SJIH..!lt.4W 4 ill. Increase tub vndhk TTiur. a prize essay of the Illinois Agricultural Ko viety for 1871), by 1. UitUlings, tlolnils the jheaest nutl niosl practical plan ol'itH'rertB Ing the fiirm manure pile nml saving Us n. elements from wnslc, nnd which should be ndop'ed by every liirnicr. His plnn is sim ply to save every particle or (he iinunnl ex crements, liquid nml solid, with nil its ferti lizing elements iu I'uet, fivo from wnsto by washing, evaporation, or liru-fung. To do this, ho tills a stall, or largo bin, in his Stable, during dry weather, with pulverized clay, nmd-scntterinfi, or common soil. Svitli this he covers thu floor of each stall three inches deep, nnd then places the litter for the nnimnls' bedding on it; bv this means, nil the urine will be uhsoibcti, nnd its wealth of nitrogen Raved; nnd su..h is the nbsorbin" power of (tried earth, that one threo inch Mooring will not bo so tho roughly saturated iu n long time ns to re quire replacing. lie says his experiment required but one largo bin of pulverized enrth to absorb the urine of ten or twelve cattle during the stabling season ; nnd that two men with a team filled the bin in one day. lHied clay was applied nlso to the pig-pen and lun-roost, with tho same ammonia-saving result ; and if applied to the privy or cm-lit closet, which is now being ndopted, a great m:nuiial an well as sani tary result vt.u1. follow. Tho inducements tor 11-10 un of dry earth are : 1st. That it requires no appaiatu or cash outlay. 2nd. That the liquid man ure of cattle is worth more than the solid, nnd is usually lost ; but under this prac tice, all is retained. 3rd. The dry earth retains within it all tho value, of which usually one-half or one-third is lost by fer mentation. 4th. It gives much larger bulk of manure, each load of which is of double " tho value of ordinary farm-yard inn mire. 5th. That one ton of saturated earth Is of more value than the same weight of even fresh saved dung. Oth. That the aggre gate amount of plant food thus saved from the stalls is fully double, and in much bet ter coudilioti for use. Chahcoal fo'.i Sick Cattle. Xcarly all animals become sick from improper culm!?. In nine eases out of ten, tho di gestion is wronir. Charcoal is the most (llieient nnd ranid corrective. It will euro iu a majority of cases, if properly adminis tered. An example of its use the hired man came in with the inielligeneu that one wfthe llni st cows was very sick, nnd a kind neighbor proposed . drugs and unisons. Aim owner being ill, and unable ti examine tho cow, concluded that th trouble, camo from sonu over en tin" nnd orucrcU a tencup of pulverized charcoal given iu water. It whs mixed, placed iu r. junk bottle, the head held upwards, and l ho w.ikr with its charcoal pound down wards. In live minutes an improvement - was visible, and in a few hours the anii''' was in the pasture qui.oiy i.nii grass. Another inn unco ofciitinl biiccifs occurred w iili a young heifer which became badly bloated by eating given apples alter a hard wind. Tho bloat was so severe tJiat (be sides were almost as ha;d as a barrel. The old remedy, salient las, "as tried for the purposa of corp;ctiug Ike acidity. Hut tho attempt to put it down always caused coughing, and it did little good. Half n teacupl'ul of fresh fiowdered charcoal was ue.t given. In six hours all nppenraiiee of bloat had gone, and the heifer was well. Country GentUmtn. cs, CHICKEN Salad. Two common sized fowls one tea-euiif'ul ol'fii sb rivi..i r. half jar of french mustard : the yolksof ten eggs which have been boiled hard ; half a pint tit vinegar; one tea-spoonful of caveu- uu liepper ; cigm Heads ot celery ; ouu tea tVu.?lUl1 f!llt , r "",! if vorjoirid. Boil to renVic- r''"' n,lt sullicieut salt in thu water i.tu'c.'tly coUi"ci!iU.v,1,blci J.vhc'n lllt'' 1U'U !- I s I,, IV" '"cut from the bones, Cut tho n.'!. :;',' la qai tor ol au i.u.h in size, same ; mix i.lir-I'fA...'.1 "'c celery about the them a-ay. Mash the eg. m U v alKi stt tho oil, then add (he vinecar, mustaril, caenneaud salt. Mis. them all thoroughly. Wlieti the diessing is mailu it must not be youred over tho salad until about half nn '"r it is to be served, as the becomes willed. celery Soft Ginof.uuhkad. Ona pouti.l of butter half a pouinl of kA:r twelve es ; one teaspoouiul of cinnamon ; two luble spooiilul orj-ine,,. ,11V(, haifpinu ( ,. lasses ; one giii of milk ; two jmuiuls of Hour; two tablespoontul of saleratus fo.; butter su,-ar, gin-er UUt cinuaiiioii toSet :ie until hejht; then stir in on.i lourtli , i the Hour. Whisk the c.-s very thick, vi;.l ad,! by tlesrees. Mix the milk una un.l.'.sses to. tht r, which stir iu jn-iulu-ully, tin u the lemaiiuli-r of the llour, half nt n t,;ue. lVat all well together, lu u mlj tho s.lei-atus. Mix well, but not sullicieut to destroy the li-htness iro(luced by the s:..eratus. 'Ibis quantily is sullieieiit for two sijuaia pans, which btnti r and paper put iu thu butter, smooth it on to:, with n knile, ami bake iu a moderate own. Remedy koi: ( vKi:n.,nv vvi ur.C, u. A sure ptvv. illative oflh,. owrilowin-of tbe pan , (,,ttlu is soot and salt, -Acn in enuul (j nautili,., llt.u a W( ,.k, as occasion may mpure If .Mll is , ni, .,t, eopp,.r!lB wMll (,llt tiJ l!u, atii( iiht . n V'ii ' xatuie, ansiM is a good i T", ;!luK'- very wiaknon. the etlcc Is ol this uiseasc (which th. V sona limes will in the best condition., I;,u,. turn out the whiles, ul.d till Uu. shells whl, soot and salt, and three at a t ie, hree inonung, in su, ccsm,.:,, ad tlu ,;t tluvo and so on util you have gin u f.uve limes, uhieh has ul wins eliictid a tare .j in , UK uiN. use is a dull, Mud, I'll v jjii,.. a yciiowisli, wati fctuiiee. lib- I'll.M Km l. l'l. A - 'I' I 1 . i V . .1 pi.isien r II n unl ion lit. I in p: islor fii'l In liiUii. inn,.. li,. i-i-si.-r ul i'.u .s ...u ,,,-vii i ran;; imt ,t ,,, or I ... coiiv. ni. im coi i h.- .e i tatora liit!L. Inn" hn. va.l wiih it. (f try t wii i i in- : i. . J . . ' in iiy iii;:, end en. i,il in . -,ti hi k : .-.i I I I 1 Hill Mow y.Mi the ii, ..,My i, aliis , i. in...: nu,.. ns j,,,,.. ,!, ,.MM r :n .a) iiig, or ill the I c ie, d , r i 'aim II u alt. M..H.' I," M 1 1 ill; e."' sin ! I it lad, ! It I ill- o-," t,id I. null a i t i my "t 'ill Hilly ,,, l lolln , l.i, l W ,j it iV u a .:l-y .!.. I 1(1' "I l Ml. " ' Ik c.iliM) h i,,. u.( ilh all llic i r'. i. ,11,' !i I tin lid be. ' nil. 1. 1 t ' "hall I hi i ),, ., yMtJ. iilh in n, u,,,, lol.liliy ,ol, a i iid it II h .lu i ill J P41K14 l'l Jlllllll mm u -.iili.., in ' 1 1. Miik 'mi n," mo ii) r "I It t U n I hi, Lc." ' I I... i Ul I'lUll thu klit, l".ii'ii,;.iii .! the only uy ,i I ivui l ki. .in,!.,, . i n.,i,i,,,,, , , n,.,, 11.11 I'.VIU.CI, I He ,- 4l,,il u, I uie io HI lief . !l. ,d I l,u L,i, I '.Villi t... iu U,ai,J. I l aiwii I ) "M III. Ill, 1,4 III V'U tl.Mii Ii lit I' 111- U K. Ill III, In li Hi. Ii, , ii,. ,.,r, ''.I, ).' ...ll. ill In llliibjll, but d". i ipto ttbtttlsemtrA. roMPi'itr' mAiNok i'miiiiiihi COMPANY. Thin enmrnn la now nrernred to sell lots In the ni'W Cemetery, located on nn eminence nbout one-fourth of ft mile enit of Sunbury. Tho In crease of the population of Sunbury, nnd consc qi.rnt advance In tlio ratio of mortality, ns well us the limited facilities fort lie Interment of those who have foiieht life s battle, have suggested tno organisation of the nbovo named rompuny. Plan of t emetcry limy be scon iu me oiuco in J. A. Cuke, Esq., or Lloyd T. lloiirbnch. Price of lots from ? 5 to 15, according to locu tion. Deeds will bo executed for lots told. LLOYD T. HOUUUACII, Sec'y. May 13, ISTl.-tr. FARM FOR SALE. MIME undersigned having a larger tract orintnl A. (over WO ncrcs) thon can tic properly culti vated lu oiio farm, largely devoted to trucking, oilers for tnlc nbont one 100 ocrco, cnibrnelnir the nhill the old rcrslng f-rm, together Willi a part of the liiildin farm. " 1 lie natural uuvuiiliiges ol tno ran ouercn lor mile, are In nil respects equal for gard-nlng pur poxes, to those of the part reserved. My own gur- Icning tor the pnet two seusoiiB lias neon cntcuy tone upon It. There nro many good fanners In this county barely making a living at ordinary grain farming, who might greatly advance ineir interests oy living sonic attention to trucking upon a farm so well adapted to the business ns t lie one now otl'cr i'd. nnd o convenient to one ol tho very bent mar kets In the State. Terms reasonable. For par ticulars Inquire of. or address WILLIAM L. NEPBIT, July 8-tf. Fitxlnos, North'd Co., l'n. IVlerchont Ttilloring. j. n. hosts. x, In tho Pott Olllce Hiilldlng, oppo9ito the Depot, (up stairs.) SUNBU11V, TENN'A, Informs his Mends nnd the public generally, that lie has just opened n largo nnd Milled as sortment or Cloth. CasNiincrcN, Vo?tti:igt Ac, which will be made up to order In the latest styles, nnd warranted to fit. IJeutlemeii in want of fashionable suits nro vited to call and examine his slock. SHIRTS scientifically nnd practically cut nml mndo measure. r.l'N NO RISK. Wo furiiluli tho nbovo stylc3 of Improved yoke ami sack shirt with entirely new shape sleeve, and guarantee n perfect lilting shirt. It is tho best model of a shirt ever olSrcd I.) the trade. Fine mid fancy shirts iniule to order. J.kM. HnSTIAN. .tunc '.!, l.'wl.-fim IF YOU WANT TO SEE the largest assortment of Millinery G oods ever brought to this place, go to L Sjiisstor. Mmil SpoTC, ni 4i iu, i. ., here nro arrayed In nil tbcirdlircrcr.t varieties -Tell MilliTJiGTy Goodn of every description just brought from I'hllndel- lihia Hint are now open. nn; new ltooni jnt coinpieicii is mien wnn nn endless vr.rielv. A piosi niagnllicent display of lioods wi exhibition, nnd sold at the lowett pikes. i:T.ltY KIM) V . IS usnally kept in a Millinery eslalilislniKnt can be had at her store. The best hi the l'billdtlphla markets were solicited. Give me u call end be convinced. MIf8 L. S1IISSLF.R. Sir.ibury, Pepteinlicr 23, 1 S 1 . Clock & Watch Repslrer. I". VOtiT, Iu Dewart's Block, thrw. doors west of the Cen tral Hotel, MuvUui ui'ia.i, SUNUUUY, PA., Respectfully Informs the cill7.ens of Snnbmy nnd vicinity, that he Is prepared to repair Clocks and Watches In nil branches, ulso (iu'.d and bilver Wurc of all ili-sei iptioii. Having liad forty years experience In the busl- " s in this country, he Hatters himself that Uc can giw (rui.nrul ilisli.c; ion. All Wjrk gu.llllln.vj(. ..I,,,., rnsnix-trnllir so licited. 'Iiu.e IT, lsU.-tf. HIIMIIIY. av.o. noiiiu.oir '.c. sons. INFORM the public'that riu'y'uO,? , , -L do all kinds of CASTINGS, and having added a new .Machine Simp in eonneetioii with Ibcir I'oiindry. and have supplied ihcinsclves with New Lathes, Pinning nml llnring Machine, Willi the latest improvements. Willi tho uld or skillful mechanics, they are enabled totxecute all orders of NEW WORK nu IS EPA I KING, licit may be given them, lu a satisfactory man lier. Jr:itr- !o Null miy Ktuve. IRON COLUMNS, lor churches or other lll'-'s. of nil sizes. er build. PR ASS CAM'INGS, ,ce. Foil GltAVK YAilli I.OTri ; VE21AUDAH3, ion yauds at ickmie.ces, &c, au. The PLOWS, already celebrated f,,r su peiioiity, have been still further Improved, and will uluavs be kept on band. Also. TIIKKSIMNG MACHINES. culinary, May ,(, Thi: ixgredikxtjj that COMTOSK K03AOAI IS aro pulilishml en cvet v pacliagc, ll.ere it is tt'ilu secret p.cji.ira'.ioii, onsc-.piiiitly rilYSHHXS I'RESCRICK IT Iti) n reilnin euro (nr Scrofula, Syphilis 111 nil l.i l .n.m, ltl,i,m. lisiu, H.ia DiscRncs, J.iver Coiii I'hiii.t uuj all (1i.hmsi of tlu llluuj. "Js I.. M4...4 ill di moio gnoil th in ten Imt'.ln of il.u Myriipa of f iripirdU. ,IHc UN2CP.3IG;0 uHVi.lCIAN3 h i v lwd Ku.-iljl:i. tin ir .rm lii o jll.r llm p.i.ftlircu vi ir nnd I nly ei il.irhu it i,M riiuldu AlU ia'.iio brnil bluod Piuilier. llt T. c ITiiii. ,t 11.1.1m, ,u : Hit. 'I llKklN', 'I'll. It. i ii r iot. 1 ! k t..t j S. I :k. a. NV.lMill. 11 HUM I.I.V, 11 AUKS, ul i'ie !.nill.., i.. iM'..ii;ii., t idi.i.,1,,4, II S-iLI.I H, ):,l.,.0,h, N i; akd kndoiised by J. II ' . KMIl II, I,. ., 1 ), I M I-, I .i.i. lit, I.,. mw v i ii ,i...i.i,.i.iii vi H.l.1 I . I, ..,. il.,,!.,, JU,fc l.uj.1, i , i,u. Our , ... i.., .11,. i wl l , I i. . I ! Mli in ,. '. :,. , 0 ijJs T li u il.lli, i, J, f l IILlld , I,,,, 4. 'I'-! l i.i II., , I . , .... I i 114. ,. . ! .'. I1.411.,. I., ,. bj I i lb. .illl. I.-.1 4 II V u '4'... llU ,tot4 UU ii ill t ,1.. le I I. ... ..;i. i, I., ,) i,,, M.ll.i., UH i;i - i). I'mImU, OtU. A. H n. M k III I14 ,-.,U. ltt I, 11,4 I ll.M 4 in -in. g I 'II, I 1 II I I ,.1. II,. ... I I l'l Iwl t . k-l... ,1 M-lLlu...' -4l. .1.1., 1S71. ROUMIS o 4 itcUttntons. Ul mi.M.i:tlY. FALL AND WINTER STYLES. HATS AND BONNETS, ItlBBONS, FLOWERS, WREATHS, LACES, &c. t'rnpo YellMt CUATE HATS AND BONNETS, and everything usuiilly kept In a Millinery Storo. Cull at M. L. GOSSLER'8 Store, South Fourth Street, below the 8. V. R. R., BUNBIUY, PA. Nov. 4, '71. No. 602 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PHILADELPHIA, ji. i:m:ks, AND IMPORTERS, nre now hi rceept of their FALL AND HOLIDAY GOODS, embracing a superb stock of PA1C1S IJKOXZI'.S! n.OCK 8F.T3 AND MANTKL ORNAMENTS! VIENNA FANC1 (iOOI)SI PARIAN STATUARY 1 Soliil Ml vor Ware 1 tastefully nrrnnged In cases lor WEDDING PRESENTS, fcisu .. .flnndld assortment of FINE JEWELRY, WAicttr.9, CHAINS, F.I.ECTUO-rLATED WARES. T).t. 11. 1S71. 1 ;3aiihoo)l: How I.onI. ISrulornl. Ju-t piiliiMii-d, n new cdltkin of Dr. ijjSJi'. ( iiivci well's Celelirated Essay oh tlie '" '-'".,. .-' radiral cure (without medicine) of Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, Involun tary Seminal Losses, Iinpotcucy, Mental nnd Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc i nlso, Consumption, Epilepsy, nnd Fits, In duced by self-indulgence or sexual ixtrnvaganee. I Of" Price, In n scaled envelope, only 0 cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, cle.'.iiy demonstrate from a thirty years' suc cessful practice, lhat"the"alarinlng consequences of sell -abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of Internal medicine or the appli cation of th" knile j pointing out a mode of cure lit onco limplc. certain, and effectual, by uu'uiis of which every sullcrcr, no matter what Ids con dition may be, limy euro himself cheaply, prl vaU'.y, trail radically. Cij" This Led lire should be in the bnnds or of evei v vonth and every man In the , benf under ,eal,in a plain n " u o dress, postpaid on re-'I'l ' "lv cout3' or lw0 poslf stann.? i-u,V01.n.t.u-8 Marrlage IGuide," price U.i cents. Ad.liess the Publishers, CH AS. J. C. KLINE & CO., V27 IioM-crv. New York, Post Olllce Box 4,5S0. Oct. 'Jl. 1HU.-ly. (am ui: vi'rtt tciax hekoskm:. Ori'K.'E OP TUB Sl Nlll'llY (lAS COMI'.VNV, October 1871. To the Citizens : Recent Investigations de monstrate that lias of 14 Candles quality, can be sold at J.0(l per 10U0 cubic feet. The Direc tors ef the Suubiiry lias Company have deter mined to adopt that price and 14 Candles ns the standard of quality. This llxes the prieo of n 14 Candle burner til one cent nu hour, or one third less than Philadelphia g is. A Kerosene lamp gtves a light of seven to ten candles only therefore, gas nt the nbovc price I is much cheaper man kerosene, without cansld- ering cost ol chimneys and liability to accident, j Let till come forward mid become- gass consum ers. Make your applications for service pipes j nnd fittings al once, ns the season for Introduc ing them is drawing to a close. 15 OuiiKii op Tiir. lioAitn of Diur.CTOiis. TERMS. The contractors for the Works will Introduce pipes upon the following terms. Service pipes ul .10 cents per running foot, measuring from "cutre of street. I'pmi Mai kt-V Square, twenty dollars for entire service. Interior linings ut 15 cents per running foot, in new buildings ; 15 tents pe: running foot over plaster, mid UO cents per running foot under floors. Chi.ndelicrs, Pendants lwd other futures r sale nt new York and Philudcphia price October 7, lSil. ip (;i;f,. i lly V. J . Kilt WAN, the. well-known Journalist. Very Largest Commission I'aiil. This bunk Is a very beautiful octavo of COS pages, cinbellshed with you engravings, and n llncly executed map of London, designed and executed expressly for this work bv eminent artists. It ennt ilns H fun, i;raplile, and liiithrul statement of the HUjht, .S'.rivs. and S,;witiont of the great Metropolis of the world, which eontahu u population of over .".OOO.OOO. History, biography, lioinanee, and Adventuro arc e.iiiil.ine in this volume, making it n work in :ilien.-c niiei'cpl luall. Circulars, Terms. ,V.e., with full liiformation, sent lice on npplieal inn lo DfFFIEI.I) ASHMFX1), l'nhlishcr. .11 all.-olIl Street, iiillailelnhiii. Oct. 21, 1S71 -Inn. IXTKUHIDIMUV. ?10 ()FFEIti?10 HAYS OX TKIAIi. i. JKW'I SI I.Y I'AVJI i:TH. 1'int i: cti::)i n:i. Tin: AviruicAN Stwimi Micnivi: Co, mvo coneludi d to oiler t 'lelr whole Stuck of SujMiiur mi l wid. ly-known inacliincs, up,,,, iK, i,OVe uiipuralclid term,, to everybody, every where, who hiiv!, or can li i ii I licit fur a icallyguoj ben-' leg Machine, cbe i r tlui cliee i'ci . I'vel V oie: I lieoinctoa inoiilli's friu trial at 1 'i.-ir uwn leiiiK ill'- Vffl, an, i,, y 1 1' , i f Is a luonlir free trial. iU.llalitcc of it-; quality, I he object of niiig a fr I low Gi. id our Mnc'ihie is. trial Is lo show you I This la the -i'MoleM and m l-t ccitain way to I contl.e e y.iu that our Machine Is in-l what Vou : VI i ul. J The Sent of I. In in c innnth's trial. ! Ni.i nc p.m. ,n, n. Mm-tjinu , rni.,1, p.l.V f'.r 11. in 1 l.erp it. I II ly no l.ineliine until you have fuiiud it u giMn , '""' "' ) I" uiiiiiiige, vii.t liiwurk, , easy In keep III Ol I. r, pelle t in n.'eh;ililln, p. lleci in u., simple, reliable, and ! - 'li'lai t.iiy. Any cuppanv Him r,.u yu I I his l. ne lu-. nun, I have u good it Sew hi" Mueliini j a., urn , liny " lily wlicll Vim l.uow llm machine dm-l j take mi lu.lir In (,'et reuily In itn it iiiliiiite w..i k. II, iv eiily mIi.-u y..u tlui a M.iehihi, t,t , i r.-.i.l) lu a i, in, in,, i , IIV kind ut m,ik ,, j, , uli. ic.idv, nu, I i , u r . i tit u eider. 1 A'a In I unaWera iill iiu i-l I, ma, mil v,a ull duillita, pi, V, III. illl li.i.l ,kca, Ull, I. l,u only , r.iln way lib. I )uiii Iiioii )a Uiiilh. iyu. Vou . .1 IIM'l lilkt', I w 'I.- li.ri.iirl i.i.lll, rii.iil.ira ami lllu.. I'-'l I'a'.iplilil. cint iiniii,' full l .iilli uli.i. , - .,i v m in a, II I ) Illl l.y l. 111 , i... i. .,, . .. , . ... " . l . n, .ill lieu, !. 1141 pi. a l.i .-, an, j, II. , ,,, ,. j(..l)f : .V....I .' i. A...I .. iib. r, a. -II unr k.hhI ' M.. liiiii, ul a low in v, Usii i'iii4iiiiliii.ny inr. j'l.ic leiiin i,i 1 4) in. i t, mid up. hi ilmiruiiii uiur. I'uii't le.-l ilo l,, lam ),,u ii r uiiiKitaiu .,. ll.r ,i,l M. a 1114 M e lili.v nt ii, 4, (,u I 4llrC .. 4C IIUU I, I 41,1,1 1 I kn, J. I I J g, k'UOli inn , ll.i a. m uailul, m, I a,n u.aka ' uiuii.-y ,,f i,u, 1.1 U. ii wu In aula 11. AuJ , )u Ii4 411,41.. (,.i.iia 111 .In, )u Ikal lb una )Ul 1,4. .....1, bv I.I. p. ..I, 4. I Ul tllH4U al4ki ! 1 Imi I I 1 II. I, i.ia) ,. lUtli llii.iuii. uil Ilia Uiaia 1 .,.i4.ii ...4 t . f iavalii 21 .,m,it Linn in. iu .4 l4..i.l AkuIi. Iu4avii, liialv mi, iau.41.' 14 111, -I I .1 l I I i.U ,.( t al... 4... m,. . I AMI I.U t h kl at 111 SK I a., I ul. J,.ti u4 Ilu4. kl Illl, f t. II, ItJI - I im, Vi Up E'hsiNOH oFl.oiMloa I.iiV, fpisccUancous. PRICES REDUCED. HOOTS A MIOICM Manufactured to order at GREATLY REDUCED TRICES, JOIIX WILYER, ftprnce Si root, Sanbnry, reim'a, la constantly manufacturing Boots, Shoea & Calters, nt surprisingly low prices. His stock comprises the Mrry best In mnrkct. liisionR exper ience hi the business has won for hlui a reputation for making llrst cluss work equal to any city manufacture. All work warranted. TEnJISHTKICTIV CASH. The prices of repairing aro also reduced. JOHN WILVER. Sunbury, March 4, 1871. .MILMXEKY tiOODS CEXEnALlY. NEW STYLES OF BONNETS, HATS, FLOWERS, FRAMES, &c. Mourning nnd Itrltlnl Hats and Bonnets. Full line of Mourulug Veils nod Crape. MILLINERY IS THE SPECIALTY. SnsU Ribbons, Ornaments, Feathers, Gloves, Handkerchiefs. fce., &c. FANCY onnni AND NOTIONS. MISS M. V., GOSSLER. South Fourth St., below the Kallioad, Surbury. April !!'J, 1H7I. JAS EIXTTKEN. TIIACKAKA, HUCK & CO., BUCCEsSOnS to MISKEY, MERRILL & TIIACKAKA, MANUFACTURERS OF GAS FIXTURES, BRONZES, &c, &c, (liandclirrsi, I'rudnnlsi. llrnckcts, cVt'.. Ac, would respectfully Invite the attention of pur- chan'iv to our elegant assortment. WHOLESALE AND KETAI SALESROOMS, 71H I'liCHtniit Ktrcct. MANUFACTORY, i.'2. 404,400 AND 403 RACE fSTflUET. Aug. 10, 1871. NEW MEAT SHOP. fTMIE undersigned respectfully Informs the cltl- JL. r.cus of bunbury nnd vicinity, that they have opeued n MEAT SHOP, in Dewart's bnilding.on the north side of Market Sijiiarc, two doors from the railroad, were they will keep a constant supply of the best of Beer, Pork, Mutton, Ac., nt wholesale or retail, at the lowest prices and of the first iiuality . A w agon will be run to supply customers every morning, (except Sundays.) The best of meat will found at their Bbop. Give us n call nnd satlslv your selves. REFFEW : HOWER. Oct. ICtli 1800. tf. ikici:s Ri:i)itFi AT THE Mammoth Boot & Shoe Store ELI MIlXEIt, In C. B. Smith's Room, Queen Street, one doa East or the Post Olllce, NORTHUMBERLAND, PENN'A. For Elmlra Roots, go to Ell Miller's Hoot and Shoe Store. They nrc told, best Calf nt SU. For French Calf Hoots, go to F.ll Miller's, only $'J to f 11 per pair. For Boots, Shoes nnd Gaiters, nt lowest possi ble prices, go to Ell Mi ier', on Queen Street. For nil kinds of Gum lioola nud Shoes, call at Ell Miller's. For Ladles' Gum Orcrshocs, sec flno assort ment at Fit Millers. For nil kinds of ChlHren's Shoes, go and ex amino Ell Miller's hirgf assortment. For anything iu the boot nnd Shoo Hue. call and examine Eli MillcrV-.tock before purchasing elsewhere if you wlU to get tlrst-clu, at the lowest rire,i. Jan. 7, '71-Scp. 3, '70.-! y. axi i-mm:y stoke. Cull ii ml Uinlor UoocIn. Ml.;s L. AVKISKlt, .narKe biieet, one doir west of Ge.uhart't con fcctioier" store, JunbukV, l'A., .tlillihc "I'"''' T "lock of ii iii Fiiik'' ;oois, Tho lutcst styl . ' and American K' "'ess Trimmings, French loops, Chignons, Laees, Ribbons, Suck and a large variety nn; L'"li Jouvlu Gloves, In connection wltlf a"f".r. "rtlclcsi. curries on the 0 Millinery bmluess, she DUES MAKING, NJJ iu all Its o . 1 She Is also agent for the si' '5',' Co.'s PuttiP.f Rn'i'sey, Scott & The ladles of Sunburv nnu , , , (11 illy Invited to cull und' CkUirAcl""' nrc rnr stock. net splendid Nov. 4, 1S7I. DUES (iOOI)M. FALL AND WINTER STYar, now open at ' ' .11 ISM KATE ISI.At H'N S l Olii Market Square, SUNHURV, Penn'a., LADIES' DRESS GOODS A SPECIALTY. Silk Poplins, Dress Trimmings, Embroideries, Notions, iVc. I. cuts l Hilars, eek-lies, Half-hose, Handker ehlcts ami Gloves. 1 crfumery, Toilet Soaps, Hair Bruslies.Coinln. etc An InvU illoii is exicudcd to all to call and lo cum bargains. Nov. 4, Wl. FALL AND WIXTEU .STOCK OF I.OTIlsi AM Afcs'lMMtI N! FRENCH AND DOMESTIC GOODS of every grade, Just opened ut the MEKC1IANT TAILOR MIOl' or TIIOH. ti. .OTT, On Tlihd Stieil, In Miller' Block, opposite t), Moore . Dlasingcr lltilldlin;., Sl'NiH KY, PENN'A. The must faahlnnablu rluthlng mudu to order from nn-ry vml. ty ol eis.,1.. K,,ll. ,.l ..II -I. " , . ... . iiiu.iit 11,1 in i tnoileal uo, I lice, froiu llm eccli., al. k hi New Yolk ' and l'l.i:iid. li..l.i. Cull uud be cuuvliicvl. TIUlS. U. NO'J T. Nov. 4, S7I. Deef! Deef! fllllK . prrpari.l lo thu I vil""ie ol huubuiy mid ilcluliy uilU llm : VI Ili.Uaiil, ur (, Uj. I ''lu.lil.t mil bo .uppluJ l.y th iimitur or ; side, or al.iulia iiumiiuu, al I lie 111. u r4auu. bin lulia. I u 4 u",''"y h 'lid lli i l...lcral ti.1 a of l.-f. Polk, Mull. ill mi, Va-all.Alau 4U..Iia, lc . t; Apl at U M.4I ll.iua.., U luhJ ! al.i.l, lit Dia.luif.'l'a U, hiibtiuir, I Ou Mi4i.l dj., taa Im.I uf in. 4 1 la airn J In 1 m.,,inia at li, nii uuj, i-..iiii r uf M4.k'l u4 II.U4 ttUii b i.l.lii4l4 llilnua' anii.u iu U I14J, lung kuumi H.. I,..! li, aMO I Wti v h u 1 K. KAGlri.Y. . B -ralauitt bmltiaj Ul kuaia ut ( tor all i4 pii uia IL. tifc., iii4ikc 1 1 La l-i tl pli, 4li. at Iba a Lot a .aUbilalnu.i.1, uLbui), kal, t, ,. OH. I HUH .ul . VMM, ( ui.l t Muu4 1'iaiu.jai (. fit. tnmtfutlurfrs. FUltNITUltE STORE, In Masonic Hull Buildings, Third Nlreol, near Ihe ,rost Oflloe, sismitv, 1A. B. Li RAUDENBUSH now offers to tho public rxjmsriTXJxiE selected and mndo with grcnt care, aod with a view to please the wants of his numerous customers. Ills stock Is new nnd of tho latest styles. rATtLOH SUITS, PARLOR AND RECEPTION CHAIRS, COTTAGE SETTS, Ash, Walnut or Rosewood of the finest patterns niaac. RIDE BOA RON, lu Oak or Walnut, and Dining Room Furulturo or all kinds. LOOKING GLASSES AND PLATES, Mattresses, Pillows, Bolsters, Window Shades and fixtures. Special attention Is paid lo this department by W. P. Roberts who has had a number of years cxpeiience In the city. Collins of every descrip tion nnd slues, constantly kept on hand. Also, Flsk's Metnllc Burial Cases. Shrouds and Un dertakers' materials of all kinds. W Personal attendance to funerals. Remember, tho Masonic' Hall Buildings, on Third street, Sunburv, l'n. It. L. RAUDENBU8II. Sunbury, July 15, 1871. EX-SI mkmTaX D I'IJlM X Hi 31 1 1.I.S. Third Street, adjoining I'hiln. A Erlo R. R., two S'luures North of the Central Hotel, SUNI1L KV, PA. IRA T. CLEMENT. IS prepared to furnish everv description of lum ber rcpilrcd by the ttcinunris of the public Having all the Improved machinery for mnnufaeiuring Limber, he Is uow ready to Ull or- cicis si 1111 Klaus 01 FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS, SHUTTERS, 8AS1I, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE UANDAS, BUACKKTS, and all kinds of Ornamental SrrowlWork. Turn ing 01 every description promptly executed. Also, A LAltGP. A8SOIITMKNT OF BILL LUMP. ER. HEMLOCK and PINK. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, tte. Orders promptly tilled, und shipped bv Railroad or otherwise. Ill A T. CLEMENT. deciy-GSjly WOVE A TIX i:STABI.1lSlIHi:XT. MAUKET STKEET, SUNBUIIY, PA. AI4FREI) KRAUSE, Proprietor. scccnsstlll TO SMITH A GEXTUEIl.J HAVING purchased the nbovo well known es tablishment, Mr. Krause would respectful ly iulorm the public that he uow has on hand a large assortment of COOKING S T O V E S , Specr's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susiueliuiinn nnd others, which nre so arranged ns to be used for Coal or Wood, and are warranted toperfnrni satisfactori ly or 110 sale. HEATERS of all kinds put up to bent one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of dill'erent kinds nt very low prices. Tinware r Every Description kept constantly 011 hand. Routing and Snouting with the best material, done nt notice. IlF.l,MI"Vl' intended to wilh dispatch. Coal Oil cud Lamps constantly on hnud. Japan ware of a x.ndj. Storo opposite Conlcy's hardwure store. Give me a cull. A.'RUAL'SE. npl'.M-Iy LADIES' FANCY FURS. Jolm Farcira, Ton Aitc-ii mici:i;t, Middlo of the Block, between 7th nud Sth Sts., South Side, FliiiutleJiihin, Importer, Manuractuier nnd Dealer hi all kinds und quu'itv of rasrc" ftjrs3 For Ladies' 1111J Children's Wear. Having Imported a very large and splendid as eoitmeut of all the dilleient kinds of Furs from lirst hands hi Europe, and h ive had thcin mailu up by tlio most skillful workmen, wouM respect fully Invite tho readers of this paper to call und examine his large nnd very beautiful assortment of Fancy Furs, for Ladles and Children. 1 am determined to sell nt us low prices in any other respectable House hi this city. All Furs wur rauled. No misrepresentation to i ilW-l sales. JOHN FAUEIR A, 718 Arch Street Philadelphia. Oct. 28, 1871. -llm. FOR SALE ! I 7'IGIITY acres of Improved land hi the best U section of Southern Michigan, within llvo miles of the town of "Three Rivers," In St. Jo seph county, within two miles of the Railroad Station, good buildings, out houses, large or chard, soil, rich sandy loam, school houses anil church within sight title Indisputable, ten acres ure in wheat, thu remainder in clover sod. A span of horses, cattle, hogs, grain and farming utensils, &o., will U11 sold wilh this property. Price 70 per acre, $y,00U lu cash, the balance iu time payments ol'f.MHi. Applv to WM. A. MASSER, Three Rivers, Mich, or, H. B. MASSER, Sunbury, Pa. Sunbury, March 11, 1871. wm. muiiiiat I. SLAVMAKIIU. WM. II. BLACK. MURRAY & CO., Wholesale Dealers hi MAHINERY AND BURNING OILS, Olllce anil School Stationery, 1 r,,Mug, Uraiu mid Maullla PAPERS, I'U'aElt II UH. Ar.. Ar. Tlio UulilmiU'il Corrj Kerosene Hurtling 011 ulwuys on hand. Ilallnif ulauu,.,lri u coax, yv:u.d. we are prciarid to supply m ,,on uolter.aud l the luwc.t rut.., ixuj, . rS'JY)'K, fllKsTNTT uml ii:a COAL la all who limy U l.-uacd lo ,-! us rail, OlJeis lell ut our nll.n No. Ui diulU 1 tin J St., will be iiuiuplly u'.ij. Ml'UHiV ( H, So. lift K-.uiu 1 Hi 4 Mii. Huiibury, pit. ue, n, mt . i ri:ill.oi( iH't.H, I VIKV, Al.Ut Msl, ( llltl MI'S, I It I Mr-. t:. A li. r. IVI I'sm Ao., AMI HrtimlsiN). rk, liit'U ba ulltiill.iii o: "Il4,l. lu riuu. iva aa..niuiul ul Ilia, ,ss t, i. llcli uu I'Ul.lUulliiu, Ulauulu.luiu ui.l ll.,-il.llu. Alaal I'ill'IO I.AMHIM .., u. I.U A1iim nl'.-s). ktW VIIHI UK tl'IIUIIIt. K. II. T. AMHiisiV V , Mil HiouJ..., Ka H is, l'11-.ila U.iu.4,iiia luia lur.itisus tki. uai 14. 11 4 l'MtlraiNl HtlirUU Msisk tik, ll - I;, - fci nrn '-L11 1 1 Miscellaneous. Sunbury Cattle Insurance Company. THIRD ANNUAL 6TATEMENT FOR TI1E YEAR F.NDINO JANUARY let, 1871. Number of Policies, 718. Amount of Property Insured, $.2,815,00 Amount of Premium Notes In force, (34,!213,O0 CASH ASSETS. Amount loaned nt Interest, (3000,00 Amount In Treasurer's bauds, (1000,00 Amount duo from Agents, (300,H5 Amount lus from other sources, (720,00 Available Vnpilal, ("9,830,115 Innarejonr Cattle. INSURE with a responsible and perfectly re liubls Company. Insure where your losses will lie paid promptly. THIS IS A MUTUAL PROTECTIVE COM PANY. Hence, unlike other Conipnnles. volt nro sure of being paltl promptly for nil losses, If Insured In this Company. OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LE88 THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. Being mutunl, our expenses nre less, nnd oi.r Charter Is Perpetual. We pay losses by all kinds of necltlents by death, (excepting hi cases of epidemics,) by theft, &c, Ac. Wo pay prompt ly. ro red tnpo proceedings to obtain your money In ensu of loss. Xcurly $3,000 paid on Cows alone ni nee Organization. Look nt tho list of Losses paid on Cows olono by this Company. M Hcnnlngcr, Sunbury, Tn '. (33 D Hllgert, Northumberland ....50 George Eckcrt, " .. . 40 8 B Dodge, " 30 Cbnrles Bolick, Mt Cannei 30 Esubeus Blpple, " 40 Catharine Wagner, Wntsontown n.46 George Heir, Northumberland 50 Jacob Snyder, Sunbury 3333 .1 V B.issler, " 50 Minor Cndy, Dewart (10 Catharine Mnrtz, Shanioklu 40 Francis Bucher, Sunbury 0 Samuel B Price, Upper Lehigh 1. Joseph Deppen, Mt Gunnel Matthias Scholly, 40 Francis McCiuty. " 50 Maria Kramer, Wntsontown 45 Joseph Nicely, Jr., Dewart 4) J & R C Qulggle, Pine, Clinton eo 40 R Raniagc, Shcnuiidonh, Schuglkill co 40 J S Tluirp, Sluiniokln 40 Thomas Wardrops, Mt Curmel 45 N A Londenslagcr, llerndon, 40 Rachel Cramer, Fisher's Ferry 4'J G L Reagan, Slionandoall, Schuylkill co 50 Jacob Shine, " " HI Jacob StoltZ, " " 40 D II Bower, Herndon, 30 Geo B Lahr, Georgetown 40 John II Ossman, Stiubiiry 40 W B Wallace, Northumberland 30 II S Grnhnm, " 60 Rebecca Koble, Georgetown 40 Philip Winterstein, Wntsontown 40 G S Low, Lline Uidge, Columbia co 40 1-ewis Osteihaiit, Laurel Bun, Luzerne co... 40 M irv J lline, Northuinbciiiiud 40 B Krohn, Sunburv 10 Andrrw Ilealy, Girartlsville, Schuylkill co.. 40, Patrick Fnrgeson, Mt Carniel...., Martin lYlancy, Sbeuiindoah city John Dane, Ashland, Schuylkill eo... Anthony McLaughlin, Giiiir lsville ... Llaynian S Hay, Mahanoy Plane R Johnson, Raven Run.. David Baueber, Berwick J 1) Focht, Potlsville Erastus Sober, Point twp A Llppcncolt, W'atsontotvi li, li', ', ', I". '-7, "'0, 'JO, ..111, Maria Kramer, Wntson'n,'.'.) Iosb pd lust suin,-IO, I r Lippcncotl, Wtitsoikowu 4(1, It S Ammernian, Snydeiiown 20, Nathan Bloss, Berwick, Columbia eo 27, J A: C R '.luigglo.Plne Sa'n Clinton c 2d loss,4'.i, Cliarles W llazzard, Ripcrt, Columhia CO...-I", John Fogleman, Wntsontown 4, Patrick Hester, Ml Canuti 4;i, Thouias Melz, Paxinos ::0, R McCloskv, Lock Haven V.'A, HON. A. JUKI) AN. President. C. A. REIMENS.WDIiR, Sec'y, Sunbury. DlitlX'TOUS : Ex-Gnv. James 1'oUock, Tiun. o. j. uunirr, Solomon Stroh, Win. Brinille. So'.oinan S'uipe, John A. Shissler, Dr. D. T. Krebs, Dr. David Waldron. March 11, 1S71. ly. JAUP.VARE FOR ALL AT THE lLVltDWAUE STORE OF J. H. COSMMELLY & CO. 2iirket Ktrect, Ntinbiiry , Sa. It Is useless lo euu"icr..te every k'n t of article In his Store, hut among the leading items may be set down the following: Iron, Steel. Lead, Scales, Steelyards, GrimUtoncs, Nails of alt kinds and sizes, Vices, Saws, Planes. S eves, Chains, Axes, Brns3 and lion Kettles, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Spades, K.tkes, Hatchets, Carpenter nnd Blacksmith Boring Machines, Cellar Grates, Drawing Knives, Stone Sledges, Plasterers' Trowels, Masons' Hammers and Trowels, Hand Dinner Bells, and large east iron Bells for School Houses and Fanners' Dinner Bells, Carpenters' Bench Screws, Potato Folks for digging potatoes, LoeJxIng Glasses, Twine, Ropes, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Tacks, Mule and Horse Shoes and Nails, Hammers, Augurs, Chisels, Lanterns, till Cloth", Brooms, Locks of all descriptions. Coffee Mills, Bits and Braces, Cnrriago Bolts of all kinds. Paint and Wall Brushes, Buckets, Oils, VarniNlioH, Japans, R,xa Ash, Washing Soda. P VIM OF A 1. 1. It IMI iu til 0r Drv, Parli-I 'olors of all kinds, C'KDAU-WAHK nnd other Wooden-Ware uf all kinds nnd vtrv cheap, Hay-Fork Pulleys, Picks, Mill Picks," Levels, Lev,i (ilusacs, 1'iles, Hinges, CoulDil, Hems, Combs, Screwe, Saddlery uud Shoe Findings, Buggy Triuiminga, Excelsior Glass Cullers. Pocket Knives, Scissors, Shrill, Miot, 'mum and Powder, nd n great viiiiely of other articles. Anv thing Win. l.-.l nud 11. ii nn hand, will be ordered ut once. Minbiiry, Aug. I'.l, Jh;i. rhiladf Iplilu and F.ri lluilrouil. WIXTKUTIMHTAUI.Ii. On and after Monday, Xiiveiuli. r 27, IST1, th,, Tl.iluai.utha Philadelphia, Ki io K..II UkiI hi; run ua lull.iua : Wl'SPWAUi). M.ill Train leaves Phihidelphlu, Stiiibtiiy, " ai r at Kite, Erlo Ekpi'ras leaves I'lilla,!. Ii hla. " ' " fuulmry, " " nil ul kin., Ell.tllil Mail Ii .Nia I'lill.idelpl.i.i, Mllibun, " " utr nt .o.k II..W U, Ate. .nun,, n l.iivea h.iuliui),' " uir ul l(. 11. nu, I IB W Al.D. rt '.M p m 1. 11. 1 a 11 2. .Ml p 11 1 2 so j 111 tl VI p 111 't -HI u III "..'si 4 111 4.:.', p in 7.M p 111 1 I ". 4 In l'l. 10 it 111 Mull Tlulll hulca Kile, .inl,i.r)', " " r ut iplii4, Illl I'tplu.a U Ova til.', " " ' h.ii.b.ify, " " sir st I' i..'iptii4, Fluiiia) Mail l,4i.a I..4 u tluiwii, " " " i..i.u., " UU Ul 'l.ll.i., ; lib,, Ifc'eoluUiiMlull.ul I14I1S It. .11,1,1, II .'.'5 4 1.1 I .' '.' I 4 III li W III V I' I p l.i V -'I III W p III 7. U.i u III I I I" 4 1.1 h -VI p iii U '-'.1 p 1,1 I .. . . 11 ul ku.ibnv. 4 Ii 1.1 SI .ill I .1.1 1, ,1111, , la .4.1 uii I Ui .1 i I ,. ltM j I.. A t. II 4u4 4I I ... 1 ui, I Im,,,,.,,, I mil. l"i 1 !. u..J An, v u.i, H It. tl . I l ill VI.. I mill ,. l.u,iu. I14I I M. It II 411.I al I .,11 I it , a uu I., k. 4 it 'll udli 11,1 I ! au. U.,U u U U. t . .I1..U.4 a..iiai.l t ' 4 ii 111 U luaj ax,) ll'.ui U li.iam.tH.. I 11.. I t) 1.. a, al.4 ..!, I W ti..4Ul.l ut I :Uill Hall vl I Htl ITMV, r. i.'i i Lackawanna and Bloomebarg nall road. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. Monday, July 17,"1871. BUU lliWAKD. Leave. A.M. P.M.IA.M.IP.M. PM. Pcrnnton, Bcllcvue, Taylorvllle, Lackawanna, Plttston, West Plttston, Wyoming, Mnltby, 6 45 1 45!l0 03! 0 50 0 55 7 02 4 00 4 05 4 13 4 Vi 4 SO 4 So 6 50 I 10 17 0 6 7 05 7 14 10 iill 7 11 7 10 7 24 7 81 3 11:10 85! 7 UU iiO 40 1 271 3 21. jo 47i 4 41 ' jlO 62, 7 40 3 83 ll 00 7 8O1 4 47 Kingston, & I st. W.-Barre c'rs Plymouth June, Plymouth, Nnnticoke, Ilnnlock's, ShlekBlilnny, Hick's Ferry, Bench Haven, Berwick, Briar Creek, Lime Ridge, Espy, "looinnburg, Rupcn, Cntnwlssa, Danville, Chulusky, Cameron. T 61 4 55 8 00 5 00 8 05! 5 05 8 20i 7 50 8 00 8 07 s 22! 8 8G1 8 43 8 50l 3 40 8 SOI 3 08; 8B7! 8 84. 8 45 8 57; 9 07 0 14' 9 19' 9 86: 9 81 51 9 50! 8 67 10 031 North'd, (arrive), 10 20 4 521 NORTHWARD. Leave. 1 A.M. P.M.; Northumberland, Cnmeron, Chulasky, Uanvlllc, Cntnwlssa, Rupert, Bloomsburg, Espy, Lime Ridge, Briar Creek, Berwick, Bench Haven, Hick's Ferry, Shickshinny, Ilnnlock's," Nnnticoke, Plymouth, Plymouth June., Kingston, ilk I ft 10 25 5 101 5 27, 5 81 6 40 0 00! 0 051 8 12' 6 17 0 24 5 84 6 41' 6 48 A.M. 0 5r, 7 00 1 30 10 50 U 14, I I I ;U SC ill 43! jl2 OOj P.M. 20, 7 24 7 1 7 41 7 4.' PM. 5 10 5 15 8 Tl., 8 '6 P.M.1 8 2 W.-Barre c'rs Malthy, Wyoming, 12 84 7 51 G no. 2 su I H 40 8 4.". 8 52' 0 04 0 14 0 25 U 82 4", 24S 2 m 2 .y 3 r 12 43' I 13 62 s cr. 8 Hi: 8 18 8 as 8 SO 8 42' 5 in 5 47 5 02 0 (10 Vel. I'illstt.ii. Plllston, Lackawanna, TayUuville, Beilevue, Scruuton, (nriive) :i lor, 10 ;i 2:1 u 1 14 8 48. 0 40 !.J I. "5 iA II) T. IJUCND, Sup-!. lVorthcrn Central ICullnny. ' FALL AND WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ON nml ofter Nov. 12, 1871, traius will run as follows 1 NORTHWARD. Niagara Expicss leaves Sunbury at 12.40 p. Iil.,nniviM at Niagara Fulls at l.h'i a. 111. llullalo Express leaves Sunbury at r.'.Si a. ni., arrive at Wiiiiamsport at 2.2.", a. 111., Eiinir.i at 5. SO a. in., Cauandaigua it.15 a. m. Mail arrives at Sunbury nt 4. SO p. 111., arrive nt Wiiiinmspntt C.S0 anil Eliuira 10.S, p. 111. Fast Lin arrives nt Sunbury ut 0..VJ p. in., arrive at Wiiiiamsport 8.15 p. in. SOUTHWARD. BtilT.ilo Express leaves Sunbury st 1.47 a. m.. nriive ut Hurrlsurj; 8.45 n. ni., Baitiiiuue T.2J a. 111. Mail leaves Sunbury at 11.05 a. 111., nri ive at Ilarrifcburg 1.45 p. m. Erie Express leaves Sunbury tit 9.25 a. m., ar rive ut Harrisburg 11.21) a. iu., ISuiliiuui;! S.Od p. m. Erie Mall leave Sunbnry ut 12.S0 a. m., arrive nt llarritl.mrg 2.20 a. 111. SIIAMOKIX DIVISION. EASTWAIill. Leava Sunbury nt 4.4(1 p. m., arrive at S'.iawo kiu 6.50 p. m., Mt. Carm.i 0.40 p. m. Leave Sunbury (Accommodation,) lit 11.5Ja. in., urilve at Shamokiu 1.00 p. lit. WnSTWAUK. l.csvo Mt. Carmel nt 7.00 s. in., ShainoUin 7.40 a. in., urrivo at Sunbury It. a. 1.1. Leave Sliamokiu (.ce.)iuino,!a!i,)ii,) ut 'J.4,- p. m., arrive ut Sunbury 4.00 p. m. Express leaves daily. All other traius leave dailv, except Sue. lavs. A. R. Fiskk. ' En. st. Yi.rvi", Geu'l. Sup't., Geu'l Pa-en'r Ag't.. Harrisburg, Pa. liaiiin.'rc, MJ. ICcailing Eiiiklroa.l. WINTER A H It A N ( 1 E M E N T. Momlty, Xuv. Vlth, 1S71. -REAT TBL'NK LINE from the North an 1 North-West f..r Phiiadelpliia, N. V.. R. -a.l-lnir, Pottsvillc, Taiuaipia, Asiiluml, Shaim kin, i.ei.uuoii, JMlentown, Laston, rpliial.i. l.Hiz. Lancaster, (. uliirnli.a. ,lce.. Ac. I Trains leave Hiirrisburg for Ne.v York, as f,,I 1 lows: At 2.45, 8.10, n. 111. and 2.0.1 p. in., c.'t- Meeting with similar trains on the IVunvi anin j Uailroad, and urrivhig at New York ill lO.tiT a. : 111., 8.42, nml 11.45 p in. rcsi'e, titelv. Shcpim; Cars aceouipany the 2.45 u. in., train without change. ! lt.'turnii'.g : Leave New York at 0.00 a. in. ; 1 .'.SO 110011 and 5.00 p. in., Philadelphia at 7.Sl ; 8.S0 a. m. and S.3,1 p. 111. ; Mc pin- Cars aeeoin'- patty the 5.00 p. in. train Itoui New York wilh I out change. Leave llarrisbiirg for Reading, Pottsville. T i ' ma.iia, Mimrsvilie, Ahlaui, Miaumkin Allentnwii and Philadelphia at s.m . m. I 2.00 und 4.05 p. m., stopping at L, b.nn.u am". I principal way stations; the -l.i 5 p.m., trail I connccilng for Philadelphia, Iti-i;i.. ,1M ( u I limil.ia only. For Pottsville, Nd.uMklll li.iv. t, j and Auburn, via Schuylkill an I L'Us,tniiauni' 1 Uailroad, leave Haiiisburg at y.4u p. m. ! F-iit Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Kead ; lug for Alleutown, Easlon and New York al 4. SI :, and 4.05 p. in. Returning, leuw ! New York at 0.00 a. ill., 12.Su noon and 5.ut I p. m. hiiiI AMentown nt 7.20 11. in. 12.25 noon I 2.15, 4 25 and S.S5 p. in. I Way Passenger Traiu leaves PhiHid. ipl ia a j 7.Siiu. in., c.inuccling with similar train 011 Kas i Fcniia. liailroad. rctuininij lrom Reading at 0.2. I p. 111., stopping ut all nations, j Leave Potlsville ut 'i.oo a. 111. and 2.S I p ; 111. Il.'rndon ut 111.00 n. in., Miainokin at .Vitlan I 11.15 11. m.; Ashluud at 7.05 a. in., and l .'.l : noon; Mahauoy t ity ut 7..M a. m. und 1.20 p. -u j Tama.iua al ti.Si n. 111. and 2.10 p. ni. I,c j Philadelphia, New York, Heading, llarril.urg,.V I Leave pottsville via Em. Iiu ikill and Siis,.iie ( hanua Kailtoad at 8.15 a. m. f..r ll.irii-biirg, ait I II. 4j 11. iii., lor Pine Grow und 'lieiuoni. Keiidiug Aeeouiiu.Hhilion Train leans Pottl i viileat 5.40 a. 111., pas.,ca Beading at 7. SO a. 11' uniting at Philadelphia ut m.2u u. 111., r.tnruiu 1 leaves Philadelphia ut 4.45 p. 111., paioing :, .i" lug at 7.S5p.m.ariiing ul l',ui ill,, at u.yo p.nt i P..lll'.u Aeeoiniiusiatioii Train leave, I'uii, ul 7.U0 a. Ul., IVllllllili-; le.Uee t'liilad, Ipl 1 ill 4.15 p. 111. 1 I Colui'i.ia Kail road Tralna leine Iteadiii" ; 7.20 a. 111., und ti. 15 p. 111. lor Ephral.i, !.": , Lancaster, t ..luinlua. Ac. ; r. liiiuiug 1, .ne J..m Custer ut H.'.M u. in. and 8.25 p. lit., uu, I ,.lmi I.1.1 ut s.lJa. 111. an I a. l 'i p. in, Pelkl.ilii, 11 liail io.,l li.iiii, I,..,,,, p, ,,i,,. Junctional 7.25, in., at 8.iki and 5.4 . ... 1, 1 It, liiriilnii.l. ue Iv liciiki ille al It. I,i,. n u'.'n. r.'..'.0 lioull l.ll.l 4.44 . III. I Heeling Willi li.ilua 011 Le.i.lnij ll. 1. 1 I;.,, I. I'liUeiiiii: V ul ley K.iilioad iialun !,-.,,. pi., liUvillv al W 0 a. in., So.'ia..i A.,., t. , , luriiiiu. UuVU Hlera ill U..VI u. in 1 uud 4.1 p. m.,tomie.tiiih' null aln.,i..i 1... 1. , ll' 4. Illl.'' I O.I.I. I 01. I.r.a.k.l,,..' lt..lll,M, f,'.,l, , 1, , p , .. ul U.HI.l. In., 1.15,,,, I !,.;, ,,. ,.,,,..,.. ., , .11. 1 ..4..1.11 in (.(a . n. .'I .1. 1,1 I.I., 10I.U.1III14 Mill) li, 1 1 , . 1 1 (, K, lb. l. r Vull. y K..i!i.. .. , , ISM l ul S.aJ 4. III ., l .i 111 I ,,, .M p i Law i,.4iniii. 1, .,( I, . , 1. i.i., 1 : . I . b .1 1 , It. . 1 .11 , '. 1 1 i. 1.1. 1.. i a.. 11..4; uu . -l'i..:a. li.. . 1. IU4 ll .llllM.I. Oil; a 1 l., a4 . V "I k ul & n 1 p. . i.i.ti, ip.tia .11 o.ia, u. '0 4 IU. I1..I.I I ,.,,11. I", I. al a iai.i. in., I, 4'.. S l.' p. 1'. 1; . ll .... X. .. ', I. ,l 4 , . . .1. I.I. .... I I) ,. 1.1. : 1 V III., U.I I V .HI I . Ul.j I. 1 l.i M. ,,, I.I. t I. ilv I, ll .4 J u ... 1.1. .. I.. I li...i,.l.4,k, t 4 ;,t ., , . uc I ul V I I 4. In. ui I I I 1 , 1 . . I .... II, ul ,11 Uu, ,t, p, , j l v. ....l,M4 I I. kla, .i 4U-; 1 ....14 !" I luk.4. ! .,, ..a .1. k.l ll l. . .!i i . . ,. a... b '4.. ... 1 JIM. t.. tii. 4 .. I 1 I u . I-.. I I. 1 t 1, HsV Sill' ',1 -i is. 1 . ' A Kit" 4" '