Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 02, 1871, Image 2

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n. I. MsSSF.H, i
a uonn to ot n uu.inKitN.
Tlie circulation of tho American ought
1.0 Jki i1ouI)1m1. With iv very little effort on
tho part or our frit-ails nnd wo believe tho
(rent muss of its renders nro uch tills
could wry soon bo accomplished. There
is no iino to well qualified to spenk of the
Milue of Ibis paper ns thoso who peruse its
yiin every week. In its sphere for tho
iuiomirtlion it furnishes to tho mnsscs it
hus no cqunl, while its pvico is within tho
reach of nil.
JiK.vpeh.I You wlio bust know its vnluo
nciik n pood word in its behalf, and pet n
friend or neighbor to send in his name,
with the money.
The Amjt.icax is pronounced by fann
ers, merchants nnd clergymen in the coun-
ty, who hnvo been reailins? It from ten to
twenty-livo years to bo tlie best aud cheap
st weekly paper iu tho county. It con
tains n'.l the nows of tho dny from dilfercnt
parts nf the world.
Tt contain-", each week tho best hints do-1
rived from tho best sources ou the farm
nnd garden, and everything interesting to
tho fanner and horticulturist.
Vt'n nro about making arrangements to
cnl.ugci tiie pa;jcr between now nnd spring,
nnd therefore olfi r new inducements to
siixi) ix clubs von 17-2.
There will Lo an election in 1S72 for
1'ivsiiUut of the United .Stnttf, which will
bo one of the most iinportaut ever held in
this country. To our old subscribers wo
ived not eny where the Amkimcan will be
found. It lias ever been ou the side of hu
man rlttlits, nn.l tlie economical expendi
ture of ibe public money, and opposed to
bribery nnd corruption in every form. This
will lirs its platform in tho future ns it has
bet n in the past.
Tlie "Suxuf ky American" is furnished
to Eoit!o subscribers at $1.50 a year, to
i-ltilw of fire, $1.2.") ; to clubs often and lip
s' arris, 1.15, and n copy furnished gratui
tously for every ten names. Any ono who
will take tho i rouble to examine tho mat
ter wi'.l Sco that this is but a fraction over
the cost of white pnpyr upon which it is
printed. There is n t a cheaper paper
published in the county, nor one that con
tains more varied and interesting rending
Specimen copies sent free. Address
M'L iVILVEKT, Editor & Proprietor.
fcUNllUUV, PA.
tfJT Having nlso, in connect ion with the
aper, lilted up a flrst-clitss Uook and Job
illlee. all kiuds of work will bo executed ns
neatly ns in tlie city, at tho most liberal
piioes, and satisfaction guaranteed. Orders
ly mail will receive prompt attention.
The JDanncrat having always been se
v: ro in its denunciations of tho Xew York
Tt ilrtnr, we are surprised to see it garbling
extracts from that paper. Having no hopes
-of i!ic "Tammany King'' any longer, the
editor, no tJoulit, expects to redeem his past
couife by occasionally quoting the j'n'tuiic
'The readers of tho Jhmocrat ns Well as the
Tnhuvc, would prefer the whole of tho ar
ticle copied, instead of garbled extracts,
ti nHicc that paper in a wrong light. The
A::r.uii'AV never pretended that there
.,eie no rogues outside tho Democratic
jiiuiy. They will bo found in nil parties,
llutv.e do say that the piliey of the lkmo-
cralie nurty has been, for many years, to
cover up ull frauds nnd rascalities commit
ted by members of their party, whilst He-
publicans do not hesitate to denounce and
expose them, without respect to party. We
want no heller evidence of this than the
fact that Domocratiu editors, with few ex
centio!n. nl tempted rather lo excuse, than
denounce the traitors who openly boasted
of iheir determination to break up litis
government. Tho Democrat never had an
vmkiuil word, even for such arch traitors
s Jell' Ii; vis, 'reekinridg', Toombs,
nor for tho robberies of Floyd nnd others,
.li.ii ig tho rebellii n, because: they were
Democrats. 12 veil tho recent stupendous
iiMtuls by tho Now York olllciuls were
passej over by our n ighbor in silence.
'IslT Not Tims? The question has
been appropriately asked, now that the
IVtnocrats in New York are disposing of
their rascals, is it not time that tlie ltndi
cnls should exhibit equal honest. Carpct
bnggers are plundering the Southern States
to bankruptcy, and rn venous rings sucking
tho life-blood of tho Federal government.
Why don't tho Radicals kick them over
board as Iho Democrats do their rascals ?
Do vou nivo it un f Becnusn. if tlicv did.
thero would not be honest men enough left
in tin, party to carry a singlo State in tho
Wo copy tho above from tho Democrat of
l ist week, which appers to show that tha
editor is getting nshamed of tho company
hr is in, nnd is endeavoring to cover up his
tracks during tho Inst campaign. It is well
known that ho was among tho vilest to
persecute honest Democrats becauso they
refused lo support tho Tammany lting ticket
iu this county, which he defended nnd sup
ported throughout. Even candidates de
feated at the Democrr.tio primary election,
by fraud of tho Tammany party, were de
nied space in tho itemorraf for ft card, for
fear their fraud nnd corruption would bo
revealed. An edict was sent forth through
this same paper thnt tho names of all voting
ngninst tho Tammany ticket chould bo
placed in n book for fuluro reference to
brand them ns disorganizcrs. Why did not
the Dcmncmt then denounce tho Tammany
Ring ns "rascals" nnd defend tho rights of
honest Demcrats. When tho head of the
Tammany Ring was nttaeked by the Re
publicans and honest Democrats to disgorge
their plunder, the Dtmocrat kept silent nnd
was trembling for its Xcw York ' friends.
Since thero is a probability of tho honest
people, regardless of party, driving the
thieves out of New York nnd punishing
them, nnd thero is no more hope for money
to be sent through tho country to keep up
tlie branch Rings, tho Democrat wants to
claim it as Iho work of tho Democrats. Wo
would like our neighbor to explain which
ho now claims ns tho Democratic party,
the ono he is connected with, or the party
opposing the fraud nnd corrupliou of tho
Tnniiuany Ring ?
The discovery of the fact that Congress
man Leach, of North Carolina, is a mem
ber of the Kuklux Klan reveals how wide
spread is that organization, and how thor
oughly it permeates tho entire society of
tho .South. 12x-(iovirnor HoUUu, of
North Carolina, believes that every South
run Democratic Congressman is a member
of the Klan, and we think iho facts, if ever
fully brought to light, will support him.
Ho asks Congress what it is going to do,
and we repeat the question. Any man
who subscribes to such a document ns the
constitution of this infamous Jiand is not
only an enemy of his country, but dead to
every generous emotion or feeling. Uefore
tho investigation is through it is probably
that thero may bo revelations which will
implicate many Northern Democrats, nnd
wo would not ba surprised at such result.
It is barely possiblo that not only tho idea
of tho organization, but Iho money comes
from tho North .
The editor of tho Dtmocml, says, lhat
wo "became so used, during the past cam
paign, iu manufacturing lies that wnoannot
now tell tho truth." We arc sorry neighbor
that you did not discover it sooner, wo
threw tho challenge to you for contradic
tion which was declined. Wo aro still
open for conviction, and now challenge the
Juuocr-rifto prove that we stated anything
during tho campaign that was not correct.
Terliaps our neighbor has becomo so har
dened iu deceiving his readers, that he can
not tell right from wrong. Wo say the
X. Y. 7V.&I H' does not corroberato tho
Democrat. Tho Tribune docs not suppress
the truth by garbled extracts, ns tho Demo
crat does.
Tho lion. Ueorgo 11. Parker, a promi
nent Democrat nf Iown, publicly declares
lhat tho Dcniociatic party, ns an organiza
tion is dead, nnd if tho Democrats expect
to resurrect its principles, nnd succeed in
147'J, they must abandon tho old organiza
tion aud become an integral portion of it
new party.
The small-pox in New Yeirk is increas
ing to an alarming extent. Tho journals
of the city ara becoming alarmed, and nre
calling upou tho health authorilcs to use
tho utmost vigilanco iu bloppiug tho ad-
vauuo of tho disease.
Ki.'UAiiD 15. Connolly, cx-v'ontr.i'.K r
of Now York, and tho partner of Tweed,
Sweeny, and Hall, of Iho great tlrm of oill
cial thi:,s, was on Saturday arrested in
New York a co-defeu l i'H with Tweed
iu tho suit broi:;;tit lo recover tho money of
the city which tlis two have stolen. Tlu ur
ic was -it much a virpris.i t him as it was
toXev Yi k an I will be' to the country. He
l i l tuni 4 N.s'u'a evidence and iM-trayed all
ee:v ol tlii gang of which ho was a
in i-'iitvr ; tho boo.'-x of his olUcu were fur-
nulled to the CommUteu of Seventy, and
ho even vaeiled it ut I'm request of tho
llcibjmurs. It wa generally thought ho
w ml. I bo allowed to tie ipo enl-IVio as a
reward lor lha exposure of his ii.mti. derate .
tint ho !s equally guilty and klculd u! i bo
foin4ij'.uU ludiiorgo.
Cor, Fuanu Joukvm ion Covruvou.
- 'ilel I'epubhcuus of IWdfold county, belli
a iai i and vuihuoiaaltu loeiio.' on M m-
day oilut Wee, Ull I reeoiiuui u.kd l,.
Fl ink Jordan, 11 their choice l'.( Iho In XI
(inferior. Col. Jord lll ha occupied Iho
p'iaili"ll U Svei'et.liy i-f tll.i Ciililllioiiweilllh
under liov. (ieaiy, and has had hr.n en-
pi lii 11 1 j III llei pulio I Hlflil'S of lhi Siiile,
I lo la it g ii'.lem in nf hih i hiii'.ii U i' rfiid it
.1I0114 suppoiur of 1 lie 1 r.n.'iplct ui lie.'
p I'llii'iuimn.
ni.ii'i'iuced as l'lcsident of an American
civr.pany which is seeking iho givale r part
01 a capital 01 c ,iiuj,ow 111 i. neiou.
lion. tieo. W. Weiodward, formerly of
the Supremo Court of Pennsylvania, and
tho lain Kepresefitativo in Congress fl'niii
Twelllh Pennsylvania district, was last
week married at Lexington, Kentucky,
to Mrs. 12. II. .McC.tllil 1, of that city, iu
the presence of a brilliant company, repre
stinting some of iho most ilisliuguished
liimilies of kentue ky.
Tim eommiltcn ot city cnuncil nppoiutcd
lo iuvestialu tho alleilged frauds oil iho
accounts ol I tie Philadelphia treasurer, can
not proceed for Iho iviu ill there is never u
quorum present lieu it meets. What
e iio'.uilUu will iuveiiiato this barefaced
fraud r
Forty chililren, under Instructions from
their Catholic parents, on .Monday morn-
lug, olieeleil lo lieanii tlio llitilo read HI
1 1 in pulilic school al lluuier's I'i'iut, X. Y.
mi. I wero proiiipily diiiiied from llio iu
kliltlti ill.
Connolly lluu fir has be-eu unable to find
the amount ol hut demanded of hint, ntid
il 1 1I1011-M liu eat to Thuiiksgivin.
iliuucr in , til.
'i'liul fur, i! Ci'iiiruller I'oni.elly, of S'vW
Y"ik, lm fuil". I lo ke' uiii ii,u ripiiiu
aui m it of ball, Vkhl. U.i, i
9i.Uiiil.USI, uud, U1114 ilni ;.( ul, uln.u
Ho UnUuirf, hu i ll.iv to iviiuiii ut
h ili I, licri4, It hi tiluiu fuu H.(y
);riil, Ha wgold Im ..kuij lUiou.h Lis
vit IhU.
1 11 1 11 in in 1 11 1
H" li'y l'M f'ii i I I Ihu iiiia4
io) i'v... 4 i i'A.
tol 1 -'kti i;( il. isui u l )a Ut
TvrrlblM IMiMnIrr -Ktutllt ViX-
grium ItroM u-el.
.M i x Wi.iii v, i:ypl, Nov. 31. A
lemur, inline. iu ltco. irovideil muli
i.iljium tioiii Alii r .i i.m.k to M ice via
I l.o hue t 1 anal, via run Uilo)clci.Uy uu.
unk. .v Vi uly llvu e lu r p.ioiiei wem
UioMluil. .No I.UI0IK..111 lllUlielS Melu
UmI, o far h uvitilaiiie'l,
irriMuaiu4 Suum hlurui.
tilLf l. tkK, Nov. 3-1. - A ill. pal. Il 0.011
l.ltllo CtilloiiWiMiii loil.iy MX that III.'
no 011 i li tl l utiooi i t l . 1 d.-t p, un. I
tliu tin! 111 eoiiWutir. 'i Im ici.. til uf AHa
l .ly liavn Iu ilu U" lr y In met out ol
lit. ic i!i!loi, iiauy e Ida k'UM i
luiud In I liv uuw.
A 1 ou 11 j m.iu uaiiiii I J. iik'u w buiini
111 it .. ii,u on Uy Ul, 11. ui
lltu t IIIU.I..U UllUU. llul.) 4I do.
out l (La Itiloil ill bill It. I ei lnilillt
IIIMliill.. h.uul l.HU UllllOI Mill 11 l
(Reported by A. N. Bsirs, Eiq.
At K meeting of tho Par of the Eighth
Judicial District, hold at the office of the
Hon. John 11. Packer, in Sunbury, on
Tuesday evening Nov. 7th 1871, the fol
lowing proceedings were had.
Gcorgo Hill, lusq., was called to presido
nnd T. J. Galbraith, Esq., wna made Sec
retary. The object of the meeting was stated by
A. N. Bricci, Esq., who announced to the
meeting that the Silver Tea Service, which
at a previous Par-meeting it hnd been re
solved to procure nnd presont to tho Hon.
Alexander Jordnn, President Judgo of tho
Eighth Judicial District, was finished nnd
ready for delivery. Whereupon it was un
animously resolved thnt J. W. Coniley,
Esq., be requested to present said Silver
Servico to his Honor Judgo Jordnn, on lie
half of tho members of tho liar, and tho
otllcers of tho Courts, of Northumberland
and Montour counties, composing tho
Eighth Judicial District. U. v. Hvon, S.
P. Wolverton nnd Ueorgo W. 2oigler,
Esquires were appointed a committee to
communicate this request and invitation lo
Mr. Comley. U was further resolved lhat
one o'clock p. m., of Saturday Nov. 18lh
be fixed ns tho dny aud timo for lhat cere
money. Win. II. M. Oram, Esq., moved tho np
pointmeut of a committee of three, to druu
suitable resolutions.
Tho Chair appointed W. II. M. Oram,
li. 11. Kase, nnd lien. John Kay Clement
Esqrs., such committee.
Tho meeting then ndjourned lo meet in
tho Court room nt Sunliury, nt ono o'clock
p. in.. Saturday Nov. ISth.
Saturday Nov. 18th 1S71 Court opened
in form ; lion. A. Shipmnn nnd Hon J.
Nicely, Associate Judges on Iho bench.
The committee niioointed to communi
cate lo J. W. Comley, Esq., the request of
Iho liar ouu ollicers ot tho courts ni ino
Eighth Judicial District, that lie would, on
their behalf, formally present a silver Tea
Service to Hon. A. Jordan, President Judge
of tho District, reported that Mr. Comley
had accepted the invitation, nnd wns pres
ent to jiei'form that duty.
Tho committee on resolutions through
Gen. John Kay Clemeut, presented tho
following, which was unanimously adopt
ed viz :
"Tho Hon. Alexander Jordan, President
Judgo of tho Eighth Judicial District, hav
ing ileclined re-election, and his successor
being dulv elected, tho timo is near when
after a faithful servico of 1 went v years, un
der tho provisions of tho law, he will retire
Uvni the licncli. Al such a, juncture, it is
a grateful duty, nnd profitable totheheait.
to remember nnd testily to tho mnnv vir
tues, aud hierh qualities and qualifications,
which have secured nnd justify our sincere
respct nnd ntlection.
Distinguished bv nn ability counted only
bv tho integrity of his life : a nrofessor of
flic Christian religion ; seeking to lvgulate
lus nublie nnd private conduct in strict
conformity with tho Christian liiith. and to
exemplify, by justiee nnd diligence, tlie
lianuonv ot reluious principles ami nro-
fessions with the diversified, important nnd
dignified duties of n citizen, a lawyer nnd a
Judge : Judge Jordan, when called to the
ltench, seems to have accepted as the guides
of his judicial nctious, tho spirit of those
mlmiratilo rules ol conduct laul down by
Sir Matthew Hale, when ho was npiiointed
Chief llaron of the Exchequer. Pules,
which Lord Campbell wisely remarks
"ought to be inscribed iu letters of gold on
tho walls of Westminster Hall, ns a lesson
to those entrusted with the administration
of justice." Tho first six of these rules es
pecially, have manifestly controlled tho olll
cial conduct of ludgo .for .lan. Namely :
1st. That in tho administration of jus
tice, I am intrusted for Hod, the King and
Country, nnd therefore,
2d. That il bo done, 1st. uprightly, 2d.
deliberately, ltd. resolutely.
ltd. That 1 rest not' upon my own
strength, but implore nnd rest upon the
direction and strength of (tod.
4th. That in the execution of justieni I
carefully lay aside my own passions, and
not givo war to them however provoked.
."illi. That I he wholly intent upon the
business I nm about, remitting nil other
cares and thoughts as unreasonable, and
(Uh. That I sutler not myself to be pre
possessed with any judgment at nil, till the
wholo business of botli p u ties lie heard."
We might, indeed, almost adopt and ap
ply upon this occasion, as expressing our
own feelings and sentiments, portions of
tho encomium bestowed by liichard it ixter
upon Lord Hale himself. "That unwearied
student, that prudent man
who would net 1 ave ili tie r.n unjust act
for any worldly price or motivo '
That goodly, serious and practical chris
tian tho love r of goodness, and all good
Animated wi'h a genuine ambition ; with
firm ami determined purpose; without for
tune or adventitious aitls ; cotitiding iu his
own virtue nnd industry to overcome all
obstacles, .1 udge Jordan vugagcel at an early
age, as a i leik in the Prolhouotury's uttlce
in Northumberland county, while at the
same time pursuing the study of the law ;
thus acquit ing, in 'connection with the
principles of legal i-cience, a knowledge of
iho practical funis of the profession with
the details of business ; an. I forming those
methodical and systcmat c habits of dili
gence winch have marked Ins subseoiicnt
ireer. Judgo Jordan has always been
listinguislied for energy of character, in
dustry and promptitude. Piwssing, in an
miueiit degree, that liigh.ilc'uealu uud s. 11-
hUivc pruie iplo which shrinks I'mm a sus-
mien nt wrong, In ms intercourse with the
tar, aud his lellow lili.cus, lie has curried
Ibis priuciile of lutcgnn lithe point of
disintoii U 'due s ; "voluntarily surround-
in.; hi place nf jiidicutiiic with the most love, honor and praise,"
llegardiug llui study ol iho law let the In
vestigation of an itiiricute and Uuuuiu!
sell lice, us wen 11 a prolensioual dulv. be
hits devoted the poiVe l of 111 III1! lice I to it,
not uioio 11 a measure n advancement,
than as i matter of tuMu uud of 111-
IcIU cui il pleasure, uh a luiud naturally
legal III IU belli; Willi llclisc, rapid uud
lie initio relinotiiug poMiia; mid Ihul pet u-
liar luciiliy Mliicli t iiiiblt iu poktor lo
duiueuiiiU r tho uhject t'niii l. ii d nf ull
upellluilie, uud In lollotv Miihout tlevl t-
llnll lint liuu ol I liu iii'uunit ut. uh 111 lull
anal) Ileal ubillty uud pain ut (hotilil, do'tl tliu uualoiny ol 'in. udi iicv;
hi lice, itiiUileel H illi II1..-1 .0 at lioi laon 11
lal principle) hIoiIi oi hi Iho only solid
ham oi U gal leulliliig, hu i licwr Uill.
The charges of lo Honor luivu 1st u uiu-
I'm in l 114I111, lipid uud dilee l. I ho luluu
ol tho Ctiurl, Uiuilly f, havu uU.i)
Im tl o pioiioiiiu td u to U.11VU 110 t inkling
nr uii'li.t.itil led. atoii iu (ho iiiiii.l ol
ceaiiiii I,
M Ull llui ri llleillt'lil ol J u.l go J. Oil. til
Il mil tho l'i 111 li, In ial rt pulalloii liu
culili Iho eoiunioii pon ny nf lu piolm
loll. hu WH ItltiltK ol Input til ill nr
tiitiud III lltlllit'lou Umk id rt'tHUl, t huh
1 oM 4 1 11 111 ul t II 14.I0 ol diiitpat 1114. Iu I))
loin, thai, tUuduu llui U ul iulint
and MlipolUMl III llm plllltlpli Ut leiiiiiiiit l,
liumUtii I I'll 1 1 rn Minimal Ja
dikiul 1 ilhuiwl ul ll.u "Ulu, me I um 110 4
lutlt n llitf U 1. 1 tint ioiuui..mimHI ( li
Utiuaiiy t,i.tuiuiou. ..f lion, ti tuoneiil
ond VUU4L1U li'UUit.'4i us i4)i( nnd 4
jni ii.
tullltl Ull, Jll J.'I.Ul liu kl44l
! 11 411 t LI... ui Imuv 411.I pit 1 1. 1. II tt
more eminent thnn he who Used them
"IIo vould bonr with the meanest, Rnd
?;ave every man his full scope, thinking it
icttcr to lose timo than patience."
To Hie younger tnemiiers or tno proieii
slon ho has been uniformly pleasant, kind,
courteous and considerate ; sustaining and
encouraging them in their smugglings with
the dilllctillies or their profession- by timely
words nnd patient indulgence.
Always manifesting a lively Interest in
tho philanthropic movements of tho day,
Judge Jordan could, in a largo sonse, make
ttiose eloquent words or Terence, his own.
Homo sum ct nihil humani a mo nllcnutu
Penetrated with thcae convictions and
sentiments it is
Mtsnlml, That we hereby respectfully
request the Hon. Alexander Jordnn, Presi
dent Judge of tho Eighth Judicial District,
to gratify nnd honor us. bv accepting a
Silver Tea Service, which tho members of
tho Mar nnd otllcers of Iho courts ol his dis
trict hnvo caused to bo procured, aud suit
ably inscriliod ns n testimonial, feebly
evidencing their profound regard, respect
ami esteem.
Jitsohnl, That when tho Intimate nnd
intcrcstitni relations of Judge and Counsel
arc about to cease, nothing less thau
unfeigned regret can bo felt by thoso who
have, for so many years, enjoyed tho con
fidence of tho court and been sustained by
its wisdom. Notwithstanding, wo cherish
the consoling hope that the delights of so
cial, friendly nnd instructive intercourse
mnv bo long continued, nnd we, yet more
mm more, prolit Irom lus npo cxpeiience,
his learning nnd example.
ViY.i?f(l, That so long ns tho Hon.
Alexander Jordnn nnd ourselves nro fellow
sojourners in "tho liltlo Inn of this mor
tality," we will daily petition tho Great
Divino Judge, that long life, with health
may bo vouchsafed him, his happiness
increased, and his prosperity continued.
1 e s pec t f u I ly s u In n i 1 1 etl ,
Wm. H. M. Ouam,
Jons Kay Ci.kmk.nt,
L. II. Kask.
After the foregoing prenniblo and reso
lutions liail been adopted, it was resolved
that they be spread upon the records of tho
Court, and an attested copy of the same lie
transmitted to tlie Hon. Judge Jordan, by
the Prothonotary. It was further resolved
that Ceil. Clement be requested to rend the
resolutions, S:c., to Judge Jordan immedi
ately alter tho close of Mr. Comly's presen
tation speech.
Tho lion. Wm. Ii. Dewart then moved
the Court to tako a recess, for the purpose
of proceeding lo Iho residence of tho Hon.
Judge Jordan, and there making a formal
presentation of the tea-service procured for
The Court then dec'aro.l a recess for tho
purpose set out in Mr. Dewart's motion.
Whereupon, the Court and Par, and ollicers
of the Court, lu'compmiicd by tho lion,
Wm. M. Uockcl'cller, President Judge elect,
proceeded in proper order of formation, to
the residence of Judge Jordan, where the
presentation was elegantly anil neatly mado
by J. V. Conily, Esq., on behalf of the
donors, as billows ;
Jrnuis JiiitDAN,
The Judges, your Associates, and tho
members of the bar of tho Sth Judicial Dis
trict, have wailed upon you to express
the.r nppre aation o yonr services in tho
olllce from which you are about to retire.
Nono arc so well acquainted as we, with tho
extent and importance of your judicial la
bors, or with the cainittuiss with which
you have endeavored to perform them, im
partially, ns well us with legal skill ; nnd
when you informed us, before tho lain
election, that the state of your health so
urgently required rcpoi-o, that you had re
solved noi to accept a third term, we heard
with unfeigned regret that any cause exis
ted to Induce you lo lay aside tho judicial
functions. And our confidence in you hns
been vot'.ulled by thai of the people) of your
district; for, when tho change iu tho Con
stitution of tho State required tho voters to
elect the President Judgo of their district,
the electors of the Sib Judicial District, in
which you resided and had spent your pro
fessional life, choso you to bn tiicir lirst
.Judge, and ufter ten years' trial, Ihey re
elected you ; and after twenty years of ser
vice, it you had permitted it, they would
have again re-elected you, without any
doubt, uud 110 one would have been your
competitor. During this servico ot twenty
years, you have tried many cases of great
importance iu principle and in value, and
you havu lieen called upon to decide almost
innumerable questions all'ecting the lives,
Iho liberties, the characters, iho properly,
business ami relations of tho citizens and
residents of a largo and busy community ;
nnd many of these decisions, sanctioned by
tho Supremo Court, have become land
marks 111 tho law, and will remain there as
your titles to respect as a learned Judge.
Hut tho patience, forbearance, nnd kindness
which on the trial of causes, you have al
ways exhibited to tho counsil engaged iu
them, and tho lirmiioss aud impartiality
with which you maintained tho dignity of
tho (.'otirt, aro not tlieru rccunted, but tins
wc remember and will always remember ;
and il is on this account, as well ns because
you have always so pcrtormcd the duties ol'
your ollico, that wo never onco biisicctcil
your integrity, or believed you to have
mado a decision with an improper motive,
lhat wo are hero, to day, to express our
profound respect for yoii as a learned and
just Judge, m.d our warm attachment to
you as our proved uud wi ll-liied fiielitl.
Aud it is our desire, sir, that you shall ul
was have with you in your retirement,
some visible reminder id' the seuliiuelil wo
e ntertain towards you, and, therefore, wo
respectfully request). ill lo accept III. tea
service to servo as such n memorial. It is
tho gill of the nieiiitsu of tliu bar, and of
the 1 Ulcer of the Court of tho counties of
NoiiliuuiU'rlund and Montour ; and with
it, ihey oiler you their nnmi kiuct ru wUltc
r your Mieedy restoration to health, uud
for our pitiKH'rily and h topiucM,
'I hu resolution 11 ri pn. ted uhove were
then laslelully 11 ad by (nil. I'.eineilt, when
nidge Jordan sicppetl ln .tird, aud lor-
HI illy ucccplillg tho Im m I Vice, exiudid
III lltokl lioqUrlll lllld tc ho.: I Till to lilt)
u.iln of pre! ntulioi! by Mi. C illy. 111
llo 1 kiMially eh ai uud pt itiucuou, uud
tut llit ocean. ai, Biiri'iupnl. d a it wa by
oiuiiiiyl.ii.h r ti, uud ii Hiaiioii. In
rental n tie all the mic IhuuWIuI uud
iilipii ive. t't l Imp p.. I an Ulioe i.Uited
l 0 lim ited the k. i ne, nnd every IUIU
li.ieiii'd a Ihey w.aitl In thu Voleo uf u
l ii h. r, t h .01 all havj I. itiuidlo iu.ih'cI
Had love. I'liu ri.lilliuil hlell klUilia Ull
itinong an 1. on.. utn 10 u i,iy 01 intii uiv, r
nap, iroiigt r iiian tit alii, uud In ueo thu
ii .el uo pay to eiiiut, l ilt ul, .rtutUit.
I lie UdUIVk I tt lolloft ; -
Mr. t nut I V: I uiu, by ibu prrvnui Ion
of tin Uiaulilui t ul kilvt-r, uud thu Itlud
and tiiiiipliim 111. 11 y reiuaik uud rolU
lion uecolopaUVIIlii il pi. Mil la I loll, lit J
un. it r 40 minimi uiihaiioiik in I liu iciiiU.
Un U il tliu Iktr o I he ciUUI uud llllllel,
and nlhitiaol lliut'.iitit, ..( tin ir bliiilituk.
I 11. tt id tliu Lii Mitli t. ,1110.1.., 4ud Willi
let II1U I'l 4 lilt l I 1 410. ..I U it gltti Idler
4111 u i mid I pii4u 11, t. .4 in im (or it in
luiikio V a I a.., thau li.r iht liioliv. and kuid
iu Ilia! pi.'ini n d ilw uilt. Thu . nf
4I11U i'l lliu It lultoit it,,, l 1,4k U.itj vkiklsd
U 1 4t4ii ihn iim.iiiI i ul llui 'mi aud my
'I, li 4 taio you, nil. it li-4 dli Iim
pi 4tiru Ui4i poo. Iu my it iitviiu ul
4 Ull I Im 4 U..'ll llil kill, it 4 111 rvllillli
Uwt b liw lioi.i'1 li) 4 lean It 44 pit
knn.. l. 4 III t4li 11)1 IM4UI l l44lll
my attachment and esteem for the members
of the bar. . To Imo- and fool that I have
merited their confidence and esteem, and
that this giftls not bestowed out of feigned
regard, Is to mo a source of groat satisfac
tion, xay sanation on tuo bench would
have boon a very uncomfortablo and unenvi
able ono, If, instead of enjoying the conti
nence nnd esteem 01 tho members or tho
bar. I hnd incurred their displeasure, and
provoked their ill-will. It would bo un
grateful In me, if I failed on this occasion,
to ncknowledgo their uniform kindness, and
bonr testimony . lo 'tjioir gentlemanly con
duct and' readiness at all times to con
sult tho wishes of tho Court. Tho yenrs I
spent ou the bench, although pleasant,
wero not nil sunshine and unclouded.
Storms would occnsionally arise, and low
ering clouds would appear, thnt for a while
abut out the beautiful sunshine ; but the
llcto StbtrtiBcmtirts.
A Valuable House and Lot
rprrE nntonlnnt ofTr for sale a Valuable-
JL Iloimn and liot situate on (lis 0011 tn wont
corner of Fourth and I'cnn utreetii, Biiiibury, P.
Tlie hoiipe Is mnrly new, him three rooms and a
hull nn the flrrt floor, nnd Ave rooms on the fe
cond floor, a good cellar, a pump at the kitchen
door, Ac A Mitlilo and other onthulldliiit are
upon the lot. This property Is well snltod for a
store, hotol or nnv other bnnlnesa. There Is suf
ficient room to build two mora hounos on the lot.
This property will bo sold clicnp. For tonus
and conditions, apply to
Dee. 9, 1871. Bunbiiry, Pa.
clouds disannoarod. and wero cenerallv
succeeded by a clearer sky nnd brighter
1.! 11'- 1 : .1 1 . . 1 ,
Beiiiniiiuu, tie nvu, uijr iiriti sir, in a worm
ofchnngo. Ono gt-mM-alion pnsscth away,
anil nnotner comet 11. seasons change.
The biting frosts of winter, nnd tho cold
north-west wiuds, binding tho earth in icy
chains, nre succeeded by the pleasant winds
and gentlo showers nf spring, to dissolve
the icy chains, nnd Infuse new life and
vigor to animate and Inanimate creation.
Summer with its still warmer winds and
inteiiser heat, to mature tho seeds sown by
the husbandman, and reward him for his
toil aud labor, succc-mIs spiiug, nnd then
couies autumn lovely nutnmn, with its
change nnd falling leaf, to remind us of our
mnturity, and strengthen us after tho do
pressing licnt of the summer, nnd prepare
us for tho wintry storms. To day, a man
may hold tho highest otllco in tho gift of a
free people, nnd to-morrow bo a privnto ci
tizen an esteemed ono It Is true, if ho hns
discharged tho duties of his otllco faithfully
and honestly. Many changes hnvo taken
place since I came to tho bar, nnd on tho
bench. 1 have out-lived most of my com-
Iieers, nnd my years hnvo been prolonged
icvoiid tho years usually nllotted to man.
nnd they nro telling on my physicnl nnd
mental vigour, it is tune, sir, thnt 1 leave
Iho bench and give place to ouo better ablo
to endure the mental labor necessity to
discharge the duties of President Judge.
It is 11 pleasure to know that when tho
relation of Judgo nnd counsel censes, ns if
will in a very tew days, we can still enjoy
the luxury of kind nnd friendly intercourse,
nnd cherish nnd cultivate the friendship
that lias solong existed. illi you, my
dear sir, I hnvo long been acquainted. I
was one of tho committed nppoiutcd to ex.
amino you, ou your application for ndniis.
sion to the bar. and am now thu only sur
viving one. Your excellent preceptor is
dead, but he stiU lives in tho memory of
some ol us, 1 knew linn well. Ho was a
lino scholar, a profound lawyer, nn eloquent
pleader, a gentleman and christian. Tho
cominittco appointed to examine you were
not mistaken when iho certiiici to 1110
Court, that you wero well grounded in the
principles of the law. From that time to
the present, your professional career has
lieen onward nnd upward ; nnd it gives me
pleasure to say that you now stand at tlie
bead ol tho legal nrotessioti, respected lor
your Inch legal attainments, and high
sense of honor. You enjoy the eonlldenco
and esteem of tho members of thu bar o
the district, ns you always havo mine. I
nm pleased lhat you wero selected to pro
sent this hcuutitul gilt, which 1 now ac
ccpt from your hands, nnd tender to you
and tho members of tho bar of the district
nnd olllccr, of the C mrt, my grateful. ac
kuowlt dgmeuts fury mrand their kindness
nud 1 hopo ou win all livo and prosper,
long alter I am forgotten, nnd lhat wliile
tho storms ol lilo nro passing uuiieeiicd
over mv grave, your voices will bo heard
in tho linlls of justice.
Alter tho response, n liltlo tune was
spent in social inlurcoiii-Ho, when the Court
members of the liar nnd otllcers returned to
the Court House, and tho Court adjourned
w -
Winter is now fairly upon us, nnd the
ieams are hnslening to tho lumber woods
in various parts of tho country. Our ad
vice to every man who goes to the woods,
bo he captain, cook, teamster, or any othei
man. is to take along a good stock of John
son's Atiodvuo Liniment nnd I 'arsons
l'urgaiivo l'ills. Many months of labor
(in the aggregate) may bo saved by this
Had enough to look nnd feel bad yourself;
but no excuse for having your liorso look
nud feel badly, when for a small sum you
can buy Sheridan's Cavalry Condition
1'owders, which given in grain two or three
times it week, will make him look nnd feel
Tin: IiADVm rniExn.
The publishers of Tho Lndy's Friend have con-
eluded to reduce the price to single tubHcrlbers
from (11.50 to l'i the prices to Clubs (uireudy
very low) renminbi! the snnie.
Tho rollowliur imveloii,wiiii me nsnnt variety
of short Ktoiie-J, nro nnnouuci'il for 1872. Mr.
Wood novelet will run through the whole year.
AN'B Till A L.
By Mrs. Ilenry Wood, author of "East Lynne,"
,i:n.v and her lions.
By Ml A
Of Amendments t- Clu-.rter or In
Tho following ninendme'O's to the Charter of
tho Hnnhury Mutual Bnrlng I'nniS nnd Building
Association were prenentcd to the Court of Com
mon Picas of Northumberland county, at Noye m
ber Term, A. D., 1871, died and approved by Dig
uouri, aim aircciuii 10 De advertised In accord
ance with the provisions of the Act of Anscmbly,
approved inn i.iui ony oi uctODcr, A. 1J., lbiO.
Article 0, of Constitution la chained by striking
ont tho words, "ElKhteen Directors," and Insert
ing in neu inereoi me worns, "Ten Dlrertors "
and In same Article of tho Constitution Inserting
the words, "Tho election annually of a Solici
tor," nnd also, "that otllcers ostitis Association
nun do cmkiiiib to me position oi inrcrtors."
Article 8, Section 8, of the By-Laws Is dimmed
to read, "Sis Directors ehall constitute a quorum
after January, 1873, to transact business," nnd
aiso, "iiini nl tlie retruinr mcetlnn In January,
lTOi, Ten Directors bo elected by tho stockhold
ers of said Association, Ave of whom shall serve
for two years and the remaining Uve for one year,
and that for every year thereafter livo Directors
be elected to serve for two yenrs.
Approved by the Court tho Uth tiny of Novem
ber, A. D., 1871.
Sunbury, Nov. 2S, 1871.-st.
. L. MiiMey. author of "One Womnu's
Experience, "Jealousy," etc.
By Daisy Vcntnor, author of 'Prince Charming,'
By A. M. Dunn, author of 'Jnrrlng Chords,' etc.
By Mrs. Marvuret llomscr, author of "A Turn
111 fortune s wuoci, tie.
By Amanda M. Doimlus, author of 'Solid Silver,'
A Little .Money," cte.
ENOR.WINl'.S ! The Eturruvhurs of Tun
Lady's Kuiknii aro of a very superior character.
Thfv embrace beautiful pictures of Sulilt-cls
which touch the sentiment nud nireetlims, Illus
tration of our Novelet and Stories, lllimlriillon
of the Fashions, (Inclintlng cuts from which put
terns for almost cvorytlilnir eiiu be ordered utn
low l'rl(T,) Illustrations of Ladles fancy Work,
Mt'SIC A piece of tho latest and most fasti-
lomili'e M lisle accompanies every utiinlicr. Tho
Music Is of Itself wei Hi the pi ice of the maga
In short. The Lmly s Fi lend nuns to be, nnd
Its proprietor think It Is, the most Riilncd,
lloatitlltil una interest 1:11' 01 tnu .Mairnzuics lie-
tiitr In Cover, Fiu;rnvlii!!s, ami Contents Jut
what n lady s mintazoie should be.
1 1'.KilS. v'l u veuri f our entiles, tu 1 l'.luiit
copies (and one irralN), (13. Olio copy of The
l.aily s t rlinii (14) ami one 01 1 ro.-u tj-.m;
lorjl- Address.
No. !II0 Walnut Street, l'lilliiilulphia.
t tJ" Shm'.e numbers 0 cents.
'.ec. '-, IS71.
1'iiti-: i:gi.k ton nam.;.
A GOOD hand suction Fire Enirlno Is offered
for sale by tho Wood Intent Company ot
Bunbiiry, i'a. This engine took the Hrst premium
nt the. Northumberland county Fair when held nt
Milton, over all other hnud engines who com
peted for the prize.
For particulars nddress William I. Grcenough,
Esq., Treasurer, or the undersigned.
KM'L W1LVERT, Pres't.
Bunbiiry, Nov. 11, is71.-at.
II. W. 7IROI.r.ll. I.. T. IIOUllllACU.
Olllee In Hanpt's lliilldlnt', lute'y oeeuple.l by
Jud'.-e UiK'kfffller and L. T. Rolirbach, Em.
Colleiilolis nnd all prolen-lnii il liiisluess
t tnptly nttiiideit to lii the I'oinis of Noiiliuin-
berlaud uud adjoining count i.'.
Dec. U, IHT1.
frtiiii I'lilheUiplila, and l.i- sou,
Tiiemluv A ill r ii wo 11 untl llvriiliiir.
Uev. aili, '71. Ml U wnU 7i O'clock.
MyilurU In Maulo aiiiong scenes iu Yciitiilo-
tuliu una I ltd
l.cwrufil ( susrles.
Admission in Afternoon, S3 ets.
" t lill.lrin, ... J.I
K.vsnliitr, Mi '
" liitllerv, ... 85 "
" t hililun, - . . I!.') "
Dec. 9, IS71.-H.
rilHE undcrbli;ned hcreliy n'hes notice that, lie
1. Is clo-iic; nut hiii-lncs, and all those owiin
him on Note or Hook iieeouut, Mill save etwts liy
stilling up their uceoiuils on or before tlie I t
day ol J.Miaary ne vt.
deiu. i-i.
Sunliury, Nov. CI, lS7t.-lt.
IN pursuanee of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Northumberland county, will tie sold ut
1'nlillc Sale, on the premises, tin Nut until)',
llM' tiny wrOiM'CHitti'r, one
o'clock, P. M.,the followlnn real estate, late the
estate of Riebi.r.t t). Junes, ileeeasetl, to wit:
All that ctiiitln lot or piece of ground situate on
the comer of 'Mill I and Kin meets, in l!ie bo.
roiiL'h of Noiihiniilierlani!, known us lot No. !T.
on I lie plan of said l.oi ollu'li, eoutainli). Ili lei I
III front on Klnj; street, uud i'40 feel Iu depth to
Micelz's alley. Terms of sale -tl cent, cash
on day of sale, onc-llilr.t of thu dear proceed of
the sale to remain a charge 11)11)11 tho lot. of
trroiuid ns the Widow's Down', the reniaiuili r to
be paid on the tin t day of April next, nil to hu
secured by bonds and MoiiiraL'e.
Nov. 2ri, '71.-41. Administrator.
oitriiAW (Oi itT nam;.
IN pursuance of an alias order of tho Orphans'
Court of Northumberland county, will he ex
pose I to Public Sale, on the premises, on 't'liVH
tiny, Ilccciiifccr Itttti, 1S71, the l..:l,.w
lui! properi v, lo wit :
All that certain piece or parcel of land sililat.?
in Lower Malialioy towm-liip, Noiiliuiiib.i'.aii I
county, i'a., bounded and dcci ibe.l as I There are few candles in III
wit: lleninniiu; ut n Hone llu iiee by laudcor W in.
lli.t. and Ellas Weaver, noiili .lee. east, ti.
perches to a stone, the. ice mniili ll1.; tle. east, 17
perches to stone, thencu south 117'j dun', east, lill
8 Ills perches to a stolic, thence, ninth !S: ! a detr.
east, ','f, perelies ton fto'ic, thence by lauds of
Philip Iteekert, south Hi tlcr. cast, 115 0 10s
Ki elies to a stone, thence by ls of John Ilep
jien and Wm. Ilehiick, soiii'.i TU'i'di'i; west, l"t
jn'ri In o to a stone, thence by same lands, soiu'.i
1' Uejr. we.-t, 'it s-lOs perehes to a stone, 11011I1
1 ti'i. cast, U 'J 10s perches to stones, thence
foiuli 70 deir. weal. l'J 8 10 perches to a stone,
thence by lands of Ellas Winner, noitli !.j ileu'.
east. 1115 perches lo a plan, thence norlli Mi'.'
tle. et, 7li 7-10 pilches to a stone, th. iic.
Flour, Feel Fruit anfl YenetaWe Store,
fpiuce Klreel, lu-lwuen Krniil u I Se.-oiul,
liavlnK Just oH iif a Hlii ut llm utuou pluee,
litii all kinds ul ol I Im Is-t lui. Is ul
Hour null l'i(l
will ba s..ld al Kmitiiy rvdnes.l pilms. The tvl.
Iir .lud litnk's Mm H -nr will tie k. pi cou.uuliy
uu Intel, sliu, all kinds ul
fit J, liruln, I '..hi, Hals mij (), vhopp I or
rultsluf, ilr, t mIIimk A I'rwll
guUul.tilV, at l Uisper t.tls III tit ejii bu boiiulit
UiiiltiiU. .l guU UullVtie.l f Ivn ol t li.!lifif.
tail 4 lei r i in his my .h It uu I u.etiUlu tits
pllet- bwl ne I unU lll io.
11.1 .l.
kuubuiy, Ike. I, 7. If.
uitrtisi'oi nr ni.i:,
pmillalli uf HI! l.ljif uf Ik lllpksMs'
uuii ul .'iiiik.iuilMitUu4, nl Im
SO..I 4l pulille tuuil.m or lilllif V . uu liu. pit: llllsut,
I'M MlMrtllS),t Wtttll IS) III HSIIHIi
brt i 7 I til uu u'ei.nk, i. ui., lit
1 .4 1 Ul lllll l4l Uf Ji.l.ll L. M4IK,
U-.ud, In 04 I AU Ik. lo I'nulUuutis Ii4
wl auuu4, U.H14 U4s I sua, lii Hihu'i
I 1.I1..II !! !Ui t'uw.ll ul S)4Ul4l I, buUM u. ua
Ik k..lU u, an Oil, uu Ilia s.iil If t-.l, I'll Iks k all l l.a k).l ll.luukIU4 t.l 4u
It. Iluuoi, 41.4 ull Ilia Hisi l lut il l I
i lilltlSl, 4.l4.l4IUlii I'illltll fll, 4 ll.ll t li
noiili !i deu. east, 18 peitiies to the place ol be.
I ulimini;, c.iiitaiiiint! VI acres fit perches, stiiel
nn itsiiie, lojri-tlier Willi appiliieii iuccs, v. iier.1.11
Is ei eel,' I a Dwelliin; House, ll.trn, uud other
out hull. '.lues, all In 1:00.1 eon liion. Latu the es
taleof Fr.dellek lleekeit, ilccea-ed.
hale lo coiiiliitiiec al ill o'eloek, a. m., 0:1 sal I
day, when the condition will lie made kuowu liy
ANDREW DITTY, Admliil.-trutor.
For further iiartlculars iipi'y
J. K. DAVIS, J it.,
Altorney at Law, Hiiiihuiy.
The Largest In Form, the Largest In Circulation,
and the only original
Contains Oliuliial Blolies, New Music, House
hold Mailers, lielieral and Artistic Literature,
uud the emle Ueltaulu Fusblutis, w lih Full hl
I'atteras. Yearly, only (:UHi, with I lie Splendid
liir.uiio, "Irii't Sii l'MBiTV," ln, I J 17, worlU
(s.ihi, sent post tree to raeh sub.eribti I or, the
little and Eli'iiai.l I'bronio, alter Jkhhub Tiiomi
son, iiiawulliu's Wuuliiv', site, I'll-', pll.e,
(I5.U0, for Il ex) rxirn, or bolli Cbroiuo wall
the Maitasino, for (Yno pet freu. Addre.s
h,i llroadwuy New York.
A splendid offer to our buliserlbers 1 We will
scud the above Popular and Valuable!.iine,
for ono rur mill the Splendid s is) t'hroiiio, to
Ki llur with our i'iter lor only 4 iki, or for (I no
rlru, lluwallot Wikiihk, or lr 00 a tkill
si n.l Ikiiioiesl's Moiilli.y lor inn) )ear, U..IU
t tiroiinw, uud Hie Ami an 4N, for only (iI.ih).
This Is a spltnidid ihaiiee to sveuie the btit
M.iyusiii, Hinanl i hioiiios, and Ausau .r
in-.iily ball lliu value, heud the annum! to Ibis
tillleu, and lite M .t litiuu ale! liiloliio ill bv
pii'iuplly ird' d.
Nov. i
I'l IH M N.t: " J
f Mill- uu, U 1. Unci will oiler al pubic Cil. 011
1 lliura))i llfrfiubrr I Ills. 171,
at Iu u'tiiM k, - uu li piviuUt.1, all II14I j
eulalu Vuluablii
Mil I. I'ltuPFIt I Y, j
sliuuis lii l''sr Aitfii.u l.iu.lilp, N..illi.iii. ' tu I tonal), 4'iJ"iiiiii4 tat. I "I i l i k.iiuli, '
I4IUU1I U.M'l 4U Mlllllllll Will. I, t.,lll4llIU4
I n,l) llm.' 4. us of Uud, In 1 full Is Hi il. I
k..i.u Mill, 1 1. 11 1 by lmly K.I, Hum ul I ,1 usl
l.'tlts kink, l"il luu "I sl. uu In K."l luui'ii.s' '
in .1. 1, slid U l...l.. uuii si.l a I14II lui .irs.l 01
tUI'I'UIJi '"B lU" IU4lkllt lU I I.U t 4 1 ,
uu lillis kl'siiiuklii t iul i'.'u ul Ha bv'l l4lii
puW.'is in Ikis ftivl lu wl tuuuli.
jIIui. a lu ui uu t. f i ii. bilik n.l
Cominittco en "Trades" nnd "Interests" not
otherwlso provided for, nud on
"One Duj'n Inronir."
Ajipolnted by Ills Honor, tho Mayor of the City
ui rniituicipmn.
Clinlrman, GEORGE II. STUART, Jn.
Mal.-Gcn. (ino. (i. Meadr. (len. Hohkiit Pat-
tkuson, John Wki.sii, tS. A W. Welsh, Gnu.
It. tvri'AUT, OH., I'KTKIl IS. SIMONS. V. SllAIlT
Pattkiison, IIemr (iLii.Loe, Nelson F. Evans,
Wm. F. Miskcy, :u. K. Hi ToliiNa, M. D., L.
Montoomkkt HoNii, President Kcymouo Hank,
TitOMAH Kknnkdv, Pres. Spring Harden Hank,
Col. Thomas A. Soott, Pennsylvania Central U.
R., Di ni'an M. MiTtuiEsoN, James Ross Ssow
iikn, Samuel O. Tuomi-son, RictiAitn Y. Cook,
Wm. O. Cnowiu.i,.
L. MoNTooMEitr IioNti, Treasurer.
Di'NCAN .M. .MlTiuiKsoN, Secretary.
Oir.ce of fie Committee, No. (WS Walnut Street,
Piiil.AiuxiiiiA, Oct. B7, 1871.
Dear Sir : The object or the iippointinenl of
the forenolnjr comnilllec i to ecciirceontribnlions
for tlie ulllieted and sull'erin poor of Cliicaco
from nil those of our citizens who have not yet
been culled UJiou .to irive to t lie relief of our titter
city, nnd who do not iieloin; to profet.slo:is or
trades, for the eanvasi'., of which committees
have lieen alre'dy appointed.
The terrible til.els of the overw hc'.nilu catas
trophe which has ruined und rendered houseless
so many tens of thousand of our fellow country
men, just at the eommce.c.intnt of w iiili r, tan
only be mitigated by the piompt mid liberal do
nation of all classes of our people. Fellow L iti
r.ens, Manufacturers, Mechanics und Tradesmen
01 tlie e uy 01 imainiiy J.ove ! Live ol your
abundance and to t lies best of your ability lor thu
le ief of Hie sull'erhit; men, women and 'children
ol Cliie.iL'o, or the Nortlitve:.!, nut you Hill never
regret 1 1 it- iiii.iiiv vou thus e, mi 1 1 ifiut e.
DUNCAN St. M1TC1IESON, Secretary.
Olllce, No. I5-J3 Wiiluul Street, Philadelphia..
Hours lei to a.
To nivo some Idea of tho distress exlslliu; ccu
senuent thereupon, we ifivu thu foilotviiiij brief
uud couiprelicnsive extract 1
(From (As A'u York IhruU!.)
Women nnd children nre iroini; round,
sceklnn somcthlnis to satisfy their, which
there is notllini; to supply. No one has provi
sion or money. What provisions there were lit
the city are now burned or eaten. A few people
have enough for n day or two not loiurcr. I'm
visions are itrrivlui;, but nr.. dUtribuled as fast
as possible. Twenty dead bodies have b.-ea
taUi n to the station 011 the North sl le. At pre
sent ll Is Impossible to know who they are. As
tt 1 iili t. conies on, the want ot tras is keenly felt.
civ, and 110 water
except what Is taken from I lie- l.ak '. teal
of thieves are felt on the West side : uuJ Hern ial
Sheridan i" Illl callint; for troops from dill'erent
po-l to ke p order. All business ani work i
suspended, and every one Is oeeupie I la piocnr
lut; soiniiiiiiiL' to cut, und places o! sin K. r. Thu
sull'.i'int' im the Noiili side it 1 u ht-uil lendi'i;.
Fifty tlioiirHiid nu n, w.eueii and children ar.i
bud lied together like so many .'ii.ima s. Seven
tein thousand IVrmain and Iri-h ur. pravini'
for relief. He'i le ebihlrcii are u-kinu lor In-. I
from heart broken parents, who kuou ni t which
way to I in 11, nor to do, except to n lt su pi;, s
which must be slow In coiuintr, a- I hern is part
of t he but ut ili-I rift w hen- It is almost!:u
lo travel. PullenU who had been nim ved lro.11
beds ol sickness lo save lives, w'uhit ei.' i.eailv
' spent, were all exposed to the rain la-' iiii,'bt eed
i the fold raw win Is lo-d.iy. Sevei tl deaths have
j occurred at Lincoln Park. Another uitiht n u t
I I... . 1.. . 1... I t 1 .. li . -I 1 . 1. .. i...:. i. .t .i .
in itiu 111 ,111. i.itiiipiu 1 ail, a 11 ' 1 me mien, li' . is
of Division street, and yet another. Trains and
extras lire loaded lo their fullest rapacity, tuMmr
people away, who in many Instances have no
place 10 i;o to, but yet cannot stay here, nn,l t teh
train leaves live times as many pas-em .a a- I
lakes uway. The "Eveulni; Journal" trot o ;t
lialf a sheet to night, un I other j ip. is will f. l
low to-morrow ,
When sen. lini; subscriptions please wille names
plainly o that they can be correctly
eclsiioM led'e I.
,.u ll.s S4U.I, l...l) l Ik'II lil. uu
K414) slis.4, su.
4.1 Ik l'i ait sill, ktieii aia nut.4 a uus aud
t kail tl 1 llama 4eUu.f; b"M sud villi ual
k a. iiua,
I.ilus ui sal l. la lui k.wau 1st) Ik 4
uf Saia. fcl
. 1 .
kill km uf I a. i.ll lull iiiiUiKU 11 n 1 an 1 anu
a.4ki lao aud 11 bail si'is kuusa la.ulj Via
k mica lo 4, ."d taiu l.ull Ui. b) la.ut).
ka n.l, a uu a -."u ik. I Ian. I) lu i
..u li.i. 4iu an 4a u il.. I la, t.l) Uta
tj t'lli'itl Aal, is nk t'tUi .d lo a. u4
siu.iiiul ie. n. ul luu 1 " 1 o -1 I" 1 1 v 11 1 14 1
l'uii ir.FieuiA,...
L. MoNToewKitr lli.Mi, Ks...
President of lh. 'Keystone Hank,'
XS:0 I he.lnilt street, Phllatlelplil t,
llear Sir I Hen in please Had
Our Subscription for I ou
"lluu day's income" from our I'm
ployee Total, IM
which please) ckuowledb'u Iu the Newspa
pis. , Very resjwclfully,
Picas draw ( becks to the order of Ihe 'I i- i.ur
tr, ah.i.e indorsement will be a ie. .i l in ai
till lull lu Hi "uckiiowltdiiiei.t."
Subsei Ipllous also reetived for mil. nas bv Ilia
ekli usltu Hns 111 Mu biiiaii, Mioin sul.t and VV is
l', ui. In, by kali. lie. I ul miles ol line. I un I
pi. one ami tinny villaifua were .l. -H.oe I. V In 11
eu.lilij sub.erlpllous l..r I Li- III , I'll a.i. so st tie,
ullieiaise the) a ill be I I.. II, o I hi .if 1
ull. i, rs.
tiil.4i iii li.iii retvlved fiuiii 11.11 1. . 1 1, i.t . i.r
pl.ii ji. l hla as wt.ll as titUen..
llllll. U44IIUI4. Im lli ttsl.t bl i li llir li 1 1, rail
road, coal, turn aud ulkir tiiiiipaoiia (and ; 11-
l.lle I'lllfeus), iu Mild lllll ul Uiu till, ll, I
l.ii l Ii ah uj in Ik. ir nii.i, tipliuu., an I .1
lu.ii'tjuiale a liuiii'tii. ill aiu.ii.4 tlaii 1 11, p...... a ,t
lo S..-UIU I'oitu d4 ' luti'iiit,'' t uiu. ut t..i ... I
,i ba 1 allid UJsU ul luluial.) a Ll I In. 1 ie I
in. in a.
B..I.M ilplt.'Ut should ba kuU Ii I lu l I I.r I ...h
Ul .. I In 1.141.. I lUi.k, ku ll 4. 'Ill a-' i,, li. 111, i.l I I ll.u lliaiunl, I liNi.l-
MrttV lii'M, r. , Pit... 1.1 1 ui iu b.i . .4
liaLk, So. I 1 'd I I, ail.. I, li-.-si 1 .....
l, il.-4.
I ..S41.4 au4 Iklili l-l la I uf lb lulu, u4 a-4 io "I sl. 1 al
I iiuusa. A' u Sis...iut )uau sp Piebald
lbs iU 4.41 ul I141I
I l.iu'i b4 1 -u J.I ..a. u al Ml.i V His Is
I WW u Mt4 4 ul . k
1114k! I IU4I,
slll ( 1119 lJa' l'lltlfi
f I'HK 1.1411,1.1, l.lll.Ul Ul S.'l.l I'. .10., 4u
M u.l.. I., a UlL.ll'. Jtui I l.uil.1 . 1 . 41. .i l.u.ii.
1 ii.laiKii urn bl I.l t.i, al... u k. uk
! ti lk.M4 a lilii ti 4 nk Ikl auuu) i.. j.m 4. . II a
, Has liui-u.. I ilk It lul SI4I.I l.aia, au I U...I.I..;
! tsuuid laia 14 kulll w ulii.d lui 1..1.. D. il
ILs ; lias Uiu Ilu4 lU Uulukal ul !, I'f k.s ku.. a
Uao, t uul las ul ti )aa slab .! Ik ibl.l
t t- lut.liil Ittu, katii.l b i a
k.'l ul Ik, 4 ,! H l i bs tl, ut 4
sul s, lis vf r -l..,
WI.1UM llkll,
s.t f 11 , Mtk 1 1 , r
4bM 11, ll m
UAVill I T. I
14. I. Ml . . Alu...-ilall. I
tutu -t4 iiit
biit iu ul), 4eiltwt U ytM slid
tl), u4 IlltUtltU, l liik 414 o4lti
44..iiai. 1 Mwf, iLlltl i
It'.iui4 il.a UJ 1i1.1v 1 4 il.. lit Iu
Ctonlxut'.ll. In Uttl llui 111 411 tillli
uwiiUii iion 4iti lviiu.k iii, t-( t