fiHscc!litnccn0. Iscclbncous. tumorous. 7U iUafiUancojiS. You Hoar Anybody Say Any. tlilngr About Me? Onco at a "commencement ball," given by the members of the senior clnss or IMrl mouth, two of the clnss made tlicir appear ance so intoxicated thatit became necessary for the flour managers to insist upon their retiring from the room. Une 01 mem Knew enough to get out nnd Roliomc. The other, John Buck, nfter rcelintr nbout for some time, found himself iu tho Indies' dressing room, where ho n Hemmed to lie down on a tofti, but fell llat on the flour, where be lny too much ciiscouragea to get up or care where ho was. Soon after ho rolled under the sofa, and Immediately was fust nslecp. However, lie was not destined to rest in . pence, for, Bliortly after, ho was awakened Ly tlto entrance of two young Indies, en raged in earnest conversation, who sat down on the sofa under which o ur friend was lying. Alter talking a little while on various subjects, one said to the oilier : 'Did you hear any ouo say anything aoout me r" "Yes, I heard quite a number nay that you were the best dancer in the hull. Hut did you bear nuy one say auything nbout mo V" "Yes they all said you were the prettiest young lady hero to-night." Xow John wns awaked by this earnest conversation, nnd began to share (he in terest felt by the young Indies. Poking out his head from between their feet, he thus delivered himself: 'D-d-did you h-h-henr (hie) anybody e-s-sny anything b-b-bout me " The shrieks of the afl'nghted damsels was their only response, ns they (led in dismay to the ball room, anil John's question re mained unanswered. Xekded Well Watekixu. A certain widow was one dny in spring seen by the clerk cf her parihh crossing I he church yard with a watering pot nnd a bundle. "Ah, Mistress jlactavisli." said (he olerk. "what' yer business, wi' sic like gear as that y'atc enrryin' V" "Ah, well, Mr. Mactnchlnn," replied the widow, ''I'm just goin' to my guile man's grave. I've got some hav seeds in my bundle, the which I'm goin' to sow upon it ; aud the water in the can is just to gi'e 'em a spring like I" "The seeds winuii wnntlho watering," rejoined the clerk ; "they'll spring linely o'llioivi selves. " "That may well be," rejoined the widow; "but ye dinna ken that niygudeman, nshe be lay a-dieing, just got 1110 to make a pro mise that I'd never agin marry tiil the grass had grown nboon his grave. And, ns I've had a good oiler made nie but yestreen, ye sec, J dinna like to break my promise, or to be kept a lone widow, as ye see ine !" The minister's nid-do-camp looked on the widow indeed with a mirthful expres sion. "Water liim well, widow," said the cl;rk ; "Mmitruush nie vts tlivittlt: " Something of the same nature occurred nearer home quite recently ; a certain good wife who had been lecturing her husband for coming homo intoxicated became in censed at his indillerenco nnd exclaimed : "Oh, that I could wring tears of anguish from your eyes." To which tho hardened wretch hic coughed, "Tai-'taint no use, old woman, toboborc for water here !" A Frontier Hotel. A Missouri cor respondent is kind enough tocanimi.iiicate the following experience of a couple of travelers in Kansas, who were looking for good farming land, who were compelled one night to sleep at a farm-house in a sparsely settled district. The edilice con tained but one room, and the accommoda tions might accurately be described as not luxurious. When bedtime approached a piece of blanket was hungry across the room. The travelers took their part of the apartment, and darkness and silence soon ivigucd throughout the dwelling. It Unit the chickens, for want of a bef.T place, roosted on the Hour barrel; and when it was supposed that sleep bad overcome the guests the good wife thus nJdiessed her liege lord I "I say, John, if you are going to keep a hotr!, you must make dillerciit arrange ments." hy, Sarah Jane ?'' softly inquired the I ttrowsy Husband. "JJecanse I'm not going to get up in this fix, to turn the tails of them chickens !" Ax Irishman one morning went out very eiirly in search of some game on an estate where tho game laws were strictly enforc ed. Turning a sharp corner, whom did lie niout but the gentleman who owned the estate. I'addy, seeing the game was up, coolly advanced toward the gentleman und said : "The top of the morning your honor, nnd what brought your honor out so early this morning V The gentleman re plied by saying, "Indeed, I'addy, I just strolled out to see if I could find "an appe tite for my breakfast;" and then eyeing I'addy ratluT suspiciously, said, "and now, I'addy, what brought you out so early this morning V" I'addy replied, "Iudade, your honor, I just strolled out to see if 1 could llnd a breakfast for my appetite." A I.otrisviLi.i: paper contains this dia logue : "llello, dar, you nigger, what you axe for dal ole blind mule, In y ?" "Will, I duiino ; giie I inoiit take thirty-live." "'i'hirty-livo dollars 1 I'll gib you five." "Wed, you mny hah 'im ; I won't stand on thirty dollar - in u mule trade." Mo-T Tiikiie.- It isan old anecdote, but a coimI one which declare that a sou of Klin' lle, rut, wandering uloiig one of the roiu I H (I Coliliet'tiitit.aiid met ting there a inoht p i i .ii-i ami soli-tun resident of that IthMtity, al,''d Mm, "An' plaze yer honor, . ill o be s I kind as, to tell Ion v. In ro thin r ad I'm wulkiii' in laden toy wu un-swcii-il iii ii.-li ImtiiIu lulus, "It li-ails. to II I'f" and Kiiu ivtilii d, "i'aix, an' by Dm look of the c. unitary and it inhabi tant 1 do ho tbil.Ulll'-! Till lleb'. there." A I.AIV wiilento know if it U proper that 1, if it U !a.lhke- in relali.tlu by u 'tlnXi b k k win ii 14 mail saiui-i .r hi r baud. Mr. IMitor alikwcia : "Wi ll, )iU iniht bijil'.'iu tills)', Jllil l liollli to I, I him k !! . MC that V"ll lilt) led diapi'iM it to be 11,1 all ub. ul il, but ttoit'l mi ii r aiinl and ask bun Ihj.v 1-. lli'il for l.i.ii r' it hu Illicit tbllik j mi t ... ii I. Tiic ..ii. r i f a iM oiiiosice bad i'.. i ' u iiimi l y ilwhistii una auipris .l i i . . i 4 mi. it i . il .iu kt.i 1 1- u to bud tl.Mll' d null alllli.llllg by tie .. . llic Iruk, lb. i lilal of vtliilll t li cit n J, "I m .ur d4lldt.,, '1 l.t y WHO :i it: li d III. II. llUll' ,4 it jimmI ouo ou "laliir bilr :" Did 'l l. I lili II UO 4"Ui Ul III).! noli (llltl 4jS, ' I b U tilt 1.. bll,. I, Oil) slllll." A lid "iw . "lb l'4J till il i4l I. r . l... , i ii 40 I HII UilU fll ll.u hint! .!.,; l.r 1 1. i l.tlu nop 1. 1 kmiic tip." "I'slt l," Mid tluj itititi 1 )..U d ill t kin.w u. i) 11 it,,; kl. uttlt. I ;.. d 4 ! i'i II. u uil.i r tia), ami Hm I't.l sttlu l'4iiiJ mil Ui I . 1 1 ttU'i I. a 4 j'Uti ltitM.4 Mil )Mlt4t' " i'UK lUrni'r I'iiu. I 4i lb" .oi) h ui .k m Iki ur ll.UlU li t g4 i . : lit b. r uijo.ii. , mi l V I uu . '. ,i I l li k U i lii ! I Uol tl.4 I. lit tUwwt ''il jf tuittr iMt4 u ik.' FonrniET hiasiok txJiKTKitv COM PANT. Thlt company Is now prepared to tell lots In tho new t!eiiietrry, located on nn eminence about onc-fourtb of a ratio cnt of Snnbury. The in crcHBO of tho population ofSnnhnry, nnd conse quent advance In the ratio of mortality, ns well an the limited facilities for the Interment of those who have fought life's battle, have mitfKostcd the organization of the above named company. l'lnn of Cemetery mny be seen nt the office of J. A. l ake, Ksq., or l.loyd T. liolirbnch. Price of lots from 15 to f 15, according to loca tion. Deeds will be pxeented for lots sold. I.LOYU T. ROUKBAC'II, Bcc'y. Mny 13, 1871.-tf. FARM FOR SALE. rrWlF. undersigned having a larger trnet orinnd .L (over 200 acres) than can be properlv enlll vmcd in ouo farm, larirelv devoted to triieklnir, oilers for imlenbont one 100 acres, cnibracliiptho whole of the old Pcrslng farm, together with a pin t of the Ouldin farm. The natural advantages of tho part offered for sale, arc in all respects equal fnr Hardening pur poses, to tlioso of tho part reserved. Mvown irar- lleniiiR fur the post two seasons has been chiclly dune upon it. There nro mnnv cood fanners In this county barely ranking n living at ordinary (train fa ruling, Who nilglit. grentlv advance their Interests ny giving souio attention to trucking upon a farm so well adapted to tlic business ns theonenow olier- ed, nnd so convenient to one ol the very best mar kets in the ftate. Terms reasonable. For par ticulars inquire of, or address AVIbl.lA.M 1.. M'.MSIT, July 8-tf. Paxlnos, Nortlrd Co., Pa. Merchant Tai !ori ng. J. .11. KSTI XX, in the Post Office Building, opposite the Depot, (upstairs,) sun nun v, tenn'A, Informs ills friends nnd the public generally, that he lins just opened a large nnd uiricd as sortment of C'lolhH, t'liNNimrrrM, VoNtingN, Ac, which will be made up to order In the latest styles, and warranted to tit. (ientlvnieii in want of fashionable suits nro V it eil to call nnd examine, his stock. SHI UTS scicntllically and practically cut nnd mudo measure. RUN NO RISK. We furnish the above style of Improved volo und sack shirt with entirely new shape sleeve, nnd guarantee a perfect tilling shirt. It is the best model of a shu t ever ollered to 1 lie trade. Fine and fancy shirts made to order. .1. M. MiSTIAX. June 3, 1ST1.-C;n BF YOU VANT TO SEE the largest assortment of Millinery Goods ever brought to this place, go to L. C'hinnlmi TiTnuVnf Oi VI ialua: mmu, iiiaiLD siMrrstv, p.i., Where are anaved in all thelnllireicnt varieties Fall PSillincry Goods of every description just brought from Philadel phia and are now open. The new Room just completed Is tilled with nn endless variety. A most magnificent display of (.binds on exhibition, nnd sold at the lowest prices. I.VF.RY JtISI Of CiUUlW usually kept in a Millinery cslablis hiiient can be had at her store. The best in tho Phllidelphia markets were solicited. Give me a call and be convinced. MISS .. SIIISS1.F.R., Septcmlier 23, ls71. Ctcck tk, Watch Repairer. F. TOUT, In rV'V.urt's Rloeli, tliree doors west of the Cen tral Hotel, Murlot fquuiv. SUNUURY, PA., Respectfully Informs the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that lie Is prepared to repair Clocks and Watches 111 nil branches, also Gold and Silver ware of all descriptions. Having had forty years experience in the Im-i-nes in tills countty, lie Hatters himself t hut ho can give general salifac:loa. Ail work guaranteed Custom respect fall)' so llelted. June 17, ISTl.-tf.'SilXi: SEIOP AS1) IItO FOi:.I)lV. G1ZO. KOIIKliACir & SON15, Suitbiirj', Fciiii'ti. INFORM the public that th. v are prepared lo do all kinds of CASTINGS, and having added a :iew Machine Shop in connection with their Foundry, nnd have supplied themselves with New Latins,' Planing mil Hnrlng .Machine.:, with the latent improvements. With the aid of skillful lai elKiuics, they are enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given thein, in a satisfactory man ner. rnH to mtil any Ktove. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build ings, of all sizes. RRAi-tf CASTINGS, Ac. Orna.mer.tnl Jron Fencing Folt GRAVE YARD LOTS VERANDAHS, FOR VAK1W AT RKSIDK.VIT.S, AC, AC. The PLOWS, already celebrated fur their su periority, have been siill farther Improved, und will always lie k pt ou baud. Also, T111U.SIIING MACHINES. Snnbury, May 'Jo, lsri. SADAL1S TlIK INGREDIENTS THAT COMPOSE ROHADAI1S we on every package, there fore it is net a scent p i p.irutiuii, romeipicnlly niYsuiws i i;r.s(uicE it lti a certain cure (or r-'crofala, Syphilis in nil in t'.irins, Itlii'iiuu-li.-ia, bkin llisiiiscs, Liver Coin plaint uud nil diM'asi. ul tlid Rluod. will du inoru gixxl Hutu l"ii boll In of lliu Htru4 of rirup.rillit. THE UNOCHSICiNCO PHYSICIANS .linvb used Rutuiduli. in tin ir practii o fur 1 1 iu p:ot tin. mm und f.n ly liii.du'.u it ua . niialilu Allcrulivtl land lllooj 1'iiiilivr. I tilt. T. '. I'I',,,! Ujltimm. 1 111. T. J 111 i V K I X, I I U II. U f A It It I'll 1 II I A M M Y, ' ;Ml J f: SPAItKk, ol Sulo.l4vi:i., K y .till i I.. M.CiUMIA, (uluuibu, k. 1 . '1'U A. U f.nIU.1 8, J .ljwiilub, X V. iUStD A'.i'DLNDOHGLD by I J. II I III M II Ii DNi, fall Unr, '. w"k:pmi, j,. k.. i, Ufk. ' A I M III I I I 11,1 iu.4, I'lou. II II il I., I Ui.t I UIUA 4 I a, ...i.l..i..,il!, V 'kllll li l.Atlk.S, tiulllt.f IkviU, 'I K UU. n o l . i. ill i.w. !' ul ai.y Ir lr I t.i- II, ..'4tl"M Im ll. it ...I K . . I.l... I ..ii. i. i , li '1.....MII m viii Mia I... i li. I i.t j t.-f i . ai. k I t.y !u 4 14 ll.a II.40...I.I 4.1 di..ttl l.i.l , m4 Iw U.. I4 i Ii y It ... u4 ol U li... I lb..ll Itol.l.tlt fU ,11 i. . i. u, (Ml. l.U l I.UIU A-l..t I n. a t 1 Al.Wl.'l- I ..,., o: D, Wit ) XI, lil l. I'mIuU, till. tt A I 1 1 I. t-.k ol In fm Mi'ii. I u t.4 a, 1 i il t II I, ati.4 I W il 4l . -aj .1.1 ..l ., .. ;M4 W.llw.l, ttiauWl, ltiM tKiiur tioi. MILMiKKV. FALL AND AVINTER STYLES.' HATS AND BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, WREATHS, LACES, Ac. ( rnpe iH, CRAPE HATS AND BONNETS, nnd everything usually kept lu n Millinery Storo. Call at M. L. GOBBLER'S Store, 6outli Fourth Street, below tho 8. V. R. R., 8UNBURT, PA. Nov. 4, '71. No. 902 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PHILADELPHIA, JEWELERS, MI.VEKSMITIIf AND IMPORTERS, nro now In rccept of their FALL AND HOLIDAY GOODS, embracing a superb stock of PAUIN RROXZES! CLOCK SETS AND MANTEL ORNAMENTS I A'lENNA FANCY (iOODSI PARIAN .STATUARY ! Solid Silver W lire! tastefully nrranged in enses tor AVEDDIN(J PRESENTS, also a splendid assortment of FINE JEWELRY, 'WATCHES, CHAINS, ELECTRO-PLATED WARES. O.-t. 11, 1S7I . .llnnliood: How I.oml, How Kent oroI. -"'jiV'.' '- J published, a new edition of Dr. ii' &Vit iCulvorwcll's Celetiratcd Essay on the "'' ..i,'--' radical cure (without medicine) of Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, Involun tary t?emiiial Losses, Inipotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, ctcj also, Consumption, Epilepsy, nnd Fits, In duced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance. J-W Price, in a sealed envelope, only ) cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from n thirty years' suc cessful practice, that'tho alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or t lie appli cation of the knife ; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, mid ctlectual, by means of which every sulfercr, no matter what his con dition may be. may cure himself cheaply, pri vately, mid radically. t-t'This Lecture should be In the hands of of every youth and every man in the laud. Sent under seal, In a plain envelope, to any ad dress, postpaid on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Also, Ur. Culverv.ell'8 "Marriage .Guide," price '.i cents. Addiess the Puhlit-hcrs, CI1 AS. J. C. KLINE t CO., 127 Rowerv. New York, Post Ollice 15ox 4, .ISO. Jct. L lSTL-ly. OAS SII'Ai' TSE.W KEROSEXE. Oeficx or the Sinui'Iiy Gas Comi'Any, October ','(7, 1S71. To Tun Citizens : Recent Investigations de monstrate that Gas of 14 Candles inality, can lie sold at ?',' 00 per WOO cubic feet. The. "Direc tors of the Sunhiiry Gas Company have deter mined to adopt that price nnd 14 Candles as the standard of i;uu!ity. Tills llxcs the price of a 14 Candle burner- at one cent ou hour, or one third less than Philadelphia gas. A Kerosene lamp fives a light of seven to ten candles only therefore, gas at the above price is much cheaper than kerosene, without cansid ering costol chimneys and liability to accident. Let all conic, forward and become gass consum ers. Make your applications for service pipes and fitting nt once, as the season for introduc ing them is drawing to a close. liy Oitnrii or Tin; 1!oai:h op Dihixtoks. TERMS. The contractors for the Worka will Introduce pipes upon tiic following terms. Service pipes at .10 cents per running foot, measuring from centre of street. I'pon Market titurc, twenty dollars for entire service. Interior fittings nt 15 cents per running foot, in luw buildings ; la cents per running foot over plaster, and 0 cents per running f.iot under hours. t in. niKIiers, rend nits mil other fixtures for sale at new York and Philadelphia prices. Octor 7. ls.l. AOiEXI'S WANTED FOK THE GREAT WORK OF THE SEASON. Or S'lmsiiv ol' l.ou.ioi, .., 15y D. J. KIRWAN.the well-known Journalist. Very I.urftCKt 4'oiiiiMittsiwns Puitl. Thin book Is n very beautiful octavo of 005 pages, einhellshed with U00 eng'avias, and a linely executed map of London, designed and executed expressly for this work by eminent niti.-ls. It contains n full, graphic, and truthful stalciaenl of the S'.ijht, Secrets, and Sensations of the great Metropolis of the world, which contain, a population of over S.000,000. History, lsiography, Romance, nnd Adventure are combined in tills volume, making it it work of intense Intcrcht to all. Circulars, Terms, vc, with full Information, scut free on application to DL'I'FIELI) ASIIMEND, Publisher, 711 Saiitom Street, t'bilailelpliui. Oct. 21, lM'l.-Uiu. E-Vl'K.t O It l I A H V. $10 OFFERJ10 30 DAYS ON TUCAI.. .IIO.NTII I.Y IMYJI EXTN. ntlCE RI DK I.n. Tun Amkiikan Pi:win(i Maiiiinr Co. have concluded to oiler their whole block of Sujiet int and widely-known machines, upon the above linparalelcil Icrius, to everybody, everywhere, who have, or can Itud use lor a really good Sew ing Machine, elm .per than the clicapcal. Every one is welcome to u in. null's live trial ut their own home. The bci-t, a ud only true gua rantee of its quality, Is a nioiitli'a free trial. Tlie object n( giving a tree trial Is to show you how Good our Machine Is. Tlii in I he i"iplet and most certain way to eon iiH-e you that oar Machine Is Just what you n.ii.t. Tint Secret of safety l in ore month's trial. No one pails with the Machine utter trial. All pay for uud keep It. liny no machine until you have found It a good one, iio.) lo Ic on, ea.y lo manage, eapy to work, t-ui-y In keep In tinier, perfect lu liieeliuuiaiu, perfect ill i'ollall uclioti, ailnplu, reliable, ulid aiialiictoiy. Any company who will rctuau you tin. nun h eauuul have ua ijimj.1 a bvwlnk' Machine us .no.. I'.uy only vtlieii )ou know Ilia linicliluu docs mil uk mm hour lo li't ready lu do it minute hoi k. Hay only lnu you Unlit Muliluit, 1 1ml la nu. in a initial.! to do miy kind ol olk HuJ l m.t)a ready, uud i ihi but ol older. A iiioiilh'a trial utiawiiaall nai-.tioua, mlvcs nil il.niia., puvi ul. till lulalakia, und la I hu igily tale ay log. I your uiuli.)a uilt. liy II. fou can Uol loau. Wiilu Im our t ontt li iillal l ilt alula mid lllua. Irali I I'linplil. I. e.n.toluluK lull paill., Kill, tl It 0 ktlll lid uu by l.lUIUol lliall llet', mill kainplia of Cioihk, Hi.. I ) uu ran Ju.ttjt' lor y.MOM.I. A ml It' in. iuli.1 , tlial k h a.'ll uur ipmmI Ma, lo. ii al a i in . , iis.ii t tiiaunlttiai ) l.lw .ml.' I una ol I .i;lu 1. 1, aud kpotl lhi.ll ultu Unl Pt li.iu'l lo .a .1 I.. u. . ynit iti Ii li,. I k il. I 4 k. a Ii 4 M o Ul.l. i l 11' 4, UU tai 11.... ... U ill uu. ol all"! it' I till I I I y a (.U-al Ili.tai al4t M .lul, ami kill Uiaka la., i. y lot toil, oi I. -p you lo aaw II. Ab4 il y ..a l.a i. an. a I.. ,...u. a ill li .a Ikal Ilia una y.iu liatv i. i.l4 t. Iiiil' I I l.a t- .iiai.y alaka lilt i y kti.l.u.w 'l IU.II llutibi at 4Mt lla It., i it i. I lua V ..ii.l. Hul i.4 t tlia'idmaiy ktkina ilatkiua. I uauiy I.. i, l.i t ivtt lia lu -4 t.uli. I, aa4 tttualti, k i.uj t i k i. it.. M I. la t it I'aUk alatt. ... I a I In aa I 4 Ul UU t la) 1 1 UUK 1 u , t . J -La u4 stttm kai.-l kaa) wlk. Ot II, - I "al. PRICES REDUCED. HOOTS A SHOES Mannfnctnred to order Rt GREATLY REDUCED' PRICES, JOHN AVI EVER, Spruce Street, Snnbury, Fenn'tv, Is constantly manufacturing Doots, Shoes & Gaiters, nt surprisingly low prices. His stock comprises tho very best In market. His long exper ience in the business has wou for hltn a reputation for making first class work equal to any city manufacture. All work warranted. TERMS-STKICTI,Y CASH. The prices of repairing are also reduced. JOHN WILVER. 8nnbury, March 4, 1871. .mLLIXERYUOOSCtE.EKAI,LY. NEW STYLES OF BONNETS, HATS, FLOWERS, FRAMES, &c. Moiirulug nnd Ilritlnl llata nnd Bonnets. Full line of Mourning Veils nnd Crape. MILLINERY IS THE SPECIALTY. Sash Ribbons, Oniutncnta, Feathers, Gloves, Handkerchief!, itc, &c. FANCV GOODS AND NOTIONS. MISS M. L. GOSSLER. South Fourth St., below the Railroad, Surbury. April a-J, 1871. QAS EI. ATI It ICS. TUACKAKA, KUCK & CO., BCCCE15SOI1S TO MISKEY, MERRILL & THACKARA, MANUFACTCUERS OF GAS FIXTURES, BUONZES, &c, Ac, I'tiuuiIclicrH, IeulHiitt, ItrncKetM, Ac. iVr., would respectfully Invite the nttcnlion of pur- chnscrs to our elegant assortment. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SALESROOMS, 713 C'heNtnut Street. MANUFACTORY, 402.404,40(3 AND 408 RACE STREET. Aug.' 19. 1871. XEAV .MEAT SHOP. THE undersigned respectfully Informs the citi zens of Sunbury and vicluity, that they have opened a MEAT SHOP, In DcwnrCs buililinir.on the north side of Market Sijiiare, two doors from the railroad, were they win Keep a constant supply ol tuc best ol Beer, l'oik, Mutton, ,V:e., nt wholesale or retail, at tho lowest prices and of the lirst quality . A wagon will lie run to supply customers every morning, (except Sundays.) The best of meat will found ut their shop. Give us a call nnd satisfy your selves. REFFEW & BOWER. Octjilth lSfij). tf. 1'HIC'ES ItEl'CEI AT TUB Mammoth Uoot & Shoe Storo OP EM MIM.Elt, In C. B. Smith's Room, Queen Street, ono doo Last oi tne rost otuce, NORTHUMBERLAND, FENN'A. For Elmira Hoots, go to Kli Miller's Boot nnd Shoe Store. They are bold, Rest Calfnt ?l). I' or I rench laif Boots, go to Miller s, oulv tO to t?ll per pair. For Boot i, Shoes aud Gaiters, nt lowest possi ble prices, go to Ell Miller's, ou (jueeu Street. tor i.ll kinus ol uuiu isonts nnd buocs, call nt Eli Miller's. For Ladies' Gum Overshoes, see lino assort ment at Ell Millers. For all kinds of Children's Shoes, go nnd ux- nmine Fit Miller's lurge assortment. lor anything In the Boot und Shoe line, call mid examine Ell Miller's btoek before purchasing Ipcwliere It you wish to get Urst-cltiss, ut the lowest prices. Jan. 7, 71-oep. 3, 70.-ly. A GHEAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY VINEGAR BITTERS as Eundrcds cf Thousands o 7 i E? c . 0 if 5 Uear tf timony to tlirlr AVoudcr- lui r.ut.cii. Hi WHAT ARE THEY? c C3 it ! H5 a m S B I ft "C u Tirrv IPC VftT A VII V. "Si FANCY DRINK. Ill itfeletf l'oor It u in, Wliibkry, l ru (r'pliiia IU Iiimo i.ltjt.ur du tor- U, U't J 6naw-.c rutJ t iiloueo tho t-tc, called 'I uic,M" fro," I'.citiorcrB Ac, llmt lend Utu Vppltr ca to d.unkouiu'Bit aud ruin, br-t ro a truo MrCii-lao, utado f.-uiu Vac Nutlvo l:ooiiand llcrlauf t jUfuram, free Iruiii till AlrnlH-Ho hiluiwlnnio, 'ibcyaro tl.j ;i;i:at j;i,o:?: Ptitit lu nnd a l.iri: i;iVINO 1 IMNt llM.lSftperlVct lauuf r a:.d uvlfivi.ilur tf thu h)leu, cari) ins off ul) po.aououi rrnittr uud rcttorliv l Ll"td tj a htulitiy coiidtt!i..a. oprtuiti can XuUo tliteo DUlera ucourtlli: tUtrec tlo!i rciiik:ulontc uuwill, blUO willtu tHLU furuu lut-nrat lo tiite, revised ti n tonei ar3 i.ut Utatroyod ty uilutrul k Uuu or olUrr tut ani, and th vilal oruuj va(c4 tyui Ut:.o po'.ui ufri'l atr. 1'fir lullumniiilnrr mid brouU Kbearr.iv Urdu uud (Juui, U pftla vr lud.urMtudi HtlluBMi ItrniHivui uii luu-rialut ui I cvcia DUciibiM i lUv Ittuwd, Mri, U.diir) a, aud lilmltlir liiitu liituid bcttu iuti ucc. law ful, tout b Iiiarac ra Cuutt-d ty lllaltd liluud, litt-'ti U i'uiiBrally roducwd by dcraugtmtul 1 tat- lugr.ailvtf Oraaaa. iH"irMA OU MWilTH, Vvmd acLf, i t.. . 1 1 lUc bJiuulUtr, luLfU, I tlit.uea of Ua 4l.t, ..t.:,!.::, buLf .ruotuluii i'f U. bUUiai 1, H.y W-iilU, U.iluii AllucU, l'lplUU if tL li.jt, !..rtiui.uiaUua ol Um tuug I'alu In lit IVa i( lltu ldm-y, aud kuadrvd wlUcr iii(u u , 1. i.rc itta cUr(tgu ltbU. 1U yluti.uraia lua awiuaili ftbd oiUuulaia lh ur jjf l l.wt aud Uo i u, auuu rcudu Ikaiu uf uu4ulli 4 lllrauy lu cUaubiag u UmmI ut ail luifuuu-, au4 Ui fAiiiii ftvw IK aud vUjur j Iba bu(aUui. 1 UU KM IUCAi:. iruiww. Utter, tall Itbtuui, luuliM, iivuu, uln. I luii, twlU, I a ktaitcHa, Uu ttoiiii, awla Ui4, kwra I ym, Kiyttu. ), tub, aru, J'tooulwtaiwaat'f iba kaiu, IIukwi tad litcMr if Mui tftia, wf ti btt MUMi uf aaias ai liuraliy dug iaatdci"Ud 4 Ump uu u a abr i.iuv by Uw c vi Ubfru luMvit. Oaa avUW U U4 b vmm HI cuaviitv Iba fWul IbwadaU-M vl lb If ci.ia4.ta MikI. iUau lUu UiaUd HiM4 Vbeavvcr o t-4 1 14 I ajiiliu bai4ttea Utivb UW atvla la I'laufUa, I iHff i. u u Hw. ft i iUiiji u hm fvm Awl U xba4aUi4 a4 kiutftf'vii U laa iai 14 baMifvl, a-l r4 Kliuat aui fea bua bbv4 v.t aJ bu. b- ailb af u. 4mh aalb-iWa. )kN vf 4aaV lb t4, V 4Ully 4Uv 4 a4 iawMl. tf 4.acUwa. f4 ig af)- a4wu4 aMfi fc 4 va Km4 baa 4- f44U,UMAaa, f Ii a4 H" J 4lb., wwUU4. U .1 lliMllUUr pt44ii m4 mm aaa. fea ui Mm. 4 ai a4 M ad bivaM bt I wa IfTbuUl 11 All 444bUjUI kU (taut. i M i 'ail S&Ms-A j il y- 1 .t 5'' r'jVnr ')'!!'''V (7 i? E H p. f g ):f AxFZsr eb? FURNITUBE 8T0BE, In Masonic Hall Bulldtnifii, Tliird Street. near'lheToit Ofllo. BUNUURV, PA.! B. Ii. RAUDZNBUSH now offer, to the public FURNTTUBB elected and made with great tare, nnd with a view to please tho wants of his numerous customers. His stock Is new and of the latest styles. PARLOR SUITS, PARLOR AND RECEPTION" CHAIRS, COTTAGE SETTS, Ash, Walnut or Rosewood of the finest patterns made. SIDE HOARDS, la Oak or Walnut, and Dining Room Furniture of nil kinds, r LOOKING GLASSES AND PLATES, Mattresses, Pillows, Bolsters, Window Shades and fixtures. Special attention Is paid to this department hy W. 1. Roberts who has had a number of years experience in the city. Collins of every descrip tion nnd sizes, constantly kept on hand. Also, Flsk's Metnllc Burial Cases. Shrouds nnd Un dertakers' materials of all kinds. i" Personal attendnuce to funerals. Rcsiiembcr, the Masonic Hull Buildings, on Vliird street, 8iinburv, Pa. H. L. RAUDENBUSII. Sunbury, July 15,1871. 1.1'MBEK AM I'l.A.M.Vdl MILLS. Third Street, ndjolnltie; Pliiln. & Eric R. R., two Squares North of the Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PA. IRA T. CLEMENT, IS prepared to furnish every description of lum ber ieiuircd by the demands of the public. liavinir all the latest Improved machinery for manut'iiiiiurinir Limber, he is now ready to till or ders til' aJl kinds of FLOOnr.VG, SIDING, DOOU9, SHUTTERS, SAS,'I, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, li RACKETS, and all kinds of Ornamental Scrowl Work. Turn liiK of every description promptly executed. Also, A LAIIUE ASSOllTMEST OP 7ULL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, ttc. Orders promptly lilled, and sblpjicd liv Railroad or othcrwiso. IRA T. CLEMENT. (lecl-0S:ly .stuvi: ii tix i:sTAiti.isii.Mi:vr. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFK EI) KRAUSE, Proinietor. si'CO ESSOlt TO SMITH OHNTllElt. J HAVING lurchased flic above well known es tablishment, Mr. Kriiusc would respectful ly inform the public that hu now has on hand a large assort uu nt of COOKING STOVES, Speer's Cook A nti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna nnd others, which are so nr ranged as to be used for Coal or Wood, and arc va minted to perform satisfactori ly or no sale. 1 1EATEKS of all kinds put up to lieat one or mora rooms. HEATING STOVES of dillerciit kinds ut very low prices. Tinware f Every DcMeriptioii kept constantly o a hand. Rooting and Spouting witli the best material, done ut short notice. REPAIRING nt tended to with dispatch. Coal Oil in d Lamps co'istantly on hand. Japan ware ofallx.nda. Stoi e opposite Conlcy's hardware store, (jive mil a call. A. KRAUSE. opl24-ly LADIES' .FANCY FURS. John Faroira, 70 AU.CII N'l'KF.KT, Middle of the Block , bet ween 1th nnd 6th Sts., t'. out Ii Side, Ilii.liulrliliiti, Importer, Munufaet. mcr and Healer In all kinds and qiiu'itv of iF-A-israr ifttieis, For Ladies' a ml Children's Wear. Having imported il very large and splendid as signment of nil the d 'liferent kinds of Kurd from first hands in Europe, and have had tlicm made up hy the most skillfiil workmen, would respect fully invite I lie readet s of this paper to call and examine his large and very beautiful assortment of Fancy Furs, lor La dies und Children. I am determined to sell nt i.s low prices as any other rc-peetahlii llouso in this city. All tars war runted. No misreprei ciitation to t iled sales. JOHN FARK1KA, 718 Arch Street Philadelphia. Oct. 28, 1871 .-am. FOR SALE! ITMGHTY acres of in tproved land in the best U seel ion of Southern Michigan, within live, miles of the town of '"Three Rivers," in St. Jo seph county, within t o miles of the Railroad Station, good buildings, out houses, large or chard, soil, rich sandy loam, school houses and cliiirclis within sight- title indisputable, ten acres are in wheal, I ho remainder in clover Rod. A spun of horses, cattle, hogs, grain and farming utensils, tv.c, will be sold with this property. Pricu (Til per ucre, f;i,00 0 in cash, the balance in time payments of riw. Apply to .vi. a. .vi asm .il, J ureu lovers, .yiicii. or, H. B. .MA8SER, 8uubury, Pu. Sunbury, March 11, IS 71. W U. Ml'HHAT. J. BUIH 4KKK. W M. 11. BLACK. MURRAY & CO., Wholesale 1 toilers lit MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, Olllee and hchoi d Stutlouery, I'l-liitluic. Wrwi.'iK uud Manilltt PAPEHS. r.irilK ll.M.N. A v., Ac. Tlio C'uktimM Corry Kerosene Iturnln Oil always on baud, llavlag '.o opened COAL YARD, we ar prepared to supply nt short notice, and at til lowuat rates, KUU, 8TOVT., UllKSTNUT utnl TEA COAL. la all who may tin plmacd lo give us a rail. Order Ul) al our olll.s No. U kW.ulh TblrJ will bo pruiuplly BIIiaI. Ml'UltAV A tO. No. S3 Hoiiiu ThliJ Ucil, Muuttury, IV Auk. '!, 7l. miUIOMUI'ta, VlkWa,'Ua, t IIKOaioa, r it A UK. :. II. T. AkTIIUV t o., ftWI Hri mfk, lutils U sluuiUss uf lit Tia4 ! Iltrir stlaa its saa.iillU4.tit ul lit sbols yuutU, uf llu-ll uiaa buliililiuti, ttisuuU.luls tttitl litipvMllntl. Alstj f lltiTU I. AM tUH l.ltJfca .u4 i.UAfHOaHHI'a. hw vuHtur r'!wiTt!. V. A II. T. AtallloMr C , (ay I HiuaJaa), k ..i, (t'(.u Mtiui-uiiisa 111, lilritil MlrUl. M)taik, UM Sunbury Cattle Insurance Company. THIRD ANNUAL (STATEMENT FOR THK TEAR ENDING JANUARY 1st, 1871. Number of Policies, 713. Amount of Property Insured, I53,'31R,00 Amount of Premium Notes in force, $34,213,00 CASH A8SET8. Amount loaned at Interest, 13000,00 Amount In Treasurer's hands, IIOOO.OO Amount due from Agents, , f:00,05 Amount due from other sources, 1720,00 Available Capital, 139,2811,05 Insure your Cattle. INSURE with a responsible and perfectly re liable Company. Insuro where your losses will be paid promptly. THIS 13 A MUTUAL PROTECTIVE COM PANY. Hence, nnlike other Companies, you sro snre of being paid promptly for all losses, If Insured in this Company. OUR RATES OP INSURANCE ARE LESS THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. Being mutual, onr expenses are less, and our Charter Is Perpetnal. Wc pay losses by nil kinds of accidents by death, (excepting; In cases of epidemics,) by theft, &c., etc. Wo pay prompt ly. No red tupo proceedings to obtain your money In ense of loss. Xearly $3,000 paid on Cows alone since Organization. Look nt the list of Losses paid on Cows alone by this Company. M Hcnnlnger, Sunbury, Pa f33 I) Ililgcrt, Northumberland 50 George Eckcrt, " 40 SB Dodge, ' !10 Charles Bollck, Mt Carmel 30 Esubetis Sipple, " 40 Catharine Wagner, Watsontown 40 George Heir, Northumberland f0 Jacob Snyder, Sunbury HiiUS J W Bassler, " fit) Minor Cndy, Dcwart 00 Catharine Martz, 8hamokin 40 Francis Ruclier, Sunbury 0 Samuel H Price, Upper Lehigh i. Joseph Dcppen, Ml Carinol Mattlilas Seliollv, " 40 Francis McCarly, " 50 Maria Kramer, Watsontown ., 45 Joseph Nicely, Jr., Dcwnrt 40 J it R C yulfgle, Pine, Clinton co 40 R liamage, Sliciiandoiili, Schuylkill co 40 J S Tltarp, Sliamokin 40 Thomas Wurdrops, Mt Carmel 45 N A Loiiilenslagcr, Herndon, 40 Rachel Cramer, Fisher's Ferry 40 G I. Reagan, Shenandoah, Schuylkill co 50 Jacob Shine, " 10 Jacnh Stoltz, " " 40 D II Rower, Herndon, 30 Geo B Lahr, Georgetown 40 John II Ossuian, Sunbury 40 W B Wallace, Northumberland 30 II 8 Graham, " 50 Ifchccca'liohle, Georgetown 40 Philip Wintcrstein, Watsontown 40 G S Low, Linio Ridge, Columbia co 40 Lewis Osterhnut, Laurel Run, I.uzi me co...40 Mary J Ilinc, Northumberland 40 B F Krohn, Snnbury 40 Andrew llealy, Girurdsville, Schuylkill co.. 40, Patrick Fiirgceon, Mt Cainiel 40, Martin Pehiiicy. Sliennniloah city 14, John Dane, Ashland, Schuylkill co Ill, Anthony McLaughlin, Girurdsville 4b, Llayniiui S Hay, .Maluui'iy Plane 40, R Johnson, Raven Htm ;....4(), David Batlchcr, Berwick 27, J D Foclit, Pottsvillc 30, Erastus Sober, Point twp 20, A Lippcncott, Watsontown 40, Maria Krniner,Watsou'n,2d loss pd last sum ,4 (I, I P Lippcncott, Watsontown 40, R S Amiuerinan, Snydcrtown 20, Nathan Bloss, Berwick, Columbia co 27, J .N: C R Qiilgglc.Plne Sta'n Clinton c 2d lcws,40, Charles W llazzard, Rupert, Columbia CO...40, John Fogleman, Watsontown....- 40, Patrick Hester, Mt Ciirincl 40, Thomas Melz, Paxlnos 30, R McCloskv, Lock Haven 134, HON. A. JORDAN. President. C. A. REIMENSNYDER, Sec'y, Sunbury. DIRECTORS! Ex-Gov. James Pollock, Hon. C. J. Brtincr, Solomon Stroll, Win. Hi indie, Soloman Sbipe, John A. Shissler, Dr. D. T. Krcbs, Dr. David Waldrini. March 11, 1871. ly. J.JARDWARE FOR ALL ' AT THIS HAUDWAKE STOKE OF J. H. CONNELLY & CO. .Market Street, Kuubtirj, S'u. It Is useless to enumerate every kind of article in liis Store, but among the leading items may be set down the following: Iron, Fleel, Lead, Scales, Steelyards, Grindstones, Nails of all kinds and sizes, Vices, Saws, Planes, S.cves, Chain'', Axes, Braes and Iron Kettle", Shovels, Hues, Forks, Spade, Rakes, Hatchets, Carpenter and Blacksmith Boring Machines, Lellar Grates, Drawing Knives, Stone Sledges. Plasterers' Trowels, Masons' Hammers nnd Trowels, Hand Dinner Bells, and large cast iron Bells for School Houses and Farmers' Dinner Bells, Carpenters' Bench Screws, Potato Forks for digging potatoes, I. oul. lug Classes. Twine, Ropes, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Tucks, Mule and Horse Shoes and Nails, Hammers, Atignrs, Chisels, Lanterns, Oil Cloths, Brooms, Locks of ill) descriptions. Coffee Mills, Bits ami Braces, Carriage Bolts of all kinds, Paint and Wall Brushes, Buckets, Oils), VarnisilieH, Japans, Lve, Soda Ash, Washing Soda, lMlT.i OF 41. 1. KIIN in Oil or Dry, Purtl-Ciihirs nt' all kinds, C'KDAU-WAItK and other Wooden-Ware of all kinds and very cheap, Hay-Fork Pulleys, Picks, Mill Picks, Levels, Level Glasses, Files, Ilinues, Coa! Oil, Hems, Combs, Screws, Saddlery uud Shoe Findings, Buggy Trluiiiiiiijjs, Fvcebior Glass Cullers. Pockel Knives, Scissors, Shears, Miot, Caps mid l'oulert and n great variety of other articles. Any thing wauled and not ou hand, will be ordered st once. Sunbury, Aug. 10, 171. riillatleli'lilw aud F.rle ItailroaU. WINTER TIME T.VULE. On and after Monday, November 1 It, ITl, the Truiiia ou the t'liiliidulphU .V Erie Rail Road Mill run us follows i WESTWARD. Mull Train leaves I'lilludclpliU, " Sunbury, " " err ul fcrle, File F.iprcas leaves Philadelphia, ' " Siiiibiiry, " an at F.rle, Fluilra Msll U.tVM I'lillu.l., " " " Muubuiy, " " arr al lank llal. il, Nlni;itiit Enprcas lea us I'lnl.nlilpl.l.i, ' Saiibui), e.?o p m l J .a .'i u 11 '.'.50 p 11 1J.30 p lit O..VI p iu 7.40 li 111 7.'s) a III 4.;.. 1 p iu 7 'Vi p ui 4 li a 111 1J 1 p 111 ' rr ul Wl!liaiu.Mil, V US p iu in!"!! leal i a Until. in), air ul K' uotu, 10 40 a iu t'Aal'W AUD. Uall Tiuiu lisn-s FiUi, II MS a ut ' auuliury, 1 .' li ut " urr al I'liilu.U Iphla, tl Uii a m t:lti Jtpteaa Itutva I lie, W ll i lu tiubuiy, D.AI4U4 u " arr si flnU.Ui tiu, a mi p iu lliuiia U'4t l. Ilut.u, I t ui kuul.ui), r..isiaui ' sr si 1'I.IU.I. I.lilit, 6 Js) p ut tull4la .tKt4 lu4 Vt ll!UHitil, J. 1 IU ' utiumt , I VI 4 ui tt t ptiiua. iphu, t vi it it, AucuuituuJsllutt !. km. .t.i, IJ .'4 p ut III tl Itdliili), 10-1(111, Msll tail rtiuutila ttt 4 ami iat.1 ul I ua ta,iu L. a. t U. a. U. V . auj ut I ..ii uti.1 litiu.tuu Hit Oil I itita uu4 AiUtU. ut H k M . W.ii Wa.1 aula .. Uuu4 liaiua uu I A M. k. M . at4 tlUni ui.. litiittluai tail It ii.l I tt.a AittKlt4.t. k. K. V . Iullsata luaul.,.1 lia ua ll Its luu Mtt fi.itit M U.lau.. tx utt Hu aifisM, sk4 atal, tt H UiutatrMl wtj aV.u.l N at. A. Hit I'M l. '! -).'. Lackawanna and nioenaabars Rail . roava. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT OT VAt8ENaER 1HAINB. Monday. July 11,971. eOUTHWARb. Leara. A.M. P.M. A.M.1P.M PM. ISeranton, Bclievue, Taylortllle, Lackawanna, Plttston, West Plttston, Wyoming, Maltbv. 45 fl 60 67 1 4G 10 06 Q 60 4 00 6 65 4 -05 7 02; 4 13 10 17 7 05 10 Dfi 7 1114 83 7 19; 4 80 7 241 4 3.1 7 811 4 43 7 80, 4 47 7 14 9 ll'lO 8S1 .0 40 8lJo 47! 1 ll tfi 7 19 7 97 Kinirston. A ) t. lu UJ 11 00 W.-Barre j c'rs 7 40 7 60 9 83 7 61 8 00 6S 00 05 riymoutn June., Plymouth, Nantieoke, Hunlock's, Shickshlnny, Hick's Ferry, Bench Haven, Berwick, Briar Creek, Lime Ridge, Espy, Blooinnbnrg, Rupert, Cntnwissa, Danville, Chulnsky, Cniucron. 3 40 8 05 8 20 8 00 8 07 8 82: 8 30 8 43 8 50 8 57 9 07 8 30 8 08 8 27 8 84 8 45 9 14 9 19 9 20 8 67 9 31 9 51 9 60 10 03 North'd, (arrive.) 10 SOI 4 62 NORTHWARD. Leave. A.M. P.M. Northumbcrlnud, 10 85 6 10 Cameron, 5 27 Chulnsky, 6 81 Danville, 10 60 5 40 Catawissa, 6 00 Rupert, 6 05 Blooinsburjf, 11 14 6 12 Espy, 8 17 Lime Ridge, 0 24 Briar Creek, 6 84 Berwick, 11 86 6 4l! Beach Haven, 11 43 6 4S A.M. Hick's Ferry, 8 55 Shickshlnny, 13 00 7 0 7 30 I Hunlock's, 7 24 7 45 PM. Nantieoke, P.M. 7 81- 8 Oo! I Plymouth, !13 80 7 41; 8 15 P.M. 5 1(1 Plvinoutli June., 8 20 5 15 wX'- e''13 84 7 51 8 30i 2 8a! 8 25 Maltby, 8 40 ' 8 431 5 S5 Wyomlntj, 13 43! 8 OP11 M 45 2 4S 5 40 West rlttstoo. 8 13 8 62; 3 54 5 47 Plttston, 12 62 8 18 9 04 2 50 5 C2 Lackawanna, 8 2S 9 14 3 07 0 00 Taylorville, 8 30, 9 85 3 It! 0 10 Bellcvue, 8 42 9 32 8 23 0 17 Scruiitou, (arrlvo) 1 141 8 48 9 40 8 30 0 25 DAVID T. BOl'ND, Sup't. Northern Central Iluilwuy. FALL AND WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ON and after Nov. 13, 1871, trains will run ns follows 1 NORTHWARD. Niagara Express leaves Sunbury nt 18.40 p. 111., arrives ut Niagara Falls ut 1.30 a. in. Biilialo Express leaves Sunbury tit 12.30 a. m., arrive at Williamsport ut 2.25 a. 111., Elmira ut 5.30 a. 111., Canandaigun 8.15 a. 111. Mall arrives at Siuihury at 4.30 p. in., arrive nt Wiliiumspoit 0.30 and Elmira 10.35 p. m. Fust l.i 11" arrives nt Sunbury ut 0.50 p. in., arrive ul Williamsport 8.15 p. ih. SOUTHWARD. Buffalo Express leaves Sunbury nt 1.47 a. in., arrive at lliu 1 ieLarg 3.45 a. m., Baltimore 7.20 a. 111. Mail leaves Sunbury at l!.0o a. m., uriive at Il.inibhurg 1.45 p. 111. Erie Express leaves Sunbury at 9.85 11. m.. ar rive at Hurrisburg 11.20 a. ill., Baltimore 3.00 p. 111. Erie Mall leave Sunbury at 18.30 a. m., arrive at Ilurrihbiirg 2.20 a. m. B1IAMOK1N DIVISION. EASTWAUI). Leave Banbury nt 4.40 p. m., arrive at Bhunio kin 5.50 p. in., Mt. Carmel ti.40 p. m. Leave Sunbury (Accumiiiodiitlon,) ut 11.60 u. m., arrive at Shfiinokin 1.00 p. 111. wnsTWAiin. Lcavo Mt. Carmel at 7.00 n. m., SliamoUiu 7.40 n. in., arrive ut Sunbury 9.55 a. 111. Leave Sliamnkin ( Accommodation,) ut 2.45 p. in., arrive at Sunbury 4.00 p. iu. Express leaves dally. All other trains leave dully, except Sundays. A. R. Fiskb. F.i. r. YofKO, Gen'l. Sup't., Gen'l Passeu'r Ag't., Harrisburg, Fa. Kalinimc, M.I. KeiKlInx Ituilroutl. WINTER A R R A N G E M E N T. Monday, Xov. Vitlt, l .71. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North un.l North-West for Philadelphia, N. Y., R. ad it e.r, Pottsvillc, Tainatpia, Aslilund, Sham. .kin, Lelianoii, Allcntown, Eastmi, Kphrata, Litis, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac, iVc. Trains leave Harrioburg for New York, as fol lows: At 8.45, 8.10, a. in. un.l '.'.110 p. 1.1., cut necting with similar trains on the I,cim.-ylv;mi.i Uailroiid, and nrrit ing at New York at in.li7 a. m., 3.48, and 9.45 p in. rrsptvtively. M" .i:itt Cars accompany tho 8.45 a. 111., tiain wiinuui change. Reluming: Leave New York at 9.00 11. in., 18.30 110011 and 5.00 p. m., Philadelphia al 7.30, S.30 a. 111. and 3.30 p. 111. j Sleeping Cars net 1- pauy the 5.00 p. III. train from New York tiiltt ottt change. Leave llarrisbiirg for Reading, Pottsvillc, Ta nta'iua, Minersrille, Aslilund, Miainnkiu, Allcntown and Philadelphia ut S.lo n. 111., 2.00 uud 4.05 p. 111., stopping ut Lebanon an 1 principal way stations 1 the 4.15 p. in., train connecting for Philadelphia, Pottsvillc uud Co lumbia only. For Pottsvillc, Schuylkill ll.ttcii and Auburn, via Schuylkill un l Snsiicliaiiiut Railroad, leave Harrisburg at 3.40 p. lit. East Pennsylvania Riiiliuud I ruin- leave Head ing for Allcntown, Fusion uud New York u(4.::4, 10.40 a. m., and 4.05 p. 111. Reluming, b avu New York ul 0.00 a. in., 13.30 11u.u1 und 5. 00 p. 111. und Alleiilowu ul 7.20 a. 111. 1 .'.-' noon, 2.15, 4 25 and K.35 p. nt. Way Piissciigcr Train leaves I'liiladi lpliia at 7.30 u. 111., cminivtinu Willi similar Irani 011 East Pcnnit. Railroad, reluming from Reading ul ti.::U p. III., slopping at all stations. Leave I'oiuvilln at 9.00 u. 111. uud 2.30 p. 111. Ilcrudoii ut 10.00 u. 111., Sham. .kin at .'. 40 a ii.l 11.15 a. 111. 1 Ashland ul 7.05 11. 111., and 12.43; Mahaiiov l ily at 7. 51 u. III. and l.'J.i p. '11. Taiuaiiia ut o.35 a. 111. und 2.10 p. in. I n Pliilatlelpbtii, New York, Reading, ll.ini-l.iiul.Ve. Leave Potlavllle via tSchuylkill ami Mii.iitt hiiiina Rtiilroud at 8.15 a. 111. for llaiiinliaig, uud 11.45 a.m., for I'lne und Tit iitout. Keiuliiig Accoiiiiuodalion 'i rulu Iimm s Putts villa ul 5.40 a. m., utsB4iu Kiwdiug ut 7. an u. in . arriving ul PiitlinlclpUiit ul 10.80 a. 111., id 111 nine, leaves I'lilladelpiiiu al 4.45 p. in., passitit; lv. .t.l lug al 7.35 p.m. arriving at tVtisv ille at U.20 p.m. PollaluVlu AeeolllllllHllllliiU 'Iraiu lialea Pulta. t11t.11 ul 7.00 a. 111., returuiuK ieutes I'ltiladelphut ul 4.15 p. m. I oliuebut KallriHid Trains leave Reading at 7.20 a. 111., uud II. 15 p. 111. lor ) hiut.i, l.tlu, l.aiiea.Ur, I oluiiibia, Ve. reluming have l.iin cnalerul 1.80 a. III. and 3.25 p. 111. , and Colum bia ul a. 15 a. 111. uud 3.15 p. 111. t'crkiouif 11 Kail ll aid Trains li .ilo I' i kh.ini n Jam Him ul 7. 85, U.o5u. ill., ul 3.1s1 itml it. p. ui. Iti'lllllilllC.b avs llttt llkavlllc Hi b. l.'l.St. IU 14. III., I J..'SJ iiituli itud 4.45 p. III. culilletilli Willi ailiU',1. Ilalits oil llt.t .1 1 1 1 K Hi It. si. I. I'l'keilug ulliy Uallroud Pint., ulstilittul 9. 10 a. ut., U.u.'i mid H'i p. iu. 1 11 lUIIUMlii It'UV i'trlu ul A. 'VI a. Ill , 1 J I I lliKlll, uud 41 p. ui.,ciuuetliu with aiiu.lar n.ilua in. It. ...IliiaC I ui. iiMMilvtuti- llallrisi.l 1 ruins lewic r.iii.l ul W.tu a. 111., I luii. u M 11. u-.. nun , ....1 , I'liaaanlul I 15 an. I ll.2. a. 1.1 , an. I iu., t'niiui. I tt .44 unit sluulitr liuiua mi I. '..a U.lllllM.I. I Iii .In Vulli-y Hitiiruad Tialu !" al .M a. 111., 4 U5uu. & .'i p i.lui .i... ma l.iiiiiinl.iu ul tf.55 4. in , I ' i ii" ill 11. 111. itntuit III14 ail It allulial llali.a nil I.. -.I lug II iiltitad. Uu aiii .a)s 1 Si Y'uk ul .'. 01 j ,1 . I'lii. i l. .( lua ul isj a. tu. an I 1 I I p. in , I I iui 4. tu. Iiaiu tuniiii i w.l) I" II. . 1.". ,1 11 I'.UIatl t. al a 141 4. Ill 1 lal HallU u.,, .' t t ut., an I 4 00 p. Ul 1 I' A I. IlliiU II al a 1 1 111. I t.a tu. ul I 14 a. IU. uu! V p. 11. ,, llalll.l'.liai ! a. Ut. I'M t. -111 an. I .lliu tu. st.4 i U p. tu. 11 !'.... Ii 1 i OUllllUlalM'tl, Slll4ua'' atata.ll, SS 1. . 414 I a a.' ta, tu UU4 litrtti all J-viila ul I. Ja.4 lal.. I4,a 1 Ut.ktsl liii'..h 1 u) 'ui.ti4s I4t4 ,I u.iuutal aja. paavat...! i U. Wlttl Ii S, 444. a4. 4 UatU If LAI It Al rhtitul tb 4s t aaltif iaa, It, I III IU u4 li'M. iiai - 11 at sail inaaiuvsi a. )