Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 02, 1871, Image 3

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    nnlnrjj American.
SUN BURT, DEO. 8, 171.
ftecttl Sffairs.
PtrwiNn M ActtrwriS.-MIss Caroline Inltuf It the
apent for ttio ml of lh best Bowing Machines
In existence, vlr.t "The Impro BlnprcT,"
'G rover & Baker"' "Howe," and Dom'stle,"
which nro constantly on hand and sole as rea
sonable prices. Phelsalso agent for the cele
brated Front and Tone Knitting Machine. Call
nnd fee them. OUite on Market afreet, cast of
the railroad.
A t.ako number of Canary Birds Just received
tind for sale at C. 8. ITiisclttno's Book and Perio
dical Store, with or without cajrei.
Cnoncn Camp Mektwo. Such will commonce
In the M. E. Church, with preaching on Friday,
at 7K p. m., and be contlnned five dfvys with
preaching regular nt 04 o'clock, A. M., and 1i
o'clock, r. m., dully. Ministers from a distance
will be present nnd olBclnte. Beats free. Every
body welcome. .
Don't delay Insurance on your property or on
your life, but go to L. M. Toder, who lusurci In
none but the best companies.
Thk report tlmt S. A. Savidge, of Turbutvllle,
.lad been sentenced to the Penitentiary for a term
of years by Jud'.'O M'Candless, at Pittsburg, W
lot correct. The Pittsburg Commercial says the
'udire only sentenced him to pay a flne-of $200
ind the costs of prosecution.
Ma.toii IIamp.h, Master Mechanic of the lower
Division of the P. & E. R. U., with headquarters
it t be machine shops ut this place, has resigned
lis position, utid Mr. Walls has been appointed
n his place. The Major takes chavgo of a slml
ar position on the Chesapeake fc Ohio R. R.,
xtcndlnir from Richmond through Virginia to
lie Ohio River.
Lewis M. Yoijfr, Insurance Agent, office near
he Court House, gives j'otl the best Insurance
n most reasonable terms.
Jonr Wnvnu, on Spruce street, has quit the
aannfacture of shoes nnd converted his shop
ato a flour and feed store. The best article In
i.nket can be had at his establishment.
Rkmoykd. The store goods of Messrs. Clo
lent ti Dlsslnger have been removed to the
munificent store room In Clement's building, on
Lirket Square. Tho largest varied assortment
f iroods brought to tills plnco have been re
!ved by them, and nro now open, making a display. Their stock comprises of diy
oo'ls, groceries, queensware, ready-mnde clolh
).', notions, Ac., Ac. A visit to this splendid
tore will repay any one, us It is the finest In the
ace, brilliantly llghte.l with lias, and the finely
lected goods irivcs it an appearance of a flrst-
ass city establishment.
"None like it" so the people say of Wana
ukcr A Brown's Clnthine.
P. T. RAHNt'M, the great showman, hrs turned
.i nt th? F.mplro I'lnk Third Avenue, corner Gill
reef, N'cw York city, where ho will exhibit daily
m eleven a. m., until ten o'clock, p. m. He
ie'y purchased the ijreat International Zoologi
I (irir.P-n Polytechnic Institute and Hippodrome
oni England, nnd now has tho largest nnd
i-t extensive combination of amusements ever
own. Those who visit. New York will find
mum's attractions a delightful pluce of rc
rt. Covin; Powm. The Democrat, of this place,
ire. the election, is coming down gracefully,
ivim; been cut down in sizo an Inch or two
.'eral weeks niro, It Is still found to bo nn clc
ant in the bauds of the publisher, f o wc find
w that Its ostside is selected and printed in
w Yort city to curtail cxp'.-nscs. ItsoiU-llels
nt vl by a Printing House nnd not by the Tam
my Ring, as that Is nearly defunct.
M.u. Geo. B. CAnwAi.i.Ait:B, of this place, nt
ded a meeting at Reiroit, Mich., week before
t, of the Society of the Army of the
.d, to which he belonged and marched with
crmun to the sea. Nearly all the old veterans
ended this re-union, nnd n general goo I lime
s had which wound up w ith a splendid han
't at the Opera House. The next meeting
1 be at Dayton, Ohio, ou the lSth and I 'Jib of
tein'ier next.
ixoi" It. The h ildt Indulged In dally, by boys
1 young men, of jumi !ng on passing freight
I passenger trains. There wu a law passed
ho lai-l ses.-lon of the Legislature, Imposing a
Kilty on all persons 'Jumping on trains. But
have; as yet, heard of uo ouo being arrested
violating this act of assembly. If the nu
lities were to urrest some of those Idle boys
t Indulge in tbi practice and enforce its pro.
ons, It might perhaps bave n salutary effect.
'.'.iu'..l cover U Aere V.'auauii'.ker & Browu's Salesrooms.
is Monday evening last, tho olllecrs of the
;ree of Rebecca Lodge, I. O. of O. F., at this
were In-tailed by P. O..E. Masser Bueher,
..odge No. ',"ia. The nllfrvrs for tho ensuing
n are as follows i N. G., R. W. Wynn ; V
Mrs. (!. A. Ket-scr ; Secretary, Calvin Wood.
i I re i Ml re r, Mrs. C. Woodcock O. U.,
Ma:.l: : I. C, Mrs. Jacob Seiisebueh ( N.
. U. S , it. y. Lnn hill (. L. 8., Jacob Sense.
Ii i V. i's. K. r., t I., d. Mrs. Wm. Fet
Th.i new Liioge was Instituted sometime
by 1). D. G. M., John M.;ilulT, and wo uru
py to stale, U in u flourishing condition. The
iibers all appear to be zeulous In their work,
a great amount of good may be expected to
It from the Rebeccas In this community.
hk winter lime tables of the P. ii E. aud N.
'.. Iloi l, went into a Heel ou Monday lust.
' lliuu for leaving of the dilllleut trains at
place, i a follows i J Mail Haiti ul 1 00 a. in., Erie F-
at II. .VJ p. iu., Klinirii Mail ut .U5 p. lit. ,
uiiinodallou ttt 0. H d. iu., Niagara Express
; i'i p. m.
..iU,ai -.1 Mull I rain at lUJOa. in., Erie E
. ul D ;o a. in., Eliuiia Mall at ll.ou a. w.,
il Ekprc at p. III.
lie hniibuiy ,v I.ettUiuwu trains, which coiu-
J minting r iiu!.ily ou ll.o l.i lui., will
u hiiiibuiy ia ii.a) a. in., itnd urrlw ut J -ii
i , eoiiin. iln,' Kim U, himlrn Mail (jolng
Ii, Danville .V If.iAcltoii und blmiuuklu liuius
Is pUee,
i he ir roiul Irr.ib'a dli-l!f irtlou ou Its
il Ho: n of tioi lottci ru i tills cuuu-
y 4, . ..Hill ol b :bii( d. pil(..l ul h Mlurullig
u..ntiai'l. Al l.'irf l..,i, rl,eio is
IU' Ii. .11 I er I fl Ijbl to I) eUltoU . Iuu V.
... 1, ii4i u Miv roiMitlli 1 la iciualu
'! i..,iii, duf ilit jr. alt i pii of iu, i,cxi
i w 1 1 4... u t l'..clr b .nines..
u.t. mi by ,i,t4U ilectilngs b.lug Hguirl
mi toj it.i.n.g 4 uumUf ul buius
' n.4 it Lu.lui.i iii.pUjf by gas llUl,
114 U....C Uo La ulii. ly adapted y
.i..u .1 .,f .,.1 m.i.j., k Ui. i', . juuih.
ii I"..,,,.,, , r ul u4 tnuuiy
'. J. u,a.i. U4.4 flui,
l'llk f''S lb It lwHwtMl SJ"
-.. tl K.OMlllulilglj, Wlk St.,
4 l l'ultu.4 sti.l-os A,.,ltul U
ErKBrBT possesses natural advantnss supe
rior to any town along the Susquehanna river,
and Is declined to become one of the most active
business pi seas Id the Cnsqnehnnnn Valley, at
no distant day. With railroad communication
north, southeast and west, It Is a favorable point
for any kind of manufucturlea. Although there
Is a depression In business Just now on account
of the scarcity of money, we notice the march of
Improvement Is more rapid than In any town
around as. Within A year some of the finest
buildings In tho country have been erected, some
orthctn are business places, which arc brllilnutly ',
11 . ,
lighted with gas, which has been Introduced by
some enterprising men who can see Its future
success. Tho otore rooms and other busbies
places, present a much better appearance than
any found In onr neighboring towus, and we
can assure our readers that merchandize of nil
kinds Is sold Just as cheap ns anywhere else.
Whllo all these improvements arc going on, there
Is more room to make It a still more progressive
town. Manufactories bave to a great extent
been neglected. This being the termini of five
railroads, an outlet to every large city In tho Un
ion, the place admirably located for all kinds
of Iron Works and other manufactories, which
would bring labor and means among us, this
should be taken luto consideration by onr citi
zens and Inducements held out to monlcd nieu lo
mako Investment. We havo the lumber, eoni
nnd Iron uccessary for manufacturing purposes.
c have ampin room for the eroclfon of works.
There nro men who are ready to enter Into such
proJccts,'on reasonable terms. We are Informed
that there Is a proposition made that If the loan
of $15,000 would bo guaranteed for five years
with ground sufficient, that Iron Works would bo
established. Such works would readily eulianco
tho value of property, and property holders would
be vastly the gainers. As ouly a loan is asked,
such propositions should be accepted and the work
started, nnd we can expect others to follow. No
town will flourish unices the citizens will give
their assent, and we nro confident that If tho citi
zens will make up their minds to be liberal with
business mcu and those coining here to do busi
ness, that the increased value derived from tho
Improvements made, will far exceed their expec
tations, nnd prove a lasting benefit to every In
habitant iu the place.
A Wohd to Oin Meiiciiants. Somo of our
merchants In this place, complain that our cltl
Zeus patronize neighboring towns Instead of their '.
own, taking the trade away In place of keeping
It at home. Many of these growlers nre to bo
blamed themselves. If they will look lu tho
newspapers they will llud the reason of this to
be that mercantile bouses of our neighboring
towns are much more widely advertised than the
majority or our own. Wc llud that mauy of the
people of this place send to Milton, Wlllium
spoi t, and other places for goods for which they
pay the same prices ns they are sold here. Tho
dealers who draw this custom are heavy adver
tisers they advertise In their homo papers as
well as those in their iiclghboilng towns, for
which they pay liberally. Even many of tho
city merchants who advertise in country papers
get n good share of patronage, nnd wo have
known cases In tills town where parties went to
tho clly to procure certain articles, paying their
way to aud from the city, while tho same article
they wanted was resting upon the shelves In
some of our merchant's stores, who advertise
grudglng'y or who do not advertise nt till. Just
so long ns our own merchants will permit a com
petition of tliis kind from neighboring towns to
muko u greater show of enterprise uinoug our
own people than they do themselves, may we
expect to see things no better than they nre now.
A New Fihm.- Wc notice that G. W. Zicglcr,
Ksii-, and L. T. Rohrbnch have entered luto
partnership lu the practice of Law. They oc
cupy the rooms lately occupied by Judge Rocke
feller nnd L. T. Rohrhaeh, Esq., in llaupt's
bulldings,Maiket street. Both ol these gentlemen
are old practitioners and widely kuowu for their
ability us llr;t-clnss lawyers. Zicglcr & Rohr
bnch will ni.ike a strong team, aud will no doubt
draw a lion's share of custom to their olllcc.
List of letters remaining In tho Sunbury Post
Office, week ending Nov. 3J, 1871 i
Mrs. S. C. Baylor. Dr. J. P. McCarv. Cedore
Chester, B. Franklin Cooper, Frank Cookson,
r. . Ciinaut, Esq., Jno. I. llower, Mrs. Jennie
Kluee, Albeit Keller, Mrs. Ann Kelly, Miss Jen
nie Kecl'er, Mrs. Gcorgu Keitebum, W. R. Kutz-n'-r.
Miss Rosa l.andow, Peter Lauker, Mi.-s
Toebillior Lelio, W. F. Miller, V. Miller, E.
liieholls, Edward a. Richards, (Foreign), rare
of Peter Ralph, George UoWier, Esq., Mrs. Chris
lain Rueh, Mirs Annie Robins, Win. Stleoin,
(.i oieign), J. J. Mi-hull, Mrs. Ellu Sterner, A. E.
davidge, Kq., Miss Mary R. Stroll, ". G.
Stoughton, E?q., John E. ISnldcr, Mrs. M. Sny
der, William S. Snyder, Lemiel Snyder, A. J.
Snyder, Abraham Snyder, James W.i'llaoe, Jonas
Lyson, Capt. W. II. '1 iinbiin, Kieli Wirl, J. Wolf,
Horace J. Wolveilon, Esq., Stejdieu Wyiie, Jas.
Young, Jeiry Zinimeriiiun.
Persons calling for the above letters wlil please
give date of udverliseiuent.
Stands to reason that Wuuuinaker fc Browu
can sell tho cheapest.
SiMiiMV & Lkwistowt Rail Road. This
road, uow under the control of the Pennsylvania
Rail Road, commenced running trains between
tills place and Lcwistowu, ou Friday morning.
The train for LcwUtowu leaves this pluce ut Col)
iu the morning, and urrives from Lcwistown here
ul Xlii lu the afternoon.
Sionou Blitz is Coming. The original Signor
Blitz, from Philadelphia, and his sou, Siguor
Blitz, Jr., will j;ie two ciitertaliiiiicuU lu lb
Opera House, this place, uu Tuesday, the 5th
Inst. As this Is prouiibly the last time Signor
Bill will exhibit before un audience lu Sunbury,
his uiuny fi lends will give biiu a crowded house.
As to his eulertaliimeiiu he U too well kuow u to
make comments. Those, who have never eeu
biiu should not fall to embrace this opportuni
ty. See lu another vuiuiuu.
Bam Hi iiskii. Yvsteriiuy uftemoou, ul one
o'clock, the largo Bank Runt 011 Col. Iyer's up
per farm, uejre.t to town, Was destroyed by tire,
consuming all the hay, com fodder, all the oats
of thla year s production, nv, r O H) biiahcla of
wheat, und over HkiO bushels of com. The lire
origiliuled lu I he straw stack In front of the barn,
und III Dtteeu inliiiiti-a I he, b.iru was ulluol con
sumed. Insured lu lliu Perry County lusuraueu
l.ompuuy. How or by whom the tiro was euus
ed, it not kuuwu. Mr. Lenker, the tenant, and
his baud were M 01 king ubout thu buiu, aud had
Jul stalled toward lou Willi 4 agou lieu the
Imuda ou lbs eauul gave the alarm. Stttntjiun
7 uiut.
LlKi'T. W. Kek.s, of lb U e House, a Ibis
plue, bus lulely leMrd lliu liuuly llouss, ul
BhaluoklUi Slid lakeu pociuu duilu Uu pal
Miik. 'I lis pout) llousa 1 uu ul lbs Uo.l boluls
la litis svitinu of louiilry, and tUu Keess as
laudloid il lll Ikj eoluphl.. Mr, Uaew U well
itiled for a Uudluid, aud will u., doubt dia
Ureo thai of eutoiu, as Us bctwuu popular us
Uudluid auj catsrir al.eiicr be way lai.
'I Us 'It.os ll m.s," i tUU ( lace s til cuiilluus
Ib ba UuJ.I Id r. Kims'i tupiltUkU, au4 lUl
! gleal puUlity.
- - m
1 uaoi cu iilus fiu ll.sli,u igUuubuiy alll
rwkuuv (.ui.11.4 u.f it,, U. II. A W. U , du
Ut us! I ,
ft kf, aiul II I lks t4iiM Us i ofloS hi
gu yhr istwuiy iimi 4, i,,i iM iumai.
4ttis ui.ks iur Aibav fiuui ibus abu
t4'it., a )H l I Ik4 kUii4 u't lit-uti.
James Booah, who was killed a few weeks ago
In attempting to jump on a freight train at 8c
llnsgrov Station, bad an Insurance on his Ufa of
13,000. Ws learn that the money was promptly
paid to the widow a few days after bis death.
Tnn toll weather on Wednesday night, bad
the effect of closing up the river with Ice In the
North and West branches.
Editor's Table,
Tim Ladt's Fbibhd fob Due Rvrmm.-A Christ
mas number of surpassing attractiveness. '-The
Lnt oy of Pompeii" is a beautiful plotnre of
Tiepiiltar Interest i nnd the FrnntUnlnen. "Penan
bo unto this House I" Is a most appropriate
Christinas subject, finely conceived, and artisti
cally executed. The announcement that Mrs.
Wood will begin a new story, "Within the Maze)
or, Lady Ancllnnlan s Trial," In tho January
uumber, will ho welcome to her numerous ad
mirers. It will run the whole of next year.
"Choosing a Wife on Scientific Principles." has
a lovely picturo of the horoluc ; "The Phantom
Hare" Is a thrilling storv, strikingly Illustrated
and Jessie's Tidingt," and "Bertha's Twelfth
Night Cuke," are both accompanied with spirited
designs. The music Is the "Comma II Faut"
Polka. Every department of this magazine Is
managed with so much care and taste that It Is
brimful of choice entertainment. Price $3.00 a
year. Sent to nny subscriber of the Amkkican,
both the Amkrican and Magazine for one year
for fX00 lu advance.
Petebs' Musical Monthly for Poeembor Is to
I hand, containing nineteen choice pieces of Vocal
! nnd Instrumental Mnslc, all of which can be had
I for 80 cents. It seems hard believe that so much
can be furnished for such a small sum, but w
i know that It Is. It comes regularly every month,
and contains nothing tnri good Music.
Bound volumes for 1871 nre offered, post-paid,
! for $5. They come elegantly bound lu crimson
cloth, gilt sides nnd edges, and arc guaranteed to
contain tail worth of choico Piano Music, (some
'JM pieces. ) If ordered per express, f-J.rxj will
secure it. We would advise nil those seeking
Holiday Presents to bear this work lu mind.
Music is always a proper present to a lady, aud
lu no other shupo can the samo amount of good
music be bought. It is published by J. L. Peters,
oUU Broadway, Now York.
The iLLt'STBATRD CiniisTiAJi Weekt.t Just re
ceived contains a four-page supplement, beauti
fullv illustrated with thirteen designs. In which
short notices are given of holiday publications of
the American Tract Society. 1 lianKsgiviiig-nay
is duly honored In the editorials, In the Illustrat
ed story "Dr. Boneset's Thanksgiving,'' nnd in
the account of tho rise and progress of New
York "Home for the Friendless." Tho Illustra
tions in this number nnd supplement nre very
profuse, numbering In all twenty-one. Dr. Ro
bluson, the oiiental traveler, begins lu next
number a scries of illustrated articles on custern
life nnd scenery. Tho paper will be sent to any
address, ou receipt of f :J, from this Thanksgiv
ing number to the close of IH'i. Send 5 cents to
150 Nassua street, New York for it as a speci
men, or buy it from your newsdealer.
America Homes. The December number of
tills popular dollar magazine contaius several
excellent illustrations nnd Interesting articles or
stories by Col. Thos. W. Knox, Col. R. Conwell,
Julius A. Palmer, Jr., (leo. K. McNeill, C. Henry
St. John, Miss Mary E. Leonard, Edwin Ballard,
and other able and fascinating writers. The
various departments devoted to tho Household,
Table Talk, Sabbath Thoughts, Physiology. Mir
Moys and Girls, Witty Sayings and Doings, Farm
nnd Garden, Mechanics and Arli.atis, Masonry,
Odd Fellowship, Grand Army, and Knights of
Pythias, nre tilled with interesting nnd appropri
ate matter. The words and music of a popular
humorous song are also given. This magazine
which is only one dollur a year, is meeting w ith
great success. It is for salu bv all newsdealers,
and is circulated for subscription by agents who
wor' on cash commissions, nnd nre w ante J in
every city und town lu America. Charles II.
Taylor & Co., 01 Water street, Boston, lire the
lousiness Notices.
Stoves. Three second hand beaters and
stoves, nearly as good as new for salu at half
price. Enquire nt tills olllec.
Tiil-kb Is not nny room for doubting that the
coining winter is to bo nwful cold. Tho prophets
all say so i and the man Is lnsnnowho disputes
the profits. They have found the moss growing
thick ou tho trees, frogs standing on their heads,
sunflowers pointing towards the North Pole,
grape vines running ar.nind poles, Instead of up
them, and there are a thousand other signs to
show that every human being will be as
stiff ns chips before February uulcss clothed In
thu very best and warmest garments which nre
constantly being made up to suit everybody at
Thomas O. Noll's merchant tailoiing establish
ment, on Third street, opposite the Amtiucan
Ciianoe. C. S. Ilazeltlnc has lately
the large Book, Stationery, und Boot and Shoo
Store of N. F. Llghtner, nnd will continue the
business In the rooms In Moore & Dlsslngcr'i
building, corner of Market and Third Streets
Mr. IlazeUino is a thorough business man, who
w ill constantly keep up the reputation of that es
tablishment by adding new goods. The patrons
of this line establishment will be glad to learn
that Mr. Harry Timelier, widely known us a geu
tlemuiily clerk, will continue with Mr. Hazel
tine, und wait upon customers, a, heretofore.
Citowns of people are seen rushing to Hempcr-
lcy's for Shadow Pictures.
W. R. F. Weimeh Is opening a large assort
ment of all kinds of Store Goods which have been
selected In Philadelphia tho past week. His
stock Is largely increased, uud all of tho latest
styles iu market. Now is a chance, to lay In a
good stock. Cull ul tho store 011 Market street.
Lots ron Sai.i:. One lot 00 feet front on
Chestnut street, Sunbury, adjoining Ihc residence
of L. T. Rohrhaeh, Esq., aud two vacant lots
fronting Race street, in Musser's addition. Eu
q 11 lie of II. B. Masser.
Six Stories full of flue Clothing at Waiui
maker & Brown's.
Ciiildiien's shoes of all sizes and styles are
kept at Hiizeltiue's store lu Moore & Dim inker's
Foil Sale. A young cow thut will be fresh lu
a few mouths. Enquire at Ibis ofllee.
Tub books of Wm. D. Hatipt, S. Huiipt A Sou,
and Dr. Charles Arthur, are lu thu bands of A.
N. Brlee, Esq., for colleetlou. Purlies will save
costs by being prompt.
A l iHoBaiid varied assortnieut of Roots and
Shoes have Jul bc:n opened at C. 8. llazelliui's
store (successor to N. F. Lljjhiiicr), corner of
Third and Market Streets.
TllS latest fashionable boots ure oll'eied for
sale ut C. 8. Ilatcltlns's store, corner of Market
uud Third Streets. They are well made out of
Ills be-l uialeilal. Hold ul low prices.
Free of Charge Samples, price II. t, Jtc., fruiu
Wauuiiiuker ,V Browu's.
Fhti.ino's Mammutii Cash Krous is still sell
Ills' as cheap as ever.
Tua Excelsior Wuler Proof Leather Preserva
tive or harness, boots, slims, and leather er
riagu lops, run be bad at the boot and slow slot
lu Mooru.t Di.. inker's buildings, eoiuei Third
aud Market. This preparation L lbs be.l srea.o
for leather lUul tuu b used, lilve II a Ii ml.
Laiuks Alii dud ths large! variety of lbs ul
tsl i)l shoes ul ('. , lluscllliie's slurs, coiuer
of Msikel aud 1 till 4 l reels, lluut tUoes vf
H detll4I.IU.
Km. II. M11.1SH b sseluslv salt of Viomua
lotdiis Sbuts.
A ksar tupply uf Books, Albums, llioury,
To)., aud au luiiucuss vailvljr uf k'Mlobs ff lbs
llolkUys, bat UH liuul by I. . lUscllUis,
(suewsMor u Ll,blu), cuiusr i( II1I14 su4
Vlsikti kirssis.
fun auy kind uf Itolidsy picMUlt tall srly al
I'. . Ilsilii.' buoh, iiu4umI aud au
lluti I lots, lu kiwi 4 DUsiutfM't buUdli.,!,
uie )wii ms b suiiMt uU any aiiula kUb4
Haitian Is 4laruilu4 U luaUiUik I Us lapula
llust bills UuutauUb. fljUuj'l duu4 kis
LmiiTNFR's Hook, Stationery, Periodical De
partment, nnd Foo, Shoe, Trunk, Leather and
Finding Store has becn"oid to C. 8. llazclttne,
who has Just opeoed a large supply of the abovo
named goods. Call In nt the Moore & Dissinger
building, corner of Third and Market Streets.
Fbtlino has received New Goods which he bat
selected with care.
Fbtlino has the reputation of selling the beet
Goods nt tho lowest prices.
Wm. n. MiLir.n bas the exclusive sale of
Walkor's Patent Saddle seam Moots, go see them.
Ikh finest American nnd Italian marble can
b? found nt the Sunbury marble yard of Mr. W.
M. Daughcrty, which he is prepared to finish In
any style to suit purchasers. Those In want of
Tomb stones, monuments, &r. are requested to
call, as they can bo had nt city prices, and Iho j
workmanship guarnuteed not to be excelled any-
where. Call and see, opposite the Court House,
Sunbury, Pa. I
At Wm. II. Miller's yoa can get a Tip Top
Boot for 13 CO.
Fbtlino wl'l not bo undersold. Call nnd seo
his blnck and colored Alpacns, French Merinos
and other seasonable Dress Goods.
Wm. II. Mn.t.r.n has Just received a fine assort
ment of Trunks and Vallccs.
Elm 1 ii A Boots nnd Shoes of all "descriptions nt
Wm. II. Miller's.
The largest variety of lints ever kept in Sun
bury, nre now to be found ut S. Faust's Hut
Store, on Market Square, nenr the Court House.
All the very latest city styles can be had there nt
prices to suit thu times.
jt!clal Notices.
On Mnrrlnrjo. Essnvs for Young Men, on
Great Social Evils and Abuses, which Interfere
will. Marnagcj and ruin the happlncpe of thou
sands, with sure means of relief for tho Erring
nnd I'nfortnnatc, deceased nnd debilitated. Sent
in scaled letter envelopes, free of charge.
Address, ..oward Association. No. a, South
Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa.
The I'oiifcNNloitsi of 1111 Invalid.
PUBLISH EI) as a warning and for the benefit
of uohik; iiiri ni Men, who sillier. from
Nervous Debility, tfcc, supplying the means of
Written bv one who cured himself and sent
free on receiving a post-paid directed envelope.
May ao, lSTl.-fim. Brooklyn, N. Y.
i. c. o
t c S
3 f- a
O rs s. A
S SJ I- 3 E
3 P. .
t 1 2
3 2
- "
"2 C
on - ?
The Rev. William H. Norton, while residing
In Brazil as a missionary, dlseowrcl In that
land of medicines a remedy for CoNsi Mn ion,
Soiuiri i.a, S inn Thkoa r, Coi ims,,
Asthma, ami Nr.uvoi s Whakne.-h. Tliis rem
edy has cured inyseif after all other medicines
bad failed.
Wishing to benefit tho sulVering. I will send
the recipe for preparing nnd usi:i'.: this remedy to
ull who de-ire it r REK OF Cll AKliE.
Piease send nn envelope, with your name and
address 011 it. Ad -tress.
070 Huoadwav,
Oct. 1UMTI. 1y. Nlw Yohk Citt,
In I 1 tier Augusta, Nov. 2::d, by I'.ev. (I. ,1.
Burton, Mr. John M. Nixson to Miis Buutua L.
IIkown, both orsunbiiiy.
On the l-.'th lilt., by Rev. James C. Clark, Mr.
Jamks Cnoi-nii, of Mahuiioy Clly, to .Miss Isa
nr.l.LA Matmi:son, of Trevortoii.
On the 17th ult., by the sam-, Mr. Isaac
IIinki.kv. of Taniaqua, to Miss Nan.;it. Suhll.
of Sunbury.
On the 2Ut nit., by lha fame, Mr. Ciias. W.
Mantz to Miss Kate Rounrus, both of Sunbury.
On the 231 nit., by the same, Mr. STrn-iir.N
Ti:mi'.im to Mis Rkbecia Uaunhai;t, both of
Al the roslileneo of the bride's parents, on tho
23 1 ult., by Rev. (iro. J. Hrenduger, Mr. Anukkw
Ntwiifiiv, of Mercer County, Pa., uud Miss Mauy
H. Walsmitii, of this place.
A line cake accompanied Hie above notice, for
which, as well as from other considerations, the
parties have tho best wishes from all hands in
this olllec for their welfare through life.
Ktnibtiry Grulu A- lruduct .Market.
GkaIN Choice White Wheat tl CO
Heft Amber, Winter 1 .Ml
Corn s-j
Rye 00
Onis, (:;.' lbs.) fij
Best Amber, Winter, per sack 1 00
" " barrel H till
Com Meal, per cwt., -J .VJ
Pennsylvania Roll tl'
Eiios Pel Inzen
Meats Dried Reef, p.r lb JSIa.aO
Smoked J.'ultoii lHfl'J
.AKIi per lb ."M
Ftsu Salt Whiu Fish, per lb U
" Trout IS
Cod ' H
Flesh Shad 401 a.l',0
Veoetaulus Turnips, per bushel V
rotutiMS 1 jo
Onions " " 1 'JO
Beans, (piarl M li(jj,iH
lloinliiv. " " I'd
Dkikii Fbiits Dried Apli'.es, mr lb 1'JtaUO
" runelius, " J(,llt
l'lillitiIi llilaMUl t.rl ItuilruMit.
On and after Monday, Novriiilicr 'it, H7I, the
Trams 011 the Philadelphia Erie Rail Road will
ruu us follows 1
Mull Train leaves I'lillii b lphla, fi.'-'O p 111
" " " SiiuUuiy, i.imi 11
" arr al Kile, a.!iu p 11
Kile Ei,r- leuu-s Philadelphia, MM p 111
" " huubury, U..VJ j, 111
" an al Erie, T.n 4 M
F.luiiru Mult leaves I'blludelpliU, 7.:nl 4 1,1
Buiibui), 4,:,ft i in
" ' arr al l.otk llaveu, T.Vijiiu
AecollllnoJaliou b itle l-uubui ) , it Ii 4 :
" uir ul, 0 (J a 111
t Vs l WAUH.
IUU Tula leaves Kile, :i a ut
aunbury, IJ.'Haiu
" " arr al l blla.1. I uU, 11.004111
Ki's Kiplt.s Uuics Kite, lUul p 111
" " " Huubury, ij.'Msw
H " sir si l'lii:..-KIdii, V.aupui
KI111I14 Mail luin t ek II iiii, far a ui
" " " tunl.ui), II UU 4 lu
" " an al I'loi 1 1 , Ida, ft 'i u 1.,
Aeeolllluiululluu luM IU""", U . I p Ul
" air ut ka.ibui), t ) p in
U4II Kusl rouux U su.t aud tol at K. suit
L. k. A '1. I U. W. ! I "') uu l
lb lol I i.k auj k.Ui U U IV,
M ill W..I Willi .-l L..U...J llMll.t eu I., k A
M k. U- W. u..4 ul I ui I iiut,u w 11 u I i.l
I ... . M 4lukk.Mi H. U. W.
Iiiii.a u..ugr liuius ii L iuii
11 luiuus.i wl is kiiu . fiM, au4 , 1
Vl Uiuilualxil wit I lu.ll U.11.
Kal. A. l I'VilN,
l...'l kue'l.
To JH'liUitnlud t'crson-t,
To Dyr jicplirs,
To Suficri rs from Liver Complaint,
To those having no A ppvlite,
To thoeo with Urokca 1)owq Constitu
tions, To Nervous People,
To Chllilrun Wnflling Awny, .
To any with DcbiliUted Di.s;i Rtivo Orpans,
Or nuffirirtg with any nf follmtiing
Sjmiitnnw, fchUh indicate Disordered Liir
or hlomach.
such as Con-
stlpatlon, Inward
Piles, Fullness or
Blood to the Hend, Acid
ity of the Stomach, Nanc,
Heartburn, IMsirnsl fir Fond,
Fullness or Weight In the Stom
neh, Sour Eructations. Sinking or
Fluttering ut t lie Pit of the Stom
ach. Swimming of the Head, Hur
ried nnd Dlllleint Breathing, Flutter
ing nt the. Heart, Choking or Bull'ocat
Ing Sensnllons, when In n Lying Posture,
Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the
Sight, Fever and Dull Pain In the Head, Dellclen
cv of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin
nnd Eves. Pain in the tide. Back. Chest.
Limbs, An., Sudden Hushes of Heat,
Burning In I he Flesh Constant Ini
ugiuings of Evil, and Great De
pression of Spirits.
Hoofland's German Hitlers.
A Bitters without Alcohol or Spirits of any kind.
Is different from all others. It Is composed ot
the pure Juices, or Vital Pbincivlb of Roots,
Hkiiiis and Bakks, (or as medicinally termed Ex
tracts,) tho worthless or Inert portions of the in
gredients not being used. Therefore lu one bot
tle of this Bitters there Is contained nsmueh me
dical irtnc ns will be found In several gallons of
ordinary mixtures. The Roots, Arc, used In this
, Kilters lire grown In Germnny, their vital princi
ples extracted in that country by n scientific Che
I mist, nnd forwarded to the manufactory in tills
city, where they nro compounded and bottled.
' Containing no spir.tuous ingredients, this Hitlers
: i free from the objections urged ngalnst nil olh
1 crs : no desire, for stimulants can be Induced
1 from their use they cannot make drunkards,
! and cannot, under any circumstances, huvo uuy
: but a beneficial effect.
' War compounded for t hose not Inclined to cx
: tremo bitters, anil Is intended for use in cases
I when some alcoholic stimulant Is required In co 1-
tieetion Willi tho tonic properties of the Hitters,
j Each bottle of the Tonic contains one bottle of
, the Bitters, combined with puree SANTA CRUZ
RUM, and flavored in such a manner that the ex
treme bitterness of the bitters Is overcome, form
ing a preparation highly ngrceable and pleasant
to the palate, and containing the medicinal vir
tues of the Bitters. The price of the Tonic is f 1.
.VI per Bottle, which lnauy person think too
high. They must take Into consideration that
the stimulant used Is guaranteed to be of a pure
quality. A poor article could be fiiruWhel at a
cheaper price, hut is it not belter to pay a lit t Its
more and have n good article I A medicinal pre
paration should contain none hut the lust Ingre
dients; and they who expect to obtain a cheap
compound, and be benelilted by It will most cer
tainly be cili ated.
I(oof!ait!si ;orinsMt Hidor, or
LAND'S INultjpIi; Hl:i 11!!,
will cure you. They are the (liei.tett
BLOOD ri'RiFIERS known to the Mc.lica!
world, und will eradicate diseases arising from
impure blood, Debility of the l-isgesllve Organs,
or Diseased Liver, ill a shorter time tliuii any
other known remedies.
Who v.ori.n ask roil mous Din:.iFiEi and
S lllONHi:ll TF.: TIMONV I
lion. fiKoitoR W. Wo'inWAitn, formerly Chief
Justice of the Supreme Court of l'eniiy!v.uila,
ut present Member of Congress from Pennsyl
vania writes :
I'MII.AI.ri.PMiA, March lflth, 1WT.
I find "Iloonund's Bitters'' i- a good
tonic, useful in diseases of the illge-live organs,
and of henclit In cases of debiiilv, and
want of nervous net inn In t'.m sv-tem. Your.-,
truly, UEO. W. WoCl)' M.D.
Hon. JAvrs Titomtson, Chief Ju. ticc of the Su
premo Court of I'enn.-ylviinla.
Puii.ii'n.viiA, April S, 1307.
I consider "Iloofi.ind's (iennan Uiiters" a val
uable inedieine lu case of attacks ol Indigestion
or Dyspepsia. I can certify this from my expe
rience of it.
Hon. (iEniint Siialswood, .Tu-tlcc of the Su
preme Court of Pennsylvania.
I'M u.Anri nn , June 1, 10S.
I have found by expcileiicc that '"Ilootl md's
(iennan Bitters" Is a very good tonic, relieving
dvspeptio stinptoms nliiio.-t direct I v.
oEoiuiE siiAisswoon.
Hon. Win. P. Jtoyer$, Mayor of t'aa Clly of Buf
lalo, N. Y.
Mayor's Olllec, Buir..!o, June 2J, lUil,
I have ncd "lloollnnd's tieriuaii Bitters r.r
Tonic" In my family during the pint year, urn
can recommend them us 1111 excellent tonic, ini
parting tone and vigor to the svstnm. 1 lit ir u-r
has been productive of dt el ledlv beneiic il ef
fects. WM. V, ROeiKl.d.
Hon. Jamti if. Wood, Ex-Mayor of Williams-
port. Pa.
I take great pleasure In lecoininciu'ing "Ilocf-
land's Gel man Tonic' to unv one who mav be
ulllleted with Dyspepsia. 1 had the Dyspi-pshi
so Dadly It was liupo-slhlc to keep nny too l 1,11
my stomach, anil became so weak as not to be
uble to walk half a mile. Two boltli-s ell, clod a
perfect cure. JAMES M.WOOD,
, ini
Will Cuio every C'usu of
MAR A S ?.1 U S ,
or Wti8tine nway uf ll.o llmlv.
Am the ineiih lues ,,o le pilre lopuilly tbu
Blood, excite the loipld l iver 10 healthy uitiuii,
audio eiinb'e oii l.i p ios safely Ihroali uuy
hardships or expiHuro.
DR. irooF!.AND'S
1 0 D 0 V 11 Y L L I y ,
tub.iiliili! for Mercury Pills, 'iuo pills a
e. The iiiorl lWcii.ii, yi l.ii.oe. ni C..tUar-
It Is not lieeeSKury to like a handful of Ibese
PliU o pioituec lliu deniie.t elbel iho of thein
uel ipilekly uud poei tally, l ie lli.lli Hie !.! T,
tloiliaell ulld Dowels of ull lllipui II les. 'I lie lli-le llehl ia l'o.,.pb lliu, or Hie Alio
liolle Kvlruel of Maudi akx, w lib Ii I-l, in iny
linns more iueifnl, aein, H i t .i iiehiin; 1I101
Hie Mandrake lUell. p. . ueiioii 1. upuu
Hie Liver, cUsuiiiug II speedily from ull i,llme
Hous, Willi ull tbu Ki,-r of Mi-reurv, , l fus
I10111 Hie lujuilous results ailaelu I I i Iim usu ul
1 lust 111 I lit- It I .
1014:1 tliM-asos, lu vlileh lha ui of a e illmr
lle U Is Healed, Ho pills llli;l.- mill u sails-laell-iii
ni . IV iae. I lo n. i.l I .it.
Ill i'UM-u of later I 1. 11, 1-in. I, i. 1- 1 uu ics.
Ireiiiu eiMllveiits, lb. ll.s'S Hid'. I.eiiu ta bl
tela or Tollle sliollbl be u. , 111 iniiin 1 Hou Mali
Hie I'll!.. Th Ionic t it. 1 1.1 Hie II. u.-ia i r '.
luc bulUs up lliu i -leiu. lliu b ill I. or Joule
-hi 111, lbs llusi l, .in iic lb. ii. 1 U.i Sen, ., . a: u -l-ili
lliu I.Utr, uud till. a .lliliHi, turn,') und
Kaup our I,,.U aeiiiukiib lliu Pill., uud
Ions up tbu III lilt 11,11. I of I ulile, iu uo
J1m4u run l.'lula Hie lodd, or rt u u...ll ,ni.
U.wlU.l lliul II U DM. llo'H. IM10 lif.ll
HIS ! liiat ull) so uiolvlaaU) u.,. uu,
UlblV Iciolliliielnl. I j UI'd do II., I ulln l,
ll'i.'ijUt la llila.u ),i Ii laku uIU,uj 1 ,..
IU1 La U'U) au) la Ju.l a, t, 4n.u I.,
o.-tia 4 lu't.i pt.ut wu II, I i.i . II. in. ,n.. , ,
Uu a 11 l,y d Spl aa to Hli) I'.'.llh. I,.u a li. u-
H...I iuii. ritlM irli. I'lru 1 -1 1 . in.
Mts alrl.Hlxk, kli'll,l .tin 11 i
lilll.Al"! I rill I.
4 II s. M. KV'AN, l'i..piai..r.
K"IIU.,I ( . M. Ju. a. A I ... L.. k.ios.
dl"U uis ("I ia b Diuu.iaia, ktol .ataxia, 4u4
kl4.alus ui."lrsAa'S
Tho Clothiors,
Kow have the most Com
plete ancl Handsomest
Stockof PineReady-Made
Clothing for Gentlemen's,
Youths', Boys', and Chil
dren's Fall and Winter
W ear ever mamifacturcd
Toy any establishment in
this country.
The Styles arc the Very
The Fabrics are of the
The Iako is Supsrior, and
the Prices are the Low
est ever charged for th-3 I
same class Good:-.
erYen are coruialh
Cak Hall
V a,Cl rf
this Season, and inject
the various Designs and
Qualities -inauirc Prices,
and, if you see" any article
you like, to make a Pur
chase. tarPdito Attention always
to- Children's Department
cn the First Floor.
w5-Gc-ntlsms;Vs Punishing
Goods cf Every Dsscrip-
a-Thc Largest and most
Thoroughly Organized
Custom Department in
Philadelphia, with a
Ksgnificent Stock of Piece
Goods to Eake to Order
ITo Cottcn-lEsed Goods
ar Samples, vith Easy
Rulesfor Self-Measurement,
sent "by mail to
any address on applica
tion. ! I I IV t I I 1 I 1 1 1 I
m.. 1 i it 11 ii
ma Limn imwv ym" n mt
S. S. Car. Ci A
ALL per.-ons knowinir tlu liiselves in lebtcd to
J. II. Kiiifel on lliu di aecouiit or Note, will
please make si tlleim-nt an 1 ';iy between this
and the lirsl d.iy of ltecember next, and save
eo.f, as al'ti-r that date the I ks und notes will
b? placid in t '.!-. hands of a J'.irtlee for eolleet ion.
J. II. l'.Nlil L.
Sunbury, Nov. 11, 1M?t.-3t.
Wanted Brnmeclintsly.
,'tlio Mrn ittid IVoiuen
to purchase the entire stock of HOOD" now of
fered for Inspection and sale at the Mammoth
flore nn tjueeii Street, NoillinnibcHaiid, lis I urn
deteriiiini d not to be
I'iKlcrKoItl or i:&co!Icl
lu ipia'ltv of j;ools oil'erel for sale in mv line.
f)etLS, lsTl.-r.iu.
now iip.-ii at
ntKH Ii ATI". 1II.A K' WTOltl?,
Market .Suare, rH'MlfllV, Penu'u.,
biiu Poplins, Dress Trimmings, Eml.rol lerles,
Notion-, .Ve.
fo nts' Collars, Neck-ties, lla'.f-h-i e, II indl.i r
ehi, 1- aud lilows.
Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, l.' I!iii-1i.'.,I omiIi,
Au Invitation Is extended to nil to c ,11 and se
cure har;u!uu,
Nov. 1, 1 si I.
l'i:i..iil AND 1HMI:sTIC lilKipS
of r(, ry yi.i.l.-, J:isi opened ul lb,-
I'll Tli'. 1 1 Mr,-. I, In Mill, r'a III, opp, tile t'.u-
Mo, ne l-..lli,'er Itllil lll,-,
Tho nui.t I i.hloiiable i-lotliliij in., v p, or 1 r
liom every tail, IV of loo.N,
bulla ol nil u. . 1, 1. id lip ul thu sh.i;ti. 110.
tiee. Ilolll Hie li. rl a l.. le. aloel, ii .WW V Ol W
Ull I I'ln'ud.'lplil.l.
Cull uud bv t'oli 1 11 , .
TIUrt. il. Ni.l T.
Nov. i. ITI.
Mll.l ll i; AM l M V KlUIti:.
I'Mll uu l tl.ilrr (.uuda,
Miss 1.. u,
Uul lel ti.le.t, 01,, 1 J,..r u. of ti ..lh tl I'l toll
I i.,n.f. y .ii.iv,
M'.NIIl'KV, FA.,
H i. o ui.l Ii. r aim
llllliixry aud laurj tii.uiU,
II VJ 1 A N It lUiNM...
"I l.i Ul. .1 al) a uf llliw liUI Kl' I 'll
an I tun nun I i,.i-i,, I...... ,.t,i. ..... t.,i
bu-pa, l,lnn,,a, I 1,11,11., I ulla, J-.i, I.. 1 li, ,,..,
..I.. I J Ul,. tailils o 1,. I, 1 ail 1. ,
lu 1. i.mi 11, u al I- t 111, 1..0I I, u,i thv
I I'ul . I. a 011 I U,J
j lu a, I II It' I n,
Us Is sl'o a. 1' I f 1 I .t . 1 a .l I....... j, f .4 X
I U I .uu.,
I Iba l.dus of iubuir ai. I 1. unj (le .,.
i..e l.iu.f I.114.I tuf tta.uli.a t 1 t.aui-4
y IV fill
m.ynije i:t:.TrB5.
Fr!(TPIIR it fT.tTr; Fahi. Pit
ti.'.toiiF.. I ir-t premium for he-pisca Uealers
awarded the Suiiiiyi-iile.
Adviintiiiies of the Fnnnyside 1
1. It. la so constructed that oue-thlrd more of
the rnilltttlne snrfaee extenr"s Into the room, glv
bur thut much more additional heat nit bout ex
tra fuel.
3. Il is the only ITot-Alr Fire place Hester In
the mark"!. Like the uvular bul.t eelli. r benter,
it loses no heal, but conUues 11 all to Its Icgltl
purposes. 8. The fuel matfnalne Is rloiihlo tho usual sc,
extendinK from the tlra box to the lop of tho
stove, with capacity for tweuty-four hours' up
piyofcoal. 4. The patent double cover for conl mnKnr.lna
eoiistimes the lias, pruvenls escape of pis Into
thu room, aud makes it Impossible for nry pur-
llnes or explosions to recur. 1 bis Is nn ndvnnt
niie possessed by no other t're-pluco stove lu tho
fi. Tliero arc. three air cambers, wherein A
brisk circulation Is kept up, drawing the cold air
In the room th.-onth heated Hues Into a lure
hot-air reservoir, nt the hack of tho stove.
0 No side pipes nre used, ns the air Is healed
In a reservoir having dotibie radiiitiuir Hues nnd
doublo buck, supplying larite quantities of hot
air without waste of heat, or find.
7. The Si-NNYsiiir. tnii'iKi tho wurtc bent so
thoronirhly that we friMiieiitly heat an adjoiniiiir
room 011 the tlrst, besides heatinj; tLe rooms in
second und third slorles.
H. A damper on top of the stove, connected
with thu hoi 11 ir dues, controls thu quantity of
hot air required for the use of cither the 11 per
or lower rooms. All other tlre-pluco stoves uro
very Inconvenient in Ibis repect.
II. The (irate is self-sealing, and no dust can
escape, while sliiikinir it.
It. It. MAStfErt, Aeiit.
2.UV. 11, lfiTI.
C A It U 1 A C J 2: MAM F A t TO It Y,
"I'tTOl.'I.r) respectfully nuiio'.inee to the eltl-
V zens of Sunbury und surround'nur country,
that he is prepared to manufacture all stylcn of
t'itrrlKgoN, l(iirgi, Ac.
at his ne'v shop 011 east Market street. ITc will
fnraioh every description of Wagons, both
fn short, will make everything In his line from n
llrst-class rurrhme ton vvheelbarrow, waiianted.
to be made of tlie best and most durable materi
als, and by the most experienced workmen. All
work sent out from bis establishment will bo
found reliable iu every part ion in r.
The patronage of the public Is solieiled.
Sunbury, Nov. 4, 'Tl.-ly.
HI orth hoeoiiil St., fop sil'tttirry,
An nsfortmcnt of Watches, Jewel, y, liver nnd
Plated Ware constantly on hand.
Kepalrii.i; of Watch.'S and Jewclrv promptly
attended to. April 1,'lsTl-ly.
W.tXTKI) S0 At;i;M'e..
LIGHT cniployment and Kd wagesto those
who want to work.
Should cuil ou or address.
Yo ler A, Wolveiton,
Suiihurr. Pa.
Oct. 14,1871.
Beef! Beef!
riilF, un leisiu'ned Is prepared to furnish, the
.S- eiuzens ol Sunbury nnd vleioliy with thu
choicer Hecf anil Pork 111 Market, cillier ut
Wholesale or K-l-iil.
1'ami.ies will be suppiiel bv tlj-? nuaiter or
I side, or MiialLr (p.iai.tliles at tiie 1110-t reasoua
I ble rutes.
j I'onstnntly cn hnnd the choicest cuts of Beef,
l oi K, .M ul l on aim e:il. 11I-0 miu.'-iijt.-s, H, -loiias.
.ve. Ajplv at the Moi.t House, South Third
sl.t-et, ill Jdooio iV Disiiiirei- R-r.v, Suiibuiy.
On markit days the hoi of meat is served t
customers at the meat siimd, corner of Maiket
und Third sit t s, whi n Hie ceh-lirmed ISiomou?'
sai:s:H'es can be had, loi:ir kuowu as the List Pi
in:r ket.
N. fl. Persons hnvim; tat hou's or beeves for
sale can procure the hi;'e-.-t nun ki t price by up
plication i:t Hi,; nboVe e-labiif-hiuei.t.
1 t-iiiiburv, Nov. 11,
r. '
rr: t"1
' t T s s
fa I
A aV Xsv
" a jLl S- L I
a J-s
s -4
r 1
it t
Z r , ,
J 'A 7.
xa uaa
r J
No I
I It C. I. b . t r ,iiu lb t ; ,1
it lltu II Ml II,.' U. 4 1 II. a'4. I 1 1 . 1 1,
o I
I. u
II a
1. ,. L1..I ul ,1 ..I ll, l- .1 f ,1 41, U I-
li. ,., i.l-iii,.i. a' 4 k-l,t, b,.f, lh,' s.i,
4 mi 1.1 .. 1,1 " 1 i.i ,.m ,)iii.s 1,,, 1.
1 . 1 1 t. 1.. 1 .1 auoi. i 11 1.1.,. 1, .
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