Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 16, 1871, Image 3

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    mnbitrn American
SUNniJUY, DF.O. 10, 171.
llallroAd Time Table.
N. C. R. W. East. P. E- K. U Wmt.
ftitUlo Ex I've iai'Wm!F.rl Mnll, I've ItMira
title "" " 8:20 Accom. " 0:15 "
F.lmlrM..ll " lli05 " Niagara Ex " l'J:40 p m.
Nlnirurtt Ex." 4:40 pm.Kimirn.Mau - :itu
B Erlo Ex. " 0:60
LKATit I Anmva
Bunbury at ltiSO a m At Sunbnry W;Mm
' 4:40 pm " 4:00 pm
D. n. A W. R. R.
Leve Bunbury 8:40 ft. m., 4:45 and 0:50 p. m.
Arr. at Bunbury fliSO a m, 0i0 nnd 10:40 p. m,
turn I A"IV"
Bunbnry at 6:80 . m. At Bunbury 8:85 . m.
" "lliiOa. m. I " " 10:45 a.m.
Accident Insurance Ticket! can be had of 3.
Bhlpman, Ticket Agont nttha Depot.
total Jffalrs.
- BcwrNO MxcniNM.-MIit Caroline Dallut It the
ugeut for tho idle of the best Bowing Muchln
In existence, vlt "Tho Improved smiror,"
"arovcr A Bilker" ''Howo," and Domestic,''
which are constantly on hand and sold at ren
tonnblo prices. Bhe Is also nitont for ilio cclo
lirnted Fruntx and Pono Knlttlnjf Machine. Cull
and boo them. OfUce on Market strcot, cast of
the railroad.
Tits Indies of tho Reformed Church, nt this
placo, will hold a festival In the room latoly oc
cupied by N. F. Llifhtner, In Flcnsnnt's building
commencing on Friday evening, tin 83d lust.,
and contluuo during tho holidays,
Lr.oTi itK. Tho baptist Society of this place,
luivo accurod tho rcrvicet of l'rof. Peck, or Now
York, to glvo a licturo In their church, on Tues
day evening nert, tlio 10th Inst., tho proceeds of
whleh will be riven to tho church. Subject of
thn locturo "l'lie P00'' wa Eat." Admission,
25 cents. Lc-uro will commeneo nt VA o'clock.
Ji'ikik no'KKPei.i.KB was sworn Into ofllee on
Monday of-ast week.
Tun bek work on tho new Depot was finished
last wc! and the rooting of the building Is pro
Krcstln, rapidly, and will bo completed In a few
Tif. Ice on tho rlty-r at this plnce Is from six
trdht Inches In thlckncfs, and much has been
recured during the past week. Tho ico Is of tho
hi'Ht (vinllty, clear and solid. Those having tee
houses to tilt Hhould not fall to embrace tho pre
sent opportunity.
Vi'k refer ovorybody to tho advertisement of
Messrs. Clement A DlsstiiRcr, who hnvo just
opened nn cntlro now stock of p.ndt. Their va
riety Is largo and tlio prices are tho very lowest.
Their assortment Is not excelled anywhere, either
for beauty, durability, ir low prices.
Balk Htaiii.m. All who arc desirous to mako
bargains In horses nro directed to the curd of It.
!. Peters, of llarrlnburg, Pa., In another column.
The best of bargains nro mudo at his snlo stables
either In buying or selling. ,
A (ihand nor will ho given In Dlngnmnn's
Mall, (Jonriretown, this county, on the evening of
tho 'JtUli hiHt. Tickets for gentleman (1 00.
Ladles free.
Stt.vitiiW'A'un, un elegant assortment of bcutitl
fill designs, ut A. M. Meixi:i.i.s.
l.KCTfitr.. The Rev. Arthur P. Devlin will de
liver a lecturo In tho Opera House, this (Hntttr
lay.) evening, at 7? J o'clock. Subject "The
reasons for l iving the Iloniau Catholic Religion
for Protestantism. "' AdiuUslon, 25 ct. This
.'entleinan was prevented from speaking In the
it y of Bemnton a few weeks ago. IIo Is u re
formed Koiuau Catholic.
W'r. refer our reader- to tho advertisement of
F. Nevln, In another column, who has nn cn
1 io new stock of goods, whleh ho Is selling nt
.lie most reusonublo prices.
l'ltoi'. Di.iii.ino will hold a singing convention
.1 Hollowing Run, Lutheran Church, Lower Au
tumn township, cominuiiclng oil tho SOlh lnst.,
onllnulng day and evening uutll New Year, on
ehlch evening it conceit will bo given.
llniAM Ynusri, Esip, of Northunibcrlnnd, Is
iov furnishing all kinds of tiles nt his kilns
.pen, shut, oval and horse-shoe shape, suitable
or draining water from cellars, springs, boggy
.r wet places, and for general under-draining.
I'hls branch of Industry established In our nidirli-
orhood, Is Important, especially to the farming
None but sound companies represented ut L.
I. Y Oder's Insur.inco ofllcc, Bnubury, Pa.
Jr.wr.i.iiY. Tho tlnest assortment of Jewelry
.i Bunbury can be foiiud at T. 8, Shannon's,
orner of Market and Third street. Everything
, the Jewelry and Silverware line for Holiday
resents are kept uen for Inspection dally. See
dvertheiiicnt In unotber column.
Tub new hotel erected by E. T. Drumhellcr,
i the corner of Fourth and Market streets, Is to
0 culled "The City Hotel," It Is, perhups, a
ttle premature, but will all bo right lu u few
'art. Tim house will bo opened for guots
huh the Hist of January.
Aiiiir.sTr.ii. John M. Fry, of Turbntvllle, was,
1 Tuesday of lust week, urrestvd by Isuluh
ussier, un Interim! reveuue otlleer o! Bunbury,
tinged w ith iiiiiuuf'iicU'rliiir and dealing In el
trs without huvlng compiled with the laws. He
us tukeu to Buubury where be obtained bull lu
ie sum of $1,000. WultuHtoitH ltteurd. ,
II. AZAiirt & Miiiikis' Perfected Cold Betueles
, d Eye Ci lis. ses, ut A. M. Maixxix's.
Kii.iVu. (Hi Tuclu) lust, a young lud uumed
in. Wood, was killed ueur the Nutlouul Iron
umpaiiy's luruuee. Ills body was fouud oil tho
uk, his head terribly luullluUd. Tht tupot.
in l lio was caught butwoen the bumpers of
is curs, mid fell ou the Iruik Ihu rare passlu
vi r liliu. J'iHwitli InhllliitHetr.
Viiiiii)s.-TIi school director! should
ks ineaiilles to have all children who attend
j , ut. He trliooU vueeluuted. Thsie are many
.u msy f. I themselves uuulils wblla others are
ludillereiil uii.l vareh about luvliitf Ihelr
II. lieu vueeluuted. all such kuow I but
y shull U'4 Jeopuldise lbs brollk (if lb tlilld
i of tb.MS a bo i ruiuful lu a lualtsr t bu.
1. ml.
twi n Will ins aud CHi4 t IiuIiiS for t UrUl-
1'le.el.ts, ut A. M. ilSUSlVs.
ii...,.a i i.isil.. I Us (iMii (if last
, k, n a a 1114 tho fj't (but Kv. Mr. MuH of
. 1 . 1 ...1 1 l.m.h. bud tl lulns4 bis sukls.
... I iLl L. kd JoUSSUlU t(U'PlH t"iSIMS
, Milled s "4 tisla spppruaiblh.,
I ul.llo d ili'4 (uukI.I bis fuut ( lb
il sud lbs a .kil.iKa' l t'sla "
4 U ..l ut biiu, abw, l'b u buu
,1, I,. ssiu4UJ'.ussi'-f ,,u,,
a,,,, 1 u ii-.un a(b" Ibsfuct
it., Umi.-u ss S H vu IU H4k,Wut aulklt.
IIIC II) KM (US U St.lU.4 ki
.a, ..uhJ t l
t,.,,li, 1(HI lel4 "'".
Wa are placed under obligations to A. A.
Bhlsslsr, Esq., President of the Pennsylvania Re
publican Association, at Washington city, for a
season ticket to the Series of Sociables to be hold
during the session of Congress. The first of these
sociables will be held at the Masonic Temple, on
Monday evening next. We not Ico that tlio Hon.
J. M. Packer, member from this district, has hoen
Selected as the orator of the evening, and who
will respond to Hon. W. T. Haines' address of
welcomo to tho Prasldcnt and Cabinet, Senators
and Representatives from Pennsylvania. Ai
this Association makes the leloctlon of speakers
from among the ablost representatives of the
Btute, It It no ordinary compliment to our district
that Mr. Packer, onr member, hat boon tlms to
looted from among the many dlttlngultknl mem
bers from Pennsylvania.
This Republican Association line become a
ttrong auxiliary to the Republican party, and
It ono of tho most popular Institutions In Wnsli.
Ington city. Their sociables, wbloli nro given
during the session of Congress, are ntlonded by
tho heads of tho departments of our government
at woll at tho ollto of that city.
Tn correspondent of tho Miltuttia from this
place, makes mention of tlio following In tho last
tss" of Hint paper 1
'Two cases were tried before A. N. Brlcn, J. P.,
on Saturday lust, whleh involve matters ofgono
ral Importance. Kphralm R. Miller sued for
hlmsolf ns woll ns for tlio School Directors of
Slmmokln township. In tho ono caso ho sued
Furman Farnsworth, and In tho other Freeman
W. Sober, tho former of Whom was a township
Auditor In 18C3, and tho latter hat been sluco
18(19. The suit wat brought under tho Act of
April 11, 1K00, for penalty In not auditing the
bounty accounts ol said township. The act pro
vides Hint they shall bo audited every year under
a penalty of .W for each olfenco. It appears
that tho first audit was made In 107. Thcro
has been uono made slnco that tlmo until tho
spring of 1871. Ono half thn penalty goes to tho
Informer iin.l tho other half to tho school fund.
A hearing was had In tho above two cases, and
several witnesses examined, with (Ico. Hill, Esq.,
ns attorney for tho Pllf. nnd 8. P. Wolvortou
and W. A. Sober, Fsijs., for Defls, Judgment
was rendered In favor of Pllf. In first caso for
$00, and In tho second for 100. It is moro than
likely that both will bo appealed from, nt cither
parties placo thulr own conotructlou upou tho
We refer tho traveling community to tho card,
In another part of this paper, of tho Rising Sun
Hotel, nt Orntx, Dauphin county, Pa. This ho
tel, located lu the thriving borough of (irutz, has
gained a wide reputation ns one of the best houses
In tho upper part of Dauphin county. Those
traveling between Mlllersburg and Pottsvlllc, or
between Bunbury and tho Lykeus Coal Regions,
will bo convenient, as well at comforta
ble, to make It a stopping place. Sleighing
panics will (lud "mine IiohI" and "houtcss"
always prepared for such occasions.
List of letters remaining In tho Bunbury Post
Olllcc, week ending Dec. 13, 1871 1
J. Farnsworth Clnrk, Miss Mary Deallc. Wm.
Diiukleberger, Mrs. Kngcrmnn, (ico. W. Foulk,
K., It. C. Grant, E'., (inncliu & llro., Simon
(ileudor. Miss Magitle Hiiupl, Miss lluiinah
IliirUel, Juiiies Deadly, Ksn., (). 11. llolfman, J.
Lawrence, (2), Lconaid Morrill, Willie Rene,
Mrs. II. 1. btearues. Miss Clara Sblpc, Henry J.
Sblpe, Mrs. Anna A. Tnllmnn, John K. I'pde-
grove, Nathaniel T. V right, John II. Zenne,
Unorge Wakcr, Messrs. Zimmerman A Lebo.
Persons calling for thunbovo letters will please
glvo dato of advertisement.
Tiik members of tho farmers' nnd Horticul
turists' Association nro rcipicttcd to meet ut
tlio houso of Ellas KmcrUk, lu Augustavllle, on
Saturday, UOih Inst., at 3 P. M.. for tho purpose
of electing the Asuoch tlonil ofllccrs for the en
suing year. A full attcudniira Is rciUestcd.
Blncu ilio orft.tnU.iiioii or tbo society we have
been th 3 recipients of a liberal supply of seeds
from tho Agricultural Department of Washington
The inenilicrill please to report the rosultt of
their experiments with the varieties received, to
cnublo tho Association to transmit a proper o
poi t to tho department nt the close of tho year.
ly order of tlio President.
J. R. Ci.siik, Asst. Scc'y.
The RunsR House. This old establishment
will hereafter bu under tho supervlnlou of Mr.
Fessler, of Vlnegrove, while Mr. Reese, the pro-
piietor, has charge of the Douty House, at
8huinokln. Mr. .Michael Wciver, a young man
of extremely pleasant manners mid great profi
ciency In his bunluess, will continue to preslilu nt
the bar and (leal out "Hunky Rniiky," "Tom A
Jerry," and tbo choicest brands of liquors, cigars,
.fee. Tho ladies' oyster saloon, which has at
tained such wide popularity, will be superintend
ed by Mrs. Reese, who will contluuo to serve tho
b-wt quality of bivalves fouud lu market. All
who visit this popular houso will rccelvo a wurn
welcome by thoso lu attendance, who nro ulwuys
ready to please.
Maiikugr N'otick!. Although our rule It to
publish all marriage notices sent us from res
pectublo sources, wo do not deem It proper to
give publicity to marriages Improperly contract
ed, or which are otherwise objectionable uud un
worthy of notice, even though the ceremony was
performed by 11 minister of the (lospel. We re
ceived 11 notice of this kind during the past week,
which we declined for reasons uliuve stated. The
purtles lu Ibis case, we aro Informed, were both
Intoxicated ut the time, and tho girl, or lutlier
woman, though yet lu her teens, but a husbuud
living elsewhere.
Tiik sweelett Hums, aud ulcest dried Beef lu
the market ut Broclous.
IIoi.iiiat PursKNTs. Toys, Toyt, Toyt, lu In
numerable ipiuutltlet aud styles, from 1 ct. to
almost any price, ut LlghlncVt.
IIoi.iiiat Pukshxth. Willing Desks, lultlul
Puer, (iold Pent aud Holdurs, new designs,
beautiful aud useful, nt Llghluer's.
IIoi.iiiat ParsckTt. Ilsudsuiue Family Bi
bles, Elcguul Books, Fireside (Juiiies, ut Light
ner's. lloiiDAt PiiK.tsis. The (bill Buliy Depart
ment at Llgbtner't cau'l be excelled lu Ibis suc
tion of (be Btute.
IIoi.iiiat Piieskktb. Bliretcop'.e Ylcut of
White Mount. ilu Scenery, ut l.lghluer't. I'uiutikis. pbotiigrupli Albums,
huudtoliiu uud ut low tlguits, ut Lliihliier's.
llol ll.AI PuEatikfs.Tbe shelves al l.lglilner's
fulily ylvs ay allli lbs abuuduuca of lkuul
books suilublt for I'biUlmus gifts,
llul.lliAV I'us.ts it. t'siisry Bird", ll udsoms
Csaes, J. 1. 1 Hit tblug fur a pisssui, at Light-
ILx.ll 'utis. U.xklng IIoim-s, Kspisss
Wunous, Wbeslluirrows, Wuoduu t'sKs, for lbs
youuii'leit, at l.lgbtucit.
Vuu eua Intuit I 'i auy suiuunt at l.sals M.
Yixlii's luui4Ue olttcu, uvar tbt l ouil lluus,
Muubuiy, i'd.
Wt sdls all lursout wba Imm4 lusutuuee,
tICiei u 1 1 In w nluti loss If lit, tu sull tud
im II. u4l, uili.e sl Ibe t uuil ilust.
Kim Alt bu u udU4 Ik M W
1 kuiiluu wh b4s ul b"" s's jui.I, al U'tUM(4
lu liwks buiutdi lit -4)iuu iUli.l lu bliu ut A.
, iiu, r-'t , ui l ail) Im a44'J.
A trwikiist iuuits.ii.1 ul t biutmst yituit
at i Uul Dim ik 4 it.
Mu4lfl -1wit4 IUim, it
Witfif tt ( isjbtasi't
Trial I.lnt tor the Meek 'oinineii.
clad Thwraday, January 4Uli, 1879.
John Gunning vt. Mnry flnnnlng.
Patrick Boyle vs. John linns A Co.
W. H. Parsing vs. Welsor A Frlck.
Daniel Sley vs Samo.
Jacob Shall vs Hnmo.
Solomon Hummel vs Same.
Tho Hnnry Clny Coal Company vs Orntit A Dro,
rreuerii'K nirauer vs Joseph Johnson.
Samuel Whitman Vs Frederick Krubs.
Frederick Btrader vs Daniel Uccklcv. SherlfT.
Samuel Rourko vtThe Euterprlso Con I Company
Nicholas Csrran vt Bamo.
J. D. Dlofrsndorfor Vs Oeoriro Zlcglor, ownor or
ropuien ownor, ana r. IK Kosor Contractor.
Herman Snyder vt John 11. Conrad.
TmAt List ron frnii Week Cowhkoiko Moh
pat, Jan. 8th, 1879.
Craig A Blanehard vt John Bhltslcr.
Cutlmrlno Rood ut. al. vt Tho Catawlssa Rail
l(iu fi 1 :mn nu n v .
Post, Btiilih & Co. vt itummcr A Co.
Goo. Troxol ot al Tt Daniel Becklcy, (sheriff.
Robert Ornhnra Tt B. P. Wolvortou, ndm'r 11.
liollnt, dee'd.
Joseph Alber A Co. Vs Torronco Qulnn.
S. I. Sbiyinakor'i use vs Joromlali Havldge.
Peter llunklo vt II. E. Shellenborgor.
F. Zimmerman ct al vtV. Klase.
F. Zimmerman ct nl vs Daniel W. Pamncl.
Wm. I. (irccnongh vsTho Fulton Coal Co., Tho
I'.xeclslor Mining Co., Tlio Enterprise Coal
Co., J no. II. Douty nnd Jno, II. (J a bio.
Elian Dopier vs Nicholas liuehcr.
William Mltchel vs William 8. Snyder.
Samo vs Mary C. Snyder.
Aaron Kchcr vs John Kroch.
Chat. P. Hnlfunstelii vi Daniel B. Bogar.
James Malonovs Duvld Btertek.
John McCleery, nd'mr of Win. MeClcery.eo'd.
ct al v Philips A linker. ,
Samuel II. Cash, C. J. Miller and James M.
Trcxler vs John M. liartholomow.
Clliiger A Co. vs Pobert F. Oull'y.
Nugle A Owens vs Z. P. Uoyor,
Ellas Persun vs Armstrong A Artinun.
Kllus Pursuit vs J. P. Armstrong.
Joseph M. lrwlu vs William Stlnor.
John Wullls, Eudorsea vs William Reagan.
Nagle, lirowu A Eshbachvt lillliuyer, Nugla A
Adam Daniel vt Emanuel Kllngcr.
Samuel C. Frymlro vt, John R. Seller.
David Harnian vs Albert U. l'lilnam.
Oeorgo Welker vs Tlio N. C. Hallway Co.
Ellr.Hheth (ieiirharl vs Tho D. H. & W. B. R.
Road t.omtmny. -Joseph
Alber vs John Umlor.
Christian Frankluiiiser vs Addlsnm Hurler.
Clluger A Co., vs John W. Snyder, Contractor,
& Locust Mt. Coal Co., owners.
Orand Juror Tor tlio Trrm 4'om
iiciioIiik .tlontliiy, Jan. list, 1H7V.
R. D. Rower, Blia. lloro .C. H. Metier, Rush.
J. J. Smith, Bunbury. 'II. K. Fnglcy, Hitubtiry.
J. Ilepner, Zerbe. !(,'. dossier, "
James Cooper, Zcrbc. 8. Ilroslous, W.ish'ton
I. Jarrett, Tlirhut
C. P. Helfeiisteln, hlia.
J. (I. Marklc.Bun.E.W.
J. MiiiiIr, Sun., W. W.
W. V. Sllvcrwood, Low
J. Campbell, Sim. twp,
C. McClaln, TuiVvllleJ A. Fry, Him. Twp,
F. Reed, Point. jJoscpli Weltzel, Lower
S. Raiidel, Nortli'd. Augusta,
C. E. Alexander, SI. a. J. Work, Delaware.
Twp. M. II. Priestly, Nortli'd.
N. Faglcy, Bhn. Twp, Wni. Fenton, Bunbury.
Oco. Everltt, Nortli'd. I Daniel Relglo Chll.
A. Kembell, Jackson. J. Nicely, Delaware.
E. Oelst, U. Mahaiioy. II. Kalertniau, Him. bor
Duvld Hane, L. Mali. !K. Zarlman, Jackson.
Asa Evert. Turbtit. W, Anieriniin. Hha.twn
J. II. Leliiiiach, Lewis. J. II. Reed, Milton.
Henry lluth, Mliton
A. Dressier,
Adam Allaman, Chll.
.1. W. Iless.t.hll.
S. T. Brown, Mliton.
Daniel Hoy, Lewis.
W. F. IlrlmHe, Bunbury
I'.. Everltt, Watsontowu
M. Lowry, Delaware.
E. R. Cole, Mt. Car. tp.
I. Zartmaii, Jackson,
J. llalllctt, Delaware.
F, Domgaiiluer, Chill.
H. Sees, Delaware.
P. H. Snvder, L. Aug.
II. McDonald Mt Cur.
J. II. Fox, L. Augusta.
John Kelly, Coal.
J. Nicholson, Blia. Boro
J. D. Lytic, L. Augusta
A. Martin, Mt. Car. tp.
O. Long, MeEwensvlll.
J. 11. Snyder, L. Aug.
Peter Yost, Rush.
James llcacham. Point.
J. Crossloy, Wat'towu.
J. Hower, Augusta.
J. R. M a lick, L.
Andrew Kutx, Chll.
William tstrlue. Milton.
Win. II. Iloirnl, Milton.
Adam Schuyler, Lewis, K. Hautn, Jordan.
M. I routmaii, Jordan,;!., (ilnxc, Lewis,
J. r. liinl(letiergcr,l,ow
.1. Beaslioltx, Up. Aug.
II. ('lenient. .,l,nry.
D. Ilclser, Ml. Cur. Hor.
D. Fasold, Low. Aug.
A. Heist, CjiperMah.
A. Beaber, Lewis.
I. Shay, Watsontowii.
W. Kroner, Coal.
H. lll'llll, hliHb..y
It. Rvon, Mt. Car. Twp.
11. Ilerkhelmer, Clill.
A. llatdorf, Turbut.
A. R. Trcon, Wash'ion. W. P. Clark, Rush.
D. Reltx, Little Mali. W. Riddle, Tin lull.
I. llollesier.Mt Car. bor E. Citlp, Upper Augusta
J. A. Taylor, Nortli'd. I. N. Cooper, " '
W. McAudrew Mt Car. T L Frymlro, Milton.
Ilor. J A Weaver, Shamukln
C., f'hilllsitiuipjo Horn.
John Oiillek Point. .1 llrlght, Bunbury.
C. F. Fisher, Wush'ton. V Diets, "
('. Lesher, Point. C Eckert, Nortli'd.
1). Illinium, Milt. 111. II i Yost, Bliil lloro.
J. M. John, MtCurbor. M llaucbmun, Lower
Martin Yerg, Lewis. Mahanoy.
S. Haas, Hliiiinokln tp. M Wilvert, Btlubiity.
E. F. '.iolil.MeEwu'vllle 0 lloi kelcllcr, Riisb.
(. Ilroslous, Low. Mall.1 A II L itsha, Wiils'town
E. lloll'iimn, Rush. I Knell, Nortli'd.
8. (ieilhmcr, " J Wlrtnmn, Low. Mali.
8. A. Ileru'stre,cr. Mt. E E Elslev. Buubury.
Curmel Boro. H dmpbell, Up Aug.
llusliirst A'otkts.
Never beforo wut thnro iiieh an opportunity
to buy Holiday Presents as there U now ul 11. I..
Raudenbush's large Furniture Store, lu Masonic
Stove. Three second hand heaters and
stoves, nearly us good us new for sulu ut half
price, Enquire at this olllcc.
ClIlllSTMAS and New Ykah Piiehents. A. M.
Melxcll always ahead In (lie Jewelry trade.
Thu lurgesl uud best selected stock of Ladles'
Cold Wulcbes, (lold Chuliis, Fiuo tells of Jewel
ry, Solid 1H K. Rings, Silver mid Pluted Ware,
ever heretofore ollcred lu Buubury. Persons
wishing to make a nice preset:!, cull do well to
cull ut once and make a telectlou iillu a num
ber have already left orders,
(ioods sold ut the very lowest rates, uud wur-
rauted us represented.
Very Respectfully,
A. M. Mkui'.i.I
A Fi l l. Hue of Plain and Fancy Groceries 'll
at Broclous' Kirby't old stand, Bilghl't Ul1"
lug, Murket street.
Nt:w Luyer RuUlus, Citron, Cruulwrrl
Currants, diled peaches, dried Apple sweet
Com, aud dried Bvi rlet of all kind, can u'ul ul
"Pit a IUauok Yow," It a phr ' 1,1
vogue ul Ilia present lime, but H. l"'""'. l'in
popular but and cup uaicliuiil, ran p I'"1 ""
your beud Ihut will uiuku you fuel 11 ult "vt r
He bus the umlc.t uud guyeat assoisieiit of luils
uud cups vtvr luri d, un." lis lies all the
elllMiit of Bunbury iud (h'luiiy lu 'all uud tcu
tlieui. Ilu dlpovs of bis lovk ut U low ll.-lllu.
Ills sloru la ou sluiket BiUius.
Wa will all 'lub louellier asd go i llimlum'
wbcie wt cuii buy ull plits uud lauey
Uloiclk'S a! girully reduced p'lusr iu.A.
Tilt booka of Win. D. ll4U4, it. Ilaiipi A; Hon,
aud Dr, t buihi Anhur, art lu Ihu bunds i.f 4,
N. Bibs, for eolUcllou. I'uitl.s will suit
coal a by being (lolupl,
fsllKll'l MlWMi.TU ('AM iMkl It tll! sell.
lug as ebsup at ivf
W'M. II. Mil Last but stcUihs ssU of Vruiusu
l.sdlrt abuts.
'tutus U uu sty loom lor UwuUIuk ibul the
toiuliig wliilef It tub awfl rold. l bs piopbsls
all a) su aud ihsiauu It lutuue wbu dl.p.ilit
Ibt plobl. 1b lu(s found lbs luuat aiwwili.)
Ibl.k ou Ibt lia, f i. a sluudlug oil Ibilr bu la,
tuuHxWtis poUilliif luatidt lbs MollU I'ule,
Kidpa libit mm li.f f uud dut, luiUud up
IbtUI, tud bi ai t Ibuuaauil ulbtl tlal 14
but I tut buisau Umg will be li"u at
iM at tblpt luis fuUiitntf uulwt tl4btl Ut
Iks ! 4 Ud alAisat (SlWaUlt bub ait
ublttl tsluij In a U tall enb"J al
Ituawtti. aud'l tassskaval Uii"lu taUbUtk-
Mit, ts I bud vi, -,iu ibt asitauta
Lots ron Bale. One lot 00 feet front on
Chestnut stroct, Bunbury, adjoining the residence
of L. T. Rohrlmeh, Ran.., nnd two vacant lots
fronting Rnee street, In Mnssor't addition. En
quire of II. R. Mnsser.
Frtuxo hat received Now Goods which he hat
selected with cure.
Fiiti.ino hits thn reputation of selling tho best
Ooods at thn lowest prices.
Inn finest American nnd Itnllan tnarlilo can
bo found t the Bntibiiry marble yard of Mr. W.
M. Diuigherty, which he Is prepared to finish In
any style to stilt purchasers. Those In want of
Tomb stones, monuments, Ac. are requested to
call, nt they can bo hud ut city prices, nnd tho
workmanship guaranteed not to bo excelled any
whero. Call and ice, opposite the Con ij Houso,
Bunbury, Pa,
Fun.isn wl'l not bo undersold. Call and sco
bis black and colored Alpaens, French Merinos
nnd other seasonable Dress (ioods.
Fltri.iNd Is determined to maintain tho reputa
tion of thn Mammoth. Fryllng's Coo, Is ulwuys
giro satlBfact'on.
Il A Y F.Alt.
you know that Christmas comes but
And wo expect father to get us a nice present,
not to , dear.
All I wnnt Is a pnlr of Miller's Flno Gutters, for
they wear i
And he sells so very cheap that you can get them
Daughter, I know Hint ChrUmnt cornel but
once a year,
And you shall Imvo n present Unit Is not denr,
I or futlier shell go to W. II. Miller's nnd iret
you a pMr
ie i.t.. t . . ... ... .
"i " ijset.hnr riiio Dimes, lor I un Hire
they will W"nr.
Mother, yon know thin Chrlstmnt comes but once
n yenr.
And you must bsvo a present too, ii.,j ,U- n,,
For you ml, lit not live to enjoy It Christinas n
And ut W. II. Miller's I can get n p.ilr that will
lust ymt all the year.
Daughter, I know that Christinas comes hut onco
a year,
And Fut her too must hnvo n present this year,
And to W. II. Miller's we will no and m i him n
irood nalr
I.f his bust Hoots, uud ho will warrant them to
Friends, wo know that Chrb.tmas comes hut onco
a year.
And to my store you can coino without four.
u b join 1......B ii n u biioes ut prices not so very
To suit Father, Mother, nnd ntV for Christmas
ricseius, nun wilt not tear. .
A Fact worth remembering, that Wclmcr sells.
goods lower limn the lowest. His stock of Dies,
(Ioods In Kill;, Merinos, Wntprcss cloth, Battlns,
I hint.', ,vc, Ac., nro complete. VUr,.,. (lnii
Velveteens per cent lower n,.,n former prices.
Waterproofs of the latest styles nnd best make.
Ladles' Chlldrcns' nnd (ienls' Furs, Ills assort
ment of Hhawls, embracing all the leading styles
lu the markets, which he oilers at extremely loiv
prices. Call and be convinced that Weliner's
popular Cash Htoro Is the placo to secure bar
gains. Ills stock of goods Is not to be siirpasscil
y any In ipiaiitlty, ipialliy, or price. No trou
ble to show goods.
laving Just returned from the New York nmr-
licts, he Is prepared to oiler extra Inducements to
cash buyers.
llnw to get moticy Is the great desire of all. A
really good and serviceable Sewing Machine iliat
will tiuikii money lor you, or Help you to save it.
Will bo scut to your own home on Trial ol' 110
days, no mailer where yen may be, and you can
pay for It In small monthly hitalliiieiits, by
writing to llie American Mncliine ( o., cor. Joiiii
ml Niissiia htieet. New oik or yon can have
n County Klirhl free, us turciit, ami make money
last, We a.lMlse nimirl lien to seen re the l.u-l-
lies, as iiotlilng pays licUer than the agency for
u good Sewing Machine. Write at once.
Special NutliTs.
On Mirrlngv r.-s.iys for Young Men, on
(I rent Social Kvii uud Abuses, which liiletleie
will, Mari'luge, and lain the baptnese of thou
stiiids, wltli sure meansol' relict I'oi ibo K.rrlin:
mid Ulll'ol tllllllte, deceased mid llchllitiltu.l. licol
Ill sealed letter Clivelopea, free of charge.
Address, Howard Ass.eiullon, No.
Ninth St., Philadelphia, fa.
A o
.' I-
it :3
5 "
2 a-
7 n
w . -2 $
v. i-, ,
1 o
Sr ' h e
S p " J
;. I- .
M . s
tt w
3 -
'C - v.:
Syr ..i:ir,c.r..
,1 lul '
. ........ jiu I,),.', parents, on the
Al the re-1 leiie 1 1,-,. Mr. Ami
7th In t., bv I lU ullJ MS, MAI Movnt, of
Hainkh, of I). '
Wlllllcl I, I'n '
...duiiey, P.i., Dee. H'h, 171, suddenly, of
,.:..old Pn.iiuonlu, REIIECCA, V. lie of Win.
,i Klli r I i eiil (. j
After n lingering Illness, nt Mnncy, Pa., Dee. ,
lUtli. 1H71 . WM. I (IX, ageil p.i years.
Tho subject of thn ubovo notice, according to
Associate Press reports, was bom ut Foil Muiicy,
Muy Mb, 1S7, III then, Noilhi.tiibcilainl county,
uuil wus murrled July Ulh, lH'. t Rebecca,
dauuliler of H. Wlslar Morris, F.aip, of Wells,
boro, I'a. Ho represented this District lu Con
gress from l'.'il to 1J.", It being lu the time or
John Randolph, of Roanoke, with whom be was
iiulto Inllinnle, uud about whom uud many other
prominent null of his duy, ba was very fond of
Mating uiKidoiet to uiuny of whlili ho wus a
parly. '
He was iilo known as a pioiuiiiiiit Ma-im, In .
Whldl Older be l.u.k un uelUe pall.
Ilia family i i HSM ii.l.Ud ul thu lime of hi.
dclh, called l.. ibei by tlio .li.i i.u iic.iiu ma
Wile, li o.l the Wh lift., who waa bulled on the
I. 'III. Tie y bad bi'iil I led, celiaeipieiitly 01
years mid i.v.i, mil " ''p.tute.l only u lew
diyabydeitb. Mia. Ellis' luneiul was bndly
oer unlit be I" e.iint utieoiicloiis un I baldly rul
Hid la. (lying v "I ') "i at luniiillig.
it ua u very leni.ukublt cuae, uud otiu lately
net with, III lh leu.ih of their iimnbd lile uud
AUllk iUcl.a.l.ill ot llic'r .I..III.B. fc.
llrlu XtiifrtiftfiiKnt
I " 'a ' . . , .
I ! I io"-.' NVl.H.' " "
nf itllUV of Ulllbolily I .lil.lllivl III lb luat
ttlil tut ..uni. ill ct li' llobuul, lulu
ol J. nd hi louuliip, Soitliiiiiil.ii.iiid eouiii),
dwtaaial, Ul- su"... Ill" 'a W'H ' Ul I'.lh.le
uu, fettluM). tut lutl Uu ul lfa
Vllalllfr, I? I, l I" "'" Ul ,ul Ibt
I..II l.i-ul Kt.b !.a II. Ii". Ill a..l .tl..l.l.,
ull tbal tUf I LtSU, tUi.H lu
J.tldsU ..U.lilp, .d l""Ul, 'I
l luuid ii.t.ii, r .jib Uj'iH. Lai Ii -in nut
t .Ua ll.ikdl, iui.1 lining "' Iwu II. I ui. I il.b
au atlas, Uiulv ul baa. 'Ui.ei. tPlbuisl'd
U UK ll-id ' lu "' '''I
I O...IHI..U. ..I 4W lll U I'M Iv kuvitla) till lb
inUt, ! . t..t"it
To ItaMlllnlcd IVrsona,
To Dysppplica,
To Siifliiiorrt from I.lvcr Complnint,
To tlioso liiivi'ig no Appctito,
To lliosu Willi lrokcu J)owu Constilu
llotis, To Ncrvotid IVojiV,
To Cliililrcn Wnalltifj Away.
Tod'iy Willi Debilitated DIHlivo Orgnna,
Or untiring tcith itny ? I.V foUmnimj
Sumtitinm, which indicate tUMrdtrcd Liver
or bt'Jtnaeh,
such ns Con
rtlpatloti, Inward
Piles, Fullness or
Wood to the Ili ad, Acid
ity of the Stomach, Nausea,
Ileiiitbiiin, Disgust f..r Food,
Fullness or Woli;lilin the Hioin
iieh, ftour Eriictations,8liiklngor
fintlei lin nt the Pit of tho Rnm
acli, Swimming nr the Jleud, Hur
ried mid Dlllleuit Breathing, Flutter
lug nt the Heart, Choking or Snll'oeat
tng Bensut Ions, when In n Lying Posture,
Dimness of Vision, Dots or Wls before the
Sight, Fever and Dull Pulu lu the Head. Dcnclci
cy of Perspiration, Yellowness or the t'dUn
nnd Eye, Piln In the Mde, ll.ieU, rjicst,
Limbs. Vii., Sudden llusbcs or Ileal,
Dai n I mr In the Flush Cnmlant Im
nalnlligs of Evil, and (Ircat De
pression of Spirits,
IIooliaiKrs (Jcrinan Hitlers.
A Bitters without Alcohol or Spirits nfnny kind
" is (intercut from nil others. It Is cninpo eil ot
me pure Ulliecb. or VITAL I'll INCH I'l.B OF ltllOTS,
llmtns and Bahks, (or as iiieillelnnlly termed Fx
truet,) thn worlhlcsa or Inert porthins of the l'i
lireilieiils not lieimr used. Thcrnforo In one bot
tle of this Hitters there Is contained nsmiich me- virtue as will be found In several gallium of
oi'.nnary mixtures. 'I'ho Roots, cVc. used In this
Blltersnre grown In (Icriuany, tlielr vital princi
ples extruded In that country by a scientific (lie.
mist, nnd forwarded to the inii'iiut'ueti.ry In fills
city, wheiu they nro compounded nnd' bottled,
(.i.iutinn r tin splr til. ins Ingredients, this llli'-"
I J fivd from the olijcdlons urm"' "-.'''1-l nil oth
ers i no dt'stru Toi hiiiniilauts can bn Induced
from their use they cannot mnko drunkard",
and cannot, under any liieumsluiices, havu any
but a lieiu.ilclal ell'cet,
pool i.amvn ra:itnA TOXIC,
Was compounded lot those m,t Inclined to cx
t renin bitters, and Is II. Hauled loi win In cases
when some alcoholic stimulant Is required In eo
unci Ion with the Ionic properties of the Bitters.
Each bottlncr the Tonic contains oiv bottl.. f
the Hitlers, combined villi puree SANTA CKC.
UCM, nnd llavorcd Insudi a manner that the ex
treme bitterness of tho bitters Is overcome, form
lug a preparation highly agreeable nnd pleasant
to tho palate, nnd containing the medicinal vir
tues of the llllters. The price of thu Tonic I $1.
Til) per Bottle, which ninny persons think too
high. They must lake Into consideration that
the sllmiilant used Is gun rant eed to be urn pure
quality. A poor article could be furnished nt u
cheaper price, but Is It not better to pnv n Utile
niore and have n good nillele I A medicinal pre
paration should contain none hut the best lucre,
clients and they who expect to obtain a cheap
tiilniy "lie! I'n'.""1 ',u ',u,u'",,L'll ,,v 'l w"l lno8t cer-
II o 11 a ii di :tTiiiTa ltuiorN or
IIOOFLAND'S (tF.RMAN luaio, ,.
LAND'S rHloiIliIllil Pill,
w ill cure you. They arc the dented
BLOOD Pl'RIFII'.ltS known to the Medical
world, and will eradicate diseases arising rroin
Impure blood, Debllltv of the Disucstive Organs,
or Diseased Liver, In a shorter tlmo than uny
other known remedies.
Who wopi.ii ask foii moiik DuiMFini) ami
Stiiomieii Testimony !
lion, (livntni: W. Vo nw.lin, formerly Chief
Justice of the Supreme Court of l'ennsvlvanla,
i.t present Member of Congress from Pennsyl
vania writes t
Piitt.Ain i rnu, Match li'.li, IS'17.
I llnd ''lloolland's (erinan Bitters" is a good
tonic, useful in diseases of the illirestlve nivalis,
and of great hen. 'lit In cases of debility, ami
want of nervous net inn In the system. Ymirs,
truly, liEO. W. WjoDWAt.l).
lion. Javpi Thompson, Chief Justice of the Su
premo Court of IVnmiylviinla.
l'tiii.AiiKi.i'.m, April 2, loT.
I consider "Hocllanirs (ierumn Hitters" a val-
llnlile medicine In ease of ot Indigestion
or Dyspepsia.
I can ccii'y this from my cxpe
llcilec of It.
Hon. Cr.ouim Miahswhoh, Justleo of tho
preme Co"'t ol I'cniis.i Iv.iiiI.i.
Pltn.Atid.i'iiiA, June 1,
1 ,j, e found experience that lloolland's
(!,.r..nil Hillcis" Is ii very Kood tonic, rcllcvinc-
,t,.'pcplic symptoms nlm.i-t dircetlv.
(il.Oltl.i: KIIAIte
Hon. llm. '. "'iff 1)I"'
f',!"' .aiiyor'B Olllcc, lluir.ilo, June U'J, IViC.
i have u.ed "lloollund's Herman Hitler uud
Tonic'' In my family during the past year, and
can recommend them as'iin excellent lo.i'.c, liu-
Karllinx tone and vhror to the system. Their u
lias been pro ludlvo of il, i id. dly liendlc
1 cf-
leets, ' "!
Hon. JMHf -V. H'em.', Ex-Major of WllUatns
port, P.i. r .
1 take great pleasure hi ri commending "I.oo,
laud's (ieiinan Tonic"' In ill, y one who In.iy l e
lllllleted with D.Vspep-:.!. 1 bid the Dy-pcp.-l.i
so badly II was impossible to keep any food on
my stomach, und I hi.. .me so weak as not to lie
nlile to walk half a tulle. Two hollies ell etol a
perfect cute. JAMES M. WOOD.
Til AT
Will Cure every Case nt
nn a n a o. trn i c.
nt t - v tit v , .
til WiiHtitiK nwny id tho llmly.
Are the medicines ymi rcipiln lopnilfy the
lllood, exi lic the lotpnl Liver In healthy action,
uud to eiiab'.e you to pass safely throug'.i any
hald.ililps or cvpoitire,
v o n o i v i a y .
or sub. lit, lie for Mercury PHI. Two Pills u
lo.e. Tlu lliosl I'osclllll, )il luiii.cel.l lullnr
I ie ktioli II.
i it Is lint lice. S' Ity to t.ik.i ll handful of tllc-e
Pills to . induce the ddicd cll'eel Ian of Hu m
' ucl ipiickly nu I powi'iluiiy, c Iciiielnu the l.'V'-r,
lloin.xh Ulld ll.'Ueia i.f all I III pli , il I. .. Ibe
i pilnclpil la Po lophy llln, or Ihu Alco
holic IMr.ii I id Man II ike, bu h Is l.v In my
limes more poui rl'ul, udiiig end aciieblng lb in
1 the M.indi.iku llselt. II. picull ir udinii i. upon
I the .l(er, ilc.iiili.g il ...c llly II. mi all i.l..,uc
, llolia, uuh ull Ibe pou.r ol Meicuiy, yet lie
tl.,111 the llijlllloua te. lllla ult I' II. I in me wu in
th it III. In l.ll.
roi all dlac. laea, lunbbh Ihn u-e nfu (Mill 11
lie la Indicated, lie ' I1'1' Pl'" fliliiu .ilia.
I ldlnll III fVciy f.lae. I In y unci I ill.
Ill III l.lkt'l I .HHP .(il l, Dl.p" 'a,.lilll.ln.
Ileum i n.lliiii' .a, Di. ll'H'U.iud't (.' iiu.iii l.(-
tela 1. 1 'Ionic alio.od b" U d III f " " d loll II II
Ibe. Fill.. 'I b I. nn ' ( lb d ol tlic ll.llcia in In
,lu hull. la UP I lie syalclll. lb" bill, la (I I'ollle
pilllilit lliu lll.m.l, alii'lulbelia lUu Net Ira, l.'j.l
l .lua Ihu Liter, uud W'll slici'.,th, iiun.) , 1. 1
IlL'.l. , ,
Ke.'M )"ur .l U Sl.ll Ilu I II ', ul.d
lime up lliu a.liiil Willi llillnaor I .ml I."
Jlaiui.e tall id-iu ll.e bold, or nm ) .u.
Il.c.llvd it t. I'll Hlii'H.tSiin '.I 11
t V K i tlfiut- il.a Ibul urn milttlt ill) " ( I .m i
b'.l.'t leejmli.iii.U t uud tlx -" .illma l.w
.U..Ul I i lud'i.o )"U I'iks uullhllij t a i
U..I b Inn la J.l'l at I. U..4U,. Id
lu. a.a U.-sl ..lll on II. Iliottt i... I.i.uld
bu .. I r tpn.a I .n l' H, U i. i l-lUs-II..U
lu lliu I'llIM II' U Ut 1 1' r' ul lb lit it
tltS klH'Ul!. Hll'lll, 4141 Alii II .,
I'lltl.41'1 I t ill
t II A r M. K AKU, I'l-t-iit lr.
ullUal t . M Jaitat'U III. lb. k.Uia
4. at sit ." tula d) ('. ...ula, tl L . . ) a I
Uf I Slua 'a til t'S'l
--vV "
'i I'oicn .ii.
In C. Dalitis' store roo lvro doo eBRl of D , , t.
Rulldliu , Market cVi nc
Having lilted up a room tiro doors east or Wc't
r.d's Store, the undersigned hat opened n Meat
Shop In connection wUli his stand on MARK Ir
DA VS, where ho will keep on h ind tho hesi of
Heol, Pork, Vcnl ami loultry
of every , eserlptlnti.
Turkeys, Oecsc, Duck, Clilekcns ready dressed,
and put up In regular stylo or city markets.
AT.SO, llnllcr, rggn, PotiitoPM, Jin.
w.Ia. twwl iri-iilla,.r nil Ll...ln ...I .. . . ...... .. ...
f . as r, Mt" v. ' n.iui-., mi W, WUICIIWIII
,o i'd nt Uio lowed Market Prices.
The u'tlcoi:) or Bunbury nro Invited to call nnd
examine, for theiT'ielve.e before purchasl'iir c'sc-
here. A fall nssii?'uetl on hand every market
D 'e. P, IRVI.
WltE'lt AN tTin'.MT CKZ.lC
IN pursuance of nn order of the Orphui'' Com t
or Northumberland county, will bo si 'd ot
l' Sale, on thn premises, on Mill II tV'Iuj",
Ihi 'J.UI any oriNTi' labor, one
o'clock, P. .'I., Ilio following real estate, Into the
estate of Richard D. Jones, deceased, to wit i
All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on
the corner of Third nnd King street. In the bo
roimli or Northumberland, known us lot No. f.7.
ou the plan of said borough, containing (id rect
In I.. .i.t on King street, mid -Mil feet In depth to
..'iiri o. n lie, ,.'i pair ;;r per ceill. CIISII
ou day or sale, otie-thlrd of the clear proceed of
the si'ilo to remain a charre upon be lot r
ground as the Widow's Dow... , he remainder ,o
be Paid on the Hid day o I Ap.ll next, nil to be
secured by bunds un I Mortir.iite,
KI.I.Abl'.TH JONES, -Administratrix.
N.iy. n" ' Adiiiini.-iralor.
In the new Clement Building,
Mitrlii't Kiiurc, Nui:btn-y, a.,
offer to the public, nn cntlro new assoi tineut of
of nil styles at the lo .vc..-t prices.
Full Hues of Alpacas, Mohairs, Plaids, Empress
Cloths, Shawls, Flannels, ll.islery,
a full variety, Il'.ankets and Wooleu goods of nil
liriKly-.lIudo lotliiii'r,
a fall nssoitmctit, which will bu sold lower than .
lirIC(4 (UI1 Oil CaOtllN. j
of nil kluls, which aro guaranteed all fresh.
rciJS 'IT fi a E .aff -7n? 9
" v a c I i .i-i.'o
and In fact everything that ,
a llrst-class store. "'
"illoticd In
Call and examine our stock. Having our Rto,
ligldel with (ias. goods can Im ne!ect"d in the
evening as well an In the d i.v time. No charg...
for fhowing goods.
Dec. 0, 1ST1.
Wanted ImmediateSy,
10.000 .tlou mid Women
to purchase the entire stock of (i(Kil)S now of
fered lor Inspection nnd sale lit the Mammoth
More oa Queen Street, Northumberland, its I am
determined not to Im
t'nlcr! or I'sp!!oI
In n'.lalitv of goods offered for Pale In niv line.
Oct. CS, is;i,-3m.
f-iiirc Cure for
riHIE Subscriber,
J iista towiish
. resl l. ut of Seven Points. Au
lii, Noilhumliei'laii.l (..unity,
I'll., has a sure cure for Teller, which he oilers
In tluwe iilllictcl Willi Hi's annoying disease. He
wm troubled Ull It lor eight years, and nothing ;
would cure It uutll he ol. tallied this remedy. It
has In-fti tried In a titliuber of cases, to bis know
led'.'e, (one case of".i yeait.iiiillu) wilheiitirc
success. I pun receipt ot . I 11(1, he will sen ' "
box of the mcHelii", nnd ilirecth'"" m-c it, oi 0 '
boxes for?., nee or Wl7j-VM j. K l!R, !
. rni'ta P. o., Nonh'd Co., Pn.
Aan... rJ, LSTI-7in.
FJon? Vena. Viul1 aD!l Vbautunic aiuic, ;
cj.n'iee t'trcet, between Front and Second,
bavins Jin t opened a .'lore ul the tibove place,
v. here i.ll kinds of of the bed brands of
Clour unit l-Vt'tl
will be sold al u'l'eally 1 prices. The cele
liinted Hack's Mills l'lour will bu kept constant. c
on hand. Also, all kiiiih of
Feed, drain, Corn, O ils a i l Rye, c'.i. c J or
Polulop-i, Ai!cM, l'a'JHp:p I'rull !
L'encrallv, nl a cheap t r.-.ta than can b;' boulit
elseuhcre. All umids ilellvi red Km' of Charge.
Call and ex inline my stock an I tucil't.iiu tlu ,
prices before parch islii'' clsc here. i
1 JUilN vilvi:ii.
Ptiiibury. Dee. ", Hsll.-lf.
IN pursuance of an alias older of the Orphans'
Coin t of Northumberland c.iiiiily, will In. t v-po.-e
I to Public M lie, on l he preii;N , ou 'I IH'K.
slay, IriTt'tnlM'r I till!. 1S7I, the follow
liii prop, it v, to wit t
All that certain piece or parcel of land situ ite
lu Lower Mali hoy tciwa-h'p, Noi thiiinls i Ian I, P.i., b npided nnd de-.-iioed in fiillow: ,tn
it: H ""l:ini.i' at a don lliceee by lamlscf Win.
Ilou and Weaver, noilh i J, il"",'. cal, ''
pcicli es toil .Idle, Cieue." south (legend, 17
p.'l'cbes to stone, th "tico n."il'.i Ui'j dcs. east, Bli
j S IPs perelics In a atoiiv, I'. nice noilh K'-, de'.
i 1st. ' i perclli". to Ik rlolie, llll lice l.y lamis n.
Phl.ip II. id. it, south Id d.-,'. f ist, HI ( -I"a
perch a to a lone, llieucj t'V Ian I- of John Dep.
pen and Wm. Il.liuek, nmtli "n''ih:r wed, bll
peich.'S In a slone, Ihci ce by same laud, sout'i
l i dej. we-', '-'1 ! Im perdu s to a i-t n , ninth
I ilerf. I'l.l, l :.' I .Is pil li In sloues, kll.ll e
foul" 7.1'', d we t, 1.1 I PI peic'ies to u stone.
Hi. ii. e by l.i it I- of L'lk.s V. inner, i.oith d.".'.
Sart, l.iS 1'Clelles Inn pine, thence llintll III'.'..
iIcl'. . I, "id T-ld peiehc In a doti Ccece
I. ,.itli '. ib'tr. i.i-l, II ' relics to Hi.- pla.e of L.
n'n. iiia,, nl. ill. In'-' I'l iierasi I'.'t peiilus, strict
nu .i-iii e, t..ih.'i' lib ai ' art en. ii,.-, w ii. r.
i-ci'.l. I i Dwd tit j: C i ', Hun, uu I lii.r
(.i !.uildliie, nil In f '" I ei null', .'i. L ite the e-.-l.llcol
I le, Icllel, llcik. lt. ileeiii-e l.
hale tn c.illilnciu e t.l iO o'. ioc'.., .t. M., ou
.1 ., v . ulirti llie'i on dill. ui will bo made kliouu I
AMUII W DI 11 Y. A I.,
it p.uuc ii.u upp y
J. K. DAY!., Jii.. '
.'.it. ..'ll y i.t I, iw, t .ml, ai .
iiii:moii:i. muuzimmh' ami:u a. i
The l..l Ill t i l -il, I'n' 1. 11,'e-l III ("lieu ..I. n,
nnd ll.e ..u'y
I' V'iUIOH Uttlll'IM ,
( i. iilu in . (i.l.ln il fl'iilcs, Ni l h' , l. .use
I,..:, I M ltlil , li'll i .l '. I A.i. i!: I .1. L.tuie,
,,,t o.e i.nU p.. .i i.:.. v i-i ii.-. uu,. I .nt ..
Pall. Hi . ) ' I , ot , f .1 ls, il h I lie I J .C1I 1.1
I 1. 1. an.., "I- . I t. i i':.i. i u, "'.I.. . I 1 1, u...(i.
I . .si. a. i.i i . i I. i I i ej ii ,i. i i oi , 1 1 ,
I Hi;, all.l 1.1, e lit I I.' i'.io, all. I Jl I
.iii.I Lu . li t I I. ' J'...., all
I i
S.., ll,IUull,4a M..'l',, lUe,
1 1 "i isi, I. r rl.isi i I . Hi
:.t M.,,.it ... , . , t . io I ...I I.. . .
I ,
. i
i , J I
'.IM..s i.l.Md .i I .
1 P . ,.u . S. .. V ...a,
V ap'.t I. lid i. Hi I to mil 1 .ii 1 1 i i s i Uu oil
a. id tin i.u .i.. I' pi.l ii .i i I V .u.,..l '. Nl ,(..i... ,
i.l, j . .,l .III ti c t ! I 'll I t . I ( I.l' '
k,' lu. I will, ..i. l ,i , , In ol.l) I I "i. i
. tt. I, III l III 4 a IV.... I,.;, I , I t I l" u I
Mil I', l.ll. -la tl-'l.ll. ) b. I ,'.'. Jl, bill
I I. an! lliu Ami ,..i at, I n u ") '
'I bis ia a apnud. I ' Ii-..." I ' ui I he I I
aJspa u, I I'iaul I t.l . ui. 1 tvitli tn I n b-- I I ns k.i.111' ..ii- i.l I j Ii. a
tt ilea, 4 I Ci M ..I,,( , I I ' . i m . w I ! I .
,.,.ii. I f, i sai l. I
V, I'.'l
rpilF. niidetslgneit ., .,, . Vslnnld'
X jt... ....fc..ot fi'.unio oii'fiuVTiniiei.
coiner of Fourth and streets, Sunhurv, I'u.
The bouse In nearly new, lu three rooms 'mil a
hall on tho firel floor, and live rooms on the
cond floor, n goo I relliir, n at the kitchen
riior, Ac. A stable nnd oiler outbuildings n r
upon the lot. This property Is wall snitc.1 for a
stoic, hotel or nny other business. Thcro Is enf
tlelent rreini to b ill.l lvn morn hnipes on thn Id.
- This property win l. soil cheap. For Urnm
and conditlntis, nj ply tu
-iTi LIU" " Sm. bury. 1':.
rrMIE undersigned hereby glvs ndico tl',1 !.c
.1. Is etnsln"; nut b fillips, nnd nil C'esc owlnu
him on Note or Hook iirenunt, Hill .c,.,tc eix'.e by
..tiling up their r.ccouiils on or hd'ore ths lt
day of J.Miimry nest.
Bunbury, Nov. L.'i, ISTI .-lt.
Id tlic OlMlrirl 'onrt o( tl I'uItrO
Si at en.
Foil lltl! WrsTEltfC Dl.Tl iarT OP PrNNrC'.VANiA .
.'olin P. Parsel, of Nnrthiimuerlnr.) cuntv
Ph., n 'lat.kriipt under ll.e Act of l' ir.-res ,',i
March BU, If1", having npplie I fi r u rii' cl.nn
from all bis dchts, un I ether claim.. p;rVi.l .
iiii l. r s il l Act, by order of the Co.r.i, n.,jt... ,t
hen by iriven, to nil pcifcpi who Ino'i pr ned
their d. Ids, nn 1 other p. is..ts Inteiivte.t. to at on the tMlh d iv of December, 1S:i, nl I.t
. ; ,m V' . " ' '. 'u,'' " "l-.
! , . . . . I , , v t.. v v . ' V'
.u'hTiiV d' o h I, ikV!
fllll,.r, w,t U herei-r give, t!11!t ,J .V;,,!
and llilr.t .-oiings ot creditors of the ti.M Bank required by the 27lh nnd Sth Sections of
said Act. will be held before the said Register, ct
the (nine lime an I place. '
. -s- C. .uiCA.N'DLECS,
, Clerk.
I'ec. v, lbd.-vt.
IN pitr.-tiunco or an orjer of the Orphans'
Court or Northumberland county, will bo
I tolAnl public vendue or outcry, on the premises,
. HI IsCMllll. il.o 201. ,1.1V ..!
RhH ktaisma . ... v.j an i (la
reil ! l.stni' V'.1 0 I- '. the following
deceas tl to ;t s All those two contigno,,, l,,
or ground, beliur lVo. , ,, o M IJ .
addition ,. ,c ),.,,!: Ii or Snnlmrv, bona d on
the North by , , ,!,.,., 0,i tl,-.- to.lh l.v ,"
street on the F,,d by Id No IS, helm ,a.r-lo .M?
drew Hoover, d the West h Im. ? Ira "
Clement, containing ,.,,.,., 8i!if; ri., , fri
I. i e street, mid ,)u bundred uud tblity 1'cct in
depth to ail 111 .'V. W lcr,... ............ ..
Vm7U"'U h..Ve,,d :Zr"z
ofIuc'rVvr"10 ma,u' k,,ow" on tu0 W
Dee. 2, '71 -r.t.
t::ti a;;
"ttroCLD respectfully ami. , mice t.a tho eltl
V T Hens of Minimi v an-l siirronnding country,
.hat he Is prepared to manufacture nil styles of
CiirriusON. Kugglc,
't bis new shop on cad Markd sired, lio will
I '-'"ilsli every description of Wugoj.;, lioth
T -a
f"i slnwt, w: my, everything ,, line from
1 nr
..!' i r"n'"' : wheclhnrrow. wai.nnted
- made of the lu st and most dnralde
on I tiy thu iiio.t,.,i,.i,,..i ,, ah
i to i
I IllS,
i t"'V'ent out Iron, ,u e-tahlishnient will bo
j ioau.l re.i. line in every particn: ir.
; 1 be patronage of tlx pnMle Is solicited,
i , x. . , -1" s- sSKASHOLTZ.
, fMiiibliry, Nov. -I, 'Tl.-ly.
j Vi.XAV (i. NTAlcrKlc",
1 1H orth KeeoiMl Sl Cur of urrj ,
! I'llII. DKI.I'I1I..
An assortment of Watches, Jcweiij, liver and
j Plated Ware com taiitly ou bind.
Ki pairing of Watches and Jewelry promptly
.......... . .. I'll! I. IJI ,-11.
"iVAvn:i suo
TKmIT einploynient mul gond wayesto those
J who want to Moil;,
the:;'.. I! on or address.
Yo.ler V Wo'.iriton.
Od.14.lSU. "TiJ"
3 L J W
a.- al
1 1
in i
i. i..
I. I.l ,1,1 U I
t l,.- i . v,
. Mai. i I 1'
PP '
. it., I
lloll wl
I ..I II.
I. tl.l. I in i.l It.
I.l .., .....i ... l
un I in .' 1. 1 " I I .
I I.
In S , ui, I. I I he lull', til
, fc i, Un I '. a" l.i . a b.H.k
., I, :c..l..t it M l, N.iilliuil.l.i'ii IL I t'.ul'
I,, I'.,., u. Ill audi i...'. Slid I'llM.i Ig.t, HI"
I .J a. U . I ) da ' Ion II ) 111 ul. d ! In. 1 1
,.l: . .1 i. ... 1 1. 4 is, I i u U t i.. u al "I 'l
., i. 'i '. 1 1,. ! K.'ll'.ioi rl lbs ia il.-, I
. 4 ,1,1., k ' .1. t
I . , I , J . I I . i