Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 16, 1871, Image 2

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k s. vmvtRT 'td,, -
A wonn to out rf.adf.rm.
Tho circulation of the American ought
lo bo doubled. 'With a very little effort on
tlio part of our fritmrls nnd wo believe the
great mnss of its renders nrc Bucn this
could very soon bo accomplished. Tlierc
is no ono so well qunlilied to speak of tlio
value of this paper as those who pcruso its
pages every week. Iu its sphere for the
information it furnishes to tlio musses it
lins no equal, wbilo its price Is within the
reach of nil.
KEAtnti ! You who best know its value
peak n good word in its behnlf, and get a
friend or neiyhber to send in his name,
with the money.
The Amkmcaiy is pronounced by fann
ers, merchants and clergymen in the coun
ty, who have been reading it from ton to
twenty-five years to be the best nnd cheap
est weekly paper in the county. It con
tains all the news of tho day from dim-rent
parla of the world.
It contains each week tho best liints dc
iIto1 fmiu the best sources oil the farm
nnd garden, una to,.....,, interesting to
the firmer and horticulturist.
Ve nre nbout making arrangements to
enlarge the paper between now and spring,
nud ih3rjlorc offer new inducements to
There will be nn election in 1872 for
President of the United States, which will
bo one of the moet important ever held in
this country. To our old subscribers 'o
need not say where the American vrtl be
found. It has ever been on the si- "f hu
man rights, and the economic' expendi
ture of tlio public money, oni opposed to
bribery and corruption in every form. This
will bo its platform in the future ns it has
beeu in the past.
The "SuNDfitY AMnmCAX" is furnished
to single subscribers at S1.C0 a year, to
clubs of five, 1.23 ; to clubs of ten nod up
wards. 1.15, and a copy furnished gratui
tously for every ten names. Any one who
will take tne iroulilo to txnmino the mut
ter will sec that this is but a fraction over
the cost of white paper upon which it is
xi,r la nt cheaper paper
published in mo county, nor one that con
tains more varied and interesting readiii"
Specimen copies sent free. Addir
JJM'L AVILVERT, Editor & Proprietor.
Having also, in connection with the
paper, fitted up a first-class Hook and .Tol
otlice, all kindc of work will be executed s
neatly as in the city, at fho most liberal
prices, and satisfaction gusrantecd.' Orders
by rniiil will receive protvpt attention.
V.'ihlk Archbishop Manning is taking
measures to Romanize the colored frccdmon
of the South, the CatJwlic Idcgrnph gently
hints that tho Government Would do well
to hand over the Indians to the wre of
Roman Catholic missionaries. Referring
to that part th President Message
treats of tho now Indian policy, the
Telegraph says :
"The economy of the now arrangement
consists in paying large salaries to nu nrmy
ofotr.einls for work which Catholic mis
sionaries have been performing during half
it century for nothing. Then have "do
the Indian, wherever he hns fallen under
their happy influence, sober, peaceable, nnd
industrious. He has abandoned in n large
measure a nomadw moda of life, and settled
down to the cultivation of tho soil. Even
those who still live as rooming bands will
listen to counsel from no other lips. This
influence tho Chrislian-liko policy' of Grant
is intended to destroy."
Wo will cease to be a free Government
tho moment wo hand over any portion of
the machinery of our civil power to tho
control of priests or preachers. It will be
a sad day for tho Freedmen and tho In
dians when they aro put under tho control
of any church.
The Sta Deiit. Gov. Geary issued
n prorJaination on tl:c Pth inst, giving the
firatiO mS information that the Conimis
afoucrs of the Sinking Fund-Messrs. Fran
cis Jordan, Secretary ofthc Commonwealth,
J. F. Hartranft, Auditor General, nnd
7 " ' j Treasurer " ""''
Iwiw one hundred cuia t.ouin uiousmid tuo
.hundred and tic(nly-c''u''t dollars and six,.
three rents (LllZ-'.'S 03) of tho State debt
have been redeemed "from the. ut tiay of
ny''oiber, 18(50, to and including tl.c ooih
t'ion, State -"her, 1671," and tint ill nddi-
t!mt" ",u wtfev has reueemeu
.... i ... " ' eu"' or ci,ihtr?,r,."c
vf ti7 It. hk. 7. .....j
1ft 'Hour cents (18.301 o4)V'mVi'k,
tVlf ' it'll
KrepjsUc reJenijition of two millions nnehun-
drid and thirty-one thousand Jive hundred
'"'I ninety (hilars and sevenUcn ccnf-vluting
the r,I(.ai j.ear
The redemption of upwards two millions
or the debt in a single year, is an achieve
ment of which the Commissioners way well
bu proud, nnd for which they receive the
thanks of tlio pcoplu whom they have so
en ami faithfully herved. As long as tho
Sinking Fund is in chnrgo of its present
fiicers, the people may rest satibfied Hint
the financial alii.irs of Hie Comnionwcalth
will be wisely r,,.d honebtly conducled, and
the interests ofthc Stato well guarded.
"Wir.r. the Amu
article of the N. V
c -garuieit" an cxlr
Of it neighbors of the Gazette have adopt
ed the plan of the Democrat, nnd are now
getting their outsido edited nud priutcd in
New York City. This is done to lessen
the expenses of their establishments, but
whether it will prove profitable is a ivattcr
to bo ..,(1 lt jH true fewcr hands are
required in an oiw..., vt ... ,n PnllRjj0P
that tho money sent to New Yorkers 101
the labor which can bo performed here
just n well, and that money bo. circulated
aiuong tho business houses in this commu
nity, it is probably a matter worthy of con
sideration. The money sent to tho city,
weekly by these papers, if circulated in
our midst, would bo a largo item to busi
ness men here. Hut when it is scut away,
it requires a long timo before it comes back
again, nnd at the same time keeps mou out
of 'employment. The papers which have
adopted this new plan, besides paying for
their work lose the ic of three columns of
Uioir advertising, for which the contractors
f'iriiishiiig the outside, receive a large
amount of money from ad vertiscrs. Theo
nilvc.rtisers generally oft'er their goods for
sale i;i this community,and take the money
and pny it to these contractors, which
leaves all in tho cities. Would it not be
K'tter if the publishers would even only
receive a portion cf th!s money and 'e
it-circulated here inslniJ f navi- ' a"
nrrlud to cii.y, our citizens
v ,Vor0 to iuy nu meir goous in me cny now
ing would it Lr. before the country would
c entirely draiucd of money nnd our busi
ness places closed up. We believe in creating
busings in our own midst aud keeping as
much in.ley m circulation at homo ns pos
sible. It k probably true that subscribers
to these papevs kv.y receive more reading
matter, but when they look over the selec
tions they will find nany of them dull nnd
uninteresting, nnd they miuht. ncrhans.
just as well secure n paper from the city nt a
lo or price, in wniciuiiey might look iu vain
for home news. PuMiflmrs having their
papers edited and piinted in the cities
should not complain it tlhir subscribers du-"-
Lhoiu nnd procure tlii- -". tvipurs di
rect from the publication ofllco in tho city.
Tim x Jv.'l'ho bill for
the erection of the Tcrriwv 0f Ojibwny,
ftiiltl i!ir1a rnr nnr rmi,non ctn
much of Dakota as m.. ... - ... .
n,. , , , "rUi of 40 degrees,
u. he lower bouudary would , little to
the south of Uuluth in latitude. Tiu.-...
"''I flows through the central and north
Ihnlroiiu ia v'iuus. nn.i n,0 North Pacific
would reduce Dakota al.nost to tWlvHAicr
Hons of Pennsylvania or New York.
Cnnh t'onf rllmtloun,
T!ie following is a list ofthc contributions
iu money received by tho Chicago llelief
nnd Aid society up to November 18 from
forty States nnd Territories :
Massachusetts, 8517,730.12 ;Now York,
$392,087.00 ; Vermont, $359,220 ; Pennsyl
vania, 8221,158.04 ; Maryland, 8179,327.03;
New Jersey, $153,714.32 ; California, $148,
7D0.70; Connecticut, $05,970.18; Ithodo
Island, $45,384.70 ; New Hampshire, $30,
834.35 ; Maine, $11,721.27 ; Washington,
D. C, 834,005.0.) ; Ohio, 840,209.12 ; Illi
nois, 840,275.27 ; Virginia, $27,404.81 ;
Kansas, $20,225.85 ; Utah Territory, 815,
3H1.11 ; Oregon, $10,000 ; Iudiana, $24,
770.34 ; Missouri, $1(5,084.70 ; Minnesota,
$24,108.40; Tenucssec, $23,755.10; Ne
braska, $14,004 ; Colorado, $12,053.03 ;
Louisiana, $11,004.80 ; Iowa, $9,374.51 ;
Delaware, 88,070.70 ; Texas, $7,725.82;
Kentucky, $5,108.00 ; Arkanbas, $2,530.55;
Georgia, $2,070.75 ; Nevada, $1,505.83 ;
Now Mexico, $1,485.50; Florida, $1,041.
23; South Carolina, $1,001.00; Michigan.
$732.25 ; Washington Territory, $500 ;
Wisconsin, $550 ; North Carolina, $115 ;
Mississippi, $48.50 ; grand total, $2,508,
810.39. NEWS ITEMS.
Tho temperanco men of the State nre or
ganized to besiege the Legislature for pro
hibitory laws.
A telegraph lino is to bo put up along
tne sunuury ana Jcwistown rauroau
Protracted religious meetings nre being
held in many parts of fcu.vuer county.
When tho small-pox broke out in Milton,
Dr.I'avis made it his business to give up
nil other practice, nnd ntnnd In that mala'
dv alone. rn?i lii mime around ns a
moral hero.
.. ir,,nru Luminani says: "iiv-
ijecr were kuicu o.. .u. i..u j:o.1o moun
tain opposite tins Jsoiough, Saturday week
three by parties from this place, and two
by parlies from W illiamsport.
A new magnificent synagoguo is being
Mull by tho Jews of illiamsport
Iowa comes to the front with a bale of cot
ton of us good quality as any in the south.
Fcrnandina, Fla., has ripe strawberries,
The Manassas battle-field has been sold
for eighty dollars an acre,
Forty thousand emigrants nre expected
lo arrive nt inuuiu next season
They have a man iu Pottsvillo who cats
mice at a lunch.
They have a fashion in Coatesvillo of
Mealing t lie silver communion service from
the Episcopal church.
Oil strikes are exciting the people of Pit
hole, and new wells are being open"' --''
ti. t. T.irv-v Railroad company
.luoi-if toils m coal from Mauch
c'ni,w to Vwiv 1 ork, from 2.13 to $1.87,
Tho Sunbnry and Lcwislown railroad
company advertises its readiness to nav nil
just claims which parties may hold against
It is reported that fho Mexican town of
Niuuio Dan surrendered ami that the Revo
lutionists are marching on Sau Luis Potosi
lrotu Naltillo, nud are also advancing from
Monterey on Mier nnd Camargo.
Thn tobacco crop was immenso last sea
son, and growers all over tho stato ore
complaining of a los3 of money and stock
for want of sales.
Many of our State exchanges are advo
cating me passage of a law enforcing com
pulsory education.
The erection of a stupendous anthracite
furnace was commenced nt Scranton. on
Friday last.
i,a''J for Vnlnnraiso Chili, nro to thn
lltli of Novemuer. Die construction of a
railroad to tho Curacolas mines had been
hemm. The tolcgrnph line between Val
piivaiso and San 1-Vlipe lias been completed.
1 he liospitals wero iiiantiioient to accoiniuo
date the Bumll-pox pa'.ienio.
r.oo. Vrancis Train is publitihinj a liltlo
paper t. Omaha, Nt'nraska, called The
Irinn Lujne, wl.u.W advocates the .'i,ns
of George to tho White r)llso. All
documents are signed "Next President
The coin... ,
ln 'Alahama,T'Vfor tho arbitrations of
ii.viT.t.-.-r :vit7-ovlaiul.on uvju assemme ai
riemi plcoso puLIiMi the
X. Jubunc, from which
exlr.t? it ..a,.
I i........ :. . ... .. .. niirii
"s ueilion that wts did
eortlmtif ..,., untiuth. lun-a-!e
is can jud.o which, if ,ho editor cannot.
Let us have the article iu lull. -, ,,,
This is a cool pit eo of assurance or i-no.
ranee. The l),m-rut ..elect . fi.url.,,.
;n.T from t!lu X. y, Trihunv, instead of"
JMnngthu entire artiJo or its spirit, and
then calls on us U publish the ai tiele to
1 rovo that it was not n "garbled t xtract "
Did the Ih mwrut cwr hear of tho defence
"""" iy '" insiuuan, who wag char-
iiiisuaiin;auaxoV He told the ma
....u nn cou.d bring six men who would
tar nay ncvimaw him fake the axe,
whilbt only fVo snore f.i the fact I' tit 10
lud carried it away. If our neighbor had
iu O- fistened to hU mune, wo miylu ma.
! l,,;lt 'il Iwl.n cousin lo that
Tun editor of the Democrat modestly
asks us to furnish him with copies of the
Ameiucan in order to prove that wo pub
lished some falsehoods. When one person
makes a charge against another, hn !.ni,i
stand ready to prove it, nnd not nsk the
.nx-useu person to Hunt testinionv aninsi
1 "Ul, " lWAy himself could
pi ' . .,MV0 '"I1" more liulicrous request,
"ouimcuny m getting copies of .l UalilLAN.
to Counteract the Short-Sighted Policy of Designing and Malicious Persons who have
Bought to Injure the Trtide of Philadelphia, by Concocting and Circulating Exaggerated and Malicious Reports, we Bhall tako advautao-Q of our vurv
1 ortunate Position, and Organize an j
Immenso and. TTnapproaoliablc Sale,
which will cause a Great Loss to any who make Purchases Without Knowing what can be Saved in buying at this Unusual and; Stupendous Sale.
the Unreserved Clearance of tho Largest Stock '
Ever Held, Being Nearly ONE MILLION BGLLAKS' Worth of
of our best Manufacturer, for
.srEEJiar acnrajrarTfiBi a.iwj az3ifiiji:nL.3ii.iiaiw,
Part of which was Personally Selected in Foreign Markets by Mr. WANAMAKER,
) Before the Iramonso Rise in Wool, ' ' j WANAMA1CER & BROWN
1 And can bo sold to WAAMAKEll & BKOWX
At Astonishingly LOW TRICES. A Visit and Inspection of which COSTS NOTHING, will prove unquestionably, that many A tidos aro
Worth Double the Prices Quoted.
WAN A iv f & BROWN
t,wi Alvti's Over Contn.
6,049 Dress Coats.
1G Garricks and Capes.
5,113 Business Coats.
12,311 Business Pants.
1,F13 Fine English Strip'd Pants.
3,875 Doeskin Pauts.
2,519 Black Cloth Vests.
Ii02 Velvet Vests.
578 Cashmere Vests.
14,406 Cassimero Vests.
583 Double-Breast cd Short Over
coats. 623 Eng. Diagonal D.B. Overcoats
960 Youths Overcoats.
3,000 Youths' Pants.
3,714 Youths Vests.
1,872 Youths' Everyday Coats.
723 Children's Overcoats.
135 Children's Capo Overcoats.
180 Children's Garricks.
1,344 Children's tnuts.
3,282 Boys' Pants.
2,676 Boys' Jackets.
733 Big Men's Coats.
1,205 Big Men's Pants.
9S6 Bisf Men's Vests.
Wtm 'Total G&tmmx$.
FIRST FLOOR. (West Arranged for Furnishing Goods and Coats. Tho
Job Lots. "Less than Half-Price Lots." Piece Goods for Custom
Work, which Share in our general reduction of prices.
SECOND FLOOR 3 Departments : Dress Pants, Second Dress Tanfs,
Working Pants, Job Lots.
THIRD FLOOR Overcoats, Top Coats, Garricks, Coachmen 's Coats.
FOURTH, FIFTH and SIXTH FLOORS Reserved Surplus Stock.
FIRST FLOOR (East) School and DressSuits, and Little Lads' Clotlus.
SECOND FLOOR Larger-sized Goods and Half-Prioo Lots.
UPPER FLOORS-Rcwrvo Stock and Extra Fino Goods.
Note. These aid all other goods are not bought from Wholesale
Houses, hut are of our own manufacture ninny of them made in our
own building, under our own eye and supervision of materials carefully
examined ami spoigcd, and made only for our Regular Retail Trade; so
that customers can take them with the utmost, confidence.
FIRST Store oiicu from 7 .1. m. to 8J p. m., except Saturdays, when open at 6 a. ni. to 10 p. ni.
Refunded. UIIRD A hrso 8tatf of Salesmen and Unhors to tho different Dmmptn.n.,!, ; ..::..,
C ... X . il.V III D. lit WUI.
. f..:i.xviiiy luienueu to. '
SECOND All Goods Exchanged or Money
to receive Customers. FOURTH Orders by
Imeuv w. Taxation. -.Tl, bill for r
lui io.i internal iaxmlm Hat .S, t.. Sum
ior jTomi..! t.. intr,,,,,,-,-, ,u read Iu the
h.M.uto on M-Hnlay, ,,,) foir.-jijiomu v. ry
l.- irly to f.u ,,..,., Jt ( tlinl
"II fall. Til ..1 t:aXt Ht,. tluli. -, . IVOllm. JOII
M -'ri", kli'lli liJ uImIU! ...-.i C : n, i!, l.a
Jul 1 l-iii Hi lt Din m !.,
' n",i,;'.',l.1, Tl(,
'' ,"e 1 1 i L-jH aVd r,-,.iu Jitimary. Tliu
vh.,lg u.U' UUii l y, iV,.in C1.i,i.i,!.i1J,ur (,,,
mc j.t.M.p,,,,,,....,;!,.,.,,,,,-,,, ,,,(
"., l , 1,0 rullli,!,,), U.illlM of
Vi U iu Trca.u,,.
i Im. J.lr4li.. of iU l'..4Wlkjollt ,., o(, u
l H..i4.iucr wi,uU mukd iu dur-itiun
Ji 'crlMiljr fill )t ;ir.
Till. Iki.ivtut niuit vl !.
';, 4- i Vf4U,l foii.UHU
II Kl itfclUau U Im, t ,m mum,,, 11
Vuii. Inful limaumjiiiniy j;,ltt a,, it)
i.nv ;. .u! J , ,.!!,, w ..y J,.uut.,u ia
I tail WiUlLlful ,ju ,JfUU V
ifla r
Tim l'ltivcK ok Walks is Uyixo.-Ho
i ix-en iiugering for some weeks nnd
...... uauiiuu whs rapully sinkin". His
ni'jicicss coiiiiitiou is creiitiiiij Krent excite
menu throughout Groat Lritain, ns in t!,0
event .,f his death (h0 ll(.xt ,u,ir lo (lio I. iI.o lMncc', oldct .on, a mere
clnla of en: it vi-ura nl.l
Fiik e.l.torii i.r tho Jkmm-rut nro fryin
to nmk. it upiwar that a ci,,hcr s not a ."
uro in nrillunelie, nlihouh le llllly bo
i-nt-whew. If l.y cnnlimu, on vij.hcriun
, J ' """ "i wn:it I'lank of the
lK.niocrut ,!ain.n kT. them from slip.
1 -"O niu MttUT,
'J'lIK ItetiKK-rnt bocoineM l. iiil,U- a,v,.:a...i
Wlll liCiVi r W0 ivf. rt.i ll,.. .a-.i .. . .
- null ri ix'i
fill. 1 1 V '."""in.'U casus will bo iircsetnr.
for thu consideration.
. Tr'i"Sto Jobusinpsa Without ndverlis-
whnt v.... "... "7,VB J'. "ay Know
.u mmis, uui nobody elso does.
itcccints of frafl iitiifil ri . .... r. ii
U-....1, i',!,!1,,. . a --.. IH..V lor I (10
llorraifU or Lotter from anv ouartor
In conclusion, for Solid and Substantial Bargains, this is an Unprecedented Opportunity. It will pav to come from any part of the Country, or
o make up Clnhs in I owns or V lllages, as we mean to cr vo Some nil tlm iV.Lu 'i... w 'i i ... i .i.. i f J . , ol
known, and to Wind up the Season, we can afford to almost shut our eyes to the prices. UO,IS l"" VVwr
Sixth and Market Streets, Philadelphia.
)ec. 0th, is:i.
' uiu iiauiii of that r
thief, .Seretaiy Floyd, w -MIU lU:it .
IIUTly iKfelideil. ' 1
'u'!.!""" I''ur f'u l,it' i
ti,M"' "l'il'Mi of Hit, law."
U'isare in.lebted to Uo,,. .I;c. l'ollM k
Duvclur uf l he l'nii,:, st,,i.. Mi.,( i.i.:,..
''-''d;i,Ji.rai.fji ,,,nu,tl ,.;,,
I Mo trial o Mr. Wharton. tl,u ...,i
M.-.,r.,f(i,. KV.eluHH.IulMiu,;' u
1 in v. jiii 1 1 u in i . . it . t i
W.rk ut Tlu , ,lUil)l Mit
. i l..r iou. .i.aklni.,.1.1,, ,.ry klroll,ni(l
. ... .. . .... .., Vl ly ,v-lHvULIu (.ou
1 1. i, a. t l.iiiia.,il-,J, uw j,,,,,, , ,
I V II lillinl... I r : .
' iii r ii U'lliln,
A V.-NU-t f ZvZuTuUiViHilliuM
m un.i,i,ii i "
- " " UIIH IfH'K. II loWllH ill.. IL.rl.
tonuly, ,1,,, ta,4l,il)a l.()l(iU lhi)
utiJZ " '' lw
a.UKI.IJIJU, ltl,
week, 5r,0(i,100; 8ht,m.,n8, S)!H,703; shin
'Hjijls of notes, 2,o-,4.-,S. TlraTrea.ft
h'V!" ' '"i"''l hank ci rcula'
v-.-,uii MMi,jim fur doposits of t.ub
c "ioney,l.-,,2J!)00t.; national bauk'cir
77$S U;s,',"di"i' ut llli8 duto, MM,.
Awonian who spent her life in sntlicrin
raps, nt l ort Wnviu. V 7
""d bequeathed her husbaud HOuU
Tlio deaths from niimll
Jar "-'1 1 Which UK
b Srf S"?! ..T"0.l!rt of
. ... . niiiiWH i. nr. i ia .lia,.,,.
ih now pretty well dis.rihutH over ,ho7i u"
rsew eases nro Uh fr..n .a ai '
nnd tho nnuie thn. i . '
weeks ti-o now mostly tmbsided.
Pl'llssiiin piii.inppr l. ia I......... . i . ...
thine which will nuuufaeui.o loo' viU, Z'
chon.h alH nicely by compression nud
: r:::vi,ir:.., .iiei,,,en
w I III K tlllllffkl tie.. .
TOVl. Ta-i-rro m m m
xoy8. xoys. xoys. Toys. Toys. Toys. To vs.
The old resort, in a full Maze, of .Novelties.
nnr CITI c'lomcnt' Iloolc, Market H.niaro, SITIS-IIUIIV, 1A.
Elegant, Useful, and at Eeasonablo Prices.
-A. CA-IjIj
Albums. Alliums.
Siinlun-y, Dee, lit, 1871.
O. S. HAZELTINE, Prop'r.
Albums. Albums. Alliums Albums.
Ih.ii . Join, lhler, cx-fJovernor of ('.
f died ut Kureinenlo on Friday la
u wa.a brother of .-x tiovcrnor I ZJr . r
that Mra.
TliK Miltimiun relaU
.Moin-oniery wa ,luilL. erio.u!v iniurod on
1 ri.lay we, C, by H-IWJ thrown from a .
try near Kenierer'. mill. Mr -
i i l linn inr ii.iin.. r..
vi,ii i.. Mm.... ,. i "? " " n
.. .. ... .......... ,,, ., n IH10 l, ,r..BB
hioku nnd ill'. hom.1 H...J .i. ;' PT" "
film., hl .h. I ... . .. .
and Ihrew Jiei'u nut, .Mr. .M.
aiaa iiii I
Id IU I'n.idu.l i,t II.. lunuu
troiv 1. 1 wait ,iiU (tM
IT1 ha' U", tU" ' ',', '"H
Uiji uflu, r.Mj. l iul .,; j ,
ntfue.i, ran inf. iii,ei ,1... i.,.
'lit. .Mr. M. ..M..,.7";i
tk-i'luiu n Uirv. uliil.. . '
!'Ve,. ly inj,,,,.,!, j, re,;, .,:;,7,
I plea.
U llill
Jos. 1-. Marcur, tho defaultiii!; Pliira"
lreasurer. has been convicted in the Courts
on fivo dub-rent counts. A motion was
Jiiado for a new trial, t'has. T. Vcrkt., tho
hiokerwhoHo failure) ruined Marcur, has
for 3;S).Kl''U' 0,'U' laRL'njr ol u ihcck
Anotiikr DhkaiiU nppcar. by fho
ACW 1 Ork llallel'H thill lli.nrlu ..II ll... al.l
i, ,. I .. .. a - y .... uiu iiueres
und bu.lar, iimrdere., were united
IU Xaininanv. mul il.. di,. i . : c. i .i
P . .i. ,i:n lull llll-lll
from their BU-aliny-. Siuw tho bi thlcvoa
aro .ued rim away, or preparing to
run away .all tho smaller ibieviii Uru turned
loose on tho ijoniuiuiiiiy, mid of i-oino will
.. ... . i...,r uepreuailons upon all tla-
. nn. cminuiiiiy who cannot protect
themsilyes from th.-ir depredation. Tha
ILop o ihero incliidiu-iill claiuiis in their
Kivc.,1 lor nam, rich iu well ait iioor, havo
nuiscd up ami fi.u-r.-. th.j l.iru.i bateli of
thiovi-s, and placed them In tho mu.t pro
iniueiii aiiualioiM in ih.. Kieat uuderiakliivt
of thu i-i'v-and iu thu tiood H,ik miiliut
! " JVopIo mut lean IU thev mow .'
jjTi-ryboily li Invited to come nnd buy of the rprr TJTYQ Q QITA TxTIMrXTVT
Uuiiie aamirtuioiil of
.'fVKi "l'",".'r"'lu l'f' tfiin
I Ui iu
I UK kllit
.;. i.n.nii-ral M.r,4l, , ' . .V, T
i - i - - - 11111
(111 If! II ail ll.ii . la I "
U lli't lrtlio J ttlty lu 4
'U Ml l.u luU)
ll ill Ltr 'II..... .
'"IU III ll.ll UJ.-.ii...a .1... la f
l laa tf ..... II --. a .- " u"lUl.
.i a I a l 'h"UIm, Ulld UI...I,,.
I"U Hlld IVMIlllV tail ...... .1. . V 1 1 "
leap iu they mow.
lyuotu who liavu Ui-omo thoroughly
f .1111)11 In.m uy mu,, my lllvo ,M,j-J,
tlieulaiiou ut uiu o riMlm-i .I by takinu lulu
Iho MlouiaeU u leiupihiulul of Johu.U-a
Au.Hlyuo lalliiuienl mUed 111 a liulu uo4
water, wi'tl .vutuiH.d.
I. !) laruu r mm owiik a k-I'mI ktm k of
...v., lu.i ,, 1(ep Mli IIIU'II.U
tri ll l! I ll... I. .1 . . i . .
a,u nail uiu- r, uuiilil ui
i unit h U-....I kt.K of Mieiidiu't amfry
tim.lili.iM J'ox deu. I inn Uullttr'i nnU
Will 4VM at linn u,x,t t i,f ,4y.
B a.
buMtiliiir l,llln-' D-IJ-aliiliiu' MiHire.t: IHliiL'i'r'
Jli.l .l"uJJ,ltl. BTHKET. M Slll ltV, I'A.
every di-n-rii1'1'1"''!''''' of -'oiil'eelloin.c of
1V f, Al l. uivi.y
co,,ktnn,ly, , Theh,.KAsN8)FI0
i'uhf i ii i ?;m UK,KU KKl ,T-
Will L ...... 'a ?"' '"' " ll-IUCU
' -1MIHItOilul... 1,1. II.bI.I lii.all.. la.
lf:n III MtH'knmlcoiistuntlvii-tvlvini; NnvvltU-a
In liia lino, i-oiil.iiii n Ur of n full line or
A VI I : It 1 I v A T U I : N,
Klulii, lUlnoU. llownril A Co., Wullhnin, Xt;n
miliusitu, nml Uy' AM EKIl'AN WATl llKSi
Al., a full i l of Ladle, uuj licul'i liold aud
MIvit isl Wuii h, .
Roiimu I. ni. I ..u, ink mul tinld nn,
l-.iir-ltlii!s, Niikluif uud IVit.luiiln, lln x mul
Jil Ji'w.'lrv.
murk, . i m .n i . , uiliieiK'.i wvuivM In
il,H I... . r "i i iiii ir ri-.iiii'iii'einiin
ui ike vry lowr.i pnuau.
N TU E l . i.l,y lvr IUI lit a'iiiuTi
t.Wi'lliiu u Hoard lU Mmiiii ol llw tuii
bury MniIcII.iII Amih Uiuii, mil uko
Mo.Mu V, lU'. K.-UU, i!l, 4 11.. 0,,.,.l V y.
Wulvrti.u. fc..., Iu lUu U.IOUlili..f nuuburv,
! l"Ur. g 0 m. II .ml t -4 ui. ,.
till , . M il. A..u,Uillou.
''ll At UIIOlt'kt Mini ir
I .I.I, .r b,.w.u hk.nrr lr, a
r i.i i. UMiivr.iyi.v.1, ..ulul.'t l, Oiiik.iM
t OUII u .SulllaulaalaallUllal VH1UIV. AlaJU...
HI .. ... a '
I..II 111.1.4 play a,ll4llirt. ll
.....rf.aii, vvuy ml j ,(U
...a. ......... . .
......uuii.i uj. at ...ii
it Ull Ula .....I....
il.. u .
uiu ruuulrv
1 . M
"f II auhaiiali.
In t.eiy lau.h
wu.i4 ikv lm, hl4 .M,-Mt,,
$tio ttertltnunt.
31. Q. liyi'r2Ti
AJjoiiiiiijj Harrl.buru StJck Yard,
Houes BiiDilt, aid or heboid.
I . .11 a ia i . , Miat.aar,
...... mm., tug u4ia-uv ul Ik. au ila.y lu ll4
laaiMd uf Ar..U -MU, A4uill.l4l.. uf la.14
AUI.U.W HlMilir, Jm4, u iUe u,,,,
''-fJ ll lb. iUI.. ol III. ..,.H4.Vul al
III. liUta;.!.! Ua.jjUo.U, l.u.., 4,.ttl,y . .
'I, at Iii u ilu,,, .. y... .11 i..i... .. .'
Ulul i. luaMtud W allUu.l
U, I. It
UtUtt, Aiidiiui.
. kill .. .
J I T . """"'Ua
I laaJ
UH (III, .ul ul,.l,4liaai
i' .... . ...
liai i,,li. aa4 M.ililu..,.
k-4, t I.,. wum ,t '
I4alldtllyir-uiw..r 8i.'rlliitf .iirin, m,.. l or
dor. Hi lil;t I ii ii, I'io,, iii.ui, m pi,,,..-, Kiiiviai
Ei.rk mid hu.ii. In .m.., Im,, n ,ll0 0
Mlvrr flaili'd IiimkI., T,-ai bit., Ire WaUr C.l.
Krldi Mittiil., t uk II ik.u, Cuil. e l ,, ki
mid hj.iHui.-t i, l,,. i lai,,!, ,, .., lu wurWl(
If you vuliiK ymir f vi'.lwlii
l.a.a.ak i..,..l a. .,
. , . . 1 "'nam v ll.llti IVIilil.'. ui,'
'iii,r, mul .1.1 iv u.ri, ,,, .li,llil,Mll.
unao.oi.,,1 tlu.u Im,h.. m,d 1.1111..,,,,,.
Ily HI l.,.i i, ),.,, ,0,u rh-ma.,.. uud
u.uiaiiti'd Viiiviim lu .11 ulbi-r. lu u.o.
l AHLEt I' l I.EUY.
Ivuiy, Mi-ui Uuudlr.ln
piled lu uiUu,
A full u..a.iimt)i, of HjjLt day iblily
biaurl l.t, III u t H,Kk,. all all.. I II..
II,.!,.. tujjr.,,1,,,. J,1UJ1 4 HniniH,..! Ml,i.0,
Ha.ii.i.., iiu,k. and J.uvi,, Ui,mi..d aud Uaii..iil,,.
All g.l. .Ill la.,M,ttl u,, i0.lMll
rill... tti laud U ai.. i.l i.l I . I ... ia .... , . . a . n ... I
htaiulu liar HihiimUv..
Iuu i lutgii Ida bl.tva.
a , .... I . HUMMIN.
Nn M U K to It. ullii .itvulhal au ll..ll..u ul
tlllla.l a.1 Ilia to. wi.HI...,U1,,M .,lug (am.j
.ad L.auu A.... all! I... i.i...... .... . a a a ..
j ll Ika ...ll. aal aaa.,.,l. ! (t, at luaam a.
i I-lUalal'a laHd.U, i lllld . ..II.I.UI
j r. M. k. y I I'.ll I Xklt, I'iUV
I'iKiuesHoiiaMj ttii- lnf hiis(iiiiitl
work ol llio kind in t.. X orlil."
j II A IirKH'sTr.VtiAZlN i:.
I Therp nro few Inl.-liii'iit Am. fie:ui fiimllleii In
woirli IIaiii'kii'8 Maiiazin;! would not Im i.
l'nviuiol mi l ti lilutiiy m,u-, n:t. m,,,.t, Tlu ro ia
! no immilily Mairiuinu au inii illunit n-ailiiu: l.iin
; 11)' can Irs. ullor.l to lc wiilin.ii. Many Ma-Manuel
me iii-i-uinuiiuiM. ll Aiii-Klt a Im iIuciI. Hut., is
until Maifar.liu. Hi: t ia printed liiili eliow moui
iillclliHiMit pains expended on itn iirnel mid
nicelnuli'iil exeeurnui. There U nut a elieaper
MiiKiUinv pulilUlieil. Tlieie is ik,i, enuT. sm-iIi-,
n mure popular .Maj;.ii;ine In Hie world. Aiw
A'l.ifiUMf llmiifsti'tiil.
A repository ol liinrnpliy mul lilslorv,itiraluii
icienee, mid ml, nni-,Uulid by uuy other Aim ri
ran publication. Thi voluuies me as valuulilo
as a loi r work of relernieo as hiiv eveli.eieili.i
we can place lu our lllirarir. Il uiini'a Mao,
iinb tail record of truu! everv where since tho
hour of lis t'stiililislon. ut. 'Llvlntuuo nud
(iordiin t'uiniuliiu' In Allien, IMraln miiunaj tho
Andeauud Rosa lliowneiu the f:,ist, tspnke on
the Nile mid on i'i.i alordan indeed,
nil recent ttavellira ol' note .. .o seen their most
Important iliacoverlcs re r,,liieed lu these paucs.
Musi of our yoiiuci'r :. I many of our older w ri.
tela llml li re their ll'ei.iry klerupliv. tiur nr
list. the Lest evidence llicir 'ceiilu and
the moat onduiliii; s.eciuieiiiiol their woiklu tliu
Mamminc. .V, )". Stumlm;!.
ll la one of the Wonder, ol Journalism ihr p,.
yUy '"""Utfim'iH of llAictcH's. Ac MtwH,
IfAKi-ru'. MiaiiNf, onp vcar $( oo
An Evlru lopy of .lltVr the Uitatis,
or HlllAll will Ihi U .lle, Kraha lor
every t'luh of Elvn hi n, al ft iki ,.. ,
In one reinill.ui. i. or, M l opU-a .. a))o on
wilh. ml cxiru. copy.
Mili.cil'll,in lu II uirm" M m iise, Wrfii i
aud lnin,i.iutf ad.iri'.s lur one ye ir, tj,i oo .
or, I wool'a IVrlod'eal., to ouu lire.,
lor one year, H IK. NuiiiIh'U cm he .ii :ii, mImi.v lime.
A t',ini..ia Kiel iM'Mi'a Mioi'ir, now
III, uiu Ilia Per feet ""'t lainu 1,1 uluiu,-., in ,,,i, ,u,,Hni;,
I'll.lle Pel.lilea lllcl- , b' '')' 'l''' . I'n Uhl l, i k.ei,.,.
I'liii li.i.ei, ior t . Vi (.. r loliiiue. Kiiiiiln loluiin .
I.y mall, .., l, f.l on, t i,n ,,r imul.
Im;, .H t-a.iita, li m.ul, mi.,ii.,
'I he .il.,ti on Hun i Minis i. j.j ,.,.t ,
).ar. hlthuiul tan p.ii,', .1 lha aulueiitM-i 'a
pul ,'lUee,
A.ldir.. lUKf-Ht.v HkoilIEK, ,w ik
HIM, h lit ...
all IV.
lAl l'lllNt .t rv, I'rl.N X.,
HIMO 14 IIIIM, I'ruiirUiur.
Ti... l.i. .till bud tui. t!,.t H ,,,....
I""U' Ml.alelalil. 'I lie I. .,. , ,, , , ., ,.,
thu Ih. Iu UIU,k,t. tin ,u..l.e., II.. ,., Ill,,
o ai,
. - - - - - - huw a - -. ....... '., .....
U. ...! k ia I allU.Mai.IH .HI BU aua,..u ' I"'. '' a.. i..llt
ll.aul Ulilll. iu, .U,ul l
Ul IU, lil. it ll...
AXTIIH r I C t i I . I
il lMIM IMI IY. Mi . ..
I IV.Iall I..I I ill .1,1) i.ii , ) , I
ASfllltUllk Kill, tl'H. .HUuE,
I Mat lit, IkWt
All kind. a 1.141,. l.i.01. u .. I.j... M
l. . I. fcallalla j u .. I ,.,..., , ,1, ,. .. ,,
at. f. Sail..'. U..I. I,., .i.i, bio. a, .ta flailt
HI. '.I, . HI li.l.,. ,, .n.mi.'U, aa Ue a...
war.ujau.ul k (rl)iU4 at ilaat ,a,i ki. - v i
nukuit a., 4, I.))
J kktklil
OU. I HI II ,u I . (.1.,
Ua ..I .1 V ll ....
. ll. i.l
. ;