Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 25, 1871, Image 3

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    SUNBUttY, NOV. 35, 1871.
Kntlrond Tlrfke Ttkle.
' N. C. U. W. Eaiit. P. A E. R. R. Wbst.
nffulo Ex I've 1:47 a mjErle Mali, l've,12:35 ft ra
Accom. " IMS
lmlraMall " 11:0
Niagara Et " 12:45 p m
ElminiMail " 4:85 "
rlo " " 13:80
liignniEr." 4:40 p miErle Ex
0:50 "
i.havii i Allium
nnbury nt 11:50 m At Bunbury 9:55 a in
4:40 p mj " 4:00 pm
D. II. W. II. R.
l.oavc Stinhury 5:55 a. m., 4:35 and :50 p. m.
Arr. nt Bunbury 10:00 it in, 0:20 nuA 8:40 p in.
Accident Innnrnnco Tickets can be had of 3.
ilpmnn, Tickot Agent nttllo Depot.
total f ffahs.
Bewino Machines. Miss Caroline Dallas is the
jent for the sale of the beet Sewing Machines
i existence, vis : "The Implored Blngcr,"
Grovcr & Hiikcr" "Howe," and "Domestic,"
hich are constantly oil hand and sold a. ren
Miablc prices. She Is also agent for the celc
.ated FrauU and rope Knitting Machine. Cull
nd see them. Offi'.e on Market street, cast of
ic rallrond.
A I.auoe number of Canary Birds Just received
id for sale at C. S. ITuzeltlno's Book and Pcrlo
leal Store, with or without cages.
Bk.nou Blitz. Tho many friends of Blgnor
III will be happy to. learn that he contemplates
lying another vlsi to Bunbury during next
lontli.and give one of his grand and Interesting
uteitniumculs. As this will probably be his
let visit he will hi ve a crowded house.
Frame Horsr.s. Tire people of Chicago have
lough of wooden houses, and will put lip few
oreafter. Dealers, who have their stock in
ich houses are obliged to pay double rates of
.isurancc now In that city.
Swiss Bi'ix Rinoeks. The celebrated Peak
ainlly, Swiss Bell Uingcrs, will give an cntcr
linnient In the Opera House, In thin place, on
oadr.y evening, the 27th Inst. To those who
ivo uevcr heard them, we would say If you
Ish to enjoy a good treat, go and hear them,
licy will no doubt drnw a crowded house.
Kn.i.r.n. A conductor mimed Hull, on tho P.
E. Rullrotd, was run over and killed on Sun
ny morning hi"', bctivoen I.ewisburg station
i 1 Northumberland. It appear he was walk
ig over tho t y of the v;rs and fell down be The train ran lo Northumberland before
e was niiMcd, and on bucking up the roud ha
as found upon the track completely cut up.
io resided at Northumberland, and leaves a wife
n 1 child to mourn bis lop?.
In anoth'T column will be found nn ndvertiso-
"it nf Messrs. Charles Hans and Henry F.
aas. who are oll'i-rimr a valuable, mill property
ir sale. Tho-e who desire to secure one of the
ft properties In this section of country, will do
ell io attend the sale.
n of the mot handsome looking buildings
' Arch street, has lately been erected by Mr.
h:i Clark, which, for comfort and neatness,
irpassea all others In that v'cinity. We under
aml that Sol. B. Mover. Esq., will occupy the
::sj as soon as II Is entirely finished.
Wi; are Wormed that J. B. l'etgstrcsRcr, of
lis p'acc, has beep, reappointed District Deputy
1' the. Order of Cool Templars for the District
f Northumberland county. Ills rc-appoiutmciit
peaks well of his efficiency as an olllecr.
C:iNrir.. C. Ilazeltinehas lately purchased
ie inrifo Iloott, ttatlonory, and boot and fshoc
tote of N. F. l.lghtner, and will continue tho
i-iness in tho rooms In Moore & Disslnger's
uihling, corner of Market and Third Streets.
Ir. Ilazeitinc Is a thorough business man, who
ill constantly keep up the reputation of that es
ililislimeut by adding new goods. Tho patrons
f this line establishment will be glad to learn
i:it Mr. Harry Thaeher, widely known as a gen
cmaiily clerk, will coutlnuo with Mr. Hazel
ne, and wait upon customers as heretofore.
Finn. On Saturday evening about 7 o'clock,
broke out in a coal shed of Mr. W. T. Grant,
catcd on the alley above Market street. For
inately there was no wiifll at the time, which
ad there been, a large coii'lagratiou would pro
ibly have been the result, as the building burned
own was surrounded by a nuiiibjr of frame
ables. The steamer was promptly brought out
ml put Into service which soon extinguished the
It is supposed that Ilia lire was caused by
i incendiarv.
A eoustaut demand fir
Shadow Photographs
t lleniperley's.
The number of houses built in the borough of
livcrsidc, in this county, within the last three
cars is M, at a cost of CSI'v'.lO CO. The valua
o:i of the property Is SUV.', 005 00. This thriv
li; borough, conimenced bat a few year since,
Tomiscs to bo a large place. Tho buildings nro
11 tastefully-displayed and are creditable alike
the citizens and the town. Mo&t of the houses
uvu been erected through ui.l and loant of the
'uliding Association, la a few years tho Asso
intioii ttock will have imtturod, and the niorlgu-
s cancelled, leaving to each member a home us
reward of his Industry and frugality.
Tun Dental Association held its
Itci nth semi-annual meeting at I.ewisburg, on
I'cduu.duy of last week. Dr. ti. M. Itcun, of
lis place, we notleo was ono of the principal
lembers present. Dr. lleiin Is one of the best
aeehanlc's in this section of the country, mid Is
. ighly respected by the profession. The session
i ere chuructcrU'-J by ixlivme hanuony and good
i'lUSi.E or Finu. Mr, P. 11. Moore bus lately
old liii interest in the store of Moore iV Dis
inter, to Ira T. C' n.-ut, Eq., of this place.
The ineieantlle business til lieri'aller be eon
tin ted in. I '.J II l lit name of ( lenient .V l'i
. .ugi-r. Th ') are uow opening an entire new
toe!; of guo.U wlili h v ill be c Ifc re 1 to tho public
i. thu lowest piie. s. Their .lock eoiiiil of dry, unn eilis, pieenvmre, uhi .wart), e.
. liobe who wl h to buy i'.ieip u.e ie,ietd to
ll lllld I Ail III' lie tlulr l.oi!i,
llANVIIIK, :II1.i & Wl I Kl. PAI'UK It A II.-
i:on. 'I be Soaid of Dlieitor uf l'ie ulmvu road
le. tcd H. P. Ku-e, Esq., Pre.ld. lil J. W. KuMJ,
Kip, (ii i ilnii mli nt i f load. Judging
n. in the lull le i i i.iciti . d In the load b) Ihe.e
nt i nu n, e ui e couui.ii ,i Hut tin y will muktt
e. ul. i- mid i ltl. I ul i llli i i
Ill ill. IT. II. L m-il.i iu it iou.
lio ' lo lillli ui ) ' i tl.j .-y be.l
.. .1 III.. .
I.. 1,11 ll
I. ul!
I :l on I.
. . .. I ... t .,
. ,)..
ii. A
.ion. it I u i nil hi . i.ia i.-.i l ioi uled at U
illrUll'n Fiilll..ll) utold, iu MiimuIu
I v . i 1 1 . 1 1 . iie .hil in Din Iiuu ut fur.
Ii pi linn, i uu bo. .I. in, in ,lrur.,
.loll til) !4lli!.U Ms .l lu ilb
M.iii., p-iliul.i dl ilt4 ItHiui. ul. kltiu
nil 4i I Ke i I it . Iilui ul III lulikluie
,.l) Ul.f.
Si mi r all Of i... D.I.. uf U br lit Hit
. Ii ; ii d.l.i I in. I on -.! jrU l.i.l, al Ihc U.i
i ii.. ul tli ll.ui4 Ju i J o 4m, ill 1 1. 114,1.1
Ii l ,4 4 ' I liKU .IU I'Hm .ultli nt
. ( U ii -l i, ul.. m. 4. IUiiJ
I . ' J Ull pl' 1. I ll' Hi. f0l I...II,
! . . i -l HI I t I i ul u. '
Tfli LcTnBiun BuKfiiY BcnooL. On Bunday
last, In company with several gentlemen, we
paid a visit to the Lutheran Bunday School, at
this place, U witness the opening of tho new
library, which was lately procured for the benefit
of Its scholars. ' The changes In this great Insti
tution since onr boyhood days enn scarcely be
described. Instcadof finding the familiar faces
of Wm. M. Gray, Bupt., John Toung, John Deh.
ring, Hon. Geo. Welser, Samuel Gossler, Andrew
Durst, Jacob Toung, Mrs. Rov. J. P. Bhlndol,
Mrs. J. Toung, Mrs. M. Hans, who were some of
thofoundors of tho school, nnd who were teachers
twenty-seven years ago, we found an entire
change of officers and teachers, ns well as rules
and regulations. But one single veteran teacher
of former days, Mrs. Bamucl Gobln, was present
to give encouragement to this laudable enter
prise. The rest having nearly nil passed away
and otben more vigorous are filling their places,
many of whom we noticed were pupils of tho
founders of the sohool. Mrs. Gobln, though well
advanced In years, has still a class, having been
a teacher cvcr a quarter of century, nnd faithful
In her devotion, s1io has the consolation nnd
gratification to know that her labors wero not In
vain, but that her good works have produced ten
fold. As she moves among the scholars with
whom she has been associated from childhood,
she Is looked upon as the remaining original pil
low of iv gigantic work, and Aufity Oobln's
opinions are sought by both old und young.
This mammoth school has gradually grown In
numbers as well as liifluonet.cver siucc Its organ
isation, and we nre pleased to note Is now In as
flourishing a condition us any school In the State
or probably United States. Under Its present
Superintendent, John naas, Esq., It has Increas
ed in oro tliiin double in numbers, nnd through
the elllcient olllccrs assisting Mm, the most ap
proved modern regulations huve been adopted,
aud tho whole shool has become so systematized
that its workings oro almost perfect.
Tho school is divided into three different de
partments, the Infant, adult, nud married. Tho
whole Is under the supervision of John Hans,
Esq., who is assisted by Rev. Mr. Heniperley,
who lias charge of tho married department, and
Mrs. P. M. Sliindel of the Infant department, as
sisted by Mr. Jacob Fetter and Jus. Beard, Esq.
Tills Infant department Is probably tho most in
teresting. When first organized It numbered
ubout 80 scholars, and through the pious zeal
and energy of its Superintendent, has increased
to 170 scholars. Tho teachers of the adult de
partment arc us follows : Male teachers Wm.
H. Rolirbuch, Solomon Weaver, C. D. Hohrbach,
(ico. W. Ger'mger, Ellas Brosious, Wm. H. Du-
ling, J. II. Engel, II. K. Goodrich, W. S. Rhoads, I
James Lyon, Jacob Welser, P. F. Zimmerman,
Jacob Wilver. Female teachers-Mrs. Susau I
Gobln, Mrs. Solomon Weaver, Mrs. Elizabeth
Fystcr, Mrs. H. M. Fahncstoek, Mrs. D. Hertz,
Miss Sarah E. Gossler, Mrs. P. Bright, Mrs. J.
E. Smiek, Mrs. W. C. Horn. Miss F.mmn Hcm
perly. Mrs. W. H. Diihllng, Miss Magglo J.
Martin, and Miss Sadio Caslow. These teachers
nro all zealous and appeared to bo In their ele
ment, sitting with their flock, giving them In
structions nnd directing them in the right way.
Tho elective olllccrs of tho school, ore as fol
lows i President, Rev. G. W. Hemperlcy ; Su
perintendent, John Haas i Secretary, i W. D.
Hltuelwright j Ass't Secretary, G. L. Simpson ;
Librarian, Jacob Shlpman ; First Ass t.Soloiuou
8trolij'Jlior!sters,Jacob Fetter and Samuel Koons.
These gentlemen have a large share of labor to '
perforin which requires their presence regularly. I
Records a ro kept of everything transpiring In j
the school room, the number of scholars in at-
tendance on each Sabhath, together with tho j
number of books distributed. Ou thU occasion
there were three hundred und tixty-one scholars I
present, each of whom received a library book .
which was selected from n catalogue furnished
to each pupil, and the book was then furnished
by the teacher. .
The new library on being opened for the first :
time made many a heart tieat with joy. Tin ;
Superintendent stated that It would tako over
twenty-three years for one scholar to read each j
book through by averaging ono a week. Tho
number of volumes is about l,S0O which havo
been carefully selected and cost $1,000. They
are put up In u handsome case which has been
fiirntrlicil tlieni by .Messrs. Fryllng, lioweu &
Engel, which is divided Into ditl'ercnt sections,
one for each class with a catalogue for each
apartment, which nre changed a t :rnatoly. As
n volume is taken out, a card i certillcalc is put
in its place with the name of the possessor of the
book und its number, which remains there
until the .volume is returued. This plan has
been, wo understand, invented by Jacob Ship
man, Esq., and will prove convenient as well as
beneficial to the school.
This school is under excellent control, and we
feel confident that great good w ill result from it,
for which tho citizens of this town cuu be thank
ful to the officers nnd teachers, who are devoting
their lime and means to bring up tho rising
generation in a righteous manner.
TimitE Is no class of pcoplo who do half so
much good, or work so hard, as newspaper men.
They publish good papers, nnd they strain every
nerve to do this, but tho people do not f onshler
this, or the fact that newspapers nre a fair index
of their owu intelligence aud enterprise. Some
papers put up with all sorts of expedients to get
along, when there are .cores of influential men
who arc greatly benefitted by tho papers who do
uotblng to sustain them. They might speak n
good word for them, get their friends to subscribe
lor them, sustain them with their advertising
patronage, and thus remunerate tho hard-work-lug
newspaper man. Every citizen ought to be
aiiliuated by sufllcieiit pride, if by no otiier mo
tive, to sustain good papers, and thus see them
worthy representatives of tho people: Kt.
I.kctliiks at XoKTlirMiiKni.AM). Arrange
menu have been niuilo for a course of lecture, at
Northumberland during the present season.
Among those ul ready cugugej are Kev. J. F. W.
Ware, of Haltlmore, Col. A. K. McClure, of
Philadelphia, Mary Grow, of Philadelphia, A.
M. Powell, of New York, Gen. J. K. Cle
ment, of huubuiy, Major Cliumberlalii, of
Muuey, uud others. Mr. A. M. Powell, Iho
editor of tho .Vnfiuiiol Simulant, of Now York,
will give the opening leeture nt the O. 8. Church,
on Bulurduy evening, November '.'.'ith. Mr. j
Powell's leeture. uro chii-rty upon mbJe,oL of a j
rerorumlory charueter, X, one who feci, uu lu-
terutt lu i lion., who .u.talii H llal relation
lo human wrllure, .lu.ul.l ueghct this privilege.
Tun wutur in the new C.i.ouieUr, ul iho Gas
Woik, wu forced throuijU the ;u. plpn fruiu
Iho rlwr by tho Isteum Fire Engine la.l week.
The di. tn nee fiom I be rii.r lo ll.o gu. oik. i.
about Ihieo iuuilh. of u mil,., ubou Ujo
barrel, of Water u forn-J ihrounb the pl- lu
about ! hour., under it 1 1. ..ui of ouly 'JO II...
of .icuiii, or ubout one il,u ,( ulu t-Hpaclly of I lie
in H uciubUur or bliaiuokiit iMirouuh limit
douo i,o or tint tuliiii. u( llm NoilUwi-.l'
I Uu uiuouut uf eublrlbulious miiI, iui ludliitf lb
hlmitiiikiii I'lv. N. C. K. K., miiouiii to
tiuudnj dollars lu emu nud lliHlilu. H,t iiu.
pl..)t. ut FUd if nu t t'iiutcti.ti tulleiiM,
ll. ..I MiaiuoUiii Uu. luuli ibulud IvIU 01, lli. lu
al l. loan. Ill l Mala Dial lll a.
liUial.ljf ul llio llluvu. u( Hwmoklu.
" "" "
W ii u.4n tint I'iiJ) . i!,jiit,.(t la Huiitiui) U
lal ruKit..ini lu, ..ui. til ul
rhjtil building, Utl Uu nuilid bitli me
iMitjMrttttdi m.u4 iti.4 iu en Impusiu
a ltiaii. . be iMfriufeuufc, un. 4u( u
Hl.l UtM.
Cot.( Bmrson has resigned his position as
President of the 8nbnry A Lewistown R. K. He
leased the road to tho Penn'a company for a term
of 90 years, which seenrcs the financial success
of the road. The Pennsylvania road own, by
lease, the P. & E. Rond, which terminates at
Bunbur, while the western end of our road, by
means of a bridge across the Juniata at Lewis
town, would strike their road. Thus at a glance,
any thinking mind will see the great benefit to
be derived from the last official act of President
Simpson, and aa he retires, he can take with him
the consolation, that In this act, as well as In all
ho did, his aim was to benefit the people of his
town and county. Snyder County Tribilne.
. Immense stock of Frames and Albums Just re
ceived at Hcmpcrlcy's.
' Death ot CI notion Ihvin. George Irvln, of
Wntsontown, formerly of this Borough, aud son-In-law
of Mr. Henry Cable, was killed on tho
railroad below Mlddlctown on Monday of last
wock. Mr. Irvln was engaged In boating, nnd
was on his way to tho city. Falling to get the
proper clearance papers at Mlddlctown, he ro
turned to that placo from Columbia on Monday
morning on foot. When at the railroad bridge,
crossing tho Union Canal, be stepped from one
track to another to get out of tho way of a
freight train going south, and was struck by tho
Niagara Express going north, and knocked
through the bridge Into the canal, and fatally
injured. Ho lived but a short time after ho was
taken Up. ni remains were brought to Wat
sontown and burled on Wednesday. Ho was
about 80 year of age, and leaves a wife and four
children. Jfuncy Luminary.
Ciiowns of people are seen rushing to Hemper
ley's for Shadow Fu tures.
Female Minstiif.i.s. Tony McCrystnl's Fe
malo Minstrels and French Can Can Troupe
open ut Thompson Hull on Friday nnd Saturday
evenings, this is ono of tho liuest Companies
Traveling. Reading. Pottsvllle nnd Tmunqua,
papers say, they are the liuest Company on the
Road. The French Can Can is worth the price of
i admission. No doubt thev w ill havo big houses,
and will bo n treat for tho public who wish to
pass a pleasant evening. Danmlle American.
Tho American, we presume, did not witness,
though It .favorably notices tho performances of
this troupe, which exhibited nt that placo after
having performed hero. Such exhibitions nro
not calculated to Improve, tho morals or taste of
of the community, nor iiro tho managers to bo
relied on for their promises or obligations.
W. R. F. Weimru is opening n largo assort
ment of ull kinds of Store floods which have been
selected in Philadelphia the past week. Ills
I stock is largely Increased, and all of the latest
l .. 1. . V In ..1 . 1 ..
" . " " " . ' "
goon siotK. mil at t tie store on .Mai Kut street.
Gas Lkiiit in St suiuv. Tho new Gas Works
In this place are about completed urtd nre credita
ble to the company. Tho first gas light was wit
nessed on Wednesday evening at the Central
Hotel, and nt the residence of S. P. Wolvcilon,
Esq. Tho amount of gas consumed In twelve
burners nt the Central Hotel for tho space of two
hours, was feet, at a cost of 30 cents. The
light was brilliant, and altogether satisfactory.
Lots roit Sai.c One lot 03 feet front on
Chestnut street, Suubury, adjoining the residence
of L. T. Rolirbuch, Esq., nnd two Vacant lots
fronting Race street, in Masser's addition. Kn
quire of II. B. Musser.
List of letters remaining in the Bunbury Post
Olllce, week ending Nov. 1S71 1
J. II. Itlalr, S. Bachraeh, Esq., J. Hatcher, C.
Becker, Miss Mary Herdner, Miss Annie Blcksler,
Messrs. Billmyreoi Nagle, Blind Tom, Ben Bro
sious, Miss llattie Mel.olllgan, Peter F. Culp,
B. Culp, M rs. Llszie K. Davis, James Davis, Esq.,
Miss Susan Dornsil'e, Miss Elizabeth Ealson, A.
N. Frnuclscus & Co., Miss Lizzie Farnswoith,
Miss Mary E. Farnswoith, John II. Friodd, Miss
11. D. Gass (2), Messrs. J. S. Gilger it Bro.,
Freeman Ilaupt, Jacob S. Hepner, P. 8. Helford,
(2), II. 8. Hupp, Esq., Miss Elizabeth Hoover,
Mrs. Annie K. lines, Win. McKaln, Wm. Ro
nald & Bro., Mrs. D. E. Lumley, Messrs. Lyman
A Bro., W. C. Lvon, Miss llallie Lyons, Joseph
W. Marshall, Vandine Martz, Win. R. Maliek,
Franklin Martz, Miss An lia Mitchell, Mrs. C.
E. Moore, L. M astetter, Kate Ossnuin, (!), Amos
K. Reed, Edward S. Richards, (Foreign), James
Sharp, Mathlas Schmnek, Esq., Samuel Stray
ham, Mrs. Rebecca Shadier, Miss Mary E. Sea
sholtz, K. 11. Smith, E. N. Smith, Watson A.
Sliute, Esq., Messrs. Ilelner, Schwexeet it Co.,
Win. II. Tompkins, Thomas Tosler, Esq., A. M.
Weser, A. B. Wells.
Persons calling for the above letters will please
give date of Advertisement.
IMitur'H Table.
"CitisiMAS Chimes." A choice collection of
Christmas Carols. Just published by J. I., l'r.
tkiis, SUM Hroadivay, New York. It is Issued in
pamphlet form, Pcalmo y size, uud contains the
following Hymns :
Babeof lk'lhlehcin III Ightest and Rest Christ
Is llorn Christmas is heroCome, yo Faithful
IlaU to tho Lord Hark! the Augels Holy
Voices Expected Jesus llabe Is Horn Holy
Night Christinas Eve, I.ittlo Children Star of
lietiilelieni Merry Christinas Noel I Noel !
Christmas Tree Whispering in Heaven Snow
on the Ground and While ShophcrdH Watche .
Sent, post-paid, for 'JO cents each ; 51) for ?S j
100 f r f 13.
Gouev'e I.aov's Book for December fairly
glitters with beautiful gems of art. For forty
one years the Lady's Hook has been kept up und
been stemlily growing in popular esteem, and
now is tho tciiM it!eul of thu age. The literary
matter Is fresh uud full of interobt. Fashion
Plate, patterns, steel engraving, poetry, house,
hold receipts, Htid every depart incut of interest
is well ami Judiciously represented. The next
number w ilt tie the louimeueeuient of a new vol
ume, uud we would advise ull who desire a good
magazine for the next year to scud lu their
orders. Price of Hook, fil.tiO per annum. Wo
will send the "Lady's Hook" and the Ami iik an
to any .ingle subscriber lor one year for H.W in
oon's Hot sRitoi.o Maoazinb for December
Is one of our brightest and cheeriest visitants Tor
the mouth. Crowded with all thu relishes of a
Christmas Dinner, it makes oue think of its up.
pi'oprlaleiie.s as u Christinas prc.eiit for the lit
tle ones, us well as for Iho older nirinbere of the
hou.tehold. "Mrs. tNintu Ciun.' Adventure it
uiono lit lily worth the prho of the Magazine a
year. We notice that it. publishers have recent
purchased tho following Magazine, which have
consolidated with the Household, viz i "Our
Magazine," published by MuJ. General Kllpat
rkk uud Win. R. Mattlson, ut Newton, N. J.,
and "The Eelrcliii," published ut Clueiiiiiiitl by
Dr. J. M. Seudder. bund for tho December mini
l.i r, uhieh "HI tin mulled fiee. Addle., b. H.
Wood Co., .eburgb, N. Y.
lltislut .VolKcs,
IsTovr.s. Three .e. oinl baud lie iter, uud
.toil., nearly us good u. new for ulo ut half
pi li e. Empilm ut thl. i. lib e.
Cti.i. uud .e the new Music liux Album ut
Without Competitou Wauamaker X Uromi,
in prices ill goods.
II..I.IHAI I tkt.. Mi. David Fry Inform u.
ihui he I. uow prepared to furulub ev. ry dccrlp.
lion of laigti Holiday Cuke., both pliiu nud
in U4III. i' Id ny lu ibu illy. Mr. Fry i
nil rkpetliiietil baud ul Iho bu.iue.., dud cu--lo.
urn. .ill find ll giiall) lo I Li Ir ndvai.l i la
gilu bllU a I'ltU. lu K4.UIH tltn Ul) lilll.l take
luauuiai luid, uidi i .boiild U uu iu uuw, kud
titll.litiiliiu Itlll l K'14rrtllle-d.
imstT kilijtiiiuii ul lleiupvilry's, IU Sw
ilu.ic Hot Album.
(.Altu. iuh4 - lmc ptivtm ftltd l.l ( luilt'
it li W. 4 tt'.
L, i. I'ulmit, lu.ui.ui Aut.
I Ull UkCk't .LliiK uf all !. nud !)! li
ki(4 ul Italf lilu' Mull lu Muut A liMluB(l'
luu !. 4 )ouu4 cw IUsl mil U ttuU iu
f iiiiHilltt. ii'uii l ILi
Tna books of Wm. D. Tlailpt, 0. Hunpt & Bon,
nd Dr. CharlosJArlhur, aro In the hands of A.
N. Brlce, Esq., for collection. Partleewlll save
costs by belngprompt, , , .'
A LA Ron and Varied assortment of Boots and
Shoes have Just been opened nt C. S. Hazcltltie's
store (successor to N. F. Llghtnur), corner of
Third nndlMarket .Streets.
Tim lnlost fashionable boots are offered for
sale nt C. 8. Hazeltlne's store, corner of Market
and Third Streets. They aro well made out of
the bcst'nintei lal. 8old nt low prices.
Free of Chargo Samples, price list, Ae., from
Wanamnkcr A Browu's. '
Frti.iuq'b Mamuotii Cash Stoke Is still cell
ing as cheap as ever.
Tub Excelsior Water Proof Leather Preserva
tive for harness, boots, shoes, nnd leather car
rlago tops, can bo had at tho boot and shoe store
In Moore A Dlsslnger's buildlnes, corner Third
and Market. This preparation is the best greaso
for leather that can bo used. Give it a trial.
Ladies will find iho largest variety of the lat
est style shoes nt C 8. Hazeltlne's store, corner
of Market nnd Third Streets. Gum shoes of
every description.
A Great Comer Cth & Market Sts., l'hlla.,
W. & B's..Oak Hall.
Ip you want your life Insured go to Yoder's of
fice, near the Court House.
Wm. n. Miu.Eit has exclusive sale of Vrotnau
Ladies Shoes.
A New supply of Books, Albums, Stationery, I ''.) "" worthless or inert portions of tho In
, , ., , . ,. , , I gredtents not bcimr used. Therefore in one hot-
Toys, and an Immense variety of notions for tho
Holidays, have been received by C. S. Hnzclllne,
(successor to Llghtner), corner of Third und
Market Streets.
IssvnANCs placed In none but reliable compa
nies, nt Yodar's Agency.
Fon any kind of Holiday presents call early nt
C. S. Ilazeltlno's book store, periodical and uo
tion ttore. In Moorj 6 Dlsslnger's btiildini',
where you cau bu suited with any urliclo wished I
for. i
Lioiitnkh's Book, Stationery, Period!, al Do- I
pnrttnert, nnd Boot, Shoe, Trunk, Leather nud I
finding Store has been sold to C. S. Hazultinc, 1
who has Just opened n large, supply of the above i
Humeri inw.itu. IVIl .,. f c t : '
........... u. , ,tL ..mi, iu tv lissillier
building, corner ofThitJ and Market Streets.
Futi.ino hns received New Goods which he has
selected with careT
Fitvi.iso has the reputation of selling the best
Goods ut the lowest prices.
Wm. II. MiM.nii has tho exclusive sale of
Walker's Patent Saddle, seam Boots, go see them.
Fiiylino is determined tn nn.lntni.. i.i,. r,.,,i. I
Hon of the Mammoth.
Fryliug's Oomls always
give putisfaet'on.
'Inn finest American nnd Italian marble can
be found nt tho Suubury marble yard of Mr. W.
M. Daughcrty, which he is prepared to tlnWh In
any style to suit purchasers. Those in want of
Tomb Ftoncs, monuments, &e. are requested to
call, os they can be had at city prices, and the
workmanship guaranteed not to be excelled any
where. Call and see, opposite the Court House,
Suubury, l'a.
I'mtsoNAr.. Tho?. G. N'ott superintends his
clothing establishment, on Third ttreel, himself,
which nccotinls for thu large number of genteel
stilts coming fioni tlu.t place. AU whom you
will, where a Hue suit of clotliinj: can be had at
a reasonable price, and thu answer is, ut Nolt"s,
thu tailor. ; '
At Win. II. Miller's you can ;;ej a Tip Top '
Boot for 13 !id. j
Fiivi.ino wi'l not be undersold. Call nnd see '
his black and colored Alpacas, French Merinos
nnd other seasonable Dress Goods j
How's this forbwl Sxio Frames, with glass
and back, for (W eedts at Hcmpcrlcy's,
Wm. II. Mii.i.i:h has just received a tine assort
ment of Trunks and Valiecs.
Elmiua Boots and Shoes of all descriptions ut
Wm. II. Miller's.
Tun largest variety of Hats ever kept in Suu
bury, nre now to be found ut 6. Fau.-fs Hat
Store, on Market Square, neir the Coutt House.
All the very latest city styles can he had there ut
prices to suit the times.
!Slc'iiI Notices.
Oil TUnrriaffO. Essa's for Young Men, nn
Great Social Evils and Abuses, which interfero
with Marriage, and ruin tho happinesc of thou- I
sands, with sure means of relief for ihe Erring
aud I'lifoi lunate, deceased and debilitated, t eat
in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. i
Address, Howard Association, No. 'J, South
Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. ;
The t'oiifoHMioiiM of una luvulic.
PUBLISHED as a warnim; and. for the beuellt
of yawl; men anil ulhert, who sillier from
Nervous Debility, Ac., supplying the means of
self-cure. '
Written by one who cured himself nud sent
free on receiving a po-t-pal(l directed envelope, ,
May SO, ItfTl.-Gui.
Brook 1 vn, N. Y.
1 t
v .- & n
I o
c c a
I H 6 '
? 5
. a
ts 7.
r- -
5 -2
e - i
to tiii: si i j r.i;iti.
The Rev. William II. Norton, while resiiOng
lu a mUsloiiary, discovered In that
hind of medicine, a remedy f..r ( nsi uriins,
Sriti.i'i i.a, toiiK Tiiiu'A'i, Colons, Cm. ns,
Asthma, avo Ni:iivoi s Wi:aki, This rem
tdy lias ei.ied in) self alter ull other to. dieines
had failed.
Wi.hiint to bcnelll the nillei duir. I Mill send
the recl! lor preparing and ii-lnif Ihi. i. uudy lo
all who .Ic licit rllKE OK IIAItGE.
Please .end uu ruvilopc, Willi )oui nuiiie and
u. I dress ou il. Ail In.-.,
li'.tl IIiioaiiu tr,
tet. M, lo'.l y. Ni.w Yoiiii Cur
Nuubury i.rttlu V I'ruiluot .llnrUi-t.
ClUllKl 1KII WtKUI.Y l'l HII.K 4 liKIIIM.r.u.
GHAIK I hole While,,
Hi .l AiuUr, Winter ...
O.iU, (ill lb. )
lic.t Aiul-r, tt inler, p.
., l IHI
.... I VI
I 00
r ..ii k .
' b .1 ii I
.... 'J ISI
H Ml
.. ..'t .'HI
. '.'M'tliO
..loci I
I i
,. I Ji ' oo
1 l
I i
. I Mm
.. I ; u
. Jo H
I urn Mral, M-r ml.,
P. J.U4 Koil
Foo-Pel .j II
Miiii-Iru. ii. . r, .i lb
hiiioUJ ilullou ,
I tm-si lo
i i.a -liaii WUii" Full, p. r lb
" TloUt "
Co4 "
tiuli riiu4
Vkuftitt.i t.-, -1 l.i.Li.1. ..
P H .I...
Ill.iiM,. " '
U.4II1, " lU4l
I'klllt kl II. -I'iuJ Appl.., i.i
rta. .
To Debilitated I'crsotis,
Tn DyppcptlcB,
To Suflcrors from Liver Complaint,
To tlioso h.tvinno Appetite,
To thoso with Ijrokon Down Constitu
tions, To Nervous People,
To Children Wasting Away, j
To Any with Dobilitutud Digestive OrRnns,
Or iitfftring with any o the following
Sim)itoins, which indicate Disordered Liver
or ISlomudt,
such ns Con
stipation, Inwnrd
Piles, Fullness or
Blood to tho Head, Acid
ity of the Stomnch, Nausea, J
Heartburn, Dlsirust for Food,
Fullness or Weight In tho Stom
ach, Sour Eructatlons,Plnklnir or
Fluttering nt tho Pit of the Stom
ach, Swimming of tho Head, Hur
ried and DUlleuit Breathing, Flutter
ing at tho Heart, Choking or Suffocat
ing Sensations, when In a Lying Posture,
Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before tliO
Sight, Fever nnd Dull Pain in tho Head, Defleleti
cy of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin
nnd Eyes, Pain In the Sldo, Back, Chest,
Limbs, fie, Sudden flushes of Heat,
Burning in the Flosh Constant Im
aginings of Evil, nnd Great De
pression of Spirits.
Hoollaml's Genu an Bitters.
A Bitters without Alcohol or Spirits of any kind.
Is different from till others. It Is composed of
the pure Juices, or Vitat, PiiiNcirt.n of Roots,
llr.nns and Bakkh, (or as medicinally termed Ex
tie of this Bitters there Is contained ns much me- I
dlcnl virtue ns will be found in several gallons of j
ordinary mixtures. The Roots, &c., used in t ain j
Bitters arc grown In Germnny, their vital piluei- i
pics extracted In that country by a relet : '!'; Che
mist, and forwarded to tho innnufactoiy in this
city, where they nro compounded and' bottled.
lionlniiiintr no spir.luoin Ingredients, tills Bitter
W free from the objection urged ngaln t. ail oth
ers : no divdre, for stimulants can b. led': "d
from their use they cannot tnako drunkards,'
und cannot, under any circunii-tancc, have any
but a beneficial cll'oct."
Was cnui founded for those not inclined lo ex
treme hitters, and is Intended for use in cases
when some nlcnliolk stimulant Is required in eo i
neetion with the tonic properties of the Bitters.
Each bottle of tho Tonic contains one bottle nf
the Bitters, combined witli puree SAN TA CRLZ
RUM, and flavored Iiisueh a manner that the ex
treme bitterness of the hitters is overcome, form
ing a preparation highly nirrceablo and pleasant
to the palate, nnd containing the medicinal vir
tues of thi! Bitters. The price nf the Tonic is $1.
Ik) per Bottle, which many persons think too
high. They must take Into consideration Hi -'
the Ktimulnnt used Is guaranteed ' '"; " l""'l;
quality. A poor nrl!"'- -''!" '"Iiirnished i.t.
oi, .u:i. out s t not better to pay a little
more and have a good article A medicinal pie
rar.ition l contain none but the best Ingr"
dieuts j and they who expect to ob!.:;.i a cheap j
compound, und be betieliltej by it will nu n cer- ,
tainly be cheated.
IJoo51;i:it;v Cnuiiui KjJIcrN, c.r j
LAND'S lodo;tIij!!l!i Si3l,
will cure you. They u.. the Crcatet
1)1.001) l'URIFIF.RS known i.. tl(. j.dicnl
world, and will eradicate diseases nns-...,r ijom
liupiiie. blood. Debility or the Disge.-tlvc )rg.i, 1
or Diseased l.ivcr, In a shorter time than any ,
other known remedies.
ivmosoni Titimoxy !
I Hon. Ot'Oiioi: W. WoiKWAtto. formerly Chief'
Ju.-tiri- of tlie Supreme Court of Pennsylvania,
ut Jiresenl Mumbor of Congress from l'euusyl
vauin writes :
l'lin.Aiiri.eniA, March lfith, IWr."
I find "Hoofl ind'u German li-.w." , ,,,,,1
tonic, useful in diseases of the disrolive organs,
and of great henelit in cases of debility, and
want of nervous action In the system. Yours,
truly, GEO. W. WjOllWAt.h.
Hon. .Tamps Thompson, Chief Justice of the Su
preme Court of Pennsylvania.
Pim.APruMu ., April :'S, 1W7.
I onshler "Hooll ind's Gennau Hitlers'' a val
uable medicine In case of ntl.icks ot Indigestion
or Dyspepsia. 1 can certify this from my expe
rience of It.
Hon. Gi'.oiton Siiausw ooo, Justice of tlie Su- t
preiuo t.'ourt of Pennsylvania.
Phii.aow.i-uia, June 1, lStlS. I
I have f mud
Gerniau Bitt"r
by experience that "lloolland's
" Is a very trood tonic, relieving
0:113 a!tni..-t directly. .
Hon. Ilm. I
fulo, N. Y
Mavor of the City of Ha!- ,
Mayor's Olllce, Hull'alo, June li I WO. j
I h ive lue.l "lloo''s Centvin Hitlers and j
Tonic'1 In my family diirlie; the past year, und i
cau recommend them as 1111 excellent toule, itn- I
parting lone and vigor to the system. Their use
bus been productive of decidedly bcticliceil cf-
feels. WM. F, ROGERS.
Hon. Gurnet .V. How, Ex-Mayor of Wliliamr
port. Pa.
1 take ureal pleasure In reeommendiiig '"lloof
land's Gei man Tonic" to any one who may bu
ii filleted with Dyspepsia. I h-d the Dyspipia
so had ) it was i.npossililc to keep any food on
my stomach, and 1 became, so weak as not to be
able to walk half mile. Two bottles elfeelo 1 a
perfect cue. JAMES M.WOOD.
i:001'LAM-S ;K!iMAX TDN1C,
Will t'uiv cvciy I'.ibc nf
Rn a n a o r.ius,
it Vi'tiL-Uii"; itwiiy of tho ltoily.
noorr.AXD's (;i;i:max iikmkimks
Are lici medicines vou r.n.iiie lo ptni:y the
Blood, excite I lit tm pid I.lver to heallhy iiclhui,
audio enable yon ii pis s iVcly ihruagh any
haidshlpJ or ipoeiue.
o i) o ; u v l l i
r.r nib liluie for Meieury
Doe. '1 be most Powerful,
tic kiio.ia.
lil's. T
; . l limoiea
. 1'ills a
I l
It '. not luivssaiy lo I i e a I. inliu' f Uu -e
Pills io proiluec llm ib .lie I elf el i Iho i Ci. ni
m l i and pom fully, i 'e nming ihe lei. i ,
Hone, eh uud llouel. of nil linpiii lib . T he
principal lugie llciit I. Podophl lllu, or U.e Ali o
Ii il il- Kit no I of Miuillal.e, u hii Ii Ii by in, my
tilil.. Iiioie pout I'lul, .ii liii nn I .i-nlelillig lllilll
I'm M null .il.o ll.i ll. lu p. . uli u m lioii is upon
Hie I.lver, eii aliing il rp. i iiiy In. in nil ol,iue.
lion., With all llm power ul L n il,,, , . i in n
1 1 mil the Injillioll. reallll. ull.l. ai I lo (he uo ol
Ib il '
I ..i all .Ii... ., In t'i' il e of ii c, il,. u
tie 1. Iu.Ih.iIisI, lliesi) pill. Will elie . i.tiij r..,; jt.
I.u to. i in i ei y i .uf. Tley iiiMrfill.
I t I'din ill i.ll el I ouip alnt, Di ' .l.i uud en
ll'i Hie in IIVi lu , Dl'.'. 1,11111,111 lilt
l.'l. or Tollle .lillllhl Ihi U-I'd III l-i.lllll I 111 11 tt II ll
llm P. II.. I lie lo.u. ill..! ol Ii... tl.lli i. .1 'I,,.
Ii I C liulnl. Up Ihc .) -tclii. l,. , .11, I. ol I'liih
1 1 1 . r i 1 1 Uu lib. I, III. Ii.lli. ii. Ihe Nitjli , n , I Ibu l.llll.unl all', ll I. Ii.lli, mi I.) HI 1
help VoUr llokvl. ill. uilh l ie I'l, ., ,,i,,
loll. Up llik l)li III W ilil Hill . ol I, uud no
Uli-. rail i. I. .Ill III. In. 1.1, of i t a ....ill lull.
il.-w.llr. I lb il II U Ml. iH"'fl.VMiB i.i II
VI IS It. i Ih.-t mil i. bs I ami it. iiinuii li b it i ui il do 01 1 m o m I. io
lm,e!.! lu luilUK )'U lit IWr U I ll. I.g 1(1..'
lllnl tik ttia) t. J k I'-.d, Ii.
I04ki 4 Ullii I plolll oil II. I ll H .....l .i , I
bu . ul I ) Ir i pit .. lo mj toe t a t , 1. 1 ,,it upp'i, ..
I. in. lo I',. ) IOSI IP 1 1, lit M , ul C- i.l It
MVS Mr I'D ISK k I lull', Hot Alu II ,
run. tl.l I. PHI V.
UU. M. K VAN'S J'n.piuiur.
fomo i ) I'. M J.'k-iiA I o. I i.i I,. ,,,
kik I'l k. V b) lllu. risilli (., k, i
Mkdi ikk ! iiu.i
The ClotHors,
s. i Co?, um & imiu m, .
How have the most Com-
... piste and Handsomest
Stock of Fine Ecady-Made
Clothing for Gentlemen's,
Youths', Boys', and Chil
dren's Fall and Winter
Wear ever manufactured
by any establishment in
this country.
The Styles are the Very
The Fabrics aro of the Best
The Kalis is Superior, and
est ever charged for
same class Goods.
is-Yon are cordial Iv
vrccd to visit 0z.& Hall
id inject
the vario
Qaalife-inquire Price?,
ana, n yw. ccg an
you like, to make a Pur-
j-rTrtiits Alt
fill rti
.v ;
Custom Dcrafecnt
a, vitiTi ?
Gooas to I&iire to Qrder. '
ITo Cottoii-2S::ed Qzw
sar Samples, with Easy
Rules for Self-MRasurc-msnt,
sent Tjy o.ail 'gu
any address on
:7 . 1
i j
1 ' M U
1 V
Th Largest Mk?
cii jaj
S. E. Cor. Cth & 1TA3K
U' Ah,'.
Varsted ImmeclSnteSy.
10,000 sretj iiiit! 11 ni:ic:i
to purchase t'ae entire Mock of CI oil's now of-
fcrctl for inspection and sale at the Mammoth
llorc ou Queen Street, Norlhumht rhind, i;s 1 111:1
detcrnilncd not to be.
I'tMli't'.solil or i:sc' !Io?l
In n'taiity of goodi olicrcd for
Oct. SS, lSTl.-mr1.
a'e in inv line.
ELI .Ml'LI.El'.,
tJtXKK iOaM.
now open at k.vt:: i:s.t ji-i sxo::s
Market S pl'irc, BU N'iiURY, I'. uo'a.,
OV.ll l'ojilius, Dr ss Tilliiniings, E'libroldcrles,
Notlo is, .Ve.'
Gents' Collar. N.
hit Is and Gloves.
ties, Half lio.e, liuiidke:-
I'e; :'.:i:ii rv, Toilet Sua!
An Invllat! ::
euro bar;- linn.
Nov. 1, IS I
i Is
.tended to u'.l to ca.l uu 1 sc-
i'ai.l AXD v,'i;r::i! stdi k of
'j.r::-; ..iX ,Af;.'3.'ir.K''M!
FKFNt ll AXD l.'OMF.sTli; (.HODS
of rwry l.tikIi',
J list opened ut I he
TAlI.rit M!tl'
O.i Tnl.d l
t, in Ml ii r's o' '
.o:t I':
Moore .V Ids. " i.l..llli!
si ' iM i:v, prr.'N'A.
'I he n;.i: t'ii ii.d.le h.lhiii;; 111
ool ci i y . 1 1 ' i ' V i ' u.'
ails ol ,il! . ... Iliad. up nt the
to Of.
lie ', I'l. !! I'l I.
1.11 I PblV I. 'phi
. I I..." I .
i ill r
: I Ie.
nil! erd.
'1 "III-. (,
i'I r.
1 I .
MJi.t. .i riv i I'.ixrv s:i
l'.;.l' H.5-.S M'luti'r iio!m.
y.i i.. wj'iKi:,
M tik.t i'l - I, d.M.1 e-l of l.cilli .ll'k t.,.
I .'.ill I V stole,
M'MU'ltV, I'A.,
IP,, up. ne hi r n... W of
.'llill.ifiy tout l'u ne,) ;ii! .,
'I be h.l. st it'le. l.f Die... Till, ilolu y,;
ui. i A in. i . .ii I I r, I. ic. ., ll ie, . i , r .,
I.i"', I 1 1 1 e 1 1 1 1 , I, I nil., J.oitill lili.t.-
und .t Iiu . t .ii I-1 y o otbi i in to n
In coll i ill ui u lib llm 11.. i u, j i.. i :, ,t ,,.
l .il l-'k Oil III.:
Hitls XAKfVti AMI UrTlNii,
in ! il. ii .no I, i,
r'lk U iilnt i(i-ul (or lln i'c ol it u:.. , , , !' . ti A
t o.'. I'.ili 1 1...
lit I.i H. of mil thinn, me i
di-ll :) lu Hi ! I ,J tail it 111 lili.lliu hi .1 lilt ii I
.l It
Not. 4, lil.
PulwU, ilk. tf.
Hii. tl'ik of on.
i I ii -
l.l, .... I
l t ....I-
till, I ul Ilil, I I.I.
A Ah i HI k I'M YiVr
I.. I -it 1 ... II... .1. I ll o I.u
i- t . i '. . ' t, .1 Ink i
timohb). First premium for Hre-pluce llenleis
awarded the hunnyslite.
Advantages of thu tSnnnyslde t
I. It Is so constructed that one-third more bf
the radiating surface extends Into the room, giv
ing that much more additional heat without ex
tra fuel.
. It Is the only Ifot-AIr Fire-place ITenter In
the market. Like the regular built cellar heater,
It loses no heat, but cot, lints It ull to its legiti
purpnscs. 8. The fuel niagasinc Is double tho usual sice,
extending from the fire box to tho top of the
stove, with capacity for twenty-four hours' Sup
ply of coal.
4. The pntctit double rnvtr for coal mngnr.lno
consumes the gns, prevents escape of pns Into
the room, and makes It impossible for any ptif
flngs or explosion to i rrur. This Js nn advant
age posressud by no other liie-placo ttove in the
5. There nfc three hr cenrabcrr, wherein s
brisk circulation Is kept tip, droning tho cold air
In the room through he.itid flues into a largn
hot-air reservoir, at the back or the stove.
ft ,Jo bide pipes nre used, n tho air Is healed
In n reservoir having double radiating fines and
double hack, supplying largo quantities of hot.
ulr w ithout waste of heat or fuel. .
7. The Si NNTfODP, utilizes the waste heat, so
thoroughly thai we frequently heat an udjoiniii'.'
room on the lln-l, besides heiitlug tho rooms in
second und third stories.
S7 A dumper on top of the stove, eonncetct
Willi the hot air Hues, controls the qunntitv o:
hot air required for the use of cither the uppet
or louer rooms. All other lire-place stoves Hi"
very Inconvenient hi this respect.
II. The Orate Is self-sealing, and no dust can
escape wlille cliuk'tnir It.
STL' RAT, l'ETEReov& CO.,
II. B. M SSEiw, Ageift.
Nov. 11, 18T1.
suxnuuv, rr.xx'A.
WOULD respietfullv niniottnec to the oil I
:ens of Suubury and surrounding cnntitry,
that he is prepared to' manufacture ull styles of
C'urriuijoM. 51 ti;;i'M. Ac,
nt h's Ite'v sl-.op on cast Jlutkct street. Tic will
furnish every ilesci ipiion of Wagons both
,.,., ... . ,, , . ...t. lino from 11
. . . J ;!" - i,i Vfieclbarrow, wariante.l
i-ei ass carrje: ,, , ., .,
, --' tM ' ' hi.'i ino-i lilllilllll. InriMTI-
uid by tho most experienced workmen. All
1 woil; sent out from his e-tabilslnuenl will ho
! found reliable In every particular.
1 The patronage ol the public Is solicited.
: Pnnliury, Nov. -1, Tl.-ly,
j I !H Norili Nccnml Hi., Cor rturry,
I An ntgnrlmcut of Watches, Jeweliy,ilver nnd
; Plated Walu constantly on hand,
! Repairing of Watches und Jewelrv promptly
1 atlemle.l lo. April I, "lSTl-ly.
; I'O.'IZ'Q'KIIT .i:.l.-VS CF..11ETEKY
j This company is now prcparul to sell lots in
the new Cemetery, located on nil etnliicnce about
, ouc-louith of a tulle cast of Suubury. The in
i crease of 1 ho population of Mutibiiry, and conse
picnt advance in tlie ratio of mortality, ns well
as the limited facilities fur the interment of those
! who have fought life's battle, have suggested the
: organization of tlie above named company.
Pian of Cemetery may be seen nt the of: ce r.f
J. A. Ceke, Esq., or Lloyd T. Rolirbuch.
' Price of iots from fo to SI."', neeoullng to loca
tt.iii. Dec,'. will be executed r.. so.d.
l.l.ovu T. R011KUAC1I, Scc'y.
I May 1."., is".l.-tf.
1'jittitP oi" Joii:jJ!!i;i:i Cs:::Ii5i,ttrg;t,p,
(late of Marshall County. Iowa, dee.)
j TtJ l.'x' Is hereby given, that Letters of All
l i:imst rat m. ,i, k...u ,!,llmthnn
I )iii:Uiehei ger, deeeasi..! , huve been irvunn-a 111
the undersigned. All persons knowing thcni
j selves In 1 hi" 1 are te.pu'i'le 1 to make immediate
' p.iynvnt, and thnso having claims to present
t!i''i:i for settlement. The undersigned wiil meet
. ail parti 'S bavl::.; claims, lu N01 ihunilici land
i county nt the ol'lce of Henry Raker, Esi., in tlie.
' town i.f'i'i-evoiton, on Saturday the Jltt of Oc
tober, I'mI, to ailjust 1 heir neeoiints.
llutlcr tv.p., Seiiii)!!vi!l co. Oct. 7, 1S71 (It.
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