn inln'r of Coiurre s, loohtiilii new 1 1, us lor bin reaJcrs. By I'm last Issilu of that paper, .we notleo that tliti editor deellni'S the Invitation he. C iiise ho lent never li 'i ii aceiiuined to associate lu eock'ty outside of niodern Democracy, mil b none of the O'llrlnn's, O'll'slloily's, nud O'Moiirke's nto expected to bo preicnl, our uelkbbor thinks he would be at n loss bow to net. He says, "we would feel entirely nut nf place III il place like that, where we would be In constant dre id of having our Democratic; feelings hurt by the sp u'chir.vliik'. Oh, no! lame of that kind or "sociable" fur ns," We have not Hie lea-t iloiiht but what tlio editor 1 sincere, us he lu never been neciistoinel lo tnlnjilc w ith nny init modern Democrat , he would undoubtedly uppiar lathd' awkward In the pivsmce of IVesl lciil-, tutor nnd Coiniri'ssini'ii. We feel inrry, thai uur nelb- J bur ciiii'i 't yield III prcjil llees, un l seek asso ciate occasloiiaily where he iiilylit learn how to beliavu when lie (ocs nwny from homo to mingle lu tlio society of lululllcut men. Dkatii op Cut,. A. T. Htn;l, We iei;ret to learn Unit Col. Amos T. lilscl, fonniirly from this county but late ol Lock llavcii, tiled ut Hie lalter placo on Thursday of lust week, of Unit loath some disease, sniull pox. Col. lll-cl icprcscutcl Ibis county la the l.ek'lslnl uro for two years, und '.vat hluhly est, unci wherever kiiown, At the time ol bis death be was extensively cn'apd in business ut Lock Haven, ami wa one of the niovln; spirits hi the linproveuiciit of that Ibuir. IshliiK town. Ill loss will cast a kIooiii over every community where he was known. Much willlni; the above, We liiiirn that .Mr. lilscl, wife of Col, IliMd. Juis iil.-o tiled with the mine disease. Sim was a very estimable lady, und her loss will b.niiueli felt by h r nuai.-roili fileiids. - Villi: AT Mr. Caiimi-.i.. The Mt. Carnicl Iron t'o.'s fiiiiiuliy nml inai'liliie idiops, leased mid ivorUed by Joseph (iliuiour, were burned to the uroiind on Tuesday hluhl. The lire broke out iilioul It o'clock, hnl bow ll eliminate I ,ve have been iinuldc lo Irani. The loss Is cstlinntcd nt i I I ! ''-""'b nn" I"" ' 'iiiumkiu . e.i(,.'. I covered by Insurance. Tun Ti:m ;ii'.it'- Ivan itv.: This li ily con. vened on Mon lay ln-1, an held Ihi-ir s -sions In the Coatt Couse ul Hil, place. The ntt.-ii lance ofti aelurs was llailsaallv hirje. Their piocee.l. lays We Inti tlna' all I Insiniellvc, CiiiiisiMiM Viiiai:M'.s. ll. j. Masser, who U the iitfeiil of Chlckei lnu: und Decker und Haines I'i.iuos j Mason it llainlius and tin- Silver Ton Tie Oi'iVnus, wli sell these pianos nml Clr.'.ins ut urcal'y re I ie I prices lor ( lul-tnui prcenl.. Abo the be I I llpnllr I clii'.iaio '.il al i,-s, ... NlMllt.V A l'.MAI. AlTltilAT.'i'ilC other d.l.V while ii ucnt Ii iii.iii f.uiii Miauiokiii wns coining up 111 ilt'ccl Ills progress was stopped by Ihc curs which were crosilim Market i tie; t ut a cuiHl ler able rale of spec 1. T im li.iln bcli.K Inni;, tile L'euHcin.'iii waited Imp allciit ly for some lime fur them to pass. At let h.'c.imliii; Impatient for the delay, he rushed u s the cm while the I iiilu was lu mot inn, an I in his Ininy nunc m ar fillli i: under the w In els, hlim only re.ieiicl by the by Hiiiulcii. When ipic lloucd tvliv he wns j so iah us to nil in l ci u hi, c the Halo was ec nlnit d Hint be I I" million, he I r.vtlili s-lv 1 lea,' I, if h :. all ii in nil i'v I not ha i.i, that Hie ureal rush in, lou'-r's, ,ir ii.l buy all those ' flu-11. i n N I eo. i'il (ret there, lie ! W.i nl : l i Inlice i.t llllec wulc.i prul'.i, shun Is, V iV.lcl.s, ca.lliin:.' und ill y jiuol's J jioolit jeuerull,v, i h '..ides Hie cheap, Hist class ;riicerl'.'s, He Ir.. , ca lile r ul i s 'Icl when iiisuied tlnlultl h lie- nn lit Oil Dl.c iauer me eel 1. 1 ii lid Immense .luiouiit of n.iol', tli-e are ou.tiuliy lenuii in,; their I Mock. Wi: cniio 1 ace wilh pi !. u.e the (list iiipear I Hie c.'a'binti'.l M tiilmlll I'.aicl panto Trimp", nt the Oni I'a Ilo'. sc. hon.'iui,'. : iiucc ii lllilllc II 'XI T'liesi! iv cii ulii'.:. lb c. Ull. The l'roviti 'in c I. 'ft i'il. in ''pc 1 ki : 11;' uf lie ir cu.e: laiuann! nny- i "'I'll'.' pel .'.il'inanc of I 'c wliol" 1 innpauv ill played ui..ny iao-1 cxecll nil points, 1, ml in ercal me. .sure s woiihy uf 1 i.'icl 1 m: we shall ivcitouia Uu 111 mn t heuitl y In ibis city, whene'er they may chouse to pay 11 a vbl'l, salMc.l that Iheic's us hcnlthy, tin '.iiless, uii utile, und lu many icpecis nii'uril.He, u lu-liioii ul catcrt.ilniiicul n we Ii on seen lor 11 lone; time. Tin: u,!,wlii)( I Ibe 11 t of iii'pllcu:,t i ftir I.l celiac at Jaiiuary C0111I 1 I TAVIIIN. I Win. Itei'sc, Punbiirv boiouuh, old stall I. :.' lieu. S. Il irr, N,nlhi bur, inch, " II (id. W. Sichlve, 1 AuuUsta lap., new iliind. 4 in. T. I'luulciiiun, hnniuii v I1..1.1., i.l, I siiimi, ft U. H. I'm, LiiWcr Aiiii-l.i lap., old stand. It I' itrlck Tiiieii, Mi Kiluklii boro., " 7 liobcit Nicholsiin, lib iiiiokiu boro,, ohl nlund, H I'.ilrl. 'i Iveal'lis. th iniokln bolo,, tl Chi 1st Inn tiriihh, Wnl -0111 11 bolo., new it a lid. Ll J.s-e licn-yl. rdiauniklii tap., ol I si and. II lllli-m 111 .V. We:t, I.. M.i hit nuy v. p., ubt si in I. I'J 'l ulls iV Deluimv, tsuuliuiy boro., old staiul. lit And, civ leu: h. 1 11. N111110I.I11 b un., old ftauil. I I lid. T. Wb ri, Mi. ( ni 111 ' In 11 ll. , l.i .loo. Cllilur l, Miauiokiii bunt , obi si. in I. lii Micluicl Fahtnlv, .'h.iiuukln tun 1 . , ail I .land 17 Daniel A, Man.; ., n, w .t,,ud. IM Anlhonv lllnuli.i 1 , Cuinnon Iwp,, 'J Mlcli.ui Hale), Coal Iw p., " lllst It IUM. I Jo-cpli Haelici-, Siiubuiy born., old stuml. 'J litiiil'ife lllnlilx, new St llul. U Jicii.i He I, a, .sh.iuu.kln bolo,, uld .tin. I. si (j o. h. Fi, In 1, new .Ian I, ft Fi am I- li I, , ,,, II Lewi- Hum 11. I, 7 Jai 11I1 'I n, uu Mel , 11 ai 1. si Julin Mc.'.i mils, " 11 tl J lines ,,n Ilk.-, lun, ten y Loin., new si.iii l. I.l Vale iil 11. W., lap., ol.l .Ian , II (line,. Ay it, (oil lap., in iv si ml, I J J0I111 .hi in i', ,ai iiouUiii hmo., in a stand, 1,1 An in 11 lb ,;,.,e,, i' mill Hani, lie, n1,) , ,u . li Muli. ul U h i , I mil tup., ul I aland. I .ji aiuin . 1 ( hll-ll III Veil, : lliluil I , u', .,,i, I, 'J I'.lllllla D.ll), t-ll -I 111 .'I.I.I Ii 1, a! fl.tll I. Illl.i'lll'hH Noll I' si. N' ii Iii 'iini t, i. ibeie ,1 to II I) 11. I I il I't. si la ,. Ill . 1 111 ! jun I un ll y in I. 1. na 1. 1 l. L : I line, Li . i.ui ic Unit' tm .je F.iiiill u.e I line. Li M i.ui.ic I bab I,,,,.. Iilil til I'l. i ll IT II. I ilu) l, i,i, II III,!", in Pica -nil' l.lllj, bta - Mi. J up. II. '. , Uiind l.iibly ul I'u) I ni,ci I ni i i le, F .SHU, A,., .,i Hm II i.lli)., tab., i ,,i l.i III, : "i Kl.oit.utu Illld I. III!. Apple, 1 1, Appl. I'.ii,, ) h n, I A i pi, a, lot. , p, .,, I,,.., I . i , i I'. Int., I .ii, , I i ull III ill) I ,t I Ii 1 1 , pi, k i I V. t'l. Lb", ill i m. .inioi,,, 1 1,,, i 1 1 1, 1 y Jul t'linid Call Ull I HO IU IimIi) Urn. .,i.Mul! I 011 L 1 1 lu.ia'i it a , J I lllllslall IS II S'l It lim I' - . M Vi a .1 ,..u. j. , I, ill, Hi J u li) Ii.. I, j In I ,... -I .. I I. .( ,. ,i ,. k ,1 I . ll a' ' I'l W . '. . I. I I b I ., I . .. a II. ul J i. ! I , t" I I It t In , , ,l i.l ,. , pi.,(. tl I. I I I ' ' ' I Hi k I '. ! ,k .11 I ,-l I 1 4 i. ii. p. a i i I' ... a u.'i i pi l, a il, i .im lii. II, .Oil l l 's 4 , u.1,. . I I ' ll .li. "t aval .. id 4I 1. 1 ' I I I)' li.-i -lN'.; . 4 W Ws.ami iff IIoi.idat Phrsbnts. Toys, Toys, Toyi, In In rnimcnibia q.umtltles nml styles, from 1 ct. to nlinn-t nny prloe, id LlVluci', IIoi.idat Pm'eniTi. Wilting Dolis, fnltlal Vaper, (lohl Pent end !o!deis, now ilo l'iis, bemitlful mid useful, at Milliner's. I "1'uT A llr.oi on Yon," Is n phrase innch In j Vojruo nl the present tinir, hut f. Fails', the i popular hat ami cup iiinrchntit, can put u tint nn I your head that will mnliii you feel new nil over, j He hut I he iie,icsl and i"iyt us suit incut of hats ' nnd capicvcr niMiiiilacti I, und Imltcs nil tin elllZens uf Sunhury und llclnlty to call nni sen them, lie dispose uf his slock ut u low ll;;uto. 1H stoio l.i ou iM.nket t'lpliirc. Wli will nil club together and foi lo Iltoeloin' wbern we can buy nil kinds of pluln nn I fancy (Iroccrlcs ut t'leatly rcthiccil pi'lcesi.r ca,V, lliil.lltAr l'lil.s::T. The shelves nl Ll'bini r's fairly itlve w.iv with the iiiiiitidniico of tlc;iinl Look suitable lor Clul linas cll'ls, S'ruvcn. .Tlirco toeoiid hand hoiteri and stoves, lii'iirly us irond na new for sale nt half price. Kinpilro lit this ntHee, Holiday l'iilr,N is. (' mnry Illrds, Hand -ihiih I'mv", Jin-l the thln for il pie-ent, ut l.lijht. ner's, 1 1 hi. il r Pnrst'MTH. Ibu klmr llm n s, !;u ch Wnuoiis, Whec'itiiiirows, Wooden Cm: (or the yoniij;-lcr, at Lbibtiicii. Holiday I''.nis. The tioll llnby Dcp.m. ut Llalitnei's cau'l be escclli'd In this ice. Hon of the State. Holiday I'ih h-ms. Slereo-eop'.c Views uf Wlilte Muniilaln Scenery, ul l.lichl ner's, lliil.lDAy I'n I!si:ni s. phut ou in j iti Albums, handsome nnd ut Inar Hnuris, ut l,l;hl m i V, Holiday 1'iii:si:m. HaniV-onie Vainl'y 111 bles, r,lcj.iunl Hooks, ITreslde tinincs, ul l,l;;!il lier's. A l'T'tl. line of Plain nn I Fancy (iroccrlcs k.'pl at lliocloiis' Klrby'a old stand, llil'lit's llullil n;. Miilkcl street. Ni:w Layer Hnlslns, Citron, Cranberries, new Currants, tilled l'cucbe, dried Apple, swiel Corn, mid diled llerries of all klmb call be bud ut lliocioiis', A s!'.i:ndid assorlmenl of Christ inns present, nt Clement iV: Dbslnp rs, I'iiii:n is, --Toilet urllck's, u ;renl vui li ty ut l.lnbluer's. Tin: sweetest llniiis, nud nicest ili'.el lle. f In the 111 :l l ki t lit llioelous'. An excellent buna b iriilut; coal Stove, iroud ns new, for sate .at less than hall" pi lei'. Iiii'iiic ut tills olilec. A MiT. Hull lay Present may be bom.'lil nt Kil mer's lh nt; Stoiii Ii m' it small sum of money. ( Wa li ne un I Opeia Chain lor Clirl t inas Present, at A. M. Mr.l.xn i.'is. I'liYLlNii lias received Ni w (iouils lilt li he hail sclcclc I with can'. I'll) LINO h is the reputation t.f seliiiij.' the best (ioo l ut the lowest price. Fid I. isu IM not Ie nn Iri -ni I. Call an I si c his li'ack niidculoicl A Ip aca French Minimis and utile, seasonable Pre;. lio.i'ls Fur: ink Is determine I to maintain Hie rcputa Hon of the Muutinolh, Fijllnu's ( i. i.ln ninny ijlve snlisf.ict'oti. Sii.vcuwaui', uu e!e;;.iiit as-oi tnieul of be iu'l designs, ut A. M. MnM'.i.i.s. o r. a 1 c: i!. Molhcr, you know that Chii.t' coin mice a yeai , but All I Wecxp 'ct Inthef to k'cl us 11 Hut 1 prcucnt, All I want I- a pair uf Miller's Fine (i.i'.lcr., for Hl.'V we n 1 And he sells so very cheap Hi ,t yon can j'ct them Hicic. Daughter, I knnw tint (lui'liu i com but II if.' 11 ViMI , And ymi sha.l Ii iv, 11 1 i"scii Unit Is ml dear, Fur I'allici sb ill ii" 1 ii W. II, i 1 li'i'n inni uef. ull II pair Of h's b -t ! ui ir Fi:i.; Liliocs, fur i 1 III Hire liny aid wear. Mother, you know U.ul ('hilstiii.i in;ii, s but mice And Jiui lullil have a picse: year For you mlijlit n nt live to J'ar, t luo, and tliat thi. enjoy H ( 'li 1 Lit ii.ii rt a n I ut W. II. Mill "r's I can ; In t lull llll Hie Jr ir. I a pair that wi,l D iiiL'litcr, I know tlmt cle'-tinas 1 nines but om-e ' 11 year, An I I'.iHier loo it. il-t have a aci ni this y ",r, An l I i W. II. .'.! 1. 1. 1 ' we will pi uu I i;. i biui ,1 icootl pn'r I I' I1I1 best Hoots, und be will wariaiit llicm to wcu r. Friends, we know Cat 'lu l. 11.1,1:1 n ;ue but unci: II c 1 r. An I to my -Due )i,u can ecu wiihe H I'car, To k'l Yon I iiiio 's all I Mines ,, I pi 1 1',' 1 1, ul 1 u v 1 1 y dear. To suit Father, Mother, nnd nil for Chi ' Una l'lcie'lit-, I :,,,t w bl 11..1 leal'. - A Fait worth reineuil e, inc. thai Wclincr u llu )f..o Is lowti lhaii Ihc lowest. His slnci. nf Hies (iuiid In M ks, Merino-, i.iupre-s t !,.Ui, si.ittinr, I'lall", ,V.e., ,xc, 111 ,. uphill, Vi'lV'.s 1111 I VelVctc.'lls : ." p. f ci'lit lower III Ul funnel' pi lees. Wate pi out's ul Ihc lulol rlyl.'s nu I h.'.i muk Ladles' ( hlldiciis' 11. id lul ls' Fins. His u-.uil-liienl id Miawl.i, cinbi icl.i" a 1 1 Hit Icadlmj rivle.i j In the lu.tiUi'l, XV Ll -Ii he nil 'is ,. ixirenie'y lu.i j ! pi ice. Call and be convince! thai Wdmi's j popular C.ih t lore Is the place In secure bir I k'aliis. Ill stock nf im n . s nut in tic s 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 j i.y nny 111 ipi.iuiiiy, i'i.ii;iy, ur pice. .Nu I, 1.1. bll' I, I shnw i;ius, ( " rulliu.'Jiirl n liirne I fiuui Ibe New Ymk Inal kils, lit 1 1 pi'epnel o oiler est 1.1 lirliiecmei.t.! lo ' cash bii)ci. . II. iw l.i net iiioiic) Is the fie it ,1,'SHe uf u, , really iiood it 1 1 it si 1 V livable i'eu bu; Macluae Ihl ' w ill make luo, n y lor .lull, ur help 11111 to sate ll . Will be sel l In Men nan Lome uu Ti nl ut ,,0 tl.ivs, mi 111. ill. 1 win ie ).ci in iv b , ,in I iici 1. n pi) lor it In suuiil iinmiliiy In-i iiiim i.i, 1 y willing lu the A ia ci linn M iciinic Co., cm . ,'..ii 1 In! . N.I..U i Mil 1 (, .Nell Voik I HI lull l ailbale' llCulllilV lilnlil In c, lis ujeiii, an I nni I. u la. ni. I j la-l. We II III.. .111 II n, ,11 .i.,e II,, the I'll i I Ins., 11- in, 11,1, ,.' pal. li.-licr Hi in lb" uueiu v bu 1 11 1.00 I ru n iiiij Mat blue, U 1 11 ,.i 1,,,, e. V. u V Oil I Ins 1 1 1 a -1 . , I.) the I ul Ibn ii .blent v ul the In 1 1, ' l'i. o I. .lln r, Mr M.i'l a, II. I.l I, A. Fill, Ol I, t. '.a::! I, h i bui) , Pa., I i Mi. a Hull i is. lot ', ui i oiu' I. mil, i, ui p.,..,.!,,.. ,., on the Tin in.i , b, Un li i.J ,, . I, Mr. Hi su) It ti. km lu Mi.. I, li t il ul I. Inn . loin , Mm loin a . i , 1 1 1 i On t lie llll llul , nl I be r.nii,. . line, Ml, l u v II. If t u n r sunn u, L,.ib ..t I ,. i. ,u ,i , . . e,. i.l ' U'l I, I,.,. I 1Mb. .Illbe, ... ,. e, Al I I, ,"', L lb. I'l i ll I.l Hi r ,i. .i ,, I, l'i III III I 1 1 t ti ii i.u i , ii r .nn 1 1, I Ul It, I i, , I ul .1. iiinl.ili hi, i.l . lf . , u In,, p ,, , ), ll. I'l I'm I lo n-b p, .i..,ai unl t , ml ,' I ll )., 'fHii n I , A Mil I ) 6S i , a uu in 1 1, a uu I i ,1 .) a In I I n . i,.,, , i.,..l . ,i , ,. ,., , . Lnl. J... . .1 t, I I I, l.ll III, I i I I . III Ii I . 1. 1 l . I 1 1, a p . In,.. I- .ii. i, III II n . li i. t) . i .i, I t... I i 1 1 l. III'. 1. 1, . I Ii , I II I I. 'II. I on '., ,,,.. I.. . at tl I l .I'll. .. .. I a. I, I l III U.JI..1.,., ., I i.. m MDtftMlWPIU'rill Jl Ok I kn.l l i l ,1 1 ', , i,, , I) 'I H ) a. i L. .I... .. 1 1 k.i I. t lu b .41 Hi.i,,,,, l Ik) k-1-. lsut iirn wnini aKdin mmm mt inn m .A.1ST j.PPJJi.". 'I'll DelilllUltcil IW.i,, Tm Inpi'jilif:n, To HiillcrciB I'roin Liver CoiiYilalnt, Tii IIhihu linvltij; no A pjitllt-. To iliusu wit It J;iulviti i'jivn Cijiihlilu lilllH, To Ncrvotin Vcoii!i', To (JhiMivh WitHiitiji Atvny, oiit.v with PiuMlllnti'il Ui-cHlivoOrntm, nl .ni-: .r nl f ii ' ' 1111 111! h wii1'iuh, v.'hkli iiiiUfitlr ll'tmnkrel IA:'r i Si'.'Iiii, such e Cm- sIlpiiHon, Inward Piles, I'n. .lies or llh.ol lo the llciul. Acid ity of tiichlom ich, Nunse.i, llemtbiiin, 1 H - if 1 1 -1 f. Komi, i Fullness or Weluht In I lie hloiu- neh, Hour I'nieiiili 'ni.t lnklnu or I'iullciliU ul the I'll iil'thc I D nn ech, Hwlniiuliiir uf the Head, Hur ried nu I Dllllca.l llrnithiiiu, Flutter. bilf nt 1111 Hemt, I'hukliiK or Snlloeat l iU Sensation-, when In (, l.vln Pn-ture, Idmiiess of Vblou, l'ui or Wi lis before Hi.! I I :hl, lever nud Dull l'ala in the Ilea l. Dellclci,. CV uf PcrnpltMlloll, Ycilo lucts of the hkiu il l 1 Fll'i, I'.lhl III the t'l c, Unci-., I'h.',.,, Ac, Slid. I'll M.i he. of licit, lllllllllll! Ill th ' V'lesli Cm I I'll. 11(11111111: uf Kvll, en I liicut He piesslmi of Pp'n its, llicI!rtrtis (Jonnaii lillicrs. '. A Aleul.ol or I'l'lills nf nny kind. Is dill. 'rent, Ironi nil inlc'is. n i- c. t : j . - d of the pure Juices, or Vn o. Pimm in.i: uv ll 'i -. I I I'll en and II Mil . for lis incllcl'i illy ler'nc I ;s I r ids. ) Hie wort bless or lie rl pm I i. .n - i I lie ill I'.i'cl, mis nut li 'lmr lfo"i. T Im-i I'l'iv In one 1ml- 1 H" of this liilleri. Ih.'ie I cunt ilni-l n'i In! c'.i in, illcal Milne ns will li loini'l I i s.'Vcril i; illi li i I' n Unary mixture, T he l,o . , u i d In lli. IHI lei - nie f row u lu 1 1 a na.iiV, He ir 1 ll il I'l u l plcs c x 1 1 ncieil In that co'inl by n scent ilia I li -lnl-t, und Inni ni del lo the iii.i ii ii la i 1 1 ii t lo this ll v, uh.'ia I hey are 'oinpoiiiclcil umt I .! I ; . . I . Colli a III llijr I'O r j'lr I 'lolls In:. I e li.'lil , I ll i . Ill I in '1 I. f fio n Ihc i.l,)..ciicis nr.-". I ii:; tin -t aM nth- 'Is: no ic die lor r I i ,1 ill III s I'l'l b- Ili'l'IC' I from thi ll' use j t le y c iniiot, tnake ill iiul.anl-, 1 and eaiiui.l, uudi'i' uny ciicum lal.e. s, l;.;e : iiy ' bill a li.'iicllclnl i Hi .1.' nnMt i,.M' ;i::;:.:.t.-. to Wa- i iiiiiiii'.iii. "I lot Hinsc not luvllu'.'d In it ti'eiu" Idilci-, und In i it I 'i"L' 1 f r n , i i c, i w lieu ,.i nl.' n n a la nl is r. . ill I In co le t'oii w it'i th" ionic pr.ip. Hi. - ul 1 1, il l!, i i. I'i U'li 1 1 .till- , I'n T ollie cunla'.iis I, . III.' ul' t lie lllllcr-, coail.iuc I n ,lh ..n a M ' I A I'KI'Z I.I'M, nud lla Vol . d i i null a iiiaiiini' I In! Ihc - t.'CUIC blllel'lc i uf lb" b.ll"l i OVI ICilillc. III! III- lir.r a n p.u at lull liiuhly ii::i 1 i - lb'" i. i.l p'e.i - ant lo I III' p.lhlle. IK I I CO llallllll the Lie I ltd 'I 1 1 1 1'- lues or the ltd Id '. T lie i nice nl' tic T ,.nic III, ft I per Holllc, which ll.iiliv I'.'lsoa i I'll i U loo biu'li. T hey iiiii.i lake Into cmisl l"iaii.ui that the I iiiitil.ini used Is tual.uili'cd I i Lc of u puie M'la'.il.t. A pour article Could be f ind-le d nl u cheaper price, tint ii It lint In Iter to pi) n llille more up' have a tun I uillcle ( A iiicliclual pie par alion idioul I coal ii:i no ie bat tin b it I a :'i'c. dl 'iilsj nnd t 'n y w bo expert I i ubl.ilu n ilcap compoilll'l, I'll' I i.e i','11. 'lilted by ll W.ll lilii-lce;. luliily be ciii al.' 1. tJoo l ii!i'.''i (.iTia.n Illllrr's. lp III ii ) i' I. I i'S .,M!. l N TOc, ,.,' lliml'. I.WU'.s EiEi;ri.lflll:i fill. will cine vo l. They ure tie' Creole t I'.l.'i'ill Pl'!!IFI!.l! known to He Me lica! W 'III I, 11 'I I 11 i I ll.l li.-alc lli-en-es ni'.in.r l.nill liiip ne bl. mi 1, Debility nf the I ..:, -.i i . Or;, n,-, ur il'.e,i-e I Liver, In u il.i.rliT t'nc I'l.iu any lit lll l know n lc. lie. lies, 'i'lIK U'lIOl.r. M'lMI'MK CDfi.T or ri:..N'svl.VAM A . I'KAU FOIt 'j'lii:-; ::i:.u:iii:s Woo V. Ill I.D l-l, run vn n I'l .Miir.D and .! it T i.i-itMusr ! Wo inw mid, formerly hi'-f M . nie ( 'nun ul I'l'inn 1 1 v aula, r ul' ( 'i.m.i 1 from I'. 'in. l- Mmo. lion, (iianuir, W. .lu lu I lie r 11 nl pi-, nl Mi ml. Y,iu,.i w 1 il -- : ri:il.A!,n,!'.:iA, March 1 I illld "lb e il in. I'., (fl'l lilllll lliller- Hi, I' ' l'i 11 1 I 1 i'i', 1 1111 I ' tor' . 'i, I :, In ii,., a 1 - i, 1 h il I '.'. " n; in I u. ;ic .1 I en. 'bl in c im .. ul ib In, 11 e, i 1. .1. id 11 rv. ni- n ,'i!u. 1 In lb., sv Yu .is, It--. v, (,i;o. W. W.ioi'WAi.D. Hull. Jive- Tin"!"" !', hlef ,t'c iici. i,f lb" t I pe.;e ( oti.t u' I' 1 1 1 1 - Ivan! 1. I'a-: ( . Di.i.i'iiis, April I , I'air. 1 1 1 icr ' ti. .. :i .a I' . fii'i'i.i ,1, nut -i'." a vni- 'lab. ll'lilc 1'. c. ' Mi t.'!.i. ol lu l.!i. Hon or I i.vspep ,a, I i,.:i ci llllv tliislioui tiiycjC' Ii 1! it. JA'.ii'.i T Hi 'M lion. Cruii'.R i'l'Aiisw -ni 11, ,!ii ;l, I I e.ll ( ' 1, lit Ol I'elllls, Ivaii I . I 'nil. v oil mi t , J of ll.e l l' I. is. I;u- I have f inni I'V ex p", h'tice Hint I i...;i a mi (i.'i"iia,i lli'ii'is" )'. 1 M i-., 1.0.1,1 tonic, 1-.1. vin dyspeptic si 11. pi nt.,. 1 iilmo I i'il. t'llv, (.ii'illi.i: ,. ilAl'.t -'WOOD. i-, M.i; or of Hi.' . ity of H il- l.llo I b T ' .'all I.' pule, ll 1- b ! it.-. M .1 OI'.L'i , Ituil.ilo, June .,ti I:. i's liellunll Ibtlel's 'tin in:; Ill' p 1 -I ' 11'. llll I'M ell 'I.l li.hl", ' IISI'.I "II. mil in in.,' I nu!')' ui.ll'l'lld t l.eill llfle II pi, III. I I I I II III ur ii l.f n - -1 1 11 . Tl 1 ii il : lb 1 CllI'Ml V.' M. 'F, 111 'lii. li? lion, ..mien .if, ir.'ut, rv. i ni t . Pa, .t. 11; or i.f Wl.iiaim J I ike pl '.ar.ll I III I'r lie) lll lli T'uiilc' iiilli.tcl with Dv-pcp ill I'ceollluieail'll'',' "Ml"' I' lll llll) I'lie V. ho III IV La ill. I bad Ibe 111 -pep I.l in b ..lii ll Was in ,,,.-l. to l.n p 1111V b oil 0. 1 i:V I li.Uiai'.l. llll I I bee, llll" I I Ileal. US l.o o b, able to w .i'l, half , link. Tw u Lull Vs ell, 'do I it l'i il el cuie. J l ..:i ll. nop, 1 : 1 : M i.Mi'.iiit T IM I' Mooi-TAND'.s ( J I'.'i M A N l;l r i Ijii , , .1 .7 Ilooj'IsA NO'S ( . 1 : ; M A N ToNl. ', Will t Tiic i vc 1 y I ' n e nl' j M fi 11 A C t.1 U C , uf Wiin! iii! niv, iy i, !... lliuly, 1 1: i;m i.M :;i .it : 1 .tut : iioon.AN irs 1 :!::; ma 1: i:.m 11 ii j -, In I 1. li V I a A.C Hie Ilie p, not. 1 S. il tin I I . . a ib , 1 . I ,i bl 1 Ul l'l , I. lli 1 I.. ll .em ,, 1'!!. KtiiM'I.ANDVs ' O I) 0 ' J' L . Tu ul, I Inlc . . I I.e. I, 1. 1. 1. ii in .,r Mi .1 I '..w IT: I ll Is II I I I Ul' lo p.'. I " lli. ,1 .. b i I ' "a .; ,1 la b ill- In. Ion nn lb. i .1 ll II e III, . . I oil" , ll II ll I II.. l.ll Ui l liii. ii i i I .1 ...I I. I I lull .1 I ' I Ull III. ... . ni I il ,. I . l I , !',. I.l l , 1. 1 P ,,' . In il. !.. I I, i ' I I In', , i..: II il ll. I " I I I Jl I.l W I I'l II I all, , I I. ' H V I . I I . '. I . I . I. I ii,,,. "I I '.. I .11 Ib I. I.. . ... l,.. V 1 1 ... I. Ill, II. I I in . .i. I. n L .1 I i. mill Ilu . il. a II, I , I ,. I . I I .i.i nl II. Uu. .... i an I I I 'I I t I. a . II, li.i I I I In II. I I I ,. 1 1 I I , .In u I , in i , i . i I la I 'I. I I I ' I 1 l-l I t I M . . . I ' . ) I , I . , . , I. . i , i . I 1,1 i l I . I , : , i . I,, ''' '" i i I . i ,i ,'i, ii a . I ilu t 'I t i hi t UU' M IVtr l'i 'l.t r o . , I M J"'.. 1,4 s I t I .. 41- a mi 4 ( i la . I 1 1. ... .-I , ii.up.i, ( Ua4) l. t I'a t I t ) ai . t j Vli ftoiirolidctio'i iif lu!), so IdV i'i''iMi.n- . tii) lino nn j "in ni i , ii" v 'H" e; 1 1. 1 ...l", r II - Lome s II ' c.ipll i ' lna l.iiiiit'uu nu nf 1 I Iiiii.'l- ll n seiti," ol c. ii'o.. i; ,n lie, i i..-ii'i" li .1 1 'H 'si' i.iii -', . u; "'i e mt ;i.m,, ,.n. r , in I ii.iio.i.i i lliu expn.vl.'ii ol lliu in niLous l.oi, I UIJ (-iillllill lllliilli', lll"l II.C s:ib: p.l tll-l.i i.l 11 scion of the tnoi'l liln-Kl Minuii,' ri.;! I.iiiucs I III" iirl'inl Hh'tii j lion i f lie' kb.caluin ft t air , ll) , Win Hi 11. b, ru, ItaMil lit tilth Jauba, ),,vl,,.t .tun llitbse Tonus, ic,, bnils.' H11 Ltiiilsl.'v nt ' l'i 111 'In, I .to tin. I1I1111, j hiibl iitn. I oat 1I1, 1 nil I pile nl (ii i aim ay 1 nml the nmdix Oi' lllilt.lli I renssnil her -t puiuli i .inc.! In tbe riti.iii Li 01 J'.urope, or lo pio-eeatc her ullcn pi.:il ObfJ lint 1 mi'.er ielliuiilsl,. d tleiilcm on tho urci I cllv fo iii'lnl by l i'iisiiiiillne and 1'ieviul brl tbcit;'. ! i 1111 nud mi ni hli al ilinuiiilo.'i uf tin 1 t; 11, Inn, hi! J combine 1,1 lavc-l Willi pioluun.l Intel 1 1 Hieettl 1 1 haiO'illf: pliil-cs ,i unr tl:lll,;. If,, in Ull! Oaf I UoriJ. 1 11.1 1 1:1111 fiiouub trmti euirrs ! jkiii, baits stall ne 1 1.1 u l j.oii.l In I'.iiu.j e , lea,. k-reat III'. Vein .'.,! . mi' I;, pi-!.... ur iita.C . j elms to t nl 11 i-oii,i,. 1 . 1. n a 1,, 11 ,. ,.. .., , ' J a hi 1 01 tii ..Is 011 Hint (.nil tui nt, ami in; , 'In.' pii a I I'lrui.'lc ln'iwecii 11, lib In -1 i-1 I , i,.. I ill 'III llll I I', !' , I .Slil-l-lll UU h l'i c I nn I 1.11 I , V,m ! 1 mil ( . 11: in y iVpfliiii ir,,l s '.Hie 1 (1,1 Ilii1 1. lln : 11 i-. .'ii',.i,ii. 11 Pi'u I ei,c, In .T.l that I loi c.i.l nml I. , II Inni: 1 1 " . 'ally o:, ; the (! I'l! ,1 Cl.lllll'l a 1 lb'' t.l.l I (,l,.c I Ul- i.v'ilc i' '1 t eun l II.. ion ) t 1 1 lu e ti urn -1 : he. il' Ici , ' nml sect 11 in or 1 ni, u Ian, r nil I li,i i , l:l.i,,; I I' il' I 'a- lnl la .' cms. 1 . nl 111 nikliii!. 1 In our uwii 1 luntiy, u wnr 11 1 "in c.u , ,01 iici I unl Insealli y in 1,1',! , I 1 1 I ijur.-U' I '.- in.r I 11 y, w Inrcby 1 be fovcrliiu nl of u ir i 1 ,d Inu lea 1.1 iliill i'i.eii lliiini.h nai in llil l l uu, ! i.f !l '"''In i'. ! 1 i 1 h s u ; pa " 11 lb" im. I f.:,- i:iii'ie in. l'i 1 j i 1 1 . 1 1,... hi.i biolully 1. .Ii.lii til. 11 lliu b.n'. nn i,l lliu.-i liic.iieiii'i.l' 1 cam ... ia 11 I fori 1 i'. I el reli 1 lis 1 I. be, I !,' nn . I ,,'al l , ur ;i, p Hi)', L ,t Hi it II-. p. nil., 01: I.11 1 a,". I ,1 1 . I t'l be f' ,t I.l I V, ) I ill' l, I ll, 1 ',., ,, I' bl I. n I I'll:! 1 1 1 V, c . I l,r;li;; i o.l,e. , I. 1 1 I I , ,e,, I oiu Ici ,11 1 Li 1 r , c, nn.l 1 mill , ,( ,1, 1 1 - WO! I lnl I ,,11 i bid I I,, wie , it. 'I,, .J, cat nod v.lil'y 1, Ie I ii 'lull, T 1 :' ', i.n; .. V i.l ,i Vole il s I, I 1 a I, .: ,1,1 ,.4. Ul p , roll" I Im -nvls or pail i pic He 1 1 nu: ., t .l i,ii'( ( lib: iici, .' 1 I lion"-1, uii 1 I' 1 Ii Iii nl null id 1 i:b 1, . tut nil .', Ii paitai..-, the l.i 1 I vi '.ut, ai in,, 1 llll ii ion. 1. I T he lulu,., 1, :..,,, : I.y Ih ll, u.u.T. l',c parli , ol Its Ii a I i,iiy o I., 1 11.1 1 ;lnht r. j.'i.ll, -- u! a II I- ble. I 0 o il nt pi.i.i . . i l ll.i.l'li.i ll b,l r 11". i..t 11 (i; . II. n.-.i r pail a- 111 iv In in-, luili' ll-c in t il1, ll i- lli 11 ,t.' Inn I 11 1.- I 1 ib.. lipid Wille'l ll lie I lit '1 . 1 1 .1 ll.lMU'.ib ) ill,-1 I li-il ' I'd He I, publican me le'iieebu t ii 1 1 .. . 1 . 1 1 I e I' -" I 1,1 1 1 1 1 ,. 1 ,- b Ii,c v. lii, t'osiiiy. , 1 cj bl 11 1 t , , a v loin I o I, : 1. '.' 11 1 hn b: mil ire a . 1 1 1 1 1 1 p ; i'il) id ml t ii ..'.. ii. lc i nt: tii ' I 1 ., Hi llillbllll y ii a Male to en.' il.' any puilioil ul' II ' people I he ( 1 1 1 1 ' , 1 1 lie' Ini, ,1 o 1 "i 11 aclee I. ...ay in,,: 11 the lail cnllc uu nt u I, 1 11 nl 1 1 he Im nits ll I.y ci iai cii in,. 1 :, br 11 1 nil I In ill Lulu. I il iu'is 1, 1 uii- N . I ii nn I ti!l " 11 ml p. 1 1. 1 I In I i.e b hi I Ii en s ha 1 1 .1 I. lu ..1 -place I hem ! T'ln 111. 'I I y. 1 t .vino v ; a i's 1 .1,1 , HlU Ui'l'Ublie .0 p.lly I, I I ' I'll .1 j ' I I il 'lb. llll'.e' tablic nl I'iili a a in pa I inti , uu I may l.u.y 1 ,vn ' 'tber 1 Hi" rt aaeM. Ju1,iici,i tif ;,l.ii, umltbe 1 hciilvlutut -lnl e ul 1,,. I. I I li in i-liii Hi, the mi ,i!t li pnbll Is ul l'i . u 1 lu I'm. 11 To pi' ,ie, i 1,,. H,.,,i, 1, t lie baa b.e I nil! t lob lie.- l.ll I u, U . - a I a - I , I c S I "ii I t in- I H nil I'l. 1 1 ie nud ii,.iii a 1 in 1 1 t ,. itis ,,j I t ll lili! lliu II ! I I I ilil .1,11 I C llle I llll ) I'l t ,, I l-r II III 'Hull 'f I, elf 1,1 Cl, i i;.s ,,, t , ,, .iiil'lil l.ll!,, , mni iinis 1 ti'.n-'ut i'l " 1 i -i 1 ,11 in 1.1 ,w 1, ,1 1 t' ''ll o"e I iae I 10 I ii'. I., ul 1 , il an I nl . ., b' i"". nf!.' in .nl ui M 111, , in,.! 1 1, iis enn.iin . 1 1. . :;:. iii . In, ,11 ii) by icliu iii;: tbe t , t u Hii'i puliation 1111 I . veh inu'. s liluei n latauer llll. san s - ...teli lb; l,. p.iai; ,, i,, n,;ca, Ho- .'.i iioti a I 11, --.- ll .i. nn by wbl b 11 i Wou.d lain e i .' ib ii v I 1 lii" pi- ",i --..; : 1 a 11 i Ln l I, nil I il i J I'l ,1 ol nar 1, ice. To tills irieel , uu I r "I !., T i'l Tun", s;. ct'bliilMi, s Ti .".llo.c , e i v'i.nt '. ; A I'lh . i t Ul" u ill en nt 1 1, tie to be tunic especial' v . (IticidMe.l In In We. ki.i nni! hcnii-W ci Kiy cdi ' Hi'li-, lo whi' li si uic nl Hie able, t and nm l niic. 1 ' rllll U!l Is of the sldl W ill at" nil ) ctihti il' , No f.illili-r a! el,,. i b'HI m.uli ul pi Inc. pc,-' I iniiiiilu can ulloid lo .1 . will, , at 1 a,- ,aik, I la I potjs, ur I'lh-n. 1 ipi ill," I'.i ld in.i) en iipn hciis.v.., I I be tbolll'l lea. I II. ll ,l:,.; c'..e ,,i v.Tl it 11 l.ll" to I.l-0,111 cibinr end 11 icwiiid., in. I . II. 1 til 1 1 110 Lu im 1' 1 liu can 1, ad ut ull e 111 :, ilur.l I , ilo ttlihonl ,11, li 11 jo, iiiinl n T nil 'I 11:111 XI'. An 1 We I, pile lu Ui.ll," li I .,'Ull )' I. Illa'ib- to l,.r eu; 11 .. I in 1.1 h.-r i.o",ii,..,,4 ',, p,e. , I, a bin. Hi' speii, 1 in,, siniicl iniiic nml na ,e ini.m nu mil' col lao. , e.u ',; v ar, ns unr cialul: a..l'-' ii''iii'ri.u,i 1 nl mini".' ciiatiii f ii- in uu t in- ie 11. u i I'. ,1 u u . .! I I, a 1,1 ! v, ll sc. ' . I ill V II I, I I'M ii'U, ' , I I', i I I, I I "C to lu ' In.' I: I , I, In .1 I! 1' 11' 11 I . In it journal III I.r n r'v, l;.i,c . I,, " ,, J a I U Hu e ,'1,'le b ,. 11. r. t Vu 1. 4 11 TLI'.'.H OF 'Hi!'. ! iHil.Y Tin 1:1 ;.', ;..., j ,, iii . I : ui W i l l v Ti. ;m !-, ", 1 nn-inui. I n,. ,..,1,1, ,,, , H i ii.p.v wiil li.- seal I 1 ct fur nl uu. 1 inu j .a. id 11 tub . lioii'. ul a lb, by. T i.i:'!.i (.; tii:: wi::' To Mail 1 11! ., One 'ui v, .,,. , ai , .',' i .lit'M i -'l'i : -r "i.i-r", f: 1 each t U'l "V 1 ', ul b . I'. -I, 1. 1 . , I'V Mi'. Ui 1 I !' V I', I r 11. ,1 p.. y Lib :i.y Ti.iiii. .acij. a" lie l n . VI I- P. To one A.,.;,.- ', nil .,1 'i',,.,, 1 '! 1 . 1 o! 1 . ,:l e I o I , I 1 I I J I'M I.. 1 T I I..'.. 1. j Mt .ipl I n;e iillopl. All 1 I.n , l I Vi 1 ic. 1, 10 1 ' 1 I :. i 1 o n. 1 1 ', I 11, 1 i.n h. ...1 1 .pie I Ie- c 1 Mn C.j.y 1, An 1 ti,,, '..ell l, nl.. . , .ci 1 1. 1. lb , I , an cM i-1 1 ope can. il' li ne I .1 In I i.l tin I. il :' I, ol. .. . I .1, I ' - t'l 1 !' Hi. ..1 1 e ,v, I,, ii,,. in I nl 1 1. t l"i I'n .11. In I'. T. t.,' I lie I'.b'lilCiils 1. 1 Via 1 1 ie. A . D.'l. V. Ma t i", i; :. ii"". S iiil ',', e a 'y 1 1 i lc M n l.'y T'lll'uci , t A 'I ri . ..- 1, 'I V -T I' u-k. , ; . 1 11. 1 1, ".'. I.l I ,' Ie o',u I :i 1 ! bll" p.e. IS.-.ii L.ll I : , Mid I I- ril I.'.. I I I ' I 1 1 1 " 1 I.ln, I. ' ll 1- I 1 i.t r. ,e I .l I ' III loll I I I, b" p I 11. r. T ;,.i. , 1 c 1 -He I I', -! 1 lo I. Ill- L. n I ,'l : I I, I I .1 I on 1 ! 1 t ' I VI , nn. 1 Lis 1 "i;i"-l -I l I 1 .1 1 1 in 1 A I I, I l: 1 -It. ' I ' T . I' 1 i.l I M - Y. i;:'t; vv ioi.i r mi i I 'o il un e i.i' an i i h i of I li - 'it b i I: I .b n " I , Ie, llll eo il l i , w i i I I lb" Iai ail . i' . im r. it i at u.l n ins- int) ill l.eii iiilii i', I I I, al . il. i i , , , ill I i I -I n l H. .1 b I . r I I. U r I I ii. ... .'li: e , I-, I ', III I I. I II. I c I, I (. i lc I I I I, I i, i, In . I I u i li I, ul ' I I I I I II . I i I .! . 'i III M il !!. I lout: o Le Vi i 1 V.l-V il J. r; 1 1 I i 1 1 , p.. i i. . ti ii 1 1 1 I '. t. 'I I I ( ' ' ' i. I I i ir, w i i ,i I i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers