t;.0 JSimlmrn American ti. B. IHA'.SLH, I I, WILVF.RT. SUNllUKY, DECEMI1EU23, 1871. Our Countt Affairs. It is well uu liorstooJ by tlio pvoplo llmt llicre 1b a ikfiict in our county nlTnii, nml Hint tlicrc nro inntloin wlilc-h bIioiiUI bo remedied. Tlio mulltor'i reports fur ei-veni! years prist linvo been srmioM lint nunldted, tuul worn nnytliing but silisraclory to llio tnx-pnyers. Kven mno of the Auditors tlienimdves lmva neknowlcdjic-il that n wrong existed which they had t.ot discovered, and were unnhto to toll where it did oxint. Tlie emmty (linnei have been so loosely manured tluit il is likely tu bo brought into liiijntion with former ollieers. Tl.eso di't'.i ii nel' S arose in the ComniisMoner'a olllee. and the enor mous list of expenditures were returned to ,th; auditors to cover up track, so much so, that it lias attracted the attention of t.hn people generally. Whether this has b.-en done l.-inranlly or intentionally, we nro iinnblo to say, but wcbelievo that if tho accounts nflSW) nud 1S70, were to he re audited, and tho original vouchers pro J need from tlio parties who rendered lit counts nsainsl the county, that there would bo a considerable reduction in the espedi ture. It would ho we'd If tin present audi tors were to demand the original bills pre sented, properly certiiled by tho parlies furnishing material and labor, as well as tho nceounts of the Sherill ' olliee, instead of relying on accounts kept by thu clerk of the Commissioners. Tlio C'unmiaMoiici's have no ri.lit, legally or morally, to grant an order for the payment of any bill with out suno evidence that it is correct, either by aillduvil or by their ow n personal knovyl-i-d.-jH. Tlie cinrnvnis frauds lately com muted by the New Yolk ollieials ought to "viillio yisif all to the. nrcosily of ti-rutiniziiig idosely nil bills pn.sented fiij iaymeiil and not neeept, as a matter of cMUiie. bills 'iMiileil by anybody who may choose to make up a e.la.m ictiinst tho euuiit., Thesj are matters which, in- it ..,,;,; ,,,,:,',,, A.wvhUtm. terest every tax jiayer, and wo nppe.il to In behalf of tho Senators, nnd my eol thouudito;s whom we iv'.i.'va to lie men leagues of the Houso ol' licprccculalives, Who Will do j.lMiee, to ilive thisnialtel' j " ln'!,l",,mlly " " ' 'lilt III I I 111 lllllllll. full I I II I'll llilllll llu l.l (..! thorough invesligalioii, and let the people luivc the report in I'i'l on (be Mibjeet. Hon. ,1. Ji. P.vm:i;, i mu Oovcknoii. The. It. 'publican eoiil'erjes of (he Jtepliir seiitaliw ills'.riel coni;ioscd of the counties -of Juniata and Milllin, st their meeting on tho !):h instant, uiianiuioiisly :;! picd the fol!owin rcsolulioii, oll'eied by W. W. Am Via : J.V.K7cc.?, That the Delegate this day I Heeled be instructed to vole for lion John , j. i went-1, m .iiriiiiiiiii.i-ii:iiiii, ill nil! no- publican caudidalc for (iou-rimr. Tliis move of our friends in the Juniata and Mi Mill ili.slricl, shoivs that nil ell'ort will bo iu::de to press the name of our . m f . . , - townsman, IIou. J.ihu 1 . lnoar, for tho : tiiiberiiatonal chair. Il is an evidence that the oilL-e is seeking the man, and we can endorse llio proceedings of our friends r,s in good taste. Should Mr. Packer con ker. I to lien candidate, nml be elected, bis admluistiatioii would r. llec t much credit ilium the old Keystone Stale. His ability ns a li.vyer and a s:ates!i:au well tils him ; for the oHi.-o. There ntv but few men in : public life who t-taud as untarnished ns ' Mr. Packer, nnd his great popularity ' ,, , , . , " ,', , . 7 i r.mong the laboring classes, would bring strength to the Uepubliean ranks in this , State. Ills a well known fact too, that he was the only member of Congress in im . . ' Stat-j who was re-elected in In.D by an Increased mnjorly, and dial through bis i:i:luenco and energy, the Itepubliean Stale ticket was carrhd in Northumberland emui ' . . ,i,,.. ., . ty by over li.r. e hundred majority, while p;rl of the coo ily t'n k .1 was elected by oyer lifteiu lain lit ni ijorily upon local issues; ; lu.iii.f tin. n,v. ..,.,.'. il,. i im-, v, a, ..,.. ,-.'7 , . . J. " cd its po.itie,! complexion biuce it was , organized, r.nselaets show that ho is not oulv po- d!ar, but thai w here he is best known j leis tbecontM.-nee of the people, ! ,., ... , . ' , nnd thai his abi.di.sas il slatcsimui and u man of moral wortli i;re npiu'eeialed ly b Jib pohlii-al iarlies. Sj naiuii AVii.k n, ii i ('e a o d bit when di bating the n solution im lietreiich n. t.t lust week, lie said ; "There wvim ll.-pirilie.in ib'u v.'s as well r. . l),auoei i;'.e llii v uu I a KepuMican I'.iief was, to him, fir llt'lO'i't Iri'el'ul of i Iid I wo, lieeniu In; h,-..a d.sraej u, m llni It eiuVic in p i-i v. This h r.nli -r !i u l .i t ' D.-moeraey, Vv'liydui'1 lb; Ik :wi (k; Jill.-this i xtr. iet I'ro.n t!u it ; iYi.-a. i ii-i!-' s: h y AS (he c cuity C ...ii'ii!--i ly si-leet iheii- Mpmr i u.i e next yar, it tuighi I .- v. II iKsbe to ri I ii i ibi g i d in i s w i!l hlea t-o.'ll.-ero for the i l:-i'l..h. il' they 'I lid ai of dieir f e..:'Uuelil, i i ni.ik.- all eii'.iie elian tad elejt n i,- nj.-v, ,.r the d:!li . Id post' n.a, mm Tins Puis r. -k Win. Siiiii, llii!'!. UV HI. I, : mi.ia. (oiii, rv li t.'i n -r il i v; . uiii'iir, no.) it 1 1 i- ,;, iie uh w.is ti mii:-,- 1 1 .j. .1 fir. I i i'ljii.e of W.i I. l'itpil'1'd It l hviiiui '. I'iii' 1 I i-iyliU'i i Wis t.s;e.li I i ii,iii..u bU di - e , no 1 dip , i.t ii,.,..d treat II. i i'i, ait I hoi 'i , i iili, Wat Al.b:i' . i.ir uu-i uti Lai i,..-1.... Allien,. i. 'J'lltt d up III II. til' 'tltOi'l'M 1 ii ai.i I lie "lii'kl '..'i iik'ir.-.i-it ol lilt I if'i ul lo t iil'ti, pi) 0 h il ill. V W l .iii.I.i ) a. tie til I hi I in il y u i in I 'i. .1.1 mill iii l b b- eil uu I ,i t.,,..,n! I chin ..f r !. f. T- KM - I .i.t 't.i.' I'.eio l i.M'l.tl Mr. 'V I i -I . in. in I luf,' uu i'ii'iT lin i r fell ill , H ( illt , 1 ii) I, .4 .i i , -I III' k ion liilil, M'i I 4 l.l '4 hi, ' li mil .- .it t r.nl . I '.hi ill lo ) n L i U iii I it li. k ill.' I'llkil il, i'i lilt, oil l'. I III In Jli.il.l ll An I I Mr. I in i I k i .inn. i U. m i ii. i, ii yn.., '.. i i e. .hi. ii. II. J I i ... -. i,ii, litlllljl llkll. .Ij. llV. A ll'l.4k I .,.U il ilk i. I mil IK I It. i i li. hit J.ulu i' li I'i ' 1.4,1101 I mil. v. oli. i iw.l, uu I t tt t Oil I. Ill .uli I, Ok ' (iii i I 't i nii In I. ii i i ti in r dill ( I 4 " J Ul It I'M- l I lo III I. I 1 1 ii ii.lt tll4 tf if. III. HI lib J. ..ul i H iOI III II. 4t b it C.J jl "ol I ( t. .in 1 1 ik 0 It- ' i "I.t" i-'" IU iU ' li Ik p. 4. it. l .11 li. .ll 4il4 I Kit ' J! ii. I .!.. I. I. I II in -hui4 I'i , t.w 'I-.. I 1 1 . i. IWnpt.iU , .'! ., ' -I ' 4 t'lJ) k-lt-t I'roiu our .Sporlftl Washington Cor renpoiKlcut. rBSXSTLVAMA RKl'UHMCAS nF.C'KP HON SPEECH OK HON. J. U. TACKEU. Wa.viiixotov, 1). (!., 1 DecDinbor 10, 1671. J DEAK WlLVEtlT I ljtt tilght the Pennsylvania Republican Association held its tlr.stofa series of sociables, to be given during tlio coining winter. This Mist reception was n complete success, and tlio ''fair won'en and brave men" of our great State wero there in numbers exceeding twelve or thirteen hundred. The entire Pennsylvania dele gation in Congress were in attendance, with '.he single exception of .Senator Cameron, who was unexpectedly detained in the Sen ate, probably watching Senator Truinhull in his ntiem'pt to perform a double sum mersault, and accept tho -"jiassive policy" of the hard-np Democracy. Tho President, Vice President, Secretaries Delano nnd llcikuap, the Japnncse iMinister, nnd nu merous oilier ilistingu shed and eminent personages favored us with their presence. Our mutual friend A. A. Shissler, lisq.. President of the Association, and Chair man of (he lteceptiou Committee, escorted President Oram to tlie platform, nnd al'ieV the seating of the guests, delivered a neat and appropriate address, slating tho object of tho Association, and then introduced tlio speakers of the evening. tr. Shissler acquitted himself creditably, and his c Doris to make every onu comfortable much pleas ed bis numerous fiiemls. lion. William T. Haines made the speech of welcome, in a very pretty address, which was eloquently responded to by tlie Hon. John 11. Packer, on llio part of tho Con giissloinil ileleuation. Senator Scott then delivered a short address, alter which, all who desired; wire lesenlcd to President (i rant nnd Mr. Colfax by Mr. Shissler. This being through, dancing was com menced by those who wished '"to trip it on the light fantastic toe," and continued to the ' wcu stna hours of the nioru," and when the orchestra played tho old tune of "II ime," time remaining to bear il, ex pressed a wish for the speedy coming of the second sociable of our Association. I send you a hon ied ami partial synopsis of Mr. Packer's address, which is as full ns I could report it. Tho address was re ceived w ith rapturous applause, nnd 1 hope will be as acceptable to your readers ns it was l the l'ennsylvanianr., resident in Wardiingtou, s:m:i:cm op iiox. ,i. n. pacickh. Mi I'iisIiIi'i t. J.uilia. mid (linl'cinni of i'" iiii.v ii'-iii- ii.i tty jiiiii com icons invitation to ntleiiil this, the Ills', of your exceedingly pleasant and delightful social and political re-unions T And permit mi-, ulso, to assure vou. sir. that we are truly grateful for tho kindness, cordiality and fervor of your warm harteil, old fash ioned, Pennsylvania welcome ! Like many other ir::uiii..ilinns and soci eties which owe their origin to thu exigen cies and necessities or the peculiar ( iicuiii stances by which the true men of the north I fillliwl llii'llisi !vi kllrriinmli.il ill llin f'uni- ta! of (heir country, during (he perilous and dark hours of the war, your "Associ- alloll ol loyal I Villi nusvlviliiians'' has survived the rebellion, which il was designed to aid in suppressing ; and il has long since at tained that enviable position iii public eon lideiice and regard to w hich the intelligence and Hie iiitcgrilv. tlio hili character and i....fl.n f, lliv ll-.tl lilllllllVkl I II lit f the patriotism ofiis members so eminently t ill ilk- it. Yourco-laborors in tlie political vineyard tit. homo, in recognition of your ri-hls as lJepublic.-ins and of your faithful and clli- cieiit services (o the country, admit your representatives to seals around the council lircs of the parly, and none are re ulndly welcomed, and to no di l.-cnte is more iysiii i t ! I'll! II I fi III lull irii'i.n in tli.i ii.iii.I.iilii.tiu ..C ur Stale, than to (hose whom you send as the representatives of the "loyal men of Pennsylvania resident at Washington," V ''.V1. ,Wt! "'' l,lt,as,lv of niectingon a similar occasion last year, our political hUieS were not entirely lice from clouds; for while wo had carried our State by u "cijoriiy, upon die aggregate l'ongresional vole nearly LtHt) hier than ihiil l.y w hich we elected our t.tovei nor the year liclore, yvU f, lall Ver coniideiiee in our own Ktreiigih, or perhaps mi under estimate of the sleepless activity of our political foe, JVV !"'" f,U'n WU'ml 8,'V''"! ''' ti lets, unit some ol our hiiiiiilarils, on whicli it.,,.y had perched before and crowned with her i'1'i.i.blest laurels, came out of that fonlcht trailing in detent, Pill, sir, warned by that experience, and anxious to correct that wrong, the sturdy i veterans in the It-publican ranks rallied,; w ith renewed viyor, last lall, ami, with a: d. teriniu il'mii th ll c mid not stop short of ! sie'ei ss, rolle.l up a majority more than j twice sis !-ir ge :u any we have given at nuv ! s,..Il( , .. Ki , :,,. , Alll, , majority, w on in a contest us warmly waucd ni. il lis hoiiorahly and lalil.y coudiictt-d, upon boi h aides, iis any we have ever had ; to il iimj iiily. won by llio unwavering I'.iieii men ol Pennsylvania, wo lender as no cai'iitat ul the bi,(i'.M majority llicy in lend to give, when called into iicliou by ih.! lu .publican buglu blasts in next No vember. Yes, sir, 1 repeat, the great Slale ol IViiiisj h auia. which, in iu p.iirioiic aid or, sent into llu war, for thu suppres sion t'l ' lilt lebellioii and fir the ileleiiee of tlie integrity of the nation, 4.m,imo as brave men as tyer drew the sw ord or lin d a inns- I k t ; that Stale, whii.h you have i truly ! iiiidtli.pi.iitiyh.ini always ;,nels (irinly by the I uion, wanned by th-; s.imo luipul- s, siaii ls re.nl i and i-iig.-r ( iiitv lo Hie i gre.it I 'apla u I the w ir, ia-r aiieady denig- 11 lied uu I ell. sen leaoel ol Ibe ll jalbllc.iu ho. sis in Is! -', .iT'l.oo lns loMill a.lols us Win iyei- cist by I ul e 1 1 ( jeiit li i einen, ilk n I - i'iio: ial id linn' uual ati d and increased i o .il. ii'i'ia lot si ihi.j iiiiegiiiy, irii'd p ill lollsiu, nml iip;iruveil stal Miiiilisbip, an. I n hi .ir lliipla.iiied iiid.iisi uu lu ol b.k III..: I s.l.'Ci il t .11 1 .1 1 l r.ll lull. : mi iii iy in II kp.iik proudly. of oc.r 1 e,,uid old .''late, nnd of In r llliiublem bik ini . l.i-s lli HI (wo ci in mien buvo ,.iiiid b I.. . the c il niy wat lotio.li I !V denU ul p aee ; uire 1 1 ; i.t in l on, thu I'l'opl'.i t.il) .til:., I'lolillee, all. I tut i ol ioel.il listeill l i Kl.il. llni. i I an. . . II i. II I). ii t . 1 Ihokc t ie uu I In iii liec nl Ian t, nod ! the h -ippy .CI I li ll.iy III blelii'i 1 of Whi' ll l!l I MO , i.i ii,.i..i':'i liu ll mi .said inil u'l' i i ll iiioi I he III l.O.:.e, lit plooni ,,iit ..l.d l.upoi la in o i ol nil l li'pile ! I lis,, h.Iii, lie) p.i!iiii. k kit 111 Ulld you i ii in. nl 1 1 iheoi ii t ill t im old ii hi Id, mid : I ViiIiH liilillli.' Ilial, limit t' lliu I.i I of 1 no I , Hi I line ill lliiiim pi ii id nee, I he I ,'i. .il .in I i iiti ll pi Uu l,.li tnl Ills III ulld . ti . v u 'I . I ii oil lil Iii i, III I j.i letivliitltii mill I li .1.1 II. I .lb! I kl.l hi ik iu i, III llu l III H linlill', j llu l . il' ii I ' k Ullileil III 4 l.ilillil! del l.tl Jl.loll i. linn. Ik il i nil uu liik. hi. lil it ii until' k4l I.I.. I I) . iil i "ll 10 i dm p 'Ul Iplw 4d iplt'l 4k pill "I Ih'l I Olid I IL mil I4 , Ul. I 4k 4 ltl.iili.il ll 'lllllll' III lit' U' pnli-.it.li l.llill, II. il iid Hi' I. 4it.' b nil 1'plill. lieu Mild lil 0 ; li . nl , lh.it u I power Ik lliltui ill In lh. i OjW, ill ti.o "ti I lion ink Miw 1 iiin'li .j In Id, if mli Mil) , 4H'I Intlilulid I'f I III If I"- tlV, UU I ) Mill lit IH IH kk. Aii .sK, ,, iliklll llu) IIHUtll) 4i . , ililit 4 '"til lint Undid tl.t ll bulii I) ii.i ml ul. I (i uu il In t ulioltk. l4ll,itkl I- nil, 'l nil l.l. nt ll. Iitliuj liulil 4ir lu-i-ltt 'Unit bl III IU ut I , It l-luililti lsi.-4 4 It' Sll'tk.) i IU liberty oft-onscleiieeand freeitom of speech, the door of his father's house having been closed upon bill) bi'C'lllse. of llix refusal to take oil Ids bat to the Kiiw of Kmiland and die I Hike of York ; there, in the wilderness. tlM'se pioneers, in die march of civilization and freedom, iu the full of 10S2, more than oiio hundred years before the eonsliluliou of thu United Slates was framed, rising abovo all unworthy feelings of resentment, and prompted by tho noblest principles of their nature, even in the moment of their absolute power, nnd reaching almost the sublimity of inspiration, declared that (ill men havo a natural nnd Indefensible right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own consciences ; that no human authority can control or interfere with the rights of conscience, and that no prcftrenre should ever bo given, by law, 'to any religious establishments or modes of worship. They declared too, that elections should be free and equal, and, centuries in advance of the civilization of Kuropc, mid in de fiance of what was then regarded hy states men and philosophers ns ''the ripened wis dom of tho ages," they declared that no one should bo imprisoned for debt; they softened tho severities of tho peuat code, abolishing the death penalty in every ease, except that of wilful ami deliberate niurder. and, true to the cherished principles of uni versal equality, they swept away llio estab lished feudal rules of primogeniture, giving to nil the children alike an equal share iu the iulierilaneo of their Ancestor. The familiar facts in our history mny bo trite, but they are suggestive, and cannot be too often referred to ns explanatory of our wonderful success and advancement. Under our humane, just and liberal system of laws, thus wisely and hapily inaueuiatid, die population nl ' Pennsylvania, which in IT'.K) had r. aoliod 4:il,0lli)',now exceeds three millions nnd a half. In the development of our mineral, ngricultur.il nnd oilier re sources wo have advanced as no oilier peo ple have ever done before; with magnifi cent lines of railways and canals, attest jug die public spirit and chliubli lied etilerpriiio of our people. Loiisiriielid at n cost of mil lions of dollnrs, for the transportation of our products, and like a net-work, extend ing in almost every direction across our Shite, we have in addition more miles of railroads in our mines, in tlio very bowels of the earth, than many nations of tho old world, which were thickly populated when Pennsylvania was n howling wilderness, have w ithin all llu i i borders. lhiring the current year, not yet closed, we have taken from nppnreiilly inexhausti ble mines, and si lit to market, morn than 17.tltKI.0lll) tons of coal, and from die fii'.t ness of our internal reservoir, within thu same period, have gushed forth two hun dred and hl'iy million gallons of petroleum, which has been sent forth (o tin il it Uijld upon most of dm ciiiuuicrciiil nations 'of the world. 1 Mere Mr. Packer 'made so-ncwhal ix- teiuled reference, to the great farming and uyrieiilltirnl interests of our State, die sla tistieal portions ol which 1 will send you iu my next. So, too, in all the depai tmenls of the Ails, science and manufactures, as well ns iiuricullure, (he oilieial statistics show that we are not behind nuv of our sister com monwealths, while, guided by an intelligent npjireciatioii and proper apprehension of their great resources, and of the Iruu and just relation of labor lo capital, llio indus trious, fruual anil enterprising people of ourNiate have so prudently divcrsilicd their industries nml wisely invested their means, that liolhing hut the most unwise mid un just legislation can ever arrest or retard the onward march of their wonderful progress. And, sir, not forgetting, that from those to whom much is given, much will be re quired, the philanthropic citizens of Penn sylvania, through mi admirable system of both public and priviio charities, ant pro verbial for their liberal dispensation of ample helielits and blessings upon uul'ortu nale or sulliriiig humanity. So also, recognizing tin- vast importance ol educating tic s.lo whom (he sacred trust of free govei lllll -lit .s lo be committed, that they more fully kimw their rights and uu deislaud their n spousihilnies, our Suite opens the door of the school room to all In r ciii dren. poor nml rich alike, and bids t In-ill enter ! I'mler the operation of her free school system this day. since the rising of this mori,ino'H sun, between die watirs of the lVlaware and the shores of Lake Kric, in more than lil'tccn thousand schools, tauidil by eighteen thousand leaelu is, eight bundled thousand of l'euusylvaui a's bricbl eyed bo, s and girls, the future men and women of our country, are receiving in slruclioti iu the lessons by which they nre lo he prepared for the performance aim dis charge of the important dudes of life." In closing, Mr. Packer paid a glowiiiL tribute lo the 'memory of Pennsylvania's sons who gave up iheir lives, that we might have uu undivided country, praised those who had nobly Volunteered when called lo arms by the lamculeil marly red President Lincoln, and spoke feelingly of die soldiers orphans ivho are being educa ted and protected by good old Pennsylva nia. I append a portion of tlio sociable com mittee : Master of Ceremonies. L. Harrison. Plnor ( lii.nniilli c. W. .1. Wharteiiby, II. 1. Wharton, .James ('. Wi-ise, Israel Small, L 11. (.'ottrcll, ". It. t'hapin.in, J. W. Mokis, II. ('. I'l-arsoii. Yours fraieriiady, 'II. D. W. If your horsn is lame, s i;- i r L- i'.'ed, you should Use .li'hlin iii'h All dlle I .' Ii I Hi. Ill ; wash die p il l w lib e.imiie k iap and "arm wan T, I lib dr, with a eli.lll el.lli. I In ii tlpplv the Lilicmeiil, rub ill well w ith die h.lil.'l. II ive till- leaders of Ihe .1 no I i'.'.i.i i y, r n -fil any. I'f Pais um' Pnro'iiive Pi!!y il not. w by n it f lh. are t li t h i t. unity phhic, bl hides being Ibe "I. III. si UUU-liil- ions I'eineily there ik iu this country. l nil T!IK k' Sill It V .tMKIllCAN. J 11 lerosllc. M 'V rn.llllll 'i. ftllli l' III)' t'Vi-l'V r l J nil"' I'I. Aiel iii.isi -l Hi. nl limt Iii i v. r li nt u 111. in! I'i nil)' llo I H l-ll !! I'.lMll'a poll. I III li i Juy, II I .1 .1 lll.ll."l lllll -I III' I ll'll- t llll'.lll .ll ".I' ll til. ei Hill iii liiilil illy lu'.ilil Hie ml klnii nt ii.y in;- KuJ'.is. ;..!.. ilniu'll in.ilii' uu Iitiii'iivil fihinl, mi l.ll.ll illl" Ull't'i So hiiiiii i nl liu. ii 11,.. mnl nf iiiil.l ll.ul .lo-Utl'ii' li.l.l hLt- '.llrile,' Ttnlliliil, l..li l.il.I ,11,1, nil! I" "I Lu liluin. I "M - Hit! luio I,,,- ili.'i! iiiy ilur'liiK, t nt In liiiilii' liu' I it Ii j in nl I'lllll Hum ,ii,.i . Um ,.'i I .if In) Infill III n.. I Ii il IV. I .1 I. t i. i. n II .ii in. m e i u ii u in.. I I,. inr lil'ti I'll it . 1. 1 - K ii lliv .1. .1 Ii .nl u.i.l I .nut uii y llini kli.i l il. ,1. .'.ii li. 1 1. 1 1 I li) ' i . it it illicit-1 1 til Ililt Ulikinlli) i... ill ..I llilliu 11 .lint In ll lilll illnl pnlil) II ll Mia lil lllll. .ill villi Ml, 1. 1. li: it. I Bl II. mwm mm tt w i um m n m a. i'tb Atti JhiiMtiih, illVMlluil, tl'Ulk. lilt .il hi I.i. um lilt nil- ,. I ' ik 4 J - l.l l, In kt.ll It, n... I . .. .i '.!) nl ili .i ,, ' It ii ii k it u l initio wl I'U. . nl Ikt II . I. u I," If i iiunik w n i !i-1 r. . .1', ,u. I . I, . n I . . ... ..I I l ll . .. t . I. ll ll .'.I U t U II I i lt. H l i l( t III . ll I till.,,',. !, l ll ,. I I..II.I I Sill I .1 i li '- "S, I I il , Hi ll I IU 11 (I , M li i li t II. .ii ,i I ll .., 4. Ilinil l'-l i l't"'l sl I- I l . -it 4 II I'll I kilUf Is. it, ki 4-m I v. tf to Counteract tho Short-Sighted Policy of Designing and Malicious Persons who havo sought to Injiiro tbo Track of I'hiladdphio, bj Concocting nnd Circulating Exaggerated and Malicious Report, wo sball tako ftdvantajfe of our very 1 ortunate I'ositicii, ana Organizo an Immense and Unapproachable Sale, wliich will caueo a Great Loan to any who make Purchases Without Knowing what cau lo Saved in buying at this Unuaaal and fcturndou Balo. "WE COMMENCE DECEMBER 1st, vho (Jn reserved Clearance of tho Largettt Stock W W JSk JW JEk Mi ES 3E?E, ' 8t BROW M Ever Held, Being Nearly ONE MILLION DOLLARS' Worth of SUBSTANTIAL CLOTHING of our beat Manufacturer, for Part WAN A MAKER & BROWN WANAMAKKR & BROWN ) j At Astonishingly LOW PRICES. Mail's HepaEtrae&t CONTAINING 7,0(51 Men's Over Coats. !,UJii Divkh Coats. ."ill! (lai'iirks ami Cajics. .r,n;i Iiiiiini'rts Coats. 1 1? ,:1 1 1 Busiiio.n 1'ants. 1,81-5 Kino Knglisli Strlp'd Pants. i3,K7") Doeskiu'l'iiuts. FIRST FLOOR (West Arranged for Job Lots. "Less than llalt-Prieo I Work, which Mi nro in our general reduction of prices. ! SECOND FLOOR 3 Deimkt.mexts: Dress Punts, Second Dress Pants, j Working Punts, Job Lots. : THIRD FLOOR Overcoats, Top Coats, Garrieks, Coachmen's Coats. FOURTH, FIFTH uud SI A Til FLOORS Kescrveil Surplus Stock. FIRST Store oj.cn from 7 a. m. to 8J p. m., except Saturdavs, when open at Ci a. m. to 10 p. m. SECOND All Goods Exchanged or Money Refunded. THIRD A large Btatf of Sulesmon nnd Ushers to" the ilillercnt Depart metits, in waiting to receive Customers. FOURTH Orders by Telegraph or Letter from any quarter faithfully attended to. In conclusion, for Solid and Substantial Bargains, this is an Unprecedented Opportunity. It will pay to come from any part of the Country, ot to make up Clubs in Towns or Villages, as we mean to give Somebody all the Co. ids we have. Wo have had tho Largest Sales the House lias ever known, and to Wind up tho Season, we win allord to almost shut our eyes to the prices. WAraAEfflAEDSE&i & BROWEI, Dec. 9th, 1S71. Toy. Toys. Toys. Toys. : Dolls. I Dwlls. Di.lls. Dolls. DJIs. HOLIDAY Gr OOIDS ! Tho old resort in ti full blaze of Novelties. LICHTNEH'S BOOK, STATIONKHY AMI TOY DEPOT, ClpmiMit'ri lllocK, Mui-Uet Miimirc, MITrs' UlTllV, 1A. IPISfMS, HEIICT lEISIMS, PRESENTS OF EVERY CONCEIVABLE KIP, Elegant, Useful, and at Itcusonublo Friocs. Ji. CALL IS SOLICITED. 0. S. IIAZELTINFi, Prop'r.' Dolls. Dells. Dells. Dolls. Dolls. AltiiuiiN. Allnuiik. Albums. Mjiilmry, I)ii', in, 1871. Fun! Fun! ITun! Ol'KUA H0USi:,SUiM.UHV, t ; K ' . II. Ml.WV, ., Manaukii. ; Tui'mlii) i:rula.. I)i-o. 20, 1H7I, Tin-: wuui.i) r.vMci) MAUTIN KTTI ltlVAI., I AN TOM IN I AMI llAI.l.MT TllOl'l'i:, ' In Uuli' nt t'uli y 'I i lik I'iiiiiuiiiliiKi, cut ;i IliI PaM-Cate, Fat-a-Cae, Baker's Man! ni'li ulliei (ir.Uiil )- V il ill ... IK-. lllllllll llilltlk H ii.iilliin.it lil lllilii.llu Ai'lt, liil.iiil Wiimli-ik, Miiiiii. ilii'l Oalnvk, lil. liu! ill (iliilii lii, ii'i W. A. Hl'NTl.i; V, Tlii.- c.ii'.ili .1 It.iiiJ.i Aill-lu In A mil li, lll I' I'i ui. I'ni-i i in 1'iin r, ftu uu I ft.1 l'i. 'I i. liii. Inr .ilu in li. $ lliu. ' . ! 'l. (il ii. W. lil'N I l-kv. V. Aijiiiil. li.-. liil -li. 'Viiw I'lral WhIIwumI llnuh ! iuh. bur), ri-Mtt'n." N il I K K I. Ii.nbj tin 'I. 0"l Ol riK'ilar Au ii'i.il ill lluu ul' ll.ii.'ii.i. nl "lliu rv.i S iliiin.il llu. L ol iiiili.il), I'.i I Im lnl.l on It I li U . lU 1 .l.ir JM lUV, A. U, llii, ul On' ll-ilikllik lluii.i', lli lliu lH""ll ol iiilmi,, I'.i , I.. I.i.ii I'm Li.ui. of U u'kii-li, i. in u.i. I J n'll'.Mk, ., in , ol kill ill,, lu .i ..lii mill l Iii flull-hm. u ilik A"l o l uu- J. f li Hr II, I k.liki. UiliUlf, '4 , l'k. Ju, ki. E, HodjklnB, Ait., kkilkil Hliluj.Tulluw.Hoiita, llu;? a nut t Mil ftllko, I till fllU ii"! !. I t'Ht Kills Il'. 4, kl im. massi-We Bicas'srm rci.rrB of which was Personally Selected in Bclbro tho In.inonso Uiw in Wool, And can bo sold to READY-MONEY BUYERS A Visit and Inspection of which COSTS NOTHING, will prove unquestionably that many Articles are Worth Doublo tho Prices Quoted. ABRIDGED IPJ-i-Alsr. 2,519 Black Cloth Vests. 00:2 Velvet Vests. 578 Caslimcru Vests. 14,400 C'tisdiniero Vests. 58 J Double-Iireasled Short Over coats. 5'23 Eng. Diagonal D. B. Overcoats Furnishing Goods and Coats. TI Tbo Lots." Pieoo (Hoods for Custoi Custom Toys. Toys. Toy3. Albnimu AUiuiiik. Alliums. AlbiiniN. AlbmiiH. Albunm. i:M i:it or attii.k tio.. r.ii-rj liii.ly l Inilli'il In t'niiiu mill buy of llu-liaiiilkiiiiii- iihiiiiiiii'iii ol' Toys and usn:cTKsriui:8 lil QAMULL F. NEVIN'S STORE, In 1 1. 1 um li ili llnir, mljiiliilii' Mixiii-A Iii luir'k liiill.lliitf, Tllllil) Mitl'tT. n Ullty, I'A. Jllrl l... lllll livll klll'l'.y Ul Cull III I IDUI I U lf till)' ill .I'lll'linll. TOVN !' AI.I. lilMK inn. tniillv on Iiiiii. I. Tim In' ! II WMN'S, KIliS, 1 1 ii ii sis it uiiiiai I'tiui r. I't'uu mu t'i)i''i'i;K, ti:a x spins, lliall lllt'llil, llllllk iV l .llu., llii)' lllililllil. KAM'tf I'AKKS, UIM'I'ITB, I II VIKI US, Ac. t ) V ST lilts o VST i: US ! ( V ST K Its I ll.iiliitf III!.. I iiuu r. iiiiii iniiiily I'm' .iiiliiK 1. 1 II) -III. Ill I'll I) .III!', I.ililll'l Mll'l ll'llllulllrll Mill I'll lii'l'illlllll. I.lilli il Willi lliu l"'l lillillli. Ill ill. 1 1 ki t, ill nil liii.il. iliiilnu lliu il l) iiinl t i'iilii. .iinlili u l i lii n''ili - I ill Ilr ll ri-.l li ni'i' Mil I liu Iii' I Mull or ( '.iliii.it l')lil, uk in lli;.lliliil, ill llu III) In i.i HII'U.. ( .ill uiiil ' my i ki'i'liuul rfMollinvlil of giik. Ui4 u. iiiliilil I In; I'iicv.i H. Y NtVIS. I .-i-. td. It'll. M iMi oir Mtni i:. I aim r lriliiiM hlmilVr. Urr'il. fMHK uu lii-U'in I, ii''iilnli I t.y Hw tiili.iiik' 1 tuuilol S.nlini nil il iu.i iiiiiuiy, AulH'ii, In ill liioulu III.' 1. 1 1. 1 mi' i'f Um liiniii y In lliu Ii.iii. I. ul A i "ii h ill, I Iiiiiiii. li. iini ol ..il l Alii ill ill! Hi ill' I, 'I'i ! I, Mil III' ' I I1'" I'i Hi. liil.l lll'l III! IU Ml. -i ul In. .., ..l il'lu nl ul III. I . ! 11. w III III. .ul ii il, l.". I l ill Hi". I ' "' .lull, uu I UIH O . Hiu '.Dill 'I II ol I'l l t. lllll ll, Ikil.ul III ll'.lll. k,4 !., kill 1 1- lU )'. IU ll.' . n.ul m 1 1 i ii ! 4 lo uiii. ii I H M. HI Ull, Ak.lllJ, iLillglukU, i'lVi lli, t Ol 4 Ol. SALE STABLES, Uuin BuojLU, Sull or Ivthitl I, Kit ' Foreign Markets by Mr. WANAMAKER, 900 Youths' Overcoats. 3,000 Youths' Pants. '5,714 Youths' Vests. 1,8712 Youths' Everyday Coats. 7-3 Chililivii's Overcoats. 13.") Children's Capo Overcoats. 180 Children's Garrieks. FIRST FLOOR (East) School and Dross Suits, and Little Lads' Clothis. SKCOND FLOOR Larger-sized (ioods and ll tlt'-Price Los. Ul'PKR FLOORS Re.'.e i ve Stock and Extra Fine Goods. Notk. These and till other goods are not bought from Wholesale Houses, but are of our own lniwiufiH'turc many of them made in our own building, under our own eye and supervision of materials carcl'ully examined and sponged, and made only for our Regular Retail Trade; to that customers can take them with the utmost coiilidence. Sixth and Market Streets, Philadelphia. Toys. Toys. Toys. Toys Books. Bocks. Books. Books. Bocks. Books. Books. Books. Allium. IIOI.ll IV tiOOIIS. TIIADD'S S. SHANNON, 'i i im? ii i vn ( i iiki.'t mil' i ni-' ' . f I . I . . . . I I ..I ... V I. link in miii'k uiiil i'iiiiimiiy ii-i'i'ii mu .im-iiii. Ill 111. Illii', I'.iii.Ulliii.' In i . I ul .1 lull llni' ul im:i:ic tviK His, KIlIii, lllliiol", lluvviinl ,V I'u., Wiiltlmm, M.n-kiiiliiiMll-, nml lln' AMl Kll'AN WATt lli:S Al.ii, ii full . t ol l.inl'i iiinl lunl'. (juIJ uud bllur Kul W ..li In k, It'lllHIII III. 1. 1 .t'lii, I'lllk fill .ll Iili. I liultl III., Kur It 1 1 1 1: a. Nil Ul.iii i ami IViiil.iii'.t, C'liyx uiiil Jll Ji WI'll v. eiLVEU-WAIlE, Sullil Mill i H.ur ol Mi-rllnu I'liru . iiiuili' In oi il I. 11ill.il uu I I'liKi'iil.iliiiil IVi-i-. Klilvvk, I'm k. iiinl r i. lu ink., nl.n, u lull lluu ol Min i I'i. iii-. I li. in l, li t 6ik, Im U'i.li r hiU, I II. II M ill I., I lllni ll.l'ki'H, I'iiIIi i' I ril, Kolka ..ll.l H'oiiu. li. Iili' il.ili' I, III. In-. I III lliu lii.il Wil. smTAiu:. If )iu V. lliu' Ii.iii r )i'.'kl'l, lliu l'iif il l.l ll-l'., Ulllllll I I I Hill III ill III v I'll Hi' I'l I'll I . IH' I' I I I' L.l III. I , illl'l ill I IIU I'll'll' II, lllll! " ll I II. V.. I" on in i uuin ol lli. it li.iiiliii-.k mill brliii.un )'. 1 liv mil l.nl In in) ) i.i I ml hull iliuuiju, i. ml W Ml .Illicit B.l" il u III nil nl In i. In uu. i.uaKt f nuty. Ivory, I'l'iiluiiil Milul l.uu li kin l.t.ek tu 'll4 lu uij. i, I.Ot liM. A f ill ii.onuioiii iii hi. lil i i un. I il. 'i V Iiiiui I liu k, ul.u I ulu. 1. 1 1 I in- k. ol nil ill-nil'-lluu.. t-iii.1 i. mil ilu'iu .it lliu .litiiH il iio u k. IV .llu.'., I. oik. mil Jm.H). ti.kiiu4 nu-l bull. 1. 1. I'lU III lllll I. Alt k.. ..I. mil Ii .-u I ul I liu I i l.uki "l lutli I'm... f ii'y '"l ' i Hilly Im il.J in 1. uli uu4 (.luiiiluu lur tin uu. in... I' .u i I .... I U' l-'uiu. T . IIAM. lllibul) Uv. Ill,- If. Nil III t. Ik b' ' lll.UU lil.l Mil li.lloH ol I'lli. . ik ill lli-' li. "'!. ..I .II..U ..i .ii,; tui.4 4.1 I I" HI A .- I-I. I Ilk. I' Uvv "II I I t 11 IllV I'iu I4U. nl IK. ...!' I Uil, ul l.i.iiu lu I I Ul. III '. b Ullii Ugi ' kli I .-It'll .U.I-Ul, ul I ut ... I' U S r tliill I " U, I'u. , it' on ami xiV. u if IIIIIHMIIM IM 1 k .1 ... . L .i. I...I i' , uliul k b; kj-( ',.u4 kl ipi "IfiZlfiJl I .btk.-k Im t i'. j WANAMAKKR & BROWN WANAMAKER & BROWN CONTAIXINO 1,344 Children's Suits. 3,282 Hoys' Pants. 2,070 Boys' Jackets. 733 Bir Men's Coats. 1,205 Big .Men's Pants. 980 Big Men's Vests. OKI'U AXS' 'Ol ItT ni.j:. IN piii-Kimiirc of hi) onlcr of ll.f- l.ri'li;ins' . t ' 111 It Ol Sul'l llllllllll'I'lllllll foil III v. Will Ihi m!, I ul imlille Vi-iolni' or mil cry . im In- i i riisin, on TlifMiSii) , ttlf Utitll liny ill tli-i'i-m-b-r, 1S7I. at out- ii'i liK'li, . in., lli.- liiili.ii in.-n-iil i-iliiti-, I. ilo Um iliite of JuiuU K. Mini, (li'd'iiiil, to wil : Al! IIiom- tu'.i ninll;iioi,ii i,ih of ifroimil, lii-ini; 1oh No. Iiiiii), In M.ihM'i'b iiililitloii lo tin; Lmiouuli of tiiiiluiiy, Imtiu v I on the North by uu iilU-y. on lh. c- n i li l.v Um-Hi'ci-I. on lliu Kin-t by lot Nu U, lu-lui ulni: lu .' n llnw lliloViT, lilul oil llio Wl-kl by ivt l' ti l l". I iruifiil, diiituliitni: t i-l lit r- Mty I !. Inmr .u. It ni' flii'i I, ini.l onu b i. ml i ) iiinl lliluy In i lu Irplh lo mi nlU y, wln ri-oii mo nii li il u oi.r m. l ii-liiilf ntiii y liuuic ilwi llliiK li'Uitt- mill oilm out liullilliii;, i'- Ti'i um of aulc w ill I'f iiiiuli! Uiiuwii on lliu .1 .y of iilo, by DAV1U ('I.I'.M TNT, Pro. S, ?l.-3l. AiliiiliiiMiul. r. i:i.t I nuts1 nam:. BV vli'tiM of niitliorlly eoiil. ilni-1 In tlio la-l Will iiinl Ti'Miitm-iil of llt iiry llouiu-i, lain of Jiinliin l dm ii li I p. Niiitlniiiilii. iliiiul tin. ul r, ili't'i'iiiioil. lliu miliMM iheii u ill nll'i r nl I'i 1 1 Uv Halt-, on Sal unlay, tlio Jtdl Ii t.'nj' ot'l'i" (-i-iiitii-r. IS7I. ul M o'i'l.irk, ii. in., ui H o U'l K lii'i' of Nii'li.r.iH lliilmi'i. In fill' I l.iu iirlii;., nil I hut i-fil.iln Tit U T HI'- l.. NU. Mlu. il.l ill Joril.tn towniiiilp, miiil iounly, ii:ljoiuiu lumU of li.uili l llohiii-r, Klijuli Hyii ly, l-uut- lluyt r uu I l'.ll:i llii'kii't. fttut it i li i li AC onu liiiiiill'iil no. I i i;h- ll'l'll lll'IDk, IllOlf or ll k. TIll'M'illt' will In .lllll In out) I lui l or In plici'. In villi llu- pini'liii -ri. t uuilill. in. til' kiilu III bu iiiiiilt' l.iiuii u on lh Jay of .ii I r, by f. C. i.i lT, Kl.l As 1 1 1.1 K 1 KT, Joritiin lp.. Pec. 0, 1 7 1 . t.vi cutoik. 1HSI; M IIOTF.I.. (ill li', DAI'IMIIN' CDI NTV. rr.NN., lli:l(V liil l l.lltl . l'rorli ti.r. TiuVilrr. mil llu J il.l. ii fli'l (lu llni-.'. t liu Ij;,-. Iiiiuli I uti'. Till lull l' UU' ll I I'll. . I mill 1 1,1' In el ill III. II l.l l. '1 iv llilllll .1 111(111'!. Ill lliu llur. (i. II I M.llilillll Hil l Mill llllif I'MllH, l'V. Ill, t?.-;llll". ANTIIKAtTTi: l'i VI. ! v.t I. i:tii: iiii..i..iiio m j Kii.nl iltul.-r iu iit-ri i i. Iii v uf ANTIIII .UITK t oll., IT'I'KU IMIIIIK. bl'Mllliy, l'IAM. All kill l ol ( i 1 .1 In l ik. n in t ti ll.li.i.'n fi r I onl. ill. It Ik kill ll ill'. I illl.l lllll'.1 i. uu l 1. lu I.i 11 11 ul . K. Vi ilii'k I'liulii'iliiut'i 1 Uuli, 1, u 'l liu I klurl, mil in u iu iiiiiii I ulliili.ui, uu.l In. n. y ll'. I ll.', I' I, III! ... IU.' . Ill ll. Hll, I. fcur I uif fur li lli-r. ' 11 IK l ii. t lib. r. r- 'i 1. 1.1 ol r 1 tin I'l.lul., An -1 K'l.l.l Ink li.lilp, H.illl.U'ill '. I 'Ul I "lii.lt, l'. , ll.ik . I ion I'.I. 1. I,. 1 I. Hi I, "li. '1 Im I'll... 1.1 1 ini.i' ii lliu ii. mill ihi. 11 ii" 1 li'. 'I i u.i . llu Jk li., 11b. 1 t ! III. II l"l 1 '.I'I " -U't I ' I I'l' -k.'ui.l 1 ill ll until l.u obi i'l" I I' L Ii li'i il ll b 1. I it'n lil il lu 1. in. 11. I'll .-I ra 1 lu I.i. ku t lg "If IW Ul l l" Ull.llUk I k. lllll. IllV um... ( oll li'Vipl "I lllkl, to Wll kill.l 4 Uik ol lh lili.ii' luu, uu I illliiiliilt. In U.i II, ul li bkvk li l 1, luu ol "--k-'ljv- till lllll II Ik III, A wt'.lk I. I' , Suiiu 4 1 " , 14. Au.u-l It, I'.I Im. Nil III i.b.kly i"t Ik'l I 1 .liu.u.l V .. iinu ul Iiu4i4 I Wi".' 1 "I II,. .m i'u 1 1 ll 14 '"11 . 1 1 ill Ak". i-luu, klll.lw i". MllVIl t I ', I'll . '. 4k, Ik. I, .-I U.i "!'. -'I r lluit.ilu., I'l, lu ILu tl'H k,'i "I .ii Ii l.n lu k- U'k "I 14 k lu ..III M "I kot-, i., I 1 ii.iiimiuii. , H III I X II Alk-miluu