Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 16, 1871, Image 1
v. Mi HIE SUNUURY AMERICAN, 18 rUTlLIflllKD EVEIIT SATTODAY BT EM'L W1LVEHT, Proprietor, Moore A DUxInpcr'i Building, Market 8qnr., At 1.50 In Advance. II not paid irllhln O Month 3. SubtcripUont taken for leu than tlx Months, Coswfctfti with tills establishment Is an citen tlvcNEW JOB OFFICE, containing a variety of plain and fancy typo equal to any otninutneoi In tlic Intviior ol mc Blnte, !or wiilcliliiopftiron ago of the public Is respectfully lollcltcd. JrofcssiomtI. TTJI. J. HUliYKKTO.i Attorney a V Law. oilier, door No. 5, sind floor, llaupt'a Block, nunr Miller's Shoo Store, suuoury, fa. March ttfitli, 1871. ly. ci II. ItOYKK. Attorney nt Law. Nos, i"5 a and S, Second Floor Bright'. Building, Hnnhurv. I'n. Professional business attended lo,in thccourls of Northumberland and adjoining counties. Claims promptly collected. Consulta tion can be bad In the German language. March 25tti, 1S71. ly. JXO. A. W1XNON, ATTOHNEY AT LAW, No. 114 Fouktu Avenue, . . Notary Public, , Flltsburg. Pa. .Tun. 15, 1870. ly. ; JU. MAltKI.R ' Market Street, . suvBURT, PA. Dealers In Tlnv". Medicines, Paints, Oils, Glass, Vnnilsl", Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, Pocket Hoe", Dairies, fec. Sp. HOI.VKKTOJJ, Attorney ntlaw. . Market Square, BUNBIRY.FA. Profession al IhisIiu-m In this and adjoining counties jvompt .y ntlended to. , ('""ArilKIMKXSXYnEllt Attorney at J, Law, Bl'NBl'Ur, PA -All business en tnnted to hit care rt leaded to promptly and with diligence. npl:.'7-C7 JKO.iiAA i'1-EJI l!.T, Attorney at Law, BUNlll'H'i " Collections and nil pro ( Vmlnt-.nilniMiK"' 1'romi'tly attended to. incli31-00 C. 3. ltltlNnn. kaie. Bprvi'i A KANFii Attorneys and Coim selliiiv'1 Lllw. SUNBL'KY, PA. Olllcn on ( l,,,,,,,! rcit, west of tho N. C and P. ifc E. Kailroa.l '-'l,ot "io building lately occupied liv ,. irn, F.sq. Collect ions and b11 profess l,")nn 1,'lness promptly attended to in Nortbum. hi'ilan"'"' ndjiilulnjr counties. npllU-OJ TT I. MANMElt, Attorney nt Law, 6UN- JILKI, I'A. collections attended to in (1(.ountlc9 of Northnnibcrlaud, Union, Snyder, ytnnr, Columbia nnd byeominr. npU0-G9 M. M. HOOKEFF.U.KK. I.I.OVD T. IKIllllIl.Vl ll. li EFEEEER A IIOIIKIIAC'II, Attornevs nt Law. SUNBUUY. PA Of. bee in Huupt's new building, secoud lloor. Kn t ranee onMurket Sciuare Jiin4-08 A . I1KICE, Attorney nt Law, Sunbury, Pa. Olliee in Masonic Hall Building. C.'ollccllons or claims, writings, and all kinds nf lepul business attended to csrefully nnd with dispatch. April 8, 1871. ly. IK. .1. I'. t ANEO'lVl tlClco and Residence, Walnut Street, between Third and Fourth streets, SUNBURY, PENN'A. All forms of Diseases of the Eyes will be treat ed or opi ruUd upon, such as Stiablsmus, (Cross Uyes,) Cataract, (Blindness,) nnd all other li-s-uses relating to Surgery, us Talipes, (Club or K-ul Feet,) ILilr-LIp, Excision of Tumors, Ac. A!io the cure of Lpilcpy (or Falling Fits.) f'inbiiry, May 1U, 1871. ii. v. ziiroLbii. i.. t. noumucii. ZIEUI.ER & r.OIIHUACII, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, rilHec In Hnnpt'H Building, lately occupied by Jiid;;e Koekcl'vllrr and L. T. llohrbaeh, Esq. Colli ctions and all professional business !r in jit ly attended to hi Hie Courts of Norlhuin- iii and mljuiniiig counlks. Dec. S. 1S71. business tfitrba. i:no4is. I'ackcu niii. V ltr.TAll. IlEil.EllS OP nt!h:aciti: coal, sunbury, penn'a. OrncE wtm IU.vs, Faoelt & Co., Orders left at Seasholtis & Bra's., office Market tiret, will receive prompt attention. Country in-torn respectfully solicited. Feb. 4, 1871. tf. W 14.11 : MAUERN. TfE are rellint! ltlnis, fr-kes. Springs, Canvas.-, Holts, Clip., AV. ,e., very Lniw Ftoek nt COSL.R.X A CO. S .1 ul . u ry, V. a rc'.i J50.l WO. f VttX 1.1 'OA 111 '('OA El 0 RANT BROS., y Shippers und Wholesale and Retail Dealers in WHITE AND RF.D ASH COAL, SUNUURY, PA. (r,ovEH vt'UAitr.) -J-Sole Agents, westward, at the celebrated Henry ( lay Coal. Janllt-Oll i:(; livery. M. HAHTIIOI'.OMEW, ritoi'itiKTOU. . FOTHTH STREET, ABOVE MARKET, Ktiubury I'a. r3TiIE best of riding nnd driving horses always J. on hand to serve customers. Orders left ut tho Central Hotel, for vehicles, will receive prompt attention. Nov. 5. 1870. m;XTINTRY. GEOltGE M. HE NX, In Smihuon Imldiny, JUurkel b'juare, Ki-vni nv Pa 1 prepared to do nil kinds of work pertaining to Dentistry. He keeps constantly on hand a larire assortment of Teeth, and other Dental material, from which lie will be aide to select, and meet the wants of his customer. All work warranted to give satisfaction, or else the money refunded. The very best Mouth Wash and Toolb-Powders ki pt on hand. Ills references are the numerous patrons Tor whom he has worked for the last twelve years. Sunbury, April til. 1871. NEW OAirVARI. rpilF. undeislu'lied having connected the Coal 1 hiiKluuM with bUeiiteiihlve FLOUR A GRAIN tr.i'b-. Is prepared to supply families with the VC.UV IIESTOI" t'OALt 4 II El I FOR 'ANII. F Stove and Nut, eon.t'inlly ou Laud. Graiu ,aV.-u lucichang. forConl. Sui.liurv. Jan. IS. 170. if. ' il.VKEUV I IIAKKUVI! HAKKUV lt!j LEONARD DtJVF.llTH, II S lul oi.eiie, a llrl eU Bakery mi rronl tr... I i ,r Uu dep. at Nurlliuiubur I in I, and I. prepared lu farul.U tWg l"'' "f Noiihumlt.-ii.tud and Biiubuiy wllU all kluJs ul Kr.-.i.l ami I aki-s, tuelt IIUOWS HUE A l, HllLAD BAKED on the HEARTH, .ml a fu'l lino l FAM- V I'A -KB, T Uuu., h-lU and l i.l.. and dcllti-icd la tusluiuri vry Horning. I ..W-t. br li t!'.., 'arli.., Wvldlugs, Talis, c, " l at boil itotii'r. , vvliiK btWur, and Itatlug wurked m the ha. in- tu hnii bin lot sevtrial )w.lS pl I. hop- In (il takulactbia 11 111 CUkluUlt'l a ll I- lolol... tu. I. it ar rp. elfulij .iii... S,,lll4lilllWlUil-l. J'tlt 10, 1 1 i I . - If hi Mil l MiUUI E MlXlt. MIIK i4 r.i. a. I li ll iUiiU the ntllt I I.--.llll'l OV ltlOl, iUMIII IHH'OM it b. 1. but liady li lo al klaUs td M A II US ' IIIIUIl. I I.J 1 ul, ' f y r ,1 vim fi'.N lsHttMrMlj 4 l-4'ltt-, I ,1. .', : t.r- I nti-. ...l .iu.1.1, l'.U Wllltlt-Il.l. d 'tl .l .4I..I I. .... J Lu A 1 41 .1.1111 WM , I't, 1 IHHlllf- r ,il , m lli l.t.) l.,) utt ul. .1 1... .. I .1-1.4 UtW'l tut$) ritlCE 91 BO IN ADVANCE ) jotcls untr IcatitnnMt. XlPI EKsTe i I VV07ro n n c st -nut sts., Philadelphia, J. WTTEU WORTII. Proprietor. Terms pc day, 300. April 15, 1871. ly r NIO. 1IOTKI., TITOS. FOl'l'59. 8r-. Proprietor, Shamokln Street, Tvorton, Northmnlierlnnd count v, Pa. The tab" ' plled with tbo best tbo market alle'is- Good stabling and attonllve ostlers. tJan.21,'71 . OYEHLT. O. BOWEB lTXIO llOVSV," LIKENS, DAUPHIN COUNTT, PENN'A., BYERLY & BOWER, roprlctor. Tbo table l supplied with mo best tbo market AfTords. ()(vi(t stuMIIng andattcntlvo outers. May 20, 1871. IIYEKliY'N HOTEL, JOSIAH BTF.RLY, Proprietor, Lower Maha noy township, Northumberland county, Pn., on the road IcHdingf from Georgetown to Union town, Smith Inn. Trcvoiton Pottsvllle, Ac. llio chnlccst Liquors nnd cirars at the bar. The tables arc provUKd itl the best of the sea son. Htabllnir largo nnd nell suited for drovers. with good ostlers. Every uttcutios paid to muKe gueitt com for ta ble. ; Nov. 11, 1871.-1 y. N" ATIONA IlOTKi AUGUSTUS WALD, Proprlctnr, Georgetown Nortb'd County, Pa., nt the Station of tho N. C. K. W. Choice wines nnd cigurs nt the bar. The table is supplied with the best tho market ntl'ords. Good stabling mil attentive ostlers. Ai.i.-;iii:y hoist:, coi,. ciias. Kl.IXKNKl:, Pjoprletor, Nos. 81'J and 814 Market Street, nbivo eighth, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, $2 per dav He respectfully solicits your patronage. WASHINGTON IIOUNE, C. NEFF, rroprletor, Corner of Market A Second Streets, oppositu tho Court House, Sunbury, Pa. MayU'8,'70. HOTEL A It EST A ERA XT, THOMAS A. HALL, Proprietor, Sunbury St., west SHAMOKIN, PENN'A. Meals served at all hours, at short uotleo. The best of Liquors at the liar. Tho Table Is sup plied with the best nnd latest In the markets. At tentive servants. TerniB moderate. Patranage solicited. HI MM EIN RENTA IRA XT, LOL' IS HUM M EL, Proprietor, Commcrco St., SHAMOKIN, PENN'A. Having Just rcllttod tho above Saloon for the accomodation of tlio public, is now ptcpnrcd to serve '.lis friends with the best icfrcs'iments, and fresh Lager Beer, Ale, Porter, and all other malt quors. "OEESE IIOVKK, Third Street, at tho JLV depot, 8UNBURT, PA., WM. Kcehr, pro prietor. Warm menlt served up at ai.ll hours, fish, Fowls and Giune. Fresh Oysters con stantly on hand and served In every stylo. Tho best of wines nnd liquora nt the Bar. MFuinilles will. In supplied with oysters done up lu any Myle'J ky leaving orders nt the Bar. 'ov.5,'70-ly. J. VALE II 'S WINTER tMItnr.V AND HOTEL .Vol. 720, 72'J, 7!4 & 727 T'm 51., PHILADELPHIA. WINTER GARDEN HOTEir, (os the crnornAS rr.A!) 4 . eiiuiuij lucKie'i, eonneeung with all the City J'assenger Railway Cars, from all the Depots In the City. Excellent Accommodation For Tra vellers!. Graud Vocal and Instrumental Concerts every evening In the Summer and Winter Garden. Orchestrion Concert Ewry Afternoon. FINE LADIES' ttBSTAUHAXT THE BEST Or itnritKsiiMr.NTS sekvp.d. Office of J. Valer's Fountain Park Brewery. .Tune 4, 1H70.-Iy. L I O. V O R STORE! CHRISTIAN NF.FF, Second Street, opponlto the Court House, SUN BURY, PA., Respectfully Invites the attention of Relullers and others, that lie has on baud, and will con stant lv keep nil kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consisting of Pure Brandies: Cogniuc, Cherry, Ginger, Rochellennd Otard. Whiskies: Pure Rye Copper-Utllled, Mo"n gahcla, Apple and Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN ! Wines: Champagne Wine, Cherry, Port and Claret. . Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. F.. Ruin, Brown Stout and Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, Ami nil others Ltuuors which tan be found In I the city ninikets. which will be sold at Whole sale unit Retail. I'.very arucm piiiiriiiiinrti u rt'tn'f fM'tltf'd Also, a large mi or tt..MiJuii.9 ,md HoTTI.l-N always on uuiui. sr Orders iioinptlJ attended o, and public ...........i... rx.luil-L II V KOMI 1LCJ .. , - f! F.FK. Suiibmy, July 3, 1800. ly. JACOII BIlll'MAM. TllOMl-ON llfllll. Eire, Liro nud Accident INSURANCE AGENCY tir NIIIIMI IN A IH-ltli, MAUKET BTKEKT. SUXHUltV, I'A. CO M PAN'IES RE PR ES E N TED. N. Ainerlcan, Phllndtilplila, Aets, J,783,r.H0 F.uterpriie, " fiaa.JktS Mi.ul.uiiiin. Nw York. l.irtis.tmi N. Anierieau " KHJ..MO l.orillard, " 1 ,tl'.o, 1 J Yonkeis A N. York " Ka'J.ltO Hanover, " 7VI.IKKI luia-riul, London, R.owi.iwJ Lveoiitlnir, Miinev, 5.WH,innj Kiiink In' I'll la.le I.U a. "- II. ...... Nw V.n k. 4,M,atl llarttord, Harir.trJ, "IM I'IobiiU. " ,u:7,0IH I . ..-I.... ti'.l il7 ir..r....r. Co.. Ymk. W-'U,UKI J It. 1,1. 1. A tl.tri-aullla ll.talS,'" .-. Yuik. Mfta.l'HJ i' K..rwl..i- laiH.ail N- Kalulid Mul'llll Life. T.SUl.OOII J. W. WASlllNliTON'S tllM lUHHI H NIIOI. Til ul, iwruiitiirul lit of l" V Uelli lb- li'.fl. ? ,.liti llml lh mlwhl l"t'U lti4V- """' tly iih.Ucii miU.iul nniiillv.iliitf 1111 uutomluiu hi '. .unl of aullir uu I itiiiliilliin. JU.l leulj Jem - " ta,.trlu I In 1.I.IV- -ttuir w lilfllitt- Utuilar 'L ii.,i..i MiiiW bibi. ...a ...h4 lb .bi.blui iiU.ii.lit.' .tt-l, u4 libit. U..I ll.Jl .i.llll h1.I bait. I .b... m-tlly i" l...! I.. II... ...UI.IIV (III lUlltlll. .U'J .....l.ll.. ik. i,ul.llu li.l.ltil L.I.II4 pul.llt ... ..a .bi. ibw ml lli.H.duj III)' U Ut"' , . I .Uu lt, U lb lM- ! ! " .11. I. -Ml, IM b.. ), iMlU IU .. b."" .u, Ll,kl 4 , k liuttt, (". l.n,i tb bll UU .til.tu kkul, In b ",4H 1,11' ut ..I.l i.iw l)i w4 b bil' M Hut I'l IWH, Hut .Mt lu " .'., I t -l uol 1"I; II ' bl4 Ml lb b.l ul kL.ill, -tjt. 4u I M tll )4 Im wl vvulj b. 4 lliM4 U ! It .4 i.u4 '.b. l-l I ba W blt4. 4 ft ' bwl l)'4, ! IUlt4 H ' H ' I, Iklu XT IT SUNBURY, I'A.. B.tLTIJIORE LOCK JQR. JOHNSTON, ,v HOKI'ITAIil mjMtiinoi mis celebrated Instinitlnn, hnw discovered the most certain, speedy, plcnsaMlr 1i t . . . . . . i T elTectlinl remedy in I lip vnrl.i r.,r An DlSEASF.S np lurnrnvvru Weakness of tho Back or Limbs. Strlct-im AfTectlons of Kldne.vs nn.l liln.i.inr l.i.,., e, tary Discharges, Impotoncy, General Dclilll t.y, Nervousness, Dyspepny, Lnngiior, Low Spirits. Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation- of the L, Heart, Timidity, Trcmbllnifs, Dimnofs of Sight or Giddiness. Plscnr.o of tlio Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Alfectlonsof Liver, Lumis, Stomach or Bowels these terrible Disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth thoso ecrct arid solitnry practices more fatal to their vieuins man tne song ot syrens to tbo Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes of anticipations, renuerlng marriage, Ac, impos sible. tOUNGMEN especially, who have become the uletims of Soli tary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which nunuuuy twc?ps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted talents mid brilliant Intellect, who might other wise nave cnirancea listening Senates with tho thunders of eloquence or w.ikr.d to ccstacy the IHIUJ5 ijre, uiuj van wuu urn couiuence. MARRIAGE. Married Persons or Youuit Men contemplating mnrruigc, aware of Physical Weakness, (Loss of Procreatlve Power Inipotenev), Nervous Ex citability, Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Ner vous Debility, or nuy oilier Disouallllcalion, speedily relieved. Ho who places himself tinder the care ofDr. J. mny religiously conlldu lu bis honor as n K"t Io nian, and cunudcutly rely uou ms skill as a Phv sicinu. ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Impoteney. l.os of Power, immediately Cured nnd full Visor Restored. Tills Distressing All'ection which renders Life miserable nnd marriage Impossible Is the penalty paid by tho victims of Improper Indulgences. Young persons are too upt to commit excesses from not helnir aware of the dreadful consciences that may ensue. Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that tho power of procreation Is lost sooner by thoso fa'ling into Improper habits t linn by the prudent? Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most scriniiff and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes de ranged, the Physical und Mental Functions Weakened, Loss of Procreatlve Power, Nervous Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion. Constitutional Debility, a Wastlm; nf the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay ami Death. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS Persons ruined in health by unlearned preten ders who keep thorn trilling mouth ufter mouth, taking poisonous nnd Injurious compounds, should apply immediately. lilt. JOHNSTON, Member of the Rovn! College of Surgeons. Lon don, Graduated from one of the most eminent Colleges lu the United States, and the greater part of whose ife has been spent In the hospitals or London, l'ris, l'lilludelphla and elsewhere, has elleeted some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with ring ing lilt no Head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed nt slid. Ic-u sonuds, bashfulncss, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured Immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all thoso who have Injured themselves by Improper Indulgence nnd solitary habits, which ruiu both body nnd mind, untitling them for either business, study, society or niur riage. i nto re some of the sad und melancholy effects produced l.y eji lmlilis of vnuth, via : Wiwikiifta of thf ltark und l.i...o.. m -. ,i... Hark auii licii.l, minuets 1. 1' Ulbt, Loss of Mus cular Power, Pulpltnllou ol the llenri, uyspepsy, Nervous Irritability, Uerungenxuii oi ijigcsuvu Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Con sumption, kc. Mentally The fearful effects on tho mind are much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Con fusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, .Ve., are some of the evils produeod. Tuol'SASDS of persons of nil ages can now Judge what is the cnuseuf their declining health, loing their vigor, becoming, weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a nppvaraiice about the eyes, cough and symptom of consump tion. YOUNG MEN Who have Injured themselves by a ct rtnlu prac tice inJiileed in when alone, a litibil I're.iiitutly learned from evil coiiioiintoiis, oral school, the ttli-cts of which are nightly felt, even when nslet n. nud If not cured, renders luarrii.ue impos sible, nnd d.'striv both mill I and body, siiould apply linincd.ately. What a pity that u young man, the hopeof hi country, the darling of hi parentis sliouM be siiutchcti from ull prospects nnd eiijoynicuts ot life, by tbo eoiise.iience ot ili-Miiting lioni ttm path of iiaturoand liululging in a en-lain secret liubit. Such persons mi'st, before contciiiphitlng MAUL) AGE, reflect that a sound uiiud and body are tho most neeerf.iry requ'.siles to promote ciniiiulil.'.l happi ness, iiul. t I witnoul these, Hie Journey thiougli life becoiius a Weary pilgrimage) the prospect hourly darkens to the view ibe niiud Leeoiiics shadowed with despair und tilled with Uionieliin- choly relleetion, that lliu liappllijas ol niioiuer beco'iios bllulueil with ourowii. a CERTAIN DISEASE. When the nui irnidid and iiiiprii.lent votary of pleasure llnds that he has ln:bitej tlie see U of Ibis palul'.l dn-ase, it too otle.i 'i.ip.en I hut mi I l-t lined ot h:itiie, or ilrnaii ol uiseovt ry, ii.-ii-i-a liii.i lioni ui.i.lviinr to i hose who. Iruiii I ileal ion and r. -i iH-eiablllty, can iilifnc befrien.'lu him, delaying till Hie coiisttt iitlontil symptom this horrid iiis.-ae make lln-ir iippi-uraiit'e, hi j us kici ruted ore throat, dlM-aM-d nt.ic, "". t., iiaiu in the bead and limbs, diiiiiic.-. nl i deafniss, Umle tin the shlu lioiic an. I I.ioti Ins on the la-act, laee nu.l ci reinir gresniug Willi frightful rapidity, till t',',,, tii ulalB ol llie inouin or inu oi j .,.,mll 11, una llio Vlelllil ot unit uuiui uic , ... ..,- a linrrl.l ol.Jeel of eoiiiiiiicratliin, t( l,'i1(; 11 period 1.1 111 dreadful kiillcllii) . ' Iteut-u lilin lo "thai t'liillM-uvcredCouul i.u I r.i vil l. r return." i...iiiinU U1K It U u l,.ehict,..I.V fuel lhat vicliuik lo Ihl It riilil Ul.eae,'" .f; ' . ..,tt. lu... lh I...I..U of l....i....l k ' .,. ..ill, Mercury, .Vc, ile-llti) im ,ull. ir luci-tiblc. uf inilnit, k.s.p III f","Tl' ""' miiiilh u.ttr 1..0..U, litkliii; "en . jurlt, tiu.1 !.- tl '' K" , 10 . re., .1 ul I.U. Vwnr; 'V.'P'iTlV b. vtr .utr .v hl.11 mill ruid IbuliU lo .iU mn 1.1. uui ttitf'. , . , , lokU. U, tlici...r.', I'l ""'"- t " , kt-ll lit .l.-.ei I I.u . UlluUbl. bceltft V, HUI Horn bU .i.Ut M,4 oli.elVitl ii " lint L'r.-.ii ll.tM' ul tuios),ua Ibo llr.l In 11,1. "ttuitlr;, vu I r'.iml.iel, I r. iiu,, 'lnl.i.b l hl-i i.,l el.mliti''. I it.tbk-4 I" "ll" " " lulu fty nl It. teiitel, IU Um "oiU ruf .11 a -aek itii.i' Ml. JollNiifuN, tirrM'K, NO. T, . Utr.HUlK K BTHKKT, Un tia..i., U. I. I ... I.-...I . 1. 1., uu nu r.illl II41111IIK . i". ,r. i,.,, ib t....."'. f4uu4 10 0uivUu4.u uii.l iiuiniHr. I . U-Ut-lk rte lt.l Unit. . ...J t'..l,lalilkll II 4lhtlU U U a I.U III i,k iUlk b"Uiall ni, ul t i'4 it 'Hi.i 1.......T 1 .1.. ..I,,,, a .lil.M,.lu. bt tu Muf rint it"i.i"" ' - U .... 1.1... Ii., t.i.4,... lltlllllllrf IU. " , I'lu.i. Ui... Iilili'i iUiiel bu I ...11 11 I ..I U Uu unl iluualtl) l4ll tulo lb.- "..l, ' Ibal I'l. Jubu.l . UrnlM H U..l 10 llUI) UIU4. UU4.1IU,4 " l.' ft'"'' ' lu I L.I L. l.ttulU. ut lil-l"Ut- .) b4U M bl ulUllt Ibti Ul u lliwliU IUI.4 l ibl I uttut, t .lot t.i, .ul lb UUU..I..4 im- r.H.ut ulk''4l lllum.. .lw I b I'l. .ItUki-'U, ll.t4 1-1 lb Itlt. bl.l.l'l U lb II.. ui M..U) ulb.1 ll. h'.'.t fl hi..' L.i. .j -.it4 w.i4 .t-4 .,..uU.m lb (ul ., Ull- bl 4u,'u . txH iblU'l.l U4 . U. Ml, 1 .lU U"l u4lt.lM lU ,k 1M..II- '' 4- !' ' I I II. I'l - l m ' r. .v.nTt c L'prnf r u itiscrrM-. ?' SATURDAY M011N1XG, DEqEMBKK 1C, 1871. J FORTY YEIRH AGO TI.Iiv J ,v nin rollott-Ini; pretty poem Is copied from tho y'"" HtfCAii, npcouipnnyiui; an Illustration, which (ells a story of eoiitcntmcut under tho 'Hist humble clreiiniMtinecs. It Is n picture of '"Sly life, In which linmnn love and gratitude to Whltlily for tbo smallest blessing. rc bcnAtrtyiy bleudid. A poor old couple nro sent- v.i i.iwor. uun are nnoni to commence their frugal mealAwhen the old man says : "Ay t but wait, good wife, n minute Llinvo lirt a word to snv ) Do J on know what day to-day h J Mother, 'tis oar wcddlu' diiy "Just as now, we sat nt supper Whiji the guest" had koiic ewnv i Yon s:4 that side, I sat this side, Forty years ngo to-day I 'Tb"n whtt pt litis wc laid together What braro things I meant In .Ir. I Could d renin to-day wjuld tlil us At this tablomo ruid you ? "Retler so. no rtoubi nn,i vet I Sometltne think I ennnoi veu- Ilnd our b'.vs ah. ye! I know, dear) Yes, h'c doetli nil things well. Well, we've had our Joys nnd sorrows Shared onr smiles as wc'.l as tonrs , And the best of all I've bad your Faithful love for forty years I "Poor we've been, but not forsaken Grief we've known, but never shame. 'Father, for tliv endless mercies Still wo bless thy holy name I' " MRS. i.i:viso'.s sii.v TER on How Artifice I'itxishkd Itski.i-. "I am suro she has been exaetlv liko in own datilitor to me," guid Mrs. Lcvin plaintively. "And it isn't n bit kind of you, Jicvison, to reproaclt mc with any thing like noglecleil tluiy." "Jiut why does she never conio into tm parlor, then, like tho other girls V" n.sked tho bald pated pater familiu, with a puz zled air ; "and why is 6he never (it to ju seen "f" Mrs. Levison put her handkerchief to l or eyes. mat s so Iiko a man, i.evi.son I Ai it all the work of this house could go ou ly machinery, and no one to lift a lluger to assist I My own deVf-sirls are liositivelv wearing themselves out with drudgery,, just to keep up appearances and save espouses ; and" Well, well," iuli'i'i'titited Mr. Levison hurriedly ho hated the very of a "scene" "I duo say it's all right. Only you know liarbarii's a pretty girl, and ought to havo an equal cliauco with tho others." "She's no ivlalirn to vou. Levison." said his wile spitefully. ''I'recisely the sail relation ns Angelina and Alice," Mr. Jsvlsou coolly retorted. ,"ii) was mv lirst wile a daughter bv her urst ihisu...:a . .1,,., ,.tv; iuj, eeond wife's daughters by her lirst husband. If there's any dilleienee In thedi-greoof eonsanjiuini ty, I wish you would be good' to ex plain it." Ho took up his lu; and walked away, ra ther glad titan otheiwiso to make good his esenpe. "Well, :trbara, ho said kindly, to a lull, slender, pre; ty irl whom ho eiioouu lei'ed on the stuinvy," "what I bringing up coals njiain ' Thii i.a't the right soil 01 work lor you. cmui." "Tito wirU are a I so busy, papa," sai' 1'i.irbaia, cluetfuiiy. "a;id uiaiiiiua said io stovo needed coals very badly, .nd ' "Then we must hire serc;r.its." broke in Mr. Levism abmpily. ; ' don't want you to be tuned into 11 m1- " ""at'd lie went on his way wj-J 1 counti tiaiuv a eouuteiiai j, ,iill would rrealer 1 t ii .. .... 1 ...... .1.., I',,.,. ii.ttu I,,., iiu 111. 1 i.w. see it ti... ...w ntinovanee, eouiu lie ".'. t ilowu 1110 nca ol" ll.trbara ( leve, of the htairs, vy coal scut lie ul jer side, gasping lor placing her hand Lrealli. ,-ou should have to lift "I'm so sor ,,.,.," said Mrs. l.cvison that heavy lliiloirt you let Alice or An bilkily. "W gio help JA'a-li'd her lip slightly aud made Murbar ,,-eet words and earei-siiig no antiij r.t lier step-iuothcrbut little ; iiiovi'i'tliuv iieen sineero, liaibaia Clevo y,!t liavu leen lliankful for even lliein. K'l! Just completed her dreary round oinest io duties and dressed herself in 11 .tin blue merino, whim Mrs. 1-ovison tit no into U10 room wiiu u run "i , " - r liatiil r iiiiiiti. . . , .., . , "So inconvenient," sho said with a sigh. "1'illia is si. anxious to Have Ills new minis lluished and douo before ho goes to l'liila dtlphia, and " . "(iiveihein to 1110," said Larbara. "I daro say 1 can I'uiish them this atternoon, if I win k hard." "lint Mr. J-.sloy mi J,lsl eaiieu. i sure. Auaiu iti'l .Mice urn in the parlor und tan eiiterlnin Inn, it -" liarbara' cheek bad ivddelied slightly. "Did ho inquire for me." , "l-'or lhe youuj! ladies," said Mrs. Levi son, pur-lug up her lip ahnnsl Impercepti bly. "Of course, if you w't ,,u very much , . , ... ilaibaia sal down to tho work table with out number wold of iviiioii.Ualue. "I d ue ay Alice nun .n;;ii' "i" vit 'tm . . I.ini )io kuid iiuietlv. "And ufii-r all rapa' UiuJ"" tomf, I khould bo very .."'ly I" ,ll,u l'ult ""' kl,vl", which 1 tan render." "I am mile ;'i iiilud.' U quite Inula- lie. deal," nnd Mi. Uvi.-d Vi l while Ilaibaia I U'Vo kewed lllly itu.lho wmk pr.";it i'i nlin.i.l like inujjio iH ii. alh h. r kwid Uug.-r., In r mind wa d.twn l-t lhe parl-r, w.ind. iiiu Mr. ... ..... .11.1 ul,, ili.e A 11 ' In .'.i u i kiMlii, lU. wiii iotr would Ihink lo Ml i u;"y ' I w.'il ; , ., . ., ...... I . . . , ii.4lb.u.i. had i"',""' r 'v vi,. Z 1 II. I keill III 1 -- . , I .1 . , 1 : . lg ,IU .Kf.,,uiid ttthou-n. oil,- 1 . ..I ... II ul UllU ll llak III r in UU ' 1. , ",ri:'':'::.;!tr ",..." 1 ,. ... . 1 11' b... .....,.I I, ..... 1,. 'iml klUill4lll ."."..'--- ( .nr. . Hi;. 1 m - i , i 1 llt lit IlltltlU I lt. l' " Ull II. I"! ' . . I . . . ...I....... 1... 1.. Iu,..y.-ii. I III, lu , VUl iii.ii .- -- I Mw lt., .4iluuUil) lull tvkiuit b..k -.hi' U ktto .h. lo tiuikh i '" .i.l, ., IUiUim du I laiu l"l tt.itiiM'.i Mr. I til hi Hp. '" hn.ily r..-lv ad 1I. .1 I.u .iil.l b -I i4ii, litiublu luiithtll lo liiquuo ..if Mi Cl u 1 . ,i....-h ul iL IIih i4 llou... ..1. . . .. . ....... I ..I1. . I.anu It.., Iktll lltniu." led Ut Mill u. l'll l.' 4l H'i. ' lt"U"l " a wwmm 9mmm iiniiiMmm, n T "in HU'Ll.1" "' AIEKTCAI. : 4'Clinrnicd !', nl.,: -JirXjirctty white, hnnds crusliiiiflv. b nud if you will bo cood CIlOllL'll Irt nnn. vet Mjinvitation for mo to Miss Clove, ns weU-rSridded Mr. Esleyaomewhat em b.trraBspA.. ; "Oh, ortourne,'' said the two fair dnru ols. , ' . s I wouTilA't stty HmlhiiijJ about it to iJiii-brtra, ilrltL'r said Mrs. Ixivisoii, when AngHii told hr of tho invitation they had received. "Stur-fina n,, it, i, and n Tier those 4 wo new taiktan dresses, I would as toon face a hungry lion ns risk your papa for tiny more money." "JUmI.Ics,'- said Miss Alice, "who wnnis Iiurbar.i CInvo talroillf;', us about wherever wo go ? It's enough to ;uaku ouo think of a .youiiej lauies' boardiug-Bchool out for a walk I'' "Ves," added Angle, "and nfternll, it's only pulling high notions in hor head, for ol course slm never cxtiecls lo many a Ken tleinaii like Mr. Kslcv And so poor Jiarbnra never got her Invi tation. All llio ovening, while Angio and Alice sat in their opera hats ti iiumed with wreath ! rciicli ilaisl. i,i c.,.5i. i.t... J"" listening ciitraiicfal to '' -'"" 't tlio now pi hint to. ...... ii.uoara was sewing in tho old disused nursery at home, tho tears fa'ling ever nnd nnon upon the end- toou m:;iuiB OI IUT WOI K "Atnllevpnts," thought sho to herself, ho has shown mo plainly enough that ho doesn't care for me. So she met him on the stairs tho next day, by the merest accident in tho world ; a cold little bow was all tho answer she vouchsafed to his eaier freeliti". "I !upe your cold is better," ho said. "Thank you," sho answered frigidly ; "it is very well." " J "You don't know what you missed by not going with us last, night"," ho went on, and Barbara's cheek colored hotly, at what she. detuned un unnecessary insult. "I do not regret it in llio Irimi," lic said, nnd passed on, while Alice Mordaunl, jvho had beeu slauding by with a throb- tliaukluln.'.,s,!!'.v1 a ?1,,',l,inlUo11 of ed betraynl. ,,;r "l'hcity had cseap- "Dear liarbara is so odd 1 cni , ... an apologetic, smile, as oiw ooikIuJ, Vi J Ksley into the parlor. "1 should think so," said Mr. Eslcy, shrugging his shoulders. Yet in spile nf nil t'neso apparent rebufi's, there came u card to Miss Clove, tho next week, for Miss Fernanda Kslcy's ihjuenur tbisuiit, iKiuly euclosed with those for the Misses Mordaunl.. "JIow provoking!" said Angela. "Of course, wo can't all go, for papa won't give us new dresses. I'm so gurry now I hail that silk dress nt Christmas. "llnsh sh-sh I" said Mrs. Levison, skill fully slipping JJui'bara's card into her pock et. "Of course, it's quite out of llio ques tion for you all to go. Mrs. Ksley certain ly shown the most attention to Alice, nnd Alice must bo tho ono to go. Papa won't grudgo a new dress when tho dear child's future establishment in life is at slake.' Alice's face brightened, while Angela's fell accordingly. "And me V" she said dolorously. i in ui um tu.u 11, .ut, uear. If Alice marries well, sho can assist you very materially." "I'a pa hasn't got tho inonny to dress a j whole regbnent said Mrs. Levison sharp ly. "Harbaia nerd i know that she fins fi..t .1 citl-'l at all." Miss Alioo Mordaunt wont to the 7i:,7t'. tici- in a drs of silver grecu'ernpc, ii,l'" up with t.'ols of wiirf grassva, over a lovely greon-nee silk, nn' when Mr. Ksley eager fyiiquiivd al'tee ncr sisters, sho answered ofty: . I J)ear I.arnar is quite iU-ver-and An- ma i.-irs 11 w 11 im Staying t(J ,. , ... e l! WOll tl MlllS t in Clir ' " '.'t" "' 5-l.1V Xnd her part, uut liars sei.i... . 1 3 ... .'.., .....lii.i, -n ml sho llatleved her mm 1 " that sho bad manoeuvred splendidly. Mr. , Ksley looked disappointed but, said nothing j more. To him the pleasures of tho evening was gone, and not even Alice's honeyed smiles could make up for the grave eyes and sofi slow words of the absent Larbara. Why does she avoid ine so V' bo though!. 'Can it be that she actually dislikes me 1" If I thought so' . And hero a fresh stream of new arrivals iibrunllv cheeked tho current of Ksley's meditations. Twice during the ?,,Yi(irr Mr. Ksley waltzed with Miss M'.rdaupt. and he took her down to the rein slimeni nn.iii , inn, for ull that sho did not feel that il had bfen a specially successful campaign. Mr. Ksley strolled out fur 1111 early wa.U of llioso Strang". sudden freaks which nro but a pari ot I li pid's machinery for protecting his own 111-terests-iind just at. tho turn ol the hired hornet liarbara Clove, with it basket on lier arm, a scarlet shawl draped anMioal.y about her shoulders, and cheeks as pmk as anv azalea. lie stopped slim t. Mha Cleve; I lliouglll you nun in- .j- .Ku'lnnyh anlmpresshm into yoiii; head 1 ' asked Uirta c.,vu u-rty. . " ' 1 .. h viii should havo taken lhe trouble to inquire after me at all,' j retorted Ilaibaia. . Why hhou'.d I not V . . ' 'liec iiiso yu hi nt mo no invitation. 1 'liul 1 did h.-ud you an inviialion.' JS.ub.i,.l opi u-d wido herahuolld-hliavi'd ! I'J'vs. 'I no vt-r neei ved il, Mr. KlfV.' 'Would you h'tvo eoino if you had rueiv ed it V ... j .uu null'.."... ;- - 11 1 Ci itaiuly, I hlioui.l.' 'll.nbar.1 -1 have aluioht a mind lo aik you iinolher qui. lion,' lagan Ihit iliqii iu i,U iov. r, i-ueolll Mg. d by ..liielhlll.4 IU the I i)0 Ulid Voice ol Hie Jt.Ull,; gill wn 1 b. f lie him- I '.k il ihni.' 'Vou'y dou'l dikhk mo I ' is;... l,,o I havo miiuclliiu-s faucifd thai 1 .li.i M.tii 111 lo loll IMtll.llH ml ,wtlv,i, rummt'ii hw liaubut win, ior- ' ,,;,,',,l,:,lu,w'"' It . .". , .. , .llo.ll.l I'""." 1 , " . 1 .. , w ,ruy ,,diy I havo .mi -. 1 ... l. I ...ik ..I:,l'l-V 111.1 II I 111 111 ; Me.. . ...f i:..t..r... 1. ,1,... u-iio i.iHlllltlV ". - ,. .. i ,u" i i I I I I I.l ... J j-vi' III' 1 I'l r 1. .I......I.,. . I.l. -I .1.11 ibliubler l 'll.o lll.l Hill. UU J iiiiut-r ?ii. , rirni i.wt-i ,. , . , ' Ainu Au.'.U vio lni"l o.itli-iiUil Millt Um ny ht.tol1.l41y i '! 1.. ... .1.1 A It .Id. i.u.liiiM l''1"-! I' ',, .. . . .. . 1 .. 1... I- ....I ..I' ill., I. V. " 1 h"ll , I"" u" " , "" I t... Mill Uluh-tmii lllll.nli.iiui, ib ill ' il.a ,.i4i l.ii.4li.a.. loiiliutd ; ."'. I'l"'- I Muy 'b"il ladt. ktvp tin irrii.; wue New Merles, Vol. Old Scilea, Vol. 82, So. 4. KusrfH;;KC6:s. V1 if TKOIULE IW TIIK PAItlfijtl. Rcnxino to TnK MixifiTKti : A Tnof- llLi:SOME l'AIUsnMNEtl ASKS ADVIOK Your long lettrr eight closely written pages, and some of them crossed I havo read twice over, every word, and some of it three, times. Had you given mo your address, so that a private letter would reach you, I would havo answered by mail lint ns vrm nwlf n nintit riii..i: ... , 1 "it is a matter of conscience! about, which I wikli In friiiutill. vim -..ii .....i. . sary to reply iu this way. And ns your "caso" is typical ami cxcecilind y common it may be useful to make the answer imbl lie. 1 havo seen ami heard of so n'ativ persons nuo you, tliaf vou seem lil.P nn .,1,1 aequaintunee. You say: :t. ,r,.,.l,l r....'. ...... 1. ., I - -, i- ...nit ii.-,i:i run ei imntlon or , some. Is rnv inorillnnt.t Inn. r...- - It 1 has been u'rowiu ' . V;','''""l this U mv difvii''', -;7'W '" !,r-v l'aM"r 'verv- I .i.,t; 01 inc icavi. inierest In tin- ciiurc'i lili experience of what I re.ul, all the link. e,,ri.; plc.isuivs or nnjthlnir wiiicli has the lcn,t con' ncct ion with our religious liiu." You then tell mo of trouble which this has occasioned. You are very severe in your criticisms upon those who dislika your habits, and you exhibit in your letter a vast amount of self-consciousness, an en tire absence of Christian humility, great censoriousness. a strong desire to seek nd vieo with a self-will that assures mo you do lint, eare for advice and will not tako it by whomsoever given. Your habit of running to your "pastor with everything of the least interest in the church," makes troublu m t!,e jmrixh. Is that too severe ? Let us look nt it a mo ment. If you may "run to J.iiu" Wilh ,t,y niiiu Millie, tuners may. 11 you o"(dit to do it. tliev otiL'ht to do it. It is not your duty niorc thau others. And if , iiiu ii.iuii, uuciMiies gcurrni, wnnt is tlio nil- 1 hnnnv tvistcr In dn wilh Mn.dnlflt 1 1 i... I duties in his study, his church; his family ! lisvt'rV es"V hi ho"''.'' r!" nn0rl,Xr- parish, and to tho world. When is ho ' cenfort. the niMJ lhe wishes ofaoothL'0 lo perform them, if you and tho rest, or Wb own, lor iu'ivo ,Vr 7' u.,,tl'or t( y."". ""b". "i'e always "running'' to him : isgiving. nmf not receiving. is fiVA If you ;y,,,!ng of tlio least interest V" sheet of blotting paper or a sponge, suck er time Bh.niiX'rc'ii'liJ r" (,f llip value ,'hig in everything to itself; it is an out his. IfyouarMivoinan;ViV,:J;,i7:n?in- ('b,11;llli". from itself, pro ie. should movent IVom'Zirhr. p'rico by wlmt.never can be done in any civiliw7 the loveliest, tho fairest ho" J . 'est of community wnhout givi..2 just oceas',,,, . lovers thrt ever trod tins mo.rorS.of il!kiiir (tint fi-tin! U'Vifittt it i 1..,,.,... I .1 a t . ii . . " i i .. . ; . ' "- ' I- .tyui 1 vfiu mr mttwi; tn 'ttl I llClllll'S. J'ou j ask me "to pray that" you "niay lavo j ciiauiy lor inoso who oppose" you 1 re-, spectlully deelino lo do any stv:h praying for you. If I pray at all in rtioronoc to tho matter, it will bo that you may give them no further occasion to be obliged to stretch tho mantle of charity in order to cover you. I am on the side of those who "oppose" you. They nro rfcht, you are wrong. Vou have been doing wrong a very long time. If no ono has had ibe frankness and candor to tell you so, it was well that you came to mo for iidviei-'on "a case of con "tieiiee," so that yti should get this plain loiter, which will do you ijhuJ, il'yoii are "Ui'tl ! Iie.'iil.' jit any church, if a in;ln ora woman gets into tho hal'it whieV .......00,. viiors, it. makes troulilo Always. If such a 'nm" as you make is .-eouraged by tho pastor, other tir grieved and olleiiJed. It i;j ....ueiy sul.'inilted to us an ipryj'-." , it grows worse and r M' t'"' J'i"'wy becomes lier,. .ii.i.-i, uiiiuippy conse .. Mollowed. The disruption of 'I '"".?, Ilmmm .1!,,,, !.,.. .....I .,(,,, "1 .f I't-iuvii'il 't (tini.l'i 4I1I I'l W- pie, if husband and wife, have been negt sinned by just, tho praeli.- rt-" "um so fond of' l.tcgation. " If you were in my parish, I would serve J .... I I """' - ".,, -,,'. .vlcVc I was 11, .iiiii- pas tor some years it 20. lie loveu nun no 01- ten said so. and 1 have 110 doubt of it) so ! much so lhat he made it a point and pleas- I uro to come to see mo daily in the mi.l-t ot my hours and t, 11 mo evorylhhw of "llio least interest." especially the (i(.-; all thu little g.-ssip that washing on; how this old woman liked or d.sP.Unl the ser mon, and lhe r.Miiuil; Mr Carver made, n.ul what Mr. ll'iVeo faid, nnd lhe trout'le ' . . , .. 1 ,1. that was brewiii'i iii the choir, and ud that and inure, till I toi.i'.ly h li rmi.ied lhat he or 1 must quit thai place. 1 went lo W . 15. Leonard, Ksq., lhe agent of a great muiiufucturimr establishment tin re, and said to him, "I'mi K' t a call for that man logo somewhere 1 isn, or I 111 i,.a j one fur myscll." lie t. insiaiu- ; ly. In Um than a monlh, the man c.iiio lo tell inu lhat ho had lvc ived un olU r lo to a distant .laee. w here his income would be largely inci cased and bis poMiimi much improved ; he said bis oinv I'rct was pariing wilh his dear pas.or, mil uuij to his family required him t in ii.e l ie aeriliee. I coin. id. d wall bun 111 ""'! iqiiu'n 11, and ho weld. I reiitft.ncd, great- 1 iv relit vcd. I Vr l-b, l:,;;aw1:y:n.l U .VU ; ,t fei him -elf annoy - ed by y-ur luHut. 1" may im; ... ibo worse tor lum and yu. 11 "i""."". ... nml lusllv eivrs ulleiiee to 1 tilleiiee i 111111 , iuiui'es you, liiiir. s nun ; an 1 i. u." " ' 1', c'.m.Hly -'. fhri-l's ..i! ii ou J you. Ami lhat is the k.-y t al! lhe nis-1 l.-ii. n of your opi lienee i'.iil wliiihyou uit.h to consult me. j Your bt M liiii ' .in l eg ilisiit. In a inodiii. d form lhe viio In iy he called fl. enliit. ioiiv.u , or an opinion lb it vou are i, r't'UKidi Table importance lhat wlelllod tl.Mik ul tlio l''i'. llial """' "r "l 1 ten or ll, il in.a-'de. i. "f luU-n.-1. "' "'J';1''. Vnl w-iidt" make y.'UiM ll nu, tube couv.ilud and ivlerre.1 to, und to halt. vimr own w.y ; 'i'"i U' 1 li"?' ,"" I";,' 1 l,.u4 l.U' v.-ry l.iio.l-le and p.-iMtly wib- ii, . thai i.lh'l hli'.l 1V1 jU'l u ih.y, but nil the lime y.'U are klnvilU I" i t tirry lour p..iui. und am uil .au 11 I11I. Yu-i ihilyoor "i.'i v 1 liuli i. l..rdliti.iel-.v.' "Imr j t -r. " l h..l 1. a ! kin lh-.u-h you did 11 iho.k . win n ym ,.i,li. d it. ibil li " 1 'urgi.m.kl kill No '. It i''.e l"le " .'U. " , ., . . . I ... I .1 . - . . ... . 1 . . . . 1 1 .11.,. I..II.IV SUM li.HO . 1 11 1 i ..... . S ,1 ,1 1. .. ..I,w itr.-d t our In .1- - 1 lliwniiil'ini - I ul i.titii, nud mill i i.iiit'.ui . uu y..ii ' ll.o iiul a. Inu. nt 4ii l V Ihul I I n. U 1I1 II) III lu I '.-d vou 1 ibal my 1. 11. r u um iiiiii-i'i. umt I uiij.ll l i I hkhU'itd '"e ' lo ui, i.ilin'l liiquiii l' bfur liulli ttltd dulV. ll l"ll It'll f.ltlVf III) tlli.l. lli.u I am hum .1 U u.4 ti'i. Hut Hi.' vui Ul U"it Um " .l U.IIU Uht'l , t.ii"Ub,t'. l'U-r- 1. i.i'.'b ibly ,i..l loi""" U-ii.4 '" Ituiih vl,.l.nU..i.U- hi. Kr l,.ri..i,i. I ., ...i i.r .". I . ."l''.ui U.i.rf '.ibiiibd. t'.it.utf, iiiiu.1"'. wiUud uu I.l h. II i;.i..., Ut 11 I ll I .1.1.. ."l. I ' - 1 00 W ord, rnaae-i--. n V 'l tnee 8.00. Mf 4.60; 8.00, 0.00 la.iiu ao'oi. Four Five " Eit Tr,i no's Thrco bix Nine " One Tear 3.80! 4.60i 8.60! 0.0ii'lO.0015.00.9 6'l ;2.75i 6.(Ki; 6.501 7.00 12.00 17.00'sM Oil iD.Ou; 6.70! 7.60; 8.0H 13.00 18.0(, .J7 6,i ;.!! T.oOj 8.50, W.00 lS.HO'UO.OOiw.O'i ;ll..Vr (J.IKIi 9.60!10.00 '.'0.0!l W.00 40.0P .oo! 10.011 10.Ot: lU.00 13.00 SD.00 4o.lK) 75.CO i8.lKl lli.Oli.15.00 Ko.ooiio.oo;oo.t0i $100 grow together in tho garden or social aud uomeniic life; than to t ndanster love's har vest. Jut you pressed the duty upon me ; ana it I havo discharged it witii a seeming seventy, it is from no ll--ill, I would do you good. Your easo 'j desperate, and re quires prompt medical treatment. 1 ho twseiiption to bo followed, after taking this letter whole, is 1. Tinl nt,. stincnco from running nfter anv man with your troubles. 2. Do not inilict your ex periences or your views upon your friends. i. Conline yourself I. domestic, social nnd religions. 4. .Seek to bo useful to tho sick; and the poor, whom i . "( !'T,('ct lf y"u ft" do this R,t that UO otic Klmll knmv .1,, It ...:n I ? c ofl(:-'t " 0Urr,l'H' Tho best ! ' wlull('s,"c exercises for a deceased 1 ,' ,s U K n,,out ecrc(ly doing good, ! ,l'"u.'i about it, or nro found out, tho . tl " '? s" K'x. inx tlieso lttn-oHi- cuts with ono hour's r tu IllP.llllllli,,.. daily, slit; '; !' lv"tii earnest prayer al--.... and lake t. in wlii,. in ' ..VT..1 Ittrti,! tears, nnd you will soon ho wel'l. -'vr:Ai).Si.;i.FlsiiNKSfi.-n,-,rrietWl. Mowe, in i.illk nml W , iio Tv l'" ! J'wruthruny ponrays tho love o a y ery largo class ol people : ! h,Mil"', w'eu suppose they lovo their I o. l1!'" S- V1":" "'"-'rlimalely, they havo ! Let noT " i(U'!l "1,llt I , i l?,,la"! H: tn, J-"". 'y "I"" lady : be , ctu. Pbv '!,I,n!rt' l'.v 1 man, loving to ! in an l7iln- lov,in- to bu trfMd bv a woman" lu,s ni'iwJ Ti "1'V be w,,eu coaxed, and .1, ?, ... .! "8. ,a; t ''A"3 "o Mllll hn M wuli cream ...... ,v it 1-111 corner. Jitit nil this is not, love. bo if ... . . . sure. W, , , , ' "IJ exist to docs, liul it nnV- ' li ,N 1"fvo- ,il generally no iv-,v. ,;. , j "nero mere is -ill,.., . ::-: n. l.t'li-", ' r.:u-bue- .1:1 icuijiuun uK'.t ad ruiu : "it is more bhsu,., 1 i ;. ,i, 1.. . . in lov, there are ten receivers to lic elver. inero uro tea persons in tin's world who liKu to lie loved, nnd love, where there is one who knows how to l0v!. Dkimukuly Good. Will rising young poet, iu an editorial poem, thus tells how a farmer touk a yongster of hi to a printing ofl.'ee to bo made into an editor, tu ing (it ,,r notlung else. 'ri.. l 1 ,,r (III.... ;.. 1.; 1 iAt. 1 ,.1 I . 7,t1, 111 ",0 n.iiiuiuui, llllll iuun- cd the oid man 111 ilm . '. 'j'heii gianeeir lit. X.'ic gruimng youn;: 1,, 1,1,. ful. and mournfullv mado his reply : j "Is your son a small' unbound tdition of Mosi s and .Sohimon bi'ili f i t ;i), I... , tiiii:.,!.s llitttlirit tt-il!i n.ri-L-tlpc I niiii:?ii! .1 natural imth f Can he leavi- nil .- if titure, 1 .mil earrv lu- I ,.i s work in a .. ! lU'oVsiXi ciu'e 11 . - ! a "'C'an be courteously .V,';.- 1 . -.1 . V " fcV. l an lie keen tliires in aiitile-niu order. and do hall-a-dn.eti at, oiiee 't. Can ho press all the springs of knowledge with a quick and reliable touch And be suro that he knows how much to know, and knows how to not know much V lies ho know how to stir u;i his virtue, and put a e'.ieek-rein on his pride V Can ho carry a ti.tilleman's manners within a rhin.ieeri s' bide V Cm he know all, and do all, and bo all, wiih cheerfulness, courasio nud vim ? 1 f so, we perhaps can bo making an edi tor outen o' lii.n." Tho fanner stood curiously listening, while wonder his visage o' erspread ; And he s:iid, dim, 1 guess we'll bo goin": bu's probably out of his htad." Si m Toi u. ik a Lv.u Mayou's Tat. r.MTs. Kuia .lamis tlio Second, pissing .,.,..,1. i:(:R.t,vr. it was resolved that M:iym. b,ui complim.-nt him on h'.s j,' .'b-ippeiivil that this hi. -f ma -strati- ,.,.'', y Mupid, which is looked upon as ..f tU-m. itl Kn-l.tnd. . , ., nnpoiuted to attend . jt (.H um, v.-i,,fcjta.,. wl:vi bo was lo s . ,., lhl, killJi when they camo int.. i,-., ,.,, ,,-- presence, tho clerk, desiring tl" l ll0 ",nr;l;..o the inaynf, whispered Hi his . .,r- 1 ;,,,, .t ,t(l , W- 1,7. c a man.. did the mayor l.awi 10 1110 kii.k I'l,,. 1 1,-i-k indiiiiiklKi'. wispered 'What tho devil do you liaail V The mayor bawled out ' H7iii I't' dri7 1'" ''" "i in, ' The cl. ik. veatin0' with fear and vexa- fioti whispered - !y hea veil ! yu will rum u all I" 'ine mayor iniiliedial. I.V Ii sati(d .' f,, i'.,i, "'i'' '''"" """' oil ! y..'i b'uii.hidin I'lipl), 1 3'0U l.a I never couie h.-n- 1' 'l he mij'"" hawled -- (,.',.' ,,, l,',. I, , ; 11'iVJ' I u'"h ")u ,,, ,., .', ,-....... 1 . k .'' 'Ibe e'. ik, mi Ibis, linnir.' took lo ,ii be.l. and lhe nnl-l' lollowid 1 .11 .11 ; 1 in- kin ;n a 1 ''l l'1 "' 1 '"',u '' lb. u.;li li"l without We ..nvn i'i f '! " "'! . .1 ... : Ll.., . - , t .. nn. t d 'to i l it 1 I-,.- I1..11. iy 11 1 ho .. I' ". , ll 11 .'- olll. 'I l,c llllli I don I. ..IU..O 1.1. ' ,.'" Li u ii.r t. ll hi". -' " ""' ,Miiiiln.ll nod .t.:l! .. .1 U-w milii.te. ,,,.,1,1.. n I' ..v.. i!...Mn-rl..t. I.,, , 111. ... ...o lol. . .LU , . .'I. aud iU- u,,,.rl.,:1t.. led ib.'V. "lolU'l." ." J,....l. '. "bv -bl I ""' " H-t. J"ur ; -l, lid wa.h it." h .lJJ. buy. " W ,l,. youli'l Hi. U. h.i,. , ,i,. if 11 1 I. 4 "') '"' V1 "'ul', 114, h!' .. bitiii t..i.. hi""" fl'iy. , . 1 .. . 1 . . 1 . l'..l to,! ) ill l tllgllt) it i.u"-' '"" ii i il . ii r 1 ' "'4' .1 .- I IU , j I ul. Uilb. r Hill," In '..1, 11 )" I' . iC I. . .1 . 1.1." I lll.l )..l.l.lllj llll'll "d.t ..'. Il""l ' '- ''"' l"- "M""4 l.u,i" V" 'I 1 . 1 .1. .1 i-ol.k-lk n.'Uft lii'ike il'i 4 .1. . 1 .i-l .... ...... I; .0 ... 1..-I I ltd ,M. . ---- I, 'J. W.M 'I ' ill . lU U.. -I I'lMlH.M I" ! lf In, 11 I l-t l U l, bun, f' a, l i . tl I . Ll U. ,,l I.l' I.l I' 1 1 ..., hi. I U I .-I H- l , . . . I I ... I I. , . l M - - i.l i l It. .1 1 4 it.