HIE SUNBURY AMERICAN, IS rUBLISUKU KVElVt 8ATURDAT BT EM'Ii WILVERT, Proprietor, Moore A Plinlnpcr's Bulbllng, Market Bqnara, At en. SO In Advance. II not paid within 6 Months 3. Subteripttotu taktn for Un titan tt Month. Co nfctho with this establishment Is an CTtcn SlvcXEW JOB OFFICE, containing a variety of plain and fancy type equal to nny establishment In the Interior or tne Btnte, lorwnicntnepiuron ISs of the public Is respectfully solicited. Professional. J. 11 lll.VF.RTO.. Attorney a V Law, olllce, door No. 5, 2ud floor, Hrtupt'a Bhvk, nenr Miller' Blioe store, onnoary, ra. March S5lh, 1X71. ly. Sit. HOVER, Attorney at Law. Nob. 9 and 8, Second Floor Bright' Bulldlne. SniihiiTV. Pa. Professional business attended to.in theconrts of Northnmborlnnd and adjoining counties. Claims nrompuy coucctca. uonsuiia. tlon can be had In the German language. Mnreh2.Mli, 1871. lj. J SO. A. WILNOW, ATTORNEY AT LAW, mil iiiruiiiiuAtiflui, ii. .i.ii Kntitrv Public. Plltsburg. Pa. .bin. 15,1S0. ly JU. ill .1 UK I. K CO. Market Street, . SUNBURY, PA. Dealers In Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Oluss, Varnishes, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, Pocket Books, Dallies, Ac. SP. HOLVi:RTO, Attorney at Low. Market Square, BUNBURY.PA. Profession al !'.iHlnc-s in ilils and adjoining counties prompt .y attended to. CA. KEIMKVsNYOEK, Attorney ut Law, SUNBURY, PA. All business en trusted to his cure utteuded to promptly and with diligence. apl-7-67 JX. KAY (I.EJIEST, Attorney at Law, SUNBURY, PA. Collections nnd nil pro fcfislor.nl business promptly attended to. nicliDl-litl O. J. BUfNEll. I" It. KASE. Bltl .M.lt KASE. Attorneys and Coun sellors at Law, SUNBURY, PA. Ofllcc mi Chestnut street, west of the N. C. nnd P. & K. Huilrciad Depot, in the building lutely occupied by K. I.!i7.nrits, Esq. Collections and all profess ional business promptly attended to In Northum berland nnd adjoining counties. npllO-titl nil. MASSKlt. Attorney nt Lnw, BUN- BURY, PA. Collections attended to In the counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia nnd Lycoming. BpllO-OU WM. M. ItoCKKFF.M.IUl. LLC VI) T. KOIIIIUACU. 1 o ki:ii:i.m:u a koiikiiacii, J.V Attorneys at Lnw, SUNBURY, PA. Of tlee in Hiiupt's new building, secoud lloor. En trance on Market Square. Jnu4-tH AX. ltli ICE, Attorney ut Law, Siinburv, I'll. Olllce in Masonic Hall Building. Collections of claims, writluga, and all kinds of legul business attended to cirel'iilly and with dispatch. U April 8, 1871. ly. IK. J. l'.CASLOW, .a and Reslde-iec, Walnut Street, between Third and Fourth streets, 6 U N B U R Y , P E N N A . All forms of Diseases of the Eyes will be treat ed or up( ruled upon, such as Strabismus. (Cross Kyes.) Cataract, (Blindness,) and all other dl seanrs relating to Surgery, as Talipes, (Club or Reel Feet,) Hair-Lip, Excision of Tumors, Ac. Also the cure of Epilepsy (or Falling Fits.) Bunhiiry, May 1ST1. barb's. St ANTIIUACITK COAL! VA-EXTI.K IDirrZ. Wholesale and Retail denier in every variety of ANTHRACITE COAL, UPl'EIi WHARF, SUNBURY, PENN'A. AH kinds nf drain taken in enrchnnge for Coal. Ordem solicited uiid til'tei' promptly. feblH-71. W. S. ItHOADS. J. l-AC-IIR HAAS. -SIT H. itIIO.SS Oi CO., T liETAii. nr.Ai.i'.ns ov ANTHHACITE COAL, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Offk'e with Haas, Fabult fc Co., Ordeis left at ScuMinltx & Bio's., office Market ireet, will receive prompt attention. Country ustfiin respectfully solicited. Feb. 4, 1S71. If. 4 OAt liMAKiatS. "1"ITE arc selling Rims, F-kes. Hubs. Springs, CunviMS, Bolts, Clip-, A Vs. .tc. very I.arire Stock at C0 X A CO. Siinbury, March IW, fMt'ilA 'COAL! COAL! OR A NT BROS., Shippers and Wholesale aud Retail Dealers lu WHITE AND RED ASH COAL, SUNBURY, PA. (l.OWEIl WHARF.) -r Pole Ageuts, westward, at the celebrated Henry Clay Coal. JunlW-lJu Z:XCt!AH 1.1 VKttY. J. M. li.VUTlIOLOMEU', Pitoi'iuuTou. FOTRTH STREET, ABOVE MARKET, Kimbury In. rpilE best of riding and driving horses always JL on lian 1 to serve, cuntomers. Oi del s left nt the Central Hotel, for vehicles, will receive prompt altcutiuu. Nov. 5. ltT0. HEXTISTItY. CJEOUGE M. KENN, ti .S'lmjwon'a liuihlimj. Market Square, PisnfiiY, Pa., Il.repaied to do all kinds or work pertaining to Deutistry. He keeps constantly on hand i large ii-suilimnt of Teeth, and other Dental uatuilal, from which he will bo able to select, mil mi i t the wants ol his customer. All work wai ranted to give sulf.ullou, or else he mouey refunded. The very best Mouth Wash and Tooth-Powders i'll on hand. His references are the uumerous patrons for vhniu be has worked lr the last twclv years. Siinbury, April 21, XEH COAL YAHII. 11HE uiideislguid having eoniieelcil the Coal business Willi biseleiisio Fl.lll'U JKtiRAIS .ade, it prrpaie l to supply families with the , i;iV IIEST OE 4l., 4 IIEAI I'Olt CASH. ; ig, Slovs and Nut, constantly on baud. Gmiu j ukeu lueselmiigo lor Coal. J. M. CADWALLADEK. Sunbnry, Jan. 15, l.7o. If. l.VKEU Y I il.VKEUY ! ! HAKEUV I ! ! l.r.l)SVItl IMIVEUTH, II S )u.t oiieii.-1 a Hi l eU.s Bakery on Front r. i li.' ir tho R tllro.nl ib-pul ut Nullliuuibei. a I, an I is prepar.'d to furnish the i-iiuum of ..iiiliuuiii. nan 1 uiid bnnbuiy with all kinds of ..-:i I an I I akes, sueh as lt(V IIKK l, MIl.U li It i : D, IIKK VI ItvKKD on the 1IKAKTII, i l fill Hi.- of ASl V CAKKS, is Buu., Slid 'I l Is. lliv ,. m,d t aki dilheifd ! rusloioei sfsry I'll lllln ak. lor H tilt, Parties, Wed liugt, fslrsite., mi.lu I at siinit until. II ini( praiiieal biker, aud linvlug work. 4 Ins liusluiss lu huiiliuiy lur ial cars post li.i..'s lo u suluUetluu lu his t'U.touisi as '1'.-luli. i, .i m rs nfulif .u'lelivil, S.JllUUI.llM'llU I, Jltl.S 10, if hi 1. 1 II V M HUI . 11(11. i , 1 1 K ui.l.f'i' I 'i.Uiin init. til lbs suliis .i... k uk ..I III. Ill l rt J'"l IWI.'OM .i in Ill I v I. lli'W .i. ...i i. I lu do ail kiua. i( ..II ban I, Uiak'S tl ll Kl si siiwti r -io n k- HuMNiMsuls 4 llr4-l-M, r . il a. i, i ) p. -i. sub ii muia. 4 l 'I su4 , . . .J.i.ll.!.) U . I UM I ,U-4i4US.--At.. w. ' 1 '-l-li His IM IUS VIMI'I.'JU"!.!, i iiii. I 'in U4U1I 4 ..i.im. 4 - iu..'ij(ii M I .1 ..I Ik. '- M kns i.'". ... ,u 4 1111.1 l .1 li.Sl & l's''H-4 SUIBURY I-stAttllnhecl In 1S40. ( PRICE 91 SO IN ADVANCE. ) otfIs nirt fsl;inranl. L Ai ERTtiTlilJNE, Broad and Chrst nut sts., Philadelphia, J. B. BUTTER WORTH, Proprietor. Terms per day, 3.50. April 15, 1871. ly TTN,o:,r HOTEL, TH09. FOULDS, Sr., U Proprietor, Shnmokln Street, Trcvorton, Norllinmbcrlnnd county, Pa. The table Is sup-piit-t with tho best the market affords. Oood stabling and attentive ostlers. Jan. 21, '71 F. BTEI1LT. 0. BOW Ell. VNION IIOI'NE," LYKEN3, DAUPHIN COUNTY, PENN'A., BYERLY & BOWER, Proprietor. Tho table Is supplied with the best the"innrket affords. Good stabling and attentive ostlers. May 20, 197L ilYEKI.Y'N HOTEL,, JOSIAH BYERLY, Proprietor, Lower Mnhn noy township, Northumberland county, Pa., on the road lending from (leorgetown to Union town, Smith Inn. Trcvorton Pottsville, Ac. The choicest Liquors and Segnrs nt the bar. The tables are provided with the best of the sen son. Stabling large aud well suited for drovers, with good ostlers. Every attention paid to make guests comforta ble. Nov. 11, 187l.-ly. A T 1 6 X At. irof ElT AUGUSTUS WALD, Proprietor, Georgetown North'd County, Pa., at the Station of tho N. C. R. W. Choice wines and cigars nt tho bar. The table Is supplied with tho best tho market affords. Good stabling and attentive ostlers. AM.EUIIEXY HOI ST., Cot.. CHAS. KLECKNER, I'jopriutor, Nos. H1J and KU Market Street, above eighth, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, $2 per day. lie respectfully solicits your patronage. WAKHIXUTON HOI !'., C. NEFF, Proprietor, Comer of Market A Second Streets, opposite the Court House, Snnlmry, Pa. May2S,'70. HOTEL A- It EST A I ' K A X T, THOMAS A. HALL, Proprietor, Sunbnry St., west SIIAMOKIN, PENN'A. Meals served ut nil hours, nt short notice. The best of Liquors nt the Bar. The Table la sup plied with the best and latest In the markets. At tentive sewunts. Terms moderate. Patranugc solicited. nl.1l M K IAS It EST A 1' It A X T, LOUIS HUM M EL, Proprietor, Commerce St., SIIAMOKIN, PENN'A. Having just refitted tho above Saloon for the accomodation of the public, Is now prepared to serve '.lis friends with the best icfreshiiients, and fresh Lnger Beer, Ale, Porter, and ail other mult quors. KEEKE IIOCSE, Third Street, at the depot. SUNBURY, PA., Wm. Reesb, pro prietor. Warm tncnls served up ut all hours. Fish, Fowls and Game. Fresh Oysters con stantly on hand nnd served In every style. Tho best ofwlues and liquors nt the Bar. MT'Fumiiics will bo supplied with oysters doue up in auv style, by leaving orders at the Bar. L'ov.5,'70-ly. J. V A LEU'S WIXTEK C1AKOEX AXD HOTEL ,V. 720, 723, 724 A 727 Tin St., PHILADELPHIA. WINTER GAHDEN HOTEL, (OM THE El'ROrBAM rt.AK) Centrally located, connecting with all the City Passenger Railway (.ars, trom an tne Depots in tho City. Excellent Accu,nmodalious Tor Tra veller. Grand Vocal and Instrumental Coucerts eTery evening in the Summer aud Whiter Garden. dig-Orchestrion Concert Eory leriooit. riNK LAIUF.S' UBSTAt'ltANT THE BEST Or HF.FltF.SHMRNTS 8F.RVF.H. Olllce of J. Valor's Fountain Purlt Brewery. June 4. 1S70.-1.V. L 1 i IT O K ST O It E ! CHRISTIAN NEFF, Second Street, opposite the Court House, SUN BURY, PA., Respectfully invites the attentlou of Retailers nnd others, that ho has on hand, and will con stantly keep all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consisting of Pure Brandies: Cogniuc, Cherry, Glnv'er, Roehelleaud Oturd. Whiskies: Pure Rye Copper-Distilled, Monu gahela, Apple and Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN! Wines: Champagne Wine, Sherry, Port and Claret. Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. E. Hum, Browu Stout and Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAK BITTERS, And nil olhors Liquors which can be found in the city markets, which will be sold at Whole sale aud Retail. Every article guaranteed ns represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS and BOTTLES, always on baud. t-7 Orders promptl attended lo, aud public putiouago respectfully solicited fl NJ.FK, Snubury, July 8, ixi. ly. JACUU Sllll'MA. Thompson num. Eire, Life niiU Aeeldent INSURANCE AGENCY or NllirUAX A- OEItlt. MARKET STKEET, SUXHUUV, COM PAN I E REPRESENT E D. l'A. N. American, PUllaiUiliiliU, Assols, $i ,73,.0 KnlvrpiUe, " Miiyliaitan, New York, R2.t,::A I'ais.iail tirj,570 a.Ml.llIU HH'J,l 7.V),UIK) (XKI,I-J 0I,(SI :J6,7UI N. Auierieau " Lorlllard, " YoukersikN. York " llauover, " lnisrial, Loudon, I.) coming, Muury, rruukilu' riuiudeipuia, Huiiie, New Voik, ,M)I,-IM .M4.2IU llartlord, llarltuid, I'liiunls, " -.'7,UIU ,a.'il,U07 o. Ml i HI ,IHl'J'M li.Vt.lisJ liavileit, " Farmers Ins. Co., York, N. Hiiiisb k Merrautlla Nuiuuieiee, Sew Yolk, Ciirwieb, Norwich, Uot,'Jit ,;mi,ikk New tiiulaud Mutual Lire, J. W. WASillXUTON'S till II lit Kill II NIIOI. Ths old (-iriiiuiitiil lini of III town U. duellus I bo U.l. but it I llio luilue Ulua touslder Uiat lbs nihility llulli iua)lM s.al.ma- bly slHjkvu w ilimui itiauiu iii uit uuiuuinuia tin uuinunl ut taully uud sniiiiiiuu. Just lt'Ul W4IS o I U.aU 111 llUslllrss eaiuti In tin pUiw- ltulf uiy liitilms lliu. fur Hiil, bao I loil Uhiu lbs 4 -r of our slliq. day slli r day, sua ui.'iu iicr uiiu, aun appiun Ibo iLiiii blue U-iulliy sl-rl, aud II bin lU il tlsps of Urns niibi4.vd ly tUo uittliir I0I1U uf lltal AVSUIIUI Millu4 ItSlo I .U4ti.il utaiiy nil). bu4y la lit louittiy (111 t'ltiuiiioii mi(sUi-) and In ul4lks lb publlu Mildest blt.m .l.iu Ijf tuuuil It. ulil U4IIDUS u!4 aud Ut; lUil is i,4J lu ll.4 I Unit all 44lu Iklwt k4bJiv4 lk"U.u4 Hutu tl utius. I utus wkvii " I'li'M. u4 In IumS Is lb Ht. lit! ! 1IH.II IS4l lu Mulki I'H.U'S.U ut tlUiu-Mi, li.b.ls yiiti, ball ui tut., sbsiiiMi uu, i.iksi 4 yuu, in ituitn, suutu au4 " I US kali Willi llUiU' iklll, IM IU "!! I.ll w A. I sis si) Is tuiuli lbs sustuutsl. Huik lu kiuw, hi4 flts lu "ik. fe4'p. 4' f Pt uu iU ib lu s.t lts4 H lb b.is il sbiuli Ui.tit 4u 14 m stl as 14 slt bs 4nu ui sou. 4 W. 4 itsu.s ts sd Ibst as 4omss4 lu '. Iks Wwul as ktn4 lu k.4 A ( 4 sUi r, Maiast vi (is. 1, lU. SUNBUltf; PA., BALTIMORE LOCH HOSPITAL It, JOHNSTON, Physiclnn of this celebrated Institution, has discovered the most certain, speedy, pleasant aud eilccuial remedy In the world Tor all DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. Weakness of tho Back or Limbs, Strictures, Affections of Kldnevs and Bladder, Involun tary Discharges, Jmpotoncy, Gonoral Deblll- 1 .. X? ' T.. t 1 t.t, iiu viiusni'ss, A'jnj'i i'nj, sjuiis; iiui ,f , .i Spirits. Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Glddlnoss, Disease of tho Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, A flections of Liver, Lungs, Stomnch or Bowels these torrlblo Disorders arising from tho Bolitary Habits of Youth those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their moet brilliant hopes of anticipations, rendering marriage, c, Impos sible OUNO MEN especially, who have become tho victims of Soli tary Vice, that dreadful and destructive linhlt which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted talents and brilliant lirtollect, who might other wise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstney tho living lyre, may call with full contldcuce. MARRIAGE. Married Persons or Young Men contemplating mnrrlnge, aware of Physical Weakness, (Loss of Procreatlve Power iinpotcncy, Nervous Ex citability, Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Ner vous Debility, or any other Disqualification, speedily relieved. He who places himself under the enro of Dr. J. may religiously conllde In his honor ns u gentle man, nnd confidently rely unon his skill nsa Pliv sielan. ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Impotcncv, Loss of Power, Immediately Cured and full Vigor Restored. This Distressing Atlectlon which renders Life miserable and mnrrlagc Impossible Is t lie penalty paid by the victims of Improper lnduluences. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not beingawarc of thedroudfulcnnRcqcncc.s that may ensue. Now, who that uudcivtaiiilisj the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling Into Improper habits than by tho prudent 1 Besides being deprived tho pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive symptoms to but Ii body and mind arise. The system becomes de ranged, the Physical and Mental Functions Weakened. Lobs of Procreatlve Power, Nervous Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of tile Heart, Indigestion, Constitutional nobility, a Wasting of tho Finnic, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. Persons ruined in hcnltli by unlearned preten ders who keep them trilling month alter month, taking poisonous and injurious compounds, should apply immediately. DR. JOtl5STt.l., Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Lou- don, Graduated from one of the most eminent Colleges in the United Stutes, nnd the greater pnrt of wliosj lfe has been spent in the hospitals of London, Pris, Plillndelphla and elsewhere, has ctleeted some of the most ustoiilsliing cures that were ever known i many troubled with ring ing In the head and enrs wnen asleep, irieat nervousuess, being nlimneu 111 smuicn komiius, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, uttende.l sometimes w ith derangement of mind, wore cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NO TICK. Dr. J. addresses all those who have Injured themselves by improper Indulgence and solitary habits, wnicti ruin uotn body ami mind, uniiiimg them for either business, study, society or mar riage. 1 uesb are some of the sail and meinuctioiy effects produced by early habits of youth, viz: Weakness of the Back and Limbs. Pains in the Back and Head. Dimness of Sight, Loss of .Mus cular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsy, Nervous irritability, Derangement ol Digestive Functions, General Debility, symptoms ol Con sumption, i.e. M ENTAi.LY The fearful effects on the iiiind are much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Con fusion of Ideas, Depression ot spirits, l-.vil-Forcbodlngs, Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, &c, urn some of the evils produced. TiiorsASiis of persons or all ages can now Judge whut is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming, wcaK, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a singular iippeurancu about the eyes, cough and symptoms ol cousuinp- tiou. YOUNG MEN Who have Injured themselves by a certain prac tice indulged lu when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, ornt school, the effects of which oro uightly felt, even when asleep, nnd II not, cured, renders marriage Impos sible, und destroys both mind anil body, should apply imiucdiutciy. w lint a pity tnui a young man.iue uopcoi uw country, the darling ol Ins parents, should be siiatehci from all prosjicels and cujoymeiits of lite, br the coiisciiuenee of deviating Ironi the puth of nature aud Indulging in a certain secret habit. Such porsons mi st, beforu couleuiplaliug MARRIAGE, reflect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial hupp!- uess. Indeed without these, tno Journey turougu life becomes u weary pilgrimage) the prospect lioiirlv darkens 10 the view 1 the mind leconice shadowed w ith despair and tilled with lliu melan choly relleetion, that the Iiapplu2ss of uuotber becomes blighted w ith our own. A ( ERTA1N DISEASE. When the misguided aud imprudent votary of pleasure Minis that be has lutbitied the seeds of tills painful disease. It too often hapH ns iliut an lll-liined sense of shame, or drrtid uf discovery, deters hlin from applying to those who, I ruin education and respectability, can uloue befriend him. deliiviug till llio constitutional symptom oi this horrid disease make I heir uppuirunce, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, ins mial Pallia lu the head and limbs, dimness ol sight. deafness, nodes nu the shlu bones and uriiis, blotches on the beiid, lueo aud extremities, pro gressing with frightful rupidlty, till ut last the (uilitte uf the mouth or the bones of I be uoae fall 11. und the victim of this aw fill disease hccoiuua u horrid object of commiseration, till death puts u period to bis dreadful sutieriug, by seuiiiug It 1 tit to " that UudlscoverodCouuiry Hum w neueo uu traveller returns." It Is a 1111 lam buly fact that thousands DIE victims to this torrlblo disease, through lulling into I lie bauds of Iguuraul or unskillful Pit TKNDKRS, who, by lbs uss of that deadly Poi son, Mercury, ie., destroy lite constitution, u.id lut'ttpiibiu or vunug, koci me unhappy suuerer luouiu after intuitu taking lliolr noxious or in jurious roiiiHuiua, and llistoad of being restored lu u r.'Mcwal ut I. lie Igor and lluppiueas, lu Uta pair lve him wilb ruluwl llutlifi to slgli our Lis gm.uig dlsiipHillilillelil. 'I u sui 11, Ibereforo, Dr. Johnston pledges Ii 1 ut -self In preset to Iba Ulual luvlulabls ikeni v, and tnui! bis oHeii.na pr act its aud observalluus lit Ibo gnul llusmulsul kunqsj, aud tho ui. I lu Ibis touiilry, tisi ttigluud, irauca, I'biUdilphliA ami elsew luie, Is ouahled In olUr I ho niusl eei tulu, sr.ly aud etti'4'iunl louttJy lu lbs a und fur all dlw4 ul liuprudouee. 1R. JollNeloV, orrKE, NO. T, . rKtDKU H KTRFKT, bsLTiMoaa, M. D. Left baud slds going from Bultlutuia siitvl, a It d.sns hum lbs eoiusf. Vallttut It) ubaeivs uaute aud iiiiiulier. Js" No kilns ractWed aulrs Mialp4l au l eiiuUliilns' a slau.p lu ba usad utt tbo !'' sum. willing skuultl slala aga, aud ku4 a puill.-u ul a4viitiuiiiul UVi. iihlna syuiptuuis. 1 luiis aia su utauy I'aUiy, Uwiaulug aud WuiiUIms luMpnslais s4aiinin4 tbv.11si.1ies as t'l!iM.iaus, lilttlutf wllkau4 IUU1IU4 I Us l.ailU uf ail aUu auluiluuaisly (all tulu lUvir p-ian, lUal In. JubuattMl 4wa M tMMill H .41 as Iwbilly lulUu naavuualulwl sus bis Hint luu lual bla t ls4autUta IM DlpluUia Slas Uu4 Ut bis wilUa. KN)H(UCNT Of TUB rHKa4. Tks maay tkuMsauU sai4 al lWi tslab.isb. Mlut, ) sal altsf , 4 lb Bau..tuu l.u- rutaul kuiaual ItpstaiUiM ilunw.4 by li. .kuua. Uu.4 by lbs lauiaa.uUllaa wi tba tiM aa4 msa uiaaf ktaii, Mtl un is ) iai4 assm Sb4 saaiabsl.us lbs (lubiis, hMt4s kts Ua4li-4 a a (auliauiea u ikaisl.f 4u4 1I.L1U, IS Sal. tst.1 gaslsuts t lbs a..i4 a-'S 4 a4' sbiai II, lM.-l. SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 2, 1871. nhtt fyottts. CHICAGO. BT JOnif O. WntTTIEll. Men snld nt vespers i All Is well I lu ono wild night the city fell Fell shtlnes of prayer and marts of gain Before tho fiery hnrrlcanc. On throescoro spires had sunset shone, Where ghastly sunrise looked on none Men clasped each other's linnils, and said I The City of tho West Is dead I Brave hearts, who fought In slow e.treat, Tho fiends of tiro from street to street, Turned, powerless, to the blinding glare, The dull deflnneo of despair. A sndden Impulse thrilled each wire That signalled round that scu of fire : Sw ift words of cheer, warm heart-throbs came) In tears of pity died the lliiuic I From East, from West, from South and North The messages of hope shot forth, And underneath the severing wave, The world, lull-handed, reached to save. Fair seemed the old i but fairer still The now the dreary void shall 1111, With dearer homes than those o'ei thrown, For love shall lay each corner-stone. Rise, stricken city! from thec throw The iishen sackcloth of thy woe) And build, ns Thebes to Amphlon's strain, To songs of cheer thy walls again T How shriveled In thy hot distress The primal sin of seUMiitc ! How Instant rose to lake thy pait, The augul in the human heart 1 Ah I not In vain tho (lames that tossed Above thy dreadful holocaust s Thu Christ n era in has preached through thco The Gospel of Humanity I Then lilt once more thy towers on high And fret with spires the western sky, To tell that God is yet with us, And lovo is still miraculous! alfs & jsHtctcbcs. III;IS AXIl THE U I1HMV. 11 Y S. II., OK ALABAMA. One tiny Saiuly Ilijrsins cuiiio into my oflice and sat tlnwr. without a word. For Biiiiic minutes lie sat still, watching inn in tently, as if to tnako out by tho sound of my n what I was writing. "Snuiro," lit! said ut lunlli, "did I ever tell you about my scrapo with thu widow Horry up hero on thu river " ".Never did," said I, laying down my pen, "let s liavu it." "They're, curious creatures, widows is," said ho in a meditative tone, "and the more you study about 'em the more you don't know nnylhing about 'em. What was this thins I've read about in r.gypt, or sonio other couutry, that nobody could unrid dle; V" "The Spliyns, probably," I replied. "Well." lie continued, "that was a wi dow us sure ns you ever had a granny. Everything else in the earth has been limnd out but them, and they'ro an much a mys tery to-day ns the length of tho North Pole. You may read the history of tho world, from (Jenesis to Kevclalious, nnd you'll find that widows have been nt the bottom or top ot live quarters ot all the devilment, that, has been cut up. Was you ever in lovo with one V" ".Lot's of them," said I. "You're n great gander that's what you are," said he. "A man that loves one and gits over it won't never get bit by another, if he's got as much sense as it ground-hog. I don't consider that I've got any sense at nil, but I'm a little too smart to let another of them get nil tho trumps on nie. Tho widow Horry that I was speaking of, is a little tho handsomest woman, I reckon, that ever looked a man into tits, and I ought to be n judge, for I've seen lots of pretty women 'in my day. Shu was about twenty-live years old when I went up there to work, just in the bloom of her beatuy.and ns full ol deviltry ns a three-year old uiu'e colt. There was a ball over ut Jenkins's, and of course 1 went, for I always go whero there's any fun going on, nnd generally net the fool before I get away. Of course, tho widow was there, dressed ns line as Solo tnuu's Uiies, nnd flying around as frisky ns a young lamb in a rye pateh. I g"t intro duced to her and asked her to dance Willi me, and when she flashed hereyisatiuo nnd k till 'yes' I jumped up like I had sit down on a griddle. You may talk about sensation, but when she look hold of my hand and sorter sipiee.ed it, I felt it sensa tion as big u h a load of wood, nnd it kept running up and down my back like a sqir rel with n hawk alter him. I'm very fond of daneint;, but be hanged if I know whether 1 enjoyed it that night or nt, for every time aim took hold of my hand I'd commence feeling curious behind the ems and up nnd down my back again, and then 1 wouldn't know whether I was ou earth or in a balloon, or uu a comet, unythiugubout it. It was undoubtedly a case of lovo ut lii'st Hight, nnd a powerful bad ease at that. For a wonder I got through tlie frolic with out making myself coiihu nous or cutting up auv exit as, as I am in the habit of do ing when I go into public. I'd set my pegs to go homo wiih thu widow alter the null, jul its I wiih IWing my mouth to ask her, up atcpa a big, long, leather lin ed doctor, named M.ibry, ami walked right oil' Is lore my eyes. Tliul railed mo sumo, hut I kept toy tongue still, Inwardly aweui iug to break his bones tho llrsl opportunity that preseii. b.'tl Itself. I saw tin ru wit no use. in say ing anything, so 1 went hoiiut nnd Wi lit to bi d, and air tho rest ol the liihl I wus tlit lining about rainbows, ungt U, butler Hit s, willows, and diN toi'H, mixed up worse than a Hutc huiita'a dinner. "Will, Npiire, lu miiku a short story of II, 1 iiiinio up my mind to have the widow, or kill myself or aouu b.aly cl. 'Vj I Hindu il uuiivi tiit lit to) bo on hand win lu tlm Hits, Umiii nil invasions. 1 toulilii'l eat nor sin P nor woik, mid if thu llniU ht4 lit bl on, 1 wouldn't titv l 1 1 aeiieu t iiougli It II to skiti a r. tbl.it. Hut w. i Ui lcruiiiiml ll shouldn't Ul long, for I'd bfflt luultd so olU'U by Moliitu I lull 1 tll'illglll Wouldn't i- '" r "mu 1(1 of an) Ihuijt but luu. Miu apiwured to laku uu right sharply, and tbu Junior at nnd lut Intel Ui litis lu ts lib mu, but I didu'l t'nusiilt r him iuoi ll4U it buli tt m . ir I was ii lUr guu ihouhi situ taiultl uobialy ou naiiu but Uw. Will, lUliu. things t ut uu an lor about un.uili, ami oueuu J4y I at is-vd up Wy apuuk and put Oim timsllirti la br. lui solUr Uuglf n4 aud s our loki4 uu aldt-d, and Uuihy I. ild iu aba t-HiUu I Umi mu isaswvr Just lb. U, but If I'd visit at lr liuitwiu-al 1 Uuia da, smu, sU'ti tfiva luu Uual ustir. 't t.inas i, tou'tu itiiita just assmeasltt- e'a Ud-IU) Ul l. W lwMlSl.1 ft wumu Ukt-s inua U atudy sU'il aar a. lfcuiia, J 'U', I U tuaU ay aus-tbiU4 alsuut His iaU.it 1 Uuu U umh u4 na4 " AMEB "Mice and men, IJurns says." I answer etl. "Well, mice and rats is all one, nnd so is men and fools sometimes, as I have found in my travels. I was so sure sho would havo mo that I went off and spent all my money for fine clothes, thinking I would have them ready for tho 'wedding and I did I Confound that widow. I say I Con found all the widows I Thursday evening came at Inst, although It was a long tinio nuout it, ami over X went, dressed Into tits, nnd feeling ns big as Josh Haynorclid when he was elected coroner. I got thero about dark, nnd fotttid a right smnrt crowd col lected, which wns not on tho bills, but I felt ns big and as good as tho rest of 'cm. So I marched in like a blind mule into a Fotnto patch, and took a scat by tho tire, didn't see anything of tho widow, but I kept looking for her to come lu and send for me, and pnssed nway tho time by cussin' tho crowd to myself, thinking they had no business there, and I would not gel to talk to my woman n bit. Presently tho door opened nnd in wnlked Folly nnd thnt dnd burued doctor, nnd a whole team of boys and girls fixed up BavngMy, I tell you. I looked around for a fiddler, thinking they were going to havo a ball, but I wondered what they nil kept so Btill for, nnd was nbotit proposin' a reel, when up gits a little preccher, nnd before you could swallow n live oyster, he had Folly nnd tho doctor married faster than a Mexican greaser could tie n bull's horns. I was so com pletely tUimixed that I set thero with my mouth open likn 1 wasgoin' to swallow tho whole crowd, nnd my eyes looked liko bil liard balls till the ceremony was over, when I jumped up nnd bellowed " 'I forbid the concern from buiug consti tuted !' " 'You nrc a little too late, my friend,' says the preacher, and they all commenced laughing liko they had seen something funny- ' 'I'll bo ditrned squizzlod if I don't be soon enough for somebody yet,' said I, for I was mad. fctpiirc, nnd no mistake in the ticket. fIdo believe 1 could have eat up that doctor quicker than a hungry dog could swallow a squirrel skin, if I could have had a fair chance nt him. It was too bad, after I had fixed up to marry her myself, for her to walk right out under my eyes nnd marry thnt great baboon." "It was bad, that is a fact," said I. "Bad !" cried he, "it was meaner than eating fried coon. I first thought I'd go straight home, but then 1 concluded that wouldn't spite nobody, so I determined to stay and see if I could not get satisfaction out ol somebody. You know I'm the devil to get myself or somebody else into a scrape when I take a notion, and I'd taken one that night that went ail over me liko a third-day chill, so I comnieuccd a study-in' out some plan. I recollected hearing the doctor say that where he como from, (but the Lord only knows where thnt was.) the bride nnd groom always washed their faces together before they went to bed. ns a charm ngainst infidelity or imbecility, or some other long word. While I was study in' about Hint, I spied the doctor's saddle bags setting in Ibc corner, so 1 waited till they went in to supper, and then I got the bags and looked to see what I could dis cover. Xenrly the first thing I saw was n piece of lunar caustic. I slipped it into my pixket. fur I had my plan ns I saw it. Well, I watched around till I saw one of the girls go to the pail with the pitcher, so 1 went out nnd nxked her what she was going to do with it. Sho said she was go ing to carry it into the room for the Doctor and Folly to wash, their faces in. I kept talking to her while she was filling the pitcher, nnd when she turned her head, I dropped tlie caustic, into it. It was then about, bed time and I gut my hat and put out, but I couldn't 1 1 -! p laughing nil the way home, whenever I'd think about next morning. "Well, Kquhv, they do say that when that couple waketl tip early next morning I they hoth had the hardest kind ot Ills, eaeli j one' thinking that they had been sleeping rwith a nigger. Oh, it was rich ! lie a cussin' and tcariu' up thiugs, aud shea screuinin' and faintin' and cotnin' to und goiu' olfngain, and tne not thero to koo it. They made such a rascally racket that the folks broke into tho room to see what was thu matter, nnd thero they was with their faces aud hands all us black ns tho inside of an oltl stove-pipe. I'd a give half of my interest iu t'other world jttMt lo have been nt some place where I could have seen the whole row. As soon ns they had found out that they was really the same folks that was married the night In Tore, they called for warm water ami soap, but Jtut here the doctor h:i iH iinl to think about the pitcher, and took it to t ho door to see what was the matter. There was a little piece of caustic that had not dissolved, and I soon ns hu saw it, he says : " 'It's no unit washing. Folly. All the soap in New ork city can't wu-h that oil.' "That was Urn ti titii. Squire. Soap and water had no more cili-ct I ban it would on n native boni African, and all the chance was to wail aud It t it wear oil', llow long il tool; them to gi t white II ialti I never found out, but nun tiling 1 do know," he eoni'iu'letl, getting up to go out. thu next time 1 saw tho doctor I had I he hardest light, and come the uigliest gelling whaled tli.it ever 1 did in my bum d iys !" Tliv I'uai r ol It liiUiit-as. Kindness is a nigral lever strung enough to move the world ; and yet it dm sits work ao quietly and unobtrusively Unit wo can Hut lvalue, ila mcr unless its rv suits nru either seen or hit. Il iMiitml I si stid lo exist ill auv particular coui'e of action, as il has thu happy faculty of adapting itself in thu Hum and occasion, h um lian a it will inaiiilrsl Itself iu uttt r.iuet s of syniui. thy, and ul others by silciuv. Il iii.iy bo n i ll iu bulb smiles and Inns, aud displayed by miu r giving or withholdm.?. It tvett pluh. s our Hounds, but only that tt limy Ullulllt und lic.tl till-Ill. Hut Ihougli il MS' sunn a ao many guist a II is gt lu-ially refit glllAtl by thu reel pit' lit tin luol, ulilmugU nun linn a tliu mi .isiiiti b ts p.isMiil by no ho unit lolly i si'Unii, "i'Mita kiiiiliii ss !" Klllillli as ll4i Ila blllll ISIlll IhhI, and llini ttiio is id diviuu niljlil and li t s it di Viuu Hulk, liotl'a kiielitisa mid lovu almiu 14U H i'l iba In 4ils ul Ilia trvalurt s. , Uar lluu iu lli.s Hl4llt, but hu alum I luu iu Ida b ut lb t-ueu. Nsiilur lliaaiu-rr um jusliuo tau Hill our i!ht liuns i but ilia iu liuitu lumlci in s and luva thrill our It. ails, au l h humbly uwu our ittsuill. uucy and (Mill of IlilU. UuiUaU kllldlMM is Hi litainU sUliuil ul asubllb-, luwsioiu ieilut, 4tt.lliu4 lu llui bcl "t loau, au l out g ! lui iu "Uf l4ily llh twwar4 tboao Wiltt hUoiu hu aitttLruHU iu touutl. It is a Mi iiluftm, Utuilul lu . Ik.in.tf Ii 4 lut sfeiaits I Il u a is' uf tn a'uHta 4tt;iiM4. Of Ua 4 k-H Ms4 Isoirf. CAN. C New Series, Vol. 8, No. & I Old Scrim, Vol. 82, No. .9 It cnu bo approprintrd by nil nges nnd conditions of mnnkind. The high and the low. the rich nnd tho poor, tho good nnd the bad, the happy nnd the miserablo are susceptible of Its influcuco, and benefitted by it. Humanity is actuated by many con flicting influences which accomplish dilfer ent results." In tlio "battle of life" many faint or be come way-worn nnd wenry, whilo others grow proud, cold, hntd, nnd defiant. Then kindness lias a work to do. hat the kin gentle Bhower is to the drooping vcrduro dness is to tho desponding lienrt. It lifts it up to the higher regions of cheerful ness and duty ; it wins it bnek from gloom nnd despair ; it imparts new life nnd vigor to its impulses, and encourages it to "do nnd bear" yet a little whilo longer. But thero are even greater works to 1ki accom plished than this. More to be pitied than those who realizo that they sulfur are thoso who have been inndo callous by sulfering, thoso who havo shut kindly impul ses from their hearts, who have becomo in different to the wants nnd woes of others, having no sympathy with their Joys nor balm of their sorrows. Life must of had some experience for them to produce such results. O, kindness, thine be tho work to mako the barren wnste and wilderness of their nature to blossom like the rose I Thou alone canst uproot the uoxious weeds nnd poisonous vines of distrust, jealousy, nnd suspicion, nnd implant confidence, tender ness, nnd benevolence. What a horriblo sensation it would bo to feel one's self gradually petrifying to realizo that tho liugers that were so nimble yesterday were , , . , , ., . . still and clumsy to-day, nnd that in tho near future they would be cold nnd impres- siotiiess its marble to know mat tno eyes that now sparkle with life aud feeling would soon emit but a glassy glare? Yet more terrible iu its results is tho petri fication of the soul ; all kindly emotions nnd tender sympathies bound un in stony fetters. A dillicult, task is thine, O, kind ness 1 to unloose them ; but thou nlouc art able. Kindness, us exhibited by human ngeneies, lias livntu-nlly neen instrumental iu winning back those who were fast piling- . . , g. . . - ' , mg int" the nbyts of sin and shame, and assisted them to the heightsou which stand the fair temples of honor and uprightness. Anathemas und scorn will not restore nny one to the path of safety who has wan dered from it. They will only drive them down deeper ; make" them harder, nnd wil ling to dare nnd defy thoso who denounce them. 1'iUt a kind word, a lender interest, will often awaken emotions to which even they bad deemed themselves strangers. Visit the poor criminal in iiis cell. Does the blush of shame stain his cheek nnd dye his forehend when you tell him his name is ti by-word nnd reproneh to his race ? Does he show any symptoms of sorrow or re pentance when you reproach nnd revile i i i in V Does he uot rather brave nnd scorn you V 5ut when you to 1 him that even now, when most of the woi Id forsakes some still cling to him nnd would administer comfort by their prcseneo or by loving messages ; when you let him see that you do not utterly loathe him ns a foul blot on this fair creation, do not the hot tears well up to his eyes and his hi art throb -with lender and grateful, yet painful emotions '( Would he not willingly undo the evil of his past career, mako his failures from duty successes, for the sake of thoso who think of him so kindly ? Xot only is kindness tho most powerful and cllieacious in saving the lost, but it is a guard and shield to in nocence, llow many thnt uru honorable, pure nnd good to-day that would havo fal len stive for its power I Tho kindness and love of a mother have been the shield aud buckler of many a bravo son, tho strong tower in which' he has been safe when the tempter wns nigh. Hut, though the work of this heaven-born power is it great one, it. dot s not despise the day of small things, if such thero be. The liltle child's heart opens and expands to receive it ; the path of the aged is cheered by its presence ; the piorfoiget half their sorrows when kind hearts show their sympathy. Then be kind -, act kindly, speak kindly. The cir cles from a tiny pebble widen and widen until they reach the farther shore. So the influence of words and acts of yours extends through all the future ages. "Thi-ra Is then no ili't h fur a wor.l on spoken, There wns never it tlccil lint left il tukcii Written on tables never broken." Uo kind to the little ones, the cares of life will como soon; be kind to tho aged, they have not long to slay ; l kind to the poor, I hey havo enough to U nr without your adding to their burdens ; bo kind to the happy, damp uot their Innocent mirth ; bo kind to your-iclvcs, lives, so remorse may never bo your companion ; live so you may have nu approving conscience; live ao you uiiiy at last hear the welcome plaudit, '-Well done !" Il'i'i'if (Jstle. Jraluun) ol'tilriH. Gills, ns a gcucr.il thing, are awfully jealous of eiii-li other. 1 should call this tho girls' distinctive fault. Vu l In ta when they are iu'roiluccd, or when ibey first mu l al a ball or croipici party ; wo how coldly critical ibey look al each other ; how insult iitly their i-jm rove over every por tion ot I' -ir rival's dress, rend iu lli.ir faces Iho oul spuktli aeorii as ihu result of their scrutiny '-You thinli you Ituvo done, it very well ; but you have made a fright of yourself; and I am much Isticr til. ill you. " U itli ll their disii litl of the luoiv'ndiiiiivd amiiiig ilicrti, an. I how ex cessively naught v fur. ulllaeliiig ulUuliuii they think that Ada and Amy uru, about whom thu young men cltisler, llow bold aim ia - how overdressed alio is -how ill leeteil sllu is lllld I) ! lioW Ugly kbit is! Ktilitt tiuies, 1 1 1 1 ti V atcilrcp, lliey willowr praiMt In rs'iiihusiasiieally ; but the riisn IS gfllerilll.V l"-' tt lli lit In deeeivu any one, ninl simply itecuuiila fur what il Is- a tUwr If ml Hun dis-su'i uusHcr. Il is tuitu a study lo HUlcli Ihu vt.iy iii u hit Is Ihu uiiis shako li.tuds logcllur, or Uku Inuids iii ilituics. Thu Inup, I'iki!, itiipir- Mill III H .iy lit H hli'll Ibey Just lull i It p,i,m, tht u ii I tin ir unit lull us ll paralysed, tells Volume In lletav able lo lead Ihu li lli HU, lu tl iiii 1114 Iht y very iviUt utly tin imi lasu hands al all, but jul blush Ihu lips of Ihu lingers, or make is show of doing ao, and Jusl puss on In thu "ih tin." In rt ss rli4ps iiiuiu I'uuii.illy ihu in 4 1 iimlu Iiuud lli.it may giusp lluns. It may U- nil eiy ritfhl, uit-1 ipiUc uit mdilij In Ihu dis-us4-ll U ol Tlosldi Ui, bul lltsluilli) I I Hatt.li, Ui-'fUnUs. ----- mm 9 - - - CUaitli 14 Ciiuuiy it now ueriuii by Niuifode llniu dub niil l i Is of ihu Muiti ansiuus Its gt I sh 4 at a dtr. lu m ow aust tl4U "4U, 111 ItlilS'U s l.U It ll.vau LuitUI U1I114 Iwiuu ia Uitf lot 4 1. Thu first Uiu I k;.iiii. - I vase I up an I iuu ou au liuu tia iu Auuil. a fmi u4 lf llnlitsiUW, lu lU U-.U144 !! Jf j we raiaul"U, I ADVERTISING SCHEDULE 10 Lines, or abont 100 Words, maka'a Sqnara ll 81 3 8(1 ! 8 Sill 4 Un lml UonV.i iw One week l.oo; .ooj g.soi 8,oo; 6.oo; 8.oois.00 Two -weoksl.60; S.OOi 8.50j 4.00! 8.0011.00 18.00 Tbrea 4.00: 8.50! 4.5o; 5.001 80.00 Four Five " BlK Tco mo's Three " Six " Niue " One Year i-.50j 4.60 8.7V 5.00 6.m 8.00 10.0015.0O38.60 8.50 7.00 19.00 17.00 U5.00 7.50 8.O0U8.O018.0O'87.50 8.50 9.00-1 5.00-0.00 80.00 U.CO 10.00 '211.00 ir,. on' J(l n 18.00! fl.75( I3.8.V 7.501 3.50i 8.00 iS.Otll 0.0o;il.0O!i8.0O'.8.00!8.').O0i5O.00 N).OUUO.OUil3.O0!l5.00!35.00!45.00;76.0O is.ou! la.ou: 1 5.0U 80.00! 10.00,00.001 1100 Go ftomenoj-s I Hoys, don't hang round tho corners of the streets. If you havo anything to do, do it promptly, risht.on,3then;;Ro home. Home is the ptneo for boys. About the street corners, nnd nt tho stables, they learn to talk slang, and they learn to swear, to smoke tobacco, nnd to donianyotbcr thiugs which they ought uol to do. Do your business, and'thenggo home. If your business is piny, play, and make a business of it. I liko to see boys piny good, earnest, lirnlthy games. If I were in the town, I would give tho boys a good spa cious play ground. It should have plenty of soil, green grass, nnd trees, nnd foun tains, nnd broad spnee to run and jump, and to piny suttablo plays. I would mako it as pieasnnt, as lovely as it could bo, and I would give it to tho bovs to play in, nnd when tho play wns ended 1 would toll thnm to go home. For when boys hang nround street corners nnd stables, they get sloucliy nnd listless. Of all things, I dislike a list less boy or girl. 1 would have a hundred boys like n hundred yachts, with every spar straight nnd every ropo taut, the decks nnd sides clenn, the rigging nil in order, nnd everything ready to slip tho cable, nnd fly before tho wind when the word comes to go. l!ul this caunot be, if you loungo about iho corners, nnd idle awny your timo nt the stables and the saloons. A IUciielou's Pa had ike. There is only one territory of any size, nnd never has been but one, occupied by any consi derable population, from which woman is absolutely excluded. Vet such a place cx- i iiuDvmiiTiy itLitiiit;,,. j , ti nil, it i. i'iiiv.t it8 lo.(1.,- nll(i , CJi8lc(, ,. centui.ic8. . r i-;',, i,io, ,..,iw,. , n As far back ns history reaches, to nil fe males it is forbidden ground. This bache lors Arcadia is situated on a bold plnteau, lx-tweeti tho old peninsula of Arte, in tho fJrecian Arcliipcingo, nnd the mainland. Here in the midst of cultivated fields nnd extensive woodlands, dwells a monastio confederation of Greek Christians, with twenty-three convents, and numbering: j more than seven thousand souls, und not one of the monasteries dates from a later i ti.iiu liiilil lliu mrni.li t:i'llllil . J lew bill- ! (,it!.s d ,0 ,,rtU,1. (lf is nnti.fl,mulo date than the twelfth century. A few sol- land, and no woninn is allowed to cross ! the frontier. I Nor is this nil ; tho rule is extended to j every female creature, ami from time im j memorial no cow, mare, lien, duck or goose. has been permitted to make ncquaintanco with hill or valley of Mount Athos terri tory. A traveler was startled by tho ab rupt question, "what sort of human crea tures are women V" The very idea of a woman, whether ns mother, wife or sister, is uhiDst lost. To nil women-haters ; to bachelors of over forty yenrs' standing ; to nil men who seek refuge from the wiles nnd ways of the opposite sex. this region can. be safely recommended ns a liavcu of re fuge. It is a notable fact thatt!io burning of property in nil parts of thrj Slato is ruoro destructive at present than was ever known before- Kvery exchange we open contains an account of tho burning of n dwelling or of some property us'-d for manufacturing liurnoses. The number of these conllagra- ! lions is remarkable. Jdcnlutral. FitOKiTAin.E Fotvj.:. A writer who is evidently well posted on the "chicken question," says that it is a well-concedod fact that there is great advantage in im liroved stock of horses, cattle, sheep and hogs. A thorough progressive farmer aims to secure propogate these. If wo examine the various reports, wo will learn that poultry is a great interest iu this country, and to secure the most profit ou this species of farm stock our farmers should secure im proved varieties. In stead of bringing to market long-legged, sinall-hodied chickens, weighing, say two pounds, they should sup ply our markets with a stock weighing four or six pounds, and these should be sold by weight. The little lank scrawny chickens that many of our farmers have now, nnd which furnish eggs about the size of pigeons' egs, should give place to chickens laying twice ns much, and we should soon bo rid of the degenerate raco of fowls nnd small eggs now broght to market. Willi the samo feed nnd lielter care, llie farmer might real ize more than doublo what he now docs for his chickens, nnd inure for his eggs. Few realize the profit on a good stock of fowls. The produce of oik! hen will pay for your uctt spaiHT : or half a dozen will pay for your tea und cotll-c und so on. Haisivo Dft'Ks. Ducks are raised wilb such easj thai it is a wonder ihev are u-jt mure popular with farmers. Tho liuml ltu Yorkir says : Their npH-lile is suci-. Unit almost anything which is iintur.iUi- thrown tithe pigs is acceptable ; and o'i tins ac count many object to theiu, Kiving they eat loo 111 uc a. ills tin iiount '.runt hat morn limd is ivipiiivd to rear vo'ing ducks ; but Ihis is overbalanced by tiu-ir quick, maturi ty, after which 110 more food isr.quii'ed for duck than hens. Disease sckViui limit it way into the duck-Yard, unVss ciuied by feeding iliiekliu.-s lo'iiiinc'j hard or uncook ed food. Keep Iho yuiiijg duck from wa ter, save enough to tlr.t.k, until about two wick old, I lion lit l.etil havu full Iftti-e. Ducks can be slice ..sl'iilly brud itt dry yuril-i, u ith only 11 pan .' water ; but 110 laruur having a pond Mr stream of water couveui cut for ducks itfiould tin h lihout them, f ir illstiell case very little In. hi is required, kuvuHh.it ran be ,1'nuiut' bv theoi m mu I around audi place. A I curly duwiilliey nifty bit sit u Very iiitive in sci .ili'hlttg up n r it thul fuel their W.i In to sill Licit iu pi s-till-eS, thereby belU'.llllllg falln r III ill III; I ( iug iho ni'. Dr.iittnviN-i I'm ii-TttKi'. lhuttH - Ftery lr. t Hlld bul is mucked by I'OJ luuiu s 1 i s n luiv is of it dlstim-t 'U Hhich hi'.I hvu only lu iviUin saitMi tree. 'I'lni it tl lii iided bun r ami Ihu rou In ,t, li d bun r am I 'tin I iu Ihu ap'.l.i U yilMtise Itunrs iiau m cr ami in u4 I revs. All Imiiuis urn hal'ln .) liuiu iivipuMi. by 4 Uvile in 1 In- 1 u l. r Im As tliu Unk in in l tuts is au I141 I at itmuii'l. Ihu Im Uu iuiii'V ovitu.ils ei,' lu lh.i ini.b r baik mar I'u suil w Ihu Kiuiiiil. Il.nia llui luUbi l spi.iirf mu I duroii luu suiiiiiur. an l wl H. ru nut mult .l.il, ara u uukuitf I fill liuv.a-. n.i4 Ihu Uavaiid ssiih hoot lb ...Hi "I - .nu lb.. swtU "f 4-1 bik a-1 I lU suiu.il It suilnu l I'-u I'" Uia Islul I U llu-ii, ifHu iw is a Una Ut lU liw, 01 nt. u ' My " ' M is wmkiul nul. If ' - sta isuiijI ivlil ith u''u ,,f 1 IUU.I Ul ul IMtl HHll a UK U uti4 I Utalilli ' Hbitll. H tba H4l.J iuMsra4 HllU lep.ld yillu4 or ea, of ; lur I'm Ik. It 4 lilt .of lul .itU 41- Ilia w t tm llus IU I ba b- 1... I. l W Ml 1-1..I-J.J